#Genuinely surprised I actually posted this
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Okay, while I don’t really appreciate the accusatory tone OP uses in their first posts, because it’s really not people’s faults for not hearing about this movie due to it being buried for the exact reason we should be fighting to support it, I do think it’s important to get the word out about it!
And I wanted to reblog this post because it gives good info and it’s the post that actually let me know this movie existed. Because I was unaware until yesterday that it was a thing. But I adore 2D animation. So I saw this post at like 2:30 am last night and I texted my mother and told her that we were going to see it the next day.
Well here I’m today, having just got back from the movie theater and it was honestly SO GOOD??? I had seen comments on this post saying it was, and the trailer looked funny (of course - it’s Looney Tunes), but I was going either way to support 2D animation and animators.
But I was surprised at how much I liked it! It was a really good blend of nostalgia and modernity and there were several laugh out loud moments not only for me, but for my mom and for the other people in the audience as well.
Also? Disney should take notes on how to do satisfying twist moments from this movie. Because Disney’s last couple of “twist villains” and/or “plot twists” have been incredibly weak at best and insulting at worst.
There should be some sort of hint to them. They shouldn’t come out of nowhere. It’s one thing for an audience to be surprised because they didn’t catch the hints or forgot about them in all the chaos, it’s another for them to be surprised because there were no hints to make them suspect the “twist” at all. One is good writing, the other is lazy and is just playing off of shock value.
Disney could also learn the lesson that Chekhov’s guns are far more satisfying than deus ex machinas, especially when the supposed insignificance and uselessness of the item can double as a gag.
Isn’t it funny how a 2D animated movie that has gotten so little attention that it was nearly pulled from theaters early, was almost killed in production, and was not truly made or supported by a big name movie mogul that only cares about money has more love for the source material, entertaining storytelling, genuine emotion, and dynamic visuals than any live action or 3D animated movie I’ve seen in quite a while?
It’s almost like Hollywood is trying to kill creativity just so they can continue to make easy to produce, CGI cookie cutter crap so they don’t have to pay animators for their gorgeous work and ideas! 😱
Anyway, please, please, PLEASE go watch “The Day the Earth Blew Up” in theaters. It’s a gem. 💜
it'd be really cool if everyone put their money where their mouths are and went and saw the new fully 2d animated looney tunes movie that's in theaters RIGHT NOW instead of continuing to scream about the snow white and lilo and stitch remakes
#the day the earth blew up#the day the earth blew up: a looney tunes movie#looney tunes#loony toons#loony tunes#looney toons#daffy duck#porky pig#petunia pig#movie#movies#film#movie review#movie recommendation#movie recc#movie rec#movie release#movie reaction#2d animation#2d art#animation#2D#cartoons#support animators#support artists#support 2D animation#ketchup entertainment#warner bros#WB
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Do you have any tips on writing a character that can be a bit quiet and weird/quirky yet confrontational and loud. She bites and picks her fingers when very anxious but she’s also a confident, and brave character who fights for what’s right and what she wants. I have a difficulty mixing a character’s personality sometimes, and wondered if you had any tips to help? :)
On Creating Beautifully Contradictory Characters ✨
Hey writer friend! Rin here.
I LIVE for these questions! 💕
Here's the thing about characters (and people). we're not single-note beings who fit into neat little boxes. The most real characters exist in the in-between spaces.
Let's talk about how to make this work...
The secret to contradictory character traits
What makes a character feel REAL isn't consistency. it's coherence.
• Your character doesn't need to be the same in every situation
• What they need is an emotional core that makes sense of their seemingly opposing behaviors
• Think of their personality as a constellation, not a straight line
When I'm developing characters like this, I always start with their wounds and values. What do they care about SO DEEPLY that it would make a normally quiet person raise their voice? What hurts have they experienced that make them bite their fingers when anxious?
Some practical ways to blend these traits
• Give her specific triggers for each mode. Maybe she's quiet in casual social settings but finds her voice when someone's being mistreated.
• Create physical transitions between states. How does her body language shift when moving from quiet observer to vocal defender? Does she take a deep breath? Square her shoulders?
• The finger-biting anxiety habit is actually perfect. it can be the bridge between her quiet and loud states. Maybe it's what she does while gathering courage before speaking up.
• Show us moments where BOTH traits are present at once. She can be nervously biting her fingers WHILE confronting someone.
What NOT to do (because it's boring)
Please don't fall into these traps:
• Don't make her "usually quiet except when..." That's not a complex character, that's just situational behavior.
• Don't explain away her contradictions with trauma (unless that's genuinely part of her story). Not every character trait needs a tragic backstory!
• Don't make her self-conscious about her contradictions. She doesn't need to apologize for being both quiet and loud.
Let's make some word magic happen
Try writing a scene where:
We first see her in her quiet, observing mode
Something happens that triggers her sense of justice
We witness her internal thought process as she decides to speak up
She exhibits her anxious behavior (finger biting) while ALSO stepping into her confrontational mode
Afterward, she returns to quietness, but it feels different now
The magic happens in those transition moments. That's where readers will fall in love with her complexity.
Remember this always
The most memorable characters aren't the ones who are consistently anything. They're the ones who surprise us while still feeling true to themselves.
Your character's contradictions aren't flaws to fix or explain away. they're what make her human. They're what make readers say "I KNOW her" even if they've never met anyone exactly like her.
So embrace those contradictions. Let her be quiet AND loud. Let her be anxious AND brave. Let her be fully, messily human.
I hope this post helped you
-Rin T.
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Hey TB! Sorry if you've posted this elsewhere (I wouldn't be surprised if you mentioned it somewhere, but heck if I could find it.); are you planning to do an analysis video on Season 2 Act 3 of Arcane? Or would it be genuinely too frustrating?
Long time LoL fan, game writer, and former animation student myself (long story lol) who recently started watching your content for the FANTASTIC Heartsteel music vid breakdown (I'd be unfathomably hyped for you to ramble about the discord calls, bloopers and other Heartsteel extras btw), and just got done with the Season 2 Acts 1 and 2 vids, and WHOA boy. Talk about a lot to unpack, what with the way Act 3 leaves (and fumbles, in many ways) things. Still, I was looking forward to hearing you dissect it, and put words to some of the more baffling choices it made (+ conversation about how/why season 2 seemed to be done with so much less care towards the story compared to the unexpectedly amazing experience of season 1).
I know you've said you generally finish any given video series once its started/its mostly a matter of having the time, but given how... exhausting Riot and the LoL universe can be (don't we all know it =/), I certainly wouldn't blame you for just writing that vid off to save yourself the frustration.
I have a lot of rather complicated feelings about the end of Arcane, and how Riot has handled the characters of the story, and some very bitter feelings about what Riot is willing to let Arcane mean.
There's a lot of bad feelings and exhaustion mixed in with it brought about by my decade-and-a-half toxic situationship with Riot Games Inc., whose continuous squandering of their employees' amazing efforts are a particularly pestilent wound in my heart. I also must cop to some sore-loser foolishness, in that I projected expectations onto the show that it was neither able nor willing to deliver on.
I did not want to release any videos immediately following Arcane's conclusion, because I thought the negative emotions would take over and color my review and reaction far too much - more than what I would be able to actually stand by in the long term. And once you release something on YouTube, people will hold it against you for fucking ever, which is exhausting and not worth it for a hot take you're going to cool down from anyway.
Craig Ferguson has a bit in one of his comedy specials where he goes "before you say anything, ask yourself three questions:
Does this need to be said?
Does this need to be said by me?
Does this need to be said by me now?
and if the answer to all three of those questions isn't "yes" then don't fucking say it."
I've found that this is... if not universally true, then true often enough that it's good to keep in mind, and while I think there are things that need to be said about Arcane, and they might need to be said by me... they don't need to be said by me now.
I want my own feelings to have settled, and I want to re-watch the show at least a couple of times, and I want the feelings of the Arcane fandom to settle down, before I gather my thoughts and say whatever I think needs to be said.
It might, eventually, turn out that I feel that nothing needs to be said at all. We'll see.
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I've recently seen again a post talking about the Sableye and Dusknoir's relationship so i'd like to put my two cents in the discussion, for I love screaming into the void about PMD. (this isnt meant to discourage any other interpretations btw this is just my take on theirs and Dusknoir's relationship, bc I think they're very fun characters and I am very glad the game actually gives these minions a bit of relevance in se5).
Tbh I don't buy that Dusknoir treats the Sableye nicely, at least not out of kindness. I don't think he's a tyrant or inexplicably mean, of course, and I think his minions ADORE him, but i also believe that doesn't mean he's nice to them, sth that i consider meaningful for their character arcs.
Throughout the entire game he's exclusively giving them orders, in se5 he concocts a plan that involves thrashing them MULTIPLE times (he's lucky Grovyle isn't one to try and kill enemies in battle ig), and the cherry on top is that the first time we see him being fully genuine he does this:
(yes, he is in turmoil in here, but there's not a single thing implying that 1. this is an unusual response towards the sablye, 2. dusknoir feels bad for it at some point or is surprised at himself, 3. this has any impact in the sableye at all. You can argue these reactions happen off screen and we don't see them, they don't happen bc they have pressing matters to attend to or they happen after they return to life, and that's perfectly valid, but i'm sticking with what the game shows us, here.)
I must say, though, the fact that the Sableye, despite having been almost mindless pokémon up to now, STAND UP TO AND ATTACK Primal Dialga for their boss and even try to look after him despite him ordering them to check on Grovyle and Celebi first is SO important to me. they are goons to the bone and they love that scheming ghost so much.
My own view is that Dusknoir is generally polite to them (you wouldn't randomly break your own revolver or weapon without any reason, would you?), but is quicker to get mean with them than with people he doesn't know or he is seeking to manipulate. He doesn't care about their behaviour as long as they get the job done, which is why I think the anime thing of the Sableye climbing onto his shoulder isn't that remarkable, rather it's a very cute moment, one that is showing how they've been working together for long and how their size difference affects their interactions, but it is not necessarily conveying an affectionate bond (this is a bit random, but it reminds me of Disney's Jafar with Iago lmao. throw your pet sableye at your enemies so they mock them and then return to your shoulder). Additionally, Dusknoir letting the Sableye onto his shoulder is probably as close as we are gonna get to a villain turning around in his chair while petting a cat in PMD lol.
[this isn't meant to be a one-to-one comparison, it's just a detail i find cute and shows that this gesture can have multiple interpretations, with none being the only right one]
Leaving that aside, I hesitate to claim Dusknoir trusts his Sableye as allies, as Grovyle makes a point in the main story of how the Sableye (your Sableye, he says, as if objectifying them; not friends, but tools, weapons at Dusknoir's disposal) are lacking compared to the way hero/partner/grovyle support one another (power of friendship and hidden information babyyyy). The Sableye are used to Dusknoir's way of doing things, though, I'm sure. They know what happens when he's displeased, after all.
I think, most of all, the Sableye are meant to look disposable: they are 6 identical pokémon that almost act like a hivemind, and we are not supposed to think at all about how we may hurt them in battle any more than we do with the angry Manectric pack or random dungeon pokémon. This, I believe, is why the game has them stand up against Dialga and gives them unique dialogue at the end of se5. They're meant to show their inner shine, just as Dusknoir managed to do. They suddenly gain an individuality they had never shown while they were working to maintain the dark future.
Where they abandoned Dusknoir in the Old Ruins, now Grovyle has motivated them to look for their dignity and fight for a better world, and that starts with protecting their leader from Primal Dialga's rampage, and supporting his new objective and allies in their quest to save the future. In their own small way, they've also grown as characters throughout SE5.
