mmc-121 · 7 years
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mmc-121 · 7 years
Boys Can Be Feminist
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mmc-121 · 7 years
Discrimination against women is still going on in the workfield, and in schools. In order to fix the problem we need to support women in our culture and to speak out as women and to have people supports the ideals of what woman truly stand for which is power.
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mmc-121 · 7 years
Using Our Voice
The voices of  young people can lead to big changes for the future, if people have the courage to put themselves out there. Both men and women supporting each other for equal rights.
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mmc-121 · 7 years
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mmc-121 · 7 years
It takes ALL of us, working together… GET INVOLVED!
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mmc-121 · 7 years
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mmc-121 · 7 years
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Easily one of the most important too!
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mmc-121 · 7 years
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mmc-121 · 7 years
This man is a hero.
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mmc-121 · 7 years
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How would you advise men in the world who are shy about saying they’re into feminism? What do you think is the best way to support the cause?
“Well, they need money, they need volunteers. Action is the best way to say anything. A guy who goes around saying "I’m a feminist” usually has an agenda that is not feminist. A guy who behaves like one, who actually becomes involved in the movement, generally speaking, you can trust that. And it doesn’t just apply to the action that is activist. It applies to the way they treat the women they work with and they live with and they see on the street.“
- Joss Whedon on male feminists
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mmc-121 · 7 years
I want to know this person!
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mmc-121 · 7 years
So many online female feminists are harassed when they voice their opinions, thoughts and beliefs in an online social setting. It is a problem, a REAL problem. The evidence is on the eternal hardrive that is the internet.
When you say I should ‘toughen up’ or ‘tone it down’, YOU are part of the problem. When you say ‘not all men’-it’s not a fucking excuse for the hundreds of other men out there who are doing this to women to do so! When you say I’m ‘reading too much into this’ or that I ‘always find a way to relate everything to sexism or racism’, I will reply that ‘we live in a fucking patriarchal world, what do you fucking expect?’. When you get angry and defiant that I’m bringing up an uncomfortable topic for you-I say ‘WOMEN UP. I deal with this every fucking day.’ When you tell me women and men are equal now-I say ‘check the fucking statistics. You are WRONG.’ When you play the victim card and claim that ‘feminists hate men’, I say that ‘feminists who hate men are NOT fucking feminists. They are MISANDRISTS.’ When you close your eyes and ears and mind to the very concept of equality between the sexes, of feminism, YOU are also part of the larger problem. 
So open your eyes and ears and mind to the idea that online female feminists experience harassment on the basis of their gender. Open you heart to us. Listen to what we have to say. Don’t shut us out. Be supportive. Be an ally. 
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mmc-121 · 7 years
Entitlement of power of men over woman.
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mmc-121 · 7 years
Teaching Men How Not to Act Towards A Women
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mmc-121 · 7 years
Men Should be Proud.....
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mmc-121 · 7 years
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