#if you genuinely enjoy being outraged all the time by all means keep throwing your fits
sometimes… lore that is conflicting… is worldbuilding
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pretty-toru · 3 years
something sweet┆gojo satoru
୧ genre: fluff, slight crack?
୧ wc: 600+
୧ synopsis: dumbest thing you and gojo broken up over? him eating all your chocolates when you're both huge sweet fiends.
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"You guys haven't gotten back together yet?" Shoko's blunt on addressing the elephant in the room, not giving much thought to the situation as she continues to fiddle with her pencil between her fingers. She's unable to keep track of your and Gojo's "on and off" situation since it's heart-eyes and romantic gestures until you're hurt and decide you're single the next moment and Gojo's exhausting every option to win your heart back.
Your face contorts into a grimace at the mere mention of the white-haired thief even though he's your beloved menace. It turns your mood sour when you were about to enjoy your melon bread only to have your appetite ruined altogether. Tossing the confectionary to the side, you cross your arms and lean back into your chair with a small huff. "What do you mean get back together? He can get on his knees and beg and I won't even blink an eye."
"Let's hear what happened, honestly. I don't think you did anything good either." Geto comments and you turn to him with a scoff.
"Why don't you think I did anything good? I'm a generous person at heart and I can forgive everything else, but you know I can't forgive someone when they open my chocolate box before I do. And how many did Satoru have?" You emphasize the number of stolen pieces on your fingers, "Six of my chocolates!"
Shoko's gaze shifts to Gojo shuffling back into the classroom and he comes bearing gifts of your favorite flowers and several fancy boxes of chocolates imported from a foreign land to hopefully make it up to you. "Then you're not gonna see him even if he comes himself?" The brunette presses on, and you whip your head away from her with an angry pout and crinkled nose in response.
"I'm telling you, I'm not letting this go."
A disappointed sigh escapes Geto and he looks over to his crestfallen best friend with a sorry expression. "It won't work, Satoru. You're just gonna have to leave."
Huh? When the raven-haired student gives you the impression that Gojo is present, you immediately turn around to meet his cerulean eyes with sunglasses on the very edge of his nose. For someone who's supposed to be mad at their boyfriend, you sure were embarrassingly quick to acknowledge him. You quickly cover yourself with a "Hmph, what are you doing here?" even though it takes everything in you to ignore the pretty things adorning his arms.
"Baby, will you look at me? I'm so sorry for eating your chocolates. I promise it will never, ever happen again." Gojo's kneeling before you and sincerely pushing the budding pink tulips and the outrageously overpriced chocolates onto your lap. "Please forgive me, angel?"
Gosh, why is he being like this? It's making it that much harder for you not to forgive him right this second. And he looks so precious and genuine with his softened visage and downturned lips that you can't even stay upset at him for long. You would never admit it, but Gojo always has you putty at the knees whenever you feel he's being too sweet and caring towards you.
"Well, I guess I overreacted a little. Just next time leave some for me, okay? You know how those are some of my favorites." Your voice sounds too meekly for your taste, but you want him to know that you accept his apology wholeheartedly. Besides, you hate when there's tension between you two and you want nothing more than going back to being Y/N and Satoru again.
"Alright. I got it, my sweet baby." He doesn't hesitate to steal a quick kiss from you before straightening himself out. An affectionate simper makes way to his lips. The same one that always makes your heart flutter. "Anything else I need to do to marry you?"
"You can marry me when you become the Strongest Sorcerer," you quip whenever he throws one of his cheesy lines at you. And maybe you like that about him when the sole purpose is to make you laugh.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
hiii, how are you? may i ask angst alphabet for Ace? thank you ❤️
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Angst Alphabet - Portgas D. Ace
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a/n: hi hi!! here you go! OMG angst is still really hard LOL I don’t want to think about their rough life 😔😔😔😔😔 ANYWHOOOOO thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy<3
warnings: on the letter S there is mention of self harm
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A-Accident (would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?)
Ace would definitely blame himself. He’s always thought he was a no-good demon child, son of a criminal that didn’t deserve to be alive (despite finding people that truly cared and loved him). You dying in an accident and him not being able to do anything about it would just reinforce what he already thinks of himself.
Regardless of your cause of death he is likely to attribute it to your association with himself, and because of that he will think it is entirely his fault, even if he wasn’t present at the time of your death.
B-Break up (How would they break up with you?)
His lessons with Makino really helped him develop manners and just a general sense of acceptable behaviour. So, Ace would just be clear and up front, no mixed messages, no miscommunication. He would take you some place quiet and away from others, and then he would be as honest and vulnerable as possible – it’s the least you deserve. The break-up would be very civil, you would definitely end on good terms (doesn’t make it any less sad though).
C-Crying (how would they make you cry?)
Sometimes Ace can take his teasing a little too far. Usually you can handle it, but there are just some days where his words cut deeper than ever intended (even if they have no malice behind them). It’s not his fault you’re having a bad day, or not realizing you are having a bad day. It’s just one of those things that happens sometimes. As soon as you start to cry though, he apologizes and reassures you so much, to make sure you known he doesn’t mean it and he’s only playing around.
D-Death (how would they react to your death?)
It would start out with a lot of confusion, like “what t-that must be some kind of a sick joke. H-how… w-what… they wouldn’t just die like that.” After it really sinks in that you have in fact died, Ace will just get angry. I don’t see him as much of a crier (spoiler alert – we only see him truly allow himself to cry on two occasions 1) when luffy got crazy hurt as a child and 2) when ace was on deaths door), so I believe he would react with anger.
Regardless of your cause of death (natural causes, accident, died in battle etc.) Ace would be unbelievably angry with himself, the world and you. He would be angry at himself for being unable to save you, someone he cares about and loves deeply. He would be angry at the world and whatever higher being there may be for choosing now to be your time. There are so many horrible, horrible people in the world, yet you had to die? It makes no sense. Lastly, he would be angry at you. Not a genuine anger but more so a “how could you just leave me like this? We were meant to be together forever.”
E-Emotion (what is one emotion they would try to hide the most and how would they do it?)
I think Ace tends to try his sadness. He tries to put on a brave face, not wanting anyone to see him cry as he doesn’t want to be viewed as weak or be even more of a burden on others.
F-Fight (how often do you fight? What do you fight about? Do you fight often? Etc.)
Fights with Ace, although they don’t happen often, can quickly get out of hand. He’s stubborn and his inability to accept that he’s not always right can cause a minor disagreement to escalate into an all-out fight. On a few occasions you have argued about him never turning his back on an opponent.
Your fights tend to be followed by cooldown time. Things can get quite heated (no pun intended) so you need some alone time and space to breathe. After that though, you comeback together and apologize.
G-Guilt (what is the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
For his entire life, Ace has lived with the guilt of simply existing. He doesn’t think himself worthy of being alive. Can you blame him? It’s all anyone ever told him growing up. Despite eventually finding people who loved him for him, those feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness still remain and continue to plague his mind.
H-Heartbreak (what would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break-up?)
During a break-up Ace is quiet. He doesn’t want to be around anyone or anything. He wants to be left completely alone so he can sort out his thoughts and feelings. He’d be quite devasted because he’s had so few people in his life love him on as deep a level as you did.
I-Injured (how would they react if you are badly injured?)
Ace would absolutely lose it if you were injured. He’d be concerned, upset, and angry all at once. First things first, he needs to know if you are going to be ok. Once that’s been established, he’ll be upset at himself for allowing this to happen. This will be replaced by the pure anger he feels at whoever, or whatever, caused this.
J-Jealousy (what do they do if they are jealous?)
When he gets jealous he turns into such a man child. He’s pouting and moping around while mumbling to himself. He develops quite a petty attitude. If you were to ask him “want to go get something to eat?” he’d respond with “why don’t you just go and ask ____ for some food.” But, as soon as you begin commenting on how jealous he’s acting he’s going to deny it to the end of his days.
K-Kill (would they kill for revenge?)
Ace literally hunted down Blackbeard so he could get revenge on him for killing Thatch. It’s not certain whether or not Ace had the intention of killing Blackbeard, however, he definitely had both the spirit and anger to go through with killing him. So, it is possible that Ace would kill for revenge. However, for the most part, he would prefer to just beat them senseless.
L-Loss (what is their greatest loss?)
Either Sabo or his mother’s death, would be considered Ace’s greatest loss. His mother died when he was a new-born, so he doesn’t particularly remember, or know, anything about her other than the fact that she was a kind wonderful woman. However, the loss of Sabo is something he remembers vividly. Losing Sabo had a major impact on Ace. It was an unfortunate wake up call as to how awful the world truly is.
M-Mistake (what is the worst mistake they ever made with you?)
One night, after a particularly bad day filled with a horrible series of events, Ace was letting off some steam (quite literally I suppose). Messing with his devil fruit power, throwing some flames around. He hadn’t noticed your presence and so his flames nearly burnt you. He was horrified, and he only felt worse after he noticed the pure terror in your eyes.
N-Nightmares (how often do they have them? What are they about? How do they deal with it?
Ace has nightmares frequently, they vary, but they all have the same underlying theme, that is, the people in his life don’t actually care about him and only view him the same way everyone else views the son of the pirate kind – a worthless devil with no right to life. He wakes up from his dreams in a sweat and finds himself in desperate need of fresh air (ya know to try and clear his mind). He ends up just sitting out on the deck of the Moby Dick looking up at the sky trying to tell himself it was all a dream. But his insecurity and self-doubt begin to resurface and soon he can’t discern imagination from reality. However, the moment someone else on the crew even speaks to Ace with something as simple as a “morning dude” he’s brought back down to earth and thinks to himself “no that’s right…. They love me… I wouldn’t be here right now if they didn’t.”
It’s a vicious cycle, but in the end, he manages to remember (even if it’s just for a little bit) that he is cherished.
O-Outrage (how and why would they get mad at you?)
When you continuously tell him there’s no need to stay and fight every single opponent. It’s okay to turn and runaway – in fact it’s safer to do that. When you say that he feels as though you don’t understand him. He’s not some careless, impulsive child who’s just looking for a fight (okay maybe he is a little bit). So he doesn’t really get super angry, it’s more so that he is frustrated and a little upset that you don’t try to see it from his perspective.
P-Past (what has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?)
It’s the same as the worst mistake he’s ever made with you – nearly burning you with his devil fruit. It made you realize that Ace can actually be quite dangerous (although you know he would NEVER hurt you intentionally). It made Ace realize that he needs to be more careful, the look of pure terror in your eyes has stayed with him ever since that incident, serving as a reminder.
Q-Quality (what is their most dangerous/toxic quality?)
His tendency to not back down from a fight is simultaneously his most endearing and toxic trait. He constantly places himself in dangerous situations with minimal concern for his own safety.
R-Rejection (how would they react to you rejecting their confession (or the other way around))
Having his confession rejected by you was definitely a blow to his self-esteem, but he respected and accepted your feelings. Instead of moping around about it he decides to laugh it off, trying to make light of a slightly disappointing situation.
S-Scars (battle or self-inflicted)
Ace does not have any scars, battle related or self-inflicted.
TW self-harm: I do think ace got worryingly close to self-harming, but Sabo and Luffy made him rethink it all.
T-Trust (have they ever broken your trust?)
The one and only time Ace broke your trust was after Blackbeards betrayal. You made him promise to take you with him when he left to hunt down Blackbeard because you didn’t want him to go alone. He promised but he had no intention of keeping that promise.
U-Urge (how badly do they want to see you after you guys separated?)
For a while Ace manages to get by by keeping himself preoccupied. But as soon as he lets up for even a minute, he realizes how much he misses you and is beyond tempted to just sail on back to wherever you are and tackle you to the ground plastering your face in lil kisses. When he’s not distracted, he really does miss you a lot. He hyper-fixates on what you could be doing at this very moment, whether or not you miss him too etc.
V-Vicious (what do they do when they lash out on you?)
When ace gets mad, he tends to get very loud. He raises his voice quite a lot and it becomes very, very frightening. He would never physically hurt you, but the anger and frustration in his voice is more than another to scare the shit out of you.
W-Weak (what makes them feel weak how do they try to avoid it?)
Constantly being reminded or associated with the Pirate King. Maybe it doesn’t make him feel weak, but it makes him feel horrible inside and stirs up a lot of feelings and remarks people would make when he was younger. Unfortunately, once word gets out there isn’t much Ace can do to stop this from happening, however, before this, Ace avoided this by not telling ANYONE. He only told Luffy and Sabo, with a very small handful of others knowing (i.e Garp).
X-X-ray (what do they hate and show it most obviously?)
He hates turning his back on a fight or turning his back on people that talk shit about those he cares about. This is seen during the Marineford arc. He doesn’t let Akainus words about Whitebeard slide. He doesn’t runaway. He has no tolerance for that shit.
Y-Yearn (what is one thing that they want but can’t have?)
Ok this may be dark as hell but, Ace just wants to not feel like a burden to the world. He wants to be viewed as something different/separate from his father, but he can’t change history.
Z-Zero (what do they do/say in your dying moments?)
He doesn’t let you go. He’ll hold on to you until he is forcefully separated from your body. He just starts to spout a lot of nonsense – things don’t make sense at all, but he can’t help it right now. He can’t think properly when you’re about to leave him. He just wants you to stay.
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doubledgesword-2 · 3 years
Can I get Vil Schoenheit x Rival Celebrity? They shoot insults at each other but end up flirting? Take it as far as you want! Any gender reader is fine lol
Oh, ma Gooosh!! This is the first Matcha Tea I've gotten, and I'm all for this. I had so much fun with this one, and I want to show you lil' sugar cubes the difference between characters I know and the ones that I don't. I do my research before writing a character that I'm unfamiliar with, but I will be sincere: I butchered the last request (Shalnark's). I will try to rewrite it, but other characters apart from the stated ones are a bit hard for me ( ˘︹˘ ).
I will always try my best for ya'll! Enjoy this steaming Matcha (❛‿❛✿)
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“What a shameless potato,” nimble fingers scrolled down on their phone, looking at the menagerie of pictures from one single account: yours.
You and Vil were from the same industry, just not the same department per se. While he was a model and actor, you were a j pop star and actress. Your popularity and his were on the same level, but he was slightly higher if you asked him or his fans. Ever since the two of you met on set for a fantasy-like movie, you repelled each other’s presence like oil and water.
Amethyst eyes glared at your smiling picture, and a thousand critiques passed through his mind. Your make-up did not complement your features; what was your make-up artist thinking? That nail polish didn’t match with your skin, and your haircut didn’t go with your face and countless other thoughts. But that wasn’t his place to tell, and besides, you living in his head rent-free wasn’t good for his skin. Stress kills, and thinking about you was very stressful.
The subway doors opened, and Vil gripped his side bag, adjusting his beret and sunglasses and walking out with the amount of confidence and power it took to walk down the runway. The sea of people diligently coming and going parted for him without a cue. They just did like mindless fish around a predator. It was in their nature to give in, in the presence of something so regal.
Vil had a photoshoot to go, and he couldn’t miss a beat. His agenda was full and complicated; anyone who tried to follow it would surely lose their minds after the first three days of the same arduous pace. But he could handle it with the grace of a swan. He was the great Vil Shoenheit. He wondered if you could handle a week in his shoes. You probably would drop exhausted and disheveled, complaining about the hard work. The thought made him smirk smugly, and passerby fans who recognized him couldn’t even keep up to ask for an autograph.
He just couldn’t fathom how you had such a fan base with your attitude and manners. Sure, in front of the cameras, you were a sweetheart, stealing everyone’s hearts, singing like an empowered angel, and making them think you were as far from the villain he knew you truly were. Vil knew your kind and recognized it the moment he met you on set. Heck, you couldn’t even contain your disdain in interviews when the two of you had to sit side by side. It was uncomfortable, to say the least; the poor reporter was so painfully awkward trying to alleviate the tenseness in the room.
“So (Y/N), how do you feel being an actress in a big-budget movie while also singing and performing the next week? Is it exhausting?”
You sided glared at Vil, and gave the reporter a smug grin. “Well, I think I can handle a little bit of work. It’s not in me to sit around and look pretty, you know. But then again, I guess that’s what some people are into, so we can’t judge them. They might not understand hard work.”
Vil smiled with closed eyes. You were such an amateur. If it weren’t for the fact that you were actively throwing shade on him and being so annoying at it, too, he might think you were cute.
Of course, Vil wouldn’t back down; that’s not what he was taught. The crown was his, and he would take it with hard work and determination. Which means potatoes like you don’t really matter in the long run of things.
“Vil-senpai, how do you manage your modeling gig and your acting? I mean, it must be hard to run from one event to the next since they’re so close behind each other?”
“Well, dear, we models are more than just a pretty face. We represent big companies and events that many couldn’t even fathom getting into. My schedule might be a bit tight, but I was born into this lifestyle, and I have learned many skills to help me move and work in these types of environments. I can say one thing for sure not a lot of people can handle my agenda, one day in my heels, and they might slip if you know what I mean, darling.”
You scoffed under your breath, and it made Vil’s smile grow wider.
“Ahh, Vil-senpai is a hard worker for sure. Perhaps one day I could do an interview that can provide insight to one day of your agenda.”
“Anytime you want, darling, it would be lovely,” he knew with every word that came out of his mouth; you simmered even more.
“Are there any hobbies or activities that can fit into your schedules?
Vil was about to open his mouth when you beat him to it.
“Well, I don’t think he’s allowed to have any, you know, with his busy schedule. But I do love partaking in (hobby). I think it is a nice way to unwind and take my mind off of everything. Since stress it’s not good for your vocals, you know. I try to keep myself in top shape for my lovely fans.”
Vil was raging. How dare you interrupt him when he was clearly about to talk. Didn’t your parent taught you any manners, or are you so much of a spoiled brat to care for?
“Ahh, interesting. Does Vil Sendai have any hobbies in particular?
“As a matter of fact, I do” you were looking at him with an expectant smirk. You were genuinely curious to hear what he had to say. “I like to make beauty and make-up tutorials that are beneficial for a lot of my fans. I like to show them how to use brushes correctly what and what not to do with concealer. Those are bonding moments for me and my fans. I think they are important.”
At the end of that interview, a single question brought the anger and tense meter to burst. Now the tensions and dislikes weren’t palpable. They were visible.
“Oh, I’ve had some partners, but I like to focus more on my work, unlike some other artists who like to jump around; my projects come first, and I don’t want to ruin my partner’s and I relationship by not spending enough time with them.”
“Wow, he really doesn’t like to have fun.”
“I do just not with the likes of you.”
“Come on, pretty boy, you couldn’t handle me even if you were begging pretty on your knees.”
“Dream on, potato, you might be prettier than most potatoes, but you’re still that a potato with some potential. I bet if push came to shove, you wouldn’t last seconds with me.
“I bet you wouldn’t make it into the second round without having to retouch your make-up with me. Besides, it’s not like you’ll last long enough to even sweat that much.”
“Well, that’s a relief to know I wouldn’t have to put much effort into pleasing someone like you.”
The reporter was utterly flushed, and that was cut from the interview recording. Good thing that it was, or people might’ve gotten the wrong impression. That you liked each other or something.
Or something.
After that interview, rumors spread like they always do, and fans started gossiping about the two of you secretly together but having to hate each other in public to save face since it’s a big rumor that singers and models don’t actually go well together in the industry.
Such wild imagination and machinations fans have. It brought out a small chuckle.
Vil passed through the automatic doors telling the receptionist his name and guiding him to the set. Once there, he settled his stuff over the make-up table and sat back to look once more through his phone.
“Have you seen this?” A text notification annoying appeared on the screen.
Vil tch and opened the message to reveal a very well photoshopped photo of him and you sitting and drinking at some café. You were smiling like he just told you you were beautiful, and it was a good look on you.
This was outrageous. Who would go to such lengths? Suddenly a bag dropped right on the table next to him. He looked up to meet your eyes as you took off your sunglasses, slowly realizing who was sitting beside you.
“Oh no,” you faintly muttered underneath your breath but not faintly enough that Vil couldn’t hear you.
He scoffed and went back to look at the stupid picture, texting his manager as mad as he was.
“Oh, you saw it too,” you commented, sitting down and looking at your own phone.
Vil didn’t answer. He really didn’t care about your opinion on this; his credibility was on the line. He was supposed to hate you, and that’s how things should go.
“Well, at least they got a good angle of my face, not to mention I’m actually smiling for once.”
“Actually, smil- what are you talking about potato? All you do is smile in all of your pictures. That’s why you have to hide your wrinkles with make-up,” he said as if it was the most obvious thing.
“Well, as presumptuous as that was, proud little peacock, I actually never smile genuinely for the cameras. My genuine smile is reserved for good moments. I guess not anymore.”
At that, Vil felt like the two of you clicked. He knew the feeling, the invasive nature of fame, and the lack of privacy was very real in the industry. It’s the first thing you have to get through. But listening to you say made him realize you’re just like him.
“Well, if you behave during the shoot, I might feel inclined to reward you for good behavior” he grinned at you.
“Mmm, you make it sound as if you don’t like the way I make you crumble in front of everyone. It’s like you’re denying yourself the pleasure, and here I thought you liked the masochism.”
“Hahahaha, I’ll step on you once we’re done here. Maybe that and a little bit of discipline will put you in your place. However, your lack of manners and running mouth might be a problem; perhaps all you need is a nice pacifier. I can help with that.”
You both were so close to each other muttering salacious threats that you didn’t realize how flustered everyone else was in the room.
It was going to be another one of those shoots.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.03
Garden of Delights
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,411
Warnings: angst, jealousy, talks of death, talk of sickness, infant sickness, neglect, fluff
A/N: As I said, writing itself right now. lol I’m not really sure how long this story will be. I have the basic premise set and a small plot, but if I choose to make this around the size of Pseudo Princess, I’ll have to come up with a bigger plot than the simple one I’ve got. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I know I certainly loved writing it. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Seriously, Thor doesn’t reblog as easily as Bucky or Steve on tumblr, so I TRULY appreciate it.
Please do not RESPOST any of my works on other sides or blogs.
REBLOGS always welcome!
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You’re still laughing gently, hiding your chewing behind your hand.
“Stop.” You plead, looking across the table at Thor.
Both of you seated on opposite heads of the table. To your left is Loki, smirking with no shame at the stories just relayed. To your right is Brunnhilde, sipping her wine…well, guzzling would be more apt.
She’s teetering left and right, elbow on the table as she shakes her head at Loki across from her.
They lock eyes and Loki scoffs, “Don’t pretend as if you didn’t want to stab him too when you first met him.”
“I never said I didn’t!” She argues, plopping her glass down a little too hard and the glass makes a loud clink that draws everyone’s gaze.
“Why did you want to stab him?” You ask her, reaching for your own glass of regular wine. Thor had promised that you didn’t want to try the Asgardian mix.
“You won’t wake for a week. Trust me, Your Highness.” He’d been super proper, and it was a little annoying, but you understand why he’s being so careful. He wants to impress everyone, especially the two who sit beside him.
To his left sits a woman, absolutely drop dead gorgeous with creamy moon skin and raven hair. She’s certainly one to watch out for as Brunnhilde had said.
She hasn’t smiled once since she gave you a small stiff grin as Thor had introduced you.
Even now she watches you, her hand resting on the table, a little too close to Thor’s hand for comfort.
Her fingers seem to be inching their way towards his and you feel the beginning bite of fangs in your mouth at the thought of her hating you because she wants Thor for herself.
This also makes you sad because you don’t meet women who are as unique as she, but Lady Sif has drawn a line and you find yourself on one side with Thor while she watches from the other, despising your very existence for taking the man she covets.
On Thor’s right is a man with his dark hair in dreads. Beautiful amber eyes stand bright against his dark skin, and the luxurious gray armor he wears, sits pretty on his muscular form. To his own right is a sword, placed between him and Loki.
He looks less amused by the story Loki and Thor just told them but when he meets your gaze, his eyes betray an amusement. Heimdall, protector of the Asgardian borders, has a soft spot for his King and his friends.
“To put it short,” Brunnhilde begins, popping her lips as she lifts her wine to her lips again, eyes locked on Thor. “He’s a bit of a doofus.”
Thor’s burst of booming laughter in infectious and you laugh too, just as Loki, Brunnhilde, and even Heimdall chuckles along gently.
Lady Sif is the only one who doesn’t laugh but merely smiles as she look at Thor as he shakes his head overwhelmed with amusement.
You know what she sees, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes are endearing. The sparkle of his one blue eye. The loveliness of his golden bearded face all stretched into a stunning smile.
“I am not a doofus!” He protests, then clears his throat and taps his fingers against the table as he makes his face as serious as he can manage. “What way is that to speak of your King?”
Brunnhilde throws her head back outrageously tickled by his words.
“You may be my King, but that does not make you any less of a doofus than before you earned your crown.” She throws at him and Thor laughs again, shaking his head as you quietly chuckle with them, loving this exchange and the ease at which they seem to be.
“What about that made you want to stab him?” You ask her, everyone’s gaze drawn to you and Lady Sif’s smile vanishing.
“Well, you’ll just have to wait and see.” Brunnhilde teases. “My condolences. Being married to this buffoon will be a true test of your character.”
Although her words are said as a joke, your heart gives a small lurch as you meet Thor’s gaze again, and this time he holds it, his own face falling a little to only a soft smile as both of you replay the conversation in the hallway once again.
“I’ll just have to try my best.” You tell her, a small shrug of your shoulder. “He seems alright so far. No major red flags. Besides the obvious.”
Thor’s smile is completely gone now, his brow furrowed as he continues to stare at you, his breathing a little deeper. A little more labored.
You’re nervous as you speak, voice shaking a little as your heart pounds and aches.
“What’s that?” Loki asks, also serious suddenly, picking up on the tension between you and Thor.
It might seem like you’re letting it go on too long on purpose, using it to make everyone uncomfortable, but really you just have to find the strength to speak as your nerves begin to get the better of you.
“Well,” You begin, voice still shaking. “I mean, look at him.”
And they all do.
“He’s also been really nice to me.” You admit, because aside from the unanswered question in the hallway, Thor has treated you respectfully, politely, with genuine concern and compassion…so far. “I think the deal was that I’m supposed to marry him and it’s alright if I don’t love him but, how long can I really resist?”
Brunnhilde scoffs, purging the atmosphere for everyone else of what you’re saying allowing them to relax and laugh at your strange way of telling them you find Thor attractive.
“At least your worries about your wife not liking you are assuaged.” Heimdall claps Thor on the shoulder, visibly shaking his body, but Thor’s intense gaze is on you alone.
Swallowing hard, you reach for your wine glass and take a deep drink, so conscious of Thor’s stare.
Dinner goes on just as it began and before long, Thor is back to laughing and chatting while your own attention is given to Loki and Heimdall whenever he remembers something he’s wants to ask.
When all plates are cleaned and glasses sit empty, dinner officially over, Sif turns hard eyes on you.
“So, I hear that you don’t have parents.” The interest is forced. She couldn’t care less about you or your life.
“Yeah,” You nod. “Um, they died a few months after I was born. Plane accident.”
“I’m sorry to hear it.” Heimdall laments kindly.
Beside you, Brunnhilde has her head in her hand, elbow on the table, eyes shut and mouth slightly open.
She’d just been talking so this is new.
“Thank you, but I don’t remember them. My only sorrow comes from never having a family.” You admit. “I grew up in a school—well, really it was an orphanage, but it was run much like a private school with uniforms that the government provided along with a minimal education. I attended until I became a legal adult and my lawyer, came to give me my inheritance.”
“Why weren’t you adopted?” Sif asks, her voice full of well-hidden venom that you can hear only because you know to look for it, her hand is inching towards Thor’s again and while he’s not your husband yet, the urge to stake claim over it is strong.
The way she asks also makes you feel as if she’s waiting to see exactly what is wrong with you. What can she use against you?
You smile, a smirk really, knowing what she’s up to.
You’re not unkind, but you bristle when attacked and Sif is making it easy for you to be defensive.
Searching within yourself for the strength to keep yourself calm, you take a deep breath before you answer.
“I wasn’t a healthy baby. I was sick, all the time. There was even a night my fever became so high that the doctors were sure that I would be left with brain damage. So, they watched me grow, expecting defects, but I got sick less and less the older I got.
“My speech and motor functions were top tier, and my learning capabilities were also fine.”
Everyone is silent, watching you with somber expressions. You’re a little on edge with them paying you such close attention, but this was the point of the dinner. To get to know each other.
“Unfortunately, potential parents were warned about the possible challenges I might face as I grew older, which put many of them off. While they wanted an infant, they didn’t want one that was broken.”
“I’m sorry for their ignorance.” Heimdall offers. “Clearly you grew up to be a lovely woman, but even if you had not, I’m saddened by their lack of compassion.”
You can only smile at him, having come to terms with the facts of your childhood long ago.
“Anyway, that’s why no one adopted me. So, a true family is something I’ve never had. I’m…” You blink, wondering how honest you want to be here. “I think it’s one of the things I’m looking forward to most. After tonight, I’m more convinced than before that this is will be a good environment to build a family. You’re all so nice.”
Loki, Brunnhilde—who’s awake again—and Heimdall are smiling. Lady Sif sits stiffly, her hands pulled onto her lap as she keeps her eyes locked on the empty plate in front of her.
Your heart stutters as you meet Thor’s eyes again. Staring deep into the single blue orb still locked on you.
“As conflicted as my past with the people in this room has been, I promise you, that is the right decision.” Loki assures you, a peaceful smile on his face that somehow comforts any misgivings you’ve been having.
At least about the people you’ll be around daily.
Your conversation with Thor in the hallway is a different matter, and one that you really want to finish.
“Well,” Brunnhilde slaps her hands on the table, rising to her feet with a little sway. “I think that’ enough pleasant conversation for me. I am tired-”
“And drunk.” Loki adds.
“-And that.” She agrees. “I need some sleep. So, Y/N, Your Royal Highness this has truly been a pleasure. I will be by in the morning to see you about wedding arrangements. Not too early though, you know—”
She steps out from in front of her chair, already walking towards the door large double doors.
