#Find trucks
paintedcrows · 10 days
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Assorted Gravity Falls doodles!
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hellenhighwater · 18 days
there is so much happening with your display, i'm very interested to know how you're gonna get all of that to GR (fellow michigander here, v excited for your exhibit!)
Thanks! I have honestly made this so unnecessarily difficult for myself, but I'm really excited for the opportunity to get to share this with you all in person instead of just digitally, so I have, perhaps, just maybe, gone a little overboard. I hope you all enjoy it.
Anyways, the whole exhibit breaks down into pieces no longer than 5 feet. The sculptures themselves are small-- no larger than 28 inches at the biggest point-- and the display pieces are all designed to be movable by one person (me. I don't make anything I can't physically move because uh. That doesn't go well. ) The big arch is six modular pieces with a keystone holding it together! All of it is getting loaded into a buddy's trailer, and the plan is to install it this weekend. Assuming I actually get it all done; I am playing a dangerous game.
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yesloulou · 4 months
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Daniel spotted in Montreal ahead of the 2024 Canadian Grand Prix 🇨🇦 | via @ cars_spot_mtl
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itslavenduh · 4 months
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Jessie gets her license.
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localgardenweed · 3 months
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They are taking over
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happy74827 · 5 months
Contagiously Human.
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[Brian Moser x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Killing was always the easiest part for him, but this… you… well, as fate would have it, that created a new problem for him. {GIF Creds: brothermoser}
WC: 1881
Category: Plot-Driven, Maybe Some Fluff/Angst…?
Someone asked me if I’d ever thought about writing Biney… and well, I decided to put my thought into actual words 🤷‍♀️
Just for some minor clarification, this is pretty much a “what if” fic in which Dexter does not end his life. This being said, I picture this taking place around season 5-6 ish.
The thing that makes or breaks a killer. The line that separates predator from prey. It's the pause between life and death, the time a man takes to make the decision, and whether he'll live to regret it or not.
He’s never had hesitation. Not once. In fact, he relishes in it; he finds peace in knowing that he can decide one way or another and be content with either outcome. It makes him a dangerous man, unpredictable, a ticking time bomb.
His baby brother, his blood, had the disease. The disease of being too much of a good person, feeling guilt, having morals, a sense of what's right and wrong. He was weak, he hesitated, and he wasn’t even aware of how much the disease was eating him alive until that Trinity Killer came around.
He was supposed to protect his brother, save him from himself, and show him the proper way of things. The way of survival. Of the hunt. But no, Brian wasn’t there to catch him. To stop him.
So, as all good brothers do, he’s here to fix him. To set him straight and rid him of the disease. Forever.
It's an easy task, really. His little brother is so trusting and caring that he'd do anything for the ones he loved. Why not start by showing him why he shouldn't?
Because clearly, the loss of his apparent wife wasn’t enough. He needed to understand, truly and absolutely, that the world would only disappoint him. It's a harsh lesson but a necessary one.
So, that led him to you. His brother’s friend from school. The woman, aside from Dexter’s poor excuse for a sister, that his brother actually cared about.
Just like him, you were naive. Trusting, too. Friendly to everyone, completely unaware of the monsters that hid in the shadows. His brother included.
You might’ve never killed someone, but with everything else, it was clear why his brother was so interested in you. He always loved the innocent ones.
So, the question was, how would he go about it? He could take you somewhere, but the element of surprise was an important factor. You had to believe you were safe and comfortable before he could make his move.
A Debra repeat? Or a more... Unique approach. He'd think about it, plan it out, and strike at the perfect moment.
He wouldn’t hesitate, after all.
When the day presented itself, the stars had aligned, and everything was just right; he made his move. It was noon, a warm Sunday.
You were in your little bookshop, reading one of the books in your free time. Business had been slow today, as most people were enjoying the weather.
You never saw him coming. He was the type to blend into the crowd, the type that you'd see once and forget about. The type you'd pass on the street without a second thought.
He had his ways, of course, and his way was simple. A simple, kind greeting. One that had your eyes lighting up as if you'd never seen another person before.
He was charming, handsome, the perfect man to lure you in. You didn’t stand a chance.
