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growingingreenwood · 5 months ago
Oropher: You don't have to go out of your way to be petty.
Thranduil: I've never once gone out of my way to be petty. It's directly on my route.
Thranduil: In fact, sometimes, it's the destination.
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mermazeablaze · 2 years ago
I thought some of my Tumblr mutuals would be interested to see this article.
Viola Ford Fletcher, aged 109, just published a memoir 'Don't Let Them Bury My Story' about her experience during the Greenwood/Tulsa Massacre. It will be available for purchase August 15th.
"Her memoir, “Don’t Let Them Bury My Story,” is a call to action for readers to pursue truth, justice and reconciliation no matter how long it takes. Written with graphic details of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre that she witnessed at age seven, Fletcher said she hoped to preserve a narrative of events that was nearly lost to a lack of acknowledgement from mainstream historians and political leaders.
The questions I had then remain to this day,” Fletcher writes in the book. “How could you just give a mob of violent, crazed, racist people a bunch of deadly weapons and allow them — no, encourage them — to go out and kill innocent Black folks and demolish a whole community?”
“As it turns out, we were victims of a lie,” she writes.
Fletcher notes in her memoir just how much history she has lived through — from several virus outbreaks preceding the coronavirus pandemic, to the Great Depression of 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008 to every war and international conflict of the last seven decades. She has watched the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. lead the national Civil Rights Movement, seen the historic election of former President Barack Obama and witnessed the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement."
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windrelyn · 1 year ago
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I miss them-
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silvantransthranduiltrash · 11 months ago
The thing about Thranduil and Legolas and their family is that, if it weren’t for their royal obligations, they would be in the wind 80% of the time, they’d wonder so far and wide it’d make Gandalf’s title of the gray pilgrim look like child’s play.
The only reason any of them stay in one place for more than a millennia at all is if they have people to take care off.
Many people and elves are under the impression that silvans are isolate and stationary, but the truth is that they are a largely free spirited group of elves that will come and go as they please, it’s just that Greenwood (later known as Mirkwood) happens to be their home base, and they later needed to put most of their effort into defending it.
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thelovelesslesbian · 4 months ago
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11.3.24, Green-Wood
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unteriors · 9 months ago
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Barkwood Lane, Greenwood, South Carolina.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 5 months ago
considering that thranduil knows intimately what it's like to take up a position of kingship following the abrupt, violent death of the previous ruler who was an elder member of his family, i wonder if he ever thought back to dior...
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mahtariel-of-himring · 8 months ago
Ok, but what if Thranduil hates dwarves so much, not because of the whole betrayal but because the group of elves that primarily got along with and befriended the dwarves were the Fëanorian‘s?
Maedhros and Azaghâl?
Caranthir and Telchar?
Celebrimbor and Narvi?
And Thranduil of course despises the Fëanorian’s because of the second kinslaying and since they’re so known for befriending dwarves he decided that they couldn’t be good.
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allbycharles · 6 months ago
Of course Tolkien not mentioning Thranduil ´s wife does not mean that there is not one very much alive elleth by his side
Tolkien says nothing about Thranduil ´s mother and Oropher ´s wife either
Technically there could be not only wife of Thranduil and mum of Legolas but also Legolas ´s grandma telling everyone in the palace what to do
Which would be hilarious
Mainly if you imagine the cocky movie Thranduil being completely arogant and all
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angleshades · 1 year ago
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They must live outside class, without relations or money; they must work, and stick to each other till death. But England belonged to them. That, besides companionship, was their reward. Her air and sky were theirs...
The Woodcutters by James Hamilton Mackenzie (1875-1926), Williamson Art Gallery & Museum
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growingingreenwood · 6 months ago
Thranduil: I said no more ducklings in my bathtub.
Legolas: They arnt ducklings, they're goslings.
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 7 months ago
My favorite headcanons for Silvan Elf Kingdoms:
Silvans don't really have kings, but they DO have chosen leaders that - a few times - end up passing down to a relative of the anterior leader and the other elves just assumed its kingship
Oropher was a Prince from Doriath, Kinsman of Thingol. He sought refuge in greenwoods with few of the survivors and he became the King CONSORT of Greenwood, his wife was a Silvan Queen and its rightful ruler
Yeah, they are not compatible
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foerodens · 6 months ago
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Woodland vibes
Photos: Foe Rodens
If you like my photos, please consider following me on Instagram.
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windrelyn · 1 year ago
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Their first meeting
The Prince of Greenwood and the Herald of Lindon ❤️
Thank you for 2222 followers!!!
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silvantransthranduiltrash · 11 months ago
Au in which Thranduil invited Galadriel and the elves of LothLorion, and Elrond and the elves of I lardis to a celebration in the third age before the darkness got really bad.
And Galadriel took a number of her Silvans with her, in adition to the her husband and sinda elves, and one of the silvans elves was from before Galadriel ever even came across the silvans and the silvan sees the silvans of Mirkwood celebrate and perform traditional silvan dances that the silvan misses, now that they are under Galadriel’s rule.
And Thranduil notices the silvan’s longing tells them “you can join, if you want to. We’re all silvans here.” And the silvan just books it to the dance and starts participating in it, first at the edges, but at the encouragement of the other silvans dancing, they slowely drift towards the thick of it.
And while they stand out from the other silvans in their LothLorien attire, they are smiling brighter and feeling more accepted than they have in centuries.
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thetiredprometheus · 4 months ago
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