#why have them be nervous around each other
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coleblackblood · 1 day ago
The dragon blinked, staring at their once mighty horde - towering and utterly dangerous to anyone smaller than their own magnificent form ... now neatly organized into several smaller piles. Some even making use of the chests and drawers they had snatched them in, claws too large to grasp the smaller chains and jewels.
"Why did you do this?" They asked at last, smoke curling from their mouth with each word.
It had been some time since they attempted to speak in the Common tongue. The effort stirred their magic as easily as their rage once had.
The human seemed quite nervous, but not in the fearsome, cowering way so many of her kind greeted them with.
No, this one seemed almost... anxious. Like a young dragonling, looking to be praised on their first hunt.
"Well, it's not often I have no work to do, and you had mentioned seeking out more treasure to add to your horde the next time you went out. So I thought I would do a bit of tidying up!"
"..." The dragon's eyes studied their hoard once more.
The human's hands wrung against the cloth tied about her waist.
"Look, you have more room to store your treasures in!" She tried, gesturing to the newly bared sections of the dragon's cave.
She had a point. They could fit far more in this space now, without having to worry about the pile crashing to the ground, sending their hoard scattering off the cliffside outside their cave.
"...What do humans like again?"
The human's eyes blinked, wide like prey.
"You have done me a great service. I now owe you a debt. What would you like?" The dragon explained, still not looking at her.
"O-Oh. Well, I'm not really sure. Usually I would ask for something to make work a bit easier. - like new cloths or fresh bristles for my broom." She admitted.
"You would work for me?" The dragon turned to look at her, their golden eyes taking her in.
"Well, why not? I've never been very good at just sitting around all day. And you said you weren't going to eat me - unless you've changed your mind?" The human's words were softer, this time, and her face grew distinctly paler.
The dragon huffed.
"You will have what you need." They stated. "But being given tools to work is not a debt repaid. Is there nothing else you would want?"
"Um..." The human shifted, wringing the cloth once more.
"I don't suppose letting me go is an option?"
"It is not."
"I thought as much." The human grew quiet. "Would a book, be all right? It's been some time since I had something new to read."
"It will be done." They had spotted a library in a nearby kingdom, fairly abandoned now that the land's queen had greedily pulled back her support. It would be a simple matter to carry a shelf with them - assuming the flimsy wood did not crack beneath their claws, first.
"Oh, thank you!" The human gave them an odd expression, baring her teeth. Yet she showed no other signs of a threat.
"You know, you're quite kind for a dragon!"
The dragon gave a huff, saying nothing more.
This odd human had given them much to consider.
A dragon mistakenly kidnapped a maid instead of a princess. Expecting the princess to be rescued after going out hunting, instead comes back to all their treasure meticulously sorted by origin, color, and value.
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nerdygirlramblings · 20 hours ago
the pups come home!
an: it's another long one. sorry?
cw: poorly executed accents, omegaverse biology, m/m anal sex (including knotting)
Quiet but not quite. Still but reatless. Nervous energy crackles in the air. Excited tension. The house holds its breath, waiting. Your parents and the new pups are on their way home.
Every passing car causes a cascade of glances before the eventual, "Not them," from Ben, positioned at the front window until the gentle rumble of the engine in the drive sets everyone in motion.
Surprisingly, it's Davy who beats everyone to the door, opening it, revealing Mum mid-reach. From the sofa, you watch first as surprise then love chase away her momentary shock. Shaky arms come up as she enfolds Davy in a hug, murmuring softly to him. He returns the embrace, the muscles in his arms tensing as he squeezes her back. Michael and Helen drop quick kisses on her cheeks before slipping past her into the front garden. The three of you decided last night how you'd help when everyone came home from the birth centre. Their job is to help the moms bring Dad and the new pups in. You job is to get everyone fed and settled. There's soup for Dad, full plates for Mama and Mum, and two bottles ready.
While the elder twins bring in the younger twins, you let the triplets greet Mum and then Mama and Dad as they come through the door. All three adults give all three teens the same treatment: whispered words and tender hugs and kisses. It's a much more joyous return from the birthing centre than the triplets have seen your parents have before. All they've known is the litters Dad lost. You want them to be able to celebrate this miracle.
Though the elder twins bring the new ones in, it's the triplets who are officially introduced to them first, lifting each baby into the crook of their neck for just a moment to let the baby smell them, imprint their scent, and know this is family. Watching the ritual your parents established when the first twins were born, telling the triplets, "They aren't our babies, they're your babies too. You'll be here to love them and guide them. To look out for them. And one day, when we're gone, you'll be there for each other. Family."
Hearing it again, you realize your parents always stressed family, but they never said pack. You know many people see them as synonymous terms, but Mama was a literature major at uni, and you were raised with the importance of using the right words. You know there is a reason they use family instead of pack. You wish you understood what it was.
When you finally have a chance to be introduced, you take each baby from Michael, Grant first then Amelia, holding their little heads close, whispering the same thing you've only said five times, "You are more than my sibling. You are part of me, and that will never change. I will love you and support you and care for you always." Each reverent phrase accompanied by a kiss to the baby's temple before passing the child off to one of your parents.
Michael and Helen swing through the kitchen and pick up the bottles to feed the babies. You all remember how tired Dad is after a delivery, so you wrap an arm around his waist in the guise of holding him close after the successful delivery, Mum and Mama slowly trailing after you. You settle them all at the table, then join them to catch them up on how the household has fared in their absence.
You hadn't had a chance to talk with them when you first arrived, and now they ask why you're home. "Clearly you couldn't have expected this," Mum huffs a laugh.
"No," you smile indulgently at first her then Dad, "this was a pleasant surprise."
The question of why you're here, now, is tied up in feelings about your team you don't quite understand and aren't sure how to process, so you don't answer it. Hopefully your parents are too fatigued to notice, but it feels like Dad is watching you pick at your fingers even though his eyes are on his food and the doorway through which you can hear Michael and Helen teaching the triplets how to hold and feed the pups. Mum and Mama must catch on something too - your avoidance, your nervous tic - and blatantly watch you over their plates. "Did something happen with your team?" Mum whispers, keeping this conversation to the kitchen.
A shoulder rises and falls. Your lips twist for a moment. Small movements there and gone belie the mess of emotions you don't know how to name.
Mama's hand on yours, a warm weight tethering you. "I think we need to talk when the rest are in the nest and the pups are sleeping." You can only nod.
"Dunno if ye heard, but the lass's Da had his pups," Soap whispers into the quiet evening. All he receives is a grunt in response. He's wrapped in Ghost's arms, Ghost's knot slowly deflating in his ass. A cock in the ass is one thing. Heat and stretch. The burn pleasant, a successful workout. An alpha's knot is an altogether different experience. Heat hot enough to scorch if you're unlucky. A stretch too far to be comfortable for either party, despite biology at play. Micro tears and burst capillaries. But he and Gaz do this for Ghost and will do it for Price in a few months if you aren't pack by then. It's one way they help the pack with balance.
Soap keeps up his running commentary in these stolen moments when Ghost is lucid, unconsumed by his instincts. "Price said 'e thinks she may be open ta courtin' when we get back." The arm around his waist grips tighter, and Ghost's scent goes briney with his arousal, a perfect compliment to Soap's own marine notes. "Ye like tha', huh, havin' Ren as oor own 'mega?" He knows the other man wants you. They all want you. And Ghost has been vocal this rut, calling out your name. Soap overhead Price's side of yesterday's call with you. Could hear a tinny version of you voice through the phone. The sadness there unmistakable. He knows Price is playing the long game. He only wished he knew how it will all play out.
Things are dark, closed, safe by the time your parents pull you from the nest. The pups and triplets are fast asleep, but Helen startles from half-slumber and Michael turns from his screen. "Just need to chat with your sister before she heads back to base," Dad tells them. "Can ya watch the pups? We'll be in the kitchen, yeah?" Michael nods, back to scrolling through his phone in the dim room. Helen scoots into the space Mama left next to the new pups, her body a gentle barrier to the nest's edge.
In the kitchen, the quiet feels oppressive. The lights don't make the room warm and inviting, instead you're on the wrong side of an interrogation, like when your parents caught you sneaking in from a party when you were in Lower Sixth. A butterfly under glass. Pinned by the weight of their knowing gazes.
The air takes on weight. There's some silent conversation between the moms and Dad. You remember the looks they shared when you told them about being on the boards on base. Finally, you crack. "What?" you ask, nervous and unsure of your footing.
"Baby," Dad starts, "why are you here?"
You avoided the question earlier but know they won't let you deflect now. "We'll, the team had leave, so I came home." The omission is deafening.
"Ya didn't want to take leave with yer team?" Mum asks. "Get ta know them without all the trainin' ya do?"
Somehow they've mastered the art of seeing past your artifice, and if you don't start telling them now, Mama will cut through your bullshit faster than a dog can lick a dish. You shift uncomfortably. This is somehow worse than the conversations you had in your teens about sex and consent and your heats and an alpha's ruts. Your jaw clenches briefly before you force yourself to relax. "Well, I'm here cause it isn't really leave fer the others. One of the pack alphas has his rut, and the whole pack takes a week to handle it together." You don't rush because if you go too fast and have to repeat yourself, you will self-immolate.
Mama blinks while Mum stares at Dad. Clear whatever planned conversation they had, this is not the information they expected you to share. "Er," Mama says, "that's very... progressive of them, yeah?" She recovers quickly because she asks, "Aren't they on suppressants?"
You shake your head. "Captain Price said they only use 'em during missions. Keeps 'em from throwin' anyone off valance for too long." Dad nods, and you hope he's remembering your bad reactions.
He's the one who breaks the silence next. "How do ya feel about them doin' that? Takin' off together, without you, to handle their alpha's rut?"
You think he's asking about you, but he could be asking about your omega, and you hate that you don't know which one answers when you say, honestly, "I miss them."
Mum hums and Mama nods along, but it's still Dad who speaks. "Have ya given any more thought to the other half of yer Captain's offer?"
There's no denying now this is about you being 141's omega, being more than teammates. Your hands fiddle in your lap. The longer you wait, the more obvious your answer seems to be, to them and to yourself. "I don't want things to change," you finally whisper, sounding so much younger. Vulnerable in a way you haven't let yourself be in too many years to count.
"Hey, pretty girl," Dad croons. You can't help but look at him. "Captain Price seems like a good alpha. We know he's a good Captain and a good man. From what you've told us, the whole team supports you and wants you to be a successful soldier. They're already looking out for you in their way."
Your parents let you sit with that truth for a few quiet minutes before Mama tells you, "Seems like they've shown interest. And it looks like your omega is interested. You deserve a pack of your own, honey. You've already put so much faith in these men. Maybe it's time to take that last leap, yeah?"
Mum chimes in with, "You'll always be our sweet girl, but you deserve a pack who will love you in a way we can't." There are tears lining her eyes, but she blinks them away before they fall. "We want you happy."
When they head back to the nest, you don't immediately follow. You sit in the stillness and listen, really listen, to your omega. How the team makes her feel safe, desired, cared for. How she wants what your parents have: the love and support and eventual family.
You know the 141 wouldn't make you retire. They'll support your career, and in that way, they're already better than most packs you could find. If rumors spread about you sleeping your way into the team because you're their omega, you know the pack would have your back. Isn't that what you've always wanted? To be seen as who you are, not what you are?
Isn't it worth it to try?
taglist: @sirbonesly @z-wantstowrite @thriving-n-jiving @cecelia97 @theycallmevalen @boogeysmoth @cryingpages @riley13 @luxylucylou @lucienofthelakes @ilyztwo @chaosundcoffee @lostintransist @thegreyjoyed @honestlymassivetrash @thebumbqueen @maliamaiden @mordacioust @bina-passion-fruit @kittygonap
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daisymbin · 2 days ago
prenups no escape plans! - choi seungcheol
pairings: fiancé!seungcheol x reader
warnings: mentions of slight overthinking, finances
wc: 1.6k
a/n: forgive me 😭😭 ive been mia for so long because I just got back a week ago as i travelled to singapore & bangkok for the svt concert & bc of that, I bought a new phone so I could have better camera quality but I ended up not being able to login into my tumblr acc 🫠🫠🫠🫠 reqs are closed for now until I get thru all of them!! so sorry guys 😭😭
check out my masterlist! // cheol's m.list
two weeks.
fourteen days.
three hundred and thirty-six hours.
every second that passed brought you closer to the moment you had dreamed of your whole life—walking down the aisle, hand in hand with seungcheol, vowing forever with him. but as the excitement grew, so did the nerves. an entirely new phase of life, a lifetime commitment, a future with no escape plan.
you weren’t scared of marrying seungcheol. no, never. you loved him more than anything. you were just… overthinking. what if things changed? what if marriage wasn’t the fairytale you imagined? what if—
you groaned, flopping back against the couch, phone in hand, the glow of the screen illuminating your furrowed brows. maybe if you read up on it, you’d feel better.
you started with the basics. "how to make marriage work," "best marriage advice," "what to expect after getting married." some articles reassured you, others made you even more anxious. and then, as you scrolled further, your eyes landed on a title that made your stomach drop.
"why every couple should consider a prenuptial agreement"
your fingers hovered over the screen before tapping on it hesitantly.
> a prenuptial agreement, commonly known as a prenup, is a legal contract between two people before they get married. it outlines how assets, finances, and property will be divided in case of a divorce. while many see it as ‘planning for failure,’ a prenup actually provides clarity, protection, and security for both partners, ensuring that each party’s hard-earned money and possessions remain fairly distributed should the marriage end. in cases where one partner has significantly more wealth, a prenup is especially important to prevent financial disputes.
you bit your lip.
you and seungcheol never talked about this. should you have?
he was the one with all the money. you weren’t struggling, but he had worked hard for years, built his career from the ground up, secured a future for himself. you, on the other hand, were just… you. it would definitely be more of a disadvantage for him if things didn’t work out.
your stomach twisted at the thought.
would he want one? had he thought about it and just didn’t know how to bring it up? maybe he was waiting for you to mention it first. would it be selfish of you not to? what if he wanted to protect himself but was too kind to say it?
too lost in your thoughts, you dont hear as seungcheol unlocks the front door.
seungcheol stepped inside, dropping his gym bag onto the table as he toed off his shoes. his black tshirt clung to his skin, damp with sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead. usually, the moment he walked in, you’d run to him, throw your arms around his neck, melt into him and demand a kiss. but today, you were too distracted to notice.
he blinked, watching you, a small but loving smile tugging at his lips. you looked cute like that, completely immersed in whatever was on your phone, lips slightly pursed, fingers fidgeting against the edge of your sweater sleeve.
but then, he saw it. the crease between your brows, the way your shoulders were slightly hunched, the way your lips were pressed together just a little too tightly.
his smile faded.
he knew that look.
