#Goodness me brohter
shepscapades · 2 months
Um. Ok. Still reeling from the fact that bbno$ is canon in your universe and produces music. What
(Also I loooove your dbhc au!!!!)
bbno$ is also a hermitcraft watcher I would know we’re super tight
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luxthestrange · 1 year
LMK Incorrect quotes#77 Swapping babies
Celestial!Y/n*Looking back at Redspm from the review mirror*Me & And Your Big Brother thought it be a good idea to spend time with each other's kids, So what you wanna do? You wanna see a movie?
Infant!Redson*Adjusting in his baby seat*Yeah maybe...
Celestial!Y/n: We could see space jam?~
Infant!Redson: That is childs movie!!!*Frown at that title*-What about Fast & Furious!*Looks excited at idea*YE!
Infant!Redson: But in human years we are WAY older than that,so basically a pass
Celestial!Y/n: Yeah-NO, Nice try*Looks unimpressed at the the demon child*
Infant!Redson: FINE, We will just tell big brohter...how your dont care about...Our Family*Looks at them with a side glance,Puts Dom Toretto Theme song*...
Celestial!Y/n:...FINE!I wonder how Nezha holding up...
In the Celestial Realm
Infant!Mk*Crawling on the floor to spot a sleeping Nezha, about to touch his nose*...
Nezha*Snorring but...Snapping his eyes wide and staring at Mk*
Tumblr media
Nezha: Monkey Kid do you have a death wish?
Mc: You attack from vulnerable points, From behind not the front-RUN IT AGAIN!
Infant!Mk: Otay!*scatters to do it again with an evil laugh*
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graceful-not · 10 months
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acourtofthought · 11 months
How It All Comes Together
(contains spoilers for all series)
I have so many posts at this point. So. Many. Posts 😂 And they all touch upon a lot of the same information but I wanted to put every headcannon I've got in one place in the order of events (though the order of events within each book is flexible) that I think could happen.
I have no idea if any or even one will turn out to be accurate but when I combine her interviews, books, and Q&A sessions together, this is how the information seems to best fit together and makes sense to me.
Starting with an Elucien book:
"Let's focus on healing one sister then the other."
Elucien will restore spring together -
My father would think twice before standing against an army of superior strength and size.
"But Tamlin is already hanging by a thread. You and Lucien have made it clear that he's barely improved this past year" "With a new war possible and Briallyn up to her bullshit with Koschei, we need a strong ally. We need the Spring Court's forces"
"No. But we need to summon Lucien," Azriel said, just a shade tightly, as if he didn't like it one bit. "We need to tell him the news, and permanently station him at the Spring Court to contain any damage and to be our eyes and ears."
"I am the first one the others look to - I set the example"
Her sister's delicate scent of jasmine and honey lingered in the red-stoned hall like a promise of spring"
But Elain...The Spring Court had been made for someone like her. / Too bad her sister refused to see her. Nesta would have told Elain to visit this place. And too bad the lord who ruled these lands was a piece of shit.
Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she'd placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess - perhaps even the Mother herself. Nesta hadn't let herself dwell on why she'd felt the need to set the rose there.
"She pulled the small, carved rose from her pocket and set it upon the gravestone. A permanent marker of the beauty and good he'd tried to bring into the world."
Elain and Lucien will perform in Calanmai aka Fire Night together -
"There's a ritual. But it's...very faerie." / "From their coupling, magic will be released and spread to the earth, where it will regenerate life for the year to come."
It was Spring, and yet it wasn't. / Distant - because on the estate, nothing bloomed at all. / The pink roses that had once climbed the pale stone walls of the sweeping manor house were nothing but tangled webs of thorns. / The Spring Court had felt stagnant. Hollow. Empty ..
"It's his (her) instincts that select her (him)."
"I went in his stead, and I did my duty to the court."
I shook my head, trying not to imagine Elain subject to that....fire.
Elain would faint to hear such thoughts.
Elain will be able to shift into an owl (shifting being a marker of the Spring Court) -
"Your Tamlin has brute strength and shape-shifting"
"And once you were in this body, you couldn't change?"
Elain was again at my side, I hadn't heard her steps.
Elain perched silently on the couch nearby.
Elain cocked her head.
Elain spoke from the doorway, having appeared so silently that they all twisted toward her.
"You came," Elain said behind her and Nesta started, not having heard her sister approach.
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth - Teller to the hilt through the back of the king's neck. (How did she make it to Nesta in time when she was in the far reaches of their camp?
"Glamour for what?" "To look normal." "Being a High Lord, comes with physical markers too. It's why I couldn't hide what I was becoming from my brohters - from anyone. It's still easier to blend it." / "I think she's got you beat for secret-keeping"
Elain, Lucien, Vassa, and Jurian will find a way to get those on the continent to sign the treaty -
We need the humans in others territories to trust us, if we can ever hope to achieve lasting peace.
"He's spent months helping them sort out the politics of who rules Prythian's slice of the human lands."
"He'd already made many friends across the courts and had always been good at talking to people"
"My sister can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles."
"She (Mor) was still trying to convince them to sign the new treaty."
"I hope that whatever Morrigan is doing in Vallahan will counteract the damage my father will unleash."
"At worst, we'll have proof to justify any conflict and hopefully win allies to our side, avoiding the bloodshed that would carve up these lands once more.
"Jurian..." "Thank the Cauldron for him. I never thought I'd say that, but it's true. "He's keeping everything running. I think he'd have been crowned king by now if it wasn't for Vassa."
Both trying to lead the humans who occupied the sliver of land at the southernmost end of Prythian. Left ungoverned for so long. Too long.
"And what, exactly, does this Band of Exiles plan to do? Host events? Organize party-planning committees?
"She didn't used to be that way." "She loved balls and parties."
but Elain had taken charge of planning
Elain pushed, “We keep it secret—we send the servants away. With the spring approaching, they’ll be glad to go home. And if Feyre needs to be in and out for meetings, she’ll send word ahead, and we’ll clear them out. Make up excuses to send them on holidays. Father won’t be back until the summer, anyway. No one will know.”. / “I’ll do it,” Elain said, taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders. She didn’t wait for either of us before she strode out, graceful as a doe.
Eris will join Elain and Lucien on the continent, not only to free Vassa and stop Koschei / Beron but to retrieve Mor and for their past to finally be dealt with (their past being a possible mating bond between them which is why he set her free)-
"My father is furious that his ally is dead, but he's not deterred. Koschei remains in play, and Beron might very well be stupid enough to establish an alliance with him, too."
"I wanted to feel out Vassa and Jurian." He didn't mention his brother, oddly enough. "But they clearly know little about this."
But as Eris strode by...I could have sworn there was something like sadness - like regret, as he glanced to Lucien.
But Vassa's freedom would end. Lucien had said as much months ago, and still visited her often enough that I knew nothing in that regard had improved. She would have to return to the lake, to the sorcerer-lord who kept her prisoner, sold to him by the very queens who had again gathered in their joint castle. Formerly Vassa's castle too.
"Tell my Vassa I'm waiting"
"Lucien stared out the window - as if he could see the lake across a sea and a continent. As if he were setting his target."
"But that was all the western edge of it. Beyond that, the continent was vast. And to the south, another continent sprawled. Would she have gone?"
"Mor left for Vallahan this morning and is out of our daemati magic's range."
"She knows the truth but has never revealed it" "Why?" "Because she's afraid of it."
"You're not the person I want to explain myself to." "I doubt Mor will want to listen." (as for a Mor love interest, I think Emerie could be a possibility but I also think the Golden Queen is another option. As her hair and eyes were taken, there's a chance she was made into something new and Elain said "she's not dead, only changed as I was". I don't think she's talking about Vassa. There's also a line where Mor claim she's always be drawn to things that were wild and free)
I think Elain will be the one to break Vassa's curse which I don't think is a curse at all but a Valg infection. If she can heal as Yrene did than we know a healers light can banish the infection from someone's blood. (I have a longer post on this but this is the Cliffs Notes version) -
I'd never seen such spell work. I'd sent my power over her, Helion too, hunting for any possible threats to unbind it. I found none. It was if the curse was woven into her very blood.
"Black fire raced down his blood" (Chaols Valg infection)
"Will many of these soldiers die?"
Amren was holding Elain upright as she vomited in the grass. Not from the Caldron. But pure terror.
Elain rushed to Cassian. / Nesta was watching them when I reached her and Elain at the tree-lined outskirts. Had she done some healing, somehow, in those moments after she'd severed the king's head? / I didn't ask my sister, and she supplied no answer as she took the water bucket dangling from Elain's still bloody hands.
I think Lucien and Eris will finally kill Beron -
"Beron tortured you?"
Beron had tortured his own son for information, rather than thanking the Mother for returning him.
"The same things he does now." "Belittle her, leave bruises where no one but him will see them."
"I was forced to watch as my father butchered the female I loved. My brothers forced me to watch."
The male had been raised with every luxury and privilege - on paper. But who knew what terrors Beron had inflicted upon him? Cassian knew Beron had murdered Lucien's lover. If the High Lord of Autumn had been willing to do that, what wouldn't he do?
And Cassian didn't need to be a courtier to know his next words would slice deep, but it would be a necessary wound. Perhaps it would be enough to push things in the right direction. "I think you might be a decent male, deep down, trapped in a terrible situation." "I think you might even be a good male." "You're just too much of a coward to act like one."
Lucien will finally discover Helion is his father -
But not the gift of Helion. His true father. I still hadn't mentioned it. To anyone other than Rhys.
In the taut silence, Helion nodded to the bright hall beyond the room. "I would like to remove myself from the Mask's odious presence, and perhaps enjoy your palace, Rhysand. It's been a long while since I was in a place of such quiet. If you'll allow it, I'll stay here for an hour or two." "Something bothering you at home?" Rhys inquired, falling into step beside the High Lord.
I think Elain, if she has healing powers (not to mention her affinity for growing things), will be the one to help the Pegasus. This would provide her a purpose in Day and even connects her to the land where the Prison is located) -
Helion's most beloved pair - this black stallion, Meallan, and his mate - hadn't produced offspring in three hundred years, and that last foal hadn't made it out of weaning before he'd succumbed to an illness no healer could remedy.