I believe that, overall, Dusknoir saw the Sableye as tools, but thanks to their growth and clear care for him, there's a possibility he might start to see them (and by extension other pokémon) in a more genuine, less pragmatic / objectifying way in the future. Now that Dusknoir has the chance to live a fulfilling life, he may learn to care for others without surrounding himself by so many walls. If anything, I think their future is quite bright. Not that the Sableye would mind if he still thrashed them around, though lol, they're clearly not bothered much by it (special episode 0 had a great depiction of the sableye imo, you can check that romhack if you haven't yet).
In conclusion, look at these little guys who adore their can-get-mean-but-is-mostly-polite boss and probably have a body count but now are good, they're so cute:
#tldr: i think dusknoir not being nice and them being cowards is what makes their se5 actions more significant. they both have an arc#this is all surface level analysis i know but thats how i read them#i didnt bother to talk about grov saying the sableye do 'all the dirty work' around the future bc i didnt know where to put it but. uh.#add that to the prepared execution room and i think these guys have killed people lmao#i must reiterate this isnt throwing shade to any headcanons this is just what i got from the game. people are free to have fun.#also. dusknoir in the middle of his se5 panic attack and existential crisis: get the fuck out of my way this is my moment#HE GETS OUT OF HIS CRISIS ANIMATION SO FAST TOO. HE REALLY SAYS 'not now sweaty. daddy's having some him time' and slaps them#so he can go back to his drama queen pose#hes so awesome. gay toxic uncle behavior#his nemesis is in agony the entire time while this happens. se5 is truly peak fiction#the height difference is so funny too#like no wonder dusknoir didnt have any issue trying to kill the mcs. the sableye are tinier than some starter options ewionfwojfewo#highly throwable imps they are#him beign a bit jerk and him letting the sableye climb him up to give him rocks like in the anime special are not mutually exclusive. to me#this is pokemon. these magic creatures constantly beat up each other#the sableye get climbing privileges if they are good boys and it is useful to give him what he's looking for. and also it's very cute#this was gonna be just a textpost but then it got long and i strted looking for game moments that seemed relevant to the sableye oops#i like to babble about this game and dusknoir especially#sableye#dusknoir#pmd2#'scribz isnt it cringe to write 500 words retelling the events of a children's game' look if 90% of eos video essays can do it then so can#this is the closest thing my lacking understanding can manage to a meta/analysis post ig
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The Winchesters: A Post-Mortem
Endings are hard.
I’ve been dicking around, and as I wrapped up another Supernatural rewatch, I finally decided to follow through on something I’ve been threatening to do for a while: watch The Winchesters. Since the show is dead, done, and dusted, I feel okay about it because now it feels like it’s just some obscure piece of lost media and I’m not actually, you know, supporting it.
I think we have a hard time letting stories end, especially when they have been with us for so long. We live in an age of reboots and endless spinoffs. The Winchesters is an interesting case because when the flagship show ended, viewers had all their own feelings about it, but it was over and they knew it was over. Dead, done, and dusted.
Not so much.
As you know, on June 24th, 2021, about seven months after the end of Supernatural, Jensen Ackles announced his spinoff The Winchesters, produced by his and his wife’s new production company, Chaos Machine. Robbie Thompson would be heading the project, and it would be telling the “epic love story” of Sam and Dean Winchester’s parents. We’ve already established that there’s no story here, and no matter how you twist it you will never convince me there is – at least, not in the way they wanted to tell it. Diehard fans and conspiracy theorist Hellers seemed to end up being its primary audience, but considering its low viewership numbers, I don’t think it ended up attracting many people outside of the established fandom, and was thus canceled.
This was not a story people cared about.
This fact did not seem to matter to the good people at Chaos Machine and The CW.
Luckily for me, there are only thirteen episodes, and I have nothing better to do, so I am here to present my autopsy of The Winchesters.
The pilot moves so fast.
The Winchesters begins with Samuel Campbell, Mary’s father and Sam and Dean’s grandfather, who we know from the original show. In the prequel, he’s played by Tom Welling, not Mitch Pileggi, but he’s a mere shadow when we first see him, so we can’t tell yet how poor the casting is. All that matters is that we know he’s gone missing, and Mary wants to find him.
Immediately, the cold open of the pilot pales in comparison to the flagship program’s pilot. It really does feel like a cold open to any run-of-the-mill episode of Supernatural. It doesn’t create that same intrigue as the Supernatural pilot does.
But that brings us to one of the show’s central problems, and it’s something that shows up almost immediately: it is a poor attempt at rehashing the original, filled with Easter eggs that the casual viewer wouldn’t have gotten or cared about.
Right after that, we get the copycat title card and then a sort of awkward transition to John’s homecoming. He’s having PTSD flashbacks to his time in Vietnam, his tour having just finished, and goes home to see his mother (whose name I don’t even think is mentioned in the pilot, not until the second episode, so I think anyone wasn’t isn’t familiar with the original show might be a little confused.)
But this is where we hear him: Dean Winchester.
“March 23, 1972. The day Dad came home from the war, and the day he met Mom. Now I know this story might sound familiar, but I'm gonna put the pieces together in a way that just might surprise you. And in order to do that, I have to start all the way at the beginning.”
Um. Okay.
I’m going to tell you what this is, and it’s really very simple: it’s a justification.
Genuinely, I think these voiceovers are one of the worst things about the show. Now, Dean isn’t exactly a poet, and even Sam teased him for some of his corny lines, but these bookends are…beyond poorly written. Just strings of cliches put together, and the first one is the worst one because what it is attempting to do is justify this show’s existence within its very text.
As anyone who is familiar with the situation knows, when the prequel was announced, there was very public backlash – including from Jared Padalecki, who not only played protagonist Sam Winchester in the original show, but was not looped into any of this…at all. He found out at the same time the rest of us did, and it was pretty clear from the reaction that his was the majority opinion.
The thing about this little intro from the pilot is that it’s not really Dean talking here – it’s Jensen. It’s Danneel Ackles and Robbie Thompson trying to justify the fact that this show even exists. That exact sentiment showed up in several press releases and interviews for the show. Whoever was being spoken to, they’d be like “Oh, we’re gonna surprise you! It’s not what you think!”
The thing is, the prequel is:
Not surprising
Doesn’t exactly start at the beginning. That’s misleading.
(“I’m gonna put the pieces together in a way that just might surprise you.” Jesus Christ, shut up.)
The pilot does do something I appreciated, though, which was to acknowledge that John enlisted underage by forging his father’s signature. This could have been interesting, but they drop it pretty fast.
I know pilots sort of need to hit the ground running to prove their case, but if we’re going to use the original show’s pilot as a point of comparison, it’s incredibly weak. Not only were there rumored production issues and they apparently had to do reshoots, forcing them behind schedule for the rest of their run and putting immense pressure on the cast and crew, but it’s simply lacking. In the original pilot, we are given enough glimpses of the Winchester backstory to make the rest of the pilot interesting. Sam and Dean are brothers and therefore have history, a dynamic – though strained at the time – and an undeniable chemistry that intrigues us enough to keep us watching. With the Woman in White, we get an idea of what it is the family does and what Sam has run away from, while giving the episode a plot that isn’t yet mired in the show’s mythology.
The Winchesters doesn’t have that. What we have is John and Mary, and while a lot of people were rightfully confused as to why they – of all the characters on the original show – would be the ones to get a spinoff, the fact is that they did. Truthfully, while they would not have been my first choice, if treated properly, I believe John and Mary’s lives before the show could have potential.
What we know about John and Mary from the original show is that they were brought together by a Cupid from Heaven in order to ensure the birth of Sam and Dean, so that Michael and Lucifer would have vessels for the Apocalypse. In fact, the Cupid states that John and Mary couldn’t stand each other beforehand, but I guess when they bumped into each other outside of Slaughterhouse Five (which does happen in the spinoff’s pilot), I guess we’re to assume that’s when Cupid’s arrow struck and they fell in love.
Basically, their love is…not natural. It would not have been something they chose for themselves without divine intervention. The prequel doesn’t hint at this at all. Instead, the prequel has John and Mary immediately thrust together and John introduced to the world of the supernatural and the Men of Letters and on his first case all in those 42 minutes.
These are not John and Mary. Not the ones that we could be made to truly care about.
The John and Mary we know are much more complex. They are interesting, and flawed. We know from season 12 that Mary was sometimes sneaking out on hunts, even after Dean was born. We know that John and Mary would sometimes separate for a few days at a time, maybe even longer, probably because what they had for each other was not true love, but something divined by Chuck/God and the angels in order to carry out their plans. They were pawns, especially when it came to them as a couple. A story where Mary is struggling to keep her former life a secret while John is dealing with his post-service life, all while trying to be a couple and having these moments of realizing they don’t really know or love each other could have been a good premise. Instead, what they present is instead just sort of…confusing.
After the pilot, there are a series of Monster of the Week episodes. This is all supposed to be John’s intro to hunting and the true coming together of the Scooby Gang. This version of John and Mary are thrown together with Latika (she’s the pacifist who does all their research), Carlos (he’s the stereotypically slutty, sassy bisexual), and Ada (the wannabe witch who’s older than them and I guess sort of a mentor? Maybe?), and along with John’s mom, Millie, we’re told that they’re this big, happy found family.
Lots of telling and not showing here. In all honesty, John and Mary don’t have great chemistry, and that is not intentional. (I’m actually not gonna blame this one on the acting, at least not wholly, but I’ll get more into that later.) John is saying that he can’t live without Mary within something, like, three episodes. Honestly, he’s got better chemistry with Latika in the pilot than he does Mary. Actually, I’d say he has better chemistry with pretty much all the other main characters – Latika, Carlos, and Millie – than he does Mary, and that is interesting. Ya know why? It’s because it makes John feel like the protagonist. And John is the closest thing to a Sam-like character we get in this show.
We learn early on that the Big Bad is something called the Akrida, which are these weird, poorly CGI’d spider-looking things (all of the budget on this show went to music and reshoots, I swear), and they are out to destroy the universe – and not just this universe; all the universes are at stake, so it feels like the show is trying to play off what the original program was doing in its last few seasons. (Which, weren’t all but Earth One destroyed anyway? Or something like that?)
This is a big thing. It feels…too big. The first season of the original show did a good job of building to the reveal of Yellow Eyes, and they let that story breathe with the Special Children in the second season. We saw that while Sam and Dean were experienced, they were still novices in a sense, in over their heads, and did a lot of learning and had to figure out how to work together again. We don’t get that feeling here. They’re too good too fast.
In the tenth episode, John and Mary go up against a Golem. The Golem is under the control of a former Man of Letters who performed experiments on humans, and under the guise of helping them defeat the Akrida, he wants to use John and Mary to bring back what the Akrida took from him: his wife, who was killed by them in the late fifties.
When John and Mary dispose of the bodies at the end of the episode, John thinks what the Man of Letters was doing was out of love, trying to bring her back, but Mary says that he was only doing it for himself – that he was being selfish. And then she asks John if she thinks they’ll ever turn out like that.
Immediately, this seems to be an assertion that what Mary did in the original show – making the deal with Azazel after he killed her parents and John to bring John back – was this awful, selfish thing. That saving the only person she had left, the only person she could save (because she wanted Azazel to bring back her parents, too), was inherently wrong. This seems to ignore the fact that Mary had no idea what the repercussions of the deal would be. All she knew was that the demon was going to “pay her a visit”, whatever that was supposed to mean (probably assuming he would come to collect her soul as usual), and all she wanted was to save just one person, and that was the man she believed she loved.
