#Gompers the goat
selineram3421 · 1 month
⯅ or 🔼 or ⚠️
You're Off-key
Part 2
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Part 1
Reader X Gravity Falls
Warnings ⚠
⚠ some book of bill spoils, swearing, blood, mentions of dead body, everyone is aged up, haha boy bands, mention of board games ⚠
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Ohmyglobohmyglobohmyglobohmyglob! You thought as the golf cart got closer to the roadside attraction.
Then you saw a familiar goat eating a tin can, and then it turns to look at you.
Very on brand Gompers. You thought before going back to panicking again. OK BUT WHAT DO I DO NOW!?
As you continued to think of answers to multiple questions they might ask, the golf cart stopped and the two brown haired twins hopped out and stood next to you to help you out.
"Careful, we don't want you passing out again.", Dipper says and picks up your backpack, then holds a hand out for you.
"Pshh! Move over!", Mabel pushes her brother to the side. "I'm helping them! I wanna know more about our new mysterious friend!"
"Mabel! They are hurt, we have to help them down carefully!"
"Well, we need to get them into the shack quickly to bandage their still bleeding head! Have you seen the golf cart seat!? The top is all bloody!"
"Wait, what?", you say as the two continue arguing and turn around to see the top of the seat that was behind your head.
Sure enough, there is blood.
"Oh, ew.", you say and get off the cart yourself. "Hey, it's fine. I can walk on my own."
After you take a step, you immediately almost fall and the two react fast, holding you up by your arm, one on each.
"Ok, maybe I'm not as fine as I thought.", you laugh.
"What do you mean? We thought-", Mabel began.
"HEY MABEL! Didn't you have some juice in the freezer? If you don't get it out now you'll have to wait for it to unfreeze!", Dipper says quickly.
"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE RIGHT!", his sister says and pushes your weight onto her brother before rushing inside. "I'M COMING MABEL JUICE!"
Ow, my ears...
"Sorry about that.", he apologizes and walks you into the shack. "Mabel can say some random things and I didn't want her talking your ear off haha."
You are led into the kitchen and are seated on one of the yellow chairs near the table. After he walks off, you take in the cool air conditioning inside the house and sigh.
Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought? You leaned forward and rest your arms on the table before resting your head on your arms.
Did you really look that bad?
"They aren't dead Grunkle Stan!", the twin says back to the older generation twin.
"Do I have blood on my face?", you mumble to yourself.
Dipper turns back to you with gauze. "Uh, yeah? It's not that bad though.", he says smiling nervously.
I look like a dead body for sure. You sigh but don't call him out on his bluff.
"Ok Dipper.", you smile back.
As he starts to clean off some blood, Mabel then comes back from...you don't know where with an empty pitcher that has left over glitter and plastic dinosaurs in the bottom.
"I forgot to offer.", she says.
"That's fine. I still have water in my backpack.", you say.
Gauze is now starting to be wrapped around your head, then you hear someone else walk into the kitchen.
"Ok dudes, who bled on the golf cart? Cuz the cops are outside wondering if it's hot sauce.", the man, the legend, Soos asks wearing the Mr. Mystery suit.
"Soos!", Mabel says and goes over to the man after putting the pitcher in the sink. "We picked up a bleeding person that we found in the woods! AND LOOK!", she then gestures to you as Dipper finishes tying the bandage off. "They are wearing a cool sweater!"
A sweater? You look down and indeed find yourself in a zip up sweater. Ugh..no wonder it was so damn hot outside. Taking off your sweater to tie around your waist, you keep an ear perked to hear their conversation.
"Whoa, are they like a magical person?", Soos asks.
"MmMhm.", Mabel shrugs her shoulders. "We could always find out."
Nope! You stand up and then wobbly sit back down. Maybe I shouldn't get up yet.
"You ok?", Dipper asks.
"Yeah, I just wanted to get my water bottle from my backpack.", you come up with quickly.
"Oh, let me.", he says and picks up your pack and sets it on the table.
"So...", Mabel says sliding over. "Do you like boy bands?"
"Not the time-"
"Actually I do.", you respond. "I like the Front-road Guys."
"Well, do I have a story to tell!", she smiles widely.
"Oh boy..", her twin sighs.
You don't know what you started.
"Sometimes we'll still see them scampering around the woods and eating out our trash.", Mabel says as she finishes telling you about the boy band clone story.
"Wow, ok.", you say, shocked because she told you more details than what the show revealed. "That's crazy."
"Yeah, that was fun.", she smiles.
You've been introduced to Soos, and then you were given a small tour after the twins made sure you wouldn't wobble like a baby deer anymore. Now you were walking to meet the Grunkle.
I was sure the older twins were on a boat. Did they come back for the summer? That's nice. You thought and found Stan sitting in front of the t.v. wearing his house clothes.
Which is just an undershirt, boxers, and slippers.
The old man turns after Mabel says. "HI GRUNKLE STAN!"
"Who's the mummy?", he points at you and drinks from the pitt-cola can in his hand.
"The one who you thought was a dead body.", you say before the twins next to you can speak.
"Ha! Good to see you're not dead.", Stan says before turning back to watch a rerun episode of Ducktective.
Then they have you wait for something..
You're not quite sure and they sit you down at the table where the card games and some family meetings were held from what you saw in the episodes, still in the living room.
The back of your head still hurt, not bleeding from the recent check ups Mabel has been giving you but it still felt like your head was stuffed with cotton and your hearing was kinda going to shit too. You don't know how many times you've asked either twin to repeat themselves.
Maybe a nap would be good.
"And we brought them back here!", you hear Mabel say, probably going to introduce you to some other character person.
