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olibana · 22 days ago
Everything is Sound
When I began my studies in Buddhism back in 2000, I discovered insights into the nature of reality that profoundly impacted my perception of the universe and myself. While still very young and an avid reader from a very early age, someone put a classic book called the Kybalion into my hands. Both bodies of teachings showed interesting similarities; one of them had always “resonated” with me, and…
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greenpurplelight · 2 years ago
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£40 For every print!
You may request artwork of your own.
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theresajanday-blog · 3 years ago
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The world beneath Atlantis remembering letting go of these #artwork that I produced way back in 2002 2 20x50 canvas one landscape one portrait they remind me so much of ice cave dream like vision of underwater submerged land beneath the ice and snow and water a different world in a time or memory that has a Dreamlight quality that I was trying to portray that now has much more meaning #Atlantis #Vision #Memory #IceCave #CrystalCave #Water #Waterscape #instagramartist #artforsale #Antarcticanode #yosoy #vitionsoncanvas #blue #sea #Atlantic #Starseed #Galactic #energyart #FrequencyArt #ChannelledArt https://www.instagram.com/p/CbAxnceMtqK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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almaclara · 5 years ago
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Join me over in IG stories to do some #journaling and #selfdiscovery on our #creativity #passion and #souljourney as I discuss an #oraclecard from @tealswanofficial #tarot. It’s her original #frequencyart on the cards and the messages are amazing. Let’s talk for a few minutes about the #higher purpose card (in reverse) and recommit to our joy and inner knowing. #intuition #loa #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/CB8XuKKgWvx/?igshid=1dmqjgnffaj4p
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awakenedrabbit · 7 years ago
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Integration of the #Zodiac part one. #Pieces, #Aquarius, #Capricorn, #Sagittarius, #Scorpio, #Libra. #frequencyhealing #frequency #frequencyart #energyart #healingart #meditationart
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indigowarriormusic · 8 years ago
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Weight Loss Mastery Frequency Art! Companion to the new CD Weight Loss Mastery I just released last night! Soon to be on iTunes! This is my 10th iTunes album! Since I was 10 years old, I have been "composing" or rather dreaming and channeling / receiving music from Source and my inner guides. I do not understand or have conscious awareness of the music coming through me, I just pray that G-D sends whatever music the world needs most, press record, and the music is literally sent through me. I am simply a vessel. Empty. No judgement of what needs to come or how it should sound. I trust that whatever comes is perfect and what is needed. I feel the profound light and healing coming through me as I play, the love of the higher dimensions of joy and bliss. It feels like a cosmic joke that my 10th CD should be about weight loss of all things! Yet this is what came through me and the healing within this music is so profound, it literally can create worlds, move mountains and lift even the heaviest of blocks. Although this music contains profound healing for powerful weight loss, it's greatest gift is it brings the power back to you, the listener. You are your own best healer. You know what is right for you and what isn't. You know who you are and why you came here beyond what any person may tell you. And you alone hold the keys, codes, and power within yourself. This CD is here to remind you of that inner power, to awaken your own power within. It is my greatest honor to hand the keys back to you. That is Mastery. Wishing you a beautiful day! 💙Pam Art available at: society6.com/indigowarrior Music by Pamela Storch on iTunes (9 CD's and my 10th, Weight Loss Mastery to go live shortly, probably within the next few days) If you would like to see how I "compose" check out my YouTube video: Original Piano: Love Energy Music: Real-Time Frequency Composition - Pamela Storch My YouTube Channel: Indigo Warrior Music Website: IndigoWarriorMusic.weebly.com #pamelastorch #art #music #newart #newmusic #weightlossmastery #weightloss #loseweight #findyourself #mastery #love #itunes #society6 #frequencyart #healing #composer #original #5d #newage
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phoenixismrise-blog · 6 years ago
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🎊🙌Sale Extended!!!!!!!🙌🎉 . . . #ThatsPhoenix_Ism #Phoenix_Ism #FlashSale #Sale #Savings #COPPER #HEALING #NATURAL #JewelrySale #jewelry #copperjewelry #WellnessSale #wellness #holisticcare #naturalhealing #farmacy #herbaldetox #herbaloils #ResinOils #resin #art #frequencyart (at Phoenix-Ism) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtvwFvQn3v_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fcmgxcvm86oy
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jasondoan · 7 years ago
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Many thanks to all those who came out last night to join me and @__mont._ for a night of art and music with @thepineconebus and @praymantha. Thanks also to #frequencyarts and @studiomraz for making it possible. (at Frequency Arts)
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journeyintuit · 3 years ago
