#Farah Dan
After three decades of increasingly steep losses in rural America, Democrats are finally beginning to grapple with an inconvenient truth: An enduring Democratic majority requires winning back some portion of persuadable rural working-class voters.
Both Republicans’ and Democrats’ neoliberal economic policies have been harmful—in some instances ruinous—to rural communities. The GOP, on the whole, has caused more economic pain—but it has also been the party that has acknowledged rural struggles and put the people who’ve been harmed at the center of their rhetoric. None more so than Donald Trump, who said, in 2016, “Every time you see a closed factory or a wiped out community in Ohio, it was essentially caused by the Clintons.”
Too many Democrats, meanwhile, have sounded either dismissive of or exasperated by rural people. In 2016, Chuck Schumer’s catastrophically cavalier strategy willfully sacrificed blue-collar rural voters in exchange (or so he’d hoped) for high-income suburbanites. As far as the Democratic establishment was concerned, non-college-educated rural voters should quit complaining and simply get a degree—ideally in coding—and join the knowledge economy. Such contempt for a large swath of America has resulted in the ongoing erosion of Democratic support among working-class white and non-white voters.
Joe Biden, more than any president in decades, has prioritized rural people with a remarkable set of pro-worker policies and major investments in rural economies and infrastructure. We believe that this record offers a foundation for Democrats at all levels to begin to win back working-class rural voters—while holding on to the party’s multiracial urban and suburban base.
In 2022, the Rural Urban Bridge Initiative (which we cofounded) interviewed 50 Democratic candidates, from 25 states, who ran in rural districts between 2016 and 2020. Though they didn’t all win office, they all significantly overperformed the partisan lean of their district or state.
Our questions to them boiled down to, “What was your secret sauce?” From their answers, we identified several key ingredients: First and foremost, successful candidates were highly attuned to the concerns of their would-be constituents. Instead of running on a cookie-cutter national Democratic platform, they focused on the things voters in their district cared about most—kitchen-table matters like jobs and the economy, alongside ultra-local problems such as lousy roads, underfunded hospitals, and spotty Internet access.
Overperforming candidates also eschewed Beltway political consultants in favor of campaign staffers rooted in the community. This made for authentic campaigns with local flavor. Former Maine state senator Chloe Maxmin, for example, deployed homemade yard signs that were a folksy departure from the typically soulless campaign placards that litter the landscape.
Rural overperformers did something else that’s unpopular within the progressive left but widely appreciated by rural swing voters: They didn’t demonize Trump, no matter how richly he deserved it. And they didn’t try to scare or pressure persuadable voters into seeing the GOP or MAGA as an existential threat to democracy. Such rhetoric is music to the base’s ears but falls flat with key constituencies, most worryingly youth and Latinos.
Guillermo Lopez, a board member of the Hispanic Center Lehigh Valley in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, had this to say about Democrats’ hyping the MAGA threat to democracy: “I actually think that harms the vote.… [The average person who] just puts their nose to the grindstone and goes to work, I don’t think that motivates them. I think it scares them and freezes them.”
We’re with Lopez. Time spent enumerating and labeling Trump’s voluminous misconduct is time that could have been spent connecting with voters on what they care about most. We reserve judgment as to whether sounding the alarm about MAGA fascism appeals to disaffected or undecided urban and suburban voters, but we’re reasonably confident that this message does little to help rural candidates.
The superiority of depolarizing rhetoric is corroborated by a wide body of academic and poll-tested research documented in our full report. At the end of the day, the rural Democrats able to chip away at Republican strongholds were the ones who knew how to meet voters where they already were—not where they wished they were at. This sounds like Politics 101, but it’s a principle all too often cast aside by candidates and campaign consultants who spend too much time tuned in to MSNBC pundits and not enough listening to their own voters.
Democrats running in this cycle should study the 2022 campaigns of Representatives Mary Peltola, who won in solidly red Alaska, and Marie Glusenkamp Perez, who won Washington State’s Third Congressional District, which had been in Republican hands for six terms. Peltola ran on “Fish, Family, Freedom” and in her current reelection campaign calls on Alaskans to say “to hell with politics” and “work together to protect our Alaska way of life.”
Glusenkamp Perez won her 2022 race in large part because of her credibility as co-owner of an auto repair shop and her laser-sharp focus on issues her constituents prioritized, like the “right to repair” farming and other equipment. While some on the left are angry that she doesn’t toe the Democratic party line on every issue, her record shows her to be the kind of left-leaning populist who can win in rural districts. The Democratic Party would be wise to embrace socially moderate, economically and stylistically populist candidates like Glusenkamp Perez and Peltola as part of its coalition.
In the spirit of cross-racial populist solidarity, top-performing rural candidates put work and workers at the center of their policy and rhetoric, proposing a “hand up” rather than a “handout.” For the great majority of rural people, self-reliance—the wherewithal to solve our own problems and meet our own needs—is central to our identity. We don’t know a single farmer, conservative or liberal, who doesn’t feel this way. As Colby College rural political scholars Nick Jacobs and Dan Shea put it, “What rural residents want to hear is this: ‘Make it possible for us to improve our communities ourselves.’”