"Exactly where in the woods did you find them?", a familiar voice says.
Oh shit! It's Ford! FUCK!
You do your best to keep a straight face as you see them enter the room.
Shit. Fuck. Shit shit FUCK!
Then the author of the journals is standing in front of you with a small flashlight.
"Hello, I'm Ford. My niece and nephew probably already told you about me.", he says and kneels slightly to get to your eye level. "I'm going to run a series of tests to see how severe your concussion is."
"Oh, ok.", you reply as calmly as you could.
"Follow this flashlight with your eyes.", he says and moves it left to right.
You do so, this scenario reminding you of doctor tests that you've done once after getting hit in the head with a soccer ball during P.E.
Then the six fingered man turns the flashlight on to see how your pupils react.
Woop! Woooo.. Woop! Woooo...
You make sound effects in your head as you dilate and constrict your pupils.
Maybe I do need to take that nap...
"Sorry.", you blink and look at Ford. "I think I'm just super tired."
"Hmm..", the old twin hums and puts the flashlight away. "It's too late to go to the clinic now, why don't you stay in a spare room?", he says as he stands up.
"Oh my gosh!", Mabel smiles wide and places her hands on her cheeks. "It's a sleepover!!"
"It's not a sleepover Mabel, they are just staying here until the clinic opens.", Dipper sighs.
"Please no loud music that'll burst eardrums. I don't think it would help.", Ford says and begins to walk away towards the gift shop door.
"WAIT!", you stand up quickly and lean on the table with your hand for support. "Why let me stay?", you ask, specifically to Ford.
The man looks over his shoulder, glasses glinting from a light coming from the t.v.
"I'm a random person they-", you gesture to the younger twins. "found in the woods and know nothing about me! Frankly, if it were me, I would watch that random person like a hawk!"
You're honestly afraid. You don't know how things will turn out. Ford will do anything to protect the twins, same with Stan.
"If you were dangerous, you wouldn't be able to get too far with that head injury.", Ford replies. "You'll need to change your bandages in the morning.", he finishes and leaves the room.
He..has a point.
All you do is slowly sit back down and sigh.
I'm so tired.
"Sooo...", Mabel says as she walks over to you. "Wanna play board games?"
Well, at least the family doesn't find me as a threat. Which is good.
"Got anything stress inducing?", you smile.
You're pretty sure they still have that board game that's like Jumanji.
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~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@diffidentphantom @sleep-7372 @boredwithlifeatthispoint @mspurpl3 @gxstiess @lynkolnevans @fries11 @+?
GF List🏞️ | YO-🎹
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sorebelflower · 1 year
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188 notes · View notes
theeddyinbetween · 7 months
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dipper’s guide to the unexplained #667 “lucifer”
(no goats were sacrificed to the devil in the making of this video)
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Im SORRY?? Why is NO ONE pointing this out???
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Both Waddles and Gompers are male? Mable match made a bi couple
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nellandvoid · 5 months
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i was gonna make a less complicated intro to this oc but whoops my hand slipped!
anyway meet the wayfinder, aka diane orosco! she’s a bounty hunter who’s been traveling the multiverse for ten years by the time stanford first meets her (aka the oracle, for reasons beyond our comprehension (she loves drama) dropped him off at where she was staying when he was almost fully healed)
lucky for her, she’s been looking for him ever since she started her dimension hopping. unlucky for him, she knew a stanford in her dimension, and let’s just say things did not end very well between them!
i have so many thoughts about her which i’m uber excited to share soon
i was super proud of the coloring, so this time silhouette is under the cut, along with a shaded version
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ggoatoat · 6 months
Who is the GOAT?
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Mr. and Mx. Mystery
S1E1 - Tourist Trapped
The sun was shining in the clear blue sky as a family were having a fun day outside.
‘Ah, summer break-‘ Hank was grilling burgers for his family and his two kids Shmipper and Smabble were laughing and chasing one another, while the rest of the family sat at a picnic table. "You want cheese on that, hon?" Hank asked his wife, flipping a burger. "Sure, Hank."
‘A time for leisure, recreation, and takin' 'er easy... Unless you're me.’ 
A golf cart crashes through the "Welcome to Gravity Falls" sign with Dipper and Mabel screaming as they drove thorugh the woods. The ground shakes as something large makes it way pass trees, knocking them down. Mabel looks back toward the forest, "Aaaah!!! It's getting closer!" A giant hand tries to reach for the cart but missies as the cart files off a rock and lands as the kids swerve.
‘My name is Dipper. The girl about to puke is my sister Mabel. You may be wondering what we're doing in a golf cart fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror.’
 "Look out!" Mabel screamed as Dipper turns the wheel to the left hard, almost knocking the cart over, leaving both them screaming.
'Rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation.'
'Let's rewind. It all began when our parents decided we could use some fresh air.' Mabel gets their pet cat taken out of her hands while a video game console gets taken out of her brothers. In replace they were both given packed bags and sunscreen on their noses.
“They shipped us up north to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay at our great-uncle and auncle's place in the woods.”
Mabel begun to put up all kinds of boy band and cute posters on her side of the room. "This attic is amazing! Check out all my splinters!" Mabel holds out her hand which is covered in, all places that shouldn’t be, with splinters. Dipper walks backwards toward his bed as he gets a good look at the room they’ll staying in for the whole summer. As he does he gets jump scared by Gompers who's standing behind him, "Baaa!”
“And there's a goat on my bed."
Mabel walks over to them has she holds out her hand trying to be friendly toward the goat but he ended up chewing on her sweater sleeve, "Hey, friend. Oh! Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater. Ha ha ha ha ha!"
'My sister tended to look on the bright side of things.'