“what’s wrong?”
your head snapped up, eyes widening slightly as if you just realized he was there. “oh… cheol, you’re home.”
seungcheol narrowed his eyes. you sounded distracted. nervous. sad. scared. all things he saw right through immediately.
he made his way over to you, sitting beside you on the couch, his knee bumping against yours. “what’s wrong, baby?” he asked again, softer this time.
you hesitated. “nothing, i was just reading some article.”
his frown deepened. “what about?”
you looked away, fingers gripping your phone a little tighter.
that was all he needed to see to know you were spiraling.
“come on, baby, talk to me.” he nudged you gently, voice laced with concern.
you inhaled deeply, fingers still fiddling with your sleeve. “prenups.”
he blinked with a pause, “pre-what?”
“prenups,” you repeated, a little louder this time.
seungcheol stared at you, clearly confused. “okay… but like, what about them?”
you swallowed, debating whether to brush it off, but the question had already rooted itself in your mind. you had to ask.
“do you want one?”
his brows furrowed. “what for?”
you chewed on your bottom lip. “just in case… you know.”
his frown deepened. “no, i don’t know. just in case what?”
irritation simmered in his voice, but not the kind that meant he was mad—more like the kind that meant he didn’t understand why you were even thinking about this.
you sighed, exasperation creeping into your tone. “don’t you know what prenups are? or what they’re for?”
“no, i know what they are and what they’re for,” he said, eyes locked onto yours. “i’m asking why you’re asking me if i want one.”
you hesitated.
he raised an eyebrow. “do you really need me to spell it out for you?” you huffed with a pout.
“enlighten me, babe.”
you exhaled, gripping your phone tightly. “one day when we— if we ever get a divorce, it’s not going to be good for you, no? that’s all your hard-earned money we’re talking about, and it’s a lot of it, and—”
seungcheol sighed through his nose, watching you intently as you started spiraling.
“—i mean, you’ve worked so hard for everything you have, and i just don’t want you to ever feel like you lost something because of me. and what if things change? what if we change? people don’t get married expecting to get divorced, but it happens all the time, and i just— i dont want you to hate me for it in the future if you lose a lot of money, i just, i don’t want to be the reason you regret anything, i don't want you to regret marrying me & i don’t want you to feel like you have to choose between protecting yourself and—”
you stopped rambling.
he reached out, cupping your cheek in his large, warm palm, his thumb brushing gently against your skin. his voice was firm but soft, steady in a way that made your racing thoughts slow and quietly drown out in the background.
“what the hell are you talking about?” he murmured. “if we get divorced? when we get a divorce? yeah, that shit is not happening, babe. i’m taking care of you for the rest of our lives.”
your lips parted, but no words came out.
his eyes softened as he leaned in, resting his forehead against yours. “do you hear yourself? you’re planning for something that’s never going to happen.”
“but cheol—”
“no.” he shook his head, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of your nose. “im marrying you because i want to spend every single day of my life with you. not until things get hard, not until we fight, not until we hit a rough patch. & i mean it. for the rest of our lives.”
you swallowed, feeling your chest tighten with emotion.
he pulled back just enough to look at you properly, tilting his head. “do you want a prenup?”
you blinked, “what? no. i have like maybe 2 cents in my bank account and 0 assets whatsoever, what do i have to lose?”
the way you said it oh so seriously made seungcheol bite back his laugh.
“then why the hell would i want one if you don't?”
"because we're not the same!"
only then, does seungcheol pull you onto his lap, his hands rests firmly on your waist, drawing calming circles against the fabric of your shirt.
his arms stayed locked around you, warm and strong, like he was trying to shield you from your own thoughts. he slowly tugs you closer to him as he pressed a kiss to your temple, then one to your forehead, then your cheek, and then, finally, his lips found yours in a kiss so soft, so unhurried, that it made your heart swell.
“you’re really that worried about this, huh?” he murmured against your lips, voice barely above a whisper.
you sighed, fingers curling into his tshirt. “i don’t know. i just— i don’t ever want to be the reason you regret anything.”
seungcheol exhaled sharply, almost like he was in disbelief as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck, lips brushing against your skin as he spoke.
“baby,” he started, voice muffled against your shoulder, “if i ever regret anything, it’ll be not kissing you enough, not holding you enough, not making sure you know how much i love you every single day.”
your breath hitched. his words, his warmth, the way his hands roamed your back as if to remind himself you were real.
he pulled back just enough to cup your face, thumbs tracing gentle circles against your cheeks. his dark eyes searched yours, serious yet so incredibly tender.
“i don’t care about the money. or the prenup, i don’t care about any of that. i care about you. i care about us. i don’t need a contract to tell me how to protect what’s mine.” he tilted his head, lips ghosting over yours. “so stop worrying about things that will never happen and just let me love you, okay?”
you nodded slowly, heart thudding. “okay.”
seungcheol grinned, a teasing glint in his eyes. “say it properly, baby.”
you let out a small laugh. “okay, cheol.”
satisfied, he kissed you again, deeper this time, holding you like he had no plans of letting go anytime soon.
“good,” he murmured, squeezing your waist before nuzzling his nose against yours. “because you’re stuck with me. forever.”
and with every kiss he left on your skin, every whispered ‘i love you,’ and every way he held you close like you were the most precious thing in the world; he made sure you believed it.
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maskedcrawford · 2 days ago
Hidden Secrets
G-Dragon x Reader
Summary: Life with Jiyong is good, but it has a way of throwing curveballs
Warnings: Slight angst, it's not too intense though. Mentions of a missed period and brief mention of possible abortion. Not detailed but like it's there in so many words. Please read at your own discretion. Some parts were harder for me to write so if anyone wants a summary of what happens comment or inbox/dm me, I don't mind explaining it.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy the chapter! <3
Chapter 7
Hidden Secrets Masterlist
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Chapter 8- New Beginnings
Life couldn’t have been more perfect, you and Jiyong were together again, happy and content with each other. The last few months were bliss.
You’re getting dressed for the day when Jiyong comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He notices his arms don’t fit quite the same as they did a few weeks ago. His mind wanders where it came from, especially since you had been getting sick more recently. It was hard for you to keep food down, throwing up at least once a day.
“You feel ok this morning?” he murmurs in your ear. You shrug.
“So far, I don’t know why I’m getting so sick. And now some of my clothes aren’t fitting.” You whine with a huff.
“Too small?” he asks and you cut your eyes.
“You trying to say I’m fat?” You lift your brow accusingly in the mirror.
“No, jagi, no, I’m just asking.” He throws his hands up in surrender. There were times he noticed you’d get a little more sensitive than others lately.
“You look more beautiful every single day,” he says with a gentle kiss to your cheek. You sheepishly look at the floor.
“I’m sorry,” you rub your face, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“It’s ok, baby,” he smiles, “Out of genuine curiosity,” he says slowly. You look at him.
“Is it time for you period?” he asks hesitantly.
“I don’t know,” you say as you grab your phone to check. The app says your period should be starting any day now.
“Huh, yeah it is. Maybe that’s it.” He nods and walks out of the room. You felt a nervous pit in your stomach. You had missed your period last month but you hadn’t thought much of it, that happened to you every now and again. You go on about your day, going to the bathroom multiple times checking yourself. You notice some light spotting and sigh with relief. Thank God.
The week comes and goes your period only lasting a few days and the bleeding is light. You don’t mention anything to Jiyong, although you can't shake an unsettling feeling. You buy a test from the store just to see what it would say. You get home from the store; Jiyong’s out at rehearsal for Big Bang’s upcoming tour and you figure now is as good a time as any to take it.
You wait for the results, biting your nails the whole time with a shaky leg. Your heart going a million miles a minute. It was crazy, I mean you and Jiyong were so careful, protection was used, you were on the pill and he pulled out, this kept your chances extremely low. The moment came when a single pink line showed up on the test. You breathed a sigh of relief. Not Pregnant.
You throw the test in the trash feeling relieved but also, just a tiny bit disappointed. He wouldn’t be the worst guy in the world to have kid with. I mean, he loves kids. He’s great with them too. But you also knew you weren't ready, not really. You two still were figuring things out and enjoying where you are in life. A baby would complicate that.
“Baby, you’re pale, you feeling, ok?” His face scrunches into one of concern as he gets up off the couch. You feign a smile, pushing the anxiety away.
“I’m good,” you meet him halfway and put your arms around his neck kissing him passionately. His arms wrap around you and you smile against his lips.
“I love you,” you whisper.
“I love you more.”
“You got shampoo and conditioner?” you call out to Jiyong from the bathroom.
“Yeah,” he answers. It’s the night before he has to leave for the airport, you hated the fact that he had to leave, but it was part of the whole deal of dating the infamous G-Dragon.
“Ok, here’s some extra clothes,” you hand him a couple of extra shirts and underwear.
“Just in case,” you wink. He smiles and packs them away neatly in his suitcase.
“Oh, and in case you miss me too much,” you hand him a small sample size bottle of your signature perfume.
“You can spray this on the hotel pillow.” He takes it and tucks it away in his carry on. He walks over to you, embracing you tightly.
“It’s going to be hard, not having you with me,” he says during your sweet hug.
“I’ll be with you before you know it. I’d leave with you in the morning if I wasn’t being paid to sculpt.” You respond.
“I know, I know.” He sighs. You both climb into bed that night, passionate kisses and memorable touches being exchanged; ecstasy and thrill coursing through both of your veins. You lay beside one another for just a moment chests heaving. Jiyong pulls you close, both of you covered in a thin layer of sweat. He chuckles to himself.
“What if we ended up having a baby,” he laughs to himself while you freeze. He feels you stiffen and peeks down at you.
“Hey, hey, I’m not saying we should plan it,” his pulse quickens and he fears he’s scared you.
“I’m just, I don’t know, it’d be interesting.” All you can do is nod in agreement.
“Anyway,” he says with a yawn, “We should get some sleep, early morning and all,” he says as he shuts off the lamp beside you both.
“Goodnight, Jagiya,” he whispers in your ear as he holds you tight.
“Goodnight, Oppa.” You say, your heartbeat not slowing down.
The next morning Jiyong wakes up before the sun, stretching and carefully peeling himself away from you. He goes into the hall bathroom to wake himself up and grab a quick shower when he see’s something in the trashcan.
He starts the shower and bends down slowly picking up the discarded test you’d left in the basket. His eyes widen when he see’s it, a blaring single pink line, and a faint, barely there, pink line beside it. He stares at the test for what feels like hours.
He gently sets it on the counter as he forces himself to shower, the hot water scalding his skin, he rubs his face trying to figure out what to do. Does he wake you up and confront you? Why didn’t you say anything last night? Did you want to keep it? Were you going to just get rid of it without him ever knowing? He didn’t want to go straight to conclusions without asking you anything but at the same time how do you bring that up? He washed himself off and stepped out. He decided he was going to take the test on the road with him. It's not like you'd miss it.
He puts in it a Ziplock baggie and stuffs it in his suit case. He pours himself some coffee and sits at the island for a moment, letting the weight of the world rest on his shoulders while you’re blissfully unaware of the new reality he’s facing.
Just as he opens the door to leave, the bedroom door is opened.
“Hey, give me a kiss before you leave,” you yawn. His face is slightly pale, not just from the lack of makeup. He walks over to you, his lips devour yours as if he’ll never see you again, as if his life depends on this one single kiss. You can’t help but giggle at his sweet gesture.
“I’ll literally see you in a weak,” you mumble.
“You know, you can tell me anything, right? No matter how big or how hard, anything at all. I’m not going anywhere.” He says as he rests his forehead on yours.
“Yeah,” you say with inflection in your voice, answering him but sort of questioning him at the same time. You give him an awkward smile as you’re trying to figure out what he’s getting at. He doesn’t press the issue.
“Let me know when you land in Paris,” you say before shooing him out the door so he isn’t late.
At the airport Jiyong quickly spots Taeyang.
“The guys will be here soon,” Taeyang says as he notices his friends stressed out state.
“Dude, what’s going on?”
“Y/n’s pregnant,” he blurts out.
“Woah, congratulations!” he puts an arm around Jiyong.
“Right?” he asks awkwardly.
“She didn’t tell me; I found a discarded test this morning.”
“Oh,” was all Taeyang could say.
“I want a family with her, but I don’t know how to ask her about this. I mean, I even made a joke about us having a kid last night and she tensed and I think she freaked. That has to be why. She knew this and didn’t want to tell me. Oh God,” he rests his face in his hands. As he has his mini freak out Seunghyun and Daesung walk up.
“What’s going on here,” Seunghyun asks.
“Y/n’s pregnant,” Taeyang informs his friends. They repeat the same song and dance as Taeyang just a moment ago.
“Shit, I mean, does she want a kid?” Seunghyun asks
“I always assumed one day we’d have them, but we hadn’t exactly talked about it. Things were finally settling down and we were in a great place, both of us working on ourselves and on our relationship. I, I just didn’t want to ask.” Jiyong explains.
“What are you going to do?” Daesung asks.
“I have no idea, for now I guess just focus on work and hope and pray I can at least talk to her before she decides anything.”
He lands in Paris and in the limo he calls you on face time. You answer quickly with a cheerful, “Hey!”
“Hey, aein, we just landed, say hey to the boys,” you see their faces all in the screen and wave with an enthusiastic smile.
“Hey, guys,” you sing.
“The sculpture is looking great, baby.” He compliments. You hold the phone up to show him what all you’ve finished.
“It looks I’ll be done sooner than expected. So I might be able to come out sooner and see you guys,” your grin is large and Jiyong feels the knot in his stomach.
“Yeah? Well, just be careful. Make sure you vent the room well, stay hydrated, and make sure you rest if you need it. Oh and don’t forget to take your vitamins!” he reminds you. You chuckle in response to him.
“I will, dad,” you joke.
“Hey, that’s Daddy to you,” he smirks and you shriek hiding your face from the camera.
“Jiyong!” you scold playfully.
“Ok, I gotta go,” your face is beet red as you try to sign off.
“I’ll see you soon, I love you!”
“I love y’all too,” he says absentmindedly and he see’s the confusion on your face.
“Huh,” you ask. His eyes grow wide as he realizes his small mistake. In his peripheral he can see the boys looking at each other with wide eyes.
“You and the uh, the-the cats. Give my furbabies my love,” he covers. You nod still finding it odd but you don’t push it.
“All right, bye baby,” you end the call and he sighs putting the phone down.
“Dude, you’d be devastated if she got rid of it, just be honest with yourself.” Taeyang says.
“It’s ok to having feelings about it,” he tries to assure his friend.
“What if she does?” Seunghyun asks.
“What are you going to do?” Daesung asks.
“I’ll stand by her, I guess. I mean, I don’t want her to but, it’s not up to me.” He says slightly sounding somber.
“I guess I need to prepare myself for the fact that she may never bring it up.” He sighs and rubs his hand down his face. The rest of the day Jiyong goes through the motions and finally, after a successful show he’s back in his hotel room, calling you for the final time that night.
“Hey, jagi,” he says exhausted.
“Hey.” You’re laying in bed, exhausted too. You’d gotten sick worse today than the others.
“I’m going to have to go to the doctor tomorrow,” you inform him. His heart rate quickly picks up.
