#Family problems
salembehindbars · 2 days
I kinda want to be someone else right now.
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Do you have any family problems that could make a strained relationship? like distant family but actually blood-related
Family Issues
competition and jealousy between family members
very different lifestyles
different world and political views
different views on morality and spirituality
communication issues, misunderstandings, not listening to each other
issues with the partner of a family member
high expectations that are not being met
caregiver stress when caring and supporting family members, maybe grandparent they are both related to
divorce or separation within the family
generational differences
abuse from family members, physical or emotional
housing issues, living with extended family
addiction of a family member to substances, gambling, etc.
feeling entitled to another family member's money, space, time, just because they are related
Hope this helps!
- Jana
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silentplantt · 8 months
Heal before having children so your children don't have to heal from having you as a parent
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dumblr · 1 year
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flamewar05 · 3 months
All the angst I’m posting here would go on my TikTok but my homophobic family monitors it.
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not-aurii · 5 months
Uncle Iroh: You need to think things through, Prince Zuko!
Also Uncle Iroh: *makes tea from a deadly poisonous plant while they're fugitives from the fire nation, then proceeds to consider making another food-gamble with an antidote/deadly poison berry to heal the first poison*
I swear stupidity just runs in the family
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madthehatter · 1 year
I don't know how to exist. I don't know how to live.
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tapiokauwu · 1 month
It doesn't matter if it's something serious or the things I like, no one listens.
My mom started talking with my brother and my dad walked away into another room while I was telling them about something.
They always do that, who am I talking to?
Then I go back to my room because of course I'm pissed and I hear my mom saying that no one listens to her too so she should be angry too, when she was having a conversation with the rest of the family 2 minutes ago and everyone was clearly listening and laughing with her... why can't she stop playing the victim for once?
It happens all the time, so I have the right to be angry about it. "We care about you" but then they don't listen to a word I say no matter what the subject is.
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zyzycameron · 3 months
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So I accidentally deleted this request but I have written it so sorry to whoever wrote it.
Request : Okok, Teen!Male!reader x Spencer Ried (platonic obvs) when reader ends up getting mixed up a crime/murder in the drug scene. They aren't the unsub but they struggle with addiction and has an ally cat type attitude so it makes it difficult to get any information out of him. Spencer is like a father figure and they start to get close, helping reader through out the case/ recovery.
I love this idea
Third person pov...
Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan arrive on scene, there is a serial killer runnng around kidnapping upstanding people then killing people by overdosing them on different drugs.
The latest victim was a mother with two children under the ages of 10, with no history of drug use she is currently the 5th victim, where they found her was in a dumpster in ohio.
"Looks like the rest of the victims" Says Derek as he kneels next to the body of Samantha Doyle. Spencer nods and looks around the scene. "As well as the dump site, he threw her away like trash." He says, as he looks he notices a boy looking no older then 15 being talked to by the police.
Confused Spence leaves Morgan and walks over to one of the police officers. "Hey excuse me, whats he doing here?" He asks nodding over at the boy and officer.
The office next to him looks over. "Oh yeah him, he's been hanging around sayin' he saw something. Don't bother with 'im he's an addict got loads of them here" he tells the agent, Spencer thanks the man but doesn't take his eyes of the teen.
The officer just sighs and leaves the boy, he was watching with intense curiosity. The boy had messy hair and dark circles under his eyes, giving the impression of a troubled soul.
Spencer's mind immediately went into profiling mode, trying to figure out the boy's story, he walked over to the boy and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. And you are?"
The young man shrugged his shoulders tapping his hand nervously. "Y/N" he says bearly over a mumble but Spencer hears him. "Well Y/N, did you see anything here?" He asked.
The young detective immediately noticed the troubled look in (Y/n)'s eyes, and he could see the fear and guilt written all over his face.
Spencer's empathetic nature kicked in, and he knew that there was more to this young man than meets the eye.
(Y/n) was like a wounded alley cat, always on edge and unwilling to trust anyone. The 15 year old didn't say anything. "How about you come to the station to talk" Says the genius.
Y/N thinks before nodding, either way they were going to make him talk might as well get it over with, soon the boy is sat in the back of thr SUV with two Agents.
They try and talk to him more but only get a few words out bef they take him to the interrogation room to talk, as Y/N sits and waits he thinks over his life.
He's been hooked on drugs since he was 12 when he was 10 his Mother died leaving him with his abusive Father, he would kick little Y/N around all day until the boy finally turned to drugs to dull the pain.
It's worked all those years and he's hooked, finally when he was 14 he ran away and had beeb living on the streets, pick pocketing people who walk past him.
He met many different people throughout the last year, not many of them were nice most were arsehole and criminals, but last night traumatised him.
He was in his usual place counting the money he managed to pick pocket of some people, when he heard something. He saw a guy dressed in dark clothes throughing something in the dumpster.
