#Five Dates Only
eternalnat · 1 month
I rarely make tumblr posts, but I am so infuriated by this situation I need to say something about it.
Five Hargreeves, who spent 45 years alone in a post-apocalyptic world, and every single moment of his life since was spent trying to get back to his family. The Five who ran himself dry for 2 weeks straight trying to stop the end of the world, and reunite his family. The Five who slaughtered an entire board of directors just to ensure him family's safety. Who turned back time himself, while bleeding out on the floor, just to save his siblings. You're telling me, that the Five whose entire motivation for living was once saving his family, is the same Five, who in s4 has entirely given up, and in the Subway is the one trying to convince Lila to stop looking after 6 and a half years? The Five who never once stopped trying to return to his family in all 45 years of surviving alone, decides to settle down in a greenhouse and live out a cottagecore life?
Furthermore, the same Five who told Lila that Diego loved her, who reassured his brother that his wife wasn't cheating on him and loved him dearly, the same Five who got on with Lila only due to the fact that they both cared for and loved Diego, the person they had in common, is the same Five who stole his brother's wife, whom he had three children with, just because the writers were excited that Aidan Gallagher was finally legal?
Five who hated authority, who despised when people gave him commands, who wanted nothing more than to retire in s3, is now working for the CIA and willingly calling his boss, 'sir'?
Five who used to be so paranoid and suspicious of everyone and everything, who used to solve problems alone and came to epiphanies that saved the world, who didn't even trust a past version of himself, also didn't realise that his boss of many years had an umbrella tattooed on his wrist?
Everything that once stood out about his character is now gone, as if the writers themselves entirely forgot about his existence until the last moment, and added him in as an afterthought, without thinking of the effect he would have on the story.
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tricorderreading · 9 months
#9: Triangle
An exhausted and injured Kirk makes a dangerous deal with a hive mind entity (to be protected from a different collective consciousness that's closing in) - spock senses the danger to his t'hyla and comes running
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fatedroses · 3 days
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Chance encounters in Costa del Sol.
#ffxiv#sketch#zenos yae galvus#meteor survivor#titus yae galvus#arrecina wir galvus#oc#tsukiko date#camilla lunae#imagine trying to get drinks at the bar only to look over and see your presumed dead great uncle/great nephew standing right next to you#meteor- five seconds away from a heart attack looking over at titus#that moment when youre the spitting image of your father and the warrior of light was *not* aware of that fact#the galvus' are not allowed to have normal vacations#or... well retirement in Titus' case#I am simply here to draw the unaccounted for garlean royals lmao#eventually i'll draw zenos' half sibling(s?) and varis' retainers annia and julia out of their armor#but for now you guys just get to see my silly bullshit of sixty something y/o titus deciding that with nerva gone he's just gonna retire#mans is done with it#im probably gonna end up writing him as the legatus of the 8th- and probably a machinist that eventually becomes a gunbreaker#after lucius passes this man is over all of it#no nonsense machine commanding leader ect ect.#probably dual wielding the gunblade with an actual gun tbh lol#old man doesnt look like wrinkly solus because he spent his life taking care of himself to deal with just... the galvus family in general#dont let the strands deceive you all his grey hair is hidden under the rest of it all lmao#the galvus family brain rot continues and its not going to let me go v-v#(also dont mind meteor teasing tsu for hiding in his shade she does this a lot)
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the-ghost-gardren · 1 year
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My feelings towards ao3 this morning.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 6 months
@slugdge-boy: you know you can skip episodes of Star Trek. You won't miss anything.
Me: Illegal. No skipsies. I signed a contract. Some poor, struggling actor sat in a chair for 4 hours just to play Klingon #3 and their work deserves to be seen.
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cheesy09 · 8 months
[CN] Kiro's Unbiased Mirroring Mind's Quest Preview
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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In front of you, I am transparent.
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If you love me, don't be patient.
Translator: @cheesy09
✨ Unbiased Mirroring Mind's Quest Preview:
The days of rest disrupted by work from BS make you start to daydream—
All the special memories of the past are related to that identity.
Simply show everything off and let him once again become a "bad guy" that you can't forget. Both the golden sun and the silver moon are willing to embrace each other in your heart at this moment.
