khaledaltaban · 2 days
Help me evacuate #Gaza
I have only £20
Donate for me if you can, please 🙏🇵🇸
The link:
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ahmed505 · 2 days
I hope this message finds you well.
I am writing to you with a heart heavy with pain and hope, to ask for your help for a family suffering the ravages of war in Gaza. This family, which includes young children, is living in extremely harsh conditions, having lost the safety and stability that we often take for granted.
The children are in dire need of food, shelter, and medical care. Your generous donation can make a significant difference in their lives, restoring some of the hope and security they have lost.
We believe that humanity shines brightest when we stand by each other in difficult times. Therefore, we kindly ask you to be part of this noble humanitarian effort and contribute whatever you can to alleviate the suffering of this family.
We sincerely thank you for your time and generosity, and we pray that God rewards you abundantly.
With sincere appreciation and respect
@elierlick @90-ghost @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @fairuzfan @fundraiser @ibtisams @nabulsi @gaza @palestine29
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cyanomys · 7 hours
Dianna Cowern (formerly Physics Girl) and her caretakers are doing a livestream fundraiser today for research on Long Covid and ME/CFS. They’re taking questions and having interviews from her friends as well as experts. Any donation helps.
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furiouslystarmark · 2 days
I am Lavender Namisi, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, a condition that demanded a precise balance of insulin a precious commodity in my war-torn homeland of Gaza.
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I find myself in a relentless struggle to secure the insulin vital for my survival. With medical resources scarce and hospitals overwhelmed, obtaining medication became a daily battle fraught with peril.
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My condition worsened when the bombs drew perilously close to my home, and my insulin supply dwindled to nothing. With pharmacies shuttered and aid unable to penetrate our besieged area, I confronted a dire predicament. Without insulin, my blood sugar levels surged, threatening to plunge me into a coma.
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I ask for your support, your assistance could mean the difference between life and death for me. Please, help me obtain the insulin I so desperately need.
MY GOAL $197/$360
Click here to donate and share to help me get my insulin injection HUMALOG
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arnivold · 2 days
Indie TTRPG Summer Sale Fundraiser!
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Hello! Adrian Lumm here, head of Purple Moon Games. I'm a Queer independent TTRPG designer who is trying to raise money to get out of a crappy home situation. My goal is to raise enough money to put a deposit down on a small apartment and move out of my parents' place for good.
To that end, I've created a summer sale! Every RPG I have in stock is currently on sale for half off, or buy my entire collection for $75! Every little bit helps. Only 10 full bundle sales are needed to reach my goal of $750!
My library of games is fairly diverse: There's horror, fantasy, action-flick, Soulslike-inspired, and more!
Included in this sale/bundle is the popular solo TTRPG Castle of Memories as well.
Pride Month may be over, but I'm still in need of your assistance! Your support is appreciated!
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huoyd · 3 days
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This is Finnian, he is literally the light of my life and the only thing that keeps me going.
He's recently stopped eating and has lost lot of weight, and I don't know why, and I'm really scared and need to make sure he's alright, and figure out why he won't eat anything.
Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of money, and I've already had to pay 500 dollars on an exam and blood work. We still don't know what's wrong with him, and he's stopped eating completely. I have another appointment on Monday to get him x-rays which is going to be another 300-400 and I am already really depleted...
So if you have anything that you can spare, I know times are hard for everyone, I would be more than appreciative.
I can do commissions as well, I'm not the best artist, but I can draw, write, make graphics and make carrds. basically pay what you can and i'll make you what you want.
Reblogs are also very appreciated.
[ 255 / 300 ]
[ commissions ]
[ paypal ] [ kofi ]
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amira-anqar · 10 hours
From the bliss of a quiet room to the hell of displacement 💔❤️‍🩹
Witness how the war destroyed everything beautiful and turned my life into a daily struggle for survival 🙏🏻🙏🏻🍉🍉
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Donation Match for Gaza Aid!
My family once again reminded me of what Palestinians are forced to put up with on a daily basis, so I decided to get a donation match going. I donated €50 to each of these initiatives working to provide aid to the people of Gaza:
HelpGazaChildren - HelpGazaChildren is run by Hussam, a man from Raffah who hosts a refugee camp on his land. He works to provide necessities such as food, water, cloths, hygiene products and more to the people of Gaza.
They have a notion site, where you can familiarise yourself, and you can also look through the #helpgazachildren tag on @/fairuzfan's blog to see the updates that they have been providing here.
Watermelon Relief - Watermelon Relief is run by a group of activists in Gaza who work to provide meals for displaced families.
They have an Instagram where they post updates and videos showing their work.
Mutual Aid for the People of Gaza - This initiative is run by Mona, who buys and distributes food parcels and meals to the people of Gaza.