I know we’ve established that John and Mary’s love was contrived, but to Mary, she believed she did love him, and it is ridiculous to think that her saving him was something that makes her inherently bad, or selfish, or unloving, as the prequel seems to imply. She could not have known that Azazel would do what he did to her, to Sam, and to their family. She didn’t even know there would be a Sam and Dean! She was nineteen years old!
And yet, the prequel takes this opportunity to vilify her. The fandom already did enough of that. When Mary made her return in season 12, her character endured endless misogynistic takes. When even Dean said it was ridiculous of him to expect her to tuck him in and make his lunch, the fandom still didn’t want to accept it.
Mary is a complex character. She was dealt as shitty a hand as any other character, but still had to absorb a lot of blame. Oh, god forbid she struggle to adjust to the 21st century, and having adult children, and not being dead anymore, and learning what the consequences of her actions were. She clearly felt immense guilt for the hurt that was brought on her family, which was something she would have never intentionally done. She wanted her and her family to be safe and did the best she could with the information and resources she had. God forbid a woman be complex or have flaws or be anything less than the perfect mommy to her adult sons. (Who – again – were not as upset about that as the fucking fandom was.)
And now the prequel is piling onto her, too. Our Mary is better!! Shut the fuck up.
The prevailing sentiment I had when watching this show was that none of it mattered. The plot, the characters, the monsters…none of it mattered. Not as a story, and not as it related to the original show. It doesn’t even really succeed at doing what it really set out to do, but we’ll get to that later.
Like I mentioned, the Akrida feel like a really big Big Bad for the first season of a show. Ultimately, what the Akrida are, are a failsafe for Chuck. Basically, they were his backup plan if he were to ever cease to be and they would carry out his plan to finish destroying all the universes he had created. I guess those of us who watched the original show are supposed to gather that he created these Akrida sometime around season 15, when he started getting rid of all those other universes. And, since the Winchesters and Jack defeated Chuck at the end of season 15 and Jack took over as God, these creatures are supposed to come in and finish what Chuck couldn’t.
Alright. A little convoluted, but I can follow it. It’s how the spinoff attempts to connect itself back to the main show’s plot.
But, wait a second – I thought this was the epic love story of John and Mary!
Let me just say this: this is not a love story. The love story in the show is pretty weak. Like I mentioned earlier, the show moves so fast, which means John and Mary’s relationship moves incredibly fast, and the show makes no indication that this is because of any Cupid effects (but maybe they knew the clock was ticking and they didn’t have a good chance at renewal.) We get no sense of how much time has passed here. I’m being told I should care about this relationship, but I don’t because of how little effort the writing puts into not only developing this relationship, but the characters themselves. So it’s hard for me to say that the love story matters in any way.
Then there’s John and Mary’s searches for their fathers. Those of us who have seen the original show know that Henry Winchester died in the future killing Abadon. We also know that Samuel Campbell first died when he was killed by Azazel in 1973, and then in season six after being resurrected by Crowley to help him search for alphas. After the show opens with Samuel going missing and Mary starting the search for him (which just doesn’t pack the same punch as the search for John), Samuel’s presence in the show after they find him is negligible. For one thing, he’s not a great portrayal of Samuel, and doesn’t even look like him – not a bit. That part isn’t as important, of course, but it does still take you out of it a bit. This Samuel is still sort of a jerk, but it just feels like he’s sort of…there. So when they find him, it doesn’t feel like a big deal.
John’s search for Henry is carried out a little better. The reason for John deciding to go home to Lawrence after returning from Vietnam is because a Mystery Man (who we all know is Dean) gave him a letter that Henry had left for John before his passing. It leads John to finding an old Men of Letters clubhouse in Lawrence, which he and his new friends use as a base throughout the show and is a resource for them in learning about and fighting the Akrida. When John finally does see Henry as a ghost (the result of a séance similar to the one Sam and Cas perform to contact Bobby in season 10), Henry is once again portrayed by Gil McKinney, like he was in the original show. That does help. Henry is mostly there to give them information to help them with the Akrida, but it does give John and Millie a sense of closure, unlike in the original show, where John spent his whole life not knowing what happened to Henry and hating his guts.
This all happens in the seventh episode – the show’s midseason finale: both John and Mary get answers on their fathers. It’s supposed to be the episode where all these things start to come together. Mary finds Samuel, John and Millie find Henry (sort of), we get some answers on the Akrida, and John and Mary kiss. Woohoo.
After that, there are another few Monster of the Week episodes with Big Bad plot running alongside it, just like in the original show. It follows a similar structure. The episode with Richard Speight, Jr. as Loki (not sure if it’s supposed to be the real Loki or Gabriel as Loki, but probably the latter?) is maybe the worst one. Loki/Gabriel just comes off as an annoying caricature, the plot and his scheme are just sort of confusing, and there’s just…way too much singing. Part of Carlos’s story is that he wanted to be a musician, and he and his former bandmate do some singing, and the songs don’t even sound as if they fit the time period, so. That’s awesome.
Carlos is also subjected to more humiliation when in an episode with vampires – and I’m sure those in the know already know where this is going! – he has Latika douse his hair in holy water and he whips it around to splash it on the vampires. Like…since when are vampires affected by holy water? Not only is the physics of it stupid (it would be so inefficient to have to be constantly whipping your head around, just fucking squirt them with a water bottle or the water gun Carlos used in the pilot), it’s just not even right. It’s incorrect within the show’s own mythology.
The penultimate episode is a creepy clown episode. I will say, the clowns are sort of creepy, but maybe that’s just because I agree with Sam about clowns just being inherently creepy. It’s an okay case, I guess. This is also the episode with Rowena. Ada is trying to find some sort of magical way to deal with the Akrida, and she stumbles into a witch club where Rowena finds her. Ruth McConnell does what she does, and it’s hard to complain about Rowena because she always plays her well. She does give Ada the magic to use against the Akrida in return for a bonzai tree that has a demon trapped in it (I know, I know) because the bonzai demon has information on her son. (Who we know is Crowley, but he doesn’t get a namedrop here, and there’s no further explanation there. I guess it’s possible Rowena could have known in the seventies that Crowley/Fergus was a demon or otherwise had something to do with demons and hell, but when she sees him in season 10 for the first time, she doesn’t recognize him. I do think that can be written off as him just being in a new vessel, though, so I’ll give this one a pass.) Of all the guest stars they brought on from the original show, Ruth/Rowena is by far the best, both in performance and purpose. She shows Ada how to kill Akrida using magic, but doing so kills off a bit of her soul, similar to the magic used to resurrect Jack in season 14.
And then it’s the finale. Just like that. In the final episode, they go up against the Akrida and their queen. In order to kill them, they either need to use the magic Rowena showed Ada, or they need to use something from another world. They connect with a hunter, Joan Hopkins, who has been in contact with Dean/Mystery Man, who she has thrown into the portal and destroyed after months of him staying ahead of her, and no living thing can survive the portal (the portal being the thing that the Akrida use to destroy worlds.) John and Mary find out this hunter is actually the queen. She and her family have hunted with the Campbells for generations, and we find out that Joan was actually born in 1673 and after losing her entire family and her husband, she turned on humankind and imbued herself with monster essence. She claimed monsters weren’t the problems, but humans for always needing saving, making it so hunters always paid the price for protecting them. She was made the Akrida queen when she was cast out of her world, and she is helping them carry out Chuck’s final mission of wiping the universe of universes of humanity. And now, Joan/the Queen is at full power, and will open up the portal to finish the destruction.
In the end, there’s this battle, and all our new friends are there fighting the Akrida, and they use this thing called the Ostium in an attempt to summon something from another world to kill the Queen, the Ostium being the only thing known to be capable of doing such a thing. They use Dean/Mystery Man’s journal to try to summon him, but nothing happens at first, leading them to conclude that the Mystery Man is dead.
And then – as we all know – the Impala appears.
Mary realizes the Impala is not from their world, and therefore can be used to kill Joan. With the portal open, she runs Joan over with the car, but also ends up accidentally going through the portal, which as we know, no living thing can survive. Womp-womp.
But wait! The Impala reappears, and inside it is a living Mary – and Dean Winchester.
Apparently, the Impala somehow protected her (I don’t know how, it’s not explained, don’t ask me), and Dean tells them all he’s already dead, so it’s not like it could do anything to him, and I guess that tracks. He was stuck in between worlds after being tossed into the portal by Joan, waited by the portal, and gave Mary a ride out.
I’ll let Dean explain the rest:
“I'm a Hunter, just like you. But I'm not from this Earth…When I died, I made it to heaven. And [the Impala] was waiting for me. So I went for a drive, and then I took a little detour. Through the multiverse…I was looking for my family. See, I come from a long line of Hunters. I guess I was hoping that somewhere out there was an Earth that had a version where my family had a shot at a happy ending. When I was driving, I caught wind of the Akrida. Turns out that they were one of Chuck's last creations...basically, he's a real dick. He left the Akrida behind to wipe out all of existence in case he failed. Well...he failed. Eventually the Akrida were going to make their way to my world, and I got family there, so I couldn't let that happen…I took my little detour. The rules were simple. Don't mess with anything. Well…I gave it a little nudge. Thought it might need a little help. Looks like it worked out pretty well. So now that the Akrida are gone, you all can choose your own destiny. You can write your own story.”
Then Bobby and Jack show up. We already saw Bobby at the beginning of the episode, and he more or less feels like Bobby, but it’s still like…what are you doing here. What’s going on here. This scene at the beginning of the finale shows us when Dean gave John that letter from Henry, when he’s dressed like a Bond villain, setting the story in motion. Bobby reminded Dean then that they weren’t supposed to meddle, but Dean is Dean and does whatever the fuck he wants, apparently, and Bobby says he’s off to get the cavalry, a line I’m still not completely clear on because who is the cavalry in this situation? Is it Jack? Can’t be Gabriel/Loki because they’re dead, can’t be Rowena because not only is she Queen of Hell in the main timeline, but nothing about her appearance here suggests that she was the current iteration of herself from the original show. So I don’t know who the hell the cavalry is in this context, but I’ll let Jack and Dean take it from here:
JACK: Dean. DEAN: Yeah. No, I know. I know, Jack. JACK: When I restored things, I wanted mankind to make their own fate. That meant no interference from on high, anywhere...no exceptions. DEAN: I couldn't let our world get destroyed. Sam's still down there, okay? He deserves a good, long life. Hell, they all do. So, if you want to cast me out of heaven...so be it. BOBBY: If we're taking a vote, I'd say you give the guy another chance. JACK: There's always another case with you Hunters...even in death. Well...if you're going to meddle in things, finish what you started. After this...it's time to get around to the..."there'll be peace when you are done"…part of the song.
Jack then hands Dean the journal he had been writing in and the Colt. Yes, the Colt. Dean gives them to John and Mary, telling them to use the Colt if a Yellow-Eyed Demon ever comes to them, and to use his journal to help guide them as hunters. The journal is what we see Dean with in the final episode of the pilot, and what he says in voiceover at the beginning and end of each episode (which are just these platitudes and cliches about hunting and family) are written in that journal. They ask his name, Dean tells them it’s James Hetfield (founding member of Metallica), and then he, Jack, Bobby, and the Impala disappear.
