#Lila and Five always interacted in such a brother/sister way
eternalnat · 1 month
I rarely make tumblr posts, but I am so infuriated by this situation I need to say something about it.
Five Hargreeves, who spent 45 years alone in a post-apocalyptic world, and every single moment of his life since was spent trying to get back to his family. The Five who ran himself dry for 2 weeks straight trying to stop the end of the world, and reunite his family. The Five who slaughtered an entire board of directors just to ensure him family's safety. Who turned back time himself, while bleeding out on the floor, just to save his siblings. You're telling me, that the Five whose entire motivation for living was once saving his family, is the same Five, who in s4 has entirely given up, and in the Subway is the one trying to convince Lila to stop looking after 6 and a half years? The Five who never once stopped trying to return to his family in all 45 years of surviving alone, decides to settle down in a greenhouse and live out a cottagecore life?
Furthermore, the same Five who told Lila that Diego loved her, who reassured his brother that his wife wasn't cheating on him and loved him dearly, the same Five who got on with Lila only due to the fact that they both cared for and loved Diego, the person they had in common, is the same Five who stole his brother's wife, whom he had three children with, just because the writers were excited that Aidan Gallagher was finally legal?
Five who hated authority, who despised when people gave him commands, who wanted nothing more than to retire in s3, is now working for the CIA and willingly calling his boss, 'sir'?
Five who used to be so paranoid and suspicious of everyone and everything, who used to solve problems alone and came to epiphanies that saved the world, who didn't even trust a past version of himself, also didn't realise that his boss of many years had an umbrella tattooed on his wrist?
Everything that once stood out about his character is now gone, as if the writers themselves entirely forgot about his existence until the last moment, and added him in as an afterthought, without thinking of the effect he would have on the story.
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ollycohens · 3 months
oh no you guys. i’m going to spew things i’ve realized while rewatching umbrella academy. I’m realizing were all being too sucked into fanon things after being stuck without canon content for so long. We have convinced ourselves Five acts like a mean mean dude to everyone but rewatching, i’ve realized he’s only stressed and is saying things out of panicked anger, especially in s1 with the apocalypse dooming over them. he acts soft to his siblings multiple times, he’s really not as mean as we write him in fanfiction. he is a little crap though, that’s for sure, and i love him for that <3
also realizing that the siblings don’t hate five. they just literally don’t know him at all. he came back a completely different person after 17 years for the siblings, they don’t know five, he’s a stranger so of course they’re gonna be cold to him. it’s like, “i don’t know you well, but you’re always going to be my brother in the end”.
ALSO. for those who ship some of the siblings, uhm… i’ve seen a lot of you guys try to prove that they don’t see eachother as siblings and more like academy students, but they very much say in just about every episode that they see eachother as siblings. they don’t actually SAY that word by word but they say things like “she’s our sister”, or “our dad”. if they say OUR dad… bro. i’m not even going to continue, you can put it together yourself. But, i do realize why people ship the siblings. I am not defending incest shippers but with umbrella academy i can see why people have resorted to it. only 3 of the characters in the main sibling cast has romantic partners. people like shipping people, people love writing romantic relationships, but with only diego/lila, dave/klaus, and sissy/viktor, (i’m not going to count five/dolores for now) people are desperate with the need to ship the rest of the siblings with someone, and since there are only a few actual canon characters in the show that interact with our main 7, people start shipping them together… yikes. anywho, that’s all for that peice. i blame the show writers as well for shipping luther/allison, they did not have to do that, but i’m hoping it was only to convey the severity of what childhood trauma does to people.
ALSO THIS HERE SHOOK ME. I actually think Reginald cares for the siblings. i hate to say it, but it’s true. caring for them does not mean being good, though. he was a horrible father, and person, but he genuinely did care for the siblings, in a like, “being the best is the best thing for you, i will make you better, for your sake, even if you don’t know it now, you will see that i am right” kind of way.
also why has NOBODY MENTIONED THIS. in season 2 when diego first reunites with five in the asylum, while he’s walking into the visitors room, he’s staring at five with this heartfelt, soft look, and then says “five…” in the most soft spoken voice ever 😭 your honor i love them
ALSO UGHHH THIS. IM GOING TO FREAK OUT ABOUT CAMERAWORK AND METAPHORS HERE SO BARE WITH ME. we as a fandom complain about the lack of flashbacks five has due to his ptsd. we’ve seen his first flashback since getting back to his family in s1 during the van scene when he gets triggered by those kids playing and starts thinking about his own childhood, i’m guessing. i ate that scene up, and was sad to see that be one of the only deeply vulnerable scenes he has in the season, and during my first watch i thought they’d never bring it back up. but they do!! i may be stupid for not realizing but whatever. in season 2, when five is trying to explain at elliot’s with all his siblings around that another apocalypse is coming, everyone starts talking about each other. as someone who studies film and camerawork, i love this scene. we see the camera focus on five as it slowly zooms in. it doesn’t switch scenes at all as the siblings voices overlap and echo over eachother. this whole scene conveys him getting overwhelmed and he starts to zone out, starting to think of the nuclear war he saw his siblings in. the scenes of the war start quickly switching through, showing many different scenes of it before it switches back to five, who says “guys, you all die. i want to forget it but i can’t” which just UGH its so well done there. if you think about it, he was starting to slip into another flashback. he was triggered by talking about their deaths in the war but was handling it well until the siblings started fighting, where we see the overlapping voices happen. it portrays him losing control and being unable to pull it back together with too much going on for him to focus on grounding himself. we DO however, see that five was able to pull himself out before he fell too deep into the flashback. i love how they show this through them still having the scene showing the war, but then fives voice starts talking over the scene which is still focusing on the war as if he was pushing it back and forcing himself to come back to the present.
thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far, i will continue to freak out another time <3
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mercurialskiies · 1 year
I need to talk into the void about the stuff i’ve read about Fragile Threads so far (because everyone I follow on the non-blue bird app hasn’t read it yet) since it came to my house early and I need to scream in a way that’s cohesive and also non-spoilery.
I just. I have so many thoughts.
So if you don’t want spoilers please don’t unravel this post.
I’m warning you.
Please do not click the “Keep Reading” tab if you don’t want spoilers.
You cannot hold me accountable otherwise.
Okay, if you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’ve sealed your fate on spoilers.
Good. Cool. We’re on the same page.
It should be noted that, in the five hours I’ve been reading, I just got to like, the second chapter of part three. We devoured two whole parts, which will be my main talking points here.
First thing’s first: I’m desperately awaiting more from Kosika and Tes. I really love their characters so far (more Tes than Kosika, because I’ve only seen that first chapter from her and Tes I’ve seen two). I want to know what it is about Tes’ sister (or, maybe, who her sister is involved with) that has Tes so absolutely terrified. Her character as a whole intrigues me and I’m excited to see how she interacts with everyone down the line (if she does).
Also, bonus points and shout outs to Tes naming her owl Vares. She’s just like me for real.
Second thing’s second: I really LOVE how so far the first nearly 150+ pages are a reunion for characters from Shades (which I think is really welcome if you read the Shades of Magic books first). Seeing Maris and Kell and Lila again was just REALLY nice, and I missed them.
Which, speaking of Kell and Lila, holy crap I missed them and their dynamic so much. I do very much love the growth they’ve gone through in the seven years from what I’ve seen. Lila, while she has some of the same traits (knife kleptomaniac), feels like she’s softened a little and Kell, while he has some of his sadboi traits, definitely feels…way more confident. Like, I’m talking LEAGUES more confident.
Plus, seeing them both function as Antari magicians is really cool, because Lila only really “grew” into her powers starting in AGOS. To see her using magic with proficiency is like “Wow”.
It isn’t the same for Kell, who, first and foremost, those flashback scenes to the months/early years after his magic was shattered hurt me so much, dude. Especially because like, magic was the thing he was valued for as part of the crown—his worth always lied in his ability to not just do magic, but wield it with ease and proficiency. He was always looked on as this figure of power.
I don’t blame him for being so afraid and anxious about what that means for his sense of self-worth. Especially considering that most, if not all of his worth, hinged on his ability to do magic.
I did like the little analogy that Lila gives him, though, about the swordsman who learned to use his other hand to fight (implying that Kell can still fight, just with using other things instead of his magic—magic, whether he can use it or not, doesn’t define his worth).
But the other little thing I appreciated is that this, even seven years after the fact, is still something Kell struggles with. Using magic, Antari spells or otherwise, is still a fallback for him when his swords and knives fail. It isn’t something that just goes away.
Some other small things I wanted to note is just I love all of the little callbacks to the first series (Lila and Kell’s little “What was that for?” “For warmth.” exchange had me giggling and kicking my feet. They’re so whipped it’s insane).
Also, this would explain where the ring (in that one snippet that had me literally on the floor) came from. It’s not a wedding ring (like I assumed it was), but it’s a binding ring. Which, is almost kind of like a wedding ring, but without the vows. Plus, the fact that Kell mentions he only wears two for the people he loves most (his girlfriend and his brother) made me 🥺
Some things for these characters never change.
And I’m excited to see the rest of it and meet the newer ones.
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artxyra · 4 years
Hi, could you please write a miraculous ladybug salt with Damianette where Marinette and Damian have been dating since before the show starts. Alya believes Marinette has a crush on Adrian even though Marinette is in a relationship with Damian. Alya then tries to break Damianette up in order to get adrianette together. Also Marinette and Adrian met when they were younger due to the dupain-cheng and Wayne's being friends and the Argeste and Wayne's being business friends. Maybe make it Class salt
Pretending to like Adrien may have been the worst decision of her life. Of course, Adrien agreed to it wanting to pretend to be the oblivious just a friend kind of guy. Marinette and Adrien shared laughs at the thought of their classmates trying to get them together not knowing the extent of their relationship prior to meet them.
Let’s rewind a bit.
It started with Sabine and Emilie went to University to together. They were roommates and the bests of friends. From there, Sabine went into dating the baker’s son while Emilie touch interest in a fashion mogul. Everything was perfect for their little group until business started to grow on international levels. Sabine and Tom jumped to stardom after participating in a baking contest in English and became one of Europe’s celebrities in the food industry. Emilie had grown to be loved on the big screen as Gabriel expanded on the family business taking on building the biggest fashion empire in Paris.
Soon the family of twos welcomes new members: Adrien and Marinette.
The children would send the day at each other’s home when their parents were on business trips. They grew to love each other as brothers and sisters. It was Marinette who asked her parents to send her to big brother's house to show him something she had made. Sabine and Emilie cried together when they realize that their children had taken to calling each other siblings.
When Adrien and Marinette were five, the family was welcomed to a Wayne Gala. Sabine and Tom were quick to become friends with a certain Mr. Wayne. Marinette had expanded who siblings to include Dickie and Tim Tam. Adrien was jealous of the competition regarding Mari’s favorite brother.
All was perfect until Mari meet the latest addition to the Wayne family around the age of ten.  Damian Wayne.
He wasn’t like the others, and she had met plenty of the adopted and non-adopted Wayne over the years. He was rude, always looking like he was out to get the world. She at the utmost pleasure in breaking through to the older boy. Her challenge every time she visits was to get him to laugh. She didn’t exceed.
 When Adrien went the young Wayne, he screamed and hid behind Marinette, who at the time was taller than the two boys. Adrien hugged Mr. Kitten, his stuff black cat, like a lifeline until Alfred had called the three kids for lunch.
As they have gotten older, Damian took a liking to Marinette and had developed a crush on her. His older siblings found it hilarious when they found the demon lightly brushing at any mention of the Parisian girl.
Unfortunately, a loss entered the Agreste household. Emilie had fallen sick and had disappeared from the face of the earth. Gabriel didn’t know how to deal with the loss, he ended up giving the Dupain-Cheng temporary custody of his son until he figures out his next move. That was the last time anyone had seen M. Agreste in public. Adrien plenty of surrogate siblings to help him through the loss of his mother, but he also ended up losing his father in the process.
Months before they were to enter college, Damian had asked Marinette on a date. Marinette smiles and wrapped her arms the taller boy’s neck. Her boys had grown to be taller than the girl even if it was by a couple of centimeters. Everyone around them suspects that they’ll be at least 5’9” to 6” while Marinette would grow to be Sabine’s height at best.
Celebrations were made at the announcement of the Dupain-Cheng heiress and Wayne heir becoming a couple. Their parents promise their kids a normal relationship despite media interference. The Dupain-Cheng moved into their smaller bakery as it had an apartment upstairs. The perfect front and it was close to the school that they were sending Marinette to for college.
It was all fine and dandy until Marinette and Adrien received their miraculous. Not even a day after they started college. Marinette had taken a liking to the reporter, but she quickly realizes that she is determined, and that kind of determination can last for a long time.
“I’m fine, Dami,” Marinette says to Damian over video chat. She was working on a commission for a client and Adrien was being no help despite being in the same room with her. Damian raises an eyebrow. “I’m serious, they cannot bring me down.”
“She’s lying.” Adrien sings from his position on the chaise. Marinette turns to the blonde model and glares at him.
“Stay sane, Angel. I’m sure she’ll come to her senses.”
“I doubt it, we’re about to graduate lycée and she's still headset of getting Adrien and me together. I’m pretty sure Luka would hate that.” Marinette begins to stitch together the pieces of fabric in front of her.   
“In that case, I will gladly put a sword through her if she doesn’t stop.” Marinette smiles and laughs at the thought of Damian putting a sword through Alya.
“Well your lunch is ending soon, we’ll talk later?” Marinette says pulling her focus away from the outfit and to the clock.
“Father will understand if I ditch the other half a day.”
“I’ll go Angel.” Damian folded. “Are you still on for date night tomorrow?”
“I would be crazy if I said it wasn’t.” Marinette waves goodbye to the small screen. The screen goes black signaling the end of the call.
“So, what are we going to do about Alya?” Adrien asks and before Marinette could reply, both of their phones go off. “It’s Nino. Asking if I want to hang out with him and Alya.”
Marinette sighs and sends a quick reply. “Alya texted me about wanting to hang out with her rather than Nino.”
A beat past. “She’s setting us up again.” Groans follow through.
With Alya, she is determined, to get Adrienette together by the end of the school year. This was their final year and Marinette never once managed to work up the confidence to ask the blonde model out.
Today, she was staging an “Operation Adrienette” at the Place des Vosges. Everyone that is a part of the akuma class was there. Alya, standing front and center with Lila, points to the easel with a large poster board.
“Here’s the plan. We all know that graduation is coming up soon, and I tend to make it my legacy to ensure Adrienette becomes canon. They have ditched us for the last time and I planned to end that this week.” Alya states pretending to be heartbroken.
Lila couldn’t help but notice how Chloe and Juleka were missing from the meeting. She doesn’t want Adrienette to happen but when she tried to get Marinette expelled in college, during a photoshoot Adrien had to threaten for her to back off and stop messing with his sister. Their other brothers wouldn’t like that. Since that encounter, she made a deal with the duo and learned very quickly how there was no romantic attraction between them, just mischief. The reason for Lila being her is because Alya and the rest of them are still her puppets and she has to play the supportive friend.
“I’m still salty about the last plan. They were supposed to have a romantic time at the ice rink, and nothing came of it. This time I’m planning a romantic dinner where Nino and I would ditch the two for another booth. That way they are forced to interact with each other.”
