#Factors Affecting Efficiency
jupitersolar · 1 year
How Do i Calculate The Thermal Efficiency of The Solar Water Heater
How Do i Calculate The Thermal Efficiency of The Solar Water Heater
To calculate the thermal efficiency of a solar water heater, you can use the Solar Energy Factor (SEF) and Solar Fraction (SF). The SEF is determined by dividing the energy delivered by the solar water heater system by the electrical or gas energy input into the system. A higher SEF indicates greater energy efficiency. The SF, on the other hand, represents the proportion of the total hot water energy provided by the solar system. The formula to calculate SF is: SF = (Energy delivered by the solar system) / (Total energy used for water heating). A higher SF signifies a larger contribution of solar energy to the heating process, indicating better efficiency.
Calculating the Thermal Efficiency of Solar Water Heaters A Comprehensive Guide by Jupiter Solar
Solar water heaters have become increasingly popular as an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for meeting our hot water needs. Understanding the thermal efficiency of these systems is essential for both homeowners and businesses looking to harness the power of the sun to reduce energy bills and environmental impact. In this comprehensive guide brought to you by Jupiter Solar, we will delve into the intricacies of calculating the thermal efficiency of a solar water heater.Buy a best solar water heater from Jupiter Solar, www.jupitersolars.in .
What Is Thermal Efficiency?
Thermal efficiency is a crucial metric when it comes to evaluating the performance of a solar water heating system. It quantifies how effectively the system converts sunlight into usable hot water. A higher thermal efficiency means that a greater percentage of the sun's energy is being utilized, resulting in more cost savings and reduced dependence on conventional energy sources.
The Solar Energy Factor (SEF)
To calculate the thermal efficiency of your solar water heater, you can start by determining the Solar Energy Factor (SEF). SEF is a key indicator of a system's efficiency and is widely used in the solar energy industry.
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SEF = Energy Delivered by the Solar System / Electrical or Gas Energy Input
In simpler terms, SEF measures how much energy your solar water heater provides compared to the energy it consumes. A higher SEF indicates a more efficient system. To calculate the SEF, follow these steps:
Measure Energy Delivered: This is the total amount of hot water produced by your solar system over a specific period. You can typically find this information in your system's documentation.
Measure Energy Input: Calculate the amount of electrical or gas energy used by your backup heating system during the same period.
Plug the Values: Insert these values into the SEF formula. The resulting SEF will give you a clear picture of your solar water heater's performance.
The Solar Fraction (SF)
In addition to SEF, you can also use the Solar Fraction (SF) to assess your solar water heater's efficiency. SF represents the proportion of your hot water needs that are met by the solar system. A higher SF indicates a system that relies less on conventional energy sources.
SF = Energy Delivered by the Solar System / Total Energy Used for Water Heating
To calculate the SF, follow these steps:
Measure Energy Delivered: As mentioned earlier, this is the total hot water production from your solar system.
Total Energy Used: This includes the energy supplied by both the solar system and any backup heating source over the same period.
Calculate SF: Insert the values into the SF formula to determine the solar fraction.
Factors Affecting Efficiency
Several factors can influence the thermal efficiency of your solar water heater:
Solar Collector Type: The type and design of solar collectors used in your system can significantly impact efficiency. High-quality collectors with advanced technology tend to perform better.
Weather Conditions: Weather plays a crucial role in solar water heater efficiency. Cloudy days and reduced sunlight can temporarily decrease the system's performance.
System Maintenance: Regular maintenance ensures that your system operates at peak efficiency. Dust, dirt, and debris can reduce the effectiveness of solar collectors.
Location and Orientation: The geographic location of your solar water heater and its orientation relative to the sun affect its ability to capture solar energy efficiently.
By considering these factors, you can optimize your solar water heater's thermal efficiency, leading to greater energy savings and a smaller carbon footprint.
Calculating the thermal efficiency of your solar water heater is a fundamental step in assessing its performance and making informed decisions about energy usage. Understanding metrics like the Solar Energy Factor (SEF) and Solar Fraction (SF) empowers you to harness the full potential of your solar water heating system. Jupiter Solar is committed to providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to make the most of renewable energy solutions.
As you embark on your journey to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future, remember that Jupiter Solar is here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need assistance with your solar water heater, please don't hesitate to contact us(https://www.jupitersolars.in) for expert guidance. Together, we can create a greener and more sustainable tomorrow.
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ms-demeanor · 26 days
wait, are the health claims from bone broth bogus? (genuine/good faith question). i’ve always heard that it’s high in collagen, which supposedly is good for you and better if you get it ‘naturally’ like from bone broth. is that another thing that’s not actually true, or wildly exaggerated?
Bone broth has been eaten for centuries in various cultures because it is easy to digest and believed to have healing properties. Chicken broth is highly valued by some as a remedy for the flu. In more recent years it has been promoted to help symptoms from psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders including autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity. [7] Claims that it detoxifies the liver, improves digestion, reverses wrinkles, builds bones, and relieves join pain have led some marketing analysts to predict that the bone broth market will approach $3 billion by 2024. [8] In reality, bone broth contains only small amounts of minerals naturally found in bone including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and copper. The amount of protein, obtained from the gelatin, varies from 5-10 grams per cup. There is some concern that bone broth contains toxic metals like lead. One small study found that bone broth made from chicken bones contained three times the lead as chicken broth made with the meat only. [7] However the amount of lead in the bone broth per serving was still less than half the amount permitted by the Environmental Protection Agency in drinking water. A different study found that bone broth, both homemade and commercially produced, contained low levels (<5% RDA) of calcium and magnesium as well as heavy metals like lead and cadmium. [9] The study noted that various factors can affect the amount of protein and minerals extracted in bone broth: the amount of acidity, cooking time, cooking temperature, and type of animal bone used. Therefore it is likely that the nutritional value of bone broths will vary widely.
