wazzi2ya · 3 months
Thinking about how the second Lucifer set foot in the hotel, Alastor immediately was filled to the brim with contempt towards him. We know it's because he can't tolerate not being the most powerful being in the room and just had to find a way to antagonize him, but you know what else is there? Everyone in the hotel knows at that point that Lucifer has been an absent father for some time.
Now what is the most common theory about Alastor's own father?
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sometimes… lore that is conflicting… is worldbuilding
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firewalkzwit · 1 year
arabella // hobie brown x reader (one-shot)
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oneshot of hobie trying to pursue a reader who's effortlessly cool and has strong arabella vibes cuz i love that vibe. inspired some on slc punk and sex pistols lore, cool fic for the music enthusiasts
New girl's hip New girl's cool New girl's interesting New girl's hot.
"She came straight out of 70's New L.A. She's no rockstar's girlfriend, she's a rockstar herself! Crazy hair, mysterious bassist, she's from outer space."
And when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams...
"Ay, who's the new girl?" Was the first thing Hobie asked as he nudged Pav's shoulder, not breaking his intense stare at the new recruit. 
"New girl? Oh that's YN." Pav shifted his narrowed eyes into Hobie's, a teasing grin drawing on his face.
"Yea' but what's her full name...?"
"Go ask her yourself man, everyone calls her YN." Hobie never got her name, she refused to be called anything but those particular initials.
To say she was pretty was an understatement. She was stunning, show-stopping, alluring. 
At least to Hobie, all adjectives were perfectly applicable.
She had this quirk, this confidence and these slight Chrissie Hynde vibes, boldness when she spoke that made her so attractive, and to top it she was a great musician. 
Back in her dimension it was the seventies, and she was the leader of a girl band where she played the bass, doing small gigs in downtown New L.A.
She wore flamboyant black cowboy boots and scandalous skirts, with chunky sunglasses that looked like the eyes of a bug. She had crazy hair and wore Vivienne Westwood's accessories on her pierced ears and fingers before it was even cool in the US. Her dark tights were always ripped but she didn't care, she called it a fashion statement. So did she call her Spidey suit, which had a unique design that caught anyone's attention. 
Love was for posers Hobie thought, but what's more punk than going against your own structures?
"Gwendy I gotta' talk to this girl more." Hobie's frustration was something Gwen wasn't used to seeing. His nature was often relaxed, only energic when invited to disrupt the order, but hardly ever frustrated.
"Well, you don't have to." Gwen shrugged as she tried to mask the frown that was forming in her face, but her wrinkled nose gave away her displease of jealousy.
"I know, but I want to." His attention was fixed on YN, how she moved and talked. "I wanna hear her play. You're a girl right? When you girls think a lad's fit, how much of that comes from his coolness?" He asked as he leaned on Gwen's side, resting his body weight on her. She scoffed in disbelief at the absurdity of his question, something only a man could ask. 
"Since when do you want to conform to the arbitrary standards of women?"
"I don't, I just wanna' know how many I can get away with breaking and she can still like me yea'?" Hobie chuckled before getting up again. "Don't get too jealous on me alright?" He joked, patting his friend's shoulder as he jumped down from where they were sitting, approaching her once again.
"He's never gonna give up is he?" Miles sat once again close beside Gwen, who sighed at the sight of Hobie attempting to come off as nonchalant with a girl who only seemed to curve his insinuations over and over. 
"That's such a man thing to do, no offense." Gwen spat as her hand slid down her face, pointing at what she could only describe as a humilliation show.
"Yeah... right." 
It's not that she didn't notice, she just dodged him. She thought there was more important things to do than let herself be conquered by some co-worker. But she was lying if she said he wasn't winning her over.
He also was so her type.
The funky hair, the spikes on his leather vest, the stickers and carvings on his guitar, his Iggy Pop vibes and his weird slang. But he thought he was so it, he was a nice guy but he needed some humbling. Their first conversation was about Bowie, and he played her a bit of Moonage Daydream as she recalled when she saw him live, getting all starry eyed whenever she'd narrate the part where she gave him a ride in her car.
"You gave Bowie a ride?"
"Spider's Tour, yeah..." She giggled, flipping her hair in a way that had him starstruck. "In my mom's car."
"In your mum's car? Oh get out." She went on to talk about how that changed her view on music, going on about her gigs in New L.A and how she moved there to make it big. 
Hobie was sure he was listening, but as much as he tried to contain himself, keeping in comments was not in his book.
"You always dress this mad? Like, all the time?" He bursted out with a smile, cutting her off. They were sitting on a counter table, with his guitar on his lap. He leaned closer to pick on the fabric of her coat. 
"Always. Do you always dress so pretentious?" She retorted with a smug grin, pushing her hair out of her face. His eyes shot up to look at her, puzzled. "I mean, aren't you like... rebelling against society?" Hobie let out a slight laugh, his head tilting in interest as he looked into her eyes. 
"Well, yea'. Why?"
"Don't you think it would be more of an act of rebellion if you didn't spend so much time buying stickers and pins and going out to get punky clothes? Stop me if I'm being offensive, I think the style's hip, but it just seems counterproductive to your cause."
"Na' its cool, keep going." He struggled to discern if he was actually listening, or simply invested in watching her mouth smart words as her long painted nails tapped on the counter.
"You want to be an individual, but it's like you wear a uniform. It's just punk fashion, not rebellion." Hobie's eyes fixated on her's, leaving a strong silence as she ended her phrase. 
"I'm not judging you, just kind of a general critique to what they call punk movement."
Hobie brushed her off with his usual humorous comments to maintain his pride, but he was dazzled. Even if she had criticized his way of thinking and how he dressed, she was so outspoken, without caring what he had to say or thought about her opinion, and he was crazy for his first impression of her, as much as he hated to admit it as he'd call 'Love is for posers'. Hobie was sure he was just trying to win her over, to prove a point he'd say, but deep down he loved the way she smiled and shook her head whimsically everytime he'd say something or take time off his schedule to nag her.
It was a few times that she gave Hobie the chance to play with her, to which she soon learnt that he did not know how to read tabs. Of course the punk kid is self-taught. Trying to lead, they would play messy numbers and solos. It was ocasionally just her and Gwen, who had let YN grown onto her sharing her love for girl bands, doing some jamming with their instruments as Hobie payed vague attention. But he would pound on any chance to be alone with her and try to take her out.
She didn't know what was in her that day, but she let him take her out.
He toured her around his universe, before taking her to what he called "his palace". 
The small canal boat was ridiculously a very Hobie place to live. If she were to guess, she'd think he lived in a tree somewhere in Birmingham. However it had it's charm, it was very humid and it wobbled when they walked, but it was unique and she loved it. Hobie showed her the collection of things he had stolen, proving himself to be a brilliant thief. He owed most of his 'talent' to his Spider-Sense and speed, but he'd never bring it up. 
As she sat on the mattress where he slept in, Hobie picked up one of his records, sitting beside her to show her the signed insides of the vinyl. Her eyes paced from the inscriptions to his face, as he ocasionally caught a glimpse of her through the corner of his eye. He left the vinyl aside to go on about his encounters with the infuential musicians on the area, how he attempted to steal the microphone the Bowie of his dimension had used when he was touring in his city. Her gaze shifting from his eyes to his lips back and forth. 
He was hesitant about making a move, afraid he'd mess up what had taken him so much work. But wasn't even given time to think it through before the proximity between them grew, and her hand softly caressed his bony cheek and down to his neck, inviting him to lean into a kiss. As they made out, his cold piercing was quickly warmed by her damp tongue and soft lips that sucked and kissed his. His hands caressed up and down her waist, undoing the buttons on her blouse with his slender fingers as she revealed her naked torso, no bra underneath. YN did her usual hair flip to watch him undress her, and himself, jumping on her once finished to continue what he had briefly interrupted.
"We won't sink, will we?" She asked between soft giggles as the boat quivered at his abrupt movement, Hobie nibbling down her neck and kissing her chest. 
"I wank pretty crazy here every night, we won't." He teased before crawling backwards, kissing down her navel. 
songs i listened to while working on this:
(ofc) arabella - arctic monkeys
moonage daydream, lady grinning soul and starman - bowie
hey, velouria - pixies
rhiannon, gold dust woman - fleetwood mac
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exhausted-archivist · 8 months
In regard to my last reblog, I kinda want to expand on it.
The novels are 100% optional flavour text. They aren't required for you to really understand what is happening in the world. With the exception of Asunder, that one for me is a bit of a grey area but that is only because it covers aspects of two companions (Cole and Vivienne) that are glossed over and is rehashed entirely in an aspect by another companion's personal quest (Cassandra's).
Not even World of Thedas, the lore books are required because a big chunk of them are put in the game as codices. And the character stuff that's not? That's also flavour text and the fact that Leliana doesn't share background reports on your companions or you can't find them is a missed opportunity in utilizing Leliana. The whole "Game" aspect of Orlesian politics could have also been better incorporated through Josephine and Vivienne.
This is long so... cut.
But TLDR: Nothing is mandatory. World of Thedas, Asunder, and Masked Empire are just under utilized flavour text. They better not do the same or worse with Tevinter Nights.
We know they cut Cole from having Evangelina and Rhys appear for his personal quest and instead we got that weird thing with Varric and Solas being disagreeing dads on nature vs nurture. Rhys and Evangeline, but more so Rhys, are so important to Cole's background that I feel they could have brought them on with a little codex or preamble and it would have worked fine. They could have touched more on Cole's fear of becoming a demon again, his sense of identity and self, and even explored his whole concept of "helping" and his unique brand of compassion - because really Cole's form of compassion is a little off the beaten path.