“What are we going to do if that backfires?” Rose raised her hand inputting her concerns.
“We don’t expect it to.” Alya confidently states.
It was Friday night when the plan went into fruition. Adrien had agreed to meet up with Nino and Alya for whatever they have planned. He ended up dressing up at the request Alya of blowing up his phone under Nino’s contact name.
Alya was hanging off Nino’s arms smiling at the model. It was creeping him out.
“So why am I here?” He finally asks even though he knew the answer already.
“We’re waiting for Marinette; she’d promised that she’ll be here in a moment.” Alya deflects the question, she looks elsewhere, no doubt to find Marinette. “There she is.”
Marinette walks over to the group. Adrien gasps causing Alya and Nino to smugly smile at each other. Marinette was wearing a red and black T-shirt dress with the icon of Robin in the center.
“Hey gurl, glad you can join us.” Alya pulls away from Nino, giving the poor teen his arm back and formerly greets Adrien.
“Not like a had a choice, Alya.” Marinette murmurs under her breath.
“Of course, you did, look you’re already here and let’s go get to our seats.” Alya pushes Marinette towards the door and gestures for Adrien and Nino to follow.
Before they were event seated, Marinette notices the two-seat table. Like that didn’t raise any red flags about this evening. Adrien and Marinette took to the table first while Alya made up an excuse for her and Nino. They took the seats on the opposite side of the restaurant to spy on the couple.
Marinette stares down at Adrien both looking very comfortable with one another. The waiter came to their table asking if they need anything to which Marinette orders water and Adrien saying that he’s just a stand-in. The waiter didn’t question it.
Alya and Nino had ordered their meals and she was getting fed up with the lack of communication between the two. She would have stalked over there if it hadn’t been for Nino holding her back.
Just then, a tall, sleek dark hair, gentlemen walk over to the table. Adrien immediately gives up his seat to the gentlemen, but Marinette got out from her seat to hug the man. Alya was in shock. Marinette even gave the male a kiss on the lips before wishing Adrien out.
Adrien had the nerve to turn to Alya and smirk before walking back to the entrance and out of the restaurant. Marinette and the male happy hold hands across the table and chatted. When the waiter had returned with Marinette’s glass of water, he doesn’t seem surprised to see the new face. Instead, he takes their order and doesn’t return until the order is ready.
Alya watch as the couple happily eat. Anger could not describe what she was feeling. Who was this gut and how dare he hijacks a date she had been planning for weeks? When Nino finally gave his okay, it was after Marinette and her mystery date disappeared out of the restaurant. Alya wanted to scream and shout. Scream to the heavens to let out all the anguish she was suffering from Adrienette and shout at Marinette for daring to bring another dude in while she has a crush on Adrien.
She must break them up. If that is the last thing she does.
Alya didn’t see Marinette nor Adrien for the rest of the weekend. She tried to go to the bakery, but the girl’s parents informed her that Marinette was not home. Everything was a mess.
When she returned to the classroom that following Monday, the class was all wondering how the date went. Did they finally get together? Alya was near a breakdown.
“You, how could you. Do you have any idea what I had to go through?” Alya shouts at the teen at fault for all her problems.
“Look Alya, I didn’t ask to be set up with Adrien. At first, it was hilarious but now it’s affecting both our love life.” Marinette counters taking her seat in the back. Adrien enters the classroom not long after she sat down.
“Excuse you, but you are destined to be with Adrien.” Alya screeches but her cries go unheard by the two siblings.
The teacher walks in and demands the class to sit down. Alya turns to Marinette and mouths, “This is not over” to which Marinette raises an eyebrow.
Another meeting in the Place des Vosges.
“I have called you all here to take incriminated photos of Marinette. I need to gather as much evidence to break up Mari and this supposed boyfriend of hers. Any suggestions?” Alya asks standing in front of the remains of the class that supports her.
“Oh, I’ve been seeing Marinette a lot lately with these two boys. They’re clearly more than a thing.” Lila lies through her teeth. She already knows that wasn’t the truth but Alya didn’t know that.
“Someone that wasn’t her boyfriend?” Alya raises an eyebrow. Lila nods. “Good, that is excellent news.”
It wasn’t excellent news.
The first attempt was a fail. Marinette was hanging out with Nathaniel and they all knew he was in a relationship with Marc. Apparently, the artist was commissioning a scarf as an anniversary gift.
The second attempt was also a fail. Marinette was with this boyfriend of hers getting ice cream together. They were having a romantic evening.
The third attempt was nearly a success until Juleka rained on their parade saying that Luka was in a happy relationship with some dude and Marinette and he was just friends.
It wasn’t until they were on the fourth attempt that they struck gold. Marinette was spending time with two unknown boys. The designer was out and about in the park throwing frisbees. One of the guys picked her up and spun her around before placing a kiss on her cheek. The class cheered at the thought of finally getting Marinette and Adrien together.
Alya was waiting for the opportunity. She didn’t have to wait long. Marinette and the dude were sitting underneath the tree at Place des Vosges.
“Your girlfriend here is a cheating bitch.” Alya states confidently.
Marinette turns to her boyfriend then back to Alya.
“What makes you think that of my beloved.” The guy asks raising an eyebrow. Marinette was still in his lap.
“I got evidence.”
“Pray tell.”
Alya pulls out a stack of photos. She gave them to the boy who examines the photos. He hid his smirk in Marinette’s neck who was hiding her laughter.
“So that’s why they were here. I really need to place boundaries on those idiots.” He says thoughtfully.
“Don’t you dare.” Marinette counters playfully hitting the male’s chest.
“It seems that you have caught my beloved with my imbecile’s brothers. Those photos that you have of them are without consent. I could press charges against you on their behalf.”
Alya was losing every ounce of confidence she had.
Adding oil to the fuel, Adrien walks over to them hand-in-hand with Luka. He greets them and kisses Luka’s lips. Alya wanted to scream. How could all this go so wrong?
“If you need any indication as to how long I’ve been with Marinette, we have been together since she turned thirteen.” He states kissing Marinette’s cheek in the process.
“But…but,” Alya stutters her brain could not comprehend the situation.
“Alya, dating Adrien would be like dating my brother. We’ve been friends since we were in diapers.” Marinette then adds more fuel to the fire, “You and the class would have noticed had you not been set on this Adrienette ship.”
“Yeah, a simple search online and you would see photos of Mari and me at galas, movie premieres, fashion shows. She and Damian have been in news coverage from the first time they announce their relationship to the recent engagement announcement.” Marinette blush at the thought of the giant ring on her ring finger.
“Alya, in a different universe I would proudly be Adrien’s girlfriend but it’s not this universe.”
“Let’s go, future Mrs. Wayne.”
“I couldn’t agree more, Mr. Wayne.”
Marinette and Damian walk out of the park and head to the bakery.
“Better luck next time Alya,” Adrien smiles before he and Luka follows the two.
Alya was lost for words, she would never get her ship canon. She fell on the green pastures and contemplate life decisions.   
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miraculouswolf99 · 4 years
Field Trip To Greece
My own take on the Field Trip salt stories that usually are crossovers with Batman and have Damienette. But this is my version with them going to Greece and involves my OCs Lyon and Vallia Garden.
“Mari, Mari, MARI,” Adrien basically yelled into his friend’s ear.
Marinette woke up with a jolt in her bus seat.
“What,” she groaned, never being much of a morning person.
“We’re almost at the sanctuary, so I figured to wake you up,” Adrien smiled at his friend.
“Thanks and curse how fast this bus is,” Marinette said.
“And curse Hawkmoth for late night akumas,” Adrien suggested.
“That to,” Marinette agreed. “Even in Greece, he still finds a way to annoy us in Paris.”
“Well, you brought the horse miraculous for a reason,” Adrien said.
“How are you not tired,” Marinette questioned him.
“I’ve always been a morning person,” Adrien shrugged. “Blame my father for a lot of early morning photoshoots.”
“I’d slap your father if it did not mean risking my future as a fashion designer in the process,” Marinette says.
After revealing themselves to each other after Miracle Queen, the two had developed a more brother-sister relationship. They both thought that it would be better for them to know each other after having all their allies exposed to Hawkmoth and Mayura. They joked around, teased each other, and also always had each others backs.
Having each other’s backs certainly helped them when Lila’s lies got worse. After Chloe had willingly helped Hawkmoth, she had been sent to a private reformatory school in Sweden. Lila took the opportunity to tell more of her lies, saying that she had been telling her “best friend” Ladybug to keep the Bee miraculous away from Chloe for months. And just like everything else Lila ever said, their class ate it up like it was their last meal.
Adrien had joined Marinette almost immediately after he made his “deal with the devil” in order to get her back into school. He threw himself off the “high road” the moment that Marinette told him that Lila threatened her. But even with him backing up Marinette every time she caught inconsistencies in Lila’s tales, there were still few that actually believed them. Some even went as far as scolding Marinette for her “brainwashing Adrien” into thinking that Lila was a liar.
Kim, Juleka, and Nathaniel were the only ones that stayed loyal to their friends. Especially since Marinette had done so much for them in the past. Like curing Juleka of her photo curse, helping Nathaniel get together with Marc, and Kim had been her friend since they were in diapers. With their group was also Kagami, Luka, Marc, Aurore, and Mireille. The rest of Bustier’s class was pretty much made up of Lila’s attack dogs.
What annoyed Adrien the most was how his so-called best friend. Nino may be siding with his girlfriend, Alya being Lila’s biggest supporter/attack dog, but that also meant he was part of the problem. He certainly never helped Adrien when Lila would constantly hold onto his arm no matter how many times he told her to let go. It was driving Adrien crazy and he was very close to taking Plagg up on his offer to Cataclysm the liar.
“I bet the garden is going to be beautiful,” Juleka says, her seat next to the two heroes.
She was sitting next to Nathaniel while Kim was in the seat in front of Adrien and Marinette. They were all in the seats at the back of the bus.
“I heard that the Garden Family Sanctuary is ranked as an unofficial wonder of the world,” Nathaniel said.
“Anyone else find it odd that a nature sanctuary is run by a family with Garden as their last name,” Kim asked.
“I think this is one of those ‘don’t think about it too much’ times,” Marinette shrugged.
“I haven’t been here in years,” Adrien was glad to be back.
“You’ve been here before,” Juleka asked.
“There was a charity fashion show here about a year before my mother disappeared,” Adrien explained. “I was here with my parents for it.”
“Did you meet any of the animals here,” Kim looked excited. “I heard that they let any animals here roam free even when they have events or tours here.”
“The animals do roam around the sanctuary as they wish,” Adrien says. “But the Garden family and all their employees work hard to tame all their animals privately to make sure that even the predators do not harm anyone. They spend months to years taming them before releasing them into the main part of the sanctuary.”
“It really sounds like an amazing place,” Marinette said.
“I can’t wait to draw some of the animals,” Nathaniel already had out his sketchpad. “Marc requested I draw him the most amazing animal that I see. No pressure. Haha.”
Juleka patted his shoulder, but her obviously hiding her laughter made her attempt to comfort him fail. 
But, as usual, their good moods had to be ruined by the Italian that never seemed to go five minutes without hearing the sound of her own voice. And, also as usual, she was spouting her nonsense. They were very close to throwing her out the back of the bus if she did not stop talking.
“Of course I know the Garden family,” Lila brags, lying through her teeth. “They are basically family to me.”
“Here we go again,” the five friends groaned.
“The mother and her two daughters mostly handle the plants,” Lila continues. “The father and their son handle the animals. It’s only natural since they are the only ones that can stomach having to put down the more dangerous animals.”
“Tell us more, Lila,” Alya was recording the entire time.
Adrien growled. “There has never been a case of an animal being put down at the sanctuary. The closest that comes to that is when an animal gets sick and there is nothing they can do to help it.”
“They have to put it out of its misery, don’t they,” Marinette asked.
Adrien nodded. “The youngest two Gardens speak fluent French, so I was able to spend some time with kids my own age during the fashion show. They told me that while it breaks their hearts, it is better than letting the animal suffer.”
“I can see where they come from for that,” Juleka says. “They love, take care of, and train all the animals. So it’s only natural that they form a bond with them.”
“I know I am not the brightest person in class, but how can they believe such crap,” Kim shook his head. “Whenever anyone even slightly mentions someone famous, she instantly says she is either best friends with them or somehow related to them. It’s impossible.”
“Tell that to the sheep that follow her around like she’s god’s gift to the world,” Marinette rolled her eyes.
“Makes you wonder if we really are the only ones in class with braincells,” Nathaniel, of all people, said.
The bus doors opened as it came to a full stop at the sanctuary. Bustier was the first out and the class followed her. They all first went into the sanctuary. And even from what little they could see from where they were, it already was one of the most beautiful places any of them have ever seen.
Trees, flowers, and even fruit and vegetable plants were growing as far as their eyes could see. The entire sanctuary also seemed to be covered by a glass dome, making an environment similar to a greenhouse. It made sense since there were probably plants in certain areas that needed to be grown in certain temperatures.
But today the dome’s windows were open, letting in the natural light of the sun, even if it looked like squares on the ground because of the dome’s window linings.
As Bustier lead them to a stop, two teen their age approached the group. Adrien recognized his two penpals. The ones he met in Greece when he was there for the fashion show. Lyon and Vallia Garden.
Vallia was quite beautiful and had a grace and elegance to her style. She had long blond hair braided with roses and butterflies and had pink streaks. Her eyes were a stunning silver that you could see, if you were close enough, had specks of blue in them. Her style was a red, pink, and purple dawn colored dress with gold flats. On her wrists were diamond rose cuff bracelets, a butterfly on the one on her right wrist.
Lyon gave off a very icy exterior that also screamed honor and loyalty that only a knight would have. A tall boy with hair that was black with streaks of white and blue in it, coming to the length of Adrien's. His eyes were the opposite of the girl's, blue with silver specks. His outfit of choice was a sky blue t-shirt under a white jean vest, matching the blue pants with white boots. On his hands were white fingerless gloves. Around his neck was a sword and shield pendant as well as a white cloak only going down to his knees.
They all also saw that the two did have crystal medallions on their foreheads. Vallia’s was a rose quartz butterfly and Lyon’s was a sapphire wolf.
“Your pen pals are hot, Adrien,” Marinette smirked as she saw her honorary brother staring at Lyon.
“Shut up,” Adrien grumbled, making Marinette giggle.
Bustier turns to the class. “These two are going to be our guides through the sanctuary. Please show them the proper amount of respect since they are the ones that work here.”
Lyon and Vallia gave the teacher the side-eye. While they technically did work there, their family owned the sanctuary and it was like Bustier had completely forgot about that and thought that they were just employees of the sanctuary.
“Shouldn’t we be guided by adults,” Mylene asked, trying not to sound offensive to the two teens.
“We’re your tour guides because we are the only ones here fluent in French,” Lyon told the class, his French flawless.
Adrien hid that he was chuckling behind his hand. He knew the twins were fluent, but the looks on his classmate’s faces when Lyon spoke in French was just so funny.
“Before we begin, let us introduce ourselves,” Vallia said, also switching to French. “My name is Vallia and this is my twin brother, Lyon.”
