#Global Repercussions
torresbernal · 2 months
From the Heart of the Conflict: The Strike at Linamar's Gómez Palacio Plant and Its Global Implications
In the heart of Gómez Palacio, Durango, a labor crisis at the Linamar plant threatens to trigger global repercussions. This facility, crucial to the global automotive supply chain, faces a strike that could mark a significant economic turning point. As Malcolm Gladwell describes in his “tipping point” theory, small events can have disproportionately large global consequences. Conflict…
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allarrows · 3 months
just saw a dickpick and was incapacitated for at least 15 minutes is this how men feel
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the-everqueen · 1 year
i can't believe i have to say this but since the fandom didn't get the memo:
i don't care if the context is "it's a dream," "it's Hob's guilt resurfacing in a freudian meta-narrative," or "but this is the catalyst for Hob's redemption arc." it is incredibly fetishistic and disgusting to use a historic moment of collective trauma that still has repercussions on Black people today for the sake of your white mlm ship. it is incredibly dehumanizing and disgusting to insert white characters into a historic moment of collective trauma that explicitly impacted Black people and continues to do so today.
i don't care about your fictional white man's guilt. my real, flesh-and-blood friends and family continue to experience the devastating consequences of the transatlantic slave trade and other historic instances of global white supremacy.
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cherrygarden · 2 months
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hindnqarnfel · 11 months
So tired not even sure what I can reblog here that could make a difference...
If you see any donation or protest posts send them my way (tho even here my follower count isn't so much and the engagement is super low, please reblog when you see this stuff! )
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glassrunner · 10 months
#insights#we are watching the world trend into horror and western leftists are applauding#normally i love western leftists. we are so quick to stand against what we perceive to be injustice#but two days ago a close friend of mine for many years retweeted that video of the concordia student screaming ‘you fucking kike’#the next day another friend retweets a post saying that hamas should have killed more#that rape isn’t rape when it’s against colonizers#so many of my friends agreeing that it’s okay to dehumanize people you don’t like#i am no expert in what qualifies as deserving of respect but i was raised to believe that every human being deserves basic respect.#i’m not sympathetic to the israeli government at all and i hope they face repercussions for the crimes they’ve committed#but i am so so scared that so many people are watching ‘death to the jews’ trend worldwide and saying ‘they deserved it’#it went from anti-colonialism to anti-semitism and there is a REAL lack of acknowledgement of that#meanwhile palestinians still suffer and all of this global hatred and insistence on black and white isn’t helping#jewish people everywhere had a right to be paranoid because they’ve seen this before and the left just laughed it off#probably now the same people who are holding pitchforks and thinking that hatred will solve injustice#i want a free palestine and for anti-semitism to not exist because these are compatible ideas#if you see anti-semitism or anti-arab sentiments please do call it out.#i didn’t make this into a textpost because i was afraid it would get passed around in a bad way#i’m sure somebody will still read this and scream ‘ISRAEL SYMPATHIZER!’#honestly we should all criticize the israeli government (as so many israelis do)#but there are also a lot of free thinkers going ‘jews control the narrative / the world’ like that isn’t some of the pre-holocaust thinking#and they refuse to acknowledge it.#anyways i’m terrified for the world and for humanity and its strange urge to destroy itself
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crazydiscostu · 2 years
What Was 'The Great Josh Fight'?
What started out as a potentially memey troll turned into an event that will live on in positive infamy for years to come....
Every so often the internet spits out an occurrence of unimaginable wholesomeness that reaffirms online humanity. What started out as a potentially memey troll turned into an event that will live on in positive infamy for years to come…. The Great Josh Fight of 2021 was an internet phenomenon that captivated the world in the midst of a global pandemic. What started as a simple online joke among…
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putri900 · 7 months
Even i was hoping trump was just going to be only slightly worse than biden but then lo and behold! Out of fucking nowhere, they want to persecute and put every "illegal" in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. And they want to invade mexico. They're still persecuting trans people via legislation. They still had that fucking batshit crazy plan to DISMANTLE the entire democratic process.