Rural residents might be disproportionately dependent on some form of government transfer payment, but they don’t like it. Farah Stockman, author of American Made: What Happens to People When Work Disappears, wrote, “Too often, those who champion the working class speak only of social safety nets, not the jobs that anchor a working person’s identity.” The key is in the delivery, ensuring that local communities can adapt and drive these investments rather than trying to implement ill-suited, top-down mandates.
The Biden administration’s aggressive anti-trust actions combined with rule changes favoring workers and organized labor are critical steps in giving non-college-educated working people agency. Its investments in rural infrastructure and manufacturing are essential as well.
Likewise, the Biden campaign’s decision to hire a rural coordinator bodes well. But that coordinator’s efficacy will be orders of magnitude greater if they hire a small army of locally rooted staff who know how to make a national campaign relevant and resonant for rural voters.
While Democrats will not “win” rural America in 2024, they can and must run up the margins with rural voters—a third of whom are considered persuadable—if they are to keep the presidency and control Congress and statehouses. Because it turns out the secret sauce isn’t that complicated: Find out what’s most important to persuadable rural people, and focus on that. That’s the only recipe worth cooking.
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dbloom · 9 months
'Ready Player One' creators launch Readyverse immersive experience and technologies
Very interesting news from the creator of "Ready Player One" and the producer of the hit Spielberg movie based on it. They're building an interactive experience, including Warner Bros. license assets from the movie, built atop AI-powered tools from partner Futureverse that will enable world creation and portability across worlds even beyond what the Readyverse will encompass. It's trying to enable the multi-IP, multi-universe experience that Ernst Cline envisioned in his hit book and sequel. Check out my story: 
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donospl · 2 months
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 2 odcinek 25]
premierowa emisja 10 lipca 2024 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Ariel Bart & Omri Bar Giora “Morning” z albumu “Deep Down”   Daan Herweg “In Search Of The Lost Chord” z albumu  “In Search Of The Lost Chord”   Alexa Torres Quartet  “Inutil Paisagem” z albumu “In Situ”  Dan Loomis “Skies” z albumu “Revolutions” – Adhyâropa Records David Murray Quartet “Come and Go” z albumu “Francesca” – Intakt…
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dontdenymeshakespeare · 3 months
Mid Year Book Freakout Tag
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mylancap1 · 3 months
Fucking Ustazah
Aku rasa separuh fappers suka lenjan modal yang muslimah, niqabis, bertutup penuh. Dulu aku susah nak hadam idea fapping ni sebab apa la yang boleh buat dick tegak kalau dah semua tutup? Rupanya sangkaan aku meleset. Sebenarnya kategori ni sangat thrill dan apa yang kita bayangkan tu jauh lebih power dari normal girl. Ustazah selalunya penuh dengan nafsu sexual yang tinggi, mengatasi orang lain. Aku teringat video yang aku dapat pasal Ustazah Farah Cie, yang ada percubaan nak tembak dekat KLIA tu. Rupanya, bekas laki dia sebarkan video-video intim antara dia dgn ustazah tu. Fuhhh bila aku tengok tak sampai 2 minit aku cum. Puas sial. Ustazah yang tak pernah buka cover niqab akhirnya terkulai di ranjang. Shit...
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Mirion Malle’s “So Long Sad Love”
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On July 14, I'm giving the closing keynote for the fifteenth HACKERS ON PLANET EARTH, in QUEENS, NY. Happy Bastille Day! On July 20, I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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In Mirion Malle's So Long Sad Love, a graphic novel from Drawn and Quarterly, we get an all-too-real mystery story: when do you trust the whisper network that carries the fragmentary, elliptical word of shitty men?
Cleo is a French comics creator who's moved to Montreal, in part to be with Charles, a Quebecois creator who helps her find a place in the city's tight-knit artistic scene. The relationship feels like a good one, with the normal ups and downs, but then Cleo travels to a festival, where she meets Farah, a vivacious and talented fellow artist. They're getting along great…until Farah discovers who Cleo's boyfriend is. Though Farah doesn't say anything, she is visibly flustered and makes her excuses before hurriedly departing.
This kicks off Cleo's hunt for the truth about her boyfriend, a hunt that is complicated by the fact that she's so far from home, that her friends are largely his friends, that he flies off the handle every time she raises the matter, and by her love for him.
There's a term for men like Charles: a "missing stair." "Missing stair" is a metaphor for someone in a social circle who presents some kind of persistent risk to the people around them, who is accommodated rather than confronted:
The metaphor goes like this: you're at a party and every time someone asks where the bathroom is, another partygoer directs them to the upper floor and warns them that one of the stairs is missing, and if they don't avoid that tread, they will fall through and be gravely injured. In this metaphor, a whole community of people have tacitly decided to simply accept the risk that someone who is forgetful or new to the scene will fall through the stair – no one has come forward to just fix that stair.
The origins of this term are in BDSM circles, and the canonical "missing stair" is a sexual predator, but from the outset, it's referred to all kinds of people with failings that present some source of frustration or unhappiness to those around them, from shouters to bigots to just someone who won't help do the dishes after a dinner party:
We all know a few missing stairs, and anyone who's got even a little self-reflexivity must wonder from time to time if they're not also a missing stair, at least to some people in their lives. After all, friendship always entails some accommodation, and doubly so love – as Dan Savage is fond of saying, "There is no person who is 'The One' for you – the best you can hope for is the '0.6' that you can round up to 'The One,' with a lot of work."
