#Gotham x reader request
Media Frenzy (Damian Wayne x Civilian! Reader)
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Summary: A bad photographer takes a picture of Robin returning home from patrol...only to find him making out with some girl?? Who is this girl, anyway?
Warnings: Slightly suggestive but not that bad.
Word Count: 2370
This was requested by a lovely anon! I hope you like it!
Two years. It has been two years since Damian had met you, and one year and 2 months since he asked to court you. Damian was never really sure what kind of girl he wanted, never considered it a priority on his ever growing to-do list. He thought that between helping Gotham, maintaining his grades in college (not like that was ever hard), attending to his family's needs, socializing with friends - he would be able to envision the type of girl he dreamed of having. 
Girls came and went but none were able to sweep him off his feet like you had; the goofy girl with the sweetest smile and the prettiest jeweled eyes, reflecting the birth and beauty of a compressed universe that threatened to explode with the intensity of it all in a matter of seconds. You were a ray of absolute sunbeams that continued to sucker punch him whenever he walked past, effectively taking his breath away and forcing the blood to swim its way to his face.
It took him eight months to summon the courage to ask you out on a date since bravery seemed to be yet another thing you giddily snatched from him, and surprisingly you said yes. Even more surprising, you continued to stick around him and confess to the same indulgent feeling he was drowning in. You were like the sweet raspberry to his decadent dark chocolate. While both were inherently good on their own, they were better paired together. 
It took him a few more months after that to reveal his secret identity as Robin, thus revealing his whole family’s night time activities. He knew that it was risky, knew the plethora of mishappenings that could occur  once he told you, but he hoped and trusted that you would love him with the same passion despite all the doubts and concerns raised by his father. Besides, you were already becoming suspicious of his sudden disappearances during the night and he was tired of you assuming he was a vampire or werewolf. 
The diamond encrusted stare you gave him upon being told blew him away with the vigor of a fierce storm. It was a look of pure awe, of pure adoration, one of which he had never been the recipient of and it had sent waves of shivers through his body. 
“You risk your life everyday just to protect this city?” You had whispered in a tone that resembled disbelief. It was the type of tone that he would have to lean in and make a conscious effort to hear. “That is the coolest thing ever, I am so proud of you.”
Those words echoed in his mind during patrol ever since. Of course, Damian never was the type to need reassurance since he was increasingly confident in his skills, but somehow his heart held onto your words with a steel grip. 
Every night, Damian would visit you after patrol after your insistence that you wouldn’t be able to sleep until you knew he was not severely hurt. Although Damian was opposed to you staying up late, at the end of the day he could never deny you. 
The night was like any other and the lack of crime surprisingly bored Damian. Hours stretched on longer than he liked and the only thing that prevented him from passing out mid-swing was your grinning face washing away any bouts of negativity consuming him. A familiar warmth spread throughout his body as he spotted your frame leaning against the balcony of your apartment, head tilted towards the glittering constellations as if you could translate the secrets of the vast sky. 
He couldn’t be bothered to look up at the sky - how could he? No galaxy or universe could contain the beauty of your radiance, the brightest star intricately carved into his soul. 
Then your eyes met the moment he landed on the balcony and the intensity of the gaze made him falter, allowing him to become alarmed when you tackled him. “You’re here earlier! Did you miss me that much?”
Your laughter filled the air and he would have sworn his heart stopped at that exact moment. It always did, really. He wrapped his arms around your smaller body. “Is it wrong of me to miss the love of my life?” He asked indignantly. 
He noticed the way you shivered as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “You know I don’t like it when you are out in the cold waiting for me like this, Habibti. I would rather see you in bed where you are warm.” 
“I know, but the stars are so pretty.” You looked up at him, a smirk plastered from ear to ear. “Buuuut~ if you wanted to see me in bed so badly you could have just asked, Dami.”
Jesus Christ, you were going to be the end of him. 
You were so impossibly attractive, managing to make him uncomfortable in the most heavenly way possible. Like a quagmire, you threatened to effortlessly consume him whole. He pressed you closer to him so he could kiss you properly, hands tangling in each other's hair. When you slightly parted your lips, he didn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, choosing to nibble on your bottom lip until you mewled, back slightly arching. Breath became secondary to the fireworks erupting in his core every time your lips connected, dissipating the moment you broke away. 
The two of you were fully enraptured by each other that time generously and quickly reprieved, allowing Damian to engrave this perfect moment and the events after into his mind. 
You woke up to the sound of the sweetly tuned alarm, sitting up with a heavy groan, rubbing the crust away from your eyes. By your side was a shirtless Damian raveled up in the mess of blankets, and for a moment you were able to enjoy the lack of tension in his face; it was pleasant to see him so calm for once. You were able to appreciate the sharp edges of his jaw and the pointed arrow of his cupid’s bow, the way his lips were tugged in a subtle smile. It was hilarious how a man with such sharp features ended up being the hugest softy you knew. 
It wasn’t often that you woke up before your boyfriend, so you were about to seize the opportunity to pepper him with kisses until he woke, only for the buzzing of your phone to tug you out of your thoughts. Usually you would have ignored the text message or notification, but your phone kept buzzing to the point where it almost became a singular buzz. 
