#George x luna
cheekytorah · 1 year
I’m fine with Hermione paired with Severus (post war) being Fanon, as long as Ron is with Blaise, neville with Theo, Harry with draco, (or Harry, draco and neville) and Ginny with Luna, or Ginny with Pansy and Fred lives and the twins share Luna.
I would also accept Ron with Pansy at this time
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minimindi · 4 months
Microfic May Day 12: vivid
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escapeinmybookshelf · 5 months
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@microficmay Staring Contest a 50 word microfic read on AO3
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maldeldest · 2 months
My old Harry Potter fanfictions
Sooo... as many other Potterheads before I wrote fanfictions. I am now 20 years old and I wrote them when I was ten. Well, writing isnt exactly the right Word to use. I actually only wrote down 2 of them. The rest were just plans I had in my head. I knew exactly How it was gonna go and what the final Showdown will be.
Ofc, my 10 year old self wasnt very good with 2 Things.
1. Almost everyone is OOC. The worst got my favorite character of them all, Severus Snape. He did stuff and said stuff I was, at my rereading like: Yeah, no, Severus would never say that. (Funny enough the only two FF I actually wrote down Was a Snily fanfiction and I basically made him a Damsel in Distress). Thats also another trait of mine. I Show my love with torture. Mostly everyone just gets kidnapped...seriously there isnt one that doesnt involve someone getting kidnapped.
2. I let some of the good characters do some Pretty bad stuff. While I never liked Canon James or Sirius, both of them were straight up villians in the only two Maurauder fanfics I wrote down. Well, "Maurauder". One Was the Snily fanfiction and one Was James PotterxOC for whatever reason. Yeah... but we talk about my OCs some other time. They were all Pretty cringe and Mary Sues.
But ofc as a very Romantic Girl, I had a story for my back then favorite ships. (Funny enough is I dont even ship some of these anymore but well).
Now this is embarrising, but Bill and Fleur as well as Remadora are the only ones that didnt have any Story. I ship them and wanted to do a story for them but I never had the thoughts left for them since I was so invested in the other Storys. Especially Percy and Audrey. I used to be obsessed with my Headcanons of Audrey Weasley, Pretty easy since we dont even know her maiden Name. But Yeah thats why they have to pass. Im gonna Post Haruna first in my next Post.
Lets suffer together, wont we :)
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maxyaps · 9 months
Bill: I don't think I'm straight
Charlie: I'm definitely aroace
Percy: I've been with Oliver Wood for one year, 5 months, 3 days and 7 hours.
Fred: I only slept with Diggory a few times, and snogged a few times... I'm still straight, right?
George: Okay, I'm totally in love with Lee
Ron: I don't really... Swing that way, of being straight- ya know?
Ginny: In my defence, I was straight before I met Luna
Percy: *sighs* We're going to end this bloodline, aren't we?
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belqva · 16 days
₊˚⊹౨ TAKE ME TO CHURCH [T.M.R.] ৎ ₊˚⊹
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warnings: domestic violence, mentions of murder (it’s tom riddle are we even surprised?)
summary: At the hour of the owl, driven by anger and hurt, you left your dorm and wandered towards the Black Lake. There you encounter Tom Riddle. Your enigmatic conversation with your academic rival took an unexpected turn, leaving you with more questions than answers as you headed back to the castle.
pairing: tom riddle x ravenclaw fem!reader
word count: 2.8k
a/n: this is a draft that I didn’t plan on posting but I’m so busy atm I don’t have time to write anything else 🥲 again english is not my first language so sorry if there are any mistakes! as always my inbox is open and I’m happy to hear any criticism or requests as long as you are polite 🤍 not incredibly proud of this but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless <333
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It was the hour of the owl when you left your dorm room. Strictly forbidden, yes, but as a prefect—even if off-duty that evening—you were willing to risk detention. Quite unusual for an obedient Ravenclaw like yourself, but here you were, sneaking out like a thief in the night.