“Why what’s wrong? Do I need to come home? I’ll get a ticket,” you giggle at his anxiety.
“Jiyong I’m fine, I’m just feeling worse. I threw up four times today, I’ve been exhausted too. Plus I’ve noticed I’m using the bathroom more, so I just want to make sure I’m good before coming out there.” You explain.
“Ok, well just keep me updated, all right?”
“Of course, nae sarang.” You say with sleep climbing into your voice.
“I’ll let you get some sleep; I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He says with a nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“Goodnight,” you yawn and click off. He lays on his back in the hotel room staring at the ceiling. He didn’t want to sway you either way, but he was silently hoping it wasn’t to get rid of it, but he also knew either way he’d stand by you and you'd figure it out.
The next morning you wake up early and head to the doctor, but not before getting sick once again after eating a quick breakfast.
You sit in the doctor’s office anxiously waiting, keeping Jiyong in the loop.
“Ok, Ms. y/l/n, what exactly is going on,” she asks and you explain the symptoms. Along with the way you’ve had more mood swings and tender breasts.
“Have you been sexually active?” the doctor asks and you answer honestly.
“Yeah, but I took a test last Thursday and it was negative.” You reassure the doctor and she nods.
“Well, for good measure we’ll give you another test, just to rule it out,” she says and you oblige. You take the cup to the bathroom and let them run the test. The doctor walks back in not too long after the test has been run.
“The test says negative but I’d like to run a blood test too. Just to be absolutely sure,” you huff but comply with her wish. They take your blood and let you leave as it could be a few days before your results are back.
“If it’s negative, I’ll call you in something,” the doctor mentions as she walks you out. Your heart races once more, being pregnant wasn’t on your bingo card for this year, that’s for sure. You get back home and can’t sit still. You decide to work on your sculpture for a bit.
You don’t receive a call from the doctor that day, but on schedule you get a call from your adoring boyfriend.
“Hey,” he seems happier, more upbeat after the show that night.
“Nice to see you excited.” You grin.
“Jagiya it was great,” he sighs as he flops on the bed of the hotel room.
“The crowd, the energy, I fell, but I’m ok.” He says quickly.
“Jiyong,” you whine feeling suddenly emotional, “how’d you fall?”
“I was dancing and my foot slipped,” he says sheepishly.
“You have to be careful, Oppa. I don’t want you getting injured again. You just got completely back to normal,” you lightly scold your boyfriend.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he hides his face.
“What’d the doctor say today?” Both of you had the same thought, ‘Here we go’.
“They gave me pregnancy test and it’s said negative she said. But she took a blood test too. I’m waiting to hear back for the results.” Relief floods his features and he releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“How-uh, how do you feel about it?” he asks tentatively.
“I, I don’t know honestly. I mean, a baby isn’t something I’d given too much thought about,” you search his face, his expression is neutral.
“If you are, do you know what you want to do?” You furrow your brows.
“I mean, I always thought I knew, but honestly, no I don’t.” his heart sinks a little but he covers up any feelings he has with a nod of his head.
“Just, um,” he looks off to the side, “Just keep me in the loop either way, please. I want to be sure you’re ok,” his voice cracks slightly.
“Of course,” you say as you yawn.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” You say and he nods.
“I love you, I mean it.” He says seriously.
“I love you too, Ji,” you click off once more. Neither of you sleeps well that night, the few hours you both get are from pure exhaustion.
The next morning you get up, the usual routine, a healthy breakfast with puking to follow it. You decide that today you are going to take it easy, just relax in bed with movies and a lazy day. Around noon you get a call from the doctors office.
“Ms. Y/l/n,” the woman on the other end asks.
“Speaking,” your voice is shaky now is the moment of truth.
“Your blood test results came back and you are indeed pregnant! Congratulations.” She says and time stops.
“T-thanks,” is all you can mumble. “You’ll need to see your ob within the next two weeks,” you hang up on her as you sit back against the headboard of the bed as the weight of the words hang in the air. You feel tears well up in your eyes, stress, fatigue and moodiness all being apart of it. How are you going to tell Jiyong?
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Tags: @loveesiren @natalicss @mashtatosworld @kjydrgnnnn @multifanxtvshows
Chapter 9
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charlessainzz · 2 days ago
lost and found pt. 2
oh my gosh, can't believe it's taken me this long to complete part 2. apologies!! hope you all like it. as always inbox is open for requests and here is the link to the first part.
You couldn’t believe what had just happened. You mistook Oscar Piastri for a mechanic. Watching his car get towed away to the track, your face continued to get red with the embarrassment seeping in. 
Just as he’s walking away, a member of the team, wearing papaya orange, sees you without an official pass. “Excuse me ma’am are you supposed to be here?”, they inquire already attempting to push you out. 
Almost if he had super sonic hearing, Oscar whips around, “she’s with me! It’s my fault I forgot to give her a tag”, he states using his innocent charm. He gives you a wink, and squeezes your arm. Before he walks off he whispers in the papaya man’s ear then jogs off giving you a quick wave. Oscar turns around once more and shouts, “You better be here when I get back!”.
The Mclaren member suspiciously eyes you up and down… “Alright I’ll go find you a pass”. Relief floods your body and you relax against the wall. That was a close one and Prince Piastri came to your rescue. Moments later the man throws you a lanyard, and sternly says, “Don’t touch anything, don’t talk to anyone, don’t even breathe…”
You almost burst into a laughing fit but quickly feel how serious he’s being. “Yes sir, scouts honor”, you snickered, placing your hand on your heart as if you were pledging allegiance to the Mclaren team. 
The man walks away and the race begins. It can’t be stated how little you know about F1 but Oscar was starting close to the front, so that was good, right? The race continues, and there is constant commotion and yelling in the garage. Watching the monitors you see Oscar maneuver around various colored cars. Everyone begins going crazy with excitement and you can’t help but join in. Jumping and shouting, you're hugging anyone who’s around you. Random rich people and mechanics are given equal embrace from you. As you calm down for a millisecond you look back up at the monitors and see yourself. On TV! 
Eyes wide, you give a big toothy grin and wave. Then you hear distant screams erupt from the grandstands across the garage wall. Squinting, you see three platinum blondes jumping up and down waving and screaming at you. It’s your girls! You can’t help but laugh at what they're thinking. 
You continue watching the race, and find yourself falling in love with this sport. It’s exciting, and anxiety inducing, and has very handsome drivers. What’s not to love? 
Finally, the end is near. Oscar comes P2. To you that’s exciting enough and worthy of celebration. You watch as he hugs his team, attends the podium, and finally makes his way back into the garage. 
Head down, he glances up and sees you patiently waiting. You were texting your friends all the details. “Hey… you waited”, he says with shock laced in his tone. 
You look up, smiling. “Well, duh… why wouldn’t I?”, you laugh but begin to feel nervous that he wasn’t expecting you to be there. 
“I-I just thought you would leave if I didn’t win”, he confesses scratching the back of his neck. His cheeks turn red, you can't help but give him a sweet grin. 
“Well… I saw you get a trophy so that’s kind of a win in my book”, you joke. He lets out a big laugh. You might be the perfect girl for him. 
He hooks his arm around your shoulders and leads you out of the garage. “I have so much to teach you”, he stressed. 
As you two walk out of the garage, you hear the same high-pitched screams from your three friends. Both of you snap your gaze at them. You jump up and down shouting back and pointing at the driver next to you. You’re all screaming at each other, not needing words to convey the exciting moment that was currently ongoing. 
“Um… who are they?” Oscar asks. A little weary of all the shouting and hair flying around. 
“My friends that I got separated from earlier. They’re going to be so jealous I got to spend the race in the Mclaren garage”, you boast smiling back at him. 
“Would they be even more jealous if they knew you got a date with a podium finisher?” he hinted with a big grin. 
“Maybe… they would. Or maybe they’d be more jealous if it was the race winner. Who was that guy in red?” you teased pretending to look around. 
Oscar’s hands instantly fly to his mouth, shocked at your cockiness. He liked it more than he wanted to admit. Biting his lip he grabs your hands again. “Come on y/n…”, he says and rolls his eyes. You two start walking towards an exit. 
“That was a good joke, wasn’t it”, you laugh poking his side. 
“Yeah real good, just wait till the next race. Maybe you’ll get a second date with a race winner’, he challenges. You look up at him and can’t help but place a quick peck on his cheek. 
You continue walking and both of your cheeks pool bright red. You were perfect for each other.
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kpopsexstories · 1 day ago
NCT 127 Dating Ban #1: Haechan
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NCT 127 can’t date girls. As their gay friend you help them out with their sexual needs.
This is a 100% gay smut story. Check out this post for my straight smut and this post for more gay smut.
Want more stories like this one? Also read the NCT Dream Dating Ban series which takes place before the 127 series.
Pairing: NCT Haechan x Male Reader
Story: Haechan begs you to come for a visit and have sex with him again.
Type of Sex: MEDIUM
Word Count: 2.2k
It's been six months since you last had sex with Haechan. There have been times when you've rolled your eyes and regretted that you gave him your number. Not really though, because at the end of the day you find his pushy eagerness quite adorable.
He's been on you about coming to see him and meet his friends from 127, though he usually only texts you when he's horny, which to be fair is often. Flirty messages, pleads for you to come in every sense of the word, and desperate attempts to have sex again. It can't be easy when you're famous and can't go on dating apps like regular people. You’ve learned better than most.
At times you've played along with his games, when you've been horny too. You've been sexting, and your phone is full of pictures of Haechan's naked body, video snippets of his dick, and endless chats about how good it felt when he last fucked your ass.
Most of the explosive content was unsolicited, but not all. And you've sent him stuff too. He's told you all about the dating ban the company has imposed on the boys and his sexual frustrations are obvious.
Then one day you decided to just to it, to come and help him out like he begged you to. It was a spontaneous decision. Now you're riding the elevator up to the NCT 127 dorm, excited about the reunion but also nervous about meeting his friends.
You can't wait to see what the week with them might have in store for you. It’s sure to be a great one.
Haechan is happy and giddy when he opens the door. He's been waiting for you, purposefully stayed home to greet you. He welcomes you back and gives you a long hug and invites you in.
You quickly learn that he's alone and that actually comes as a relief. You're tired from the trip and you'll be introduced to his friends in good time.
“They're at work,” he explains. “But us dreamies have a break after our last promotion. Mark is with his family, he'll be back before you leave though.”
You chit-chat in the living room of the vast apartment. The 127 boys each have their own room. There are two bathrooms, a kitchen and a communal area with a fancy couch and big screen TV.
There's nothing sexual at all between you during this first half hour in his second home. Just two friends hanging out and catching up. But you won't even make it an hour before sex is on the table.
“Come on, I'll show you where we'll fuck,” Haechan says and gets up from an armchair next to the couch. ”Sleep, I mean sleep! My bed. I'll show you my bedroom.”
He suddenly seems nervous and concerned but is able to laugh about it. You're amused by how silly the man is acting around you which helps him feel relaxed. You might not know him that well, but you have sucked his dick after all.
The bedroom is small but has a desk, a window, a queen sized bed in the corner, and a spacious closet. “It's not much,” Haechan says and sits down on the bed. “But it's more than I need as long as I’m single. I hope you don't mind sharing.”
You leave your suitcase along the wall by the door, then go to sit beside your friend.
“Not at all,” you say cheerfully and throw yourself backwards on the mattress. No more words are needed. “So… This is where we'll fuck huh?”
Haechan turns to look at you. You smirk, only teasing him. But the atmosphere between you suddenly shifts.
You smile affectionately at each other. He leans down over you and you kiss. It's been clear from the start why you're here. Six months later and it's like no time has passed at all.
Vivid memories suddenly return in your head. Images of sex, lust, dicks and orgies. You wonder why you haven't returned to your famous friends sooner.
The kiss turns into a make-out session. Things escalate quickly. There's plenty of evidence on your phone that Haechan has been longing for this moment for a long time. Now that you're here he simply can't keep his hands off your body nor you off his.
He slides inside your shirt and rolls into your arms. Your lips make a low smacking sound as they touch, and the make-out session intensifies when he squeezes your side and begins to grind his body against yours. As the kissing becomes more passionate the sounds grow louder and he begins to moan.
He's horny as hell, incredibly hard for you. You can feel the shaft though his sweatpants. When your hand glides inside his shirt too, he quickly sits up to take it off, only to come crashing down on you again like he hasn't seen another human being for months.
He lands on top of your body and you spread your legs for him, while feeling his bare back and spine all the way down to the seams of his pants. He grinds on top of you, squirming and rubbing his soft skin against yours. All without either of you saying a word.
His hand wanders up your side and to your armpit, and your shirt goes up along with it. As your bodies touch and the weight of the man is pressing down on your crotch, you get so intensely horny that pre-cum is already making you wet.
“Mm, fuck,” you exclaim when a strong sensation runs through your body. You can feel Haechan's grin when his lips press against yours.
His grinding motions grow larger. “Mm, mm,” he moans softly.
Your hand glides over his ass, then slips inside his pants and underwear in one go. You squeeze the soft cheeks lurking underneath them, and when you realize you're about to get naked together already, you think to yourself, this is why I came.
When your shirt is up to your neck you raise your upper body, prompting Haechan to briefly take the weight off you and give you some space. You take the shirt off, and before you know it he's sitting between your legs, tugging at your pants to make them go down.
You glance at his stomach and the v-line clearly visible above his low-hanging sweats and briefs. You raise your ass, helping the man to yank your clothes off completely.
Your dick is freed and Haechan's smirk goes away. He opens his mouth and his eyes become full of desire. He pulls his own pants down, and soon you have the same look on your face when his long cock waves in the air above you.
“The dating ban is killing me,” he says, his voice drenched in sexual desire.
“Really?” you pant and raise your eyebrows. You pull him closer, equally eager to help him deal with his frustrations, and smile. “I couldn’t tell.”
It takes a few moments of passionate shuffling around for the both of you to get fully nude. You suddenly wonder when the others will return, and realize that you've left the bedroom door wide open.
Who cares? It doesn't matter. You're home alone, horny as hell, naked in Haechan's bed. There's only one thing that's really on your mind, and if Haechan isn't worried then neither are you.
You're so ready to feel his beautiful dick inside you again. Haechan's long wait is finally over.
Haechan has been pounding you for a while in various positions when he eventually reaches his peak and goes over the edge. You're on your back with your knees folded around him and legs spread, while he's gliding in your arms and hammering his pelvis lustfully against your thighs and ass.
You stroke and squeeze his back and upper arms. His hands glide up and down your sides. The bed shakes, the mattress squeaks, and he's moaning and groaning while his dick goes in and out of your hole.
“Ahh, fuuuck!” he shouts.
“Yeah, yeah, fuck my ass,” you moan.
“Ahh, ahh, FUUUCK!”
He grinds his teeth and shuts his eyes hard when he comes. “Uuhhrgh,” he gurgles from his throat, and you can feel his dick pulsating as the load is unleashed inside you. “Mm, mmhpfh, fuuuck!”