But, that isn't because Asunder is mandatory, but because Cole isn't well anchored to begin with. They don't really explore him as a spirit/demon, they mostly use him as a way to tell you about other characters, and he's really wishy washy on even establishing what happened at the White Spire or with Seeker Lambert and just gives these sort of teasing/tantalizing starting points.
Which leads into a weak point with Vivienne. She has issue with how the war started. She has issue with the vote. She has issue with everything that happened with the White Spire. Which again, isn't explored and is just flippantly mentioned in banter with Cole or when she's snarking at Fiona.
We know she has issue with the vote because it was made when everyone was already dealing with Circles falling and templars killing people and extremist mages were killing other mages that opposed them. The vote was made not by people who were elected by the Circles - not entirely. They were made by whoever happened to get to Andoral's Reach and it was very much an emergency vote. She wasn't there for the vote and that's the start of the issue for her. Which, understandably this was written before Vivienne even existed, but with that they never resolve why she wasn't there for the vote or even aware of the chaos of the Circles. You kind of guess it's because of Bastien's health but yeah not really clear.
Both Cole and Vivienne's stories would be better anchored as well as give the Mage Templar war and the factions with in it more nuance if they even tried to incorporate the cliff notes of Asunder. It would also make it more of a flavour text and less of this murky grey area.
Which to make it even more murky and grey, Cassandra's whole plot of discovering the reversal to tranquility? Yeah that was discovered by a tranquil mage at the request of Divine Justinia. Literally every circle mage and Chantry person (of a certain rank) knows of its existence. Which they cheekily hide in ambient dialogue between Mother Giselle and another cameo character from Cassandra's past, Avexis. An elven mage who was turned tranquil because of the danger from her abilities to not only control small creatures but dragons.
That story Cassandra is known for? The dragons attacking the Grand Cathedral? Avexis was involved with that. Whole big thing in Dawn of the Seeker. But I digress.
Mother Giselle and Avexis talk about the reversal to tranquility in Haven. Everyone already knows but Cassandra's personal quest misleads you cause she's so pikachu-faced about discovering that there was a reversal and the Seeker's knew about it. Only half of the information should be new to her, the rest everyone knew about for a year and could have been beautifully folded into her story as to not only her mixed feelings on how she didn't feel as close to Justinia as Leliana was - because Leliana was in on it and Cassandra wasn't even aware that the Divine requested this happen behind the Seeker's back in 9:35 Dragon.
It would have been a great point to fold into the story to not only give more context to Cassandra questioning the Order but also feeling out of control and lost. Honesty would have been a good point in tension for her and Leliana to have.
But instead Cole goes largely explained, Vivienne is under explored and barely connected to the Mage Templar War conflict, and Cassandra is a (in my opinion) much less interesting rehash of something most people connected to the Chantry and Circles already knew for the most part.
Asunder is less required reading and more of discarded world building that amounts to a lot of missed opportunities.
Something I think that Tevinter Nights is at risk of if not worse. Either under utilized world building or they go full tilt in the wrong direction and it becomes the first required reading.
Specifically reading, because the first required additional media is the Legacy DLC of which they yoinked Corypheus and the whole start of the red templars from. And then again with Tresspasser which establishes and reveals so much vital information for the next game. Both DLCs, I think should have/be updated to free. Especially since it's been so long and they are required for the story now. And any "well players had to pay for them previously" is bs because new players can get the whole trilogy on sale for like 15USD. Deluxe editions included so they come with the DLCs - except for DA2.
Asunder and DLCs aside, lemme now circle back to the whole World of Thedas/Leliana and co thing.
The thing that grinds my gears about the World of Thedas bits is that a large part of them... are written to Leliana as reports. In game Leliana talks about doing background checks - how she isn't thorough enough with Solas because there wasn't enough time and more pressing things were coming. He slipped through the cracks. But everyone else? She got dirt on. Sera included. Leliana could have been a great vector to not only divulge more flavour text lore of our companions, but it could have also given us more aspects of conversation. How do they feel knowing Leliana gave us reports? Is sera annoyed because of the questions you can now ask? Is Blackwall sweaty because you might know details he doesn't? Does Iron Bull want to compare notes and see how good Leliana's network is?
There was so much they could have done with Leliana to not only make her more involved but made us more involved with the characters. It would have lead to more interactive story telling and folded in making the meta knowledge less meta as our Inquisitor actually used the resources of our spymaster.
Still, not required reading, but a way to fold in all the world building you've done to make the characters feel more real and give us a chance to bond with them. Even if we can't talk to them about it because "leaving it open ended for headcanons".
This also goes into how "The Game" is under utilized in Inquisition. So much of Inquisition is telling vs showing us or letting us experience something. Having more scenes where we walk in on Josephine dealing with combative knowledge, using our origins and background perks to play the game introduces us to the concept of Orlesian politics and perhaps we get perks - more soldiers, resources, gold, higher starting approval at the Winter Palace. Something that has more relevance to us and folds in this supposed system all of Orlais is beholden to.
A similar system could have also been used with Vivienne. Whether she was hosting nobles or if she wanted to gossip with you over a letter she received that she thinks could be of use to you if you know how to properly use The Game. It would have also been interesting if it impacted the noble npcs hanging out in the hall, if it became weighted depending on just how good you were. Less Orlesians meaning less support from Orlais and more reliance on other nations to legitimize the Inquisition. More Orlesians? A stronger army, more standing with the court and the Chantry, more ammunition for when you're dealing with Celene and Gaspard in the Winter Palace. Things like that. Simple story threads that didn't really need to go anywhere but perhaps impacted the ambient state.
It would have helped tie in Masked Empire and give it more weight (and also make Michel de Chevin be more than the rando the Imshael maybe killed).
Just saying... It's just under utilized world building in an interactive media.
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daystarvoyage · 9 days
The Dana Terrace Vs Vivienne Medrano, The Great Debate of Two Female Creators
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Hello Starry Knights, This is the lovely Kyoko Cane, The Brown Sugah Queen, & cosplayer who performs and visits numerous cons throughout, while making blogs/vlogs on animated media & entertainment.
as you know or are new to this page, I am an artist who also dedicated my fashion in drag, on all my platforms along my artwork & discussions (be it anime or Western) that can affect real-life even fandoms, with a variety of videos.
the title of the post is about The two proclaimed talked about animators, Dana Terrace & Vivienne Medrano, I'll be critiquing how these two women of animation tackle the industry. This will have strong opinions from recent interview videos I've watched.
(I'll be calling Vivienne VIVI FOR SHORT & letting you know, if I were to watch ones in the future affecting my post come on the comments to ask freely, AND YES ALL PROJECTS AND TOPICS ARE NOT WITHOUT THEIR CRITIQUES, FLAWS IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, CHECK OUT THE DAYSTAR VOYAGE, DON'T HATE, APPRECIATE! )
OK LETS GET STARTED In this 3-part segment
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1. The Different Artstyles That Made Us Love These Shows.
Vivis work (Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
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Now We all know as fans & lovers of animation when we hear a series that's greenlit after viewing on a television screen, in a magazine, or sponsored in commercials, right? As for these two,
The first time I heard of VIVI's work was on a YouTube ad commercial in line & premiered for the pilot, I was fully captivated by its groundbreaking story, from hazbin hotel to the comedy in helluva boss, along with its ghoulish Beetlejuice-inspired art style.
(which I'm a sucker for the niche, indie projects & gothic horror.)
observing her sketchbook on YouTube, I was drawn in by the captivated humanoid shapes she sketches, along with her fluid & flowing style.
the worldbuilding version of heaven & hell drew me in, after watching hazbin hotel. The pilot had a lot to offer from its dreary horrific turns/obstacles from its character debut, story & distorted beauty that there was a lot to tune Into along my first episode of Helluva Boss,
Now we are gonna get down to lore storytelling and character growth.
(and im fully aware of how the fandom treats the rest of the main & supporting cast not letting them flesh out including the females, btw)
Vivi has so much to offer, after watching the latest episode of Helluva Boss and finishing Hazbin Hotel, I see she has the potential to make a good show on drama & sell it, however with her controversy coming through I feel she needs to learn on how to perceive herself online, so makes it hard for me not to hate her series, be it art and her work.
(its truly good when it wants to be as for the writing ima get to that later. with the stolitz & lumity discourse on part 2)
The owl House by Dana terrace
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Now you all know by now, I am a full-on Owl House fan regardless of its show ending early, and my many critics on Dana Terrace drew me in with her macabre art and full-on passionate skeletal pieces after looking at her socials and sketchbook online, as a debut showrunner who made her great stance on lgbt representation she has cemented herself as an acclaimed cartoon creator.
However, she does have her flaws ever since rewatching the series, and a lot to learn about the business, after rewatching The Show and yes I have notes written to prove them,
To add I felt if alex Hirsch wasn't on the project, everyone wouldn't watch that show since yall want it to be the next GRAVITY FALLS,
I love the fandoms that discuss the errors of these creators cause it give more insight on how to portray yourselves on in the real world, cause lemme tell you, it was all watered down I'm get to that in a minute
one problem i have with particularly since she's a good artist & creator is her depending on certain tropes to carry out her cast, cause some may be harmful & the writing be generic.
She needs work on being a better showrunner cause those skills need Cleaning up including writing certain characters on who gets the spotlight.