According to legend, the pegasuses had come from the island the Prison sat upon - had once fed in fair meadows that had long given way to moss and mist. Perhaps that was part of the decline: their homeland had vanished, and whatever had sustained them was no longer.
She found flowers - somewhere.
It's possible that if she does travel to the Prison, she'll also find where Koschei's box is located (possibly the box that possesses his soul) -
"There is an onyx box that he possesses, more vital than anything...save for them. The girls."
"Maybe...." "Part of me wonders if the Prison was either built or stocked with it's inmates to hide the Harp's (onyx box?) presence. There are so many terrible powers here, and the wards on the mountain itself. I wonder if someone hid the Harp (onyx box?) knowing that it'd never be noticed with so much awful magic around it."
"These are like no wards I've felt before." "They feel old. Incredibly old." "They probably predate this place being used as a prison (remember, we learn that the courts were not actually formed until after the Prison was made).
"But Koschei is as old as the sea - older." "I fear what may happen if he ever gets free of the lake. If he sees this world on the cusp of disaster and knows he could strike, and strike hard, and make himself it's master. As he once tried to do, (hint that Koschei is Asteri / possible Valg?) long ago." "Those are legends that predate our courts."
Lucien will help infiltrate the castle where the other Queens had been staying. Not only did the castle once belong to Vassa but if Koschei's soul is not hidden in the prison, maybe it's hidden there -
"I told you; their castle is too heavily warded, and full of magical traps that would trip up even Helion."
I do think it's possible that Koschei will be defeated in an Elucien book and I think it's possible Lucien's fire will fail him in that scene causing him to tap into his Day powers in full -
"I was getting worried you'd never approach. Poor Eris would have met a very sorry end if that had been the case. His fire wouldn't have withstood Koschei's lake, I don't think."
Maybe Lucien will also be the one to help Rhys and Feyre undo the bargain that links their lives to one another -
"Perhaps Amren was working on some way to undo the bargain - if anyone could think of a way, it would be her. Or Helion, he supposed.
I believe Eris will step into power as High Lord of Autumn by the end of an Elucien book. I also wonder if when they think everything has calmed in the rest of Prythian and the continent, they'll visit Feyre and Rhys only to be informed of Bryce having landed in Velaris (and her subsequent return to Midgard). This will set up the either the final spin-off (not sure if SJM still plans on having the third spin-off set in the past which she mentioned as a possibility in interviews) or the next round of ACOTAR books, some from the ones she was contracted for in her latest 4 book deal. -
A Gwynriel book would then follow -
I think Az's story will first tackle his past with Mor. If she is ready to admit to the truths Eris spoke of in SF in an Elucien book then she'll finally be in a place to have the conversation she needs to with Az -
"What of Mor, Az?" Azriel ignored the question.
I think the majority of his arc will deal with his hatred of the Illyrians, and now their issues with the Valkyries, possibly ending with Rhys leaving him charge of overseeing them in a more permanent position -
Perhaps we needed a permanent presence out here, until the Illyrians remembered things like consequences. / But the war had impacted us all, and with the rebuilding, with the human territories crawling out to meet us, with other Fae kingdoms looking toward a wall-less world and wondering what shit they could get away with...We didn't have the resources to station somewhere out here. Not yet. Perhaps next summer, if the climate elsewhere was calm enough.
"The Illyrians are pieces of shit," he said too quietly.
It was healthy, perhaps, for Az to sometimes remember where he'd come from. He still wore the Illyrian leathers. Had not tried to get the tattoos removed. Some part of him was Illyrian still. Always would be. Even if he wished to forget it.
Az might hunt down Bryaxis who I believe is the thing that guarded a portal to Hel that exists in the library. I think we'll see Bryce enter the portal in CC3 or Aidas exit it and they'll realize they need to close it back up -
"Do you want me to hunt it down?" An easy, unruffled question. "Let Bryaxis enjoy the Solstice as well," I said. A rare smile curled Az's mouth. "Generous of you."
"No, but..." Gwyn's swallow was audible. "I can feel something. Like a cat. Small and clever and curious. It's watching.
And then there was this. Not only the true absence of light, but...a womb. The womb from which all life and come and would return, neither good nor evil, only dark, dark, dark. Nesta. Her name drifted to her as if rising from the depths of some black ocean. Nesta. It slid along her bones, her blood. She had to pull back. Pull away. The darkness pulsed, beckoned.
"The House is good." Nesta breathed. "Is it?" Nesta considered. "The darkness in the pit of the library - it's the heart of the House." Amren nodded. "And where is it now?" "It hasn't made an appearance in weeks. But it's still there. I think it's just...being managed. Maybe the House's knowledge that I'm aware of it, and didn't judge it, makes it easier to keep in check."
I think Gwyn may be a cousin of Eris's (maybe Lucien) which will cause conflict between she and Az as he'll struggle to let go of his prejudices toward Eris (and Lucien) while she will want to build a relationship with the only blood family she has left -
"My grandmother was a river-nymph who seduced a High Fae male from the Autumn Court."
Gwyn will have siren powers that she can use to do her bidding against enemies -
Something beckoned in Gwyn's song, in a way the other's hadn't.
Gwyn's voice rose again, holding such a high note it was like a ray of pure light, piercing and summoning.
Like Gwyn was calling only to her.
"I barely outran that one as I led it toward the camp. My timing was just good luck, though."
Gwyn will pull both Narben and the miniature manuscript from the sea. Seeing as how the book is one of the first printed books in existence, I think it will contain information that will be necessary for future threats to their world -
She would have kept it secret. I only heard from a fleeing water-nymph that it had been done."
"When it would not bend to her, she destroyed it." "It was perhaps in our favor. Had the King of Hybern possessed Narben, I fear we would have lost the war."
A miniature illuminated manuscript, crafted by the skilled hands of the smallest of the lesser Fae- one of the first printed books in existence. / He regretted throwing it into the river the moment it had vanished under the ice, but he'd been foolish that night.
I think Gwyn's song may also be able to draw Azriel back, in the chance he has a different form and maybe that's what he meant when he made the comment that he sings. That he too needs to sing in order to pull himself from his "beast" side -
"Az is different. In a lot of ways." His tone didn't invite further questioning.
I think you'll find that Az is even less forgiving than I am." "With that pretty face?" she crooned. "I have a hard time believing it."
"They were shape-shifters who dwelled in the lakes and rivers and lured unwitting people into their arms. And after the drowned them, they feasted." Nesta stared toward the bog's black surface. "And they live in there?" "They vanished hundreds of years before we were born," Cassian said firmly. They're a myth whispered around fires, and a warning for children not to play near the water. But no one knows where they went. Most were hunted, but the survivors..." He conceded with a nod to Azriel. / "Just don't go running after a beautiful white horse or a pretty-faced young man and you'll be fine."
I think Merrill will be the main villain in Gwynriels story. That we'll find she had been in contact with Koschei before his defeat and gone searching for other survivors in other worlds at his command. She'll be the one responsible for helping them enter their world -
"There are others in your court as delusional as you are. They'll get it for me one way or another, with the right incentive. Granted, I'll need your blood to unlock the wards on the Trove."
"But know that Briallyn and the others sold me to him not through their devices, but his. By words he planted in their courts, whispered on the winds."
"I am descended from Labath, Lord of the Western Wind," Merrill seethed. "Unlike Gwyneth Berdara, I am no lackey to be dismissed."
"Midgard is a base. We opened the doors to other worlds to lure their citizens here." "But we also opened the doors so we might conquer those other worlds as well." "Your Starborn ancestors shut the gates to stop us from invading their realm once more and reminding them who their true masters are. And in the process, they shut the gates to all other worlds, including those to Hel, their stalwart allies. And so we have been trapped here. Cut off from the cosmos. All that is left of our people, though our mystics beneath this palace have long sought to find any other survivors, any planets where they might be hiding."
"Merrill's brilliant. Horrible, but brilliant. When she first came here, she was obsessed with theories regarding the existence of different realms - different worlds. Living on top of each other without even knowing it. Whether there is merely one existence, our existence, or if it might be possible for worlds to overlap, occupying the same space but separated by time and a whole bunch of other things I can't even begin to explain to you because I barely understand them myself." "Honestly, I looked at some of her early research and my eyes bled just reading her theorizing and formulas."
so she supposed that two would take them perhaps a bit farther than that, and Velaris … Well, it seemed like it’d take three strings. She didn’t want to know where all twenty-six strings might take her if strummed. Or if someone made a melody..
I think part of a Gwynriel plot will be Az and Gwyn working together to try to understand what Merrill is actually researching -
- and in its center, a massive, working model of their world, the stars and planets around it. and some other fancy thins that had been explained to Cassian once before he deemed them boring and proceeded to ignore them completely. Az, of course, had been fascinated.
Gwyn let out a breathy laugh. “I mean it. I learned about a new Valkyrie technique last night.
“I don’t know,” Gwyn said. “All I know is that I was assigned to work with Merrill and aid in her research,
By the end of a Gwynriel book, I think we'll be set up for a Multi POV / Crossover Series book(s) in the ACOTAR world. Possible plotlines -
Nesta will raise an army of the dead / World Walk -
And one day, when the time was right...They'd take the next steps. They'd walk down whatever road lay ahead of them together.
The Harp sighed, a low purr rolling off it as Nesta’s hand neared. We shall open doors and pathways; we shall move through space and eons together.
He’d think of that another day. Along with the fact that she’d stopped Time with the Harp.
She could feel them around her. The dead. / Thousands and thousands of bodies. But she would not call thousands. Not yet.
I think Lucien will be High King, wielding Gwydion. Yes, I realize it called to Bryce but unless we find out Amren’s recollection of the High Priestess giving it to him was wrong, it seems it first belonged to Fionn and was taken by Theia. Made objects can have others do their bidding, therefore it could have wanted Bryce to be the one to take it home. We know Helion responded to the mask, a made object, therefore Lucien should theoretically be able to wield made objects too -
Rhys as High King: he could think of no other male he'd trust more. No other male who would be a fairer ruler than Rhys. / "But know that the Cauldron's benevolence will be extended to you only for so long before it is offered to another.
