#Feral bard
0dde11eth · 2 months
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curious-trickster · 1 month
I love it when Jaskier is able to save Geralt, whether that be by sheer dumb luck and some guts or by immense skill like with people. Just anytime they both save the other is such a good time in my opinion.
How do you feel about it? Are you a Jaskier is the only damsel in distress or do you like them to switch off being the damsel in distress?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Oh gods, I LOVE competent/feral Jaskier, you have no idea.
I just think that there's so much potential for hilarious moments to ensue whenever someone makes Jaskier a little more dangerous than you expect him to be.
I think it's much more realistic to have Jaskier actually be able to defend himself from danger, seeing as he does travel across the continent on his own sometimes. Add in the experience he gets over the years from traveling with Geralt and you have a Bard that actually knows how to fight.
I take a lot of joy picturing Geralts disgruntled but reluctanty flustered face whenever Jaskier comes to his rescue or the small pleased smile he can't fight down whenever he sees Jaskier give back as good as he gets in a fight, surprising everyone around him because they assumed the Bard dressed in fancy clothing to be all talk with no real skill and Jaskier just flattened them.
Jaskier's face whenever he notices Geralts reaction is all smug and pleased, he can't help making some quips about it or sauntering up to Geralt, teasingly asking him if he liked the show, feeling even more pleased when Geralts face turns red in a deep blush that surprises both of them.
Like imagine them looking like this:
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rauchendesgnu · 2 years
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Joey mentioned he got to keep a warhammer from S3 … @themanta wrote a thing that inspired me …
So, a feral bard it is!
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Modern AU:
Geralt: *licks a text post*
Geralt: hmmm… tastes vaguely of feral chaos. Must be the bard. Or Lambart.
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I can't remember whether I already sent you an ask or if that was just a half-awake figment of my imagination, but just in case: #8 for the TAD ask game?
So, I'm not sure how much TAD songs remind me of memories as much as TAD songs inspire me for the future or are relatable to where I am now. I'm not sure about "wonderful memory" but there are a few memories in general that pop up. Top 3 are, probably:
1. Wild Blue Yonder's line about flirting (wasn't flirting) in the back of a bookshop reminds me of going on a date to a bookshop several years ago (sadly, there have been no bookshop dates since, since I've been single).
2. Joey's verse in "Love Run (Reprise)" reminds me of a time in preschool that I only sort of vaguely recall because I've told the story a bit. I was on the playground when I saw 2 boys saying rude things to my best friend, who at the time was very shy. At the time, I was very much not shy and a bit more impulsive. Somebody mistreating someone I cared for was Absolutely Not Okay and I basically went feral. So, quick as I could, I found a stick on the ground, hurried between them, wielded the stick like a sword, and said, in full seriousness and the absolute unquestioned confidence/conviction that only a child could have, something to the effect of, "If you want to mess with her, you're gonna have to go through me, and I will beat you down." It never occurred to me that I might fail in this, even though I had no training. It also never occured to me that threatening someone with physical violence, rather than getting an adult, was not something that would go over well. Apparently, my mom was just shocked that her daughter would do this. My dad, however, was proud of me. It wasn't exactly a "stand and hum" moment (more of a feral!Jaskier moment, actually) but nevertheless, the verse just reminds me of my conviction to protect my loved ones and of a time where I was just so confident, courageous, fierce, and bold, and I miss that (I've been an anxious, paranoid neurotic mess for a long time now--and consequently, the "how bold I was" bit from The Horror and The Wild also speaks to me).
3. "Sing me awake with a song about pirates." I've always loved the ocean. I have that sea-longing Tolkien talked about. And I was really impressed with Pirates of the Caribbean as a kid (especially the first one). It fueled my love of the ocean even more, this idea of freedom and adventure and escaping normal life/society and being yourself instead of what society would have you be. It was a very romanticized thing. And so I hear this line and I remember being a kid at the beach daydreaming about getting swept up into a high seas adventure where I'd find my real self and never look back.
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Prompt 112
Jaskier is like any other harpy, in his own humble opinion, except perhaps, Jaskier was a much better singer. He had a lovely voice. He was the best singing harpy around, in his opinion. Jaskier finds a tasty meal one day. Fresh flesh, and he partakes in the feast. He's shocked nearly into an early moult when a large lumbering figure of a man prowls toward him, with beautiful white hair, though sadly no feathers.
Jaskier likes admiring the man, and tells the man as such. The man sighs, but Jaskier caught a smirk, Jaskier knows what he saw. "I'm afraid I'm here for your meal." Jaskier huffs and flaps his wings with annoyance. A pity the sexy man was taking his food. The man takes his meal and goes to walk away, but pauses, and rips off a leg of the beast, throwing it to Jaskier. Jaskier catches it in his talons, and sings as he flutters about in the air. What a lovely, kind, perfect, beautiful man! Jaskier decides to follow after him. Perhaps he'll get more food, and more smirks that way! Surely the beautiful man wouldn't possibly mind.
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hold on gang im tryna cook
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islenthatur · 8 months
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missmacfire · 1 month
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video version under cut
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decarabiandivorce · 8 months
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ehehehehehe the set is done <3
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little-water-bears · 2 months
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your honor im scared of her (lila)
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0dde11eth · 5 months
Jaskier: you can smell that?
Lambert: i'm a witcher I can smell everything
Jaskier: Cool!
Lambert: *sniffs jaskier* You smell like a bitch
Jaskier: *offended gasps and stabs Lambert in the thigh*
Lambert: I stand corrected
Jaskier: technically you're lying. in a puddle of blood, so who's the bitch now?
Lambert: geralt i love your bard
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mrsthunderkin · 1 year
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He's not keeping it together, tho
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agrazza · 6 months
honestly the party doesn't realize how lucky they were that tavran gregory heard shadowheart introduce herself and didn't immediately go 'oh we're using our made up names' and promptly come out with the wildest shit and insist that everyone call him it for the rest of the game. he could have been anything and he would have said it with the straightest face. infallible persuasion check. a bad time for everyone.
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nun-draws · 1 year
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Feral and Dathomir Raised!Lillithe wip
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@ Mahal’s Hall front door circa Gimli’s death.
*knock knock*
Mahal, yelling through the door: I don’t want what you’re selling!
???: I want my husband back!
Mahal, opening the door: What?
Legolas: Give me my husband back.
Mahal: Look it doesn’t work like that—
Legolas bites Mahal’s leg.
Mahal: WTF—
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