📣🚨Please don't skip 🛑
Today I went to the north of Gaza and walked a continuous distance of 16 kilometers. Unfortunately, I found our house completely destroyed. It was a great and painful shock to see the house in which we lived the most beautiful moments of our lives. Now I am sure that we will remain for a long time inside small plastic tents. Please do not ignore my suffering. A donation, even if it is small, makes a difference in my family’s needs 🙏🙏🙏🚨🚨🚨📣
Please help me 🙏🙏🚨🛑
My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@ghostofanonpast @phoibos-querella @button-phobia-is-real @candycatstuffs @frogsprince @shadowxamyweek @littlemissmav @porterr-robinson @controlaltdelete-my-existence @candycatstuffs @phoibos-querella @commissions4aid-international @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness-blog @guldaastan @555cat @reuna @its-uh-bella @guldaastan @lyricallinder @inkwingart @makjeon @tailesssheepdog @jayflrt @beedok @lucin-kun @pumpkinfrog @mira0000000-blog @thenaiads @sadhoc @wutheringheightsfilm @dirhwangdaseul-archived @aroacemenace @virsancte @dirhwangdaseul @gazavetters @mustikkaotso @galax-dragon @doublechinfluencer @kosmicpowers @vampiricvenus @iero @killer-wizard @leovaldeeeznuts @plumfritters @deadmoss @infectiouspiss @reuna @wolven-chimera-2023 @dreamingamongthestars
-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded
@xigrif @pocket-deer-boy @pregnantseinfeld
@ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus paper
@appsa @nerdyqueerr @butchsunsetshimmer
#free gaza#free palestine#gaza#gaza fights for freedom#gaza free#gaza genocide#gaza under attack#gaza under siege#palestine fundraiser#palestinian genocide
19 notes
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🚨📣Please don't skip 🚨
Targeting the tents of the displaced near the camp where I am located, led to the killing and wounding of dozens of children and women. Help us evacuate from Gaza. Please contribute with donations for my family 🙏🫂🍉⛺⛺⛺⛺😢😭😭

My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@raccoon-in-a-hoodie @ezrazone @emathyst9 @wolfythewitch @queerdocumentary-blog @quecksilvereyes @anneemay-blog @averagenotnormal @sleevesareforlosers @sinnamontrash @determinate-negation @dormimi-zzz @fuckyeahanarchistposters @gerbildine @generallyjl @good-old-gossip @heydreamchild @jezior0 @komsomolka @lesbianmaxevans @t-800terminator-blog @memewhore @cinematicjourney @freewatermelon0 @free-universe @free-your-mind @freepeople @gaxaly @gaza @gazanarchive @gazaboovintage @gofucktumblir @gofundmereach-blog @gofu @gofundmesharing @factcheckdotorg @kidovna @usaproblems @irlandzkicukier @itlandscapes @hellprincess @heart @helpingg @dontrytoresurrect @doniabatata @a-shade-of-blue @rainy-fog
🛑This is a message from my daughter Sarah to you about the suffering of obtaining bread with the high prices and the famine spreading in Gaza in light of the lack of flour 😭😭😭😭‼️‼️⛺⛺⛺🌪️
Please help my family🙏
My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@isuggestforcefem @backfliips @xenodile @solarpunkcast
@white-chalk-sapphomet @shamemp3 @shadow-von-vamp
@solarpunkwitchcraft @gabzilla-z @joshpeck @endorphinmachine
@sealbf @extremelycursedimages @rednines @renmorris
@pastel-cryptids @pyrrhuria @chiiri-h @pespillo @jinsouled
@linterteatime @mirrorcage @jezior0 @a-shade-of-blue @kil9
@saturngalore @laraenglish @bogor-o @left-reminders @killyourhistory
@strawberryblondie-locks @thesituation @divortion @longseasons @subwaystation
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @corpse-rat @fromthesuns
@astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans @mitsukai974
@ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper
@ratboyspamton @semothekat
@maggmagnolia @mayonaisalspray
@laios-thorden @original-character-chaos
@grandpom @omens-augury @fagarl@ akaratna ezras-starry-bridges @meowmaids
@springacres @yvenin @thescavenger29
@intheindigo @horrorcore2002 @aceofrage
@the-bitch-in-the-tower @astronotez @prokyon
@gaysebastianvael @doug-dimmadumb @lovecatsys
@baandar @lampthehealthminister
#free gaza#free palestine#gaza fights for freedom#gaza#gaza free#gaza genocide#gaza under attack#gaza under siege#palestine fundraiser#palestinian genocide#gaza strip#gazaunderattack#palestine freedom#save palestine#i stand with palestine#gaza under bombardment#fundraiser#gaza fundraiser#freepalastine🇵🇸
252 notes
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🚨 please help me 🚨
Getting a bag of flour has become part of dreams in GAZA , the price of this flour is $300 😢😭 , please donate to us so that we can buy flour🙏🫂🍉⛺