—"If you love me, don't be patient."
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Kiro came back injured. After I help him bandage his wounds, I decide to help him clear the game myself. Who knew that I would forget to redeem the prize after winning! In order to compensate for Kiro's wasted efforts, we go on a date to the amusement park to relax, but it seems like the trip isn't particularly joyful... How should we compromise? Kiro and I grope for the answer.
"Huh, when did I become a bad guy?"
"It was when you came to see me as Helios a long, long time ago."
For a moment, Kiro's throat rolls violently, and his expression suddenly becomes a little reserved.
"You... still remember."
It's over. I seem to have said the wrong thing.
Seeing that not only the tail of the person on the other side is drooping, but also that dark clouds have gathered above his head, I cough lightly, trying to mentally make up for my faux pas.
"Ahem, actually, looking back now, I just find it interesting that you were "bad" back then!"
"What's interesting?"
His hand quietly exerts a bit of force and the temperature warms the glass goldfish we held in our palms.
Even though it's clearly a memory from a very long time ago, for some reason, when I mention it, the entanglement with the person in front of me at that time is still clear, as if it were yesterday.
All that bitterness, the sorrows and joys are superimposed with more experiences, becoming memories that can be spoken of frankly.
"For example, you never let me follow you back then, and you often deliberately scared me..."
"That time in the clinic, I clearly recognized you, but you still insisted on saying that you weren't Kiro, deliberately not recovering from your injuries and yet..."
"What else did you say, "Did you think I was going to kiss you?"?"
"Now that I think about it, you really were a bad guy."
Kiro pauses for breath. There is a hint of emotion in his eyes that I can't fathom.
Supporting himself on the floor, he moves closer to me.
"Why do I feel... you seem to relish me like that more?"
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@thatfanfictionchick WHERE YOU AT, GIRL??? OUR BOY'S FINALLY HERE 😭💕
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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sometimes, i think about how crazy the meoto plotline is
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elithemiar-blog · 27 days
😑😑😑😑 Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid (Wonderful) Prizes
Kim has this…friend. They got along often enough and he's far more tolerant of this friend than his own brothers. How they met is a story and a half, more reluctance on his own part during the entire course of events. The one thing about his friend is that he's a fucking menace.
Porsche is a gremlin, his boundless energy serving to get him into trouble. Often then not he only gets a warning and ever rarely does he get in actual consequential trouble. Which, good for him. If he did get a severe threat towards the continued attendance of their college, Kim may have to reconsider their friendship. However, Porsche knows better than to get him dragged into his shenanigans. Kim has threatened him enough times over various creatives directions to get that point across.
So, when Porsche ended up finding a ring laying on the ground that he refuses to explain the exact location, he didn't question it that much. The ring, black in color with a center portion of what looks to be cobalt blue, is his style. If someone were to find it or ask about it, he'll hand it over without a word.
Kim had started going through his fingers to see if the ring actually fit, and when he found it fitting his ring finger he shrugged and accepted the ring.
Porsche found it amusing, telling him he's now married to whoever that ring belonged to.
Kim only glowered back at him.
It's been weeks, nearly two months he would think since he gained the ring. It is now an integral part of his ring collection, swiping it out only once or twice to make sure it fit with everything else he was wearing. Though the ring fit with practically everything with the darker tones.
He's sitting in the student lounge starting to get ideas for his final project, being pulled away from his own work to help his juniors understand their assignments. Helping them is giving a break from his own looming project. As he's helping a freshman understand some English translation, the door to the rest of campus is kicked open.
The entire student lounge is confronted with Kim's brother, Tankhun, entering the lounge in a flourish of bright colors and feathers. His brother's normal comfort outfit when doing something outside his comfort zone. Kim is stunned to see him here, at his alma mater, and when Tankhun finally latches his searching gaze on Kim, he can't help but fear what had happened.
Tankhun still silent, stomps over to him, their juniors at his table scramble to get out of the way. Taking Kim's hand by force, Tankhun gives the ring sitting on his finger a good look, then gasps spinning away. "Who is he?"
Kim stares back, confused, "Who?"
"You're fiance! You would be the one to hide a lover." he grumbles back. Then roving the room just once before looking back at him, "Is he in this room?"