That's what led him here, picking up your fallen book and handing it to you, watching the smile that graced your lips.
A romance novel, of course. How ironic.
"Oh, uh, thank you. That’s very kind."
You smiled, a hint of blush dusting your cheeks. Far more tame than that Debra woman, thankfully. He didn’t have to fight back the urge to roll his eyes.
"Tea and romance? Can’t say I blame you." He pulled a gentle grin, one that had you blushing further, more so of embarrassment this time.
"It's the first of a series. A favorite, actually, I’ve been rereading it." You explained, holding the book to your chest. He didn’t miss the way your thumb rubbed over the spine, fond and gentle.
Just from that, he knew. He was going to have fun with you. “Believe it or not, I read the first one too. A few months ago, actually. It was quite the page-turner. The ending had me on the edge of my seat, I swear."
You laughed, soft and airy, and for a moment, he found himself smiling genuinely. His lie was working, and he couldn’t believe it was that easy.
"I've only heard mixed reviews on it.” You spoke, moving to place the book back on the shelf. "I'm glad to hear you liked it. Marienne’s death was hard, wasn't it?"
"Very." He agreed though it was a lie. He had to pretend he cared. "It was a shame; I really enjoyed the character."
"You did?" You raised a brow, surprised. “Most people didn’t. Given that she doesn’t even exist.”
He cleared his throat, a slight pause. He was so blinded by the idea of finally getting to his brother that he'd forgotten.
You were a reader, an author; of course, you would know the ins and outs of the story. The characters, the plot, and every little detail. Why would you not?
First rule of hunting. Don’t get cocky.
"Alright, I admit. I've been caught." He gave a small shrug, his voice holding a hint of sheepishness. Maybe you’d fall for it. “I couldn’t help myself; I figured you wouldn’t appreciate my love for fantasy books."
"Fantasy?" You tilted your head, and he knew. You bought it. You were a sucker for fantasy; you didn't like it when others looked down on them.
"I'm a bit of a nerd. Guilty pleasure."
"I didn’t peg you for the fantasy type…” You raised your eyebrow, though a smile still rested on your lips—a look of amusement.
"Really? Most people can't seem to look past the collared shirt.
"No, it's not that. It's your aura." You shook your head, and now, it was his turn to raise his brow. What the hell did that mean?
"My aura?"
"Those books in your hands..” You nodded towards his bag, a small smirk pulling at the corner of your lips. "You're definitely not a casual reader. My guess is everything in there is a throwaway.”
"And that means...?"
"You're bullshit through and through. You don't like romance or fantasy. In fact, I think you absolutely hate it."
Oh. Oh, you clever thing. Now, he truly understood why his brother connected with you so much. You'd figured him out, and yet, you had no clue. You were clever, smarter than you let on.
"Alright,” He held his hands up in mock surrender. He was enjoying this; for once, someone could see through his façade. See his true self. It was a rush.
“If you’re so smart, what do I like then?"
"Hmm, let's see...” And just like that, you were off with him in tow. You were taking him along on a trip through the shelves, looking through the genres, searching and searching.
He was intrigued, his eyes locked on you, his ears drinking in the sound of your hums and contemplation. Your mind was running, spinning, thinking. You were truly in your element.
"Well, let's start with what I know. You like horror." You said, turning towards the horror section and picking up a book. "You seem like the type who enjoys the dark side of humanity and likes to see the bad guy win."
He was almost impressed. Almost.
"How could you possibly know that?"
"Eyes. They tell the most about a person. You’ve seen a lot, and it shows. I could tell just by looking at you. Your eyes are... Cold. Empty." You said, and it was then that he realized you were more observant than you appeared. Naivety might’ve not been a part of your personality, but trust was. You trusted a lot. Too much. “Are you a cop, by chance? You've got the whole detective thing going on."
"Prosthetist, actually." He answered, his hand reaching out and picking up a book at random. He wasn't a fan of fiction, not really. He preferred nonfiction; it was more realistic—less pointless details.
"Oh, wow, I was completely off. I didn’t expect that." You mused, looking up at him with those eyes. You had such an expressive face; it was amazing how easy you were to read. He could practically see the gears turning. How could he use this?