Worried of the possibility that something horrible was occurring, you frantically grasped your phone to see what was going on. Your eyes widened. There was an onslaught of messages on just about every messaging app you ever downloaded - discord, instagram, even a few on apps that were long defunct - from anyone you had ever talked to. As you scrolled further and further down the notifications, you found a single commonality between all of them. 
You decided to open up the messages from your mother first and you were immediately confronted with a blurry picture that you assumed she had taken on her TV tuned to the local news station, she never was the type to be tech savvy anyhow. Squinting your eyes, you could barely make out your form standing on the balcony, lip locked with the ever famous Protector of Gotham. Last night - dear god - it was a picture from last night. 
Below the message, along with all the other messages you received, you were asked: Are you and Robin dating?!?? and How the hell did you manage to seduce the man?!?!
A deep scarlet creeped up your face as you read more of the messages. You had never been under the blinding spotlight of Gotham’s scrutinizing gaze, and already the pressure seemed a little too much to bear. Damian was a private man and it took a while to understand his insistence on keeping the relationship private, but despite seeing that privacy was a luxury in his family, you wouldn’t lie and say that the specific aspect did not haunt your foulest of dreams. 
The picture must have been taken from a reporter who followed Robin and immediately sold the picture to make a quick buck, and now you were scrambling to find a way to explain to your beloved family how you knew this mystery man without revealing to them that you are in a relationship with a billionaire’s son. 
Damian must have sensed your embarrassment since he began to shuffle around in bed until his eyes slowly peered back at you. The way he stared at you with those intense forest eyes…it made you squirm in your seat from the sheer devotion.
“Habibti…darling…what’s wrong?” He pulled himself up, muscles straining against his tanned skin, and as his arms curled around your torso, you breathed in the faint scent of parchment and amber. 
“My…my family is wondering how I was able to seduce Robin.” You aired out a light, awkward, chuckle as you showed him the crappy photo. 
Damian’s eyes twisted in confusion (so long for his peacefulness), traveling down to look at the photo. There was a duality with Damian and with situations such as these, you were never sure if he would act upon his arrogance or his underlying worry to be perfect. Judging from the way his lips twisted into a smirk, though, told you that his arrogance was in charge. 
Before you could utter any form of protest, Damian snatched the phone away from your grasp, beginning to scroll through the countless messages and posts. “I don’t see what the matter is, Beloved.”
“Y-you don’t see the problem?” You squeaked. “Dami, my family and friend’s now assume I am in a relationship with Robin! What am I supposed to say?”
“That you are in a relationship with Robin, obviously.” He flashed his iconic grin, eyes narrowed to thin leaves. “Are you not?”
It was almost impossible to speak when Damian stared at you so intensely, like you were his breath, like you were his heartbeat. “I-I am…but I don’t love Robin as much as I love you.”
All the air left your lungs. You didn’t mean to expose yourself to him like that, to say something so completely disrespectful. Your hand covered your mouth, and, for a moment, you closed your eyes and waited for the regret to wash away. Damian’s hand cupped your cheek hesitantly, forcing you to look at him. The smirk faded away, replaced with a tenderness that tugged on the chords of your heart. 
“Whatever do you mean, Habibti?” His tone alluded to him being more curious than annoyed, more flustered than upset, more soft than rigid. 
“I mean, it’s no secret that you have numerous personas. You jump from being Robin to Damian Wayne to whoever else people want you to be.” You mumbled with a smile, cupping his smooth face in your hands. “But Dami, my Dami? I love him the most because he is the most true. He is perfectly imperfect and impossibly and frustratingly mine.”
You pecked his nose, noticing the way it twitched slightly. “You trusted me enough to become vulnerable with me…that’s why I love Dami the most.”
As you pulled away, you could see the rose color dusted on your boyfriend’s face, a look of disbelief etched into his features. There was a brief pause, silence echoing throughout the room that was temporarily broken with the persistent buzzing of your phone. Damian looked down at the phone again, and smiled. No - he grinned. 
It had been a while since you got him to grin like that. It was the type of smile that could make thousands throw themselves onto their knees, the type of smile that vanquished the darkness lying hidden in the crevices of one’s heart, a smile that rivaled a moth’s love for flame. 
“I don’t think anyone…has said that to me before.” He turned his gaze to the floor, the tips of his ears flushed a bright red. “I love you, Habibti…I…I am afraid my words are failing me…”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his flustered state. Reaching for his hand once more, you went in to kiss him properly. 
“I am yours, Damian. I hope you remember that.” You whispered softly after you pulled away. 
Any softness Damian showed in that moment quickly disappeared as his casual smirk reappeared. “I’m quite certain I won’t forget now, seeing as our little makeout session is plastered everywhere.” 
Blankets were shuffled around and within a few seconds, Damian was suddenly on top of you and painting splotches of red on your neck. His hair tickled against your nose, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or mewl. 
“I wonder what people would think if you walked around with my marks on your neck…” He husked. “Perhaps they would stop looking at you as if you weren’t taken.”
“Damian, they don’t know I am taken. They don’t know I am yours.” You reasoned, his mouth now latched onto the more sensitive side of your neck, nipping occasionally.
His stupidly talented hands began to trail down your thighs. “Then perhaps I should show them that you are mine. Maybe I should drag us to the window and take you right there.”
Words died on your tongue as his fingers began to play around with the waistband of your pajama shorts, teasingly lifting it only to have it snap back to your skin. All the while, his lips continued worshiping your now tender skin, drawing out a half-baked string of words from your muddled mind. 
