#wobbly cat
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wolfchanw · 6 months ago
I’m pet sitting a baby void for the weekend while his foster mama is out of town. His name is Elton John and while I was warned that he has a severe respiratory infection right now I was NOT warned that he also has cerebellar hypoplasia, which makes him quite wobbly. Imagine my surprise when he bumbled out of his carrier!
CH is not progressive (he won’t get worse), and it’s not painful. He should be able to have a great life. He does need a little help eating right now, but I’m not clear on whether that’s from the CH or the stuffy nose. Otherwise, he uses the litter box, chases the dog, and attempts to climb the x-pen to get in with my current foster bunny.
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nessies-ark · 10 months ago
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onlytiktoks · 5 months ago
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coulsonlives · 8 months ago
Gully the wobbly kitty defeats gravity!
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starseers-garden · 1 year ago
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I have a new boy! His name is Snuggles Mothchaser, given to him by his peers/superiors to shame him. He has cerebellar hypoplasia, AKA Wobbly Cat Syndrome. He has a highly noticeable, strange gait, crossed eyes, and developmental challenges, but he’s also an extremely talented healer. It’s probably the only reason the legions didn’t get rid of him.
Also this is the cutest charr face I have ever drawn (charr are not my specialty)
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highandscared · 25 days ago
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i love her T-T
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 9 months ago
Thinking of putting Featherpelt on the CH (Wobbly cat) spectrum. Her wobble would be like Twerk, a lovely internet kitty whose mostly effects 1 end, making her look a bit bouncy all the time.
Or I could make it more like Breakfast Sandwich, who learned to adapt his wobble into a fancy looking trot!
(In case you don't wanna go on or can't go on tiktok, here is the boy)
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blackhill2245 · 8 months ago
Oh shit!
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Warnings - guns, like a bit of violence but really
Note - enjoy, not proof read so if there's anything major let me know
I sit around lazily scrolling through my phone, music full blast in my headphones. I was wearing my signature 'nobody will see me' outfit, as in a grey hoodie with stains on it from painting and my at home DIY projects, my black track pants full of cat hair.
"SWAT put your hands up!" I hear muffled through my headphones as my front and back door are kicked open. I sit up in alarm shakily taking my headphones off.
"What the fuck!"
"On the ground!" A girl screams, pointing her gun at me as the rest of her squad runs around my house. "BE careful! The basement stairs are dodgy, and you'll fall through!" I yelp as I spot two men stomping down them.
"I said on the ground!" She shouts again, thrusting her gun at me to make a point.
"Ok, ok jesus" I nod sitting cross legged on the floor.
"No lay on the ground, face down!" She shakes her head grabbing my arm and making me lay down, that was hot- wait.
I yelp as I'm roughly tossed on the floor, blushing madly because oh my God girls in uniform -
Not to seconds later, the rest of the team rushed back to my living room.
"Where is he!?" The tall bald headed one asked.
"Who?" I scrunch my eyebrows straining to look up at them, "Hey, can I sit up now?".
The bald headed one nodded at the girl, who then patted me down and nodded, "Get up." she demands, and well, who am i to deny a pretty woman?
I sat up, and they were all tense waiting for me to try to make a run for it or something, but I was just straight up confused, but also thankful I washed my hair yesterday because it would have been so fucking greasy.
"He asked you a question!" Another dude said he had black hair that actually suited him well. I wonder what he'd look like with a beard, I don't think he'd have the face for it.
"I already answered, who?" I say again looking at the bald headed one he seemed to be in charge.
"Alex Rovio"
"What type of name is Rovio?" I laugh a little but stop once seeing they're glares, "nah sorry man, I'm still confused"
They all stared at me for a while before the bald headed one started talking, but I interrupted them.
"Wait, wait, wait can I get names I mean no offense but I can't keep thinking of you as the bald one" I note a younger man laughing to himself.
The man rolled his eyes but introduced everyone, I learned the pretty lady is Chris, a very beautiful name, if I might add.
"Right sorry what were you about to say?"
"A known and wanted murderer is meant to live here" deacon states his face very serious.
"Uh well I'm on the lease but my name isn't Alex, so-" I shrug
They all exchange looks, "were going to have to bring you in for questioning, Chris took her out to the truck" Hondo instructs his team but once again before they could do as told, I interrupt.
"OH, could I feed my cat before I go? And just tell my naighbor, he's disabled and I don't want him alone"
They nod, so I stand up and just stand there awkwardly, "are you just gonna watch me?"
Chris chuckles, shaking her head she hands her big ass gun to Luka. "I'll watch her. You all head to the car"
They all file out, and I call for my cat, "psst psst, chicken!, chicken!" I call ratling his treat bag.
I hear a meow, and my shaky cat chicken stumbles into the kitchen, "Hey baby!" I coo fixing his nappy.
I place his food down reaching for my phone to call my neighbor.
I look to Chris, who has a confused look on her face, "oh I found his in the trash eating chicken"
She nods and lets me call my anighbkr, over leaving a 50 on the counter and heading back to HQ with Chris.
After a while of discussing, we realized alex the murderer is using me as sort of a cover-up, pretending to live there so police wouldn't be suspicious or something, anyway I was sending money to him and he sent it to the actual renter who didn't know what was going on.