And at least some missing stairs aren't born – they're made. Everyone screws up, everyone's got some bad habits, everyone's got some blind spots about what others expect of them and how others perceive us. When the people around us make bad calls about whether to let us skate on our faults and when to confront us, those faults fester and multiply and calcify. This is compounded in long-tenured relationships that begin in our youth, when we are still figuring out our boundaries – the people who we give a pass to when we're young and naive can become a fixture in our lives despite characteristics that, as adults, we wouldn't tolerate in someone who is new to our social scene.
To make all this even more complicated, there's the role that power plays in all this. Many missing stairs are keenly attuned to power dynamics and present a different face to people who have some authority – whether formal or tacit – to sanction them. This is why so many of the outings of #MeToo predators provoked mystified men to say, "Gosh, they never acted that way around me – I had no idea."
These men aren't necessarily clueless. There's a predator who once traveled in my circles, and when he was outed, it wasn't just men who were shocked. My professional and personal life includes a large cohort of socially and professionally powerful women to whom this "missing stair" presented an impeccable face on every occasion. None of the people this guy looked up to ever witnessed his behavior firsthand, and for complicated reasons, none of the lower status (younger, less experienced, and not exclusively female) people whom he preyed upon came to us.
Which brings me back to Cleo and Charles, and the mystery of what Charles did to Farah in art school, many years before. The people in Charles's circle have an explanation: Farah was Charles's first heavy crush, and he courted her in ways that crossed the line into harassment. But – according to Charles's friends – this was a temporary condition that Charles outgrew, and it was only later, when Charles was in a healthier relationship with someone who reciprocated his affections, that Farah retaliated by attacking him to their small art-school circle.
This is just plausible enough – Charles was young, still figuring stuff out, he made a misstep – that Cleo is able to console herself with it. But as Charles grows more irritable and belittling of her, and as Cleo's friends gently encourage her to dig further rather than burying her lingering doubts, a much uglier truth comes into view.
Malle handles this all so deftly, showing how Cleo and her friends all play archetypal roles in the recurrent missing stair dynamic. It's a beautifully told story, full of charm and character, but it's also a kind of forensic re-enactment of a disaster, told from an intermediate distance that's close enough to the action that we can see the looming crisis, but also understand why the people in its midst are steering straight into it.
This transitions into a third act where Cleo leaves Montreal and finds herself in the midst a very different social dynamic of people who have figured out a far healthier way to manage their interpersonal problems. This short conclusion is powerfully satisfying, showing how it's possible to live without missing stairs and without the immediate expulsion of anyone who has a "problematic" moment.
The missing stair phenomenon would be so much easier to deal with if every missing stair started out as an irredeemable monster. We could fix all those stairs and declare ourselves done. But – as Malle illustrates – there's a reason it's so hard to fix those missing stairs. Every good friendship has some give and take – but every missing stair takes too much. Knowing the difference is a skill you learn through hard experience, not one you're born with. Learning when to call someone out, and when to call them in, is a hard curriculum – and it's even harder to know when to keep trying to help the people in your life be better selves, and when to protect the other people in your life from their worst selves.
Malle's book is packed with subtlety and depth, romance and heartbreak, subtext that carries through the dialog (in marvelous translation from the original French by Aleshia Jensen) and the body language in Malle's striking artwork.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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lunchupawweks-blog · 23 hours
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POV Seorang Lelaki Pelancap feat. Farah
**Situasi 1: Lelaki berjumpa dengan Farah untuk menghantar barang yang dipesan oleh Farah** **Lelaki:** "Assalamualaikum, Farah, betul?" **Farah:** "Waalaikumussalam. Ya, saya Farah. Barang yang saya pesan ada dengan abang, kan?" **Lelaki:** "Ya, ini barangnya. Saya baru saja terima pesanan awak pagi tadi." **Farah:** "Oh, terima kasih banyak, abang." (Lelaki menatap wajah Farah dan melihat pakaian Farah yang serupa dalam gambar 1. Dia cuba menahan perasaan.) **Lelaki:** (dalam hati) "Cantiknya dia... Senyum manis, wajah lembut. Jangan tunjuk sangat teruja, tenang... tenang..." **Farah:** "Abang ok ke? Nampak macam ada yang tak kena." **Lelaki:** "Oh, tak ada apa-apa. Farah ada laman sosial ke? Boleh saya follow?" **Farah:** "Oh, boleh je. Ini username saya..." (Lelaki melihat bentuk tubuh Farah dan cuba untuk tidak nampak terangsang.) **Lelaki:** "Terima kasih, Farah. Nanti saya add awak." **Farah:** "Ok, abang. Saya balik dulu ya. Terima kasih sekali lagi." **Lelaki:** "Sama-sama, Farah. Hati-hati di jalan." (Farah mengambil barang yang dipesan dan pulang. Lelaki tiba-tiba terangsang dan tak sabar nak balik dari kerja.) **Lelaki:** (dalam hati) "Ya Allah, terangsang betul aku tengok dia tadi. Tak sabar nak balik dan tengok gambar dia lagi."