"Khun, what are you talking about?"
"I had been told that you are hiding a lover, and he proposed to you! And I haven't even met him yet!" Tankhun's hands land on his hips, "Despicable younger brothers hiding from their family is one thing, but at least let me meet the dearest who had swiped my baby brother from his feet!"
Kim's mind immediately went to Porsche. He shook that thought away, giving the older benefit of doubt before accusing the man, as Porsche is aware of his opinions of getting dragged into these things. "Khun, there--" the seat beside him is suddenly filled with another body, and a hand is placed on his, he turns his head, to find sweet brown eyes giving him a concerning look, but a hint of something else that puts him on edge.
Porchay Kittisawat is a known name of the freshman class, many of his juniors have been talking about how talented the younger is. In Kim's eyes, he sees someone familiar.
"It is me, phi. Though we're not engaged, not sure who told you that."
Tankhun pauses in his dramatics, "Why haven't I met you?"
"It's still new, maybe a month or two. With P'Kim's growing reputation online, I didn't want to ruin it, and he didn't want to get his brother's hopes up."
When Khun turns around he says, "Well, then I'll have to give that other student a piece of my mind!"
Kim leans over to Porchay, "You're going to get me into trouble." he whispers.
Porchay hesitated, his hand that he had placed on top of Kim's that still rests on the table begins to pull away, only to rest beside him and not touching him anymore. "I think I know who's at fault…just…I can get him to apologize to your brother for causing this."
Familiar cackling was their answer when Tankhun opened the door to leave. The older brother shrieks, "You!"
Kim raises a brow at Porchay's groaning, "You know Porsche?"
Porchay rests his head on Kim's shoulder, partially hiding his face behind him, "He's my brother."
"Explains the similarites." he tells Porchay, giving the familiarity an answer.
"I'm sorry, I thought hia would hold off a little before going for a reaction."
"How dare you tell me their engaged! Fledgling relationships need time, you could've ruined Kim's life!"
Porsche's laughter had stopped, and Porchay could be heard whispering down a countdown, "…2…1."
Porchay's brother and Kim's soon-to-be ex-friend enters the lounge, "Porchay Kittisawat!"
Porchay drops his head from where he's been hiding and onto the table, peaking up he finds that his hand is now being covered by Kim's.
"When did this happen?!" Porsche squacks, quite similar to Tankhun.
"You told me to take more chances." Porchay answers, lifting his head to glare back.
"To get into college! Not to, not to get yourself a boyfriend!" Porsche splutters, "That ring isn't even yours!"
"It is though, you stole it from my desk!"
"You were gonna get rid of it. You told me it wasn't your style!"
"I was going to give it to P'Kim anyways!"
The two Kittisawat brothers' voices began to grow in volume that other people began to either leave for peace and quiet or just cover their ears. One or two were actually recording the incident.
Kim tugs onto Porchay's hand to get his attention, but it doesn't work.
"Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat, you didn't not spend money on a ring you were going to give away anyway!"
"It was one ring, and I was trying to figure out if it fit my style, and I found out it wasn't!" he snaps back, his body ridging as anger and frustration curled through him.
Kim's decision to actually hold Porchay's hand wasn't actually executed as smoothly as he thought, as Tankhun's screech followed by Porsche's demanding gasp gained Porchay's attention. "Take a deep breath." he tells the younger anyway, Porchay doing as told. "Let it out. Slowly."
"Thank you." Porchay's form relaxes somewhat, though his looming brother, keeps him still.
"You did tell me I'm married to whoever the ring belongs to." He says calmly to Porsche.
"Marriage!" Tankhun turns to Porsche, who's eyes widened at exactly who he now he has to face. "There's no ceremony! Porsche, how could you!"
"Khun, it's not…they're not actually--"
"And here I thought I had an actual friend! Everyone always abandons me! Kinn, Kim, and now you. I don't know if I can trust you anymore!" Tankhun swishes out of the room, Porsche trying to explain as they get further away.
"What ring?" Porchay asks, turning to look over his fingers.
Kim shows him the black and blue ring on his left hand, "Porsche said he found it." he takes his hand away from Porchay's to remove the ring and give it back to the rightful owner.
