marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
The Children of the MCU
So I recently got my Marvel Encyclopaedia (which is long overdue) and I’m loving reading about all of the Young Avengers and I just love finding out more about the kids of the MCU. I would love a Young Avengers team up but not yet. I’d want to see them coming into their own before the team up, which is why I haven’t really enjoyed watching most of the Marvel TV series because I prefer watching them beforehand and developing a relationship with the individual characters as opposed to just the team as a unit. 
Peter Parker So I know that Peter is already an Avenger, but he’s a teenager and one of the oldest of this group and I don’t mind if he’s not in the team, but if he were a mentor to some of them then I’m content.
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Shuri Udaku I love Shuri with all my heart and she would be a great mentor too. Maybe someone in the background who helps them with technology, but she is so strong she deserves a movie of her own.
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Monica Rambeau She would be the oldest of this group and probably wouldn’t be the right age to join them, but I was reading up on her and honestly I love her more and more as I find out more about her. She was known as Lieutenant Trouble and in the comics she groups up to become Spectrum and is just a general badass.
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Harley He would be a lot older now, but even if he just makes a cameo in the background, like in Endgame, I would really appreciate that.
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Cassie Lang Cassie is one of the more adorable members of the youngsters. In the comics, she grows to become Stature, and after Scott dies, she joins the Young Avengers. She has the same powers as her father and I would love to see her take up her father’s powers.
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Lila Barton I really enjoyed seeing Lila as a minor character in the short snippets of Endgame that she was featured in and I saw another post about her taking up the mantle of Hawkeye, like Kate Bishop. Clint actually calls his daughter Hawkeye during the opening scene of Endgame, and I don’t think Clint has ever actually been called Hawkeye in the MCU. I would love to see her develop into the next Hawkeye if/when Clint leaves the franchise.
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Morgan Stark And finally, we have Morgan. She has so much potential and I can’t wait to see her grow up and fill any role she is given, whether it’s the next Iron Man or something else.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
If this is the first time you are reading anything from me, then you might not be aware that I adore my space daughter, Singularity. She is my icon so you might have guessed lmao.
I love the idea of an A-Force in the MCU and seeing all of the most powerful ladies band together in Endgame gave me life. 
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But I am completely obsessed with the idea of getting the ladies of the A-Force together, especially the ones who joined forces in the comics. And I can’t think of a better way to gather them all together than for Singularity to appear and band them all together. Maybe because they met before in another lifetime or parallel universe? Or maybe something completely different. Either way, I think she would be perfect for bringing together and assembling the team, she doesn't even need to be the captain. It would probably be Jen or Carol with Blue as second in command.
There is one thing that I REALLY WANNA SEE. You probably won’t have seen my post about silence in movies since my stuff is generally crap lmao, but I can’t get enough of those consuming silences in movies (as long as they aren’t overused). I think they would be so effective with Blue. If she hides her teammates inside of her, that could be a chance there. Or if she were to do the thing with the zombies I don't know.
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In regards to the trailer though. I want the first trailer to be unveiled at a Disney expo thing like SDCC or D23 and Singularity isn’t in the entire trailer, except for right at the end. When it seems that its just an empty shot of the universe or a galaxy, and any dialogue over the top of the trailer stops, and you’re staring into the universe for a couple of seconds.
Then two white eyes open and the image flickers out.
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Art credits to kauiart on instagram
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
The Next Iron Man
There’s a lot of debate around who will fill the shoes of Iron Man and I have a feeling that this is just going to turn into an essay, but this is how I feel about each of the individual candidates for being the next Iron Man. 
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So I’m going to start with my favourite MCU character, Peter Parker, AKA Spiderman. In the trailers for Spiderman: Far From Home (it’s being released tomorrow so this might be premature), we have been seeing Peter being treated as the world’s next ‘genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist’. Except he’s not? Peter has always been the friendly-neighbourhood Spiderman. I saw a thread where he would be the only Avenger that you would ask to walk you home if you didn’t feel safe - not because the other’s aren’t trustworthy, but because Spiderman is the most relatable and it would be easier to ask him than the others. He’s not the suit of armour around the world, but the guardian angel that you see every week. I feel like I don’t want that being taken away from him or taken out of the MCU since it’s so important for his dynamic as a superhero. Peter Parker is too shy to become the face of Stark Industries, or attend conferences or Stark Expo. He’s smart, but in a lowkey way. He doesn’t flaunt his engineering prowess or hook up with all the hot ladies, he goes to Maths Decathlons, is too shy to ask out that one girl he likes in his class and he’s still in high school. 