His hand is holding on to your leg so hard it almost hurts. But the release is quick and effective, and he relaxes his muscles before he's even finished emptying himself.
His hard thrusts gradually decline in strength and size. He opens his eyes and you lovingly look at each other. He bursts out in a huge but temporary grin, before he jolts and thrusts hard and deep inside you a few last times: “Humpfh! Ahh! Ahhhh!”
He starts to breathe deeply, heaving over you while he recovers from the powerful orgasm and long overdue physical connection. “Ahhhh, ahhhh, yeaaahh.”
You start to relax too, your knees unfolding and legs slipping down the sides of Haechan's hot body. “Feel better?” you ask and the smirk returns.
“Much,” Haechan says and smiles wide. “Thank you.”
The sex is hardly over when your intimate moment is suddenly interrupted. “Holy fuck!” a voice says somewhere behind your friend. He panics, abruptly pulls away from and out of you, and rolls off your body and onto his side.
You look in the direction of the door, which until now has been hidden from view behind Haechan's towering shoulders. You immediately recognize the stunned faces staring right back at you.
Johnny and Jungwoo are standing in the doorway, mouths wide open and eyebrows raised high on their long faces.
“Daaamn,” Jungwoo says, echoing the sentiments of Johnny's initial reaction.
Haechan grabs a pillow and puts it over his still hard cock. “What the fuck guys?” he bellows.
For a few seconds that feel like an eternity no one says a word. You hide your face behind Haechan, but he's far from enough to cover your naked body.
“What- what's this?” Jungwoo asks.
“That was so hot,” Johnny says before Haechan can respond.
Haechan answers with another question: “When did you get back?”
Johnny stares at him, and a faint smile appears on his lips. “We never left,” he says while studying your exposed torso.
This is not how you imagined meeting Haechan's friends for the first time. But what's done is done and there's nothing you can do about it now. And as the shock settles, both Haechan and the two men in the door seem surprisingly casual about the whole thing.
There's nothing else to do than to shake it off and act like everything is fine. But to you, who don't know the guys at all but also feel like you know everything about them, it's still a nerve wrecking experience.
Haechan sits up straight but doesn't remove the pillow. You scoot higher up behind him, using his body for protection. Johnny and Jungwoo's postures change, and they appear more casual as they both take a step closer.
“So?” Johnny asks. ”Who's this?”
He's actually asked that question once before, six months ago, but you're not surprised he doesn't remember. You just passed each other in the street and he had no time to stop for a chat.
“Ehm, this is my friend I told you about. He'll be staying for a week.”
“Yeah, we figured,” Jungwoo says and smiles wide. He approaches the bed with determination and extends an arm and hand. “Hi.”
You slowly sit up, peaking out from your hiding place, but cross your legs and pull some sheets over your lower half.
“Hi,” you say and take the hand. “Sorry, it might have cum on it.”
It doesn’t and you don’t know why you said it. Jungwoo doesn’t seem to mind.
“Nice to meet you,” Johnny says politely, as if this is just like any friendly and formal first introduction.
“You too,” you say and look him in the eye while smiling wide to put up a facade.
“We should leave them to it,” Jungwoo suggests when he lets go of you, then gently pushes his friend on the shoulder. The show is over anyway and you’ll have to wait to come another time. Haechan will certainly return the favor tonight.
“Listen, guys,” he says when the two men begin to walk away. “Please don't tell the others about this.”
“Okay,” Jungwoo agrees. ”Don't worry, we won't.”
Johnny nods and smirks but makes no verbal promises. Haechan – and you – will just have to trust them.
They leave and close the door behind them. When they're gone you look at Haechan with a straight face, wondering what he's thinking and feeling in this moment, and whether you should be laughing or crying about having been caught.
“Why not?” you ask.
“I haven't told them how we met,” Haechan admits.
There's a moment of silence between you. Then you both burst out laughing. Yeah, it's going to be a fun week for sure.
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larluce · 1 day ago
Merlin as Arthur's familiar/Arthur's shapeshifter falcon AU
After finding no trace of the chicks still, Uther, at the request of his ward and fearing Arthur's reaction himself, makes an announcement to his people that prince's bird pets are lost and whoever finds them and brings them back-preferably before the prince comes back-will be rewarded.
The next day comes, the prince will arrive at any moment and there's no news yet.
Uther, Morgana and Gwen waiting anxiously in the throne room for Arthur and his scort.
Guardian: (on Morgana's shoulder) Are my siblings dead auntie Morgana? 🥺
Morgana: (whispers) No! Of course not, sweetie. Don't say that. (Thinking) especially not infront of Arthur.
Gwen: (whispers to Morgana) You don't have to take the blame for me.
Morgana: (shakes her head) I was in charge. It was my responsibility.
Gwen: They will be so so mad.
Morgana: I know, and I can handle it. It will be alright.
Arthur: (enters with Merlin in his bird form on his shoulder)
Uther: (a strained smile) Arthur! (approaches him) How did everything turned out in your quest?
Arthur: (very formal) Father. (Bows) Everything turned out alright, we found the cause of the riots and took care of it quickly.
Guardian: (crying) Mama! Papa! 😭
Arthur: (his face and voice light up) My baby! 🤗 (walks to him quickly and holds him in his hands) I missed you so much! (Kisses his head)
Merlin: (perches on Arthur's wrist and rubs his head with Guardian's)
Arthur: (looks around) Where are the others? Are they playing hide and seek?
Morgana, Gwen and Uther: (sweat)
Guardian: (cries more loudly) WAAA! 😭
Arthur: Awww. They must've really missed us a lot. I feel bad for ever leaving. (Pets Guardian fondly and turns to Morgana) So? Where are my other babies? I want to squish them and never let go! 😄
Morgana: Yeah... about that...😅
Servant x: (enters discreetly and whispers something to Uther's ear)
Morgana: They are not here.
Arthur: Well, clearly, I can't see them. Are they in your chambers? (Frowns) You left them alone in your chambers? You did close the door, right?
Morgana: (her eyes starting to water) Arthur, your chicks-
Uther: Are more than fine! Stop worrying so much, son. (Puts an arm around Arthur's shoulders)
Arthur: (looks at his father strangely at his sudden show of affection)
Morgana: (Thinking) What is he doing?
Uther: Now, I need a detailed inform of that quest of yours.
Arthur: Oh, but I wanted to greet my chicks first-
Uther: You greeted one, the rest can wait for a bit more.
Arthur: (sighs, resigned) Alright.
Uther: (To Morgana) This will be a rather boring conversation so you may leave, Morgana.
Morgana: (still confused) Uhm... sure.
Arthur: (gives Guardian to Morgana)
Guardian: No! Papa, don't leave again! 😭
Arthur: I'll be back with you in a sec, baby, don't worry. (To Merlin) Stay with him so he doesn't get more upset.
Merlin: (nods and flies to Morgana's shoulder).
Morgana and Gwen: (leave the room)
In the hall outside the throne room.
Merlin: (still in his bird form) Alright. What is going on? 😑
Morgana: (nervous) Wha-what do you mean?
Merlin: Guardian would never leave his siblings alone. I would believe it from Blizzard, Brave, Rain, even from Wary, but not Guardian. So? What's happening?
Guardian: Mama, I'm sorry! 😭
Merlin: Why is my son apologising? 😠
Morgana: I was trying to tell you inside. The chicks-
Servant x: My lady, (bows) the chicks were found.
Morgana: (more than happy) They were?! 😃
Servant x: These gentlemen brought them.
Lancelot, Percival and Elyan: (enter, carrying each one a chick) My lady (bow)
Morgana: Oh, thank the gods!
Morgana: Uh...😅
Wary, Blizzard and Brave: Mama! 😭😭😭
Merlin: (flies around them, worried) My chicks! Are you alright?
Lancelot, Percival and Elyan: (step back a little, afraid of Merlin)
Gwen: Elyan! (runs to him and hugs him) What are you doing here?
Elyan: Well, I-
Gwen: Oh, it doesn't matter. You found one of them! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best brother ever! (Kisses his forehead, then grabs Brave from Elyan and finally grabs Wary and Blizzard from the others) I can't thank you all enough!
Merlin: (perches on Gwen's wrist to fuss over his chicks)
Lancelot: We came as soon as we heard. We knew they were important because of the crest in their neckerchiefs. Who would've thought they were the prince's pets!
Gwen: Yes, isn't that why you brought it?
Elyan: Eh...
Elyan's flashback.
In the main square. Elyan walking around with Brave in his hands.
Elyan: (To himself) Let's see. Where is that nobels buy their hunting birds?
Brave: I don't want to be sold! I want Mama and Papa! 😭
Elyan: (spots a knight and goes to him) Excuse me, Sire. Do you know where-
Knight x: Oh, you found one too.
Elyan: The bird? Yeah, I found it in the Lower Town. Do you know where-
Knight: Perfect! Come with me. (Goes in the direction of the castle)
Elyan: (follows him, thinking) I don't recall the knights of Camelot being this servile. How nice!
End of Elyan's flashback.
Elyan: Yeah, that's definitely why I brought it. 😅
Brave: Lies! He wanted to sell me! 😠
Merlin: He what?! 😤 (goes and pecks Elyan)
Elyan: Ow!
Gwen: And the neckerchief?
Elyan: I... don't know... It must've fell.
Brave: No, he threw it away! 😠 My neckerchief! 😭
Merlin: (pecks Elyan again)
Elyan: Ow! Can someone control this bird?!
Gwen: Merlin, stop it! What's wrong with you?
Morgana: (Also angry at Elyan but doesn't give him away, cause she doesn't want to ruin Gwen's reunion with her brother) Gwen, give me the chicks and scort these gentlemen to the guest room. The king will receive them in a moment. Make sure they are well attended.
Gwen: Yes, my lady (gives the chicks to Morgana, bows and leaves with Lancelot, Percival and Elyan).
Merlin: (yells furious in bird at Morgana, flying at the height of her head) YOU LOST MY CHICKS AND ALMOST GOT ONE OF THEM SOLD! 😡
Morgana: I know. I'm so sorry. But look! (Points the chicks with her head, Brave and Guardian on her shoulders and Wary and Blizzard on her arms) All of them were found and are safe now.
Merlin: Oh, really? (Perches on her head) Count them Morgana.
Morgana: One, two, three, four, fi- (realises, scared and counts again) One, two, three, four... 😰
Merlin: Four! Do I have four chicks, Morgana? 😠
Morgana: No 😔
Merlin: NO! 😡 I HAVE FIVE! (Pulls her hair with his claws) WHERE'S MY FIFTH CHICK?! 😤
Morgana: Ow, ow, ow!
Wary: Actually I'm the fifth chick, Rain hatched second.
Guardian: Not the time, Wary. Mama is angry.
Morgana: (fighting with Merlin) Ow! The king made an announcement! Everyone in Camelot knows the chicks-Ow!-must be found! They already brought four, they'll surely bring Rain in no time!-Ow!-Stop, please! 😫
Merlin: (calms down and stops) For your sake, that better be the case. The only reason I'm not cursing you to be a frog forever, is because I know Arthur will be pissed at you enough for the both of us once he finds out.
Morgana: (sighs, resigned) At least we have 4 out of 5 now.
Merlin: Oh, no. That's the worst part.
Morgana: (confused) What do you mean?
Merlin: You know how parents always say they don't have a favourite kid? That they love them all equally? Well, that's a lie.
Chicks: What?! ☹️☹️☹️☹️
Merlin: Don't even complain. I'm angry at you too. 😠 (To Morgana) If you had found Rain and not the others, Arthur would've been furious, yes, but his fury would still be somewhat bearable. You would've got an angry but still reasonable Arthur if you had found just Rain and Wary and not the others. What is INTOLERABLE is that you found everyone but Rain! Arthur will not only be furious, he will go INSANE!
Morgana: Rain is his favourite. I got it.
Blizzard: Good to know. 🙄
Wary: Wait... Does it mean I'm Papa's second favourite! 😃
Brave: You are happy about that?
Wary: It's better than third favourite.
Guardian: Who is your favourite, Mama?
Merlin: That's not important. Now, we'll go to Auntie Morgana's room to fix you up and I will give you all a great lecture about not leaving the nest and wonder outside alone! 😠
Chicks: (hang their heads) Yes, Mama. 😔😔😔😔
Time skip. In Morgana's chambers. Merlin scolding his chicks on the bed, while Morgana waits for Arthur anxiously.
Merlin: So? Whose idea was this?
All chicks: (forming a line infront of Merlin, hanging their head) ...
Merlin: I don't want to ask twice.
Guardian: (takes a few steps forward) It was me. I wanted to explore the outside and convinced them to go.
Merlin: Guardian, I know you want to protect your siblings, but taking the blame for them won't help them.
Guardian: It really was me!
Merlin: No, it wasn't. It wasn't Wary either, he would never even think of going outside of the room, which leave me... (His gaze stops on Brave and Blizzard) You two.
Brave and Blizzard: (shout in bird at the same time) It was Rain!
Merlin: Sure, blame the one who is not present and can't defend herself. That's low. And Rain antics are more related to stealing shiny things.
Guardian: (worried) Is Rain going to come back Mama?
Merlin: (pauses, not wanting to upset his chicks, but not wanting to give them false hopes either) There's a chance she-
Arthur: (enters) Here I am! 🤗
Chicks: (very happy, moving their wings) Papa! 😄😄😄😄 (walk to the border of the bed)
Arthur: (extends his arms and they jump to his arms) I missed you all so much, my babies! (puts them closer and then frowns and looks around) Where's Rain?
Morgana: (with an apprehensive expression and a careful tone) Arthur, Rain is not here.
Wary: Yes, she hasn't been rescue yet, Papa.
Arthur: Is she playing the princess' rescue again?
Morgana: No, I meant she is not here as in not here in the castle.
Arthur: ...
Arthur: What?
Morgana: I accidentally... left the door open.
Arthur: (a hard expression on his and a dangerous calm tone) Morgana... Where is Rain?
Morgana: (tearing) We don't know! We've been searching everywhere. We managed to find four-
Arthur: FOUR?! You lost all five of them?!
Morgana: I'm so sorry.
Arthur: (turns to Merlin, still dangerously calm) Merlin, take the chicks to our chambers, please.
Merlin: (takes his human form infront of Arthur and extends his arms) Come here, my chicks. Arthur and auntie Morgana need to talk alone.
Chicks: (jump to Merlin's arms)
Merlin: (though he's still mad, gives Morgana a compassionate look before leaving)
Arthur: (explodes, yelling) I left for three days. THREE DAYS, MORGANA! I took care of them for WEEKS! And you managed to lose one of my babies-correction- ALL OF MY BABIES in less than THREE DAYS! And my daughter still remains lost! How could you, Morgana? HOW COULD YOU? Rain is a chick of less than 4 weeks old! A small defenseless living being! She’s not some toy you can misplace and just shrug off!
Morgana: I know, I know! I messed up. But everyone in Camelot is looking for her now. The king even put a reward for-
Arthur: Oh, so my father knows! And instead of informing me inmediatly, you decided to lie to me to my face!