“I bet you’d like that, hm? For people to know how pretty you sing for me?” Damian pulled away from your neck, his eyes now gazing into yours while awaiting a response. Yet, you could think of none. You were left breathless and wanting, eagerly and desperately trying to fill the void he created. 
“Not going to answer me, beloved?” His finger trailed down your exposed skin. “Then perhaps I should make you talk to me, hmm?”
Ahh, I'm sorry this request took so long. I hope you like it though! I had trouble writing it at first, but I really liked how it turned out in the end <3 <3 <3
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bogwitchfanficdump · 6 days
Scary? My God, You're Divine
Word Count: 724
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Once Oswald Cobblepot was released, it wasn't a far stretch of the imagination to expect a visit. What you hadn't expected was the fact that he visited personally.
Oswald Cobblepot x GN Reader
Tags: slow burn, allies to lovers
A/N: I've been playing with this idea ever since I finished Gotham. Takes place shortly after the series finale. Art in the collage is not mine, all pictures found on Pinterest. I hope y'all enjoy!
After the unification with the mainland and the subsequent arrest of Oswald Cobblepot and Edward Nygma, Gotham experienced a power vacuum. The Narrows were in ruins, anarchy ruling in the streets Lee had fought to protect - it broke your heart.
It was never in your nature to stand by and allow a problem to go unsolved. The connections you acquired in your time under The Doc proved invaluable; under your careful gaze, the Narrows were tamed once again. You ruled firmly, but fairly, and as such, you'd gained a fair bit of attention.
Once Cobblepot was released, it wasn't a far stretch of the imagination to expect a visit. What you hadn't expected was the fact that he visited personally.
He and his men stuck out like sore thumbs, entering your office in pressed suits and followed by the crisp scent of cologne. Oswald himself looked like he'd stepped in from another world - it was hard to imagine him in the dense alleys and wrecked buildings that you called home.
You stepped behind your desk with a cordial smile. You'd decorated your office minimally, covering the shoddy walls with tapestries and letting the light pour in through drawn curtains. The floorboards creaked under your steps as you ushered them inside. Two of your most loyal men stood by the door; it never hurt to have a bit of muscle in the room. It would have looked foolhardy not to, even out of trust.
You had nothing to fear, and the realization calmed your nerves. As infamous as the Penguin's temper was, you knew your way around plenty of people with short fuses. You also knew to keep your activity strictly away from the territory that had once been his, while other fools decided to lay claim over what they wanted, operating under the delusion that the Penguin would simply retire to a life of golfing after spending ten years in Blackgate. Yes, you knew you'd done nothing to warrant that legendary temper. A question arose in your mind, but you banished it as Oswald cleared his throat.
"I must say," he began, "that the recent developments I've seen here perplex me." As he spoke, he paced with the aid of his cane. The brim of his top hat obscured his face and his voice, while polite, betrayed a sort of annoyance, like the act of standing in this building was making his skin crawl. "The Narrows sit squarely under your thumb, yet you collect no protection money."
He finally stopped in front of your desk, finding your gaze and seizing it with the most minuscule twitch of his mouth. Behind his monocle, you could see traces of scar tissue.
He gripped his cane with both hands, one black glove clasped over the other. The leather makes the smallest noise against itself and you made sure to keep your breathing even. "Are you sure you haven't benefited from my absence?" he said frostily.
Your brow furrowed as you answered, "I collect no protection money because these people are starving. I only request that they contribute however they can."
His rebuttal was swift. "I suppose they give you information?" he said through clenched teeth. They glinted from behind his halfway concealed sneer, and although you couldn't see them, you knew his knuckles were white.
"Mr. Cobblepot," you said evenly, "my word is my bond. When I say that you have nothing to fear from me, I mean it sincerely. I have no desire to make an enemy out of you."
There was the briefest moment before a tight smile spread across his face. "No one should want me as their enemy," he preened, before the smile disappeared. He took a vindictive step forward. His gaze was electrifying, but where others might have squirmed, you simply smiled.
"Welcome back," you said, "Gotham needs order, and you'll be the one to bring it." Your heart beat a little quicker, but not from nerves.
The glint in his eyes shifted to something much more impenetrable, and he turned sharply on his good leg. "You'll be hearing from me," he muttered, rigidly leaving your makeshift office as if he couldn't stand to be there for another second. His men followed close behind, and like that, he was gone.
A silence hung in the room as you sunk back into your armchair, smiling faintly.
Interesting. Very interesting.
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quandaryqueen · 1 year
How do you think the various Riddlers would react to their love interest slipping up and using a term of endearment when speaking to them? (i.e. "honey," "sweetheart," etc.) I can imagine one or two of them insisting they must be crazy for thinking of him as sweet! 😂
I don't know what you heard, but that's not what I said
Edward Nygma X Reader
Hiii omg I'm so sorry for being so late! Hopefully you enjoy still 🥹
💚 Gotham
You know how Edward always naturally assume he's the smartest in the room? Take his arrogant self in a meeting with the Penguin, where he meets you... He doesn't want to admit it, but you're essentially his equal. Not only does he need to vye to be heard oh no no no, he has to deal with you! You who poses as the rival who shoots his ideas down in favour of your own.
