#Giggling at how anthony described it
soullessduck13 · 10 months
Scam and jodie got together bc scam thought it would be funny... is it bad to say i understand that
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kumezyzo · 1 year
corpse x faceless streamer cause it has more plot...
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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as cliche and over-used as it is, you met bf!corpse in an among us lobby. but you two had heard of eachother before, seeing as youre in the same faceless community.
your followings seemed to have a lot of crossover, so when you met, it was a dream come true for your communites. and for you two, it was nice having someone understand what it was like to be faceless.
overtime, you two grew closer, hanging out outside of streams. and at some point, you got comfortable enough eachothers faces.
when your chat found out, it became the only thing they could talk about for a good two days on twitter.
"guys, corpse looks really cool," you said to your chat. you and corpse were streaming on your channel, just talking and catching up. his scoff made you giggle quietly. "im not joking, he's kinda... attractive."
"and yn looks nothing like how she described herself," he said, laughing at how much prettier he thought you were.
"and his hair is actually curly," you say.
then, you both went on anthony padilla's channel as a part of his 'I spent a day with...' series. and you revealed that you were doing the interview on the same day.
"i mean, corpse is the only other youtuber that knows what i look like," you state simply. "if im honest, the main reason im here is because this is the first time im meeting up with him in person."
thankfully, no one was suprised when they heard that in the video. but thats just because corpse posted a video of you two playing rock-paper-scissors.
it started off silent, you two doing the motions silently. corpse played scissors, you played rock. he sighed. another up and down motion. he played scissors, you played paper. you took a deep breath. another up and down. he played rock, you played rock. you scoffed and cracked your knuckles. one more time. he played paper, you played scissors.
"fuck!" he yelled loudly as you laughed manaically in the background.
during this meet up, you stayed at his apartment. and it just so happened you got to spend more time with him. slowly, you both started developing further feelings for eachother.
it showed itself in you two being cuddly, touchy with eachother. both of you tiptoeing round the topic of the weird dynamic. neither of you actually choosing to say anything or admit your feelings.
it really set in when he started unironically calling you "baby". it gave you butterflies and he felt his face heat up as the words left his mouth.
and when you had to leave, it was far more intense than you had expected.
"thank you for letting me stay here," you told him greatfully. he smiled softly at you, going in for a hug. you smiled and felt yourself melt into his arms.
you two pulled away briefly, looking into eachothers eyes. you dont know when it really happened, but the next moment, youre lips are on eachothers.
when you went back home, it was like you two know you were dating. but you never actually said it. it just felt right.
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this is kinda like a prequel to this beautiful shit. i also know no one requested this (or at least i could find one when i went to check cause this was in my notes for way too long) -Nony
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
Top 5 inappropriate places/situations Pen & Colin have sex because they just can’t keep it in their breeches.
You know. I blame you for being this unhinged.
Bridgerton House (Colin's old bedroom)
It's Gregory or Hyacinth's or someone's engagement party. And for the first time in ages, for nostalgic reasons, Colin ends up back in his old room. And Penelope follows him. And they have a chat that, for as long as she had known the family, she had never actually been in his room. And he ends up admitting about how he used to dream about her. And she wants to know what kind of dreams. And asks him to describe them to her. And she'll ask him if he used to touch himself thinking about her, because you know, they've been married for ten years now and she's bold like that. And then they get into what if they had figured their shit out at a younger age and end up fucking on the bed pretending to be virgins again.
Featherington House (Drawing Room)
Everyone else is preoccupied else where for the time being. Idk, maybe Phillipa is giving birth to her fourth child and Dankworth and Finch are babysitting outside, idk. Or... maybe this is at night and everyone is asleep? Anyway, she's sitting where she always used to sit, starring out the window, and Colin comes into the room and finds her just breathtaking. And Penelope admits she used to think about him just coming in and rescuing her from this house. She'd watch from the window, and watch him, and dream. And of course, those are the magic words because then they're making out on the couch, and Colin's doing all sorts of things with his hands. And they're not even afraid of someone finding them, but Colin insists they try to stay quiet so not to wake anyone else up. And Pen, again because she is bold, says he'll have to find ways to keep her mouth busy. And he does. And they fuck on the couch still mostly clothed. The next morning they're in giggles when Prudence drapes herself over the place they came the previous night.
The Library
The first public library in London opened in 1841. Yes, I looked it up. Yes, Pen and Colin would be in, like, their fifties. Yes, they fucked in it because books.
Somewhere in India (Anthony and Kate's House)
Pen and Colin travel a lot (and why yes, they try to make it a point to fuck in every new country they're in) but this time they're spending time at the Bridgerton-Sharma residence (as Anthony spends half his time in India now). And Colin decides to fuck Pen very loudly in the guest room because the previous night, Anthony and Kate were being obnoxiously loud themselves, and Colin can be competitive and he'll sure as hell prove he can make his wife scream louder.
A Carriage. Anywhere.
It's Pen's idea. Because we've already established she's bold like this. They're rich and have time and why not? And it starts out because Pen just has a thing for that pirate coat. And Colin let's slip one day that he has a thing for her LW hood. So Pen gets the idea that they should play pretend, and pretend to be strangers and he'll be in his old coat, and she'll have on her hood, and they'll be playful at whatever random event they're at and they'll end up in a carriage then fucking happens. All the fucking. In the carriage. All around London because they paid the driver to be discreet. And they don't even care who can hear them. Or if some passerby catches a glimpse. They don't care because they're too wrapped up in each other and being in love with each other to care at all. They do it to feel connection and love and safety and it's a little bit thrilling in a moving vehicle that's technically out in public in a society that would be so, so scandalized, but they don't fucking care. Because they have each other. And that's all that matters.
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bloodymiso · 4 months
★ library gossip! anthony lockwood x gn!reader
in which you discuss the latest magazine gossip with the world’s best drama queen—apples at hand.
notes: idk how the farts i whipped this up faster than my haikyuu hcs but whatever🔥🔥. | warnings: granny apple haters dni/j
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imagine discussing the latest gossip with LOCKWOOD. his eyes were glued to his newly arrived gossip magazine as he took a bite of an apple, which he often forgets on the chair—something you noticed after sitting on a 2 day old rotten apple a few days ago.
you popped into the library, a book in hand. as you walked, you hit the shelf, too focused on your book to care. lockwood’s ears perked up and he tilted his head up to face you.
“woah, you okay there?” he chuckled. “anyhoo, did you know gina—yes, gina, got a divorce with her husband. crazy, right?” he said almost immediately after his last sentence, completely brushing off the past “topic” that he brought up. you listened in, closing your book, making sure you had the bookmark in the right place.
you couldnt help but be pretty well informed with whatever cock and bull lockwood read in his magazines, he talked about it all day, everyday. even on missions. ah, the mission on king’s road, you remembered it very clearly.
the type 2 visitor approached your figures, lockwood with his rapier up, doing his fancy wancy twirly wirly shit. it attacked and as it did so, you could see it’s features, rather clearly at that. his face was structured, his jawline rather clear, and his hair was pulled back neatly, like your average london rich kid—just ugly with half the flesh on his body burned off. both of you jumped out the way and as lockwood landed on the floor, you could practically see the lightbulb beside his head.
“merlin’s beard that guy is exactly how my magazine described the man martha had an affair with!”
“bloody hell lockwood, shut up!”
remembering that past mission, you chuckled, resting your arms on lockwood’s armchair(haha armchair for arms) , leaning on it. “why is everything about relationships and marriage in that magazine?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair. “your hair is so thin.” “come on lad don’t change the subject.” he rolled his eyes and continued.
“apparently, jeffrey—gina’s husband was having an affair with gerlie, the girl next door.”
“why is everyone having affairs?”
“dunno, adults are weird. anyway—oh do you want an apple?” he asked, grabbing a light green granny apple from his little basket. you nodded, relieving it from his hands, taking a bite.
your conversation lasted over an hour, and lockwood had devoured over 3 apples in that time period. if you were standing outside the door in that said hour like a weirdo(*cough* george*cough*) you would have heard laughter almost every 5 seconds.
his smile was so contagious, even a simple sneer caused your own lips to curve up in response. you loved moments like this, laughing your asses off over stupid stuff. you loved all the shits and giggles you and lockwood had.
you giggled as you looked through the pages, stopping at a picture of a couple—the man on the left weirdly resembling lockwood. you looked at him, and he looked at you. a cheeky smile rose to his face as you playfully slapped his cheek.
“are you thinking what im thinking?” he smirked, before he could continue the thought, you slapped him again.
“this is abuse! that could be us if you werent such a meanie.” he rolled his eyes like the drama queen he is, closing the magazine and crossing his arms. you chuckled, he was pouting.
“hey im not a meanie.” you pouted back, ruffling his hair. the smirk on lockwood’s lips never fading.
“guess thats us then.” he said, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his legs.
“i—nevermind, im a meanie.”