**Situasi 2: Lelaki buka laman sosial Farah** **Lelaki:** "Ok, dah sampai rumah. Sekarang masa untuk buka laman sosial Farah." (Lelaki buka laman sosial Farah dan jumpa gambar Farah dalam pakaian serupa dengan gambar 1.) **Lelaki:** "Subhanallah... Cantiknya Farah dalam gambar ni. Macam bidadari." (Lelaki melihat gambar Farah sambil teringat balik pertemuan tadi. Dia tak dapat menahan diri dan mula berfantasi.) **Lelaki:** "Farah... sayang... kalau awak dekat sini sekarang, abang akan peluk awak kuat-kuat." (Lelaki berfantasi memanggil Farah "sayang" dan tak tahan lagi. Dia mula melancap.) **Lelaki:** "Farah... abang tak tahan lagi... Abang nak... ohhh..."
**Situasi 3: Lelaki berfantasi jika Farah buka hijab dan menunjukkan rambutnya** **Lelaki:** "Kalau Farah buka hijab dia dan tunjuk rambut dia, mesti lagi cantik." (Lelaki cuba mencari gambar Farah yang freehair dan jumpa gambar kedua.) **Lelaki:** "Hah, ini dia! Cantik betul rambut dia. Lurus dan panjang." (Lelaki berfantasi tentang rambut Farah dan bayangkan dia memegang dan menyentuh rambutnya.) **Lelaki:** "Rambut Farah mesti lembut dan wangi. Kalau aku dapat sentuh, aku rasa macam berada di syurga." (Lelaki makin terangsang dan terus melancap.) **Lelaki:** "Ohhh, Farah... abang tak tahan lagi... rambut awak... ahhh..."
**Situasi 4: Lelaki ingin mencari gambar yang agak seksi** **Lelaki:** "Aku nak cari gambar Farah yang agak seksi." (Lelaki jumpa gambar ketiga Farah dalam gaun yang cantik.) **Lelaki:** "Wow, Farah nampak anggun dalam gaun ni. Kaki dia yang panjang dan kulit dia yang licin..." (Lelaki melihat gambar Farah dengan asyik dan tak sangka betapa cantiknya Farah.) **Lelaki:** "Kaki Farah... cantik sangat... tak tahan aku tengok." (Lelaki makin terangsang dan bayangkan dia memegang kaki Farah.) **Lelaki:** "Farah... abang nak rasa kaki awak... abang nak sentuh..." (Lelaki berfantasi lagi dan melancap dengan penuh perasaan.) **Lelaki:** "Ohhh, Farah... abang tak tahan lagi... abang nak pancut... ahhh..." (Lelaki cium gambar sambil pancut. Fokus mata lelaki sebelum pancut adalah kaki Farah.) **Lelaki:** "Ahhh, Farah... abang pancut... ahhh... satu, dua, tiga... banyaknya untuk Farah... ahhh..." (Lelaki pancut beberapa kali, menikmati setiap saat.)
P/S: Jangan Lupa Like, Komen, Reblog Bagi Meriah Sikit
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Who I write for/Rules;
This is a list of fandoms and characters I write for (some may be missing) and some rules, if you’re curious about a fandom or character please message and I’ll let you know if it’s someone I’ll write for or not! If you’re looking for prompts please search the tag Lokittys prompt list
Please if you’re requesting use some manners, say please and thank don’t demand I write something from you
This blog is for all ages, do not be hostile towards any member of this blog as you will be told to remove yourself immediately and if you don’t I will remove you, hate will not be tolerated this is a safe space regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender/pronouns, disability and such
If you’re wondering about a request you have but you’re worried or confused if I’ll write it or not or you’re just curious please reach out through inbox or asks and I’ll let you know! I write both romantic and plutonic requests for a wide range of characters!