“Oh, bloody hell,” you muttered, consumed by anger that clouded your thoughts. Hatred and adrenaline coursed through your veins. The Ravenclaw common room was empty; everyone else was already in bed, even those who usually stayed up late. No one would see or question your departure. It was nearly three in the morning, dark and silent.
You made your way across the empty common room and down the stairs of Ravenclaw Tower, not entirely sure where you were going, but driven by a need to escape everything. The ancient Hogwarts castle was cold and empty, its walls whispering secrets. Some might find the silence unsettling, but you found it oddly comforting. The cool evening breeze was soothing against your warm skin, though you would likely regret leaving your sweater behind later. Dressed in your usual uniform—a skirt, a white button-up, and the silver-blue tie— you moved carefully through the deserted halls, avoiding even the faintest creak.
The castle felt unimaginably vacant. Your anger had begun to ebb, replaced by a gradual calmness. The walk and fresh air had helped. As you meandered through the halls, you decided to venture outside the castle. It wasn’t entirely safe, but you had your wand and weren't afraid of the dark anymore. The stars shone brightly above, and your worries seemed to drift away.
Heading towards the Black Lake to clear your mind, you noticed a figure on the shore. Your heart raced with fear. Quickly gripping your wand, you crept closer, only to recognize the familiar figure of Tom Riddle. His jet-black hair, piercing dark eyes, and imposing stature could not be mistaken. The sight of him was both intimidating and oddly magnetic.
“Riddle,” you called, your voice cutting through the quiet. As he turned, his wand aimed at the ready, you saw his defensive stance relax.
“Y/L/N,” Tom said, his tone sharp as ever. “It is rather uncouth to approach someone unannounced.”
You had never liked him, and the feeling was mutual. What began as a snarky rivalry in your first year had escalated into a fierce competition. Each of you tried to outdo the other, pushing boundaries and limits, reveling in victories and defeats. Despite your mutual animosity, there was an undeniable, if twisted, connection between you. Tom was not like other boys; he was cold, calculating, and ruthless. Yet, he maintained a facade of the humble, ambitious scholar. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and though you would never admit it, you found his intensity compelling.
“Well, that certainly wasn’t my intention, Riddle. My apologies,” you replied sarcastically.
As you approached, you noticed Tom’s irritated expression and the cigarette he had dropped. He took out another one, lit it with his wand, and took a drag before addressing you.
“I should be asking you the same thing, Y/L/N,” he said, ignoring your remark. “It’s never easy with you, is it?”
“You’re the one to talk,” you retorted. “I didn’t know you smoked.”
Tom’s unimpressed glance betrayed his indifference. “Well, I’m delighted to catch you off guard.”
The sight of him indulging in such a muggle habit was unexpected. Given his staunch pureblood beliefs, it was surprising. But you supposed it made sense, considering his upbringing in a muggle orphanage. Where he got the cigarettes from was another mystery.
His reaction to your mention of muggles was intense. “I have nothing to do with those filthy creatures. The mere idea is offensive. Muggles are obsessed with pleasure, indulgence, and waste. They are nothing but animals in disguise.”
Tom’s passionate tirade was one of his defining traits. His ability to articulate his disdain with such fervor was both disturbing and strangely admirable. You had learned to disregard his over-the-top responses, focusing instead on his more genuine moments.
“Merlin, Riddle, calm down. It was just a question,” you said, trying to remain unfazed.
“And I am just answering you,” he countered, his demeanor quickly reverting to his usual composed facade. He took another drag of his cigarette, and a heavy silence settled between you.
After a moment, he broke the quiet. “So what is an obedient Ravenclaw like yourself doing out at this hour? I thought breaking the rules wasn’t your style.” His smirk was maddening.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, the earlier anger fading, replaced by an uncomfortable shudder of vulnerability. Tom noticed the change in your demeanor and his expression grew serious. His perceptiveness was unnerving, a reminder of why you found it hard to trust him fully.
“Well, it’s stupid really. Foolish,” you admitted, defeated.
Tom raised an eyebrow, puffing smoke as you locked eyes. A silent understanding passed between you, a mutual recognition of the truth. You began to speak, revealing the turmoil behind your nighttime escapade.