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(><) wanna support? reblog with tags pookie!! (ps. check out my may 2024 event:3 )
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astro-in-prog · 2 years
Oblivious Colin explaining to his family exactly what kind of man Penelope deserves
Colin: Penelope deserves someone who respects her, who sees how beautiful and witty she is, how kind but fierce she can be.
Benedict: Is that so?
Colin: Indeed! She has such a way with words! She desserves someone who can appreciate the way the sunlight glints off her red hair and the way her smile can light up the darkest of rooms. But she also deserves someone who can look after her and is at the very least wealthy with an earl or viscount in the family.
Anthony: Well ofcourse!
Colin: Someone who can match her wit and exchange barbs with her. Someone who is a graceful dancer and can at the very least sing. Someone well read ofcourse because a dimwit who cannot tell the difference between Byron and Blake just will not do.
Kate: Hmmhmm
Colin: Someone who knows that her favourite colour is green and that she loves daisies. Someone who bring her her favourite sweets - those eclairs from that one shop in town. Someone who notices the way she scrunches her nose while concetrating and the way she fiddles with her hands when nervous.
Francesca: Ahh
Colin: Someone who can show her the world and still give her the family she desires. But more importantly she deserves someone who truly loves her and sees her for who she is. Someone who is her true friend. I will not let her settle for anything less.
Violet: Indeed
Eloise, completely exasperated: OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD COLIN! Also Eloise, slightly grossed out: The idea of my best friend and my brother.... i cannot-
Colin, turning and giving Benedict the death stare: WAIT! What did you do? ARE YOU AND PEN- BENEDICT BRIDGERTON IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK AT PEN-
Benedict, with a smirk: Oh calm down brother! Eloise was clearly talking about- You are aware that you just described yourself right?
Colin: wHaT.... I most certainly did not.
Benedict: YOU respect Penelope.
Anthony, with a self-satisfied smirk: YOU are wealthy and have a Viscount in the family.
Kate: YOU are a graceful dancer and are always giggling in the corner of a ballrooms with her.
Francesca: YOU noticed all those little things about her.
Violet: But most importantly YOU are her dearest friend.
Colin: oh..
Colin, eyes wide in surprise as it dawns on him: OHI!.... I am in love with Pen.
Gregory and Hyacinth, looking at each other: Well it was about time.
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penguinsravioli · 3 months
Crush Confessions
❝⁺ ₊ ✦⋆ 。 ˚chapter 4❝⁺ ₊ ✦⋆ 。 ˚ Anthony Vaughn x Reader
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The party was a bit of a crash, but I guess that’s fine. Unfortunately for me I couldn’t find my ride. Ca$h was gone. 
And mysteriously, so was Dusty’s dads car. I sigh, him and this eshay bullshit. He’s told me that he feels like he’s “entitled” to continue to hangout with them. Even if Chook is an asshole, he’s basically one root income. Undoubtedly so though, a reckless and illegal root. I’m sat on the stairs of Dusty’s front porch, fiddling with my long skirt, swaying it back n’ forth. “I love this goth mother look you have going for you” I look toward Missy. I let out a chuckle, “Thanks Miss, hot, per usual.”
She twirls her hair jokingly, making the both of us giggle a bit. “How are you holding up?” Here it goes, the same question about how it’s been at home since the map. “Umm not the best, but it’s alright, I got my trap phone” I pull out the little burner device. “(name)! Look at you being rebellious!” 
“Sweetheart I’ve been pretty rebellious forever. Don’t know how you didn’t see the signs” I shower myself in self praise whilst Missy laughs with her hand over her mouth. “You got a ride home?”  “Yeah” I take back my phone, lying though my teeth so she doesn’t go out of her way for me. “Plus I need the air anyways” I stretch my back in the concrete stairwell. Missy begins to stand, “Alright then (nickname), call me if you need anything alright?” I nod. “Of course” I can tell by the look on her face that she doesn’t believe me. I know I won’t call her if I need anything. I barely call Ca$h when I need a ride to school. I always end up walking, despite the distance.
I play with my acrylics with a solemn look. Seriously though how am I gonna get home. My house is anything but close. 
“Hey Ladybug” I shout at Ant after he spooks me. “That wasn’t funny!” I whine a bit at his everlasting delight from my fear. “Calm down babes. Just me.” He puts his hands up, slowly lowering them when I roll my eyes at the nonsense. Ant has always looked at me with such a sincerity that I could never find in anyone else. It’s like if I were to disappear he’d notice. It always makes my heart drop but it’s like a familiar nice feeling that I cant describe well if you asked.
So the minute my irises centered to make eye contact with him, and I saw Ant Instantly searching. The feeling came back.
I turn away again, staring in front of me. “I haven’t heard you call me Ladybug since Kindergarten” 
“Thought it should make a comeback,” he slings an arm around my waist pulling me closer towards his body. “Plus it suits you” I chuckle. “How so?”
“Because you’re unique like a ladybug”
“You sure it’s not because you wanted us to be matching like how we used to?”  He smiles cheekily “No, but little me was a genius” I laugh at him and then check the time. It’s getting real late. I doubt my parents are home currently but I should definitely start to head back. “If you don’t mind me asking— can you walk me home” I sneakily shimmy from his grip and rise to my feet in a swift motion. Ants eyes follow me as I stand. “How could I say no?” 
“You’re getting really bold these days” I lock his hand with mine, enjoying the warmth he emits.
“I guess you give me a boost in ego” he replies quick whilst we walk. We’ve walked for 30 minutes and have finally made it to my home, and  don’t want him to go.
“Can you stay with me a little longer?” He looks towards me. 
Literally why the fuck did I just say that.
 “Yeah of course. Anything you wan’t” ever since cemetery we’ve gotten even closer despite me trying to build a barrier between us again.
Which sounds odd, but me and him distanced ourselves and our friendship entirely because of the hookup. It had been our first time actually ever doing anything like that. I think that we both felt an insane amount of guilt in shame. We had a talk in middle about how we were gonna make “our parents proud”, for him it was because he was heavily religious in his younger years.  While for me, because my parents had been so controlling and scared me into a corner.  It was until that party that me and Ant had finally really pushed past our promise of attempting to be good children.
The awkwardness afterwards had been mostly conveyed on my part, it was only me that had avoided my feelings for him after holiday. So it’s not surprising that they spilt out after the police crashed cemetery.
—He took out his wallet and pulled out some cash. In hand I had the soda I was craving, while he chose not to get a drink. “Cheers” I ushered to the cashier as we left.  I laid my head on Ants shoulder as I opened my carbonated drink. “Thank you for paying, I forgot my wallet at home” 
“No dramas. You deserve it” I gulp down my drink before answering. “Deserve it for doing what?”
“I dunno, just being yourself.”
“That’s way sweet of you Babes” I nudge him softly. He grins, “Of course, I’m ripper, remember?”—
We snuck in through my unlocked window, my room wasn’t really big but it wasn’t really small either. It was just a bit cluttered because I liked collecting posters, figures, random objects like signs, etc. “Your room has improved since the last time I saw it”
“Thanks Ant” I begin to pick up a few clothes I had threw around while getting ready for the party. “m’course”. I put the clothes in a pile and begin to fold them in a quick manner so I don’t have to deal with them much later 
“I neeeed to go thrifting again sometime, all the thrift stores around here have been so dry though” 
I spark up conversation.
 “You go thrifting? I’ve never tried it” I gasp, “seriously?! You know how many cool graphic tees I find on a regular? They would suit you so well too” I stand up putting the clothes in their respective places. I turn, coming face to face with Anthony.
In shock I scoot back, but he pulls me forward. “Why can’t just take the hint already?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know that you know that I like you (name)”He pulled me in by my waist and held me tight, giving me a sense of security. “I don’t know how come you’ve been avoiding me, but it’s been driving me crazy trying to figure you out” 
I suck in a breath. In attempt I try to find the words to reply but they’re stuck in my throat. So I’m just stuck, staring into his desperate eyes like I’m brainless. “Ant, you know I do care for you and—
I hear a car pull up into the driveway. Immediate silence was met from the both of us. I look at the window and back at Ant. “Anthony I will not repeat myself, get under my bed, when they leave the room I need you to sneak out as fast as humanly possible” I whisper yell as I start to undress and put on my night clothes. He starts to slide underneath quickly, holding his breath as I get into bed and pretend that I wasn’t at a party just an hour prior. I quickly turn my beside lamp off and get underneath my covers.
I hear the keys to the front door jiggle and I whisper to Ant “…you be as still as possible” 
“..got it”
I hear their footsteps down the hall slowly inching to my doorway. Then my door swings open. 
“(name)?” I pretend I’m knocked out. I’m a great pretender. They shut the door once they don’t get a response. And walk upstairs to their room.
 I let out a large sigh. I get off my bed quietly and crouch down to look at Ant. “I’d start to leave now” he starts to climb from underneath my bed with a nod of agreement. “Before I do though”
He pulls me in and gives me a quick peck on the lips and winks at me, jumping out my window and landing as silent as possible. Avoiding the cameras just like we did previously. 