"Lucien's goodness"
"He is a good male"
"he'd already made many friends across the courts and had always been good at talking to people."
"Like the Fae male had settled similar arguments between them before."
"But Lucien had learned to keep his cool".
Narben's powers had not been the holy, saviors light of Gwydion" (Side note, SJM tagged Elain under the Blodeuwedd fairytale and the uncle of Lleu (Lleu being the character that seems to match Lucien's part in the tale) was named Gwydion. Gwydion means "born of trees" and in ACOWAR, SJM tells us Lucien looked "crafted from the forest")
SJM once spoke of us seeing more babies in the ACOTAR world and I think this will refer to Elain in any future crossovers (not CC3) -
"But Elain had given it back - had pressed it into Azriel's hands after the battle, just as he had pressed it into hers before. And then walked away without looking back."
I think Elain's war days are over and a pregnancy would provide her a valid reason to sit out of battle. If she does have healing powers then I imagine she'd much rather tend to the wounded.
I also believe that by this time, the food that sustained the Pegasus would be restored and the illness preventing them from having foals would be cured (a possible Elain storyline), making it possible for the Valkyrie to ride into battle on Pegasus.
The End 😂
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zaenaris · 7 months
pretty sure that Waka Driking problem could be because of Shin's death. In the original timeline, we see him drink a glass of some drink but it doesn't mean he has a drinking problem. Same for the Wakasa with Shin and the Waka without Shin (kinda inexpressive). The Yakuza Wakasa from original timeline WAS expressive (anger, exasperation, some fear (when Shin glares at him), surprise, ect..)
He's maybe nooot the most expressive guy but except in the OG or the Final Timeline he looks like death inside. Like if he didn't care about anything, maybe except Benkei and Takeomi (even if they both kinda abandonned Takeomi) but also Senju and Inupi (and at a point, he was a terrible brohter figure for them) They probably make Senju's abandonnement issues worse.
I mean, the way Wakui just randomly gave us the info in the last character book that Waka drinks a lot alwyas makes me think he could have drinking problems as you said, mostly due to Shinichiro's death.
He called him Shin-chan, it's obvious he cared a lot about him and his death left a scar
Idk, from the way he interacted with Senju and the cute Inupi's birthday pic, I think that, in the last arc, before joining Kanto Manji, he actually had a good relationship with both of them.
After, I just headcanon he felt he had abandoned Mikey so he felt he had to do something for him.
I also headcanon that after Shin's death because Waka himself spiraled (just like Takeomi) so for a while he wasn't in a good place, but I guess Benkei helped him, also because they had the gym to run and maybe training Senju helped him keeping focus and recovering from the addiction
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shelltasticday · 2 years
The four bois and handedness
I've just for some reason noticed that apparently our big boy Raph and little boy Mikey are left handed, and the twins are right handed. And well, I'm here for these kinda details, they give me ideas.
● Raph and Mikey sharing stuff like scissors
● Maybe Raph, as the big brohter was the one that noticed Mikey struggling with his arts and crafts back when they were little tots, and told him to use his scissors instead and yeah it helped lots
● He is also the one that makes sure to leave anything that he and Mickey use in a good, easy-to-see-and-reach, place, for comfort of them both
● With the mess that they can sometimes have, the four of them probably mix up left handed specific stuff with right handed stuff
● They also switch or move the placement of cooking utensils or cases with pencils in common spaces. They don't think it much but if they did, they could probably guess who was the last one to grab something by wether it is more to the left or right
● I lean to think that Mikey although mainly left handed, for certain things he's ambidextrous, I don't have evidence but he just seems to be the type
● His brothers envy him a bit because it just seems more practical
● I imagine Mikey's right hand is not too trained for writing and art, but, ever since he saw some ambidextrous artist do portraits on tiktok, he'd dedicate time for drawing with his right hand. He wants to get to that level asap!
● Donnie probably could invent a pair of scissors for example that shifts with a button, you know how he likes doing stuff for his brothers every now and then. Anything that could be helpful to have an "adaptable" version of, he got it done already or in beta
● Leo is the less concerned one about any of these stuff, probably
● Although I can also imagine Leo secretly trying to mimic his lefty bros, because being ambidextrous is cool, and he, five times champion, needs to be the coolest of them all. He has a reputation and all, you know?
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limetimo · 2 years
RAB fics I read this week (1-6Dec) instead of you know, revising for finals or anything
Whatever happened to the young, young lovers? by georgia_sk I am in loooove. Are you looking for BAMF stabby murderous Regulus? A Regulus so traumatised the only two emotions he knows how to process and display are anger and anger? This slut regrew his own leg akjdhlkjdah also the Black brothers interactions are ♥♥♥ and Evan and Barty are ♥♥♥ and James has an ISSUE okay. Anyways I adore it
love is not a predicate by mordax modern boarding school au, Sirius run away from home and Regulus is planning to leave too. also he plays piano and James can't sleep and that lowkey leads to them dating. Regulus and Remus friendship. kinda. Pandora is a queen
Gods Under Broken Skies by SlyRaven_394 Regulus left all his fucks in the cave. Now he's 15 again and he and Kreacher are up to living their own lifes in the most dramatic fashion they can.
Sober Thoughts by moonymoment, zeppazariel devoured it, Regulus accidentally drunkenly confesses his feelings to James which makes James realise oh he actually likes Regulus too, but *waves hands* relationship bullshit and insecurities happen so they have a little break up before they get together again properly
in the fires of our youth (oh, brother of mine) by quynhorlose James and Sirius are in a band, Remus is a librarian and Regulus works at a planetarium. It's different from the "oh no I'm dating my best friend's brohter" Wolfstar-Jegulus fics because Regulus is the first one to realise the connection (between Sirius and Rem, not sure if he knows about James), and decides to not say anything because Remus deserves to be happy. It's nice. Sweet.
to the dark lord by justwhatialwayswanted :DDDDDDD 5D chess Regulus is getting together his own side of the war. Evan is pining Regulus is oblivious.
career goals: tyrant by justwhatialwayswanted :DDDDDDD chad Regulus is getting together his own side of the war. mutual pining with Evan :D
Let’s make the most of this by jelfulry transmasc single mama Sirius texts the wrong number and kinda falls in love with the mysterious Moony, he is also the last one to figure out that Moony is remus aka Marlene's girlfriend's friend froun the groupchat. Protective little brother Regulus.
La Sylphide by pjxckson ballet dancer Reglus finds love and finally gets the strenght to stand up to his parents. Minnie Mcg vs Walburga is a showdown you didn't know you wanted but trust me, you need it
The Long Game by lackadaisical_lizard modern au regulus and james are roped into working on a theatre club project together. remus regulus friendship, emotionally abusive Walburga
Love of my life by georgia_sk BARTYLUS! ♥♥♥♥♥ that's basically it but also much more. for a long time barty is waiting for Regulus to realise that he can even have a that relationship, and that he can keep it. They're just, mwah, this is what I'm talking about when I talk about bartylus endgame
Waters Run Deep by knight_bus_of_doom SO in a world where Severus snape was yeeted from October 31 1981 to his first year of hograwts, he ended up falling in love with Regulus and Regulus fell in love with him and then he went and DIED but DID HE??? It's 1996(? i think?). Remus and sirius are partners, remus and severus are platonically dating and severus and sirius are platonically married for harry reasons, and Regulus is pulled out of the cave still 19.
Unexpected Visitors by fuckboyregulus Jegulus with kids are accosted by grandma Wally and grandpa Orion the week before christmas. Regulus' sanity is hanging on the thread but the kids love the rare treat of Grandma Wally's attention and lavish gifts
in the grand deeds of great men (and the smallest of gestures) by blackkat I'm in love with this, Bill and Tonks are clearing the Locket cave and find a sleeping beauty in the water! ♥♥♥
Lethe by MADR1D1SMO UGH so good. Voldemort won but the blacks have people on the other side they'll do anything to protect. I loike Walburga. Is she a good person or a good parent? hell no but she's a great character
i see how this ends (poorly) by Quillium ♥♥♥♥ the fic that made me fall madly in love with Evan Rosier, seer Regulus
l'éphémère (the ephemeral) by anouri James hit ballet!Regulus with a motorbike, slowburn ensues
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
What’s up broski I just got lockd out of my home by my brohter plz send help how are you
Love how you end up locked outside but you want to check upon me 😭 you’re too cute sugar and I hope you managed to get in!
Also I’m good wee bit frustrated bc I cant get meds that help with my panic attacks until Monday but I’ll live 🥲
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rustys-lodge · 4 years
Summary : Winchester sister takes the evening off from everything, including her brohters, without telling them. But then she has to pay the price.
Part one 
You tiptoed across the hall, passing by Dean’s room, filling your heart with nothing but hurt. You missed your brother dearly, You never really went on without speaking for this long.You’d usually go into his room at this time of the morning and just snuggle into his chest. But you coudln’t do that anymore.
You were just about to turn the knob to the bathroom when the door was yanked open, sending you a long step back. 
“Dean ?” You cocked your head to the side as you squinted at your brother. “What are you doing here ?” You asked, causing him to cough out a laugh. 
“If you haven’t noticed already.” Dean started, sarcasm heavy in his tone. “This is called a bathroom” He waved his hand around the room, showing it. “And it’s a-”
“I mean you’re not usually up at this hour, it’s five in the morning.” You crossed your arms over your chest protectively, rolling your eyes at his unnecessary sarcastic comments. 
“Oh because you’re monitoring me now ? When’s my next pee stop ?” Your older brother mirrored your posture contentiously.
You breathed in heavily, losing patience as you stared at him. So not only he calls you stupid, but he also doesn’t apologize for it and keeps getting on your nerves.
You turned on your heels, ignoring his long sigh as you headed straight to your room. 
Too fucking much. 
You flipped through the pages of the book you’ve been reading for the past two fucking hours innatentivly as you focused on the noises the boys were making. They were going somewhere. You could hear them whisper aggressively but you could only make out two words “Talk” “While”. Your mind went into analysis mode before you finally realized : Sam’s pushing Dean to come talk to you. 
