#performative .........it screams kony
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piebutt · 2 days ago
ppl 'stocking up' for the one day boycott tomorrow.....
come on. just....come on......
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oscar-delancey · 3 years ago
Jack was EXTREMELY emotional during it! LIKE EXTREMELY!!! During Santa Fe he was genuinely wailing and screeching in a way I am only able to compare to a grieving mother
DAVEY DID THE CHOREO. Like not just the small stuff in KONY we see in livesies, i mean he DID THE CHOREO he was going HAM WHILE DRESSED IN ACTUAL DRESS CLOTHES. GUYS HE WAS LEAPING im in tears i loved it
Albert sang his funky little bit in KONY so well it made me 🥹 i loaf he
Race reminded me a LOT about obc Racer!!! HE WAS SO FUN!!!
MORRIS WAS HILARIOUS YALL DONT UNDERSTAND. This guy’s take was FANTASTIC??? He took this role of classic Disney side villain and ATE IT UP. He was so exaggerated and emoted SO much. BRO WAS WALKING W SO MUCH SWAGGER/SRS HE WAS WILD HE WAS MY FAVORITE COMING OUT OF THIS. MY FAVORITE TAKE
This version had Oscar and Morris be the ones to drag Snyder out and then away at the end! And ik it was prolly because the ppl who played the cops were on stage as newsies but bro… it made me so happy. A small acknowledgment of the fact the brothers were affected by the strike and canonically the refuge too 🙏 it made me rlly rlly rlly happy
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carryingthebanner · 4 years ago
Act 2
Here are some more thoughts on the Newsies OBC that once again, nobody asked for :)
- Not even a minute in and can we talk about the delivery of these lines?!
- Act 1 was pretty relaxed but passionate and Act 2 just has this burst of energy and I love it
- Especially since the Newsies need a morale boost after how Act 1 ended
- “Front page of w h a t?!”
- Angry Les >>>
- Davey’s body language once again says i-did-not-sign-up-to-be-the-unofficial-baby-sitter
- Race’s happiness is through roof plz share some of your dopamine with me im begging you
- Henry couldn’t care less oof
- I LOVE THE WAY RYAN BRESLIN SAYS “Ya famous, an’ the werld is your erster”
- The way Bres delivers the next few lines >>>
- G R A T I S
- This is slowly turning into a Ryan Breslin appreciation post
- Race’s happiness is literally contagious ahh
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- Background Newsie (this bootleg has like .2 pixels plz don’t judge me for not knowing his name 😩) and Race are way too excited to get drunk. Calm down buddy.
- I love how they’re all just out here vibin
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- Katherine seems 10x more nervous during her tap solo
- The little dance Katherine does with Les is different than the one in Livesies and it’s equally as cute 🥺
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- The rowdiness and amount of energy in this performance is INSANE
- I have been blessed
- Is there a Les protection squad already? He must be protected at all costs.
- I’ve watched 92sies, Toursies, and Livesies but this might be my favorite performance of KONY yet
- why am i tearing up-
- I am convinced that one hasn’t lived until they have seen the masterpiece that is the performance of KONY in this bootleg
- Katherine’s twirls are everything
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- My cheeks hurt from smiling so much
- oh gosh nO it’s over
- Ahh it’s so weird not seeing Letter From The Refuge after this
- Medda’s motherly instincts are kicking in adopt me plz
- The contrast between Davey being elated and Jack being PISSED 💀
- Katherine being done with the Newsies (specifically Jack) pt.2
- “Yes he did. And then he died.”
- “The guy who paints places he’s never seen is calling us crazy” will never not hurt me, like Katherine girlie ily but that was a low blow
- Jack is so broken
- Fr someone get this man therapy and a hug
- Jeremy’s line delivery is also on point, I felt that in my soul
- Katherine comforting Les 🥺
- Three Pissed Teens and a Concerned Child: The Musical
- “jACKey T H I N K ABOUT IT!”
- Ben’s ability to go from angry, frustrated dad to smiley, positive motivational speaker scares me
- Ahh Davey’s little head shake after he says “the poor guy’s head is spinning”
- Jack is way too aggressive in this
- Somehow, my hate for Snyder has grown even more
- Both the Protagonist and the Antagonist have Anger Issues: The Musical
- The low “ooh” coming from the audience after they find out that Katherine is Pulitzer’s daughter
- Pulitzer is evil evil
- JOHN DOSSETT CAN ACT. His calm demeanor is straight up scary
- Keep Crutchie’s name out of your mouth. 🙂
- The manipulation is STRONG here
- The Delancey’s favorite pastime is beating up Newsies for no reason
- Ok but the actor playing Morris is really talented (I’m not sure if it’s Mike Faist or not)
- I really can’t believe the audience didn’t cheer when the Brooklyn Newsies showed up
- Spot knows he is THAT Newise
- Not Jack coming in and ruining everything-
- Davey has some slightly-exasperated-parent vibes going on
- Jack being way too aggressive x2
- The pain in Jack’s voice wshqzjszuy
- Ah yes, Jack “The Dream Crusher” Kelly
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- Les running away after Jack yells at him physically hurts me
- The intensity between Jack and Katherine in this >>>
- Not me slightly shipping Jatherine after this-
- Kara and Jeremy look like they’re having so much fun during this aww
- *Jack being aggressive but finally in the right context*
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- Teddy Roosevelt’s comedic timing is also on point WHEW
- I can’t express the amount of love I have for Crutchie Morris
- My hearttt 😭
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- I can’t believe that it took this one performance to turn me into a Jatherine shipper
- Davey being a slightly exasperated parent pt.2
- Katherine’s little dance when Jack puts his bag on her 🥺
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- Jeremy: “Look guys, I can dance too!” ok I’ll stop now
- I don’t know how to feel about Crutchie dancing by himself :(
- Hello, this is your daily reminder that Newsies has the best finale/curtain call ever ✨ no this is not up for discussion ✨
- Remember to separate the performer from the character please and thank you
- Ok I love them
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Conclusion: I LOVE THE OBC. From this single bootleg, I have become a Ryan Breslin stan, a Jatherine shipper and I appreciate Les way more than I originally did. My banner is carried, my day is seized and my poor (guy’s) head is spinning. This has been a life changing experience.
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Highlights of the Grove Theatre production of Newsies!
I saw the Grove Theatre production of Newsies in Upland, CA this past weekend. It was an amazing show like always! I will say that it was a smaller venue than I’m used it but that made the performance more intimate, chaotic, and memorable.
-Finch, Romeo, and Albert selling papers (show programs and playbills) as the pre-show. Some of the seats of the theater has pennies on the armrests so those were what we paid with.
-Romeo and Finch play fighting and racing and playing tag and just being newsies to the audience as they were trickling into their seats.
-apparently Romeo is the responsible one yet he can’t tell time and yet he wants to buy a pocket watch just for the looks.
-Albert stole race’s cigar during the pre-show and was bragging that she stole it from Race.
-Cap Theft part 1! Finch stole Romeo’s cap and ran all around the theater and finally place the cap on me.
-newsie discourse about “sellin free food.” Finch says there’s no such thing, Elmer disagrees because an audience member says she sells free food all the time.
-CAP THEFT part 2! This time Romeo stoke and switched Elmer ‘s cap with his but then placed Elmer’s cap on another audience member. Elmer didn’t see this and thought Romeo was wearing his cap but Romeo legitimately was wearing his own cap. Elmer eventually figured it out and then both Elmer and Romeo proceeded to fight but Romeo distracts Elmer and runs away.
-Albert sold his last pape for a dollar runs back to the lodge and almost trips onto the stage.
Act 1
-crutchie actually tried to be quiet before Santa Fe prologue.
-a lot of female newsies and POC newsies.
-Romeo jumped down from one of the sets infront of Katherine and Darcy.
-Darcy was very tall! I think he was the tallest in the cast
-when the delanceys were gonna attack crutchie, it looked like the other newsies held crutchie back because we wanted the fight! Also jack kneed Morris in the gut.
-Wiesel had an Eyepatch and smoked a cigar like Race
-nunzio was very adamant that me Pulitzer stayed still.
-Snyder was a long trench coat wearing villain. With fedora to match.
-medda was amazing as always! She had this larger feathered red hat and lots of gold and red jewelry
-the Bowery beauties had an umbrella dance choreography during Dont come a knocking
-the newsies were winning the brawl after seize the day but once the bulls showed up they lost. Also the entire fight scene was super chaotic. It was very difficult to keep track as to what was happening but I think someone stole crutchie’s crutch and was beating people with it.
-also crutchie was still conscious when Snyder was dragging him away. He was still screaming for the other newsies to help him.