The episode ends with all of them happy the Akrida are gone and free to make their own decisions about their lives. John plans to keep hunting with the gang, but Mary isn’t sure. She got into Kansas State earlier in the season, but she needs time and space. But she does show up at the Winchesters’ repair shop at the end, and she and John go on a drive while “Ramble On” plays over a montage of scenes from the show.
And that’s it.
What becomes abundantly clear at the end of this show is that all that mattered – all that ever mattered – was what the fuck Dean was doing. It wasn’t John and Mary’s love story, it wasn’t the search for their dads, it wasn’t the question of whether to hunt or not, it wasn’t the Scooby Gang’s found family. It was just…Dean.
Now, don’t get me wrong: I love Dean. I think he’s an interesting character. I also think his death was appropriate. But one person was so frustrated by his ending that he decided he needed to do something about it.
The logistics of the finale are…weird, to say the least. I can understand the logic behind the Impala being capable of killing Joan based on the show’s rules. It’s of another world, and Joan really gets her shit rocked by it, like Regina George getting hit by that bus, so I can buy it killing her. Sure. And I guess Dean waiting by the portal in the space between spaces or whatever is…plausible, I guess, since we don’t know how anything works between universes, so I’m willing to buy that. (Notice I’m not buying anything here with much enthusiasm, however.) But what the fuck does Dean mean, he heard about the Akrida while he was driving around? What does he mean, he took a detour? Did Jack tell him what was happening? Was he the one who set the rules? If so, did he not take care of the problem himself because of his own self-imposed resolution to not meddle? Did Jack want Dean to give John the letter? I don’t think he did because Bobby seemed to think that was meddling, which Dean was expressly told not to do, but how does any of this work without some level of meddling? And speaking of Bobby, I know we see him in the original show’s finale, but what the hell is he doing this whole time? Did he get caught by Jack doing something offscreen that we’re not told about, or did he run to him and tattle? (Super out of character for Bobby to be a narc, by the way, if that is the case.)
Or, maybe I’m supposed to interpret this another way, as something Dean stumbled upon while he was taking his Heavenly drive. He said he took a little detour and went looking for his family. That he was hoping there was a version out there that had a happy ending. Maybe he somehow found this potentially happy version of John and Mary and learned their universe was being threatened by the Akrida when he did? I don’t know.
I am baffled. Befuddled, even.
This episode is the only one to acknowledge Sam, and what’s funny about that is that for as much as the show excluded him, it inadvertently reinforces the idea of Sam as protagonist. Dean wants to stop the Akrida not to save this universe, necessarily, but because he’s worried about the Akrida getting to Earth One and getting to Sam. He did it all for Sam. It’s fucking poetic, is what it is, and I don’t think they did it to be poetic. I think they did it because they knew that:
They were stupid to leave Sam out of it in the first place, and
They had to justify this whole thing somehow.
In the end, none of it mattered.
At the beginning of this, I mentioned how hard it can be to let things end. While we can joke about how ridiculous Carlos whipping his hair back and forth to spray vampires with holy water is, or how Mary was dressed like a knockoff Claire Novak in the pilot, or the vanishing Impala, or how bad the Akrida looked, or how convoluted the premise of the whole show is, I think there’s something more we can take away from this: The Winchesters is a study in both vanity and poor media literacy.
Dean Winchester dying at the end of Supernatural makes perfect sense within the text of the show. This is a tragic character completing his tragic arc. His death also symbolizes the end of an abusive cycle, but in order to acknowledge that, you have to acknowledge that something very complex exists within Dean’s character. Many fans do not want to acknowledge that Dean continued the familial cycle of abuse. Do I believe he loved Sam? Absolutely. Do I believe he was unfairly parentified? Yes. Do I believe he was also a victim of neglect? One thousand percent. But that doesn’t change the fact that Dean continued these harmful cycles. That’s part of the tragedy. His death made it possible for Sam to break those cycles and live a life he had been continuously guilted and shamed and ostracized for wanting to live, and while that’s in a sense a win, it comes about in a tragic way.
The tragedy is the point. The hurt is the point.
But Jensen Ackles just didn’t like that. Of all the people on the cast and crew, he was the only one who it didn’t seem to click with, and look – I can understand that maybe he needed to take some time to sit with it because he brought that character to life for fifteen years and that character has a rough end, and it also marks the end of fifteen years of his life. It’s tough stuff. But what Jensen and the producers of The Winchesters did didn’t add to Dean’s story or his character, it didn’t add to the original story, it didn’t improve upon anything, or clarify anything, or rehabilitate anything.
It was Jensen’s attempt to get the last word, and it failed spectacularly.
I said earlier that I don’t want to blame a lot of the show’s problems on the acting, and I think that’s true. The main cast are young actors who haven’t been in a ton of projects (Meg Donnelly, who played Mary, has the most experience with ABC’s American Housewife and Disney’s Zombies movies), and I don’t want to blame cast and crew for just wanting to get work, and the main case certainly isn’t unwatchable. They have to do and say some pretty cringy shit at times, but that’s not on them. The supporting cast is generally serviceable to forgettable, and only truly bad a couple of times (the guy who plays Ada’s half-djinn son is…not great. He sounded like he was having lines fed to him and wasn’t comprehending any of what he was saying). Carlos and Latika aren’t particularly bad characters or poorly portrayed or anything, even if they do rely on some stereotypes (again, not on them), and might be fine in another context.
I will also say, though, that while Meg Donnelly isn’t like…a bad actor, she’s not a good Mary. The Mary we know from the flagship program is sweet, and hopeful, and resourceful, and very capable. I could absolutely believe that the Mary portrayed by Samantha Smith or Amy Gumenick could both kill a monster and struggle to break out of the life she was raised in, and absolutely, 100% want out of that life and apply to Kansas State University behind everyone’s back (just like someone else we know!) Donnelly’s Mary just feels like a Claire Novak rip-off. Which was a weird choice to make, and I guess they could try to justify by being like Oh, well this is a Mary from another universe, but that’s not gonna fly. We got a Mary that could certainly kill monsters, but otherwise doesn’t really feel like Mary Winchester at all.
Then there’s John, portrayed by Drake Rodger. He was my favorite of the main cast, and the one who seems to be the true protagonist, which I noted earlier. Rodger had mentioned having watched the original show, and he has that sort of gentle giant quality that Sam had, and even does a good job of picking up on some of his mannerisms that make him at least feel like a Winchester. Does he feel like John? I mean…that’s harder to say than it was with Donnelly’s Mary. We know from the original show that John before hunting was a pretty different guy. He was probably struggling with PTSD after his tour, but Mary repeatedly refers to him as a sweet, open person, so I can believe that this John could be more like Sam: generally a very nice, gentle guy who you need to watch out for when he’s angry or scared. As far as performances go, he did pretty well – or, as well as he could, considering the writing.
So, yeah, I’m not gonna pin the show’s downfall on the acting because that wasn’t it. And I’m not gonna pin it on the crew, either. Sure, the special effects and editing weren’t always great, but they weren’t always the best on the original show, either.
This is a project that never should have been greenlit, for one reason because it would have saved that crew member from getting struck by lightning. The crew member sued, naming Ackles and the other producers in the lawsuit along with the network for not following proper safety measures. Director John Showalter, a Supernatural alum, decided he wanted a scene shot in the rain, even though there was lightning in the vicinity. The show had already dealt with reshoots and short filming windows, so Showalter, the producers, and the network decided to risk everyone’s safety, and a crew member literally got struck by lightning and woke up in the emergency room. I hope he gets a giant settlement.
It also shouldn’t have been greenlit not just because it was apparently poorly run and unsafe (which, really, is the worst thing about all this – the show’s not even good, and you’re endangering people for it), but because it was a petty little vanity project. Jensen Ackles just couldn’t let it go, couldn’t stand that he wasn’t the protagonist, and had to try to get in one last word.
But he couldn’t do it. He was never going to be able to do it. This wasn’t a project driven by love of storytelling, but by spite. He wanted everyone to be thinking Where’s Dean? How does Dean fit into this? What’s he doing there? He didn’t want to explore this weird, difficult relationship, or the original show’s major theme of autonomy; he just wanted attention. That’s what comes through in all of this because the story itself doesn’t matter. If these characters don’t reveal anything about the original characters or story, then it doesn’t matter, and it’s certainly not written or performed or produced well enough to make it matter. Why should I care about this John and Mary? I don't know, and the show doesn't, either.
And the kicker is that all of Dean’s voiceover bits are stupid cliches, it doesn’t make sense how he even got himself into this mess, and it all still comes back around to Sam in the end, anyway. So there was literally no point. It was all a waste of time and money and a man got struck by lightning.
This show was doomed from the start. Dead, done, and dusted before it even made it to your screen.
#supernatural#spn#spn prequel#the winchesters#spn meta#jensen ackles#john winchester#mary winchester#dean winchester#sam winchester#that's right I'm putting this in the main tags#idk if anyone will be interested in this or not but here it is#I know it's long but there was quite a bit to say#and I had nothing better to do#abby speaks
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Challenge Accepted
I was tagged by the love @ofcrowsanddragons to post a snippet of something I’ve written that I’m proud of.
So, below the cut and definitely unbeta’d, find something I wrote that genuinely makes me smile from the Modern AU (tm).
I’ll challenge: @hyperions-light, @thedissonantverses, @dymme, @bygonesigh, @basedonconjecture, @mageofquandrix, @galluslonging, @swamp-jello, @corvus-frugilegus, @littlemissgeek8, @jouskaroo, and @mortal-ethos to post something you're proud of and tag friends who you'd like to have a chance to reblog!
Turning to face her, a sheepish grin on his face, was Rook. “Didn’t realize I’d be accompanying the Neve Gallus.”
Neve doubted her expression hid her shock.
Rook was the Shadow who’d pulled off the Nessus Job? Rook?
He shifted his weight, almost bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Surprise?”
“You seem to be full of them,” she managed as she assimilated this new information.
His combat gear was well-worn, whether from wherever he’d gotten it or through his work for the Shadow Dragons she couldn’t guess. The bruises she’d seen on him earlier were no longer there, and she was surprised at the relief she felt. “You drank that healing potion?”
He chuckled. “Ah, well…someone smarter than I am mentioned that a healer might be a good idea, so I tried that instead.” She noted genuine apology in his eyes when they met hers.
“Good.” Neve drew closer to the desk, and looked down at the blueprints Rook had pulled. Tarquin stepped out of her way, and ushered Ashur into a corner for a private conversation. “This is the warehouse?”
He followed her lead. “In theory,” Rook said.
“These are the blueprints they submitted for their permits. But obviously they wouldn’t include anything that they might want to hide; anyone can get these. Even the maintenance guy.” He smirked at her. “Still, the external doors should be accurate - inconsistencies there would be tough to explain - so unless we go in through a window these are going to be the entry and exit points.”
“There are security cameras here, here, here, and here,” Neve said, indicating their placement on the plans.
Rook looked impressed. “Any sense of their line of vision?”
She took her phone out and opened her recording from earlier that day. “Let’s see,” she murmured as it began to play, focusing in on the view of each camera this time rather than the subjects of her inquiry.
“May I?” Rook asked. She glanced over at him, where he was, even in the midst of all this, smiling.
She smirked. “If you mess with my phone, I’ll hunt you down,” she warned as she handed the device to him.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he muttered as he watched the video with the sound muted, and Neve felt butterflies in her stomach.
She’d chalk those up to nerves.
About the job. Not Rook.