You spun your head towards them, suppressing a laugh as they pushed each other your way, freezing when they realized that you were watching. 
Sam sighed, pushing Dean forward one last time as the latter crouched just a few inches away from you. 
Dean pulled a knife from the back of his jeans, handing it to you. A brass dagger. 
You raised your eyebrows questioningly.
“Do you know what that is ?” 
“It’s a brass dagger” 
“Yeah, we found a case in Wichita, it’s only 3 hours away and” Dean grinned at you. “It’s a clown”
You wanted to smile and jump up and down in excitement. You’ve always liked clown cases and what you liked more about them, is Sammy’s reaction every time he saw one. It was the perfect opportunity to have fun with Dean and make fun of Sam, with Dean. But Dean being so casual hurt your feelings even more. 
“I don’t know, Dean. Maybe i shouldn’t go. I’m stupid,remember ?” You shot up,walking away as your brother followed behind. “You think you can come talk to me and everything will be over ? That’s not how the world works.” You turned to face him. “Don’t be stupid” You flashed him a smirk.
“Hey, hey, hey, what the hell ?” Sam was about to scold you when Dean extending his hand out towards him. “It’s okay, Sammy.” 
“Look, you’re right” The oldest threw his arms down in defeat. “I should’ve have called you stupid and im sorry” You were about to talk when he interrupted you. “You...Not answering like that .It just triggered me...It reminded of dad leaving..Of him being angry at me for not protecting Sammy I...I was terrified that we’d lose you. I mean, don’t you see the world we live in ? it’s full of bad things...I would’ve been as angry if it were Sammy and you know that.
Your shoulders loosedned up as well as all the tension that was in your body. You felt a wave of relief course through you as your heart ached. You totally forgot about John treating Dean like shit for not taking good care of Sammy. That turned Dean’s inside into an alarmed ticking bomb. 
“Look, i’m not trying to make you feel guilty for being angry at me” You raised your head up at him. Did he read your mind ? “i know i shouldn’t have called you that and i-”
“I forgive you, D” You cut him off, suddenly wrapping your arms around his shoulder to pull him down into a hug. 
It took him a few seconds to process it before he hugged you back.
“It..hurt like a flipping bitch,Dean. But i forgave you a long time ago.”
I hope you guys like it. Let me now what you think. And im sorry if the ending feels unfinished, i always get stuck there.❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹
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k3rm1e · 3 years
heyhey!!! howre u doing kermie?? i hope ur good <3 i wnated to rq sime hcs again,, so the idea is that reader is kidna young, like 14 or 15 and they run imto ranboo pn the smp and ranbooo is immediatly like "this is my silbing now, mess twith them nd ill kill you" and the reader is sotra like a lottle ball of chaos n theyre only really nice to ranboo lol but i just wnat older brohter ranboo <3, oh !! and they/them pronouns - :^) anon
heyhey!!! howre u doing kermie?? i hope ur good <3 i wnated to rq sime hcs again,, so the idea is that reader is kidna young, like 14 or 15 and they run imto ranboo pn the smp and ranbooo is immediatly like "this is my silbing now, mess twith them nd ill kill you" and the reader is sotra like a lottle ball of chaos n theyre only really nice to ranboo lol but i just wnat older brohter ranboo <3, oh !! and they/them pronouns - :^) anon
:^) anon, hello! i love found family type of things so ewofnjnsvsvb i hope you enjoy! <3
cw: cursing 
ranboo pretty much adopted you the moment you joined the server
niki was giving you a tour and had invited him to come along, just to introduce you to another person somewhat  near your age
because being surrounded by adults is stressful sometimes
at first he was pretty chill, that was until you were introduced to michael
and you were so nice to him even though he was pretty much just an npc
so it was just “hello. sibling. mine now.”
when you met michael you really wanted to let him out and let him explore
“the snowy tundra is not his natural habitat! he belongs in the nether!”
“yeah, but he’s my son! i’m not letting go of him!”
which resulted in you trying to light the house on fire so that michael could be warm
as ranboo frantically put out the fire michael just stared out the window
you continued on the tour with niki and him, just getting to know the server and the others on it
along with them getting to know you
and when ranboo found out you were like fourteen he was pretty worried at first 
the older people in the gaming community can sometimes be a bit rude or creepy to younger people, just from what I've seen
so he was ready to defend and protect you
only to find out you didn’t really need his protection, or anyone’s for that matter
within any interaction you are so very chaotic
during one of his streams you just joined screaming “hey fuckers!”
like please, on ranboo tries not to swear on his streams and you’re here just ruining it
finally, during one of his streams he tries to tell you off just for generally being an idiot
which results in the planning of arson during your next stream
“chat, chat, dear chat, if you were in little bitchboo’s stream yesterday you know what’s up. he betrayed me. so, payback is in order.”
dramatic monologue: 1000
at first you just planned quick arson with flint and steal
until you got stopped by technoblade and tried to fight him
spoiler alert: you did not succeed
once you had finally gotten to the house you realized it wasn’t even flammable
so you got a shit ton of lava and just dumped it  a l l  o v e r  his house
it was quite literally everywhere
ranboo appeared midway through your master plan to see his house covered in lava
sadly a villager was lost
he nearly disowned you but figured “fineeee” he’d be nice
but he did force you to rebuild his house
after a few months of you being on the server, it was finally summer an covid was nearly over
which meant meetups!
you have cursed him
the first day you spent at his house you had forced ranboo to stay up all night with you watching netflix shows
please he just needs sleep
you do an irl stream with him in which he is forced to go out in his full get up, along with the cat ears
but you do run into some fans which is pretty cool
at some point his mom asks him why he puts up with you and your bullshit
and his only explanation is that you’re his sibling
this took like two weeks L i hope you still enjoy it tho :^) anon!
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Self Aware bi!dean fic list
*cracks knuckes* i gotta start using the bookmarks on ao3 bc scrolling though ibooks and checking the tags individually is Not It. Most of these are au's, because while a lot of self-aware canon dean fics do exist, it's harder for me to remember which way it goes becuase they tend to blend together more in my memory.
profoundly different by amireal and tiamatv - s4 au, cas is in anna’s role
no kingdom to come by domestic adventures  - canon quarantine fic fwb
the prophet must die by imogenbynight - pre god!chuck, dean realizes chuck kept publishing and that his attraction to cas is out there in the world for anyone to see
a turn of the earth by microcomets - can’t remember if dean Knows, but its s10 cas and pre-series dean
the path of fireflies by museaway - so dean technically doesn’t know, but its an amnesia fic post s8 i think where dean wakes up married to cas and they run a b&b in vermont  
tell me about the dream by playedwright - not a dean knows fic either but its incredible. post s5 dean and cas raise claire together 
crossing lines by sometimeswelose - pre series dean gets brought into late the late season. heavy internalized biphobia and angst in this one 
Cinderwings, 4LW by bendingsignpost (I feel like these go without saying but I’m putting them here anyway)
carry you home by casloveshisfreckles - college/pro baseball au
fire and ice by castielslostwings - fighfighter dean/emt cas  fwb to lovers where the benefits are a d/s contract 
a ghost story by emmbrancsxx0 - this is like if you mixed tec and moy and made it destiel, i recommend p much all their fics too
peace and good luck to all men by kismetjeska - human au - anna brings home her boyfriend dean home for christmas, everything is a disaster 
Satin and Sawdust by ltleflrt- Cas is vet who just bought a fixer upper, dean is the contracter who lives across the street.
russian to the altar by malmuses - fake marriage for visa purposes 
and this, your living kiss by opal_bullets - the poet dean fic you know the one, their other fic, everybody needs the light is also good 
inevitable homoeroticism in spanish romantic heroes by prosopopeya - i dont’ actually remember this one all that well, but it fits the bill and its a professors au
asunder by rageprufrock - pining dean takes his friend cas to his brohters wedding . this is one of the few fics i remember from the 2012ish era and it still holds up 
a beginner’s guide to communing with the dead by suspiciousflashlight - i can’t really sell this once succintly, but its a detective story in a magical world and its v good
a reasonable amount of trouble by xylodemon - dean is a hunter/PI, cas is a client, noir vibes. their wolfstar fics are great as well
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Worth the Wait
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A/N: This is the longest fic I ever wrote. It took me good three days but I finished it. I would have done it sooner but school. Like oh my God. I’m proud I could pull this off. Hope you like it. Feedback is always welcomed. Tell me if I did it good cuz it’s too long to make go through it again after writing it for so long. I hope I did good. Also I threw a bit of Fred x reader in there. Just to spice it up a bit. 
REQUEST:Hey can you do a fic where the reader is elder sister potter She's best friends with Cedric diggory since the first time they met on the train during first year She confesses it to Cedric during Goblet of fire, they are a couple And then when he dies she's screaming and heartbroken Time skip to the battle she dies saving Harry who is crying because she was his only family left Then Hermione says during the reader's dying breath "it's okay you can close your eyes and be happy with Ced" Thanx...
Sometimes it was not easy being your younger brother’s older sister. All he ever did was get into trouble and you couldn’t even figure it out how. How could that boy get into so much trouble without even knowing it?
Then again, he was your father’s son and you could say that it ran in the family because you yourself weren’t the saint of the family. 
You however had a best friend who always got you into more trouble than you ever did him. The two of you met on a train, first day, and he was the sweetest boy you have ever met. He kept talking like he has lived 50 years not 11. He laughed so the whole train could hear him and he had one of the most wonderful laughs, The one you just fell in love with immediately. Since the first day, you knew he was going to be in your life. He was there when nobody else was. He was there when you were at your worst and unlike your previous “friends”, he didn’t leave. He stayed and he kept promising you that he will always and forever be there for you and your little brother. 
Little did he know that your little brother was one of the unluckiest little boys, who ever walked the Hogwarts ground. Harry was a confused little boy since he was little but he had a temper that nobody could control. He was funny, sarcastic, definetly taking most of the traits after his father but if he has anything else besides your mother’s eyes, it’s definetly her heart. 
The worry you held was always for your little brother. Always what kind of new trouble will he get into with his two friends but never have you thought that another person could worry you just as much as Harry could. 