(Source: https://nutritionsource.hsph.harvard.edu/collagen/)
Your body makes collagen; eating collagen will put the things that make collagen into your body to make collagen with, but so will eating things that go into making collagen (amino acids, basically).
There's not good evidence that eating a ton of collagen or supplementing collagen improves your body's collagen production, and studies on collagen supplementation tend to be done by companies that make collagen supplements or produce expensive bone broth.
Basically if you're eating the 9 essential amino acids by consuming complete proteins (which can be done on any kind of diet, vegan or vegetarian or including meat - this is NOT one of those things your body relies on animal products to produce) your body is going to make collagen and it's going to have the amino acids handy to make collagen; consuming more collagen may mean that your body has more of those collagen-forming amino acids on hand, but it doesn't mean that your body is going to be any more efficient at producing collagen (and your body is going to become less efficient at producing collagen as you age).
But yeah bone broth health claims are primarily bogus. If you want more collagen in your diet for whatever reason, it's probably about as effective to eat jello as it is to eat bone broth but also more collagen in your diet likely isn't doing anything special.
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Jotaro's colleagues: who the hell is that?
Reader opens their arm for a hug
Jotaro's colleagues: what are they doing?, Jotaro would never hug someon-
Jotaro proceeds to hug reader tightly
Jotaro's colleagues: wait what?????
(this is canon btw /j)
I could see this for part 4 Jotaro, he still has that oddly intimidating stature to him, he’s more tact with any aggressiveness compared to Part 3. He sends off this aura that he doesn’t want any unfamiliar people around you, yet can act completely professionally (such as his job). If there’s problems he’ll take care of it later, quietly and terrifyingly efficiently.
His height still doesn’t help with the intimidation factor but Jotaro is okay with this if people’s preconceptions make them weary of him. It’s you he worries about, no matter if you’re the same height, taller, or shorter. That welcoming aura you have when you hug him is like a drug, and it makes him content.
Though one thing he keeps constant from his younger days is he doesn’t give a damn where you give affection as long as it’s him and no one else.
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Signature Love Language (Mars Edition)
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The Mars sign in a person's birth chart represents their style of asserting themselves, pursuing their desires, and taking action. The Mars sign can also give insight into their approach to romantic relationships and their love language. Here's a breakdown of the signature love language of each Mars sign:
Mars in Aries: Mars is in its rulership in Aries (modern astrology), so those with Mars in Aries value independence and taking initiative in their relationships. They express their love through bold gestures and an assertive, passionate approach to romance.
Mars in Taurus: Those with Mars in Taurus value sensuality and comfort in their relationships. They express their love through physical touch, pampering their partner, and creating a cozy, intimate environment.
Mars in Gemini: Those with Mars in Gemini value communication and intellectual stimulation in their relationships. They express their love through playful banter, sharing ideas, and mentally engaging with their partner.
Mars in Cancer: Those with Mars in Cancer value emotional connection and nurturing in their relationships. They express their love through caring gestures, cooking for their partner, and creating a warm, supportive home environment.
Mars in Leo: Those with Mars in Leo value attention and admiration in their relationships. They express their love through grand romantic gestures, public displays of affection, and showering their partner with compliments and gifts.
Mars in Virgo: Those with Mars in Virgo value practicality and organization in their relationships. They express their love through acts of service, helping their partner with tasks, and keeping their shared space tidy and efficient.
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Mars in Libra: Those with Mars in Libra value harmony and balance in their relationships. They express their love through working to create a fair and equal partnership, being attentive to their partner's needs, and creating a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing environment.
Mars in Scorpio: Mars is in its rulership in Scorpio (old astrology), so those with Mars in Scorpio value intense emotional connection and passion in their relationships. They express their love through deep intimacy, shared vulnerability, and exploring the depths of sexuality with their partner.
Mars in Sagittarius: Those with Mars in Sagittarius value adventure and exploration in their relationships. They express their love through traveling, trying new things together, and sharing a sense of humor and playfulness.
Mars in Capricorn: Mars is in its exaltation in Capricorn, so those with Mars in Capricorn value long-term commitment and stability in their relationships. They express their love through working hard to build a solid foundation for their partnership, setting goals together, and taking a responsible, mature approach to romance.
Mars in Aquarius: Those with Mars in Aquarius value independence and individuality in their relationships. They express their love through supporting their partner's unique interests, exploring new ideas and perspectives together, and creating a non-traditional partnership.
Mars in Pisces: Those with Mars in Pisces value emotional connection and spirituality in their relationships. They express their love through empathy, emotional support, and a deep, soulful connection with their partner.
It's important to note that these are generalizations based on the placement of Mars in a person's natal chart, and individuals may express their love in a variety of ways that may not necessarily align with their Mars sign. Additionally, other factors in the chart, such as the Venus sign and aspects to Mars, can also influence a person's love language.
Stay tune for astro posts...
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apollodarling-writes · 10 months
I've being wondering about this for a while. I didn't think it, but turns out silva and kikyo do actually love each other. So killua probably grew up seeing those expressions of "love" and thinking that's normal for a relationship. How do you think that would affect his relationship with reader? And if it isn't too much, how do you think his overall experience with his family effects it? Because I highly doubt after everything he's gone through that his relationship with the reader would be perfectly normal. What're your thoughts?
before i delve into killua’s experiences, i wanna go into the psychology of a developing brain. especially during the most critical stages — from birth to five years old. according to vygotsky’s theory of child development, a child’s environment and external factors play a huge role in how a child develops as a person. he proposed that as a child, your brain is continuously learning and soaking up information. for example, right from wrong, how to treat other people, whats socially acceptable, etc etc. essentially, vygotsky believes that this stage of development is critical for how your brain functions as an adult, and that external influences play the biggest role.