-jack’s Santa Fe was amazing!!! There was little ministage on the side and that’s where he sulked and sang Santa Fe.
-Albert raffles off tickets and called some audience members, little newsie in cosplay to draw the tickets. The little newsie drew his own ticket and his brother’s ticket for the 1st and 3rd prizes. Albert didn’t trust them one bit and it was very hilarious.
Act 2
-Katherine danced throughout the entire song
-Davey and Finch had a tap dance battle during KoNY!
-crutchie was alone during letter from the refuge. Like other performances I’ve seen had at least a few other newsies sleeping nearby but he was truly alone here.
-also I guess Davey lost his vest and cap between acts because in KoNY, he didn’t have them but during Watch what happened reprise, he did.
-poor Les’ mic was acting up before watch was happens reprise. Also everyone was stunned that Les had a date!
-Brooklyn’s here!!! Ok so the Brooklyn newsies come from one of the on-stage catwalks while the other newsies came from the aisles of the theater. We were surrounded by newsies!
-spot conlon was dressed in faded (dirty?) pastels newsie clothes. I think his shirt was a shade of pink!
-the davey actually had the newsies’s attention. Like they were agreeing with all his points before jack got to the rally mucked everything!
-ok so during the kissing scene, jack and Katherine were so confused as to what happened that they both spun around and looked away from each other bet they couldn’t believe what just happened.
-During once and for all, the newsies ran from the back of the theater onto the stage. again we were surrounded by newsies
-during the finale, the newsies were grossed out by Jack and Kath’s kiss. Sometimes I forget that the newsies are supposed to be kids and teens but this reminded me that they are.
-cast meet and greet with the full company. We got to see the costumes up close! I’m sad I didn’t get any photos of the cast during the meet and greet.
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olivereliott · 4 years ago
Über Tasteful: HB-Custom’s 1977 Kawasaki KZ750
We’re always intrigued to see what custom motorcycle builders get up to when there’s no brief, or client, involved. Personal projects either lead to wild experimentation, or they turn out as honest builds, devoid of the need to impress anyone.
No points for guessing which camp this Kawasaki KZ750 belongs to. It comes from German custom builder Holger Breur, who picked it up in boxes with the goal of building something simple and tidy for himself. Or, as he puts it: “I just wanted to build a really nice classic motorcycle again.”
Holger’s a full-time electrician based in Husum, a German town on the banks of the North Sea. He runs his workshop HB-Custom as a sideline gig, but still managed to cram this 1977-model KZ750B into a two-month timeline. It probably helped that he’d built a few KZ’s in the past, and had some leftover parts lying around, too.
It wasn’t all easy going though—the KZ was a true basket case, with the motor in the exact sort of condition you’d expect.
Holger sent the engine on over to Ingo Wurbel at Old School Superbikes for a rebuild. It came back as good as new, with fresh pistons, valves and bearings. And it’s just as clean on the outside too, with contrasting polished and black finishes.
Holger also changed the intake to a pair of Mikuni TM34 carbs with K&N filters, and added new exhaust headers with classic reverse cone mufflers.
He then tore out the 43-year-old wiring, and re-wired the bike from scratch. Upgrades include a controller from Axel Joost Elektronik, a Lithium-ion battery, and the electronic ignition from a KZ750 LTD. Everything’s stashed in a custom-made electronics box, tucked away discreetly under the seat.
Next, some elbow grease was applied to get the original wheels, brakes and forks up to muster. The wheels now wear Heidenau K67 tires, and the rear’s held up by a pair of Koni shocks.
For the bodywork, Holger kept the stock fuel tank—but cleaned it up and had it resprayed in a stylish blue scheme, with period-correct Kawasaki badges. Just behind it is a tasteful leather seat, perched on top of the KZ’s shortened and de-tabbed subframe.
The front fender’s still the original unit—but trimmed and chromed. The rear fender’s an aftermarket part, also chromed, and topped off with a Bates-style taillight. A pair of Kellermann turn signals finishes off the tail section.
Despite the Kawasaki’s throwback vibe, it’s sporting some stealthy upgrades in the cockpit. Holger installed Magura handlebars and controls, and a speedo, switches and bar-end turn signals from Motogadget.
The headlight’s the only vintage part, and it’s an inspired choice. It’s been lifted from an old BMW R45, and is held in place by Tomaselli brackets.
Holger’s KZ is as classy as they come; neat, simple and created with a timeless aesthetic that doesn’t need to scream for attention. It’s a vibe that matches the classic twin’s performance—with 55 hp on tap, the stock bike’s more of a relaxed sports tourer than an outright racer. But that suits Holger just fine.
He does have one problem though: he’s also just finished off a classic Honda Africa Twin resto-mod, and he’s not sure which to keep, and which to sell. Any suggestions?
H-B Custom | Instagram | Images by Emayat Wahab
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ikonis · 8 years ago
iKON’s love for iKONICs (long)
Let’s start with the story behind our fandom name iKONIC. Why iKONIC you ask? Because iKON = iKONIC we become one with them
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+ They even gave us a nickname KONIC
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iKONICs Profile according to iKON:
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Our birth date is the 2015.09.15 since that’s the day they released their first song + MV (My Type). Our Zodiac is virgo bcs of the same reason and our Blood Type is a heart for all the love we give them ♥️ 
why #iKONIC is My Life hashtag you ask? First time hanbin said it was when iKON won Seoul music award 2016
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It became a sentence which the members often use/d since then. So iKONICs started to use the sentence “iKON is My life” instead.
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June wearing a fan sign with ‘iKON is My life’ around his neck: 
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Chanwoo holding a cupboard made by iKONICs <3:
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they are surrounded by iKONICs, wearing fansigns made  by iKONICs and have slogans in their hands that were made by iKONICs
They named their official instagram account withikonic and use the hashtag #withiKONIC under every post 
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iKON mentioning & thanking iKONICs in DVD photobooks 
iKONCERT in Seoul DVD (Photobook)
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Kony’s Wintertime Season Greetings:
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Kony’s Summertime Season Greetings:
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MMA 2018 Ending Credits:
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Privat Stage KOLORFUL Behind The Scenes Video:
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The amount of respect, love, care, support and appreciation that iKON treats us with and shows us every single day
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“iKON exists because of you”- Bobby
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actual quotes from iKON members:
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Hanbin talking about he wants to be remembered by iKONICs:
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iKON giving out hot chocolate coupons and hotpacks to iKONICs
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During their ISAC Recording they kept on asking if iKONICS have eaten:
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The way Yunhyeong and Bobby hold iKONICs hands and bow to them<3:
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Donghyuk’s & Hanbin’s reaction when K-iKONICs raised a fan with the words ‘I missed you’ during iKON’s debut concert
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Bobby cheering up fans for their exams:
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Hanbin forever showering us with love and love <3 “As much as the love I’ve received, I’d wanted to share it with you.”:
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“Everyone, we can grow with your love” - Hanbin
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after their Continue Tour Encore in Seoul Concert (which btw lastet for 4 whole hours + 10 encore songs):
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Hanbin told a security guard to use honorifics when he talked rudely to iKONICs
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iKON started their concert in Indonesia later, for the muslim iKONICs who had to pray 
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Donghyuk posting the presents they got from arab iKONICs (after their interview with Al arabiya) he even asked the interviewer to help him with the arabic caption:
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Hanbin bowing to vietnamese iKONICs before leaving 
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Hanbin was so impressed by how many iKONICs came to the airport in vietnam to welcome them that he suggested holding a concert there
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After iKON’s 2nd Daesang Win at the 2019 Golden Disc Awards, Hanbin posted this picture with the caption “iKONIC, it’s an honor to live as a part of your memories.” on Instagram:
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after the speech Hanbin even went down on his knees to thank iKONIC
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+ the other members thanking iKONIC on their instagram acc:
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Donghyuk smiling and shaking Indonesian iKONICs hand during a fansign event:
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Yunhyeong replying to a fan on Instagram who had a very hard time: 
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Hanbin added a sentence to the end lyrics of ‘Welcome back’ and repeated it over and over again ‘Let’s stay together until we die.’ 