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You sat on the edge of your bed, struggling to focus on your assignments late into the evening.
The room was quiet except for the sound of your quill scratching parchment and the occasional rustle of pages. All your dormmates were out at a Gryffindor party celebrating their victory over Slytherin in the Quidditch match. You weren't worried about their early return; it was Friday, and with no classes the next day, they were likely to be out until afternoon, lost in firewhisky or other indulgences. They'd tried to drag you along, but you'd claimed a severe headache and a need for rest. None of them believed you, dismissing your excuses with rolled eyes and playful jabs.
As they left, one of them teased,
"Have fun trying to turn rubbish into a raccoon dog," and they all laughed.
You rolled your eyes, knowing their words were harmless. You were close friends who respected each other deeply; this was just part of your dynamic.
Just as you were settling into the quiet, a sudden interruption shattered the peace. Someone opened your dorm room door, and annoyance flared at the disruptive noise. "Jane, is that you? Because I swear on my mother's-" you began scolding as you turned, but your words faltered when you saw the dark mop of slicked-back hair. It was your boyfriend, Wiglaf Siggurdson.
"Sorry to disappoint," he chuckled, closing the door behind him with a soft click. You were relieved it wasn't one of the girls, but his presence did little to uplift your mood. You liked Wiglaf; he was smart, confident, and everything a girl could wish for. Yet, you often questioned if you truly loved him, if you loved him enough to be with him. He was the one who had asked you to be his girlfriend, and being the polite person you were, you had accepted. He came from a wealthy family, had impeccable manners, played Quidditch, and was almost perfect in every way. But you appreciated him more as a friend and couldn't bring yourself to admit it. You tried hard to convince yourself that he was the one, but your heart wouldn't comply. He was kind, brought you flowers, carried your books, walked you to classes, and treated you like the most special girl on earth. Yet, his presence stirred a surge of irritation.
"I was studying, you know, before you decided to interrupt me unannounced," you said stiffly, turning back to your work. Wiglaf stood in the middle of the room, unsure of how to proceed.
"So, no greeting? No 'Hello, my dear boyfriend who decided to ditch a party to come and see me'?" he remarked sarcastically. "And it's not like you're not always studying.
Nothing new really," he muttered under his breath. The tension in the room was palpable.
"Well, I didn't ask you to come see me," you said matter-of-factly without turning around. His frustration was evident as he moved closer to you.
"And not all of us have a rich father to secure a job at the Ministry as soon as we graduate, you know," you said, tone sharp. He sat beside you and sighed heavily. Dressed in a blue sweater and casual dress pants, he looked dejected.
"And not all of us have a rich father to secure a job at the Ministry as soon as we graduate, you know," you said, tone sharp. He sat beside you and sighed heavily. Dressed in a blue sweater and casual dress pants, he looked dejected.
"You know I didn't mean it like that," he said softly. You still refused to look at him. "Sure," you mumbled, uninterested.
"And anyway, if you marry me, you won't have to worry about things like that," he added, beaming with self-satisfaction. You froze, trying to process his words. "Excuse me?" you said, clearly offended. It wasn't unusual for women not to work after graduation, but you had made it clear that you intended to. His casual joke about it now was hurtful. You had hoped he understood you better. Even if you did marry him, you wanted to work and maintain your
independence. You didn't want to rely on anyone, especially not someone you weren't sure you truly loved.
"What's up with you?" Wiglaf groaned. "You're always so wound up and offended by everything I say.
You're always busy studying, and it's always some excuse for why you can't go or can't do this or that. You never actually want to spend time with me." His voice rose with anger. "So far, I'm the only one putting any effort into this relationship It's supposed to be a two person job.”
You frowned and buried your face in your hands. "Wiglaf, I'm not in the mood for this right now. I want to study and go to sleep. Can we please save this lecture for another time?" you said wearily.
"No!" he thundered unexpectedly.
"You don't get to do this. You don't get to treat me like some dog on a leash," he hissed. You sighed, exasperated. "Oh, come on, stop acting childish, Wiglaf," you said, rolling your eyes as you began packing up your papers. You had no intention of continuing this argument; all you wanted was to go to bed.