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Next, we have Riri Williams AKA Iron Heart. I love Riri with a passion. She made her superhero armour when she was 10, applied to be an astronaut at 11 and won a scholarship to Massachusetts Institute of Technology at 15. If that’s not Tony Stark, I don’t know what is. She even became one of Tony’s protégées. Riri would be a perfect in the role. She would have the exact confidence that Tony’s successor requires. I can already picture her slow motion walking away from an explosion and putting on her sunglasses. I understand that there is a lot of controversy around Riri, as she would be an unknown character who would just appear out of nowhere and take up the Iron Man mantle, which is why I think Marvel has instantly dived towards Peter, but if Riri were introduced in the correct way, then I think that a lot of the issues with her concept would evaporate. One of the reasons that her character made more sense in the comics was that she had physical interactions with Tony and, like I said, was one of his protégées, but now that Tony has died within the MCU, the possibility of that being how she is introduced has now been rendered impossible. There’s always the choice that there could be a movie set in the past which involves their relationship, but it would feel to forced and artificial as Riri hasn’t been mentioned in the rest of the films. There is also no circle of characters which Riri could stem from. For example, I talk about Lila Barton in the Children of the MCU post, as she could be the replacement of Kate Bishop. Riri’s creation in the comics made her seem like a temporary substitute for Tony when he was out of the action for a small period of time, and when he returns she would just fade into the background as a minor character. I love her character and I feel like she has so much potential, but it would be really hard to slot her into the MCU and it would probably end up being way too forced and lead to her being even more disliked than she already is. If it were handled in the correct way, then I think that she could become a really funny member of the MCU. (also please don’t attack me, these are just my opinions.)
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Now, of course, we come to Morgan Stark. My precious little baby sister (don’t @ me it’s just how I view her). I’m looking forward to seeing her grow and develop in the MCU (not yet though, and I’d rather not have Katherine Langford play her but that’s another story). But as she grows to be older I think that she could be a great successor to her dad. I can see her as a perfect mixture of Pepper and Tony. Business like, professional, able to handle issues like her mother. Confident, cool, collected like her father (alliteration unintended lmao). A lot of people want to see her as Iron Heart not Iron Man, which could solve the issue of Iron Heart being a random character that we haven’t met yet, but she wouldn’t be Riri Williams who brings more diversity to the Marvel Universe as one of the reasons she was created. But I’d enjoy seeing Morgan become Iron Man. She also has her issues however. Hmm let me think about it... Oh yeah she’s five. Maybe she could become the next Iron Man, but not nearly yet.
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I haven’t really mentioned Pepper taking over the role, but I don’t feel that she would be right as it. She was great as a supporting badass in Endgame and I think she suits being the CEO (my feminist self isn’t really standing out in this paragraph is it). She would be the mother of Morgan and teach her all of her dad’s moves and be her mentor, along with her big brother Spiderman. 
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So I know that this might have come across as I’M A FEMINIST SO EVERY SINGLE MARVEL CHARACTER MUST BE REPLACED WITH A WOMAN BECAUSE MEN ARE SHIT. I’m not saying that at all. I’m also not saying that the front runner of the MCU has to be a woman. I don’t have a problem with them being a man, if I did, I wouldn’t have this blog or own every single DVD of every marvel movie ever. (I’ll address my opinions of feminism in marvel in another post at some point.)
There is a part of me that would enjoy seeing Harley becoming the next Iron Man as he is a character that we’ve already been introduced to him so it would be acceptable as a successor, but I don’t think it would be something that Marvel considers. I have a feeling that Marvel might go for the Peter being a temporary Iron Man while Morgan grows up but I don’t know. I just don’t want to see Peter become a large flashy superhero, instead of the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. But yeah...
So these are my opinions of the whole Iron Man situation, don’t hate me for them, but I hope you can relate to a few of them and feel free to share your own. Just don’t start a war please thank you.
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
Scarlet Witch
Maybe she is a modern day witch?
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I like to think that Wanda practices witchcraft. I know that she’s never referred to as Scarlet Witch in the MCU, but I like to think that she supports that aesthetic.
I don’t think that she would exactly believe in all of this stuff either but it’s something that suits her and she would find it quite interesting.
She already wears chunky rings, but I can see her with crystal and beaded necklaces. I don’t see tea leaves as her thing, but I can see her with books of old scriptures, about astrology and crystal healing and with chakra or palm diagrams. She might have a dusty crystal ball on a bookshelf somewhere and a deck of tarot cards that she likes to play with. 
Her room is quite a light, comfortable place, with armchairs and cushions and blankets. But I can see her with thick velvet curtains, which she can pull shut and she would have lots of candles that she can light and read by.
It would just be a comfy and warm place that has quite a heavy or stuffy atmosphere, but it’s safe for her, despite its darker connotations.
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Jewellery from shop dixi online, which always gives me Wanda vibes
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marvellous-fangirl · 5 years
This is just a little short thing but I have a certain favourite part of movies. It gets to me every single time. Even if I know its going to happen, it will always get to me and blow my mind a little. And its so simple. 
Just absolute silence.
When the music is building up and up and up and the sounds are getting louder and louder, and you can feel your heart pounding and your adrenaline levels are rising as you’re watching and you are completely invested, even if you didn't think that you were. Even if you don’t care about the plot, even if you don’t care about the characters, the culmination of sounds are building up in your ears and ringing through your head.
But then all of it stops. It will always get to me. I can't help but think that they’ve added something to it. To somehow make it quieter. And this entire silence is gaping like a hole in reality and its swallowing you and you realise you’re holding your breath and even that damned kid who was rustling his fucking sweets throughout the entire film or crunching on popcorn is quiet. Somehow even the guy who fell asleep and has been snoring over the dialogue or the baby who has been crying in the middle of intense scenes. They're silent. And everyone in there with you is swallowed too. Just by this gaping open mouth of nothingness.
It’s incredible.
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