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Hanbin further talking about & explaining the meaning of the sentence “Let’s take it slow, let’s last real long.”:
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Donghyuk carries the official iKONIC Card in his wallet TT:
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Bobby posted a thank you message to iKONICs on iKON’s 3rd anniversary on instagram and added the caption ‘Let’s get old together’:
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Bobby mouthing I-K-O-N-I-C into the camera during one of iKON’s promotional Love Scenario stages:
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Donghyuk replying “I love you” to iKONICs who were screaming “We love you iKON”
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June helping a nervous fan during a fansign event:
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Donghyuk cheering up an iKONIC who cried during one of their fansign events:
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Hanbin holding a fan’s hand who was being nervous at their 15114 fansign:
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Hanbin once again calming down a nervous fan:
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An Indonesian iKONIC asked Bobby to wish her luck to get pregnant soon and Bobby wrote “Don’t be hasty about girl from heaven.”:
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Hanbin & Bobby encouraging fans who went through a hard time: 
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part of hanbin’s letter at iKONCERT in Osaka:
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Bobby telling iKONICs to do their best in their personal lives while cheering for iKON:
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“Dont live your life just to live but live to do something you want to do.”
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“Love yourself more than you love us.” - Bobby
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“If you have time for iKON, please focus on yourselves first.” - Hanbin
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“I’m just a person just like you. Please buy nice clothes, please eat something delicious. And if you happen to have 25,000 won left over, then you can buy our album. That’s when you should buy our albums.”
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“I didn’t give up because I had my family and iKONICs.” - Hanbin
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iKON & iKONICs feeding each other <3:
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Hanbin thanking iKONICs once again for waiting
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Bobby hugging an iKONIC & caressing her hair/head:
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iKON thanking iKONICs on instagram for getting #1
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Bobby froze when a fan fainted in the audience:
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Helping iKONICs 
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During the filming for SBS midnight TV in Hongdae a fan suddenly fell down and hanbin wanted to help help her, the manager said just leave, but Hanbin said how can I leave when the fan already fell down so he insisted to help her to stand up and said sorry to her. 
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an iKONIC who’s sitting in a wheelchair came to one of iKON’s fansign events but there were stairs so Yunhyeong & Bobby went down to give her their signs:
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when one of iKON’s biggest wishes to hold a dome tour finally came true:
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Hanbin took a fan on stage and treated her like a queen
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Donghyuk giving autographs after their concert in Jakarta:
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Bobhwan never forgets the fanboys:
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Donghyuk dressed as krunk to be closer to iKONICs:
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Donghyuk reveiling that he was Krunk right after spending time with fans (another concert):
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Hanbin chatting with fans on CH+ (he wrote a bit in English for the international fans):
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Bobby taking selfies with fans when he visited his family in virgina, u.s in December 2018:
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He even took a video for the sister of one of them:
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Bobby replying to fans on instagram:
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Hanbin drew the word ‘romance’ in a heart on his white jacket during one of iKON’s freedom promo performances, he previously said during a fansign event that IKONICs are romance to him, which means the heart and the word he drew on his chest represented iKONICs:
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Donghyuk chatting with iKONICs on CH+ chat:
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Yunhyeong planned a special event for iKONICs for ‘Awesome Feed’, he made dumplings and gave them out to them and signed the packaging:
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Afterwards he even went out to thank all fans who came & chatted with them casually, here are some videos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |  5 | 6 | 7
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Chanwoo promised iKONICs on his youtube account to make them the famous inkigayo sandwitches if his video reaches more than 500k views, since iKONICs broke that number he prepared the self made sandwitches at iKON’s Continue Tour Encore in Seoul with a personal message TT:
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Bobby posted a picture of himself and iKONICs on instagram and replied to fans comments, urgh the trust!:
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Hanbin once again accepting Fans presents at the airport even when he wasnt allowed to by the staff TT:
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Chanwoo gave us a fan name for his youtube channel TT it’s Changu (mix between Chanwoo + Chingu which means friend in Korean):
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Donghyuk saving an iKONIC from a ball during the 2019 ISAC recording:
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June’s letter to iKONICs (ikoncert in Osaka):
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Bobby wrapping himself in a fan sign:
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Yunhyeong gave a fan his handwrist during their Continue Tour show in Jakarta:
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during iKON’s performance for the MBN Hero Concert 2018 in Korea, Bobby went down from stage during their Dumb & Dumber performance and sat down on some fanboys laps to sing and dance along with them:
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when iKONICs said ‘pls say you love us’
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Bobby chatting wiht iKONICs on CH+ chat:
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Hanbin gesturing a fan in the audience not to cry:
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Bobby giving a fan his autograph on her Love and Fall album during iKON’s concert in Jakarta (even tho he wasn’t allowed to do it)
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Bobdong promised a Vapp broadcast for iKON’s 300 Days anniversary, and they kept their promise like always:
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Yunhyeong taking selfies with iKONICs who visited his parents restaurant:
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never breaking their promises:
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Donghyuk gave the stuffed toy he won to a fan: 
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during one of iKON’s concerts:
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during one of their Japan Tours after reading his letter:
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dunring their iKONCERT in Chengdu concert:
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an IKONIC met yoyo and june in japan and they bowed to him and thanked him:
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Bobby flirting with iKONICs again:
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Donghyuk flirting with a fan:
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Hanbin cheering up a fan who was feeling stressed:
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Bobby eating more when a fan told him ‘watching you eat makes me full’:
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iKON members went down on their knees to thank iKONICs at their Continue Tour Encore in Seoul Concert:
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iKON thanking iKONICs after their win at the 2019 Golden Disc Awards: 
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Hanbin ONCE AGAIN thanking iKONICs (on CH+):
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during a fansign event:
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Bobby telling a fan who wants to lose weight to eat:
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iKON talking about iKONICs:
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never forget how hanbin apologized to his fansite for losing win
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Bobby talking about iKONICs
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Bobby recording iKONICs singing ‘Just for you’ at iKON’s 180824 concert in Japan:
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Chanwoo used the normal vapp because he Is aware that there are iKONICs who can’t afford CH+ content TT:
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Bobby talking about the issue regarding iKONICs boycotting iKON’s DVD in 2017 so YG would let them make a comeback again and treat them better:
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Yunhyeong taking pics with fans at the airport before leaving for Law of the jungle:
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Hanbin asking fans to wait for them on CH+:
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Hanbin’s photocard Return album:
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The way iKON looks at us like we are the most precious thing in the whole world:
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June giving out free hugs to fans :
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Yun receiving a fans letter <3
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Bobby receiving a fan’s letter once again:
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Bobby receiving a fan’s letter:
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Bobby receiving a fan’s letter again <3:
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Reading fan letters at the airport 💕
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The amount of fanservice and skinship
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Two little iKONICs went to iKON’s fansign event during their RETURN promotions and Bobdong went to them to give them their autographs, later that year duringig iKON’s Killing Me promotions, iKON held a pikonic day for baby iKONICs, and he remembered the little boy from before and gave him one of his bracelets:
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Donghyuk meeting one of his biggest JPN iKONICs aka Mina:
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He looked so excited waiting for his turn to finally meet her:
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Scarlett, a 7yo iKONIC from the phillippines cried in one of her mother’s instagram posts and saying she wants to meet bobby, Bobby then made a instagram story gratulating her on her birthday:
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Later the same year when iKON had a concert in the phillippines, Bobby finally met her and posted it on his insta story
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iKON never forgets the international fans:
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Chanwoo & Hanbin remembering fans:
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lucky fans meeting iKON members:
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Bobby & Jinhwan kissing an iKONIC’s hand:
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more fanlove <3:
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yoyo and dong took a fans handy and recorded a video
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Bobby trying to get as close to fans as possible:
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literally hugging iKONICS:
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he might me awkward but super adorable:
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Jinhwan stood up from his seat and decided to stay with iKONICs during their 190119 fansign:
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Jinhwan going down to take pics with iKONICS at their 190119 fansign:
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Hanbin showing a heart during one of their concerts:
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Hanbin went down to take iKONICs hands at their 190119 fan sign:
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Chanwoo, Hanbin & Yunhyeong took their fansisites cameras to take pictures of the members: 
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Chanu taking pics with a fan’s phone:
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Bobby accepting an iKONICs plushy and immediately holding it onto his cheek during their 190106 send off (encore concert in Seoul)
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Hanbin caressing a fan’s face while singing his part from today ‘You’ve got perfect make-up on today’ (ikoncert in Seoul)
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Donghyuk being a cute tease:
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Donghyuk playing rock paper scissors with fans (link of three videos)
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June taking selfies with fan’s phones:
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+ Jinhwan, Chanwoo & Yunhyeong
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Donghyuk invented DONGPARAZZI only for iKONICs. Just to show us unreleased and private pictures of the boys 
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“No I put my fans first” 
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Yunhyeong gestured to her eyes bcs she was crying and gave it to her to use it to dry her tears 
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As an iKONIC you won’t be ignored
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An italian fan commented “Remember me” in korean on Donghyuk’s real life broadcast & he remembered her 
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Songs iKON wrote for iKONICs
Starting with “Wait for me” (When WIN ended)
The story behind the song
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Most important lines of the song
“Time go faster, Time go to her so I can reach her.”
