#Emma Torzs
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woodsfae · 2 years ago
I'm reading Ink Blood Sister Scribe and it sure is about ink, blood, sister, and scribe.
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wowzersbrina · 1 year ago
"And power is always a reflection of the world that created it, regardless of intention."
-Ink Blood Sister Scribe, Emma Tőrzs
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charliejaneanders · 2 years ago
It's out! Here's my latest book review column for the @washingtonpost featuring books by Emma Törzs, Emma Mieko Candon, Jeremy Bushnell and Shelley Parker-Chan! I love the worldbuilding and action in these books!!!
Paywall-free link: https://wapo.st/43vAojd
Please support new books by new(er) authors!
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bethly126 · 2 years ago
What I'm Reading Now: Ink Blook Sister Scribe by Emma Torzs
This was on a couple of Best of Lists so I thought I would give it go
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Ink Blood Sister Scribe - Emma Törzs
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Books can hold magic, but the price is blood...
After her father's untimely and mysterious death, Joanna is tasked with protecting his collection of magical books from the world, hidden away and cut off from what little family she has left. Her half-sister, Esther, has been isolating herself for far longer, on the run from an unknown danger that killed her mother.
When the threat catches up to her, Esther is forced to return home and she and Joanna will finally uncover the truth about the magic and what really drove their family apart.
Dark and creepy magic woven through an intriguing mystery that at times was predictable and at others was truly surprising! Overall a very satisfying bookish fantasy story.
More bookish books
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paperorhardback · 8 months ago
For generations, the Kalotay family has guarded a collection of ancient and rare books. Books that let a person walk through walls or manipulate the elements--books of magic that half-sisters Joanna and Esther have been raised to revere and protect.
All magic comes with a price, though, and for years the sisters have been separated. Esther has fled to a remote base in Antarctica to escape the fate that killed her own mother, and Joanna's isolated herself in their family home in Vermont, devoting her life to the study of these cherished volumes. But after their father dies suddenly while reading a book Joanna has never seen before, the sisters must reunite to preserve their family legacy. In the process, they'll uncover a world of magic far bigger and more dangerous than they ever imagined, and all the secrets their parents kept hidden; secrets that span centuries, continents, and even other libraries . . .
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sassyalone · 9 months ago
It took her a moment, as always, to acclimate to the roar that surged in her mind's ears, a sound she had attempted to describe to her sister and mother more than once but never could. Like being filled with golden bees that were all actually one bee, which was actually a field of shining wheat rustling beneath a blazing sun. It was a sound but not a sound. It was in her ears but it was in her head. It was like tasting a feeling and the feeling was power.
— Ink Blood Sister Scribe, Emma Torzs
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dontdenymeshakespeare · 9 months ago
Mid Year Book Freakout Tag
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maxalotlxl · 11 months ago
Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs
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3.5 / 4 Stars.
It's been some time, since I've read this book I'll be honest this review will be very bare bones because of that.
The basics of this book is in our world magic exists but is held in books that can only be written by a certain type of person that must create them with their own blood. Others can use these books to cast spells and there is some rich dude that want's to control all of it, surprising. This book mainly follows three people; a girl who's father was obsessed with these books and had died after reading a magic book, her sister that was told to move around every year or her family would be in danger, and the heir to that rich dudes hoarding of books that was the last person that had the ability to write books.
When I first read this book I rated it 4 Stars but with times past I'm pushing that down to a 3.5 but on the high end. I found the start very slow and I spent the first half kind of waiting for something to intrigue me into this. It eventually happened when the three main POVs actually came together and explained what was happening so each character wasn't acting with only a little bit of information. I think that's why I ended up rating this 4 Stars, the ending was enjoyable to me but since I've had a long time to really settle on the fact I found this book too slow to enjoy most of it and so for me at least I don't count this as a 4 Star.
Finished February 18th
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notrlyawriter · 1 year ago
TBR in January 2024
As promised I'm back with the books I plan on reading this month. [Actually, already started]. I haven't picked my non-fiction yet because this is a busy month for me, I don't know if I'll be able to listen to it properly. If I do then I'll add it here or you'll see in the monthly wrap up later. Better late than never, right?
Anyway, here's the 3 picks for the month:
1. Anne de Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables): I'm reading in portuguese, therefore my review will be also. I'm loving it but I'm reading it slowly to enjoy more. Plan on finishing it next week.
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2. Ink Blood Sister Scribe (BBBB pick for January): Already started, not really that captivating but so far is a good read. I plan on finishing it this week.