now that we have that mini psychology lesson out of the way, let’s hop into how i think killua’s environment and seeing how his family treated each other affected him.
i dont know much about kiyoko and silva’s marriage so i can’t really speak on that, but based on the fact that they love each other and their kids, i can assume and speak on a few things.
firstly, killua grew up in an assassin family. he was trained from a very, very young age — most likely from when he could walk — and was required to develop an immunity to all poisons and be able to complete missions quickly and efficiently. from that, i can gather that he was trained very harshly and most likely learned to associate love with pain of some sort. i have no doubt that developing an immunity to all poisons was painful and extremely distressing for a child. this would likely shut down some pathways and cognitive processing that a child in a normal household would have.
i would also like to take illumi and kiyoko’s influence in killua’s life into consideration. illumi was extremely overprotective and manipulative, and even placed a needle in killua to control him. kiyoko was overbearing with her love for killua and, to my knowledge, always had an eye on him in some form.
now that we’ve taken developmental psychology into account, his family’s influence and behavior, and his assassin training, i can now go into how it affects him in his love life.
it has definitely affected him in some form, but also he now has gon to show him whats healthy. killua very clearly has expressed his distaste for his family, but i think that this is so deeply rooted in his brain that it would affect him for the rest of his life. and even if he did realize that it was wrong, i don’t think he would want to stop — self-indulgence at its finest. i think he rationalizes it as “my family did it this way so why would it be that bad” and “different people have different tatses”.
as for how it affects his relationship with the reader, he would be completely out of reach. both on a physical scale and a psychological scale. as an assassin, hes immune to all poisons and the reader has no chance of physically overpowering him — the only option would be to run but even then you wouldn’t be able to forever. you also have no hopes of “fixing” him. theres a very clear distinction, depending on how the reader was raised and their own tastes for love, between his views on love and theirs. at that point, you would have to live with his overbearing, self indulgent, over protective, and manipulative behavior. you’d honestly be trapped. just hope stockholm syndrome kicks in fast.
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Tears In His Ferrari || Chp 5 - B.Barnes
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Farmer!Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes, used to a life of luxury, takes on farm challenges in a bet with his father. Mud-stained Ferraris and a rustic farmhouse lead to unexpected personal growth, guided by the stern mentorship of Y/N, a farmer making his city-boy life difficult.
Theme: Fluff, Slice of Life, Heart-Warming.
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on : Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
Chapters: Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 , Chp 6 , Chp 7 ,Chp 8 , Chp 9 , Chp 10 , Chp 11 , Chp 12.
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Y/N explained with a matter-of-fact tone, "Sheep are excellent for fertilizing the soil, and you can also sell the lambs for additional profit."
Still processing the unexpected arrival of livestock, Bucky couldn't help but wonder why his father had sent him these animals.
Y/N continued, "Your father wants you to produce milk from the lamb and the cow, and gather eggs from the chickens." She handed a sealed letter to Bucky, her expression unreadable.
As Bucky broke the seal and unfolded the letter, his eyes scanned the contents. The shock on his face became evident as he murmured, "I'm sorry?" The weight of the responsibilities and financial obligations slowly sank in.
Bucky's eyes narrowed as he read the words from his father. "You always spend too much money and never have any debts. With this, I want you to learn to generate profit and clear your debts. And most importantly, take good care of the livestock."
The realization hit him that this wasn't just a casual farm experience but a lesson in responsibility, financial management, and the art of farming. Bucky sighed, feeling the weight of the newfound duties with the animals on his farm.
Y/N chuckled, "Farm life isn't as easy as it looks, huh?"
Still recovering from the shock, Bucky smirked, "Yeah, well, at least I'm learning something new daily." He works on the fence for the sheep.
Bucky revved up the tractor with a newfound sense of triumph and rolled the electric fence around the plot. He felt like a farming genius, confident in his quick and efficient solution. “I’m a genius.”
However, when it came time to activate the electric fence, a minor technical glitch caused a sudden surge, giving Bucky a shock that jolted him back. He yelped out a mix of surprise and expletives, clutching the affected hand. "Ooucch!"
Bucky, recovering from the shock, managed a wry smile, "Well, that wasn't in the manual. Note to self: farming comes with a real 'shock' factor."
Y/N and Toby burst into laughter, finding the scene both comical and entertaining. Despite the shock, Bucky couldn't help but join in the laughter, realizing that his grand farming schemes might not always go as smoothly as planned.
Amid Bucky's electric fence escapade, he had forgotten that his phone was still rolling for the live stream. As he grappled with the electric shock, his audience witnessed the unexpected turn of events and erupted into laughter in the comments section.
Still wincing from the electric shock, Bucky composed himself and quipped, "Well, folks, farming just got electrifying. Who knew becoming a farmer would come with a live-action comedy show?"
The comment section of the livestream was flooded with laughing emojis and playful banter from the viewers. Bucky, though initially embarrassed, decided to play along.
Still nursing the lingering tingle from the electric shock, Bucky followed Y/N towards the barn. Seeing the sheep freely grazing on the green pasture brought a serene expression to Bucky's face. The bucolic scene seemed to momentarily erase the hustle and bustle of city life from his mind.
As they approached the barn, Y/N swung open the creaky door, revealing the content cows comfortably settled inside. Bucky's eyes widened, and a genuine smile played on his lips as he observed the calm demeanor of the livestock.
Y/N remarked, "They seem to be settling in well. Remember, the more comfortable they are, the better their produce."
Y/N observed Bucky's expression and could sense his struggle. She reassured him, "Don't worry, Bucky. Farming can be overwhelming at first, but the community here is supportive. Some locals will lend a hand until you get the hang of it."
Bucky, visibly relieved, responded, "That's really helpful. I appreciate the support."
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Meanwhile, Toby diligently counts the sheep, showcasing his responsibility.