Y/N didn't bother with it, but he got curious and stuck behind a dumpster and got a pretty good look at what was happening, his E/C eyes widened in shock.
It was a body, the man was throwing her into the dumpster, Y/N ducks into the darkness when the guy turns around, he gets a good look at his face before he leaves in a truck.
It was to dark to see the number plate, Y/N walks closer to the body, her lifeless eyes stare into his dark tired ones, she looked alot like his Mother.
Shivering he closed her eyes and left to go back to his place where he sleeps and tried to forget what he saw.
The door to the room opens bringing the teen back into the real world, Spencer had told everyone to stay there thay he would handle it.
He closed the door and sat in the chair oppos the boy, Y/N wasnt ha dcuffed and coukd ove but didn't he kept sat down.
Spencer decis to take a different approach, he reaches into his pocket and takes out a pack of cards.
"Mind if I play a game of solitaire?" Spencer asked, trying to lighten the mood To his surprise, the young man slowly reached out and took the cards. As they played, Spencer asked more questions, trying to get some information about the crime and the drug scene in the area.
As he played Y/N became a little more reaced but was still on guard and keeping Spencer at arms lengt.
Y/N still didn't reveal much, but Spencer could tell he was holding back. He also noticed the subtle tremors in Y/Ns hands and the needle marks on his arm.
He soon realized that Y/N was not the unsub, but rather a lost soul struggling with addiction and trauma, this brought him back to when he was addicted to delaudid.
After a few games Y/N began opening up about what he sawast night, he told him everything he remembered, this helped the team alot tk catch the bastard.
Throughout the case Without judgment, Spencer offered to help Y/N get clean and get out of the dangerous world of drugs. With the help of Y/N the team manages to catch the killer sooner than they had hoped.
As the case progressed, Spencer and the H/C teen grew closer. They spent long nights talking and playing cards, and Spencer could see the potential in the young man. He was intelligent and quick-witted, but his addiction was holding him back.
Y/N was also hesitant to trust anyone, but he slowly opened up to Spencer, after having an awful relationship with his bio father seeing him Spencer as a father figure scared him, Spence became more invested in the teens recovery and helping him turn his life around.
With the help of the team, they were able to track down the murder suspect, Y/N even played a crucial role in gathering information, using his 'alley cat attitude' to his advantage.
As the case came to a close, Spencer and Y/N celebrated with a game of cards and a heartfelt conversation. Y/N thanked Spencer for his help and guidance, and Spencer promised to always be there for him.
From that day on, Y/N focused on his recovery with the support of his new family at the BAU. He still had his struggles, but with Spencer by his side, he knew he could overcome them.
Spencer, on the other hand, learned a valuable lesson about not judging a book by its cover. Y/N may have been mixed up in the drug scene, but he was more than just an addict. He was a survivor.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, slowly getting through these requests. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1312
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lolasturniolo · 8 months
Only you can help my mess
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Warning: family issues, crying, S/H mentioned, attempting mentioned, wall punching i guess?, yelling
(please don’t read if you have family problems and are sensitive about and if you do I promise you can just text me and I WILL respond)
Your family always had issues since you were around 7. You didn’t really notice as you were young but when you became 12 things started to become more clear.
Your dad had a bad childhood and it triggered him a lot. He couldn’t really control his emotions and yelled at your mom and older brother A LOT. But you being the youngest daughter you were an angel to him.
There have been times where your dad kicked your mom out but that also meant you and your older brother Max had to leave to. This has happened 3-4 times but you all ended up getting back together within a few days.
You’re now 18 and your parents have gone out to see a show. Your sitting on your bed when you hear them come home it’s around 11pm, your about to go downstairs and ask how there night was but you hear your dad say.
“You come in and right away start folding laundry,
Stop! What are you doing”
You knew this would lead to an argument so you put your headphones in to block it out.
Even thought you had headphones on blasting music you can still hear the yelling, slamming of doors/cabinets, crying and all. With this you hear your mom is upset but that doesn’t bother you much till you hear your dad cry.
When you hear your dad or brother cry it breaks you, you have no idea why but seeing a male cry makes you cry too.
“Out! Out! Get out!”
You hear your dad yell and your mom comes marching up the stairs.
You begin to tear up and text your best friend Matt.
Matty 🫶🏻
You: hey Matt could I come round please?
Matty 🫶🏻: yea of
course! Do you want
me to pick you up or
are you driving?
You: thank you and don’t worry I’ll drive
Matty 🫶🏻: okay! Drive safe please
You: will do thanks again!
With that you grab a bag and put Pjs, charger, shoes, spare clothes, makeup bag, hairbrush and a few other essentials you might need as you don’t know how long your gonna be there for.