"Yay! Grass," Mabel exclaimed as she rolled down the small hill, having the "time of her life".
A woodpecker starts to peck the top of Dipper's hat. Y/N makes a gently shooing motion to make the bird fly away without looking from their book.
‘But I was having a hard time getting used to our new surroundings, our great-auncle, (Y/N), was trying to make things better by trying to bond with us and to get me to see the brighter side of things.’ 
Dipper and Y/N were sitting under a tree together, Dipper writing in a journal and Y/N reading. Y/N lightly slapped the insides of the book with the back of their fingers.
"Ok, now I think you might enjoy this book, sweet pea.” Next thing Dipper knew, his great-uncle jumped behind the tree he and his auncle were sitting under on wearing a mask, "Boo!"
Both Dipper and Y/N scream at the top of their lungs, dropping the books in their hands as Dipper falls over.
"Aha ha ha ha!" Stan laugh as he takes the mask off.
 'And then was our great-uncle Stan.' Stan slaps his knee has he takes the mask off of his head.
'That guy.'
"Aha ha ha ha, ow!" Stan started hitting his chest from laughing so hard, then he doubled over in pain as his partner punched him in the stomach.
"Stop doing that!" Y/n picked Dipper up, fixing his hat and made sure he was ok.
"It was worth it."
'Our uncle and auncle had transformed their house into a tourist trap they called the Mystery Shack. The real mystery was why anyone came.'
A coward follows the Pines couple through out the museum, their arms linked together as Stan points to attractions with his 8-ball cane, "Ladies and gentlemen, behold! The Sascrotch!"
‘And guess who had to work there.’
“Oh," Mabel reaches to touch a giant eyeball, when Stan comes over to smack her hand away.
"No touching the merchandise!"
'It looked like it was gonna be the same boring routine all summer, until one fateful day...'
Dipper was wiping down some merchandise sweeping while his Graunkle was sweeping. His sister, Mabel, was too busy stalking her latest boy target behind selves of Stan and Y/N bobble head figures.
"He's looking at it. He's looking at it!"
The boy opened the note reading it out loud, "Uh...'Do you like me? Yes. Definitely. Absolutely?'” He started looking around, trying to find the source of where the note could have come from.
"I rigged it!" She uttered excitedly has she placed her hands on her cheeks.
Dipper stopped cleaning and rolled his eyes, “Mabel, I know you're going through your whole "boy crazy" phase, but I think you're kind of overdoing it with the "crazy" part."
Mabel turned towards her brother with a disbelieve look on her face and blows a raspberry, "What?! Come on, Dipper! This is our first summer away from home. It's my big chance to have an epic summer romance."
"I agree with Dipper on his, Hon, don’t you think you're moving too fast?" (Y/N) asked, "I mean...how many boy does make now?”
"I bet she doesn't even know, she flirts with every guy she meets!" Dipper said, shrugging.
Mabel is standing next to a boy in the mystery shack, fluttering her eyes, "My name is Mabel, but you can call me the girl of your dreams. I'm joking! Ha ha ha ha!" She exclaims pushing the boy into the greeting cards display knocking him and the stand over.
Mabel then pops up from behind a bench, that has a guy sitting with his turtle in his hands, "Oh, my gosh, you like turtles? I like turtles too. What is happening here?"
Inside the mattress store, a boy dressed as the mattress king is working, "Come one, come all, to the mattress prince's kingdom of savings!"
Mabel pops out from behind a set of colorful balloons and she whispers, Take me with you..." Causing the boy to run away screaming.
"Mock all you want, brother and Graunkle, but I got a good feeling about this summer. I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams walked through that door right now." Mabel said confidently has she pointed toward the mystery shack exhibit door.
Stan walks through the door holding signs under his arm and a pitt cola in his hand. Using his other, he clutched his stomach as a burp gets caught in his throat, "Oh! Oh. Not good. Ow." 
Mabel looks at Stan in disgust, "Oh, why?!"
Dipper and Y/N laughed, high fiving each other as they do.
"All right, look alive, people. I need someone to go hammer up these signs in the spooky part of the forest." Stan said as he holds out the signs toward Y/N and the twins.
"Not it!" Dipper and Mabel say at the same time, behind them Soos raised his hand while he drilled a shelf with his other.
"Uh, also not it."
"Nobody asked you, Soos."
"I know, and I'm comfortable with that." He pulled out a chocolate bar and took a bite out of it.
Y/N can see Stan giving them a side eyed look, “No, Stan. I’m not doing the job that I told you to do!”
Stan rolls his eyes as he sighed in annoyance, he then turns towards the teenage red head, who’s relaxing on the job with her feet on the counter, reading a magazine. "Wendy! I need you to put up this sign!"
Wendy tries to reach for the signs from where she's sitting, with a bored expression on her face not looking up from her magazine, "I would, but I, ugh, can't, ugh, reach it, ugh..."
"I'd fire all of you if I could. All right, let's make it eeny-meeny-miney..." Stan then points his finger at Dipper, "You."
"Aw, what? Grunkle Stan, whenever I'm in those woods, I feel like I'm being watched."
"Ahh, this again." Stand begins to rub the corners of his eyes as Y/N gave him a light hit on his shoulder.
"I'm telling you, something weird is going on in this town. Just today, my mosquito bites spelled out "BEWARE." Stan and Y/N leaned in closer to Dipper’s arm, both squinting their eyes. After looking at it for a couple of seconds Stan leaned back up, looking at Dipper, confused.
"That says 'bewarb.’” As he said this, Y/N gently grabbed Dipper’s arm and examined the bites. “Do you believe me, Graunkle Y/N?” Y/N shook their head, letting go of his arm.
