#Green Hag
jordanvildosola · 2 months
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Green Hag
This witch is cray-cray. Probably a shape-shifter, don't trust her. --- If you've seen my ongoing poll, it's not too late to cast your vote for what type of art you wanna see me draw next!
I'm looking to draw what YOU like. So that means if you have a specific character, monster, sentient rock or amorphous wisp that you want to see, either reblog and tag with what you want or drop me a message! Anonymous messages (and even your OC) are encouraged too! As of now, I will draw in the general direction of the poll results, but specific requests will take priority since the point of this is to build an audience. I won't know unless you ask! [:
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suohenki · 11 months
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some hag designs for fun
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quillathy · 19 days
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Neidyra the Wicked terrorised the town of Willaway Hill for years until one brave adventurer dared to bargain their sanity away in exchange for the town's freedom.
A little bit of an old people study with a minor enemy from my ongoing dnd campaign!
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 9 months
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On the left, green hag! They're a wicked witch with illusions, perfect vocal mimicry, and indefinite invisibility! They're actually pretty well known for convincing people to smash, and these ones love tragic stories. So if you're looking for a bad romance...well, it's happening.
On the right, the Sprite! 2 ft (61 cm) fey that always know your emotional state! If it puts in a bit of effort it also gets a vibe check on your past and current self. If it's decided to be visible and isn't hostile, you know you're going to vibe together!
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seahagart · 2 years
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Swamp Hags
Exploration of some swampy ladies for a redesign/update for my girl Mildew, the swamp hag in training!
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raviollies · 2 years
I really want to hear more about your character and her pact with the hag owo if you feel like sharing I’d love to hear!!!
I love her hag! Her name is Theta, and she is an incredibly old Green Hag! I was allowed to play fairly loose with her design and due to the setting of CoS, I decided to combine both Witcher and Bloodborne inspirations for her big spooky form
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Blythe didn't have enough enrichment in her boring Bookkeeper enclosure and in a bid for more power turned to the Hag, except the initial promise didn't entail becoming a Hexblood :(
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oneshotsfunshots · 1 month
Homebrew D&D One Shot #15
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Fuck cottagecore girlfriend, give the swamp hag aesthetic. I want to live in the middle of a swamp. In rickety, moss covered hut almost hidden by reeds, perched precariously on branches of ancient willow and one lonely supporting beam, reminiscent of chicken leg. Left alone and undisturbed, only for frogs and dragonflies and will-o-the-whisps to keep me company. Air filled the sweet smell of damp leaves, rotting wood and bog water. Making lotions and potions from the rare herbs that grow in the swamp. Moving to places by wooden raft. Drinking tea from frog-shaped teapot with rusalki's. I want to dress in linen dresses and skirts of all shades green, with knitted shawls and jewelery made of drift wood and bone. With a toad living in my hair and swarm of fireflies following me whenerver I go.
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projectbratt · 9 months
nicki minaj green icon
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temperancevalkyrie · 1 year
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the-bigtree · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!
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dndsettingsinfo · 1 year
Lair & Flair: Green Hag Swamp by Adventure Trove
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sheppi-isometrics · 9 months
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📜Creature spreadsheet made for the Green Hag
"Fetid creatures in every sense of the word. These crones loathe beauty and purity, thus they will try to destroy any speck of righteousness in their victims heart. Oh, and they will murder them too. Green Hags have the special ability of shapeshifting into beautiful women to wreak havoc in the humanoid communities" Yes, the Ladies of the Wood are also my favorite villains from Witcher 3. However, this one is a Lady of the Sea.
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ravencourse · 2 years
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Because it’s spooky season, here are three Hags from the DnD campaign I’m running. In order:
Vera Bogbreath: A Green Hag who rules over the swamps with an army of fiercely loyal Bullywugs and other frog monsters at her back.
Nannie Annie: An Annis Hag who runs a legitimate orphanage as repentance for a lifetime of corrupting children into evil deeds, despite her former minions attempts at further mischief.
Doris the Broker: A Night Hag that loves making deals and will give you whatever you want and all she asks in return is helping with her pumpkin patch, either as workers or as fertilizer…
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They're a wicked witch with illusions, perfect vocal mimicry, and indefinite invisibility! They're actually pretty well known for convincing people to smash, and these ones love tragic stories. So if you're looking for a bad romance...well, it's happening.
