#Foreign Agent
cavalierzee · 2 months
America Under Occupation
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“Reports that people are starving in Gaza are false”
“Israel is not blocking the delivery of aid to Gaza”
“The United States must not fall into Hamas trap”
“There is no genocide in Gaza”
“HAMAS beaded babies”
“HAMAS raped Israeli hostages”
America is occupied by a foreign power.
AIPAC is a foreign agent that serves Israeli interests and not America’s.
AIPAC and israel pose a clear and present danger to America and Americans.
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the-empress-7 · 1 year
In news you might have missed. A foreign Prince, yes that one, has been named in a US House Judiciary hearing regarding alleged censorship of free speech.
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This is the BS that does get me upset. Harry deserves to be kicked out of the US for his far reaching meddling into US politics.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
For all those who've kept up-to-date on the Ukraine Proxy-war, our friend at iEarl Grey: Foreign Agent Mike and his friend Masha have gone missing near the Bakhmut/Soledar area while attempting to bring humanitarian aid to civilians near the front lines.
No word yet on their safety or location.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family of Mike and Masha. We hope for their safe return 🙏
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higherentity · 5 months
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afranse · 1 year
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У Слепакова песен про войну почти нет.
Он, можно сказать, не сразу заметил войну,
Зато сегодня он иностранный агент.
И поркой отметят его возвращение в страну.
А Слепаков старался радовать власть.
И не совать ей камешки в хищную пасть.
Похоже, что скоро каждый Российский кент,
Будет записан, как иностранный агент.
И лишь президент и верховные все холопы его,
Будут считаться истинными патриотами.
Хотя и понятно жителям нашей страны,
Что эти агенты на службе стоят сатаны.
Slepakov has almost no songs about the war.
But today he is declared to be a foreign agent,
And public flogging will mark his return in the country
Where in the pre-trial detention center he may run into problems major.
Overall Slepakov tried authorities to please,
And did not put big stones in Kremlin predatory jaws.
It seems that soon every Russian citizen
Will be recorded as a foreign agent and so to speak national foe.
And only the president and his supreme lackeys,
Will be considered true patriots, and it’s a funny matter,
Because it’s crystal clear to the Russian nation,
That these evil agents are in the service of Satan.
У Слєпакова пісень про війну майже немає.
Він, можна сказати, важко помітив війну,
Натомість сьогодні він іноземний агент.
І порочкою відзначать його повернення до країни.
А Слєпаков намагався в цілому радувати владу.
І не пхати їй камінчики в хижу пащу.
Схоже, що незабаром кожен російський кент,
Буде записаний як іноземний агент.
І лише президент і верховні всі холопи його,
Вважатимуться істинними патріотами.
Хоча і зрозуміло жителям нашої країни,
Що ці агенти на службі стоять сатани.
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
Georgia protests over foreign agent bill
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agentfascinateur · 15 days
Crimes of Kushners
Jared Kushner never should have landed a job in the White House. Before joining the Trump administration, Kushner was best known as his father’s son...
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wayouts123 · 19 days
Not even bothering to hide it. Reagan is rolling in his grave.
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head-post · 23 days
Germany opposed EU’s foreign influence bill
Germany has opposed a foreign influence bill being drafted in the European Union, Financial Times reports.
Senior EU diplomats said on condition of anonymity that Germany was supported by a group of countries, including Hungary and Poland.
According to the initiative, the EU will create a centralised register of media, non-governmental organisations and lobby groups that receive funding from outside the bloc. The document obliges organisations to disclose data on their connection with a foreign state, the type of activity and the annual amount of payments.
Fines are stipulated for non-compliance. Berlin and other capitals backed international NGOs, which condemned the proposed initiative, saying it was similar to measures introduced in Russia and Georgia.
Last week, during a meeting of EU ambassadors, Germany, Poland and Hungary called for the legislation to be changed. However, some other member states have been reluctant to push the proposal at this stage, diplomats told the FT.