When he’s no longer within area I close my window. 
Holding my beating heart in absolute shock. “I dunno why I’m so struck over this when he literally fucked me” I giggle to myself, sneaking to the bathroom so I can do my skincare before bed.
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peterpparkrr · 2 years
I’m so late but I just read your Anthony Bridgerton/modern reader series and I can’t stop imagining his horror at kissing reader and feeling their permanent retainer for the first time, or like other mundane modern stuff that freaks the Bridgertons out (Siri, smart phones, contacts, metal rods for broken bones, etc). They the Bridgertons ask them about it, they just kinda go “y’all haven’t even seen the actual scary stuff yet.”
I hadn't even considered how weird it would be to feel someone's retainer in their mouth if you didn't know what it was!
You're kissing and enjoying yourself, y'know, as you do, but suddenly realize Anthony's tongue has been very focused on moving across the back of your bottom teeth which... fine, whatever floats your boat I guess but after a while, it's not sexy, just weird.
"What are you doing?" You finally break away from the kiss to ask him.
"You... have something," He murmurs. Equally as confused as you are. "On the back of your teeth."
You stare at him in confusion for a beat before your eyes widen with recognition.
"Oh! That's my permanent retainer!" You tell him with a small giggle.
You'd forgotten it was there. You usually do until your own tongue bumps into it and rubs at it. But you hadn't realized it was something someone else might feel in your mouth.
"What?" Anthony asks. His brows remain furrowed as he looks down at you.
"I have a permanent retainer from when I had braces," You reply.
"I know what all of those words mean individually, but you've strung them together to create a sentence of nonsense," He tells you with a shake of his head.
"They glue wires to the front of your teeth to make them straight, and then when they take the wires off the front they sometimes have to glue a wire to the back to hold them in place," You explain.
"And now they're just... there?" Anthony asks. "Forever?"
"Well," You reply. You hadn't really considered how weird that would be. "Yeah."
"Huh," Anthony murmurs as he considers that fact.
"That doesn't... put you off, does it?" You've had to explain a lot of strange things to him as you've gotten to know each other better. And had to try and describe seemingly mundane things to
But usually not in the middle of a make-out session.
And now you're worried that you've ruined the mood.
"It's strange," Anthony replies after a moment. "But certainly not the strangest thing about you." He tells you with a wicked smirk.
"Rude!" You hiss at him as he presses his lips to yours, feigning anger at him as you swat at his shoulder before he wraps his arms around you and guides you down to lie down on the sofa.
Where he wordlessly and thoroughly reassured you that he was very much not put off by it, not in the slightest.
But now I'm also thinking about how terrifying it would be to have an IUD and travel back in time and... yikes!
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newtonsheffield · 7 months
Molly!!!! the drive to survive trailer and episode descriptions are out! how would the ep on Bridgerton Family Racing be described??? please and forever thank youuuuuu 💋😘💖🏁
Ooo Interesting question. I’m basing this off the 2023 season which is when flying but we’d never get far takes place
The title of the episode would be
Racing is in our DNA
And I think the synopsis would be:
Current World Champion Anthony Bridgerton is experiencing an extraordinarily dominant season as BFR looks to claim back to back titles in the constructors and drivers championships. In the midst of it all Anthony’s relationship with his race engineer (And Chief technical engineer) Kate Sharma is heating up but they may not be the only members of the BFR team with something heating up on and off the track.
It’s full of shots of Kate and Anthony giggling as newly weds, and shots of Simon and Daphne flirting in the distance while Anthony glares at them and of course shot after shot of both the drivers on the podium.
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asmutwriter · 2 years
A True Lady (Part 2)
Anthony x Reader
From beginning / Previous / Next / Master List
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WARNINGS: time period sexism, mentions of sex, swearing, implied SA, drinking
-   This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
The next morning you awaken, the memories of the night before a haze due to your intoxicated state. Thinking you’d dreamt most if not all of it, you stood up and pulled your night dress off of yourself. You let out a small sigh as you get dressed. You head to the dining room for breakfast and sit down. Benedict, Daphne and Eloise all having their food. You join them in their conversations when you hear the chair opposite yours move. You look to see Anthony sit opposite you. You make eye contact for mere seconds but you go red and have to break it immediately. It may have been a dream but you can’t help feel flustered. He smiles softly and also joins in the small talk. A cough from the front of the room catches all of your attentions. You look to see one of your servants looking a little concerned. Yoji stand up, worst fears going through your mind. “You have some guests. They are in the hallway” you nod and excuse yourself and make your way to the entrance of the house. All four of them follow you though, intrigued by this guest.
“Fucking hell! Who do I have to screw to get a house like this?” you see your two best friends at the door. You squeal from excitement and run over to them and embrace them both. They both hug you in return “We kept getting your letters and we thought we’d come visit you and see if it was as good as you were describing”
“It is by the looks of it” you nod and pull away from the hug. You turn and see the four Bridgeton’s looking in confusion. You smile
“Umm, these are some of my best friends. Lily and Ivy. Guys, these are the Bridgeton’s. Daphne who’s married to Simon, Anthony and Benedict, her older brothers. Then Eloise her younger sister” Daphne smiles
“How do you know Emily then?”
“Us three used to work together. Before she came here that is” Lily looks at you and admires your dress “gosh you look like a posh prick. No offence you guys” she motions with her hands for you to twirl, which you oblige. “Shit you look hot in that”
“Thanks love” you see her admire the fitting of the body “Honestly you are so talented. Assuming you made it yourself?” You nod as you hear Ivy starts a conversation with the other three. Ivy talking to Daphne, Eloise and Benedict as Anthony joins you and Lily. You smile at him before avoiding eye contact as you feel your cheeks start to flush. Lily smiles at him, introducing herself. He takes her hand and kisses the back of it
“It’s an honour to meet you. I’ve heard some wonderful things about you” She giggles and looks away from him, giving you a look as she proceeds to point at your female friend
“Ivy has just got a deal at work”
“Really?” she nods and smiles
“Going to go in for a high up job in the fashion industry. Certainly pays more than in the factory”
“Oh that’s amazing news!”
“Do you also make clothes?” Anthony asks. Lily shales her head
“No. Ivy is the talented one. I tried making clothes before but I have about as much talent as a pile of shit” you roll your eyes as he looks startled at her language
“I apologise for the improper speech my friend has”
“Wasn’t that in itself improper speech?” he chuckles and makes eye contact witty you briefly before looking back at her
“Its ok ma’am” he smiles at her
“Aren’t there more of them?” your friend queries you as you nod
“A lot of them are outside feeding the ducks”
“Tell me you have a pond”
“I don’t just have a pond. I have a lake”
“You are a lucky bastard you now that right? God” she gasps and clutches your arm in excitement “I’m going to go swimming. You’re going to join me” she grins at you. Anthony laughing at your discomfort. Lily looks at him and smiles evilly “I don’t know why you look so smug. Your also joining us” she grabs his hand “Where is the lake?” she looks at you expectantly “And if you don’t tell me I will annoy you until you do” you sigh and lead her into the garden, telling Ivy where you were heading.
As soon as Lily sees the lake she squeals in excitement. She quickly disrobes down to her undergarments then runs and jumps into the water. You pick up her dress fold it slightly. “Come on in its lovely in here” you go to undo your dress get your hair caught in the top part.
“Ow, ow ow. Umm. Can… can you help me?” you look at Anthony who looks slightly uncomfortable at the situation but he comes over to help you anyway, carefully untangling your hair for you and undoing the top clasp, his fingers brush against the back of your neck and you feel your heartbeat quicken at the slightest touch. You quickly pull away, trying to hide your flushed face as you undo the rest of your dress and strip to your corset and underwear. You turn to face him, noticing his face starting to go pink as he moves his gaze away from you. “You coming?”
“Excuse me?”
“Are you coming in?” you motion at the water. He shakes his head slightly and watches you run and jump in with your friend. You friend swims over to you
"So do you have a crush on him?” she whispers to you
“Excuse me?” she raises an eyebrow
“I saw how you looked at him”
“I-I may have had a dream about him last night which has me a bit flustered tonight” she nods knowingly. You watch as the four others leave the house and come over to join the one on the bank. Eloise looking like she wants to join you but Daphne saying something to her
“I think that they think I’m an improper lady”
“You are” you hit her “I’m sorry you’re in your underwear in water that probably has so much fish and duck shit in. You aren’t a lady” she smiles and nudges you “but who cares. You have so much money and because of that power to do whatever the fuck you want” you nod slightly
“I suppose so. Anyway, how’s your life been? Anything new been happening?” Before she can answer you then hear a splash and notice Eloise managed to convince her elder siblings to let her join you. You smile at her as she approaches
“What are you talking about?”
