#Gas analyzer
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envirosolutionstechnology · 1 month ago
Industrial greenhouse gas analyzers
If you are looking for cutting-edge industrial greenhouse gas analyzers, our high-precision systems provide continuous monitoring of CO₂, CH₄, and other emissions. Ensure regulatory compliance, enhance efficiency, and drive sustainability with real-time, reliable data.
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hhvthermaltech · 5 months ago
Lead Brazing
Experience innovation with HHV Thermal Tech's Hypersonic Wind Tunnel, Gas Analyzer, Glove Box Welding, & Lead Brazing solutions. Elevating thermal systems to new heights.
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vasthi-instruments12 · 2 years ago
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months ago
thought too hard about the trio of first game sexy-antagonist-rivals-redeemed-by-betraying-and-defeating-the-true-unsexy-villain-but-at-what-cost. guys. and how they're treated by the fandom. and also by me
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gayofthefae · 8 months ago
"Mike and Nancy just can't say 'I love you' because their parents gave them commitment issues" skipping the usual counterargument that Nancy said she loved Jonathan in 4x01...
Why didn't Mike say that then? Why didn't he say, sorry, I'm just scared to commit but I know better than that now because it's you? Why didn't he say that?
Notice how he didn't say that. You said that.
So you agree? His reasoning for his inability to tell her he loves her was insufficient?
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twynte · 2 years ago
The way Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu is a gay allegory with gay people!!!
Like,,, with Hikaru and his “otherness”, the body-horror, the strong desire to belong. It’s layered. Hikaru (and possibly Yoshiki?) are queer and yet that’s hardly on their radar, hardly something they’re trying to hide (possibly they haven’t even realized it themselves). What they’re really worried abt is people finding out about Hikaru’s.. situation. There’s naivety to it. They’re only focused on what’s in front of their faces.
Mokumoku uses Hikaru’s possession as a means to illustrate the uncomfortable situations and fears that most queer ppl experience at least once without having to directly tie the situations to the queer community. His queerness and his hauntings are separate, and yet they run parallel.
Where there is creeping dread there are two boys trying to hide an extreme monstrosity from their small town…
Some notable scenes in which i am referring to:
1. When Hikaru was overwhelmed with the fear of Asako asking him “Just what are you?”. The manga panel that follows where Hikaru’s features are covered by his obsessive thought “how does she know”. —Hikaru’s fear of being found out, called out
2. The notion of the hauntings spreading, the town “growing strange”.
3. Hikaru and Yoshiki visiting the summer festival, where Yoshiki can pass under the arch while Himaru cannot. —Having to hide yourself while surround by strangers. Trying to keep yourself safe.
4. Again at the festival when they’re sitting on the ground with shaved ice and Hikaru is pleased that Yoshiki doesn’t recognize him as Hikaru. “It’s because you know I’m not the real Hikaru”…
5. The dragonfly scene where Yoshiki is explaining the slight difference in dragonflies. “Natsuakane and Akiakane look pretty much the same, but they’re entirely different species”. —An obvious jab at Hikaru’s possession, and further, a homophobic sentiment.
6. After becoming more Familiar with Hikaru, Yoshiki transitions from calling him an ‘it’ to a ‘he’.
etcetera etcetera . . .
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piebutt · 2 days ago
ppl 'stocking up' for the one day boycott tomorrow.....
come on. just....come on......