“You can’t!” you shouted at Cedric. “It’s not safe!”
“It’s not like I’ll be fighting a dragon, (y/n)!” Cedric groaned, getting up, hugging you from behind and swinging you left an right. “Don’t tell me you’re worried about me.” he kept cooing, knowing how much you hated when somebody talked ot you like you were a child. 
With him it was different. When he hugged you, it was like a warm cloud taking you into the sky and letting you float under the sun. You loved his embraces, you loved him since Third year. 
“Are you mad?” he continued to coo, causing a smile arrupt on your lips and making his laugh. He stepped back, pulling you with him until he tripped and fell on the bed with him. “Because I won’t let you go until you stop being mad at me.” 
“I’m not mad, Ced.” you sighed, moving away from his grip and laying beside him. You played with your thumbs and with a deep breath, you told him your worries. “I just don’t want to risk losing you. I’m risking it every year with Harry and I just don’t want to...with you.” 
He smiled in disbelief, pulling himself up on his elbow. “That’s what you’re worried about? Me entering a contest and not even being picked. We’ve done worse things that this contest- remember the giant squid back in Second year?”
You smiled, remeniscing that day perfectly. “Yeah.”
“Did we die?”
“But did we die?”
“No, Cedric. We did not die.” you answered clearly.
“That’s because we are bloody tough and amazing. If we didn’t die that day with the squid, then we won’t die in this contest....if I get picked of course, which I definetly will because everybody likes me, and so will that goblet.”
“Firstly, you are extremely narcassistic, which you clearly get from your father.” you pointed your finger at him and he just rolled his eyes, chuckling. “Secondly, we? What do you mean we?” 
“Oh, baby. We’re in this together.” he kissed your forehead, jumping of the bed and towards his warderobe.”Now, what should I wear.”
You melted when you heard him call you baby. The two of you were not together, only friends and at times like this you desperately wished the two of you were more than just friends. He caused so many emotions run through your body when he did little things such as take your hand, call you nicknames, kiss your forehead and so on but never did he do more than this.  
“Earth to (y/n)!” he waved his hand in front of you and you quickly shot your head up. 
“What should I wear?” 
You rolled off the bed and stood up. “Maybe your school uniform?” 
“How about this shirt?” he put the white shirt on top of his chest. 
You rolled your eyes, bumping him away from the warderobe and surfing through his clothes. You noticed the red shirt on the bottom of the shelf and pulled it out. “Red.” you shoved it on his chest.
“I totally forgot I have this shirt.”
“Just put it on and let this be over with.” ---
But you were far from over, weren’t you. You thought your heart was dropped and stepped on when he was picked by the Goblet. He noticed it right away, hugging you and lifting you up. “I’ll win for both of us. You’ll see.” he whispered and put you down, giving you a reassuring smile. 
It was until the Goblet threw out the second name that you felt like the whole world has turned against you. When all the contestants, including your little brother were in the room with Dumbledore, you stormed inside, fuming and boiling from all the fury. 
“HE IS NOT GOING TO COMPETE IN THIS TOURNAMENT AND IF YOU KILL ME!” you stepped in front of Harry, glaring at the other in the room. 
“Miss Potter-” Dumbledore started but you cut him off first.
“He is fourteen!”
“I agree but the Goblet-”
“He’s going to compete in this tournament over MY DEAD BODY!” you kept shouting, noticing Cedric approaching you raised your hand for him to stop. “Don’t.” you warned him before turning to your brohter and looking into his eyes.
He was frightened, you could see that so perfectly in his eyes. You read him like an open book, knowing there was no where in hell he dropped his name into that Goblet. He couldn’t. “Why you? Why always you?” you said, your eyes watering and your arms bringing him close. 
“I didn’t do it, (y/n).” he tried to appologise but you knew he was telling you the truth. If anybody hated getting into trouble, it was your brohter. He just wanted to be a normal boy for once and it just won’t be given to him. 
“He won’t.” you stood firmly your ground, glaring at all the responsible people. 
“Miss Potter. The Goblet has chosen its contestants. The rules are rules.”
And before you could say anything you’d regret, Harry took your hand and looked at you. “I’ll be alright. I’ve lasted this long, haven’t I?” he gave you a weak smile and you felt helpless to do anything. 
“If anything happens to him-” you glared at Bagman, glancing at the other three Champions, later at Dumbledore. “-I’ll make sure-”
“(y/n).” your brother touched your shoulders, giving you a more confident smile. “I can do this.” 
“Oh, you better.” 
You’ve tried not to worry too much about both Cedric and Harry but it was not possible. You thought your hair was going to turn grey one night and you’ll be someone who belongs in a looney bin. When you heard about the first task, you weren’t worried, you were so furious you wanted to scream. Cedric was avoiding you, mostly because he was afraid of you and your family temper but also because he knew how this would go. 
“It’s nOt LiKE I’Ll bE fIghTING A drAgOn.” you mocked him as he closed the door in his dorm, jumping when he heard your mocking voice and chuckling. 
“What goes around comes around.” he awkwardly scratches the back of his head, noticing the worry and the stress in your eyes. He opened his arms and gave you his one of a kind, comforting smiles. “Come on. Bring it in.” 
“No.” you said, turning your head away. 
“No?” he said as if he was offended, placing his hand on his heart. “As if you have a choice.” he scoffed, running towards you and knocking you off your feet. He grabbed you tightly with his arms, locking your own against your body. You laughed being unable to get out of his grip. 
“Cedric!” you continued to laugh meanwhile he put his head on your shoulder and took a deep breath in through his nose.
“Ahh! Isn’t this hug just stress-relieving?” he closed his eyes and put his cheek on yours. 
“If crushing my bones is stress-relieving, than sure, go ahead.” you continued to smile meanwhile he left a soft chuckle, breathing in your parfume and breathing out his hot breath, so it brushed your neck and send butterflies flying in your stomach. 
His grip got gentler, so he wasn’t locking your arms anymore, but simply holding you in his own. You truned around, placing yourelf on top of his chest and looking down in his deep grey eyes. Your hand automatically moved to his hair and you mildly brushed your fingers through his hair. 
God, you were in love with him. You were so deeply in love with his charming eyes and his devilish smile, His skin was so warm, his nose in such a perfect shape, his jaw a bit uneven but sharp despite it. His hands were big and soft, as if they haven’t worked a day in their life, his chest broad, his whole soul just burning yours through the eyes. 
He always adored the look in your eyes. Whenever you gave him this look it sent him some sort of pleasure and joy through his bonest. In a way, with you or even just looking at you, he felt his mind go a little dizzy. He felt like he could tell you the world! Everything with you was just... safe. He felt safe with you. 
It was a heavenly moment, between the two of you. It was only you and him, nobody else to break it up. 
Until there was. 
A letter flew right through the window, cutting in the space between the two of you. It was written in a beautiful handwriting... in a girl’s handwriting with a Ravenclaw’s stamp. 
A jealous feeling started bubbling in your stomach as you got up and let him read it. A smile appeared on his lips as you asked. “Who is it?” 
He looked up, completely blind to your discomfort. “It’s Cho’s. She said yes to be my date to the Yule Ball.” 
Your heart jumped to your throat and you could feel your eyes burning. “You- you asked Cho Chang to Yule Ball. I thought we said we were going to the Yule Ball together?” 
He could finally see the hurt in your eyes, which was a different kind he usually got from your fights. He realized what he said to you before he asked Cho. He was completely sure that Cho would say no but now... now he knew just how much he hurt you.
Except the pain was worse for you. 
“Merlin, (y/n).” he got up and started to shake his head, eyes filled with guilt. ”I didn’t think she’d say yes.”
The jealusy turned into hatred in a second and the heart in your throat stopped to speak. “So I was just your back up plan?!”
“No!” he widened his eyes. “That’s not what I meant to-”
“You know what, Diggory?” you scoffed, pretending as if your heart wasn’t just crushed a moment ago. “Go to the ball with your precious Cho Chang. I don’t care. Go with anybody you want!” your voice started to raise. 
“Why are you getting so mad?!”
And you couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe he is so blind to it. You know he feels it. You know it in your heart he feels something towards you but he just won’t admit it. “Because I’m in love with you!” was all you could say, regretting it the moment it came out. “And I thought you feel the same but clearly you-”
“Oh, (y/n)...” he shook his head, watching you with pitiful eyes. “You’re like a -”
“Don’t!” you stopped him, tears falling down your cheeks without your permission. “It’s not true. It can’t be.” you kept looking at him. You were so sure he felt it. So Goddamn sure he felt the same way. 
“You’re amazing, (y/n). You are! You’re amazing and beautiful but I just don’t see us as- I mean, you and me- I mean- I- “
You shook your head more aggresievly this time. “I was so dumb to think that I won’t be like those other girls!” you told yourself. 
“You’re not!”
“I clearly am, Cedric!” you shouted at him, tears coming out. “Because if I wasn’t then you wouldn’t asked me to the Yule Ball as a bloody plan B!” you continued, seeing as he wanted to argue with that but you wouldn’t let him. “But you know what, Cedric? I can get anyone I bloody want!”
And somehow that opened Cedric’s anger, making the unfamilliar feeling in his stomach speak instead of his mind. “Clearly not me! Just like the other girls, swooning over! Thinking you have a chance! I should have known you were just hanging out with me because you had a crush!” 
The hurt was just never-ending, wasn’t it. “You really think that?” you tone was weak. “You really think of me as someone like that?” you said backing away. 
“Isn’t it?!” he couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t and he tried. 
“Yes, Cedric. I trusted you and poured myself to you just because I wanted to fuck you like the whore I am. I wanted nothing but your dick and be famous for dating the Hufflepuff chaser.” you said, seeing his anger fade.
He threw his head back in disbelief. He hated when anybody spoke low of you, and there he was thinking the lowest of you. “I didn’t mean it, (y/n). I know you’re-”
“Just save the sweet talk for Cho.” you said. “I don’t ever want to talk to you again.” you started walking away but he quickly grabbed your arm. 
“Please, (y/n)! Don’t leave! I didn’t mean what I said!”