He handed her phone back and reached into one of his many pockets. With the pencil he’d pulled out, Rook carefully started sketching lines that went from the camera locations Neve had indicated to the walls on the blueprint.
“At the end there, which door did the Flirt Master leave through?” Rook asked. Neve pointed to the front employee entrance and exit.
“There.” She cocked an eyebrow. “Flirt Master?”
He smirked as he checked over his handiwork with the plans. “You saw him last night. That was a master class. I’m planning to study it.”
Neve snorted. “Trust me, you’re better off without.”
Rook turned and caught her gaze. “Promise?”
Tarquin cleared his throat, and Rook pinked.
“Do you have some kind of plan, or will I have to listen to this all night?” The Templar grumbled.
Rook traced a path through the front door in a light pencil line. “If we enter here, we’ll be in the office area and not in the stacks, plus we can stay in this blind spot up until this point. Their camera set up actually isn’t that good. Especially if they’re storing more than overpriced perfume for the highblood crowd.”
He stood up and rubbed his chin in apparent thought. “Do we think Daddy Bataris maybe doesn’t know about Junior’s moonlighting in the culty artifact business? Because if so, security might not be as bad as I feared.”
“Never say ‘Daddy Bataris’ again.” Tarquin sounded physically pained, and Neve stifled a snicker as Rook smirked.
Rook bent back over the blueprints. “From here,” he marked the spot with an ‘X,’ “we should have a good view of the office space without being in the camera line. Hopefully it’ll give us insight into where the security hub is. Once we find it, we can knock it out easily enough. We’ll just need to disable to remote alarm system first.”
He stood up, looking down at the plans with his hands on his hips. “Step one, remote alarm; step two, security hub; step three, Neve pilfers the place for fun and profit; step four, piss off Tevinter supremacists.” Rook looked at them all and grinned.
Neve looked at him skeptically. “Is this how you do all your planning?”
“Pretty much!”
“Explains Nessus,” Tarquin muttered, and Rook pouted.
#challenge accepted#something I’m proud of#wips#my wips#the modern au#au disaster rook#neverook#neve x rook#rook x neve#neve/rook
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there's this one post-war ethabaster divorce au that I've been rotating in my brain for genuine years
Basically, Percy vouched for Ethan after the Battle of Manhattan so the gods decided to let him more or less off the hook. He gets to live in relative peace but every now and then he gets called up by one of the camps or by a deity to go deal with some issue. He's basically a contractor but the job he gets contracted for is killing monsters and solving god issues.
Alabaster, on the other hand, still got exiled and he has been a very busy boy. He's sort of like Silco but with slightly less domestic terrorism and drug trafficking. He reconnected with a lot of the surviving demigods and monsters from the TA, took advantage of the power vacuum left by the Triumvirate, and is pretty much in charge of the new titan army, albeit much smaller and less active. They try to keep their heads down to avoid catching the ire of the gods and just play it as them being rogues working together for their own survival, and the gods leave them to it mostly to maintain their agreement with Hecate.
The actual logistics of what Ethan and Al do in this au don't really matter that much because it's just a backdrop for the main event. See, during Ethan's questing he became aware of a group of demigods (who at the time didn't know they were demigods) in foster care and at first he was content to leave it at that but then he couldn't make himself stop thinking about it. He knows how hard it is to be a demigod on your own like that. The oldest of the kids is 15 and the youngest is nine. He had a horrible childhood and he has the ability to prevent these kids from having the same experiences he did so . . . he becomes a foster (and eventual adoptive) dad. He doesn't tell the kids that they're demigods until he has to because he wants them to have as normal a life as possible, even when almost everyone around him disagrees with how he's raising the kids. He's a bit of an awkward dad, especially at first, but he really wants these kids to have a decent life and it comes across. He knows what teenagers are like and he doesn't want to force a relationship so he gives them their space but he's always caring for them in little ways like making sure there's a home-cooked meal waiting for them when they get back from school or picking up extra jobs for the gods so that he can get them cool new shoes or send them on a fun field trip. Ethan staying up until the middle of the night sorting out bills and permission slips at the kitchen table, gently ushering the kids back to bed if they wake up. Ethan being a weary but happy domestic single dad is the fuel that powers this au I cannot stress enough how Dad(tm) Ethan is in this au. He probably has reading glasses or something.
The main conflict comes from Al, who needs demigods to recruit to his cause, which Ethan is staunchly against. The positions they take are Al being of the mindset that demigods being child soldiers is normal. It's how they grew up so he doesn't see any reason why the next generation shouldn't grow up like that as well. Ethan doesn't want the next generation to grow up like that because it's how he grew up. He's not going to let his children become soldiers and be used for another divine war in which they're ultimately just going to be fodder.
Also there is the slight comedic aspect of Ethabaster basically having a custody battle of these three random ass demigods. Alabaster gets thrown for a loop when Ethan refers to the demigods living in his apartment as his kids. Also the kids see Ethan as the pretty young, slightly awkward guy who took them in and has some boring job and is friends with the hot baker who lives around the block. So imagine their surprise when Alabaster "the C stands for Cunt" Torrington and his cool criminal underworld that keeps trying to kidnap them and tempt them to the dark side is revealed to be Ethan's annoying ex-bf who keeps trying to call him up. like, "hey dad, why is that man with the glowing eyes and the mob cult who keeps trying to kill and/or kidnap us calling you in the middle of the night to ask you if you miss him?" "Why don't we stop talking for a while?"
#pjo#percy jackson#ethan nakamura#alabaster torrington#alabaster c torrington#ethabaster#oc#original character#Ethan: hey you can't just barge in here in the middle of the night. I have kids you know#Al: since when dd you have kids??? are they Percy's? I fucking knew there was something going on between you two!#Ethan: EXCUSE YOU THEY'RE ADOPTED#Al: oh thank fuck- I MEAN WHATEVER IT'S NOT LIKE I CARE#Al tries to cozy up to the kids totally just to get them to join him#not at all because he's jealous that Percy gets called uncle percy and ethan has a life outside of him and his kids don't like Al#Al: hey kids I'm your favourite right? i'm way better than 'uncle' percy right? you prefer me right? i'm your favourite dad-#kid 1: who are you again???#kid 2: *to Ethan* hey dad your weird stalker ex is back again. should I get the mace?
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In A Sentimental Mood: A Ruggie/Yuu Oneshot
Some quick Housekeeping! This was originally meant to be a song-fic but the only time I remembered to/felt inspired to write was nearly the middle of the night (as writers do lol) so I didn’t have enough mental energy to splice the lyrics together into the story. Instead, I listened to the song on repeat while writing, like, HALF of the fic but I thought it was cute enough to fit the vibes. The narrator's voice and descriptions were hard to keep consistent as well as concise, but whatever. I don’t think I properly matched Ruggie’s speech pattern but I think it’s close enough to ‘random, working class teenager’ for now.
Also! It’s an X Yuu but I’m pretty sure I used all GN! Pronouns so please feel free to read it as an X Reader (who’s the Ramshackle Perfect). It felt kinda awkward to not describe the character or use open descriptors (like Y/N, HC, etc.) but feel free to add any notes or styles to try out for an open reader audience. Honestly feel free to comment or message any feedback lol! I don’t have a beta reader atm (I might ask either my gf or my IRL friend who’s also into TWST) but it could be fun to have a random stranger react to my writing so they’re disconnected from personal feelings and whatnot.
I have a fic introducing my oc a little interacting with the Pop Music Club, but it’s making out to be longer than expected so between writing for my own AU/ocs story I’ll be posting cute lil song-fics as well as crackhead interactions lol! Maybe a few headcanons as well. I’m not sure if I would have ever actually started writing fanfics (or writing in general) instead of simply daydreaming about it if it wasn’t for @twst-beam and @krenenbaker , so a quick dedication for them for lowkey lighting a fire under my ass. Not only have you opened the creative floodgates, but actually gave me the motivation to actually TRY and put it into action. Anyway…. ON TO THE STORY BITCHES!!! ENJOY THE THE SWEET HYENA BOY (who weirdly looks exactly like my Boyfriend, lol) AND COME REALISH IN THE CHAOS~
In A Sentimental Mood:
A Ruggie/Yuu one-shot
It had been a long day. Scratch that–it had been the longest year of Ruggie Bucchi and Yuu’s life! However, there was something especially trying these last 24 hours. Maybe it had something to do with how this was the first day off the both had (that lined up) in w e e k s and they STILL BOTH got called in to run some nonsensical errand. Or maybe it’s because when the First Year Squad were supposed to be babysitting Grim the entire first floor of Ramshackle got absolutely trashed.
Something about stupid bets, idiotic magic competition, and a prolonged chase. Afterwards, Rugs and Yuu had to help clean up! The aftermath of the wreckage was too much for the Hodge Podge group of freshmen.
What really topped the day off was the mission impossible scheme the couple failed to pull off. Originally, the two were simply planning to “borrow” on one Leonas (numerous) credit cards while the latter was passed out for an all-expenses-paid date out. It’s not like they were about to rob the second prince blind! Just a few trips to their usual thrifting stops, maybe hassle with a local boutique and then some semi-fancy free grub.
Instead they got caught two shops in when they decided to grab some food before being totally weighed down by paper shopping bags. Since they had a later start, Yuu suggested getting dinner to the new uppity wine-and-dine.
“C’mon Rugs~ When are we gonna have another chance to dine like Kings? And on a Royal Dime at that!” they foolishly (but successfully) tempted the poor Hyena into a little more Mischievous than the two realized.
Too bad their Dinner Date got cut short from one of the waiters recognizing the Sunset Savannah Royal Seal on Leona’s card. It took an hour and a half of being corralled into a backroom, 3 ominous threats of calling the police, snarky back talk and just general arguing before Leona strutted into the Restaurant and vouched for his underclassmen. Seeing the lazy Lion not only WAKE UP, but come off campus was a bit of a surprise for the thief couple.
What wasn’t as surprising was his smug, diva face while declaring that they would need to pay him back for disturbing his nap. After hasty, and admittedly sheepish, promises to the Prince, he collected his missing card and strutted back to campus. Luckily, he was secretly a bit of a softy towards his unofficial Vice and the magicless Perfect that saved his life (and probably his status for not ratting him out to his older brother). It’s safe to say while making the switch a decent stack of Thaumarks was placed in Ruggie’s wallet.
So yeah, in a word, the day had been a bit of a shitshow. A clusterfuck of misfortunate events (and if it weren’t for Leona, Yuu and Ruggie would not only be in some kind of jail but also flat broke).
But finally–finally–this hardworking hyena Beastman and the Ramshackle Perfect were about to have some peace and quiet! A moment for just the two of them. A small, precious moment late at night. After the longest night of their collective lives, the two were able to cuddle up and appreciate what they had. Even if all they had was encompassed by long, tiring days and horrendous luck… and having the bend to the whims of some of the brattiest Divas of NRC.
Regardless, this time isn’t about them. It’s about Ruggie Bucchi and Yuu enjoying what left they had of their day off, Damnnit!
“Ya’ know,” Yuu hummed into where their face was buried for max comfort; Ruggie’s chest. “Today wasn’t a total bust.”
Ruggie snickered sarcastically as his left hand paused its petting motion through his significant other’s hair. He was clearly only humoring his lover's thought process, yet paying attention all the same.
“I’m just saying it wasn’t a total loss,” they began to half-jokingly argue, “I still got to spend the day with you. Besides, you gotta admit it was pretty funny watching that stupid manager’s annoying face drop when Prince Grumpy strutted in all pissy!”