2. The Good, Great, Bad & Ugly in Fandom Discourse,
Vivis Work (Wow Yall can be Wow)
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Vivienne Has made her mark in the YouTube market ever since making her pilot debut on Kesha video & hazbin hotel pilot,
I'm so glad for her contributions towards the indie market making her way to showing great representation in the general audience for an adult show, yes an adult show and that's not without its controversy,
with her grand debate, I feel everyone took this woman's artwork turning it into something ugly, which is so uncool.
and I for one will not stand for the hate trains of now popular shows flip-flopping and then float back to it cause your series is acclaimed now, let's be real she deserves her crowns and laurels Just keeping it real, regardless cause its a fire show
The fandom has shown their love of the show cause it knocked down so many doors in many ways, but let's be real the audience is now geared toward children cause we all know, this generation can be doing some crazy things, cause they all need to tone down the language,
which I feel viv needs to work on the jokes I get, it's an adult show which is concerning and it's a Gen Z world where people have access to computers 247, which contributes to all the nasty discourse and crass behavior not to mention,
viv needs to calm down her fandom when it comes down to her fandom and how stoliz is perceived.
cause i rarely do find the females are compelling, but yet to fleshed out like the rest of the male characters so misogynist comes into mind in this show and how it sells
there some moments it only aims to the infamous ship Stolitz (and doesn't let other characters breathe (this is a problem with the owl house which ill get to right now cause the pacing is wow smh)
(next to the owl house which I'll get to cause OMG)
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THE OWL HOUSE FANDOM (GRRRR) lemme calm down
If you haven't seen my posts, including the bashing and discourse there's also a list I swear lemme quote
in the words of Biggie Small - if you don't know now ya know.
The owl house fandom i was on ride or die for the lumity however we all know how that ship got it start and built up cause they expected it to be this thing to say F you to Disney which is good cause disney had it coming howver, after the show ended
Yall have become the most foulest ugliest & disrespectful fandom ever since the Steven Universe, Voltron and miraculous incidents,
may i say it's gonna follow suit cause Dana Terrace doesn't know how to control her fandom I feel SADLY
its sad to see how these two may come across not caring of there fandom acts cause there's a saying
The captain always goes down with his ship MEANING
A captain should not have to sacrifice their life simply because the vessel they are in control of is in distress
The Owl House fandom has got to be some of the most entitled, uppity if not (racist) fans!
yall clearly have not listened to other fans or can't take criticism, yes the show did make very feminist undertones and the male characters didn't shine at all in their titular episodes or moments, which doesn't help at all.
Since Dana drew inspiration from Powerpuff Girl
(which comes on and the writers being all female, is gonna have damaging effects)
SO big Misandry Shining through
The fandom has gone down to the point of no return, I mean,
one fan from a webcam interview WANTED DANA's ADDRESS EWWW!
its not that the Disney drama was too blame for the project, (to an extent) which I'm proud for the fandom for banding together on animation, but need to take off the lgbt glasses cause boy the show's writing was pushed in favor of that.
CONGRATS You did at the cause of Harassment and bad behavior in fandoms,
3. Make The Business Makes Sense & epilogue
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Dana Terrace has the makings of doing good shows however when it comes down to an audience to kid she has some major damage control on how the fandom will come across,
i mean have we not learned from the Lilith and Camilla toxic issues, you can tell the show likes to demonize the adults which is unacceptable, and can damage storytelling and characters.
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the truth i feel there needs to be proper staff on how to write POC, and ethnic and cultural representation In the show, Amphibia, Molly mcgee, Haileys on it and other break-out shows did it better,
hell yo had Amphibia doing those dishes in Frogworld, can you imagine the boiling isles taking on Hispanic cuisine.
Which i felt could've hit a mark on luz home life and culture if written & fleshed out,
Like the staff didn't know how to write those topics, they've coulda gone so far with it but unfortunately fail flat not to mention the fashion. UGH
ViVI WORKS ( i try not to make this quick but e can discuss more on comments be NICE)
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Vivienne Medrano has good fashion and business sense
its important to have that cause having a Cloud Nine franchise coming from nothing can do wonders for how you are perceived as an artist,
The discourse has come due to her take on the controversy on platforms talking on her many harsh topics
(in my opinions she too needs to work on controlling scenarios & damage control that can affect her
So tried but yeah
vivi is a dominant artist who takes her business seriously so I am glad to have her flourish in Spindlehorse,
butt just i wish i cant help but fall outta love with her work, knowing of the problems in today's animation comes certain things you can say even snowflakes can break under if heard by there favorite creators.
lets be honest these two can learn from each other. and vivi does sure know angles and promoting
very glad to get this written so I put some thought into this
i wish nothing for the best for these awesome artists and creators thank you all for coming so far and have a wonderful voyage thanks.
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liuhko · 10 months
JJK Characters With A Fashionista S/O
𝜗🤍 ݁ Only doing a few characters that I like. If this isn’t a bust I’ll do more (don’t ask me where this came from, I need to write).
Itadori Yuuji
Yuuji isn’t too big on fashion, he just wears what he thinks looks nice but he’ll compliment your outfits and even try to match with you once in while (with whatever clothes he has).
He finds it silly how expensive the fashion industry and fashion itself is. “They’re just clothes…” then Yuuji will direct you to websites like SHEIN, not knowing any better and being sucked in by the cheap prices and nice looking clothes.
Once you inform him of SHEIN’s lore he feels ashamed and doesn’t pay much attention to the expensive purchases.
Now one thing he likes about being with you is how up to date you are with everything fashion related. More specifically, the fashion shows.
He thoroughly enjoys the ridiculous, avant-garde shows the most.
Fushiguro Megumi
Megumi’s the most excited about your love for fashion cause he relates. You CANNOT tell me he isn’t a fashion nerd (projection but it’s also true :3). He thinks you’re UBER cool and is so glad he’s dating you.
He loves seeing your different outfits for the day, he’ll sprinkle compliments but sometimes he feels the usual “Your outfits looks nice.” doesn’t cut it, so he doesn’t compliment it directly.
What does he do? Be sneaky (obvious) with it. If you’re wearing Vivienne Westwood for example: “Vivienne Westwood’s a cool brand. I, personally, think that anyone who wears it has amazing taste in fashion…just saying.” Same goes for whatever else you may be wearing.
He’s SUCH a fashion nerd, oh my days. If you give him the chance he’ll bust out his big book of fashion and will romance/do his best to impress you with it. “I heard you talking about the fashion of the Edo period, so I did some research on it (nerd emoji).”
Gojo Satoru
This goon takes your love for fashion as an insult. “My closet’s better than yours, don’t play with me.” He’ll sneakily try to one up you, and if he fails he’ll be pissy about it.
I mean this seriously. He’ll take pics of your and his outfits, post them online with a poll, and wait patiently for the results.
Gojo is supportive though, fear not! He takes a stupid amount of pics of you and posts them everywhere. He posted you on a billboard once: “Do you like it? I asked for extra resolution so they could get all the detail in your shoes!” When he posts you on his socials for the outfit comparisons he blocks anyone who leaves even the SLIGHTEST negative comment about you.
He brags about you all the time.
Nanami Kento
A stylish man who knows a thing or two about the latest trends! Introducing Nanami to styles outside of his comfort zone isn’t too difficult. He’s usually really invested in the varying styles and if you’re convincing enough he’ll try them a few times.
He loves “Devil Wears Prada” and rewatches it all the time. That movie is like cocomelon is to kids for him; his eyes are GLUED onto the screen.
Remove the movie and he’ll toss you out.
If Nanami hears you talk about some new clothes you want expect them to be shipped the next day. He is not one to play when it comes to your appearance, especially since you care about it so much.
Being around you makes him wonder if he should change his closet (a bit).
𝜗🤍 ݁ gojo fans come to me plsplspls boost me plsplspls i need to take advantage of his popularity plsplspls >_<
TAGS @pekejs @peachop @hannibalistique @rizsu @rivbows @lucstarz @zorosq @m1lkenthusiast
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cyanoticfireflies · 27 days
Hazbin Hotel - Rewatch Thoughts (Episode 1, Part 1)
Notes: As I’ve been re-reading some of my favorite things (as in, not necessarily just fanfics, but other stuff that I enjoy) I got part of the way through @canary3d-obsessed’s “Restless Rewatch: The Untamed” and thought to myself that I should do one of these for Hazbin Hotel!  I can’t do a first time reacting to, because by this point I’ve watched it a good eight times -_- But this way I can point out some of the things that I’ve noticed on multiple rewatches, some of which prove just how clever the team behind this show is!  Also, you will get unapologetic Huskerdust shipping.  This is just my life now.
Episode 1
So we start off with Charlie giving us the background story on Heaven, Hell, daddy Lucy, mama Lili, and all of that.  Heaven was “good,” Lucifer was a dreamer who thought of free will, the elders of Heaven said “nah,” Lucifer said “but what if yea,” and shit went sideways.
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As someone who likes watching reaction videos on YouTube, I’ve been surprised by the number of people who have watched this intro and gone “Who’s Lilith?”  And then there are the ones who say they heard about her from Diablo 4.  I feel like Lilith isn’t… rare lore?  I don’t know where or when I first heard about Lilith, but that kind of supports my stance of surprise?
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(I tried to show my religious friend Hazbin – leaning on the “it’s about redemption” point – and it was actually the mention of Lilith that first triggered her?  Because “you have to get really deep into things to find out about Lilith”?  I am confused.)