“Clearly, you did.” you said. “Clearly, you think that I can’t live without you, Cedric Diggory but I’m going to show you just how much I don’t need you in my life.” you pulled your arm away from his grasp, walking away.
That day you never went back to your dorm, you went to Harry’s but before you could reach him, a ginger got to you first. You always thought of Fred as someone who was despite his humor incredibly charming and caring. Since Harry was in First Year, he always kept asking you on dates, flirting with you and being a real gentleman. 
He noticed right away that you were hurt. He always noticed everything when it came to you and maybe you said yes because he was the only one who made you feel wanted but after a while, you saw you said yes because he was kind and caring for you like nobody else ever did. 
The two of you got closer and so you did with the other Weasleys and their friends. Somehow, you realized you have gotten to Harry closer as well. He was much more open to you now then he ever was.
You loved spending time with Fred. He always made you laugh. Always made you feel so happy. On the day of the Ball, Fred was already waiting in the Hufflepuff common room, talking with some of your friends. 
Cedric, who was still a bit uncomfortable that the two of you weren’t on speaking terms, walked over to Fred just before he went to pick up Cho herself. “Hey, mate. Can I talk to you?” 
Fred raised an eyebrow, his grin staying in the same position. “Yeah. Of course.” he said, not knowing whether to like the guy or not. 
“I know me and (y/n) aren’t speaking right now but I still do-” 
He was cut, staring at the girl who was just coming down the stairs behind Fred. Fred turned around as well, scanning you from head to toe before locking his eyes with yours. His grin turned into a beam and he blinked, just to make sure that what he was seeing wasn’t a dream. 
You weren’t wearing a dress as the other girls did. You remember Sirius giving you the dress your mother wore to one of the Balls with your father. She was a diviant and brave woman, choosing the right dress for her confidence. It was red, just like her hair, and long, clinging your legs and your curves. Your hair was curled, pinned on one side, let down on the other. You chose a daring makeup, red eyeshadow and red lipstick, sharping the outline of your lips. There was a cut on your right side, from knee below, showing off your red heels with a sparkly-silver strap above the ankle. 
Even though you knew Cedric was standing beside Fred with his mouth on the ground, you kept your eyes on Fred’s brown ones, ignoring the grey ones behind and smiling triuphantly. “I’m ready.”
Fred’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he took your hand and kissed the back of it. “I can see that.” he said seductively, leading you away. “You look absolutely breath-taking.” 
The whole dance, you saw eyes lingering on you. It made you blush more times than once. You were pretty convinced that you were red as a tomato the whole night but Fred, amazing as he was, kept distracting you by dancing and making you laugh. He was an incredible date. He constantly made sure you were hydrated, pleased and smiling. 
“Fred, my jaw is hurting from all the laughing!” you laughed as the two of you made your way outside on some fresh air. “Be serious!” you sightly punched him in the chest. 
“I can’t. You’re so gorgeous when you smile.” his voice got softer and he took a step closer. His hand took the fallen strand on your pinned side and tucked it behind your ear, looking down at you. “I want to be all dominant and romantic with this but I can’t help the feeling to ask you.” his cheeks flushed red and you furrowed your eyebrows at him. 
“Ask me what?” 
He looked up, scratching the back of his head and barely speaking. “Can I kiss you?” 
Surprised by his question, you completely grew red in your cheeks, not knowing exactly what to say. This was your first kiss. You always imagined it would be Cedric but since the argument, you knew that was never going to be possible. 
You trusted Fred. You liked Fred. So you nodded your head and put your hands on his neck. “I’ve never kissed anybody.” you said shyly and quetly. 
“A beauty like you?” he grinned pressing his forehead on you. “I can wait if you’re not ready.” he said as you looked up at him with a glint in your eyes. 
“No. I want you to kiss me.” you smiled and he leaned it, kissing you gently at first, only the surface of your lips before pulling away and looking at your reaction. 
Your eyes were closed before you opened them, smiling and showing him you want him to kiss you again, deeper. And he did, slipping his tongue inside your mouth and taking the lead. Your cheeks started radiating heat as the kissing never stopped. You loved it. You loved kissing and you kept pulling him closer to you, smiling. 
It wasn’t long until that kiss was broken. You couldn’t feel Fred’s suit under your fingers, nor see him in front of you. Your vision was blurred and you couldn’t figure out what exactly was going on until you saw Fred laying on the floor on your right and Cedric panting on your left. 
“What-” you couldn’t quite figure it out. All three of you were panting, Cedric from fury meanwhile you and Fred had a different kind of cause for catching your breath. “What the hell?!” you looked at Cedric, narrowing your eyes at him meanwhile he turned to you, eyes widen from shock and his mind confused. 
“Why in the bloody hell did you do that for, mate?” Fred sat up, rubbing his head as you ran up to him. 
“I- I don’t know.” Cedric said, completely confused and watching you help Fred to his feet. 
“Are you okay, Fred?” you asked meanwhile Fred gave you his usual grin. 
“I’m fine, gorgeous. Why don’t- why don’t the two of you talk, huh?” he glanced between the two of you. “I’ll go get some ice.” 
“I’ll be fine.” he took your hand and squeezed it. “You need to talk.” he said before leaving the two of you alone. 
As he was out of the view, you turned around, fuming, and shouting at the guilty boy in front. “WHAT THE HELL?!”
“I don’t know what came over me, (y/n), I swear. I didn’t mean to push him-”
“Oh, so you’re telling me that a House Elf possesed you and pushed him on the floor.” 
“I was aiming for the punch but I was afraid of hurting you during, so I had to push him first.” he kept blabbering, only confusing you more. He shut his mouth, looking at you with wide eyes and afraid to say anything similar. 
“You don’t get to interrupt my first kiss. You don’t get to do that after shoving a knife through my heart, Cedric!” you started to get furious, storming away and knocking his shoulder as you passed him by. 
He grabbed you by the wirst as he always did when the two of you fought. He pulled you back and close to his chest, meanwhile you pushed away from him.
“Don’t do that!” you looked up at him. 
“I was furious, (y/n)!” he shouted back. “I’m sorry for what I said that day! I shouldn’t have said those things to you, I realize that.”
“I don’t care anymore, Cedric. It’s all old bullshit to me.” you crossed your arms over your chest, backing away and deciding to leave. 
“I WAS JEALOUS!” he shouted on top of his lungs. Stopping you. Due to the music in the Great Hall a corridor down, nobody else could hear except you and him. 
You turned around, watching his face fall down in shame. 
“I was jealous, (y/n).” he said once again as he started to get closer to you. “When I saw you so stunning in your dress... and then see you walk away with another guy, I just felt angry. I felt angry the whole bloody night, watching you dance him... watching you laugh with him... and looking at him like you used to look at me.” he paused as he stopped in front of you, still unable to look at you into your eyes until he took a deep breath in and raised his head up to lock those greys with your own. “He got to see you in this dress, he got the honor to dance with you in it, he got the pleasure of hearing your laugh, the bliss of getting adoration from your wonderful eyes and I couldn’t even get a slightly bit of attention from you. Not a glance, not anything. I got nothing from you and when I was watching you with him, I was barely keeping myself away. When I saw you walk out with him I couldn’t control my feet, so I followed and when I saw you kissing him, I got so angry and so jealous that I just stop restricting myself from you. I couldn’t keep myself away.” he took your hands and squeezed them tightly. “You’re my best friend, (y/n). I’m pretty much sure you’re my soulmate.” he smiled and you couldn’t figure out where this was going; hurt or love, so you kept your expression the same. “I’m ashamed of what I did- because I had that, I could have had that but I threw it away. I threw it away because I didn’t know that I’m in love with you as well.” 
You gasped as he said that, feeling the air get caught up in your throat. Your heart fluttered, your stomach kept doing sommersaults but despite all of it, you couldn’t pretend as if he didn’t hurt you. 
You hugged him tight and feeling his arms seal your embrace, his nose dig into the crook of your neck and breathing the parfume that tingeled his nostrills. He let out a breath of relief, feeling safety spread around him. 
“I forgive you, Ced.” you said and he smiled to the shortage of his name which you call him. It always felt perfect when you said it. “But I need to figure out where I stand with Fred before I hurt anybody.” 
He pulled away, placing his thumb on your chin and brushing it gently with it. “I’ll wait. I’ll always wait for you.”
It took you a few days and a few nights of frustration and over-thinking to get where you were. You and Fred had a long talk about everything, deciding to stay friends as it was obvious you were head over heels for Cedric. You could see he was hurt but he still put his usual grin on. 
“Reckon, he’ll never had the honour to say he was a first kiss to the most amazing and beautiful girl at school.” 
You smiled, feeling the redness wash over your cheeks again. “No, he won’t.” you said, taking his chin in your hands and kissing him on the lips one last time. You didn’t know why you did it but it felt right. Pulling away, you brushed your thumb over his lips and smiled. “It was a perfect first kiss, Fred.”
“Anytime.” he smirked, thinking for a moment then narrowing his eyes. “Shame. I always thought the Chosen one will become my brother-in-law.” 
“Don’t give up hope yet. I think he and Ginny would make quite a pair.” 
“Weasley and Potter. Has nice tone, doesn’t it.” he winked at you as you rolled your eyes. 
“Don’t take it too close to heart.” 
“Oh, I won’t. These Potters are dangerous when it comes to it.” he continued to tease.
“Goodnight, Fred!” you shouted. 
“Night Mrs. Future-Weasley.”
You and Fred stayed close. It was a strong friendship and you could always count on him. It drove Cedric over the wall whenever he would see the two of you even slightly together but he had you. You were his girl and that was all that he needed. 
When the second task came along, Harry was in quite a lot of distress. He was underground, watching three people closest to his heart being tied up underwater. 
He didn’t know who to save. He just kept pondering it over until Krum swam by and untied Hermione first. Harry trusted Cedric he would untie you, so whatever happened next, was the thing that was causing you too much worry. You were sitting by Cedric, wrapped around in a towel and looking Ron’s and Fleur’s little sister’s head pop out of the water, but Harry? He was nowhere to be seen. 