You can also donate to this initiative via PayPal.
She has an Instagram where she posts about her life in Gaza, as well as her work.
I challenge all of you to match my donations to all three initiatives. Please either reblog with your proof of donation, or DM me with it if you'd rather stay anonymous. Any amount is enough!
Receipts under the cut.
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ID in alt text
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amlanqar · 2 days
I'm Amal, 33 years old. My husband Eyad is 39, and we have seven children: Hala (15), Nour (13), Abdelrahman (11), Mohammed (9), Omar (6), Ahmed (4), and baby Hoor, just 7 months old.
In the blink of an eye, we awoke to a devastating barrage of bombs. The war had begun, and soon tanks surrounded us as the northern Gaza Strip was declared off-limits. We fled immediately from the north, leaving behind my husband who had to stay with his elderly father who cannot walk. The presence of checkpoints and the prohibition of vehicles forced my husband to remain in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the north of Gaza.
My four-year-old son, Ahmed, suffers from diabetes. It is a constant struggle to find insulin injections and test strips. Weeks go by without being able to check his sugar levels, leaving me in fear of whether his levels are too high or too low.
Ahmed's condition break my heart
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My children are the love of my life
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I fled on foot, just ten days after giving birth. I carried my ten-day-old baby and my other young children, alone, fighting for their safety. A few days later, the northern Gaza Strip was completely isolated, leaving my husband trapped.
I cannot bear the panic attacks that Hoor suffers from the constant bombing
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It was incredibly difficult to care for my children without my husband, moving from one place to another. I finally sought refuge in a shelter school in Deir Al-Balah.
My children have been deprived of their father, who used to provide all their needs. Their schooling has been halted, and their mental health is in ruins due to the war. My baby girl cannot get proper nutrition and is unable to sleep due to the constant sounds of bombs.
We share our room at school with 40 people, lacking water and sanitary supplies
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My husband remains in the north, experiencing severe famine. Periodically, I manage to contact him, learning that he is still alive, but his situation is dire.
We want to escape Gaza and survive this tragic war, to build a decent life for my family, providing the basics of life: food, medical care, and a safe home.
Your donations can make a world of difference for us. Every dollar can help us escape this nightmare and start anew. Your generosity can reunite our family, provide essential medical care for Ahmed, and ensure my children grow up in a peaceful environment.
Your kindness and support mean everything to us. May God bless you for your compassion.
Greetings & Gratitude🙏
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jazze-bee · 2 days
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Rebuilding Live: A Mother's Plea for Hope and Safety in Gaza
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Help Mohammed and his family get through this war in Gaza
[@zinaeleenyamin <- When I checked in the morning, his ask was gone. Seems his account was deleted. This is his fundraiser:]
Helping Ahmed's Family: Escaping War to a New Life
All vetted fundraisers. Every donation counts, even just 1$ ❤️ Go reblog their pinned fundraisers: @noor-alanqar @m0hammed1
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horrorhorizon · 2 days
Palestine foundraisers masterpost
Every foundraiser has been verified or is highly likey ledgidaminant. I have been collecting these for a long time and in the start I did not track who verified what. This post is constanly being updated. please check notes for the most recent version
Website with vetted fundraisers Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
Operation olive branch
esims needed!
Palestine activists legal founds
Iyad sobhe low on founds, elderly
Ruba Abushaban low on founds, elderly, medical care needed
Fadi Al-Sharif infant child
Tabseem AbuJamie extremely low on founds, children, medical care needed
Hala's family low on founds, toddler
Hani Alhajjar 2 toddlers
Mariam Radi low on founds, 3 children under 6
Nour Krayyem low on founds, 9 children, 20 family members killed
Asaad Herzallah low on founds, a child
Hussam Aburamadan low on founds, many children, newborn, elderly vetted link
Mohmmed Alshaer low on founds, multiple children under 10
Jumana Elhalless family completed!
Ahmed Hassan 2 people in need of medical care, 2 children
Hala Jad children
Said Tanani completed!
Halla Morshed' family low on founds, child
Helping the People of Gaza - Mutual Aid Fund provides displaced families with essential supplies, in need of constant donations
Maha Abu Shammalah completed!
Yousef Alswaisi Doctor who has been volunteering to aid
HELP GAZA'S CHILDREN! DONATE TODAY! see also Help Gaza Children under reading and actions listed in original post in need of constant donations
Dr.Ebraheem elderly, in need of medical aid
Zinh Aldahdoh completed!
Donia Tanani close to goal, child
Ahmed and his family completed!
Help Walid and family escape the horrors of Gaza! original goal completed and now aiding others and asking or cost of living in egypt due to not being allowed to work
Alaa Amsse 2 sick children, very low on funds, pregnante mother vetted by @/ibtisams!