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pangyham · 1 year ago
been thinking about the liyue gang and how id draw their physical builds so here are some thoughts i had for xy cy and gm in particular
- xingqiu, unsurprisingly, would be quite lanky. i like to think he has broad-ish shoulders, like a thin athlete's build? hes a long boy to me haha, long face, neck, limbs, fingers etc, so naturally hes stands (comparatively) tall at 5'6" or 5'7"
i like to think hes most physically attractive one and has that handsome princely and boyish charm to him because it adds a lot to his fuckass duality LOL
- chongyun is a lot like xiao imo! short stature but with muscular arms. he seems nimble and flexible because of his normal attack animations (which bears a lot of similarities to xiao's actually! this + the fact that chongyun's normal attacks create gusts of wind further reinforces my hc that xiao trains him). sometimes i watch high energy choreography vids on youtube and some dancers look incredibly light on their feet, almost like their body is inherently bouncy? and i imagine chongyun to have that agility to him. chongyun has a delicate face and aura and i let that bleed into my hcs for his fighting style and physical capabilities hahaha. hes kind of like a cat who's deceptively strong. as for height.. just a few inches taller than xiao, so perceptibly short at 5'4"
- ga ming my new beloved. pretty much similar to chongyun but more muscular and stronger just because he wields his claymore with ease. theres a noticeable weight different between cy and his claymore the way he lugs it up after he swings (or even other claymore users like razor who, on his last hit, bounces from impact). meanwhile ga ming literally slams his to the ground LOL. i love his movements though hes very swift and expressive and radiant.. if cy has delicate movements then ga ming's is fierce and (charmingly!) assertive
ga ming is wonderfully charismatic though, i know hes not well known in liyue harbor yet, but he seems like the type to gain a reputation from his friendliness. how could no one adore him hahaha. 5'5" for height! just between xy and xq
#tangy talks genshin#chongyun gets analyzed most my bad#this was super fun though#while thoughtful ; genshin chara designs will always look distinctly gacha and flashy so a lot of the designs kinda blur together in my hea#this is why i really like looking into their animations particuarly their normal attacks#i think it conveys their personalities really well! it's always something to look forward to when new characters release#i gravitate towards swords polearms and claymores most though because i like the act of swinging and slashing hah. it also requires a lot o#body movement and reflects a lot of irl martial arts fencing and other combat techniques#sword users are always really fun to watch because theyre inherently graceful hahah. i will admit it gets kinda repetitive#i think my favorite NA animation has to be albedo's.. very simple clean and refined. he stands elegantly and puts his arm behind his back o#his 2nd attack which ive been transfixed by since be first came out in 2020 LOL. i love albebo#wow these tags are long as hell#but anyway i actually have more thoughts on xq's physical appearance but its just me rambling about how i think hes funny as fuck#im a proponent of dashingly pretty princely xingqiu not necessarily because i want to bestow upon him desirable traits#but because i think its funny knowing hes just a bit of a loser under all that#hes well known (mr worldwide one might say) and the heir to a prestigious guild and chivalrous talented and prolific#but he writes self insert novels hates carrots had bad handwriting sings really bad#hes just a teenage boy#as always i will 100% have more to say about chongyun but ill save that for another post#ga ming on the other hand.. i dont have anything substantial to say but hes super fun to think about#hes such a likable character#wow these tags are LONG as fuck ill stop now.
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autiwara · 1 year ago
Holding back a 10 page essay on why I think Majima is severly mischaracterized (mostly by rgg studios) and generally a lot smarter than what people give him credit for. Anyways
I know EXACTLYYYY what you mean
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vasthi-instruments12 · 2 years ago
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milfygerard · 8 months ago
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everythingsinred · 1 year ago
Family and the Institution of Alice Academy
Was thinking about this ever since someone (I forgot specifically who, sorry) posed a question like this in the GA discord, asking about (I think) Natsume's extended family or something like that. It was a really interesting concept that I've been thinking a lot about since it was brought up, so here are the thoughts I've accumulated. I'll try to be concise but I have a LOT of thoughts and my brain is messy.
My general opinion at the end of all this thinking I did is that I don't think Academy students typically have very close familial ties after graduating.
I think the most apparent reason for that would be that students are expected to graduate when they are twenty years old. Our main four are exceptions to the rule, coming to the Academy pretty late in life. Most children are taken early, as toddlers or even babies. Natsume, Ruka, and Hotaru's families did all they could to avoid Academy scouting. Mikan was entirely accidental--if she had never met Hotaru, she might have never even found out she was an Alice to begin with. That being said, most kids were separated from their families at a very young age, only to be allowed to reunite with them once they're already adults. For many students, they've been away from their parents for close to two decades.