“Shee Shee Shee! Fair enough, Sugar! Good thing he didn’t realize Leona’s always cranky… or that His Majesty~ was mostly just pissed he had to wake up.” Ruggie answered playfully.
“It was kinda sweet of him for letting us, mostly, off the hook though. He even let us keep our goodies along with that sneaky bonus,” Yuu mentioned while lazily motioning towards the small mound of shopping bags and the miscellaneous items inside.
“Pleeeease~ He probably spends more on a single earring than we did with his card and cash combined,” Rugs pouted enviously. To emphasize his pout, he completely encircled Yuu with his arms and clutched them tightly. He was hanging onto them tighter than a swiped snack from the cafeteria on Doughnut day.
“I don’t know,” his partner giggled in response, “Leona’s been such a softy lately… but his whole dark and brooding reputation gets in the way a bit.”
“Dark and brooding?” Ruggie snorted, “Dunno if Leona’s habits of lyin’ around counts as dark and brooding.”
Yuu tried to suppress their elated smirk at feeling the slight tremor of quiet laughter. “True, that’s more of Mal’s stick isn’t it? Angsty and depressed?”
“Nahhh, that’s Idia’s thing! Also, I still can’t wrap my head ‘round you calling Malleus by some nickname.” His laughter died down as he scrunched his nose at the thought of his partner so buddy-buddy with one of Twisted Wonderland’s most powerful mages. And a crown Prince… with servants and castles and-
“You do realize that Malleus is like a GIANT kid right? I mean, yeah he’s some super powerful wizard-”
“...whatever. He’s an absolute beast when it comes to magic and whatnot, but he’s got this whole ‘homeschooled only child’ vibe going on and honestly? It’s a little pathetic, in a cute stray way.”
Ruggie didn’t really know how to feel about his partner’s revelation. On one hand, he knew they were just friends and had befriended each other longer before Yuu realized Malleus’ status. That didn’t necessarily make it any easier to cover up the inherent inferiority or the slight unsettling fear. Good thing they didn’t feel the usual pressure of this world’s social ladder… but that doesn’t mean they won’t start worrying if he stayed lost in thought for too long.
“.......what was your world like for you to turn out so weird?”
Ruggie continued to laugh, but it came out a little bit strained. Yuu finally glanced up in order to catch a glimpse of their boyfriend’s adorable pout. His lightly scrunched eyebrows and the way his ears seemed to fold-in on themselves made him look like a grumpy puppy. Absurdly cute, but clearly bothered, and they both had had such a long day t wouldn’t be right not to cheer him back up!
“Oh, c’mere!” the Perfect said through teasing giggles as they flipped Ruggie over to switch positions.
Rugs was currently (and quite contently) snuggled face first into his lover's chest; enjoying the sound of their heartbeat along with the comfortable extra cushioning. His arms reached slightly down to wrap around their waist snuggly as the two pairs of legs naturally crisscrossed at the joints. The moment he fully relaxed was when Yuu started to softly pet his bushy hair and scratch along the base of his ears.
Pure Heaven.
“Were you getting grumpy because I kept mentioning Leona and Malleus?” the Perfect lovingly taunted now that he was trapped and attacked (with euphoric head scratches) in his weak spot. Truly, an idiots mirage of paradise.
“C’mon Sweet Cheeks! Ya Couldn’t’ve least let me keep my pride?” Rugs whined, quickly going back to frowning deeply but unable to hold it for long. There was no chance in all of Twisted Wonderland he could stay “upset” while his precious Dandelion Fluff’s fingers softly caressed his sensitive ears. At least he could cover-up the way he melted, burying himself further into their figure. Luckily, Yuu was already squeezing him closure with a burst of affection,
“Don’t worry, my silly Hyena, the only one I was focused on today was you. The only one I wanted to spend time with was you. And the only person I think of from dawn till dusk, and dream about the whole night through, will always be you, Ruggie Bucchi.” Yuu declared playfully, then slowly breathlessly serious with a sappy amount of affection as they watched Ruggie's tail wave faster and faster.
“Shee shee shee,” Rugs bashfully replied, “where did all that come from outta nowhere?”
Yuu wistfully sighed, “I guess I’m just in a sentimental mood.”
The two shared some playful hushed whispers until Ruggie had to turn his head to hide a yawn. His attempt was futile however, as Yuu caught it–but instead of teasing him over it they simply snuggled him closer and quietly sang an old, sweet crooner love song from their home world. Despite the long day, it felt blissfully short as the two peacefully drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.
#twisted wonderland#disney twst#disney twisted wonderland#my husband#writing#twst ruggie bucchi#twst ruggie#ruggie bucchi x reader#ruggie x reader#I love him so much#twst oneshot#songfic but not really#reader is gender neutral#reader is MC#Ruggie/Yuu#ruggie x yuu#aims writing library#Genuinely surprised I actually posted this#i hate tumblr's formating#lowkey might repost it on ao3#but that site confuses me#I've literally read fics from there FOR YEARS and I still don't understand the bookmark system#message me if you'd be down to beta read#it might take a while for the next fic#depends on my motivation#and if my job training EVER FUCKING STARTS#LIKE WTF I NEED TO GET PAID SO CAN YOU PLEASE SCHEDULE ME ALREADY
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hmmm I get how people think that xia fei will fail to sever his deal with liu xiao, but I actually think it's the opposite? I think liu xiao will accept his decision and let him go very easily, but he'll leave him with final words that will make xia fei question if he's making the right choices ("if you see your friends' true colors" blah blah blah)
if xia fei is the pawn in the chess metaphor, him reaching the opposite end of the board would promote him to a more valuable piece, per chess rules. liu xiao wants more valuable chess pieces. why not let xia fei make more friends on the opposing team. "reaching the opposite end of the board" can mean many things. maybe xia fei dies, or maybe he just realizes the "mistake" of making friends with the opposing team. I don't think xia fei or vein will die, btw, but that's neither here nor there. in any case, the timeline will reset anyway when cheng xiaoshi dies
it's not that xia fei fails to stop his cooperation with liu xiao. he'll succeed, and then rethink it. xia fei, who hates owing favors; liu xiao, who sees a situation where xia fei may or may not feel indebted to him later on, in some capacity.
nobody really knows what liu xiao is doing at any time but personallyyyy I think it's more his style to let his "friends" come running back to him after realizing that his views on the world are right. so he lets xia fei go. it's fine. xia fei will come back to him later anyway, or he'll find some other use for him in another way.
to liu xiao, you don't coerce people into becoming your "friend." you make them "want" to be one. this is an exercise of agency for the other person, no? 😊
and we have a precedent for this too. after all, that's what happened to li tianchen.
one of these days, I really will make my "the curtains are blue" post about how the blue and yellow jacket wearers (li tianchen, xia fei, and cheng xiaoshi) are foils/parallels with themes of agency/autonomy and/or lack thereof, and liu xiao is the thematic intersecting point for all of them. but that's not the point of this post. I'll write them after YE6 in case YE6 changes my mind lmao
on another note. link click, I was promised a hohh TRIO so WHERE are my vein & liu xiao "friendship" scenes? you have ONE 🫵 episode left to show me something other than a phone call and liu xiao playing designated driver
#mine musings#liveblogging link click#link click#link click spoilers#yes i know in S2 xixi was the parallel to cxs but in the overarching story cxs falls in the same thematic role as ltc and xf. imo! to me!#anyway. blue and yellow jacket wearers are parallels (ltc / xf / cxs) so i'm thinking. if ltc was S2 and xf was bridon...#we're getting lx & cxs in S3. trust <- wishful thinking#i think it would be a good follow-up because i think lx has specific ideas on what is “certain” and “true”#and ltc and xf both kinda affirm his way of thinking#so it'll be interesting when he actually tries to befriend cxs for real because cxs will surprise him#but at the same time. i think lx was being genuine when he said he liked that xf was an open book#you know who else wears their emotions and hearts on their sleeve... our favorite dead wife cxs#i have many thoughts about lx but gonna wait for YE6 to confirm/debunk them first#but the lx posting WILL keep happening. apologies. i have many drafts about him. like. you don't even know...
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AHHH I'm so happy youre back to writing! I felt like the Rottmnt tickle community was dying there.
Been dying for a lee! Mikey Ler! Big bros fic.
~ 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗… ~

❤️💜🐢💙🧡 𝙵𝚒𝚌 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝙰𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ❤️💜🐢💙🧡
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝙾𝙷 𝙼𝚈 𝙶𝙾𝚂𝙷, 𝙰𝙽𝙾𝙽 🥲💔⁉️ 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙱𝚁𝙾𝙺𝙴 𝙼𝚈 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝙽 𝙸 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂??? 𝙰𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚜 𝙸’𝙼 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚁𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚖𝚗𝚝, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚖𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎…𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝🩷💝💕˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙**·̩̩̥͙
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟸,𝟼𝟹𝟸
𝙻𝚎𝚎: 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 🐢🧡
𝙻𝚎𝚛’s: 𝚁𝚊𝚙𝚑 🐢❤️, 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 🐢💜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚎𝚘 🐢💙
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 (𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚘’𝚜 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚋𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝚕𝚊 𝚋𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚊). 𝙱𝚞𝚝…𝚒𝚝’𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚝…
(𝙰/𝙽: 𝚈'𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚕𝚕. 𝚃*𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔/𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜 𝙳𝙽𝙸!!!)
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @shut-up-jo @veryblushyswitch @someone1348 @pocky-dragon
@danineedshelp @jamiesgotchu @saturnzskyzz @savemeafruitjuice
@my-l0v3r-v3rse @mythica0 @titters-and-tingles
𝚃𝚆: 𝚃𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚌𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐/𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐/‘𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐’ 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙶𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊 (😵)!!! 𝙸𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚊𝚢…𝙸 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 😅…
“MOVE YOU’RE HIPS, MIKEY!!!” Donnie yelled at his orange cladded younger brother.
“I’M TRYING!!!” The box turtle yelled back, “DOES IT LOOK LIKE I’M SHAKIRA?!”
“WELL, YOU’RE HIPS DEFINITELY DO LIE BECAUSE I SEE NO FUCKING MOVEMENT!” The elder yelled in return which earned a loud snort of amusement from Leo in the peanut gallery; the slider enjoying the chaos and banter between Mikey and Donnie.
It was a nice Saturday evening and the four brother’s spent the day just…casually hanging out, for no exact reason in particular. The brother’s just truly wanted to chill (for today…).
They did karaoke, binged movies, and y’know…just chilled. That’s what Summer was about: relaxation.
Well…they were relaxed.
Until their nerdy scientist brother found a TikTok video that he quote on quote ‘Had to learn to get with the trendy trends for his likey likes.’
His words, not mine.
And so, he dragged Mikey into it because the dance required about two people (and Donnie wasn’t trying to make it seem like he was lonely). But sadly and not surprisingly, the young scientist has been trying to teach the youngest the choreography for about…3 hours.
3 hours.
Let that sit with you for a second. Let that marinate.
And let’s just say…Donnie’s patience wasn’t exactly the best. Especially when it came to dance. Plus, this dance wasn’t even hard! All that was required to do was move your hips and do dramatic hand movements like some stereotypical blonde ordering an overcomplicated Starbucks order!
In conclusion: not hard at all!
And Donnie knew he wasn’t raised with a piece of cardboard! Mikey knew how to dance…!
…To an extent, anyway…
“It’s not my fault I’m stiff!” The youngest whined which only caused the second oldest to simply scoff, rolling his eyes with sass, “Well it’s gotta be someone’s fault.”
“It’s probably Draxum’s.” The slider suggested.