Morgana: (crying) I’m sorry!
Arthur: A sorry won't bring me my daughter back. Do you even realize what could happen to her out there? She's so small someone could step on her by accident! She is a meal for cats and dogs! She could die of starvation or dehydration! She could be anywhere—hurt, scared, or worse! And it’s YOUR FAULT! (points st her with an accusing finger) You were supposed to watch her! I trusted you AND YOU LOST HER!
Morgana: (cries more)
Arthur: (hurtful) I trusted you and you let me down. You let HER down. But it's my fault too. I should have known better than to trust my chicks with you. You are so irresponsible you can't do a single thing right. I won't make that mistake again.
Morgana: (crying) Arthur, please!
Arthur: I can't believe I even consider you my sister.
Morgana: (struck down hurt by his words)
Uther: (entering the room) That's enough, Arthur. You are being too hard on her.
Arthur: Oh, that's rich coming from you.
Uther: I beg your pardon?
Arthur: You always send her to the dungeons when she speaks out of turn, but sure, me telling her her truths when she royally messed up is too much bear.
Uther: This is not the same, she made a little mistake-
Arthur: A LITTLE? She lost my chicks!
Uther: And most of them were found. Is not like they are all gone, but you are making a fuss over an animal like a child!
Arthur: Rain is not just an animal to me. She's like a daughter, MY daughter! (tears welling up in his eyes) But of course you wouldn't understand. You don't have a daughter!
Uther: (shouts) I DO!
Arthur: (confused) ... what?
Morgana: (just as confused) What?
Uther: (realises his slip up) I do have a son, I mean. So I understand the feeling but you can't honestly compare-
Arthur: (laughs)
Uther: What's so funny?
Arthur: You didn't have a son, your Majesty. (stresses the last word) You had a heir to the throne.
Uther: (his face darkening) Watch your tongue, Arthur. I am still your king and your father. You will not speak to me this way.
Arthur: You just proved it.
Uther: What?
Arthur: That you are my king before you are my father.
Uther: ...
Arthur: (turns to Morgana) I'm going to look for my daughter now, and they better haven't touched a single feather on her, because if anything remotely bad happens to her, I will never forgive you. (leaves)
Uther: Arthur! (pauses, incresingly furious due to his son not listening to him for the first time) This is outragious! Getting all worked up over some pets! I should've never allowed him to keep those animals. I'll have him thrown in the dungeons at once!
Morgana: Don't you dare! Arthur has every right to be upset, it's you who is being insensitive.
Uther: Insensitive? You dare speak to me of insensitivity after your carelessness caused this mess?
Morgana: (standing her ground, though her voice trembles) I made a mistake. I admit that. One for which I will never forgive myself. But Arthur’s pain is real, and you’re dismissing it as if it means nothing. Those chicks—especially Rain—mean the world to him. Can’t you see that?
Uther: Oh, I can clearly see it now! I have the prince of Camelot being all sentimental over some birds.
Morgana: At least he knows how to feel something other than anger and control. How many times have you told him that you love him? That you care for him?
Uther: How did this conversation turn to me? We are talking about Arthur's irrationality and disproportionate reaction!
Morgana: It has everything to do with it! Do you know why Arthur gives 'those birds' as you call them so much love?
Uther: Because I wrongly let him get attached to them.
Morgana: No, he's just giving them the love you never gave him.
Uther: ...
Morgana: (sighs) I'll go see if there are any news of Rain. (leaves)
Meanwhile in some hostel in Camelot.
Gwaine: (sleeping on a bed) 😴
Rain: (on top of his chest, pecks him)
Gwaine: Ow! What the-
Rain: (keeps pecking him, furious) Wake up you lazy human! 😡 I'm hungry! 😫
Gwaine: (still half sleep) Ow! It's not the first time a lady has woken me up violently, but usually it's slaps, not-ow!-pecks?... wait a minute... (sits up suddenly very awake and Rain ends up on his lap) What the... What is a bird doing in my room?! 😨
Rain: You brought me here you crazy human! 😡
Gwaine: (hungover, brings a hand to his head) Ugh... How much did I drink yesterday?
Rain: FEED ME! 😤 (pecks him again)
Gwaine: Ow! Get off! 😠 (pushes her aside so she's on the bed instead of his lap)
Rain: You... you pushed me 🥺.
Gwaine: Why are you looking at me like that?
Rain: (burst out chirp crying) WAAAA! 😭
Gwaine: No, no, no! I'm sorry! Did I hurt you? Stop chirping, please! Ugh, This is not helping my hungover.
Old woman: (enters with a plate) Room service. (spots Rain, but she's shortsighted) Is that a rooster?
Rain: I'm not a rooster! 😠 (chirps louder) HELP! This human male has me captured! 😭
Gwaine: (looks at Rain) I'm not sure what it is.
Old woman: Well, better shut it up or I'll make a meal with it.
Rain: (shuts up, scared)
Old woman: (giggles) I think that worked. (leaves the plate and leaves)
Rain: (trembling) She is a human predator! 😰
Gwaine: (takes the plate, which contains chicken, grain and water, and puts it on his lap) Yikes, this thing is half raw. (looks the grain) Oh, birds eat grain, don't they? (to Rain) You can eat this.
Rain: FOOD! 🤤 (goes to the chicken and starts eating, not caring that it's not her favourite bird or that she has to tear it herself or that it's half cooked cause she is so SO hungry)
Gwaine: A bird eating a bird?! 😧 Isn't that cannibalism? Oh, well. Leave something for me, will you? I'm hungry too- (about to grab a bit of chicken)
Rain: (chirps threatenly) MINE! 😡
Gwaine: Alright, alright! Have all the chicken. (grabs the grain and sighs) I guess I'll eat this.
Tagging @dsabian , @theplatanitosqueal , @stressed-but-chill , @gregre369 , @chaosofbelievers , @thelordofabsolutelynothing , @another-tblr-fangirl , @aceauthorcatqueen , @smileytrinity , @tiny-and-witchy , @wako-weirdo , @a-very-tired-ravenclaw , @schiwalkers-ineffability , @natsu2501malo , @dearfuturelyn , @thedollopheadofcamelot , @yougottobekittenme , @your-local-asylum-escapee , @theroundbartable , @alo-ween , @orliththedragon , @dumbdemjin , @dangerhumming , @fandomabibliophobia
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funfairsundaes · 2 days ago
✨Some Cassie and Bailey O’Callahan lore✨
✨💜👒💜✨ 💜👒💜✨ Cassie ✨💜👒💜✨ 💜👒💜✨
👒 Cassie has gained a half-warranted reputation for being an enigmatic ditz, both in her hometown and everywhere else she goes. She’ll often be seen quietly and confidently doing things that make sense to only her. Watering silk flowers. Decorating trees in the local park. Occasionally catching a oddly tame squirrel or two. Whatever she’s doing, do not expect an explanation as to why.✨
👒 She enjoys chocolates, chocolate cherries, chocolate berries, chocolate truffles… anything chocolate covered, really. Being denied of even little joys while in nearly every place she has lived in, candies were easy enough to sneak into her room and hide, and such lessons in have served her greatly.✨
👒 Though normally not a very athletic person, she does occasionally enjoy swimming and horseback riding.✨
👒 Despite being a rather bashful individual, previous circumstances have given her a fear of being left completely alone. She’s big on hand holding. Likewise, she never sleeps with the light off if she can help it.✨
👒 She prefers to speak with body language more than she does with spoken word, especially with those she doesn’t know that well. When she does speak out loud, it’s usually either with compassionate wisdom, or absent-minded non-sequiturs, with very little transition.✨
👒 Cassie is a hobbyist doll maker. She grew up sewing scraps of fabric together into small dolls and stuffing them with wool and sawdust, and eventually learned to work other materials such as leather, wood, and spun cotton. Keeping a journal full of the various ideas she has for projects, she intricately mapping out each cut and stitch, approaching each individual piece like a puzzle or mystery to be solved, and modifying it as she goes.✨
👒 On the subject of mysteries, her favorite stories are often found in between the covers of pulp magazines, murder mysteries and detective dramas. One can assume she’s trying to cope with the disappearance of her own parents.✨
✨💚🐰💚 ✨💚🐰💚✨ Bailey ✨💚🐰💚 ✨💚🐰💚✨
🐰 Bailey likes chicken soup. Bailey really likes chicken soup. Unlike Cassie, who prefers sweet foods, Bailey likes chicken soup, and he will let the whole world know about it if he must. He’ll also be pleased with chicken pot pie, but it’s still just not the same.✨
🐰 Also, unlike his older sister, Bailey is a very open and friendly boy, ready to befriend nearly anyone at the drop of a hat, demanding validation and support from anyone who will offer it. Unfortunately, being raised by a person like Cassie has not given him the best social graces, and he can come off as brash and rude, and accidentally knocking certain spaghetti-limbed people to the ground with surprise hugs is not unheard of.✨
🐰 Though he’s never actually been down into the speakeasy (heaven forbid!), he does look forward to visiting the Little Daisy Café during every so often, to befriend those who work there.✨
🐰 As much as he loves other people, he has a fear of most animals bigger than a rabbit, especially large dogs. He’s far more confident around livestock animals, having grown up closer to them, but still prefers to keep his distance as much as possible, and will hide behind Cassie if they make a loud noise.✨
🐰 Bailey keeps his bunny and blanket with him at all times. After the loss of his parents and the subsequent sleepless nights that followed, Cassie built him a rabbit made of scraps of suede leather and an old flour sack. He considers it to be an extension of all of his family members, comforting him at his most nervous. He often chews on the leather ears, and they often have to be replaced.✨
🐰 Telling Bailey what to do usually leads him to do the exact opposite, partially out of defiance, and partially out of the desire for any sort of attention. Pranks and mischief abound.✨
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lavenderchqn · 23 hours ago
hello! I really like your work, and I have a request if you don't mind:
A fanfic where tighnari, fem reader, traveler and paimon are investigating some mysterious anomalies in the forest. Y/n seems a bit nervous during the exploration and the others notice. So while tighnari is off gathering food or something, y/n decides to be honest and explain why she's nervous, confiding in the traveler and paimon about her having a crush on tighnari. However, sometime after he comes back, paimon accidentally slips up and spills y/n's secret right in front of him. Y/n is terribly embarrassed by this, bonus if part of the mission involves the group splitting up and she ends up alone with tighnari after this happens lmao
Thanks for reading my request, sorry if it's written poorly (it's almost 1am rn), no pressure to accept this if you don't wanna
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✧・┆blabbermouth — tighnari
— a ley line disorder is causing people to lose their memories, making tighnari turn to you for assistance. what you don't know, is that paimon's the worst at keeping secrets... and you just revealed your crush to her on accident
requested by anon! thank you so much for the request~ many apologies for getting to it so late
content warnings: reader referred to as [y/n]; the traveler is addressed as they/them; friends to lovers; don't trust paimon with your secrets yall.
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“Katheryne sent you?” Tighnari asks, confirming what he’s just heard was not a miscount or a cruel joke. He tilts his head to the side, ears flopping with it. “I have not been made aware of any anomalies in our sides lately.” He says, holding his chin. “Are you certain, she’s mentioned Avidya Forest specifically?” 
“Of course we’re certain! Why would we joke about that?!” Paimon’s scratchy voice gets higher and higher with each word. She’s getting annoyed at the lack of belief from their friend, and especially having to convince him it’s not just a hoax. By this point, the Traveler and their floaty companion have done everything they could to pick at the scholar’s brain regarding the ley line disorder. 
According to the commission’s description, freshly written at the Adventurer’s Guild, people had been reported leaving the forest with parts of their memory poof-ed out of existence! They could remember entering the depths but had no idea how they’d made their way out, nor what they’d been doing there. 
“Losing memories, huh…” Tighnari hums, letting out a small sigh. “I’ve never dealt with anything remotely close to that, especially as the chief watcher.” He stands up to peruse the bookshelves full of past reports. “Give me a second here, okay?” 
The Traveler and Paimon exchange glances, as they relax in the scholar’s hut. If they knew one thing about Tighnari, it was how thorough he was with his materials — maps, details, side effects, he had them all written down. Not to mention, he kept everything from before his involvement with the watchers, courtesy of his seniors, of course. 
His fingers skim over scrolls, looking at the symptoms showcased by the unfortunate victims. “Hallucination… Fatigue… Temporary confusion…” He tsks as he reaches the last report. “No.” He turns to the travelling duo. “Nothing about straight-out memory loss.” 
“Then what do we do?!” The tiny fairy exclaims, flying around and flailing her hands everywhere. The others instantly flinch at the shriek she just let out. “We can’t just leave things things as they are! What if people start losing their memories and forget who they are!” 
“That’s… a bit of a stretch,” Tighnari utters, holding his ears down and furrowing his brows. “First of all, lower your voice, you’re far too loud.” He sighs, only removing his hands once Paimon mutters a quiet sorry. “The situation is dire. We best make our move as soon as possible.” 
Paimon only nods excitedly, as the blond next to her thanks the Valuka Shuna for his assistance. “Don’t mention it,” He says, reaching for his satchel — full of essentials. “I can lead us to the place most likely mentioned as the ‘depths’. However,” Tighnari pauses, as he steps out of his hut. “We’re not going there just as we are. We need the assistance of a ley line expert. I’d rather have us not suffer from memory loss, too.”
There are a few seconds of silence shared between them. The scholar’s eyes are scanning over the Ville, in search of a specific person, as Paimon tries finding comfort in Traveler’s pets — poor little pixie has been agonising over losing her memories. Quietly, mind you, to not cause Tighnari any harm. 
“Ah,” He seems to have found the person he’s been looking for. “Collei!” Tighnari calls out to his apprentice, getting her attention instantly. She makes her way to his hut instantly, noticing the travelling duo behind her mentor. 
“Master, has something happened?” Collei asks, rubbing her hands from nerves. Her hands are full of bags, giving the signals she’s just returned from the main city. “Hi, you two.” She adds, locking the eyes with Paimon, with a hushed voice. 
“Do you happen to know if [Y/N] has set off on their excursion yet?” He asks, hoping the girl’s answer will be negative. Tighnari is certain, that if he’d ask Collei to assist in the journey to figure out whatever the deal with the memory-sucking forest was, she’d be more than delighted to help. Alas, the task clearly called for a ley line specialist, first of all. As for the second thing — it would be unwise to push a junior into a clearly dangerous mission. 
“I passed by their house on my way back, actually!” She perks up, tapping her chin in thought. “Their plants were still outside, so if you’re quick you might catch them.” 
Ah yes. [Y/N]’s plants. The sign that the friends and folks looked out for. The second your two pots full of paradisahs — gifted years back by Tighnari — were gone so were you. There was only one person you trusted with watering them. And although his nose itched from the different aromas mixing together, the scholar kept fulfilling his promise. Of keeping your plants as beautiful as when you’d received them. 
Tighnari nods, relief washing over his face. “Good, thank you, Collei.” He says, turning back to the other members of the adventuring team. “Let’s go, you two — we best be quick.” 