”Oh, Sorry. I was just seeing if that needed to have cream put in it. It’s looks bad, Sweet pea.” Dipper then lowers his arm in embarrassment and rubs the bites.
“Anyway, look, kid.” Stan voices, “The whole "monsters in the forest" thing is just local legend drummed up by guys like us to sell merch to guys like that," Stan pointed to a man sweating like there was no tomorrow laughing at a bobble head Stan doll in his hands. "So, quit being so paranoid!" He then threw the signs into Dipper's arms. Fumbling with them, Dipper looked up at his uncle in annoyance.
Watching Stan leave through employees only door, Y/N sighed. Crouching down to meet Dipper’s height, Y/N placed a hand on Dipper’s shoulder. Dipper didn't make eye-contact with them.
”Hey, don’t let Stan get under your skin, alright? If you say there’s something going on, maybe, you could look for evidence to rub in his mean face."
Dipper sighed and nodded his head, "Yeah...Yeah! Grunkle Stan might not know it but this town had some weird stuff going on and I'm gonna prove it!" Dipper grips the signs tighter has he marches out of the shack toward the woods. Y/N stood back up, cracking their back, "Oof! Stupid old body." Taking a look around they noticed that Mabel was no where to be found, signing again they crossed their arms over their chest and walking through the employee only door. In there, they found Stan in the kitchen finishing his Pitt soda.
"He's gonna found out about this place eventually, you do know that right?" Stan groaned, taking a long drink from the can. He waved his finger in 'no' motion, bringing the can down from his mouth. "You don't think I know that, toots? Boy seems too smart for his age," he leans on the kitchen table muttering the last part of his sentence under his breathe. "Almost like someone else we know."
Y/N slowing walked over to the table and leaned on it next to Stan, rubbing his back. "I know, that's why I think we should be honest with them. To protect them from all this crazy stuff this place has going on. If we keep lying-" Stan cuts Y/N off.
"If we keep lying, we can keep them away from it." Stan gets up and walks out the kitchen to go upstairs, you turn your gaze to your feet. Thinking about how you could tell the kids about everything in this town, but a part of you didn't. It felt too soon, so you decided to wait until maybe they trusted you and Stan a little more. You groaned in annoyance, rolling your eyes. Opening the freezer, you grabbed a popsicle walking out of the kitchen to sit on the couch outside.
Some time passed, but you don’t know how long as you were sitting there lost in thought, until the front door slammed next to you. It was Mabel and she looks excited as ever.
“Hey Graunkle! I’m going to see if I can find Dipper, ok bye!" Mabel screamed as she started running toward the woods, you didn't even get a chance to understand what she was saying. And you didn’t have to think about it because pulling up to the front of the shack was a tour bus, you stood up, crushing the stick of the popsicle in your mouth.
After Y/N and Stan finished the tour, you two went upstairs. You rubbed the back of your neck, "Hey, you're not like mad about earlier, right?" Stan chuckled under his breath, turning to face you.
"Why would I be mad at ya? You just care for those rascals." You smiled, you both turned toward the stairs having heard the twins return. You walked over to Stan as you wrapped an arm around his waist and he wrapped his around your shoulder, hip to hip. “Now, let’s go see what those two are up too.”
You gave him a hard kiss on his cheek, giggling. Stan laughed, “Ugh, gross.” You both walked done the stairs laughing. As you got closer, you could hear the twins talking about something. Then you see Mabel rush to the door as you and Stan stood at the door way of the living room.
”What you readin' there, slick?”
Dipper quickly hides the journal under the cushion he was sitting under and grabs the nearest thing he can find. ”Oh! I was just catchin' up on, uh… gold chains for old men magazine?”
“Dipper don't read that, it'll rotten you.” Stan playfully pushed Y/N, laughing. They both walked over to stand behind the love sofa. “What?! That’s a good issue and you like my gold chains!”
You wagged your finger at him, smirking, ”I don’t know who told you that lie.” Just as you said that Mabel came back but she was with someone. He was taller than her, wearing a back hoodie and his back was facing the room.
”Hey, family! Say hello to my new boyfriend!” Mabel presented him as he turned around. His hair was covering one of his eyes and he had some red substance dripping from his cheek. He waved his hand halfway up in a greeting. ”Sup?”
”Hey…” Dipper greeted him first then Stan and you both at the same time.
”How's it hangin'.” Stan threw up finger guns.
“Hello.” You lazily waved at him.
“We met at the cemetery. He's really deep.” She then placed an hand on his arm, squeezing it a bit. “Ooh! Little muscle there. That’s… what a surprise.” Dipper raised his eyebrows, examining this new guy his sister brought in, ”So, what's your name?”
Almost as if pains him to speak he answers the question, ”Uh Normal Man!”
“He means "Norman.” As Mabel corrects him, Y/N noticed the red substance on his check dripping to the floor.
“Are you bleeding, Norman? We could patch that cut up for you?” 
Norman’s eyes widened as he looks at the liquid on his face. ”It's jam.”
Mabel gasped has she lightly shoved him. “Oh! I love jam! Look at this!” She exclaimed moved her hands back and forth between them. Norman shrugged as he looked around, ”So, you wanna go hold hands or whatever?”
”Oh! Oh, my goodness. Don't wait up!” Mabel giggled, bouncing up and down. She then runs towards the door Norman shoot finger guns at the others in the room and followed Mabel, hitting the doorframe and other walls in the process.
Y/N looked around the room at the others, "Well, he was weird. Right?" You saw Dipper nodding his head slowly, gaze focused on where Norman stood.
