#Freedom for Palestine 🇵🇸
madouuuuuu · 1 year
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samerpal · 2 months
🚨Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive🚨 🕊️🇵🇸 🍉🌹
Hi 👋 my friends My name is Samer Abu Ras, and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and shattered hopes after the war in Gaza destroyed my life and my family’s. Our days were once filled with peace and security, but now we are homeless, without shelter or income, facing a bleak future. My wife Shorouq and our three children are suffering from psychological and health traumas due to this catastrophe. We lost our home and our jobs, and now we seek warmth in cold streets.
“Please note, The goal of our fundraising campaign is to raise $43,000, which is = equivalent to 450,000 SEK.
My friends, the currency used in the fundraising campaign is the Swedish Krona (SEK), and every 50 SEK is equivalent to 5 USD.”
10$ = 100 SEK
50$= 500 SEK
100$= 1000 SEK
200$= 2000 SEK
My original story link
🕊️🇵🇸Member at Gaza vetters🇵🇸🕊️
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My children 🧒 👧 , who once lived in safety, are now gripped by fear and displacement. As a father, I feel deep sorrow and helplessness for not being able to protect them. Today, I am making a humanitarian plea, asking for assistance to rebuild our lives and find a safe and stable environment. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in our lives.
Let us make hope triumph over despair and restore smiles and dignity to my family.
Thank you to everyone who listens to my plea and offers a helping hand and donation to change our future for the better.
With heartfelt gratitude and appreciation
Note our campaign vetted by
@sar-soor @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @ibtisams
Verification source: number 196 on users el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's master list
Attached is my Instagram account, my friends, for more information and details.
@schoolhater 🌹@victoriawhimsey 🌹
@pocketsizedquasar-2 🌹
@turtletoria 🌹 @rinnie
@ut-against-genocide 🌹
@ethanscrocs 🌹 @punkitt-is-here 🌹 @plomegranate 🌹 @gazavetters 🌹
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rehamoworld · 2 months
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Please help my girl 🙏🙏
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fresh-snow · 10 months
Nelson Mandela was in USA's terror watchlist until *2008. The guy who fought against apartheid state of South Africa, won a Nobel peace prize, became a president, a beloved character across the globe was in the terror watchlist of USA. So I wouldn't actually take murica's opinion about labeling a person or group of people as terrorists. Chances are they're actually fighting for the freedom of their country.
That's why they call Hamas terrorists instead of freedom fighters. In their eyes The Nelson Mandela was a terrorist.
Anyways as Nelson Mandela said
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Free Palestine 🇵🇸🍉
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anqarfamily · 8 days
My campaign has been Verified and Vetted, and is now listed on the :
🌟Gaza Donations [On The List Of Fundraisers] that have been verified by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi at line number 264.
🌟Butterfly Effect project at line number 741.
And Verify & Share by :
@nabulsi @90-ghost @appsa @heritageposts @communistchilchuck @apollos-olives @vakarians-babe @sar-soor @commissions4aid-international @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @fairuzfan
From the Ashes of War: A Father’s Cry for His Children’s Future ❤️‍🩹
Imagine watching your children’s future slip away before your eyes, while their present is caught between death and injury. 💔
In a world full of painful stories, our story in Gaza is one that bleeds and cannot be ignored. I had previously started sharing our pain and hopes through my Tumblr account, where I found in you a support that eased the harshness of the days. But now, that account has been closed for reasons I cannot understand, deepening my sense of isolation in this dark world. 😞
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I am Ahmed, an ordinary man whose responsibilities have become heavier than any human heart can bear. A father of five young children who look to me every day with eyes filled with fear and hope, and a husband to a woman who has proven to be a source of patience and strength in every moment. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
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This war has destroyed everything. We lost our home, our dreams, and even the simplest rights to live in peace. I once dreamed of seeing my children grow up in a safe environment, but that dream shatters day by day. 💔
The war no longer affects just our present. Our memories have been erased, every beautiful moment destroyed, and our past scattered among the ruins of homes and shattered recollections. 😢 Our present is drowning in blood and destruction, a never-ending war that follows us every second and in every place. And the future? It’s unknown, terrifying, and we have no idea what it holds for us. 😔
Every day we live here is a battle for survival. We face terror, hunger, and fear of a future we cannot predict. We hoped to find refuge, a place where we could feel safe, but even that has become unattainable. 🏚️
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I have returned now with a new account and a new plea to everyone reading my words. I have no other place to turn but to your words and support. 🙏 Every share of my campaign, every financial contribution, means that I am one step closer to saving my family from this hell. I don’t ask for much. I only ask for hope – hope that my children will see a day without fear, that they will live a dignified life, and that they will find a place in this world far from the sounds of bombs and destruction. 🌱
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Help me raise my voice and the voice of everyone in Gaza. We need you. 🌍 The campaign link is in the bio. Even the smallest step can make a huge difference.