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The city is too crowded for anyone’s liking. Paimon does her best to dodge scholars and citizens alike, voicing her thoughts. “So, what makes [Y/N] the best choice for this? Not that Paimon’s not trusting your choice, Tighnari! Paimon’s just curious…” 
“They know Sumeru’s ley lines by heart, by this point.” He says, walking up to the single house on the city outskirts. “Not to mention, they follow the adventuring etiquette.” It’s a few knocks, followed by some curses and a… oh god, did something fall down before the house owner opens the door. 
“T-Tighnari!” You greet him, albeit nervously. “To… what I owe the visit?” Your behaviour seems odd — the travelling duo thinks. Tighnari mentioned you two being friends on the way here, so why were you this nervous. Maybe you’re just shy… Yeah, that’s most likely. 
“How busy are you?” He asks directly. “I need your expertise for an excursion into the forest depths. Very urgent.” 
You blink, still slightly out of breath from whatever chaos just occurred inside your house. “Urgent?” You echo, processing his words. “What exactly are we dealing with?” Did— did you seriously just disregard your own planned trip for anything Tighnari threw at you? 
“Memory loss,” Tighnari states bluntly, his tail flickering in impatience. “Reports of people entering the depths of the forest and leaving with no recollection of what they did there.” Your grip on the door tightens. “That’s concerning…” You know ley line disorders can cause all sorts of nasty side effects, but erasing memories, when ley lines were straight-up memories? That was new.
“G-give me a moment, please,” You say, slipping back inside. The sound of rustling fills the air as you gather supplies — notes, paper, provisions. Everything to make sure you’ll get in and out with any injuries. 
As you step back outside, now fully prepared, you catch the Traveler — whom you got introduced to by Tighnari as you were whirlwinding to gather everything necessary in passing — observing you with quiet curiosity. Paimon, on the other hand, seems more interested in the bag slung over your shoulders. 
Tighnari gets closer, adjusting the strap holding your bag. Not too loose, not too tight. He looks at you, eyebrow raised slightly. “It’s okay.” You mutter, although your eyes focus on the fairy’s sudden movement. You hope she doesn’t knock any of your plants over.
“That’s a lot of stuff,” She remarks, circling around your body to take in the results of your thrown-together packing. “Can ley lines be really that dangerous?” You give a small smile, nodding. “They can be. It’s best to overpack than contemplate over not being prepared well enough.” 
The scholar nods approvingly before turning on his heel. “Good. I’ll go on ahead and put somebody in charge with the rangers… Just in case we’ll need rescuing ourselves.” 
With that, he departs, leaving you and the travelling duo alone. It won’t be an issue for you to meet up with the scholar later. And it’s… awkward. Let’s just say, it’s a given that finding something to talk about is difficult with people you’ve met for the first time. 
“Ssooo…” Paimon begins, hoping to at least lead the conversation somewhere. Or start it, really. “Do you not like Tighnari all that much?” She asks, fiddling with her fingers together in nervousness. “Paimon think he’s a nice guy. Even if he complains about Paimon being too loud sometimes.” The Traveler stays quiet, having trusted Tighnari's prior mention of your relationship.
“Not like?” You echo, confusion plastered on your face. “Why would you think that? Do we look like we dislike each other?” You gasp, hands flying to your mouth. 
The fairy puffs up her cheeks. “Well, you seemed really nervous when you saw him! Like, more nervous than Layla when she has a deadline! Paimon thought maybe you didn’t wanna see him or something.” 
You blink, then laugh softly, shaking your head. “Oh no, it’s nothing like that, trust me. Tighnari and I are good friends.” You pause, choosing your words carefully. “I was just… caught off guard, that’s all!” You try your best to try and steer the conversation in your favour. “Nothing about me having a crush on him or anything…” You laugh nervously, breathing heavily. 
“Paimon thinks that was very specific,” she muses, bobbing midair as she scrutinises your face. “It’s not like Paimon asked if you had a crush on him, but now that you mention it…” 
You freeze, realising your mistake. Heavens, why did I say that? You quickly turn away, fiddling with the strap of your bag as if it suddenly required all your attention. “I— that’s not—“ You sigh, exhaling sharply before shaking your head, lightheaded and warm all over your face. 
The Traveler hides a knowing smile, while Paimon giggles behind her hand. “Paimon promises not to say anything!” She extends her pinky finger in your direction, even if you don’t pay attention to her. For some reason, you seem to have an inkling feeling in your body. The universe straight up telling you, that Paimon will not keep up her promise. 
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The journey seems easy for the most part. It’s not the first time when you have assisted Tighnari with forest maintenance. The Traveler is proving themselves to be an amazing bodyguard — knocking down the confused hillichurls and squeaky fungi long before Tighnari has a chance to draw his bow. Paimon, as of now, has only been expressing interest in some of the flora, giving the ranger the perfect opportunity to talk your ear off about them. 
However, the deeper you go, the stranger the atmosphere becomes. At first, it’s subtle. Shadows seem to shift oddly, the air carries a faint hum, and the leaves rustle even without wind. You jot down notes as you walk, feeling a slight unease settle in your gut. 
Then, it happens. 
The moment you cross into a clearing, an overwhelming dizziness washes over you. You stumble slightly, gripping the strap of your bag for support. Tighnari notices instantly. “Are you alright?” His tail flicks as he steps closer, grabbing your hands to make sure you don’t fall all of a sudden. His brows are furrowed with concern, as he looks around for any sign causing the shift. 
You blink rapidly, shaking your head as if to clear it. “Yeah— Just… felt strange for a second there.” You let go of his hands, fiddling with your fingers instead. Even with his gloves on, his touch felt so gentle… Paimon is keeping close to her companion, making them promise to protect her in case of anything jumping out at you. “When have I not protected you, Paimon,” You swear you can hear the blond traveler mutter. 
Tighnari’s ears twitch, his sharp eyes scanning the clearing as he instinctively places a protective hand on your shoulder. The air is thick. Almost as if charged with an energy, which makes the fine hairs on your arms stand on end. It feels wrong. It’s almost as if the ley lines pulse beneath your feet, humming in a way that’s almost… alive. “The road splits there.” He points into the distance. 
It feels almost comical. Or something straight from a storybook — a mysterious ‘fog’, the road winding into directions to make you split. Just what on earth is happening. 
“Let’s split!” Paimon tugs the Traveler into one of the paths. “The two of us together. Besides,” She looks at you. “Paimon’s certain [Y/N] will appreciate being with Tighnari much more than either of us!” Oh. Oh no. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tighnari raises an eyebrow, eyes switching between you next to him, and the pixie that’s trying to push her partner forward. He gently grabs her floating cape, making her stop in her movement. “Paimon.”
She freezes in midair, an awkward giggle escaping her lips. “Uh— nothing! Nothing at all! Paimon’s totally not trying to set you up together or anything! You two are, uh, the best at investigating the ley lines! Yep, yep!” You freeze. The traveler freezes. Heck, even Paimon, who just spilled your secret, freezes as she ends her sentence. 
You don’t even get a chance to confront her before she gets her companion to wander off into one of the paths. The world spins. You’re not sure if you want to cry or pass out. You knew your mind would never lie. Cursed pixie. Your legs start shaking when Tighnari lowers you to the ground. You’re certain you’re one word away from turning into a river. 
“Oh come on, silly, what the tears for?” He crouches in front of you, taking off the gloves to wipe them away. You’re hiccuping badly, the tightness in your chest getting stronger. Tighnari begins to rub circles into one of your hands while patting your back with the other. Anything to try and ground you. Even if getting through with the situation was dire, leaving you like this was the last thing he wanted to do. 
“Sorry— I just— I don’t know…” You cover your face, breathing heavily. Even if you ever planned on confessing your feelings, this was not how you wanted to go around doing it. “Please, just reject me so that we can get back to… exploring.” 
Now it’s Tighnari’s turn to be the surprised one. Did you seriously think he would reject you? That your skull just wouldn’t comprehend that perhaps, the feelings were not one-sided? “Hey, look at me.” You turn your head away. “[Y/N],” He cupped your chin, tilting your face to look at him — green eyes focused on yours. So pretty…
The motion is subtle. Tighnari leans in slightly, bringing your lips together. It’s weirdly comforting… like you two just belong together. There’s no fireworks, no nothing. It’s here… and it feels correct, just like home. You don’t even get a chance to reciprocate, when he gives you one more kiss, this time on the forehead. 
“Come on, we need to get going, Buttercup,” He gets up first, offering his hand to help you up. With his gloves back on, it still feels weird. You’ve spent years, and many, oh so many, nights thinking about a potential relationship with him. And here he is, kissing you as if it was all figured out. 
As you take the other path, Tighnari’s hand never leaves yours. His eyes and ears are out — scouting for the smallest sources of danger. Now that you’re on the same page regarding your feelings, he can protect you in more obvious ways. 
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“A scholar who thinks camping out in the forest and experimenting on weird stuff is a good idea…” Cyno comments, taking a sip of his drink. It’s the usual Friday night — the weekly meetup for the clique. “Where have I heard this before?” He hums, eyes clearly locked onto Tighnari. 
“Karkata is doing fine, thank you very much,” He sighs, remembering the headache of the past experience. “He’s learned how to make bouquets recently,” Tighnari slides a photo, taken with the camera graciously borrowed from the Traveler. You’re standing next to the robot, eyes in full excitement as you notice the flowers sitting on top of the robot’s head. 
“Sure buddy. You just programmed it to impress your soulmate.” Cyno deadpans. “Don’t worry though, everyone is rooting for you to have a blooming relationship.” 
“Oh, you’ll just have to let me know, whenever you decide to have your wedding!” Kaveh chips in, drunk to the heavens. “I’ll make sure your flower arrangements are the best.” 
“Make sure to not mention to Paimon that you’re looking at rings,” Alhaitham looks up from his book. “She’s done far enough for your relationship.” 
Tighnari’s eyes narrow. He replays the sentence in his head, dissecting it like he’d done whenever investigating Sumeru’s flora. His brain takes a second too long to process the words. The next thing he knows is his eyes darting between Cyno, Kaveh and Alhaitham. 
“Since when—?”
“Since you’ve been budding with excitement for the past week.”  
“Cyno, shut up!” 
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date of posting — march 14th 2025
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imjustalittlecrazy · 2 days ago
More yandere platonic queen please we eaten so good over here can’t wait to see what happens next
To Each Their Own (Chapter 3)
Platonic yandere Queen and fem reader!
TW! Assault. Non-sexual nudity.
1.0k words, kinda beta read.... I didn't know how to end this one off so it kinda just abruptly ends.
Your eyes went wide at the question, and suddenly you push yourself up off the ground. The reaction surprises the queen, and she too stands up albeit more gracefully. You don’t say anything, but you shuffle more towards the double doors, in hopes that the queen will dismiss you.
“Dear,” the queen says softly, “please tell me what’s wrong, why are you acting this way?” she questions. You can’t help but back away, hoping that somehow the doors will be right behind you for a grand escape. You’re so nervous about talking to the queen about the head maid, that you don’t truly understand that this women in front of you is a powerful woman, that she has the ability to fire the head maid, not the other way around.
“Your majesty,” you stutter through the words, “I have no idea why you would assume something of that matter, the head maid is fair and treats all the staff the same.” The words fall fastly from your lips, and you hope the queen doesn’t notice. Of course she does though, seeing as she immediately responds by saying,
“Dear child, I caught Charleen in a blatant lie about you, she’s already done at the castle, I merely was checking in on you, however if you don’t want to talk about it then, I suppose you can go onto bed.” She’s gentle while talking to you almost like a mother would to a mere child. You nod, too scared to speak, too scared to acknowledge her words, and most importantly to scared about what may await you when you head back to the servant quarters.
Your mind is a mess as you walk along the hall, and you can’t help but pinch the skin above your collar bone, a nervous tick you’ve had since you were a child. Theres no one around, yet you can sense eyes on you. You jump suddenly because of a noise behind you, and when turning around you are met with a maid…
Melina, a maid who’s been nothing but hateful towards you, approaches with a sick smirk on her face. You can already sense that this isn’t going to be a nice encounter.
“I’ve been waiting along time for the go ahead from Charleen.” she says. “Been waiting patiently to have my way with you.”
You tense, and you turn slightly back around, hoping no one is behind you, but sadly you can see two more maids. Ave and Lisa they’re apart of Charleen’s posse.
“Don’t look at them, look at me.” Melina shouts out. You flinch, noticing that she is close, too close. You can feel the panic rising, can feel your heart trying to jump out of your chest, and not to mention you’re still a bit woozy from fainting earlier.
There’s a hand on your shoulder as soon as you blink, and just as fast, there is a fist to your gut. You groan out is obvious pain, but that seems to only spurr her on. Its not just the one punch, it’s a kick, its more hands, and more kicks, and now you’re on the ground shielding your head with your bruising arms.
Its feels like an eternity but eventually they stop, and you can here Melina talking, but no words make it to you, however you do fell something land on your arms. Of course she would spit on you after an awful beating. Your head is pounding, but you make out footsteps leaving your vicinity.
Unshielding yourself, you stare up at the hallway ceiling, struggling to breathe. You lay there for a moment, until you know they truly did leave. Slowly, you drag yourself over to the wall closets to you and manage to push yourself up into a sitting position. You inhale to the best of your ability when you feel the dullest pain by your ribs, however you can’t see what it may be because of your uniform.
The pain pushes you to make your way towards the communal showers, in hopes of washing and checking yourself before anyone else finds you. But your luck still seems to be as bad as it’s been all day, because a gasp is heard from behind you a little later in the showers, fearing for the worst you flinch and curl into yourself.
It’s not anyone bad though, in fact once you really here the voice, you realize… it’s one of the only people who seems to have your back… The head chef Tammy, one of the oldest staff members, and one of your only friends.
“Who did this to you?” she questions as she runs a hand over your ribs. You hiss in response, and she quickly retracts her hand.
“No one, I fell.” Is all that is mumbled from your busted lip. She scoffs, and doesn’t hesitate to touch more of your damaged skin while saying,
“This is not something you get from a fall, now tell me who did this right now young lady or so help me god.” She’s seething at this point, but you understand that the anger is not directed at you.
“Mrs. Tammy, its nothing,” you repeat the lie in your head after saying it, in hopes of making yourself believe it. “I’ve had a long day Mrs. Tammy, and all I want to do now is go to bed.” You brush past her, while finally tugging your shirt on. She follows, close behind you and when the two of you make it to the door of the servant quarters, she pushes her way through, starting a rant about when she finds out who was responsible, only for it to die on her lips as she sees the state of your sleeping area.
The whole thing is shredded, and the trunk at the end, the trunk that holds all your belongings is destroyed. You gasp and you know everyone is staring as you limp over to your stuff. There is only thing you truly care about that was in that chest and you hope the people who did this had some mercy. Your worst fear is confirmed as you slowly pick up the shredded stuffed shark that lies on the ground.