“I just asked my friend how life was”
“I can’t complain about it. I’ve had better days but I’ve had worse” she half smiles at you, obviously not wanting to go into too much details about her personal life around the girl she’s only just met.
“Shall we head back to land?” you ask as your friend nods and you all swim back over. You get out and give both girls a hand up. Then finding a nice bit of grass and lie down, letting the sun dry you before placing your clothes back on. Your friend sits next to you and Eloise nervously lies next to you. Your friend turns towards you
“When are you having a ball? If you say you’ve already had one and I wasn’t invited then it’s the end of our friendship” you chuckle
“I’ve not yet had a ball. They think I should host one next week but I’m shit at hosting things” You hear Daphne cough above you and give you a look “Sorry. I meant I’m not very good at hosting”
“Oh come on. We used to have great parties”
“Yeah, the ones we used to get invited to. We didn’t host them”
“Yeah but they were great fun”
“If you do any of that stuff at my ball I will throw you out”
“God you’re no fun”
“No, I just like it the idea of you not giving one of the party goers a bad spine”
“It’s not my fault he was shit in bed” you hit her leg “Sorry, I meant to say was he wasn’t the best man I’ve ever had”
“Not better to clarify”
“How can a man be good in bed?”
“It means if they snore or not. If they don’t snore then they are good in bed” you hear slight chuckling behind you, tilting your head you see that the three older Bridgeton’s and Ivy were sat behind you, Benedict snickering to himself at your comment. “It’s true. I don’t know what else it would mean, unless you want to elaborate” he shakes his head
“Certainly not”
“Exactly” you turn to your friend “But I don’t know, I think it’ll be bad. Just get a tonne of alcohol and hope everyone drinks loads so none of them remember” you hear Ivy laugh behind you
“Yeah cause that always works and it’s never just you getting intoxicated”
“Shut up. What do people even do at posh parties?” you turn to look at your four higher class friends. Eloise snickers
“Try not to let guys tread on your toes as they all attempt to dance”
“Shit do I need to dance?”
“Umm, yes?”
“Shit. I don’t think I know any dances”
“Yeah you do”
“Not suitable ones. Shit”
“A lady really shouldn’t use such vulgar language” you hear Daphne say
“Yeah I know” you pat down your body and feel its dry so stand up. “Right, dresses on then time to learn some dances” you brush the grass off of the back of your legs and walk over to the dress you hung up. Slipping it back over your body and doing it up, you place one hand out in front of you to where you think a man’s shoulder would be and then proceed to look confused “where does my other hand go?” Ivy stands up and takes one hand in hers and places the other hand on her shoulder
“Like this” she places a hand on your waist “Now a simple dance is back one foot then forward the other, but you need to remember to do a little bit of something with your hips. Especially as you are a woman, hips are the thing you want to show off. They are one of the more attractive features to a man subconsciously as it shows how good you are at bearing children. So I’d put one foot back then do a hip thing whilst lifting your foot, then go back forward”
“I can’t see what you mean” she sighs and motions at Anthony plus Lily.
“Lily come here. Can you lead her and just copy what I do so she can copy what Lily does?” She says to the eldest brother who nods and stands, offering his hand to you which you take in yours
“So hold my hand, put that one on your shoulder and then this one goes on your hip” you turn to face Lily and try to copy how she moves, accidently treading on his toes several times and apologising for it every time. You let go of him after a while and shake your head
“I’m just going to give up. You guys can all dance so nicely and I just look like a ferret” Ivy laughs. Lily clasps her hands together in excitement
“Does that mean I’m actually better at something then a Lady? Oh look at me. I’m a right posh one I am” she laughs then covers her mouth in embarrassment “I’m sure you guys don’t talk or act like that...” you laugh and sit on the floor and hug your knees.
“Is it lunch time yet. I’m starved”
“Do we get to eat posh food?” you nod and smile
“Well, I still cook most of it but it’s in multiple pans rather than just the one”
“Very, very posh indeed then” you help Eloise put her dress back on, seeing your friend is able to put hers on on her own.
After lunch you sit once again in the library, reading a book. A knock on the door brings you out of the story “Come in”, expecting it to be one of your friends. Anthony walks in. You smile at him “Hi, I wasn’t expecting it to be you” he nods and shuts the door.
“I just thought I’d come and see how you were, your friend with the colourful language is having a bath and your other friend is talking to Daphne I believe” you nod and pat the sofa next to you. He comes over and sits down “your friends are very... intense”
“Yeah, Lily doesn’t really have any social boundaries and Ivy is quite shy. But I love them both and couldn’t picture my life without them” he nods and leans back into the corner of the sofa, eyes watching you. You feel your cheeks go a slight pink under his gaze but shake it off as nothing. “Why did you come in here?”
“I wanted to chat. Just us two. Away from prying eyes” you nod “I-I can’t remember much from last night. I remember us talking but that’s about it”
“Wait we talked last night?” he nods slowly
“Do you not remember?” you shake your head
“I thought I dreamt it all to be honest” you chuckle nervously “I think I need to make less strong drinks in the future” he chuckle and nods. He leans forward and moves a strand of hair behind your ear. You try to control your breathing as he gets closer to you. “Sorry that was... wrong” he moves his hand away but you shake your head. “I respect you a lot and I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable” he says in a stricter tone. More to himself then you. You turn to look at him again. Eyes fixated on his lips. He smiles slightly.
“I respect you too” you whisper out as he nods.
“I’ll see you at dinner m’lady” he gives you a small smile before he stands up, exiting the room.
Over the next few days you all get along nicely, but when you mention a ball the Bridgeton’s say they will help you plan one. So after about a week of planning, arranging and sending out invites it finally comes to the day of your ball. You nervously pace around your room. Daphne comes in and gently places her hand on your shoulder “You will be fine. Mama will help you as much as you need as she is an expert with parties such as this” you nod
“Do I look ok?”
“You look beautiful”
“I think I might vomit”
“Don’t do that. You’ll ruin your lovely dress” you nod and wave your hand in front of your eyes to try and hold back tears. She smiles kindly at you and holds her arm out for you to take which you do. She leads you down the stairs, your guests waiting for you in the hallway of your house. Lily is the first to speak
“You look amazing Emily”
“Thank you my love”
“Honestly, that dress makes your tits look amazing” you roll your eyes at her as you now feel every pair of eyes subconsciously look at your chest and then back at your face.
“God I may pass out”
“Don’t do that” Daphne calms you by your side, gently patting your arm “Anthony can you help her please” he comes over and offers his arm in replacement to which you take.
“I don’t understand why I need a man with me. I’ve seen some of the people coming, I’m not going to run off with any of them I can tell you that” you flatten the front of your dress. Anthony leans in to you slightly
“Don’t mess with the dress, you look perfect” you nod and tighten your grip on him
“I feel like a high class prostitute” he looks astonished by what you said but lets out a small smile
“You look like a lady” you smile at him as the first guests arrive.
After about 20 minutes the majority of guests have arrived. Due to your upbringing, you have guests of all classes and backgrounds there. You did not want to discriminate against anyone just because of their family. Benedict and Eloise come over to join you and Anthony (him having not left your side as a form of comfort) as you notice a specific man come in. The arm holding onto Anthony’s tightens “What is wrong?”
“He... why is he here?” you whisper. You feel the brothers exchange a look. Although you remain linked with his arms you feel Anthony gently take your hand in his, holding onto it for comfort. You shake your head and look at the eldest brother pleading for him to help.
“I cannot ask him to leave. It is improper of me. I am sorry” you look at the younger siblings
“You can ask him to leave. We cannot as it is not our house. But it is your house”
“Why don’t you like him?” Eloise questions
“Hess not a nice man... is that his wife? Jesus how did he manage to get such a pretty wife. She looks about 10 though” you take in a breath “Maybe he’s changed. I doubt it but who knows. Maybe he’s no longer a high class wanker”. That’s when what you dreaded might happen starts to happen. He sees you and brings himself and his wife over to you. You break eye contact with him and stare at the hand holding yours.
“Hello my dear. It’s been so long! What, must’ve been about 3 years?” you nod as you feel tears in your eyes. That dreaded night coming back to you
“3 years and 2 months I believe, to be exact” you mentally shake yourself and motion at the Bridgeton siblings surrounding you “Eloise, Benedict and Anthony Bridgerton” they all nod at each other, Anthony lets go of your hand as he puts it out towards the man to greet him
“This is my wife” you smile at her “where is your husband then?” you shake your head
“No I’m not married”
“Why not?”