"I come here, ditching all my mates to spend time with my girlfriend, who doesn't even bother to greet me, and now I'm the one acting childish?" He stood up, his frustration reaching a crescendo. "Oh, please," you muttered, standing up as well. As you tried to gather your papers, they slipped from your hands as Wiglaf gripped your wrists. The sudden contact shocked you, and your eyes widened in surprise.
"I think you need to be taught a lesson," he said with a dangerous glint in his eyes. You could see the lust taking over his gaze. "Wiglaf, let go of me. I'm not in the mood right now," you said, your patience fraying.
But he was too enraged to listen. He pulled you closer, his grip painful.
"Wiglaf, let go! You're hurting me!" you protested, struggling against his hold. Instead of relenting, he pressed himself against you and forcefully kissed you, gripping your face and preventing you from breaking free. In a desperate attempt to escape, you kicked him in the shin. The contact caused him to release you, and he hunched over in pain. You stood there, stunned by your own actions while he grunted, recovering from the kick.
The room was silent except for his pained breathing.
When he regained his composure, his eyes burned with rage. "Wiglaf, I-" you started, but before you could finish, he slapped you across the face.
The force of the blow left you reeling, and you felt the sting and warmth of blood on your lips. Wiglaf stood there, stunned, as if he couldn't fully grasp what he had just done.
Your fight-or-flight response kicked in, and you pushed past him, fleeing the room. He didn't try to follow you.
After a few moments, he collapsed on the floor, staring at the floorboards as he grappled with the gravity of his actions.
As you ran through Ravenclaw Tower, a whirlwind of emotions swept through you: shock, shame, disgust, guilt, sadness, and finally, red-hot seething anger. The only thought that brought you any comfort was the imagined cold, lifeless body of Wiglaf.
How could he do this after everything you had shared? It was unfathomable.
And that's how you found yourself sitting beside Tom Riddle on the shore of the Black Lake.
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...and then I just left," you finished quietly. A heavy silence followed your explanation, and Tom's features darkened. You chuckled at the irony of it all. "Well, I suppose that's what l get for thinking that I-"
You didn't get to finish your sentence as Tom interrupted you. "I'm going to kill him." He stated plainly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. You flinched at his violent intentions.
"What?" You quaked hoarsely. He couldn't be serious... could he?
"You heard me." Tom's eyes were sharp as he took a few steps closer. But you never knew Tom Riddle to be the type to joke about things like that.
"He dared lay a hand on what's mine, and now he's going to pay for it." His tone was cold.
What's his? By day, you were nothing but an academic rival to Tom Riddle, but by night, you were suddenly his treasured possession? What a twisted mind indeed. You sighed at his words, rubbing your temples, trying to make sense of everything. "Tom, you can't just-"
"Yes, I can and I will. Because tell me, do you not think about me when he's inside of you, when you touch yourself, when you wake up in the morning? You don't love him, Y/N. We both know it. And don't try to deny it. I see right through you." His voice was dark. "And don't tell me what I can and can't do. That's not for you to decide."You were stunned, your mind blank.
Tom Riddle was a confusing enigma.
One moment he hated you, the next he was willing to kill for you. For him, it was all the same. Wiglaf would just be another addition to his growing collection of Horcruxes. It was a win-win for him: a Horcrux, the removal of an annoyance, and you-all in one plan. Three birds, one stone.
Tom's body was now facing yours, and his cold hands brushed a stray hair from your forehead. "Don't waste your mind on people like him. I don't even know why you're with that dimwit..." he muttered quietly. His fingers traced the curve of your lip and the bloody spot Wiglaf's assault had left. As he touched you, the fire in your body reignited, and the magic you only felt around him came to life.
You never felt this way around Wiglaf.
With Tom, it was like you were alive for the first time. You burned for him.
You loved him. He knew it, and you knew it. Yet both of you understood it could never work. Your ambitions were far too... different.