Some things I will NOT write include; teenage pregnancy, smut(or related themes), underage!reader x older characters (these will ALWAYS be plutonic either a parental or sibling relationship). If you’re wondering about anything else just message! 💜
Fate the winx saga
- Saul silva
- Farah Dowling
- Jake
- Quaritch/ recom Quaritch
Criminal minds
- Hotch
- Rossi
- Derek
- Spencer
- Jj
- Emily
- Garcia
- Castle
- Beckett
Lucifer (Fox)
- Lucifer
- Maze
- Chloe
- Dan
Greys anatomy
- Alex
- Derek
- Mark
- Carlisle
- Esme
Harry Potter
- Sirius
- Remus
- Snape
- Tony
- Clint
- Bruce
- Natasha
- Thor
- Steve
- Loki
- Bucky
- Logan
- Wanda
- Pietro
- Maria
- Phil
- Carol Danvers
BBC Merlin
- Merlin
- Arthur
- Gwaine
- Leon
- Percival
- Lancelot
BBC Sherlock
- Sherlock
- John
- Moriarty
- Lestrade
- Mycroft
Black butler
- Sebastian
- William
- Undertaker
- Claude
- Sam
- Dean
- Castiel
- Gabriel
- Balthazar
- Chuck
- Crawley
- Lucifer
- Jack
The witcher
- Geralt
- Jaskier
Brooklyn nine nine
- Rosa
- Jake
- Amy
The good doctor
- Melendez
- Shaun
- Joey
- Rachel
- Ross
- chandler
- Monica
- Phoebe
Teen wolf
- Derek
- Peter
- Melissa (plutonic only)
- Chris
- Parrish
- Noah (plutonic only)
Doctor who
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- River
- Clara
- Rose
- Amy
- Rory
- Jack
Lord of the rings/the hobbit
- Bilbo
- Legolas
- Thranduil
- Elrond
- Lindir
- Thorin
- Fili
- Kili
- Aragorn
My hero academia
- Aizawa
- Mic
- Dabi
- Hawks
- Midnight
- All Might (Toshinori)
- Fat Gum
Demon slayer
- Rengoku
Tokyo ghoul
- Yomo
- Uta
- shizuo
- Vilkas
- Farkas
Ackley bridge
- Mr Evershed
- Mrs Carter (plutonic only)
- Mr Bell
The vampire diaries
- Damon
- Klaus
- Elijah
- Finn
the watcher
- Ryan
- Shane
- bobby
- Buck
- chim
- hen
- Athena
- Maddie
- Eddie
Downton Abbey
- Thomas Barrow
- Anna
- Tom Branson
- Mary
- Sybil
- Edith
- Mrs Hughes (plutonic only)
- Merlin
- Eggsy
- Harry
- Booth
- Brennan (bones)
- Hodgins
- Angela
- Sweets
Buffy the vampire slayer
- Angel
- Giles
The walking dead
- Rick
- Daryl
- Negan
- Glenn
- Rosita
- Carol (plutonic only)
- Gabriel
- Aaron
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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This marks the first week of Black Music Month. 
Declared in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter, the month-long observance celebrates the work of Black artists and music industry giants throughout the years.
In honor of the month, here are five Black-owned music and media applications and programs to check out for the start of Black Music Month. 
Deepr: Launched recently by software designer Austin Webster and a music industry entertainment attorney with experience working for Motown, Darrell Thompson, Deepr is described as a mix of “Shazam and ImDB.” Led alongside a board made up of award-winning musicians and producers such as Drumma Boy, Teddy Riley and Dallas Austin, the app helps users discover new tracks through instant searches. Once the song is recognized, Deepr provides insight into the creators of the track, providing information on both the musicians and the writers. The app recently launched a new widget that allows users to do a deep dive into songs played in shows right as they’re watching the episode. Deepr is available on both the Google Play store and the Apple Store for download.
Splits App: Designed by Jammber CoFounder and CEO Marcus Cobb, the Splits App helps those who are songwriters with tracking information on their work. Using the app, musicians can track the ownership percentage of each contributing writer on the song. As one of the only rights management services app in stores, the Jammber Splits app also helps users officially register their songs and collect any royalties made from the sales of the track. The app is available on the Apple App Store for download.
Fanbase: Created by the son of the late legendary singer Isaac Hayes, Isaac Hayes III, the Fanbase app is for musicians, influencers, artists and any other person who wants to expand their reach. Created in 2018, the app is a subscription social media platform that works to motivate Black content creators and have their work be rewarded with monetary value to bridge the equity gap on other social media sites. With the Fanbase app, every content creator’s work is guaranteed protection. Celebrities that have already endorsed the app by signing up include Snoop Dogg and Charlamagne Tha God, amongst others. The Fanbase app is available for download on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
The LABZ: Created by founder and CEO Farah Allen, The LABZ is an app that serves multiple purposes with partnerships with companies such as Comcast, Netflix and Amazon. It is a technology platform that allows users to create in an immersive online space. Previously, the app has been used extensively by musicians to collaborate on tracks in real-time.  
Breakr: Founded by four Florida A&M University alumni, Ameer Brown, Anthony Brown, Rotimi Omosheyin and Dan Ware, the Breakr music app helps with “direct-to-creator relationships.” The music marketing platform helps artists share their work by connecting with influencers as part of a collaboration. With these campaigns, the app ensures that content creators are getting paid for their work.
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deeply4u · 11 months
Henjut Mak Ngah
Zaidin masih lagi memain-mainkan zakar nya yang keras menegang itu. Baiklah zaidin mak ngah mengalah, kalau zaidin dan teringin sangat nak rasa mak ngah boleh bagi, tapi kena janji tau tak ceritakan perkara ini kepada sesiapa. Tersenyum lebar zaidin mendengar pengakuan aku tersebut, lantas tubuh ku dipeluk dan dicium nya. kami janji mak ngah tak kan cerita kepada sesiapa pun janji din sambil menyondol zakar nya pada tubuh ku.
Aku mengajak zaidin ke bilik tidur untuk dia melampias kan nafsu nya dengan tubuh ku. Aku berbaring membiarkan zaidin mengerjakan tubuh ku. Tangan dan mulut nya rakus mengerjakan buah dada ku serta mencium seluruh tubuh ku. Ternyata pengakuan zaidin dalam pengalaman seks nya adalah benar. Perlakuan nya sebagaimana orang dewasa melakukan hubungan seks. Aku kini terangsang bila nafsu ku dirangsang oleh zaidin. Zairul hanya memerhatikan perlakuan kami di tepi pintu. Aku mengajak nya sekali untuk bersama-sama zaidin mengerjakan tubuh ku.