My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@huznilal-blog @daily-click-reminders @2spirit-0spoons @postanagramgenerator @redbuddi @triptrippy @a-shade-of-blue @papenathys @hiveswap @paandaan @anneemay-blog @itsfookingloosah @zeia-reblog-blog @hojoslutoru @skiddlecat @gremlinandacrow @t4t4t @grapejuicedragoon @itwashotwestayedinthewater @sippybug @plum-sours @stars-and-soda @longlivepalestina @fanonical @lakesbian @plaidos @metamatar @the-eldritch-it-gay @sabertoothwalrus @pawberri @jezior0 @amaraabbz @palhelp @isuggestforcefem @xenodile @solarpunkcast
@white-chalk-sapphomet @shamemp3 @shadow-von-vamp
@solarpunkwitchcraft @gabzilla-z @joshpeck @endorphinmachine
@sealbf @extremelycursedimages @rednines @renmorris
@pastel-cryptids @pyrrhuria @chiiri-h @pespillo @jinsouled
@saturngalore @laraenglish @bogor-o @left-reminders
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @corpse-rat @sauleline2 @fromthesuns
@astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans @mitsukai974
@ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper @antipsychotic-medication
@ratboyspamton @allhailshadow @semothekat @schma
@maggmagnolia @il-lui-serra-la-main @mayonaisalspray
@laios-thorden @original-character-chaos
@grandpom @omens-augury @fagarlic
@akaratna @ezras-starry-bridges @meowmaids
@springacres @yvenin @thescavenger29
@intheindigo @horrorcore2002 @aceofrage
@the-bitch-in-the-tower @astronotez @prokyon
@gaysebastianvael @doug-dimmadumb @lovecatsys
@baandar @lampthehealthminister
🛑This is a message from my daughter Sarah to you about the suffering of obtaining bread with the high prices and the famine spreading in Gaza in light of the lack of flour 😭😭😭😭‼️‼️⛺⛺⛺🌪️
Please help my family🙏
My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@isuggestforcefem @backfliips @xenodile @solarpunkcast
@white-chalk-sapphomet @shamemp3 @shadow-von-vamp
@solarpunkwitchcraft @gabzilla-z @joshpeck @endorphinmachine
@sealbf @extremelycursedimages @rednines @renmorris
@pastel-cryptids @pyrrhuria @chiiri-h @pespillo @jinsouled
@linterteatime @mirrorcage @jezior0 @a-shade-of-blue @kil9
@saturngalore @laraenglish @bogor-o @left-reminders @killyourhistory
@strawberryblondie-locks @thesituation @divortion @longseasons @subwaystation
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @corpse-rat @fromthesuns
@astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans @mitsukai974
@ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper
@ratboyspamton @semothekat
@maggmagnolia @mayonaisalspray
@laios-thorden @original-character-chaos
@grandpom @omens-augury @fagarl@ akaratna ezras-starry-bridges @meowmaids
@springacres @yvenin @thescavenger29
@intheindigo @horrorcore2002 @aceofrage
@the-bitch-in-the-tower @astronotez @prokyon
@gaysebastianvael @doug-dimmadumb @lovecatsys
@baandar @lampthehealthminister
#free gaza#free palestine#gaza fights for freedom#gaza#gaza free#gaza genocide#gaza under attack#gaza under siege#palestine fundraiser#palestinian genocide#gaza strip#gazaunderattack#palestine freedom#save palestine#i stand with palestine#gaza under bombardment#fundraiser#gaza fundraiser#freepalastine🇵🇸
252 notes
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For the tenth consecutive day of bakeries being closed in Gaza City, this is my daily bread ration as we start to run out of flour😢😢😭😭
The price of a kilo of flour in Gaza is 35$💰💸😭
Please help with a donation so we can buy flour for my family🙏🙏🙏💔💔😢😢🫂🫂