Heimdall rises too, then Loki, Thor, and Lady Sif.
You stand last, fixing your dress as you do, making sure it isn’t stained. Luckily, it isn’t.
“This has indeed been illuminating.” Heimdall agrees, moving over to you to take your hand and press a chaste kiss to your knuckles. “Your Highness, it has been a true pleasure. I look forward to getting better acquainted with you.”
Loki is smiling, standing by the door but then he turns his eyes on Lady Sif.
“A word, Sif?” She looks at him, freezing beside Thor where she’d already begun to take his arm to pull his attention. “It won’t take long.”
With a sigh, she gives you one look before moving out the door in a huff, Heimdall following. Loki gives Thor a nod, something silent passes between them. With one final nod to you as well, Loki leaves.
“I really am very sorry that Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun could not join us. Unfortunately, the Warrior’s Three are highly sought throughout the galaxies.” Thor says, moving towards you with calm slow steps. “They should be back for the wedding though.”
“I’m excited to meet them. Everyone was so kind.” You observe. “Well, almost.”
Thor looks confused, stopping just at the corner of the table beside you, his fingers nervously tracing the shape of the edge.
“Seriously? You didn’t notice?” You shake your head, somehow finding it funny. “I think Brunnhilde might be right about you being a doofus.”
Thor laughs once, blows a quick raspberry in denial at your conclusion. “Why do you say that?”
“Thor, Lady Sif hates me.” You point out, it’s so obvious to you and was obvious to Loki too at least.
“No.” Thor shakes his head.
“She kept trying to grab your hand! She kept glaring daggers at me.” You sigh. “She’s in love with you.”
“Sif is like a sister.” Thor tells you, as if this negates her feelings as well.
“She’s still in love with you.”
Thor sighs. “I’ll speak with her.”
“Don’t bother. I think Loki’s beating you to it.”
“Walk with me?” He asks, and your heart goes into sudden arrest.
Fingers nice and tingly, you swallow the lump in your throat. “What?”
“I would like it very much if you walked with me for a while. The night is not over yet, and despite the exhaustion of my court, it’s not actually that late yet. The gardens my people have cultivated for the palace are beautiful. I’d love to show them to you.” He offers his hand, waiting patiently for you to take it but you can only gawk at him.
“Isn’t it cold outside?” You ask, on edge.
Thor drops his hand. “Oh, right. Estrid?”
She’s already waiting by the door, auburn hair looking slightly disheveled.
“Ah, Estrid.” Thor smiles, big dopey grin on his face. “Oh, your hair…”
He gestures and she quickly fixes it.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty.” She gasps.
“No, no. Just looked funny.” He eases her, and she calms instantly, smiling bashfully. “Can you fetch Her Highness a jacket?”
Estrid turns and rushes from the room but returns only seconds later with a long navy cloak. It isn’t a jacket, but it will match your dress nicely.
“That’s not a jacket.” You observe, feeling self-conscious.
Thor takes it from her and holds it open for you. There’s a clasp around the throat that will sit against your collarbone. “It’s a cloak. It’ll keep you just as warm as a jacket.”
You turn for him and he slips it over your shoulders, holding it until you turn to face him then he quickly fastens the clasp.
“Better?” He checks, fixing it around you.
You can’t find your voice to answer. Heart is racing. Damn him. This isn’t going to work if he keeps being sweet.
He offers you his arm and you hesitate, timidly wrapping your hand around the lower part of his large bulky bicep again.
“Wonderful.” He smiles wide. “Estrid, Her Highness will be in later, please prepare her bedroom so that she might go to sleep as soon as we return.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” She curtsies quickly then turns and rushes out to get your room ready.
“She doesn’t have to do that.” You tell him, turning to watch her flee. “I can make my own bed and stuff.”
“It’s her job.” Thor tells you. “Will you take it from her?”
You think about it carefully, and despite the fact that  Thor is a warrior and has travelled around the world sleeping in terrible places with no comforts at times, you understand in this moment that having servants is something he’s used to.
“No.” You realize and make a mental note to let these people do their work without putting up too much of a fight.
Thor leads you off down a side door into another dark wooden hallway with beautiful cobbled floors beneath your feet with a long carpet running its length. No one seems to be walking around in this hallway which makes you think it’s more secluded.
“Did David tell you I like flowers?” You check, wondering how much information Thor has about you.
“No? I didn’t know that though. That makes this even better.” He realizes.
You lapse into silence, hand trembling around his bicep as your mind replays the last two hours, picking apart every moment, every word shared, and every lingering look Thor had given you.
“Did you enjoy dinner?” Thor asks, his voice much lower, quieter.
It’s an intimate volume and it startles you, giving you a little bit of a delay in your response.
You meet his eyes and he’s staring right at you, soft smile stretched across his lips. It’s more a peaceful expression, calming.
And yet, it has the opposite effect on you, and you gasp a little as you catch your breath. Your heart is pounding through your ribcage.
“It was good.” You nod, looking towards the large stone archway up ahead. One of the doors stands open, the Norwegian night beyond.
You can see a splash of beautiful green beyond and can already hear the soft tinkling of flowing water from what is probably a fountain.
“And the conversation?” He asks, tilting his head to one side as he gives it better thought. “Aside from Sif.”
“They were all super nice, Thor.” You smile, honestly grateful to Loki, Brunnhilde, and Heimdall for their warm welcome. “I wish Lady Sif had been more open. She’s been fighting at your side for a long time, right?”
“She has.” Thor nods, as the two of you break through the doorway and you’re greeted with an elegant garden larger than even the circular room you’d first met with Thor in.
Your jaw drops and you stop walking, gaping at the collection of flora and fauna each piece delicately pruned and cared for. There are certainly several small fountains, dark gray with small underwater lights to provide the garden with diffused illumination.
Despite the chilly night, the garden makes you feel warm with flowers of every color. Roses in white and red, lilies with stunning white, carnations in pink, wine, cream, yellow, and purple. Throughout the roses are smaller pink flowers you don’t know but they’re adorable and the fragrance in this garden is intoxicating.
“Wow.” You whisper.
“You like it?” Thor asks, smiling a little wider as he waits for you to take your long look.
“It’s beautiful.” You nod.
“Come.” He pulls you along gently, urging you to walk again.
You follow, your hand sturdier around his arm. “Do you like gardens too?”
Thor nods. “My mother used to cherish her garden. When we arrived, it was the first thing I had commissioned. They were finished building it before they even finished the palace.”
“She passed?” You wonder, looking up at the echo of sadness in his eyes.
“A while ago.” Thor nods. “I miss her counsel. She was always the voice of reason and logic in my life.”
“I’m sorry.” You offer, hoping it’s a comfort.
You reach up with your other hand, wrapping it around his arm too.
He looks down at you, eyes searching, confused? But his smile never wavers. “Thank you.”
The two of you lapse into silence again, you busy looking at every flower you pass in admiration, Thor lost in thought.
“I’m going to miss my herb garden.” You lament with a sigh.
“You had an herb garden?” Thor wonders, turning his attention back to you.
“Just a small one. I only had some rosemary and thyme. I wanted to grow some mint, parsley, basil, and dill but I didn’t get the chance.”
Thor stops walking, gently shakes his arm to make your hand slide down along his forearm. As it falls, you takes hold of it.
You’re startled, but you don’t pull away, your mind devouring the information you can gleam from this moment as quickly as it can.
His hand is warm. No…it’s hot. Like he’s had it shut for a long time. The skin is a little rough, calloused, but not uncomfortable. You can just imagine the battles he must have fought. His hand is so big. Fingers wrapped softly around yours. He gives it a squeeze and you feel it in your core that this isn’t going at all how you planned.
You almost want to run to your room and hide under your blankets with the speed at which you can feel yourself dropping your guard to him.
The plan had been to marry him, never love him, and live your life as best you can and probably take a lover at some point. You should be able to love too.
But it isn’t supposed to be Thor. You’re not supposed to fall for him.
You remind yourself of his refusal to be honest with you. You remind yourself that his heart is already given and accepted. Jane loves him too, even if she won’t marry him to prevent him from marrying someone else.
You can understand why she can’t give up her life to take on this one. It’s a lot to ask of anyone.
It helps you grasp onto reality, to remember the conversation before dinner and his inability to commit to honesty when It comes to Jane.
“I have something to show you.” He tells you and pulls you down the length of the garden until you reach a greenhouse.
Thor releases your hand and throws the doors open before holding his hand out for you to take again.
You do, and he pulls you into the narrow but long space. Each side is lined with planter boxes, each box holds a different herb, including all of the ones you mentioned before, and some you have never seen before.
“What is this?” You gasp, reaching for a particularly strange one in a deep blue, almost black color.
“It’s the Asgardian version of lavender.” He tells you, placing his other hand over the one you’re reaching out for it with. “But it stings a little for humans to touch with bare hands. There are garden glove in the box by the door if you want to cut some for your room later. It smells wonderful. My mother used to keep some on her desk.”
“I can take some?” You gasp, turning to look up at him and he’s standing so damn close, you shrink in surprise.
“Of course.” He smiles at you, “This is your home now. Anything in these gardens is yours to have.”
He’s so fucking nice! You hate him.
You’re too stunned by his proximity to speak, hands twitching under his own. He seems to realize what’s got you tongue-tied because he takes a step and one hand back but keeps hold of the other.
“I wanted to talk with you, it’s why I’ve brought you here.” He pulls you along, and you give the herb garden one final look before he shuts the doors and moves back towards the center of the garden.
There you find several white marble benches around a small manmade pond, surrounded by more flowers.
Thor leads you to one of these benches, then extends a hand towards it so that you’ll sit.
You do, nervous suddenly as he sits beside you, taking his hand back for the first time since he began to show you the garden.
“You’re making me nervous.” You admit, your mouth moving before you can stop it. Anxious is not a good state for you.
“No.” He assures you, shaking his head, full of concern. “No, please don’t be nervous. I only wanted to continue our conversation from before dinner.”
“Oh.” You nod, expecting to be denied the honesty you want.
How will you use his refusal to do it as an excuse to not fall for him if he agrees to it?
“You’re right.” He nods, turning in the seat to face you a little better, your body mirroring his.
“I am?”
“Yes.” He takes a long deep breath. “After everything that was said during dinner, after watching my friends meet with you and get to know you, I realize that you’re right in what you say. I am asking a lot from you. More than I care to admit.”
Your mouth is suddenly dry.
“Did you mean what you said?” He whispers, a trace amount of uncertainty in his deep voice.
“What did I say?” You ask, voice not as quiet but still a little breathless.
“About falling for me?”
“Oh.” Your brain goes fuzzy and your heart is probably going to burst through your chest like in that one horror movie you watched as a kid.
“Truth is, I chose you because you were different.” He nods. “Not, different from regular humans. Most of them are very much like you, which is great. I love humans. But compared to the other ladies that came to meet for this purpose, I…if I’d wanted someone who would turn a blind eye while I and Jane continued to see each other, then I should have chosen one of them.
“They knew what was expected, as did you, but I didn’t consider how the difference in you would affect your own responses.”
“Are you saying you don’t want me anymore?” You ask timidly, feeling a rush of emotions all mixing together, turning into confusion.
You’re almost happy that he doesn’t want you anymore. You won’t have to marry him and deal with Jane and a life of standing by watching him be with someone else while the world thinks you’re together.
Another part of you, the part that’s already out of your control—even though you’ll never admit it—can’t help but feel depressed that he’ll be married to someone else.
“No!” Thor rushes to assure you, sliding over closer so that he can take your hand again, his knee touching yours. “No, that’s not at all what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that I understand what you meant. I know why you were upset. I’m sorry that I did not consider this whole thing more carefully from your perspective.”
You feel a wave of relief and know you’re screwed. It’s already too late.
“But I need you to answer my question.” He says.
Your eyes go wide at the audacity of this man as you laugh because it’s so funny of him to need that of you when he couldn’t return the favor before. “You didn’t answer mine!”
He smiles, chuckling. “Answer mine first.”
As you consider him, blue eye staring at you with no restraint for the way his gaze makes you feel, your mood grows somber, all traces of your laugh gone.
“Yes.” You sigh. “I’ve never been in love before.”
You shrug.
“And it’s not like you’re not…I mean…You know damn well what you look like.” You growl.
Thor laughs, throwing his head back.
“And then you come in with that voice and you’re not rude or…I mean, you were a little mean with the whole asking me to put up with being married and having no love in it. Like, I get that it might be normal for royals or whatever, but I’m not really royal. I haven’t lived in a palace with servants and a crown on my head.
“I grew up in an orphanage with no friends. No one has ever loved me. My parents loved me, I think, but they died and no one has cared about me like that since. Even now, the only person on my side is David, and I know he only stuck around because he felt bad for me. He’s also getting paid by my estate, so…there’s that.
“I’m not asking you to love me. I know that you love someone else, but I was only asking for you to be open with me about it. If you want to meet Jane, fine. Meet her. But do it somewhere that I can’t see. Do it but tell me that’s where you’ll be so that even if rumors fly in my ear that Thor is meeting with his mistress, it won’t hurt as much. It won’t make me feel as stupid, because I already know that’s where you are.”
Thor’s hand over yours grows tighter, his face lamenting for who knows what reason, because you’re not in his head but you can see that he feels bad which is stupid and you hate him for it because it means he cares.
You only just met him but with every passing moment in his presence, you fall more and more. It’s not love yet. You know that. It can’t be a crush because you know him too well. You like him. You’ll admit that.
“To answer your question more clearly,” You take a deep breath, exhaling quickly to wipe away the excess of emotion that surged forward suddenly. “Yes. I meant it. I don’t love you now, but I think I could.”
Thor nods, looking down at your hand, turning it over in his own.
The silence feels endless! He won’t speak, but his thumb keeps caressing your hand and you kinda wanna bite him for it.
“If my mother were here, she’d be disappointed in me. She’d tell me that I should let go of Jane. She met her, and while she liked her but…We are clearly moving along different paths and as much as I love her, she is not the one for me. Not anymore. My mother would definitely think so.
“I think she would have really liked you.” He admits, and his words give you comfort. “She would have called me a fool to pass up such a sweet and level-headed woman.”
“I’m not that level-headed.” You confess. “I’ve got anxiety issues sometimes.”
Thor smiles.
“I think she would have been right.”
Wait, is he saying what you think he’s saying?
“I will talk with Jane tomorrow to…to break things off. It won’t be the first time for us to part ways and I think in the long run it will be better for us both.”
“Thor, you don’t have to-”
“But I do.” He nods, meeting your eyes. “I need to let go of my past to embrace my future. And that’s you and New Asgard. It’s my people.”
“I want this marriage to work.” He continues. “I chose you and I meant that choice. Out of all the women I met, your picture of an ideal marriage was the closest to mine. It would make me happy to live that life with you.”
You’re breathless, chest heaving as you struggle to find a coherent thought.
Thor seems to realize that you’re struggling because he places your hand on your lap, tapping it gently before scooting back a little to give you space.
He’s so fucking massive! How is it possible that this is seriously your life? This God will be your husband. You’re going to have his kids?!
Your cheeks burn, neck burns, ears burn, legs suddenly clenched together as the fear from before runs quickly through your mind.
They’d wanted a maiden and they got one. Will he talk about it with you later? You can’t bear to talk about it now. You’re too embarrassed and overwhelmed by what he’s saying.
“So,” He starts, rising to his feet to tower over you. Then he falls, gliding gently onto one knee before reaching into his pants to pull from his pocket a small brown pouch.
He opens it, turns it over, and into his hand tumbles a shining silver ring.
“I chose this before I knew you liked flowers but now that I know, it makes me glad I picked it.” He smiles, “It just made me think of you when I went searching so, I hope you like it.”
He grabs it with two fingers, pinching the thin band delicately to hold it upright so that you can see the stunning design. A round diamond rests in the middle, shining brilliantly at the center of what looks like a lotus flower made of smaller diamonds filling its leaves.
You hate him because you absolutely love this ring. You love the sight of him on his knee in front of you. You love the way he scoots closer so that he can hold your hand easier as he gently straightens it and presses the ring to the tip of your finger.
“Will you marry me, Y/N? Will you be my Queen?” He asks, and you’re so silent, he grows visibly nervous. “Please?”
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You laugh at the hitch in his voice, the plea there.
“Yes, stupid.” You laugh again.
He chuckles as he slips the ring on your finger, then after a moment of hesitation, he hooks his hand behind your neck and pulls you down to meet his lips.
Eyes wide, heart stopped, you freeze as hot lips fry your nervous system.
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godsofhumanity · 3 years
Do you have any hcs about Achilles/briseis/patroclus? Their dynamic and feelings and thought process, all that. Please be extensive about them I love reading Iliad hcs and discussions :>
this^^ isn't really like a hc, i guess, it's an actual fact askdhaskdh
but i think Achilles is incredibly proud... i mean, i think he's very independent and self-serving.
which isn't always a bad thing. i think Achilles hates to rely on others- he likes to be in charge of his own life, he lives on his own terms.
so when Agamemnon comes in and starts demanding all these things from him, he is, understandably, outraged and irritated by it.
i personally don't think that Achilles has (had?) much of a political stance on the war. i think he enjoys fighting, not necessarily because he takes joy in bloodshed (though i think that might be part of it), but because he likes challenges.
so, for him, taking part in the war is just another challenge, another exercise. i don't think he takes it all that seriously.
UNTIL Patroclus goes ahead and dies.
and that really marks a change in Achilles.
the man who was blessed by the gods, Achilles the Invincible, gets hurt where i don't think he realised he could get hurt. and he goes on that rampage and goes wild.
Achilles doesn't really have much emotional control. i don't think he shies away from his feelings, and i don't think he is ever ashamed of them. he wears his heart on his sleeve.
honestly, i've always been a bit unsure whether Achilles truly loved, or even liked Briseis. but, in my personal opinion, i'm going to say he didn't. at least, it was probably just a fling.
in Book IX of the Iliad, Achilles laments,
"...but from me alone of the Achaens has [Agamemnon] taken and kept my wife, the darling of my heart... But why must the Argives wage was against the Trojans? ... Was it not for fair-haired Helen's sake? [Does Agamemnon and Menelaus] alone of mortal men love their wives...? Nay, for [whoever] is a true man and sound of mind, loves his own [wife] and cherishes her, even as I too loved [Briseis] with all my heart, though she was but the captive of my spear." (Homer's Iliad. IX. 335-344)
Achilles compares Agamemnon taking Briseis from him as being on par with Paris taking Helen, which seems like a pretty convincing display of affection. he also calls her his wife (even though they're not officially married).
BUT!! in Book XIX, after Patroclus has died, Achilles changes his mind about Briseis. He complains to Agamemnon,
"[Agamemnon], [why did we fight at that] time with grief [in our hearts] we raged in soul-devouring strife for the sake of a girl? Would that amid the ships Artemis had slain her with an arrow on the day when I took her from out the spoil after I had laid waste Lyrnessus!" (Homer's Iliad. XIX. 55-60)
Achilles blames the fighting over Briseis as the reason why so many Achaens lost their lives, including Patroclus. he even goes as far as to say that he they all would've been better off if Artemis had killed Briseis. that doesn't really sound like love to me.
to me, it seems that Achilles only ever really viewed her as a prize. evidence of his conquest. and that makes sense to me because i think Achilles was a proud man. he'd enjoy putting his victories on display, and it's part of the reason why he gets so outraged when Agamemnon takes his war prize from him.
did Briseis like Achilles? again, i'm not so sure.
Achilles ravaged her town, killed her brothers and her husband, and then took her as his slave. i cannot imagine that she "truly" loved Achilles... but Patroclus? now there's a different story.
in the previous point, i said that Briseis might've actually loved Patroclus.
going back to Book XIX, when Briseis sees Patroclus' dead body, she throws herself over it and weeps bitterly, saying,
“Patroclus, dearest to my hapless heart, alive I left thee when I went from the hut, and now I find thee dead... My husband... I beheld mangled with the sharp bronze before our city, and my three brethren whom mine own mother bare, brethren beloved, all these met their day of doom. But thou, when swift Achilles slew my husband, and laid waste the city of godlike Mynes, wouldst not even suffer me to weep, but saidest that thou wouldst make me the wedded wife of Achilles, and that he would bear me in his ships to Phthia, and make me a marriage-feast among the Myrmidons. Wherefore I wail for thee in thy death and know no ceasing, for thou was ever kind.” (Homer's Iliad. XIX. 288-300)
so, Patroclus actually promised Briseis that he was going to help her gain a legal status as Achilles' wife.
Patroclus had absolutely no obligation to do such a thing, but he said that he would do it nonetheless.
Briseis describes Patroclus as "ever kind", so Patroclus must have been a genuinely nice guy.
i've always imagined Patroclus as a kind man. a little bit of a goofball, but really nice, and generous, and noble.
in fact, i think he was the only thing keeping Achilles in-check.
did Achilles love Patroclus? undoubtedly. you don't go on a rampage killing everyone in sight, and then dragging your enemy's corpse around their city just for the fun of it. that's passionate revenge. a heart that is seriously broken.
even so, netflix's Troy: Fall of a City does portray Patroclus, Achilles, and Briseis in a polygamic relationship, if you were curious! (it's only like 5 minutes of one episode though)
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btsmosphere · 3 years
Across the Tracks | KTH
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~summary: Don’t cross the tracks. Never once did you question what you had been told your whole life – at least not until a certain boy makes that a bit more difficult...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | drabble
~pairing: taehyung x reader (she/her) ~word count: 7.3k ~dystopian au, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, inspired by lady and the tramp ~rating: pg15 ~warnings: adoption, dystopia, fictional slur, violence, arrest, police brutality, car accidents, near death, swearing
~a/n: the finale has arriiived!! I can’t thank you guys enough for the wonderful comments this series has got, it means so much to me! Please come chat with me about the last chapter🥰and enjoy.. xx
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Light streamed into your eyes with the click of the van door opening, but that wasn’t what you flinched back from. It was futile to try and escape the controllers grasp though, and you were soon being tugged out and towards the front gate of a large, grey building.
On the short journey, you had managed to control your tears and your shaking, but your knees felt weak again as you stared up at the looming building.
Your eyes hadn’t even roamed its whole front when a beeping sounded, large black doors grating open before the entrance swallowed you whole.
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Taehyung’s fingers trailed over the small metal barriers around every tree he passed. Who put fences around trees?
Huffing, he whirled around for the fifteenth time, ignoring the ache growing in his feet. Surely he should be near your area soon? The problem was, all the houses over here looked the same. Same neat lawns, same cute little window boxes, same front doors-
And a man leaving his front door. Someone he recognised.
The guy started, alarm taking over his features as he saw the ragged boy barrelling towards him.
“Aren’t you-“ Seokjin spoke as Taehyung slowed in front of him, “what are you doing here? Stay away!”
“Listen-“ Tae panted, holding up his hands, “it’s about Y/N.”
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Clattering shut behind you, the door remained steadfast in the face of your pleas.
“I have papers, I promise! I’m adopted by a Mr and Mrs-“
“Spare us the story, we’ll see what happens when we look up your name in the system,” the controller cut you off, not even looking your way as the key clanked in the lock.
“No-“ you clutched at the bars, “they gave me this – mother and father – when I got my papers. I’m not lying!”
Fishing your bracelet, the symbol of your adoption, from your pocket, you held it up-
Only for it to be snatched straight from your fingers. Yelping, you lunged for it back, but the controller held it out of reach.
“Might as well just admit to stealing this,” they smirked, “sentence is the same for strays either way.”
Words could barely form as you gaped, outraged.
“S-stealing?!” you spluttered, “but- that’s mine!”
“Sure it is.”
Losing the patience to hear you out, the controller was already walking away, your bracelet slipping into their pocket.
Jaw slack in disbelief, you stayed on the spot even as they left your line of sight. It wasn’t until the sting in your eyes became unbearable, vision fuzzing, that you clamped your mouth shut to bite down on your lip.
Slowly, you turned inwards to face the rest of the cell.
The other residents looked as shocked as you, staring back.
Hurriedly blinking, you were surprised to find you recognised some of them.
Voice cautious, Namjoon stepped towards you first.
“Namjoon?” you whispered, not trusting your voice at a higher volume, “what are you doing here?”
Looking around him, you found the mysterious Yoongi eyeing you. Beside him stood Jimin, with a boy you didn’t recognise.
“They caught onto us stealing the medical supplies,” Namjoon sighed heavily, wandering the few paces to the edge of the cell as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“I’m so sorry…” you winced.
“It’s alright,” he shrugged, looking around, “looks like they had a field day today, half the city’s in here.”
“Our half of the city,” Yoongi spoke drily for the first time.
“But what can everyone have done so wrong?” you frowned. Turning around, even among only those cells that were visible from here, you could easily see they were as packed as yours.
The small voice came from the boy you hadn’t met.
“This is Jungkook,” Jimin nodded to you, “he was… staying at the restaurant with me. They found out.”
At your puzzled look, he sighed.
“They don’t take too kindly to anyone not paying rent. Any strays,” Jimin scowled darkly.
Pressing your lips together, you were at a loss with what to say. Silence falling stiffly over the group of you again, Jimin sat back onto the small bench fixed to the wall. Following suit, you sunk with your back against the bars, lungs deflating.
“It’s alright,” Namjoon’s hand landed on your shoulder, sending a grimace your way, “we’ve all been in here at some point. Well, all except one,” he added with a chuckle.
“…who?” you enquired.
“Taehyung,” Yoongi chipped in.
“Oh.” You cast your eyes down.
“Wasn’t he with you?” Jimin frowned.
You grimaced.
“Yeah, he was… but I- I lost him.”
“Just like him,” Jimin chuckled. Despite his mirth, you were only confused. “I thought something might be different this time,” he carried on, “but I guess some never change.”
“What are you talking about?” you insisted.
“Well…” Yoongi slid down where he sat, scratching at his ear, “don’t take this the wrong way, but Tae often has girls around, if you catch my drift. I thought you’d know that.”
He looked genuinely curious, tilting his head in the face of your bafflement.
“No.” you spoke. “I had no idea.”
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Seokjin had been staring at him wordlessly for a disconcertingly long time. Taehyung was about to open his mouth again when the other man exploded, arms flying as he yelled, making Tae jump back.
“I never meant to!”
“-you should have brought her STRAIGHT BACK HERE-“
“She can choose what she wants to do!”
“She should have stayed well away from you! I can’t believe y- I hope you’re happy now-“
“Of course I’m not!” Taehyung pleaded, “just – please – just get her family to call the station and get her out of there.”
Seokjin’s ears were practically glowing red, nostrils flaring as he breathed heavily.
“I will,” he snapped, “but you had better stay away from now on, okay? You’re nothing but trouble.”
Taehyung chewed at the inside of his cheek, heart sinking. Eventually he lowered his head, nodding.
“I will.”
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“Are you really licensed, though?” Jungkook asked, steering the conversation back to safer territory after the earlier revelation.
You nodded mutely.
“You don’t have anything to worry about, then,” Namjoon assured you, “they’ll see it on the system and have your family pick you up.”
“What about you?” you looked up then, at all of them.
Exchanging glances with the others, Jimin was the one to reply.
“We’ll figure out something. Maybe if Taehyung wants to show his face sometime, we’ll get out-“
Cutting himself off mid-giggle, he seemed to realise the risky topic he had just breached again. Nonetheless, it peaked your interest.
“Why would Taehyung help?”
“He knows every trick in the book,” Yoongi scoffed, “always manages to get away. Saved us from a lot of trouble, too.”
Simply nodding, you returned your gaze to the floor again when a sharp blow knocked you forwards.
Righting yourself hastily, you found the controller from earlier unlocking the door and throwing it open.
“Miss L/N, we found your file, follow me.”
Startled, it took you a moment before you kicked your body into action, stiffly standing with one more look back at the others. As the bars closed, this time separating you from them, you could only offer them a grimace and a small wave as you were led away.
But soon enough, you were occupied with different concerns.
At the end of the corridor, Sarah was waiting for you. Glaring at you from the moment you came into view, her severe expression twisted your stomach with dread. You forced yourself to keep walking, despite your legs protesting as if you were wading through treacle to meet your fate.
Piercing eyes trained on you to the last moment, she finally turned on her heel, nodding briefly to the controller before walking away. Hurrying to follow, your heart jittered at her silence. You knew you were still in trouble.
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Huge globs of water spattered harshly against the windows of the summer house. This small building in your garden wasn’t built for the cold, and if you thought you had had it bad in the back room, it was ten times worse locked up in here.
All you could do was huddle away from the rattling windows and bunch the thin blanket around your shoulders as a meagre shield against the wind. Rubbing your fingers together despite the fact feeling was rapidly draining from them, you stared out into the darkness between you and your house.
The lights streaming from the windows looked so warm, you could almost imagine some phantom of heat wrapping itself around you.
But in the jumble of other thoughts in your head, you couldn’t focus and it would soon fade.
Jostling the blanket around you once again, you were alerted to a movement at the side of your house. Sitting straighter, you squinted into the night as two shapes grew closer.
A breath left you as you recognised them.
Rushing forwards and letting the blanket flutter onto your makeshift bed, you dropped to your knees in front of a window. The door was locked, but the windows would crack open a few inches. Following your lead, Jin and Hoseok sat down cross-legged on the porch, pushing down the hoods of the coats they were wearing.
You knew Sarah had left the key hanging from the doorknob, but it would be best to leave it locked so as not to risk any more punishments.
Through the raindrops clinging to the glass, you could see the cautious looks on their faces, sympathetic smiles as they tried to look reassuring.
“Y/N, aren’t you cold in there?” Hoseok frowned.
“It’s not too bad,” you lied, “thanks for coming to see me.”
At the sight of your friends, an unexpected lump was welling up in your throat and you surreptitiously swiped at your eyes.
“Y/N, we’re so sorry about what happened,” Jin was saying, “but it wasn’t your fault. They shouldn’t be keeping you out here.”
“When mother and father come back, it should be okay,” you sighed. Folding your arms against the windowsill, you rested your cheek on them.