@determinate-negation @serialunaliver @feluka @opencommunion @ask-muslim-anon
@womenintheirwebs @anneemay @werewolf-transgenderism @fiqrr @pansyfemme
@tesseract-s @kindaorangey @murderballadeer @tortiefrancis @deepspaceboytoy
@laz-laz-ace-pilot @irhabiya @paper-mario-wiki @27-moons @i-am-aprl
@papayajuan2019 @punkitt-is-here @jame7t @ana-bananya @rhubarbspring
@fromjannah @slicedblackolives @txttletale @thatdiabolicalfeminist @oliviawebsite
@leolaroot @incognitopolls @klingerhabibi @bookskittychad @kahin
@pangur-and-grim @romanceyourdemons @perfectlyperiwinkle @dykesbat @deathlonging
@cenobutch @appsa @turian @transmutationisms @burntoutandproud
@three-croissants @brutaliakhoa
@briarhips @bazwillendinflames
@killy @silicacid @fairuzfan @riding- @apollos-olives @acepumpkinpatrick
@laios-thorden @postanagramgenerator @thatdiabolicalfeminist
@economicinflationkink @just-complete-trash @punkitt-is-here @irradiatedcarseat
@luminesnake @eggyolkperona3000 @laz-laz @monstermashpotato
@wellwaterhysteria @iyherpei @brutaliakhoa @timogsilangan @a-shade-of-blue
@cenobutch @appsa @turian
@transmutationisms @burntoutandproud
@three-croissants @brutaliakhoa @briarhips @bazwillendinflames
Help me achieve this simple dream. Please, don’t leave us to face this fate alone. 🌟
If you're unable to donate, even a small amount, I kindly ask that you reblog & share this post with your friends so our message can reach the world.
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monamoon8 · 4 months
These are Omar(2) and Salah(5), Bilal's nephews. 8 months ago, they were enjoying the warmth of their home and being pampered by their parents and everyone in the family. The pictures below are from Omar's first birthday. Bilal told me how he was the one who prepared everything for the surprise party. He was,then, so excited to gather the whole family and give Omar a memorable first birthday and bring joy to everybody.
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Now, Omar and Salah are going through hardships no child should be experiencing. They are surrounded by rubble and unsanitary conditions wherever they go; not to mention the random bombings that threaten their lives every moment of every day. Omar took his first steps while being displaced in a tent in Rafah. Imagine your baby learning to walk in a refugee camp under the constant buzzing of drones! The children and the whole family had to endure the cold winter and being drenched by rain in their flimsy tent, and now they have to go through the unbearable heat in the same inhumane circumstances. As if all this suffering wasn't enough, the occupation is currently asking everyone in Rafah to evacuate again, even the hospitals!
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The survival of Omar, Salah, and the whole family in now more than ever at stake. Bilal has been in Germany for a year or so now. The thought that he might never get to see his beloved nephews again haunts him every day. He humbly asks for your support to help him keep his loved ones safe until he has the chance to reunite with them, hopefully as soon as possible. Please donate any amount you can spare and reblog this post. Every contribution can make a difference and restore the family's hope!
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abeer-family77 · 9 days
A woman suffering from asthma needs your help and support😷😷🚫🇵🇸🚫🚑🚑🚑
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This is my life please help share and Donate anything you can 😷😭😭😭😭💔⛔️⛔️
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sunnywalnut · 4 months
Hi. Yes. It is me. Random American. Here to remind you all (and myself) to do your daily clicks.
It has been over 75 years that Gaza has been under attack, being bombarded and genocided by the IDF. And things are not getting any better. I have witnessed with my very eyes, people fall off and forget about Palestine.
All eyes on Rafah.
Free Palestine 🍉
And remember. Each click for each cause counts as it's own. So you can click each and every one of them all in the same day.
From the river to the sea.
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northgazaupdates · 5 months
From a follower:
Please sign this petition to the Irish government to register the Freedom Flotilla under the Irish flag. You do not need to be an Irish citizen, but if you are, please indicate so in the relevant answer box.