“Please also take note of a few rules of the sanctuary,” Lyon says. “While the animals here have been tamed, do not touch or interact with them without permission. Certain movements or actions could cause them to badly react. They are all also on specific diets, so do not feed them unless we give you food to give them.”
“The plants should also all remain untouched,” Vallia added. “There are certain plants here that are not native to the area and survive here only because we created the right environments for them. Especially the ghost orchid. There are barely even 2000 ghost orchid plants left in the world and they need to remain here so that they do not go extinct.”
Most of the class nodded, understanding the rules. Lila hid how annoyed she was at not being able to take whatever beautiful plant she wants or touch any cute animal that she sees.
The tour than began, the class following the twins deeper into the sanctuary. Already they were starting to see a ton of the animals that lived there. There were some animals of Greek origins. Such as brown bears, red deer, lynxes, rock lizards, weasels, and wild boar. There were also more international animals. Like white-tailed deer from North America, jaguars from South America, pandas from China, African panthers and lions, Indian tigers, horses from Canada, even komodo dragons from Indonesia. And that was just the beginning.
“The Garden Family Sanctuary was founded almost a hundred years ago by siblings Apollo and Persephone Garden,” Lyon says. “Having been named after the god of the healing and the goddess of flowers, they had always loved helping nature and animals.”
“They started out with an animal shelter that took in any and all animals,” Vallia continued for her brother. “They had a very clear rule about being a no-kill shelter. The more popular they became, the more room they needed. And since they already came from a rich family, they bought more land. And over the years, it grew into the sanctuary you see today.”
“With the amount of animals and plants coming, there has been chat about buying land on another island to expand the sanctuary,” Lyon said. “Which means more area to protect from smugglers and poachers.”
“Your French is very good,” Marinette compliments them.
“Thank you, we’ve had years of practice,” Vallia says.
“It helped when we hosted a few French fashion designers here a few years ago for a charity fashion show,” Lyon said.
Adrien caught the smirk that Lyon sent his way. It made the blond blush.
The group continued walking through the sanctuary. A few of the animals curiously looked at the group, but chose not to get near them. There were a few did cuddle up to the twins, who happily petted them before sending them away with a treat in their mouth.
But even as the twins tried to talk about the sanctuary, Lila was still telling her lies as the classmates not under her spell surrounded her. They listened to her more than they did their actual tour guides.
“Yeah, poachers and smugglers try to get in all the time,” she was saying. “The first time I was here, I saw one and tried to tell the employees and they didn’t believe me. They certainly did after I single-handedly stopped him from taking a rare blue tiger.”
“That is so cool, Lila,” Rose unknowingly encouraged more lying. 
“They should make you a partner here if you caught a poacher that they did not even know was there,” Alya said.
“They wanted to, but my mother said I was too young to be part of a business,” Lila says.
Adrien saw the twins look at each other as they hear what is being said. He knew that while the two were mostly quiet around those they do not know, other than when they gave tours, they would definitely not take liars sitting down. They were extremely protective of their family, which was why Lyon practiced archery while Vallia is an expert with the bo-staff.
“The Garden family would never offer someone outside of the family a part of the sanctuary,” Lyon stated, making the class look at him.
“We would appreciate you not tell such tall tales about such a charitable family,” Vallia crossed her arms. “They are well-respected by all of Greece and do not deserve to have such lies told about them.”
The class looked very insulted at the accusation of Lila being a liar, which happened whenever anyone said that. It happened more than you think since Bustier’s class was the only one in the entire school that actually believed her. Everyone else knew that Lila was nothing but a liar.
“Something tells me that things are about to get interesting,” Juleka whispered to the rest of their group.
“You’re the one that knows them, Adrien,” Marinette says. “What do you think they’ll do?”
“I’ve been in contact with them for years,” Adrien said. “And from all I know about them, it’s a slight miracle that Lyon hasn’t already threatened to shoot her with an arrow.”
“Does he do that often,” Nathaniel raised an eyebrow.
“Only to those that really anger him, really annoy him, or threaten his family,” Adrien said. “But that last part also includes the sanctuary and all of the animals kept here.”
“Guess we should be thankful that he doesn’t have them on him right now,” Kim says. “Even if he could get rid of our liar problem with a single shot.”
“Lyon was actually scouted by the coach of the Greek Olympian archery team,” Adrien tells them. “But Lyon doesn’t like competition. He says that they are nothing but barbaric events meant to to do nothing but enlarge egos and decrease braincells.”
“Can are class even lose what they don’t have,” Marinette smirked.
All of them laughed at her joke. When Marinette got sassy and sarcastic, it was hilarious. She could sass-talk like nobody’s business.
“Haw dare you,” Lila put a hand over her heart and then started up the crocodile tears again. “How could you be so mean to me?”
That was when her sheep glared at the twins.
“Lila is not a liar,” Alya was her main supporter as usual. “You’re nothing but simple employees. I bet you do not even know the Garden family. Lila, on the other hand, is basically an honorary member of their family.”
Both twins crossed their arms this time, staring down the class.
“Let us fully introduce ourselves,” Lyon narrowed his eyes at them. “My name is Lyon Garden and this is my twin sister, Vallia Garden. Our family owns this sanctuary and neither of us nor the rest of their family have ever met this girl.”
Adrien was seriously smirking at this point. He had seen this coming and was very glad that it had finally was. Especially since Lila did not even get the number of family members right. There were two Garden parents, but the children were another story. Lyon and Vallia were the youngest of the family, but Vallia was the only girl and they had two older brothers.
“You’re probably just lying to make Lila look bad because you’re jealous,” Alix glared at the twins. “She’s connected to the Gardens while you are not.”
“Don’t believe us, we don’t care, but we do have a friend in your class that knows who we are,” Vallia giggled. “Isn’t that right, Adrien?”
The sheep looked at the model. He only smirked as he joined Lyon and Vallia’s side.
“You two certainly know how to make an impression,” Adrien tells them, chuckling.
“If we really wanted to make an impression, I would have started at my favorite wolf den,” Lyon snickered. “But I would have been too tempted to order my wolves to eat them.”
Adrien laughed at the looks of horror on his classmates’ faces.
“If you guys haven’t figured it out, it was my family that the twins were talking about before,” Adrien says. “We were the ones that came here for the charity fashion show. It was great to meet the two youngest members of the Garden family.”
“So these are the sheep that follow that liar like lost puppies,” Vallia looked at Adrien. “The liar that doesn’t know how to take ‘no’ for an answer?”
“Got it in one, Vallia,” Adrien says. “And she’s been telling lies about your family since this field trip started. She even said that your family was three girls and two boys.”
The twins rolled their eyes.
“Wow,” Lyon shook his head. “Vallia might wish she had a sister, it’s just us and our two older brothers with our parents.”
Vallia playfully slapped her brother’s shoulder.
While Adrien took his two friends over to the rest of his group to introduce them, the rest of the class finally seemed to get that Lila did indeed lie to them. They turned on her like lions on an antelope and started yelling at her for lying to them.
The twins made mental notes to contact their parents about needing to sue a girl for slander and defamation. 
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frederickthegreat · 4 years
my thoughts on TUA season 2
(spoilers, obviously)
- opened with Klaus and Ben, my kings. Klaus’s hair looks so weird straightened while short 
- AWESOME opening soundtrack 
- seeing all their powers so controlled makes me wonder how they leveled up to that skill in the alternate timeline. like the only time we saw Klaus use the powers of other ghosts in the correct timeline was when two of them caught him falling out of the sky. however Diego did end up controlling bullets and Allison used her voice to technically kill one of the Swedes
- the homeless man screaming Allison’s name alongside Luther... funny shit
- big teddy bear Hazel
- Elliot was fucking awesome i think he was a great addition as a side character. rip tho :(
- honestly i don’t understand why Diego would WANT to save JFK. like it’s not that big of a deal. does he not understand what messing with the timeline can do??
- Lila... impeccable
- Sissy and Vanya... impeccable <3
- yeah and fuck u Carl
- ugh, Klaus’s beard. disgusting <3
- Ben and Klaus definitely act like they should be, given that they’ve been stuck with each other for over a decade. i’ve seen some people calling Klaus an asshole for not telling his siblings about Ben, which is completely understandable (cause he was an asshole), but I’m guessing it was because he was afraid? that sharing Ben with his siblings would mean that he would lose him to them, or his siblings would find him selfish, or they would ask something of him that he couldn’t give. if that makes sense
- that ghost bitch comment was funny tho 
- to the guy who called Klaus pretty boy at the bar: sir you don’t know what you’re getting into
- Raymond!! he’s such a sweetheart, i really liked him in the show. i’m really happy that Allison has found a bit of normalcy (as normal as the 1960s Civil Rights movement could be). it shows how passionate she is about what she believes in: even though she knows the movement is far from over, even back in 2019, she’s not gonna abandon it
- Allison staring at the moon every night: either thinking about Luther or how the moon blows them all up. maybe both
- of course Luther would be working for Jack Ruby
- awesome cinematography during the mental asylum escape 
- yeah it makes sense that the Handler would still be alive. she was a cool villain. although it would’ve been awesome to see how evil a fish could be
- Diego’s plan was pretty stupid. that’s my boy
- honestly they revealed how Klaus started a cult really well by having one of his followers find him at jail. Klaus, ever the musical aficionado, of course writes his scripture based off of pop songs
- Raymond and Klaus meeting!! that was cool to see how their paths connected
- Lila painting Elliot’s toenails green. ugh i love that crazy bitch
- i LOVE how they incorporated the umbrella man!! tbh i’ve always believed he was the one behind the assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed 
- honestly a bit understandable that Luther was planning on killing Vanya? cause he had no idea who she is now, but them reuniting was actually really sweet. he’s grown up so much
- the Swedes and their cats.
- the Umbrella company building with the nuclear family mannequins... creepy, awesome shit
- baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo
- shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego
- did anyone else get vibes from Klaus’s episode opening that he was an escort to the old woman? like how he was being shown off at her arm or something and getting out of jail from a call from the governor. idk maybe the lady was just very taken with him, as anyone would be
- Elliot, our helpful king
- Allison and Klaus’s reunion was so sweet!! i’m so glad they got to interact so much more in this season 
- Ben getting Raymond out through a haunting... hilarious
- sweet intimate moment between Lila and Diego
- Ray meeting Luther was hilarious, but i do feel for the poor guy. i mean i’m not in love with my adoptive sister but still
- the sit-in was really well done and beautiful while terrible. the ‘riot’ that ensued was very appropriate for today’s setting 
- D-Dave
- honestly i was scared that Klaus was gonna be overly attracted to him or whatever, which would be weird cause he’s years younger than Klaus, but honestly, at the core he just wanted to save Dave’s life. even if it means never meeting him in a different timeline. he truly loved Dave. and that ptsd flashback was done so well
- i knew Lila wasn’t trustworthy but i didn’t REALLY expect that! 
- Vanya and Luther talking with each other, Luther admitting the apocalypse wasn’t all her fault. beautiful
- the Majestic 12 reminds me of the conspiracy theory that only a few families control basically everything in the world. the Majestic 12 may be based off of that, idk
- idk about everyone else but Klaus’s scorpion and the frog story made total sense to me! frogs ARE bitches
- the diner scene.... ugh. it really shows that the two of them did fall in love and they did stupid in love things, like talking about their family, about why Dave wanted to join, favorite colors, favorite foods, etc. however that’s seen later on when Dave visits the compound
- yes it’s very disheartening when Klaus is attacked, but honestly i think it had to happen, just like the riot had to happen. the 60s weren’t a fun time for lgbt people and poc. it was only going to be a matter of time before the show HAD to acknowledge the consequences of Klaus’s ‘flamboyancy’ in 1963 Texas. it doesn’t make it right or easy to see, but it’s realistic. 
- it also makes sense that Klaus fell off the wagon after experiencing something like that. yes we all would’ve liked him to stay sober, but sobriety and recovery aren’t linear. 
- Allison is so happy with Ray can we please drop this pseudo-incest plotline let’s MOVE ON 
- Texas Grace ! who is not actually Grace rip (i think? i was a bit confused lol)
- the scene with Harlan running off was really upsetting but we got to see those weird light particles that we saw in the first season
- Pogo Pogo Pogo Pogo
- Klaus being a dick to Ben again, as brothers do. i do feel bad for Ben though it must be sooo frustrating. that scene with him and Allison was really sweet and funny tho
- i just have to say that Luther and Diego are so fucking funny this season it’s awesome. like there are a LOT of good lines overall by everyone but they’re hilarious. “At least he didn’t shank my ass” “no bro, he shanked your heart”“Dads part of a sinister CABAL that’s plotting on killing the president.” “a caBAL?”“You two still a thing? *leans in* do we need to talk?” “No, she’s married.” “Woah dude... that’s rough.” and countless others
- the sibling reunion!! 
- Klaus really does get left out of everything tbh
- Ben :(
- sisters and Klaus!! that was so awesome to see. and Klaus’s hairpins, Vanya saying she’s gonna tell Sissy she loves her, their dance sequence, Klaus calling Allison out on that incest. beautiful
- the fucking Swedish cover of Hello was PERFECT i mean i was sad for the Swedes but it was hilarious. there were a couple beautiful shots of the boat on fire though
- god it must’ve been so traumatizing for Allison to be thrust into such a hostile place with no voice and no way to contact her family
-  idk about you guys but long live Team Zero
- calling Ben that he was becoming their father was a bit uncalled for 
- the fact that Klaus didn’t help Dave’s chances, and in fact escalated Dave’s own timeline.. his trembling hands... robert sheehan is an amazing actor
- the Black president bit lmaoo loved it
- the way Reginald spoke to Diego.. i’m gonna throw hands with an old man
- Klaus LITERALLY looked like he was having a seizure and they all just... played it off?? 
- poor, poor Carl. nah fuck him lol
- that bloody opening scene was awesome! and thank god Five got to say fuck. the fact that it was about a candy bar makes too much sense
- Robert Sheehan acting as Ben: amazing showstopping spectacular he’s so talented
- the whole multiple Fives and Luther bit was honestly really funny, and i immensely respect smaller Five over bigger Five. 
- yes Klaus, you survived a family of seven. you got this
- not sad about Carl dying one bit!
- Ben... that was such a beautiful scene. not just the content of the scene, but the cinematography. Ben fading away... Vanya hugging him... ugh. the main takeaway i had from that scene is that at the core of it all, Ben and Klaus love each other immensely. they have a weird, dysfunctional, fucked up relationship, where Klaus is an asshole and Ben definitely shouldn’t of possessed him without his consent, but they’re still brothers, and Ben forgives him. 