On top of that, the Academy doesn't allow visitations or phone calls and severely restricts letter communications. Only one child from each class is allowed to return home for one week each year, and that one week does not do much to make up for all the time spent at school.
My point is that by the time students are allowed to see their families again, that familial bond has already been severed, for all intents and purposes. That feeling of closeness and protection no longer exists. Students will feel more closeness and connection to their classmates and even to their teachers than to their parents or siblings, and as a result, I can imagine many graduates not even bothering to visit their families.
While I was pondering this, I made the connection between Academy students and the real life example of a similar situation with Janissaries from the Ottoman Empire. Basically, Janissaries were children stolen from the subjugated people under Ottoman rule. They were taken for the purpose of a "child levy", also known as a "blood tax." Some children were even willingly given by their families due to the possibility of socially advancing, and because the children were promised first class status (sound familiar?). Essentially the children were taken, forced to comply with Ottoman standards and traditions (including forced conversions and circumcisions), and then trained for military service. These soldiers would actually end up being incredibly loyal and efficient, despite likely never seeing their families again.
(Edit: forced circumcisions are particularly heinous when you consider that the children were typically at least 10 years old at the time they were taken.... so.... uh.... not pleasant.... But also interesting that the Janissaries were typically much older than the Alice children at the time of being taken.)
That level of separation doesn't endear ties; it severs them. These Janissaries--very often forcefully taken from their families--ended up growing up with very little connection to their parents or siblings. The feeling of belonging to their previous communities was gone. Absence does not always make the heart grow fonder. This was done as a means of creating a strong military force but also to disillusion subjugated communities and tear away their hope. Their children could always be taken; their communities could always be crushed, even without the use of physical force. It's a very effective tool to oppress a group of people.
(There's actually a lot of similarities between Academy children and Janissaries beside the separation of children from their families. They were also paid for their service and were high ranking; the Academy students are given an allowance and many of them, despite being stolen from their families, have a sense of superiority over non-Alices. They feel like they are treasures, and are of higher value and rank. Additionally, Academy students, especially in the DA class, are highly trained and efficient child soldiers, much like the Janissaries. Janissaries are actually a super interesting historical topic and are worth looking into!)
We can even see the effect of this distance when Yuka escapes the Academy and runs away to her family. Yuka was essentially sold to the Academy, with her parents trading her in exchange for money and status. She was very young, far too young to really understand that her parents had abandoned her. As a result, she romanticized her bond with them, and the longer she was separated from them, the more that bond became fantastical. She made many attempts to escape the school to reunite with her parents and she fantasized about seeing them again. When she finally is able to, it's nothing like she imagined. They're cold, and unfamiliar. They don't recognize her. She doesn't know her brothers. They're related, but there's no real connection.
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"I shouldn't have come here."
Yuka's is an extreme example, but I'm sure she's not an exception. For most Academy students, the almost 20 years of separation from their parents would be too much to ignore. They would not recognize each other, or be close. I'm sure many parents did not sell their children like Yuka's family did, but the bond between child and family had not been nurtured the way it should have been, resulting in coldness and distance.
Because of that, I doubt most students even bother seeking their families out, or even if they do, it's to visit a few times before starting a new life with a career. That familial bond, now broken, is difficult to repair. The connections people often feel with their families or hometowns is something Academy students instead feel with each other. They are all Alices, all in the same boat together. That feeling of superiority that many kids feel means they view each other as on the same level, and I'm sure that could interfere with family connection as well.
Thus, I don't think there's many multigenerational Alice families out there with close bonds. I don't think families like Natsume's have strong ties with grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins. Even the sibling bonds at the Academy are stunted, with the Imai and Shouda siblings being the prime examples of that.