“If I marry then all my fortune that I’ve earned has to go under his name even though I was the one who earned it in the first place”
“I never even thought about that!” you hear Eloise exclaim
“Hmm” the gentlemen says “I would’ve though with the amount of men at least one of them would want to marry you. I suppose men like undamaged flowers though don’t they” you tense up at his words “I mean seriously. How could a man want to marry you with your dress being so short? Practically just begging for it. That dress is...” he eyes you up and down “well you look like a common whore. Just like your mother” you grit your teeth as the two Bridgerton men go to say something put you put a hand up to silence them
"I am not a whore”
“You could’ve fooled me” You finally make eye contact with him. Hate filling your eyes “I bet you are. How else would you be able to get a house like this? Probably doing sinful things with the real man of the house. Wanting you to dress up like one of his play things”
“I am NOT a whore. I am a NOT some sort of plaything for you or anyone for that matter. I am a woman. No. I am a lady. And you. You are just a boy. I will dress how I want because this is MY house” you let go of the brothers arm and bend down to the hem of your dress, ripping it at the side continuingly up until your whole leg is on show “Now, I want you to leave MY house before I take whatever little manhood you have between your legs and shove it up your own ass” he looks flabbergasted at your words. His wife also looking shocked
“You cannot-”
“Oh but I just did” you take a step closer to him “get the fuck out” you see him and his wife hurriedly walk out of your house. You turn to look at the three who are looking awestruck at you. Eloise is the first to speak
“That was amazing!” you smile at her
“God that was liberating”
“He must’ve done something really bad to you for you to act like that” you nod
“He wasn’t a very nice man” you take her hands “if a man ever tries to tell you to do something and you don’t want to, no matter what, tell him no. You owe men nothing. Do whatever makes you happy. And if he doesn’t take no for an answer, tell him to go fuck himself” you smile at her and hug her. Benedict coughs slightly
“Eloise shall we go and dance?” she nods and takes his arm, leaving you and Anthony by the side of the room
“I am sorry”
“Because he-”
“You are not him so you do not need to apologise” he nods as you look down at your dress “I liked this outfit” he chuckles
“I think that speech and action was worth ruining your dress though, don’t you agree?” you nod and smile up at him. He offers you his hand “I’d like to see how much you remembered from our dance lesson a few days ago”
“Oh... I remember nothing about that and I value your, well, everything to be seen dancing with someone who will likely make a fool of you” he chuckles and takes your hand anyway, leading you to the dance floor. You place a hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand “this is correct, yes?” he nods and places his hand on your waist. You dance around the room, managing to not step on his toes at all. You finish and clap with excitement “I did that perfectly” he chuckles “now I want to get-” you think for a second “I don’t know how to word it in a ladylike manner so excuse me. But I want to get shitfaced” he smiles slightly as you pull him over to the drinks you had for people. Picking up a glass for him, you hear Violet come over to you and give you a smile
“My dear, your dress is ripped” you nod
“Yeah, I think it adds to my look”
“People are looking though”
“And? It’s just a leg. We all own them”
“It’s just. It’s not proper” you roll your eyes
“Should I get dressed?” she nods and smiles at a couple of people who walk past, giving you a disgusted look “wow. Who knew so many people would get offended by a leg” you hold your hand out to Anthony “come with me?”
“Oh my dear he-”
“I’m sorry I either get dressed with him as my escort or I stay down here with my legs on show” you smile at her kindly as you head upstairs with him. You go into your room “Leave the door open. Looks less like a scandal if it’s open” he nods and admires the art around the room as you take your dress off and search your wardrobe for a new and acceptable dress.
“This painting is very good” You look over at him and the picture he is admiring
“Thanks. I painted it”
“Really?” you nod and pull the dress on over you head.
“I painted that one and that one in this room. I modelled for that one” you point at various paintings
“That’s you?” you nod
“Ivy painted me and I fancied it so much I asked her if I could buy it from her. She told me not to be so stupid and gave it to me as a present. She only requests now that if people ask who painted it I say her so that people may buy her art” he nods
“Surely it’d be better in a more public room so more people can see to admire it though?”
“I already feel very big headed having a picture of myself hanging in my house. I don’t need it on display for everyone to see how big headed I am” he laughs slightly
“No I suppose you’re right” he takes a sip of his drink and holds his arm out to you again. You smile and take it, heading downstairs. Lily runs over to you as soon as you once again reach the party, taking your hands in her own.
“Benedict told me that he turned up again. My love are you ok?” she strokes your cheeks and looks into your eyes. She was expecting to see sadness or fear but instead she saw a warmth. Happiness. She furrows her brows as she looks at you then at Anthony. “I am glad you are ok” she kisses you on the forehead as a sign of affection. “You are loved and if he ever shows his face again I will kick him so hard in his dick he’ll see stars” you laugh slightly
“Thank you. I am ok now. I told him to fuck off”
“She did. It was a weirdly amazing scene to watch play out” you hear the oldest brother say behind you. Daphne comes over to you three
“Brother. Mama said we are leaving tonight. She said that it only seems right that we leave Lady Garcia a good night’s rest before we wear her out”
“Don’t be silly. I am happy for you all to stay longer” she shakes her head
“I must also get back to tend to some duchess duties. I fear I may have left my husband for too long. But we shall come and visit you again once I have had our child if that is ok?”
“You are welcome back anytime Daphne. You and the whole family are kind and good people and I’ve had the greatest honour of being in your company” she smiles at you and bows slightly before leaving. Lily smiles at you
“M’lady. Would you let me have the honour of getting drunk with you” she asks as you smile and take her arm.
“I’d be honoured m’lady” looking at the eldest son “would you care to join?” He shakes his head
“I am going to go and join my family” he bows to you both slightly before walking away. You both smile as you go over and pour yourselves a glass of whiskey. Both starting to intake a large quantity of alcohol, Eloise comes over to join you
“What are you drinking?”
“Whiskey. Would you like some?” your friend offers
“Yes. Yes. My brothers never let me have drinks” you hand a glass before Anthony comes over once again
“Thank you” he says as he takes the glass from her hand and sips it
“Let the poor girl have a drink” he shakes his head
“Mother would kill me if she knew I’d let her drink”
“Meanie” you exclaim, pouring another drink for yourself “try some my love” you offer her your glass “if you enjoy it I shall pour you your own one and I’ll threaten to beat your brother if he tries to stop you” he laughs at your words as Eloise takes a sip and grimaces at the taste
“That is foul” you nod and take a sip
“So I take it you don’t want one?” she coughs but look at all three of you then nods
“Give me a glass” the brother goes to object but you simply cover his mouth as you pour a fresh glass with one hand. His eyes soften when you meet his gaze
“It is a party. Let the girl have a drink” you move your hand away “Also, if you guys are leaving today then I don’t have to have the responsibility of looking after her tomorrow morning” you drink the rest of your drink and place down the cup. Daphne walks over to you
“Why is she holding a glass?”
“Because it is my party and I want her to enjoy herself” you look at her “she is old enough to marry then she is old enough to get drunk. Oh I want some food”
“It looks like our sister isn’t the only one who can’t take here alcohol” you hear the oldest say. You glare at him as you get very close to him
“I can hold my alcohol. I am just hungry” he nods
“Ok. Touch your nose” you roll your eyes at him, not playing his stupid little game. He leans slightly closer to you “I’m sorry, did you not hear me. I said touch your nose. Prove to me you are not drunk” you subconsciously press your legs together at his domineering voice, now you are glad you changed dresses as no one can see your legs. You lift your finger up and place it on the end of your nose with ease.
“See? And I can touch yours” you touch the end of his nose “and everyone else’s. The world is my oyster of nose touching” you laugh and link arms with him as you watch his sister down the drink you gave her, gagging afterwards. You wince for her “Yeah it’s a strong drink. Sorry my love. Oops sorry for calling you my love” you smile as you watch her recover from her drink, coughing into her hand.
A couple more hours pass and all the guests start to leave. The Bridgerton’s (apart from your two friends) are the last to go. “It has been wonderful to meet you all!” you smile at each of them as they all make their way to their carriages. You go over and kiss Daphne’s forehead “thank you for coming. Do write to me when you have the child as I’d love to see him” you smile and wave goodbye as they leave your now very empty house.
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Drunk & Giggly (Short Blurb for Brit’s Night, Harry’s Angel AU🦋)
pairing; harry styles x female reader (angel)
summary: a very cute and very giggle harry is your favourite harry
warnings: none, mentions of alcohol but that’s it
a/n: 4/4 sweep im LOSING IT, im so so so proud of him he’s so deserving of this 💗
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You could hear his giggles spilling through the green room as you followed Gemma backstage, they’d served some of the strongest drinks you’d ever had tonight, so it was safe to say you opted for two and let Harry have his fun so you could make sure he was okay. You had a smile on your face as you walked into the room, there were no words to describe how proud of Harry you were, and the minute his eyes saw you the widest smile erupted across his face
You laughed at his loud cheering of your name, he did a cute little run over to you before pulling you into his chest, his cologne mixing with the slight smell of tequila filling your senses
“Hi my love, I’m so proud of you!”
“M’proud of you more!”