- oof Ben’s funeral was hard. also was it just me or did Klaus’s kid actor sound weird? like it sounded like Robert was dubbing his lines 
- all the siblings back together again!!!! Klaus going with Vanya to save Harlan!! Vanya telling him Ben forgives him and that it wasn’t Klaus’s fault Ben got stuck with him!! everyone in the car!!! be still my beating heart
- yeah didn’t see Lila having powers coming tbh. i really feel bad for her she’s had such a rough and traumatic life, especially with the Handler as her only parental figure
- the Swede brother and Five putting down their weapons: “enough.” the Swede wanted revenge for his brothers - an eye for an eye, but there was a mutual understanding between the two of them: they would do anything for their family. if the Swede hurts one of the Hargreeves, Five would never stop coming after him. i thought it was very beautiful 
- mmm Reggie’s foreshadowing coming into play. proud of u Five
- the ending was so beautiful. everyone got closure in some type of way. except now Klaus is alone with nothing but his dog tags :(
- EMO BEN HAHAHA WTFFF?? is Lila in the sparrow academy? why was Ben’s portrait over the mantle piece? did Five disappear?? is the sparrow academy just older versions of the siblings who stuck around?? so many questions
- Ellen Page’s acting consistently blows me away. she is amazing 
- beautiful cinematography, funny writing, pretty good acting. i didn’t like the soundtrack as much as i did the first season’s, but some of it wasn’t bad.
- i’m glad ben got peace, but i’m also glad justin min isn’t gone for good. his social media presence is too vital for us
- i swear to god if they keep treating klaus as a joke and don’t let him get any actual development like everyone else had (he barely got closure with Dave, he reconciled with Ben through a second party) next season, i’m gonna riot. PLEASE i want to learn more about his powers now that Ben is gone. what happened to seeing tons of ghosts when he’s sober??
- Luther and Diego were probably my favorite duo of the season, I’m so happy that they’ve reconciled and are bonding more. 
- just seeing Vanya grow and be happy was amazing 
all in all, really wonderful season. i probably liked it better than the first one. now it’s time to consume fanfiction and maybe finish my own (check out “god doesn’t want him and neither does the devil” on ao3!)
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 8 (for real this time)
Okay. So, Bicho is Spanish for male bug while Principito is Spanish for Little Prince.
With Lila’s blood-curdling scream, however, came Signal, or as Gotham had taken to calling the yellow clad boy, the Daytime Bat. Signal appeared a few minutes after Lila pretended to faint, tucking his grappling hook and batarang back into his utility belt upon seeing both Dick and Jason before he looked at where everyone else was looking, and seeing who he could only assume was the girl most of the Rouge gallery called “Hatter’s Girl”. He frowned, although no one could see it, as he suddenly realized how young the girl looked. He had always assumed (read: Bruce had lead him to believe) that “Hatter’s Girl” was what the Rogue gallery called Hatter’s squeeze, but from the way Scarecrow and The Riddler were allowing the girl to cling to them he could only assume it was more a note of paternal obligation than damnation of the girl.
Duke made eye contact with Jason, or as close to eye contact as he could make while wearing his helmet. Jason’s face was soft, his disbelief evident for everyone to see.
Duke was confused, he had never seen Jason look like this before and Dick seemed to be just as lost as he was. He glanced at the oldest Wayne child and saw his confusion was plain to see. “Is everything alright here?”
Alya turned to look at the yellow clad meta vigilante with a scandalized expression. “That girl is conspiring with villains!”
Duke frowned. “Ma’am, I mean no disrespect but what evidence do you have?”
Stompp, Sass, Trixx, Wayzz, Tikki, and Plagg were all hiding in Chloé’s purse, knowing they couldn’t be with their chosen had most of them upset.
Plagg, who has nearly always been separated from his holders in the past, seemed to be dealing with it the best while Tikki, whose holders have always been permitted to keep her close, however, wasn’t faring very well. Stompp, whose holders were almost never permanent, was simply lounging against Plagg while Trixx relaxed into the side of the purse closest to Chloé. Sass and Wayzz were attempting to placate Tikki while sharing looks filled with disbelief.
“Tikki. Your kid is a Guardian. You’re not being renounced. He just can’t keep you on him right now.” Sass began. “Trixx’s kit would never take you away from your bug, Plagg’s kitten wouldn’t take you away from your bug.”
“Tikki, take deep breaths. Remember why we’re all in Trixx’s kit’s purse?”
“...to keep warm?”
“Why do we need to keep warm?” Wayzz prodded.
“...because Gotham is unusually cold.” Tikki continued.
“Do you want to be alone in your bug’s fanny pack right now?”
Tikki looked down. “No.”
“Okay. Now go cuddle with Plagg or Trixx to keep warm.” Wayzz sighed as the older being slunk away to curl into her other half’s side. They turned to look at Sass and the two beings shrugged at the way their friend was reacting. “She’s going to be a handful, isn’t she?”
“I’m afraid so my friend, I’m afraid so.”
Thana turned her head to look at the meta vigilante, recognizing the vigilante as Signal. She looked him over, realizing that the hero in front of her had to be one of Batman’s newest additions, she knew he wasn’t Damian or Jason because Jason was still in the group behind her and Signal appeared to be much too old to be Damian. She decided, based on how his eyes kept flicking from her to the duo hugging her and back before his eyes sought out their tour guide and bodyguard. Nodding to herself, deciding the civilian identity for Signal had to be Duke Thomas, she turned in her uncles’ grasp to face the vigilante and waited for his attention to return to her.
She offered the hero a smile when his attention was back on her. “Excuse me Mr. Signal?” She glanced at her Uncle Ed to confirm that was the hero’s name, before looking at the vigilante clad in bright yellow. “I didn’t realize hugging your uncles you hadn’t seen in person in years was illegal.” She dropped the Parisian accent while talking to the vigilante, letting her Crime Alley accent wrap around the words. “I was stolen off the streets by the GCPD when I was nine and this is the first time I’ve seen them in person since then.”
Signal seemed to nod understandingly while Alya seethed on his other side.
“Yeah right. Those two are probably your suga-” Alya was suddenly cut off by Nino’s glare. Nino could only take so much of his one-time crush’s whining before he got tired of hearing her voice.
“This is my Uncle Ed and my Uncle Jon, Césaire. They have been huge parts of my life since I was forced from my home after my mother died.” Thana’s voice grew hard and her Parisian friends knew that she hated having to speak about her past.
Alya’s face paled slightly, not having known the girl had been left without a mother.
Thana focused only on the vigilante, knowing if she looked to her friends she would lose her nerve. “I am sorry to interrupt your patrol, I know how you Bats love your city.”
Signal nodded and turned back to the French group. “There’s nothing wrong here. Continue on with your tour.” He nodded and pulled out his grappling hook. He shot the hook in the other direction and was essentially just a yellow blur on the horizon.
Thana returned to her uncles’ embrace.
Ed and Jon decided that they were going to tag along with the tour, one on each side of Thana because her dad was still out there and they didn’t currently have eyes on him.
Their tour guide seemed to just roll with it, allowing the two to join them as they continued to walk around Gotham proper.
Alya was stuck carrying Lila around for a while, grumbling under her breath about how “it wasn’t fair that Marinette got to stay attached to her dumb sugar daddies”.
A majority of the class walked closer to their tour guide, noticing the worried looks the Gothamites kept shooting their group as they walked with Ed and Jon, because those are the names they were introduced with and they just didn’t know if they would trust these men. On the other hand, Thana’s friends, who had all at least talked to the duo before, seemed to orbit around Thana and her two uncles. Jason, who continued to stick to the back of the group, couldn’t help but overhear the conversation that was going on between the group right in front of him.
“So, you’re the hooligans who’ve been keeping our niece out of trouble.” Ed began, glancing at Jon over Thana’s head to shoot his lover a smile.
“How have you been keeping our niece out of trouble?” Jon continued, his voice seeming to soothe Thana in ways Thana’s friends had never been able to.
“Mèo con? It’s just a matter of us not giving her any time to get in trouble.” Kim smiled and reached over to ruffle Thana’s hair.
Nino smiled, watching as two of his three childhood friends interacted. “Chloé and I keep those two out of trouble.” He shrugged and linked his arm with Chloé’s. “It’s nice to properly meet two of Alqamar’s uncles.”
“Do you think we could slip use our free time for a real tour? An in depth tour?” Thana glanced at her friends, a worried smile on her face. “I mean, only if you all want to.”
Thana’s friends shared a look, Chloé shooting Alix a subtle glare when it looked like the pinkette was going to be unkind, before all five of them turned back to Thana. “Sure. As long as your uncles accompany us.”
Thana brightened, her blue grey eyes seeming to come alive with every moment. “Okay.” She nodded and threw her arms around her friends before pulling away and rejoining her uncles.
Mlle. Bustier sighed, the class all seemed to be impatiently waiting for her to release them to go about their free time. She nodded and waved towards the door. “Just go.”
Thana grabbed Kim’s hand, not looking as he grabbed Nino’s, Nino grabbed Chloé’s, Chloé grabbed Adrien’s and Adrien grabbed Alix’s, before pulling her friends out of the hotel, glancing up at the side of the hotel before freezing. She finally took in the bullets on the side of the building, her eyes landing on the pair of bullets, a little J hidden in the corner of one with the other having a little T hidden in its corner. She reached her hand up to them before shaking her head and focusing back on her mission.
She led her friends down alleyways and across streets, steering clear of anywhere she knew her father was ought to frequent, before she pulled them to a stop in front of the Iceberg Lounge.
“Okay. So, technically, none of us are old enough to go in but Uncle Ozzy won’t care as long as we’re wearing red sleeves.” She turned to her friends, who all seemed skeptical.
“Are you sure this is a good idea Chatte?” Adrien asked, his tone gentle as though he was afraid she’d react badly.
“I promise Bicho.” Thana smiled reassuringly at her friends before she turned and pushed open the door. “Uncle Ozzy! I’m home!”
Jason looked at the newest bat, knowing he hadn’t been at the press conference because he’d be patrolling so he didn’t know about Bruce’s proclamation. Jason glanced at his older brother, who shrugged at him when blue met blue-green, before turning back to the scene in front of him. He watched as his little sister when did she stop being so little handled the situation with a grace that he’d remembered from their time together on the streets.
He’d have to clue the newest bat into Bruce’s proclamation. He’d get his number from Dick after they dropped the class off back at the hotel.
Jason watched the class out of the corner of his eye (and the window into the lobby) as he and Dick walked back to his apartment. “Hey Dickiebird? Do you have Duke’s phone number?”
Dick pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts before landing on the right one. “Yeah. You want it or do you want me to arrange a meeting?”
“I doubt he’ll come if a strange number requests it. Could you?��
“He gets done patrolling in an hour or two. I’ll send him your address and tell him to drop by after patrol.” Dick shot Duke a text and smiled before bumping shoulders with Jason. “She was like a mini female you. A spit fire with a heart of gold.”
Jason shrugged. “Let’s just hurry. Kutlat Saghira gets irritable when we’re apart for too long.”
Jason sat on the couch in his living room, Damian firmly seated on his lap and refusing to move, waiting for Duke to knock on his door. Tim, Steph and Cass were standing in his kitchen recreating a Vine on Tim’s Tik Tok account. Dick and Wally sat on the loveseat, Mar’i, Iris and Jai sat on the floor colouring in a colouring book on the coffee table.
A knock sounded on the door, causing Dick to stand to get it because Damian refused to let Jason up.
Dick opened the door, a gentle smile on his face. “Hey Duke.”
“Hey, uh, Dick. What’s up?” Duke nervously rubbed the back of his neck, his smile seeming just a little forced until he looked into the kitchen and saw the three recreating a Vine. “So this is where you all have been hiding.”
“Not, not exactly.” Dick responded, moving out of the way to allow the younger man entry. “So, do you remember Bruce saying he was putting together a press conference?”
“Vaguely.” Duke walked into the apartment, noticing the collection of shoes to the left of the door and toeing off his shoes without much thought to it, before noticing all of the people in the living room. “Hello?”
“Hi.” Jason called, his voice even tempo’d so as to continue to soothe the boy in his lap. “I’m Jason, I was the second Robin.”
Duke startled at seeing the man, looking at the other man in the room as he casually referred to himself as “the second Robin”. With wide eyes he looked at Jason and mouthed “does he know”.
“That’s Wally West. Formally Kid Flash, part time Flash.” Jason smiled, a slow lazy smile that only being surrounded by his family brought out in him. Tim, followed by Steph and Cass, vaulted over the back of the couch and settled around Jason, with Cass ending up sprawled across Tim and Steph’s laps. “He knows.”
Duke nodded, drifting to the chair sat across from the couch. “Of course.” He paused a moment, taking in how everyone was sitting. Dick, at some point, had reclaimed his spot beside Wally. Mar’i settled on the arm of the loveseat beside her father, her hands clinging to both her father and her Aunt Cass (who had held her hand out to her niece upon noticing her intended location), while Iris sat between Dick and Wally and Jai sat on Wally’s lap. “So, what’s up?”
Steph looked at her little brother, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Bruce said some things after the press conference. About how ‘no child of his would associate with a child of a rogue’ because Jace’s little sister is the daughter of the Mad Hatter-”
Duke lit up, his warm brown eyes locked on Jason’s face. “That was your sister?” He let out a silent laugh. “Oh my Amazon. She was so cool.”
Jason nodded, taking in the way Duke seemed to be admiring his sister. “She was always diplomatic when we ran into anyone on the streets. It’s part of the reason why any kid wearing red sleeves is allowed into the Iceberg Lounge and inside Robinson Park’s limits.”
“Oh. Okay. I think I remember seeing her on the streets a couple times when we were younger.”
Jason just shrugged. “Probably.” He looked down after Damian poked him, only to find a pair of green eyes locked on his face with a barely there “hm” the only indication that Damian wants introduced. “This rascal here is Damian al Ghul-Todd. Around here he gets called Kutlat Saghira, Little Nuget or Principito.”
“Hello Damian. I’m Duke, I’m,” Duke looked at the gathered Waynes, looking for visual cues, before looking back at Damian, “your uncle.”
Jason was startled awake by a loud knock on his living room window. He glanced down at the bed, seeing all of his younger siblings as well as his son were in the bed, before slowly and gently moving Damian into Cass’s grasp. He slowly slid out of the bed, shoving his feet into a pair of newly acquired slippers, before padding into the living room and moving the curtain to reveal that Batman was knocking on his window. He propped open the window with a curt call of “what do you want Bruce?”
“It wasn’t enough to steal all of my other children, you had to steal Duke too?”
“It is not my fault he was operating under the assumption that you would be there for him through anything. We simply told him the truth.” Jason crossed his arms over his chest, his blue-green eyes looking more and more green as the older man continued to piss him off. “Duke deserved the truth. Besides, I’m pretty much sure I told you to forget my address after you passed it on to Alfred.”
“That is beside the point.” Bruce looked as though he was going to continue before the tip of a Wakizachi was pointed at his jugular notch.
“You are angering my Baba. Leave.” Damian, who even in his half asleep state was protective of those he called his, stared up at the man who fathered him.
Bruce fled with his figurative tail between his legs, deciding he would have to reclaim his children in another manner.
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @sauseyyy @susiej1118  @bluesimani @thatonecroc
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salthaven · 5 years
not too much salt: Alya and Nino get Lila to babysit again. However an Akuma arrives at Alya's residence for her- your idea and motive. Since Alya wasn't there the villain took the children and Chat Noir and Ladybug fight them. THe parents become aware and Alya and Nino are doubt going to punished because taking care of the children was there responsibility
    Thank you for the request, and my apologies for taking so long to get to it! With that said, here you go:
    Alya thought it’d be fine. After all, Lila has saved celebrities (and their pets!), she can watch three kids, can’t she? It’s happened before, and Lila is always happy to help! 