My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@raccoon-in-a-hoodie @ezrazone @emathyst9 @wolfythewitch @queerdocumentary-blog @quecksilvereyes @anneemay-blog @angelslough @averagenotnormal @sleevesareforlosers @sinnamontrash @determinate-negation @dormimi-zzz @fuckyeahanarchistposters @gerbildine @generallyjl @good-old-gossip @heydreamchild @jezior0 @komsomolka @lesbianmaxevans @t-800terminator-blog @memewhore @cinematicjourney @freewatermelon0 @free-universe @free-your-mind @freepeople @gaxaly @gaza @gazanarchive @gazaboovintage @gofucktumblir @gofundmereach-blog @gofu @gofundmesharing @unreadable @factcheckdotorg @kidovna @usaproblems @irlandzkicukier @itlandscapes @helpfvl @hellprincess @heart @helpingg @dontrytoresurrect @doniabatata
@strawberryblondie-locks @thesituation @divortion @longseasons @subwaystation
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @corpse-rat @sauleline 2 @fromthesuns
@astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans @mitsukai974
@ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper @antipsychotic
@ratboyspamton @allhailshadow @semothekat @schmata
@maggmagnolia @il-lui-serra-la-main @mayonaisalspray
@laios-thorden @original-character-chaos
@grandpom @omens-augury @fagarl@ akaratna ezras-starry-bridges @meowmaids
@springacres @yvenin @thescavenger29
@intheindigo @horrorcore2002 @aceofrage
@the-bitch-in-the-tower @astronotez @prokyon
@gaysebastianvael @doug-dimmadumb @lovecatsys
@baandar @lampthehealthminister
🛑This is a message from my daughter Sarah to you about the suffering of obtaining bread with the high prices and the famine spreading in Gaza in light of the lack of flour 😭😭😭😭‼️‼️⛺⛺⛺🌪️
Please help my family🙏
My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@isuggestforcefem @backfliips @xenodile @solarpunkcast
@white-chalk-sapphomet @shamemp3 @shadow-von-vamp
@solarpunkwitchcraft @gabzilla-z @joshpeck @endorphinmachine
@sealbf @extremelycursedimages @rednines @renmorris
@pastel-cryptids @pyrrhuria @chiiri-h @pespillo @jinsouled
@linterteatime @mirrorcage @jezior0 @a-shade-of-blue @kil9
@saturngalore @laraenglish @bogor-o @left-reminders @killyourhistory
@strawberryblondie-locks @thesituation @divortion @longseasons @subwaystation
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @corpse-rat @fromthesuns
@astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans @mitsukai974
@ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper
@ratboyspamton @semothekat
@maggmagnolia @mayonaisalspray
@laios-thorden @original-character-chaos
@grandpom @omens-augury @fagarl@ akaratna ezras-starry-bridges @meowmaids
@springacres @yvenin @thescavenger29
@intheindigo @horrorcore2002 @aceofrage
@the-bitch-in-the-tower @astronotez @prokyon
@gaysebastianvael @doug-dimmadumb @lovecatsys
@baandar @lampthehealthminister
#free gaza#free palestine#gaza fights for freedom#gaza#gaza free#gaza genocide#gaza under attack#gaza under siege#palestine fundraiser#palestinian genocide#gaza strip#gazaunderattack#palestine freedom#save palestine#i stand with palestine#gaza under bombardment#fundraiser#gaza fundraiser#freepalastine🇵🇸
252 notes
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🚨📣please help me📣🚨
Since the morning hours, artillery shelling and drones have been randomly firing bullets at our homes. My children have lived long hours of fear and terror. A missile fell on the house next to us. Please help me and my family get out of Gaza 🙏🙏🫂🫂
Every donation, even if it is as small as ( 5€ euros ) , will help save my family 🍉⛺🇵🇸🙏🙏🙏