You let your head rest on his palm, closing your eyes for a moment, letting all your worries fade away. Dreaming about a world in which Tom was capable of loving you. Or perhaps a world in which you were able to go against your moral compass and accept his twisted mind. You kissed his palm gently and then pulled away.
"I ought to get back to the castle before someone catches us. We'll both be in trouble." You cleared your throat and spoke.
Tom simply hummed in response.
Reluctantly, you moved away and started for the castle. Before you got too far, you turned to speak softly so he could hear you. "Good night, Tom."
His gaze was on you, but he didn't reply. You continued your way back to the castle, his eyes following your retreating form. When you were far enough away that Tom was sure you couldn't hear him, he spoke softly,
"Good night, my love."
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The next morning, you didn't see Wiglaf at his usual spot at the breakfast table. You approached one of his mates to inquire about his whereabouts, wondering if he was hungover or something. But as you spoke to him, a look of concern crossed his face, and he regretfully explained that Wiglaf had ended up in the hospital wing the night before. No one knew how or why.
You felt a pair of eyes on you and turned to the Slytherin table. There they were: two onyx eyes staring back at you, deep into your soul, letting you know that once again, he had emerged victorious.
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lilithslittleworld · 4 months
Doing it with the Harry Potter characters is like (headcanons):
Hermione Granger: mostly submissive, though she 100% sets the pace w Ron. I feel like she's really delicate and loving, a soft kind of seduction. She looks really pretty and sounds even prettier if yk what I mean ;) She most definitely looks up or over at you with doe eyes.
Luna Lovegood: Switch 100%. Like Hermione, she's angelic and so soft, her fingertips are as gentle as the breeze. She isn't too loud but still sounds so lovely. Her dominant side is very encouraging, filled with praise and pretty words towards you.
Ginny Weasley: More dominant than submissive. Ginny seems like the kind of girl that knows what she wants and gets it. Definitely into praising you but would rather see you on your knees begging. Totally into dirty talking.
Harry Potter: total sub, what can I even say? He loves to please you and make you feel good, even if he is a little shy about it. Will listen and follow any request or demand you give. Definitely into being restrained and watching you touch yourself. Whimpers.
Ron Weasley: switch but leans more towards the submissive side. Like Harry, he loves making you feel good but isn't shy about it. (he was at first.) Into roleplay and having sex in risky situations/places. Makes a lot of noise and isn't ashamed about it (he sounds so hot).
Fred Weasley: Dominant with an exception for sometimes being submissive. Fred loves teasing you, watching you squirm in anticipation. Into anything that involves sex in risky places/situations, sensory deprivation, tying you up and making you watch him, etc. Dirty talk throughout every interaction but with a lot of praise. His more submissive side is literally submitting to you fully, like on his knees and up for anything you ask of him.
George Weasley: George is really wholesome and loving during sex. Like his brother, he's after making you feel good but from a softer approach. Loves caressing you, watching you as he makes you feel good, telling you he loves you, and especially loves it when you moan his name.
Draco Malfoy: Draco's a tricky one because he gives off both very dominant and very submissive vibes, depending on context. I say he's a switch but is never a hard dom. He's really caring, though he doesn't show it in public. Loves when you wear different sets of lingerie and when you take the upper hand. Ngl, he probably likes being humiliated a little LOL.
Tom Riddle: very passionate. very. Is more dominant than submissive and likes to be in charge of what and how much you feel. Loves when you beg, when you look up at him, watching you touch yourself but also loves when you watch him too. Into literally almost anything. However, he cares deeply for you and is loving in his own way.
(Marauder's era) Remus Lupin: switch, leaning towards more submissive. Loves pleasuring you and having you tell him what to do. Quiet and shy but in the hottest way. Loves worshipping you and telling you how much he loves you. Soft, caring, sweet and wholesome vibes.
(Marauder's era) Sirius Black: definitely dominant. Similar to Freddie, Sirius loves teasing you, having you beg for him, and watching you squirm under his touch/words. Loves head, both giving and receiving, dirty talking to you (praise mixed with humiliation) and hearing you say his name, especially when you cum.