“Oh you and me, We’re under the same sky but we can’t meet, but believe in me, I’ll be there for you.”
“Wait because I’ll go to you right now. Wherever you are, I’ll go. 
“Thank you for making me live as the me right now.”
“I missed you, your voice, your face, even your soft breathing.”
“I won’t go anywhere now, I’ll be by your side. Even until the moment the world ends.”
“I can only breathe when I’m next to you. I’m ready for this, you alone are enough for me. I ain’t gonna leave, I promise you.”
“Wait because we’re gonna be forever now. Because I can’t go on without you.”
“I’ll run against time and go to you, Wait for me yeah, so she can remember me.”
Next “Long time no see” (Mix & Match ending)
Story behind the song
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Most important lines of the song
“There’n no one like you. There’s only you.”
“My world I keep stopping when you’re not around. There’s not even a flower around me.”
“Long time no see. This is for you.”
“You were in the center of me – You are now buried in my memory.”
“To stand before you again. I always worked hard. The thought of seeing you again. It makes me excited.”
“I’m so used to calling your name. I talk about you all day. I don’t want nobody else.”
“I ran all the way, baby. Hold on just a bit more.”
“On the other side of my memory, you were waiting. I now stand before you.”
“Long time no see, How have you been? You’ve waited too long. I won’t go anywhere, baby don’t worry.”
“I longed for you a lot too. I got lost on the way to see you.”
“I made you wait crossed our little fingers,I made a promise to you. I didn’t keep it, I’m sorry.”
“Finally I am where I am now. And you are still beautiful.”
“Long time no see. I’ve missed you a lot.”
Next “Welcome Back” (Debut album)
Story behind the song
It’s a song to welcome back their fans and thank them for waiting so long for iKON. It’s also also the title of iKON’s debut album and the first song they performed at their debut concert. Welcome back os a really meaningful song to iKON & iKONIC’s. 
Most important lines of the song
“Baby oh! Welcoming you back here.”
“For me, I’m still the same guy that hasn’t changed a single bit. Except for the fact that I’ve realized how precious you are.”
“Seeing you again for a the first time in a while, It feels like my heart that hurt for so long is getting perfectly well again.”
“Your beauty and grace is still the same. My life without you was really lacking.”
“How were you doing this while? Who did you lean on when you were struggling?”
I found that I couldn’t stand for anyone but you. I mean, I never went searching but there’s not another girl like you in the world, for real.”
“It was really lonely, nothing was new. Every day by day was really just boring. What I want to say is thanks for coming back.”
Welcome back I’m glad you returned, I’ll treat you better now.”
Welcome back I really missed you. Now will you take me into your arms?”
“Without you i was all meaningless. Even my weekends were empty without you.”
When I saw those evening sunsets I reminisced those days with you.”
“I’ll treat you better, please don’t leave me. We’re definitly meant to be.”
“Let’s take it slow, let’s last real long (let’s stay together until we die) Welcome Back!”
Next is “M.U.P/Make You Proud” (Debut Album)
Story behind the song
In M.U.P, they promise that even if they don’t have much to show right now, they’ll definitely make us proud in the future & achieve more. They thank iKONICs for always being there for them & ask us to stay at their side forever. They talk about their struggles & how iKONICs helped them to get over it
Most important lines of the song
“Honestly the ‘me’ of as right now has nothing worth seeing. But I’ll promise to you that someday in this life, girl,  I’m gon make you proud.” 
“Within the trampled of life, I saw the one and only light (talking about ikonics) that illuminated my world. At those times when I couldn’t bear go on living, you whispered in my ear about the holiness of happiness, about the repentance of these 20 years (of his life) and I’m so thankful for you.” 
“It doesn’t matter that gravity’s pressing down on me like always. As long as it’s  with you, nothing better, nothing better.” 
“My goal was always to be your one top source of pride.” 
“Your two frail hands that pulled me into an embrace. You make someone like me want to live once again. I’ll be there at the world’s end, you just need to hold my hand.”
“When my hands were shaking, you took mine into yours. For holding my hand, I’ll promise, girl, I’m gon make you proud.” 
“Just stay at my side, just lean on my shoulder, don’t say nothing. I know that even if you don’t say it, it gonna be something.” 
The most recent song is ‘Just For You’ (iKON TV surprise release + New kids: continue album)
Story behind the song
Hanbin wrote the song a while ago and even talked about it on CH+ long before its release. He was worried that the song probably won’t ever come out. But as you can see he somehow made it possible so that the company would release the song as well as include it to their New kids: continue album later on.
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Most important lines of the song:
“There is nothing I can give to you, there is nothing I can do just yet. Big promises, nice words, nothing comes to my mind.”
“But I hope that someday soon..I’ll be good to you and keep you safe, I’ll make you laugh as much as you’ve cried, I’ll be the star that lights you up”
“For as long as you’ve waited, I’ll be with you”
‘I’ll make good times for you and me’
“In this world, you’re the one I run to, but I don’t know if I can give you the world”
“Hand in hand, even if I can’t keep it, I promise for us both”
“You’re the one I want to protect in this uneasy world, you’re the reason I go on living, you’re my light in this never-ending darkness, The day will come to give us good laughs”
“We’ll be with you’, we’ll keep you safe” (ending)
+ BONUS: Hanbin answering why they named  iKON’s 2nd Album “RETURN”:
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Those times they get surprised bcs of and by iKONICs
 hanbin’s reaction when iKONICs started to sing along to ‘wait for me’ (pre debut)
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Bobby & Hanbin getting super excited and surprised when iKONICs started to sing along
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J-iKONICs surprise event for iKON’s last showtime tour concert in Japan:
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after the surprise event backstage  (another surprise event J-iKONICs prepared huge fan signs for them)
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For iKON’s first debut anniversary, I-iKONICs prepared cake and started singing Happy Birthday for the boys 
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For iKON’S very first concert in the Phillippines, PH iKONICs prepared 2 fan projects to show iKON how grateful and happy they are
1. Yellow Cloth Project: All iKONICs started raising a yellow cloth during iKON’s B-DAY performance:
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2. Rainbow Project: 
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iKON members even posted it on their instagram accounts
And last but not least some family portraits 💕
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silenceandpatiencepining · 6 years ago
memories with TS songs
Today I’m thinking about how many memories I have with Taylor songs and imaging how there are even more coming just waiting to happen.
I was in sixth grade when Taylor’s first album came out and I used to steal my older sister’s hot pink iPod nano so I could listen to Taylor on the bus drives to and from school. It’d be me sitting alone, slouched on the seat with my knees propped up, staring out the window daydreaming while listening to Our Song. Or thinking about Teardrops On My Guitar and changing the lyrics to “teardrops on my violin” bc I was an orchestra kid with massive crushes on people who always looked past me.
Every time I had a falling out with someone or a friend that was going through a breakup, Picture to Burn was there with me. On more than one occasion my sister or I brought the small kitchen pot and a lighter to our bathroom and turned on the blower so we could literally burn pictures or notes or letters without starting a fire.
I’m Only Me When I’m With You has been the longtime anthem of me falling in love with my best friends over and over, and them not feeling the same way.
The summer after Fearless came out, I was absolutely obsessed with the album. I was away from home for a month or so and I would listen to it on repeat. Sometimes I’d g-chat (bc it was the newest feature on my new gmail account) with my cousin and we’d watch the You Belong With Me music video at the same time and gush about it.
Fearless was really That Album—so many iconic bops. Hey Stephen was my first favorite on that album. The Best Day made me want to cry and hug my parents and I still think that if I ever get married, that’s gonna have to be my father daughter dance song. I still scream sing the bridge of Tell Me Why every time it comes on. Fearless is the song that got me and still gets me gassed up to shoot my shot (archer pun not intended). Fifteen. White Horse. You’re Not Sorry. BREATHE. Forever & Always became my sign-off salutation and it’s still one I use. The Way I Loved You! I didn’t have the deluxe version of the album (bc I didn’t know there was one) but damn. I still stan fearless.
Speak Now was definitely the album my sister loved the most. It’s a lyrical masterpiece. I don’t know if I’m remembering this right but when Mine dropped with the music video there was this story circulating that it dropped early because Taylor and her team found out that it had leaked while they were on a flight or something crazy so they released as soon as they landed, ahead of the original date. And I remember watching that video and being so in love with all the pictures hanging on strings in the forest. I have so many memories of me playing Speak Now from my CD player and jumping around singing and dancing to my favorites songs or lying on the carpet like a dramatic bitch for the slow ones, especially Dear John. I’m pretty sure the only way I listened to Dear John was lying on the floor in the puddle of tears (imagined and real).