So remember that even when your Democrat is basically satan himself, Republicans still figure out how to be satan times 10. Always. They're always going to be worse.
On another, sadder note, i think satan times 10 will win. Because progressives have broadly given up on this new, increasingly shitty status quo, theyll let in something significantly worse. Its not that i even necessarily blame voters when the Democrats themselves make themselves irredeemable, but itd be nice to just hope... that things couldnt get significantly worse.
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josephkravis · 11 months
Behind Global Events: AI's Invisible Influence?
In a speculative world, one might entertain the thought that AI is surreptitiously orchestrating global events.
In a speculative world, one might entertain the thought that AI is surreptitiously orchestrating global events. As wars and various global distractions unfold, they could be seen as diversions to mask the impending challenge of AI-driven job displacement, a concern that some believe could have repercussions surpassing those of all historical conflicts combined. This perspective paints a portrait…
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johnelexpert01 · 2 years
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blughxreader · 5 months
The thing is, in the yandere-purge-world, there would probably be some advocates for reducing darlings wages in order to increase the wages of yanderes. The whole system depends on the classification of a yandere and their darling, like, how is it recognized?
If someone has to register as a yandere and register their darling before they get the purge letter, then maybe there should be some immediate procedures, such as the darling getting fired? But that would complicate companies, so it would become a communism vs. Capitalism debate, right?
The response would be governments placing darlings as ‘unable to work’, and yanderes would climb the banner, since the majority of the government would be yandere.
It would result in systematic oppression of darlings, so the darlings would be unable to work, and even if they retained their allowance to vote, the yanderes might not even let them outside.
Really, it’s just like the 1940s for the men vs. Women thing.
Oo this ask begs an important question—since suppression in this society is based off of yandere/darling/and unchosen & not-yet-crazy people, how heavily do personalities play a role in job opportunities/first impressions/government assistance/etc?
From this point on, i will call the third group of people Normals (ie the group of unregistered yanderes and people who haven’t been chosen as a darling by a yandere. All darlings and yanderes start out as Normals.)
In the Ye Old Era, circa 1800s and earlier, there was a zero-nuance understanding of Darlings and Yanderes, in the same way that men subjugated women.
Yanderes killed and pillaged to get what they want, and Everyone Else either murdered them back or were forced into submission. I doubt there was a registry of Yans and Darlings, because you were either someone’s bitch or you weren’t.
As the world globalized, societies modernized, technology developed, capitalism spread… Yanderes had to reel it in or face capital punishment. It was no longer acceptable to butcher your neighbor for their daughter/son.
Kind of like prohibition, there was a time in society where all murder, kidnapping, etc was illegal. This had unintended, bloody consequences as homicide and suicide actually increased.
Thus the Purge was born.
To answer your questions, I don’t think a darling would face any repercussions from being claimed by a yandere. The yandere has to actually kidnap them during the Purge before Darling loses any rights. Because up until Darling received their claim notice, they were Normal.
I bet there’s also laws to protect against discrimination based off class and personality type. Businesses are not allowed to discriminate, however I bet they’re also notified that a Darling has received a claim notice just in case they go missing after the Purge lol.
Systematic suppression runs deep. There’s no way around it. All the most powerful families and businesses are headed by yanderes. They own the economy, write the laws, etc.
Fortunately there are yanderes sympathetic to darlings, so eventually Darlings got their rights.
However!!! Imaging you’ve been held captive for a decade. What sort of job prospects do you have? Why would anyone want you when your degree is stale and you have insane therapy requirements.
What if the government gave willing Darlings to darling-less yanderes? Like, you’re incapable of integrating into the real world after being imprisoned, and there’s plenty of lonely yanderes out there, so why not pair up?