I won’t go into my theories too heavily at this point – I’ll put up a final chapter for those so I can take it down in humiliation when the show laughs in my face later – but Eve looks very, very evil when she gets that fruit…
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Anyway, Luci and Lili got exiled, Luci developed depression, Lili developed magic song powers then fluffed off seven years ago.  Don’t worry, Charlie – your mom just went to go get some milk and cigarettes.
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Genuinely, is Lilith being a song demon why everyone in Hell has pre-choreographed musical numbers?  If she “empowered demon-kind” with her songs, does that include giving them all baby song powers?  We know that these songs aren’t reality breaks because at the end of “Loser, Baby” the sharks comment on the song.  (There’s also Vaggie and Angel’s discussion in “Happy Day in Hell” but since that’s in-song it feels like a less-strong argument.) 
So it turns out that Charlie has been speaking this whole prolog bit aloud to herself.  Relatable, girl – me dictating to myself the entire course of actions it takes to get through my email inbox.  My officemate wears headphones so she won’t think I’m talking to her when I start talking to myself.
Also, poof – kitty! 
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I love KeeKee (pronounced “key-key” because, and this is true, she’s a key).  But I also don’t know what the point of KeeKee is?  If it’s just to give Charlie a pet, that’s totally fine.  She also has Razzle and Dazzle, but Charlie could be one of those people with two cats, a full fishtank, a canary, and a husky and that’s totally chill.
(Why yes, my in-laws’ place is a zoo, why do you ask?)
I think I saw somewhere that KeeKee is the key to the hotel?  But when Lucifer pops up later he immediately coos over KeeKee like Charlie has had her forever, so she obviously didn’t come with the hotel.  Did Charlie change the locks on the hotel to KeeKee-compatible locks after she bought the place?  I assume this is a metaphorical key? 
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(Lucifer and KeeKee in episode 5.)
Vivienne has said that KeeKee is a “physical manifestation of the hotel” but even that doesn’t make a lot of sense with the timeline…  *Shrugs*
Charlie and Vaggie talk, and I honestly get so much amusement out of people who are like “Is that her sister?  Are they best friends?”  And I know that they didn’t, like, make out in their opening scene.  But I didn’t ever suspect that they weren’t girlfriends?  Maybe it’s just because I read into pretty much all media from a queer lens.
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(Right here, ma’am.)
Charlie will go on to call Vaggie her girlfriend much later in episode 5 and make it official-official, but if you don’t go into everything with a straight-is-default mindset I’m not sure how you miss it.
We blip into Alastor’s take on a commercial for a hotel.  Which is thoroughly enticing to exactly… Alastor.
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(Quick question on the sinner designs – and I won’t stop every time we see a cluster of sinners to do this.  But everyone’s design has something to do with how they lived or died, right?  Angel is from a “web of crime” family, Husk is an unlucky black cat [I know, he’s a tuxedo cat not a fully black cat], Alastor was shot by a hunter like a deer… was grenade man some type of bomber?  A war criminal?  What is his story???)
His little hand-drawn picture is kind of cute, but it also makes me laugh because we actually see another character do something similar later on: Vox!
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(And, yeah, Charlie obviously.)
I want someone to write the fic where Alastor and Vox’s relationship started in an introductory art class before descending into the chaos we see in episodes 2 and 8.
Vaggie does not like Alastor’s sense of humor and starts yelling at him.  Charlie tries the *kindergarten teacher* nice feedback.  “I love your use of color,” she says, staring at his construction paper covered in scribbled blobs of blue and orange.  “Very creative.”
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(“Maybe if you crumpled your drawing into a little ball like this, it would look better in the trashcan, honey!”)
Alastor doesn’t see the problem here.  Alastor seems to have exactly zero capacity to accept anything that isn’t Alastor’s way, so this is unsurprising.
And then, with the sultry wail of a saxophone, we’re introduced to the bestest spider (and the only spider this horrifically arachnophobia author actually adores:) Angel Dust
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Angel is totally willing to shoot an amateur porno right there on the sofa if it will help draw sinners to the hotel for Charlie.
And this would actually probably work in Hell, honestly.  The horniest sinners actually would be knocking the walls down if they thought that with every night’s stay you got a free round with Hell’s most famous porn star.  “Cum to the Hazbin Hotel for some ‘quality time’ with our singular resident.”
I am curious what Angel’s concept for his porno commercial was.  Just him and Alastor banging dirty on the coffee table in the foyer?  Night in the life of the brothel that is Angel’s bedroom?
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(Also, I know Val owns Angel in the studio and Angel has some freedom outside of it, but does that include shooting his own pornos?  Is it okay if they’re not for money?  Or is it still not okay because Angel doesn’t own rights to his own image?  Would Angel have to charge so Val could get his cut?)
Charlie doesn’t want to exploit Angel that way, but Angel starts listing off all of his highly exploitable attributes.  He lists the legs twice, which is hilarious, but I’m immediately zeroed in on “the gag reflex.” 
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You’d think that for someone who makes a significant amount of his living sucking dick that it should be “the lack of a gag reflex” but the thing about Angel is that he’s not exactly sucking dick for the nicest guys around.  Honestly, the fact that he does have a gag reflex and therefore will be gagging and choking and drooling is probably a turn-on for his usual partners.
We’re interrupted from Angel attempting to “keep going all night, baby,” by Lucifer calling, and the fact that his contact image in Charlie’s phone is a rubber duck in Lucifer’s top hat is honestly too cute?
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Angel wants to know why Alastor can’t just make people stay in the hotel.  And the timing on this animation is actually a little weird.  After he says that he can, Husk chimes in with “Why do you think I’m here?” but Alastor is already moving to see around Vaggie as Husk starts talking.  Has he primed Husk to be his hype man if someone starts asking questions like this?
Here's Alastor, looking at Husk before Angel and Vaggie even turn their heads – and Alastor had to move his whole *torso* to see around Vaggie.
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A: “Now, remember.  If anyone starts asking if I’m big and bad, you say yes.”
H: “Sure, Alastor.”
A: “I mean, I’ll say so first.  But then you jump in and talk me up.”
H: “Yeah, all right.”
A: “But, like, right away.”
H: “Uh-huh.”
A: “Should we practice?  We should practice.”
I do find it funny that we know the timeline – Alastor, Husk, and Niffty have been at the hotel a week per Vaggie’s words earlier.  But Husk is already grousing about them bitching and moaning all the time.  It’s been seven days?!  How much bitching and moaning are you guys doing?!  And it’s not just listening to, like, Angel bitch and moan.  It’s “you fucks.” 
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(Or “you fuck’s” because Amazon doesn’t know how to pluralize a swear word?) 
Vaggie didn’t even want a bar, but I’m betting it took her about two piscos on the rocks to be over that.
We also get our official series intro to Niffty here when she says “I like being forced!” in her happy little voice with a wide smile. 
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(God, I want the Niffty episode.)
Angel starts hitting on Husk, but (YMMV) I feel like at this point Angel isn’t trampling all over Husk’s boundaries the way he does later.  He’s just throwing passes and Husk is kind of engaging him?  By responding?  He threatens Angel, making it clear that the flirting is unwelcome, absolutely. 
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But I kind of want to see where the conversation would have gone if Vaggie hadn’t stepped in.  At some point it might have gotten snappier, but Angel wasn’t in meltdown mode like he is in “Masquerade” so they probably could have kept bickering for a bit.
Vaggie and Angel start talking about the core premise of the show.  Is Hell the end of the road?  Maybe, but also maybe not.  Charlie thinks that it’s worth trying so that’s what Vaggie is going to do.
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We as rewatchers know that where you end up in the afterlife isn’t as permanent of an assignment as the show makes it sound.  And Vaggie I’m sure highly suspects so as well.  This conversation is literally happening with one person who was in Heaven and now lives in Hell.
Though I do have to wonder if there’s a teeny tiny part of Vaggie that hopes the hotel fails, though?  If Sinners really can be redeemed into Heaven, then she has to double/triple/quadruple think about what she’s done as an Exorcist.  If the Sinners prove irredeemable, it doesn’t *justify* what she did or anything, but it could potentially relieve some of the guilt for her.
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(Blake Roman’s delivery on “crack is expensive” is my favorite moment from episode 1.)
If we didn’t know that Charlie was drowning in daddy issues, I feel like we get a good demonstration at the end of her phone call.  Yes, she’s excited and happy and hopeful.  But she also says “Okay” and hangs up. 
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Maybe Lucifer said, “I’ll talk to you soon” or something and she said “okay” back.  But I never hang up after a call with my dad without a “love you, bye.”
IDK why Charlie calls Vaggie over except to show her hyperactive squirrel brain going wild.  Alastor and Angel are staring at them and seem like they can hear every word even after Charlie had Vaggie come around the corner.
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Vaggie knows that Charlie means Adam, right?  She has to.  Charlie says “the leader of the angel army” and as of now, I mean… that’s Adam.
Also, initially I missed the detail that Adam was the one to call the meeting. 
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Was he going to inform Lucifer face-to-(virtual)-face that they were moving up the next extermination?  Do Lucifer and Adam meet regularly?  I think not from some of the dialogue in episode 8, but then what is the Heaven Embassy for?
(We'll pick up in Episode 1, Part 2 due to Tumblr's 30 images-per-post limit.)
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poisoned-pearls · 4 months
PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT YOUR FANKIDS THEY ARE SO CUTE.... do they have unique magic?? what are their family dynamics (with their parents, grandparents, etc.)???
