#German books rec
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Got these gems today
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severin-photocopy · 2 months
Do you have any book recommendations? I am trying to find some books and stories to get into.
Hey hi sorry for answering so late I really had to think about this because I'm terrible at giving recommendations :(
I'm mostly going to talk about classics because I am more informed on that topic.
My favorite pieces of literature to recommend that are non Sacher-Masoch related are:
- The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe
- Kafka's short stories
- Rimbaud's poems
- Fraulein Else by Arthur Schnitzler
then obviously I'm going to tell you to read either Venus in Furs or, if you want something less "sexual" and a bit less sad, Don Juan von Kolomea. The Sacher-Masoch propaganda never stops (plus look through the Jewish Short Stories cause they are also worth it Might be a bit problematic in some aspects but if taken in the context of the 19th century it's actually pretty good)
For some newer stuff that I read this year and that I liked a lot and would recommend I'd say:
- Sándor Marais ("The Embers" has changed my life)
- The World and All That It Holds by Aleksandar Hemon
- The World of Yesterday by Stephan Zweig
Also little bonus: anything by Rilke because he writes so beautifully.
Also for some of them you might want to thread carefully because they do handle sensitive topics. I wouldn't want for your reading experience to be ruined by getting in a bad mental state.
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blankvers · 1 year
Let me do a Schoethe Book Rec about a series that has never been recced?!
For all the Germans here
Ich habe noch nie jemanden in diesem Fandom gesehen, der für diese Trilogie geworben hat, und das ist nicht in Ordnung. Denn diese Bücher sind ein Meisterwerk.
Die Reihe heißt „Goethe und Schiller ermitteln“ von Stefan Lehnberg und besteht aus den Bänden
Durch Nacht und Wind
Die Affäre Carambol
Die Briefe des Ikarus
Der dritte Band ist, leider Gottes, nur als E-Book erhältlich. Die ersten beiden liegen aber auch gedruckt vor. Von, wenn man dem Autor glauben darf, Cottas noch immer existierendem Verlag.
Alle drei Bände sind im Prinzip nichts anderes als gedruckte Fanfictions. Sie sind allesamt aus Schillers POV geschrieben und präsentieren unsere Beiden Dichterfürsten als inoffizielle Ermittler; Auf eine sehr lustige, aber auch enorm spannende und ernsthafte Art und Weise.
Und wenn ich sage „enorm spannend“, dann meine ich enorm spannend. Wirklich.
Insbesondere der erste Teil, der mein Favorit ist, ist so spannend, dass ich es ab der Mitte kaum weglegen konnte. Ein Plottwist nach dem anderen.
Der zweite Teil gefiel mir, wegen dem Ende, deutlich weniger, es war aber dennoch spannend zu lesen. Der dritte Teil wiederum ist ein close second meiner Favoriten, der ebenfalls so unglaublich spannend und crazy war!
Die Seiten sind kleiner, und die Seitenzahl mäßig, deshalb dauert es nicht allzu lange, eins dieser Bücher durchzulesen. Gleichzeitig ist es aber auch nicht so kurz, dass es zu schnell vorbei ist.
Es ist platonisches Schoethe, aber und sehr in character geschrieben.
Es beinhaltet Schiller Whump, manchmal auch Goethe, sehr viel Action, sehr cooler Humor und sehr viel Idiots-Material. Allerdings auch sehr viel Smart-Boys-Material, because, natürlich.
Lest es. Tut es einfach.
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(Alle drei Bücher gibts auf Amazon und in den Online-Shops von Hugendubel und Thalia)
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thedaughterofkings · 11 months
Favourite fantasy book series
I'm due for a reread for several, if not most of these, and I'm really interested to see how they rank with other people!
So please vote for your favourite of these and let me know which ones I've missed!
In no particular order:
The Lord of the Rings isn't on there because it has the uncontested top place in my heart, mind and soul forever and ever anyways and I can't chance it not taking first place in a poll on my blog, I would probably literally cry.
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mirrorthoughts · 1 year
Ngh... I thought I found a book in German to give to my parents to explain Audhd/AD(H)D and Autism (you don't know how hard it is to actually find German books or at least German translations about that topic... especially ones that aren't 5+ years old).
The first few chapters in the ADHD part were great, just one word kinda rubbed me wrong: The author described ADHD as an "illness".
A few chapters in and now we're at a full blown "five weeks to success - declaring war on [your] ADHD".
It's just... what she writes isn't wrong, but the way she portraits it is as if you have cancer or something and you just have to keep staying strong, work on yourself and get treatment and soon you will be normal again!