“I concur. It is probably Draxum’s fault.” Donnie agreed, “Anyway, stiff or not stiff, I need you to learn how to do this dance.” The box turtle groaned again at the comment, “Why me though? Why can’t you just do it with Leo or something???”
“Me and Leo already learned the dance!” The softshell huffed proudly, “We learned, practiced and recorded it all yesterday.”
“Twin type shit.” The second youngest added on, sending Donnie finger-guns.
“Twin type shit.” The purple loving turtle amusedly agreed, not doing the same hand movement but just doing an awkward thumbs up which Leo couldn’t help but giggle to.
Raph, who was sitting next to Leo on the couch scratched the top of his head a bit, pondering slightly. “Why don’t you try doing a different dance?” The eldest suggested, “Y'know…maybe one that doesn’trequire so much hip movement…?”
“Like The TikTok Rizz Party dance!” Leonardo happily suggested, standing up excitedly which only earned hard glares from all of his brothers. The second youngest rolled his eyes at the looks, putting a hand on his hip, “Oh, don’t look at me like that. You gotta admit: it’s simple to learn.”
“It’s not a dance— it’s a freaking demon ritual.” The snapping turtle deadpanned.
“Same difference...” Leonardo huffed, sitting back down next to his older brother. Raph sighed impatiently, rubbing his temples like a single Mom that worked two jobs (sorry not sorry for that reference), “I’m too young for all of this bullshit…”
“Raph!” The youngest suddenly wailed, “Aren’t I moving my hips???” Mikey whined impatiently, demonstrating the dance which got a small stifled giggle from Leo. The leader in blue got up, covering his mouth to try and stop himself from laughing as he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
The eldest turtle grimaced, trying to hold back his laughter as well, “You’re…You’re moving something…”
“He’s moving his fucking chest and shoulders…” Donnie explained, “Which are nowhere near your hips.”
“Again: The Tik Tok Rizz Party is still an option.” Leonardo happily said as he went back to the lounge area and started to do the quote on quote ‘Tik Tok Rizz Party’ dance. The purple loving teen inwardly cringed as he watched his slightly younger brother’s antics, sighing sadly as he covered his face.
Of all the individuals he had to be twins with…
“Sit your hyperactive ADHD ass down.” Raph demanded as he grabbed Leo’s shell with his hand, forcing him to sit back down.
“Anyways. Angel, I want you to move with your hips!” The softshell emphasized again, going behind Mikey and squeezing his hips to demonstrate how and when the youngest was supposed to move them (since the box turtle was apparently having an issue separating his chest from his hips).
Y'know, stiff people problems. Something Donnie couldn’t possibly relate to nor understand.
“EEP-!!!”The youngest suddenly squealed, his face morphing to one of giddy panic, “D-Deehee! Noho stahahap!”
“I am helping you with your atrocious dancing, you buffon! Now stay still!” The second oldest huffed, squeezing the shortest turtle’s hips again.
“You’re 'helping' tihihickles!” Mikey complained, holding onto his scientist brother’s wrists in a small attempt to stop him. Which didn’t…obviously. But it was worth a shot. An A for effort some might call it.
Donnie tried to stifle his giggles, raising a confused brow, “Oho, my helping tickles, now does it? How is that even possible, my dear younger brother?”
“Wahait w-wahahait dohohon’t— *squeal* nahahaha!” Mikey laughed, throwing his head back on Donnie’s shoulder as his knees gave out, trying to retreat unto the floor but his older brother only followed him as he did so.
“Don’t? Don’t what~?” The second oldest turtle asked incocently, scribbling his fingers against the other’s sides. The box turtle curled in on himself on the carpeted floor, kicking his legs back and forth.
Donnie snickered, “Dude, I’m genuinely asking! What do you mean 'don’t'~?”
Michelangelo just hugged his middles as he squirmed and screeched, giggling his small little heart out as his older brother tickled him. The young scientist sighed dramatically, sitting on the youngest’s legs as he stopped tickling him for a moment.
“Hey, guys?” Donatello said as he turned to the red and blue duo sitting on the couch, “I miiiiight need some help over here. I’m feeling ignored by this one— he’s not answering me.” He deadpanned as he jabbed the turtle below him in the side, causing the youngest to sound like a overpowered drill screwdriver fusion.
“Say less.” Raph grinned, going over to the PB&J duo as Leo quickly followed right behind.
Okay…well, this hang-out-with-your-brothers-just-because-you-can hangout was turning left veryquickly. Perhaps that’s what Mikey gets due to the fact that he was spinning left and Donnie was spinning right…
Even though the purple banded turtle told him numerous times to turn the other direction, the youngest didn’t feel like listening. I guess he now knows how the second oldest feels when Mikey doesn’t pay attention to his 4 hour yap sessions.
As one smart, tooootally not demented 21 year old said: Karma’s a bitch.
The box turtle squealed loudly as his other brother’s approached next to him and sat down. The youngest immediately retracted into his shell as panicky giggles from him echoed around the lair.
The three older brother’s collectively groaned, knowing they’ve alllll danced this dance before. “Ugh…I hate when he does that…” Leo complained dramatically as he crossed his arms across his plastron. Raphael cracked his knuckles, his grin widening, “Don’t worry, boys. I got this.” The red banded turtle put the Mikey in his lap, blowing a raspberry directly on the youngest’s stomach.
The reaction was almost like the speed of light as the orange banded turtle immediately erupted into loud mouse cackles, trying to wriggle his way out of his older brother’s iron grip although now that he was caught in the lion’s den…his attempts of escaping were now futile.
“WHAHA— *squeak*?! NAHAHA?!?! *Squeak* RAPH RAPH RAHAHAPH!!!” Michelangelo giggly sputtered out, his laugh raising a pitch as Raphael refused to take any breath’s on the raspberry and just continued and continued.
And Mikey knew Raph. For heaven’s sakes, that was his brother. The paint loving turtle knew (definitely NOT from experience) that Raph would not take a break unless the orange banded got out of his shell.
“WHYHYHYHY???” The orange banded turtle cackled, his limbs and head coming out of his shell as he tried to glare at his brothers, which they all couldn’t help but awe to. “Awe, there you are~! Now this is definitely a fair fight!” The gentle giant happily exclaimed, removing his head from Mikey’s stomach.
“ThIHIs ihis ahan ahamBUHUSH!!!”
“Same difference.” Leo shrugged, squeezing the box turtle’s ankles repeatedly. “NAHAT THEHE FEEHEEHEET!!!” The orange banded turtle cried, kicking his legs around to try and make Leo dislodge his grip on his ankle. “Jeeheez…I didn’t eheven doohoo anything yehet!” The slider commented smugly.
“Guess it tickles that bad, huh, Mikester~?” The blue banded turtle teased.
Leo dramatically gasped at the rebuttal, gently pulling his little brother’s toes back and scribbling his fingers all over his arch. “That is no way to talk to your beloved older brother!” The slider lightly scolded. Donnie, who was next to Mikey nodded in agreement, his fingers pinching all over his littlest brother’s ribs, “I think someone needs to be taught a lesson…”
“NOHOHAHAH! IHI DAHA— *squeak* DOHOHON’T!!!” The box turtle protested, swatting his hands on Raph’s arm like a drunk jellyfish. “And hitting too?!” The blue banded teen announced, “Your reeeeallyasking for it…”
Raphael raised a hand, wiggling his fingers near Mikey’s neck. The turtle in question paled, “NAHAT THEHE NEHEHECK!!! YOHOU GUHUYS IHI ACTUALLY CAHAN’T DOOHOO THIHIHIS PLEHEHEASE—“
“Your neck? Oh, what a great idea!” Donnie smiled sweetly, one of his hands dancing around the right side of the fake dancer’s neck as Raph dipped his head in the other side. “IIIII…gitchie gitchie gotchu~!” The gentle-giant teased, rubbing his face back and forth in the crook of the youngest’s neck.
Mikey let out the most inhuman screech to ever exist in between his cackles, shaking his head and scrunching his shoulders desperately, “LEHEHET MEEHEE GOHOHAHAHA!!!” He squeaked.
“WHYHYHY MEEHEEHEE?!?!” The box turtle whined despreatley through his laughs, unable to do anything but just lay in Raph’s lap and just take the tickles at this point in time.
Speaking of, WHY was he getting tickled by his big brothers in the first place again??? What the hell did he even DO to deserve this torment? They all just basicslly jumped him as if he had money on him or something!!!
And for the record: Mikey in fact did not. This time at least.
He borrowed some cash from April last week but immediately put it inside of his piggy bank the second he got home. Since he knew either one of his greedy grubby hand brother’s would snatch that cash cash money cash cash right away…
What was Mikey pondering about again???
“Because you’re the youngest.”The blue loving teen simply said, “Aaaaand we just gotta tickle the heck out of you ‘cuz you’re just so cute~!” Leo cooed playfully, his hands squeezing and prodding at Mikey’s knees.
“Not too much now, Leo. You’re a baby brother too.” Donnie commented smugly. “By two seconds!!!” The blue banded turtle pouted, glaring at the soft-shell. The soft-shell in question chuckled at the angry face expression, kneading Mikey’s hips mercilessly. “Two seconds that makes you the second youngest. And a baby brother.” He taunted, grinning at the annoyed look that his younger twin was giving him.
“What are you guys going on about? You’re all baby brothers.” Raph exclaimed.
“So are you!” Leo huffed, “April exists, y’know!”
“GUHUHUHUYS!!!” The youngest screamed, trying to get his siblings attention as they bickered. “Hm? What’s wrong, little bro? Did the Tickle Monster find a bad spot~?” Raph asked, now blowing raspberries at the orange banded turtle’s neck.
“YOHOU— *squeal* FAHACK!!! GOHOH AWAHAHAY!!!” The box turtle screamed. Leo rolled his eyes fondly, scoffing lightly, “You love this so don’t even, Miguel.”
“Why should we go away~?” The eldest fake pouted, tickling Mikey under his chin lightly, “Is this a bad spot~? Is that why? Yeah~? Awe, what a shame…”
“PLEHEHEASE BEEHEE QUIHIHI— *squeak*!!!” The youngest bellowed, “STAHAHA— STAHA—!!! PLEHEHEASE AHANHTHING BUHUHUT THAHAHAT!!!”Mikey purely went into silent cackles, happy tears falling down his face as tiny mouse squeaks followed. “IHIHI *squeal* SURRENDER!! GUHUYS PLEHEHEASE *squeal* I’M *squeal* GOHOHONNA DIHIHIE!!!”
The three brother’s removed their tickling hands, ceasing their attack as the youngest wheezed out remaining laughs breathlessly, “Ihi cahan’t breeheeathe…”
“Considering the fact that you are talking right now (which requires you to breathe), I think you’ll be fine.” Donnie commented, handing Mikey a glass of water which the youngest basically snatched and chugged in 2 seconds flat.
Freaking heathen…
“Did we go too far?” Leo dramatically gasped, going over and taking the orange banded teen from the eldest’s lap, squeezing Mikey in a hug and looking him over like he was a random exotic species specimen. “You're not dead...right? Oh man, Dad will literally kill me if I accidentally killed you…wait. That would make me the youngest. Oh well, I never wanted a younger brother anyway...”
“Hey hehey hehehey! Slow your freaking role! Ihi aham nohot dead!” The box turtle giggled, raising a brow at his immediate older brother’s antics. The slider sighed mockingly, “Had all my hopes up for nothing…”
The smallest turtle rolled his eyes at the comment before having a moment of realization, “Whahat were weehee eheven doing agahain…?” Mikey giggly asked, resting his head against Leo’s shoulder as the slider rubbed his carapace. “Teaching you to dance.” Donnie sighed sadly, “But, alas, some things were just not meant to be.”