Red came out when I was in high school and everyone was so shook when it dropped bc we were like yooooo is Taylor experimenting with dubstep (back when dubstep had its little hay day). 2012 was such a weird year. It gave us Kony 2012 and apocalypse theories. But mostly, Red is the album that was the soundtrack to my last years of high school. It was sitting in the passenger seat with the music up and windows down, on long drive to the country or to get milkshakes and slushees. It was me falling in love with my best guy friend again, him choosing to date my best girl friend, and then him breaking both of our hearts. It was forbidden moments with him knowing he was dating my best friend. It was me singing “don’t look at me you got a girl at home and everybody knows that” and then being a fucking hypocrit bc all our friends would be over hanging out and we’d be snuggled up, never holding hands or kissing but always being a little too close.
Red was the first concert I got to see Taylor. A relative got me tickets for my birthday. I wore my cowboy boots and favorite hi-low dress and curled my hair. And every drive I took that year, after every pool party, after every movie date with the boy, every last adventure before my friends went off to college, every late night at a friends house was awash in Red.
1989 is the soundtrack of my first years of college. It was me feeling left behind and awkward, and turning that into a fresh start in a new city and trying to shake off negativity. I remember when the Shake It Off video came out and I literally screamed and laughed and cried tears of happiness bc I felt so seen. Loving to dance even though I wasn’t the best at it. I remember late nights walking around campus in the dark in the winter listening to Welcome to New York and letting that feeling of endless possibilities and new beginnings wash over me. I remember countless times I zoned out standing in the shower thinking about Clean. I remember feeling like 1989 sounded like such a mixtape (in the best way—it captured such a specific set of feelings).
Reputation. Where do I even start. I think up until Rep, my love for Taylor Swift and her music was such an internal part of me, but EVERYONE was talking once the singles started coming out and it was when I finally found myself getting defensive over Taylor. I remember literally screaming the first time I watched the LWYMMD music video. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. When the lyric video for CIWYW came out, my best friend and I were staying at this hotel while she was visiting me and I cried and all I could say was that I was just so happy that Taylor found someone to love her whole. reputation was quite literally the only thing I really listened to for MONTHS. I was obsessed with the album. I would have died for that album.
I initially didn’t think I would get a chance to see her on tour because the tickets were soooo expensive but I ended up getting a surprisingly cheap floor seat just 3 days before I saw her in Foxborough night 1. That entire performance blew my mind. I was 5 rows back from the B stage which ended up being the perfect place cause Tay was soooo close while performing Shake It Off (one of my all time faves) and the surprise acoustic song was 22, which made me literally melt because I had just turned 22. I actually danced so hard during SIO that I twisted my ankle and fell back onto my seat during the concert—almost everybody that was seated around me had moved up by that point to get closer while Tay was on the B stage, but my ✌️social anxiety ✌️ was not about that life. I think I lost my voice from singing. And definitely was shooketh to the core when Hayley Kiyoko came on stage. Truly unforgettable.
This era has been such a whirlwind and I cannot wait for the memories it will bring and the lyrics that will destroy me. If Taylor talks at all more explicitly about dealing with family illness or sexuality/identity or the monumental effort it takes to really love yourself, just know that it will probably end me.
ANYWAY I love you @taylorswift
Your music has been the soundtrack to so many parts of my life. I know there are countless fans out there with stories like mine, or even more powerful ones and I just want to share how much your craft and dedication to your fans means to every single one of us whether or not we meet you. In these last couple weeks before the album is released, I hope you see and hear SO MUCH positivity and no more of the drama.
Lol if anyone, if a single one of you actually reads this 1) wow thanks 2) please reblog with some of your #TS song memories or times when #Taylor Swift was there with me AND USE THE TAGS so we can share these awesome memories with each other
0 notes
itsworn · 7 years ago
Solid Lifter Showroom Is Place to Be at 2018 Carlisle Chevrolet Nationals
Longtimers will tell you that the weather at the Carlisle Chevrolet Nationals (until recently the GM Nationals) is a total crapshoot. On this weekend in June it’s either pouring rain, hot and sticky, or all of the above.
The 2018 edition was a rain year, with dark clouds and showers hanging around until the sun finally emerged on Sunday. The weather made for a sparsely attended show field on Friday and Saturday, but in Building Y the Solid Lifter Showroom played to a packed house in terms of both cars and attendees.
For 10 years now, Brian Henderson and Joe Swezey of the Super Car Workshop have put together the SLS as an invitation-only gathering of GM’s hottest performance models. Sure, they use the SLS to show off some of their latest restorations (and the work of the craftsmen at Super Car Restorations, which does much of their paint). But not every car in the SLS has been painstakingly restored by the guys from Latrobe. Original cars, day-two cars, cars in progress—they all make the SLS scene. They just have to be interesting examples of GM’s hottest models.
This year the room was pretty much evenly divided between Camaros on one side and Chevelles on the other, with a lone Chevy II splitting the difference. Here are highlights of the SLS, as well as a few brave souls who left their cars out in the rain.
“Rain or shine,” the promoters promise, the next Carlisle Chevrolet Nationals takes place June 21-23, 2019, at the Carlisle Fairgrounds in central Pennsylvania. For info on this and all the other Carlisle shows, visit carlisleevents.com.—Ed.
Inside Building Y, where the SLS takes place, you’d never know it was raining outside except for the sounds of heavy drops hitting the tin roof. Henderson and Swezey used to have a picturesque old building—much like a real showroom—for their SLS display. Carlisle sold that property, so SLS moved here. The smaller space forces the guys to be more selective with their invitations, but the quality of the cars is simply outstanding.
Mike Chronister bought this 1969 Camaro L78/four-speed in 1974 as you see it here, with 11,000 miles on the clock and the day-two goodies already on it. Today the odo shows 27,000, and Chronister has worked hard to maintain its immaculate state ever since. Just to keep the brushed (and not coated) aluminum American Racing slotted wheels polished takes him an hour per wheel, he figures. Watch for a full feature on this car in an upcoming issue.
Mark Hassett told us he had been trying to buy this 1971 Baldwin-Motion Camaro, known as the Beast from the East in magazine articles of the day, for years. He finally snagged the car last September. Other than a little touch-up to the white, the paint is original, as is the interior and most of the underhood equipment dressing the 454. The car’s first owner was a dentist, who sold the car to a 19-year-old who got into so much trouble behind the wheel he had to sell it. Hassett figures he is the 13th owner, as the car has passed from collector to collector. He plans to do nothing but preserve it.
Two 1969 COPO Chevelles sat nose-to-nose in the middle of the SLS. This one belonged to Albert Galdi, who found it in 2003 and bought it sight unseen as a project car. “Its running gear was used and abused,” he says. The original 427 was gone (now replaced by a CE block), and the M22 four-speed “sounded like a box of marbles.” The restoration took 18 months, with Galdi doing everything himself except the engine machining and upholstery. He plans to take it to the Super Car Reunion this summer to make some dragstrip passes.
The second COPO Chevelle belonged to Grady Burch. Readers with long memories may recall Bob McClurg’s feature in the May 2009 issue. If you don’t, let’s just say that this Chevelle is almost 100 percent original, the only exceptions being a little fresh paint on the front end and trunklid. That was added when a previous owner removed the car’s emblems and brazed over the holes. Sitting behind the car is author Matt Avery, whose new CarTech book on all things COPO comes out in September.
The last time we saw Angelo La Pera’s 1970 Chevelle was two years ago at the SLS. Then it was a body shell, displayed on a cart to show off the authentic details that Jamie Cooper and Joe Griffith of Super Car Restoration put into their paint jobs, even in areas that would not be seen when the car was finished. Rick Nelson restored the LS6/M22 Chevelle for La Pera, who’d spent years collecting date-coded parts for it.
Richard Doyle (left) shows Matt Avery some of the finer details of assembly-line work on his brother Bill’s 1970 Chevelle convertible. Doyle spent 30 years working at GM’s Baltimore Assembly Plant and held seminars for SLS attendees to share his experiences. His brother’s Chevelle is a rare one: a 396/four-speed SS painted in pedestrian Gobi Beige. In the background you can see Doyle’s Monaco Orange 1969 Chevelle SS drop-top.