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3. O Conde de Monte Cristo (The Count of Mont Christ): I'm reading in portuguese, therefore my review will be also. So far not my favorite, its really slow but most classics are. I think I'll enjoy the second "book" more than this first one, but i gotta say an entire book dedicated to introducing characters is the type of shit i pull up when I'm writing so can't even complain no matter how much I want to.
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woodsfae · 2 years ago
Ink Blood Sister Scribe is an excellent book. But it also has an unusual and wonderful quality I don't run into often: it makes me want to write.
Not fanfiction. Many books make me want to dig my own little corner into their world. IBSS makes me want to sit down in front of a blank document and let my own ideas come spilling out.
Alicia Mountain's poetry also makes me feel that way. That quality is something I don't run into often, but it's so lovely when I do! A work of literary art that inspires me to create. What a marvelous gift.
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luartemisfowl · 2 years ago
La biblioteca di sangue e inchiostro di
Emma Törzs- Review party Salve e benvenut* alla mia tappa del review party dedicato a “La biglioteca di sangue e inchiostro” di Emma Törzs. Un grazie enorme a FranciKarou per aver organizzato l’evento e alla casa editrice per la copia in anteprima che non ha influenzato in alcun modo le mie opinioni. Acquista su: La famiglia Kalotay è da generazioni custode di una collezione di libri molto…
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bethly126 · 2 years ago
Quick Review: Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Torzs
I picked this book because it was about sisters and sisters, Esther and Joanna are a big part of the book. It’s really about two different families that share a connection. Magic exist and it exists in books. There are scribes who blood is used as ink to write spells and there are those who can hear the magic. Esther is a scribe and Joanna can hear the magic. At the beginning of the book Esther…
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 1 year ago
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[ Find my review here. ]
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whatevercat · 3 months ago
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All the books I read this year! I don't differentiate between audio, paper, or digital for my list so it varies. book list and my faves below!
Title list and whether they're a Yes No or Maybe book
Nevernight - Jay Kristoff - YES
Book of Night - Holly Black - YES
Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao - YES
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies - Heather Fawcett - YES
Godsgrave - Jay Kristoff - YES
The Fifth Season - N. K. Jemisin -YES
Longshadow - Olivia Atwater -YES
Valiant - Holly Black - YES
Queen Takes Knights - Joely Sue Burkhart - MAYBE
The Princess and the Goblin - George MacDonald - MAYBE
 Crown Duel - Sherwood Smith - MAYBE
Court Duel - Sherwood Smith - YES
Vicious - V. E. Schwab - YES
The Obelisk Gate - N. K. Jemisin - YES
Nettle and Bone - T. Kingfisher - YES
The Stone Sky - N. K. Jemisin - YES
The Wolf and the Woodsman - Ava Reid - MAYBE
House of Salt and Sorrows - Erin A. Craig - YES
Darkdawn - Jay Kristoff - YES
Annihilation - Jeff VanderMeer - YES
Gallant - V. E. Schwab - YES
The Boneless Mercies - April Genevieve Tucholke - MAYBE
Six Crimson Cranes - Elizabeth Lim - MAYBE
The Dragon's Promise - Elizabeth Lim - MAYBE
Spin the Dawn - Elizabeth Lim -YES
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley - YES
Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands - Heather Fawcett - YES
A Master of Djinn - P. Djeli Clark -YES
All the Stars and Teeth - Adalyn Grace - NO
The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie - MAYBE
Thornhedge - T. Kingfisher - YES 
Spinning Silver - Naomi Novik -YES
Bury Your Gays - Chuck Tingle - YES
The Seventh Bride - T. Kingfisher - YES
Ink Blood Sister Scribe - Emma Torzs - YES
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia - YES
The Foxglove King - Hannah Whitten - NO
A House with Good Bones - T. Kingfisher - YES
Horrorstor - Grady Hendrix - MAYBE
His Majesty's Dragon - Naomi Novik - YES
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking - T. Kingfisher - YES
These Violent Delights - Chloe Gong - NO
A Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzie Lee- YES
Throne of Jade - Naomi Novik - MAYBE
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance - Foz Meadows - YES
Uprooted - Naomi Novik - YES
The Guided Wolves - Roshani Chokshi - MAYBE
The Warm Hands of Ghosts - Katherine Arden - YES
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - N. K. Jemisin - MAYBE
A Magic Steeped in Poison - Judy I. Lin - MAYBE
A Deal with the Elf King - Elise Kova - MAYBE
Black Powder War - Naomi Novik - YES
Empire of Ivory - Naomi Novik - YES
The Familiar - Leigh Bardugo - YES
My five star reads from this year with reviews that are longer than just a single word woohooooo
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies - Heather Fawcett - EXCELLENT COSY FANTASY. Emily is an autistic queen, Shadow is best boy, and Wendell is dramatic and flashy and I love him. Read if you like the Howl and Sophie (book version!!) dynamic or scary fairies more in line with the way they're presented in folklore.