"Expected an axe murderer, did you?" He joked, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Maybe. Wouldn’t that be a twist?" You grinned a glint of amusement in your eye. “Speaking of, that’s probably what you like. Thrillers. Those kinds of stories are full of twists and turns. No one is who they appear to be. Kinda like you, hm?"
"Sorry, am I being too honest?"
"No, I like it. Keep going." He was having fun. With Debra, it was exhausting. She was so stubborn, so headstrong, she never listened. It took him about three coffees just to have enough patience to deal with her sob story.
But with you, you were a breath of fresh air. He didn’t have to force himself awake or hide his boredom. He could just enjoy it, relish in the moment, and the fact that you were so easy to play with.
You pulled out three books: two thrillers and one horror. A classic and a new one. "These are what I recommend. Start with Primal Fear; that’s the one I believe you'll like the most. The first one might take you a while, but if you stick with it, the sequel will be worth it.
He reached forward, his hand brushing over yours, his touch lingering as he took the book. He purposely brushed his thumb against the back of your hand, just enough for a spark to go through your veins.
He saw the way your breath hitched, and he smirked. This was too easy.
"Thank you, you've been a great help."
"One more thing before you go." You spoke, stopping him. His eyes moved up from the book to your own, and there he saw something that made him falter.
Something that made him freeze longer than he should have.
You had a fire behind those eyes. A flame that burned with a passion, a curiosity that threatened to eat him alive. A want, a need, to get into his head. To peel him open and look inside.
Your eyes weren't cold or empty like his. They were alive. Full of life.
"Books don’t impress women,” Your voice was low, a secret, something meant only for him to hear. “It’s the passion that opens their hearts. You have nothing if you can't show it."
"I think I've misjudged you." He spoke, his hand resting on the shelf above your head. He had no choice but to lean closer, and he felt the way your breath fanned across his skin.
"Yes. You're a lot more than you appear, aren’t you?"
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
The question was left unanswered. He didn't give a response because, in truth, he didn't know.
He left that day not with his brother’s cure or even the thought of him. He left with three books.
Three books and the disease he believed to be immune to…
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[@numetalnerd2007] Since you asked, I figured this would automatically mean you were interested. At least I hope you were 💀
That being said, please be nice to me for this one since it’s my first time writing for Biney here (and I haven’t rewatched season 1 in forever), so his character probably isn’t 100% solid. It’s a work in progress 🙏✨
Also, for all my Joe Goldberg fans out there, did you catch the reference I made? I see a slight resemblance between Brian and Joe, so I wanted to sneak it in a little something. I think it’s the hair, honestly.
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
I’m a very city girl and now I’m imagining going to the country side and meeting farmtale Sans…
You moved there for some reason and need a place to stay, Sans was kind enough to give you somewhere to stay with some chores to do to lower your rent. You’re not experienced and you’re not that good with the chores- sometimes farm animals freak you out (cows are big, theres so many chickens, what iS THAT GIANT SPIDER?!), you can’t move heavy stuff around, even the tools are heavy for you.
And… Sans thinks you’re cute. He can do the work you do much faster than you could, but he likes your company. Every time you drop a stack of hay and panic he can’t help but chuckle and throw it on top of the pile in his arms. He likes how you’re impressed by his skill with tools and the fact that he can drive tractors. You may not be good at your job, but he likes that you want to learn anyway. You like the animals when he teaches you how to read their behavior better.
He really likes it when he saves you from a giant bug and you give him “my hero” eyes…
“those darn eyes are gonna be the death of me.”
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pcktknife · 5 months
i don't think eating most pokemon is really all that fucked up but eating food pokemon specifically might be because why you couldn't just get the food item itself
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sansaes · 6 months
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oh, you were not what was desired, but that makes you no less dear to me. a boy would have been the son of france, but you, marie thérèse, shall be mine.