Aku mencapai kemuncak rangsangan bila zaidin menjilat faraj ku, perkara yang tak pernah dilakukan oleh suami ku. Aku menarik zairul supaya meramas dan menghisap tetek ku. Aku mencapai klimaks ku yang pertama di saat zaidin masih lagi mengerjakan faraj dan menggentel-gentel kelentik ku. Malu juga rasa nya bila air mani ku terpancut pada muka zaidin. Selepas itu terasa lemah seluruh badan ku, ketika itu aku hanya memejam mata dan pasrah bila farah mula terbuka menerima tusukan batang zakar zaidin. Terasa hangat dan geli bila keseluruhan batang zakar nya tenggelam dalam lubang faraj ku. Setelah melakukan beberapa tusukan perlahan kedalam rongga faraj ku, zaidin mula menghenjut faraj ku dengan laju dan ganas.
Terhenjut-henjut tubuh ku menahan hentakan batang zakar zaidin pada lubang burit ku. Namun begitu geselan batang zakar dan ari-ari nya pada kelentik ku menimbulkan rasa sensasi dan berahi yang amat sangat pada tubuh ku, tanpa ku sedari aku sendiri mengerang bernafsu bila diperlakukan sebegitu. Manakala zairul pula rakus mengerjakan tetek ku, diramas dan dihisap nya puting ku mengalahkan suami ku. Aku kelemasan di saat rasa berahi ku memuncak, lalu aku mengepit dan mengemut batang zakar zaidin yang ditekan sedalam-dalam nya kedalam lubang burit ku. Terasa hangat dalam burit bila zaidin memancutkan berdas-das air mani nya. Kenikmatan tersebut menyebabkan aku juga mencapai klimaks ku yang kedua dengan mengeluarkan air mani yang bercampur dengan air mani zaidin memenuhi rongga burit ku.
Setelah zaidin mencabut zakar nya dari buritku, kini giliran zairul pula yang bercelapak di celah kangkang ku. Aku membiarkan zairul menekan batang zakar nya yang bersaiz budak 12 tahun kedalam burit ku. Burit ku yang sudah lencun itu memudahkan kemasukan zakar zairul yang baru pertama kali menikmati burit perempuan. Walaupun batang zakar nya kecil tetapi kekerasan nya menyebabkan aku merasa kegelian dan kenikmatan nya. Zairul tidak mengambil masa lama menyetubuhi ku, baru dua tiga kali henjut dia dah terdiam, lalu terasa hangat dalam burit ku. Zairul dah terpancut, maklum lah baru kali pertama kali dapat berjubur dengan perempuan
Sudah lah tu, zairul dah terpancut air mani dah, cakap ku lalu mencabut pelir zairul dari burit ku, zaidin tersandar kepenatan di tepi katil. Hah puas hati semua, dah dapat apa yang diingini, kata ku tersenyum melihat anak buah suami yang keletihan itu. Sedaplah mak ngah punya, jawab zaidin. Sekali tak puas, boleh kita buat lagi tak, tanya zaidin lagi. Cukup lah tu mak ngah dah penat kita rehat dulu, jom teman kan mak ngah nak terkencing sambung ku lagi. Kedua-dua budak tersebut mengekori aku ke tandas dan membersihkan faraj ku yang dipenuhi oleh air mani zaidin dan zairul. Aku mengambil keputusan untuk tidur diluar sahaja bersama budak-budak tersebut. Aku tidak memakai seluar dalam dan coli kerana aku tahu budak-budak tersebut pasti akan mengerjakan tubuh ku lagi nanti. Sambil menonton tv aku diapit oleh zaidin disebelah kiri dan zairul sebelah kanan.
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korgbelmont · 2 months
Full list of Choices Characters made as DC Characters as of 22/07/2024
Aislinn Tanaka - Batgirl
Aster D'Yew - White Lantern
Ava Lawrence - Hawk
Avery Wilshere Black Canary
Bryce Lahela - Nightwing Version 1 | Version 2
Cas Harlow - Yellow Lantern Female | Male
Dan Pierce - Black Lantern
Donovan Navarro - Red Robin
Eiko Matsunaga - Batwoman
Farah Sabri - Catwoman
Gabriel Ricci - Shazam Version 1 | Version 2 (Plus Kit Jackson as Darla, Freddy, Mary, and Perdro)
Gabe Adalhard - Flash Female | Male
Gaius Augustine - Indigo Lantern
Hana Lee - Wonder Woman
Jun Seong - Batman
Kaine - Johanna & John Constantine
Lily Spencer - Star Sapphire
Lupe - Blue Lantern
Maia Thompson - Flash
Mason Jennings - Dove
Nik Ryder - Green Arrow
Noah Harris - Red Hood (plus Cassius Harlow)
Oberon - Martian Manhunter inspired
Poppy Min Sinclair - Red Lantern
Rafael Aveiro - Superman Version 1 | Version 2
Rainier - Hawkgirl
Reagan Thorne - Orange Lantern
Rheya Apostolous - Indigo Lantern
Saffron Morrigan - Zatanna
Tom Sato - Green Lantern
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Umm- cringy fandom they were in?—
Rodolfo: Supernatural. He had a weird attachment to Castiel, (Valeria: "I wonder."), but strangely was not a destiel shipper. He preferred Denny and was absurdly upset when he died.