"Now, I suggest we take to land by the docks by the east—"
"No I don't think that would work," For the umpteenth time, Edward turns to narrow his gaze at you. You didn't shrink under his glare, just as the others did, they would back away if they were to be subjected under his stare. But you being you, dared to resume. "No offense, but we can't just underestimate this cartel. For all we know they have armed men at the settlement then all our efforts would be for nought."
"I don't see how you'd have those thoughts. Oswald had already--"
"Darling, I think you know by know that people like them tend to be like Oswald... Always coming back. I just don't want to take the risk when you have done so much for this operation, but we can't get cocky as we near the finish line."
His initial reaction with your "darling" remark made him note that you might have meant that sarcastically, condescendingly but the further you spoke, the more he softened... No, you don't mean that... You hate him and he hates you and--
"I'm sorry I keep interrupting you it's just that sometimes you can get overconfident. You're highly intelligent, I admire you so much and I just want nothing but to see you succeed."
You never hated him, nor have you hinted it. It's just that in his envy-tinted glasses, did he view your criticisms as insults, your remarks in planning as challenges, your pet names as patronising. With no Oswald to break you up (or rather, hold Edward down) before asking you to proceed with the planning, you never really got the chance to explain your intentions.
For the first time, he sees just you.
💚 Batman Unburied
"Well..." Edward tugs on his collar and clears his throat. He tries to shake off whatever metaphoical bugs fluttering in his brain and even when they continue to loom, he resumes. "North it is."
"Oh dear, you're so fucking stupid. Have you never learn? Ever? How many times do you have to do this, you never listen to me and then you crawl back with your candy ass shot......"
Edward can only sit under you care, his torso being at the process of being wrapped in layers of bandages as you continue to silently grimace and occasionally let out an 'ow'. If this had been the first time, he'd be crying... From your berating, not the wound— this is his first time being shot, actually. He understands how you tend to spew off like this and he has came to see it as endearing. Nothing like being berated while you tend to his injuries and being taken care of for the rest of his recovery. Oh he would know if you hate him, you'd have abandoned him to die... Or have a minor injury, in general.
"On my fucking god, who gave you the idea this is a good plan! Black Mask! Fucking... Black Mask! In what world is double-crossing him a good idea?! No offense, sweetheart, but sometimes I think you think you're way too smart and end up underestimating everyone—"
"Aaaaw, you called me sweetheart~"
"Oh my god, fuck you!"
"Once I recover, I might just—"
"Just shut up!" You sputtered, before returning to his wounds. Though your words hurtful, your hands were gentle on his wounds.
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The New Swamp Rules
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I only write with male/neutral pronouns ( no fem pronouns)
I do write FTM  reader (unless it's a kink thing/fetishy thing) 
Things I will absolutely Not write
Any genre is fine, Smut, fluff etc
Yes I write ABO
Yes I write Mpreg
Yes I write AU'S
Incest (unless game of thrones/house of dragon since it normal in it Targcest is okay)
Toxic relationship(between couple) past is okay
Things to request 
 One shots
Head cannons 
c.ai Bots
Fandoms (regularly updated)
Teen Wolf
Vampire diaries
 The originals
Dc Titans
Alice in borderland
Marvel including daredevil
 Riverdale (haven’t watched the show since s5)
The umbrella academy
stranger things
once upon a time
Julie and the phantom
fear street
Walking dead
Criminal minds
the boy - Brahms
House of dragon
Game of thrones
Lord of the rings
The hobbit
If there's a fandom not listed just ask and I might be able to do it I absolutely have the right to turn down any requests for any reason if I want too.
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cinebration · 2 years
Jealous Riddler (Riddler x Reader, Ed Nygma x Reader) [Request]
You said Gotham, right? What about an one shot with Ed (the Riddler)? Maybe Riddler fell in love with a girl first (cause it's always Ed), so he's always trying to get control to go talk with her. And for the first time he got jealous of Ed when she mets him, cause she finds him adorable 🥰 You're totally free to say no, but I really would like to read this 👉🏻👈🏻🤭—Requested by anon
I’m so sorry this request got buried! It’s like…two years old. Agh! But this was a lot of fun and it made me miss Gotham HARD.
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: shokihomin
Ed’s head was so far stuck up his own ass that he didn’t notice you lurking in corners. That’s always what it looked like to Riddler as he rode bitch in Ed’s brain, stealing glimpses of you in the peripherals of Ed’s pathetic tunnel vision. Even after he ended Kristen and had nothing to be distracted by but his own misery, Ed couldn’t be bothered to see you.
No matter how hard Riddler fought to take control, he never seemed capable of it whenever you were around. It drove him insane, sitting around in Ed’s head without being able to scream out your name and say, “Hello! This fool can’t find a needle in a sewing kit, but I see you! And I very much want to get to know you better.”
Whenever Ed, the lovesick loser, invariably fell head over heels with some woman who hardly knew he existed, he could never pinpoint precisely what quality or action had made him trip in the first place. In Riddler’s opinion, that was because Ed was so desperate he went tumbling skull over ass after any girl who made eye contact. The behavior was revolting, all the more so because Riddler was stuck watching it happen over and over again.