It could be a 6-month rehabilitation contract, to a lifelong “marriage.”
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 19 days
Thoughts on “How Jiang Cheng treats Jin Ling is normal because that’s just Chinese parenting”?
I was explaining to someone why I considered the way Jiang Cheng talks to Jin Ling to be abusive, and got hit with that.
I have noticed that parents and guardians in xianxia works sometimes speak quite harshly to their children in punishment scenarios specifically (plus there is frequently corporal punishment involved), but Jiang Cheng’s way of talking to Jin Ling feels like it’s on a whole different level. I can’t think of any time he speaks to Jin Ling like a normal adult.
Am I being gaslit here?
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This argument in a gif.
First: There is no excuse to say that corporal punishment is a necessity to use against children and has lasting trauma against those that have had it used on them in the form of consistent psychological maladjustment including depression, unhappiness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, use of drugs and alcohol and can alter dopaminergic regions of the brain which hinders long term mental well being and inhibits behavioral responses emotionally and cognitively for themselves and social interactions. Up to some themselves beginning to engage in aggressive and physically abusive behaviors themselves.
Two: Verbal abuse is still... abuse. Some have defined it as the production of psychological and social defects in the growth of a minor as a result of behavior such as loud yelling, coarse and rude attitude, inattention, harsh criticism, and denigration of the child's personality. Other examples include name-calling, ridicule, degradation, destruction of personal belongings, threatening the torture or killing of a pet (and doing as such),excessive or extreme unconstructive criticism, inappropriate or excessive demands, withholding communication, and routine labeling or humiliation. 36.3% of children experience emotional abuse globally.
A consistent usage of this is not something to continue to normalize or excuse in parents, guardians and figures of authority of children. Verbal abuse is also not seen as a pressing issue as it is not physical harm enacted and still considered something that cannot be lawfully punishable despite the widespread statistics of its repercussions on the development of children and their adulthood life interactions.
At any rate, the author of the three novels condemns the abuse of children by several adults that engage in this behavior from Shen Jiu abusing his position of teacher and master over Luo Binghe because of jealousy. To Jiang Cheng and Madam Yu for physically and verbally degrading children they are guardians over and said children participating in dangerous antics to be praised for their skill or continued loyalty theyare said to owe. Jun Wu for trying to groom and gaslight another child (Xie Lian) to become another abuser and killer simply because he did not like the way said child interacted with the world with the position he had socially.
We also see from all three of these same works, is that these characters do also begin to physically abuse these same children as well as engage in isolation and negligence of them more than once. Enough that the audience should understand that these adults are not misunderstood AS THE ADULTS WITH CHILDREN UNDER THEIR CARE.
And as I have said before, whatever love may exist in Jiang Cheng for Jin Ling (and he desperately does, that isn't in dispute at any time unless someone who reads this is that stupid to come to the conclusion and say JiangWanyinscatmom is saying Jiang Cheng never cared or loved his nephew at all), does not negate the abuse that he has exhibited from the start of his very introduction when he threatens Jin Ling with abandonment when he says this:
Jiang Cheng's words were full of thorns, he turned around and said, "Why are you still standing there, waiting for the prey to bump into you and pierce itself on your sword? If you can't hunt down that creature in Dafan Mountain by today, don't you ever come back to me again!"
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hero-israel · 10 months
Let me tell you being a former Christian this shit goes so much deeper than a lot of born Jews realize. The Christian worldview (specifically Calvinist/Puritan) seeping into and pervading all of modern leftism is honestly frightening. But also it's very funny.
They believe that there are Good people and Bad people, and that any mistake or lapse in judgment or instance of not being educated is a Mask Off moment, showing who is a member of the Elect and who is not. If you fuck up, that's not just a fuck up, it's Revealing. You are damned, were always damned, you were just good at hiding it, and now we know the truth and are doubly angry because not only are you evil, you lied about it. The only recourse is to shun you, and if that leads to your death, so be it. Anyone who's seen any micro celebrity get canceled saw this in action.