AH OKAY SOOO- I have quite a few (I’ll tag them all so you can scroll through their tags- despite not having an organized blog I do have it organized for them) BUT I shall focus on Nami, Enzi, Faraja and Viv because. I’m in a mood for my girls rn-/lh
Nami is an only child, spoiled to hell and back by Azul because look at that man. He was made to be a girl dad spoiling them. She can do no wrong to them and they will defend her and her actions until the end of time. BUT she is the more generous kind of spoiled (if she likes you. If she doesn’t then get slapped by octopus tentacle motherfucker-) where she will give you something like that because she’d always just get another one
she’s the only one to have a fully thought out um (because god why do they take so much brainpower to think of)- Sirens Song. If she wills it, she can use her voice as a tool of mass hypnotism. This ability goes as far as her voice does, so as long as you are in earshot of her voice, you are susceptible. (Which sucks for beastmen with good hearing)
in general though she is very close with both of her dads and admires both of them to an absurd degree. She wants to be just like them, if not better. She is ADORED on Azul’s side (because in my lore, octo babies are RARE. You will only ever probably have one, or maybe two if you are insanely lucky. It ties into their magical prowess) but on Jamil’s side it’s basically just Najma and Jaddah, but she barely sees her (in my lore Jamil’s mom isn’t a bad person, she just was stuck in a bad situation and was very mentally unwell. Jamil and Najma were both ripped from her arms right after she gave birth and it messed her up. Jamil let her hold baby Nami and she cried)
(Design wise she pulls from Ariel and Vanessa. And a bit of jasmine)
Enzi is also technically an only child, but it’s only ever been her and ruggie. She was quite literally plucked off of the street and she’s been with him ever since. She grew up side by side with Faraja, constantly having play dates and such. But overall, she just, loves her dad. They’re a lot more like friends then a normal parent kid dynamic because ruggie understands that as she gets older she wants more respect (and hyena gender roles come in a bit). He taught her things from his culture though (HISPANIC RUGGIEEEE-) and she is fully considered apart of their community. Even if she’s a grey hyena in a sea of blonde and brown.
Faraja is… oh god she is my angst baby. I’m so sorry girl- she is an only child as well. I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen- her other parent.. isn’t in the picture. One day she was at Leona’s doorstep with a note saying she was his, and a week later, after the tests went through, she was. Cursed with being a bastard in a royal family (despite how fucking upset about it Leona was and how much he fought her treatment) she was basically ostracized from the rest of the family except for farena’s wife and Cheka. Leona loves her though. She never got a royal budget so he works as a local magical history professor and gives her his budget instead. Her hair is used throughout her storyline to express her feelings and I have a post detailing some of her angst
Vivienne is Not an only child, she has her brother, Emil- and she’s a musician (a la Taylor swift- said somewhat jokingly) but she only started performed when she was 16, because Vil was absolutely not going to have her have the same childhood he did. Instead she was tossed over to rook and taken out hunting. She has a crossbow in her skirt enchanted to compress at all times. She’s close with her little brother (tho he is annoying. Like all siblings) and she’s pretty close with both of her parents. (She also loves her gf Faraja which was a uh. Shock for Vil, at first.)
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hurlumerlu · 20 days
Extending the same level of courtesy: 9, 12 and 22 for dragon age
Sorry about the delay, I started to think about my answers and promptly went insane. Then the trailers for DA4 droped and despite having 150 grievances and 236 fears - or maybe because -I went insane some more. I did get a few somewhat coherent thoughts out, though !
9. worst part of canon
So I typed like half a LibreOffice page on why the way Inquisition deals with the mage/templar conflict was an incredible example of setting things up for almost no payoff, and then I went on a tangent about my frustrations with how Orlais in general is written, and then half another LibreOffice page on the fact that so much of canon is in supplementary material and how that does negatively impact my enjoyement of the games, with a long parenthesis on how Alistair being a half-elf makes the lore actively worse, all the while taking numerous breaks because I was not being normal about all of this and I wanted to be normal about all this, but clearly I cannot be normal, about any of this. Anyway, worst part of canon is still the use of the term Tranquil Solution in DA2. Pretty sure we already talked about that but it's just. It's so bad. Why.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Well, as you pointed out this fandom is big enough and discoursey enough for pretty much all characters to have their ardant defensers - which is actually a good thing I think. I also think that the nature of the games necessarily means that a playthrough can never cover every aspect of a character and that you might easily miss an interaction that could nuance or improve your opinion of them. Vivienne is kind, warm and extremely straightforward with her goals if you take the time to befriend her. I didn't like Blackwall in my first playthrough, and never brought him anywhere, but his romance turned out to be my favourite of all Inquisition. It's pretty obvious Fenris and Sebastian don't fear all mages if you have Bethany in your party. If you don't blame Aveline for your mother's death, she gives you a speech on grief that I personaly find deeply touching. Sten often approves having his views challenged. Oghren is not just a walking crude joke, if you try to view his character with just a bit more grace, etc. So rather than pick one character people should like more I'll just say that if someone ever replays the games, they should try to put aside everything that annoyed them about whichever character they dislike the most and spend some time interracting with them with fresh eyes. It's often worth it. (I did write a love letter to Aveline, though)
22. your favorite par of canon that everyone else ignores
DWARVEN SOCIETIES. okay, i'm exagerating a bit. Idk that it's my absolute favrite part, and I know the dwarven lore is enjoyed by at least 20 people worldwide. But the fandom as a whole does not seem to care about the dwarves, except to ask if Varric is fuckable (no judgement, I get it). But there is so much there! Their rigid cast system and conservatism that are fucking everyone up, their disconect from the fade/lack of dream (and yet they can be made to dream, as shown by a dwarven warden or inquisitor), how that helps them handling lyrium but only to a point, their especially high resistance to the taint because of their proximity with the Darkspawn, their proximity with the Darkspawn, THE LEGION OF THE DEAD, the paragons and the Stone, the Titans, Sandal? And surface dwarves are also deeply compelling. Cut from their roots, otherized by what everyone else around them insist on calling "their people". When Varric tells a story of his brother blowing up at him for breaking a plate and ends with something like "that plate was the whole city of Orzammar to him", does that get to no one else? just me?
Chose violence ask game (I did not particularly chose violence)
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fawnydoe · 5 months
okay. episode 1 thoughts.
animation is gorgeous. with all the horror stories i've heard about the production of this show, it's hard to fully enjoy but it's nonetheless really impressive.
that said. it's waaaayy to bouncy and overanimated, no one has any weight. it feels like i could snap their limbs open with my bare hands and suck the meat from it like a crab.
the main character designs range from meh to flat out bad. i'm not gonna pretend im a good artist, designer, or animator lol but i do enough to say that the similar palettes make this a nightmare as an ensemble show. everyone bleeds together, the environments bleed into characters. the only standout ones are the ones you can tell weren't designed by vivienne.
no consistency, exterminators have the same horns as imps. adam looking like an imp makes no sense in context. it's just a design choice the creators likes but didn't flesh out any further.
the writing is awful. as soon as the lore dump ended and the actual plot began, i could feel an evil feeling creeping into me as if i had opened some sort of evil book.
angel dust's dialogue is pretty much only sex jokes and/or sexual harassment, specifically against the ugly cat. the va is doing a bad impression of the original one.
other va's are fine, but keith david's voice is so jarring to hear out of that skinny fucking cat, it doesn't work. i also know stephanie beatriz can act AND do the monotone voice, i know she can sing too! so im pinning this on the voice direction because clearly something is not being communicated. she's not working as vaggie.
why is the only lesbian named vaggie? can i kill myself?
swearing has become white noise, it's every other sentence. it's so lazy. why is charlie swearing if she's a disney princess? why is adam swearing? adam being a detectable dickhead is fine but the only way the writers seemed to want to convey this is through swearing and vulgarity, it feels cheap and lazy. why not go for the condescending holier-than-thou attitude? give me a bev fucking keane, someone who uses their faith as a way to put down others and keep themselves on a pedestal.
alastor and angel dust are shaping up to be my least favorites. insufferable writing, the way you can smell the issues within them and know they'll never be resolved in a satisfying manner.
however....beyond the mediocre writing, poor direction, horrible designs, terrible art direction, and so on. i get why people like this show. themes of redemption, of unfair social structure, of change and yeah obviously it already had a fanbase pre attached. but i feel like i can see the glimmer of potential that a lot of people attached themselves to.
but also this thing is a mantis? a fucking mantis? do you hate me specifically?
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daitranscripts · 4 months
What Pride had Wrought Pt. 14
The Well of Sorrows
What Pride had Wrought Masterpost Previous: Abelas
Morrigan and the PC look over the Well of Sorrows and at the eluvian on the other side.
Morrigan: You’ll note the intact eluvian. I was correct on that count, at least.
PC: Is it still a threat? Can Corypheus use it to travel the Fade?
Morrigan: You recall when I took you through my eluvian, I said each required a key? The Well is the key. Take its power, and Mythal’s last eluvian will be no more use to Corypheus than glass. I did not expect the Well to feel so… hungry.
Dialogue options:
General: Be careful. [1]
General: That’s not good. [2]
General: Back away. Now. [3]
1 - General: Be careful. PC: Let’s not be reckless. I don’t want anyone hurt.
2 - General: That’s not good. PC: Seems like that should be a concern. Morrigan: Knowledge begets a hunger for more.
3 - General: Back away. Now. PC: Don’t go any closer, Morrigan.
Morrigan: I am willing to pay the price the Well demands. I am also the best suited to use its knowledge in your service.