Riddler, however, knew the exact moment he felt attraction switch into love with you. In the murky peripherals he so desperately stared out of while Ed focused on everything unimportant, he witnessed you nonchalantly steal Desk Sergeant Murphy’s sandwich—the whole kit and caboodle, complete with napkins, pickle, and chips—and deposit it all on O’Reilly’s desk, all without breaking stride. It wasn’t until Murphy discovered the sandwich on O’Reilly’s desk, resulting in a brawl that disrupted the whole precinct and had the inmates in lockup howling, that Riddler decided it was imperative that he meet you.
Two weeks later, he managed to wrest control from his weaker self and immediately made it his first priority to find you. Much like Kristen, you were stuck in a back room with one grimy window and overhead lighting sure to deteriorate your eyesight. Two overhead fans spun in lazy circles, pushing about the humid air but offering no relief.
Glancing up as he approached, you offered a wary smile. “May I help you?”
The question almost stymied him. With a start, Riddler realized he hadn’t decided on what to say or how to approach you. Now that he was physically in the room with you, in control of everything, he found himself hopelessly lacking it where it mattered.
“Hello,” he greeted, flashing his pearly whites at you. Thrusting out a hand, he introduced himself, “I’m Edward Nygma.”
You glanced from his hand to his lab coat and back again, hesitating. “You don’t work with the bodies, do you?”
“Oh, I assure you, my hands are quite clean.”
Skeptical, you shook his hand quickly and repeated, “May I help you?”
Riddler checked to make sure the door was shut before he said, a smile curving his lips, “I saw what you did two weeks back.”
“What did I do?”
You liked to play. His smile widened. “You caused that riot.”
Leaning back in your seat, you folded your arms over your chest, raking your gaze over him. The thrill of finally being seen nearly made him shout in triumph. “I don’t think I know what you mean.”
“You know, at first I thought it was random,” he continued, striding around the corner of your desk and sitting on its edge, forcing you to look up at him, “but the statistical probability of you choosing the right lunch to steal and placing it on the right desk is incredibly low for just random chance.”
Your face remained impassive.
Undeterred, Riddler forged ahead. “Then I recalled overhearing James and Loughlin the day before discussing the tension between Murphy and O’Reilly. It seems the latter had his hand caught in the cookie jar, if you know what I mean.”
He didn’t wait for you to answer. “He’s getting to know Murphy’s wife in the biblical sense. The sandwich was the last straw.” He laughed. “I have to say, superbly done, and with such subtlety! I prefer more theatricality, but the resulting chaos more than made up for the quiet setup.”
Your gaze shifted past him, checking the door, before returning to him. Preening, Riddler all but physically shook on the edge of the desk as he waited for your response.
“It was very gratifying, wasn’t it?” you asked, a wicked smile baring your teeth.
Fire burned hot in Riddler’s chest. “Please tell me you’ve done other things like it and I just haven’t borne witness.”
“Nothing with such fantastic results, but I have plans.”
“I love a woman who plans.”
You arched an eyebrow, your smile sharpening. “Care to make some together?”
It became easier to steal control from Ed and sneak off to join you. At first, all rendezvous occurred in your office, the place being a neutral zone you weren’t yet comfortable leaving. Though impatient, Riddler tolerated your reticence to extend your partnership outside the precinct, biding his time to finally ask you out to dinner rather than merely sharing lunch. Ed would have offered to make dinner, but Riddler had no intention of hiding you from the world when all he wanted to do was shout from the rooftops that he had found a woman worthy of his attention.
In the meantime, you both plotted little schemes to implement around the precinct, trying to create the most unobtrusive plan with the biggest results. It became a game, stretching both your abilities for execution. For Riddler, it required toning down the theatricality and sensationalism; for you, the intended extent of damage.
The precinct cracked down hard on loitering youth, blaming them for the sudden surge in pranks.
Riddler finally worked up the nerve to ask you to dinner, brimming with nervous energy that had him buzzing. He strode into your office, your name rolling off his tongue in a sing-song inflection.
Then he was Ed. No, he was shoved into the back, Ed emerging in his place.
Riddler watched in horror as Ed glanced around the room, trying to orient himself, a deep frown scoring his forehead.
“Hiya, Edward,” you greeted, flashing that wicked grin that made Riddler want to kiss you breathless.
“Hi,” Ed answered back, hesitating. “I’m sorry. I don’t remember why I came in here.”
Frowning, you rose from your rolling chair. “We had plans.”
“Oh. Did we?”
Riddler shoved against Ed’s control, screaming with rage as he failed to budge him.
“Um, you can just call me Ed.”
Confusion clouded your face. Riddler bellowed obscenities, dread striking him cold as he watched you withdraw, your expression pensive.
You OAF! His shouts went unheard in Ed’s skull.
“I just realized I don’t remember your name,” Ed apologized. “I’m so sorry about that.”
Eyebrow arching, you repeated it, scrutinized his reaction.
Ed glanced around the room, eyes narrowing as he placed his location within the building. “I don’t think I’ve ever been in the Crime Analyst’s room.”
“Sure you have, probably more than you can remember,” you quipped.
Riddler froze, his attention fixated on you. The corner of your mouth tipped up into a sly smirk.
“Really?” Ed thought it over. “No, I don’t think so.”
“You’re…different than what I was expecting. Or maybe not at all, now that I think about it.”
“I’m not following.”
You stepped into Ed’s space, startling him. No one ever violated his space, only the other way around.
You peered up into his face. “Even your eyes are different somehow.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Snorting, you said, “It’s kinda adorable, actually.”
“Uh…what is?”
