litcest · 2 months
Guys. I did it. My shipcest community got aproved! It took three attempts, but it's here now . I will finish the set up and discover how to invite y'all onto it. It's not for books or for my followers, i want it to be a general shipcest community.
Edit: i am running it through my main @ivesblosson
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litcest · 1 month
DNI are so funny. I'm having a morality post because for the Zucest post, I used a twitter thread which compiled Zuko and Azula's best moments as a starting point. But the user who made the thread has "pro shippers dni" on their profile. So I suppose I can't credit them? I'm still going to, I used their work, after all. I'm part from academia. If we as much as glance at someone else's work, we cite it.
Imagine if scientists used DNI and then you can't read a paper because the author doesn't agree with your fandom behaviour? This is so fucking silly.
"New celular markers for early cancer diagnosis. DNI: basic dni criteria; if you think Science is better than Nature; if you drink coffee instead of tea; if you think a 32 dating a 29 years old is okay (someone on their thirties has no business dating someone on their twenties! what do they even have in common?"
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litcest · 15 days
* goes to library to study physic *
* ends up reading up on incest *
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litcest · 2 months
The universe keeps sending me signs telling me to do the zucest post...
The only think holding me back is that I don't have the time to rewatch Avatar
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litcest · 1 month
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes!
When I started this blog I couldn't even dream that there would be so many people interested in me yapping about incest. I appreciate each and every one of you ❤️ ♥️
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litcest · 1 month
I wanna ramble more in this blog but then I regret getting too personal and off topic and so I delete it
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litcest · 7 months
No, no, because I just did the love test with Astarion, and then my SISTER showed up and said her's is the only face I see when I close my eyes at night? And that "father will see us together again"?
Was my durge dating her gorgeous murderous sister?
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litcest · 14 days
What do you major in? I thought it was history but now you mention studying physics and I don't think histories have to do that
So close, nonnie. Two years ago, you would have been right with your guess. I'm a history major dropout 😜
Now, I am majoring in biomedicine. And we have physics because biomedic can opperate X-rays, MRIs, and other imaging equipment, so we need to learn how they work and the theory behind it.
Basically, my test was "protons go whirl and get all funky when we have a magnectic field". (And I think I flunked it lol at most. I will get a 6)
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litcest · 9 months
You know when a girl friendzones her friend by saying "I love you like a brother" or something like that? Before I dated my current boyfriend (from now on codenamed as K in this blog) we were best friends for four years and he during these years, he asked me out three times, all of those I said no and we kept as friend. One of our mutual friends also had her male friend hitting on her and turned him down with the "I think of you as my brother" line. After she told us that, K joked that if I ever said that to him, he would know that it meant I wanted to kiss him (as knew of my interest on sibling incest). Now that we are a couple, I often say that I love him like a sister loves her brother ("in the book I read") and call him "big bro" (even tho I'm 14 days older)
Since we look a lot alike (pale skin, dark brown eyes, curly brown hair), people would often ask if we were siblings or were dating and I always answered with an annoyed "neither, we are best friends" but then, once we were out of anyone's earshot, he would whisper about how I would be dating my brother if I had one. Which isn't true. I would only date my brother if he was hot.
I swear this all ties back to my next book review!
Me and K have a super long history and us getting together is quite an epic tale of romance that I love to talk about to anyone who will listen/read lol
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litcest · 1 month
going to reform my bedroom so i've to empty it first. i'm transferring all my book to the office room.... now my mom is going to have to work in front of my collection of incest novels....
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litcest · 1 month
Ramble, babe
Oh, but what if I annoy people? What if they hate me them? (Can u see I have anxiety? Lol)
(Trauma of having been bullied and called annoying any time I started talking about my hyperfixations in school)
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litcest · 2 months
my friend went to do a carrd for my blog and discovered that there's already someone using the "litcest.carrd" url. so I went to check it out, and there's nothing incestuous going on there!! infuriating lollll
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litcest · 2 months
2, 4, and 9 for the proship ask meme?
2.) Are there any problematic tropes that squick you out?
Adult/minor. In general, I don't like it. Very rarely I'll have one ship that fits in this category, but out of the top of my head, I can't think of any. But I love big age gaps, like a 18-years-old with an 28-years-old, etc. Just must be a legal adult.
4.) First ever problematic ship? (you didn't have to know it was problematic then)
In general problematic, I used to ship Aria and Ezra in PLL and never saw anything wrong until I grew older (I actually stopped shipping them when it was revealed that Ezra had only gotten with her to write a book about Allison, but I still didn't realise there was a issue of him being an adult AND her teacher).
Of incest shipping, I ship Arthur/Morgana in Merlin (I prefer Arthur/Merlin, but I'm a multishipper lol). I did before the reveal they were siblings and I continued after. Since Merlin was my first real exposure to the Arthurian myths, I had no idea that in (some versions of the) myth they were siblings and still got together. Also, when I was 12 and reading The Mortal Instruments, I continued to ship Clary and Jace even after the sibling reveal, and I saw no problem with it, since they weren't raised together.
9.) Problematic crackship?
Not exactly crackship, but I don't actually ship Sam/Dean in the canon. I ship them in the fics that people write and in my own AUs, but not in the show itself, if it makes sense.
Thanks for asking!
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litcest · 2 months
OMG I just got to 200 followers! (actually, it's 202, but it was this last notification of new follower that made me go look the follower count and realize I had passed 200).
Thank you so much for each and everyone of you. I think I should do something to celebrate, but IDK what you guys would want. Send in ideas through the ask box, so you can be anonymous if you prefer.
I just... I just love y'all. Thank you for reading my long rants about books!
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litcest · 3 months
what does your to read list look like currently?
Hum... that depends what you consider a TBR list lol. If you want to see what I'm currently reading, I have a Goodreads profile that I keep up to date.
What I currently have bought and are patiently waiting for their turn to be read is the following (in no particular order):
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix
Together We Rot by Skyla Arndt
Clique Bait by Ann Valett
Mirror Mirror by Gregory Maguire (this one has incest)
The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel
A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark
The Luminaries by Susan Dennard
The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake (that I started reading a while back and then stopped because it was accidently too similar to a rp I was doing and I didn't want the book to 'pollute' my original scenario).
As you can see, I've bought a lot of stuff. In my defence, books in English are quite expensive in Brazil and a while back Amazon went crazy and lowered their prices, so I bought a ton of things. Oh, I used the English titles but I actually have the Portuguese translations of A Master of Djinn and The Atlas Six.
If you consider a TBR list everything I have favourited on Amazon, then it's so fucking long that's not worthy going over (specially because there are stuff there from 2021 still that I'm waiting for the prices to drop).
I also intend to eventually read all the books in the incest catalogue, even the ones that don't quite appeal to me. But this endeavour is going to take a long long time.
Thanks for the ask! I love talking about my books. They are like babies for me.
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litcest · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ^.^
Aww thank you so much for thinking of me!!! I love ask games!
Okay... damn it's hard to think on my top five things, but I guess here it goes:
Spending time with my boyfriend
Playing video games
Writing (even tho I don't do it very often because college keeps me busy)
Drawing (even tho I kinda suck at it and no one will ever see my art because I refuse to share with anyone other than my bf)
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