#Four Monkeys
Ty! On that note, what is the most accurate translation when describing the Four Monkeys? The Red-Buttocked Monkey in particular because you’ve got translations like horse monkey, baboon, and possibly mandrill? I’m also interested in their abilities and would please like a reliable source on what each is capable of.
Your best source for the abilities of the four primates is JTTW. I have altered Anthony C. Yu's translation of the names to make them more accurate:
“The first,” said Tathagata, “is the Stone-Monkey of Numinous Wisdom [Lingming shihou, 靈明石猴], [1] who Knows transformations, Recognizes the seasons, Discerns the advantages of earth, And is able to alter the course of planets and stars. The second is the Red-Buttocked Horse-Monkey [Chikao mahou, 赤尻馬猴], who Has knowledge of yin and yang, Understands human affairs, Is adept in its daily life And able to avoid death and lengthen its life. The third is the Long-Armed Gibbon [Tongbi yuanhou, 通臂猿猴], who can Seize the sun and the moon, Shorten a thousand mountains, Distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, And manipulate planets and stars. The fourth is the Six-Eared Macaque [Liu’er mihou, 六耳獼猴] who has A sensitive ear, Discernment of fundamental principles, Knowledge of past and future, And comprehension of all things. These four kinds of monkeys are not classified in the ten categories [of life], nor are they contained in the names between Heaven and Earth” (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 115). 如來道:「第一是靈明石猴,通變化,識天時,知地利,移星換斗;第二是赤尻馬猴,曉陰陽,會人事,善出入,避死延生;第三是通臂猿猴,拿日月,縮千山,辨休咎,乾坤摩弄;第四是六耳獼猴,善聆音,能察理,知前後,萬物皆明。此四猴者,不入十類之種,不達兩間之名。
One late-Qing source, New Dialect (Xinfangyan, 新方言, early-20th-c.), associates “horse-monkey” (mahou, 馬猴) with various iterations of Chinese terms for macaque monkeys:
"Bathing-monkey” (muhou): “mother-monkey” (muhou); mother-monkey (muhou): “full-monkey” (mihou) – these are called “horse-monkey” (mahou), the sound of each one changing [in turn]. 沐猴:母猴;母猴:彌猴,令人謂之馬猴,皆一音之轉。(the original doesn’t have punctuation)
And since the stone-monkey is Sun Wukong, the celestial primates consist of three macaques and one gibbon.
Here is my article on the four celestial primates:
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dykealloy · 9 months
what do you mean jennifer saunder's shrek 2 cover of Holding Out for a Hero didn't play over the entirety of dressrosa arc
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etheriumart · 5 months
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Season four screenshot redraw.
Time frame: 3hrs
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shima-draws · 7 months
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What do you mean I know EXACTLY how WCI went it went just like this
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skialdi · 1 year
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“Which sibling tried to kill Luffy?”
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bisamrottan · 1 year
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he did in fact not come back
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lunisoular · 3 months
Hear me out
The baby au
But age swap
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thinking. wondering 🤔
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bunitivity · 7 months
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I’m fkn obsessed with people drawing Zoro as a little mossball and I imagine Sanji would also be
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chonggen · 1 month
Old brotherhood
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every time i see asl brothers together and happy, it adds years to my lifespan. it's played for laughs but the fact ace still asked sabo if he wanted the D initial too just to make him feel included my heaaaart
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aeon-uriel · 3 months
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luffy randomly flirts sends him these daily (zoro blushes like a schoolgirl every single time)
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i'm curious if you know how the four generals names are written in the original chinese text? it's hard to find a lot of information on them!
Are you referring to Monkey's four commanders? If so, this quote lists their Chinese names:
The Monkey King made the four old monkeys mighty commanders of his troops by appointing the two horse-monkeys with red buttocks as marshals Ma [馬] and Liu [流], and the two long-armed gibbons as generals Beng [崩] and Ba [芭] (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 138). 猴王將那四個老猴封為健將,將兩個赤尻馬猴喚做馬、流二元帥,兩個通背猿猴喚做崩、芭二將軍。
The info comes from the following article.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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sixteenthchapel · 1 year
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hes such a good king, he should win an award for best kingliness
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silvadour · 9 months
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holymolysomanyships · 4 months
Here are some of my favorite things about Luffy ships that I ship
Luffy x Zoro
Theyre the incarnation of dumb and dumber but in a way that they completely understand each other and everyone else is like, wow they're so dumb.
Zoro was the only straw hat that Luffy intentionally seeked out. He heard the story of "The Demon of The East" and went, yep I want that one.
They hold each other accountable on a level that goes so much deeper than captain and first mate.
Zoro not believing in God and Luffy literally becoming a God.
They both have one train of thought, protect the crew, accomplish goal, and eat/sleep
Luffy x Sanji
The saying the way to a man's heart is through his stomach is the case for the both of these two.
Literally all of Whole Cake Island
Luffy decided that he wanted Sanji on his crew because of how kind he was. Before he knew his fighting skills or even because he was a chef. He saw Sanji feed someone in need and didn't think twice about recruiting him.
A boy who was locked away in a prison as a child fighting alongside the embodiment of freedom and liberation.
Luffy x Nami
Theyre possibly canon (kicks my feet like a little kid)
Feral x Tame but they swap on which is which
Literally all of Drum Island, Arlong Park, and Fishman Island
He needs her to help accomplish his dream and she needs him to help her accomplish her dream
He knows that she's strong and treats her so even though she doesn't have any devil fruit powers or proper training in fighting.
Luffy x Law
Silly x Stressed, No Thoughts x Overthinker
In the official art of the aged up characters, Luffy's the reason that Law has so much gray hair.
Luffy literally thought an alliance with him was gonna be them becoming besties and Law freaked out
Touch starved x love language is physical touch
They gave each other special nicknames
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iaxsl · 2 months
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rip buggy, suffering from success as always
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