EU ministers are due to discuss the new legislation later this month. EU Vice-President for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová said:
“There is zero chance that we will withdraw this law.”
The Commission introduced the bill in December 2023 to increase transparency of foreign funding received by NGOs, lobby groups, consultants and others carrying out “representation activities” on behalf of non-EU governments. The proposal comes in the wake of the scandal surrounding the European Parliament in 2022, when lawmakers were accused of taking bribes from Qatar and Morocco through an advocacy group set up by a former MEP turned lobbyist.
On June 3, Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili signed the law on foreign agents. According to the document, non-governmental organisations and media outlets with more than 20 per cent of their annual income from foreign sources must register with the Ministry of Justice and submit a property declaration once a year.
Read more HERE
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bedtimesweets · 5 months
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gwydionmisha · 8 months
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taiwantalk · 1 year
I side and stand with Georgia, Georgian parliament, and the people.
The whole world have to do what they need to do to protect their sovereignty and stop foreign agent acting on behalf of a country like Russia being hostile and sabotages other countries’ democracy.
Namely, Russia and china. Stealing trade secrets, hacking and violating copyrights and patents while looting domestic resources within those countries during the pandemic.
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Not Chinese???
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odinsblog · 3 months
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THIS WEEK, WASHINGTON’S top Israel lobby is rallying its supporters to go to Capitol Hill and falsely claim to lawmakers that people aren’t starving in Gaza and Israel isn’t blocking aid shipments, according to talking points obtained by the American Prospect.
Israel has led a brutal siege on Gaza since Oct. 7, when Hamas killed 1,139 Israelis and kidnapped more than 200. More than 31,000 Palestinians have been killed, 2 million have been internally displaced, and hundreds of thousands are at imminent risk of famine, according to the United Nations.
The powerful lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, is working to maintain support for Israel’s war, amid increased protests and public outcry. This week, AIPAC convened in Maryland for its annual policy conference, which it uses to marshal its donors and supporters to serve as a grassroots lobbying army in the halls of Congress.
The Prospect obtained a copy of AIPAC’s talking points for supporters heading to the Hill — and they are extreme, to say the least. The documents instruct supporters to claim that “reports that people are starving in Gaza are false,” and say that “Israel is not blocking the delivery of aid to Gaza.”
The AIPAC talking points additionally claim that Hamas wants people to believe Gazans are starving in order to “exert pressure” on Israel, and argues the “United States must not fall into Hamas’ trap.”
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These claims from AIPAC are false. Gazans are starving on a massive, unprecedented scale. According to the United Nations, 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza — almost the entire population of the region — are facing “crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.” Half a million of those included in that figure face “catastrophic” levels of food insecurity.
The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) — a leading food security analysis and advocacy group — classifies the Gaza Strip as being in Phase 4 “Emergency” status food insecurity, with a high risk of imminent famine conditions.
(continue reading)
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fiemdblunt · 1 month
Our (Georgian as in the country) government quietly made new additions to the foreign agent law today.
1. The foreign agent law will affect not only organizations, but individuals. Failure to comply with the law causes a 5000 lari fine.
2. The law will allow the government all of your personal information including your political stance and sexual relationships. It makes every organization forced to comply with handing over all of our information to the government. If you are queer, have differing political views, or are part of a non-governmental organization against domestic violence, your anonymity is no longer guaranteed.
3. Only thing this does not include is country's secrets, nothing else is off the table.
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notvv0ltz · 2 months
Russian law, from Russian perspective
There's a post on r/Sakartvelo from a Russian person explaining how the foreign agents law worked in Russia. Mind you, the very same law is going to be applied to Georgia if it gets accepted, it's NOT just like American FARA as Kremlin propagandists say. Georgians already know how it's going to be, so it's mainly information for those from western countries (and I'm asking you to reblog this)
Post link:
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