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pit-and-the-pen · 6 months
Harry Potter Masterlist
Let me know if you want to be added to my general or character specific tag list!
George Weasley:
In my defense...
1- Black Hole Sun
 2-One hundred sleepless nights (NSFW)
 NSFW Headcannon
But what if...Jk...unless...
A small piece of Home
Dirty Little Secret
Kissing In Cars
Mix Up
Fred Weasley:
Good Night Moon
Drunk and Half Asleep
Baby It’s Cold Outside
Anger Management 
Lighten up?
Draco Malfoy:
Protective Draco
Neville Longbottom: 
You’re too Sweet
Luna Lovegood:
Achilles come Down
Regulus Black:
Look at The Stars, Look How They Shine for You
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yovrnewromantic · 1 month
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a small series inspired by my harry potter oc! and her interactions with her peers! enjoy :) please lmk if you have any requests!!
the masterlist! (written by a hufflepuff in denial so yk its accurate)
Harry Potter... Coming soon...
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Hermione Granger
Theodore Nott
Ron Weasley
Mattheo Riddle
Lorenzo Berkshire
Fred Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Ginny Weasley
George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
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* smut, ! fluff, • angst
• champagne problems
! you belong with me
* need help?
• ghosts
...nothing yet...
* happy birthday (older hermione)
! dress
! paper rings
...nothing yet...
...nothing yet...
...nothing yet...
*• casual
• the end of the world
...nothing yet...
...nothing yet...
autor's note; i dont write for any other golden trio era characters (not counting sirius & remus in this). you can always request but i don't promise it'll be finished quickly (im horrible lol im sorryyy)
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smoshyourheadin · 2 months
hey b, so i had a thought could you do a popular!manwhore! fred x princess treatment!fem reader
i don’t mind where you go with it, smut, angst fluff whatever you like
i just have this in my head right now,
“yknow fred,” leaning in closer so the red head could see you peer through your lashes, “i think you’re hot, in fact i think you’re very sexy.”
you took a second before he could say whatever snide comment usually on his tongue, and you shrugged, “i just don’t want to get chlamydia.”
“and look” you continued, “i know you’ve never been serious in all of your… weasley little life but i’m just the kind of girl you take seriously.” with that you started to walk away. “good luck tho, you’ll find someone to suck your dick!”
why me, why now?
pairing: fred weasley x f! reader
a/n: OH THIS ATE DOWNNNNN i had sm fun writing this!! requests open <3
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fred weasley was notorious at hogwarts, known for his pranks and, more obviously, being a weasley. but also for his effortless charm with the ladies. his reputation as a heartbreaker was well-earned, yet it didn't deter the flocks of girls who giggled and blushed in his presence. he thrived on the attention, relishing the freedom of fleeting flings and casual encounters. but there was one girl who was different, someone who didn’t just blend into the sea of admirers.
you were the epitome of elegance, always carrying yourself with a regal air that commanded respect. your beauty was undeniable, but it was your confidence and poise that set you apart. fred had tried to catch your eye many times, but you always seemed to look right through him, as if you were untouchable. it only made him more determined.
one evening, during a particularly lively gryffindor common room gathering, fred spotted you sitting alone, reading a book. it was the perfect opportunity. he sauntered over, a smirk playing on his lips.
“evening, princess,” he greeted, leaning casually against the arm of your chair.
you looked up, arching an eyebrow. “fred weasley,” you acknowledged, closing your book and giving him your full attention. “to what do i owe the pleasure?” you said with a sarcastic grin.