Curious about Toby's situation, Bucky turned to Y/N and inquired, "Do you know Toby's story?"
Y/N crossed her arms, her expression turning solemn. "He's a good kid with loving grandparents. Unfortunately, he has a shitty father who's always gambling, drunk, and getting them into debt."
Bucky's heart clenched at the stark contrast between Toby's struggles and his privileged life. He had never lacked money and never experienced the burden of debt.
Y/N continued, "His grandfather even had to sell their truck to survive. For a while, it was Toby who carried their honey produce to the nearby market."
The weight of the situation settled on Bucky, but Y/N's following words brought a glimmer of hope. "The neighbors soon found out about it and took turns helping Toby."
Relieved about the supportive community, Bucky nodded, "That's good. It's nice that people are looking out for each other."
Y/N sighed, "Don't worry too much about him, he'll make it through. Focus on your own challenges."
Feeling a mix of emotions, Bucky retorted with a half-smile, "Hey, I'm trying to handle my newfound farmer responsibilities, aren't I?"
Y/N approached Bucky, carrying a food container. She placed it in Bucky's hand, her expression stern. "Listen carefully to their instructions, and good luck." With those words, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Bucky with a determined yet somewhat irritated look.
Bucky clicked his tongue in response, muttering, "I'll show you." The challenge Y/N presented only fueled his determination to prove himself in the world of farming.
But he talked to soon when he listened intently as the locals provided instructions on caring for the sheep, cows, and chickens. The details overwhelmed him, from feeding schedules to health check-ups. Bucky felt like his head was going to explode with information.
Local Farmer 1: "Remember, the sheep love a good pasture rotation!"
Bucky nodded, trying to absorb the advice.
Local Farmer 2: "Cows need proper bedding in the barn to stay comfortable."
Bucky furrowed his brow, realizing there was more to it than he initially thought.
Local Farmer 3: "And for the chickens, a well-ventilated coop is key to prevent diseases."
Bucky sighed, feeling the weight of his newfound responsibilities. The intricate details of farm life unfolded before him, and he could only nod in response.
Once the locals left, Bucky collapsed on the floor, utterly exhausted. "Hufft… farming is no joke."
Exhausted and drained, Bucky realized that his previous ignorance about farming had blinded him to the labor and dedication farmers put into their work.
His newfound appreciation for the entire process, from planting seeds to harvesting crops, made him reflect on the hard work and sacrifices of farmers everywhere.
“Woof.” Sensing his owner's fatigue, Archie appeared and offered canine comfort by enthusiastically licking Bucky's face. Feeling ticklish, Bucky giggled and hugged his little friend, "Hey, buddy," grateful for the simple joy Archie brought into his hectic day.
As if on cue, a 'PING' echoed from his phone. Bucky's eyes widened as he checked his email for a sponsorship offer. A brand had stumbled upon Bucky's farming videos and believed he would be an excellent fit for their product.
Subject: Exclusive Sponsorship Offer for Your Farming Journey!
Hi Bucky,
Hope you're doing great! We've been following your inspiring farming videos and love your genuine approach. We at SolarGuard are impressed by your dedication to farming.
We'd like to offer you a sponsorship opportunity. SolarGuard is a leading brand in skincare, and we believe our sunscreen is a perfect match for your outdoor work, providing optimal protection under the sun.
If you're interested, reply to this email, and we can discuss the details of this exciting collaboration. Looking forward to the possibility of working together!
Best, The SolarGuard Team
Ecstatic reading the e-mail, Bucky exclaimed, "Yes!!! My first money." This unexpected sponsorship was his first step to prove his worth to his father and demonstrate his ability to be independent.
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Chapters: Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 , Chp 6 , Chp 7 ,-
Author Note:
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allprocarpetsteamers · 6 months
Breathe Easy: The Importance Of Air Duct Cleaning In Las Vegas
Are you breathing easy in Las Vegas? The air around us is crucial to our health and well-being, yet it's often overlooked. In this bustling city of lights, ensuring the quality of the air we breathe is essential. Join us as we delve into the world of air duct cleaning and discover why it's a game-changer for your indoor environment. Let's explore how clean Air Duct Cleaning Las Vegas home or business!
The Impact Of Poor Indoor Air Quality
Poor indoor air quality can significantly impact your health and well-being. When your air ducts are filled with dust, allergens, and pollutants, the air circulating in your home becomes contaminated. This can lead to respiratory issues, allergies, and other health problems for you and your family.
Breathing in polluted air consistently can aggravate existing conditions like asthma or allergies. It can also cause headaches, fatigue, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. Additionally, poor indoor air quality may contribute to an overall decline in indoor comfort levels.
If addressed, indoor air quality can improve over time as contaminants continue to accumulate in the ductwork. This is why regular air duct cleaning is essential to maintain a healthy living environment for you and your loved ones.
Benefits Of Regular Air Duct Cleaning
When it comes to maintaining a healthy indoor environment, regular air duct cleaning is an essential component. Over time, dust, dirt, pet dander, and other contaminants can accumulate in your air ducts. These pollutants affect the quality of the air you breathe and the efficiency of your HVAC system.
Investing in regular air duct cleaning can improve the overall air quality in your home or office. Clean air ducts help reduce allergens and irritants that can exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma or allergies. Additionally, they promote better airflow throughout your space, leading to improved energy efficiency and lower utility bills.
Moreover, regular air duct maintenance can extend your HVAC system's lifespan. When debris builds up in the ductwork, it forces the system to work harder to heat or cool your space, which can result in premature wear and tear on components. Ensuring that your air ducts are clean helps prevent unnecessary strain on your HVAC unit and reduces the risk of costly repairs.