"Yeah," Stan began, he than clapped his hands and started making his was to the gift shop, "Come on, angel cakes, we got a shack to run!" Y/N ruffled Dipper's hair through his hat and started making their way towards the door, before they opened it they turned to look at Dipper.
"Hey bud, you alright?" They didn't get an answer cause he was already making his way up the stairs. Y/N signed, made sure they looked presentable, fixing their suit and little butterfly pin, and went through the door.
Y/N was stocking inventory as Stan handled the last group of tourists, you hummed thinking to yourself on where the twins could be. Finishing up your task you walked over to where Stan was with the guest.
Stan holds up a swirly pattern on a stick, pulls the string and rotates into a continuous spiral, "Behold! The world's most distracting object!"
The group of tourist was amazed at the simple object, Y/N rolled their eyes at the crowd. Looking passed the all to look through the window seeing the twins and some kind of giant monster. You stood there, mouth agape, your gaze not leaving the the window. Y/N reached out to tap on Stan's shoulder.
"Just try to look away you can't! I can't even remember what I was talkin' about." You groaned and ran outside, seeing the kids about to get hit by a giant fist. You ran towards them and grabbed them. Resulting in you all rolling until you hit the wall of the shack. The twins landed safely but you rolled until you hit the wall with your back, knocking the air our of your lungs.
Dipper was able process what happened to them quickly, he shuffled over to Y/N. Shaking their shoulder, "Graunkle!? Are you ok?" Before you could catch your breath and answer, the monster, which you now see is made of tiny men, gets closer.
"It's the end of the line, kids and weird person that came out of nowhere. Mabel, marry us before we do something crazy!" The one sitting all the way at the top spoke out. The twins each take a side by you, Dipper holding your shoulder and Mabel holing your hand. Dipper turned his hard to look at his sister, "There's gotta be a way out of this!"
Mabel looked from you to her brother with a worried expression. She them closed her eyes and, sighed through her nose. Letting go of Y/N's hand, she stood up and walked towards the gnomes. "I gotta do it."
Dipper's eyes widen, he stood and walked over to his sister, "What?! Mabel, don't do this! Are you crazy?"
Mabel looks back with a determined look on her face, "Trust me." Dipper shook his head and threw his arms up.
"Dipper, just this once Trust me."
You grabbed Dipper by his shoulder, making him turn towards you, "Dipper, I don't know what the hell is going on, but your sister seems like she knows what to do..." Dipper looked back and forth between you, his sister and the pile of gnomes. Walking backward toward the wall, he nodded.
"All right, Jeff, I'll marry you."
"Hot dog! Help me down there, Jason!" Jeff starts to climb down using the other gnomes as a ladder. "Thanks. Andy, left foot, there we go, watch those fingers, Mike." When he makes it to stand in front of Mabel, he pulls out a diamond ring from his back pocket. "Ehh? Ehh?" Mabel's eyes flutter as she presents her hand towards Jeff, he then puts the ring on her finger and does a little jig. "Bada-Bing, bada-bam! Now let's get you back into the forest, honey!"
"You may now kiss the bride." Mabel says as she examined the ring on her finger.
"Well, uh, don't mind if I do." Before he could so anything, he gets sucked into the nozzle of a leaf blower that's Mabel picked up without him seeing.
"Aah! Hey, wait a minute! Ahh-aahh Whoa! Whoa! W-what's going on? Aah! Aaah!"
"That's for lying to me!" She then turned the know on the leaf blower, increasing the power. "That's for breaking my heart!"
"Ow! My face!"
"And this is for messing with my brother!" She then aims the leaf blower toward the gnome monster, Dipper coming to stand next to her. She turned to him, gesturing the leaf blower toward him.
"Wanna do the honors?" She asked Dipper, he came to her side grabbing half of the leaf blower, "On three."
"One, two, three!" They both counted, shifting the leaf blower from 'suck' to 'blow'. Blasting Jeff through the other gnomes and towards the forrest.
"I'll get you back for this!!!!!" He screams as he sails over the trees. Meanwhile the giant monster falls apart as the gnomes fall to the ground. They all start complaining until Mabel starts aiming the leaf blower at them, making them all run away.
"Anyone else wants some?" Mabel screams, the twins laugh for a bit until the turn around, hearing their Graunkle trying to get up. They both run to take one of your sides, helping you up. "Thanks, kids. I don't know you two got in a mess like this but I'm just glad its over."
Mabel rubs you back looking up at you, "Are you gonna be ok Y/N." You chuckled, ruffling both of their heads, "Just peachy, gonna need my pillow though. Are you two alright?" They looked at each other smiling then back up to you, nodded. You smiled and started making your way towards the gift shop door, looking behind you, you called out towards the twins. "You coming?"
Dipper was about to answer, but Mabel stopped him, "We'll be there soon, I gotta talk to Dip-stick real quick." You nodded once more, not having the strength to speak again and went inside.
Inside you found Stan who was counted some of the earnings for the day. Y/N walked over and place their hands on the counter.
"Whoa?! The hell happened to you?" You mouthed, 'I'll you later' as the twins came dragging themselves in. Y/N nodded their head towards the beaten up looking twins, eyeing Stan.
"Sheesh! You two get hit by a bus or somethin'?" Not paying Stan too much attention they continued towards the employee only door.
"Aha! Uh, hey! W-wouldn't you know it? Um, Y/N accidentally overstocked some inventory, so how's about each of you take one item from the gift shop on the house?"
Mabel spun around with a twinkle in her eyes, "Really?
"What's the catch?" Dipper asked as he folded his arms and raised his eyebrow, staring his Uncle down.