My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@buttercuparry @lesbiankakyoin @lesbianmaxevans @cartoonrival @appsa @nnnnnnnnnnnnnnsposts @commissions4aid-international @sweet-honey-bunnies @schoolhater98 @bilal-salah0 @nabulsisoap @mar64ds @ankle-beez @khangerinedreams @sayruq @komsomolka @kordeliiius @shesnake @palestine-button-reminder @vithcy @versacethotty @boy-and-girl-crazy123456 @neptunerings @lorillee @virfujiwara @jadenvargen @madeline-kahn @vortex-of-beats @shady-mc-muffin @dlxxv-vetted-donations @dalawamput-apat-na-sinag-tala @dalebambam @zeravmain @zndr315-blog @lesbianpinkie @lesserbeans @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @humanwheatleyslefttoenail @rainy-fog @horcore-blog @postanagramgenerator @mangocheesecake @jezior0 @a-shade-of-blue @killyourhistory
🛑This is a message from my daughter Sarah to you about the suffering of obtaining bread with the high prices and the famine spreading in Gaza in light of the lack of flour 😭😭😭😭‼️‼️⛺⛺⛺🌪️
Please help my family🙏
My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@isuggestforcefem @backfliips @xenodile @solarpunkcast
@white-chalk-sapphomet @shamemp3 @shadow-von-vamp
@solarpunkwitchcraft @gabzilla-z @joshpeck @endorphinmachine
@sealbf @extremelycursedimages @rednines @renmorris
@pastel-cryptids @pyrrhuria @chiiri-h @pespillo @jinsouled
@linterteatime @mirrorcage @jezior0 @a-shade-of-blue @kil9
@saturngalore @laraenglish @bogor-o @left-reminders @killyourhistory
@strawberryblondie-locks @thesituation @divortion @longseasons @subwaystation
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @corpse-rat @fromthesuns
@astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans @mitsukai974
@ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper
@ratboyspamton @semothekat
@maggmagnolia @mayonaisalspray
@laios-thorden @original-character-chaos
@grandpom @omens-augury @fagarl@ akaratna ezras-starry-bridges @meowmaids
@springacres @yvenin @thescavenger29
@intheindigo @horrorcore2002 @aceofrage
@the-bitch-in-the-tower @astronotez @prokyon
@gaysebastianvael @doug-dimmadumb @lovecatsys
@baandar @lampthehealthminister
#free gaza#free palestine#gaza fights for freedom#gaza#gaza free#gaza genocide#gaza under attack#gaza under siege#palestine fundraiser#palestinian genocide#gaza strip#gazaunderattack#palestine freedom#save palestine#i stand with palestine#gaza under bombardment#fundraiser#gaza fundraiser#freepalastine🇵🇸
252 notes
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With an empty stomach for my children, in the rain, bullets and bitter cold 😢😢🍉🍉⛺⛺🇵🇸
Please help my family🫂
Please don't skip 🙏🙏🙏
My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@buttercuparry @lesbiankakyoin @lesbianmaxevans @cartoonrival @appsa @nnnnnnnnnnnnnnsposts @commissions4aid-international @sweet-honey-bunnies @schoolhater98 @bilal-salah0 @nabulsi27 @mar64ds @ankle-beez @khangerinedreams @akajustmerry @anonbea @annabelle--cane @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether @sayruq @komsomolk @kordeliiius @shesnake @palestine-button-reminder @vithcy @versacethotty @boy-and-girl-crazy123456 @neptunerings @lorillee @virfujiwara @jadenvargen @madeline-kahn @vortex-of-beats @shady-mc-muffin @dlxxv-vetted-donations @dalawamput-apat-na-sinag-tala @dalebambam @zeravmain @zndr315-blog @lesbianpinkie @lesserbeans @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @humanwheatleyslefttoenail @rainy-fog @horcore-blog @postanagramgenerator @mangocheesecakes @palhelp @killyourhistory
#free gaza#free palestine#gaza#gaza fights for freedom#gaza free#gaza genocide#gaza under attack#gaza under siege#palestine fundraiser#palestinian genocide#gaza strip#gazaunderattack#gaza fundraiser#gazaunderfire#gaza under bombardment#palestine freedom#save palestine#palestine under attack#palestine family#i stand with palestine#freepalastine🇵🇸
58 notes
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🛑This is a message from my daughter Sarah to you about the suffering of obtaining bread with the high prices and the famine spreading in Gaza in light of the lack of flour 😭😭😭😭‼️‼️⛺⛺⛺🌪️
Please help my family🙏
My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@isuggestforcefem @backfliips @xenodile @solarpunkcast
@white-chalk-sapphomet @shamemp3 @shadow-von-vamp
@solarpunkwitchcraft @gabzilla-z @joshpeck @endorphinmachine
@sealbf @extremelycursedimages @rednines @renmorris
@pastel-cryptids @pyrrhuria @chiiri-h @pespillo @jinsouled
@linterteatime @mirrorcage @jezior0 @a-shade-of-blue @kil9
@saturngalore @laraenglish @bogor-o @left-reminders @killyourhistory
@strawberryblondie-locks @thesituation @divortion @longseasons @subwaystation
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @corpse-rat @fromthesuns
@astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans @mitsukai974
@ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper
@ratboyspamton @semothekat
@maggmagnolia @mayonaisalspray
@laios-thorden @original-character-chaos
@grandpom @omens-augury @fagarl@ akaratna ezras-starry-bridges @meowmaids
@springacres @yvenin @thescavenger29
@intheindigo @horrorcore2002 @aceofrage
@the-bitch-in-the-tower @astronotez @prokyon
@gaysebastianvael @doug-dimmadumb @lovecatsys
@baandar @lampthehealthminister
#free gaza#free palestine#gaza fights for freedom#gaza#gaza free#gaza genocide#gaza under attack#gaza under siege#palestine fundraiser#palestinian genocide#gaza strip#gazaunderattack#palestine freedom#save palestine#i stand with palestine#gaza under bombardment#fundraiser#gaza fundraiser#freepalastine🇵🇸
252 notes
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🚨📣Urgent appeal📣🚨
Today we went to get a food share for the family, unfortunately we did not get anything because there was not a large amount of food, because of the closure of the crossings and the lack of humanitarian aid reaching Gaza. We feel disappointed in light of the famine.😢😢🍉🍉
Please help me🙏🙏🙏