    “That’s what friends are for!” Lila had said with a smile, and so Alya asked her to watch the siblings. Everything would be fine, and Nino and Alya got to go on their date.
    It was great. Nino and Alya had plans to see a new movie, then go grab some food before returning home. They timed everything perfectly, so Nino could take Chris home before her older sister or parents found out they’d left someone else in charge. It was great, having someone so kind as Lila to offer her assistance, especially when Marinette was always busy, forgetting her promises, or just plain out flaking out of work. 
    Tonight wasn’t about that, though. It was about Nino and Alya. And they had a blast. The movie was interesting, and the night was perfect.
    But then Gardienne attacked. Wild and rampant, and angry that she’d been unpaid for her work, the young girl had been an easy Akumatization. And then she went off, breaking into homes and taking their kids.
    “If you won’t pay me to watch them,” she hissed out, “you’ll pay to get them back!” 
    Alya hadn’t even known about the villain du jour, not until she glanced out through the window of the café they were in, only to do a double take. Dozens of kids with blank faces roamed the streets, following a teenage girl who was dressed like a princess. With a flick of her wand, the kids chased down one that stood at the end of the street, tackling them and dragging the screaming boy back to Gardienne, who tapped him with her wand.
    His screaming cut off quickly, his fear falling away as he stood numbly. A moment later, Gardienne resumed her stroll.
    A moment later, Alya was pulling Nino after her, phone at the ready.
    She didn’t even notice how her siblings were in the group, or that Nino’s little brother strolled right beside them.
    It wasn’t Nino who pointed out Ella, Etta, or Chris’s presence, and Alya didn’t spot it for herself either.
    It was Ladybug herself. And the heroine looked pissed. 
    And it all happened as Alya live streamed. 
    Ladybug and Chat Noir leaped into action, fighting against Gardienne and avoiding the swarm of kids that the Akuma commanded. It was chaotic, and Alya was practically vibrating as she watched the duo defeat Gardienne. They were so quick, and so in sync with one another, Alya was going to get so many views.
    ‘Thank God for Lila,’ Alya thought.
    She’d regret that thought later. 
    Ladybug cast her Miraculous cure, and the rush of ladybugs took the kids with them...except three.
    Four people remained from the fight: the babysitter, Ella, Etta, and Chris. All four stared up at the spotted heroine with wide eyes.
    Alya felt herself tense as Ladybug crouched down.
    “Hey,” she said, voice soft. “Do you know where your parents are? Or siblings?”
    And Ella turned and saw Alya. “She’s right there!” Ella cheered, and Ladybug snapped her attention to Alya.
    Her eyes quickly lost any warmth, and Alya gulped. She’d never seen Ladybug look so… threatening.
    “Is that so?” Ladybug asked, voice hardening. “These two are your siblings?”
    “Yeah!” Chris said, nodding. “They’re out on a date! Hi, Nino!”
    “Uh, hi, bro,” Nino responded, tugging on his hat. 
    “Who was watching you?” Ladybug asked, bringing their attention back to her.
    “Lila!” Etta shouted, then she pouted. “But I wish it was Marinette. She was always more fun.”
    “Yeah!” Ella agreed. “Marinette at least protected us during Akuma attacks!”
    Chat Noir looked away from the Akuma victim, eyes narrowing as he sent a quick glance to Alya and Nino. “What did Lila do?”
    “She ran,” Ella huffed, and Alya froze. 
    Ladybug froze, too, and then stood up. “Kids, give me and Chat Noir just a minute, and we’ll be right back.” The heroine grabbed Chat Noir by his tail, and then they were off.
    “Guys, let’s go home!” Alya said, shutting off her livestream (she’d worry about the contents later). Right then, she had to worry about getting her siblings home, before her parents did. Later, much later, she’d question why Lila left.
    But Ladybug and Chat Noir returned before the group was even half a block away.
    “Ella, Etta, right?” Ladybug checked, and the girls nodded. “It’s rather cold out, I’ll swing you home.” She glared at Alya. “I’m sure you can make it on your own, considering you were already out and about?”
    “I, uh,” Alya nodded. “Sure.”
    “Little guy, I’ll get you home before you can count to thirty!” Chat Noir said, picking up Chris. “I’m sure your bro can get there before I reach fifty.”
    “I can only count to seventeen!” Chris whined, but he smiled and cheered as Chat extended his staff and vaulted away, leaving Nino to chase after them.
    Alya couldn’t help but worry as she raced home. The way Ladybug looked at her, the fact that Lila left her siblings to fend for themselves against an Akuma…
    She felt sick.
    The feeling only got worse when she opened the door, and her parents were waiting there, drinking hot cocoa with Ladybug and all three of her sisters.
    Alya shut the door, and tried to smile at her parents. “Hey, mom-”
    “Why weren’t you watching your sisters?” Her mom cut her off immediately, and Alya winced. “I go to work, and I come home to Ladybug telling me that you left Ella and Etta, and someone else’s kid, under the care of some girl we don’t even know?” She shook her head, disappointment clear. “I thought I raised you better.”
    “Mom, I-”
    “You what?” Her father interrupted. “You left them with someone incompetent! You left them with someone we don’t trust, and that’s not the only problem! You were supposed to watch them yourself, not pawn them off to a classmate so you could go on a date!”
    “How was I supposed to know she’d leave them?” Alya retorted. “She’s Ladybug’s best friend, I thought she was better than that!”
    “She isn’t my best friend,” Ladybug responded calmly, and Alya felt her jaw drop. “She and I have only interacted when she’s been Akumatized. Which, by the way, has been multiple times. She is a delusional liar, and I’d advise that you never trust her with your siblings.”
    “We liked Marinette better, anyways,” Etta said again, then drank more of her hot cocoa.
    “Wait, Marinette? Was she watching them, too?” Her mother asked, looking even angrier.
    “Not anymore! She hasn’t watched them in over a month!”
    “And when did she watch them?”
    “Only a few times!”
    “Ella? Etta?” Her mother asked, turning to the girls. 
    “Over a year!” Ella said sweetly, and her mother slammed her hands on the table.
    “A year?! Alya, I’ve paid you for watching your siblings! I know your friend Marinette is busy, isn’t she the class president? A designer? A student, just like you? You took up so much of her time, and you never even gave her the money she deserved for her time?!”
    “It’s- it’s what a friend would do!” Alya protested, face burning as she avoided Ladybug’s disappointed gaze. 
    “A friend should expect someone to do work for them, work they’re being paid to do?” Ladybug was the one to ask this, tone full of disapproval. “That’s called using them. I’d be surprised if Marinette is still your friend, it sounds very one-sided.”
    “It does,” her father agreed. “But we’ll fix that. Alya, tomorrow you’re going to go to Marinette and give her all of the money you owe her.”
    “What?” Alya shouted. “But that- that’s hundreds of euros! That’s nearly all of my money! I saved that up, I shouldn’t have to give it to her!”
    “It’s saved up because you unfairly kept it from her,” her mother pointed out. “And I expect you to apologize to her.”
    Alya huffed. As if they’ll know whether she actually gives Marinette the money… “Fine.”
    “And to make sure you do, I’ll drop you off tomorrow and come in with you!” Her father decided. “I’m due a day off, anyways.”
    “What?! No, you can’t do that!” Alya scrambled for excuses, then perked up. “Marinette is always late to school anyways, she won’t get there before you’ll have to go!”
    “I’ll stay the whole day if I have to,” her father states, and Alya growled.
    “Ugh! This is so unfair!”
    “What’s unfair is what you did to Marinette and your siblings. Now, go to your room, I’m done with this conversation,” Her mother said at last, and Alya stormed off, slamming her door shut behind her.
    Leaning against the door, she could hear her parents thanking Ladybug, and Ladybug’s cheerful response.
    She thought everything would be fine… she thought wrong.
    I hope you enjoyed this! And, as a little bonus, the aftermath:
    Alya goes to school, a stuffed envelope in hand. Nino is the same, carrying an envelope and ducking his head in shame. It looks like he had a similar talk with his parents.
    Marinette arrives twenty-five minutes before the bell, looking… oddly happy, compared to usual. (Although Alya hasn’t paid her much attention in the past month, being too interested in Lila’s tales...which she’s still realising are fake.)
    The apology is awkward, and so is Nino’s, but they get through it as the whole class watches on. With shame, the couple gives Marinette the money she’s owed. Marinette accepts their apology with grace, albeit somewhat cold as she points out how they deceived her. She then excuses herself from the class, racing the money home before it can be stolen.
    Later, Marinette buys some new fabric. She’ll have fun designing, something she’s been able to do much more since Alya stopped asking for babysitting help. 
    And life goes on.
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destiel-joshler69 · 4 years
Alright I'm doing it again I guess... Just finished tua season 2 and here are my thoughts. Gonna break it down by characters probably. Spoilers Warning now!!!
1. Luther- didn't like him last season didn't get any better this season. He always looks so confused and worried and he just gets on my nerves plain and simple. Plus his sister crush is weird...ugh. I feel like he didn't really a purpose but being disproportionate.
2. Diego- yeah so I actually really liked Diego the first season the hero complex was always there but he was really annoying about it with this one. I kept waiting for him to like do something great and save the day but nay. However the bullet thing was pretty cool I will admit. It made me very sad when Reginald was hella mean to him and triggered his stutter. I think they made worried about the wrong things like lila(not a fan but I'll get into that later) also wth why was there no klaus and diego interactions no ma'am I was waiting for that.
3. Allison- liked her a whole lot better and I think it's because of ray they were great. I feel like she really put herself into the 60s and was making a difference I really liked that. The whole staring at the moon bit had me worried but I think ray helped her get over that weird affliction she had...ugh. Lowkey not too much to say on her I feel she was okay I guess.
4. Klaus- as always a joy a pleasure. He will always be my fav. Him being a cult leader made so much sense and I would totally join tf. Anyways yeah the dave thing I'm upset about cause I really wished he had gotten through to him and joined his cult lowkey. But of course they don't want klaus to be happy they have to break his sobriety whyyyy. Speaking of not giving klaus a break I was very shook to say the least when ben died frfr who's gonna be klaus's moral compass and then that flashback😭
5. Five- five was five. I didn't really like him last season but this season he was ok I guess. Idk when I'm watching a show I kinda see the actor's and not the characters and adian is just an interesting fella so it distracted me. Like this is a weird nitpick but the whole time he was doing this weird walk thing that was bothering me then I thought about I was like oh yeah he's old but then old man him showed up and did not walk like that at all I was confused why he made that choice idk he was alright tho
6. Ben- ben's always great of course. I really wanted him to be with jill but in a normal way ya know. However him dying was very unnecessary for him to be alive at the end looking all emo cause they screwed up the tl. Like fr why did he look like that I giggled a bit
7. Vanya- to me vanya is a very bland character more so in season 1 though. She definitely got better with the help of sissy. This relationship felt more natural than that mess from season 1 even though she's married. Umm the whole idk who I am thing was kind of drawn out but I guess. I'm really just glad her power still worked and it wasn't no hulk in infinity war situation. She was also tolerable.
Non siblings:
Harlan- LOVED HIM. This might sound stupid but I've always loved the silent types like ferb from phineas and ferb was my fav. He was great I think the actor did such a good job portraying such emotion and not even talking. Theory alert: The end where he still has his power has to be in connection to the Sparrow Academy I feel it.
Reg- WTF...that's all
Lila- the goddamn bang omggg she was not likeable I'm sorry. Not a fan end of story.
Pogo- very cute. I got really sad when he almost died in space but the saved him whew I was waiting on him to say his first word but they left that out for some reason.
Swedish Bros- I felt sooooo bad for the last one he really had to kill his brother with his bare hands..cold
Elliot- actually I take back my previous statement f them they took my man elliot for no reason dawg. He was so sweet and helpful but I knew it was coming cause they can never let those kind of people live on Netflix (yeah I'm looking at you Stranger Things)
Herb- another great one I'm glad he didn't die instead a promotion a whole king he deserved it.
Overall though I liked it at times it seemed kinda slow I felt like they had no urgency at all even though they were in danger which was kind of irritating. The Reginald reveal and the end was kind of random I don't read the comics so idk but I was like huh. But it makes sense at least for the tl to be freaked they were telling all kind of info. I almost like I was expecting something completely different but it was still good. Definitely liked the first one more though. Robert Sheehan is everything so yeah.
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 3
Again, live blogging and posting my reactions all in one post to avoid spamming.
This post got accidentally deleted yesterday so I had to write or all again (twice!)
Oh, starting with a Klaus and Ben 1960 flashback! Ah, Klaus... You have no shame. Let my baby eat though!
Lol "Chanel". Boy knows his fashion, of course.
And there's Boney M playing!
You can practically read his mind when he sees that diamond. Sugar momma alert! 😆
Damn, loving the black outfit, very sexy.
LEVITATING KLAUS WAS BEN LIFTING HIM UP! Seems that one crack theory on the fandom was right 🤣
Ben's face though 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
These two are the best combo. I love them.
61, Baja, NM. Traveling hippie commune.
Is Klaus still sober? He refuses a joint here so I'm inclined to believe that he is but he isn't acting very sober... Then again that might be an act, just him embracing the hippy life.
62, Varanasi, India. The river scene from the promos. Yeah, I called this one too. Klaus is already looking seriously uncomfortable and realizing this is getting out of hand.
63, San Francisco. Poor Klaus is practically suffocating under all the touching and nobody respects his space or his words.
Destiny's Children! 🤣 You are such a 90s kid, Klaus.
Run away, Klaus! Run! Escape the crazies.
Ok, let me paused to write out a thought...
So a lot of people were worried about the cult thing and Klaus's intentions but it's clear he had no malicious intentions at all. He charmed and impressed some people for survival purposes and thrived, he enjoyed the love and attention at first and the cult just grew around around him organically whether he liked it or not, more a hippy cult of personality then a religious sect, but at some point he saw that it had gone too far, the pressure and expectation became too much and he realized he'd bitten more than he can chew.
It's actually rather sad how he just wants to escape but the cultists objectify him to all hell, he has no privacy or personal space. The problem with Klaus is that he doesn't do anything mildly, he always goes too big until he's drowning. Boy is already self-sabotaging and I'm sure he's going to start self-destructing very soon as well.
End of thought. Clicking play again.
Ouch! Poor Diego 😰 Lila, that is not how you cauterize a stab wound...
"what happened?" -your dear daddy stabbed you, dude.
Did she really need to strip him so thoroughly? 😏 Yes, yes, she did.
Well, at least she's not sewing you up, Diego. No needles, yay.
"oh, he isn't dead." "Disappointed?" "To see you? Always 😊" -did I mention I love Five's sass? I did? Well, I do.
Old family friend 😆
"you don't untie him?" "Was I supposed to?" Oh Lila, you're adorable, poor Elliot.
Vanya, that is suspicious as hell, just mow down that weirdo!
Ok, good instincts but too slow.
Run, girl, run!
Got to admit, these Swedes are good battle strategy, they are surrounding her surprisingly well.
Is this were the badass Vanya promo was from? Show me badass Vanya, please.
Ooooooh, very smart, Five!!!