“The catch is do it before I change my mind. Now take something.” Stan exclaims has he elbows the cash register placing the money inside, rolling his eyes playfully at you as you laughed. You walked over to stand next to Stan, him taking one of your arms and helping you lean on him. You both watched the kids look around the ship. Dipper chose one of the merch hats, slipping it on his head and looked at himself in the mirror.
"Hmm. That oughta do the trick."
“And I will have a Grappling hook!” Digging into box Mabel pulls out the grappling hook and holds it over her head in excitement. “Yes!”
You smile and gently clap your hands, encouraging her, while Stan and Dipper look at her then each other in disbelief and confusion. As they look back at her again Stan ask, “Wouldn't you rather have a doll or something?”
She then proceeds to launch the hook toward the ceiling, the hook then wraps around a beam, pulling her up in the process, “Grappling hook!”
Stan shrugged, "Fair enough."
Y/N knocked on the attic door, waiting until the twins gave permission for them to enter. You opened the door, peeking inside, you notice Mabel jumping on her bed and Dipper with his knees up a book or something laying on them.
"You two ready for bed?" Dipper nodded as Mabel shouted a 'Yes', not stopping her jumping. You laughed, "Well, I hope you too had a good day today."
"It was awesome, Graunkle," Mabel yelled. She stopped jumping and began to aim her grappling hook all around the room, trying to see where to shoot. "Ok, just be careful with that, sweetie."
She nodded as you were about to close the door, Dipper called out to you.
"Wait, um, don't you want like... I don't know some kind of explanation after what happened today?" You chuckled, shaking you head.
"Dipper, I've lived in this weird town for many years. I don't really need one." The expression on his face lighten up, looking as happy as can be. "Well, if that's the case, maybe..." He stops him self looking over to his sister who's nodding at him.
"Maybe, we can show yo-" Before he could finish his sentence you all heard Stan calling out your name, you signed.
"Don't worry about him, I'll get to him later. Now, what were you saying, Dipper." You looked back at him, his expression full with concern. He looked down at his lap, "Never mind... It's nothing."
Y/N frowned looking at the ground, "Ok, sweeties, hope you have a goodnight." And with that you closed their room door.
As you started to make your way down the stairs you heard a crash and laughing come from the twins room. You straighten out your PJs, decided not to question what they were up too. Crossing the final step, you made it back downstairs into the living room. You started humming some tune you couldn't remember as you made your way to the vending machine. You hit the side a couple of times, making the door of it pop open, grabbing a bag of chips.
A light came from outside the gift shop, until the door opened reveling Stan carrying a lantern. "You better pay for that," He nudged Y/N joking. You rolled your eyes, as he typed on the vending machines keypad. The machine slides open like a door, Stan walked in with you following behind him.
Before you closed it behind you, you turned and looked around to making sure you were alone. Seeing that you both were, Y/N closed the machine with a soft click.
Episode 2 ->
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can...can we have a bit more of a detailed story on gravity falls x plant monster reader??? like...i dont know...Mabel trying to feedvit sugar (does not end well) or where do they come from...or even better, SLOOOOOOWLY growing back to their original size
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Gravity Falls x reader part two I used different pronouns, Twoey has no gender. I used he/it/she/they. Gender is irrelevant.
After being shrunk by the shrink ray living back in the Mystery Shack was definitely…different. Stan wasn’t someone I cared too much about, it wasn’t hate or anything. Maybe it was hunger, I mean since Ford stopped letting me drink him dry, and those two being twins their blood must be the same.
Then there was that idiot Soos, tried to kill me with some kinda dry meat. Almost choked to death on. That red head wasn’t irrelevant to me, she seemed harder to manipulate. Then thing one and thing two, Dipper and Mabel. Now if I could just get close to that sweaty boy that would be my ticket out of here.
That kid wanted the red head, and being the mean green mother I am. Who’s to say I couldn’t help a bit with that?
“Boop.” I turn my head to face thing two.
“Are you from Earth?” She puts another sticker on the pot that contains me.
“Course not, you think this planet could make something like me? I’m the best thing you’ll ever see sugar.” Mabel wasn’t the worst, nor best. Something that kept me busy.
“So how’d you get here?”
“An eclipse.” She then put stickers on herself and nods.
“Do you have family? Siblings? Kids? Uh, a grunkle?”
“All alone, but you could fix that. Maybe you just sneak me some more of that kinda red-hot treats, I crave.”
“Mabel, do not listen to that thing. It’s just trying to get big so it can eat us.” So thing one speaks, guess it’s a starter. Mabel turns to Dipper and puts a sticker on him.
“Grunkle Ford said I’m in charge of…” She pauses and turns back to me.
“Use whatever you feel like green bean.” She smiles and turns back to him.
“Of them, so that means Grunkle Ford trusts me.”
“He does not, he just told you that so you wouldn’t whine. He put me in charge of both of you.”
“Well I’m older so.” She blows raspberries at him.
“Real mature Mabel.” I go back to watching the window. More specifically Gomper the goat or whatever he’s called. I’ll eat him first when I get big enough. After a bit Mabel calls for me.
“Y/n?” I turn back around.
“How’d you meet Grunkle Ford?” The question gets Dipper’s attention and he starts to listen.
“At a store, called Mushnik's Flower Shop, long gone by now. Some idiot bought me, brought me there to take care of me. Kid failed so he was a gonna throw me out. Ford said he’d take it, bought me for $1.99.”
“Then what?” Dipper asks.
“Sucked at it, then he cut his hand and it was fate. Speakin of food, I’m hungry.”
“Oh, uh well Grunkle Ford said not to feed you at all.” Mabel says. My color pales, death like, my leaves welt and crumble. My head falls forward as if I died.