“Well, if you want to come and stay with one of us, I’m sure you’d be very welcome,” Jin assured, “even if it’s just until then. You know how my parents are fond of you.”
Hoseok nodded vigorously.
“Thank you,” you said earnestly, “I’ll have to think about it. Just- so much happened, and I don’t know what I’m thinking anymore.”
“That’s understandable,” Jin smiled, looking like he didn’t understand at all.
“At least you have a story to tell!” Hoseok changed tack, and you couldn’t stop yourself smiling, dry laugh falling from your lips.
“Yeah, I got thrown in jail, I’m sure everyone would be thrilled to hear that,” you scoffed.
“It isn’t your fault,” Jin insisted, “I knew Taehyung was bad news…“
You stayed silent, biting your lip. Though you knew you shouldn’t, you almost wanted to defend him. He had changed your entire view of where you were, opened your eyes on the short adventure.
The conversation swiftly moved on, your friends dancing around your ordeal, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be annoyed by it. Talking to them brought some comfort, some familiarity that you needed right now.
Eventually, the night had worn colder and you insisted that they get home, especially considering Hoseok was practically falling asleep on Jin’s shoulder.
Giving a small wave as best you could through the minute gap in the window, you watched them stand up and leave, huddling under their coats again to step out into the rain. But barely three paces away, they stopped again.
With a frown, you sat up, trying to make out what was going on from their illuminated silhouettes. It was then that you could make out the shape of another person.
Even obscured as he was by your friends standing between you, it was clearly Taehyung. Your chest felt tight, not knowing what to feel on seeing him again. There was an undercurrent as you looked at him, some bitterness knowing what you did now.
But you wanted to see him again.
“Taehyung?” you called.
The three men all spun to look at you. With a glance between them, Hoseok and Jin started warily forwards to within earshot again. Hanging back, Taehyung waited with his hands folded, fingers fidgeting as he looked between each of you.
Hoseok fixed him with a glare while Jin walked right up to you, crouching so he could speak through the window, voice low enough that the others couldn’t hear.
“If you don’t want him here, Y/N, we can easily get rid of him.”
“No,” you shook your head firmly, “I want to talk to him. Thank you, though.”
Despite his uneasy look, he nodded slowly. Sharply inhaling, he turned back to Taehyung. Without a word, he led Hoseok away, although the two of them sent glares enough for Tae to turn his eyes down to his feet, bobbing his head to them.
When they reached the corner of your house, Tae deemed them far enough away to approach you.
Steeling yourself with a breath, you stayed in place as he pushed his hair out of his face. It was soaking wet, plastering itself to his forehead and sticking up in various directions after he slicked it back. His skin glistened with rain too, and he shook his head lightly to rid himself of some.
“Hey pidge…” he panted, finally sitting down opposite you.
“Hey,” you choked out.
“Listen,” he leaned his elbows on his knees, hands spread open, imploring you, “I’m really sorry for what happened. I thought you were right behind me, and when I saw that you weren’t… well…”
“Thank you for helping me before,” you kept your voice level, “and trying to get me back home, but-but being taken by the controllers-“
“But you’re back now!” his grin showed itself again, “they would never hurt a cute thing like you.”
“A ‘cute thing’ like me?!” you exclaimed, “Tae, I was so frightened! A-and what does it matter, when your friends are still in that awful place? Or do you not care as long as it’s not you in there?”
“Pidge, listen, they’ll be alright, it’s you I was worried about. I swear I never meant to lose you.”
“Like I said before,” you sniffed, “I appreciate you helping me. But if that’s all-“
You stared back at his desperate eyes through the flecks of rain on the glass. The ache in your heart wouldn’t let you break away from his wide, pleading eyes.
“Pidge, please,” he begged, shuffling closer, “don’t be like this. Don’t shut me out-“
“And why not?” you swallowed against your voice as it threatened to spill over in tears, “did any of it even mean anything to you?”
“What do you mean, pidge, of course I-“
“Your friends told me all about you. They said I was just another girl to chuck away-“
“No,” his palms pressed together, beseeching, “I’ve been with people before, that doesn’t make you any less special.”
When he broke off, you found no words to speak. Your mind was wrapping around itself as he let out a rough breath, raking a hand through his saturated hair.
When he fixed his eyes on you again, he held them intently.
“I know we’re from two different worlds, but… I didn’t want to let you go. I still don’t. You’re the first person I’ve wanted to chase so bad, and I just- I can’t accept letting you go so easily. I know things can be different, and I want them to be, pidge. I want to make it happen, and I want to make it happen with you.”
As his words washed over you, tears burned unbidden in your eyes. You could barely breathe as he spilled his heart out for you.
Letting his words hang between you once he stopped, he watched you for a reaction.
And you realised as you looked back that his eyes were filled for the first time with fear.
“Okay…” you breathed, cursing yourself at the first word to escape your mouth. Taehyung was still hanging on your every word, and he didn’t look too encouraged by that opener. You tried again. “I… want you too, Taehyung. But I don’t know how we can be together.”
You shared a sigh.
“That’s all I needed to hear, pidge.”
“But right now, I need some time,” you continued, ignoring the way your heart squeezed as his face fell, “and I think you should go.”
He gulped, but nodded, accepting his fate with downturned eyes.
“O-okay. I’ll… see you, then.”
As he stood up silently, you clamped your lower lip hard between your teeth. He walked slowly, but didn’t look back. As carefully as you could, you pulled the window shut, fingers now almost fully numb.
You couldn’t even lift yourself from the floor so you pushed yourself back and away from the window, watching him go with a growing weight in your chest.
He rounded the corner, out of sight, but you stayed where you were. Blankly staring across the garden, the dark stayed still for a short while, besides the rain still streaking through the air. At some point, Sarah’s children must have gone to sleep because the only light coming from the house was now from her bedroom.
A shape darted across the single ray of light.
Blinking, you shifted slightly, some stupid hope rousing within you that it was Taehyung. He hadn’t left very long ago – maybe he had come back?
But as you located the new person, to your alarm you found it wasn’t anyone you knew. In fact, they seemed to be utterly unaware of your presence as they jogged around the edge of the house, looking up at it, all the while clutching at a backpack slung over their shoulder.
Taken aback, you didn’t move for too long, simply watching as the person doubled back around the corner. Their hand was covering something tucked into a pocket.
It was when they stopped, both hands gripping the pipe that ran down the wall, that you finally found your feet.
Eyes widening, you crossed to the door of the summer house, bashing your palm against the window as the figure began to climb.
“Hey!” you yelled, but they only moved faster, looking around in alarm.
Not ceasing in your shouting, you hammered on the door intermittently with rattling the doorknob. Of course it didn’t give way, sending you further into panic, throwing your whole weight against the door when you saw the thief climb higher.
They had made it to the upstairs window. Your brother’s room.
Yelling with all your might now, you frantically bashed at the door. They were getting in! The window wasn’t locked, and the thief had no trouble lifting it open.
Just as they swung their first leg over the sill, footsteps thundered closer. In an instant, Taehyung stood in front of you, breathless.
“What’s going on?”
“A thief, a thief!” you shouted through the glass, pointing urgently at the window.
Spinning, Taehyung immediately found the threat.
“Shit- what do we- how do I-“
“The key!” you exclaimed, quickly hurrying on at his confused expression, “the key, it’s just there-“
While you struggled to point to the doorknob, Taehyung thankfully understood and quickly dived for it, shoving it into the lock. The moment it clicked open, you dashed out, not slowing once as you sprinted to your house.
The thief was now inside, and you wasted no time throwing the back door open, taking the stairs three at a time with Tae hot on your tail. Over the hammering of your feet down the hall, you could hear a crashing from your brother’s room.
Without a second of hesitation, you were inside, luckily finding the thief throwing drawers across the floor in their hunt for whatever they wanted – nowhere near your brother.
Even so, you launched yourself at them, seeing their eyes widen as you crashed against them bodily, shoving them further from your brother. All the noise had woken him, and his screaming joined the ruckus at the same moment Tae joined your fight.
Catching the thief from behind, Tae pulled them backwards in a headlock, grunting as they struggled, face scrunched up.
Meanwhile, you were frantically trying to grab them, to stop their arm that was clawing at Tae.
But you had left yourself vulnerable. Before you could blink, the sole of a shoe booted firmly into your stomach, sending you backwards, lungs suddenly parched of air. Free of you now that you were gasping some distance away on the floor, your opponent dropped their weight, escaping Tae’s grip.
Grappling to tackle them again, Tae was too late to stop the thief turning around. But it wasn’t just fists he had to deal with now. Struggling up from the floor, trying to heave air into your lungs, you caught sight of a silver glint as the thief pulled it from their pocket.
“Tae!” you tried to yell, but could only manage a wheeze.
Instead, you settled for dashing towards them again, but you were too late. The knife escaped your grasp and Tae cried out in pain, the two tumbling to the floor, catching the curtain at the same time, fabric cascading over them as the rail crashed down.
Not giving up, you pulled at the attacker before they could raise the knife a second time, succeeding in dragging them backwards. But they used your momentum, throwing you off them and into the dresser, sending you sprawling with it onto the carpet.
You had no time to extricate yourself before your opponent was back at the window, only just evading a dive from Taehyung as they abandoned ship and fled.
Tripping over the dresser in your haste, you started towards Taehyung. You couldn’t help but notice the hand pressed to his thigh.
Only you never made it another step.
The crack of a gunshot cut through the air.
Instantly crouching, hands thrown over your head, you didn’t initially spot who had fired. The first place your eyes travelled was to Tae, also ducked down, but otherwise unharmed.
Whirling towards the door, your heart dropped through the floor at the sight that met you. Sarah stood in the doorway, illuminated from behind. And in her hand, the gun.
Open mouthed, you stepped forward as she crossed towards the crib, your brother’s wails having doubled in volume since she had fired.
“Get away from him!” you begged.
But her gun was trained on you, and all you could do was send panicked stares between Tae and your baby brother.
“Who are you?” Sarah’s voice was high, wavering wildly as she turned the gun to Tae.
“No!” you rushed forwards, only to be stopped again as the barrel locked onto you once more.
Eyes wide and nostrils flaring, Sarah looked between the two of you, frozen in the wreckage of the room.
“Don’t you know how dangerous these people are?” she hissed, spit flying from her quivering lips.
“No, Sarah- you don’t understand-“ you held your hands up, pleading.
She was having none of it. Marching forwards, you let out a whimper as the barrel pressed briefly against you before she had you in her grasp. Wrestling you back by your shoulder, the pistol’s aim returned to Tae as the distance between you grew.
“Get over there. Hands up,” Sarah spoke, voice calmer now she had Tae at the other end of a gun. Gesturing with it, she pointed Tae in the direction of the wardrobe set into the wall.
Locking eyes with you where you were held in a vice beside Sarah, he silently obeyed.
Sidling through the door without a word, he disappeared from view, making your heart constrict in your chest. With sudden and alarming ferocity, Sarah barged forwards, slamming the door on him. Grabbing the nearest piece of felled furniture, she shoved it roughly against the door.
“Don’t you dare move, boy,” she hissed, “you’ll never see the outside of jail after this.”
But as you opened your mouth to protest, her grip was back on you, yanking you backwards, heels clunking down the stairs as you scrabbled for purchase. With brutal speed, she had reached the rarely used cellar door, managing to rip it open.
And just like that, your back was hitting the dusty floor, another slam ricocheting through the space, lock clicking before you could make it to your feet to pound against the door.
Sarah’s footsteps had long gone. Instead, the muffled sound of her speaking leaked through the door.
She was going to hand Taehyung to the controllers.
Letting your fists fall limply at your sides, your forehead fell against the door as you caught your breath. Sarah wasn’t going to pay any attention to you, no matter how much noise you could make. You had to come up with something else.
Turning your back on the incomprehensible babbling of Sarah on the phone and the screaming of your brother upstairs, you faced the towers of junk in the cellar. You had never been in here much, but you were fairly sure…
Skirting around stacks of things in the dark, inevitably sending some scattering across the floor, you hurried to get to the opposite wall.
Finally it seemed you had found it. Squeezed between teetering boxes with coats slung over the top, your fingers found a wooden surface above your head. Pushing up, it gave way until the clack of a lock stopped you, only a tiny crack of light falling over your face.
But the doors were clearly old and you persevered, jumping up and down to jostle them. They were certainly opening more than before, but you could now make out a chain linking the two trapdoors. It jangled as you shoved at your only exit, until another sound grew, filling the night and drowning out your own struggle.
A siren.
The faint crunch of tyres on the road accompanied what you recognised as the controllers’ vehicle through sound alone, confirmed by flashes of orange light that briefly illuminated the other side of the doors. You were already panting from exertion as it pulled up at the front of your house.
But you didn’t let up.
The sirens shut off.  Soon enough you had kicked over the stack of boxes, tentatively stepping up onto the lower two to continue your struggle.
But it wasn’t necessary.
Your heart leapt in your chest when you heard two familiar voices nearby.
“What if it’s dangerous?”
“Then Y/N will be in danger too!”
“Wait. What’s that noise?”
“Jin!” you called out through the gap, “Hoseok! Over here!”
A moment later two pairs of feet were slapping against the ground, drawing nearer until they fell in the thin gap you could see through the doors. Soon, Jin’s face filled the central space, squinting into the darkness.
“Y/N? What’s going on?”
“Quick, help me get out of here,” you urged, leaving his question unanswered.
Not seeming to mind, the two boys’ fingers were quickly hooked over the edges of the doors. Jin unwound the chain that had been stopping you and the trapdoors fell open at last. Each taking an arm, your friends hoisted you out of the cellar. Now they didn’t want to wait any longer for explanation.
“One of my dads saw a burglar jumping from your window,” Hobi was talking immediately, “we came straight to check, but we saw the controllers are here. Did something happen?”
“A burglar broke in, yes,” you were tripping over your words, “but Tae let me out of the shed and helped me, we tried to get rid of them, only, they ran away but then Sarah came in and now she’s calling the controllers for him. And he hasn’t done anything! We need to stop them!”
And with that, you set off for the front of the house.
A bewildered look shot between your friends behind you, before they took off on your tail.
“Y/N!” Jin called, “what are you doing? Are you crazy?”
Catching your hand, he stopped you just behind the corner of your house.
“What?” you tried to pull away.
“What’s got into you!” he gestured wildly, “those are the controllers. We stay away from them.”
“But Tae-“
“Y/N, you need to think about this. You’re putting yourself in danger too.”
Next to Jin’s intense stare, Hoseok looked a little more hesitant, gnawing at his lip.
“Y/N…” he spoke quietly, “does he really mean that much to you? After everything that happened?”
You sighed. Maybe you couldn’t quite explain it, but you had to be honest.
“Yes. Yes, he does. And I’m going after him, whether you two come or not.”
Eyes softening, Hoseok nodded. Both of you looked back to Jin, though you couldn’t help your eyes slipping to the side, impatient to help Tae.
Just as the thought ran through your mind, the slam of the front door.
Jin’s hand dropped away from yours, and you shot a panicked look back at him. His lips were pursed, watching the scene warily, but as Tae came into view, stumbling down the front steps with the force the controllers pushed him, hands fastened behind his back, the reality seemed to strike.
You couldn’t wait to check if Jin was following, stepping hurriedly from behind the wall and rushing towards Taehyung. Two sets of footsteps followed behind you.
The sound bringing his attention, you saw Taehyung’s eyes widen as he caught sight of you, but your gaze was broken as a broad-shouldered controller stepped between the two of you. A shout of your name came from the front doorway, where Sarah stood, but you didn’t even acknowledge her.
“Please, you have to let him go!” you pleaded with the indifferent controller.
“Let’s get him moving,” they growled over their shoulder to their colleagues. The lights of the controllers’ vans were practically unheard of in a neighbourhood such as this, and people were beginning to take notice. Curtains were pulled aside, some stepping from their front doors.
“You can’t!” you cried, the gathering crowd doing nothing to deter you, “he hasn’t done anything!”
“Alright miss,” the looming controller held his hands out, “calm down. We’ve been after this one for months.”
“Pidge-“ a low warning from Tae was soon cut off as the officer restraining him shoved him forward, knees hitting against the stone path.
Outraged, you dived for him, not paying any mind to the controllers until large arms were muscling against you, forcing you roughly away as Tae was dragged from the floor. You were flung back unceremoniously, and would have hit the ground too if you didn’t collide with another chest.
Jin’s arms steadied you.
“Don’t touch her,” his firm voice was loud in your ear as he glared up at the controller.
“Why you…”
Turning on him instead, the controller only got those words out before a new voice was cutting through the commotion.
“What’s going on here?”
Whirling around, you found Jin’s mother storming through the still growing crowd, hurrying up the path, his father not far behind. In shock, her wide eyes moved between her son and the controller berating him.
But as she bustled towards you, Tae was being wrestled further away, a brutal hand forcing his head down and into the waiting car.
“Tae!” you yelled again, ignoring Jin’s parents as you raced towards the gate, ducking under the controller that lunged at you.
But though your feet strove forwards, the engine rumbled, tyres setting into motion. The lights whirred further away, and you couldn’t make it as Tae was ripped away from you…
“Stop!” you were shouting. They had taken him right in front of you! You were so close, eyes fixed on the car, filtering out the shocked spectators who drew away from you, “come back! Please! Tae! No…”
Behind you, Jin’s mother was giving an earful to the controller, his father steadfast beside her as Jin stumbled to meet you.
“Y/N,” his hand landed on your shoulder, light and ready to spring away at any moment, “Y/N, I’m so sorry-“
An ear-splitting screech cut through the cacophony. Eerie silence smothered the scene as a toe-curling crunching filled the air, every eye travelling to the car spiralling across the middle of the road, lights washing like crashing waves over pristine lawns until it ground to a stop.
Gaping, heart in your mouth as you saw the scene unfold, you were the first to recover enough to move. Without your command, your legs were carrying you towards Taehyung. His head emerged in the car window, looking about in alarm. He must have ducked down when they swerved.
Mumbling conversation rushed to your ears again, sparking to life between the onlookers as you finally reached the car, throwing the door open.
“Tae!” you gasped, voice ragged as you pulled him out. Though he looked a little dazed, a soft smile curved his lips as you threw your arms around him. Unable to embrace you in return, he pressed his face into your hair.
“Jin’s explained everything, dear, don’t worry now,” the familiar voice of Jin’s mother approached behind you, “we’ll sort everything out, just-“
Silence shot like electricity from the cry. It was Jin, but-
It hadn’t sounded like Jin.
His voice grated with the ferocity of the yell, and you whipped instantly away from Tae, locating your friend.
Only he wasn’t looking at you.
Dread seizing at your being, you dragged your gaze to follow his, looking down the road.
Your throat closed, choking any breath you had been taking.
This time, you found you couldn’t move. Jin’s feet were pounding away on the asphalt, the crowd’s silence not lifting as everyone stared on in horror. Your feet, on the other hand, wouldn’t – couldn’t – move.
Vision funnelling dizzyingly, you watched the stationary figure sprawled on the tarmac.
Your stomach churned, everything lurching sickeningly as you finally persuaded your leaden legs to move, utterly numb as you drew closer, denial running rampant in your mind.
Hoseok lay on the ground, unmoving. There was blood.
That was where the car had swerved. The car. Swerved. Hit him. It must have hit him; look at the way his shirt had torn, pushed along the ground. The way his normally lively eyes were shut in an unusually pale face, arm splayed out at an awkward angle.
“Hoseok…” you tried to say, but not even a whisper made it beyond your lips.
Jin was crouching beside him, saying his name over and over and over… his hand clutching at his friend, pressing at his face, his wrist. Commotion had returned at some point to the street around you, but you could barely hear it, locked in place.
The world shifted around you, people moving, noises and shouts and more sirens and hands on your shoulders until your feet moved, but you could only stare at your friend.
He had done this for you. For you and Tae.
Was he even breathing?
You hadn’t even noticed the brimming in your eyes, hardly blinking when it finally cascaded down your cheeks.
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Jin’s mother hadn’t let you go back into the same house as Sarah. She had taken you in with her own son, and Tae alongside. You stayed clutching his hand, readily accepting his warm arms.
Despite the uneasy looks from bystanders, and Jin’s parents themselves, he had stayed by your side, unusually demure as he thanked the Kims for their generosity.
They let you two keep to yourselves. You could hear through the quiet house though, as you curled into Tae’s chest, the two of you trying to take up as little space on Jin’s bed as you could.
“I can’t believe it! That boy got unlucky with those controllers,” you could tell she was shaking her head.
His mother said this a lot. That they were ‘unlucky’. That the controllers were there to protect them, that their behaviour the night before was out of the ordinary, that you mustn’t worry.
“Maybe they didn’t want to listen to him because he was… well, because of where he’s from,” Seokjin’s reply was cautious, much more muffled than his mother’s assurances, “they didn’t want to listen to me either.”
“Don’t think like that,” his father chided, “it’s understandable given what most of the people there are like. They just made a mistake this once.”
A costly mistake, if it was one.
You closed your eyes.
Trailing back into the room, Jin squeezed onto the other side of the bed, sighing heavily.
None of you slept.
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The curtains in Hoseok’s house were closed. Since everything had happened a few days ago, you had only caught a glimpse of his teary-eyed fathers, coming home from the hospital.
They hadn’t spoken to you.
You squeezed Taehyung’s hand tighter as you walked past their home.
Mother and father were coming home today. It had been less than a week, but everything had completely changed since you saw them last.
Not wanting to return until Sarah had gone, you waited with Tae by your garden wall. The place you had been sitting when Taehyung first burst into your life.
While you waited, Tae was… quiet. Noticing the pallor of his downcast face, you ducked your head to catch his eye.
“Tae…” you whispered, “Tae, it’s going to be alright.”
“Sorry,” he murmured, then let out a sigh, “I’m… I’m worried- that- what if- they’re not gonna like me!”
“They will!” you hushed him, smoothing your hands down his cheeks, his hair, “and if they don’t, it doesn’t matter to me. We’ve been through a little too much to let go so easily, don’t you think?”
Turning his honey-eyed gaze back to you, a smile quirked the corner of Tae’s mouth, much to your relief.
“You sure, cub? I know I’m not exactly a fairytale prince-“
“Oh, shush!” you laughed, “I couldn’t wish for anyone else.”
Tightening his grip on your hands, he pulled you against him in lieu of a reply. A kiss landed gently on your crown.
Just then, you became aware of voices floating from the garden.
Twirling from Taehyung’s embrace, though you kept a hold of his hand, you steeled yourself. They were back.
Making your way, with Taehyung in tow, towards the front, you ignored the neighbours peering not-so-subtly out of windows at you and your returning family. As your parents stepped through the gate, they noticed you, but the smiles on their faces dimmed when they found Taehyung beside you.
Their frowns only increased as they noticed the way you ignored Sarah, who stood at the door with her two children, already packed. The moment she spotted your parents, she was ushering the children down the steps without a second glance, making her farewells very brief as she hastened to leave.
“Y/N, dear?” your mother tentatively asked as you moved forward to greet them, “what-?”
“I’d like you to meet Kim Taehyung,” you smiled. Hopefully it came across as a smile, not a grimace. “there’s a lot I have to tell you.”
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The grass under you was soft, rejuvenated by the sunlight smiling through the smattering of clouds. Your usual park was empty of any others, save for the four of you.
Yes, four.
Between blades of grass and budding buttercups, Taehyung’s fingers danced across your own where he reclined, eyes creased in hopeless mirth at one of Jin’s jokes. Jin was squeaking at his own joke, definitely getting grass stains on his shirt as he fell back, rolling on the ground.
And opposite you, loud, joyous laugh finally filling the space, was Hoseok. Beside the bench he leaned against, a couple of crutches were stacked, but the cast on his ankle was the only reminder left of the awful price he nearly paid that night.
He wouldn’t be able to have full mobility again for a few more weeks, though, which is why you were still here. This park, the backdrop to so much of your upbringing, was no longer where you belonged.
Knowing its emptiness only owed to it being a school day, that the true children of this side of the tracks would always be above you, tinged it with some bitterness.
This place would always be part of your life, but it was somewhere you wanted to move on from. And after learning from you, protesting against their parents, who, it turned out, all held the same beliefs deep down, Jin and Hoseok also felt the need to make their own way. To seize the life they had never been offered.
The way the neighbours looked at you now had certainly helped persuade your parents that it was time for you to fly the nest. For weeks, your scandal had been the only thing on the lips of the gossip in your neighbourhood.
Of course, you would always come back to visit, and to watch your brother grow, but you were ready for your own life.
With Taehyung at your side, of course.
When Hoseok could walk, you travelled to the tracks together, certainly closer than Jin and Hoseok had been before. There weren’t parks here, so you waited on a dusty corner.
“So the days of living free are behind you, then?”
Turning, you found a grinning Yoongi. Pulling Taehyung into a hug, he patted him on the back.
“I’m still living free,” Tae winked at him, “free to be where I want, with who I want.”
He pulled you into his side as a startled laugh escaped you.
“So cheesy,” Jimin grumbled next, embracing you both all the same.
Namjoon and Jungkook were also introduced. Taehyung so wanted your friends to get along with his, and you were overjoyed to see him grinning the whole time. Just as you suspected, they all fit right in together.
“You’ll come and visit us, right?” you made them promise as you left.
“We’ll join you as soon as we can,” Namjoon assured with a smile.
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You weren’t sure if you should feel sad.
Turning your back on the car that pulled away after a brief final wave, you found nothing holding you back. Light as a feather, you raced up the steps, breathless by the time Taehyung reached you. A few strands of his midnight hair fell into his eyes as he laughed at you, that stunning grin lighting up his whole face.
But you were the same, unable to smile any wider.
“Here we go then, pidge,” he spoke, sweeping forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
Grasping your hand, the two of you stepped further onto the platform side by side. Every glance at your wonderful boyfriend showed his exhilarated grin never let up.
The train rolled in, hissing to a stop. For most of the people bustling along the station, it was as ordinary as anything, but you were practically bouncing, eagerly awaiting as the doors groaned open.
No sooner had you stored your small case overhead, Taehyung was tugging your hand. Falling onto his lap, neither of you wasted a moment finding each other’s lips, all smiles and hands on your cheeks and in his hair as the carriage heaved into life.
The tracks whizzed by below you, taking you to a city where they wouldn’t divide you.
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Thank you so much for reading!💜let me know if you enjoyed it!
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bloodypapercut · 4 years
s.b. headcanons
hellooo, me again! enjoy angels and treat urself today <3
word count: 1.9k 
-he will do anything to pull you away from whatever it is you’re doing whenever he wants attention
“COME TO MY DORM OR I’LL LIGHT A BUNCH OF CANDLES AND FALL ASLEEP!” “no don’t burn down hogwarts sirius, sod off, i need to study.” “don’t you love me??” “yes, now that that’s settled, go away.” “you’re breaking my heart darling.” he’ll pout throwing a hand over his heart while leaning on you “you’re breaking your own heart. just wait a bit longer, you big baby.” “nope, that’s it, i’m doing it! tata now!” “sirius no-!” “bye y/nnnn goodnight, unless you decide to graciously visit me in bed” “you’re really gonna burn down hogwarts because i won’t cuddle you?” “you mean YOU'RE going to burn down hogwarts because you refuse to stop studying and cuddle me.” “it does work like that!! you’re so childish.” “i’d prefer the term determined if you will.” “sirius- wait no don’t go upst- and he’s gone,” *waits a bit* *dashes upstairs and barges into the room* *sees there are no candles lit* “i’m offended, you thought i’d actually do it, but since you’re here let’s cuddle.”
-whenever he’s hanging around the other marauders on the field he’ll see random flowers and start picking them, ignoring their teasing while flipping them off “sirius has gone soft!!!!” “sod off wankers at least i have someone.” “i do have someone!” “lily hates you james.” “for now you twat.”
-he can’t wait to give you the flowers “oh- thank you? for the um..weeds?” “weeds? they’re flowers, look, petals and all.” he’ll dramatically pick a petal of a flower and blow it into the air, sighing as it slowly falls to the ground “nooo don’t make that face, you know i love them, they’re pretty.” you’ll open your arms for him and he’ll gladly reciprocate, burying his face between your shoulder and neck ”yeah like me.” he’d mutter in a childish voice
-“did you just lick my lips?” “your chapstick tastes good”
-whenever he’s drinking something and someone makes him laugh you can expect him to spray everywhere
-if you’re putting on lipstick he’ll ask you to kiss him on the cheek because he wants people to see, then he’ll ask to use the lipstick too because he wants you to have one as well
-every time you come out of the bathroom after getting dressed, without fail he’ll hype you up whether you’re wearing your uniform or a normal outfit or your sleeping clothes. he’ll narrate you as you walk out the room, asking you to do your model walk.
-you’ll dress each other sometimes, he usually picks fishnets and a skirt with one of his shirts and you’ll get him to dress like henry winter from the secret history (sirius in dark academia fashion, i think so)
-you two paint your nails together
-you both impulsively cut your hair, it’s utter chaos. it consists of you two screaming, hiding under a blanket, freaking out at the hair in the sink, then realizing you both look really good
-you have matching silver rings and necklaces
-he’s very devious, he always has something up his sleeve
-he gets jealous really easily, if someone is looking at you he’ll stare them down and whisper in your ear “someone’s checking you out.” “really? are they cute?” he’ll shoot you a warning look before picking you up and running off to do some um activities
-he’s very protective, he trusts you deeply but he knows that there are people who are willing to do anything to upset him and the only way someone could upset him is if they harmed you in any way. he will always stand up for you, even when you’re not around. he despises anyone who even looks at you the wrong way. this has led to many fights and detentions  
-he’s the most supportive and accepting person ever. he knows what it’s like to feel like an alien in your own body, to not be accepted by those you thought would be there no matter what, he understands what it feels like and though he will never understand how you feel completely, he will do everything in his power to help you and to make you feel safe and loved. if you open up about your struggles, your sexuality, your identity or anything at all, there will not be a single part of him that’ll judge you. he’ll just listen and smile, feeling so grateful that you trusted him enough to open up to him
-he’ll randomly break into your room in the middle of the night “get your fine ass out of bed, we’re going to hogsmeade.” “it’s 4 in the morning what could you possibly want at hogsmeade?” “i’m hungry, now hurry up.” “why don’t you sod off and steal some or rem’s chocolate? i’m tired.” “i already finished it c’monnnnn i know you wanna.” “you’re so lucky that i love you sirius.”