Cedric kept rubbing your back. “He’ll come out. He will.” but you worried so much that you almost felt yourself jump back into.
He finally appeared, making your heart-rate calm down. When he swam out, you gave him an enormous tight hug.
“Ger’ off.” he sturggled but you couldn’t let go. “You’re embarrasing me.”
“I don’t care.”
The night before the first task, you and Cedric were both laying wrapped in sheets, just enjoying eachother’s warmth and body. He kept making circles with his figner on your bare shoulder meanwhile you kept looking up at him with your googly eyes. 
He looked down, grinning. “Dreaming of a life with a Triwizard Champion?” he wiggled his eyebrows and you laughed. 
“Yeah. I think getting to say my brother is the Chosen one and a Triwizard Champion will be quite a privilage.” you replied and he scoffed. 
“Oh, so you’re rooting for my enemy.” 
“I just want this to be over and have you both safe in my arms.” your stretched your arms around his torso and placed your head on his chest, nuzzling closer. 
His hand moved up to your hair and he gently scratched your scalp, causing you to doze off. “We both got this far, didn’t we?”
“Yeah.” you said sleeply, making Cedric smile. He adored your sleepiness. “I have to admit I was more sure you’d pull through than Harry. Looks like I underestimated him.”
“He’s bright, I’ll give him that. Must be in the family.” he said. “I don’t know what happened to you.” he teased, making your head shot up and your fist punch his chest. He laughed, taking your head in his hands. “I’m joking. You’re smart as hell.”
“Yes, I am.” you said, placing your head back on his chest, feeling his heart beat fast, then slow itself down.
“And you’re beautiful.”
“Keep them going.” you smiled and he chuckled.
“And sexy.” he left out a growl, pulling you up and kissing you. 
“Don’t stop.” you smiled against his lips.
He kissed you again, this time softer and genlter and as he pulled you away, he looked deep into your eyes. “I’ll make you my wife one day.” he cupped your face once again. “And I’ll spoil you until the ends of Earth.” 
“You’ll buy me  small dog I can carry in purse?” you joked and he smiled.
“I’ll buy you a monkey if you say!”
“I think one is enough.” you patted his chest and he chuckled, grabbing you around the shoulders and squeezing you. 
“Why are you so mean!?”  he shook you in his arms, laughing and pinning you on the bed. “Don’t answer that.” he said quietly, observing your every feature. “I love you no matter your flaws.”
You widened your eyes, hearing him say those words from the first time and feeling a rush in your eyes as well as your heart. You threw your arms around him and pushed him on the other side of the bed. “I love you too.” you whispered in his ear. 
The whole third task you’ve been impatient. Just this one task and everything will be normal. Cedric and you will graduate, both of you will get a job, you will be able to spent more days with Sirius, Harry will spend the summer with you- everything will be perfect.
You couldn’t stop smiling. You just couldn’t. This task was about to end your future is about to begin. You were so bloody excited. You just kept cheering and loving every second that passed. 
And there it was. Cedric and Harry both appearing together. You were so happy! Everybody was on their feet, cheering and shouting. Everybody was so excited that the Hogwarts Champions won the tournament.
Until you heard Harry scream in agony and it you felt your legs being cut below your knee. You stared, watching Cedric pale and stoic, Harry covering him. You heard Cedric’s father scream in the same agony as Harry, you tumbled back being caught in Fred’s arms. 
“No- no.” you told yourself before moving everybody out of the way and running on the field, tumbling over your feet. “No! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” you screamed throwing yourself over his body and screaming. “Cedric!” you screamed, framing his face with your hands and moving away his black hair. Everything that was alive last night was gone. There was no light, no smile, nothing. 
You felt yourself unable to breathe, you felt your heart being ripped out of your chest. 
You screamed for him. “You can’t! I love you! Remember! You love me! You said you’d get me the purse dog! You said we’ll get married!” you kept crying until Harry grabbed you and pulled you in his embrace, both crying.
‘At least Harry was alive. Harry is alive. Be thankful it’s not both.’ - you heard a voice in your head. ‘Harry. You still have Harry.’
But it didn’t cause any less pain and heartache. You just lost the love of your life, you lost your soulmate... you lost yourself. 
The last time you walked through the gates of Hogwarts, you were a completely different person. Harry always told the others that you haven’t been coping well with Cedric’s death. 
He was indeed, correct. 
You graduated with nothing but emptiness in your soul. You didn’t talk much, you couldn’t. He was your best friend. He was everything to you. Life without him did not cease to exist for you and every night you cried yourself to sleep and every morning you woke up to an enormous headache and pain in both of your eyes because of that. 
You didn’t care though. Since Sirius died, your sole mission was to protect Harry. Only Harry. He was the only family you had left. You protect Harry. That’s all you have to do but when you walked through those gates, through the gates where every single memory of Cedric splashed you like a rebel wave... you simply couldn’t hold yourself much together. 
“You changed.” you heard someone say beside you. You turned your head to see Fred with his usual grin. 
“Hey, Fred.” you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly. 
“I’m sorry.” he whispered immediately. “For everything that happened to you.”
“I’m not the only one who lost a loved one in this war.” you said, putting your hand on his shoulder and giving him a weak smile,
But he saw it. He saw the pain in your eyes. He saw how broken you were just when he looked into your eyes. He also noticed something else. Something nobody else had. “You’re not afraid?” he asked but it sounded more as a statement than a question. 
“No, I’m not.” you looked at him, taking his hand in yours. “I’m going to look that murderous snake in the eyes and I’m going to show him hell he hasn’t even imagined.” you snarled, looking at the distance and squeezing his hand. 
He squeezed it back, differently than you, comfortly. You looked at him from the affection you were so foreign to and felt a smile reach your cheeks. “There’s the smile.” he spun you around slowly, making you giggle for the first time in a long time again. 
“Thank you.” you said, letting go of his hand and glancing at the courtyart. “Ready to beat some Deatheaters?” 
“Born ready, love.” he said, walking beside you.
You’ve been around Harry most of the battle until you lost him. Until there were Deatheaters coming from every corner and the two of you had to be seperated. You had eyes on most of the people. Remus and Tonks quickly disappeared somewhere into the towers, Harry was out of your sight after solid 30 minutes, Hermione ran into the castle, Ron behind her, George, Percy and Fred were all fighting together, covering their six. 
It was just as you finished the last two Deatheaters when you locked eyes with him in the distance, remembering the boy who gave you your first kiss. He winked, shouting something to Percy before the wall behind him exploading, wiping your smile off quicker than anything you’ve imagined. You apparated at the rubble, coming to his aid and helping his brothers pull him out of the dust. Percy was screaming, shooting at the sky and other Deatheaters with so much fury and anger you have ever seen in that man. George was staring at his twin, almost as he didn’t exist anymore. 
You framed Fred’s head, just as you did with Cedric all those years ago. Fred was dead... just like him. Tears prickled down your cheeks and you leaned your forehead on his, sobbing but quickly calming down. 
He was one of your best friends. He was the one who made you smile when nobody else could. He was the only one who knew how to deal with your attitude when you were grieving after Cedric. He was there, always and now he’s gone. “I’m so sorry, Freddie.” you pressed your head into his shirt, taking his usual scent in your nostrills. “Thank you.” you paused. “For everything.” you kissed his lips softly before getting on your feet and feeling the same rage fill your body as it did with Percy. 
You tightened your grip around your wand and made you way, searching only for one specific person. He was there, preparing to kill off your last family. You appeared in front of him before he got the chance, casting spells, one after the other. 
Your attack was aggresive at first. It took Lord Voldemort by surprise and off balance at first. “YOU KILLED EVERYBODY I EVER LOVED!” you cried, shooting curse after curse and hitting him once with Crucio but only for a slightest moment. 
People around you almost thought you’d win, your little brother thought that maybe, just maybe you could be the Potter to finish off Voldemort. But the Dark Lord was as well as immune to your crucio curse.
“You’re weak!” he cackled, shooting the crucio curse and making you kneel, agony running down your veins. “I should have killed you the day I murdered your pathethic parents! Should have finished you first before I moved to your weak brother! ALL OF YOU! WEAK!” he continued. “Maybe you can watch your little brother get the same fate as your mother and father?” he moved forward towards Harry, shooting a crucio curse at him. You broke free from his controll and jumped right in front of Harry. 
It was hateful, it was powerful. You didn’t know how much hatred Voldemort had for Harry until you faced his Crucio curse intended for him. 
You opened your eyes, your body burning, shaking, your brother holding you and crying. “Don’t leave me, (y/n).” he sobbed, pressing his forehead on yours. 
You couldn’t speak. You just needed to know.
“You can’t leave me now. It’s over. We won. You’ll get healthy and- and-”
“Harry.” Hermione said gently, putting her hand on his shoulder. “She won’t make it. I’m sorry.”
“DON’T SAY THAT!” he shouted, rocking you in his arms. “You’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. I can’t lose you.”
Trying, forcing yourself to use the last bit of energy in your body. You put your hand on his cheek and gave him weak smile. “Remember, Harry.” you said, feeling blood rise up in your thorat but you forced it back down, tasting iron on your tongue. “You deserve the world. We’ll always-” you caughed, feeling drained and numb. 
“I know.” he closed his eyes shut and cried. 
Hermione was right beside you, forcing tears to stay in her eyes.’Take care of him for me.’  And it was like she could hear your thoughts, she nodded. 
She put her hand on your cheek and smiled. “It’s okay. You can let go and be with Cedric now.” 
And with that, you closed your eyes. As much as you thought that everything will get dark, you opened them to see familiar figure standing in front of you. “Cedric?”
The figure turned around, grey eyes smiling at yours. “I told you I’d wait for you.” 
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
NHS rebuilds NMJ's corpse and discovers he's a sentient fierce corpse. Now, he's making sure his brohter gets to be in his life, and stay in his life, and doting on him, while NMJ processes the lengths his brother went through both to put him back together and to salt the earth on the man who killed him.
Nie Huaisang had long ago given up all hope of getting his brother back.