One of the machines though? What are the others for? I'm curious.
Plano Street Rooming House for Solitary Men? That's real depressing, Luther.
It's the "the end is nigh" guy the same that was screaming with Luther in ep 1?
King Kong! Not sure if cute or rude af...
Ahahahah! Luther literally STUMBLING on "Allison" and then acting like an awkward Steve Rogers when the kids call him out 😆 Boy, when will you realize that your obsession is creepy?
Honestly, ALL the Hargreeves siblings can be divided into two categories- sweet awkward dork or sass king/queen, there is no in-between (but Diego and Klaus get to be both).
Convenient that Vanya would just sit there and wait to be found by Five but ok.
"I have a brother?" -honey, you have five (pun fully intended)
Nice crop circle, Vanya.
Five just rolls with the amnesia, huh? Doesn't even question it. Ok, then.
Why is Ruby, notorious mobster, sewing sequins? It's it for the dog? I bet, it's for the dog.
"Hargreeves. She your ex?" *Cue Luther's super awkward fumbling* "S-Sorta...Y-Yeah. Sure." - big boy, this is the point where you realize how creepy your crush on your own sister is, time to reevaluate.
Tumblr media
Honestly, I need more Klaus and Allison interactions. They have so much bff potential.
*le gasp* "oh, you're married?" 😲 -yes, Klaus, you met him.
"dicks, drugs, debutants. My holy trinity" -ok so everything Klaus says should be taken with a grain of salt but does Klaus still do drugs or not? Considering the evolution of his powers with Ben I'd say no, but we aren't seeing other ghosts harassing him so... Hmm, I need confirmation.
"alternative spiritual community" my ass
Ah, Allison falls into the sass queen category.
Allison can have a little PTSD, as a treat. 😢
Those shoes! Hi, Handler.
Those shoes really are her signature by now. Those heels could kill a man.
Handler as a brunette...? She looks good but I like her bleach blonde.
What did she say to make that boy pee himself?? Damn, Handler, no wonder your kid is a mess.
These dudes need to start listening to my girl Allison, instead of following her husband like puppies.
Great speech, girl! ✊
What is up with that sandwich???
Oh wait, it's Ben right? Klaus is using his powers to get Ray out of jail, isn't he?
Yup, of course he is.
Ben being all sassy and cocky about it gives me life.
"high places" - 😆
Poor Ray, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into.
"family barbecues are about to get reeeeeeeal weird" - I'd actually like to see that.
"leave the pot, dear" - you're such an old man, Five.
"any questions?" Five, if be worried if she DIDN'T have questions after all that.
"asteroid impact" -aww 💜 you really do care for her feelings, Five... But you have to tell her the truth sooner or later.
Harlan likes classical music, huh? Good thing he knows a good violinist.
Harlan and Sissy... 😭 My poor heart.
Ouch! What is wrong with you, Lila? You're right but what is wrong with you?
"I can't believe I got shanked by my own father" - can't you, Diego? Really? After everything else that man did to you and your siblings?
"man to man, that son of bitch wouldn't stand a chance" - yeah, he would, he taught you all you know, boy
Not sure if Lila's story is true or not but... I still have that one theory that she was born on October, 1989...
"I don't understand you!!!" - ahah, poor Diego 🤣
Really? Right in front of Elliot's tuna mold?
Man, Handler is really obsessed with Five...
Oh, Luther, you giant puppy...
This is so AWKWARD!
Bonbons, Luther? Really?
Ok, this small talk is even MORE AWKWARD! It physically hurts to listen to this.
The pain in his face and voice when Luther goes "S-so great" 😭
boy, this is the moment you realize it's time to move on, you're not isolated teenagers in a dysfunctional home anymore, let her be your sister and find love elsewhere.
The sit in!
"seven languages" sassy, sassy, I love her.
Oh no... Klaus, no, baby... Oh, this is painful.
Ben, don't be mean, let your brothe have this.
What kind of gay man doesn't know what eggshell is? 😆
"is this considered stalking? 'cause I think you're stalking now" - well, BEN, following your brother 24/7 for 15 years can also be considered stalking
Oh no, Vietnam flashbacks... Poor Klaus 😭😭😭
"Vietnam fling"? Ben, you know it wasn't just a fling! Stop being mean.
Aw, Klaus just wants to save Dave... He's willing to sacrifice their relationship to save Dave's life... 😭😭😭
I know Ben is just worried but he could be less mean...
Damn, this sit in thing is really upsetting...
Why is Ray being weird? Is he suspicious of Luther and Alison's relationship? Or is he just unhappy that Allison kept secrets about her family?
Oh Luther, no... Self-harm by proxy is not going to make you feel better.
Oh, motherfucker! That coffee thing was such an asshole move!
Shit, this scene is so well written, the way something so small is making the whole protest escalate to all hell... The police brutality, the parallels with recent events... Disturbing and brilliant and deeply relevant!
Yes! Rumor that motherfucker, Allison!
Oh no, don't be scared of your wife, Ray! Don't be suspicious!
Poor Allison... 😢
Oh Luther, you dumbass... 😢
Lila going to meet mommy, huh?
Oh, she's still wearing Diego's bracelet. Cute.
I know this scene between Handler and Lila was supposed to be a shocking plot twist but after David Castañeda's interview slip up, I already knew.
Still, an excellent scene and very cool surprise.
Like I said before, I really like Lila, I don't trust her AT ALL but I like her.
My god, this show gives me life.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
The Next Iron Man
There’s a lot of debate around who will fill the shoes of Iron Man and I have a feeling that this is just going to turn into an essay, but this is how I feel about each of the individual candidates for being the next Iron Man. 
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So I’m going to start with my favourite MCU character, Peter Parker, AKA Spiderman. In the trailers for Spiderman: Far From Home (it’s being released tomorrow so this might be premature), we have been seeing Peter being treated as the world’s next ‘genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist’. Except he’s not? Peter has always been the friendly-neighbourhood Spiderman. I saw a thread where he would be the only Avenger that you would ask to walk you home if you didn’t feel safe - not because the other’s aren’t trustworthy, but because Spiderman is the most relatable and it would be easier to ask him than the others. He’s not the suit of armour around the world, but the guardian angel that you see every week. I feel like I don’t want that being taken away from him or taken out of the MCU since it’s so important for his dynamic as a superhero. Peter Parker is too shy to become the face of Stark Industries, or attend conferences or Stark Expo. He’s smart, but in a lowkey way. He doesn’t flaunt his engineering prowess or hook up with all the hot ladies, he goes to Maths Decathlons, is too shy to ask out that one girl he likes in his class and he’s still in high school. 
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Next, we have Riri Williams AKA Iron Heart. I love Riri with a passion. She made her superhero armour when she was 10, applied to be an astronaut at 11 and won a scholarship to Massachusetts Institute of Technology at 15. If that’s not Tony Stark, I don’t know what is. She even became one of Tony’s protégées. Riri would be a perfect in the role. She would have the exact confidence that Tony’s successor requires. I can already picture her slow motion walking away from an explosion and putting on her sunglasses. I understand that there is a lot of controversy around Riri, as she would be an unknown character who would just appear out of nowhere and take up the Iron Man mantle, which is why I think Marvel has instantly dived towards Peter, but if Riri were introduced in the correct way, then I think that a lot of the issues with her concept would evaporate. One of the reasons that her character made more sense in the comics was that she had physical interactions with Tony and, like I said, was one of his protégées, but now that Tony has died within the MCU, the possibility of that being how she is introduced has now been rendered impossible. There’s always the choice that there could be a movie set in the past which involves their relationship, but it would feel to forced and artificial as Riri hasn’t been mentioned in the rest of the films. There is also no circle of characters which Riri could stem from. For example, I talk about Lila Barton in the Children of the MCU post, as she could be the replacement of Kate Bishop. Riri’s creation in the comics made her seem like a temporary substitute for Tony when he was out of the action for a small period of time, and when he returns she would just fade into the background as a minor character. I love her character and I feel like she has so much potential, but it would be really hard to slot her into the MCU and it would probably end up being way too forced and lead to her being even more disliked than she already is. If it were handled in the correct way, then I think that she could become a really funny member of the MCU. (also please don’t attack me, these are just my opinions.)
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Now, of course, we come to Morgan Stark. My precious little baby sister (don’t @ me it’s just how I view her). I’m looking forward to seeing her grow and develop in the MCU (not yet though, and I’d rather not have Katherine Langford play her but that’s another story). But as she grows to be older I think that she could be a great successor to her dad. I can see her as a perfect mixture of Pepper and Tony. Business like, professional, able to handle issues like her mother. Confident, cool, collected like her father (alliteration unintended lmao). A lot of people want to see her as Iron Heart not Iron Man, which could solve the issue of Iron Heart being a random character that we haven’t met yet, but she wouldn’t be Riri Williams who brings more diversity to the Marvel Universe as one of the reasons she was created. But I’d enjoy seeing Morgan become Iron Man. She also has her issues however. Hmm let me think about it... Oh yeah she’s five. Maybe she could become the next Iron Man, but not nearly yet.
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I haven’t really mentioned Pepper taking over the role, but I don’t feel that she would be right as it. She was great as a supporting badass in Endgame and I think she suits being the CEO (my feminist self isn’t really standing out in this paragraph is it). She would be the mother of Morgan and teach her all of her dad’s moves and be her mentor, along with her big brother Spiderman. 
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So I know that this might have come across as I’M A FEMINIST SO EVERY SINGLE MARVEL CHARACTER MUST BE REPLACED WITH A WOMAN BECAUSE MEN ARE SHIT. I’m not saying that at all. I’m also not saying that the front runner of the MCU has to be a woman. I don’t have a problem with them being a man, if I did, I wouldn’t have this blog or own every single DVD of every marvel movie ever. (I’ll address my opinions of feminism in marvel in another post at some point.)
There is a part of me that would enjoy seeing Harley becoming the next Iron Man as he is a character that we’ve already been introduced to him so it would be acceptable as a successor, but I don’t think it would be something that Marvel considers. I have a feeling that Marvel might go for the Peter being a temporary Iron Man while Morgan grows up but I don’t know. I just don’t want to see Peter become a large flashy superhero, instead of the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. But yeah...
So these are my opinions of the whole Iron Man situation, don’t hate me for them, but I hope you can relate to a few of them and feel free to share your own. Just don’t start a war please thank you.
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ivybucky · 6 years
kids (b.b.)
Request: Hiii:) now that you are taking request could you do a bucky x reader where after bucky wakes up instead of iw(i can’t stand more pain) bucky, steve, wanda, nat, sam and vision go to live with clint and his family and there bucky meets reader who is laura’s sister. both like each other but they are very shy to do something and they start to get along bc they spend a lot of time with the kids and thanks to them they end up together (i just want fluff) Thanksss love 
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author: abby
words: 2310 
pairing: bucky x reader
“Auntie Nat!” Lila ran through the living room to the front door. Swinging the door open, the girl darted out into the arms of the spy as she made her way to the steps of the house, giggling and she was spun around the air.
“How’s my favorite niece?” The redhead smirked, setting her down on the ground. The girl giggled again. “Auntie Nat, I’m you’re your only niece.” Natasha grabbed at Lila’s sides, throwing her into a fit of laughter as the most of the team stood behind her. Lila took in all the adults.
 Her eyes caught on a long-haired man she’d never seen before. Steve noticed. “Hi, Lila!” Steve smiled. 
“Hi, Uncle Steve!” She giggled smiling at everyone, before tugging Nat down. 
“Who’s that over there?” Lila whispered, obviously pointing at Bucky. Nat turned to smirk at the former assassin, before whispering in the little girl’s ear. 
“That’s your Uncle Bucky.” Lila giggled at the name. “His arms made of metal, but he’s really nice. And he really likes it when you stick magnets to it.” The girl’s eyes went wide before nodded and moving slowly to Bucky to hug his legs. He froze in his spot. 
“Nice to meet you, Uncle Bucky.” Bucky almost didn’t know what to do. No one so innocent had ever accepted him so quickly. He moved to rest a hand on her back. 
“Nice to meet you, too, sweetie,” he smiled. Was the whole family this way? 
Bucky hadn’t interacted with Barton that much, only once during the fight over the accords. He seemed like a good person at that time though. 
“Lila Barton! Don’t just go running out of the house-oh!” You appear in the doorway, hands on your hips, a hand towel thrown over your shoulder, and your hair pulled back from your face with a bandana. 
“Nat! Wanda! Guys! I didn’t know you guys were comin’!” You ran to your friends, embracing them tightly. 
“We don’t want to intrude,” Vision started, standing close behind Wanda. You raised your eyebrows at the telepath. “It’s alright Vis. I was about to cook up something for kids once Laura got back from the store so I’ll whip y’all up something too!” 
You picked up Lila and held her on your hip. Your eyes scanned the group in front of you, cataloging everyone there. When your eyes met a pair of foreign, steel blue eyes, you lost your breath for a second. 
Bucky knew he was staring at you, but in his defense, it was hard not too. The loose strands of hair fell in a natural halo framing your stunning face. Your eyes were a stunning color that could make any man weak at the knees. You alluring nature called out to Bucky like a siren and he found it insanely difficult to stay away. 
And as if Bucky wasn’t already blown away by your appearance, you smiled at him brightly sticking out your hand for him to shake. 
“I’m Y/N, Laura’s sister. You must be James?” His name falling from your lips made his heart literally skip a beat. 
“You can c-call me Bucky, doll,” his stumbled, as he placed his rough hand into yours. You blushed slightly. 
“Bucky,” you smiled meekly. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“All good things I hope,” his heart rate sped up and his fear of instant rejection took over, along with the nagging voice of doubt. Of course, nothing was good, look at you, she’s probably terrified. 
You smiled brighter because that was somehow possible. 
“The very best of things.”
It had been a week since the team(more or less) had shown up to the Barton residence. 
At first, it was chaos. All but Tony and Rhodie had shown up at the doorstep. Of course, Clint and Laura welcomed the team to the farm with open arms, having suggested they cool down there every once in a while. But with the house made for the family of five, not ten, the unassembled Avengers took shelter in the barn.
 After a few days of recon, everyone fell into a routine. Steve, Sam, and Vision helped Clint manage the heavy lifting that came with the property and newly acquired animals; moving hay, fixing tractors, chopping firewood. Nat and Wanda helped Laura in the garden all day, working on small things the boys missed. 
Being Laura’s sister, you had the incredible job of handling the kids most of the day. Cooper could mostly take care of himself but still had to be kept in check most of the day instead of causing trouble. Lila often needed a girl to help her exist in the now male-dominant household. Nathaniel just turned 3 and was still going through his late terrible twos. 
Bucky Barnes, being different from the other guys, always attracted the females. Ever since the 1940’s as a kid from Brooklyn, girls had a hard time ignoring his presence. In the time he’d woken up in Wakanda, most people still shied away from the former assassin. But when he reached the Barton household, that changed in an instant. 
Lila absolutely adored Bucky. She and Cooper loved to mess with him, following Nat’s suggestion of magnets. She would somehow convince him to partake in her tea parties. Any other man would try to win over the boy to get away from the frills, but he just couldn’t get enough of the little girl too. 