You tear up, and you hear Mrs. Tammy start shouting, but you can’t understand her through the tears, through the sobs. You also don’t hear her call for you as you run out of the servant quarters, dead shark in your hands, and some how make it all the way back the queens’ quarters. This time you don’t hesitate to knock, only stopping once the doors finally open.
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forgottenarias · 21 hours ago
As Arthur approached, bright smile directed towards her, Aria thought then what it might like if their situations were different. Would they be standing here, off to the side of the feast as they were now, or might he offer her his arm, have her by his side while he regaled his knights and the court ladies of his trials in the lists that day? Aria might tease Arthur for being a bit too proud of his victory but still agree with any accolades bestowed upon him by others. Perhaps their fingers might brush against the other's and she might give him a smile when no one else was paying attention.
But that was not their reality. Their reality was here, off to the side of the festivities next to Aria's guard who was yawning... again.
"Am I not your champion?"
"Do you know why I gave you my favor?" She wanted to ask. "Not because I thought you the most likely to win, not for any sort of glory, but because it meant something. It meant that I care for you. It meant that I believe you. It meant that I believe in you. It meant that I…"
But she could not say those words, could not even think them. Aria could not love him. Even if love was what she was feeling-- and, with each passing day, she grew more confident that was, in fact, how she felt, she could not admit it. Aria knew that there was not a world in which loving Arthur Varmont would bring anything but sorrow for her... so did he matter is she admitted it to herself... to him?
But part of her wanted to admit it to herself... to him and to know if, perhaps, he might feel the same. Even if there was no world where they could be together, a small part of her thought the remainder of her life-- whatever it might turn out to be-- could be more bearable if she knew he loved her too. 
"I feel it is unfair for me to claim any of your glory, having done little but sit all day long," Aria answered with a bit of a laugh. "But..." her gaze dropped from his to the ground for a moment before returning to meet once again. "...I am most happy to share it with...you."
Something felt odd between them, something reserved, something strained. She wished they could be alone, somewhere where they might speak to each other without the eyes and ears of everyone around them forcing the pair into the bonds of formality.
She could hardly believe she was thinking such a thing, but she wanted to be back in the tower with the riots raging below. So much had been left unsaid that day and she wondered if there might ever be a time they could be said. Why hadn't she followed him, implore him not to leave her, make him listen to her words. “Yes, you have done harm Arthur Varmont, but I know you wish to be more… you are a better man than your father could ever hope to be.”
"Yes!” Aria’s initial response to Arthur's offer of riding in the city was enthusiastic but cooler heads prevailed and she paused to choose her words before continuing. "That is… Only if you think it wise. I... I do not think your father has forgotten our visit to the orphanage," Aria frowned a bit at the thought. "But if he would agree... I would be grateful. And of course, you are very busy yourself... so…” she paused again. “Only if you might find the time.”
In truth, the tournament made her nervous, anxious. She'd gripped the edge of her seat, her nails digging into the wood when the Emperor had felled Arthur on the first day in the jousts. She’d known the weapons were not sharp, but she’d let out a gasp right along with the rest of the crowd when the Astairan man had bested Arthur in the first melee with such a ferocity that Aria had wondered if he might not have run him through had the blades been sharpened.
So she was not disappointed to hear he would be in the stands the next day.
"It must be a great honor to fight alongside the Emperor... I would imagine it is the hope of any of the contestants..." Aria commented. She wondered what his father might think if he knew Arthur wore her favor, if the Emperor knew his eldest son was sharing his victory by one of the bastards of Stafford.
"This event it is... not like what we are," she paused. "were used to here. But then, I suppose you might find out celebrations a bit dull... there is not so much spectating. There were games, but not like yours, Foot races, feats of strength. But most often also a market, where vendors and artisans would come from far away to sell their wares. There was always music, always dancing, always so much food you could never try it all..."
Again, Aria thought of what it might be should their circumstances be different. She thought of the Beltane festivals that would have taken place in a few weeks time, how different those would have been from the Emperor's tournament. Arthur's hand in hers as they weaved through the crowds at the markets, dancing to the music as the bonfires blazed, watching the sun rising over the hill after staying up throughout the night.
"What shall you do with your prize?" Aria blurted out, trying to push those thoughts away. It was a world that could never exist for them.
One Night | Arthur & Aria
"Everyone, my lady. They are, all of them, my father's people. They are all mine to protect."
Arthur's words ran through Aria's head again as she stared across the great hall to where Eilia was seated next to the Emperor. Aria knew the look her on her sisters face, the well practiced Stafford expression that meant to convey no expression at all. Aria had hoped that the Emperor had given up his goal of marrying her sister when he had declared the Staffords bastards but it seemed that would not be the case.
Aria pressed her back against the wall, feeling a bit out of her own skin dressed in the silks and satins Cassandra had insisted she wear when Aria had asked the youngest Varmont princess about attire for the tournament. Aria had never imagined Cassandra would commisson her an entire set of outfits for her to wear for the event. Part of the plan, she'd told herself and Eilia when they'd been delivered to their tiny quarters. It was all part of the plan.
"Eilia should be queen," Aria thought to herself, an often repeated mantra in these past weeks. She watched her sister give Roderick a short response to whatever question he had asked of her. Though the Emperor's face did not show it, Aria imagined he was less than pleased with her limited responses.
"Butcher I may be, but butcher I do not wish to remain."
Aria heard the guard next to her, who had been her near constant companion during the tournaments events, yawn. Aria turned her head slightly so she could just see him out of the corner of her eye.
"I'm not planning on running away if you'd like to go take a nap," Aria informed him. The guard frowned, saying nothing, though he suddenly was adjusting his stance, standing straighter and no longer leaning against the wall as she herself was in that moment. Aria turned her gaze back to the crowd to gauge the reason and was met with Arthur Varmont making his way towards her.
"Eilia should be queen," Aria thought to herself once again as Arthur reached her. Despite herself, she smiled slightly as he approached. It had been today Arthur had finally found himself the champion of the day and Aria had silently reminded herself she shouldn't look too pleased when he finally claimed victory.
"Let me offer you congratulations on your victory today, Imperial Highness," Aria offered, clasping her hands behind her back as she pushed away from the wall, standing up properly to speak with him. The pair had spoken little in the past days with the activities and festivities that had been taking place, but Aria had seen the small white fabric pinned to his surcoat each time he'd entered the tournament grounds. Aria had made a point not to think about why she'd handed him that handkerchief, not to think about how he'd interpreted her gesture. Aria Stafford could not admit that to herself... not yet.
"I am here to do all the good I can."
"Seeing you out there today did make me realize how dearly I miss riding from time to time," Aria mused, suddenly unsure of what more to say. "Tomorrow is to be... a group..." she paused, fumbling for the word. "Melee?" she finally concluded.
Tournaments had been rare in Astaira in the way the Varmonts held them, the country being more prone to festivals that all could partake in. There had been competitions, yes, but wargames had rarely taken place.
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lokiusly · 1 year ago
imagine shaming shippers for feeling lololol
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heartshattering · 11 months ago
5 AM
Just me and my overactive mind facing the nighttime again 🙃
#hopefully the meds work but while waiting for them to kick in I get so damn nervous#and sometimes I do get nights where even on my full dose my anxiety is too overpowering and I just. Do Not Sleep#I mean I do eventually but not without spiraling first :')#way before I was prescribed sleep meds my longest was 3 nights without sleep while on a VERY stressful trip#I felt like I was gonna die and I did not sleep until I got off the plane and was back at home#(this was like 15 years ago already but it still haunts me fhfgsgdh)#my best friend and I were having a conversation today#and she was like 'not sleeping can make you hallucinate right?'#and I was like :') I get the hallucinations in other scenarios too#BUT I also get what she meant#not sleeping is really bad for me mentally which is why I can't do 'sleep restriction therapy'#and fun fact#a lot of my OCD obsessions revolve around sleep!!!#which is 'awesome' because laying in bed with insomnia makes my OCD flare up so like#the two get to feed off each other and make my life a living hell!!!#and don't even get me started on my sleep paralysis episodes#(which I like to think of as just my brain misfiring but that my aunt tells me is saints or demons trying to talk to me)#'cause she hallucinates too but hers are like 'spiritual' or whatever#same with my mom's hallucinations as well#and to add fuel to the dumpster fire of my mind and body is the fact I've been overcaffeinating again#which I've known not to do ever since I was in middle school and saw the pediatric cardiologist who specifically said 'hey don't do that'#fast-forward to adulthood and I still haven't learned how to handle anything#like. I have heart meds and sleep meds and migraine meds and IBS meds#and yes meds are good but like. I know you need to incorporate lifestyle changes as well#which I do for like 2 weeks until the next time I fuck up#I've been so irresponsible lately but like. ESPECIALLY today#didn't eat#took some meds on an empty stomach and forgot to take my other ones at all#had too much caffeine#stressed out over some stupid situations thanks to overthinking
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makismei · 3 months ago
in the same universe as this :,) cw: toy usage, hint of brat taming, hints of sadism & machoism, 18+ content, overstim, dubious consent, soft :(
“you’re doing it again,” he deadpans, knocking your thighs open, “keep. them. open.”
pearly slick oozes from your cunt, soiling the newly washed sheets and sticking to your inner thighs. toji sits in front of you, a blank look on his face but you know how he’s truly feeling from his eyes.
lidded and intently focused on your poor, leaky cunt, he mindlessly goes through a small box on the bed, feeling around for what feels interesting.
it’s your box of sex toys. the ones you used before you started dating the man in front of you. it’s been a while since you’ve reached for them, since it feels like toji knows your body wayyy more than you do, and also because he gets you there, he doesn’t let you escape until you’ve gone brainless from all the orgasms he’s blessed you with. why would you ever need to do the work again?
but toji isn’t all too familiar with adult toys. of course, he knows about the basics—dildos and vibrators, but when he accidentally stumbled upon this little treasure box of yours (his own words), curiosity took over him. he’s never seen pieces of silicone and plastic look so lewd, and the look on your face was so precious, he just had to try them.
“hmm,” lowly, he calls your name, “what’s this?”
heavy eyelids blink open, registering what’s in his hand before you shoot up, attempting to scurry away but your bed isn’t that big and his reflexes are out of this world—
“that’s a reaction,” he grins, eyeing the small red toy, shaped like a flower. “you used this one a lot?”
you shake your head, cheeks burning and eyes welling up with tears. crocodile tears, toji raises a brow, beckoning you to continue.
���‘s too much, it..” you trail off, breaking your gaze, but his hand guides you back, gently thumbing your cheek.
“you’re in control baby,” he whispers, “i won’t do anything you don’t want, you know that.”
of course you know, that’s why you let him do whatever the hell he wants with you. and frankly, him using that cursed little rose toy is making you more excited than you thought.
“it… made me squirt for the first time…” you squeak, speeding up with each word spoken, “i only used it a few times because the first setting was already too m—hold on, waitwaitwait—”
“this?” he drags you back, spreading your legs to make room for himself, “m’ gonna have fun with this.”
“toji,” you weep, anticipating, and he knows, a soothing hand caressing your thighs and waist, “m’ nervous.”
and toji knows he’s sick and utterly deplorable, because your reaction is turning him on. he’s excited, out of the few he’s tested already and the others yet to come, he has an inkling of a feeling that this one will be his favourite.
“s’ okay,” he coos, “what’s your word, gorgeous?”
“ginza…” the city you met him in. a little corny, but it works.
he hums, smiling. “you ready?”
you nod, shyly looking up before correcting yourself, “yes.. m’ ready.”
it doesn’t take him long at all to figure out the buttons. there’s only two after all, the power button and the other one that controls the settings.
the buzz makes you tense up, but you relax slightly under your boyfriend’s loving touch.
he spreads your lower lips with a thumb and pointer finger, whistling lowly. he lazily collects your juices, smearing it over your clit.
with bated breaths, you let out a quiet cry when the suction latches onto your swollen clit. back arching almost immediately, toji’s shocked by your reaction. he grins, amused. cute, he thinks, watching you drool and squeal.
you’re surprisingly still, muscles tense and lost hands trying to find purpose.
would it be too much if he started fingering you?
you let out a long wail, head jolting to look down at him. he’s smirking, pleased with your shocked expression.
but he’ll be nice, for now, only sliding in one finger as he eyes your reaction.
it hasn’t even been long, maybe just over two minutes, but by the telltale squeeze of your cunt on his finger he knows you’re cumming.
“already?” he laughs, crooking his finger just right, “no way.”
“i—i told yooouuuu!” you’re absolutely gone when he presses against that little spot inside of you, screeching as your body locks up. toji feels his finger being pushed out, a stream of liquid following, splashing lewdly from your cunt.
and god, just at the sight of you, the sounds you’re making—he’s about to lose it. but he grits his teeth, using a free hand to quickly hold himself off.
he takes the toy away, turning it off, but still stimulating you with his thumb. your body starts quivering from all the pleasure and it’s been a while since he’s seen you cum like that; he worries for a moment that he pushed you too hard.
but he lets you ride it out, quiet sobs of pleasure filling the room. your head is turned to the side, shaking hands covering your face. he praises you softly, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to the inner side of your knee.
when he sees you’ve calmed down, he gently moves your hands away, pressing a kiss to your tear soaked cheeks, both sides, before kissing you deeply. you moan, throwing your arms over his shoulders.
when he pulls away, he cradles your face in his hands. “how was that?”
it feels like a fire ignites beneath your skin, his stare rapt and focused only on you.
your eyes shift away, meek and ashamed, “i liked it…”
“don’t get all shy with me doll,” he grouses, “i gotta know how you feel.”
your hips are still twitchy, eyes glazed over. “toji,” you whine softly, tears pooling in your eyes yet again and this time he’s actually worried. “m’ not lying… it felt so good, but i’m really embarrassed.”
“baby,” he coos, chastely kissing your lips, “s’ okay, s’ nothing you need to be embarrassed about.”
he turns you both over, so you’re laying on his chest. you listen to the sound of his heartbeat, steady and true. the warmth of his body is soothing, his fingers tapping up and down your spine.
“toji,” you call, meek and unsure. he hums.
“i love you,” you mutter, raising your head, “i know we don’t say it a lot, b-but—”
he smiles, all the way from his lips to his eyes. his entire face lights up, “if i knew making you cum real hard makes you a softy—ow! okay! don’t bite me!”
he’s laughing, hand brushing the hair from your face. “i love you. more than you’ll never know, doll.”
it’s resolute, he’s so unashamed that it’s annoying.
you grumble, hiding your face in his chest. your breath stutters when you feel his cock poke your leg.
“sorry,” he chuckles, “he likes you.”
“shut up,” you mumble, hand reaching back. it’s searingly hot and heavy in your hand. you can feel one of his veins pulsing under your touch.
“sweets,” he panics, “s’ okay, jus’ leave it… holy shiitttt..”
you whine, thighs quivering at the feeling of his leaky tip pressing against your slit.
“tojiii,” you drool, looking up at him, “i want it.”
he rubs a hand over his reddening face, unsure. need is taking over him, he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to hold back. “baby, can you handle it?”
you nod, “yes, yes please,” you call his name, drawn out and needy and fuck, he’d be a shit boyfriend if he doesn’t give his lady what she wants right?