Matt already had a toothbrush, towel and a few clothes for you at his place ‘just in case’ as he says.
You put on a sweater and get your car keys thankfully the kitchen door was closed so your parents didn’t know you were leaving so they wouldn’t bring you into the argument.
You exit your house and walk down the street to where your car was parked. Normally your brothers car would be there to but it wasn’t so him and his girlfriend must have already left having the same idea as you.
You pull up to the triplets house tears in your eyes. You grab your bag from the passenger seat and get out the car seeing Matt. He’s standing there with the most sympathetic face ever and open arms.
When you see him you drop your bag and start crying. He sees this and walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist just holding you as you cry.
Matts Pov
When I get Y/n text i knew it would be about her family probably her dad just by the fact she said ‘please’.
It’s about the 2nd time this month she has had to come over it used to be like once a year since she was 16, but it has been getting worse and worse this past year.
I’ve known her since we were 13. me and my brothers moved to a new school because I was being bullied in our old one and we sat next to each other in calculus.
When we were 14 she opened up to me completely about her family problems, dads family problems, her anxiety but one thing that made me stay with her was when she told me about her S/H and attempts.
I remember it so well, my mom and dad went to bed my older brother Nick had a sleepover at his friends, Justin at a party and Chris sound asleep. She had to stay the night that was the first time out of many.
It was around 1 in the morning and we were just laying there in my bed staring at the ceiling talking.
“So umm why did you have to stay the night here??”
I ask her I wasn’t expecting an answer I knew she struggled but I never knew what about.
She asked looking up at me, my arms crossed.
“If you don’t mind, yea”
I reply sitting up against my headboard looking at her.
“Matt, there’s a lot but my dad kicked me, my mom and my brother max out and well, I didn’t know what to do i panicked my moms staying at her brothers and my brothers stayed with his girlfriends, I- I had nowhere and I-“
She says tears in her eyes I felt heartbroken.
“Take your time”
I say reassuring and putting my arm over her.
“Matt I don’t know I have wanted to kill my self for a while and I don’t know ever since I met you it’s all been going away slowly but tonight, it just all came back and I didn’t want to go down that loophole again with my self harm and stuff I couldn’t do it again”
She says now sobbing.
I wrap her in a hug not saying anything, I mean that was deep as fuck for a 14 year old and I felt so bad I think I was the only one she has told this to so I was not gonna lose out friendship.
In a way I felt glad that she told me for a few reasons she trusted me enough to tell me this, if she didn’t tell me this or come here I where would she be, dead? I mean this was deep shit and I wasn’t letting her go now.
And ever since that day I care for her like a father, boyfriend, brother, best friend, anything I know she needs me and I will forever be there. She needs a hug I’m open arms.
She needs to talk I’m all ears.
She needs to cry I’m here.
She needs to let her anger out I don’t mind If she yells! I know it’s not about me it’s just at me and that’s okay!
All I want is for her to feel loved at times she didn’t feel it.
And that leads me to now hugging her in me and my brothers driveway as she sobs. I slowly start to feel her become weaker as the hug is getting heavier because she is leans into me losing her balance. She hits my back out of anger I wasn’t sure what the anger was about, but it didn’t matter. The hit stops and she falls in my arms crying.
I pick her up gently she wraps her legs around my waist, arms my neck and her head in the crock of my neck. I pick her bag up in my right arm and I have my left arm under her ass holding her.
When I get inside closing the door with my foot I walk up the stairs to see the brothers sitting on the couch. Chris looks up and most definitely didn’t expect to see Y/n crying, he hits nicks shoulder looking worried.
“Ow what the fu-“
Nick says looking up then seeing
Y/n and immediately shuts up.
Authors notes: Should I make a pt.2? Or is it not worth it?
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salembehindbars · 15 days
The unfortunate truth is that my anger as a daughter far outweighs my empathy as a fellow woman.
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autismisthebest · 16 days
I don’t want to be a disappointment anymore
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silentplantt · 8 months
If you come from a dysfunctional family, you may have promised yourself something like...
• "I will not end up like my mom."
• "My kids will not feel the way I did growing up."
• "I will never be with someone like my dad."
• "My marriage will be nothing like my parents'."
• "'Il never turn into the kind of parent I had."
• "When I get out, my house will feel like a home."
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dumblr · 2 years
I want someone who will sit on a rooftop with me at 2am, and tell me their favorite songs and their family problems, and how they feel about true love and flowers.
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I really am going to have a life away from all of this, away from these people. It’s going to be a whole different life and everything I imagine is possible because it’s out there and there’s no reason I can’t have it. My past will make me appreciate it more and I’ll be so happy I can barely believe it. It’ll be MY life, not one where I have to walk on eggshells or have my situation be the first thing I think of when I wake up. It’s out there, I just have to believe that I’ll get it it soon
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