Choosing A Reliable And Efficient Air Duct Cleaning Service In Las Vegas
Reliability and efficiency are key factors to consider when selecting an air duct cleaning service in Las Vegas. With the abundance of options available, it can be overwhelming to make the right choice.
Start by researching companies online and reading customer reviews to understand their reputation. Look for a company that is licensed and insured and has experienced technicians who use industry-standard equipment.
Ask about their process – a reputable service provider will conduct a thorough inspection before starting the cleaning process. Please inquire about additional services they offer, such as mold remediation or dryer vent cleaning.
Remember to request a detailed quote upfront with no hidden fees. A trustworthy company will provide transparency regarding its pricing structure.
Choosing a reliable and efficient air duct cleaning service in Las Vegas is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality and ensuring your HVAC system operates at its best.
In Las Vegas, where clean air is essential for comfort and health, air duct cleaning plays a vital role in maintaining good indoor air quality. Regular cleaning keeps your HVAC system clear of dust, debris, and contaminants so you can quickly know that the air circulating in your home is fresh and clean.
Choosing a reliable and efficient air duct cleaning service in Las Vegas ensures the job is done thoroughly and professionally. With the benefits of improved indoor air quality, energy efficiency, cost savings, and overall well-being at stake, investing in regular air duct cleaning pays off in more ways than one.
Don't wait until poor indoor air quality affects your health or increases energy bills. Take proactive steps to ensure your HVAC system runs efficiently by scheduling regular air duct cleaning with trusted professionals. Your lungs—and wallet—will thank you!
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biscuit-babbles · 8 months
HSR Men Omegaverse (A/B/O) Dynamics
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This is entirely self-serving, but let's be honest, the HSR community is kinda starving for a/b/o content. So! I'm here to make sure y'all are fed. ♡ And if you're at all upset with the dynamics I give them, fear not! I may or may not write content in the future that will dabble in giving them other dynamics.
Rating: SFW Warnings: None Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt, Gepard, Sampo, Luka, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade, Argenti + Dr Ratio Summary: What the dynamics of all the HSR men would be, and how it plays into their personalities and environments.
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At first, no one was really sure what CAELUS was, to be honest. The only person who really seemed interested in guessing or betting anything was March, who excitedly hoped he was another omega she could drag into her nest and gossip with. However, it wasn't long after finally settling on the express that his dynamic was revealed; Caelus is a BETA. This doesn't really affect him at all, aside from general uneducated in matters pertaining to alphas and omegas. Though, it has been theorized that this is a best-case scenario regarding the stellaron inside Caelus's body. If he was an alpha or omega, a rut or heat cycle might negatively affect the stellaron, and vice versa.
DAN HENG neither openly talks about nor hides the fact that he is an ALPHA. He's fairly quiet and keeps to himself most of the time, so it took everyone on the Nameless some time to find out initially. In previous incarnations, his alpha status helped in the efficiency and social standing of the High Elder, but that proves meaningless to Dan Heng now. All it means to him in the present is that March will steal his clothes and he has an excuse to be left alone for a whole week once every few months.
When first meeting WELT, it's almost suffocatingly obvious that's an ALPHA, from his tall stature, deep voice, and a tangible instinct to protect the rest of the Nameless. Though, once he softens up and reveals himself to be a more gentle, wise, and excitable man, he never loses that air of authority to him. Not in a governing sense, but in the same way as a calming father-figure. Welt will protect those close to him with his life, not willing to let them suffer the same as so many others. He's very comfortable in his status as well, not being afraid to indulge in things more traditionally labeled as for omegas.
The Landau family is an old, prestigious lineage, one that carries with it a lot of tradition - one that GEPARD's father tried to uphold. Despite being a BETA, Gepard has been raised and trained with a traditionally alpha mentality. His job is to protect, serve, and provide for Belebog and the Landau family. Though, he maintained his gentler demeanor in large part due to the continued presence and support of Serval and Lynx. Sometimes he feels an added sense of stress that he isn't an alpha, like his father had hoped for, but he is reminded with every passing day that his dynamic doesn't factor into his value as a Silvermane Guard, or as a Landau.
Acting as prime suspect witness to those reminders is SAMPO. Everyone in Belebog, including Gepard, assumes the slippery con man is an alpha - after all, that's how he has meticulously portrayed himself. A two-faced alpha whose only interest is in lining his own pockets. But underneath all the fake smiles, disguises, and scams is a proud BETA of the Masked Fools. If anything, this dynamic suits Sampo perfectly, as he can feasibly tailor any kind of dynamic he wants for his new persona. Need a beautiful, unassuming omegan woman? Now you have Madam Brughel Poisson. Besides, dealing with a rut or heat cycle wouldn't exactly be all that fun, would it?
Now, Belebog isn't home to just betas. Somewhere in the depths of the Underworld, LUKA is either engaged in a brawl with a formidable foe or keeping a protective watch over the kids. Dynamics aren't very important in the everyday lives of the people in the Underground, but the second he steps into a room, it's immediately obvious that he is an ALPHA. This is made even more clear in his close relationships with other alphas; his playful rivalry with Seele, his brotherly role to Hook, and his training with Oleg.
Acting as the General of the Xianzhou Loufu, carrying the lofty title of Divine Foresight, JING YUAN is the definition of an ALPHA. Every few decades, there's a few scandalous headlines that propose the rumor that he's secretly an omega due to his nonchalant demeanor and close mentorship of Yanqing, but they're quickly disproven every time. While yes, a lofty role doesn't equate to being an alpha, but it's hard to dispute his overwhelming presence. All of the staff in the Seat of Divine Foresight are witnesses to his stubbornness, his cunning, and the crackling tension that arises with the General's anger, no matter how he tries to contrast it with his easy-going attitude.