Alejandro: Never got onto that side of the internet, but he respects it even if he doesn't understand it
Soap: Undertale. Liked Sans, thought he was funny.
Ghost: Emo Bands, read fanfiction for them. May have wrote some, will never tell the truth.
Roach: Septiplier, cringes very hard when he hears either of their names, now.
Valeria: She definitely had a Friends' faze she cringes pretty hard over. Calls Alejandro her "Ross." It is not affectionate and he knows its not.
Price: Doctor Who. He's a british milennial. It was Doctor Who
Laswell: Harry Potter, hates JK Rowling, would shoot her, gladly. Preferred the Marauders and was weirdly attached to James/Remus/Lily. Is a ravenclaw, obviously. (Ask me their Hogwarts' houses so you can yell at me.)
Gaz: Look me dead in my eyes and tell me I'm wrong; Dan and Phil. Isn't too into them, now, but definitely deeply appreciated Dan's coming out video.
Alex: Sherlock. He was a Mystrade truther. ("IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY NEVER MET, FARAH")
Farah: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, still occasionally reads fanfic for it. Definitely wrote a ton of it.
Malika: Also doesn't know what a fandom is. Farah is going to keep it that way.
Graves: One Direction. Not elaborating or explaining.
Koenig: Thomas Sanders, really attached to Virgil/Anxiety. Shipped Analogical.
Horangi: It's meta, but I feel like he'd be into COD. Don't really have an explanation.
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midnighmoonligh · 6 months
Master List
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Last Updated; 6/30/2024
Total Works; 32
Requests; Open!
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Call of Duty / CoD (most active)
141 Agere/Petere Headcanon's
141 Agere/Petere Animal Crossing Headcanon's
König + Horangi
Keegan + Reader
Alex + Reader
Horangi + König + Reader
Ghost + Soap + Roach + Reader
Ghost + Reader
Farah + Reader
Valeria + Reader
Valeria + Reader
König + Reader
John Price + Reader
Gaz + Reader
Ghost + Reader
Honaki Star Rail / HSR
Ghost + Reader
Bronya + Seele
March 7th + Reader
Svarog + Reader
Dan Heng + Reader
Keith + Lance + Hunk
Keith + Lance
Keith + Lance
Keith + Lance
My Hero Academia / MHA / BNHA
Keith + Lance
Neito Monomo + Reader
Katsuki Bakugo + Hizashi Yamada
Mine/Bsf/s Oc's
Denki Kaminari + Kyoka Jiro
Alexandrite + Darian + Ares + Ivy
AJ + Hayden
Leo + Cerberus + Nathan
Requested Fanom's
Turning Red -> Mei + Ming + Jin
Lookism -> Jay Yeol + Reader
Lego Ninjago -> Kai + Zane
Lego Ninjago -> Lloyd + Master Wu
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Ketiak Farah Ann
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Ketiak atlet Malaysia, Farah Ann. Untuk post kali ni admin buat kelainan sikit, kita tak post ketiak artis atau instafamous tapi post ketiak atlet negara pulak sebab admin rasa dia ni boleh tahan padu dan cantik gak so rasa rugi sangat kalau tak sertakan dia sekali sedangkan dia ni memang dilahirkan untuk jadi bahan melancap dan untuk dikongkek beramai ramai. Gambar kedua tu gambar bonus. Cer teka, apa yang korang nampak kat gambar kedua tu? Kalau admin, admin nampak cinta yang berterbangan di ruang udara yang mampu buat hati semua orang berbunga. Sweet je kan? Korang lak nampak apa? 😍
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mylancap1 · 4 months
Modal wifey memang cukup-cukup menaikkan nafsu libido aku. Kalau kena dengan selera, memang dick mencanak tanpa turun lagi sampai dipuaskan. Wifey yang muka matured + tetek tegang memang kepuasan aku paling ultimate. Tetek, bontot wifey ni special lepas dorang married. Mengenangkan wifey yang dilema antara kesetiaan dgn partner dan ghairah kepuasan nafsu memang membuatkan aku boleh precum dengan sendiri. Muka wifey yang selalunya penuh aura sex jadi tumpuan aku. Muka cantik memang facefuck makanan dia. Satu lagi situasi. Muka wifey tak berapa sangat tapi body yang special lepas kawin tu akan buat konek ketagih kaw kaw. Memang aku akan layan sampai lunyai dan kering. Banyak terjadi keadaan bila aku follow dia dari zaman anak dara, tapi nafsu aku lebih membuak-buak bila dah jadi wifey. Banyak kali aku perasan situasi ni berlaku.
1st hotwife yang aku favorite dan masuk dalam shortlist tentu la Mommy Lina. Muka dia sangat slutty. Body dia memang kaw dan very perfect. Bini orang yang akan bayangkan teringin nak jamah dan rasa dick jantan lain dalam proses sexual exploration. Aku teringin nak tengok dia curang dan ada affair. Bila fucking dengan lelaki lain, memang pancut dalam je. Creampie sampai meleleh keluar pussy. Lagi best, aku akan lenjan dia habis habisan depan laki dia. Pancut dalam sampai Lina terkemut kemut grip pelir bengkok aku. Tetek pejal dia memang tempat titsfuck terbaik.