Not only is Jimmy Jones’ 1968 Camaro RS/SS a big-block/M22 car, but it’s also one of around 200 (he estimates) made with the L89 aluminum cylinder head option. That rare motor was separated from the Camaro for decades, but a previous owner managed to locate the engine in Pennsylvania and reunite it with the car, which was in Virginia. The Camaro was in pieces when Jones bought it nine years ago, and he spent seven of those nine years collecting parts for the restoration.
Skip Lecates’ 1969 Camaro has a rare combination of parts. It’s a big-block base model with the JL8 four-wheel-disc-brake option, which is typically found only on Z/28s. He has owned the Camaro for 31 years, 18 of which he spent looking for N.O.S. parts for the car’s eventual three-year restoration. NCRS paperwork indicates the Camaro was originally sold in Washington, D.C., but Lecates cannot trace any of the owners prior to 1978. He’d like to hear from anyone with info on his car, or any other big-block/JL8 Camaro.
Rick Thayer’s Tripoli Turquoise 1968 Chevy II was one of two cars Brian Henderson and Joe Swezey posed on lifts in the middle of the SLS to show off the underside details. Painted by Super Car Restoration and restored by Super Car Workshop, Thayer’s Chevy II is not your run-of-the-mill grocery getter. Under the hood is a 325-horse L79 V-8 backed by a M21 four-speed. This is another car we will feature in a future issue.
The other car in the air at SLS was Mark Prunesti’s 1969 Chevelle, which he calls a light day-two car. It had been “hot rodded its whole life” before being “put up” in 1978, he says. He bought it in 2014; Super Car Restoration did the bodywork and paint, and then Prunesti did the assembly. He built his own Lakewood lookalike traction bars and added Appliance four-bolt headers, N.O.S. Koni shocks, and Cragars.
To hear Greg Whitney tell it, “They only made Chevelles one year: 1966. The rest are just a blur.” His car is a blur on the strip now, a competitor in FAST and the Super Car Shootout. But when he bought it in 2011 it was a well-used Chevelle with “tired paint and a grimy 396 with a ’glide. But the bones were there.” The new motor (830 hp on the dyno, 770 through the exhaust) retains the 396’s stroke but has a big bore so it’s “turning 7,500 rpm at the finish line,” says Whitney. Behind the motor is a TH400 and 4.56 gears with a spool in the rearend. How does he get 10.71-second passes on those skinny G70-14s? “Leave like a pussycat, come on like a lion.”
Jim Ross bought this Misty Turquoise 1970 Chevelle SS when it was just 2 years old and drove the car for “just one winter” before going drag racing in it. He cut out the rear fenders for slicks and added headers, a Quick Fuel carb on an Edelbrock intake, and a Hurst shifter. After breaking the original four-speed he replaced it with an automatic. Years later Ross decided to restore his Chevelle, and Henderson and Swezey stepped in. Despite the car’s dragstrip time the engine is its born-with L34, and much of the car remains original.
Chick Renn’s 1968 Z/28 has lived most of its life in pieces. A previous owner tore it down for restoration in 1979. Renn bought it in boxes in 1983 and didn’t begin the restoration until 2010. Fortunately it was “all there,” he says, “even the cowl plenum.” East Coast Muscle Cars did the car’s bodywork and paint, and Renn assembled the car with the help of friend Skip Lecates. Renn documented much of the research he’s done over the years on his car and other Camaros; his informative thread on Team Camaro (camaros.net) has more than 435,000 views.
Tim Schell “eats, sleeps, and breathes” 1969 427 Camaros. He brought this stellar example to the SLS and said it was something of an urban legend in Toronto, a car that “ruled Jane Street” when it street raced but then was tucked away in a shed for the better part of 27 years. Other than a repaint done in the 1980s the car is remarkably original, right down to the rare “liquid tire chain” option in the trunk. “Only 200 or so Camaros got that option,” he says, “and maybe only two COPOS had it.”
Meanwhile, Outside
Randy and Yvonne Davis have owned three of Oldsmobile’s screaming yellow Rallye 350s. This is their most recent, a car they bought a year and a half ago from the estate of a man who owned it for years and planned to restore it. We are glad he didn’t. It’s an 81,000-mile, all-original example with factory air and power steering. Yvonne told us they plan to leave it as-is, despite (or maybe because of) the clearcoat someone sprayed on it years ago to “preserve” it. “That means we have to live with the rock chips,” Yvonne admits, but to strip the clear would likely ruin the car’s graphics, turning an excellent original car into just another restoration candidate. For their commitment to its preservation, we gave the Davises our Celebrity Pick Award.
This is a COPO. Specifically, this 1974 Nova is a 9C1 police car and just the second one built. The 9C1 Nova was the brainchild of former Motor Trend staffer (and reserve L.A. Sheriff’s Deputy) John Christy, who wrote a letter to Chevrolet in January 1974 with an idea to turn Novas into police cars by fitting them with Z28 engine and suspension parts. He reasoned that the compact Novas would be more fuel efficient than the Satellites, Coronets, and Matadors the department was using (this was during the OPEC oil crisis). Chevrolet bit, and between 1974 and 1978 built some 15,000 of them, most going to California law enforcement agencies. When their service was complete many of these cars were sold to film studios, and most of those were destroyed in movies and TV shows. A man who runs a 9C1 registry, who goes by Alex, figures that just 20 have survived. This one was bought at auction by a film editor who garaged it for 34 years and also kept “stacks” of the car’s original paperwork, says Alex. Note the original L48 engine and the shotgun rack in the trunk.
OK, so maybe Greg Fleenor’s 307-powered 1969 300 Deluxe is not a muscle car per se, but its sleeper simplicity drew us in, as did the fact that this is a rare base model equipped with power steering and A/C. Fleenor bought it “25 years ago from a little old lady” and restored it a short time later. In fact, it’s one of the first cars painted by Mark Coates, now of ABM Restorations and, according to Fleenor, Tim Wellborn’s painter of choice. “He’s married to my first cousin, and that’s how I got him to paint a Chevy,” Fleenor says.
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years ago
14 Cool BMW Race Cars from LeMay America’s Car Museum
On a hillside in Tacoma, Washington, overlooking the Puget Sound, sits a rather uniquely designed building that is home to an even more unique collection of cars. The building is home to the LeMay museum, aka America’s Car Museum, which was founded through the wishes of the late Harold E. LeMay—a noted car collector and automotive enthusiast in the Tacoma area.
The most recent headlining exhibit at the museum is called Heroes of Bavaria: 75 Years of BMW Motorsports, and it’s a collection of cars worth seeing. Sponsored by the BMW CCA, the exhibit is essentially a sectional slice of the brand’s racing history with cars dating from last year’s IMSA SportsCar series BMW M6 GTLM all the way back to a 1930s BMW 328i Roadster. Here are 14 favorites from the exhibit, in chronological order.
1937 BMW 328i
The 328i was BMW’s premiere sports car between 1936 and 1940 and featured a 2.0-liter inline-six engine making around 80 hp. Examples of this car were very successful in racing, even clinching a class victory at Le Mans in 1938. This particular car was bought new and raced by a Dutch driver, who hid the car during WWII, only to recover it and resume racing after the war.
1961 BMW 700R
No, it’s not a Porsche 550 Spyder, though the resemblance is certainly there. Instead, this BMW racer is one of just two ever built, with a steel tube space frame wrapped in aluminum bodywork. It has a rear-mounted 697 cc boxer-two-cylinder engine making 78 horsepower and was raced by Hans Stuck in-period.
1965 BMW 1800 Ti/SA
A racing version of BMW’s “Neue Klasse” sedan, this is one of 200 cars built to homologate the Touring Internationale/Sport-Ausfuhrung specials. As such, a five-speed Getrag gearbox, limited-slip differential, Koni shocks, and a sump guard were all fitted. The engine is a 1.8-liter inline-four that produces 130 hp.
1975 BMW 3.5 CSL
Famously dubbed “Batmobile” for its winged profile, BMW Motorsport’s CSL race cars were based on the handsome road going 3.0 CSL coupe. In race trim, this CSL boasts a 3.5-liter inline-six that cranks out 430 hp at a huge 8,5000 rpm. This car’s first race was at the 1975 24 Hours of Daytona, where it failed to finish with Hans Stuck and Sam Posey at the wheel.
1977 BMW E21 Turbo
The successor to the CSL racing program, this E21 Turbo was driven by racer David Hobbs (famous more recently for his Formula 1 commentary) to wins at Road Atlanta and Laguna Seca in 1977. Though this car somewhat resembles the U.S.-spec 320i road car, it has slightly more power—650 hp, in fact.