It never crosses anyone's mind to question what LUOCHA is, exactly. Not everyone's dynamic is immediately obvious, and he's a traveling merchant after all, he might come from a culture with different ideas of how to appear as one dynamic over another. Just another face and scent in a sea of faces and scents. There are very few who know that he's an OMEGA, and even those that do, they don't really care to act on that fact. Don't let his dynamic fool you - it requires a lot of audacity and righteous passion to drive one to want to kill an Aeon.
As a weapon, there is no need for such labels. None of these words mean much to BLADE anymore, even if they still continue to affect him. He never acknowledges the fact that he's an ALPHA, not finding that it swings his sword any faster or brings death any quicker. Though, he can't dispute the way his dynamic serves against his best interests, as any stimuli that emboldens that part of him typically retaliates in the form of the mara. Whenever he's able to indulge in the occasional guilty pleasure, however, he finds himself to be surprisingly tender. Kafka once caught him hoarding a few of the weighted stuffed animals she and Silver Wolf got to soothe his chronic pain, scenting them and trilling at them. Thank the Aeons it was only Kafka who found him, or else Silver Wolf would have been teasing him about it for weeks.
ARGENTI will never be one to hide any part of his identity, proclaiming loudly and proudly that he is an ALPHA serving the Aeon of Beauty, Idrila. At first, he may be met with some speculation as to whether he's telling the truth. It's not every day that you meet an alpha that smells so flowery and disarming, much similarly to an omega. Not to mention that he's just as tender, just as wholeheartedly loving as all those lovesick omegas on tv. But similarly to Jing Yuan, he has a certain presence to him that certainly proves his claim.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, regarded as arrogant, brilliant, and an all-around pain in the ass, is DR RATIO. While he will firmly assert that his dynamic has no bearing on his personality nor capabilities, he is very knowledgeable on how being an ALPHA affects his every day life. Dr Ratio takes great care in assuring that not even idiots can misconstrue his intentions, putting on scent patches and never baring his teeth. However, this has led a few to question whether he really is an alpha, pointing out that his grandiose personality may point to him trying to compensate. In one way or another, they are swiftly proven wrong, even if Dr Ratio doesn't see their 'close-minded ignorance' as worth his time nor an explanation.
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rb19 · 27 days
what tracks do you think max has a chance to win (or at least podium) at for the rest of this season? & which one's are probably going to be hard due to the limits of the rb19? & thank you for being the voice of reason right now at a time when everyone, including me, is feeling really down about max's wdc chancdes.
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in one of waché's interviews before the summer break, he said rb20's strengths are rear-limited tracks and hot conditions. we saw that in austria quali, when max managed to qualify ahead of lando by +0.4. and he would've won that race if not for the slow pit stop. it wouldn't have been a comfortable win, but we ain't gonna see those anymore. every detail needs to be perfect.
but what are 'front-limited' and 'rear-limited' tracks?
front-limited: tracks that ask a lot from the car's front end. so the speed you can carry through the corner is limited by the maximum grip the front tyres can generate. circuits with long, interconnected, fast corners.
rear-limited: logically, tracks that ask a lot from the car's rear end. circuits with higher prevalence of slow corners, characterized by heavy braking followed by significant acceleration on corner exits and long straights.
for example, hungary and zandvoort are heavily front limited. bahrain and austria are heavily rear limited. but most tracks are only slightly biased in one direction, so it's not possible to put each one of them in a little box. the track condition can also affect these traits, if the track is too green or if throughout the weekend there's big variations in temperature, the balance can switch from slightly front limited to rear limited or vice versa.
i can see the mcl38 performing in every track. zandvoort might have been only their second big upgrade of the season, but they've been introducing track-specific parts almost every round and will continue to do so. qatar is heavily front-limited, that's mclaren's playground. even in 2023, lando could've won that race had he started in the front row.
the rb20 underdelivered in zandvoort. they need all three practice sessions to setup the car and they got only one. in the end max ran an old spec floor (for comparison purposes) and a monaco rear wing (in case it would rain in quali and help with the tyre deg on sunday - it didn't, the unloaded setups worked better). they saw max wouldn't have the pace to challenge for the win and decided to take risks. it doesn't matter if it was max's home race, think of the big picture. they still need to run experimental setups in order to understand the car better and improve it for the late stages of the season and even next year. this car STILL has potential to win races. it would've won in spa had max started from p1, i don't know why max fans choose to ignore that. its aero efficiency is still the reference.
SO. with all that said and considering recent performances...
i am optimistic for monza. it's a a neutral track, the low drag favors the rb20. it might not have the same straight line speed advantage it enjoyed over competitors in 22/23, but it's still a factor. track has been resurfaced and it looks like temps are gonna be around 28/30ºC which can help.
+baku: yeah it's a street circuit, but a very rear limited one, low deg and low drag. the rb20 can perform well. -singapore: knees on the floor. start praying for a top 5 finish. ferrari we need your help. singapore is actually rear-limited, like monaco, but its curbs and bumpy nature won't allow the stiff rb20 to be stable. -cota: neutral... but i'm leaning towards mclaren bc high deg +mexico: maxico and inshallah. rear limited and low deg but bc of the high altitude it needs a lot of downforce.. still have faith we can take it tho -interlagos: mcl38 +las vegas: low deg and low drag, rear limited, but cooler temps.. rb20 can you help me out here -qatar: mcl38 +abu dhabi: bit rear limited, low deg, rb20
btw this stuff is not black and white. it just gives you a reference. shovlin has said the w15's weaknesses are hot conditions and rear limited tracks. the w15 was expected to perform well in zandvoort.. but you see, it didn't. a lot of surprises to come. mercs and ferrari are gonna play a big part in this championship.
but don't quote me on any of that!! 😁
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kuipernebula · 4 months
let's encourage the obesity epidemic burdening our already shit healthcare system!!! yay!!!