He pulled back enough to see you smiling, another laugh leaving your lips at his drunken behaviour. He couldn’t help but stare at you before pressing his lips to yours firmly, he was not very shy to pda after he’d had a few drinks. You almost forgot where you were until whistles sounded around you and you two pulled away, your face flushing as you hid in Harry’s jacket
“Aww m’angel feeling a little shy”
“M’not shy H you little tease”
He laughed his hands rubbing up and down your back before you moved to look up at him, his eyes glassed over slightly, your thumb coming up to brush across his cheek. Anthony wasted no time capturing the very sweet movement, you’d remember to ask him for those photos later
“I am really proud of you H, you deserve every ounce of happiness and ever accomplishment you’ve gotten, I love you so much”
It was his turn to get flustered, a nervous smile on his face before giving you one last kiss
“I love you, I wouldn’t be here without you, so thank you”
There was a hot chance he wouldn’t remember much of the night after you’d both hit up the afterparty, Harry’s name being chanted in the room, but these moments, no matter how big or small they were, would forever be more than special to you🦋
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dark-elf-writes · 9 months
Every single time Freddie Wong gets audibly excited as he describes what cool shit Glenn or Taylor is doing I cackle like mad
The sound of Freddie’s deep inhale and the start of his maniacal giggle as he starts to explain exactly how Anthony activated his trap card is one of the best sounds that exsists tbh
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reborn--maggot · 1 year
The Evolution of a Name
by me
I am born with a name that suits me fine. I like it, proudly sprawling the thing across my work, my art, my toys, My life.
I am given names that I quite like to hear. Darling, princess, pumpkin, peanut Are all me, and I giggle and grin When they replace that one from the beginning.
I stumble into a name that isn't mine, A measure of safety, the first thing that Pops into my brain as I look around my room. There is a drawing of a mermaid called Misty, And I steal her name, typing it slowly to ensure I spelled it right.
My friend has a name that sounds like mine, but isn't. She's quite fond of it, but I don't mind as much, and I tell her mother she can call me John.
My teacher hands out little pieces of paper And mine says she will call me any name I choose. I become Asriel. I beam whenever she says that one, Loving it more than anything that came before it.
Over dinner, I ask my parents What they would have named me If I had been a boy. James, they say. James Henry.
I'm staying behind in class to speak with my teacher And she tells the person on the phone that there's a student waiting for her. When she uses the word "she", I notice her frown, taking in my short hair and baggy clothes. "Is it she?" She asks. I smile and tell her no.
I am James full-time now, But my parents are slow on the uptake. James Henry morphs into James Anthony, Which in turn becomes James Anthony Philip. I have discovered the possibility of changing one's name on a whim, But I still choose my names carefully.
I am playing a tabletop game after school When my DM introduces a character he thought he named quite cleverly. Captain Morgan helps our party begrudgingly with a dubious accent. I am fascinated by him in a way I cannot yet describe. I like his name, the way it rolls off the tongue.
It has been a terrifying month following a month of denial, But I have finally told everyone that matters that I had been wrong. My cousin admits that I now share the name of her ex. It is my decision, and she is sure I will be a better man than he ever was.
It is the middle of the day and my mother has noticed That my account on our streaming service has changed. Incredulous, she asks who that name belongs to. I say it's mine, and she says I should try again. It is already the middle name of two other cousins. This is not my fault. She doesn’t care.
I notice that more and more of my friends are taking up different names, Collecting the ones they like the best. I've made up some grand time-traveling escapade, And I decide I need an undercover name. I find Miles and repeat it to myself for the rest of the day. I like Miles. I think I’ll keep it.
My friend asks me to help them pick out a new name. We pour through pages upon pages. They find a few they like. I find Adonis. I like Adonis, but it doesn't suit me. It doesn't hurt to try.
I am creating a new character, Sculpting them from a piece of my soul. They need their own name. I find Willow. I love how Willow sounds, how it feels when my friends say it to me. I add it to my collection, in reserve, as a bonus.
The name I was born with looms over me. My parents still use it. It's on my presents from half of my family members. My brother pronounces it wrong to get a rise out of me, and it works too well. That is not my name, I snap. Try again.
And they try again. And again. For now, it comes out the same.
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garebearandnan · 8 months
LITG | S2 | Day 1 Part 3 | First Night in Paradise: Priya
(Narrator) Iain Stirling: The Villa gets a shake up with a new arrival. Will the arrival of a fiery new bombshell cause trouble in paradise Time to meet Priya!
Villa entrance: Priya is feeling a little nervous about coming in as the first ‘bombshell’ of the season. The camera films the new islander’s back as she enters the villa. "It looks so much lovelier in real life," says the bombshell. She opens the exterior bedroom door. She looks at the camera and sends a cheeky wink as she exits. She straightens her shoulders and puts on her sexiest smile before beginning to stroll toward the garden. You got this girl!
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The screen switches to Priya's introduction Montage
"I’m Priya, 29 and I'm from Manchester." She smiled and crossed her legs. "I am an estate agent, but I'm definitely one of the good ones!"
Pictures from her social media feed flash on the screen behind her.
"I’ve been single for about 18 months, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. She smiles and flips her hair over her shoulder. "I’m your dream girl," (she giggles) "Oh, my God. I’m going to get slated for this."
"My ideal man is someone who's taller than me," she chuckled, gesturing to herself. "Someone who is chill, hard-working and can have a laugh with. I do love a bit of a flirt." She giggled again.
"If I had to describe myself in three words, it would be confident, quick-witted, and feisty enough that if I want something, I’ll go for it."
"My biggest turn off would have to be a guy who doesn’t keep it clean, you know, down there."
Her social media pictures and posts continue to roll on the screen behind her. She had a lot of work related posts and clubbing with friends.
"If I had to describe myself in bed, it would be... passionate, fun, and adventurous," said Priya with a flirty wink.
"My best feature? I get a lot of compliments on my eyes and my boobs (she pushes up her breasts and giggles), and I like the fact that I have hips. I like my hourglass figure." She laughs.
"My celebrity crushes are Channing Tatum and Anthony Joshua."
"I have my eye on a few boys. They're all so gorgeous. Noah and Ibrahim are both tall, dark, and handsome. Gary is extremely fit and his eyes are just lovely," she smiles as her hands form a heart shape. "Bobby is super cute and seems like fun, and he bakes too, which is a huge plus. I'm not afraid to step on toes to get what I want!"  As Montage finishes, she does a little twirl and laughs.
Beach hut (BH) confessions:
Priya: The guys are like, really, really hot. Walking into the villa tonight was honestly so scary. But, the boys gave a really nice welcome.
Gary: Priiii-ya. Bloody hell. Damn! Oh, she’s gonna cause trouble.
Bobby: She is a weapon. She is really fit. A bombshell is an understatement.
Noah: Priya really knows what she wants. She’s so confident. I think our girls, until now, were a bit confident. The girls will have some grafting to do now if they still want our attention, if you know what I mean.
Grace (MC): She is, like, perfect. But no one is that perfect. So hopefully she’s, like, really hairy or something.  Or maybe she has like a third toe… or, like, a third nipple. Because you can’t be that perfect. It’s really frustrating. You can’t have everything!
Lottie: I was 100% right. My tea leaves never lie. I was like, ‘There's a female, I can smell her hormones.
Hope: Let me spill the tea, right? I’m telling you, the girls are rattled. I’m not gonna lie. But I’ve got to back myself, cos if we don’t back ourselves, I’ll be, like, in a heap, crying.
(Narrator) Iain Stirling: Let’s get the goss on how the boys are really feeling.
While the girls have retreated to the daybed with Priya for a girl's chat, the lads huddled around the fire. Gary looks over at the girls, “Brilliant. Fuck me dead. Fuck me…” They all grasped what Gary was conveying, so he didn't need to clarify.
“I know, mate,” Ibrahim said nodding in agreement and Rocco added, “She flames and has an enticing aura.”
"Fucking hell," Noah said, as the boys were unable to prevent themselves from glancing at Priya. Bobby is looking over at the girl's huddle as he added, “That means one of the girls is going. All will change now. You watch.”
BH Rocco: “I think she is gonna shake up the villa massively.”
“And she starts walking down,” Bobby says, practically jumping on the spot.
“Oh yeah, yeah!” says Ibrahim as his smile widens in excitement. “I couldn’t stop looking.”
“You were like,” Gary chuckles, and emulates his hands in prayer.
“Exactly, bruh.” Ibrahim imitates the cross sign. “Priya definitely is a bit of me, mate.”
Noah turned to Ibrahim. “Would any of them get you away from your partner?
Ibrahim replied, “Yeah, mate. She’s my type. 100%.”
BH Ibrahim: “Seeing Priya, she’s like my perfect girl. She’s got the eyes, the bod, crazy, it’s mad.” 
Rocco asks Bobby, ”If Grace, Hannah, and Priya both step forward, who are you picking?”
Bobby hesitated to respond and glanced at Gary. Gary claimed he wasn't bothered and didn't seem upset when Bobby mentioned earlier that he may fancy Grace a little. He shrugged and replied, “Based just off just looks. Priya.”