I didn't try to understand it, to complicated but long story short I'll need a new home, my neighbor had to take my cat to her apartment for a while, and I had to stay in the HQ for a couple hours until the team could arrest Alex as I was now in danger.
"Man," I sigh, Chris was designated to watch me, which I really did not mind. Anyway, right now, we were sitting in the boxing ring. Well, I was lying down.
"You alright?" She asks softly looking down at me, she was sitting cross legged next to my head.
Oh. My. God she's so fucking pretty what the fuck.
I realize I zoned out when I saw her smile, "Uh yea, I'm fine." I shrug, "It's a bit annoying, having to move but I've been wanting to buy a house for a while"
"What do you do for work?" She asked playing with her fingers.
"Im a firefighter, it's fun, you know? Helping people and all that" I Humm folding me arms behind my head, sighing.
"Neat job" she nods hesitating before shrugging herself and laying next to me.
"So. Chicken? What's up with him?"
"He's a wobbly cat or cerebellar hypoplasia, his brain is a little messed up, I brought him to the shelter but it was a kil one, I didn't realize until it was nearly to late, I realized he was a lot of work I was still in the academy but, I worked hard learned what I needed to then my neighbor learned about my cat and started to help out, he's so sweet just a little.... special" I rant I loved my cat to bits, and when I showed people him they were always saying mean things.
I look at Chris, noting how she was already looking at me. She laid on her side, looking at me.
"He looks like a very sweet boy" she mutters leaning down to get closer to me.
"He is," I whisper before we fall silent, sitting up as I see deacon approach.
"You're a free woman. He's caught. Just get out of your house as soon as possible and be careful" he walked away leaving me alone with Chris.
"Well, guess I'll head home"
"Wait, uh, I didn't ask earlier because I mean it would be I aptopreite, but since you're leaving and most likely won't see me again, um here" I smiled at how awkward she was being. I look st the peice of paper she handed me and realized it was her number.
"You know to call me incase somethings wrong?" She smiles bashfuly.
"I'd like that." I smile brightly, my cheeks hurting, "but... I'd like to call you, as soon as I get home, not when something is wrong"
"Well then, you'd better hurry home," she smiled once more before walking away, looking over her shoulder and giving me a cheeky smile and wave.
"Fuck me" I whisper, partially shocked and partially actually no, fully truthful.
Sighing I get home sending off a text.
'Hey, hope you have an easy rest of the day <3"
It sounded a bit awkward, but I can't flirt for my life. Immediately, there's a text back.
'Thank you, but don't jynx it, glad you git home safe ♡'
I spend the rest of the night smiling like a little school girl, giggling and kicking my feet.
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silentstaresfanficandfanart · 2 months ago
I should very much so be asleep but i was drawing cute fanart of me and my boyfriend and also then my cat that has wobbly cat snydrome escaped into the night and i had to chase the little beasstie out in a lightningy darkness and dampness with a star lantern and then i swapped it out for af lashlight after i found it (sincerely, i was praying so hard and hissing i am the stupidest cat owner ever under my breath the whole time, i felt so guilty i almost cried-) she was perfectly fine and i found her in like, less than fifteen minutes it just felt like a long time given i have a big fear of thunderstorms sincerely, entirely my fault, i should have expected her to do the single most inconvinent thing she possibly could have, because she really truly does love nothing more in his world than to do whatever you seem like you least want her to do, love her so so much shes my little troublemaker and admittedly even though shes a troublemaker, shes such a sweet little baby gremlin, shes my terrible child Though now that i think about it i truly think we just have a severe language barrier going on here.
If i tell her not to do something she'll stop doing it!
she will absolutely do it again but she wont panic about stopping when i scold her, she'll calmly stop then come over to me for attention-
and shes MUCH more likely to try to do something if im clearly trying to stop her but i do think maybe she just thinks we're playing a game. I don't think theres any intentional misbehavior here, shes just like, silly and maybe a little confused and ...really fond of obstacle courses.
yes this is the same cat thats been putting me through loony toons esque shenanigans trying to stop her from going up the stairs and getting herself hurt- sincerely if i didn't think it'd just make her better at causing me trouble Id be tempted to give this cat actual obstacle courses to go through , shes a brilliantly clever cat, not the best at understanding what humans want from her, but CLEARLY intelligent and trying. Maybe i need to try to teach her some tricks... at the very least teaching her to consistently come when called would rock- yeah maybe ill do that, i love her and id love to give her more enrichment, if anyone knows any fun cat tricks that are acessable to a kitty with wobbly cat syndrome let me know, thanks!
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variegatedviews · 2 years ago
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A set of merchandise design commissions I completed for a small cat rescue instagram! 
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nessies-ark · 9 months ago
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Pikachu likes spending most of his summer days snoozing in his little lawn chair enjoying the breeze
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just a wobbly cat in the grass :)
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brokensticks · 1 year ago
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onlytiktoks · 1 month ago
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creativecryptidd · 2 years ago
Not art content but I’m fostering a litter of kittens and I’m foster failing on two of them :0 This is little baby Yoshi he’s got wobbly kitten syndrome so he headbangs and falls over a lot 🫶 He has a pretty mild case and it doesn’t hurt him at all! He most likely doesn’t even realize he’s different :)
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catrebellion956 · 10 months ago
The majestic wobbly Leon
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