“i couldn’t help but notice you over here all by yourself. thought you might like some company,” he said smoothly.
you gave a small, knowing smile. “company, is it? and what makes you think I’m interested in your kind of company?”
fred leaned in closer, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “oh, i think you might enjoy it more than you’d care to admit.”
you let out a soft laugh, leaning in so your faces were mere inches apart. “y’know, fred,” you began, your voice low and sultry. “i think you’re hot, in fact, i think you’re very sexy.”
fred’s smirk widened, but before he could respond, you continued, “i just… don’t want to get chlamydia.”
his eyes widened in surprise, and you seized the moment. “and look,” you went on, “i know you’ve never been serious in all of your… weasley little life, but i’m just the kind of girl you take seriously.”
with that, you stood up, brushing past him. “good luck though, you’ll find someone to suck your dick!” you called over your shoulder as you walked away, leaving him standing there, stunned and speechless.
the common room was abuzz with whispers and snickers, all eyes on him as he stood there, his usual confident attitude momentarily shattered. for the first time, he felt a pang of something unfamiliar - a desire to prove himself worthy, to be taken seriously by you.
over the next few weeks, fred found himself seeking you out, but not with his usual playful banter. he was sincere, genuinely interested in getting to know you. he would sit with you in the library, offering to help with your studies, and he’d walk with you to classes, always respectful and considerate.
one afternoon, as you sat by the black lake, fred approached you, his expression earnest. “can i join you?”
you nodded, gesturing to the spot beside you. he sat down, silence stretching between you. finally, he spoke, “i know i haven’t exactly had the best reputation, but i want you to know i’m serious about this. about you.”
you turned to look at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. “why me, fred? why now?”
he took a deep breath. “because you’re different. you’re not like anyone else. and i don’t just want a fling with you. i want something real.”
your heart softened at his words, seeing a side of fred weasley that few ever did. “i’ll give you a chance, fred. but you have to earn it.”
he nodded, a determined look on his face. “i will. i promise.”
as the days turned into weeks, fred proved himself, showing you a depth of character that belied his carefree exterior. he treated you like a princess, not just with gifts and grand gestures, but with his unwavering attention and respect. slowly but surely, you found yourself falling for the red-haired prankster who had turned out to be so much more.
in the end, fred proved to himself and to you that he could be serious, and in doing so, he won your heart.
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btsbabe7 · 9 months
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November Prompt 21: Crisp Air
Words: 905 | Pairing: Neville Longbottom x reader
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In the distance, you can make out Neville’s frame hunched on a bench in front of the main greenhouse. Thick brown vines trailing across the giant frosted windows hug the structure behind him and the morning horizon peeks just beyond it. The view is breathtaking, but you can’t bring yourself to stop staring at him.
Your close footsteps draw his attention from the book in his hands and up towards you. His thick brown hair is blowing in the soft morning winds and he shoves his book away, immediately coming off the bench to greet you with a warm smile. His gloved hands rest on your cheeks and he leans down to plant a soft kiss on your lips, warming you more than you’d been with your hands shoved inside your coat pockets on the walk over. When he pulls away, his ocean blue eyes gaze into yours and you get lost in them until the crisp morning air rushes over the both of you. The moment you shiver against him, he reaches into his bag for the extra greenhouse keys he’d managed to get from Professor Sprout at the beginning of the year.
“Next class isn’t due til noon, so we have plenty of time to study,” he grunts while pushing the heavy door open with his shoulder. With a sigh, he turns back toward you, following your lead after you step inside. Shortly after, he locks the door from the inside. “But I don’t understand why you want to study dittany, we’re far more advanced than that.”
You take in the warmth of the greenhouse. All the sunlight that seems to have disappeared over the week has been absorbed inside the frosted glass walls. Everywhere you turn there’s plant pots, soil and fertilizer bags or some green herb growing lushly. It makes you smile, makes you happy to be able to witness life in this form when everything outside of here is withering away and growing colder with winter fast approaching.
You peel your coat off, then your gloves and scarf and earmuffs and toss them on the only empty table you can find before turning to see your boyfriend’s look of confusion.
“Come on, Nev,” you purr softly. “Warm me up a bit?”
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip the moment he slips out of his coat and drops everything on the ground before scurrying to you. Neville steps in front of you, allowing his fingertips to curl against the hairs at the nape of your neck before pulling you into an open-mouthed kiss.
He’s gotten loads more attention now due to his changing looks, but you’ve had the real luxury of watching him grow older over the years. His puffy cheeks were the first to go, eventually rounding out into a sculpted, chiseled jawline and soon after, his body had done the same, leaving him with nothing but pure muscle that threatened to tear through the white button up he’d failed to replace. And though he had many physical changes, his kindness and courage and care for you always remained, and that’s what you love most.