You pointed a finger at him, drawing a vague outline around him. “This whole shtick.”
Riddler seized within Ed. Adorable!? He’s adorable!?
“O…kay, you know what? I think I’m needed back in the exam room. This was very…weird.”
With that, Ed scuttled out of the room, taking with him an irate Riddler.
Behind him, your laughter echoed.
When Riddler finally wrestled control back, he dragged Ed’s body out of bed at one in the morning, threw on whatever he could find, and stomped off to confront you. He had hacked into HR’s records to find your home address, so he knew where you lived.
Pounding on the front door, he stormed around the small patio, pausing only to slam his fist harder against the wood. He had just decided to break out his lock picks when the door opened and you peered blearily at him through the screen.
“The one and only,” he declared, baring his teeth. “Open up, will you?”
To his surprise, you didn’t hesitate. Opening the door, you stepped aside in time to avoid him barreling through you.
He didn’t have the poise to wait until the door shut fully behind you.
“You think Ed is adorable? That directionless oaf!?”
Chest heaving, Riddler stood waiting for your response, prepared to shiv you with words, if not a real knife, assuming it was necessary.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you answered, “Yeah.”
He blinked. “Really!?”
“Like a hapless puppy.”
“More like a sniveling worm,” he sneered.
“He’s like everyone says.” You met his gaze pointedly. “And you’re not.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that when you walked into my office and sat on my desk, I was expecting him, not you. He’s the one everyone talks about.”
Jealousy abating, Riddler scrutinized you, an insidious thought pushing through his confusion. “You knew the whole time?”
“No, I just thought everybody else was too stupid to appreciate you. It wasn’t until I actually met him today that it made sense.”
“Oh.” He tried to avoid focusing on the embedded compliment in your words. “But adorable, really?”
“You are too eloquent to keep repeating the same question. Yes, I thought he was adorable. Does that mean I prefer him to you?”
Riddler froze as you hesitated, his stomach an icy ball.
“Of course not!”
Relief coursed through him.
“You’re more my speed,” you said, stepping into his space and running a finger up his shirt. “You shouldn’t doubt that.”
Your finger left a trail of fire in its wake. He stared down at it. “I have no reason to believe you.”
Hooking your finger through one of the gaps between buttons, you gently tugged on it, pulling him down to meet you. “I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you.”
Riddler would never thank Ed for making him jealous, but for a moment he thought about it as he tasted your mouth for the first time.
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choerypetal · 2 months
I am honestly beyond happy that my mcu hyperfixation is back and dc which has always. However, I’ll write for mostly XMen characters, DC characters all together.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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justanoasisimagines · 2 months
To my puzzle piece
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Hey Lovelies, back with another love letter. As always requests are open and my request guidelines are pinned at top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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I have been admiring you for a while. Seeing you from afar and what a precious gem you are. You bring such light to my dark days. You force light into my shadow while I shy away.
I need you to see me. For what I am. An enigma, a poet, a force to be reckoned with. I wish for you to be at my side. Until my dying breath, I will always be your greatest protector.
No harm will come to you. They will regret it. They will know my wrath, they will feel the sharpness of my mind. No one would ever harm you, mentally or physically. That I can guarantee.
I can see our future. I have it all planned out. Me and you against the world. I can see us walking hand in hand down the street. I can see us dancing to our own beat. I can see us falling in love. I can see you being my one true love.
Please notice ne for you are my missing puzzle piece. You will make me complete. I see you at lunch. You've passed me in the corridor, you've passed me in the street. You look right through me. I still hold hope.
No, you will notice me whether you like it or not. You will give me the future I have created for us. It will happen. No matter what. I am coming for you whether you like it or not!
See you soon my little puzzle piece
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horrorlove14 · 1 year
The Cat's Out of The Bag - Gotham
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Pairing: Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow x Female! Reader
Warning(s): Just Gerald being a jerk, brief mention of death and hospitalisation
Thank you for your request, @poppunkandchill , and I do apologise for taking so long due to my busy work schedule and life
Poor Jonathan is forced to keep his relationship with you, his beloved girlfriend of over a year, a secret from his father because he fears that he would use you for his experiments to test out his fear serums and observe you like a wild animal.
You understand his concerns and agreed to keep the relationship a secret from his father after hearing stories about him, which weren't pretty ever since his mother's untimely passing from a fire.
Luckily, your family approves of your relationship with Jonathan because they can see that he's a sweet boy with good manners and knows that he doesn't act like his father.
One day, you and Jonathan were just hanging in his living room, cuddled up together on the sofa, watching TV and basking in the moment. After the movie, you received a text from one of your parents telling you to return home for dinner.
Before you leave, Jonathan gives her a sweet kiss on your lips before you leave his home, completely unaware that his father had watched the whole thing like a silent hawk, seething with rage in his eyes.
Needless to say, the two ended up in a nasty conflict where Gerald is upset that his only son went behind his back to get himself a girlfriend and insults you and said that you don't deserve him in a cruel tone of voice.
Jonathan defends you by screaming at him that you're the best that happened to him and wishes that he would rather be with you and your family instead where he is now.
Needless to say, Gerald tackled his poor son to the ground in a fit of rage before pulling out a syringe containing the fear serum and injecting it into him. He watches Jonathan experience the side effects where he is dealing with his worst fears, and Gerald has him hospitalised as a result.