When he’d found the first piece, the arm, he’d realized to his horror that not leaving his brother with an intact corpse hadn’t been enough for Jin Guangyao, he’d also mutilated his brother’s soul – his fierce, straightforward brother, whose greatest weakness was that he trusted those he loved whole-heartedly, even against his own instincts…he hadn’t deserved that. It was an unnecessary brutality whose only purpose was to further silence an already silenced man – Wei Wuxian’s writings had been very clear that once the soul was scattered, revival techniques would be ineffective.
Revenge had been all that had been left to him…or so he’d thought.
Legend said that those who died of anger could die with their last breath trapped in their throat, their consciousness trapped within their bodies by their own resentment – nothing more than a legend, Nie Huaisang had thought, until he finished sewing his brother’s head back to his body, connecting chest to neck, and suddenly the white eyes of the fierce corpse had been replaced by warm brown eyes that looked at him with recognition.
And now Nie Huaisang was here, his head pressed to the ground, his knees folded beneath him – his eyes red with tears, his throat horse from his confession. He’d never wanted his brother to know that he’d covered himself in filth, all the dirty things he’d done for his revenge, but he’d held none of it back – it had all been for Nie Mingjue’s sake, in Nie Mingjue’s name. It wasn’t what his brother would have done, though; it wasn’t really justice, it wasn’t straightforward, it was as backhanded and sly as anything Jin Guangyao would have thought up. If his brother was disappointed in him…
He was pulled up, arms unexpectedly wrapping around him.
They were cold, not warm, but for all that it was still so familiar: a little too strong, a little helpless, as though his brother was terrified of hurting him each time he held him.
“I always knew you could do it.” His brother’s voice was raspy and hoarse, sounding painful – a throat not used for years, suddenly pressed back into service. “Huaisang…you’re not a good-for-nothing.”
Had he accused himself of that? He had been, back then, just the way his brother had always said, exasperated; he’d even been proud of it, arrogant, believing that no matter what he did his brother would be there to hold up the sky for him. It was only once his brother was gone that he’d finally made something of himself…
Wait, that wasn’t what was important.
“Dage, what I did –” he said, and looked up, and then he stopped, voice failing him.
His brother was smiling.
His brother didn’t smile much, not even in life. He’d become Sect Leader far too young, bearing both that responsibility and his filial duty to avenge their father’s untimely death, and he’d been alone, without allies: the Jin preferred to play both sides, the Lan held themselves above it all, the Jiang were disinterested. On top of all that, he’d abruptly become father and mother both to Nie Huaisang, his useless younger brother who’d only known how to spend money and avoid work. He didn’t have much to smile about, not for years, and by the time the war was won, each step paid for in the blood of the disciples Nie Mingjue had personally trained, it was as if he’d forgotten how.
But he was smiling now.
“You avenged me,” Nie Mingjue said. “As I did our father.”
“The way I did it, though –”
“You did it.” There was no room for disagreement with Nie Mingjue, not when he was sure of something, and oh, how Nie Huaisang had missed his brother’s reckless, foolish certainty. “You did it for me. I will not condemn you for the weapon you chose.”
His brother had always been surprisingly eloquent, both on the battlefield and off, but he’d never needed all those fancy words with Nie Huaisang. He knew, as others did not, that Nie Mingjue had recklessly spent lives and money on a war that no one had believed he could win – all the others had been forced into it, piece by piece, the younger generation finally seeing the results of the passivity of their elders – and that war, however justified, had killed so many fathers, brothers, sons. For all that his brother was just and righteous, he hadn’t flinched at paying the butcher’s bill their father’s death required.
Stiff fingers that hadn’t moved in over a decade touched the top of Nie Huaisang’s head.
“Huaisang, however you did it, you did it, and you did it well,” his brother said. “I’m proud of you.”
The stone fell from Nie Huaisang’s heart, the confirmation he’d always longed for and convinced himself he could never get, and he burst into tears, burying his face into his brother’s neck. “Dage – dage – dage -!”
A few hours later, he wiped his eyes and nose and looked up at his brother, his brother who is back; if he had known he could get this, he would have been a thousand times more ruthless.
“Dage,” he said, still clinging to his brother. He may never let him go again. “Dage, there’s still more to be done. Before we go home…will you come with me to Yunping?”
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crowleygal · 4 years
The Dean and Amara Scene
It doesn't matter how well acted that scene was, the dialogue was next level bad. Dean has always been the character on the show who is the most adaptable. The one who was willing to find joy in the small things in life. He didn't have much but he appreciated what he had. It's why he was able to look back fondly on Christmas wreaths made of beer cans and giant slinkes. He was so appreciative of the gift Sam gave him he rarely took it off. It was why he was able to make the most out of any situation. He even managed to find a sense of peace in Pugatory. He and Benny became brohters in arms. He had the monsters there running from him. When they found the bunker, he immediately made himself at home and started nesting. Look at how much he loved being a PA. He immediately became accepted by the all crew. Or how scary well he fit into prision. He considered home, his family. Not four walls, mom, dad, 2.5 kids and the white picket fence. That was Sam's ideal of happiness. Sam was always the character looking for greener pastures Not Dean. Still when he had a chance to experince it, he made the most of it. Ben saw him as a father. He held a job, he made a home for him, Lisa and Ben. He was struggling but he was under the beleif his brother was burning in hell. But he still made the best of a bad situation. (Don't even get me started on Bobby knowing and not telling. I'll never understand this midset that its necessary to be cruel to Dean to be kind him). Not having Mary in his life wasn't stoping him from being happy. It was comsic forces constantly yanking their chain. To say that crap wasn't invented just for that scene is to ignore 14 years of Dean's history. Honestly it sounds like Perez scrolled though the Mary tag and copy and pasted it. Also in 5.16 Dean specifically tells Sam, that John and Mary's marriage wasn't perfect until after she died. So it would seem that 4 year old Dean was already aware that parents were human. Plus, Dean's memories weren't false. He had memories of her making him soup and singing to him. Not to mention his interaction with Mary in the past where she told him, 'I can't imagine a worse thing than my kids being hunters." So his impression at least had some merit. Back in season 11, she didn't bring Mary back to teach Dean a lesson. She brought her back because Dean gave her a gift and she wanted to give him one. None of this BS stuff about teaching him a lesson. Just because the writers want to ignore it, doesn't mean I have too. Dean, from the age of 4 has had trauma after trauma. Loss after loss. How does it benefit him to lose the one good childhood memory he had. How does it help him to let go of anger to find out the one person he thought loved him unconditionally, didn't? That logic makes no sense and would only serve to increase Dean's self-loathing and sense of loss. Does finding out Mary never really wanted to be a mom really change that and all to him to move forward? Isn't there multipe examples of people Dean made family before Mary showed up. Kevin, Benny, Charlie, Jody, Clair, Bobby, to name a few. The biggest example being Cas, of course. Mary's memory was a source of comfort for Dean. Its how Sam was able to reach him, when Dean had the mark. But thanks to Amara and her "gift", its just another source of bitterness and loss. So she seems as cruel as Chuck. Just in different ways. But in the end, Dean still paid the price.
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svnarintaro · 4 years
Hi! I saw the match up thing... And this is my second time doing this so I'm sorry if I sound like I'm saying nonsense.
 > anime is haikyuu (players)
 > I am a minor
 > I am straight(?) Look haikyuu girls make me question okey >:[
──── ・ ・ ・ ✦
 > I always have my hair in a bun.
 > I am short(4'9/8). Ngl but for my age this is embarrassing XD
 > my friend say I have chubby cheeks
 > I am an ambivert
 > I like to do artsy stuff like journal, eat, anything artsy, I also play badminton! And I draw.
 >Hi! I saw the match up thing... And this is my second time doing this so I'm sorry if I sound like I'm saying nonsense.
 > I like to listen to music and I don't really have a favorite song rn I just really like these song rn: bookstore girl, White lies, sway, sunkissed, and more. ( I don't have a favorite genre. I listen to anything)
 > fun facts: uhm. Im learning Japanese rn.
I'm not smart when it comes to education but I'm smart at other thing ( idk I know a lot of wierd facts.).
I have daddy issues :(.
I'm sometimes a crackhead but sometimes (actually it's not sometimes it's most of the time) I'm the really quiet one, yah know "that bitch" in the group.
I make wierd sounds when I'm flusterd. I tend to forget alot. i keep breaking my earphones >:[.
I keyboard smash when I'm flusterd. Music is my escape.
I stress eat (like I put all that chicken in my mouth when I'm stressed lol)
I'm make wierd dark remarks lol this example is based off of true events 🤣:
Me: bruh practice ur aim
Sister: I told you I don't have a Dick to do that!
Me: bitch I'll teach you how to aim bit with a knife, you'll feel it First hand.
(I don't actually mean that.)
Also I'm very weirdly extroverted when I'm on the internet. (My social anxiety stays in person lol)
I hope this was of help and if you don't want to do this I understand :) also if you need a name it's kou!
a/n: hi kou !! no gonna lie im lIVING for your vibe so fjdsljdks
from hq i match you up with..
miya osamu !!
- he may be 6 feet but honestly thats whats really cute
- he loves just looking down on you and just seeing how tiny you are
- he is so scared to hurt you in any way 
- but just assure him that he is good and he will spoil you with all the snacks your little heart desires
- like he is a PUSH OVER
- like he may be pretty rough with his brohter and really monotonous BUT 
- he loves taking care of you through food
- like if food was a love language it would be his 
- like he lives for how sassy you are
- especially with your siblings cuase he thinks it so funny and he uses it with atsumu
- he doesn’t mind how you aren’t the boldest in public cause ngl he hates being over the top 
- he doesn’t care much about grades
- like he could care less if he got a 60% or a 90%
- he is more of an introvert in my opinion
- like he loves how you can both understand that he cant really handle bing out there all the time but also pushing him out of his comfort zone every now and then
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briswriting · 4 years
DO ITTTT, im rewatching kny instead of watching the other anime i started like Free or Kuroko no Basket hahaha (i also got one my brohters to watch it with me to haha, hes now hooked) - 🍍
wAIT NO YOU NEED TO FINISH BOTH OF THOSE PLEASE THEYRE SO GOOD 😭😭 i need more people to scream about them with because no one i know watches them 😭😭
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