Party Comments:
Solas: Or more likely, to your own ends. Morrigan: What would you know of my “ends,” elf? Solas: You are a glutton drooling at the sight of a feast. You cannot be trusted. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Vivienne: Do not trust her, Inquisitor. She’s a parasite, only here because she sensed a meal more hearty than you. Morrigan: Hm. Said by one whose only motive for joining the Inquisition was altruism. Vivienne: Is is altruism or sense not to plunge headfirst into a power you don’t remotely understand? Morrigan: Why should I be refused, when the reasons to allow it are sound? ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Cassandra: I do not like this. She is far too eager. Morrigan: I do not hide it. To restore lost knowledge, I would risk much. Cassandra: And what would you do with it? You could be worse than Corypheus. Morrigan: So paralyze yourself for fear of what might be? I can give nothing but my word.
Morrigan: Of those present, I alone have the training to make use of this. Let me drink, Inquisitor.
4 - Dialogue options
Investigate: You alone have the training? [5]
Investigate: What about the price? [6]
General: You really want this? [7]
General: Perhaps nobody should use it. [8] +Sera approves
General: How can I trust you? [9]
5- Investigate: You alone have the training? PC (Dalish): “You alone”? This is my heritage! PC (non-Dalish mage): “You alone”? You’re not the only mage here. PC (non-Dalish, non-mage): What “training” makes you so qualified? Morrigan: I have studied the oldest lore. I have delved into mysteries of which you could only dream! Can you honestly tell me there is anyone better suited?
10 - Dialogue options:
General: Solas? [11]
General: Vivienne? [12]
General: Dorian? [13]
General: Myself./Then it’s me. [14]
General: I don’t know. [15]
General (after suggesting another companion): Maybe Morrigan is right. [16]
11 - General: Solas? PC: What about you, Solas? Solas: No. Do not ask me again. [back to 10] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 12 - General: Vivienne? PC: What about you, Vivienne? Vivienne: If anyone, it should be you. The mark on your hand may protect you. [back to 10] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 13 - General: Dorian? PC: What about you, Dorian? Dorian: A human from Tevinter scoops up the last bits of elven knowledge? I know why you ask. I know it’s important, but… I can’t be that man. [back to 10] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 14 - General: Myself./Then it’s me. PC: I would be. Morrigan: You lead the Inquisition. This is not a risk you can take. I have the best chance of making use of the Well… for everyone. Let me drink. [back to 4] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 15 - General: I don’t know. PC: I don’t know who’s “better suited,” and neither do you. Morrigan: I have the best chance of making use of the Well… for everyone. Let me drink. [back to 4] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 16 - General: Maybe Morrigan is right. PC: Perhaps you’re right. Morrigan: I am. You know I am. [back to 4]
6 - Investigate: What about the price? PC: You’re not concerned about the price? “Bound forever to the will of Mythal”? Morrigan: Bound to the will of a dead god? It seems an empty warning. Perhaps a compulsion yet remains. Who can say otherwise? I do not fear it, even so. [back to 4]
7 - General: You really want this? PC: Are you sure you want this, Morrigan? We don’t know what will happen. Morrigan: We do not, and yet it must be done. I am ready.
8 - General: Perhaps nobody should use it. PC: I hate to say it, but Abelas’s plan to destroy the Well may be the best one. Morrigan: What happens when Corypheus comes for you again? He is immortal. The wisdom of the Well may include a way to destroy him. Give me this, and I fight at your side. I shall be your sword.
9 - General: How can I trust you? PC: What’s to stop you from taking the knowledge and leaving? Morrigan: My word. If that seems insufficient, Corypheus threatens all–even myself. He must be stopped. PC: And who stops you? Morrigan: I, Inquisitor, seek neither immortality nor your life.
17 - Scene continues.
18 - Dialogue options:
What does everyone else think? [19]
Arcane: I know the Well’s danger. [20]
Morrigan, the Well is yours. (Morrigan will gain the power of the Well.) [21] -Vivienne Greatly Disapproves -Cassandra Disapproves -Iron Bull Disapproves +Blackwall Approves (romanced) +Solas Approves +Sera Approves
I’ll use the Well myself. (The Inquisitor will gain the power of the Well.) [22] -Sera Greatly Disapproves -Solas Disapproves -Dorian Disapproves (romanced) -Dorian Slightly Disapproves +Blackwall Approves (not romanced) +Iron Bull Approves +Cassandra Approves +Vivienne Greatly Approves
19 - General: What does everyone else think? PC: Thoughts?
Party Comments:
Solas: She is right about only one thing: we should take the power which lies in that well.
Vivienne: I would not trust the power in that well with anyone but you, my dear.
Dorian: It all seems ghoulish. Let Morrigan use it, if she wants it so much.
Dorian(romanced): I don’t want to risk losing you to a well.
Varric: You’re asking me? This is a lot of… weird. I barely understand how any of this works.
Cole: So many voices. They would be in your head, talking over you. You don’t want them.
Sera: It’s called the Well of Sorrows. Sorrows. No one should go in the Well of Sorrows.
Cassandra: If it is truly between you and her… then let her take the risk. Maker help us all.
Cassandra (romanced): I… do not know. If there is risk to you…
Iron Bull: Any chance this Well could help us against Corypheus, I say you take it.
Blackwall: I’d trust you with this power more than her… but it is not for me to decide.
Blackwall (romanced): I won’t lose you. Let the witch use the Well.
Morrigan: Enough deliberation. Give me your decision. [back to 18]
20 - Arcane: I know the Well’s danger. PC: Looking at it, listening to it… that’s not just knowledge from the ancient elven priests. It’s their will. Morrigan: How would you know such a thing? PC: That’s what Abelas was telling us. The collective will of the priests puts anyone who drinks under a compulsion, a geas. Can’t you feel it? Morrigan: That… would match the legends, but it does not tell us what the geas entails. I would still use the Well, but you are right. We must be cautious. [back to 18]
21 - General: Morrigan, the Well is yours. PC: It’s yours.
Morrigan enters the Well and submerges herself in it. A wave rolls over the area, and the PC runs up to Morrigan laying unconscious in the empty basin.
PC: Morrigan? Are you all right?
Morrigan: Ellasin selah! Vissan… vissanalla…
Morrigan: I… I am intact. There is much to sift through… but now we can–
*Corypheus steps out of the temple and reaches out towards them., then begins to fly after them.
Corypheus: (Scream of rage.)
Morrigan: The eluvian!
PC: Through the mirror!
The eluvian activates, and the party rushes through, and a figure rises from the empty Well, following them. As it enters the eluvian, it deactivates and Corypheus runs into the glass. The party stumbles out of the mirror and into the storeroom back in Skyhold. Morrigan deactivates the eluvian once the PC comes through.
Morrigan: It is done.
Scene ends.
22 - General: I’ll use the Well myself. PC: If anyone is to use the Well, it will be me. Morrigan: So you will take what little knowledge you can understand, and let the rest go to waste?
Dialogue options:
General: We still need you. [23]
General: It won’t go to waste. [24]
General: The Inquisition needs this. [25]
23 - General: We still need you. PC: The Inquisition needs you. Corypheus still endangers us all. [26] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 24 - General: It won’t go to waste. PC: And who’s to say it will go to waste? Morrigan: I do. [26] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 25 - General: The Inquisition needs this. PC: This knowledge stays with the Inquisition. [26]
26 - Scene continues.
Morrigan (the PC did not warn about the Well’s geas): I am forever balked by those who believe they know better than I. Drink if you will, for the sake of us all. But steel your will to do it. Morrigan: (the PC warned about the Well’s geas) Perhaps it is better this way. Do as you will with the Well of Sorrows, Inquisitor. But be careful.
The PC wades into the Well. They lift some of the water to their lips and there is a burst of light.
PC: (Cry of pain.)
The PC looks around, standing in a void of darkness with a circling haze.
Voice: Garas quenathra?
PC: “Why am I here?” Corypheus… a magister wishes to rip the Veil open. I must learn how to stop him.
Voice: (Unintelligible whispers.)
Dialogue options:
General: Your aid is worth any price. PC: If you can help me vanquish Corypheus, take whatever price you wish. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
General: Is that a yes or a no? PC: I can’t understand what you’re–look! Will you help me or not? ㅤㅤ ㅤ
General: Answer me! PC: You will give me what I demand!
Voice: Vir mythal’enaste.
A sigil appears on the PC face, and everything goes dark.
Party comments:
Cassandra: Is it over? [Are they] coming around? I knew this would happen.
Cassandra (romanced): Maker, please. Don’t let it end this way.
Sera: Wake up from your good decision, stupid!
Sera (romanced): [Honey Tongue/Buckles/’Teetness/Shiny/Tadwinks/Inky]? If you’re dead, I’ll kill you!
Blackwall: I knew no good would come of this!
Blackwall (romanced): My lady? Oh, Maker, let her keep breathing…
Dorian: There! Our intrepid leader’s coming round.
Dorian (romanced): Festis bei umo canavarum. If you don’t come through this, I swear I’ll kill you.
Solas: There. Our Inquisitor’s waking up.
Solas (romanced): Inquisitor? Inquisitor!
Iron Bull (romanced): Hey, how’d that work out for you, kadan? You feeling good?
Varric: Breathing. That’s good! Let’s keep that up.
Vivienne: Inquisitor? Can you hear me?
The party approaches the PC as they they are jolted back into the Well, where they are laying in the empty basin. They stand, unsteady and waving away help.
Party comments:
Solas: How… do you feel?
Blackwall: How do you feel?
Dorian: Not dead! Well, that’s a relief. So… good? Bad? I’m dying to know.