BH Bobby: “It’s crazy. Like, I’m enjoying myself and then this girl walks in and she changes the whole thing. The girl is quite fiery. She is confident.”
Noah was taken back by his response and questioned, “Would you?”
Bobby's grin broadened. “Yeah, definitely, lads.”
“You fancy her?” Gary inquired.
“I don't not fancy her.” Bobby winked and each boy laughed.
“I keep saying, remember where we are,” says Rocco. “We’re here on Love Island, we are not on Loyalty Island.”
Gary expressed his agreement. “I agree. We’re here to fuckin’ find the girl of our dreams, not to just stick with the girl that we’ve been partnered with from the start if you don’t fancy her.” He said sternly, “That is the point of it.”
Ibrahim sighed deeply as he placed his head on his hands. “My head is gone in the last few minutes.”
“She came in here with a lot of confidence, a lot of energy. She seems like she has her head screwed on as well,” Gary observed.
“So Gary, does this mean you're feeling her?” Rocco prodded a little too eagerly. “Straight up, is she your type?”
Gary wasn't taken in for a second. He knew the other boys fancied Grace as she was the only girl who had four of them step forward for her. He couldn't really blame them. If she was coupled with someone else, he would want to get to know her too. The crane operator remarked, “Of course, all the girls are really fit. It’s gonna be interesting tomorrow to see how it goes. But, at the same time, I’ve had such a lovely day with Grace.”
“So, who is more your type?” asks Bobby. “Grace or Priya? Be honest.” 
Gary didn’t hesitate to respond, “Really, I’d say Grace is more my type, but I don’t really know Priya like I do Grace.”
“OK, fair enough,” Bobby nods.
Gary does offer next, “But, let me throw it out there. She is really attractive.”
“Yeah, of course,” says Bobby with a smirk.
“When Priya fucking looks in your eyes and starts flirting… Ohh those assets are hard to miss.” Gary says as he rolls his head upward and shakes his head.
“Fuck, just when she gives me that look… ” Bobby beams at the others and says, “Being cheeky? It’s hard, hey?”
“Oh mate, like, this is trouble. Like… Oh, fuck.” Gary smirks and shakes his head. “But, yeah, I bloody can’t help myself sometimes.”
Bobby chuckles, “Lord, I have sinned. Forgive me…” (he moans) “The devil wears Prada and she has the lips of an angel.”
The boys all laugh.
BH Noah: “The lads' heads have definitely been turned by the new girl, and there’s gonna be trouble.”
Beach Hut
Lottie and Hannah have been called to the beach hut for their interviews. “My feelings were fairly obvious! I don't trust her.” Lottie shrieked, dramatically flinging herself back in her chair. “I realise that it's all part of the competition, but I’m calling it now, she’s not going to respect girl code.”
“This is horrible. I didn’t think I’d be bothered.” Hannah had a melancholy expression on her face as she spoke to Lottie. “She’s all, like, sugar and spice and everything nice.”
“Yeah, but so are you, Hannah!” Lottie responded, reaching for Hannah's hand and giving it a consoling squeeze.
“She is beautiful. And… that’s fine. She’s excited. She wants to chat to the lads. But, I think you’ll be fine with Rocco,” Hannah confesses.
Marisol looks Priya up and down. ”So you’re the girl who's going to shake things up. I wonder what Ibrahim thought of you?”
Marisol thinks I’ll turn some heads... “I’ll take that as a compliment. If I turn heads, I’m doing my job right?”
“So like your initial, like, top islanders when you came in,” Marisol asked Priya, hoping she was one of them. 
Priya responds cautiously, “I would say Ibrahim is my type straight away. But, Gary has got gorgeous eyes, too.” And with that Marisol and Grace's smiles vanish. “I can’t pick the third one.” Her gaze lingers on Noah at the fire pit for a little longer before moving her eyes to Bobby. “Bobby, seems really sweet.” Priya admitted apologetically, “But I'm not trying to tread on anyone's toes." 
“D’you know what though? You have literally just got to do you.” Marisol supported her.
“Yeah, It’s still early days. We’ve literally known each other for a few hours,” Grace admitted.
BH Priya: “I feel like the girls want to keep me close, just to see what I am thinking. Like, they were really wanting to know what guys I’m into. Other than that, they’re still really nice as well.”
Fire Pit
“What do you do?” Noah questioned.
“I am working in real estate right now.” She smiles, “But like one of the good ones.” The boys all chuckle.
“That’s really cool!” Bobby said. The boys proceeded around the circle, revealing their ages, what they did for work, and where they resided.
Priya then inquired, “Like, where do you guys stand? Is everyone a happy couple then?”
“Not everyone,” Bobby answered.
“Oh?  Let’s go around and see who is happy,” she said.
Gary started off by saying, “I’m coupled with Grace. Things are great right now.” ”And you’re coupled up with Hope?” Priya questions Noah.
“Yeah, I’m happy at the minute.” Noah informed her. He smiles and the light from the fire catches his face.
“I’m trying to follow my heart here in the Villa.”
Priya nods agreeing. “I’m the same way. I’m going to ruffle some feathers no matter what. So I may as well go with what feels right.”
“At the moment, I am with Lottie. I think she is a cool girl.” Rocco concluded with, “It is early, early days. Seeing who I have the best vibe with, ya know.”
“You're just going with the flow!” Priya replied, nodding.
"Yeah," he replied, winking at Priya. “Exactly. It’s only been a day. We’re not, like, married or anything.”
Bobby said, “I wonder what Lottie would say if she heard you say that.”
Rocco just replies, “She gets it. Things a pretty casual with us right now!”
“That’s not what she said. Anyway, so I’m coupled up with Hannah.” Bobby said next. “She’s not my type, but I think she’s lovely. Nothing romantic there. We’re both keeping our options open.”
Ibrahim was on the other side of Priya. “I’m with Marisol. We’re having a good time, but like, I don’t know if we’re really set. I see her keeping her options open and likely looking elsewhere,” Ibrahim says tentatively looking over at Gary. “So I guess my options are open too." Priya looks at Ibrahim's muscular arms and nibbles her lower lip. Ibrahim returned the smile by puffing up his chest.
BH Priya: First Impression: First off, the boys are really fit. Ibrahim is my usual type. So I would go for that. But Gary is nice and I would get along with him. I feel like I would have so much fun with Gary. And Bobby. And even Ibrahim as well! Noah is really quiet but is really sweet. Rocco is a little too flirty, but he does have great hair and a sexy smile. They’ve known each other for, like, what, eight hours.
Marisol is facing the two girls in the other day bed. “The thing is, they're getting excited because it’s fresh meat, basically.”
The sound of Priya and the boy's laughter causes all three girls to look over. "Oh!" gasps Grace, looking across towards the fire pit at Gary.
“No, no. That doesn’t mean anything, girls,” Hope tries to reassure the girls and herself.
BH Marisol: It’s Priya Island right now!
Priya’s laughter carries over to the daybeds. “She’s ballsy,” says Marisol, admiring the beautiful girl chatting away with the boys at the fire pit.
Grace is stretched out on her side facing Hope, who is sitting against the daybed frame. “She will nick your man,” Grace quips, jokingly and Hope said teasingly, “She will fuckin’ take him.”
Marisol chuckled and nodded her head, “She will take him from the table.”
Grace smirked and said, “She will take him from the table and buy him a drink.” The girls all laugh.
“The thing is, I really hope she doesn’t fancy Noah,” Hope then smirks. “But how am I supposed to expect Noah not to stare, when I can’t take my eyes off of her tits?” 
Marisol burst out laughing. “I couldn’t stop staring at her boobs either!”
Hope offers a suggestion, “Tomorrow, we’ll wear some push-ups.” Hope gestures with her hand as though pointing and adds, “I’ll be like, can you not wear that to her.” There’s another round of giggles from the three girls.
BH Grace: "I hate this. I’m not a jealous person. It’s just augh." (She shakes her head, disappointed with herself.) "I just don’t get all the giggling and all the laughing. I feel the girls are well aware. It's just boys." (She pouts and runs her fingers through her hair.) “Tomorrow is a big day, but this isn’t my true form. I’m like a Power Ranger. Tomorrow I’ll be washed, bikini on. It’s game on.”
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Can I request for a bridgerton male ship headcanons and the vampire diaries male ship headcanons?
My name is Tanu and I'm an author and a law student. I'm a happy go lucky person. I love spreading happiness and love to the people around me. I'm a very empathetic person. I work for NGOs and I love to make someone's life better and help them. I love giving hugs and making people comfortable around me. I think of other people's comfort and happiness before mine. I'm a very emotional person and an innocent person. Little things and the behaviours of the people around me affect a lot. I'm a bit childish and I really don't take life seriously but, when the situation comes I act very maturely. I'm a mix of being a child at heart and bring matured at the same time. I love traveling around the world and meeting new people and to know about their culture and tradition. I love reading and I'm a voracious reader. I have been singing and dancing and giving performances since the age of 10.