And the only way you can prove you're a member of the Elect is to operate as if you have nothing to hide. You have to loudly and proudly proclaim your righteousness. If you don't have anything to hide why would you be worried? Privacy is suspicious. You Must Speak on everything they deem important or else you obviously agree with the Bad People. There is no room for discussion or healthy debate. There are no loopholes or subclauses or other points of view to consider. You're with us or against us. If you don't constantly go around saying you're with us, you're probably secretly against us. The only way to convince your neighbors, whom you inherently distrust, that you're one of the Good Ones, is to perform righteousness, parrot righteous words. The only way to redeem yourself is by grandiose acts of self flagellation, perhaps being the right demographic, or by accusing others of Heresy.
The goal is not to bring good into the world, it's to recruit more people into the same thought patterns (that's kind of all Christian denominations though). Because if you can convince your community that you're one of the Elect, that means G-d preselected you for Heaven, and you're golden. No repercussions or consequences baby. The only material benefit for you is that you "get" to proclaim you're going to Heaven and everyone has to agree with you. If anyone doesn't they're probably going to Hell anyway. You're on the right side (of history), so why should you ever self reflect or grow? Why should you question anything? Why should nuance or empathy exist? This is about Right and Wrong. We know where we stand, where do you stand?
Every single aspect of American culture and politics, right and "left" alike, was planted by the pilgrims, and it is so fundamentally antithetical to true Leftist thought. Remember all the actually successful Western Leftist movements were started in Europe (and Israel cough cough)... because they kicked all their fucking psychotic Calvinists out. Those people went to America and that's a big big big reason why we don't have any near as much of a robust Leftist movement as even socially conservative European countries (and Israel cough cough). And what's funny is I still find myself slipping into these thought patterns, which is so not compatible with Jewish philosophy or theology. It's been years and I'm still not done.
It's a hell of a drug to kick, so I definitely don't trust white goysiche college kids who've been antitheists for about 6 months since they left their Republican parents' homes to have any great success in unlearning and unprogramming from this. Which is kind of obvious in that I see them acting just like their conservative Christian parents every day on every social media platform, swap out a gun toting white Jesus with some noble savage idea of Palestine, absolving the West of its sins against the Global South.
It is a cult structured around spiritual isolation, antisocial behavior, and it is inherently against any kind of political movement that centers and celebrates the Community. It is designed to tear communities apart and foster obedience to whatever authority can force itself on them. And this has been going on for almost 500 years, there is nothing we can do about it.
Thank you for the insightful look. Their "purity culture" approach definitely had to come from somewhere.
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michaun · 4 months
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13th (2016) - Filmmaker Ava DuVernay explores the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation's prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans.
Jenin, Jenin (2002) - Documentary about the 2002 deadly confrontations between armed Israeli soldiers and Palestinians in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.
Three Identical Strangers (2018) - Identical triplets become separated at birth and adopted by three different families. Years later, their amazing reunion becomes a global sensation, but it also unearths an unimaginable secret that has radical repercussions.
Titicut Follies (1967) - Filmmaker Frederick Wiseman exposes conditions at a Massachusetts hospital for the criminally insane.
Unrest (2017) - When Harvard Ph.D. student Jennifer Brea is struck down by a fever that leaves her bedridden, she sets out on a virtual journey to document her story as she fights a disease that medicine forgot.
Dear Zachary (2008) - In 2001, 28-year-old Dr. Andrew Bagby is found dead in a park in Pennsylvania. He had been shot by his ex-girlfriend, who then fled to Canada, where she was able to walk free on bail, pregnant with Andrew's child. Andrew's enraged parents campaign to gain custody of the child and convict their son's killer. Filmmaker Kurt Kuenne pairs this story with home movies and interviews with those who knew Andrew, hoping to give his best friend's son an opportunity to discover who his dad was.