1981 BMW-March M1/C
A true 1-of-1 race car, this GTP class car was BMW’s first prototype sports car racer. It was powered by a 2.0-liter, turbocharged four-cylinder engine, producing a whopping 650 hp at 9,000 rpm, mated to a Hewland five-speed gearbox. Unfortunately, the engine’s reliability was the car’s weak point and though the aerodynamic bodywork was capable of producing 2,000 pounds of downforce at 180 mph, the car’s success was limited.
1982 BMW-March Formula 2
This car was driven by Christian Danner in the 1982 Formula 2 season, F2 being a training ground of sorts for the top-tier Formula 1 series in the day. While Danner only managed fourth that year, March and BMW had a very successful run at the F2 series, winning the championship in six out of the 10 seasons they competed.
1987 BMW E30 M3
Built from the first U.S.-spec E30 M3 built, this car was one of two campaigned by Korman Autoworks (with BMW’s blessing) in the IMSA Firestone Firehawk Endurance Championship, where it was up against significantly more powerful cars, such as the Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro, and Nissan 300ZX. Though it didn’t have as much success in the U.S. as it would have in various touring car series in Europe, such as DTM, Korman’s M3s did score a handful of wins by virtue of the car’s well-balanced chassis and robust build quality.
  1992 BMW E36 M3 GTS-3
The very first Motorsport racing E63 M3 chassis built in 1992, this car was originally used as a test mule until being sold to the PTG Group in 1994. Thereafter, it was raced in the IMSA series from 1995 through 1997. It gets its power from a 3.0-liter S50 inline-six making 380 hp at 7,000 rpm.
1994 BMW 318i BTCC
After being campaigned in the British Touring Car Championship in 1994, this race car was bought by BMW Australia the following year and driven in the ’95 season by Geoff Brabham (son of F1 driver and constructor, Jack Brabham). That year, it scored five wins—good enough to finish second in the championship. The car’s 2.0-liter inline-four engine made some 270 hp at 8,300 rpm.
1994 BMW E34 M5
A rare sedan entry in the IMSA Bridgestone Supercar Championship in the 1994 and ’95 seasons, most of this M5’s competition came in the form of Porsche 944s, Lotus Esprit Turbos, and Mazda RX-7s. With 450 hp on tap from a race-tuned 3.5-liter S38 inline-six, the car was more than up to the task and won the ’94 championship with David Donahue (son of Mark Donahue) at the wheel.
2000 BMW-Williams F1 FW22
While Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher was building his legacy at Ferrari, his brother Ralf Schumacher was trying to cement one of his own at Williams F1, with this FW22. Raced by Schumacher in the 2000 season, he scored three third-place finishes with this car and a handful of lesser results. This was a great era for the Formula 1 series, with screaming V-10 engines—this one produces 810 horsepower at a stratospheric 17,500 rpm. Michael Schumacher and Ferrari would go on to win the Drivers’ and Manufacturers’ Championship that year for Ferrari, while BMW finished a strong third in the Manufacturer’s Championship.
2014 BMW Z4 GTLM
Based on the Z4 GT3, this GTLM variant raced in the Tudor United Sports Car Championship series, which resulted from the merger of the American Le Mans Series and the Rolex Grand-Am series. The car ran a naturally-aspirated 4.4-liter V-8, producing some 480 horsepower and was campaigned by BMW Team RLL. This very car was raced throughout the 2014 season.
2017 BMW M6 GTLM
Derived from the M6 GT3 customer race car, this M6 GTLM was designed without ABS or stability control and a longer wheelbase. With up to 585 hp on tap from a 4.4-liter turbocharged V-8 and just over 2,700 pounds to push around, this car achieved some success in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar series. The special “Bill Power” livery commemorates factory driver Bill Auberlen’s 400th race at the 2017 IMSA 10hr Petit Le Mans, which was won by this very car.
The post 14 Cool BMW Race Cars from LeMay America’s Car Museum appeared first on Automobile Magazine from Performance Junk Blogger 6 https://www.automobilemag.com/news/14-cool-bmw-race-cars-from-lemay-americas-car-museum/ via IFTTT
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jesusvasser · 7 years ago
14 Cool BMW Race Cars from LeMay America’s Car Museum
On a hillside in Tacoma, Washington, overlooking the Puget Sound, sits a rather uniquely designed building that is home to an even more unique collection of cars. The building is home to the LeMay museum, aka America’s Car Museum, which was founded through the wishes of the late Harold E. LeMay—a noted car collector and automotive enthusiast in the Tacoma area.
The most recent headlining exhibit at the museum is called Heroes of Bavaria: 75 Years of BMW Motorsports, and it’s a collection of cars worth seeing. Sponsored by the BMW CCA, the exhibit is essentially a sectional slice of the brand’s racing history with cars dating from last year’s IMSA SportsCar series BMW M6 GTLM all the way back to a 1930s BMW 328i Roadster. Here are 14 favorites from the exhibit, in chronological order.
1937 BMW 328i
The 328i was BMW’s premiere sports car between 1936 and 1940 and featured a 2.0-liter inline-six engine making around 80 hp. Examples of this car were very successful in racing, even clinching a class victory at Le Mans in 1938. This particular car was bought new and raced by a Dutch driver, who hid the car during WWII, only to recover it and resume racing after the war.
1961 BMW 700R
No, it’s not a Porsche 550 Spyder, though the resemblance is certainly there. Instead, this BMW racer is one of just two ever built, with a steel tube space frame wrapped in aluminum bodywork. It has a rear-mounted 697 cc boxer-two-cylinder engine making 78 horsepower and was raced by Hans Stuck in-period.
1965 BMW 1800 Ti/SA
A racing version of BMW’s “Neue Klasse” sedan, this is one of 200 cars built to homologate the Touring Internationale/Sport-Ausfuhrung specials. As such, a five-speed Getrag gearbox, limited-slip differential, Koni shocks, and a sump guard were all fitted. The engine is a 1.8-liter inline-four that produces 130 hp.
1975 BMW 3.5 CSL
Famously dubbed “Batmobile” for its winged profile, BMW Motorsport’s CSL race cars were based on the handsome road going 3.0 CSL coupe. In race trim, this CSL boasts a 3.5-liter inline-six that cranks out 430 hp at a huge 8,5000 rpm. This car’s first race was at the 1975 24 Hours of Daytona, where it failed to finish with Hans Stuck and Sam Posey at the wheel.
1977 BMW E21 Turbo
The successor to the CSL racing program, this E21 Turbo was driven by racer David Hobbs (famous more recently for his Formula 1 commentary) to wins at Road Atlanta and Laguna Seca in 1977. Though this car somewhat resembles the U.S.-spec 320i road car, it has slightly more power—650 hp, in fact.
1981 BMW-March M1/C
A true 1-of-1 race car, this GTP class car was BMW’s first prototype sports car racer. It was powered by a 2.0-liter, turbocharged four-cylinder engine, producing a whopping 650 hp at 9,000 rpm, mated to a Hewland five-speed gearbox. Unfortunately, the engine’s reliability was the car’s weak point and though the aerodynamic bodywork was capable of producing 2,000 pounds of downforce at 180 mph, the car’s success was limited.
1982 BMW-March Formula 2
This car was driven by Christian Danner in the 1982 Formula 2 season, F2 being a training ground of sorts for the top-tier Formula 1 series in the day. While Danner only managed fourth that year, March and BMW had a very successful run at the F2 series, winning the championship in six out of the 10 seasons they competed.
1987 BMW E30 M3
Built from the first U.S.-spec E30 M3 built, this car was one of two campaigned by Korman Autoworks (with BMW’s blessing) in the IMSA Firestone Firehawk Endurance Championship, where it was up against significantly more powerful cars, such as the Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro, and Nissan 300ZX. Though it didn’t have as much success in the U.S. as it would have in various touring car series in Europe, such as DTM, Korman’s M3s did score a handful of wins by virtue of the car’s well-balanced chassis and robust build quality.
  1992 BMW E36 M3 GTS-3
The very first Motorsport racing E63 M3 chassis built in 1992, this car was originally used as a test mule until being sold to the PTG Group in 1994. Thereafter, it was raced in the IMSA series from 1995 through 1997. It gets its power from a 3.0-liter S50 inline-six making 380 hp at 7,000 rpm.
1994 BMW 318i BTCC
After being campaigned in the British Touring Car Championship in 1994, this race car was bought by BMW Australia the following year and driven in the ’95 season by Geoff Brabham (son of F1 driver and constructor, Jack Brabham). That year, it scored five wins—good enough to finish second in the championship. The car’s 2.0-liter inline-four engine made some 270 hp at 8,300 rpm.