My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@90-ghost @heritageposts @neechees @butchniqabi @fluoresensitivearchived @khangerinedreams @autisticmudkip @beserkerjewel @xinakwans @batekush @appsa @nerdyqueerandjewish @butchsunsetshimmer @biconicfinn @stopmotionguy @willgrahamscock @strangeauthor @bryoria @shesnake @legallybrunettedotcom @lautakwah @sovietunion @evillesbianvillain @antibioware @akajustmerry @neptunerings @explosionshurtyo @dlxxv-vetted-donations @vague-humanoid @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @sar-soor @northgazaupdates2 @feluka-blog-blog @dirhwangdaseul-archived @jdon @ibtisams-blog @sawasawako @memingursa @schoolhatergirl @ot3 @lapithae @ryo-yamada @opencommunion @anneemay-blog @tamamita @a-shade-of-blue
@grandpom @omens-augury @fagarl@ akaratna ezras-starry-bridges @meowmaids
@springacres @yvenin @thescavenger29
@intheindigo @horrorcore2002 @aceofrage
@the-bitch-in-the-tower @astronotez @prokyon
@gaysebastianvael @doug-dimmadumb @lovecatsys
@baandar @lampthehealthminister
Hello, my name is Khaled, and I am the father of two wonderful children, Sarah and Omar We live in Gaza, where survival has become a daily struggle. I cannot begin to describe the pain we feel as we watch our home turn into rubble and our lives fall apart before our eyes.

Since the recent escalation, we have lost almost everything. We once had a simple life, filled with hope for our children. We had a small home that we cherished, but now it is nothing more than ruins. My wife and I are trying our best to stay strong for our children, but the harsh reality makes it incredibly difficult.