-he always keeps you on your feet, there was never a dull moment with him and frankly, it was hard to keep up, no one knows where he gets all this energy from.
-it’s hard to really know what he’s talking about at times, he just says words sometimes and when he’s done he looks at you expectantly
-his energy levels fluctuate a lot though, one minute he’ll be running around the room chasing you like a zombie, the next he’ll be sitting down talking about cultural anthropology  
-he likes trying to see if he can trick you into eating foods you hate. for example, he’ll try and feed you olives by claiming they’re grapes or something, which obviously doesn’t work so he just shoves it in your mouth (olive slander is welcome here)
-when you two kiss it’s so intense, even if it’s supposed to be a short peck before you head off to class he’ll put both his hands in your hair and pull you closer, refusing to have a kiss less than 10 seconds
-when he hugs you he spins you around until you’re both about to fall from dizziness
-he’s so coquettish, even when you’ve been together for so long he’ll stroll up to you and use a horrible pick up line, or he’ll wink at you from across the room or shamelessly flirt with you in front of everyone, which never fails to amuse you
-sirius either sleeps for 17 hours straight or 3 hours, there is no in-between. he’s also a very heavy sleeper, it’s so difficult to get him up in the mornings if you two are late for class. he doesn’t really care that he’s late but for your sake, he drags himself out of bed, under the condition that you have to take a nap with him right after class.
-he hogs the blanket and when you try and pull it back he will just grunt and say “you’re so hot why would you need it?” which you’d just scoff at and throw yourself on him until he acquiesces to share the blanket with you
-the train ride to hogwarts is filled with laughter, the kind where it hurts to breathe and you keep adding things that make you both reel over. the other marauders are slightly confused, but they start to laugh as they see your faces turn red while tears slip from your eyes.
-you are such an energetic couple, you bounce off of each other and anyone who hangs out with you two feels like they’re babysitting
-if his hands are cold he’ll press them on your thighs, neck, or your stomach just to make you jump, which is the catalyst in you chasing him around the room while throwing things at him
-he pokes the side of your face so much you’re convinced you’ll get a dent, he also flicks you so much that by the end of class there's a red mark on your cheek
- “you smell so good love.” “stop sniffing me, creep”
-he likes carrying you bridal style everywhere, it’s so unnecessary and extravagant that it just works because it’s sirius we’re talking about
-you two play fight so often people are genuinely concerned because they’ll just walk into the common room and see you straddling him as you cause havoc on his face with a pillow or he’ll have you pinned under him as he relentlessly tickles you
-calling him fleahead just to rile him up
“why can’t i have a pleasant nickname? like mr. darcy, am i not like your mr. darcy??”
-him calling you cherry or mars because you blush a lot around him (he likes to tell himself it’s because of his undeniable charm)
-sneaking off to the astronomy tower together to listen to music while you’re under a blanket and holding hands, talking quietly about your home lives or anything that’s bothering you, letting the wind run through your clothing, causing the two of you to shuffle closer together
-he’s seldom quiet so when he is you know there’s something wrong. you never push him as he’ll open up on his own terms and when he’s ready, but you always make sure that he knows you’re there
-he’ll usually walk into your dorm shutting the door quietly, taking his jumper off, and curling up in your lap as he grabs your hand, your other one going to his hair immediately. his cries are silent but they don’t last long, only for a couple of minutes before he looks up at you and kisses the side of your mouth before going under your covers and hugging your waist tightly.
-when you walk in upset or crying he’ll immediately be gripping his wand asking who he’ll have to hex, it brings a smile to your face and you just shake your head before trudging towards him, your mood washing over you again. you straddle his lap and bury your face in his chest, trying to calm yourself down. his hands would immediately go to rubbing your back or stroking your hair. when your breathing starts to go back to normal he’ll hold the back of your neck, making you look up at him, he just wanted to see your face because even when you were sobbing he thought you were the most breathtaking person on earth.
-you two always shower together or take baths together and they’d be filled with horrible attempts at flirting and messing around
-drunk sirius is a disaster. he will trail after you like a lost puppy, he will hug your legs if you try to leave which leads to him being dragged on the floor as he grips on your calf for dear life. if you somehow manage to free yourself from his grip he does the most outrageous and embarrassing things to get you to come back. (imagine sirius drunkenly singing common people by pulp or the letter by the boxtops, using his bottle as a mic and prancing around the common room doing an idiotic dance)
-drunk sirius barges into your room screaming “i'm an english man!!” or singing parklike by blur (if blur existed at the time)
-so many polaroids, he has a box filled with them. it gives him comfort when he’s back at home
-he stares at you a lot
-he always greets you with a kiss on the back of your hand
-at first you were apprehensive about being with sirius for several reasons but you gave him a chance because you wanted to formulate your own opinion. he proved everyone around him wrong and it took you by surprise to see just how committed he was. he not once hid the fact he liked you, he made it very known that he wanted you and only you, even if it was embarrassing on your behalf
(can you tell i heavily associate sirius with damon albarn?)
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
Taking Chances-Part 3*
Pairing: College!Drew Starkey x Plus Size!Reader
Summary: The basketball star seeks help from the girl he’s been crushing on for two years…will she reciprocate his feelings?
Note: I am so in love with this man it’s not even funny...🥺 
I have missed writing this series and now I have so many ideas so I’m so excited to have this for you guys! I hope everyone enjoys!
The parts in italics are flashbacks! 
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Part 2 Part 4
After that night, Drew and I spent every waking moment together…
I couldn’t get enough of him, he was so incredibly sweet to me, and the biggest teddy bear. He will never admit this, but he loves being the little spoon. The past two months we have been dating have honestly been the best days of my life. 
However, people seemed to have a staring problem when we were together on campus. Drew paid no mind to it, his eyes either on me or talking to one of his teammates. They constantly teased Drew about how he hasn’t shut up about me since he first saw me our freshman year, and it seemed to have become worse now that we were together. I thought it was adorable, but Drew’s cheeks always turned a deep shade of pink anytime it was brought up. 
“Baby it’s cute,” I told him one day as we sat in class after we had escaped another round of his teammates teasing him. 
“It makes me sound like a creep,” he protested, arm slung behind my chair that he had scooted as close to him as possible. 
“No it doesn’t, it’s sweet.” I pouted, reaching out to rub his cheek. 
He leaned his elbow on the table, head resting in his large hand. His eyes swept over me, causing my thoughts to become self conscious as I squirmed in my seat. I looked everywhere but at him, turning back to face the front of the class. I saw him in my peripheral leaning towards my ear. 
“You look so beautiful today.” He whispered, kissing my cheek. I flushed as I looked down at myself, wearing one of his sweatshirts and a pair of leggings with my hair down in its natural state, and minimal makeup with my glasses perched on my nose. 
“Drew...I literally look like a trash can.” I chuckled, glancing at his almost hurt expression. 
“Stop that, you’re hot as fuck.” He smirked, pinching my thigh playfully. 
I giggled as I pushed his hand away, instead he intertwined our fingers and kept them on top of my thigh. Drew glanced to see if the professor was paying attention before quickly placing a kiss to my lips, taking me by surprise. I blinked in shock, looking over to my giant boyfriend. 
“What was that for?” I asked, still shocked. 
“Just ‘cause I wanted to kiss my beautiful girlfriend.” He shrugged, winking before turning back to listen to the professor. 
Drew lived in the dorms on campus, meaning no privacy if we ever wanted to hang out. This made me very appreciative to my parents that helped me find the apartment I have to myself. In the last few months, Drew had practically moved himself in. 
Of course I didn’t mind at all...he was good eye candy. Besides that, he actually helped around my apartment which I found odd since no guy I know would voluntarily do the dishes or run the vacuum. It honestly made me fall even harder for the basketball super star. 
“Hey baby, holy shit it smells amazing in here.” Drew called, walking in my apartment from practice. 
I was occupied in the kitchen, whipping up some dinner for the both of us. Drew sat his duffel bag by the washer, no doubt more clothes in it that he needed washed. The washer and dryer on campus was outrageously expensive, and since I have a washer and dryer I just told Drew to bring his clothes here. Drew walked up behind me, wrapping his very sweaty body around mine. 
“Drew go take a shower, you’re ruining the aesthetic.” I huffed, trying to push his arms from around me, but he was too strong. 
“Well excuse me, I have not seen my girlfriend all day and I would like to love on her.” Drew said matter of factly. 
“You see her everyday,” I giggled, they intensified when Drew started placing ticklish kisses on my neck. 
“I know, but I didn’t see her today.” He pouted, his large frame completely engulfing mine. 
“Well you smell like shit, so off to the shower with you.” I ordered, shooing his hands away that seemed to have traveled back to my ass. 
“Fine, fine you win this time.” Drew sighed, laying a smack to my behind before disappearing down the hall. 
Drew came back a few minutes later, fresh out of the shower in just a pair of basketball shorts hung low on his hips. It took everything in me to not jump him right then and there, and he knew it too by the look he gave me. 
“See something you like princess?” He asked smugly, flexing his muscles on purpose. 
“No,” I quipped, turning back to turn the stove burners off since dinner was done. 
Drew snatched my hand, yanking me to his chest. I gasped, placing my hands on his abdomen to keep me from falling. He circled his arms around me, one hand staying on my waist while the other tangled into my hair. I moaned softly when he tugged on the strands a little, his smile bright at my reaction. 
“I think you saw something you liked sweetheart,” Drew smirked, eyes falling to my lips that were slightly parted. 
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.” I teased, the hands I had placed on his abs beginning to wander. His fist tugged my hair harder, my teeth biting down on my bottom lip to stop the squeal I was about to let out. 
“Such a brat,” he growled, his blue eyes darkening. 
“You love it though, don’t you baby?” I grinned, tracing my fingertips along the waistband of his shorts. 
“Fuck yeah I do,” he said as he leaned down to smash his lips to mine. 
I finally let out the moan I was holding in, my hands moving to thread them through his damp hair. I let my tongue out to play with his, both of us fighting for dominance over the other. He ultimately won, but not willingly on my part. Drew’s big hands gripped my ass cheeks in a death grip, a slight grunt passing his lips as he used his hold to pull me in closer. 
“Th-The foods gonna get cold,” I panted as I pulled away, chest heaving. 
“I want to kiss you,” Drew stated, leaning back down for another kiss. 
“But-baby-Drew-“ I tried, but was interrupted as Drew kept kissing me. 
“Eat later, kiss now.” he mumbled against my lips, my smile growing as I gave in to his request.
“So there’s a frat party this weekend, and I was really hoping you would be my date.” Drew spoke as we cleaned up the kitchen. 
“Sure, I’ve never been to a frat party,” I shrugged, handing him another dish to dry. 
“You’re not missin’ much trust me.” He chuckled. 
“Then why do you want to go?” I asked, genuinely curious. 
“Because now I have a beautiful woman to show off.” He winked, making my cheeks flush. 
“You think you’re smooth Starkey,” I laughed. 
“Oh I know I’m smooth baby, that’s how I landed such an amazing girlfriend.” Drew smiled, leaning down to kiss my red cheek. 
“Yeah sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.” I dismissed, rolling my eyes playfully. 
“You help me sleep at night gorgeous.” he smirked, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I shoved his head away with my wet hand, giggling as he looked at me like I had ruined his favorite jersey. 
“What are you gonna do about it Starkey?” I taunted, beaming as Drew picked up some of the water and splashed me.
“That’s what smartass,” he countered, laughing as I gasped when the water hit me. 
“Oh it’s on,” I grinned evilly, throwing more water at him. 
Drew and I continued our little splash fight until my kitchen was covered in soapy water, Drew holding on to me so I didn’t fall but also so he had the advantage to get my hair and clothes soaked. I tried to get away, shoving at his chest, but to no avail he kept me in his arms. 
“Drew stop!” I squealed, his laughter making my heart flutter.
“You asked for it!” he shouted, squeezing a rag over my head.
“You better clean up this mess mister!” I yelled, giggling as he picked up a few more soap bubbles to put on my face.
“Now this, this is sexy.” Drew chuckled, my eyes rolling as I hit his chest playfully.
“Stooooop, now I need to go shower.” I giggled, leaning my head back to look at him.
“I should join you, ya know to make sure u get all the soap out.” He grinned slyly, hands traveling over my form. 
“In your dreams Starkey,” I whispered, kissing the corner of his lips before heading to the shower.
“Brat,” he growled, his eyes glued to me as I walked away. 
The one thing I loved the most about Drew is-
Wait...did I just-did I just think love?
Wow...I couldn’t tell you the last time I had that kind of thought…
Anywho, Drew wasn’t one of those guys that pressured sex. The past few boyfriends I had always made me feel like I just had to give in, like it was my duty as a woman to please them. 
Sure Drew and I loved to tease each other, but he made it very clear that we were on my terms when it came to anything sexual. I’d be lying if I said that didn’t make my heart flutter. I truly, truly felt like Drew and I could last, or at least I hoped to. 
“I want you to feel completely safe with me, no rushing or jumping into anything you’re not ready for.” He explained, snuggled up against me in my tiny, queen size bed. 
“I do feel safe with you teddy bear,” I grinned, his eye roll at the nickname making me laugh. 
“I mean in the sense of talking about anything and everything, no lies, and no secrets.” He continued, gently brushing his finger along my features. 
“I can do that,” I agreed, running my fingers through his hair. 
“You-You don’t feel pressured to do anything just because I insinuate it right?” He questioned, a frown forming on his beautiful face. 
“No baby I don’t, I know you’re just teasing, and I like it. If I didn’t, I would tell you.” I reassured, kissing his nose to which he smiled at. 
“I’m in for the long run sweetheart, you ready for that?” He smirked, his arms going around my back to pull me impossibly closer. 
“I am,” I said nervously, feeling a lump in my throat. 
“Good, because I don’t plan on going anywhere and I won’t let you push me away.” He revealed, my heart thumping a million miles a minute. 
“Drew,” I whispered, feeling my whole body flood with emotion. 
“I feel different with you y/n, like everything feels so real. I-I’ve never felt the way I feel when I’m with you.” Drew confessed, my eyes filling with happy tears that I forced back down. 
“I feel that way too teddy bear,” I smiled, slowly caressing his cheek. 
Drew leaned forward slowly, kissing my lips gently. I threaded my fingers in his hair, smiling into his kiss. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled into my lips. I pulled back a little, looking at him confused. 
“For what?” I asked. 
“Taking a chance on me,” he smiled, kissing me again. 
I deepened our kiss, feeling my body ignite with fire and passion. Drew’s hands stayed firm, one underneath me threaded into my damp hair, and the other on my hip. His fingers felt the curve and dip, squeezing lightly which made my heart flutter. 
I had one hand holding his cheek, the other making its way from his hip bone and slowly creeping it under the wife beater he was wearing. I felt the ripple of muscles on his abdomen, tracing under his pecs. Then I felt my way to his back, smoothing my hands up and down as our kiss intensified. 
Drew abruptly sat up, yanking the fabric over his head then tossed it on the floor. My chest was heaving from lack of air, his doing the same. I grabbed his shoulders, pulling him to hover over me as I laid on my back. 
“Drew?” I panted, pulling away to look into his eyes. 
“Yeah? Am I going too fast?” He asked, his eyes filling with concern. 
“No, I just wanted to tell you that-that I want you to touch me-like...everywhere.” I stammered, my cheeks heating up slightly. 
I didn’t wait for his response however, reaching for the back of his neck to bring his lips back to mine. Drew moaned softly, sending shivers down my spine. It was the sexiest sound I ever heard, and I wanted more. 
His hands explored more of my body, taking both my breasts in his large hands. I wasn’t wearing a bra since we were originally planning to go to bed, so he was pleasantly surprised to not feel the cups of the bra. 
Drew grazed his thumbs over my nipples, a gasp flying from my lips as the exquisite feeling went straight down below. He moved his kisses down my neck, softly stroking my nipples that pebbled through my shirt. I let out a moan of my own when he gently sucked on a spot behind my ear, leaving his mark on my untarnished skin. 
“More,” I whimpered, moving one leg between his so I could grind my lower half on his thigh. 
“Ask nicely,” Drew murmured in my ear, and I could feel his smirk against my skin. 
“Let me have it,” I demanded, but my brattiness only got me a low growl from Drew. 
His hands came to my hips to stop my movements, a child like whine leaving my throat. I tried to fight his grip which only made his hands hold me tighter. 
“Brats don’t get what they want babygirl, you know this.” He reprimanded, laughing maliciously as I struggled to free myself. 
“Please,” I muttered, giving in. 
“What was that?” He teased, a frustrated groan escaping as I tugged at his hair. 
“Please Drew, please I need more.” I said a bit louder, a satisfied hum from Drew as he helped guide my hips to grind against him. 
I could feel his hardened member against my thigh, Drew’s low grunts in my ear making me even more hot as he was getting off just as I was. We both rutted up against each other, moans and whimpers from us filling the room. 
“Fuck this is so hot,” Drew moaned, making my head nod in agreement. His blue eyes almost black from lust, pupils blown wide as they stared into mine. 
“Feels so good baby,” I replied, my eyes closing as I could feel my release coming. 
“I’m gonna cum, fuck.” Drew growled, grinding both of our hips faster. 
“Me too,oh my god.” I gasped, my clit throbbing against his thigh. 
My back arched as my orgasm crashed down, stars flooding my vision. My nails dug into his shoulders, his head falling in my neck as his hips stuttered and his movement halted all together. I could feel the wet patch against my leg, making me smile slightly as I gasped for air. 
We laid there for a minute, not moving from our position other than Drew dropped to lay on top of me. I combed my hands through his now sweaty hair, his lips placing gentle kisses on my neck where his head was currently buried. 
“I need to change my pants,” Drew blurted, a giggle bursting from my lips. 
“I need new shorts,” I smirked, shuffling a little on the bed. 
“Can I tell you something?” Drew questioned, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 
“Of course you can babe,” I chuckled, gently caressing his cheeks. 
“I’ve been dying to know what you taste like,” he blurted, my eyes widening and teeth sinking into my bottom lip. 
“Maybe you could have a sample,” I said barely above a whisper. 
“Can I?” He asked, fingers dragging down my stomach. 
I nodded, keeping eye contact as his hand dipped in my shorts. He scooped up my cum, being careful to not touch any sensitive areas. I stared downwards as his hand ascended to his mouth, sticking his two fingers he used inside. His eyes closed as he sucked his fingers clean, letting out a spine chilling moan that made me want to strip and let him have his way with me.
“How was it?” I smirked, eyes still connected with his mouth. 
He took his fingers from his mouth, wiping them on my shirt. I could see his tongue moving around in his mouth as if he was trying to savor every last drop. His eyes met mine, a sly smile forming as his lips came closer and closer to mine. 
“Delicious,” he murmured against my lips, and I leaned the rest of the way to connect them. 
I met Drew at the frat house on Saturday, it was a pool party so I was a bit hesitant to be around everyone in a bikini. Drew was very convincing and talked me into just wearing it under my clothes so that if I didn’t want to I didn’t have to. I chose a higher cut bikini to show off his favorite body part of mine with a more plunging neckline. I wore one of his basketball shirts with his name on the back tucked into some distressed jeans with flip flops. 
“Hey baby!” Drew greeted, already in his swim shorts which hung low just enough to make every girl here wonder what’s underneath. 
I smiled wide as I came closer, his adorable grin making my heart soar. I was surprised though when he reached me and bent his knees with his hands on my hips to pick me up. I squeaked a little, not expecting it, but I liked it. I wrapped my legs tightly around him, holding onto his shoulders. I was even more surprised when he leaned in and kissed me in front of everyone. 
“That was some greeting Starkey,” I giggled as I pulled away, wiping some of the lip gloss that had smeared off his lip. His big hands squeezed my ass cheeks, another round of giggles erupting. 
“I like the ass L/n,” he commented, winking as he kept his hold on them. 
“I like the muscles baby,” I said as I felt his broad shoulders and chest. 
“You look so beautiful,” he murmured, tightening his hold on my ass. 
“You’re too sweet teddy bear,” I gushed, pinching his cheeks. 
“Damn bro, how your arms not broken?” One of the frat brothers asked, my heart stopping as I looked from him to Drew whose expression morphed into one of anger. 
“Drew,” I warned, but he ignored me and sat me back on my feet. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” Drew questioned, shoving me behind him. I grabbed his hand and used my other to grab his bicep, not wanting a fight to break out. 
“I’m just sayin’ man she thick and all but damn.” The boy scoffed, looking me up and down behind Drew. 
“Insult my girlfriend again, I fucking dare you.” Drew taunted angrily, taking a step closer. I pulled on his arm, hoping to get his attention back to me. 
“Drew it’s ok, he was just dropped on his head as a child and doesn’t appreciate what a real woman looks like.” I sassed, raising a brow at the boy. 
I didn’t give him a chance to reply however, pulling Drew towards one of the pool chairs. I stripped my clothes in front of him, his eyes widening at the sight of my bikini. I smirked as his eyes traveled up and down my body, lingering on the curves of my hips. I turned around to purposefully give him a view of the back, my heart jumping at the curse that left his lips.
“What?” I asked, grinning when his eyes snapped back to mine.
“You’re...you’re stunning, absolutely gorgeous.” he breathed, his hands coming to wind around me and pull me to his chest. 
“I figured you’d like it,” I shrugged, his head shaking as he smiled down at me.
“Let’s get in,” he chuckled, intertwining our fingers and pulling me with him to the pool.
The frat brother that felt the need to make that comment earlier kept eyeing Drew and I, making him tense up against me. I moved to stand in front of him, wrapping my arms around him.
“You should have let me deck that guy,” Drew grunted, his hands going to my hips to pull me closer.
“He’s not worth it Drew,” I sighed, placing my hands on his cheeks and gently pull so his eyes would come back to mine.
“I don’t like it, he had no right.” Drew huffed, scrunching his eyebrows. 
“Let’s not think about it ok? I want to have fun with you.” I smiled softly, getting up on my toes to kiss him. Drew flashed a small grin, holding me closer to him. 
A little while later, the frat guy was completely forgotten. Drew and I were completely wrapped up in each other. We couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves which earned lots of stares from the other girls trying hard to get him to look their way. 
Drew pulled me to a corner of the deep end of the pool, Drew being so tall his shoulders were still above the water. He wrapped my legs around his waist, but his fingers stayed wandering on my private area of my bikini. I gasped in surprise, looking around to see if anyone would notice.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish Starkey,” I grumbled, gripping his biceps. 
“I’m not doing anything babydoll,” Drew said innocently, but with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Drew,” I whispered, his fingers moving my bikini bottoms to the side.
I stared deep into his eyes, blinking rapidly as his fingers slowly caressed me. I bit down on my bottom lip, trying hard to conceal my moans. 
“So pretty,” he murmured, leaning to place a gentle kiss to my lips.
The moment was ruined however when some of Drew’s teammates yelled for him.
“Hey yo Starkey! Wanna shoot some hoops?” they called, Drew turning to look at them before back to me. 
“Go on, I’ll be here.” I said, already missing the feel of his fingers as he moved my bottoms back.
“I won’t play for long ok?” he smiled, giving me a gentle kiss before heading out of the pool.
I couldn’t help but stare the way Drew moved as he played, his coordination so flawless. He was going places, that I was sure of. Other girls of course walked by him, making sure they were in his line of sight with their tiny bikinis that barely left anything to the imagination, but Drew didn’t spare them one glance. 
As soon as he was done, he came to the edge of the pool and jumped back in. I turned my face away giggling, beaming as he resurfaced so his face was right in front of mine. I returned to my earlier position with my legs wrapped around him, a mischievous act forming in my brain. I trailed my fingers down his abdomen and lower, tracing the band of his swim shorts. I bravely grabbed his halfway hardened dick, feeling it pulsate in my hand.
“Baby,” he growled, his hands gripping my hips tight. 
“Hmmm?” I questioned, batting my lashes at him.
“Quit,” he griped, but made no move to stop me.
“I think you like it though sweetheart,” I winked, palming him a bit harder.
“I don’t want to get out of this pool hard as a rock.” Drew groaned, throwing his head back before coming back to meet my eyes. Our moment was yet ruined again by some of the cheerleaders.
“Hey Drew come dance with us!” they giggled, he went to respond until I squeezed him dick harder.
“Sorry ladies, he’s taken.” I fake smiled, waving my free hand at them. They glared at me before scurrying off, my attention turning back to Drew. 
“So possessive,” Drew teased, his hands moving to squeeze my ass.
“You love it,” I giggled, taking my hand away from his member to wrap them around his neck.
“It’s sexy as fuck,” Drew nodded excitedly, leaning down to plant a sweet kiss to my lips.
After a moment of us just staying like that, the party started to die down.
“You ready to get out of here babe?” Drew asked, my head nodding as I was eager to have him all to myself.
“Let’s go home,” I murmured, squealing moments after as he carried me out of the pool and to the pool chair where our stuff was sitting.
This giant man of mine just may be the key to mending my broken pieces...
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ampmiscfiles · 3 years
Let Us Love You: Chapter 9
Start From The Beginning
Sam checked in with FRIDAY before entering the elevator. Ever since his tentative...whatever....with Peter had started, he had been taking extra care to avoideveryonewhen leaving and reentering the tower whenever he saw him. While blockers kept an individual smells hidden from random  people, there had been cases of mates sometimes being able to pick up hints of each other's smells anyway. Since Sam was a beta, Peter's scent never meant anything to him, and he hadn't even smelt anything from him lately. Hoever, with two super soldiers with enhanced senses in the tower, Sam didn't want to chance the lack of scent just being him. He had made a promise to keep their interactions secret, and he intended to keep it.
The two were slowly getting to know each other. For Sam, everything about Peter was new, but for Peter, it more so a game of similarities and differences.
Sam would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying getting to know him. Peter was a genuinely good person, and if things every worked out between him and the others, he could be a valuable asset to the team.
The public sure seemed to love him.
Something that seemed to amuse Peter greatly for some odd reason.
Still, Sam avoided talking about his fellow teammates like the plague. He desperately wanted to ask more about Peter's past with the, rightfully dubbed, "Evil Avengers", but didn't want to overstep.
“Dr. Banner has entered the common area.” FRIDAY answered.
“Ok. Bruce is clear.” Sam replied.
Bruce was probably the only person in the tower he didn’t have to worry about. There was no way he’d pick up on Peter’s scent, nor would it even matter since he was a beta and not romantically interested in Peter.
Also, he was the only other person in the tower Peter seemed comfortable talking about.
Peter had held a lot of respect for the Bruce Banner of his world. So much so that Sam had taken up teasing him about being a Bruce Banner fan boy.
Interesting enough, Peter seemed to be an even bigger fan boy here.
The Bruce Banner of his world lost a lot of his freedoms and abilities to do research after the Avengers turned and trapped him, so eventually Peter had run out of research papers to read.
Here though, here Bruce was continuing to put out papers, and Peter was consuming them at an alarming rate.
Maybe he could bring Bruce to meet Peter one night.
Bruce had displayed plenty of interest in getting to talk to Peter, and Peter had definitely displayed his own.
Yeah, maybe Peter wouldn’t hate him if he brought Bruce.
“Hey, Bru-“ Sam’s greeting stopped short as a very disgruntled Bruce Banner lay on one of the couches, taking deep breaths.
“Uh…everything ok?”
“If by ok you mean I won’t Hulk out, then you should know I’m straddling a thin line right now. I can’t go back to the lab or the line will break.” Bruce huffed.
Sam grimaced at Bruce’s obvious efforts to calm himself were only marginally working.
“We’ll, I’m going out. Wanna join me? Maybe getting out of here will help?”
Bruce paused, lifting his head to look at Sam. The green tint to his eyes started to fade as he considered the option.
“You know, maybe that’s a good idea.”
Sam grinned as Bruce stood up.
Peter was gonna freak, and hopefully in a good way.
“When did you start coming here?” Bruce asked. “It’s a bit out of the way for us.”
“It’s what I needed. With the raging alpha hormones, I wanted to be as far away as possible.” Sam sighed before smirking.
“Plus, I get a little private bonus for coming here.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow as he followed Sam into the rowdy bar.
“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Bruce frowned, uncomfortable with all the people.
“Don’t worry, they’ll be clearing out soon.”
Bruce continued to frown, but followed Sam to the bar anyway. As they sat down, a muscular black man stood in front of them. He raised an eyebrow as he took in the sight on Bruce.
“Taking a real chance there, Wilson.”
Bruce looked up as Luke Cage moved in front of them.
“I’m aware.” Sam nodded. “But I’m pretty confident it’s gonna be fine.”
The man shrugged before setting Sam’s usual down and asking what Bruce wanted.
“Just water please, I’m not really a drinker.” Bruce winced.
“Strange to come to a bar for water, but to each their own, Banner.”
“I didn't know you ran a bar.”
“It's pretty low key. Mostly just known here in the Kitchen. Anyway, when you come back, leave Wilson at home next time.”
Sam choked on his drink as Luke laughed, moving on down the bar after giving Bruce his water.
“Jerk.” Sam muttered, no bite to his words.
“How long have you been coming here?” Bruce asked.
“About a month or so now. Couple of nights a week depending on certain factors."
“How have we not noticed you’ve been going out so much?” Bruce asked.
"Well, in your defense Bruce, you're usually tied up in some sort of research and buried in the lab."
"Don't talk about the lab." Bruce grunted. "That is a terrible subject at the moment."
"That's only raising my curiosity."
Bruce huffed as he took a sip of his water.
"Let's just say that Tony is in big trouble for the foreseeable future."
Sam laughed as he patted Bruce on the back.