"Cool." he looks at it, until Kim tries to hand it over, "Huh?"
"It's yours right?"
"It was a fib. I mean I do have a ring missing but it's not that one."
"You said…"
"Hia knows that I've got a missing ring, but I never told him what it looks like. A friend wanted to borrow it and I've never seen it again. Hia is pretty good at getting information and memories mixed up."
"What's it look like?"
"Hmm? Oh! It's silver with stars and moons on it."
Kim thinks back to his collection, a good majority of people are aware of his ring obsession, so any lost rings are brought to him. "It's scratched up and the black part is flaking off?"
Porchay sits up straight, "Have you seen it?"
Kim stands, "I think I might have it. Come on."
Kim leads Porchay to his dorm, they talked somewhat through the short journey. Mainly about music, their plans for the future, and complaints about projects. Porchay teased him about getting started early on a his final project, but Kim told him that it's best to be prepared just in case. Porchay didn't question the just in case. Partially understanding that some things they don't have control over.
Entering Kim's room, Porchay is instantly drawn toward the two guitars sitting on stands, he only frowns slightly at the lack of personality within the room. It's devoid.
Kim goes to his jewelry box, there are four boxes, each with a different set of rings. The one that may belong to the freshman behind him, is actually stored in a drawer. It's one he'll pick out when he's hit a creative block, some thoughts will flow through his mind of the kind of person that would wear it. He opens it and takes it out showing Porchay. "This it?"
"Yes!" the shout of joy and relief flows from the younger as he slips the silver ring onto his right index finger. "Thank you!" he then runs his thumb over the ring and frowns.
"What's wrong?"
"It's supposed to spin." Porchay shakes his head, "I'm just happy that it's back." he flashes Kim a wide smile. "As for the, uh, fake relationship that…um…"
"What about it?" Kim's eyes narrowed at him.
"I thought maybe we could keep it up? I know it's a lot," Porchay begins seeing the decline building in Kim's eyes, "but we could both get back at hia."
"Porsche didn't target you. You have no reason to get back at him."
"You do, though." Porchay looks down at his ring. "I…hia doesn't get consequences often, but this time the lesson might stick. When he would get on his prank marathons, he doesn't always stop at boundaries, I'm usually the one that has to…prank him back to get him to stop."
"You…are both gremlins, then?"
"Hia practically raised me." he muttered when Kim turned around back to his ring boxes.
"You'll shame him to leave me alone? That's the plan? It could work, but," he opens one box with slightly smaller ring sizes. Some that had been delivered together as a set, but didn't actually fit him.
"If you don't want to, it's fine. I mean, you do have a growing reputation online, I wouldn't want to risk that."
With Porchay rambling behind him, he picks up a ring that is a slightly smaller size compared to the moon and star that currently resides on his finger. It doesn't match the younger's style, but everyone, and especially Porsche knows Kim's style. The ring he picks up is black, but the imbedded chain that wraps around the band is silver, would basically be a claim to whoever wears it.
"Hia will question everything once he realizes that the ring isn't mine, and he'll go back to potentially targeting you. If we would extend the fake relationship, it'll be an easy backfire on hia and…"
"This wouldn't work unless Porsche sees I'm reciprocating." Kim says turning back to take Porchay's left hand, sliding the ring onto his ring finger. "Good. Perfect fit."
"This isn't my style." Porchay says, taking his hand away to observe the ring.
"It's mine, and if you have a ring in my style, Porsche will be more likely to believe the ruse."
"Then you should probably call me Chay. Hia definetly won't believe otherwise."
Kim finding a way to fix the moon and star ring so it spins again. Chay proceeds to hug him.
Chay forgets his fixed ring, so Kim allows him to fidget with the rings on his hand.
Chay remembers his ring, and Kim is unsure how he feels with Chay not messing with his rings.
Kim breaking into Chay's room to steal all of his fidget rings that he gave him so Chay can go back to playing with the rings on Kim's hand instead.
Chay being naturally affectionate doesn't realize that Kim is no longer faking the relationship. Only when he finds his missing rings in one of Kim's ring boxes and is caught by Kim does he finally understand.