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threegoldfish · 8 hours ago
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Something tells Steven that Erikson is onto something; Perhaps it's the way he looks at him, a certain expression lingering within his eyes, or it's because of his chosen words... Steven isn't too sure, but he still feels a little too seen, almost. As if the other man is able to gaze right through his act, dissecting his existence to try and figure out just how many linger beneath the shell of flesh and bone.
And, on top of that, Steven feels a bit guilty now - simply because the other does sound genuine when he expresses his curiosity regarding the Sphinx, wanting to know more. That's literally why Steven is here, why he works at the museum and how he managed to get himself a position as a tour guide; He answers questions and wants to cause people to become curious, to seek more knowledge. Erikson is doing precisely that and here Steven is, too nervous and apparently not calm enough to make this happen in a way that it would satisfy the other.
"Y-you're not bothering me, I promise." And Steven means it. He turns to face his guest again, expression softened signifcantly by now, brows a little furrowed with that mentioned guilt he experiences. "...I would love to give you a tour. I'm here every day, in case you're still around tomorrow, for example?"
...He kind of hopes that the meeting between Jake and Erikson won't go south in a way that it makes the other disappear for forever. It would be a shame to not have him learn more about the Sphinx, perhaps even of all the other things this exhibit has to offer...
Steven smiles, genuinely so, apologetic in nature as he shrugs, then clears his throat. "As said, in case you... are around, I'd be happy to assist. I've got a lot to tell about the Sphinx... and uh, all the other relics as well."
He's not working at the gift shop today, unfortunately; Natalie is, the new trainee - and while her very much peculiar goth-style attire is not really what people would expect to be met with when visiting a museum, she is doing a good job at selling things to customers.
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Putting on his flat cap, Jake's done with changing into his own attire; He folds Steven's clothes with neat precision, gloved hands making sure to put everything back into their shared locker before he locks it up, entering the passcode that is shared between the three of them. It's pretty convenient to have such a thing here, at Steven's workplace - allows them to switch more easily between one another in cases like these.
Steven usually takes the body home before Jake fronts for the rest of the night (Marc occasionally does as well, but it's usually him), yet sometimes there's no time for that, easier for them to change place right here instead of seeking out their apartment. That's why they agreed upon storing a set of clothes for each of them - since they're so unique and prefer to express themselves in different ways, the solution of this shared locker is comfortable and easy to manage.
Whistling a low tune, he leaves the men's changing room, clocks out on Steven's behalf - no need to interact with anyone here, all of that shit works electronically nowadays, so all Jake has to do is to put a little chip into a reader slot and off they go, free to do whatever they want. He strolls along the hallway, waits for some colleagues to be distracted before he slips into the exhibit - turning into just another visitor that's staying late, the museum about to close for the day.
Steven had told him about that stranger from earlier named Erikson. Doesn't ring any bells, at least no big ones - but Steven had explained about the man's curiosity regarding him, Jake Lockley, and the whole mixup-thing that has eventually led to Jake being here now to take over and handle the situation.
He doesn't want Steven to be in trouble. If this guy truly knows Jake, it means they know him because of what he does - what he did years ago, and he will continue to do in the future. Stuff that's not precisely legal and usually remains hidden in the shadows; Steven's too wholesome for that, he doesn't deserve to be dragged into shady businesses - Jake handles that, it's his domain.
So here he is now, complete in his favorite style of attire: Dark blue high-collared jacket, dark blue flat cap, black leather gloves, white button-up shirt, black tie, black jeans, black dress shoes. He would've chosen a pair of dress-pants instead of jeans, but well, those jeans were the only option - that's fine though, he likes those as well. A bit more casual but doing the job.
Jake lets his gaze roam along a few exhibition pieces, senses alert, irises soon trail along all the other surroundings as he waits. That man had said he'd be back when the museum closes, after all - should be about time for him to appear, then.
Sterling could feel that his presence wasn't helping Steven to calm down. His dry brand of jokes weren't working. All he could do to give the man even an ounce of relief, from what he could figure, was leave. If this was really what Sterling suspected this was, he didn't want to cause Steven any additional stress. If he was wrong, however, he could be walking into a number of situations coming back to meet Jake alone, worst case scenario would be a trap. If Sterling had found himself somehow poking his nose into some elaborate scheme Jake wanted to stay hidden, he'd be in the way.
He had to be prepared for the worst but he would certainly hope for the best.
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"I'll be back when the museum closes. I don't want to bother you at work. Maybe I can get that tour another time though. You're really making me want to learn more about that Sphinx." He tried to offer Steven a reassuring smile but he had a feeling this was just how Steven was most of the time. In his element at work, yes, but otherwise a goldfish out of water. He could understand that. No need to complicate things further.
He would, however, be stopping by the gift shop to get something for his daughter. Even if he didn't end up coming back for that tour he had to send her something back home.
"Thank you again and I'm sorry for this mess you got pulled into. I promise I won't be a bother to either of you. You've been nothing but kind. I just want to check in with him."
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gojoest · 3 months ago
curiosity — gojo satoru
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MDNI, f! reader, childhood friends to lovers, satoru is painfully aware of his own feelings while reader is not, mention of past girlfriends (and how they all looked like you), handjob (m! receiving), cumming in pants (and in your hand), not proofread, wc: 2k, dividers by @/cafekitsune
synopsis: gojo satoru is your childhood best friend. you’ve been inseparable ever since you were little. spending day and night together, you’d often have sleepovers together — a tradition you both carried on throughout your college years. at least once a week you’d drop by his dorm room and stay the night, or vice versa. but compared to your childhood days, you no longer share one bed. that is, until . . .
part 2
a/n: this is a further (and very lousy) elaboration on this post of mine but hey, HAPPY BDAY TO MY ONE AND ONLY
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“i think we should try sleeping together”, you suggest one night.
“wah—“, satoru gasps, a teasing glint in his eyes. “didn’t know you felt that way about me”, he smirks.
“just sleeping”, you quickly clarify. “whatever obscene thing you just thought of — it’s not that”, you add, giving him a roll of your eyes.
“you should pick your words more wisely”, he scoffs. “if you go around telling people you want to sleep with them, they will misunderstand”
“ugh”, you huff, “i obviously didn’t mean it like that, and you know it”
“yeah, i do”, he lets out a soft chuckle. he knew exactly what you meant, but still he disguised his wishful thinking behind a teasing remark. “why though? all of a sudden?”
“dunno”, you shrug. “just feeling bad that you always take the floor”
“if that’s the case we can just swap”
“no — i cherish my comfort. come on, we used to do this all the time”, you pout.
indeed you did. but you were kids back then, things were different.
his heartbeat would race and his face would get all hot and red, the heat would fester through his entire body. but when the lights were off it was easy to hide it, the signs that he liked you. after making sure you were fast asleep, he would hold your hand and childishly smile to himself, he would peck it softly, secretly. one time you woke up in the middle of the night and almost caught him but he, startled, kicked you off the bed. yelling at you, lying, how you pushed your finger in his nostril in your sleep… he was so embarrassed, but also relieved you believed what he said was true. his secret was safe.
but now?
when you stand too close to him his body starts acting up in more mature ways. while he is better at controlling his facial expressions now and hiding his nervous heartbeat behind a nonchalant attitude, he struggles with keeping his urges at bay. he’s no longer the boy that blushes while secretly holding your hand; he is a man who craves you.
even when he’s laid on the futon beside the bed you occupy, the sound of your breathing alone gets him hard. you lie there, sleeping innocently, unaware of how much of a pain in the crotch you are being to him. when you leave in the mornings, he climbs onto the bed that is soaked with your scent and shamelessly jerks off. he stands on his knees and sprays his load on the bedsheets. eyes shut close, he pictures you beneath him.
he sighs in defeat. “fine”
“the right side is mine — it’s only natural, because i am always right”, you snicker and quickly pad over to the bed, plopping your body down on the mattress. “sure”, he chuckles and follows after you, sinking himself right next to you.
it is a bit awkward, you must admit. you are laid on your sides facing each other, in silence.
it’s cramped indeed, your knees are brushing against his and the space in the middle separating your bodies from one another is very scarce. but that was to be expected, the beds in the dorm rooms were designed for one person after all.
“so”, you break the silence. “how’s your girlfriend doing?”
“she’s not my girlfriend, anymore”, he states dryly.
“but it’s been barely two weeks since you started dating”
“well, things didn’t work out i guess”
the girls he dated, all of them looked a bit like you. same height, same hair color and length. similar facial features… he never lasted long with any of them though. all of them, visibly bothered by your presence in his life, would too soon ask him to make a choice — either them or you. neither of them aware that he chose to be with them in the first place only because they reminded him of you, and that it was never the question itself that drove him away from them. it was bound to happen, sooner or later. they could never be you.
you hum. “i see”
as you shift to make yourself more comfortable, you feel the shirt he gave you to wear to bed roll up ever so slightly, revealing the bare of your belly. a bit self-conscious now that he’s next to you, you are immediately urged to cover yourself. you slide a hand under the blanket, rummaging around to get a hold of the hem, but oh...
…the back of your hand brushes against something stiff. the friction incurring a low pant from the man, your best friend, next to you.
“fuck”, satoru hisses. his hand clasps around your wrist, pushing it away, but along with the movement his knuckles graze the flesh of your stomach. “fuck”, he curses again.
“satoru”, you say his name, voice hushed and timid but there is a note of underlying curiosity he is way too familiar with.
this is exactly why he was avoiding the one bed scenario — his boners were too hard to hide at this age and this size of him.
“satoru”, you repeat. “are you hard?”
“i wish you didn’t ask the obvious”, he mumbles, embarrassed. warmth washing over his face uncontrollably, just like in the past. but there was a bigger problem now — down in his pants, and the fact he got caught.
“is it because of me?”
“no”, he clicks his tongue, his grip still tight around your wrist, keeping your hand at bay. “it’s because i didn’t jerk off tonight, you know — it’s a natural thing for us men to randomly pop a boner throughout the day”
…which was true. but it was not the case right now.
“can i play with it a little?”, you ask, sneakily twisting your wrist in an attempt to free your hand.
“oi!”, he yelps. “did you hit you head or what?”
“i am curious”, you blurt out. “just a little?”
“stop”, he warns. “it’s weird”
his resolve is hanging by a thread right now, you’re too cunning to tempt him like this. he knows things will get awfully messy between you if he lets you cross this line. but still, he can’t flat out deny you. deep down he wants you to persist, a little bit more… if you ask him one more time, maybe he’ll crumble. surely, he will.
“it’s not”, you reassure. “i won’t jerk you off, i’ll just touch it”, you explain. “please? just a little?”
well. fuck it.
“this is a bad idea”, he says, but loosens his grip around your wrist. “fine”, he mumbles. “but just a little”
you nod, pulling your hand away only to slide it down his body.
you’re not really sure why you were so happy to hear the news about his break-up, but you always felt more at ease when he belonged just to you. your best friend, and not someone else’s boyfriend. you don’t know why you were doing this right now, or why your heart was racing. maybe because it really was weird? or maybe you were just horny?
finding his cock wasn’t difficult, it sure stood out from the rest of his body.
“you really are hard”, you gasp, running your fingers across the bulge in his shorts, dragging out a throaty groan out of him.
“yeah”, he mumbles. “like i said, stop stating the obvious”
“it’s a bit wet here”, ignoring his words, you thumb the spot where his tip is, making him squirm. his body slightly jerks as you press your palm against it. cupping it inside your hand you squeezing it gently. “it’s warm too”, you keep exploring further. “it has a pulse”
satoru lets out a helpless whine. “you sound so dirty right now, it’s weird”
he’s longed for this type of intimacy with you for years. but in his head, he pictured it differently. it was him who was supposed to do things to you, not the other way around. he was supposed to be the confident one, delving into your layers, making you squirm and fall apart under his touch. not the other way around… but this was good too. too good for him to oppose it. you were his weakness, after all. you always have been. no matter how much he teased and picked on you, in the end he always let you do as you pleased. this was not an exception.
you giggle to yourself. “yeah? you like that new side of me, don’t you?”
sneaking your hand through the front of his shorts and boxers, you feel the flesh of his cock directly. it was twitching, his tip slick with precum. you put the tip of your index finger on his slit and rub circles around it to smear the pre oozing out of it, getting another soft whimper out of him. the head of his cock all slippery now, urging you to rub it all over the rest of his length.
your fingers wrap around his cock as you start to move your hand up and down, slowly, smearing his own slick onto his own flesh.
he tries to swallow the moan stuck in his throat. “you said you were not going to jerk me off, but what now? you’re playing a bit too much, don’t you think?”
satoru can last long. under normal circumstances, that is. but having you — not just his hand, but you, his first ever love, his only love — touch him like that, he could barely hold back. the urge to bust has been there since the moment you put your hand on his cock.
“why? you gonna cum?”, you slip your hand lower, down to the base of his shaft — where his balls are. you caress them tenderly, incurring yet another soft groan from him, before you go back to stroking him again. with each drag you pick up the pace. the room is filled with the squelching sounds caused by your hand, at this point, confidently fisting his slick covered cock, and his heavy breathing. 
“hey”, he puts his hand on your cheek, softly pinching on it with his fingertips. an attempt to make you snap out of it, but alas — you don’t back away. “don’t regret this”, he whispers, almost beggingly. but his voice comes out too shallow for your ears to pick up on.
“are you close?”, you peek at him, watching his face with rapt fascination, grateful that you left the night lamp on.
never have you ever seen him like this. his cheeks so hot and flushed that his pale skin was lit completely red, up to his ears and his neck. beads of sweat across his forehead with strands of his hair stuck on it. mouth agape — huffing and puffing. his brows knitted, desperately. pleadingly. his mouth telling you to stop, yet his face told a different story. so did the part of him inside your palm. it made you throb, down there, and squeeze your thighs together. your own wetness spurting out from your slit, drenching the inside of your underwear”
“fuck—", he growls. “i am— c-close”, he stutters, struggling to control his breathing and the moans that roll out of his mouth.
you feel his cock twitch in your hand, differently. the pulse on it beating faster and more brashly, like it almost made his skin stretch and push against the flesh of your palm. and then, there was a delay. a few, very short seconds in which his cock stood still before violently exploding, pumping out a thick shot of cum. then some more, and more, and more — until the pouring turned into a light dribble toward the end.
“ugh”, he throatily groans, his body relaxing after oozing all the tension out. although slower now, you keep stroking him, running your fingers across his softening cock.
“oh wow”, you gasp, his cum sticky on your skin, drenching the space between your fingers. “what a mess”, you giggle.
“you’re trouble”, he sighs. “is your curiosity satisfied now?”
you nod.
“if you get curious about other things”, he pauses, scratching the back of his head, “come to me. don’t go to other men”
“i’ll think about it”, you smirk.
after that night, you stayed over for an entire week.
this little play time turned into routine, and you were no longer the only one playing.
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