I love intellectual and philosophical discussions. I'm a very simple girl with very few close friends. I love being around kids as they effortlessly make me smile. My family is my biggest strength and support. I'm fluent in 5 languages and even manage by german blog with my book writing. I take language classes and it empowers me that I help people learn and grow and have different experiences in life.
Thank you so much.
Hope you like them!
Ships are under the cut~
I ship you with Anthony.
I think Anthony would hold your love for family in high esteem. You make him smile and laugh, and you bring him and excitement and love he never he'd have.
Runner Up: Colin Bridgerton
You are quite a bit different than Anthony, and others have said so, but that is why Anthony adores you so much. You are like two sides to the same coin.
Anthony, when he has time, loves to read as well, so you two often talk of books and recommend them to each other often. When you were first courting, he would invite you to his home and allow you to look through the library, encouraging you to read as many of their books as you'd like.
Something Anthony's family adores about you, if you easy way of making Anthony smile. You could enter the room and his face brightens. You know how to make him laugh, and you have many inside jokes that have left you giggling, much to the confusion of those around you.
Anthony adores (and is a bit jealous) that you know so many languages, and often asks you how to say certain words or phrases in those languages. He also likes to brag to people about your multilingualism.
You get along so well with the rest of the Bridgerton's that it took them no time at all to warm up to you. And many of Anthony's siblings were often telling him that if he did not marry you, he was an idiot.
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I ship you with Elijah.
Elijah would admire your loyalty, love of family and range of skills. He would be attracted to you from the moment you first met.
Runner Up: Matt Donovan
There is nothing ore important to Elijah than family, and you are his family. He would burn the world down to keep you safe. Luckily, if people tend to hate the Mikaelson's, they like you and avoid going after you (or they are too scared too)
Elijah loves language, music and new cultures, so any time he can, he will whisk you away to some new part of the world for the two of you to explore.
He also often takes you to past places he has been (since he's been around for so long lol). He will show you all of his favorite spots, restaurants, hotels, etc.
Elijah adores your ability to get along so well with people, as well as your loyalty, and your drive to help people. He often describes you as the sun in a world of shadow.
One of Elijah's favorite relaxing activities is sitting beside you as the two of you read. No need for words, just your presence near him as you both enjoy a shared hobby is enough for him.
If he has to go somewhere without you (on a trip on family business and whatnot), he will always bring you back something. A book, a unique piece of jewelry, food, etc.
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allianettemie5 · 2 years
Master Post
Fandom: Video Blogging RPF, Private Recording 1
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Relationships: Anthony | ChilledChaos & Steven | ZeRoyalViking, Anthony | ChilledChaos & Rumay Wang
Characters: Rumay Wang, Anthony | ChilledChaos, Steven | ZeRoyalViking, Apollo Willems, Brett Hoffman
Hafu let out a giggle. She could recall that lobby, not the whole thing, but the moments that made their way into Chilled’s video. She caught herself smiling at the memory.
“God, I miss him so much,” quietly came out of Ze’s microphone.
Hafu caught herself wondering about the two men, if they would fit in the current group.
Chilled was… How could she describe Chilled?
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tsaritza-mika · 7 months
BG3 Shorties
I've written a few of these, but this is the only one that's ready to go for post. These fics are longer than drabbles, but don't feel long enough to be one-shots, so I'm just calling them 'Shorties'. Hope you enjoy! Summary: A strategic discussion during Act 1, after having taken out 2 of the 3 Goblin Leaders. Halsin still needs saving, but while the others look at supplies, Gale's thoughts wander Warnings: None Named Tav: Mika Suggested Listening: Seven Nation Army - VoicePlay feat. Anthony Gargiula (acapella cover) After The Drow Fell
The stench of Goblin permeated every inch of the dilapidated Selune temple they had made their base. So much so that Mika doubted if the orb in Gale's chest wouldn't be able to wipe the smell would clear quite so easily with how he'd described the resulting explosion. It wasn’t as if she’d never been around Goblins; that would have been particularly impressive during the time she’d lived on the streets of the Gate’s lower city, but these specific Goblins... Not only were they attempting to slaughter everyone who didn’t bow to this apparent new god called ‘The Absolute’, but the fact that if they succeeded and tore a bloody swath through the Grove, that they had the leadership to go even further. Of course, that possibility was getting slimmer by the minute, seeing as she and her other companions had already taken out two of them.
The only one left was the supposed ‘Goblin King’, Dror Razglin. From what they had glimpsed on the way back to see Minthara, it was now a question of whether or not they would be enough to take him out, or if it would be wiser to locate and release First Druid Halsin. The x-factor of course being that they had no idea the current health of the First Druid, and if he would be able and ready to assist in fighting his way out of captivity or not. Either way, he would be freed soon, but if he was able to assist, that could possibly give them the added edge when dealing with so many goblins all at once. But they would finish considering that after looking through their bags to see what everyone had available. “Hm, okay, I have a few acid arrows, some poison, a few scrolls...ugh, one health potion...”
Shadowheart frowned as she went through her own bag, not liking their chances the more they realized they didn’t have. “I’ve got a few spell scrolls that could be useful, a few possibly useful potions... I’m afraid that’s all that’s left; and we’ve already been going for a while today, I’m greatly limited in my spells right now...” 
“Let me guess, most would be your healing spells...”
“Unfortunately. Killing that giant phase spider and its brood took a lot of magic to keep us all going.”
“Shit, I was worried about that... Astarion, what have you got?”
“Similar to Shadowheart, but I’ve also got a single revival scroll, and... three power bombs.”
“Well that’s something...”
“Not enough to gamble my life on, dear. If I can put in my two copper, darling, since you’re so set on doing so, freeing the Druid first is looking like our best option, possibly injured or otherwise.”
“As much as I am loath to say it, Astarion may be right, Mika. If the First Druid is even in half good health, with how those at the Grove spoke of him, he’d still likely be a force to be welcomed.”
“Why Shadowheart, did you just agree with me?”
“Don’t get used to it, Astarion.” Giggling softly at the two, Mika turned to look over where Gale had seated himself, raising a brow at the curious look on his face.
“Gale? You still with us?”
“Oh! Ah, yes, yes of course I am. Apologies, I was merely drifting in thought.”
“Copper for your thoughts?”
“Well, I uh, I was merely pondering, if you don’t mind my asking of course-”
“While they’re still young would be nice, Gale...”
“What, it’s true!”
“Both of you, shush! You can argue when we get back alive!” Shaking her head at the two, Mika looked back over to Gale, nodding when he was free to continue.
“As I was getting to it, I was simply curious about when you had been speaking with the Drow earlier. I realize now that the entire exchange was meant to deceive her, of course, but I couldn’t help but also notice that it felt as if something else had seemed to anger you greatly. As I am, in the presence of two Elves and a Half Elf, I was merely wondering if perhaps it is something of a racial slur toward those of Elven blood by calling you a uh, a ‘Faerie’ as it were.”
Blinking at the question, Mika was a little surprised it had been obvious to anyone at all, especially since she hadn’t planned on allowing Minthara to slaughter those in the Grove anyway. Though really, seeing as she had been able to pick up on Shadowheart's worries about the artifact being discovered on her person via the tadpole, she shouldn't have been so surprised.  “You really noticed that, Gale?”
“There was nothing of note when she forced our minds to link up, surely, but your form seemed to become far more rigid than usual.”
“Hm? Been staring at our darling leader’s alluring figure a bit much, Gale?”
“Eh! Absolutely not!”
Rolling her eyes at him, Mika playfully smacked Astarion’s shoulder with a half-pout, “I can’t speak for everyone here, Gale, but as far as I’m aware, it’s only meant as an insult if it's presented that way.”
“Ah, I see. That’s good to-”
“Besides, if anyone treats those in our group, or myself as anything beneath them, I will readily and painfully spill every drop of their blood and dance upon their corpse.” Everyone seemed to pause in shock at that. The young, sweet Elven woman that had brought them all together and led them so far, the same one who sang softly and played her violin by the fire before bed, had just vowed a painful death upon those who would threaten or mistreat them. 
The mere promise of her wrath and retribution on behalf of the rest of them, or for herself, in one normally so bright and hopeful, somehow that was more frightening than any of the Goblin hordes beyond their shadowy corner. Still in a bit of shock, the three of them watched as Mika let out a calming breath, running a hand through the messy waves of her pale, ash-blond hair as she stood and shrugged on her bag. “Anyway, getting back to the task at hand, I feel I must agree; we should free Halsin before we finish clearing this place out. Let’s get going, I’d like to pick up some of that extra explosive power before we make any moves and locate his holding cell.”
Following her lead, Shadowheart and Astarion packed up and stood as Gale stumbled to his feet, still reeling after such a display. “Oh my, who would have ever guessed our sweet, darling little Mika was so...fiery...”
“Focus Astarion...”
“Oh but I am... In fact I have my eyes on every delicious inch...”
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