Chay reciprocating the ring gifting and Kim not realizing the significance of the action, still attempting to court Chay.
Porsche pulling Tankhun into a prank that reveals Chay's and Kim's feeling toward each other.
Porsche and Tankhun find out the entire situation and teases them for it.
Chay and Kim, who work really well together, put Porsche and a returned (WHERE??) Kinn together who do the exact same thing.
Chay and Kim both act like they don't know about Porsche and Kinn's Fake Relationship, they're just adding to the bonfire.
Kinn actually falls first. Porsche is too caught up in his attempts at keeping everything as a prank to see Kinn's genuine courting.
Tankhun is both horrified and amused, immediately knowing that this is Kim and Chay's fault.
Then Korn(?) finds out, leaving Porsche and Kinn to fake a relationship around Korn on their own.
Porsche ends the pranking to deal with Korn (threat?) and becomes genuine around Kinn, helping Kinn as is needed.
Ends with Chay and Kim giving Porsche a 'how's it feel'…but they're all so happy that the shenanigans are over.
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honorarybuckley · 5 months
do y’all think buck didn’t shave before their first date because he really wanted to feel tommy’s stubble against his again?
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marcmorrigan · 1 year
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Released to [REDACTED]. SPK 02-04-10 6:45 PM
also released:
3 - One (1) sealed bag s/c cigarettes & lighter which were found in right exterior vest pocket of unnamed male accomplice.
4 - One (1) sealed bag s/c polaroid photo which was found in left interior vest pocket of unnamed male accomplice.
Note: victim posthumously identified as one Mail Jeevas, DOB 02/01/1990 (aged 19yrs at time of death). Request that Gevanni update documentation accordingly. - N
always thinking about the polaroids matt and mello didnt get to take + the amount of clean up and paperwork near and the SPK probably had to do after they seized all the kira case files from 'L'... also like. do you think near had to identify matts body. who else was there that couldve done it. anyway whatever teehee <3
+ 'clean'(er) version without all the scratches and stuff:
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omg-snakes · 1 year
How does the narrow face affect the chance of that snake’s survival? Or is it just an indicator of probable other defects?
It's pretty bad and I'm not sure if he'll be able to eat. He emerged fully so I was able to get a better look at what's going on.
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His bottom jaw is reduced and twisted. He can open his mouth but it looks like his glottis is very narrow, too, and pushed close to the front of his mouth. His trachea may be pinched. The quadrate and/or supratemporal portions of his skull (top back) are also deformed and jut out slightly.
There may be other defects at play. I know it's a boy because his hemipenes are currently everted, which is not normal. He did manage to absorb his yolk, but his navel is not fully sealed shut. He's not kinked, though, and he moves normally so we'll see if his condition improves and if he's able to eat once he's completed a neonatal shed.
He reminds me of an Italian greyhound with a severe overbite. I'm going to call him Iggy, which is the most common name for that particular dog breed.
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philsmeatylegss · 9 months
Learning that Dan and Phil knew about all of the phandom lore and jokes is like learning Santa isn’t real. Looking back, it’s obvious and makes a lot more sense, but where’s the magic?
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buildarocketboys · 1 month
Messaged my spontaneous/flaky/last minute friend to be like. Can we PLEASE arrange to meet up a few days advance to do something I know I can definitely do (that preferably doesn't involve a bunch of other people I don't know) because I CANNOT DO spontaneous meeting up and I feel bad every time she suggests meeting up, like, TOMORROW, with no details like time or place, and I have to be like "No." even if I'm technically free
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fatedroses · 8 months
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A bit of a silly sketch to wrap up the night.
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nico-di-genova · 2 months
Palex ice cream date palex ice cream date palex ice cream date palex ice cream date.
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
For TST, it's still Thursday now for me at least: I've been on T for 6 years + now, and I've noticed in the past few months that I'm finally in a place with my body (and my mind) where I don't worry that other people can "tell" just by looking at me. And it's so nice to just exist without worrying about whether they "can tell" or not.
Holy shit, six years sounds so long... do you know how much I look forward to being where you are? I know people longer in transition aren't inherently inspiring nor should they be expected to be so, but I still find it really heartwarming and hopeful.
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