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Masa dia belanja pics bawah ni, menggigil aku lancap sebab terlalu sedap bagi aku.
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Ahhhhh fuck Mommy Lina. You memang slut. You tau kan semua fappers suka tengok tetek you.
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Terlalu banyak modal Mommy Lina yang dah bergelen-gelen sperm dibazirkan. Aku share ni beberapa je. Selalunya hampir semua video dia aku pernah lenjan kaw kaw. Video dia membebel pun aku lenjan sebab sedap tengok muka. Lentik body dia lagi la tak tahan konek aku. Cara dia posing memang mintak kena gangbang depan laki dia.
Aku tak tau kenapa. Aku teringin nak Mommy Lina pairing dengan Nuin Azahari. Nak suruh dua dua bitches ni jilat batang aku. Nuin ni muka dia paling aku favorite. Dia kategori body jenis papan yang aku suka. Jenis agak skinny, tetek kecik tapi solid. Tu yang buatkan aku teringin nak fuck bontot dia sambil gentel puting. Bagi dia merengek. Ahhhh shit. Banyak gila modal dia aku fap tanpa henti. Semua yang dia share aku suka. Aku suka tengok dia buat muka dekat Tiktok. Memang aku automatic akan edging. Ahhhh...
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Fuhhhh turn on terus tengok.
Macam modal dekat bawah ni, aku geram gila. Sedap sial tengok tetek dia. Dengan sanggul tudung mcm tu. Memang nikmat kalau tengok dia blowjob. Muka memang horny nak mampus.
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Aku selalu suka kalau wifey yang hot ni curang dengan partner dan fucking dengan aku. Memang nikmat yang amat. Antara yang aku teringin nak tengok dia ada affair and curang Farah Farahana. Memang jenis kuat sex Farah ni. Memang aku moan sial kalau dapat main dengan dia.
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Fuhhh tengok la ni sapa je tak tergugat mcm modal bawah ni. Jenis subur dan kuat sex gila. Asyik preggy. Anak nak masuk berapa dah.
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Waktu dia preggy aku nak fuck kaw kaw. Biar dia ride aku dekat atas sampai dia tewas berkali-kali. Shit laaaa dia preggy besar gila perut. Petanda dia memang subur & nafsu tinggi gila.
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Lagi wifey hot yang aku teringin nak tengok dia curang mesti la Adira. Aku tak pernah bosan dengan Adira Salahudi. Dia level yang perfect. Muka perfect, body sedap. Memang fuck tengok muka dia merengek masa kena lenjan.
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Masa dia preggy lagi aku kalah teruk. Bersepah mani aku terpaksa dibazirkan. Sial la...
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Untuk Farah, aku teringin nak dia pairing dengan Sofea. Tiktok dia kalau aku layan, tak terasa dah 7, 8 round aku cum. Non stop sial. Sampai kering telur. Muka dia exotic gila. Buat aku turn on gila babi. Aku nak fuck dengan Sofea, memang aku suruh dia tenung mata aku masa nak cum. Sedap dooo tetek & muka Sofea ni.
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Fuck masa tengok video baju merah ni, aku tak tahan edging sial. Nak terpancut terus. Sofea ni buat apa-apa pun memang terpancut-pancut mani.
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Kadang-kadang, Sofea ni susah nak belanja boobs or sideboobs. Tapi bila dah belanja, memang kering mani aku fap. Aku kalau jumpa Sofea memang aku fuck je tak payah buka apa-apa. Lagi sexy macam ni. Lagi dia jerit lagi laju aku fuck. Masa dia buat muka tak rela tu aku pancut habis habisan dalam pussy dia.
Tak lengkap sebut Sofea tanpa kehadiran Aida. So, 3 bitches ni kalau disatukan sangat best. Hot wifey yang akan guide single girl macam Sofea. Kekuatan Aida terletak pada muka jugak. Aku layan Aida masa dia single lagi sampai la lepas dia jadi hot wife.
Masa Aida preggy memang best siallll.
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Aku teringin nak fingering 3 slut ni serentak. Aida + Sofea + Farah. Nak tengok muka cantik dorang moan. Memang sampai squirt aku kerjakan.
Aida ni memang stock gangbang je depan partner dia. Biar partner masing-masing tengok aku & the gang beraksi memang nice. Lepas pancut dalam pussy Aida sembur mani dekat pussy Sofea pulak.
Last hot wife pilihan aku Syafiqa Melvin. Kak long kawasan ni milf yang sangat nikmat utk fap. Dah lama janda. Memang sedap dan berair. Berkali-kali cum kalau fuck. Yang ni aku nak pairing dengan semua siblings dia. Memang kenikmatan luar biasa. Subur sial. Baru je kawin balik dah pregnant balik. Fuck. Tetek tu memang busty gila. Belanja habis. Tetek dan bontot gred A+++. Fucking you Fiqa...
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That's all untuk round 1. Aku dah tak tahan masa type ni. Dah cum berkali-kali. Korang teruskan komen hotwife kegemaran. Nanti aku baca.
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