"Just let me and Clint know what we need to do for you. Clint's been dying to have a go at Tony since he rigged one of his arrows with confetti during training."
The two continued talking, Sam occasionally taking note of the fact the crowd was thinning out quickly. As it neared the time Peter would most likely come from the back, Sam turned to Bruce with a serious expression.
"I'm gonna tell you something Bruce, but you've gotta keep it a secret."
"Is this something that could get us in some sort of trouble?" Bruce asked wearily.
"......no? Maybe? Probably? Yeah, definitely." Sam shrugged with a smile. "But if it makes you feel better, you'll be getting an immeasurable up on Tony."
Bruce raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"Okay.....what's the big secret?"
"The drinks and distance from the tower aren't the only reasons I come here."
"Are you seeing someone Sam?" Bruce asked. "You know you don't have to keep it a secret from us."
"Oh, I'm 'seeing' someone alright, and I do have to keep it a secret and now you will too."
"Hey Sam!"
Bruce's head snapped up in surprise as a smiling Peter Parker walked over, clearly not noticing Bruce's presence.
"Hey, Pete." Sam smiled nervously. "I..um...hope you don't mind that I brought a friend? I told him the rule of meeting you."
Peter frowned as his eyes moved to the person next to Sam, then choked on air.
"D-Dr Banner!" Peter gasped.
Bruce just looked between Peter and Sam in shock, desperately trying to figure out what was going on. How had Sam managed to get close to Peter without anyone knowing?
"H-hi." Bruce stumbled, holding out his hand and praying he wasn't going to have to kill Sam.
He knew how protective the Defenders could be when it came to Peter, and he had no desire to have trouble.
Peter stared a moment before grasped his outstretched hand and began shaking it excitedly.
"I know I should be upset and throw you out Sam, but I'm to busy having a mental freakout at the fact I'm meeting Dr. Banner properly as opposed to when he rescued me from prison."
"Y-yeah." Bruce grimaced at the memory of the last time he had physically seen Peter. "I didn't know they were gonna do that...."
"Yeah, I kind of figured that." Peter smirked, pulling back his hand. "I've never seen someone look so...done with people."
"We may be a pack," Bruce sighed. "But I know stupid when I see it."
Peter laughed as Bruce ran his hand down his face.
"If you have time Dr. Banner, I'd love to get to talk to you. I have so many questions about your work. I've been pouring through your research papers and I've wanted to pick your brain so bad!"
Bruce blinked in surprise at Peter's eager face.
"Careful Bruce," Sam grinned. "Peter's a total fanboy."
"I'm not ashamed to admit that, Wilson." Peter scoffed.
"Well," Bruce said slowly, unsure how Peter would take what he was about to say. "I can't deny I've been wanting to talk to you either. I'm fascinated by your abilities. I mean, I've seen videos of you getting hurt pretty badly, then be out the very next day seemingly fine."
"Tell you what, Dr. Banner." Peter grinned. "We close in a bit. If you guys aren't looking to leave soon, maybe we can talk more. I'll answer your questions if you answer mine."
"Deal." Bruce smiled.
Sam smiled in satisfaction as he leaned back in his chair. He had been nervous to bring Bruce. He didn't know how Peter would handle it. Despite the fact Peter knew Bruce was a beta, and uninterested in the dynamics that came between alphas and omegas, he was still a part of the pack. Looking at him now though, he knew he had definitely made the right call by bringing Bruce. Peter got to fanboy over the one Avenger he had even seemed remotely okay with from the beginning and gain a new friend, not to mention Bruce finally had someone other than Tony to talk science with.
Speaking of Tony, he still wanted to know what the man had done to nearly cause Bruce to lose it.
It was after Luke and Peter closed down the bar that Sam finally got his answer. Peter's praise of Bruce's work ultimately led to Bruce admitting what happened between him and Tony.
He blew up half the lab!" Bruce growled. "Four months of my research gone in a few seconds!"
Peter gasped in outrage.
"Four months worth?" he shouted. 'What was he doing?
"I don't even know!" Bruce groaned. "One minute everything was fine and then the next, half the lab was on fire!"
Sam struggled to hold his laughter in. He hated Bruce lost his research, but Tony was gonna have to fork out some major money to fix the area, and do some major groveling to earn Bruce's forgiveness.
For once, Sam wished he and Bruce could tell the others about meeting up with Peter. That would really stick it to Tony if Bruce could let that little gem slip.
"I'm really sorry about that Dr. Banner." Peter frowned. "I would be furious too. I'm saddened at the loss of, what I'm sure, was something amazing."
"Not much I can do about it now." Bruce sighed in defeat. 'I'll just have to start over and please, Peter, call me Bruce."
"Wow. Ok, Bruce! I wish I could help." Peter said dreamily. "I'd love the chance to say I got to work with Dr. Bruce Banner!"
"Hey! What about the fact you get to be friends with The Falcon?" Sam huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm pretty cool to, you know."
"Sure, sure, Sam." Peter smirked, waving Sam off.
"I can't believe this. Here I bring you your man crush, Banner, and this is how you repay me?"
Peter laughed, ignoring Sam's disgruntled muttering as he turned back to Bruce.
"So, you have questions for me?"
"Y-yes! If you don't mind talking about your abilities that is."
"No, it's ok." Peter smiled. "To be honest, I've never really gotten the opportunity to study myself on a molecular level. I can tell you everything I can do, and the fact I've noticed myself acting spider like at times." A slight blush rose to Peter's cheeks at that admission.
"Oh, what's with the blush Parker?" Sam grinned, leaning forward.
"N-nothing!" Peter answered quickly.
"No. I refuse to ignore this. Again, I brought Banner! Let's hear it."
Peter sighed, taking a sip of the coke he had.
"I....I was pretty....pretty turned on once by a woman I knew. She was pulling a con at a strip club. I went to catch her and she caught me in the audience and....her dance.....well.....you know, there are species of spiders that are seduced by...dancing? I don't exactly know what the spider that bit me was.....but I know it was genetically altered...possibly even crossbred-"
"Wait! Are you telling me this woman danced her way into your pants?" Sam snickered as Peter's face turned red.
"I couldn't help it! I was practically in a trance! But no, we didn't get that far. The Avengers attacked the club before I could get her alone. I'm not sure how it would have gone if I did."
"That's....that's something." Bruce stumbled. "Not to be a downer Peter, but you should probably keep an eye on that."
"Yeah," Peter puffed out. "Not exactly good to be an omega getting horny just by watching someone dance for them."
"You a horn dog for dancers now, Jones?"
The three men's heads shot up as a smirking Jessica Jones pulled up a chair and sat down.
"Jones?" Bruce asked, looking at Peter.
"Yeah," Peter said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Can't exactly be Peter Parker here. So I'm-"
"My lesser good looking cousin." Jessica cackled.
"How have you not told me this yet?" Sam asked, shooting Peter a pointed look.
"Hey, Sam?"
"My last name is Jones now."
"I hate you."
Peter laughed as Jessica turned to Bruce.
"Luke told me Peter had been meeting up with Wilson here, but how'd you get drug into this?"
"I almost lost control at the tower when Tony blew up my research." Bruce deadpanned.
Jessica blinked at him, silent for a moment before bursting out laughing.
"I bet Stark was shitting his pants!"
"He disappeared pretty quickly." Bruce sighed.
"Well, I hate to break up the party, but we've got plans. Come on you two." Luke said, strolling up to the table and pointing at Peter and Jessica.
"Matt just called, Karen's on her way to the hospital. Looks like the kid is making an early appearance."
Peter and Jessica jumped up, scooping up the glasses on the table and putting them behind the bar for clean up tomorrow.
"Give the happy couple our best, Pete." Sam smiled, following the trio out the door.
"I will. Dr. Banner, it was an honor to officially meet you! Please come back. You don't have to bring Sam." Peter said, shaking Bruce's hand with a grin.
"You keep talking and neither one of us are coming back." Sam said, crossing his arms.
"I'd be so devastated at the loss of your presence." Peter said flatly.
"You would be. I'm great company, you ass."
Peter grinned, making to respond before Luke cut in.
"Cut the chit chat, Jones, we gotta go."
"Coming! Well, later guys! I got a nephew to meet!"
"Nephew?" Bruce asked.
"Yeah. I'm gonna be 'Uncle Peter' whether Matt agrees or not. It was already approved by Karen. Anyway, later! Thanks for breaking the code, Sam! I can forgive you because you brought Dr. Banner!"
"Call me Bruce!" Bruce shouted as Peter ran off with a wave.
Once he was out of sight, Bruce spun to Sam with wide eyes.
"How could you be seeing Peter behind everyone's backs! If they found out, they'd kill you!"
"It was a complete accident I found him." Sam said, holding up his hands in defense. "I was just wanting a drinking hole far from the tower. I knew this was Luke's place so I stopped in. I had no idea Peter was working here part time."
"Are you not worried about his blockers failing? We don't exactly pick up on any omega or alpha scents like they do."
"I just have FRIDAY let me know where everyone is when I get back and I go straight to the shower and then run my clothes under the water before burying them in the laundry. Even if Steve and Buck enter my room, there's no smell to pick up."
"Wow." Bruce said, letting out a breath. "Have you ever gotten as close to Peter as you did tonight? I mean, was there always the bar between you?"
"Yeah, so we're gonna have to be a little more careful tonight. It's pretty late though, so everyone should be asleep. Not that I think anyone would be approaching you considering the fact that, by now, I'm sure everyone's heard there was an accident in the lab."
"Don't remind me." Bruce groaned. "Now I have to wait for Tony to rebuild before I can even restart my work."
The two walked to where Sam had parked, sliding into the seats before Bruce spoke again.
"Do you think I could ever get Peter to the lab? He said he wanted to work with me, and I could catch up a lot faster with a mind like his."
"I think you know the answer to that, Bruce. Peter's not going anywhere near the tower."
"Yeah." Bruce frowned. "It was just a thought."
"Are you really ok with Wilson having brought Banner?" Jessica asked, turning around in the front seat to look back at Peter.
"Well, I don't have much of an option now, but yeah. Bruce wasn't a bad guy in my world. He's the only Avenger I don't have a problem with. He was just as much a victim as everyone else."
"You don't think he'll spill to the others?"
"Honestly, no. He helped me leave the tower that time, plus Sam told him the deal, and Sam's yet to rat me out."
"As far as you know." Luke said, looking the the rearview. "I'm not saying I don't trust Wilson. To tell the truth, I don't think he'd tell them, unless he didn't have a choice. Just be careful, kid."
The car was silent the rest of the way to the hospital. Each person lost in thought.
"Well, here we are kids." Jessica said as they pulled into the parking lot. "Is Rand here?"
"Yeah, he's how called. He was with Matt when Karen went into labor."
"He better not think he's holding the baby before me." Peter huffed, climbing out the back.
"Relax, 'Uncle Peter', we all know the pecking order." Jessica said, rolling her eyes. "But I'm after you."
Danny met them as they got out the elevator.
"Karen's still in delivery. I've never seen Matt as serious as he was when Karen called, and that's saying something given his general demeanor when he's out." he grinned.
"Devil Dad Mode activated." Peter laughed.
"He's gonna be such a pain." Jessica grumbled.
"He's not hitting the field any time soon." Luke said, crossing his arms. "He wonn't be in any mental state to be of any use."
"No new parent-"
"No, Pete." Danny said, cutting him off. "I'm sure parents were protective in your world, but this is a completely different deal. Alphas are fiercely protective of their babies and omegas. Karen's comfort level with you and us was the only reason Matt was as calm as he was during Karen's pregnancy. He knew he could count on us. This though, this will be different. If Matt even lets us in the room."
Peter frowned. It seemed like he was constantly learning something new.
"So you mean, we came here for nothing?"
"No, we came here as support. Even if Matt doesn't let us in, knowing we were here will mean something to both him and Karen."
"I'll never get to hold my nephew!" Peter pouted, throwing himself into a chair and crossing his arms. "I didn't have any siblings, so this is as close as I'm gonna get."
"Relax, drama queen." Jessica said, falling into the seat next to him. "You'll get your chance eventually."
"This world is stupid. All these hormones are on my nerves."
"Oh?" Jessica smirked. "Just wait till you get back there and those omega instincts you try to keep buried kick in."
"You telling us you haven't felt even the slightest bit overprotective of Karen?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, we all know you and her haven't exactly been getting along with her encouraging you to get to know the Avengers, and yet you still go over to Matt's apartment and sit with her whenever you're not working. Hell, you've even had her come stay the night at your place when Matt's gone out for a long night."
"So? Friends don't always have to get along you know." Peter scoffed.
"No, but don't sit there and deny you've gotten over a lot with Karen faster than normal during her pregnancy." Danny smirked.
"That has nothing to do with anything other than not wanting to stress her out!"
"Well, you didn't see any of us throwing the offer out." Jessica grinned smugly.
"None of that has anything to do with my stupid omega status. I would have done that regardless. Karen and Matt are my friends."
"Sure, Pete." Three voice said at once.
"I hate all of you."
Bruce fidgeted as they got closer to the tower.
"You gotta calm down man. At this rate your nerves will be picked up more than anything else." Sam warned.
"I'm just not in any mood to be discovered. I wanna be able to meet with Peter again."
"I've been doing this long enough, Bruce. Just do what I told you. I'll get us to the rooms, you go shower and rinse out your clothes." Sam soothed, not at all worried about being found out.
As he turned to pull into the parking garage, he slammed on the breaks. Standing in the open was a disappointed Steve and a guilty looking Tony.
"What are they doing here?" Bruce asked, eyes wide.
"Well, judging by Steve's face, I'm pretty sure you're about to get a rare Tony Stark apology."
"You think Steve will smell anything? I mean, could we be over estimating him and Bucky? I mean, Peter was wearing his blockers and there are a lotof other smells in the bar...Jessica! She sat at the table with us! If we smell like anyone, we'd smell like her!" Bruce said, panic leaking through.
"Hang on, Bruce."
Bruce cut off as Sam threw the car into reverse and sped through the parking garage backwards.
"What are you doing!" Bruce shouted, gripping the dashboard with white knuckles.
"I think I'd like to joyride a little longer." Sam said, flying out the the garage and spinning out onto the street.
"There could have been people coming!"
"This is the back of the tower. If someone was coming through here I'd have questions." Sam replied, merging into traffic.
The two were silent as they calmed their racing hearts.
The two jumped as Sams phone starting ringing, Steve's name flashing across the screen.
"What are we gonna tell them?" Bruce groaned.
"Easy." Sam smirked. "That you weren't quite ready to deal with Tony yet."
"Well, at least we have a chance of them believing that."
Tony and Steve stood in the garage, stunned as they watched Sam peel out of the parking lot, backwards.
"You saw that too, right Capsicle?" Tony asked.
"Yeah." Steve replied, flabbergasted. "I didn't even know Sam could drive like that."
"So, does this mean I don't have to issue Brucie Bear that apology?"
Peter smiled widely as he pushed open the door to Karen's room. From where he stood, he could see Matt hovering over Karen and the baby like the overprotective alpha he was.
"Hey, Peter." Karen smiled, looking up at him.
"Did you all fight for entry order?" Matt asked, lifting his head.
"They can fight." Peter shrugged. "But I was always gonna be first."
Karen chuckled, motioning for him to come closer.
Peter moved to the side of the bed, surprised by the lack of aggression from Matt that the others had warned him about.
"You're an omega Peter, you're non-threatening to an alpha and their omega and pup."
"I could be threatening." Peter pouted.
Matt scoffed.
"Please, Pete. You've damn near matched me in worry and protectiveness at times."
"I'm intimidation!"
"You're adorable. Now get over here and meet your nephew." Karen giggled.
"He's not an uncle." Matt said flatly.
"You're right." Peter nodded. "I'm not an uncle, I'm the uncle!"
Matt snorted before giving a smirk and turning back to Karen and the baby.
"So, what can I call this little guy?"
"Jack. Jack Murdock." Karen said, running a finger down the baby's chubby cheek.
Peter's eyes snapped up to Matt. He knew Matt's dad had went by the nickname "Jack" before being murdered by a sleazy mobster for refusing to take a dive during a boxing match.
At least, the Matt's dad of his world had.
Matt gave a small nod before running a finger down Jack's face
"Want to hold him?"
Peter looked up in surprise, eyes darting from Karen to Matt.
"Pick the pup up, Parker." Matt grunted.
Peter grinned as he carefully lifted Jack out of Karen's arms.
"Hey, Jack, I'm your Uncle Peter. You're lucky that I happen to have had the best of the best uncle role models to learn from. My Uncle Ben helped raise me. He's a big part of who I am today. I hope to be even half as good of an uncle to you as he was to me."
As Peter carried on talking to their pup, Karen watched them. Peter was a natural with kids apparently. She had a suspicion that it had nothing to do with his omega status either.
She let out a little breath as she made up her mind. She wouldn't push Peter any more after today. She had heard that he had started up a tentative friendship with Sam Wilson, so she decided to back off and let him come to her whenever he had questions. Peter was an adult, and she had a pup to take care of. She had to let go of worrying about Peter.
"Deep thoughts?" Matt asked her.
"Just thoughts." Karen smiled, leaning in to Matt's touches as he ran his fingers through her hair.
After a little while of talking to Jack as though he understood everything coming out of his mouth, Peter was forced to give the little pup back to Karen as he began to get a little fussy.
"Time to eat, huh?" Karen giggled, positioning herself.
"I'll leave you both to it." Peter said, backing towards the door to given Karen her privacy.
"Hey, Pete." Matt said, voice tight.
"Tell the others no more visitors tonight."
"You got it."
"So let me get this straight," Jessica started with narrowed eyes. "You get to go in and have baby time, but we are getting sent home?"
"I thought you were expecting that?" Peter asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Shut up."
"Relax Pete," Danny smiled, clapping him on the shoulder. "We did expect it."
"Matt can be salty even on the best days." Luke smirked.
"I'm gonna get my hands on that pup soon." Jessica nodded, face determined.
"Where are you going?" Bruce asked, watching as buildings went by.
"I have no idea." Sam sighed. "I was just driving."
"How long should we stay away you think?"
"Well, considering the state of the lab, Tony's got no choice but to actually sleep tonight, so probably not much longer."
Bruce's head fell back against the headrest as Sam turned down a road and started making the return trip towards the tower. As frustrating as have to avoid Tony as Steve was, Bruce wouldn't deny he was happy to have gotten to talk to Peter. There was so much he wanted to ask, but he didn't know what to say and not say. There were a few times he had caught Peter looking at him as though he weren't really seeing him.
"Thinking hard doc?" Sam grinned.
"What happened to me in Peter's world?"
Silence filled the car as Bruce waited.
"Why do you ask?"
"Just the way Peter acted sometimes when I talked."
Sam sighed and rubbed his chin.
"Peter...he uh....he has an extremely soft spot for you...maybe even more than the copies of me and Bucky, and they were his best friends!"
"He felt sorry for you."
Bruce blinked in surprise as Sam gripped the steering wheel.
"What made him feel sorry for the me of his world?"
"He said.....he said you weren't really with the Avengers. He said they kept you prisoner, only letting you out when they needed Hulk. He respected your research and hated what they did to you."
Bruce was quiet as he turned to watch the city pass. The Bruce of Peter's world had had to live his ultimate fear. Being locked up and having Hulk be let loose like a monster had always been something in the back of his mind, but never something he would have thought the Avengers would do.
"Look, Bruce," Sam started. "I want you to know, that's never gonna hap-"
"I know." Bruce smiled tightly. "I do know, but I can't help thinking about how that Bruce must have felt."
"Yeah. The more I learn, the more I'm glad Peter did what he did. Having gotten to talk to him, I do hate the idea of him having not survived, but those copies couldn't continue on like that."
"I'm wondering what happened to send Peter here though." Bruce frowned. "A bomb shouldn't have tossed him into another universe."
"Bruce, with all that we've seen, I'm not above believing anything."
Natasha raised as eyebrow as she stepped into the kitchen the next morning. Tony was slumped over the bar countertop while Steve rummaged around, slowly gathering supplies for breakfast.
"Rough night?"
"Sam wouldn't let me talk to Bruce! They were gone all night. They even left the tower again when they saw me and Cap waiting on them in the parking garage."
"I'd avoid you to if you set my research back by four years." Natasha snorted. "Maybe Bruce just didn't want to hear your apology so Sam didn't give you the chance."
"Since when does Brucie Bear go out?" Tony huffed.
"Hmm, a friend helping out a friend....you're right, it's suspicious as hell." Natasha deadpanned.
"I wonder where Sam took him." Steve said, cracking eggs into a pan. "If Bruce enjoyed it, maybe we should all go."
"Go where?" Bucky asked, voice deep and raspy from sleep.
"Where ever Sam took Bruce last night after Tony blew the lab." Natasha smirked.
"Yes. It was a mighty explosion." Thor nodded, following Bucky into the kitchen.
"I get it. I messed up. For the record though, I was working on a gift for Peter." Tony scowled. "I don't see any of you doing anything to impress our headstrong omega."
No one replied.
"So......did uh....did you lose your work?" Steve asked with false casualty.
Tony looked at the super soldier flatly.
"Yes, Steve. Yes I did."
"It is clear that it was for the best then." Thor smiled, patting Tony on the back as he sat down next to him. "We can't have you blowing up our perfect little mate, now can we?"
Tony growled as Thor continued to smile, oblivious to the man's ire.
Natasha and Bucky tried to hide their smirks as they moved around the kitchen.
"Well then Goldilocks, what are your plans to help us woo our spider?" Tony ground out.
"Easy!" Thor smiled. "I shall take a more direct approach."
"We were specifically told not to do that, Thor." Steve frowned, looking up from where he was making eggs.
"Yes, but I do not plan to do more than make my intentions towards him known. You see, I simply wish to let him know of my respect and desire to earn his trust and affection. As a royal of Asgard, it is important to learn how to speak to people diplomatically. "
"Oh, I see that going over splendidly." Tony rolled his eyes before freezing. "You know what, let me know when you decide to do this. I'd just love to be there."
"Very well friend! I shall let you know once I have spoken to Ka-"
"Good luck with that." Sam chuckled, walking in and going to the refrigerator. "Karen had baby Murdock last night. You guys won't be getting anywhere near her any time soon."
"How do you know that?" Natasha asked, studying Sam closely.
Sam, despite his efforts to remain passive, flinched at her tone.
"You know. Word gets around the hero community."
"Did you hear this from wherever you took Bruce last night?" Bucky asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing him arms.
"Look," Sam huffed. "I took Bruce out last night to get him away from Fire Marshall Bill over there. We went to a small bar and ran into Jessica Jones and she got the call while talking to us. That's how I know."
"Well, we should at least send over a gift." Steve said, turning from the stove and scooping out eggs and bacon onto plates.
"You're like the mother of this team Rogers." Tony said blandly. "Are you sure you're an alpha?"
"You've never complained before." Steve challenged.
"Nope. No way. Not happening in front of the food." Sam glared, grabbing two plates and stomping out of the alpha filled kitchen.
"FRIDAY, take me to Bruce."
Sam tried to hold back his laugh as a disgruntled Bruce Banner stood in the doorway of his room. The man's sleep clothes were rumpled and crooked. His hard stuck up in various directions and there were bags under his eyes.
Sam's laugh burst out as Bruce snatched the plate of food out his hand and moved into his room.
"Hey, be grateful you didn't have to go down there and get that."
"They were all in the kitchen, well, minus Clint."
Bruce frowned, looking over at the clock.
"It's time for breakfast. He doesn't miss breakfast."
"No I don't, so share."
Sam and Bruce jumped as the archer tumbled out the vent to Bruce's floor.
"The hell man?" Sam shouted.
"I was hoping to hear where you two went last night!" Clint defended.
"I just took Bruce out to get him away from Tony!"
"You could have invited me! Maybe I wanted to get away from Tony too."
"Why would you want to get away from Tony?" Bruce asked blankly.
"So....no reason."
"Come on! We're all betas here! We should stick together! I can't handle the Mopey Alpha Force."
Sam and Bruce sighed.
Peter stretched, back cracking from where he had spent the last few hours bent over his desk. Various disassembled electronics littered his room.
"Alright, let's see if I got it."
Slipping his mask on, he waited.
A few seconds later, his lenses filled with light as the screens in the lenses began to provide digital readouts of various things he looked at.
"So far so good." Peter mumbled before taking a deep breath.
"Hello, Peter. It is nice to finally get to talk with you."
Peter's face broke out into a wide grins as a soothing voice filled his ears.
It had worked.
His own AI.
"How do you feel?"
"That's a rather silly question, Peter. I can't feel anything. You should know this."
Peter's jaw dropped.
"Did I really program you with that much sass?"
"It appears that way....possibly. I have also been learning during the course of my construction. You surround yourself with a rather sarcastic crowd, Peter. Personally, I think I'm going to fit in just fine."
"Oh come on GWEN, you're supposed to be my support! You're supposed to be nice to me!" Peter pouted.
"If it makes you feel better, I love you, Peter."
It was odd that he could practically hear the smile in her voice.
"Thanks GWEN. I love you too." he chuckled.
"Are you planning to go out tonight? If you are, you should get some sleep. You've been working since you got back from the hospital."
"Yeah, I was pumped after meeting Jack plus, I'm anxious for our first date night." Peter grinned. " I'm gonna download some maps into your system so you can help me around the city. In the meantime, I'm gonna go shower then crash. No work today."
GWEN was silent as he removed his mask and shook out his hair. Placing it on his desk, he picked up his phone.
"Fully connected here as well Peter. Transfer between suit and phone was flawless. I'm rather proud."
Peter laughed, setting his phone back down the desk and plugging it into his computer.
"Alright GWEN, access the map files and download them. I'll be back."
GWEN didn't respond as Peter gathered his clothes and made his way toward the bathroom. He hadn't told anyone he had been working on an AI. He wasn't sure he was even going to be able to do it, so he didn't want to open himself up for interrogations for no reason.
Now though, now it was different.
GWEN was fully operational.
Prior to her completion, her infant programming had been hiding in his phone, learning as he went to the best of her constantly developing coding. This was her first verbal interaction and everything seemed to be running smoothly. Maybe he could integrate her into more things.
As loath as he was to admit it, he couldn't deny Tony Stark had made amazing use of his own AI. His short time at the tower proved the AI controlled a lot of things there. Bruce had been able to let him out with a simple verbal command. Maybe he could find a way to put GWEN into his own apartment. Having an all seeing AI guarding him wouldn't be such as bad idea. It didn't much matter that he was more than capable of taking care of himself, being an unmated omega all alone only seemed to invite trouble.
Even more loathsome, was the annoying and tiny voice in the back of his head wishing to be able to go to Avengers' Tower and actually pick Tony Stark's brain about A.Is.
Peter scoffed as the warm water washed over him and he smothered out the voice. This world, while it had so many things he was happy with, there were many things he wasn't.
Being an omega came with so many limitations. Despite his capabilities, his strength and intelligence, neither of which he could or was allowed to display, the mere label of 'omega' meant more than anything.
Sure, omegas were able to hold down jobs, the best paying being OBGYN's since that was the only medical position society deemed appropriate for omegas, and oddly enough, omega's alone. Still, those omegas that took on the job, weren't well favored as they were also viewed as "unfit" companions.
Honestly, being an omega in the work industry was just weird as hell. You can work, but your options are limited. You can work, but certain jobs cause you problems. You can work, just take whatever job is the most favorable for flying under the radar.
Thanks to the omegas at Xavier's for their generous donations of the most powerful blockers to exist. Still, working for Luke and Jessica were the only real places that he felt comfortable. He was able to hide his second gender and they sure as shit didn't care. They paid, and they paid under the table to avoid any official paperwork trail. An omega working in a bar or doing detective work was unheard of!
Sighing, he got to the shower and toweled off, slipping into some sweatpants and a t-shirt before heading to the small kitchen. His apartment was far from extravagant. It was a small, one bedroom flat. Danny had helped him get it, paying the deposit and first three months rent while Luke and Jessica got him settled into his new positions. He had tried to deny Danny's help, but the man had been firm and unrelenting, causing Peter to swear to pay him back, something Danny had thought hysterical.
Making quick work of a ham and cheese sandwich, Peter walked back to his room, face planting onto the bed.
"Map files are uploaded, Peter. Get some rest."
Peter smiled before sleep took him.
Karen looked up from where she was feeding Jack and smirked.
"You're fidgeting dear."
Matt huffed before standing and moving to her side.
"I don't 'fidget'."
"You fidget almost as much a Peter."
"No one could fidget anywhere near as much as Peter."
Karen chuckled, before looking out the window.
"I think I'm going to apologize to him."
Matt paused, just letting her think.
"I've been to pushy. I know his history with his Avengers, and I still pushed him to meet the ones here. I just worry about him. He's an unmated omega out in a world where being that very thing can be such a hassle. He's so independent that he'd have so many problems should those super blockers ever fail. Not to mention he's not even on suppressants because we don't know why he's not showing signs of typical omega cycles of heats. He's been here long enough to have had at least one."
Matt sighed, pulling up a chair to sit next to the bed.
"Your concern is valid, Peter just doesn't want it. Still, he needs a little push to get to know them. Whether he wants to acknowledge them as his alphas or not, he needs to, at least, be able to fight along side them without the distraction of constantly fearing them turning on us. We fight together often enough for that to be something he should work on."
"He wouldn't like hearing that any more than hearing me talk about his omega needs." Karen chuckled.
"I don't care." Matt replied. "His attention is split during fights. It makes him dangerous to himself and us."
Karen was silent as she continued to feed their pup.
"Well, what do you propose?"
"Right now, nothing. Approaching Peter out of the blue about it is only asking for trouble. It's something that needs to be lead up to."
"Just be careful. I'm on shaking ground with him. He's been caring towards me because of my pregnancy, but I know there's an annoyance there. Still, I think it's an easy to repair relationship once I tell him I'm sorry."
"Yeah," Matt chuckled. "He's to good hearted not to accept a sincere apology."
Thor took a breath. Being the God of Thunder, he rarely ever had any reason to feel nervous. Still, standing outside Jessica Jones' detective agency, he felt his nerves tingle.
