#Fostering cats
Baz-kitty has been adopted at long last. I've raised her from a bitty kitten, and had her for fourteen months. And in seven hours, she'll leave my home to go to her forever home and I won't ever see her again. I think she'll be happy there. But I'm still sad. I'm sad and happy at the same time.
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Gonna miss this beautiful girl. But she'll be happier in a more active household, and there's a companion kitty waiting for her that wants to be friends.
(ngl I'm a bit worried for Snow-kitty since I can't exactly explain what's happening, and he's losing a friend. Fostering cats gets so much harder when you have long-term fosters I think.)
I hope for the best for all parties involved, including the kitty or kitties I'm able to foster next because this one found her forever home.
Sad happy.
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In Baltimore City, MD: Poor, blind 4-week-old kitten found all alone and in desperate need of help - BARCS, Baltimore MD
Pixie- 4 weeks, unaltered female, 0.88lbs
Update 9/25: A wood's lamp was positive on a tiny patch of alopecia on Pixie's paw, so she is now being treated for ringworm while a fungal culture is pending. Unfortunately Pixie is also struggling to defecate, so has been getting a combination of warm fluids, Lactulose, and Miralax to hopefully help.
Teeny tiny Pixie was brought to the shelter by Animal Control after being found all alone. We're thankful she was discovered and brought to us when she was, as the poor little lady's eyes were crusted shut, preventing her from being able to see.
Upon examination, our vets noted that Pixie is underweight and has micro-ophtalmia (a developmental disorder of the eye in which one or both eyes are abnormally small) with upper eyelid agenesis. She's been started on eye meds and will need both eyes removed in the future.
Pixie is eating gruel from a syringe well, and although a little scared (understandably), is still easily handleable and should come around quickly.
Pixie is available immediately for rescue pick-up, and due to her current medical needs, we are seeking placement for her ASAP.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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latenightsushi · 1 month
fostering has actually been going pretty well! it's been a little over a month now, and I think we've finally found our footing and are starting to settle into a good routine 😸
here are some things that have been very helpful while fostering/taking care of a cat for the first time:
water fountain - our foster kitty really appreciates fresh flowing water and drinks from it all the time (it's also kind of soothing to watch while zoned out haha)
pet-safe heating pad - since the foster cat spends most of the workday sleeping on my desk, this keeps him off of my computer (for the most part). we also have one on our bed between our pillows since that's where he likes to sleep 😻
masking tape - the most vital defense against this cat and his devious ways lol. I love that it provides obvious visible signs of a barrier, and it doesn't leave any residue on most of the things I need to stick it to. we blocked off the area under the bed with masking tape and poster board and also macgyvered covers for the door handles with similar materials once he figured out how to open the doors 😫
automatic feeder - we just got this yesterday and tried it out for the first time this morning, the portion size was a little off and had to be adjusted but hopefully it'll get him to stop waking me up at 4:30AM for breakfast 😵‍💫
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laerling · 2 years
Good Morning Powder!
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sweptawaybyadhd · 2 days
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A kitten we fostered, who has since gone to a good home.
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heyhoneylook · 11 months
Everyone please say hello to Sock!
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She is very small!!
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hiirenvirna · 10 months
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tragic news: two guys ruthlessly bully little kitty cat every day
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clock-06 · 11 months
“I prefer older men” this, “I prefer older women” that.
Screw any form of attraction,
I prefer older cats
Kittens are cute sure, but some people have clearly never felt the love of an old cat purring at them because they walked into a room. Or had that little bundle of bones and attitude roll up in their lap and fall straight asleep.
I have three cats, 2 of whom are 13 and a half years old, and the other one is 7. Little baby Smidgen may have grown physically, but she’s still very hyper and starts most of the fights and is very self centered (she’s pretty and it’s kinda our (my fam’s) fault that she’s that way). Omar and Franny, on the other hand, are both more attuned to their daily energy and laze out in the open, very welcoming to pets. They both purr without being pet, just from being around you.
Don’t misconstrue this as me not loving Smidgen, I love her very much and she’s a silly playful girl, I just prefer a chill laid back attitude in pets.
Because of my preference to older cats, I’m always extra sad when I see old cats stuck in shelters for years on end or put down out of lack of hope in them finding a home. Everyone who wants a cat should try adopting an older cat or at the very least taking care of one. They’re some of the sweetest creatures I’ve ever met, and I’ve found the old age just makes them even more cuddly.
The only thing you really miss that you gain in kittens is being able to raise them. I’ve fostered a lot of kittens, and as cute and lovely as they are, older cats have left me far fewer scars.
TL;DR: I prefer older cats over kittens and think that people should adopt older cats from shelters because they’re sweetie pies who deserve homes
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justcatposts · 5 months
Bunch of leaves blew in during Halloween. We let our foster kittens play with them before sweeping up.
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kleefkruid · 22 days
She really has that classic thousand year stare of a momma cat questioning her life decisions down
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pangur-and-grim · 4 months
is pangur acclimatizing to the baby at all? i don't know how you keep her from giving herself pancreatitis again
I'm keeping them apart for now, just until Pangur's recovered from her illness.
Pangur has shared a house with eight various cats in the past, so it's not as though she's too fragile to be around her own species! she's actually fairly social, once the shock has worn off.
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wolfchanw · 21 days
I’m pet sitting a baby void for the weekend while his foster mama is out of town. His name is Elton John and while I was warned that he has a severe respiratory infection right now I was NOT warned that he also has cerebellar hypoplasia, which makes him quite wobbly. Imagine my surprise when he bumbled out of his carrier!
CH is not progressive (he won’t get worse), and it’s not painful. He should be able to have a great life. He does need a little help eating right now, but I’m not clear on whether that’s from the CH or the stuffy nose. Otherwise, he uses the litter box, chases the dog, and attempts to climb the x-pen to get in with my current foster bunny.
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moonlight26posts-blog · 8 months
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OUR LOVED ONES ARE DYING EVERYDAY MD! Because people are overbreeding, not getting their dogs and cats spayed and neutered and are either sick, dying or cannot afford care/food. The shelters are overcrowded, and rescues do not have the foster help they need!
THERE ARE A FEW SOLUTIONS, one is to be a loving foster for a homeless animal! Most often the rescue that you foster for will provide you with all the essentials you need to keep the dog/cat healthy, happy and well fed. You provide the space and the love! And what's really cool is if you fall in love with the furball that you foster, you get first dibs on adoption!
If you'd like to find out more, please email [email protected] with any questions, concerns or even what type of dog/cat would fit into your life.
Please share far and wide and let's save some of those lives we love!
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catsbeaversandducks · 2 years
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Enoki would like to ask a question.
By u/StruggleSnuggled
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defilerwyrm · 1 year
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I looked down just in time to see him finish settling in and give this deep, satisfied sigh
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sweptawaybyadhd · 9 days
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