“OH MY GOD I KILLED IT!” Mabel screams and runs to Dipper and shakes his body back and forth.
“MABEL! MABEL!” He screams back trying to get her to stop. She screams and starts crying.
“MABEL! LOOK AT ME!” She stops and looks at him.
“The journal says that he’s able to change to look like they’re “dead”. It’s okay, it’s faking.” She breaths in and out slowly.
“It just wants you to feed it so they get big, and bigger till it can reproduce and take over the world.”
“And what do we now?” He shrugs.
“Nothing? It’s like a tantrum I guess?”
“Well do we ignore it? That’s what they say to do on tv.”
“We’ll do that then.”
The door to the mystery shack opens and Ford walks in with Stan. Ford looks over at me and rolls his eyes.
“Really? Faking your own death?” Ford picks up the pot and goes downstairs. I brighten up and try to nip his fingers. He sighs and sets me down on the desk.
“The only thing you’re eating is artificial blood made from-.”
“Feed me!” Ford grabs a baby bottle and looks over at me. If I had eyes I’d be rolling them right now.
“Please.” He then gives me the bottle and holds it.
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(Tw) spitting food out, and throwing up, just says you did it. Not described.
Ford gave everyone a list of Rules when it came to y/n
No feeding Y/n, don’t give y/n blood, do not put body parts near Y/n, don’t eat or put food near Y/n and so forth. Did anyone listen? No. No they didn’t. Leading to multiple cases of plant spit everywhere.
First was Soos, with Beef Jerky.
“Hey little dude.” I look over at Soos.
“What’s that?” He lifts up the bag and reads it.
“Which is?”
“Meat, I’d give you some but Ford said not to.”
“Aw come on, I’m starvin. Just a bite? No harm. Ain’t gotta tell anyone.”
“I dunno dude-.” I grab the bag and dump the whole thing in my mouth. After a few seconds I start choking and spit it out all over the floor including Soos.
Then was Dipper, which was surprising. He walks in the shack with some chips. It wasn’t much of a conversation since I just grabbed the bag and ate it.
“Oh my god- oh my god- Great Uncle Ford’s gonna kill me- oh my god- we’re all gonna die- oh no-.” I then spit it all over Dipper and the floor.
“Give me something good to eat!”
“MY MOUTH WAS OPEN-.” Dipper runs to the bathroom.
Then was Wendy, well almost. She caught me before I could get it. After those incidents Ford got stricter with the no food. Did that stop me? No. Why would it?
Mabel came down to the basement with Dipper to see Ford. Mabel had walked over to me. The other two not paying attention, and Dipper being well Dipper he accidentally tumbles into Mabel. Her snack of Smile Dip flys into the air, I open my mouth as they yell no.
As it lands in my mouth, I swallow it whole.
“Oh god I’m so sorry Mabel.”
“It’s okay, see nothing happened.”
“Huh, usually they spit it out right away. I guess I never tried to feed them such a sugary food.”
“I really am sorry.”- And that was the last time I ate human food and the last time people didn’t listen to Ford.
“MY MOUTH WAS OPEN AGAIN!!!!” They all run upstairs. That night Ford had to give me two bottles of blood due to how sickly I had actually looked and felt.
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summerrosie08 · 24 days
MABEL PINES: The eccentric, excitable, crafty and still scrapbooking 60-something year old. She is the owner of the ‘Mystery Crafts’ where she creates sweaters, crafts, fake (or real..?) attractions and sweets! She has a degree in Art, and used to be a teacher in Piedmont California before getting fired and moving up to Gravity Falls Oregon to live with her brother in the early 80s. After a year with Mabel living with her brother, he mysteriously died in a car accident. Mabel seemed distraught and to keep paying for the shack’s mortgage opened the tourist trap ‘Mystery Crafts.’
DIPPER/MASON PINES: The stern, quiet, egotistical and nerdy 60-something year old author. After graduating college Dipper moved up to Gravity Falls Oregon to seek a more quiet life where he could get his research done. His old-college friend Candy Chiu followed after him wanting a quiet life too, and learning of the anomalies Dipper had found. Dipper and Candy were seen less and less by the town as they worked on their ‘projects’ a few years down the line. He began to put his studies into journals, even after Candy and him spilt. When Mabel moved in he was seen less and less by society as Mabel did his errands for him. One day while disassembling his biggest project, Mabel and him got into a huge fight. They had activated the portal on accident, Dipper was then sucked into it and since it wasn’t fully put together was unable to come home until thirty years later.
STANLEY PINES: The loud, curious and pickpocketing twelve year old. Sent to Gravity Falls Oregon from Glass Shard Beach New Jersey to stay with his Grauntie Mabel. Stanley had wanted to stay home, but since his father wanted to teach his kids to be more ‘independent’ he was sent to Gravity Falls. Trying to become accustomed to the new place Stanley had found a wild baby goat while exploring the woods, along with a journal with a Pine tree..
STANFORD PINES: The quiet, curious, and nerdy twelve year old bookworm. Who came along with his brother to live with his Grauntie Mabel for the Summer. Always trying to solve mysterious or having his head stuck in a book, while his brother was off exploring the woods he sat by a tree and began reading. Noting the strangeness of this town. Until his brother came back, not only with a wild baby goat he had named Gompers. But with a blue journal with a pine tree on the front, he had found in the woods.