Maybe he should have went to Danny or Luke. In hindsight, Jessica was most definitely the wrong choice. However, he was already here and it was important he be able to request a meeting with his omega, even if he had a chaperone during it.
Lifting his hand hesitantly, he went to knock on her door when a familiar thwip reached his ears.
Looking up, Thor watched as a very welcoming sight of blue and red swung overhead. He felt his face heat as he watched Peter somersault through the air with a loud 'whoop'. His omega's obvious happiness was a wonderful sound to his ears.
He watched until Peter swung out of sight and ran his hand down his face. To chase after him would only result in anger and aggression from the hero, but to not approach him at all only lengthened the lack of interaction and possible relationship building he and the other alphas wanted to do.
Why did the Avengers of Peter's world have to be such dishonorable and repulsive people?
"Can I help you, Captain Thunderpants?"
Thor startled as he turned to see a smirking Jessica Jones leaning against her open door frame.
"Oh, yes." Thor said, straightening himself. "I wish to speak with you."
"This wouldn't be about my favorite arachnid, would it? Don't tell him I called him that though, or I'll kill you."
"As a matter of fact, it would."
Jessica grinned mischievously as she motioned for him to come in.
"Better make it quick big guy. No guarantee Spider-Baby won't drop in, and I can't imagine he'd be overly excited to see you here."
Peter felt the adrenaline pumping through him. So far, GWEN had been operating perfectly. Her downloaded mapping system was working excellently, making quick work of getting to any crimes he picked up through the hacked police feed.
"You're a work of art GWEN."
"Are you seriously praising yourself, Peter?"
"Only marginally." Peter laughed. "I programed you to be self learning. I'm only hold so much responsibility for your amazingness."
"I'm not fully convinced this isn't you just bragging to yourself."
Peter just continued to laugh as he dove off the roof of the building he was on.
"No, patting myself on the back is what I'm really about to do. I wanna show you off. We gotta go visit someone."
"Ms. Jones is the closest of your approved contacts."
"I'll only feel a bit bad that Matt isn't who you'll meet first."
"I don't think meeting me is something he would be overly interested in right now."
"Yeah, you're probably right." Peter chuckled. "Alright GWEN, let's go pay my 'cousin' a visit."
"I have to say, choosing to wear your blockers is a very good start, High Voltage." Jessica said, throwing herself into a chair and snatching a bottle off the end table.
"I want to assure him I mean no harm."
"You do realize that'll take more than a few blockers, right?"
Thor frowned and sighed, settling into another chair.
"I am aware. Our dishonorable counterparts have done us a great disservice."
"Well, not entirely." Jessica shrugged. "I mean, they are the reason he's here so....."
"We're grateful he's here, we just don't like the circumstances of it."
"Understandable. Look, I'm the last person you should have come to for this. I'm not an omega, so I can't help you there. I also enjoy drama, so I'm salivating at all your struggles." Jessica threw him a wicked grin.
"That is both unsettling and disheartening." Thor grimaced.
Jessica chuckled, taking a swig from her bottle.
"Look, I get it, Karen is currently off limits. I also get that considering she's with Matt, there's no telling just how long she'll be unavailable, but I seriously can't help you."
Thor sighed again, throwing his head back and looking at the ceiling.
"We worry about his health."
"So does Karen, but he seems to be doing fine. If you didn't know him, you wouldn't even be able to tell he was an omega. Those super strength blockers he got from the wonder bunch and Xavier's are amazing."
Thor didn't reply. While they had all caught on to the fact that Peter's scent seemed nonexistent, that had had no idea why. It had begun to scare them. It was a relief to find out his scent was just completely muffled.
"Tell you what Thunder God, I'll offer you a question. Have any of you tried just making yourself available?"
Thor raised an eyebrow in response.
"Like, going out at night and just sitting on random rooftops? Not pursuing him, just out and stationary."
"I hardly think that would matter. He never makes any attempt to approach us when there is a crowd, why would he do it alone?"
"Peter's a strange guy like that. Alone, he may have the security of being able to take you down, because, ya know, he can."
"Stark seeks to try to gain his attention through a gift."
"......a gift? Look, I know that a typical omega trait is to enjoy their alphas spoiling them, but Pete's not like that. Unless.....unless Stark's making some kind of fancy tech for him." Jessica said, rolling her eyes. "Pete's a real technology whore."
"Do not speak of my omega that way!" Thor roared, jumping up from his chair to tower over Jessica.
Jessica raised an eyebrow and went to open her mouth in challenge when the door to her office flew off the hinges and Thor slammed into the wall. Groaning, the god struggled to his feet, rubbing the back of his head. Before he could orient himself, a fist slammed into his face.
"You should have stayed down!"
"Peter!" Jessica shouted, jumping up.
"I told you! I told you! They were just waiting!" Peter growled, throwing another punch.
"Peter! Stop! It's not what you think! He wasn't gonna hurt me!"
"Stop lying! It's only one of them! We can take him!"
Peter gasped as Jessica's fist slammed into his cheek, knocking him back. Moving in front of the rising Thor, she turned to face that stunned vigilante.
"And I told you, it wasn't what you thought. He got mad because he thought I insulted you."
"So? That doesn't give him any right to be threatening towards you!'
"It's fine!"
Thor wisely watched in silence as the two friends faced off. He hadn't actually meant any harm to Jessica, but he knew Peter was protective of all his friends. If he had known there was a chance Peter would show up here, he would definitely have made sure not to overreact to Jessica's, he can admit, harmless joke. It was just so hard to hear anyone speak of Peter with such a casual air when they were so far from being able to.
He took in a breath when Peter ripped off his mask. His mask mused hair stood up at odd angles, and his face was flush with emotions. The pretty honey brown eyes were dark with betrayal and anger.
"Move, Jess. I'm gonna deal with this asshole once and for all!"
"Sorry, Pete, but you'll have to go through me to do it."
Peter froze, the color draining from his face. He knew from her posture, Jessica wasn't joking. She was actually willing to fight him to keep him from going after the Avenger.
"You have to understand, Peter. This isn't your world and he's not your enemy. He's an ally."
Peter's eyes darted between Jessica and Thor before sadness replaced everything. Shoulders slumping, Peter pulled his mask back on, and left.
Once he was gone, Thor guiltily looked at Jessica's gloomy face.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you such stress."
"It's ok." Jessica sighed, closing her eyes and running her hand down her face. "Pete's got a lot he needs to work on. I don't agree with Karen's methods, but she's honestly been trying more than the rest of us to get through to Peter. We've all taken the approach of just letting Peter see us interacting with you guys and hoping that seeing how comfortable everyone is, that that would eventually be enough."
"Perhaps I should have let him fight me."
"Are you serious?" Jessica shouted, turning on him. "None of you have seen how strong he really is!"
"But if I had let him fight me, I could have shown him how I don't mean any harm."
"You mean, let him beat the crap out of you?" Jessica scoffed.
"Yes. If I truly meant him harm, I would never just allow him to do that."
Jessica let out a breath as she studied Thor's face.
"There's no guarantee that would work. Peter could just kill you instead of taking your unwillingness to hurt him into consideration."
The two were silent for a while, both thinking over what had happened.
"I think I may have made things worse for the rest of us." Thor frowned, lowering his head.
"Maybe. Maybe not." Jessica shrugged. "He may be speaking to me for a little while though."
"I'm sorry."
"Eh. It's fine. I've been through worse than this. I hate it, sure, but I'm not going to dwell on it. That's Karen's department, and by extension, Matt's. Matt's kind of Peter's caretaker anyway since he's who he went to first."
"I should head home." Thor said, heading to the door.
"Why not do what I told you and hang out on a rooftop somewhere? Who knows, maybe he'll show up for that fight."
He nodded before leaving.
Jessica watched before her anger suddenly flared. Running out the door, she screamed up at the sky, knowing there was a good chance her target would hear.
"Hey! You're gonna pay to have my door fixed, cousin! You asshole!"
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spaceskam · 4 years
anon prompt: Since you write amazing spite fics (and also just true-to-canon-and-therefore-unflattering-to-certain-characters fic), I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in writing something where someone (or let's be real, everyone) overhears Michael tell Alex that "You're the best sex I've ever had"? Possibly in the context of Alex having a bad hook-up or feeling insecure about his leg and Michael getting really outraged and protective on his behalf
“Here to drink your sorrows away?”
“I’m really not in the mood to deal with you right now.”
Isobel was nosy. She wasn’t very quiet about that and her brothers knew that better than anyone. The fact that Michael had willingly walked up to his ex-lover in his girlfriend’s bar when Isobel was right there was genuinely his own fault.
Alex was hunched over his drink like he had been for the last hour. He’d strolled in not long before closing and now the place was virtually empty with the exception of the town’s resident aliens and their select humans. But, still, Alex hadn’t been invited. He’d turned up on his own accord and Isobel couldn’t find it in herself to be surprised when Michael navigated towards him. She was more surprised it took so long.
“Didn’t realize my presence required a specific mood,” Michael said. They were technically speaking in hushed tones, but the bar was quiet aside from the pissing contest Max, Rosa, and Maria were having at the pool table, the medical jargon Kyle and Liz were conversing over, and the quiet Nirvana album playing quietly through the speakers. Isobel found Michael and Alex significantly more interesting than either of those.
“You know it does,” Alex sighed, swishing around the whiskey in his glass before downing it.
“Did something happen?” Michael asked even quieter than before. Alex didn’t respond. “Do I need to go kick someone’s ass? ‘Cause I will.”
Alex huffed a laugh and it was almost sad. Isobel leaned closer.
“So you’ve crossed into big brother territory? Good to know,” he said dryly. Micahel eyed him in a way Isobel had only seen him look at Alex Manes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Mean’s you’ve made yourself loud and clear, Guerin, and so has everyone else,” Alex said, reaching over to steal his drink. Isobel tried to keep her reaction to herself but she’d never actually seen Alex drink so freely. He usually liked to keep on his toes.
“What are you talking about?” Michael prodded. Alex closed his eyes as he took a sip of the whiskey and, honestly, she was impressed it hadn’t been laced with something else.
“About the fact that I’m apparently really bad in bed,” Alex said, pausing, “Or maybe I haven’t quite gotten the hang of it with one leg yet and it’s throwing my off my game.”
Michael snorted a laugh, leaning closer in amusement, “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, I’m serious. Deadly,” Alex said, “You know, I had a date tonight. Super hot, super nice. It was all fun and games until we got back to his place, right? We’re making out, groping, all good.” Isobel had to lean to get a glimpse of Michael’s face. He looked just as shaken by Alex’s blunt honesty as she’d expected. It was hard not to laugh. “But apparently I was so bad that he didn’t have words.”
“Alex, I think I can speak for everyone in saying that being speechless does not equal bad,” Michael laughed, shifting as he tried to make himself less uncomfortable with the prospect of Alex sleeping with someone else just hours before this. A quick look around the bar proved that their close proximity had alerted some of the other patrons, namely Maria who had stopped trying to prove herself as the better pool player in favor of watching the gap between their biceps close.
“No, not speechless. He was like, ‘well, uh, yeah, that was... yeah’ and then basically kicked me out,” Alex huffed. Michael shook his head.
“Well, then he was an ass.”
“I don’t know, I feel like it had to be me ‘cause I thought it was going at least mostly good,” Alex sighed.
“No, look, trust me, it was not you,” Michael said, huffing a laugh, “Trust me.”
Alex looked to him thoughtfully, eyes investigating every single milimeter of his face. Isobel couldn’t help but smile and she looked over to see Maria still staring, but now Rosa was too and Max was trying not to. 
“Why should I? How do I know every time with you, you weren’t just faking it?” Alex asked. Michael let out a soft laugh.
“Faking what? Enjoying it? Yeah, I’m not that good of an actor, Manes,” he said, “You’re just really good at what you do.”
“Oh, am I?” Alex challenged. Isobel’s eyes widened and she had to cover her mouth with her hand, trying not to ruin their little dance. Maria, however, seemed to be getting increasingly alarmed and the room had gone virtually silent, only the soft music playing in the background now. 
“Any guy who acts like you’re bad in bed just doesn’t know what they’ve got,” Michael told him, voice quieter like he was aware that people might overhear but it wasn’t quiet enough, “’Cause you’re easily the best sex I’ve ever had.”
Maria scoffed and Isobel absolutely expected that to break the trance those two seemed to be in, but it didn’t. Which, honestly, was far more interesting.
“The best?” Alex said doubtfully, enunciating every single letter and seeming to capture Michael’s brain cells to hold them hostage. Isobel had a feeling that they only way he’d get them back is if he did something that really required no audience. “As in worthy of a repeat?”
“Easily,” Michael confirmed. 
They stared at each other in silence and everyone in the room stared at them. It was almost weird to see them so close and talking so intimately, but it was only weird because they never did it with so many eyes on them. They really must’ve had a healthy amount of alcohol in their system to be ballsy enough to do that.
Isobel wondered just how obvious they needed to be before Maria got the memo.
They seemed to come out of it when Maria loudly put the pool cue down on the table, both sliding back into normalcy as if they hadn’t just had a whole moment in front of everyone. They were still sort of close, but there was some space between them and they were back to facing the bar rather than each other. Isobel shook her head in amazement.
“Guerin,” Maria said sharply, “Can we talk?”
With a sigh, Michael dragged himself off the bar stool to go have their talk in private. Or as private as it could be. The walls were thin and it didn’t take superhuman hearing to hear her saying how inappropriate that was. Isobel, on the other hand, found it hard to keep her laugh to herself as she slid in the seat beside Alex.
“You are one hell of a force to be reckoned with, Alex Manes,” she said.
“What?” he asked, batting his eyelashes all innocently, “Did I do something wrong?”
“You little minx,” Isobel laughed, shaking her head.
Alex smiled to himself and took another sip of Michael’s drink, sighing all content as Michael and Maria broke up over his public confession.
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Flower | 10
Tumblr media
; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, angst, smut
; Word Count: 6.3k
; Warnings: Body insecurity, sexual anxieties, oral sex (receiving), fingering
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: Hello...you finally get some smut :D I hope you all enjoy, it’s the longest chapter yet. PLEASE leave me a comment or give me an ask that let’s me know what you think! I’m loving writing this and I’m loving all your comments and feedback, it means so much <3
; Flower Masterpost
Hoseok sighed deeply as you wiggled on the couch once more, Kasumi curled up in his lap and purring away happily while he stroked at her fur. You watched him quietly, trying to be as innocuous as you could but you were evidently failing as he glanced over to you once more with that ‘what-is-wrong-with-you’ face he’d been giving you.
The show he was watching on Netflix was boring and your mind had begun to wander as a result. Unfortunately for you though, you’d become distracted by your boyfriend. You say unfortunately because you have no idea what to do right now and the very idea of saying anything to him that could give even a hint as to what your mind is thinking right now is beyond unthinkable.
It’s not your fault though that he’s so damn attractive though! And it’s even less your fault that he’d decided for some god forsaken reason to eat all the Lindt chocolate you’d bought earlier in the week. At first you’d just been annoyed that he’d eaten it, it was expensive chocolate after all. But then it had been an agony you’d never considered before as you’d watched intently as he’d bitten a hole into the top of each small chocolate ball, the centre gooey from leaving it out in the room for a while.
And then...you’d had to watch in dual horror and lust as he licked the inside of each shell out. Part of your mind had been horrified because, who ate Lindt chocolate like that but mainly because it incited thoughts you’d managed to steadfastly push away whenever he was in your vicinity. But that was nigh impossible when you were greeted to the astonishingly arousing vision of his supple, wet tongue dipping into the hole he’d made and removing all the smooth chocolate filling with a movement that was far too sensual for someone who wasn’t even paying attention.
Combined with glimpses of his tongue piercing, the silver ball shining in the light of your living room, you’d found yourself in a unique form of torture. Because you wanted that mouth on you, badly. You wanted that tongue to touch you with all the attention he was lavishing upon those small chocolate delights, legs squeezing together tightly as you imagined his head between them, mouth on you in the same way.
It was horrible. And delightful at the same time. You’d never particularly considered yourself an overly horny or sexual person. Your experiences in college had mostly been because whoever you’d been with wanted them, or the occasional one night stand just to experience it. They’d never been very good and you’d convinced yourself over the years that good sex was a myth made up by people and the porn industry.
Your hand had been good enough for years, the only way you’d ever managed to make yourself orgasm. Most sex had simply resulted in you just lying there, waiting for the other to finish and pretending in what you thought an orgasm was supposed to look like with someone else. It felt nice, sure, but you’d never felt fireworks. In the same way, you’d never really been someone to feel huge amounts of sexual attraction to anyone.
No one had ever made you desperate for them to get into your bed before, the very idea strange and foreign to you. Until Jung Hoseok. It felt very odd for you to think that, and part of you wondered if it was only because he was such a nice person as well. But then again, you’d never found someone so genuinely attractive before, and for the first time you’d found yourself wanting someone else sexually first.
The lack of experience you have in being forward in this department meant that you didn’t say anything to him though. Not being interested in sex normally, and being disappointed in what you’d gotten when you did have it, meant that you’d had no interest in trying to have sex with most people. So you had zero idea in how to initiate it when in a relationship because they’d always been the ones to make the move.
Where you supposed to touch him in some way? Would he understand what you wanted? Perhaps kiss him a certain way? But then he might not realise; your kisses so far had been sensual and delightful, long and deep but they’d never really grown sexual. He’d been very careful not to insinuate anything sexual with you, and you appreciated that he wasn’t pushing you into anything until you were comfortable with it.
Hoseok was evidently very aware of how you’d probably react to it given how carefully he danced around you. But despite that, you knew that he was attracted to you. Besides from him openly admitting it, there had been one or two times that you’d...felt it. Accidentally of course, and you’d rather die than bring it up.
And he’d ignored that it had ever happened too, much to your relief. Despite the part of you that had wanted him to push a little.
Which is why you’re steadfastly focusing on your TV, trying to ignore the outrageously hot man sat next to you. You were half laying on the couch, propped up by the innumerable amount of cushions and plushies that were stacked against the arm while your feet just touched Hoseok’s thigh.
You’d been together for three months now...was that an acceptable time to wait? College had been entirely different, back then everything felt rushed and stressed. A lot of the time you’d had sex purely because you thought it was what you were meant to do. Not that you regretted any moments, but there’d never been the desperate urge for it. It was almost like sex was a badge of honour back then, but now...now you were older and you didn’t know how this worked.
Swallowing hard, you shift once more and Hoseok let’s out a puff of air, the noise surprisingly loud and causing you to jerk in surprise. Glancing over at him, your eyes widen when you realise he’s staring at you directly with a raised brow.
“What’s wrong? And don’t say nothing, because there is. You haven’t stopped moving for the last half an hour and it’s driving me crazy,” Hoseok stated bluntly, hand pausing on Kasumi as he stared at you. “Are you okay? Has something happened?”
He sounds so caring that you can’t help but curl up even tighter into a ball, body heating in embarrassment at the fact he thought there might be something wrong with you. Particularly when in reality, you were just being horny.
“N-no. I’m okay…” You mumble out, pushing your face into the fluffy material of your sweater. It was overly large and cream, incredibly soft and gentle to the touch with a cartoon cat’s face on the front. Black leggings with tiny Star Wars logos adorn your legs with some fuzzy socks too. As usual, it’s a complete contrast to Hoseok’s Rammstein shirt and plain black sweatpants.
His eyes narrow, chocolate irises disappearing almost before he gently pushes Kasumi off his lap. And then he’s oh so slowly moving over to you, gaze intent before he’s pretty much laying against you, sliding into the space behind you on the couch. You try to keep eye contact with him, enjoying the warmth of his body while also trying to ignore the way it lights you up inside.
“I don’t believe you.” He mutters, lips so close to your own and you look away quickly, not wanting to see what’s in his eyes. Not when he’s obviously in this playful mood. And when Hoseok gets playful, he likes to play around with innuendos and more. Most of the time it doesn’t bother you anymore, just causing you to roll your eyes.
But not today. Not when the place between your legs aches for him. Not when he’s pressed against your body so tightly, letting you feel how solid he is behind you.
His playfulness stops though as he wraps an arm around you, pulling until you’re laying on your back and looking at him. He looks serious now, his eyes darting all over your face to try and see if he can figure out what’s wrong before he presses a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Seriously...are you okay? You’ve been acting strange all evening.” Well he wasn’t wrong, but you felt like dying rather than telling him why you’d been acting strange. It wasn’t your fault that he’d turned up to yours after work all sweaty from his gym workout. He’d showered, but you could still remember the way his dark hair clung to his forehead while his skin gleamed golden and his tattoos had an astonishing vibrancy in the lights. And then he had to just...look even more divine out of the shower, even more wet only smelling far better.
The cherry on top of course was the way he’d eaten those chocolates. So no, you were not okay. You were horny and frustrated.
Hoseok stiffens beside you, arm tensing and you look at him in confusion to see his eyes wide with shock. And sudden panic hits you, causing you to bolt upright and pretty much fall off the couch as you shuffle away from him.
“Oh my god, I said that out loud, didn't I?” The words are quick, blurted out until they’re almost running together and you can feel the anxiety in you building up. You’d thought they were in your head, just mindless thoughts. But your traitorous mouth had spoken and now he knew. He knew that you desired him sexually right now.
Groaning, you let your head fall into your hands as you slip from the couch onto the floor. Hoseok is immediately next to you, kneeling on the soft cream rug that sits beneath your coffee table as he gently pries your hands away.
“Okay, you know what we’re not going to do right now? We’re not going to be ashamed of being turned on by your own boyfriend. Please don’t be embarrassed, I am...incredibly happy and satisfied that you’re horny right now because of me. Now...you have two choices here,” He lifts your head to look at him, his face earnest as he smiles at you and you’re beyond relieved to see there’s only acceptance in them. “Either we forget you said it and carry on watching Netflix, only something you’re a little more interested in, or...we fix your little problem.”
Flames of desire and confusion swirl through your body, igniting inside until you practically feel like you’re sweating from the dual mix. You’re not sure whether to say yes to him or to turn him down, hoping he’ll forget and you can ignore this mortification.
But then...you pause and take a deep breath, letting yourself think rationally. Trying to push past the anxiety and nerves, the fear and unease that assault you. He’s your boyfriend. He’s been with you for three months, it’s only natural to start having sexual relations with each other if you both want it. And you dearly want him, even if you’re afraid of the actual physical interactions.
You just...don’t have the experience to match up to him. And that’s what terrifies you the most. Part of you wants to just ignore that and push it away, tell him to find a new show to watch and just spend the night like every other time you’ve spent time together. But an overriding part of you doesn’t. It wants to engage with him sexually, it wants to experience pleasure from him.
And that part wins, surprising you with the words that come out of you.
“I...the second. I’m sorry,” You whine quietly, brow creasing as you pull your hands from his and press them to your eyes hard. “I just...I’ve not...done anything...sexual in a long time. And even when I did...I didn’t...it wasn’t…”
“It wasn’t that good because you were too worried?” Hoseok asks gently, taking your hands once more and squeezing them once before his fingers stroke at your skin. “I’m not expecting you to want to do everything right now, I don’t expect anything from you actually. I want to pleasure you so...we go at your pace and do what you’re comfortable with. We’ve been together for three months now, I’m not going to pressure you into anything but I like to think I understand you a lot better. I know you’re shy, and that you’re anxious about it. But I’ll do everything I can to make it comfortable and good for you, I swear. And if you’re not, then we stop, okay?”
Oh god, oh god, oh god. You didn’t know what to think or say, your mind shorting out rapidly as you try to accept the fact that he was going to do something with you. You were going to do something with him. Sex things. That sounded lame but your mind genuinely wasn’t working properly.
“What...what are you wanting to do?” The sentence comes out much stronger than you anticipated and you feel a little pride in it. Hoseok eyes you for a second before grinning, a sudden look in his eyes that feels a little foreign, yet sends sparks through you.
He licks his lips momentarily. “I...I think I’d like to go down on you. If you’d let me.”
A statue would be more pliable than you in that moment, your body frozen solid at his words as your brain short circuits at the idea. The very idea you’d been fantasising about earlier. Oh god, he really did want to go down on you. He was going to eat you out. Holy fuck.
Swallowing thickly, you lick your suddenly dry lips and cough slightly to clear your throat. “Oh.” 
It’s a pathetic sound, but it’s the only thing you can get out. It makes Hoseok chuckle though, and he slowly leans forward, pressing his lips to yours and encouraging you to simply kiss him. He doesn’t say anything, just kisses you, enticing you to open your lips to him and let him tangle his tongue with yours.
The now familiar feel of his tongue ring sends new sparks through your, your thighs squeezing together and the kneeling position you’re in causes the sensation to provide even more pleasure against your clit than you’d expected. And so you jerk ever so slightly into him while the softest moan escapes into his mouth.
Hoseok pulls away suddenly, his irises blown out in pure desire while he licks the taste of you from his lips. It makes you want to vibrate with the energy inside you at the look he gives you, like he just wants to eat you up. And you know he wants to.
“Get back on the couch.” He whispers, tapping the seat cushion. You remain motionless for a second before nodding jerkily, crawling back onto the couch and gripping at the throw silently. Hoseok moves to between your legs, pushing them apart slightly before the corner of his mouth kicks up in an outrageously sexy smirk.
“Oh shit. You look...really fucking good from this angle.” His hands grip your ankles for a moment before he slides his palms along your calves, dipping them beneath your knees to press at the sensitive skin back there. You shiver without even meaning to, the sensation dulled by your leggings and yet you can’t take your eyes off him.
Black hair is still ever so slightly wet, the strands glistening still while his skin practically glows in the low lighting of your living room. He looks like pure sin, the bright and colourful tattoos decorated along his arms contrasting vividly from your dark leggings and you can’t help but let out a breathy moan as he lets his fingers dance along the tops of your thighs.
They reach your hips and he splays his hands across each thigh, biting his lower lip between white teeth as the heat of his palms runs back down to your knees. And then he dips those hands between, caressing your inner thighs slowly while his eyes remain firmly locked on yours. It’s quite possibly the most sensual thing anyone has ever done to you, and you’re positive that you’re embarrassingly wet for him already.
God help you if this was how turned on he could get you just touching you over clothes. 
“Can I take your clothes off?” He whispers, his voice husky and low, the syllables almost scratchy and you feel them through every inch of your body. But a sudden spike of fear pierced through the veil of desire he’s spun on you, the thought of him seeing you naked paralysing you.
Hoseok feels the way you stiffen and a tiny frown appeared between his brows, lip ring being chewed for a moment before he nods.
“Ignore that. Keep your top and stuff on, it’ll make you feel less vulnerable. Is that okay with you?” You nod shyly, looking away from his eyes while your hands fist the throw in anger at yourself. He clocks the movement and leans forward, resting his cheek on your knee. “Hey, don’t get angry at yourself okay? I’m not offended, it’s fine. I do kind of need to remove your leggings and underwear though...are you okay with that?”
Watching him intently, you suddenly find yourself squeezing your thighs together as you struggle to breath, anxiety clawing at your throat. Hoseok watches you carefully, hand gently caressing your calf in a reassuring movement.
“What if I...I mean...what if you...what if it’s not right?” He frowns at that, head tilting and brows creasing together in confusion at your words. “Like...down there. What if...I mean...I...smell or taste...bad. Or look funny? Or smell bad? I...I haven’t prepared.”
“Baby...has anyone ever gone down on you before?” His question is surprisingly blunt and you want to wallow in embarrassment, hands coming up to cover your face desperately as you quell the urge to wail.
But his hands gently pull yours away, his body leaning close to you as he presses a kiss to your nose. “Hey...hey don’t be ashamed or anything. It’s okay. Some girls don’t like it, that’s fine. If you don’t like it, then we stop. I’d really like to though. And I’m not gonna judge you on what you look like or anything. At the risk of stereotyping my gender, I’m a guy. A guy who is very attracted to you. I’m gonna love whatever you have.”
“But what if-”
“Nope. Please don’t stress yourself over...whatever you taste or smell like. Please, seriously. I’m not thinking negatively about that. In fact, I could show you something that shows I’m very excited over this but I won’t because this is about you. So...can I take your clothes off? Please?” He doesn’t move though, his hands resting on you as he waits for your response.
It takes you a minute to run through your thoughts carefully, wondering whether to tell him no or not. But the overriding urge you’d had earlier to let him give you the pleasure you hope he can takes over once more and you nod slowly, the movement jerky with how nervy you are.
Hoseok doesn’t respond immediately, instead just watching you carefully before kissing you slowly, His hands stroke at your waist, and he distracts you the whole time he carefully peels your leggings and underwear off, your hips shifting up to let him pull them down before they disappear from your body entirely. 
Even though the cool air that hits your centre let’s you know that you’re half naked in front of him, incredibly vulnerable right now, you find yourself relaxing a little as he focuses more on kissing you. Just...kissing. Nothing else.
For the next few minutes, he doesn’t even pull away from you. He has you half naked in front of him, bottom half exposed to the world and yet Hoseok kisses you slowly, as if he has all the time in the world. It’s so completely different from all the other sexual experiences you’d had previously; half-drunk fumbles in the dark, frantic kissing and sex that felt like it had been over before it had even started.
College boys who wanted the pleasure but hadn’t particularly gained the skills they needed. The guys you’d slept with had been even worse than most, not interested in anything besides the quick orgasm they can get before heading off to their next night out or gaming session.
The very idea of them just kissing you for minutes when you were there, wet and ready for them, instead of plunging in would have been anathema to them. 
Which made it...nice that he was more focused on calming you down, relaxing you. Like he knew that by making you focus on his mouth and his hands, you’d slowly begin to almost forget that you were half naked for him. And it was working, because you found yourself pulling him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck and just enjoying the fact that he so obviously enjoyed being with you.
It’s also why you jerk in surprise when his fingers stroke along your thighs once more, carefully dancing their way forward with quick and gentle movements on your sensitive skin before reaching the exposed part of you. You go to jerk back from him but he uses his other hand to keep your head in place, dipping his tongue back into your mouth at the same moment that his fingers slip between your folds.