A week later
You haven't heard back from Jonathan and are growing concerned until you suddenly get a phone call from the local hospital and hear his voice begging you to come visit him.
You rushed yourself to the hospital with all sorts of thoughts running through your head, wondering what happened to him and what led to his hospitalisation. Once you've made it to his hospital room, you had to catch your breath after all that running before settling down onto a chair next to his bedside.
Poor Jonathan held onto your hand so tightly that you thought he might have crushed it by accident. You do your best to calm him down by gently drawing shapes with your fingers from your other hand which has managed to calm him down for a bit.
Eventually, he tells you what happened with his father, and the reason led up to where he is now. You can't help but feel guilty that your sweet boyfriend is in the hospital because of you, which has enraged his father to harm him with his sick experiments.
Jonathan reassures you that it's not your fault and that it is bound to happen at some time during the relationship. It feels like ages since you've arrived until a nurse comes in to tell you that visiting hours is over.
You reassure him that you'll visit him again soon and you give him a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room to make your way back home as you must have worried your family when you ran out of your house after getting the phone call.
End of story. Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated. Thank you, @poppunkandchill , again for requesting me.
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the-heir-of-salazar · 3 months
Masterlist+ requests open.
Dead boy detectives
__Esther's pet__
••A laugh can change a life••
Harry Potter
-Tom Marvolo Riddle-
**The grey world**
The last kingdom
He should have knew
Send me a message
For these following propositions :
TV shows/movies
-Dead boy detectives
-the Last Kingdom
-the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
-Gravity Falls
-Lab rats
-Harry Potter
-Babel R.F. Kuang
-Evil Book [tome 1 only/ Vicious] V.E. Schwab
Video games
-Detroit Become Human
I accept :
-with only os
-a little of nsfw {if it's a good one}
-yandere, horror
-other fandom if the request is clear
I decline :
sorry. / :' ( /
-with OCS (can't write them)
-pure snfw (but can try to write a little)
-fandoms I don't have enough of information (even with reserches)
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outsders · 4 months
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іᥒ𝗍r᥆ძᥙᥴ𝗍і᥆ᥒ ⍴᥆s𝗍
she/they/it ◞ sixteen ◞ dutch ◞ INTP-T
pansexual + aromantic/fictoromantic ◞ asd
main / yume blog : @ aftongf ( if I follow you / interact it's with this account .ᐟ )
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ᥕіᥣᥣ ᥲᥒძ ᥕ᥆ᥒ'𝗍 ᥕrі𝗍ᥱ
will write :
gender neutral & fem reader
wlw/gl & m/f4a
chubby / plus size reader
autistic reader
fluff , crack & angst
scenarios , drabbles , oneshots
etc. might add more
won't write :
male reader & mlm/bl
smut / nsfw
cheating / infidelity themes
oc's or character x character
anything else im uncomfy with I will lyk
requests are always open ,, unless stated so here otherwise. I will get to them asap ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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𝖿ᥲᥒძ᥆ms і ᥕrі𝗍ᥱ 𝖿᥆r
Five Night's At Freddy's :
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery Gator
Sundrop / Moondrop
William Afton (movie William)
Michael Afton (Mike Schmidt)
Vanessa / Vanny (Vanessa Shelly)
Carlton Burke
Charlotte Emily
Glamrock Bonnie
Gregory (platonic ONLY)
Cassie (platonic ONLY)
Stray :
Obey me! One master to rule them all :
Luke (platonic ONLY)
DC Universe :
Edward Nashton
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Barbara Kean
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
My Hero Academia :
Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Midoriya
Tamaki Amajiki
Kirishima Eijirou
Denki Kaminari
Ochaco Uraraka
Toga Himiko
Mina Ashido
Sally Face :
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campbell
+ possibly other characters / fandoms soon !
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frenchfryqueen69 · 4 months
i made a character ai beauty and the beast au with coriolanus snow
Send requests to my inbox if you want me to make you a bot 🤗
(Any constructive criticism is very much encouraged)
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fisshbones · 5 months
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For layouts/icons: just send me the icons you want to get a match for OR tell me the character you want a layout for. Any character is fine, however I don’t do idols/irl musicians/actors/ect.
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For writing i may not fulfill requests sorry, i’ll try to get to them. I’m new to writing too 😭
-> you can request pretty much anything for the fandoms i’m in ig? Except what’s in the ‘not’ section. I mostly do hcs/one-shots
-> Fandoms i write for: genshin impact, honkai star rail, obey me shall we date, bungo stray dogs, jjk, mystic messenger, (& maybe????) gotham.
-> for writing i’ll do (platonic or romantic) fluff, angst, yandere, & suggestive stuff too. i also only do gn & fem readers!
-> what i will NOT accept requests for: anything to do with dub/non con, somno, incest/stepcest, pedophillia, age gaps, impact play, vomit or scat kinks, male reader, any nsfw with characters that are minors
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
hi!! could you do a scenario of a Gotham Riddler X Reader where the reader has a crush first and likes to give handmade gifts? think like crocheted hats, beaded jewelry, etc. thanks so much!!