You were too shy and too proud to ask for help with the kids, but since Bucky showed up you didn’t need to. Bucky loved playing with the kids as much as you did and helped take some of the baggage off. 
He loved watching you work with the kids. Nathaniel was almost constantly on your hip, keeping him under control throughout the day. You would help Cooper out with his homework anytime he’d ask and always complimented Lila on her artistic abilities and how she looked that day. He loved the dedication you put into these kids when you didn’t have too. He would admit to Steve later that the crush he had on you was a strong one. The two of you had good chemistry when working with the kids and it was noticeable. He just wished it could somehow turn into something more. 
The two of you were in the kitchen preparing lunch, laughing at a joke Cooper had made when Lila spoke up. 
“Auntie Y/N?” She started, looking at her brother with a wide grin.
 “Yeah, sweetie?” You called as you worked on a sandwich. 
“Since mommy and daddy are going out tonight, can we have a movie night with Uncle Bucky?” She batted her eyelashes at you as you turned around. “Pleaseeeeee?” 
“I didn’t know they were going out,” you crossed your arms over your chest, looking in Bucky’s direction. He turned around to look at the kids as well, with an eyebrow raised. Lila looked at her brother for help. 
“They probably just forgot to mention it,” Cooper pandered. “You know how busy they are. Can we please?”
You smiled shyly, looking back up at Bucky who was smiling at the boy. “I-I mean as long as it’s okay with Bucky,” you managed to stutter out. 
His eyes met yours as he smiled widely, trying to contain his excitement at the idea of spending the night with you. 
“I’d love too,” he coughed, trying not to sound eager. “I-I mean I’ve been meaning to catch up on the film industry anyways.” He smiled at you again. 
“Dad, Mom, can you please go out tonight?” Cooper begged, hands clasped together to seal the effect. 
“Why do you want us to leave so much, kid?” Clint laughed, tugging on a flannel. Laura stood behind him smoothing out any wrinkles. 
“Because Auntie Y/N and Uncle Bucky need to get together!” Lila cheered, bouncing in her shoes. 
“What?” Laura laughed, squatting down to get to eye level with the girl. “What are you guys planning, huh?” 
“Mom,” Cooper rolled his eyes and moved next to his sister. “You’d have to be blind to not see that they are perfect for each other. If you guys go out tonight, the four of us can have a movie night and we can get them together.”
Laura looked over at her husband with a perturbed look on her face. Clint stares at his kid with a knowing smirk, laughing. 
“Let’s go out, honey,” she started to argue with him but was stopped. “Look you and I both know that Y/N needs someone other than these goofballs and us in her life. And I know Bucky likes her. Let’s see how smart these kids are, huh?”
Laura rolled her eyes. “I guess we’re going out tonight.”
“Do you guys want regular popcorn?” You called from the kitchen. “Or do you want my special stuff?”
“The special kind!” The kids practically cheered. You turned back to the stove working on the popcorn. 
“What’s the special kind?” A deep voice from behind you asked, causing you to jump. You turned to see Bucky. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He moved to your side, watching you work. He noticed the small smile on your face. “Instead of salt, I melt the butter and mixed it with cinnamon and sugar and put that on the popcorn and sprinkle it with more cinnamon sugar after that. The kids love it.”
He smiled, opening his mouth to talk but was interrupted by Cooper calling from the living room saying the movie was starting. When the two of you got to the couch, both of the kids were standing up.
“How are we sitting, kids?” you asked, holding your breath slightly at the idea of sitting next to Bucky. He also seemed nervous and tripped on the couch with a laugh. 
“I guess I’m sitting here,” he laughed. “Lila, doll, come sit next to me?” he asked, pleading. She hid behind your legs with her stuffed wolf clutched to her chest.
“No, Uncle Bucky, you’re gonna tickle me!” she giggled. Bucky gasped, dramatically clutching his heart, causing all three of you to giggle. 
“I would never do such a thing!” He exaggerated with a sad look, reaching out a hand. “Please.”
Lila giggled again before throwing herself into his side. Cooper sat next to her, and you on the opposite side as Bucky. You watched as he smiled down at Lila when she introduced him to her wolf. He looked back up at you over their heads and smiled widely. That’s when you started the movie. 
The muses on screen danced to the opening number when you felt Cooper lean against you. You rolled your eyes. Of course, the kids would have a hard time staying up so late. By the time Hercules and Phil started their training. The kids were out cold. 
“Bucky,” you whispered, getting his attention before obviously drawing attention to the two children passed out against you. He huffed out a laugh before looking back up at you. “Help me get them to bed? We can pause the movie.”
The two of you stood up, carefully removing yourself from the arms of the siblings, and traded places. You fumbled to get past each other, slightly brushing each other as you moved, leaving a blush to both of your cheeks. 
You picked up Lila as Bucky took Cooper and walked upstairs to their rooms. The both of you stopped in the hallway, as you told Bucky where his room was. The both of you missed Lila and Cooper crack their eyes open, wink, and silently high-five each other before separating into the detached rooms. 
After gently putting Cooper into his bed, Bucky walked to Lila’s room and stood in the doorway. He watched as you gently tucked her in, making sure her wolf was in her arms before kiss her on the forehead and turning on her closet light and walking out. 
You and Bucky sat on the couch, shoulders touching as you started the movie back up. You started to watch again, hands nervously fumbling in your lap as you held your breath. Being so close to him was freaking you out. Bucky looked down at you next to him and tried to relax into the couch, putting his arm on the back of it. 
“Ya know,” he started, nervous to talk to you without the kids around to interrupt. “I think you’re amazing with those kids. They really look up to you.” You blushed at his compliment.
“Thank you, Bucky,” you smiled, looking up at him. “But I can’t take all the credit. Since you guys have shown up, y’all have been such great help around here. And Lila just adores you. You help make it so much easier.” You looked down at your hands in your lap. “I don’t I realized how much I needed you,” you sighed before your eyes went wide at what you said. 
Bucky just smiled down at you. “Thank you, doll. That really means a lot to me. I’m glad I can finally help in some way.” At that statement, you reached for his hand and tugged on it. 
“Bucky,” you admonished, looking into his eyes. “You are a good person.” 
He was blown away, yet again, by how accepting this family was to him. With everything that’s happened to him, he wasn’t expecting to be treated so kindly. Especially from someone as sweet as you. He moved to cup your cheek. 
“Y/N,” he started searching your eyes. “I really wanna kiss you.”
You gasped, then giggled, “Go the distance soldier.” And as the movie ended, and the anthem played in the background, he moved his lips to yours. 
When I go the distance, I’ll be right where I belong
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waveypedia · 6 years
Operation: Cherry Crush
Huey had never been the smooth type, and that certainly didn’t carry over to crushes.
His heart and body knew he had a crush on Jason before he did. For two weeks his accelerated heart rate, sudden ball of nerves in his stomach, and rushed breathing were a mystery to him. He scoured the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook for any helpful information, but, for once, it was completely empty.
That is, until Huey added his new, foreign situation to it.
It wasn’t some sort of weird sickness. He hadn’t contacted some kind of curse on his latest adventure.
It was a crush.
A normal, curveballing, heart-speeding crush.
Huey had had crushes before, but none like this. None where he tried to go wherever Jason was going instead of away. None where he started stuttering in the middle of a perfectly ordinary conversation with his siblings, people he was completely comfortable with, just because Jason was passing by at the other end of the hallway.
Huey first found out about this new kind of crush at lunch one day, after three consecutive incidents involving Jason in the vicinity.
“Dude, you have a crush on Jason,” Louie commented out of the blue as they were eating lunch.
Huey sucked in a breath. Immediately all the blood in his body rushed to his head and his hands started to shake, luckily under the table.
“What? No,” he replied, but even before the words were out of his mouth a stone sunk in his gut and he knew Louie was right.
A crush?
Webby looked up immediately from the homework she’d forgone last night despite Huey’s worrying and scolding in favor of scaling the mansion roof and playing morse code flashlight with Lena (...from the roof), her eyes lighting up. “Ooh! I know all about crushes! Even though I’ve never actually had one, haha… Uncle Scrooge has a crush on Goldie O’Gilt!”
“Yeah, we all kinda figured that out from the starstruck look on his face when he first saw her and literally every other interaction they had,” Louie deadpanned. “In one night.”
“They chase after each other across countless dimensions. They team up, and Goldie backstabs Scrooge, and they get back together again! They’re the best love story ever!” Webby continued as if Louie had said nothing.
Huey scratched his head. “I don’t think Uncle Scrooge’s crush on Goldie is anything like mine.”
“To be fair, nothing Uncle Scrooge does is ever normal,” Dewey pointed out.
“HA!! YOU CALLED IT A CRUSH!! HUEY HAS A CRUSH! HUEY HAS A CRU-USH!!!!” Louie yelled suddenly, beaming triumphantly and pointing at Huey.
The red-clad brother immediately flinched. “Hey, just scream it from the rooftops, will ya?! Fine, maybe it is a crush.  But that’s all it is. It’ll pass. All crushes do.”
“It doesn’t have to be only a crush,” Louie suggested slyly.
Huey sighed and rested his head in his hands. “Don’t bribe him, Lou. It’s fine, really.”
Louie crossed his arms, annoyed, but he reluctantly shook his head. “Fine. Whatever you say.”
“Good.” Huey stood up and put his empty lunch bag in his backpack. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I promised Mrs. Featherly I would stack chairs in the band room. See you later.”
The three kids watched their brother leave, the silence hanging over them. Huey didn’t look back once, just kept his head held high and his eyes trained firmly straight ahead despite a few curious glances from their classmates.
As soon as Huey was out of sight Dewey glanced at his siblings. “We’re getting him a date right?”
“Oh, definitely,” Louie replied, leaning across the table.
The door to McDuck Manor closed with a bang and a minute later tires screeched as Launchpad drove Huey to a Junior Woodchuck meeting. The house was quiet for a single moment, before the excited pitter-patter of three pairs of small webbed feet filled the silence.
Dewey reached Webby’s room first, followed by the owner of the room swinging in rather dramatically on her grappling hook from the vent, and lastly Louie, panting from his sprint across the house. Usually he would complain about having to run, but today his eyes were alight with mischief and ideas. He had a scheme on his hands. There was no time for complaining.
Webby pulled out a spare corkboard. “I printed out some photos of Jason and looked him up. He’s in accelerated math, has done some small and medium roles in the theatre department, he usually does set design for the school plays, he’s not in drama club, his favorite color is dark blue, he did a lot of basketball when he was little, he has an older sister named Olivia, his mom is bi and divorced, he reads a lot of-”
“Whoa, whoa,” Dewey put his hands up, his eyes wide with surprise. Louie had a similar expression. “Webs, I knew you were good, but that’s a lot of information. I don’t think we need all that.”
Webby shrugged and started to pin pictures on her board and tie them together with colored string. “You never know.”
Dewey leaned on the table and crossed his arms. “So. What do we need to know right now? What kinds of dates he likes? If he’s been in a relationship before? If he and Huey have ever talked?”
“If he’s gay,” Louie replied bluntly.
The siblings fell silent, the only sounds being the rustling of Webby’s string and the far-away humming of Mrs. Beakley.
Dewey sighed. “Yeah, I guess that would be important. Webby?”
Webby put down a picture of one of Jason’s cousins and rocked back and forth on her heels thoughtfully. “He’s never had a girlfriend,” she contemplated. “Buuuuuut there was that rumor a while back that he was crushing on Lila.”
Louie clenched a fist and smacked it on the table.
Dewey frowned thoughtfully. “Webby, you said he paints sets? There’s some set design stuff going on tonight. I don’t know if he’ll be there, but it’s worth a shot.”
Webby pumped a fist. “Operation Cherry Crush is in motion!”
Louie raised an eyebrow. “Operation Cherry Crush?”
Webby shrugged. “You know, ‘cause cherries are red and Huey wears red? And because it’s about a crush?”
Dewey shrugged. “It works.”
Louie rolled his eyes. “You’re making me thirsty. Snack break?”
“SNACK BREAK!!” the other two kids cheered, making a mad dash for the kitchen.
“Why am I doing this again?” Huey sighed as he tried on the 40th outfit of the night.
“Because you’re our brother and you love us,” Louie replied simply as he styled Huey’s hair.
Huey rolled his eyes. “Riiiiiiight. And why are you here, Louie?”
Louie froze and feigned shock. “Why, I am very loving and helpful! Shame on you for suggesting I’m not!”
Huey simply raised an eyebrow.
Louie shrugged and went back to styling Huey’s hair. “Dewey bribed me with Pep.”
“That sounds more like it,” Huey replied. “What is this for again, Dewey.”
“The theatre department!” Webby chirped as she laid out another outfit. “We’re on the costume and makeup design team!”
“I thought you guys were in the play,” Huey replied suspiciously.
“We are,” Dewey replied nonchalantly as he fixed Huey’s makeup. “Buuuuut I’m like, super creative and awesome and stuff, and so is Webby, so they asked us to make up an outfit for this character! His name is, uh, Grayson. Yeah, Grayson.”
From behind Huey, Louie rolled his eyes and mouthed amateurs.
Huey pressed his lips together as if annoyed, but there was no mistaking the way his shoulders tightened at the near slip-up. He had connected the theatre department and the costume name to his crush as well.
“So when will this be over?” he asked after a minute, and the three siblings quietly sighed in relief.
“Okay, the makeup team is right inside. You need to go sit at the table in the middle. Yours has a candle on it,” Louie instructed.
Huey raised his eyebrow. “This is really smelling fishy, Llewelyn.”
Louie glared at his brother. “What did I say about calling me by my full name?! Now get inside!” He gave Huey a gentle shove as Dewey opened the doors and closed them swiftly behind him.
As soon as Huey was gone Louie started running to his station. “Now move, move, move!” he yelled.
Huey stepped inside. The lights were completely off, covering the area in complete darkness - except for a single table set for two in the middle of the room, lit by elegant white candles.
He took three steps toward it and paused, considering his options.
There’s no way this is a makeup team test thing. But if it is, and I bail, I get Dewey and Webby and maybe Louie in trouble. Plus the teacher will be mad at me.
But if it’s not, then I’m walking into a huge trap.
It’s probably not.
He started to turn around before spotting movement on the other side of the light.
Jason emerged, dressed as nice as him, and stepped up to the table. He looked around, confused, and were that nerves on his face?
Oh oh oh oh oh.
He couldn’t back out now.
But there was no way he could go on a date- a date - with Jason…!!!!!
Huey stood there frozen as Jason glanced around, searching the room. His eyes landed on Huey’s dark form.
And stayed there.
Huey gulped and stepped out slowly into the light.
Jason glanced at him. His hands were shaking as they rested on the back of the chair. “Hey, Huey…”
Huey attempted a smile. “Hey…”
Jason pulled out the chair quickly and sat down. “So, uh, I was talking with Dewey today.”
Huey raised an eyebrow. “Really? Louie is the schemer.”
“THANK YOU,” Louie yelled from somewhere in the dark. Huey glared in the direction the voice had come from.
“He, uh, he said you liked me,” Jason said bluntly, pulling Huey’s attention back to him.