There’s no doubt that you’re wet for him, probably extraordinarily wet given how turned on you’ve been for the last hour or so. And you know that he likes it a lot when he groans into your mouth, the sound deep and low. It makes you shiver, hips rolling ever so slightly in a move that shifts the placement of his fingers, causing them to brush against your clit.
Almost immediately you gasp, head tugging back from his despite his hand and you watch him through wide eyes as he presses against you again, circling his fingers slowly while increasing the pressure on the sensitive bundle of nerves. The quietest whine leaves you as he does so, the eye contact he maintains with you both overwhelming and attractive.
His pupils are blown out, desire etched into every inch of him and your hands tighten behind his neck as he sucks his kiss swollen lower lip between his teeth, lip ring pulling at his skin as it slowly slips back out. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen a sexier sight.
But then you glance down, to the space between your bodies. He leans back slightly, letting you get a better look and you swallow hard at the sight of his hand between your legs, the colourful tattoos shifting as the tendons and muscles in his arm flex slightly as he rubs at you.
“Hoseok…” You whisper softly, unsure what you’re trying to say. He just grinned in response, one side of his mouth kicking up higher than the other before he settles back down, eyes shifting from yours to the wetness directly in his line of vision. The way he licks at his lips at the sight, pink tongue running along the soft flesh, makes your thighs tighten.
He catches the movement obviously and smiles again before removing his hand from you, his fingers glistening in the light and he observes them for a moment before nodding. Looking back up at you again, he smirks with the tip of his tongue caught between his teeth before he slips those long, elegant fingers between those swollen lips.
A deep moan leave him, eyes fluttering shut as he licks them clean and your breath comes a little faster as you watch him enjoy the taste of you.
“Oh god...you do not have to worry,” Hoseok mutters, eyes opening and refocusing on your pussy. “I am going to enjoy the fuck out of this.”
And then his hands reach beneath your ass, squeezing slightly as he lets out a rushed breath and tugs you forward slightly. You yelp at the movement, back a little uncomfortable by the position and he pauses, glancing up and grabbing one of the many plushies before pushing it behind your back, immediately making the position a little more palatable and comfortable for you.
“Okay?” He asks and you nod, body hot with dual need and anxiety. You’re not sure whether or not the bubbling in your stomach is because you’re so horny, so close to getting something, or because you’re so afraid that you’ll mess it up. That you won’t taste as good as he thinks or you’ll smell funny or your clit is too big and everything looks odd down there.
And above everything...you’re not even sure if you’re going to like this. You enjoyed orgasming as much as the next person you were sure, but you were only ever able to get yourself there. It took time too, and despite how arousing the thought of him was, you weren’t sure how it was going to feel good.
Hoseok starts to lean forward, his shoulders pushing apart from your legs even further and you wriggle, unsure what to feel as he does so. So you close your eyes, hands gripping the throw tightly in nerves as your body locks up and waits for him. You’d laugh at yourself for acting this way if you weren’t so genuinely unsure of how to act.
Thankfully, he doesn’t laugh at you either. He doesn’t even make mention of it, but you feel the way that he reassures you with slow strokes of his hands along the backs of your thighs. Like he’s trying to tell you it’s going to be okay without actually speaking and you feel beyond thankful for it.
And then you feel it, Hoseok’s tongue slowly licking from your entrance up. It feels hot and wet, ticklish and you’re suddenly unsure that you like this. It feels odd, foreign and strange. Slimey enters your head and you wince slightly, thinking that’s probably not the best thought to run through your head during this moment. Swallowing, you decide to tell him to stop, not liking the feeling of it an-
“Oooohhh.” You hum out, brow tightening as your hands fist the throw even tighter from the electric shock of pleasure he sends through you. What he did, you’re not quite sure, but all you know is that he moved his tongue on your clit a certain way and it was like a jolt being sent through you.
He doesn’t repeat the motion though, instead kissing your mound just above and carefully pressing the lightest butterfly soft kisses down the side, nose running along your inner thigh slowly. Despite how unsure you’d felt at actually feeling his tongue, you’re suddenly desperate for more now that he’s taken it away.
The way he slowly traces shapes and letters into the sensitive, soft skin of your thigh has your breath stuttering out of you. Hoseok pauses for a moment, looking up at you with a quizzical look and taking in how you’re feeling.
“Is everything okay? ” He asks and you wonder if every guy is talkative during oral. The porn you watched seemed to just have the guy getting to work, no conversation or questions and you pause in confusion, brow creasing. Kissing your thigh, he gives you a small smile. “You know your body best, I’m just the living sex toy you can use right now.”
He wriggles his eyebrows at that and you can’t help but laugh, surprised at the easy humour that flows between you both despite the fact you’re naked from the waist down and he’s very close to your exposed area. Swallowing, you nod slowly.
“Yeah, I...err...the little thing you did...with your tongue. I mean...I don’t know if I like it but then you did the...the thing and it felt really good.” You feel incredibly warm as you tell him that, wanting to squirm away from him in embarrassment but he just smiles brightly at you, kissing your leg again and running his hands along you reassuringly.
“Good. I’ll make sure to do more of that. You’re probably just not used to it yet. If you’re uncomfortable, just tell me, okay?” Nodding, you bite your lip as he grins broadly once more, lips rosy pink and your legs tighten beneath his palms. He can feel it, obviously, and he laughs softly before pushing at your thighs, spreading your legs a little wider for him.
It makes you feel even more exposed and you pause, unsure of it before he leans forward again, flattening his tongue against your entrance. And then he almost seems to...scoop the slippery muscle inside you, wet heat dipping into your slick pussy and you almost jump off the couch.
A noise leaves you, a strangled moan perhaps, and you suddenly realise that your hand is now gripping Hoseok’s hair tightly, pulling it off his forehead. The black strands are soft and he lets out a gentle groan that vibrates against you, increasing the sensations of pleasure you feel.
“Oh god, that...do that again.” You whisper, hands shaking. Your voice is soft and quiet, almost as if you’re not sure you want him to hear or if he should be hearing it. But he does, and he follows through with what you’d asked happily, dipping his tongue back into you.
Whining quietly, you wriggle and pant as he continues to do it to you, hands massaging your thighs at the same time and making you feel far too much at once. The tongue piercing that you’d fantasised about proves to be better than you could have possibly imagined, adding a little extra pressure to your sensitive inner walls. Hoseok stops then, pulling away to press kisses on your folds carefully. One hand leaves your thigh to spread you open, pushing and exposing you even more.
Eyes widening, you look down at him and let out a whimper at how ridiculously sexy he looks between your legs. He’s not even looking up at you, instead he’s focused firmly on between your legs. His lips are slightly more swollen than before and you heat up as you note the slickness around them, spreading to his cheeks ever so slightly. 
And then he licks his lips, that same tongue that had spent the last few minutes bringing you pleasure you’d never even known was possible wetting his lips. The sound that leaves you is embarrassing, but he just glances up with an amused grin.
“Still enjoying it?” He asks, one brow raising and you make yourself let go of his hair finally. It remains stuck up in a funny position and you mumble something unintelligible. You just settle for nodding quietly and he must see something in your face that pleases him. “Good.”
Moving back, he licks from your entrance to your clit in one, agonisingly slow movement. His tongue is flat, pressed against you hard and you gasp out. The only way you can describe it is that Hoseok is licking you that same way he’d eat ice cream, in long and slow licks that take in everything at once. It feels amazing and you whimper loudly, the very idea of him eating you out with as much enjoyment as he’d get from a sweet treat more arousing than you’d thought possible.
He continues doing that for a minute or so before he switches it up again, his hand leaving you momentarily before you feel one, long finger sliding inside you. It’s ever so slightly cold from the overall temperature of the room and the sensation makes your eyes widen, moan leaving you as he twists it inside you.
While he searches inside you, you’re not sure what for but you can’t bring yourself to complain, his lips wrap around your now engorged clit, sucking on the sensitive little bead hard and dragging an animalistic noise from you. Your hand is back in his hair, tugging hard and he moans out in response, eyes closing as he pleasures you.
“Oh god Hoseok...please keep doing that. Please kee-ooohhhh.” You jerk forward suddenly, eyes bulging out as gibberish leaves you. He’s evidently found whatever he was looking for in you, breaking the seal his lips had on you to grin as he kitten licks at your clit once more.
And with a mischievous look up at you, he slowly slides a second finger into you, slick juices coating his hand easily and letting him stretch you wonderfully. Turning his hand round, he curls both fingers inside you and presses them against your walls, his clever fingertips brushing against an extra sensitive part inside of you that has you whining out loud.
This is when Hoseok evidently quits playing around, colourful tattoos shifting as his arm flexes while he fingers you and his tongue works black magic on your clit. It takes a few minutes of trial and error on his behalf, but he eventually manages to find a rhythm that has you babbling unintelligibly as you writhe on the couch, trying to simultaneously slide off to escape him while gripping his hair tighter to keep him going.
“Ohgodohgodohgodohgod pleasepleasepleaseplease Hoseok, oh my god. Please. Please don’t stop. Don’t stop, oh god mmmmhhhheruugh.” You have no idea what you’re saying to him, head thrown back on the couch as you whine and pant and moan and beg him to let you orgasm. That on it’s own was a crazy thought; you’d never had an orgasm with anyone besides your own hand. And sometimes that hadn’t even worked.
But this incredible man, this ridiculously attractive and hot, tattooed man with a tongue piercing that was making this oral even more pleasurable, has apparently got more than enough talent to make that happen. Despite your doubts.
Which is why you don’t try to fight it when you feel the ball of elastic energy in your core tightening, muscles cramping on themselves as your body tries to curl in on itself from the sheer amount of pleasure Hoseok’s tongue and fingers are causing. Gurgled moans leave you and before you even realise what’s happening, your hips begin to circle desperately as his fingers continue at their fast pace, obscenely slick noises coming from them as they slide in and out of you.
He hums quietly suddenly, sucking hard on your clit while the tip of his tongue plays with the sensitive nerves as the ball snaps inside you. Pure jolts of electric pleasure sizzle through your veins and your body convulses violently on the couch, hand tugging even harder at his hair as you jerk and let out the breathiest whine you’ve ever done.
Eyes scrunched tight, you pant desperately as the orgasm finishes, limbs shaking ever so slightly from the pure force of it all and you hear a ringing in your ears. Everything overwhelms you suddenly and you let out a quiet laugh as you slump down, tears surprisingly falling down your face from the sheer power of what you’d just experienced.
“Wow.” Is all you can manage to say, glancing down to where Hoseok kneels between your legs. He’s smiling broadly, teeth ever so slightly tugging at his lower lip and you can see how pleased he is with himself. 
“Good?” You push at his head slightly, making a noise at his subtle smugness and he laughs out loud. He darts forward and gives you one final lick, causing you to whine at him before he stands up and sits next to you, inordinately self-satisfied. But he doesn’t tease you or anything, instead just helps you back into your underwear and leggings before heading into the bathroom.
You’re half dozing off by the time he comes back, drinking the water he gives you almost absentmindedly before you’re wrapping your arms around his waist tightly, nuzzling your head into his chest. 
“So...you’re a cuddler then?” 
His question is almost conversational and you hum lightly, mind not entirely present as you feel yourself already drifting away after the orgasm he’d given you. You’d never been so tired. But you tighten your arms still, squishing your cheek against his chest and inhaling deeply, taking in his scent that has become so comforting to you over the last three months.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me for giving you an orgasm. It was my pleasure, truly. And you don’t need to worry about anything. I enjoyed every second of that...I hope you’ll let me do it again.” He murmurs, kissing your forehead as he shifts, grabbing the blanket that lays next to the couch and wrapping it around you both.
You smile to yourself and nod. “You can do that whenever you want.”
You don’t see the way Hoseok grins broadly, happy that you’d let him go down on you despite not feeling confident about it and ridiculously excited that he’d also made you cum. In fact, he’s more pleased over that one orgasm he’s given you than any he’s given to any girl before.
He doesn’t say anything though, just presses play on the remote once more and carries on watching the show that had so dissatisfied you while you nap peacefully, warmth pressed firmly against him. 
Yeah, he’s definitely going to do that to you again. And he’s going to enjoy every second.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Something Just Like This - CH30
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester, mobster boss. He’s a little cocky, a lot ruthless and more often than not, short tempered. But he’s also, Dean Winchester, a war veteran and hero who suffers under a shit ton of PTS. He met her in a bar and thinks it’s fate that brought her to him. Little does he know why she’s really here.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, violence, gore
WC: 3974
A/N: Hi, I wanna thank you all for staying with me and this story. I have received a rather not very nice comment about this. As in their opinion, I stretched it out pointlessly and there’s too much sex, and that I should please go back and edit out the unnecessary parts. I just don’t know what happens to don’t like, don’t read. But yeah, can’t lie that it was kind of a discourage. Nonetheless, I’m sticking to my story, because it helped me keep myself sane in quarantine. So here you go. Hope you enjoy this chapter.
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Y/N’s awake before him, Cuddles is already gone but Bubbles’ still lying next to her. She takes the little cat and walks out, closing the door behind her. She feeds Cuddles, sits down with Bubbles to see if the little baby would eat and the cat does, which is a relief, really. While she waits to see if Bubbles will throw up again, she turns on the coffee maker. The noise makes the three of them jump. 
When she sees that Bubbles can hold her food in, she makes coffee, takes the mugs into the bedroom and climbs to bed with Dean, she places the mug on her bedside table and begins to nudge at his face, rubs her nose along his scruff. It’s scratchy but soft, just the way she likes it. She then kisses his jaw, the corner of his lips, his cheek, his nose. 
“It’s too early,” Dean mumbles, his eyes are still closed.
“It’s not.”
“Ah, it’s not because you say it’s not.” He turns and buries his face into his pillow. 
“Exactly,” She kisses along the skin that is visible, his ear, the nape of his neck. “And I made you coffee.”
Dean tilts his head up, opens up his one eye, it’s a little red rimmed from sleep. “What did you do?”
“Or what do you want?”
“I’m offended. Just because I made you coffee doesn’t mean that I did something stupid or want something?”
“Yeah, it does.” Dean chuckles before reaching his hand out to grab her and pull her to him. “What is it?”
It’s her turn to bury her face into the pillow and she mumbles. “I have to go meet my cousin today.” 
“You have a cousin?” 
Well, how can she say that she didn’t know about it until last night either? 
“Yeah, my aunt makes me go meet him. He came over from England and is in town for a short while.” She lies, hopes Dean buys it. 
“When are you meeting him?” He kisses the nape of her neck, his scruff scratches at her skin. She welcomes the burn. 
“This afternoon in a café. Just thought you should know so as not to be mad at me again.”
Dean chuckles and manhandles her around so she’s lying on top of him. “Baby, I’m never mad at you.”
“Yeah, I’ve been annoyed.” And then he pauses before he adds, “This afternoon, huh? I don’t have anything scheduled. Why don’t I come with you?”
She honestly doesn’t know what to say to that. How can she say that she doesn’t want him around? That Ketch could expose her? She can’t even text Ketch to blow it off because she foolishly deleted his number and blocked him too.
“Yeah, sure.” She says instead, doesn’t know why but the thought of having Dean around will probably make her feel better? It’ll at least keep her from spilling Ketch everything she knows and make it worse. 
  Dean and her are sitting at the table, decided to go there before for lunch and now they’re having coffee and waiting for Ketch. 
She’s glad Dean agreed to go eat there beforehand but she has never seen Ketch and it would really be embarrassing if she wouldn’t even recognize her own ‘cousin’. 
Linda did give her info about him though, it was after they talked last time that she sent Y/N a brief profile. 
“There you are!” 
She looks up at the man who’s smiling brightly at her. He wears a suit, complete with tie and all, dark grey, white shirt, black tie. There’s an expensive watch on his wrist and a ring on his pinky which, she thinks, is weird but to each their own.
“Hi,” She says, stands up and there’s a short confusion of how she should greet him but he takes the lead, kisses her cheeks and pulls her in for a hug.
One that doesn’t seem to end and she hates that. Dean’s clearing his throat audibly and Ketch releases her with a grin that signals trouble.
This is going great.
“Ketch, this is Dean—”
“—Winchester, I know,” Ketch extends a hand and adds, “I saw your face in the newspaper a couple of days ago.”
Ah. What a liar.
Dean takes Ketch’s hand and there’s a small smile on Dean’s face but she knows that expression too well. It says something like he doesn’t know where to categorize Ketch yet. Dean wants to play nice but he can sense that’s something off about that guy. She can’t blame Dean, she’s weirded out herself.
They sit down and Ketch orders a coffee before he starts to talk, and my god, that man can talk.
Occasionally Dean would look at her, his eyes pleading for her to end this madness.
“What are you doing for a living?” Dean asks Ketch and she doesn’t know if it’s out of genuine curiosity or if it’s a way for Dean to show that he’s polite. 
“I used to work for the MI6.” Ketch says matter of factly, like it’s no fucking big deal. “But now I’m a solicitor. Or as you Americans say, lawyer.”
Dean nods. If the mention of the MI6 did throw him off, he doesn’t show it. “And what are you doing in America?”
“Oh, you know, visiting my relatives,” Ketch nods at Y/N, “And I’m looking for a job. Looking to stay, actually.”
“Your mom will be heartbroken.” She mumbles. How fucking dare he uses the meeting to try to get in while Y/N told Linda that she’s got this.
“Yeah, but I’m not the first one who breaks her heart, am I?” Ketch looks at her, raising an eyebrow. It’s a dig at Linda’s and their relationship that has become straining, she knows.
“Anyway,” Ketch goes on, “I was wondering since you’re here, Dean, maybe you know of any openings in your organization?”
So this is what it was about, isn’t it? He really does try to get in? Will probably try to destroy her life and Dean’s before she can finish her mission? Not on her fucking watch. She’s fuming on the inside.
Dean sets his coffee down, one of his hands goes under the table, rubs at her thigh, as if he knows her distress. “I wouldn’t know about it. Ms MacLeod is my Head of HR. She’d know. Maybe you could contact her.”
Ketch looks at Dean, perplexed. As if he doesn’t get rejected often.
“I thought maybe, you know, we’re family.” Ketch adds.
“Oh, stop that bullshit Ketch, we are not! I barely know you and then you come here and want to meet me just because you want a job?” She’s outraged, feels stupid because she made Dean come here and there’s someone sitting across from her that could blow off her cover within a blink of an eye!
“Babe, it’s okay.” Dean squeezes her thigh. 
“It’s not, Dean! It’s not okay. I didn’t know he wanted to ask for a job. I’m— Let’s go.” She stands up, leaving Dean to catch up to her. “And Ketch, if you want a job, get one yourself.”
Dean fishes out a bill from his pants and leaves it on the table. Y/N’s already walking out. 
“I hate my family.” She breathes out as she leans her head against the car door, feels hot and uncomfortable all of a sudden, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I don’t want you to think that I’m using you for my family's gain.” 
“Baby, really, it’s okay.” Dean tries to calm her down, his hand finds her thigh, stroking it up and down. 
“I feel so foolish.” 
“You are not. You’re being nice and sometimes, people tend to take advantage of that. I’m used to it, actually.”
“I don’t want my family taking advantage of you.”
Dean chuckles, “I think I can handle it fine myself, you really don’t have to worry about that.”
Her bra stabs at her sides, that damn thing, seriously. Everything feels too restrictive right now. 
Y/N unhooks her bra on the back, slips out of the straps and pulls it out through the arm of her shirt. She feels so much better now.
Dean’s forehead creases when he sees it. “What did you do?”
She shrugs. 
“How is that even possible?” 
She laughs, “You’ve never seen someone do it before? You’re shitting me.”
“Well, sweetheart, usually I take them off or the woman does it, you know, more gracefully.”
“Yeah yeah, I’m not graceful, I get it. Bras are overrated anyway.” She bunches it up and throws it to the floor.
Dean has to laugh, “Yeah, they are. Your tits shouldn’t be covered by anything. Except maybe my hands.”
He says it in that straight face of his that makes her face flare up.
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  Y/N’s taking a bath to relax from Ketch and Dean has brought her a glass of wine, almost changed his mind on going out for that meeting when he saw her there, with foam on her head and a smile decorating her pink cheeks. Felt a strong urge to jump right in too, but he’s really got to go, Cas would give him hell if he would show up too late and that would definitely happen if he would stay next to the tub for too long.
So he steals a kiss before he tells her that he’ll see her later. And it’s hard. Hard to walk out from a wet and naked girl in his tub. He does it nonetheless, someone has got to be the reasonable one around here and today’s his turn.
He walks out, and takes his keys when he hears the doorbell.
They never have someone ringing the doorbell. At least not when they didn’t order anything and he knows he didn’t but maybe she ordered something before taking a bath and forgot to tell him.
Dean opens to Ketch.
“Hi, uh, I just wanna come and apologize for making a fool out of myself. Is Y/N here?” The man looks behind Dean, then and really, Dean doesn’t know what it is but something about Ketch irks him very much. 
Against his better judgment, Dean opens the door wider, letting Ketch step in. He is family after all, right? He lets Ketch follow him inside. “Yeah, she’s still taking a ba—”
The blow to the back of his head knocks Dean out of balance and to the side, his body hitting the wall close to the entrance. He did not see that coming.
Dean turns around, his vision is blurry from the blow. Before he can even react, Ketch’s right fist connects with Dean's face. Once, twice, three times, sending him on his side, his body hits the floor with a dull heavy thud. 
Yep, definitely didn’t see it coming. 
He tries to get up, but there’s a blow in his stomach, feet kicking at his ribs, it punches the air out of his lungs. 
“You fucking son of a bitch!” Dean growls, and tuns on his stomach, kneels up a little. He sees splatters of blood on the floor. There’s another kick, right into his middle, making him feel nauseous.
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  Y/N hears the bell, and thinks it’s weird because she didn’t order anything and she doubts that Dean did, knowing that he’ll be out until late at night.
With a weird feeling in her guts, she gets out of the bath, wraps a towel around her, and secures it with a knot.
She tiptoes out of the bathroom and when she reaches the bedroom, she hears a thud of something heavy hitting a wall. 
There’s noises like someone’s grunting before there’s another thud and this time, she can feel the vibration of the flooring beneath her bare feet.
Instinctively, she runs to the closet, retrieves a gun from the cabinet, has to punch in the code twice because her hands are shaking. 
Y/N breathes relief when it opens and she quickly grabs the gun Dean has bought for her. Probably not really bought it, but what does it matter now.
Clicking off the safety, she draws it, walks slowly to the bedroom door that’s standing ajar. Dean never closes it when he knows that she’ll be alone. Knowing that she likes it when the cats can come in and bother her.
There she sees it, Dean’s on the floor on his knees, his one arm braced on the floor while he holds his stomach with his other hand. His face is bloody and in pain, there’s a cut above his left eyebrow. Dark red blood splatters the floor.
Standing above Dean, is Ketch. He has a crooked grin on his face. 
“You fucking son of a bitch!” Dean growls and Ketch only laughs, kicks Dean some more.
She tries to keep calm, tries to breath. That fucking son of a bitch, for real!
Taking one last deep breath, she steps out but holds her gun steady, points it towards Ketch.
“You tracked our car.” She says calmly. She’s not dumb, can put two and two together. But also because she doesn’t have any other explanation on how Ketch could know where she lives. Not even Linda knows it because they don’t track phones of undercover agents. 
“Aw, Y/N no guns please, I didn’t use mine.” Ketch lifts his jacket, showing her that his gun is still in his holster. “Well, that’s a lie, I did for the first blow but I didn’t shoot. I need him alive, you understand, don’t you?” Ketch sounds so fucking arrogant and it makes her blood boil.
Dean’s wincing on the floor between them. And it hurts her, it physically hurts her to see him hurt. 
“Shut up!” She hisses, has tears in her eyes. There’s so much going on in her mind, she doesn’t know what’s right and what’s wrong anymore. All she knows is that she wants Ketch to stop hurting Dean.
“Lower your gun, darling.” Ketch is still looking at her with a shiteating grin on his face. “You wouldn’t shoot me. You don’t have it in you, am I right?. How would you explain to my mo—”
The bullet goes right through the crease between his eyebrows. 
She doesn’t know why she pulled the trigger. Doesn’t know why she killed Ketch. Fact is that she didn’t want to hear him say more, fact is, that he invaded her life. Fact is, that he hurt Dean and by doing it, he — by proxy — hurt her too. And there’s no way out of it. Ketch already knows too much. If she doesn’t do it, Dean will and she has to answer too many questions that Dean will be throwing at her. Questions she doesn’t even have answers to herself. She doesn’t want to face them yet. Not when she still has time left that she could actually enjoy with him.
She killed a man. 
The realization hit her like a freight train.
Not only a man. A special agent. A Fed. 
One of her own. 
Linda will never forgive her.
The Bureau will never forgive her.
She’s no better than Dean. She’s now in this as much as he is. This life has consumed her, and there’s no way of getting out. She isn’t even sure now if she even wants to get out at all.
Letting herself sink down to the floor, she leans the side of her face against the door frame and starts to cry. Her hand slowly releases her gun.
Her vision is blurry and she closes her eyes for a brief moment, thinking about all the consequences of her action. When she opens her eyes again, Dean’s right in front of her. He’s in pain, she can see that but nonetheless he crawled over the floor to be close to her.
His hands cradle her face as he places a kiss on her forehead, thumbs brushing at the tears that streamed down her cheeks.
“You okay?” He asks her, and there’s a split in his lips and blood at the corner of his mouth. 
He’s hurt more than she is but he still asks her if she’s okay. 
She does not deserve that.
Unable to answer, she sits still and that prompts Dean to get closer, he sits up, grunting loudly as he does. And then he holds her face firm in his hands, lays his forehead on hers. Their noses touch. 
“Baby, I need to know if you’re okay.”
She nods but cries some more. 
He kisses her lips and she kisses him back, pours every sorry she can not say into the kiss.
Dean then pulls her towards his chest, lets her cry into it. “I guess I have to call for a clean up, huh?” 
Y/N nods again and then out of the corner of her eyes, she sees the two cats slowly coming out from under the sofa. They walk towards Dean and her. She smiles and Dean lets go off her, grunting when he adjusts himself. He takes Bubbles, places the cat on her lap while he holds Cuddles. 
It dawns on her then, after she strokes the cats for a while that she didn’t ask if he’s okay.
He’s been asking her twice and she wasn’t even the one who took the beating!
“Are you okay?” She finally asks and Dean breathes out, pulls the corner of his lips up to a little smile.
“Never been better.” 
“Liar.” She mutters, then adds, “I need to check if anything’s broken.” Sitting up straight, she lowers Bubbles back on the floor but the cat stays close, watches her as she cradles Dean’s face.
“Baby,” Dean’s holding his breath when she skims one of her hands over his ribs, flinches as she touches him, “I can’t believe I’m saying this myself, but I’d rather you don’t touch me right now.”
She purses her lips. “But a kiss is okay?”
“That’s always okay.” He smiles a weak smile.
 Y/N helps Dean after, throws his hand over her shoulder and walks him over to the couch before she calls for Sergei. 
“I’m gonna call Cas,” He grunts some more as he settles into the couch.
She walks over to the door and leaves it open for when Sergei comes up. 
Turning around, she avoids looking at the dead body of Ketch on the floor. 
“Do you want anyone to know about your cousin?”
She frowns at first before it dawns on her that he’s talking about Ketch. Hopes that he didn’t see her hesitation, “No.” She then says, “No, I don’t.”
Because it’s the truth. If possible, she’d like to avoid anyone ever finding out.
“Okay.” Dean nods.
There’s a knock at the door and she leads Sergei into the apartment. The man doesn’t even bat an eye when he sees a dead body on the floor. She guesses that he’s not paid to ask questions.
She leaves Sergei and Dean in the living room, disappears into the bedroom and thinks about calling Linda.
Y/N doesn’t call though. Maybe, she thinks, maybe it’s better when she acts like she doesn’t know anything at all. 
 Sergei helps Dean into bed and Y/N props up the pillows before undressing him. He grunts out in pain as she makes him sit up a little to get his shirt off his shoulders. He’s already half asleep by the time she pulls off his socks. 
She’s been given two different kinds of painkillers by Sergei and he tells her exactly when Dean should take which pills over the next three days. Thankfully nothing’s broken. 
Cas arrives with a couple of men later and they immediately start with the clean up. Nobody said a word. It’s like everyone knows what they're doing and she has the feeling that it’s not the first time that they’re doing this.
Y/N takes the cats and closes the room to their bedroom. The workers are being loud but Dean’s even snoring a little by now, unfazed of what’s going on around him.
The cats immediately jump onto the bed, lay themselves around Dean and she couldn’t not take a picture of them together like this even if Dean’s face is bruised. 
There’s a band aid that holds his skin together above his eyebrow instead of stitches, the bruise on his cheek already starts to turn green. His lips are swollen and it hurts her to see him like this. It physically hurts her heart.
She wonders how long it’ll take Linda to piece two and two together on Ketch’s whereabouts. How long it’ll be for Linda to knock down the door and arrest her and Dean. Wonders if Linda even knows that Ketch was trying to forgo her commands and contact Y/N directly just because he wants to play a fucking hero. Because honestly, she can’t imagine that the thing Ketch pulled off was in Linda’s interest. Not when Y/N’s so close to the finish line.
 After about two hours, there’s a knock on the bedroom door. She opens up to Cas and wave of something that smells like bleach hit her. It seems like they were trying to make it better by spraying some flower scents around the living room, which actually might have made it even worse. She’s going to have to open the windows for hours to get the smell out.
“We’re done.” Cas says, and steals a glimpse of Dean in bed. “How is he?”
“Sleeping.” She answers. 
“That’s good. He should sleep. The meeting today went well. Just tell him that? Okay?”
She smiles, “I will.” 
“If there’s anything, you know…” 
“I know. Thank you, Cas.”