The Fifth Season - N. K. Jemisin - CHANGED MY LIFE I THINK ABOUT THIS BOOK AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. I literally don't know how to talk about the actual plot without giving things away but holy shit. just read it it's so good. Please investigate any trigger content that might be in this it has a lot!
Longshadow - Olivia Atwater - COSY REGENCY FANTASY ROMANCE!!! Honestly, any of Olivia Atwater's regency fairytales are super cute.
The Obelisk Gate - N. K. Jemisin - continues from the fifth season! also very good!!
Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands - Heather Fawcett - continues from EWEoF!
Spinning Silver - Naomi Novik - MORE SUPER COOL LADIES but they're in medieval eastern europe, all three povs are super great and I like the understated romance 
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia - Gothic heroines a la Jane Eyre combined with 1950's mexico. an excellent horror that has a surprisingly wholesome and endearing romance within it. 
His Majesty's Dragon - Naomi Novik - NAPOLEONIC WARS BUT THERE ARE DRAGONS. This is the first in a series and because there are a fair amount of them the books themselves can seem a little slow paced but I didn't mind it. 
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking - T. Kingfisher - BREAD WIZARD AND HER GINGERBREAD MAN FAMILIAR SAVE THE FUCKING TOWN. really good look at how children navigate an adult world and the unfair expectations placed on them.
Uprooted - Naomi Novik - GIRL CREATURE AND BOY FAILURE I love the way this book explores people who fit outside the usual mode of learning or educational parameters.  
The Warm Hands of Ghosts - Katherine Arden - exploration of a brother and sister's experiences in world war i. The prose and character study in this are incredible. 
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theinquisitxor · 7 months ago
August 2024 Reading Wrap Up
I can't believe we're at the end of August already, it feels like I was just writing the July wrap up. Despite that, August was a very good reading month, and was a good recovery for me from how difficult July was. I read six books, and I was able to read some books that have been on my tbr for 4+ years. Overall, I didn't read a large quantity of books, but I read some very good quality books!
1 & 2. Chrestomanci Chronicles volume 1 by Diana Wynne Jones: Charmed Life and The Lives of Christopher Chant. 4/5 stars. In my quest to read more DWJ, I finally picked up this series since having it on my tbr since at least 2019. I read both of books on audio, and I plan to continue the series this way. I thought these were both fun children's fantasy stories, and they felt like DWJ books :)
3.Daughter of the Forest (Sevenwaters 1) by Juliet Marillier, 5/5 stars. This is another series that has been on my tbr since 2019 I believe. I've been so overdue to read this, and I really loved this. The writing was superb, and I loved the setting of Sevenwaters, and all the characters. This felt like such a well crafted and excellent book.
4.Paladin's Grace (Saint of Steel series) by T Kingfisher, 5/5 stars. I devoured this book in about 24 hours, and I loved this fantasy romance murder mystery. T Kingfisher is a favorite author, and this was all parts romance, mystery, politics, angst, as you can get. I feel like I'm addicted to these books and I can't wait to read the next ones!
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6.A Memory Called Empire (Texicalaan 1) by Arkady Martine, 5/5 stars. This is a space opera that has been on my tbr since 2020, and I've been daunted by this book for years. It was a little daunting at first, but once I had a grasp of the world and culture, I really enjoyed this book. The second half was phenomenal and this checked a lot of boxes of things I like.
6. Living Resistance : An Indigenous Vision for Seeking Wholeness in Every Day by Kaitlin B Curtice. This was my nonfication for the month, and while I've been looking for something to fill the void that Braiding Sweetgrass left me in, this was enjoyable, but not quite the same. It has a good message and was a good read for this this month.
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Overall, I'm happy with this month, and I read some new favorites!
September tbr (in no particular order):
Son of Shadows (Sevenwaters 2) by Juliet Marillier
Paladin's Strength (and maybe Paladin's Hope) by T Kingfisher
A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine
Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie (I want to at least give this a try)
The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova
Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Torzs
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