Sera: So, you’ve got a head full of damp whatever. How’s that feel?
Iron Bull: That looked rough. How do you feel?
Cassandra: Inquisitor? How do you feel?
Vivienne: Warn us before you do that again, my dear. How do you feel?
Corypheus steps out of the temple and reaches out towards them., then begins to fly after them.
Corypheus: (Scream of rage.)
Morrigan: The eluvian!
PC: Through the mirror!
The eluvian activates, and the party rushes through, and a figure rises from the empty Well, following them. As it enters the eluvian, it deactivates and Corypheus runs into the glass. The party stumbles out of the mirror and into the storeroom back in Skyhold. Morrigan deactivates the eluvian once the PC comes through.
Morrigan: It is done.
Next: His Next Move - Morrigan Drank Next: His Next Move - Inquisitor Drank
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antag-onst · 3 days
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First post, first written fic. hope you guys like it :3
Warning : Violence, Mentions of war, PTSD?
Synopsis : Protag has a nightmare and ends up accidentally nearly choking his s/o
Characters : Salem, Vivienne (ocs, will post more about them soon ! )
Angst, probably? More lore will be posted soon. This is a short one lol
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When I opened my eyes in the middle of night, I expected to see the comforts of the ceiling in my home and my wife whom I thought was laying beside me. So why is it that when I opened my eyes, all I could see was a terrible past staring at me in the eyes? I struggled to move, my heart was pounding at a million miles per hour.. I thought I had gotten over this. I was getting better, wasn't I?
The sights of war surrounded me. Instead of the familiar bedroom I had always slept in, I saw the trenches of what was left of the last war. The cries and screams of soldiers on the battlefield was not a welcome sound to my ears. I clutched onto my rifle and put my back against the dirt walls of the trenches. I could only see the blood and bodies of those who were fortunate to be taken so quickly.. And the unfortunate ones who remained will have to deal with the trauma for the rest of their lives, just like me. Bullets, gunshots, everywhere, this wasn't something I wanted to return to. My legs were giving out on me as I ran through the dug in trenches. The friends I had made during my time in training now lay lifeless on the cold dirt.
Bombs, everywhere. How terrible. I pant and pant as I continue running for my life. If the gods could hear me, couldn't they just take me out and return me to a peaceful slumber? My thoughts clearly seemed to be the only thing I focused on because I ended up accidentally tripping on a small rock. The thud was audible as I struggle to get myself back up. It was hard to breathe.
“ Pathetic. Just pathetic ” A familiar voice could be heard from above me.
That voice.. No way.
I profusely look up to see the familiar scarred face of a man who I thought I had killed years ago. But this was a dream right?..
“ Scared to look at me? Is this how you really remembered that day? ” He chuckled as he looked around the environment they were in, his low voice somehow overpowering the constant noises of the firearms and explosives. The man got down on one knee in order to get closer to my level, with his hand he tightly got a hold of my chin and forced me to look up at him.
“ I'm not really dead, you know. ” God that stupid smirk on his face, I wanted to wipe it off so badly but how could I when he was the one taking control of this situation.. But.. He's not being genuine, right? This was just a dream after all but why couldn't I force myself awake? Why couldn't I speak? I was at a point where I was frozen, the only thing I could control were my thoughts.
“ I don't care if you believe me or not. This must be a dream, right? ”
He was mocking me and he seemed amused by it too. his red eyes flickering down at me with a hint of crazy in them.
“ Kill me again, I dare you. ”
It wasn't my first thought to kill him again.. But then my body moved on its own.. I stood up, then both of my hands moved to his neck. Why was I starting to choke him? I could tell he was entertained by the look I had on my face as I choked him. My fingers wrapping around his throat, constricting him of air.
“ Good boy. ”
Were his last words before suddenly, a faint voice played in the back of my head. It was calling my name.
When I recognized who it was, my eyes flung awake as I realised, infront of me.. The one who I was actually choking this entire time.. was my wife.
“ Salem! Salem.. P-Please stop... ” She could barely use her voice as my hands were tight around her throat. When I saw what was infront of me, I let go. My hands stayed close to my chest.. What was I thinking, choking my own wife?!
She let out a few coughs once my hands released her neck. I.. felt so guilty in this moment. That was until she looked at me with a look of concern and worry as she scooted herself towards me.
“ ..Salem.. Are you alright..? ” She asked, looking into my eyes.
I was such a terrible person.. She doesn't know of my past and I even tried to choke her out in my sleep.
“ ..Vi.. I-I'm fine.. Just a bad dream.. ”
Tears were threatening to leak out of my eyes. All it took was the look in my eyes for my wife to wrap her arms around me softly and that was the last trigger it took for myself to burst, crying and sobbing in her arms.
I had so many questions, and that dream only gave me more.
Vippe 36A - Recorded.
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Author Notes :
Feel free to ask me questions about this ! I might write more about this mystery man who is haunting Salem in the near future but I might try to flesh out Salem and Vivienne (the wife) first before doing so. Uh yeah so thats ab it hope you liked this random oc thingy!!!!! ill also make an introduction post for myself and for Vippe 36A as a whole, ill reply to any questions so have that for now lolll
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 months
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). 👀
H: (hopefully I'm understanding this correctly because I am braindead atm) I tend to check fandom wiki pages most often since they're fairly easy to navigate and find what I want quickly. As with all sites that are contributed to via many users, it's possible to run across incorrect, incomplete or outdated information from time to time. If it's for something important (research for example) I check any cited sources and/or cross reference within the original source media.
Very occasionally, if there are official lore/art books, I turn to those. I don't do this very often because I tend to get sidetracked much more easily with these for some reason. Not a bad problem to have, but a quick ten minute search can turn into an hour or two later and now I have to know everything about some random, niche thing.
M: 🤔 hmm...so many characters for so many reasons. Vivienne's parties, chaos with Sera. Hanging out with Blackwall, where we don't even say anything but just kinda enjoy the company? I wanna read Swords and Shields and talk to Cassandra about it. I want to get spoilers for the next installment directly from Varric Tethras.
P: oh, you. Didn't you give me the next gen idea? Rebel Aveline is your fault /s
I love the vibe of Angels and Demons AU. I have no idea how I'd do it but the vibe? Yes.
Also an AU where Ariel doesn't go to Amaranthine and gets some fucking therapy but shhhhhhhhh
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dreadfutures · 1 year
For the director's commentary ask game thing: I'd *love* a director's commentary on your inspiration for/ thoughts on the academic texts in your amazing Dorian & Solas fic "strike a match (whisper my name)." Particularly Memories of Callistus, Magister and Scholar that shows up in chapter 3. Your descriptions of it and the passage you wrote for it were just *so* cool!!
Oh, thank you so much!
FIC: [strike a match (whisper my name)]
Rating: T | Pairing: Dorian & Solas | Multichap: 7/7
Dorian and Solas go back and forth during Inquisition, arguing over whether Corypheus' magic is powered by blood, red lyrium, the Blight itself, or some unholy combination of the two. An academic rivalry that leads to friendship - even in the face of the end of the world.
One thing Dorian expresses canonically in DAI, especially if you take him to the Fade in HLTA, is that he does not find it a beautiful place at all. Despite his disagreements with Vivienne on most things, he does align with her on the idea that everything beautiful in the Fade is a lie, a danger, and that underneath there is something that cannot be trusted and may very well be repulsive. In this fic, Solas offers Dorian a bit of an olive branch between their Blight-vs-Blood-vs-Red Lyrium tete-a-tete, and he lends Dorian a book that he hopes will show Dorian that there is beauty in the Fade, that can be trusted.
This book is a diary of Magister Callistus.
And... Callistus, the book, and the passage Dorian reads is from a Codex: Walking the Fade - Frozen Moments.
Only when I let go of my desires and humbled myself was the Fade opened to me. The spirits came and took it upon themselves to be my guides, my lanterns in the darkness. At their command, the paths grew still, and I could walk them again and again. I was shown vast oceans, containing not water, but memories, drawn from the minds of dreamers. I drifted through frozen moments, like paintings, perfect in each detail. As I explored this impossible realm, the spirits kept darker things at bay. I came to trust them, even love them, and I saw my own love reflected in them.
To know the Fade, one cannot seek to master it. The Fade is the master, the teacher. We are merely apprentices.
—Writings of Magister Callistus of Taraevyn, known to some as "Callistus the Fade-Touched"
I've been really touched that more than one person has so enjoyed the book exchange Solas and Dorian engage in! But this one isn't mine.
I go lore-hunting quite often and stumble across these codices, and then I dream up ways to include them in fics. Most often, these are notes and letters to discover, if I am trying to include them specifically, OR, they point me in directions of ideas and concepts that are known and discussed IN UNIVERSE between characters, and thus give me an idea of what people generally might know and talk about.
In this fic specifically, I knew I wanted Solas and Dorian to engage in a book exchange. Now, there aren't a lot of texts on the subject they're actually debating (blood magic, blight magic, and red lyrium). However, they are both surprisingly stuffy academics...each with a softer side that challenges and entertains the status quo. That's why Dorian was such a prodigy, a thaumaturge, becoming an Enchanter so young. He's a researcher, entertaining whimsical ideas others might write off. Solas, as both a Dreamer and an ancient elf who literally created the Veil, has a breadth of knowledge and experience beyond most - and because he values intellectual discovery, dangles that knowledge like a lure, hoping that someone else will appreciate the shiny things he has gathered.