1994 BMW E34 M5
A rare sedan entry in the IMSA Bridgestone Supercar Championship in the 1994 and ’95 seasons, most of this M5’s competition came in the form of Porsche 944s, Lotus Esprit Turbos, and Mazda RX-7s. With 450 hp on tap from a race-tuned 3.5-liter S38 inline-six, the car was more than up to the task and won the ’94 championship with David Donahue (son of Mark Donahue) at the wheel.
2000 BMW-Williams F1 FW22
While Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher was building his legacy at Ferrari, his brother Ralf Schumacher was trying to cement one of his own at Williams F1, with this FW22. Raced by Schumacher in the 2000 season, he scored three third-place finishes with this car and a handful of lesser results. This was a great era for the Formula 1 series, with screaming V-10 engines—this one produces 810 horsepower at a stratospheric 17,500 rpm. Michael Schumacher and Ferrari would go on to win the Drivers’ and Manufacturers’ Championship that year for Ferrari, while BMW finished a strong third in the Manufacturer’s Championship.
2014 BMW Z4 GTLM
Based on the Z4 GT3, this GTLM variant raced in the Tudor United Sports Car Championship series, which resulted from the merger of the American Le Mans Series and the Rolex Grand-Am series. The car ran a naturally-aspirated 4.4-liter V-8, producing some 480 horsepower and was campaigned by BMW Team RLL. This very car was raced throughout the 2014 season.
2017 BMW M6 GTLM
Derived from the M6 GT3 customer race car, this M6 GTLM was designed without ABS or stability control and a longer wheelbase. With up to 585 hp on tap from a 4.4-liter turbocharged V-8 and just over 2,700 pounds to push around, this car achieved some success in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar series. The special “Bill Power” livery commemorates factory driver Bill Auberlen’s 400th race at the 2017 IMSA 10hr Petit Le Mans, which was won by this very car.
The post 14 Cool BMW Race Cars from LeMay America’s Car Museum appeared first on Automobile Magazine from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 https://www.automobilemag.com/news/14-cool-bmw-race-cars-from-lemay-americas-car-museum/ via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years ago
14 Cool BMW Race Cars from LeMay America’s Car Museum
On a hillside in Tacoma, Washington, overlooking the Puget Sound, sits a rather uniquely designed building that is home to an even more unique collection of cars. The building is home to the LeMay museum, aka America’s Car Museum, which was founded through the wishes of the late Harold E. LeMay—a noted car collector and automotive enthusiast in the Tacoma area.
The most recent headlining exhibit at the museum is called Heroes of Bavaria: 75 Years of BMW Motorsports, and it’s a collection of cars worth seeing. Sponsored by the BMW CCA, the exhibit is essentially a sectional slice of the brand’s racing history with cars dating from last year’s IMSA SportsCar series BMW M6 GTLM all the way back to a 1930s BMW 328i Roadster. Here are 14 favorites from the exhibit, in chronological order.
1937 BMW 328i
The 328i was BMW’s premiere sports car between 1936 and 1940 and featured a 2.0-liter inline-six engine making around 80 hp. Examples of this car were very successful in racing, even clinching a class victory at Le Mans in 1938. This particular car was bought new and raced by a Dutch driver, who hid the car during WWII, only to recover it and resume racing after the war.
1961 BMW 700R
No, it’s not a Porsche 550 Spyder, though the resemblance is certainly there. Instead, this BMW racer is one of just two ever built, with a steel tube space frame wrapped in aluminum bodywork. It has a rear-mounted 697 cc boxer-two-cylinder engine making 78 horsepower and was raced by Hans Stuck in-period.
1965 BMW 1800 Ti/SA
A racing version of BMW’s “Neue Klasse” sedan, this is one of 200 cars built to homologate the Touring Internationale/Sport-Ausfuhrung specials. As such, a five-speed Getrag gearbox, limited-slip differential, Koni shocks, and a sump guard were all fitted. The engine is a 1.8-liter inline-four that produces 130 hp.
1975 BMW 3.5 CSL
Famously dubbed “Batmobile” for its winged profile, BMW Motorsport’s CSL race cars were based on the handsome road going 3.0 CSL coupe. In race trim, this CSL boasts a 3.5-liter inline-six that cranks out 430 hp at a huge 8,5000 rpm. This car’s first race was at the 1975 24 Hours of Daytona, where it failed to finish with Hans Stuck and Sam Posey at the wheel.
1977 BMW E21 Turbo
The successor to the CSL racing program, this E21 Turbo was driven by racer David Hobbs (famous more recently for his Formula 1 commentary) to wins at Road Atlanta and Laguna Seca in 1977. Though this car somewhat resembles the U.S.-spec 320i road car, it has slightly more power—650 hp, in fact.
1981 BMW-March M1/C
A true 1-of-1 race car, this GTP class car was BMW’s first prototype sports car racer. It was powered by a 2.0-liter, turbocharged four-cylinder engine, producing a whopping 650 hp at 9,000 rpm, mated to a Hewland five-speed gearbox. Unfortunately, the engine’s reliability was the car’s weak point and though the aerodynamic bodywork was capable of producing 2,000 pounds of downforce at 180 mph, the car’s success was limited.
1982 BMW-March Formula 2
This car was driven by Christian Danner in the 1982 Formula 2 season, F2 being a training ground of sorts for the top-tier Formula 1 series in the day. While Danner only managed fourth that year, March and BMW had a very successful run at the F2 series, winning the championship in six out of the 10 seasons they competed.
1987 BMW E30 M3
Built from the first U.S.-spec E30 M3 built, this car was one of two campaigned by Korman Autoworks (with BMW’s blessing) in the IMSA Firestone Firehawk Endurance Championship, where it was up against significantly more powerful cars, such as the Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro, and Nissan 300ZX. Though it didn’t have as much success in the U.S. as it would have in various touring car series in Europe, such as DTM, Korman’s M3s did score a handful of wins by virtue of the car’s well-balanced chassis and robust build quality.
  1992 BMW E36 M3 GTS-3
The very first Motorsport racing E63 M3 chassis built in 1992, this car was originally used as a test mule until being sold to the PTG Group in 1994. Thereafter, it was raced in the IMSA series from 1995 through 1997. It gets its power from a 3.0-liter S50 inline-six making 380 hp at 7,000 rpm.
1994 BMW 318i BTCC
After being campaigned in the British Touring Car Championship in 1994, this race car was bought by BMW Australia the following year and driven in the ’95 season by Geoff Brabham (son of F1 driver and constructor, Jack Brabham). That year, it scored five wins—good enough to finish second in the championship. The car’s 2.0-liter inline-four engine made some 270 hp at 8,300 rpm.
1994 BMW E34 M5
A rare sedan entry in the IMSA Bridgestone Supercar Championship in the 1994 and ’95 seasons, most of this M5’s competition came in the form of Porsche 944s, Lotus Esprit Turbos, and Mazda RX-7s. With 450 hp on tap from a race-tuned 3.5-liter S38 inline-six, the car was more than up to the task and won the ’94 championship with David Donahue (son of Mark Donahue) at the wheel.
2000 BMW-Williams F1 FW22
While Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher was building his legacy at Ferrari, his brother Ralf Schumacher was trying to cement one of his own at Williams F1, with this FW22. Raced by Schumacher in the 2000 season, he scored three third-place finishes with this car and a handful of lesser results. This was a great era for the Formula 1 series, with screaming V-10 engines—this one produces 810 horsepower at a stratospheric 17,500 rpm. Michael Schumacher and Ferrari would go on to win the Drivers’ and Manufacturers’ Championship that year for Ferrari, while BMW finished a strong third in the Manufacturer’s Championship.
2014 BMW Z4 GTLM
Based on the Z4 GT3, this GTLM variant raced in the Tudor United Sports Car Championship series, which resulted from the merger of the American Le Mans Series and the Rolex Grand-Am series. The car ran a naturally-aspirated 4.4-liter V-8, producing some 480 horsepower and was campaigned by BMW Team RLL. This very car was raced throughout the 2014 season.
2017 BMW M6 GTLM
Derived from the M6 GT3 customer race car, this M6 GTLM was designed without ABS or stability control and a longer wheelbase. With up to 585 hp on tap from a 4.4-liter turbocharged V-8 and just over 2,700 pounds to push around, this car achieved some success in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar series. The special “Bill Power” livery commemorates factory driver Bill Auberlen’s 400th race at the 2017 IMSA 10hr Petit Le Mans, which was won by this very car.
The post 14 Cool BMW Race Cars from LeMay America’s Car Museum appeared first on Automobile Magazine from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 https://www.automobilemag.com/news/14-cool-bmw-race-cars-from-lemay-americas-car-museum/ via IFTTT
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