Mikey glared playfully before landing his eyes on his scientist brother’s phone that was leaning up on one of the tables. “Dee! You were recording???” The box turtle screeched, hiding his face in his shell as the others laughed. “Don records everything, little bro. With or without his phone. So either way you were gonna end up being recorded.” Raph explained teasingly.
“You never know, Mikejandro, maybe you’ll blow up on Tik Tok!” Leo suggested, “I’d call it: The Disgruntled Demise of a Box Turtle.”
“Talk about word vomit…” The scientist mumbled under his breath, going to where his phone stood as his siblings bickered in the background. The soft-shell replayed some of the footage as he muted the video, smiling softly (get it? Soft-shell, smiling softly? I’m so funny you guys…) at the shenanigans that unfolded not too long ago.
The second oldest chuckled softly (still get it?) to himself, putting his phone in his sweatshirt pocket as he went back to where his brother’s were sitting.
“…Do you guys think I can fit 5 s’mores in my mouth?” Mikey suddenly asked.
“Michael…please don’t do that. You could choke.” Donnie shuddered.
“Plus, you’re being a coward.” Leo added, “Try 10.”
“I think 15 is better.” Raph grinned, “But it’s okay if you can’t do it. No one could ever beat Raph’s 25 s’mores record...” The red banded teen huffed out proudly.
“…it’s ‘cuz you’re fucking rotund, man. No one would or could beat you even if we hired a whole football team to go up against you.” The art loving teen said.
Raphael blinked confused, “Ro-tuh-wha—?”
“He’s calling you fat.” Donnie giggly explained.
Raph’s jaw comically opened wide in awe, hitting his littlest brother’s shoulder, “RAPH IS NOT FAT!!!” He shouted defensively.
“Whatever you say, Jupiter…” Mikey retorted almost immediately as the twins completely lost it, the three smaller turtles soon descending into loud contagious cackles. The red banded turtle crossed his arms, glaring at them profusely, “You all are my 13th reason…” The eldest grumbled miserably, despite the soft small smile clearly evident on his face.
(𝙿.𝚂.: 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐!!!)
#Rottmnt tickle#Rottmnt tickle fic#Rottmnt tickle fanfiction#Lee!Mikey#Ler!Raph#Ler!Donnie#Ler!Leo#MUAHAHAHAH YOU GUYS DIDNT EXPECT ME TO POST TODAY HUH☝🏾🤓⁉️⁉️⁉️#I’m full of surprises TRUST#Making this was so genuinely fun#Most of the conversation was legit me and @shut-up-jo 💅🏾#Also I HC that Mikey can’t dance for shit#I’m sorry it’s more funny that way#Or maybe he can actually dance rlly well and his brother’s just shit on him bc they can 🫨🫨🫨💀💀💀#Either way is funnier#Younger sibs unite 🫶🏾✊🏾#Also Older Twin Donnie supremacy FOREVER#FOREVER🤌🏾‼️‼️‼️#Sfw tickle#Sfw tickle blog#Sfw tickle community#Rottmnt tickle ficlet#I’m so glad I kept it short 🥹🥹🥹#No yapping TODAY YESSSIIIRRR 🤌🏾✨‼️#Gotta add this to my pinned post RAUGHH#WE MAKIN IT OUTTA DA SEWER WITH DIS ONE /ref#I WILL BE DEEPLY SADDENED IF NO ONE KNOWS THE TIKTOK RIZZ PARTY BRUH…#“GOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOooOooOOOH 😈😈😈😈😈👹👹👹👹👹👹👹”#So just imagine Leo doing that in the fic jdbdgdgeh#Tmnt tickle 🐢
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ok you know what because apparently so many people don’t know better

this letter ⬆️ is entirely fake lmao
#i don’t hope this doesn’t come across as rude but#genuinely surprised at seeing just how many apparently believe it’s real. wild#which is what prompted this post#bg3#enver gortash#baldur's gate 3#gortash#durgetash#saw it used in a thread to prove that durgetash was canon actually just now and. i’m a lil pissed as someone who has combed through the game#for literal hours searching for every tiny piece of gortash related content lmao
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scenes without music: 3x11 "i'm not really a guest" for @oprheuscas + two bonus scenes <3
#i was actually so surprised by how genuinely sweet all these scenes were without music#so i had to just post the whole thing <3#thank you for the request! would've never thought to do this on my own#scenes without music#911#118 family#3x11
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(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
#I've had the cutest interaction today#So like yesterday? There was this post I saw on my dash that was like “you want to know extra info about museums? Just befriend a–#guide! That way you can also unlock the Secret Backscene” and I was like. Lmao. Who could ever befriend a museum guide I've never–#even personally met anyone who works at museums?#... Well. Guess what happened today#I was following this guided museum tour with a friend and when the tour came to an end I was happily chatting with her when the guide.#Shyly chimed in and was like “is that an Atsushi keychain?” And I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#And I was like‚‚ omg‚‚‚ Do you happen to know‚‚‚ This one series‚‚‚‚‚‚#And they unsheathed their phone like a fbi distinctive in American movies to show me their fyo/zai background amjdsgawsjda it was SO cute.#They were adorable. And I got so embarassed but trying to keep my cool while internally I was like‚‚‚#Omg the Cool Museum Guide™ is talking with me about my hyperfixation‚‚‚‚‚‚ What is happening#We talked a bit about the manga it was such a nice and sweet exchange. They said they like Dostoyevsky and I was like yeah he's so cool!!!#They said they're sorry about Bram it was REALLY cute (´;ω;`)#I didn't want to hamper them too much so I took my leave shortly after but I'd actually really like to pay visit again–#when the new chapter is out??#Hhhhhhh I don't want to look stalkery and like go look for them on their job. But also like‚ they looked genuinely happy and as excited as–#I was when we were chatting and I believe in the power of human connections through shared hyperfixations#The possibly funnier part is that then my friend went “Wait you're into b/ungo stray dogs??” and like alright. This is less surprising.#I already knew she likes manga.#What actually left me quite baffled was that... She really didn't know I was into b/sd. When it's literally what I think about 24/7#Something very similar happened just a week ago. My friend gifted me a manga volume of a series she really likes for my birthday#But when she was giving it to me she awkwardly went “oh‚ just‚ it features romance between two guys. I hope that's okay with you...”#And I internally had to pause and realize that no.#In fact most of the people I hang out with don't know I spend half my time curating a bl focused blog.#It's just funny in a way? I got so used to concealing my hyperfixations I didn't even realize I actually got quite good at passing–#for someone who is normal about stuff.#random rambles
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in the cr2 episode i was listening to earlier tmn were talking to essek and cad turned to him and was like we think that someone in the dynasty is working against the dynasty, and the same for the empire, i think they're working together, and it could be you (essek), but we really hope its not and that if it isn't then this information will be carried on. and i just know essek was absolutely shitting bricks as he lied to his face saying hehe yea i'll carry on the information to someone trustworthy
#kiddo say#caduceus get his ass#watching him lie to tmn while racking up favours he wants them to do is making me want to hit him with a rock i wont lie#i thought i might like him more on rewatch but you guys 😭#u can rly feel that he was meant to be a villain#hes sort of vile actually#sidenote . going to cry and throw up abt jester crying to the traveller in yasha's room : ( baby girl ..#sorry for essek posting im just genuinely surprised at the bad vibes. i will get back to the posting abt the girlies
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one of the things i love about steve and danny is that their appreciation for each other is so genuine they subvert dismissive/no homo memes
steve: you look pretty tonight
danny: what?
steve: i said you look pretty tonight
danny: aren't you supposed to say i look shitty?
steve: why would i say something so blatantly untrue?
danny: *flustered* it's how you are supposed to do this bit
steve: what bit?
danny: you look hot i wanna kiss you
steve: let me guess, it's that bit where i ask 'what?' and you say 'if you were dead i wouldn't miss you'?
danny: what?? no, wtf, i would miss you very much if you died, i would never joke about that
steve: oh
there's no twist, they just love each other
#mcdanno#h50#myh50#incorrect mcdanno#h50 incorrect quotes#but correct in spirit#their love for each other is not a bit#surprise there's no trick just genuine compliments#h50 headcanons#they really do openly appreciate each other#there's no 'you are handsome hashtag nohomo'#there's nothing but full homo and i love that#hawaii five 0#i actually found it in my notes app and decided to post cause stand by it
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I feel like a fool for finalizing realizing this but,
I was never quite satisfied with the explanation given in DGS 2-3 on why Barok took on the prosecution of his close friend.
I don’t think it was ever EXPLICITLY stated and the most we really got is it upheld Albert’s reputation. That Barok did it bc any other prosecutor would paint Albert as a sham right away. Which is a fate worse than death for Albert.
But that never stood right with me bc Barok values finding the truth and justice above all else. He would not do something for the sake of “prolonging” cause he knows it’s pointless. The truth MUST be found so there’s no need to tiptoe around it.
It makes no sense to do it for the sake of Albert’s reputation if finding the absolute truth inevitably leads to Albert’s reputation being ruined. The machine, experiment, and theory, it HAD to all be proven faulty if Albert was to be free. There’s no way it could not. Barok knows this.
What he did in 2-3 seemed like tiptoeing but he was working harder than ever to get to the truth.
The reason why he pushed so hard, the way he continued to give point after point, bring up every inconsistency, bring up even the smallest of possibilities that Albert was guilty, (which honestly sounds like his usual thing. But this time there’s an personal motivation to it)
was entirely so that Ryunosuke could disprove him.
We already knew that Barok trusted Ryuno to handle the defense. That Ryuno also strives for absolute truth. So he threw every little thing at him so that there would be NOTHING left that’d indicate Albert as involved in the murder.
That’s why he took the case. That’s why he was adamant on painting Albert as a murderer.
The way Barok trusted the life of his closest friend to Ryunosuke HE TRUSTED HIM THAT MUCH GOD I LOVE HIS CHARACTER GROWTH SO MUCH-
#barok van zieks#the great ace attorney#ace attorney#this feels like…the most surface level and obvious analysis fjskakak#like…basic critical thinking#I’ve just had my Benbaro shaped rose tinted glasses on like I needed them to survive#that sounds like I’m being really rude to shipping but I’m not i promise!!! I swear!!!#but this genuinely feels like what the writers would want us to think since Barok never actually explains himself#and all we get is Albert’s (kinda biased) hypothesis on the matter#speaking of Barok’s character arc. I’m finally FULLY revisiting the games and I didn’t realize how actually little hints there are to 2-4/5#it’s only like…1 little thing in only a couple of the cases. for some reason I expected more.#I still wish the did Barok’s redemption better. hinted to it more. cause he’s very much an unlikable guy in 2-2. like STILL REALLY UNLIKABLE#it feels like they rushed his redemption and not at the still time bc he’s still pretty rude to Ryuno during 2-4#he spends all of DGS being mean. most of DGS 2. but then suddenly his old friend is on trial and he’s like ‘so actually you’re pretty cool’#but I guess that’s what they’re going for. they wanted the start of his redemption to be a surprise. which is way of doing it.#I’m not gonna be mean about it tho bc they probably had restrictions. I’m a writer but I’m not gonna pretend I know how to write a GAME#I would hope they’d spread out his redemption a little more if they could afford too#long post
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