The Imai siblings have a significant age difference, yes, but additionally the Imai parents had a very different approach to Hotaru after seeing what happened with Subaru. They refused to hand her over as easily, wanting to show her important things in life and build happy memories for as long as they could. Even when Hotaru does enter the school, it's more than six months before she even comes across her brother, since the high school and elementary school are not integrated with each other and they do not belong to the same ability class. Similarly, the Shouda siblings are in different ability classes but they have a much smaller age gap. Despite this, Sumire refers to her brother very respectfully, indicating that there isn't a particular closeness.
The Imais fight against this divide, and put in genuine effort into rebuilding their relationship, but it's a difficult process, and one they struggle to admit to for a long time and for various reasons. Familial closeness is not encouraged, not even within the Academy.
(Though Natsume's bond with Aoi is exploited and the school does rely on him caring for her to take advantage of him, but ultimately he is kept from seeing her. Thus, that bond is also severed despite being exploited.)
Additionally, it would make sense to me if many Alice graduates decided to, upon having children, avoid scouting, like Natsume's parents did, and thus ended up moving around a lot to escape Academy notice. Moving around like that and laying low means that you're not going to be hosting huge family reunions or inviting relatives over often, even if all the other points were moot.
Finally, I think all this creates further obstacles for Yuka's wish to "have a family." At some point she says that, for normal people, the desire to settle down with someone and start a family is a pretty modest goal, but for Alices it's almost impossible. Escaping from the school, or even graduating, is a struggle. And you can have a kid, but it's likely that child will be taken from you, just as you were taken, and by the time the child graduates, they will have no connection with you. Wanting to be a potential grandparent, for example, might seem like a definite impossibility, since being a real parent is impossible.
It's even more proof that the Academy exists as an institution to subjugate and undermine Alices, as children and then as parents. Ultimately, an Alice never has control, not as a child and not even as an adult. The pain doesn't end once you've graduated; in fact, it never does.
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nicomrade · 2 years ago
so i recently rewatched part 4 w my good friend luke and we noticed something i havent seen other people bring up ever that fujiko in the ending is dressed to match wataru's design (rebecca's fiancé)
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the similarities are pretty self evident so ill just add a couple more pictures that show the outfits in full
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notice the near-identical palette, the same cuffed jeans, the same dark rectangular glass frames, and down to the same hair color and curls !! fujikos hair is very rarely drawn black in the anime and the only other time it happens in part 4 it has strong, specific symbolism tied to it. and this fujiko outfit thats identical to wataru's is the last shot of the ending its there for every episode. they were insane for this
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alpscientific · 9 months ago
Gas Adsorption Analyzer | Sorption Analyzer — ALPScientific
We offer Gas Adsorption Analyzer, a cutting-edge sorption analyzer for precise measurement of gas adsorption enhancing research.
ALP Scientific is an instrument company developed by experienced experts in the adsorption industry, with additional technical support from leading experts in the field during the early stages of R&D. After years of efforts, ALP Scientific is now fully qualified on proven technology in the entire industry chain including R&D, manufacturing, and assemblies, which produce physisorption analyzers, chemisorption analyzers, true density analyzers, density instruments, and more. Among a total of 56 employees, 3 hold a PhD degree, 8 hold master’s degrees, 32 hold bachelor’s degrees, and 13 hold college degrees. Most of our R&D personnel have worked on the front lines with the world-class adsorption industry for many years.
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lokiusly · 1 year ago
imagine shaming shippers for feeling lololol
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Advanced SO₂ Gas Analyzer for Industrial Emission Control
The ESEGAS SO₂ Gas Analyzer delivers precise sulfur dioxide detection for various industrial applications. Designed for real-time monitoring, it ensures compliance with environmental standards while optimizing process efficiency. Its durable build, high sensitivity, and advanced data integration make it a reliable solution for emission control and workplace safety.
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