That's my brain, m'am! Not a tumor!
It's just giving me the heebie jeebies reading through this. Even if she, as I said, doesn't actually say wrong things as far as I can tell. Just the whole framing is off...
(I'll still read through this and there are a few tips I want to try out but I'm definitely not going to give that book to my parents thank you very much...)
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thelastrenaissance · 8 months
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Momo, also known as The Grey Gentlemen or The Men in Grey, is a fantasy novel by Michael Ende. The novel was published on January 1973.  
“Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it.”
Michael Ende, Momo
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yugiohz · 1 year
I think a lot of fic writers would benefit from looking into focalization and how storytelling is separated into layers sorryyyyy
you don’t even have to read the actual source, there’s tons of good secondary lit idk I think it’s theee fundamental text you should know if you enjoy writing
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thechaosghost · 3 months
For the asks : Which Nautical Novel Series do you prefer and reccomend? I'm looking fir book recs!
i dont have all too many fictional books about the navy to recommend, but John Fisher Memories was a really good read! i also want to get around to reading 20,000 leagues under the sea. Treasure Island was also a good book, and fun fact, Mr. Mercer canonically killed the main characters dad!! some non-fiction books about the navy are (with the links of were i got them on amazon);
Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany, and the Winning of the Great War at Sea
Jutland: The Unfinished Battle: A Personal History of a Naval Controversy
Naval History of World War I
To Rule the Waves: How the British Navy Shaped the Modern World
Dreadnought: Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War
edit: the John Fisher Memories is a non-fiction book!
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seherstudies · 8 months
I am not sure how relevant this is for many but if you are curious about Japanese-German-Japanese translation, the German Institute for Japanese Studies offers a free pdf for the book "Eine gewisse Farbe der Fremdheit - Aspekte des Übersetzens Japanisch-Deutsch-Japanisch (A Certain Shade of Otherness - Aspects of Japanese-German-Japanese Translation)".
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Who knew some thrift stores have a board book collection, some even featuring a classics section!
Check your thrift stores for books 📚
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Hii I am currently looking for some new comics to read so I was hoping Tumblr could perhaps have some recommendations?
I am very open to different genres etc, pretty art is definitely a big bonus :D
(For reference besides Ttlotfk and Tua I have read and quite enjoyed Blacksad, all the Witcher comics, Cyberpunk 2077 Comics, Doom Patrol, modern Venom comics, also quite a bit of shounen manga and I am currently reading Paper Girls so yeah a lot of different stuff lol)
Also since many comic books are hard to get in Czech Republic I would definitely prefer ones that are not divided into issues (or that are but a collected version has been released) and that do not have too many parts, sorryyy
And thank you greatly for any recommendations, I really appreciate it
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oldtvandcomics · 3 months
Book Shout-outs for Pride Month #4:
German edition.
Disclaimer: I WAS fully planning to go to a queer German bookshop this year and get some actual recommendations. With all the death and illness currently going on in my family, I haven't yet, and I have no idea what is going to happen in the near future.
So yeah, if you know any queer German fantasy/scifi actually written in German, please let me know!
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Ein Meer aus Feuer by Evelyne Aschwanden: A group of pirates rescue an abducted princess, and they have all kinds of adventures on their way back to her kingdom. The entire crew is queer, and there is a lesbian romance, although it takes backstage to the adventure part.
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sciogli-lingua · 1 year
Book recs
Hello people! Since apparently the most effective way for me to improve at/practice a foreign language is either binge-watching or binge-reading, I have question for native speakers (or learners!) of German and/or Greek: if you had to choose your absolute favorite book ever written in the language, what would it be? A contemporary one, a classic -- whatever floats your boat! Any level is good, I shouldn't have any problems with basically anything in German and I'll be hoarding the Greek ones for later anyway :P
If a title comes to mind, send it in -- and thank you in advance anyway :)
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Non-Anglo Movies You Should Watch 14/∞: Munich – The Edge of War (2020), dir. Christian Schwochow
Country: United Kingdom, Germany
Language: English, German
Genre: Period Spy Thriller
Summary: At the tense 1938 Munich Conference, former friends who now work for opposing governments become reluctant spies racing to expose a Nazi secret in the run-up to World War II.
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thequeerlibrarian · 1 year
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I love Kai Meyer 😍
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moranjpg · 2 years
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Feo’s fave books of 2022 (3/6)
Letters to a young poet by Rainer Maria Rilke
I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
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