This is a bad faith anon but because I feel like it:
If you really wanted to address healthcare and the obesity epidemic, it'd be way more efficient to handle its underlying factors - lack of time, resources, and education regarding nutrition and exercise. This lack of time and resources is directly caused by the intense workload and stress capitalism forces onto people to survive, and the lack of education is a connected but more complex problem.
This is on top of genetic factors that can make it hard for some people to deal with their weight, and more importantly the way that pollution has affected people's weights. Seriously, look up the affects of PFAS on humans.
The other side is that you could address the healthcare system itself. Which is also a complicated issue but largely the fault of capitalism.
But the point of that post is that fat is a morally neutral concept that, if we want to actually attack the stigma it has and the way fat people are treated in society, we have to allow for people who will choose to be fat. And yes, that includes people who want to gain weight on purpose. They're still people and should be respected as such - not turned into a rhetorical burden in society to please your fatphobia.
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It actually means conscious VS unconscious
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And Storer did it again, he was metaphorically saying what he was doing and put it out there, in plain sight.
I already went over this point in several posts actually because it was pretty obvious to me that their only issue was definitely not communication, that was just the visible tip of their iceberg. It was deeper than that because communication is never a cause per se, it's always a consequence of multiple other factors, so I knew it was about the REASON behind it and whether they are aware of that or not, whether they wanna be aware of it or not, whether they are ready for that or not, etc. CC vs UC. So I elaborated on all those topics previously:
What matters is the people
Stuck in the mud
Inside Carmy's mind
Recycle / Repurpose
Purpuse, chef!
Never apologize
The trap
I now realize that I had missed that Storer put it out there, in plain sight in that scene above, which BTW was one of the few semi-Sydcarmy moments we were given this season, or as I call it: ALMS.
Anyway... The point is that Sydney said that what was killing them (she referred to the operation but I refer to the Sydcarmy dynamic, that's the metaphor) was the "bad communication" between FOH and BOH, in other words: between CC/UC or Conscious and Unconscious or subconscious if you will, because info always permeates from one to the other.
So this takes us back to the fact that until they don't consciously realize and put in the front of their minds THE REASON why they are doing all of this, they won't be able to communicate properly and efficiently, and therefore they will not understand each other and what's even worse, they will definitely not find in themselves the strength to carry on and to endure this battle.
Because let's face it, every day in that restaurant, chasing a star is like going to war and it would be anyway even if they were going through a honeymoon phase. Chasing a Michelin star is no easy task for anyone and it always takes its toll on the team, that is why it's so elite. Not everyone can do it. Yet everyone who has done it ends up learning the same lesson: IT CAN'T BE DONE UNLESS YOU HAVE A BIGGER PURPOSE. Some get lost along the way, and the star kills them because they never find a bigger purpose than the star/s itself as I mentioned here.
I trust Sydcarmy will find a way to make conscious of their real purpose which is obviously THEM/EACH OTHER as I mentioned in all those 7 posts above.
They are actually doing this to show how much they love each other. It's their way of showing their affection for each other. It's also how they communicate.
It would be easier to just say so and go out on a date and maybe give each other simple presents like a playlist, flowers, a cologne... but not for them. Nope. They are "special".
For her, it didn't start that way, though. It morphed into it along the way. Originally for Syd that star was some sort of personal victory and vindication after her Sheridan Rd's trauma fiasco. Later on, when she started suspecting that she may have started falling for Carmy, around the time C showed up, she had to shove that suspicion very deep into her UC, meaning, never let it out, DENY IT, because otherwise she was gonna get hurt. She's too smart and too much of an emotionally avoidant G WOMAN for that. She would never let that happen if she could avoid it prevent it.
For Carmy that was the reason from day one two, though. Right after she said that was what she wanted. But as I mentioned here, that was not his goal at first:
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But this is where they are now and they should honor it and be honest about it, even get nasty if they must, ARGUE about it if that's what it takes for them to really get it. I'm sure that S4 will be all about it because they have reached the breaking point already → The crying game
Or should I say breakthrough?
Yeah, I will go for breakthrough. S4 is gonna be all about Sydcarmy. Get ready, truthers. There's no way but up from here because S3 was:
The end of Carmen Berzatto.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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nenelonomh · 4 months
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human resources management pt.3
this post is the third part to my little business exam revision series. the reason that i am making these posts is to study for my exam in a more enjoyable way.
part 1 | part 2 | part 4
today's post (written 27-05 and scheduled) focuses on pay and remuneration, performance appraisal, and recruitment and selection.
pay and remuneration
these two items make up one hrm topic. pay (generally) refers to wages, salaries, bonuses commissions, incentives, etc.. remuneration refers to monetary and non-monetary benefits such as sick leave and gym reimbursement. the purpose of pay and remuneration is to attract and retain employee talent, as well as to boost productivity and foster employee satisfaction.
let's focus on one example from pay and one from remuneration.
one example of pay includes commission, which refers to monetary incentives awarded to employees for hitting sales targets or other goals. the benefits of commission include increased employee motivation and potentially higher pay. however, customer satisfaction may be affected if employees are too focused on earning commission.
for remuneration, an example is paid time off. vacation days, sick leave, and other types of leave promote work-life balance and employee wellbeing. this may be costly for a smaller business, so remuneration packages must be well thought out and other departments (finance, marketing) must be worked with to achieve a well-rounded final package.
performance appraisal
performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and aligning performance with the strategic goals of an organization. features of this hrm topic include clear goal alignment, continuous feedback, performance metrics, and KPIs (key performance indicators).
an advantage of performance appraisal is an increase in employee engagement because an employee's productivity directly correlates to their engagement experience. moreover, when performance appraisal is done well, businesses see a decrease in attrition rates. high employee turnover results in greater costs of hiring, lower productivity, and utilization of resources and time to train new people according to company objectives. performance appraisal works to combat this and reduce the cost of hiring.