@paletmblr's 30th event: period dramas marie antoinette (2006) dir. sofia coppola
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Made an aesthetic of my idea of what it’d be to date Jess Mariano :) cause I met this boy like two weeks ago and I want one
(Got the pics on Pinterest :))
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fujii-draws · 2 months
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(Ut x Pmd) Nothing Like two doomed besties/siblings who’s goal is to change the world for the better only to die in the process
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shima-draws · 2 months
doing a cross country trip and i thought you might appreciate this
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destinywillowleaf · 11 months
one of a kind living in a world gone plastic
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baby you're so classic
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(all my thoughts in the tags)
#anyway i found their theme song and lost my mind#tragedyshipping#lloyd garmadon#ninjago#antigone#tagamemnon#pollshipping#i'm gonna be thinking about this for the next hour before i go to sleep#i just wanted to make a playlist for them i didn't think i would find a perfect fit#they have taken over many of my braincells and i can't even complain this is the enrichment i needed#all i'm saying is the idea of a movie trailer for these two is taking shape more and more and this should 100% be the accompanying song#not even a full trailer because that would take forever but like. a 30 second TV spot. family drama. them not really getting along at first#(e.g. glaring at each other while being forced to dance or something)#but then warming up to each other on the road because road trips have my soul when it comes to movies ok#i want them to stargaze in the bed of a hotwired pickup truck while on the run from people who demand bloodshed (a poll winner)#the slow(?) burn of not wanting to be in this mess to actually enjoying spending time together to something more#(trailer/commercial ends on or just after “baby you're so classic” with the cut to the title and in theaters date)#maybe most of the tv spot is them arguing and making life hell for one another but it's hard to deny there's something more brewing#(one of the reviews is just ''A modern classic'' because i think i'm funny)#i really want the title to be a play off of them meeting through the tragic tournament but it's completely different from the tone i want#''tragedy: null and void'' is a fun one#i've never been the greatest at titles if they don't hit me like a truck#anyway hi folks i'm sorry if you have no idea what's happening and see this in your tags#willowarts
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sracha · 5 months
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ravens fucked up truck
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subskz · 10 months
that first time pegging post killed me omg it was so good 🫠 especially binchan’s parts
and omg plz tell me channie doesn’t actually complain about how fat his ass is hsjsjdf i can’t with him
thank you babe i’m so glad u liked it! esp as our resident changbinpegger hehe that’s the highest honor <3
and i’m sorry to tell you that he very much does 😭 he’s so silly
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cryptocism · 5 months
love that Thad interprets inertia to mean continuing at all costs and Three takes it to mean stagnancy, bc theyre both right!! objects in motion saty in motion objects at rest stay at rest just like newton said
exactly yeah! because i knew i wanted Thad to reclaim the name for himself (with the whole "it means what i say it means" mantra) it needed to mean more to him than just a representation of Thawne Legacy Kill The Allens etc.
a reoccurring thing in Frequency that i liked to lean into was this idea of Good Inertia and Bad Impulses (bc Bart and Thad as narrative foils continues to rotate in my brain forever). i think Bart's solo does a cool exploration of both good and bad impulses throughout the run, it's kind of the central conflict of the whole thing, but it's usually in regards to Bart either unwittingly getting himself into trouble or accidentally solving problems by just leaping into everything without thinking twice. but the concept of inertia is pretty exclusively portrayed as negative. which is fair, the phrase "coasting on inertia" is in the lexicon for a reason. but i think it deserved a fair shot - the concept of continuing in spite of everything can actually be a really good instinct when you're in a bad situation. keeping up that momentum, moving forward no matter what, there's definitely something inspirational there that appeals to me.
and an aspect of impulses that didnt get as much spotlight in Bart's solo was the kinds of impulses that recoil at the thought of unpleasantness. the impulse to hide from responsibility, the impulse to distract from pain, to avoid discomfort, etc. (big part of that is because in Bart's solo, most of the worst moments of his life hadn't happened to him yet) so i wanted to explore it a little in Frequency
anyway yeah, Bad Impulses and Good Inertia. which was kinda in conversation with Bart and Thad's dispositions, and how they run counter to typical hero/villain narratives. (Bart doesn't really get people, goes his own way, has pretty emotionally selfish and sometimes violent tendencies when he's pissed off. Thad's much more of a people person, lives for praise and pleasing others, seems to forget to do violence when he's supposed to i.e. that time he put Bart in VR jail even though Bart was completely incapacitated and by Thawne logic Thad should've just killed him. it just... doesn't occur to him as a thing he should do lmao)
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