With love
Gotham Edward Nygma X Reader
Ooooh this dork I love him he deserves all love I hope I'm not too late 🥺
💚 Gifts? Oh you shouldn't have 🥺
💚 H-handmade? 🥹😭
💚 Beyond grateful, greatly appreciative and will definitely reciprocate. But honestly, he is just so positively overwhelmed by this, he can't help but to cutely gush in his own way, as he'd pull you in a not-so well-thought out and hesitant embrace and repeatedly thank you for it. Just... Glimmering eyes musing at your gift, contagious smile, bursting in amused laughter, fingers tracing the details put-out in your gift... Tears of joy pricking ever so slightly from the corner of his eyes.
"Thank you so much, no one has ever done this for me before," he says for the umpteenth time, your gift in his hand being held to his hammering chest. You have no idea how he is scheming how to return the favour.
💚 He is worshiping that gift. Has it's very own space in his belongings and for a period of time, one might think he doesn't like the gift at all but they're dead ass wrong, he just does not want it to tarnish in anyway. So it's safely locked away for safe keeping. Though at the rare times he will use them, he will make sure to tell everyone you made it yourself and gave it to him and praise you behind your back to other people.
"Y/N made it! Isn't it just incredible? Aren't they talented?"
💚 As for the reciprocation... I hope you're ready. He is going to make it known how much he wants you to feel how he feels with your handmade gift. These gifts of his vary from his very own company, compliments, material things, favours, etc etc. Just so you know, he is forever in your debt and he feels as though his gestures are not enough to repay what you have done for him.
You see, it's just not about the gift... It's the feelings. You went out of your way to pour all your heart and time for this piece of art and gifted it to him with thoughtfulness in mind... And the feelings it brought him were those he never felt before, something he needed when he was younger and it's making his inner, lonely, neglected child happy.
"Thank you very much... You have no idea how much this means to me."
Does it get annoying? Yes... But gosh he is just thankful and grateful and—
Gosh take his hand in marriage already 😤
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dreaminginpastels · 5 months
until my links work, i'm now accepting a bunch of new character requests bc ya girl be hyperfixating:
anyone from one piece (2023 live action tv show, not the original manga)(but especially sanji and zoro)
batman rogues (1989 era movies, batman the animated series, gotham, message me if any others)(but especially the riddler)
anyone from the hunger games (trilogy, not the newest movie)(but especially finnick and peeta)
(i'll update this post as i think up more, but ANY of the bold characters will probably be written hella quick) (please nourish my writing itch, it's so strong)
love y'all 🫶🏻
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warnersister · 9 months
“Gotham Masterlist”
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Jerome Valeska🃏
Jerome with Gordan’s daughter - “Star Cross’d”
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adalwolfgang · 2 months
⤷ »✵⭒ A list of fandoms I write for along with a list below them of characters I will write for. If you don't see a character listed below a fandom, still consider sending in your ask and I'll think about it.
✵⭒Created 8/6/24
✵⭒Updated 8/6/24
»✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒ JimChiASMR Universe ✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒«
⤷ »✵⭒ Honestly just give me the name of the video with the character and I'll do it.
»✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒ F/O community ✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒«
⤷ »✵⭒ N/A
»✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒ Halloween Horror Nights ✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒«
⤷ »✵⭒ Gideon Grim (💍🧎‍♂️)
⤷ »✵⭒ Dr. White
⤷ »✵⭒ Jack the Clown
⤷ »✵⭒ Chance
⤷ »✵⭒ Eddie Schmidt
⤷ »✵⭒ The Usher
⤷ »✵⭒ The Caretaker
⤷ »✵⭒ The Director (💍🧎‍♂️)
⤷ »✵⭒ Lady Luck
⤷ »✵⭒ Billy Skorski
⤷ »✵⭒ Doctor Oddfellow
»✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒ Red Dead Redemption 1-2 ✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒«
⤷ »✵⭒ Van der Linde Gang
»✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒ Slashers ✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒«
⤷ »✵⭒ Sinclair Brothers
⤷ »✵⭒ Brahms Heelshire
⤷ »✵⭒ Billy Lenz
⤷ »✵⭒ Jason Voorhees
⤷ »✵⭒ Norman Bates
⤷ »✵⭒ Michael Myers
⤷ »✵⭒ Leatherface (Any Sawyer)
⤷ »✵⭒ Ghostface
⤷ »✵⭒ Rusty Nail
⤷ »✵⭒ Father Paul
⤷ »✵⭒ Erik Destler (The Phantom)
»✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒ Gotham/Batman Rogues ✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒«
⤷ »✵⭒ Jervis Tetch
⤷ »✵⭒ Jerome Valeska
⤷ »✵⭒ Jeremiah Valeska
⤷ »✵⭒ Jonathan Crane
⤷ »✵⭒ Victor Zsasz
⤷ »✵⭒ Victor Fries
⤷ »✵⭒ Bruce Wayne
⤷ »✵⭒ Selina Kyle
⤷ »✵⭒ Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot
⤷ »✵⭒ Edward Ngyma/The Riddler
⤷ »✵⭒ Ivy
⤷ »✵⭒ Jim Gordon
⤷ »✵⭒ Barbara Kean
⤷ »✵⭒ Ra's Al Ghul
⤷ »✵⭒ Butch
»✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒ RPF (Actors/Celebrities) ✵⭒✵⭒✵⭒«
⤷ »✵⭒ Ice Nine Kills
⤷ »✵⭒ Jeffery Dean Morgan
⤷ »✵⭒ Jeremy Irons
⤷ »✵⭒ Benedict Samuel
⤷ »✵⭒ Jason Schwartzman
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