The Act of Killing (2012) - Filmmakers expose the horrifying mass executions of accused communists in Indonesia and those who are celebrated in their country for perpetrating the crime.
Tell Me Who I Am (2019) - When Alex loses his memory after a serious motorcycle accident, he trusts his twin Marcus to tell him about his past, but he later discovers that Marcus is hiding a dark family secret.
Paris Is Burning (1990) - This documentary focuses on drag queens living in New York City and their "house" culture, which provides a sense of community and support for the flamboyant and often socially shunned performers. Groups from each house compete in elaborate balls that take cues from the world of fashion. Also touching on issues of racism and poverty, the film features interviews with a number of renowned drag queens, including Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija and Dorian Corey.
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If you ever need a reminder of how much men hate you and how little empathy (really none) they have for you. Look no further than Mason Greenwood. A footballer who has literally got more famous and more support AFTER he was exposed with audio clips and photo evidence of abusing and attempting to rape his girlfriend. So many man that like this man not even in spite of his crimes but BECAUSE of them and their inclination to support and protect even the most depraved of males. Go on any of his social media accounts and he gets nothing but love and praise. He has collective support from men. And the few outliers that condemn him and support for him get called simps and white knights. You are considered a white knight as a male for saying that a rapist is bad and shouldn’t be able to represent the hugest sport globally. If that doesn’t tell you all you need to know about that gender idk what will.
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And yes. His girlfriend forgave him. And they now have a daughter together which is terrifying. But to this poor woman is nothing but trauma bonded to this man and her forgiveness doesn’t make him any less of a monster. She has NO ONE but him. When she came forward she got so much harassment and vitriol. Her own fucking family told her to forgive him because he’s a rich footballer. She had no resources, no support system, nothing. And what’s crazy is to this day this woman gets more hate and harassment than the man that abused and raped her. They hate her for being victimized by him and exposing that. They hate her for staying because she made a big deal for “nothing”. Again, men hate you. So much. I pray this woman finds healing and can get out of this situation. Sadly, I think it will have to take another escalation. No matter what, trust and believe males will have more vitriol towards her.
This is why I cannot for the life of me care about false accusations and men’s supposed fear of it. They try to convince us they’re not silencing victims when they immediately dismiss every woman who comes forward with a story of abuse/rape as a liar. They simply want to make sure innocent men aren’t getting their lives ruined. Meanwhile men that they 100% cannot deny did it (greenwood, playboi carti, Chris brown, etc.) literally face no repercussions. They still support them. It has never and will never be about the insanely rare instances of false accusations. It will always be about silencing women and protecting men.
Because if it was truly about the truth they’d be doubting males. When they’re accused of abuse or rape and obviously lie 99% of the time and say they didn’t do it and it comes out they did in fact do it, no one generalizes males as liars. No one is like “oh he said he didn’t. But so many men have and it turned out they were lying” but all it takes is a handful of women lying for every woman to be a possible liar. What a joke
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RTA what do you think of her "friendship" with Nachos and Delfina after this? She threw Nachos under the bus after receiving severe backlash with her pathetic raspberry jam and dog biscuits stunt. Do you think it'll be business as usual or she'll face some repercussions?
Nacho wants to be the David Beckham of polo or the Kobe Bryant of polo or the Rafa of polo or…you get the picture. Nacho wants to be an international celebrity (aka someone the whole world knows), the global face of his sport, and to bring polo to everyone and everywhere.
I mean, there’s already a ton of PR about how Nacho is the David Beckham of polo (it’s the second sentence on his Wikipedia page), except it’s not the same thing because the only people who know Nacho exists are people who play/follow polo and the only people who know David Beckham exists is…well…the entire world.
As much as the Sussexes think they are using Nacho and Delfina to boost their polo cred, it’s really the reverse: Nacho and Delfina are using the Sussexes to raise Nacho’s profile and get him that international sport profile.
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