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Light Language encoded art 🔥 🔥 🔥 #lightlanguage #lightlanguageart #lightlanguageactivation #dragon #dragonenergy #dragonart #starseeds #starseed #firewithin #passion #purpose #lifepath #energyhealing #healingart #spiritualawakening #ascension #5d #spirituality #art #encodedart #frequencyart #higherfrequency https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccxkx_oOVmM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pamelastorch · 7 years ago
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Nurturing Flowers in Pink takes the viewer to a vibrant realm of self care and love. Nurture yourself and feel enveloped in unconditional acceptance. Prints, throw pillows & tons more available at society6.com/indigowarrior Enjoy! Love, Pam 💓🦄🦋😇💜💎 #pamelastorch #frequencyart #art #newart #nurturingflowersinpink #pinkflowers #flowers #flowerart #flowingflowers #nurturing #healingart #vibrantart #love
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pamelastorch · 7 years ago
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Nature's Vision Quest seeks to teach the wisdom of the reeds. When adversity strikes, do not look at the obstacles, the barriers, the measures of time or notes within the symphony themselves, look between them. See the space that is infinite and eternal, the veil of illusion and the infinite vastness behind it. Look beyond what is the form, and see eternity. For the form is but a holding place, a separation, the keys, within the piano keyboard of life. This world is but an illusion of seeing how the keys are blocking themselves, how they are wrong, and bad and need to be fixed or changed in some way. Complete illusion. Yet if we look with the lens of perfection, we will see they are not separate entities among themselves, but all part of the infinite whole, with each note being played by the Creator in perfect divine timing. Would we call a note on the piano keyboard lazy if it was not yet played within the perfection of the Divine song? Of course not! So too with our own lives. Each and every one of us are a key on the piano keyboard of life, playing our part in the Divine symphony of love. With perfect timing and perfection in every aspect, our only responsibility in order to leave the veil of illusion, is to see that everything in our lives, and every person in our lives, is perfect. For is Divinity separate from itself? Would Divinity separate itself from the keys it plays? Or is it Divinity as the keys, playing itself in a perfect symphony of exquisite beauty? Only Divinity can answer that question, and each key of Divinity as we all are in our own unique life experience. With infinite blessings. -Pamela Storch Prints available at pamelastorch.com #pamelastorch #frequencyart #art #naturesvisionquest #newart #nature #reeds #pond #spiritual #meditation #consciousness #5d #divinesymphony #perfection #weareone #unity #love
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pamelastorch · 5 years ago
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I created this art today. Multidimensional Harmonics Generator. It’s kind of funny, when I create art, I ask the art what it does, and I write it’s response. This is what it told me: Multidimensional Harmonics Generator is a frequency generator of harmonics for multidimensional experience. It can assist a person to access realms beyond what they would normally access during regular waking life. It is a tool for meditation, that can be used with relaxed focus, or by crossing the eyes and then finding the balanced center of vision, similar to 3D eye training tutorials. Allow this art to "speak" to you in any way it needs, or you may "hear" sounds, frequencies, etc. There is no "right or wrong" way, allow whatever comes, or hold an intention with focus if that is your path. Indeed each grid that unfolds before you, creates an entirely new way of seeing the art, shifting the "reality" of the entire piece, and indeed changing the way you see the world. There are literally infinite ways to see this art, and you may experience something different each time you return. Prints available on my website. Link in bio. Wishing everyone a beautiful day! Love, Pam #pamelastorch #newart #multidimensionalharmonicsgenerator #blackandwhite #geometric #frequencyart #multidimensional #harmonics #art https://www.instagram.com/p/B_WTAZ1Hwlb/?igshid=nue2onajcj3d
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pamelastorch · 6 years ago
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Flower Petals of the 8th Seal "The Weakness Remedy"
For full effect and description, click link:
(best results on computer/laptop)
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pamelastorch · 6 years ago
The Tuning Tree | Frequency Art | Pamela Storch
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pamelastorch · 6 years ago
Healing Frequency for Despair
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pamelastorch · 6 years ago
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Loving my Metatronic Light Design mug from society6. If anyone wants one, or any of my art products, there is a massive cyber Monday sale going on right now at https://society6.com/indigowarrior Enjoy :) Love, Pam 🦄💓💎🦋🎉🎨 #pamelastorch #art #society6 #sale #frequencyart #cybermonday #now #tonight #mug #metatroniclightdesign #Metatron #angels #loveit #tea #pukka #tulsi #threetulsi #pukkaherbs #besttea #bestmug #awesometea #awesomemug #yay #love https://www.instagram.com/p/BqnxNBCHY-a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i4qpdw3jqb1o
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