And I needed them to be friends, after establishing them as barely tenuous, and quite contentious, allies.
So I thought: what's an event that might trigger Dorian to express an opinion that Solas can challenge? and how can Solas challenge it as an academic, rather than relying on the ol' "i dreamed about it" deal? How about a book! I listened to a bunch of Dorian's dialogue, latched on to this idea of a) Tevinter Magisters *know* about Dreamers, and have records of them! b) How do they truly view the Fade, and Demons? What do their *academics* think, versus Dorian's somewhat traumatized post-HLTA reaction? c) Are there any codices or books that relate to Dreamers, their experiences in the Fade, and beautiful experiences?
And with just a little bit of googling and wiki-walking, I found Callistus.
Now the other "text" in the fic is an unnamed tome written in both Elven and Tevene:
Dorian knows what the book is the moment he sees that the pages are mirrored — on the left hand side there is the unfamiliar and thought to be lost elven script, and on the right there is ancient Tevene.
And the pages are soaked in blood.
It is an ancient academic text, written by two collaborators studying the newly erected Veil! He has no idea where it has been hiding his whole life — or for the past several centuries — but it is the find of a lifetime, to be sure.
I knew pretty early on (because my brain is hung up on my own AUs) that this would take place in Ixchel's young!lifetime. Solas does not want to win. Solas sees modern people as people. He knows what will happen to them if he wins. And he is desperate for someone to stop him. Young!Ixchel gave up. But Dorian? Dorian, presented with a clue? Would he ever give up the search? No!
So I thought about what kind of thing might be the key to unraveling this mystery of the nature of magic and its subtypes, and the nature of time. They are all connected in DA, that's pretty clear to me. The question of how and why and when it all became that way is another mystery.
And I like to think about the peoples of Thedas as...people. Ancient elves survived the Fall of Arlathan/the Creation of the Veil. They interacted with the nascent Tevinter Imperium, exchanging ideas, religions, practices, beliefs, and skills. Surely--surely!--there were people studying the Veil, which had not been there before. What if they worked together?
People are people!
And how useful would it be, to have information from someone who knew what it was like before the Veil, and who could analyze and describe this new phenomenon in detail, and perform tests and such with lifetimes of experience and wisdom guiding them? Surely that would save Dorian a lot of time. And that would certainly be something that Solas could get his hands on, I'm sure.
This was roughly the same time as the DA Comic, The Missing, was coming out, which seems to be a game of cat-and-mouse and leaving clues behind between Solas and Varric, so it really felt in-character for Solas to leave this book where Dorian could find it.
I initially envisioned the fic to have Solas in the audience at one of Dorian's lectures, ask an impertinent question, and argue with Dorian briefly before Dorian realizes--this is Solas! but Solas would get away before Dorian could end his seminar and give chase. That didn't happen (boy, I did not want to write that seminar and question session!!! LOL just #thesis hell getting too real), so instead I implied that Solas was in the audience, had listened to Dorian's theories, and knew exactly what to give Dorian to push him to the next realization, and left it in Dorian's house.
Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble about how I find obscure codices lol. DA has so many! of them!
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hrodvitnon · 2 years
And a couple special Abraxas Qs from me on Christmas Eve, since I know you love these. ;) (1) What are San and Manda's thoughts on Christmas? (2) Which aspects of Christmas are San and Manda's favourites each?
Aww, you know me so well! :D
At first it seems a bit ostentatious with all the lights and decorations going on, but there's a real charm to it all, especially when humans get together and sing carols the way they do. Vivienne explains that however one celebrates it, it's a time for families or couples to spend the holiday together and exchange gifts, have fun, or just relax and enjoy the pretty sights and sounds. Naturally this all appeals to San and Manda because everyone has a different tradition when celebrating, and they want to learn them all! It's so fun!
The first thing that really stands out to both of them are the decorations. Humans can really go all out with the festive lights and props, some simple and homey and others over-the-top with light-up reindeer on the front lawn, and they're so pretty to look at! San enjoys the wholesome gift-giving and Santa lore, plus the weirder and spookier tales of Krampus and Mari Lywd (in fact San likes to try the whole "gain entry through song" bit because it feels like a fun game to him). Manda likes to play with bells like the overgrown noodle cat he is, and with those antlers he could be convinced to pull a sleigh around and give rides. He also really gets into the old carols and croons along with the singers. (And in the case of a Biollante!Maddie holiday special, he really likes the kissing under mistletoe and doing what any young loving couple does for Christmas in his neck of the woods... eat a big fried chicken meal with his lady!)
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zevranunderstander · 2 years
i dont really wanna start beef w this but the companions from dragon age inqusition are all so shallow in how they are written tbh?
like. in dao you had characters like zevran, who never expresses his real thoughts and emotions and who you could read as a completely diffrent person if you didn't put actual effort in getting to know him and who has so much complexity to him and his own relationship to his past is *so* interesting to explore. or anders, who slowly develops from a person who wants to help and do good into a deeply resentful and bitter representation of vengeance who sees no other way out than to commit a brutal act of terrorism. or alistair, who is almost a complete inversion of the "rightful heir returns home" trope, who is nothing like you imagine him to be when you first meet him. or isabela, who lies to you from the moment you first meet her and who starts to regret what she did and actually trust you enough to put her life in your hands.
i could go on forever with this, actually, but in the first two games, almost every companion has a very insteresting depth to them that makes them a fully diffrent person than you might expect them to be
and in inquisition, all characters feel lowkey shallow in comparison? first of all, almost nothing the characters do ties into the main story? the stories in dao and da2 would be fundamentally different without your companions, especially da2 is almost entirely character-driven. and the character quests in dai are literally just random, plot un-related stuff. like. its cool that blackwall was a grey warden or that the iron bull secretly is a spy, i guess, but what does it add to the plot of the game? what made it so cool that isabela and anders were lying to you was how *you* suffered their consequences. what they did didn't just tie into the main plot, *you* were associated with them and *you* had to deal with the fallout of their actions. and it's like, cool that blackwall has this dark past but there are no stakes for you in this. why *wouldn't* you sympathize with him and forgive him? the game tries to paint these moments as "*gasp* you lied to me!", but really, this is nothing like the betrayal you feel when isabela basically hands you out to the qunari and runs away and you have to work this out with her
and there is so little to discover about the dai companions, too? like, i think the only character i really like in dai is vivienne, because she is the only character that has some depth to her you can explore. i still don't think vivienne can hold up to most characters in older games, but she actually has motives and if you get to know her, you actually change your opinion of her a bit and while her character quest also has zero impact on the main plot, she still made sense to me as a character and didn't feel completely one-dimensional.
im mainly making this post, because dai was my first dragon age game and i found a lot of old fanart recently and back then i *really* liked dorian. and that got me thinking for a moment because now, like 5 years later, i don't really give a shit about dorian anymore? like, i played dao and da2 after dai and there is so little to his character. his whole plot basically revolves around him being gay, his only character traits actually seem to be that he's a genius mage and, more importantly, that he's gay.
and like, his character almost feels regressive to how sexuality wasn't even a topic in romance in dao and *especially* in da2? and dai almost post-adds homophobia and coversion therapy into a series that didn't really need to have a homophobia problem, just to be like "see? we're being deep and serious right here!", and his story is, like all character quests, very predictable and very generic? and aside from that, there isn't that much to learn about him. most of his other dialogue is either sassy disses of other characters or lore dumps about tevinter that aren't all that related to him
this also brings me to my next point. you don't have an actual group dynamic? like, yeah you can sometimes *ask* a character what he thinks of another character but there isn't much interaction between the companions? like, yeah, some characters are friends/like each other, like sera and blackwall or dorian and the iron bull, but? like, you don't really intiutively know what cassandra thinks of vivienne or what blackwall thinks of dorian or if they have ever even been in the same room or spoken to each other.
da2 obviously excels at the whole group dynamic writing, but also dao (which was way less character driven than da2) put a lot of effort in the dynamic characters had. like, banter in dao usually was used to show how 2 characters interacted with each other, like zevran's and wynne's interactions being about them trying to make eachother incredibly uncomfortable, or alistair and morrigan berating each other - it gave you a very clear idea of what it might be like when you all sit by the campfire and talk. you know stuff like that alistair doesn't trust zevran, that leliana tries to be friends with morrigan, that ohgren feels like wynne is looking down at him, etc. there is very little like that happening in inquisition and banter often is just one continuous joke, like vivienne and dorian making fun of solas' clothing and demeanor or sera making silly jokes to everyone she talks to and somehow you feel like these people just dont talk to each other at all when you aren't around.
say what you want about some characters in da2 hating each other for 10 years straight and still being in the same friend group but when you went to do a quest for merrill, she would be chilling with isabela or anders and varric would be playing cards or your family was up to some shit again, but it felt like all of these people would actually regularly hang out with each other? and in dai these people all live in the same fucking castle and you see them being away from their standart spot maybe once? there is one scene where they all play cards together but tbh for me it did the opposite of what the game wanted me to feel in that moment because i was confornted with "wait, dorian and blackwall really exist in the same world and in the same building? sera and leliana exist in the same game?"
like this game sucks at writing characters and tbh im bitter and i have actually zero hopes for dragon age dreadwolf bc dai feels like a cheap copy of the other two games that really is frustratingly mediocre in every way. like, there is really no aspect of inquisition that it actually excels at or a thing it does better than the older games and dreadwolf seems to want to go in the same direction like dai with the plot being suddenly all about solas and the end of the world and. tbh. i don't think they will pull this off in a way that won't genuinely frustrate me
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