You hop on top of the table, shaking a few pots in the neighboring potting tables which gains a laugh from the both of you. And once you’ve steadied yourself, you glide your hands over his, which had dropped to your waist during your kiss. Then, you trail up his wrists and slowly over his biceps until you reach his shoulder blades. You work your fingers tenderly into the knots that always form there and he grunts loudly in relief.
“You’re doing it again, aren’t you?” You moan. “Carrying all the plant pots for the first years?”
He bows his head in shame, knowing that he told you he’d stop two weeks ago.
“You know how heavy those pots can get, Y/n, and they’re so small. It reminds me of us seven years ago,” he admits.
“Nev, you promised. It’s admirable, truly, but you’re neglecting your own body.”
“I can handle it,” he whispers and leans in closer, looking you straight in the eyes with a smirk. “Besides, I have you to rub out all the kinks and knots.”
You scoff softly before giggling against his touch and pulling him closer. He rests his head against your shoulder, his breath steadying against the goosebumps that have prickled across your skin.
“Y/n?” He breathes.
“I want you to stay with me over the break,” he answers, pulling back to see the clear excitement and nervousness on your face.
In all the years of dating, he’d never asked, and during the times you’d begged him, he always said he didn’t want to intrude on you and your time with your family; though, he didn’t even have his own anymore.
“Yes. Yes! Of course I’ll come, Nev,” you exclaim and rest your hands against his collarbones.
“Y/n,” he says again and you gaze up into his eyes once more. “I’m absolutely head over heels in love with you.”
You blush hard as he brushes your tears away and pulls your lips back against his. In that kiss, you both make a silent vow to never abandon each other. And that vow, in a world where anything can be frigid and crisp on the outside, having the ability to lean on each other for warmth whenever you may need it feels absolutely amazing, just as love should.
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Please be sure to check out my other latest fics:
⚡︎ November Prompt Challenge (days 1-30)
⚡︎ For You Always - reader x Snape
~ Navi: masterlist (all fandoms) & (bts imagines/drabbles)
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Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction, but please don’t copy! Written purely for fun :) Please only repost to other socials w/my permission and credit! Reblogging w/credit is fine. Thank you! ♡
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minimindi · 5 months
Microfic May Day 6: Flare
I might make this into a short story. I really love the premise!
4 notes · View notes
lixzey · 11 months
Professor, Professor
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ex-lovers to colleagues, what could go wrong?
professor remus lupin x assistant professor!reader
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @tchalamss @lilmaymayy @ashlynnmalfoy @crazycat-ladys-blog @michakune @mxltifxnd0m @spencerr3idd @dangelnleif @sthkate @ferrjulie @imnotoverlyobsessive @mel-vaz @elsagreeer @lovely-maryj @meowmeowmau @bobthe-turmpetman29 @saintcosette
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h3rm0n13 · 6 months
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why does Harry look so small 💀😭
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wynt3rrr · 2 years
—things you do that make them smile
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harry potter:
when you study hard
he loves when his s/o is smart and actually tries to do good in their classes
hermione granger:
when you listen to the facts she tells you
alot of people don’t listen to what she has to say but you listen
she really appreciates it when you don’t ignore her and actually give feedback to the things she says
draco malfoy:
when you let him watch you do your makeup (if you wear it)
if you don’t: teaching him about the hobby you have
he wants to know all about makeup or your hobby
ron weasley:
when you make fun of people with him
he always has something to say about someone
loves it when you jump in on the nit picking of random strangers
luna lovegood:
when you go onto adventures with her
she’s always down to explore somewhere new
sometimes she wants to have a buddy with her
george weasley:
when you willingly hangout with his siblings or parents
he has a big family and they can be chaotic and overwhelming at times but likes it when his s/o doesn’t mind being around then
fred weasley:
when you help him come up with new pranks
he spent years trying to convince you to give in and prank someone with him and george
when you finally gave in he was ecstatic
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