She leaves the door open, but goes back to bed, picks her pencil and her notebook back up. She has to turn on the bedside lamp because it’s getting dark outside, the room lights up in a warm soft glow.
It’s an hour later when Dean opens his eyes. He squints at her. 
“Is this heaven? Am I in heaven?” He mumbles, his lips purse into a smile. 
Y/N replicates his smile, “No, sorry, you’re still stuck with me.”
He starts to laugh but then he flinches in pain. “Baby, no jokes, okay? My body can’t take it.”
“Shit, yeah,” She’s crawling over to his side on all fours. “‘M sorry.”
“Come on,” He says, pats the side of his bed and she goes in, lays her head on his arm. “How are you feeling?”
She chuckles. That’s so typical Dean. He’s the one who’s hurt but he asks her how she’s feeling. She does not deserve him. “Tired. How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been beaten.” 
She tilts her head, kisses him on his good cheek. “I’m sorry about what happened. I didn’t know that he would come and hurt you.”
“That’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
She wants to tell him that it is. 
Dean didn’t say more though, didn’t ask her why Ketch holds a grudge against Dean. Why she shot him. Because that’s also Dean. He doesn’t ask questions to answer that he doesn’t need to know. Answer that won’t change his decision. Answers that aren’t relevant on how he lives his life.
She can also guess that he might know. Ketch mentioned the MI6. Dean’s no fucking idiot.
“Can I ask you something?” He says after a while and her heart picks up pace.
That’s it, she thinks. Finally he’s going to ask her and she’s going to tell him the truth and everything will be over. 
“Anything.” She says, because it’s true. At this point it’s all or nothing. She doesn’t want to lie to him any more.
“Why are the cats in our bed?”
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ais-for-alex · 3 years
The RIDER Nature Reserve: Chapter 2
So I’m probably just going to upload this as I edit which might end up with several chapters a day then nothing for awhile 😄
James Potter was a picture of contentment. Currently he was burrowed into one of the well-worn holes in his parents’ old loved couch, propped up by countless throw pillows and buried somewhere underneath several plush Sherpa lined blankets. Opposite him James younger sister Lily was reading a dense looking book while simultaneously trying to shove her foot into James’s face.
Within the Potter household Wednesday night dinners had become the traditional family gathering once they had all graduated from Hogwarts. Every week they would gather in their parents’ cozy home for their mum's delicious cooking, everyone throwing lighthearted jabs at each other over the dinner table. These had become James favorite night of the week. So far only James and Lily had made it back to their childhood home that night.
Ginny Potter was currently in the kitchen humming tunelessly as she banged pots and pans on the stovetop. Wednesdays were her normal days off from her job as head coach of the Holyhead Harpies, so she had been cooking when James and Lily had arrived not long before collapsing onto their respective sides of the couch.
At the sound of the flue activating James looked up from his warm bubble just in time to see his dad stumble through green flames. Still clad in his velvet Auror robes James noted that his dad seemed a bit disheveled. His dark unruly hair was more of a mess than usual like he had been running his hands through it for the past hour, and unless his eyes deceived him there was more gray shot through his beard than the last time James had seen him.
Harry sighed in relief when the green flames calmed down back to their soft yellow warmth, he paused for a moment warming his hands seemingly lost in thought. James watched his dad pull off the heavy velvet cloak and send it sailing upstairs with a quick flick of his wand. Harry was so distracted he was completely oblivious to the fact that two of his kids were sitting quietly behind him. That is until Lily let out a giant sneeze making Harry jump, his hand twitched towards the wand holstered at his thigh as he turned only to relax back to his side once he saw who it was.
“Sorry, flue powder, always makes my allergies act up,” she said mildly.
“Jeeze! You scared the crap out of me! Out of the three of you, you two are not the ones I expect to be quiet, make a noise every once and awhile, God damn!” Harry said in exasperation placing a hand on his racing heart. Finally calming down Harry sat on the arm of the couch next to Lily, “Why are you guys so quiet anyway? It’s weird.”
Lily looked up from her book for a moment before responding, “I, unlike this overexcited puppy,” she jabbed her socked foot in James’s face again for emphasis “have the capacity to be calm at any given time.”
“I’m sleeeepyyy,” James moaned, pulling a knit blanket over his head.
Harry scoffed at James’s whine, “Speaking of quiet, where’s Al? Not here yet?”
James’s muffled voice came from under the blanket, “That traitor ditched us because Scorp is off from St Mungo’s and he would rather spend the evening shagging his boyfriend rather than enjoying some wholesome family fun with us. That’s what he said right Lil’s?”
“Oh, yeah you got it verbatim, those were his exact words.”
Rolling his eyes Harry leaned over and kissed the top of Lily’s head before standing, “Mum in the kitchen?” he asked only to receive two mild affirmative answers as he headed out of the living room.
“Why are you so tired tonight you weirdo? Normally, you would be forcing us to play exploding snap until dinner, but now you’re just a quivering mass of pathetic over there.”
“Muf mnr smrm” James’s voice came, now completely muffled as he had pulled a pillow under his blankets and on top of his head.
“Vmdf kjr fjbvd”
“Oh, for fucks sake!” she groaned, stretching her leg out and lightly kicking her brother in the head knocking the pillow and blanket to the floor.
Sighing dramatically James repeated his statement again, “I said I’m not pathetic you're pathetic.”
“Ooo, what a snappy comeback, totally worth the wait,” She said sarcastically.
“Ugg, I’m just super tired from training,” James said, finally answering her question, “I think my coach is officially trying to kill us. I don’t think I have been this sore since last season’s finals.”
“I don’t know why you guys are training so hard, I mean considering Mums team is going to whoop your arse anyway.”
“Yo! A little support here would be nice!” James cried in outrage that his sister had sided with their Mum rather than himself.
“Meh, I don’t want to inflate your ego. Not that you are short of adoring fans who will do you the honor.”
“Aw come on Lil’s you know that your support is worth what like five of theirs.”
“Only five!? James you have thousands of fans and I am only worth five! I’m your own flesh and blood for fucks sake!”
“Well I mean it is only you, Al and Dad are probably about fifty each but you, your kinda meh.” James laughed at the indignant look of outrage in his sisters’ face then promptly threw one of his pillows at her head.
From the kitchen they could hear their Mum shout to them, “Offspring! Dinners ready!”
The two got up to head into the kitchen, as they walked James wrapped a strong arm around his sister catching Lily in a headlock.
“Oh, come on,” he said at her now sulking expression “you know I’m kidding.”
Rolling her eyes she replied exasperatedly, “Yeah I know, now get off me you oaf.” She punctuated this with an elbow to the side. The two were still locked in a bit of a wrestling match as they stumbled into the kitchen.
The Potters sans Albus were sitting at their dining table bickering good naturedly, wrapping up the end of their meal together, when a huge gray owl soared in through the open kitchen window and deposited himself on James’s lap. A small smile played at his lips when he noticed the familiar elegant script on the envelope, he gently removed the letter from the bird’s leg who let out a low ‘hoo’ then took off out the window once more.
“Ooo, who’s that from?” Lily asked in a faux scandalized voice, “another admirer?”
“Shut up,” he groaned at her teasing, “it’s from Teddy.”
“Oh,” she said, seeming genuinely interested now, “well go on then, what’s it say? Haven’t heard from him in ages.”
James rolled his eyes at his sister then looked down to read the front of the envelope and scoffed a bit in amusement at the words.
Open With Care
‘Open With Care’ had been his and James’s secret way of letting the other know that their letter was to be opened in private as it contained something sensitive or less than appropriate to read in front of other people.
“Lils, if you want to know what he has to say so badly, write him yourself you twat.” He said gently tucking the envelope into his pocket.
“Rude!” she cried.
“Well,” he said, taking a last sip of wine before getting up from the table, “I think it’s about time I head home. I have an early practice tomorrow.” Harry and Ginny looked up from the hushed conversation they had been having at the other end of the table.
“Hey Jay, wait up” Harry called out, “Before you go I wanted to talk to you all about something.” His dad's eyes darted from James over to where Lily and Ginny were still sitting at the table, his face was grim and pale. James vaguely recalled his mum mentioning his dad had been working extra hours lately on a nasty case and it looked like it was taking its toll on him.
“Alright, what’s up?” James replied sliding back down into his chair.
There was a pause as Harry took a deep breath before speaking, “Jay, I know this will sound a bit weird but I need you to start being a bit more cautious when your alone.” James blinked a bit taken aback by his dad's request but the serious tone with which he spoke made it clear he wasn’t joking. “Strictly speaking I’m not supposed to talk about this but screw it. Over the past couple months the Aurors have been looking into a sting of some pretty grizzly murders. We had another one today, and it's officially been classified as a serial killer.” Not knowing what to say James remained silent hoping his dad would continue speaking. “I don’t really want to go into details but we do know that they are targeting people who seem to have higher than average magical abilities. Now the Auror department has been keeping it under wraps to avoid panic for the moment but it won’t be long before the Profit gets ahold of it. One of the jackasses in the department as dubbed them the Wizarding Reaper.”
There was a beat of silence while Harrys words settled over the table James shot a look over to his sister who shrugged in response before turning back to their dad.
“Uh Ok, I’ll make sure to double my warding and keep an eye out for anything off,” James said, his demeanor serious.
“Thanks kid,” his dad sighed, sagging a bit in relief for a moment before he got up and wrapped James in a hug that quickly turned into a light headlock. Harry rubbed his knuckles into James’s already messy auburn hair, “Now just try not to kill yourself on the pitch and everything will be fine,” his tone had completely changed from that serious one back to his usual joking demeanor.
“Yeah, yeah alright” James said, breaking out from under his dad's arm, “I’ll see you two on Saturday,” he said to his dad and Lily. “And you,” he turned to his mum, “I’ll see you on the pitch,” his voice lowered a bit in a faux challenging tone.
Ginny, never one to be outdone, turned on her best taunting voice, “That you will baby boy, don’t forget to bring some tissues for when you're crying in the locker room after the Harpies demolish you.” His mum’s words would have been cruel but she said them in that same faux challenging tone James had used and had a teasing smile on her face. It was a little tradition of theirs before matches their teams played together, they would go back and forth with smack talk until their taunting insults turned into statements of love.
“Oh, you’re going to be the one crying, sobbing into dads’ shoulder when we put you out of the running for the world cup.”
“We are going to whip your ass, same as I did when you were a child stealing cookies from the kitchen.”
“I still steal cookies, but that’s cause you’re amazing at baking,” James said still in a taunting voice despite the complement.
“Thank you, I left a plate of them on the counter for you.”
“Thanks, love you mum.”
“You’re welcome and I love you too,” the two kept up the charade of acting the bitter rivals their teams were. James slowly crept over to the counter grabbing the plate of home baked cookies she had left all the while meeting her exaggerated glare with his own, an utterly ridiculous attempt at looking intimidating. As he backed out of the kitchen, he paused in the doorway taking two finger pointing to his eyes then pointing to his mum in the ‘I’m watching you’ gesture, he then relaxed his posture and waved them all good night before disapparating away to land in his own entryway.
James sighed in relief at finally being home after an extremely long day. His small apartment was sparse with only the essentials to live comfortably only decorated by the occasional bits of Puddlemere United paraphernalia he had picked over the years. With a couple swift wand strokes James reinforced the warding on his front door, then dropped his gym bag full of dirty practice clothes off his shoulder to the floor. Wandering into his small kitchen James slid his plate of cookies onto the counter; he would save them until after the match this weekend. Snagging a water from the fridge he made his way into the living room to flop down onto his old couch.
James pulled Teddy’s letter from his pocket, once again smiling at the familiar writing on the front, he opened the envelope and read its contents, a warm fond feeling spreading through him with every word.
Guess what! One of our dragons is pregnant! Or sort of, she technically incubating her eggs, but still! I am so excited! Charlie has been trying to find her a mate for ages, turns out she took a liking to that dragon I told you about, the one I went to fetch from the U.S a while back. I am so curious to see what the babies will look like, it’s an interesting cross. Anyway, I digress. It’s just so exciting I had to tell you.
So, how’s training going? Your coach still acting like a drill Sergeant? You excited for the match this weekend; I know you’ll do fantastic. I know I’m supposed to support both of you equally but honestly, I hope you beat the Harpies. You’ve been working your arse off, you deserve it. Just don’t let your mum know I said that.
On a side note I got the ‘present’ you sent me, and god damn Jamie are you trying to kill me? God you are so gorgeous I don’t even have words; I will let you know that they have officially been added to my personal spank bank so thank you.
Good luck on Saturday. I know you’ll crush it, I wish I could be there but you know how the ministry is about travel on and off the reserve. I’ll be watching on the live stream though and rooting for you.
P.S. The picture of you polishing your broom was my favorite, that little wink at the end makes my blood go south just thinking about it.
James groaned at the mental image that last comment had invoked. In his last letter to Teddy, James had included a couple risqué pictures that had been taken for the Puddlemere United’s annual charity calendar. The whole team had them done and after his session with the photographer he had been sent several of the shots with instructions to choose which one he would prefer to have in the final product. James had thought he looked silly in most of them so he sent them to Teddy for a second opinion, including the one of himself in only a jockstrap in the team’s colors polishing his broom, as his hands stroked back and forth on the wood suggestively. In the picture his eyes would close as he tipped his head back, mouth open slightly, slowly he turned to the camera with a sultry look then winked as the image looped back to the beginning.
James moaned quietly turned on by the thought of Teddy getting hard and wanking to his picture, the concept was still a bit weird for him to wrap his mind around. He and Teddy had been friends for ages they had practically grown up together.
Teddy had always been James’s person, the one he could confide in or complain to about his siblings or even just hang out with and enjoy each other’s company. Through James’s last couple of years at Hogwarts Teddy had been working to finish his Auror training but just before he was due to be inducted as an official Auror Teddy decided that ultimately it just wasn’t the job for him. The constant strain of being surrounded by dark wizards, surrounded by murderers and rapists, it had worn on his mental state.
Eventually Teddy settled down in a position working at the Nature Reserve James’s uncle Charlie ran, and he absolutely loved it. That had been in the last year before James graduated, after Teddy left for Romania, they began writing to each other and they were just as they had always been, friends.
This last Christmas though Teddy had come home. He had only been back a handful of times since leaving and it had been years since James had seen his best friend face to face. That Christmas Eve though James had opened his parent’s front door and was greeted to the sight of Teddy, his turquoise hair lightly dusted in snow and smiling brighter than the sun. In a split-second James’s entire demeanor changed though normally energetic he seemed to almost start vibrating with excitement.
Teddy had the good sense to drop his duffle bag quickly as James nearly tackled him in a bearhug. The two men stumbled backwards across the Potters front deck from the momentum until they fell backwards into a snowbank. Teddy hugged back just as enthusiastically, causing them to roll in the snow until he was straddling James' hips. Both of them were laughing heartily ecstatic to finally see each other again Teddy stood up and pulled James up from the snow with enough force to lift him off his feet and spin around. James locked his arms around Teddy’s strong form not wanting to let go as they stood now completely soaked and cold from the snow.
Still in Teddys strong hold James breathing in deeply, intoxicated by the crisp smell of fresh cut pine, campfire smoke, and strong coffee that seemed to cling his skin. Suddenly the porch light flicked on making the men look up, Harry was standing in the open doorway having come to investigate to cold breeze leaking into the house as James hadn’t bothered to close the door when he tackled his best friend. The two began laughing again at the silliness of rolling around in the snow in subzero temperatures then headed back towards the house where Harry was still watching with an amused look on his face.
After the onslaught of warmth and greetings from the rest of the Potters it was like Teddy had never left at all. He effortlessly fit back into their family easily slipping into each conversation on quidditch with James and his mum, Albus and Scorpius’s deep discussions about wizarding folklore and how bits of it could fit into their D&D campaign, he talked Ministry politics with Harry and even seemed to take an interest in Lily’s newfound love of all things Muggle as she had decided to seek further education at a Muggle university. Throughout the night James could feel Teddy's eyes frequently coming to land on him, he would look up to find Teddy staring a small grin playing on his lips as he held the eye contact before turning back to his conversation leaving James feeling warm from his gaze.
Back when Teddy had left neither he nor James had anything other than friendship in mind, each was preoccupied with their own struggles. Teddy trying to make it work with the Aurors and James still in school then starting his own career in the Quidditch world after graduation. That Christmas eve though felt different somehow, their eyes seemed to always find each other, leaving behind a charged feeling in their stomachs. It was odd after being friends for forever neither was sure what to do with this new energy that seemed to be pulling them together.
Their evening was filled with friendly familiar chatter until everyone was exhausted and ready to head home into bed. Teddy was chatting with Harry and disclosed that he hadn’t really thought too much about where he would be staying while he was in England. At that exact moment James had been meandering by the couch, not eavesdropping on their conversation at all, when he plopped down and slung his arm around Teddys neck insisting he stay at his flat.
They left the holiday festivities soon after that, both collapsing into a heap on the old beaten up couch in James' sparse living room. For the first time in years they had the freedom to tell each other everything that never translated well into letters. The night wore late as they spun tales of their lives, talking animatedly about quidditch and dragons sharing the last years of their lives with one another.
Teddy had been telling a captivating tale about one of his coworkers who had gotten a bit too comfortable around one of the dragons and ended up getting his arm torn off, however, James wasn’t listening. Teddy had pushed up his shirtsleeve revealing intricate tattoos that swirled and moved with the motion of his arm and James was utterly distracted. His eyes traced the magically moving ink from where it began at the wrist up his forearm until it disappeared under the sleeve of his shirt.
Eventually Teddy stopped talking, realizing that James was no longer paying attention to his words, the silence prompted James to let his gaze wander slowly back up to Teddys face, bits of glinting metal caught in the dim light as he finally met his burning eyes. James watched in awe as Teddy’s eyes darkened from their natural hazel color to a deep midnight blue with lust. He barely had a moment to gasp at the intense look before Teddy’s mouth was on his, body pressing him back into the worn couch cushions. They moved together gasping, moaning, James whimpered at the feeling of skin on skin. Mouths sliding together, hands exploring, both trying to get as close to the other as possible. The next morning, they woke in bed Teddy had wrapped himself around James’s body every inch pressed together both filled with warmth and contentment.
Even now laying alone in his flat, if he closed his eyes James could almost still feel the tingling trails of Teddys fingers caressing his body as they talked that morning. The two ultimately deciding against starting anything more between them, after all Teddy would leave in a couple days back to Romania and James would once again throw himself into Quidditch training, there was no point. So, from that point they went back to normal, aside from the occasional salacious fantasy they were simply friends.
James had gotten caught up in the memory of that night when he looked up at the time it was nearly one in the morning and he had to get up early for practice. With another dramatic groan he pushed up from the couch and headed to bed.
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silence-burns · 4 years
Please Hate Me //part 24
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Based on “Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Loki.” by @thefandomimagine​
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"This is a bad idea," Loki voiced his thoughts. 
"You make it sound like that’s new information." 
"Well, at first I thought it all might work out and make the day interesting, but right now I'm a hundred percent sure today's going to be as terrible as the entirety of last week." 
You gasped dramatically. "Terrible? But you had a good laugh with me!"
"What else was I supposed to do when my life was being ruined and my dignity trampled? File a complaint? To whom could I address it?" he asked, words sharp. 
"Why are you asking me? That sounds like your problem." 
"You don't see it as your problem only because you're the problem." 
"Nah. You're overthinking it." 
"Well, I suppose one of us has to balance out your lack of—" 
You cut him off with a sudden glint in your eyes. You stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, right in front of him, forcing people to walk around the two of you with annoyed grimaces.
"Did you just say 'us'? Could it be that I've finally grown on you?" 
Loki sighed a very resigned sigh. "Yeah. Like a tumor." 
Your smile was blinding nonetheless and caused him to turn his head the other way. It was the only reason he turned his head, obviously. Your joy was unreasonable. It wasn’t not like the word slipped off his tongue on accident and he tried to brush it off… 
He only listened to your following babbling with one ear, focusing just enough to know when to nod and grunt some confirmation at the right moment. It wasn't on purpose, at least not entirely. It just so happened that his mind was occupied by different matters at the moment. 
The path you decided on took you through what you described as quite a nice part of the city. Loki had his doubts about sanity and taste of whoever was behind the design of some of the buildings. The architecture was outrageously bland and plain and no matter how hard he tried, Loki could not find any reason behind such a fascination with squares and rectangles. Involuntarily, he thought back to the elegant arches and ethereal facades of Asgard's places of culture. The rich gold and vibrant colors that brought up all of the beauty of the city and homes of its people clashed violently with what he was seeing now. And why was everything so dull? 
You crossed the street, following the mass of people rushing in the same direction. The fumes in the air brought a grimace to Loki's face. You noticed, and forgot about whatever you were just talking about. 
"You okay?" 
Loki's attention snapped back to you, surprised with how much genuine concern could be heard in your voice. 
Well, you had already proven a few times that you meant him no harm, which was nice coming from someone on this savage, disgusting realm, but Loki was not yet used to it. He was trying, though, which he found surprising. 
You frowned at his lack of response and took one of his hands in yours, warming it up. "Are you cold? I told you to bring gloves. We could warm up in one of the shops right there if you want?" 
If you didn't know him any better, you'd say Loki looked flustered, but since it would be very out of character, you decided he must have just been overwhelmed with a world that must be so different from his. Your suspicions were confirmed when he insisted on walking. The hint of color on his cheeks must've been a figment of your imagination. 
"I'm a Frost Giant, after all," he explained, very interested in the display of one of the bakeries. "The cold doesn't bother me as much as others, regardless of my clothing." 
"Damn, wish I could say the same. It must come in real handy in weather like this," you gestured to the white blankets of snow covering every surface around. It was still fresh and clean, changing the world into something a little prettier than it usually was. Or maybe it was because it covered the trash littering the streets. 
Loki followed your gaze to the few tiny flakes of snow flying loosely in the air. The sky was clear, indicating fine weather for the near future. People didn't seem to pay much attention to the weather, if only to watch out on particularly slippery parts of the pavements. 
It was a shame, though, Loki thought. The snow was the only reason the city wasn't completely hideous to his eyes. It might have been caused by the Frost Giant blood in his veins, but he had to admit he enjoyed the walk through the whitened streets more than he anticipated, even putting the architecture aside. 
The air, despite the disgusting fumes the cars around restlessly continued to produce, had the bite and frost in it that he'd always enjoyed. He remembered the days spent outside from dawn till dusk with Thor, running around the palace's grounds, building their own fortresses from snow and branches and then attacking one another until their hands were sore and their runny noses frozen. Those were the few memories Loki didn't mind his brother in. He was a terrible fortress architect. 
They often ventured far, and made Frigga worry with how late they finally made it home. Even Loki's hands were cold by then, and his clothes damp and wet, but he was happy nonetheless, innocent and unaware of what his future would throw him into. 
Loki looked down at his hands. Those days were gone, and not much could bring them back. Even winter felt different in this world, more polluted and tamed. The frost was more of a suggestion rather than a sharp bite to his skin. His heritage would always protect him from damage, but he felt the cold anyway. 
The sad truth was, the past had to stay in the past, no matter how tempting it was to recollect and dwell upon old memories. Lessons had to be learnt from it, but one can never move forward if they drag their past with them. Despite his greatest efforts, Loki didn't remember who wrote that. Still, the words felt right to him. 
With a silent nod to himself, he got back to the present. You were still standing by the bakery he randomly chose to buy some time. He had been conflicted, but things seemed clearer now. 
Once again confident in himself, Loki straightened his back and turned to face you - only to find you already staring at him. 
"How about we marry?" you proposed. 
All air left him. 
"I beg your pardon…?" was all he managed to stutter out, his voice taking a high pitch at the end, despite his efforts to keep it casual. 
You didn't seem to notice the chaos raging in his chest. You only knocked softly on one of the posters at the display. With his heart in his throat, Loki read it with more difficulty than it would usually take him. 
"It says… Some free samples are offered to everyone who proposes there? Is that a joke?" he asked finally. 
"Not according to those photos." You pointed to some low-quality pictures printed and glued under the poster. 
His frown only deepened along with his confusion. "You want us to fake a proposal for some free cake?" 
"Why not?" you shrugged. "It's not like anyone's going to check up on us to see if we actually get married later on." 
Loki blinked slowly. His heart did not slow down, but at least he was starting to hear his own thoughts over the blood pounding through his veins. "Could you please explain to me, why can't we just buy it like normal people?" 
"Do you have any money? Like, human money?" 
"Well, all I've got on me will go for our breakfast, especially since Peter will be joining us shortly, and he always devours a double portion like he's been starving for the past year and a half. So, how about a quick proposal?" you nudged him with a wicked smile, ready to march in. 
Loki knew that stupid look on your face. You were not faking it. He sighed into the ridiculous, although nicely smelling scarf around his face. "Do you even have a ring?"
That seemed to pop your happy bubble. Your shoulders slumped and for a very brief, quickly shushed moment, Loki felt bad about it. "Damn it…" 
"Besides, how would you conceal, you know, my identity? It would be suspicious if I had to hide my whole face during all of this madness."
"That's the least of our problems, there's no way anyone would recognize you anyway. Look, we've made it pretty far already and no one's even looked at you twice—" 
You gestured around. 
A skinny, blond man was staring at Loki with a look of utter concentration and confusion of his face, no more than three paces away. 
You froze, and so did Loki. But only for a moment. 
You burst into a broad, jovial smile before approaching the man like a good friend. "What a beautiful morning, isn't it, my dear? Would you like to have a little chat with us about global warming? We've been sent out to make a quick survey about people's opinions and predictions—Where are you going, sir? It will only take a few minutes!" 
You looked after the man that would  choose to flee rather than continue the conversation. He didn't look back. 
You puffed out your chest with pride and turned to Loki. "Okay, I might've been a little bit wrong."
Loki was already casting quick glances around, fixing that stupid excuse of a cover around his face. He knew he would be recognizable. Too little time had passed since he was forced to attack the city, and people would still be bitter about it. Maybe after a few generations had passed and the memory of that disaster got lost in time… 
You joined your arms and shouldered him away from the spot and into a less crowded side-street. The snow crumbled underneath your feet, not yet turned into a muddy pulp. 
"Loki, listen, I know it might not seem like it, but I'm pretty sure everything's fine. The man didn't even recognize you, or he would’ve started screaming or talking in that very aggressive way some people love to use. And he didn't— which means he failed to connect the dots and probably thought you reminded him of some weird relative that he hasn't seen in years and just got confused… "
"You don't even believe that yourself," Loki cut you off. "You tend to babble when you get nervous."
"I… Well, you seem to know an awful lot about me for someone who hates my whole race." 
"It's not—" Loki opened his mouth but stopped. The words didn't seem important anymore. 
You paused too, still linked with him by the arm. Loki sensed the tension in your muscles and the change in your breath. 
Someone was waiting for you. 
The person wasn't tall, but the face obscured by a deep hood didn't seem the most trustworthy. A mugger wouldn't show up right in front of you, standing in the middle of the pavement. Surprisingly, no people seemed to be on your side of the street at all. 
Your fingers clenched on Loki's arm, as if you were preparing to haul him behind you. That brought a ghost of a smile on his face. As if he would let you. 
The man pointed a finger at Loki. "You should NOT be here." 
And that was when you recognized his voice. "Wong??" 
Loki frowned. "You know each other?" 
Before you managed to answer him, Wong approached you with anger loud in his every step. And snapped his fingers. 
Your stomach jumped high into your throat as the ground rolled under your feet without a warning. Loki's didn't feel much better, but he overcame the wave of nausea quickly—he knew what happened. It was a simple transportation spell he had used thousands of times. 
It didn't take you far—only to a small park, far from prying eyes. Some children were busy building a rather disfigured snowman at the far end of it, behind a line of trees, their naked branches heavy with snow. No one else seemed to occupy the place. 
Wong uncovered his face. You were right—he was pissed. 
"What is wrong with you, people? And I mean both of you. You were supposed to be the responsible one!" he jabbed you with a finger. "Don't you think he's a little too recognizable to be wandering around like that?" 
"He's got my scarf on!" 
Wong didn't bother with a response. Loki, despite his personal feelings towards the monk, couldn't blame him. 
Wong sighed, giving up trying to reason with either of you. He was aware of the god's current situation, because a big part of Sanctum Santorum's job was monitoring any threats to the realms and interdimensional peace—and Loki was very high on that list. 
On the other hand, despite the ice-cold looks he was being cast by said threat, Wong had to admit no major disaster happened yet—which was surprisingly nice (having the realm's continued peace in mind) but not ideal in Wong's personal interest (and the bet he lost to the Sorcerer Supreme). 
"I have a feeling nothing I say will make you go back to the Tower?" he asked. 
"Nope," you admitted. Loki only huffed with indifference, raising his chin high despite the thick scarf. 
Wong nodded to himself, as if he (rightly so) didn't anticipate any other answer. "Alright, then I'll at least cast a small glamor spell onto him, so you don't—" 
"Absolutely not!" 
The mere thought of the barbaric, bland magic of this realm being thrown upon him, boiled Loki's blood. If only he could reach out to his own magic, he'd show this pathetic excuse of a sorcerer what it really meant to wield such force… 
You nudged him in the ribs, hard. "He's kinda right, you know? You said it yourself—you're too recognizable." 
Loki was at a loss for words, and Wong used that moment to cast the glamor with a quick invocation and trained move of his hands. It tickled, like a wet, slippery mist blown into Loki's face. He snapped his attention back to the sorcerer, baring his teeth, but Wong was already departing. 
"It won't work on anyone who already knows you, but it should do fine against strangers. You two better not mess anything up," he said and disappeared into a portal before Loki could grab him by the throat. His hand closed on air where the sorcerer stood only seconds ago. 
"I hate this world," he growled out, clenching his fist. 
You patted his back soothingly. "I know, it's not the best sequence of events before a proper breakfast, but how about we finally go grab some? The place isn’t far." 
Loki brushed his face with a hand, the wet feeling not gone, but there was nothing he could do about it without his magic. He once again looked at the damned bracelet fixed around his wrist with pure, unfiltered hatred. 
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