Shehab family low on funds, 5 children, elderly vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Nada Saftaw children vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
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ahmedabuyamin · 8 hours
To the responsible officials coordinating humanitarian campaigns in Tamlir,🌷🌹
I write to you with a heart filled with pain and hope, reaching out from Gaza, a land torn apart by destruction and tragedy. I am Ahmed Alanqer, a desperate father searching for safety for my grieving family. My wife and children, living in unbearable conditions, face the threat of death every day.
I earnestly implore you to extend your helping hand to us, so we may find refuge and escape this catastrophe safely. Additionally, we desperately need your assistance in sharing our story and voices with the world, to garner the necessary attention and support to save our lives and protect us from harm.
Please, do not leave us alone in this ordeal. We need your help now more than ever.🙏🙏🙏🌹❤️‍🩹
With heartfelt appreciation and hope for a prompt and effective response,
Ahmed Alanqer
@fairuzfan @ibtisams @fallahifag @vakarians-babe @sar-soor @plomegranate @nabulsi @sayruq @palipunk @palidoodles @el-shab-hussein @communistchilchuck @northgazaupdates @queerstudiesnatural @bluebellsinthedells @palestine @rizzyluke @kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist @thenewgothictwice @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill @jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @petracourtjester @labutansa @sammywo @autistwizard @tortiefrancis @sparklinpixiedust @feluka @revcuse @golvio @leftismsideblog @star-and-space-ace @rainbowywitch @marscodes @oursapphirestar @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @boyvander @the-bastard-king @13ag21k @agentfascinateur @marnota @shellofashadow @ammonitetheseaserpent @girlinafairytale
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mousedetective · 2 days
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So we were (thankfully) able to cover most of the charges that came out on the first and pay our storage units. We have two more loan payments coming out on the 10th but I'm not as worried about those as I am the larger loans I have. I make $1200 a month, and I might be able to get help with the two I just made payments on, but the loan I have to make the first payment for on August 3rd is $550, and that's going to wipe me out and I have to have $1000 saved by August 18th to more into temporary (but more stable) housing.
I probably will continue to pay one of the two smaller loans if I can pay one of them off, or pay the largest loan if I can pay the smaller two off, but either way I want to make payments on them to knock what I owe down/pay them off completely, so any help at all would be utterly amazing. And any help raising the $1000 for housing in August would be much appreciated.
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jinglyjangly · 3 days
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heeey I know I don't post much lately and rarely post art, and the biggest reason is because my cat was diagnosed with FIP earlier this year in April and it's been really stressful, especially since we've already lost a cat to FIP.
Basically, I've had to pay out of pocket for her medication and tests. I've used up most of my savings already and I need to get through her last month of doses and vet bill. It' will end up being about $540 (plus shipping so about $600) for her medication, and about $300 for her vet bill on July 12.
If you want cheaper options:
$22 half body sketches/ $43 for full body sketches
$30 for half body line art/ $60 for full body line art
$13 for line art icon / $20 for full color icon
just private message me here or on ko-fi!
or, if you can just reblog this so anyone could donate a few bucks that would be appreciated!
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virozero · 1 day
Help trans couple move to stable housing!
@aurotoiras and I are moving cross country to stable housing so we can finally get back on our feet and not face eviction and starvation every month
We are taking a 19 hour road trip with 3 cats in a single go to make this happen on August 31st
So that being said we still need to pay 2100+ for our current rent and bills and that is without food costs and being able to save
Auro is the only one with a job because for some reason I haven't landed one in months
I have opened commissions sft and nsfw as well as selling almost everything I own and it's not enough
Our current goal for just the trip is $650
that is the bare minimum
Anything HELPS!!
Cash App $Viro0
Ko-Fi (Has stripe)
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infinitydivine · 5 hours
Urgent need⚠️Fundraiser for a new Laptop/Tablet
Hello everyone! I am so sorry to appear in your feed but I could really use some help. I have been dealing with Laptop issues for one month now and now the service center told me that they can't do anything about it because it is beyond repair now. I was told that something about its motherboard or hardware wasn't working so I waited. I used all my savings to pay for my therapy and University fees (along with bank loans). So, if anyone who is reading this is kind enough to tip/donate or get a reading from me, I will be very much thankful to you. The money will be used to get a new Laptop or a new Tablet. Otherwise, sharing or reblog will do so too.
Thank you and Love,
PS- The minimum target is $300-$400
Update- Still need minimum $300
💌Ko-fi for readings and tips 💌My Paid Tarot reading Services 💌Love readings 💌Paid Reading reviews 💌$10 and $15 services 💌Collective readings Masterlist
🌸For Paypal Payment, DM me
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