“Oh,” Huey replied. “Um. Well- well, I do, but-” He stopped, frozen, and put his head in his hands. “Ugh. I’m so sorry, dude. My siblings got wind of my- um- my crush on you today and they’re the mischievous type. We’ve set up my Uncle Donald about five times this year. I didn’t mean to get a crush on you, I just- it just happened. I’m sorry.”
“Huey, it’s cool.” Jason smiled, nervously but genuinely. “I kinda, uh, like you too.”
Huey froze. “Really?”
“Yeah, I never had the courage to talk to you. You’re so smart and you always know what to do. You take matters into your own hands. You’re so cool, dude.”
Huey blinked. “Oh,” was all he could manage. “That’s, uh, that’s so cool. Thanks?”
Jason laughed, and Huey smiled. He pulled out a chair and sat down.
“So......, you said ‘we’,” Jason said, raising an eyebrow.
Huey frowned. “Huh?”
“About your schemes with your siblings. Setting your uncle up. You take part in it too?”
“Oh! Yeah, yeah I do,” Huey replied, relaxing a little. “Dewey and Louie and I have been doing it before Webby was in the picture. Uncle Donald has always been unlucky in love - and everything else - but he’s a really sweet guy, and goodness knows he deserves a girlfriend or a boyfriend.”
“Tell him about Aunt Daisy!” Dewey yelled.
Huey glared in the general direction of his brother’s voice, but relaxed into his chair and smiled at the memory. “So, there was this girl writing for the newspaper that my uncle read, and one day he got an odd job cleaning at their studios…”
This was totally spontaneous and random but @delta-toons had the idea that Webby is great with clothes, Dewey with makeup, and Louie with hair, and that they set Huey up on dates with their skills. I told her I’d write it, though it ended up being less of that and more of DLW setting Huey up with his crush :P
guess I have a new OC now! Jason is super chill. And gay. Very gay. Maybe I’ll draw him later.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Goes Back to the Past
The world is running out of ‘60s clothing. 
The Umbrella Academy costume designer Christopher Haragon shares this news as he walks through a warehouse containing capri pants, floral-print dresses, and a large muscle suit costume with the $29.99 price tag still attached. It turns out that no textile lasts forever. 
“I know some people have started tearing up upholstery just to get the designs,” Haragon says. 
The 1960s have never really felt that far away for pop culture. Countless movies, TV shows, and comic books have returned to the dramatically fertile ground of the turbulent decade so often that it still feels inexorably tied to the present. But time marches on—buttons fall off of shirts, tie-dye patterns fade, and moths feast on fabric. Soon enough, all the tangible sartorial ties to the ‘60s will be gone. Before they are, however, Netflix’s premier superhero series is set on putting them to good use.
The Umbrella Academy finished its charmingly weird first season with a temporal cliffhanger. As super-powered (adopted) siblings Luther (Tom Hopper), Diego (David Castañeda), Allison (Emmy Raver-Lampman), Klaus (Robert Sheehan), Five (Aiden Gallagher), Ben (Justin Min), and Vanya (Ellen Page) Hargreeves prepared to teleport away from the moon-based apocalypse they wrought, it was unclear where… or when their jump would take them. As the costume department at Cinespace Film Studios in Toronto makes clear: the show had a very specific timeframe in mind for the Hargreeves. 
“I really loved the time period of the early ’60s,” showrunner Steve Blackman says. “There were incredible things going on in the country. And the assassination of Kennedy is just rife with conspiracy theories. So that’s why I decided to narrow it down to that window.”
Yes, you read that right. The Kennedy assassination, Dealey Plaza, and the grassy knoll are all prominently involved in the second season of a major Netflix superhero property. As Blackman describes, the Hargreeves arrive in Dallas this season in the early ‘60s but each is dumped out of the time stream in a different year. Klaus and Ben arrive as early as February 11, 1960, Five in November of 1963, and the rest fall in-between. That’s how The Umbrella Academy must brave both time and Dallas itself to find one another before a certain motorcade in the winter of 1963 brings on…another apocalypse. 
The Umbrella Academy season 2 is loosely based on “Dallas,” the second volume of the original comic book series from Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. Just like “Dallas,” the second season of the show is funnier, bolder, and stranger than the first. Each member of the titular team, One through Seven, is happy to explain why. 
Number One – Luther is No Longer a Spaceboy
As Luther was fond of telling just about anyone willing (or unwilling) to listen in The Umbrella Academy season 1: “Dad sent me to the moon!” In ‘60s Dallas, he finds himself the same distance from the moon but metaphorically lightyears away from where he used to be. The hirsute, superpowered lug gets a job as a driver for a powerful Texan and puts those ape-arms to good use as an underground bare-knuckle brawler. Despite the violence (or perhaps because of it), Number One may never have been happier. 
“I think it’s quite interesting because Luther’s on his own path to begin with. I don’t think he’s as bothered about the Academy and having to be a leader anymore. He just has to learn to live in the real world,” Hopper says. 
Of course, traveling to the ‘60s means that the dead man who metaphorically haunted Luther and his siblings for all of season 1 is not currently dead. 
“He’s still dealing with the daddy issues he had from season 1,” Hopper says. “And bear in mind that his dad is around somewhere in the sixties. So there’s an element of him wanting to connect with his dad to have words with him.”
Given that the death of Reginald Hargreeves was the inciting moment for much of the action in The Umbrella Academy season 1, “Reggie” (Colm Feore) appeared sparingly. In season 2, however, the enigmatic industrialist is in the prime of his life and is 26 years away from learning about the mysterious, simultaneous birth of 43 super-powered children. 
Reginald continues to loom large over the Hargreeves kids, and according to Hopper, that dysfunctional family tissue is what makes the show work. 
“What I love about The Umbrella Academy, and the reason why I signed on to the project in the first place, is that I read these scripts thinking, ‘I’m not reading a superhero script, I’m reading a family drama.’ That’s at the core of this show. And that’s why I find it so much more interesting than actually than a lot of other superhero TV shows.”
Number Two – Diego and Lila
Of all The Umbrella Academy members, perhaps no one gets a more fantastic ‘60s glow-up than the sullen knife-thrower Diego. While season 1 found  Reginald’s Number Two with a crew-cut vibe, Diego of season 2 gets to let his hair down a bit… literally.
“Well, he’s never really felt like he fit in, so it’s not so much out of his comfort zone to be in a different era,” Castañeda says. “In the first one, he’s kind of trying to stay away from the Umbrella Academy. In the second one, he’s almost trying to bring them all together.”
Joining Diego in that mission to reunite his brothers and sisters is one of the season’s several new characters. Ritu Arya portrays Lila, a young woman who Diego meets in a mental hospital and then can never quite seem to shake afterwards. Diego and Lila frequently interact in the way that Diego seems to prefer to interact with everyone: through fighting. 
“Oh, man. She’s a badass,” Castañeda says of both Lila and the actress playing her.
Aryu’s character has no analog from the comic series but she quickly proves to be an invaluable part of the show’s universe and potentially an important piece of its lore. If nothing else, she certainly helps contribute to season 2’s increased investment in physicality. This batch of episodes ups the ante in terms of action. Castañeda even took some time in-between seasons to travel to Thailand and pick up a little Muay Thai so that he could be a more active participant in the season’s many fight scenes. 
Still, despite the intensified focus on fistfights, Castañeda has an unusual comparison to make for season 2. 
“I binged 10 seasons of Friends in five months this year. You can look at each character in Friends and they’re so relatable to the characters in any successful TV show. You can write it, but can you put the pieces together with the right people and actors to come in and bring those relationships? Based on the first season and what we’re doing now in season two, that formula of ‘there’s love underneath all of this chaos’, I think it sells.”
Number Three – Allison and the Civil Rights Struggle
The Umbrella Academy season 1 came with a refreshing commitment to diversity. Though the comic book team is all-white (which is almost a statistical impossibility given the premise that 43 babies were spontaneously and randomly born around the world), the Umbrella children in the show come from many different backgrounds. 
The Hargreeves’ racial and cultural identities play a major role in season 2. For one thing, it means that the family’s sole Black member, Allison, now finds herself separated from her siblings in Texas at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. This presents an opportunity for Allison that actress Emmy Raver-Lampman doesn’t take lightly. 
“We find Allison in kind of a tricky pickle,” Raver-Lampman says. “She arrives alone and in an era and in a place that’s really dangerous for a woman that looks the way that she does. I think she’s having to quite literally fight for her life in many ways.”
Allison Hargreeves has arguably the most potent power of all her siblings. The things she says tend to come true. By simply opening a sentence with “I heard a rumor,” Allison can manipulate reality to a stunning degree. Her brother Five has described her powers as God-like on more than one occasion. Still, Allison is famously reticent to use the full extent of that power. And the intense social situation she finds herself in may make that reticence a little more frustrating for viewers. Still, Raver-Lampman sees the logic behind Allison’s fear.
“(Her power) has always backfired maybe not immediately, but in the long game. She sees them as more of a curse than a blessing. How she’s using them or if she’s using them or when she wants to use them is a part of her process this season is. Am I going to try to just be Allison or am I going to be this superhero version of Allison?” 
Number Four – The Cult of Klaus
There is some absurdist humor inherent to The Umbrella Academy. One of the main characters is essentially a gorilla-person after all. But while the show premiered on the same day as its spiritual cousin Doom Patrol last year, it’s hard to argue that Doom Patrol didn’t defeat it in the “outright madness” column.
That dynamic may change in season 2. As for why, look no further than Klaus’s arc. Yes, as the promotional material has suggested, Klaus is indeed a cult leader in this show’s version of the ‘60s. It’s undoubtedly a joy to see Number Four in flowing robes and Manson-esque hair. For actor Robert Sheehan, however, there’s a logic to Klaus’s journey beyond mere novelty. 
“We were like, ‘how do we make him keep changing?’ He’s this kind of amorphous creature,” Sheehan says. “We did talk about the idea of starting a cult because so often you have a suspicion that at the top of a cult is somebody who’s letting on like they have answers, wisdom, knowledge, and they can see beyond the veil, but in fact they’re playing a role just like the worshipers are.”
Klaus is in an unusual position among his family as, apart from Five, he is the only one to have time traveled back to the ‘60s previously. That sort of thing (along with a lifetime of drug abuse) can make a guy pretty confident… confident enough to start a cult. 
Number Five
One interesting development of The Umbrella Academy’s trip back through time is that Number Five is now not the only seasoned time traveler in his family. In fact, Five spends the least amount of time in the early ‘60s as any of his siblings, with the timestream booting him out in late 1963. Still, it’s not like he doesn’t have enough experience with the decade already given that season 1 reveals he was the time-travelling assassin originally charged with killing Kennedy, something he opted not to do. 
“I don’t really think there’s too much of an adjustment on Five’s part in terms of being in the sixties,” Aiden Gallagher says. “Everyone’s been here for a long time, so they’ve had time to evolve, but for Five, it’s just been like a few weeks. He’s still in the schoolboy shorts.”
Even in those schoolboy threads, however, Five remains a threat to any of his family’s potential enemies. The Umbrella Academy comes up against Commission interference this season, this time led by a crew of silent pale-haired killers known as The Swedes. As such, Gallagher once again gets to paint Five’s cherubic visage with blood from time to time. 
“There are a lot more fight scenes this season… a lot cooler fight scenes. I think the best summary for what season two is and how that affects all the actors is that it’s the same show, but a lot bigger.”
Number Six – Ben, The Deathly Time-Traveler
The Umbrella Academy is the kind of show that leads to some truly unique questions. A necessary question for season 2 is “wait… can ghosts travel through time?” It’s a tricky metaphysical concept that even Ben actor Justin Min can’t quite wrap his head around. 
“Very good question. I’m confused most of the time I’m here,” Min says.
Rest assured, Ben makes the trip back to 1960 with Klaus and the pair get to continue their living and the dead buddy comedy routine. 
Ben was undoubtedly a breakout character from The Umbrella Academy season 1, which was unexpected given that his character doesn’t appear in the flesh (or the ectoplasm) in the original comic series. Blackman and the writers decided to put Klaus’s ability to commune with the dead to good narrative use and include the Hargreeves’s fallen brother as a more consistent character. 
Though Ben remains in his black “ghost hoodie” and doesn’t get to partake in the same colorful ‘60s stylings as his siblings, he nevertheless gets an expanded role this season. And for that, Min credits The Umbrella Academy fandom. 
“My role last season was quite secondary and to see the fans rally behind the character was more than I could have ever hoped and imagined. I think it’s one of the main reasons why I was able to be propelled into this season with a little more agency because I think they felt like that’s what the fans wanted.”
As a gift to those same fans, Min also offers up one hell of an endorsement of this season’s finale. 
“I screamed for a very long time after I read the final scene. It was nothing like I ever expected or imagined. And I say that in the best possible way. It tops what happened at the end of season one, because I don’t think anyone will expect what happens at the end of the season.”
Number Seven – Vanya  Finds Herself
Speaking of endings: What’s in store for The Umbrella Academy’s resident world-ender this year?
Vanya (with an unhelpful assist from Luther) was the source of the apocalypse in season 1, so thankfully the only way to go from there is up. Vanya loses her memories on arrival in Dallas (it’s not as lame as it sounds) and is taken in by Sissy (Marin Ireland) and her son Harlan. 
“I think she finds a nice sense of peace and solace,” Page says of her character “Because we ended a season where so much came to the surface for her, Vanya is definitely much more comfortable in her skin. She’s more confident. It’s freed her in so many ways.”
Page occupies an interesting position on The Umbrella Academy. Though Number Seven in Reginald Hargreeves’s heart, the well-known actress is number one on the callsheet. And in the second season of this endearingly goofy comic book adaptation, she seems more assured within the world, successfully lobbying the costume department for Vanya to dress “more masc,” and staying positive during a particularly tough scene. “You’ve been tortured before clearly,” someone on set notes as they adjust the restraints on a chair holding Vanya down. Page is also more comfortable shouldering the responsibilities of the show’s most explosive character.  
“The power is fun and exciting, especially in terms of how it manifests and some stunts and stuff this year. Playing someone whose power is connected to their emotions, and what happens if we aren’t being mindful of them, I think that’s what’s so exciting. Also: being able to fuck people up. That’s fun.”
“Fun” is the operative world for The Umbrella Academy season 2. The hard work of world and character-building is mostly out of the way. And while the Hargreeves family and the actors who play them find themselves in a new environment, at least they have each other this time… eventually.
Per Umbrella Academy lore, on October 1, 1989, 43 women around the world suddenly gave birth to extraordinary individuals. Reginald Hargreeves found seven of them and through sheer force of his odious will made them into a team. On October 1, 2019, The Umbrella Academy team took a moment after a hard day’s work of filming to commemorate their “birthday” with a cake.
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on the nineteenth hour of the first day of october, 2019, we all wished the hargreeves siblings a very super birthday 🖤☂️🔪🐙
A post shared by The Umbrella Academy (@umbrellaacad) on Oct 1, 2019 at 4:00pm PDT
Of course, being a member of The Umbrella Academy comes with its own occupational hazards. As Emmy Raver-Lampman explains, sometimes even a special occasion is preceded by an explosive incident involving fruit all over your priceless ‘60s clothes.
“We all got covered in pineapple and then it was our birthday.”
The post The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Goes Back to the Past appeared first on Den of Geek.
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