The Freedom Flotilla is carrying tons of humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip. However, the country which had registered the main ship under its flag has inexplicably revoked the registration. The Flotilla is asking for the government of Ireland to register the ship under the Irish flag so that it may legally resume its journey. More information is available at the link, but here is a brief excerpt:
We are calling on the Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, as a Qualified person under "The Mercantile Marine Act, 1955, as amended by the Merchant Shipping
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1998, and Sea-Fisheries and Maritime Jurisdiction Act, 2006" To Register the Freedom Flotilla ships as an Irish ships and allow it to sail to Gaza under the Irish Flag!
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pal1cam · 5 months
Today marks the 17th of April, which is Palestinian prisoner day…
on such an occasion we wish for all of our innocent and beloved detainees and prisoners who have been put (without a charge, or because of wrongful and false accusations) inside the occupation’s prisons to very soon be released, to be able to experience life between us as it is and to gain back their freedom that they have been deprived from for months, if not even years or decades.
we wish that in a few years, when it is again the 17th of April, we’ll be looking back at this day and date in a Free Palestine while telling these stories of detainment and imprisonment as something of the past that will never bother us or come upon our lives to ruin them ever again.
on this day, we wish for the mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, daughters, sons, grandchildren and friends of those imprisoned to have endless amounts of patience, faith and hope until their loved ones are released.
الحرّية لأسرى الحرّية 🍉
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For Historical Context : The Palestinian National Council chose April 17 as Palestinian Prisoner’s Day in 1974 because it was the date that Mahmoud Bakr Hijazi was released in the first prisoner exchange between Israel and Palestine in 1971.
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alhabilgaza · 1 month
Hello dear, 😇
can you help my family to evacuate from Gaza. I lost my brother Tamem,20 years, I do not lose any siblings more 💔. Please share and donate my link here.
I will appreciate your help❤️
I am on Olives Branch spreadsheet line 98 .and on Butterflyeffect project line 20 . can you creat video to help us ❤️.
link : https://gofund.me/75df2a4f
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eyadeyadsblog · 2 months
"Help me and my family escape this raging war in order to survive."
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Since October 7th, our lives have turned into misery.
My family and I are separated by barriers, despite being just a few kilometers apart. My family has been living in the besieged northern sector for over two months, deprived of food, water, and medicine, and they are suffering immensely.
My daughter, Sara, is experiencing dehydration and malnutrition due to the lack of food and contaminated water.
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My son, Sami, narrowly escaped a severe explosion while trying to get water.
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What is the fault of my innocent children living in a brutal war environment beyond their control? Why are they deprived of education, health, food, and water? They live in refugee schools that lack privacy, comfort, and safety, and move between the rubble of destroyed buildings and streets with no infrastructure. Why are we forced to live in a city that has become uninhabitable due to destruction and devastation?
What is happening to us is a genocide by people who k now no mercy or the laws of war. I ask everyone who reads my story to help me and my family raise funds to leave the Gaza Strip as soon as possible before it's too late.
Thank you 🙏🙏🌹
My account is vetted by
@90-ghost and @northgazaupdates.
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zionanelequaso · 7 months
stop kosa and free palestine
I said what was needed to be said
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rehamoworld · 9 days
📎A wish and a distant dream
I hope to bring back the smile to my children's faces so they can live like the rest of the children in the world.
They were deprived of their most basic rights, such as play, education, security, safety, and living in a healthy environment.
I wish I could see my children go to school and take them to play and have fun. But there will be nothing left. Israel has destroyed everything. There is no place for us to go.
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I hope the war stops and our lives go back to how they were before.
Please help me to protect my children 🙏🙏
@appsa @antinmonyie @brokenbackmountain @rayane-ai @riku234 @taviamoth @therottenkingsreckoning @thedigitalbard @muminshoom @inspiring-pictures @iglovequotes @pusheen @dvanaestmrva @girlinafairytale @geekydragon @heritageposts @honeytonedhottie @cheloneuniverse @nabulsi @stalinistqueens @sar-soor @sissa-arrows @northgazaupdates2
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nando161mando · 3 months
🚨🇾🇪 BREAKING: The Yemeni Armed Forces announce, in cooperation with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, the targeting of a vital target at the Port of Asdod (north of #Gaza), as well as the targeting of an important target in the Port of Haifa.
Additionally, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a qualitative operation targeting the ship "TUTOR" in the Red Sea, due to its parent company's violation of the ban on the ports of occupied Palestine.
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
Track Freedom Flotilla here:
Please keep Freedom Flotilla on your radar for the next few days!! I hope every activist that is aboard this ship is able to safely deliver aid into Gaza, and that Palestinian people/medical staff on the ground receive ALL this support from every person involved in making this happen.
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