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adndmonsteraday · 2 months
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Green hags, called shellycoats when they lived near rivers or swamps, were the most common types of hags, foul crones known for their deceitful ways and corrupting natures. Like dark druids, they were vile beings with a strong connection to the natural world, and they preyed upon primal vices in order to sow anguish and drag all down into bestial savagery.
“I thought myself clever, that I would be able to outmaneuver her. I once bested a glabrezu — surely I could handle a Green Hag? And she let me believe it. Until she sprung her trap.” — Elizabeth B. Soot from "A Brush with Evil: On Hags"
Of all the hags, green hags were the least physically menacing, their resemblance to regular humans serving to make them more unnerving than imposing. Though their typical bodily figure was that of a withered and hunched female, they could run the entire spectrum of body types and stretch into the extremes of both ends, some being skeletally gaunt and others morbidly obese.
Without certain indicators, green hags would simply appear as human crones, but even then their skilled use of illusory disguises could hide these tell-tale signs. If not magically camouflaging their true forms, the most obvious feature of a green hag, as the name implied, was the pallid green color of their rough, bark-like skin. Knobby, cancerous protrusions often marked their flesh, some hidden by the ragged peasant rags they typically wore.
A green hag's visage was normally blemished with warts and exaggerated facial features and ringed by a tangled mane of vine-like hair, ranging in color somewhere between moldy olive green and a near-black shade of dark. Below their eyes, either orange or amber colored, were needle-sharp fangs as pointed as their claws, black or yellow talons covered in filth that grew from typically slender fingers.
“Teeth! Teeth! I’ll tie your teeth to my necklace with thread from your sinews!” — Korrigan, green hag of the Mistmarsh
Tragedy was the greatest delight of the green hags, the act of dashing hope and replacing it with despair bringing them no small amount of glee. This was because out of all the hags, a cruel race with a natural need for misery and murder, green hags were the ones driven most strongly by hate. The pure, unbridled malice of green hags was unrivaled by that of their sister subraces; dreams of destruction dominated their thoughts and they showed an apathy to suffering on par with that of a predator.
Green hags were reported to have several spell-like abilities used to mislead, such as dancing lights, ghost sound and more utility based powers like speak with monsters and water breathing. They could also disguise themselves, their clothes and their possessions to appear as anything else of similar shape, such as the form of a young woman or elderly lady or the form of an individual they had seen before. If disguises weren't enough, they could render themselves invisible and incapable of being tracked or manipulate their prey unseen by mimicking the noises of humans and animals, although manufactured sounds and the depths of speech were typically beyond their capabilities.
As the most tolerant of hags, green hags were capable infiltrating the humanoid civilizations that they wished to terrorize and destroy, even occasionally joining adventuring parties to complete their goals. They could and did blend into urban settlements more frequently and efficiently than other hags, sometimes hunting their prey directly in their homes rather than in their own environments. Covens of green hags, including covens including other types and covens exclusively of their own kind, were formed far more regularly than those of other hags.
Outside of their own race, they were known to have affinity with the alien malice of the will-o'-wisps, put aside their spite to ally with evil druids, and deal with the less intelligent creatures like ogres and hill giants to obtain information, food, and protection in exchange for random trinkets they stole from their victims. Regardless, any green hag partnership, whether framed as an alliance or master-servant relationship and possibly with the green hag in the servant role, lasted only until the hag stopped benefiting or could take control.
There was known to be a unique creation myth in regards to the green hags, one that stood out given that it was told by dozens of races with little change. Most commonly referred to as Green Mary, but known by elves as Kiersana the Unfaithful and to orcs as Grigga Toegnawer, her story sent shivers down the spines of the children of all races. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful druid of the woodlands known as Green Mary who protected the hundreds of miles of wilderness that was her domain. She dwelt in the heart of the forest worshiping nature spirits and upholding their ancient laws in a symbiotic relationship of servitude and protection with the wildlife, until one day a powerful hunter arrived. He chopped down trees to make weapons in order to hunt the animals for sport, and the whispers of the forest sought vengeance against him for his recklessness, yet both Mary and the hunter became enraptured by each other's beauty, leading her to disobey its commands.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Green_hag
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