We are now living in extremely harsh conditions, struggling to secure even the most basic necessities. The water is contaminated, food is scarce, and our children are suffering from skin diseases due to the unhealthy living conditions. We are staying in a plastic tent under the scorching sun, with no idea how long we can endure this.

We are in desperate need of help to rebuild our lives, to secure a safe home for our children, and to provide them with the necessary medical care. We humbly ask for your support during this challenging time. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in our lives.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and for standing with us in this difficult time.🍉🍉💔💔🫂🫂⛺⛺
#gaza under attack#free gaza#gaza#gazaunderattack#palestine fundraiser#palestinian genocide#save palestine#free palestine#i stand with palestine#palestine freedom#gaza fights for freedom#gaza free#gaza under siege#gaza strip#gaza genocide
10 notes
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🛑This is a message from my daughter Sarah to you in the winter where we live in a tent of cloth in the bitter cold😭😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️⛺⛺⛺🌪️🇵🇸
please help my family
My compigen verified by:
@gazavetters (#51)
@gaza-evacuation-funds (#10)
@al shab Hussein
@isuggestforcefem @backfliips @xenodile @solarpunkcast
@white-chalk-sapphomet @shamemp3 @shadow-von-vamp
@solarpunkwitchcraft @gabzilla-z @joshpeck @endorphinmachine
@sealbf @extremelycursedimages @rednines @renmorris
@pastel-cryptids @pyrrhuria @chiiri-h @pespillo @jinsouled
@linterteatime @mirrorcage @2bu @log6 @kil9
@saturngalore @laraenglish @bogor-o
@strawberryblondie-locks @thesituation @divortion @longseasons @subwaystation
@broccoliaskjgnbhb4444 @corpse-rat @fromthesuns
@astrangeknightindeed @manswithaplans
@ophidiomyces @nevert-the-guy @fruitsclipper
@ratboyspamton @semothekat
@maggmagnolia @mayonaisalspray
@laios-thorden @original-character-chaos
@grandpom @jezior0 @a-shade-of-blue
#free gaza#gaza#gaza genocide#gaza under attack#gaza under siege#gaza fights for freedom#gaza free#free palestine#gaza under bombardment#palestinian genocide#gaza fundraiser#fundraiser#palestine fundraiser
8 notes
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Hello, my name is Khaled, and I am the father of two wonderful children, Sarah and Omar We live in Gaza, where survival has become a daily struggle. I cannot begin to describe the pain we feel as we watch our home turn into rubble and our lives fall apart before our eyes.
Since the recent escalation, we have lost almost everything. We once had a simple life, filled with hope for our children. We had a small home that we cherished, but now it is nothing more than ruins. My wife and I are trying our best to stay strong for our children, but the harsh reality makes it incredibly difficult.
We are now living in extremely harsh conditions, struggling to secure even the most basic necessities. The water is contaminated, food is scarce, and our children are suffering from skin diseases due to the unhealthy living conditions. We are staying in a plastic tent under the scorching sun, with no idea how long we can endure this.
We are in desperate need of help to rebuild our lives, to secure a safe home for our children, and to provide them with the necessary medical care. We humbly ask for your support during this challenging time. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in our lives.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and for standing with us in this difficult time.

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Hello, my name is Khaled, and I am the father of two wonderful children, Sarah and Omar We live in Gaza, where survival has become a daily struggle. I cannot begin to describe the pain we feel as we watch our home turn into rubble and our lives fall apart before our eyes.

Since the recent escalation, we have lost almost everything. We once had a simple life, filled with hope for our children. We had a small home that we cherished, but now it is nothing more than ruins. My wife and I are trying our best to stay strong for our children, but the harsh reality makes it incredibly difficult.

We are now living in extremely harsh conditions, struggling to secure even the most basic necessities. The water is contaminated, food is scarce, and our children are suffering from skin diseases due to the unhealthy living conditions. We are staying in a plastic tent under the scorching sun, with no idea how long we can endure this.

We are in desperate need of help to rebuild our lives, to secure a safe home for our children, and to provide them with the necessary medical care. We humbly ask for your support during this challenging time. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in our lives.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and for standing with us in this difficult time.🍉🍉💔💔🫂🫂⛺⛺
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