CANDY CHIU: The deranged, psychotic and dissociated psych-ward patient (Takes half of Fiddle-ford’s place) Having grown up in California, moving to Gravity Falls Oregon with her best-friend she had made in college had been a dream. She had assisted him on his many projects, and he had assisted her with her projects as well. But when an unexpected accident occurred causing Candy to view another dimension from a portal-eyed view. She immediately quit, saying she couldn’t help Dipper anymore. As she left her work and Dipper behind. She slowly began going insane. Whether it be not talking, blinking oddly, muttering weird words or screaming she was eventually thrown into a psych ward after another incident.. She was visited by Dipper monthly after that, receiving flowers from him before his ‘death’
BILL: The demonic and evil triangle that had befriended Dipper (HIM AND DIPPER HAD NO ROMANTIC RELATIONS OR CRUSHES ON EACH OTHER. THEIR RELATIONSHIP WAS MORE AS FRIENDS BECAUSE DIPPER STRUGGLED WITH TALKING TO PEOPLE AND MAKING TJEM) trying to bring the nightmare realm to Earth. After Dipper found out his true intentions after the Candy incident he immediately stopped the building of his project. This enraged Bill as their friendship ended.. But Bill wanted revenge from Dipper’s betrayal..
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possibly-evil · 7 days
ok im kinda getting into relativity falls rn so here's my au or version of it or whatever. (for those who don't know, its basically the same plot except the character ages and roles are swapped.)
Dipper - Ford
Mabel - Stan
Soos - Abuelita (i don't know if she actually has a cannon first name)
Wendy - Manly Dan (In this he's just Boyish Dan)
Fiddleford - Pacifica
Robbie - Greg (his father. his mother, Janice, is replaced with Tambry.)
Gideon - Ted
Things about this:
Mabel was able to swap with Dipper without suspicion because Dipper is a trans man, and only began transitioning in the portal.(however, Mabel knew about this before he went in.)
The Mystery Shack is mostly the same, but there are a lot more bright colors and homemade crafts.
Instead of Stan getting a pet pig, he gets a pet goat instead. (Waddles already lives at the shack, he takes the place of Gompers.)
Ford gets a crush on Boyish Dan (since he takes the role of the Wendy character), and this was basically his A W A K E N I N G
bill cipher is the same lol
Fiddleford is rich, but he's still a nerd like how he is in the show.
Dipper does not have six fingers, so he uses his Pinetree trademark on the journal.
Ford's hat was custom made for him by Mabel, and it has six fingers. she's also started selling them in the shop, but Ford is the only one we really see wearing it. (He isn't as attached to it as Dipper was in the show, but he still wears it a lot.)
Boyish Dan's friend group is Blubs, Durland, Greg, Tad, and Janice.
Candy and Grenda are now Susan and... idk. help me out.
that mostly it for now I think. I might do fan art later
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splendorofnobility · 17 days
As a big fan of GF and the Relativity Falls AU, I ended up thinking over how to alter some of the plotlines to have it fit the stans better than just "the character they're taking the place of". This is only for episodes where I feel one character already has more of a focus, with the exception of the first episode. This is what I have currently, but I'd be glad to continue this if people find it interesting, and I'd love to hear people's thoughts.
Tourist Trapped is pretty similar, though I see Ford, who's still on the excitement kick of both finding the journal and seeing what he's convinced as an actual zombie, as the one to get himself into trouble by trying to do some snooping and accidentally stumbling into the gnome's territory. (Just so we're clear, Ford absolutely picks up the grappling hook since Stan is scared of heights. Why does Mabel have those in her store? I dunno. Why did Stan)
As someone who is a fan of the "Bill and Gideon swap" concept for this AU, while he's still a fraud of a pre-teen who's using things he finds in the journal (instead of an amulet of telekinesis, his power source gives him pseudo pyrokinesis), Bill is more of a stage magician than a psychic in his performances. Ford doesn't completely buy it, but he does end up spending the day with him as a peer who enjoys more quiet and anomaly related hobbies than his brother. Aside from that, though, it gets pretty similar to how it already is.
Episode 6 is an interesting one to me, because I could see an interesting take on it for either twin (Ford trying to be a more "conventional" man to stop being reliant on Stan to fight for him and coming to the realization that "manliness" doesn't mean an inability to ask for help, or Stan trying to adopt and instead hating and rejecting a rather toxic masculinity type of life). Really, pick whichever.
As the last for now, Stan wins Gompers the goat from the carnival, but a science fair competition at the same event ends up with Ford taking second to Fiddleford due to unforeseen circumstances. His pride refuses to take second, so he ends up rewinding time to attempt to win, but after realizing that if he wins his brother loses the first friend that isn't him he's had, he swallows his pride and rewinds again to concede in the competition so his brother can have Gompers.
I'm not saying these are all perfect, but they've been running through my mind and I thought I'd throw them out there for anyone who's as into this AU as I am.
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ratsbanes · 2 months
the fan theory that Gompers was being used by bill to spy on the pines which we thought was a little dumb because that's just how goats eyes look was proven to be partially true. huh
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tornrose24 · 2 months
Was recalling Bill saying that he has an easier time possessing goats because of their eyes in TBoB. Then recalled that there’s a goat on the Mystery Shack property.
Then saw that Mabel forces said goat into marrying Waddles the pig. So now I wonder if Bill really did possess Gompers and accidentally got married to Waddles.
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lorebird · 20 days
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I’m throwing my own top hat into the ring with a . Human? Bill design
I remembered the old theory that bill was controlling Gompers the goat and used it as an excuse for devil imagery <3 and I like the idea that he’s just not very good at approximating a human
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ggoatoat · 6 months
Who is the GOAT?
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Stan got Gompers when a guy tried to pay for a tour of the Mystery Shack with a baby goat. And Simon begged Stan to keep them
Stan swears up and down that he only kept the guy cause Simon begged him to. The truth is that Stan fell in love with him the second he got dumped into his arms, and Simon didn’t actually realized they had a new pet for two days
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