performance appraisal may provide a challenge for companies since the basic system is to try and create a one-size-fits-all model. this simply does not work. employees might also feel demotivated due to perceived unfair evaluations during appraisal.
recruitment and selection
this is the largest hrm topic so far - and can be broken down into three main parts. internal recruitment, external recruitment, and the selection process.
internal recruitment is the action of filling roles through promotion and considering current employees to fill gaps. a business may choose to recruit internally because it can be cheaper, and quicker, and the business already knows the employee. this means that the employee is already familiar with the business and its operations. however, internal recruitment creates new vacancies - then, external recruitment must come in.
external recruitment refers to hiring employees who are not already in the company. this occurs when companies are looking for new perspectives/ideas, increased diversity, or when old positions need to be filled (when an employee has transferred/been promoted).
this can welcome a wider pool of applicants, fresh ideas, and increased experience and skills. however, external recruitment does not always result in recruiting a person who fits the job (or company).
in order to hire an employee, a hiring team must go through the selection process. it is a process that involves evaluating candidates based on their qualifications, experience, and other relevant factors to determine who is the most suitable for a particular job.
a proper structure is vital for effective and efficient recruitment and selection. here is the typical recruitment process: - identification of job vacancy - conducting job analysis - preparing recruitment documentation - advertising the vacancy
the general selection process: - shortlisting applicants - conducting interviews and assessments - selecting a successful applicant/s, and offering them the role
when performing recruitment and selection, the hiring team must decide how to assess a candidate. the two most common ways to do this is through an interview, or an assessment (or a combination).
interviews explore the applicant's personality and attitude - as well as discussion of their abilities and skills. although, this can be time-consuming, costly, and it doesn't always lead to the selection of the best applicant available.
assessments also look at the candidate's abilities, skills, personality and attitude, but in a more on-the-job way. the pressure from assessments may limit the applicant from exerting their true capabilities.
the hrm topics explored so far include demographic change, employee welfare, flexi-time, gig economy, immigration, pay and remuneration, performance appraisal, and recruitment and selection.
thank you for reading! i look forward to any feedback or questions from other ibdp business students (or anyone interested in business).
❤️ nene
image source: pinterest
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ADHD Long Information Post
Hello to any of y'all who chanced upon this post! Before I start, I would just like to say that I am not a psychiatrist, but rather just a minor who is questioning whether they do in fact have ADHD, which would actually explain a lot of my symptoms, so I have made the post below to delineate the majority of the information that I have learnt about the condition through a good deal of research. I have added the sources at the bottom of this post, though I must particularly thank the research by Julie Rawe for her research on structural differences in the brain. Additionally, if any of y'all would like any more information about ADHD or about another form of neurodiversity or mental health in general, do feel free to send me an ask, but also please acknowledge that it has taken me around a week to make this post and that my answers would take some time for them to be meaningful.
Introduction and Causes
ADHD, which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder that is generally known for causing executive dysfunction. Originally, ADHD was classified under the name ADD (Attention-Deficit Disorder), until the American Psychiatric Association officially changed its name in 1994.
Though the exact causes of ADHD have not been determined, with scientists coming to multitudinous theories regarding its origins, it is generally agreed that ADHD involves a certain genetic factor, meaning that it tends to run in families. Moreover, scientists have discovered that the brain of an ADHDer (an individual with ADHD) would have structural differences to that of neurotypicals. In particular, research has shown that the prefrontal cortex is slightly smaller and matures more slowly than typically developing kids, with it being thought that the cerebellum, hippocampus and amygdala are also smaller in size. According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, ADHD causes abnormal alterations in the structure and function of the left superior frontal gyrus and the corpus callosum.
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As is elucidated more clearly from the diagram above, parts of an ADHDer's brain would take longer to develop, with some of the lags taking part in the brain's self-management system, which includes structures involved in emotional control, working memory and switching between one tasks from another, which occurs due to some neural networks (pathways between brain cells that pass information along neurons) taking longer to develop or being less efficient. For example, ADHD affects the fronto-parietal network, which is crucial in decision-making and learning new tasks, ergo why lots of ADHDers struggle with executive dysfunction. More specifically, in order to pass information, neurons release small amounts of chemicals called neurotransmitters, which have to cross across the synapse (which is a small gap and the site of transmission of electric nerve impulses between two nerves cells) to get to the tip of the next neuron. ADHD affects this process in a few ways, considering as neurons may not release enough neurotransmitters, the receiving neuron may have difficulty 'catching the neurotransmitter' and the neurotransmitter may get sucked back up by sending the neuron too fast. A particular example of such a neurotransmitter is dopamine, which is significant for memory, motivation, movement, mood and attention, meaning that it also regulates a person's 'reward centre'. Ergo, amongst other things, ADHD is associated to low-dopamine levels (which is actually due to many ADHDers having higher levels of dopamine transporters, which end up flushing out the dopamine before it can fully take effect), less serotonin and less norepinephrine, which deals with the 'fight or flight' response.
Introduction to ADHD Symptoms
There are three main types of ADHD: the inattentive type, the hyperactive and impulsive type and the combined type, which includes symptoms from both categories. One thing that is extremely important to consider for all of these systems is that people sometimes develop specific systems in order to not get into trouble. For example, if somebody knows they are prone to forgetting their phone or keys before going out, they might also meticulously check their pockets. In some cases, hiding these symptoms in order to act more neurotypical and to not face oppression is known as masking. In order to get a diagnosis, several symptoms of ADHD must be present prior to age of 12 and the symptoms must be persistent for at least six months and should take place in at least two settings (such as work, school and home). Also, some symptoms do not fit well in either and aren't easily classified, such as the below:
ADHD paralysis in the forms of mental paralysis, choice paralysis and task paralysis.
Mental paralysis refers to the difficulty that ADHDers often experience in organising their thoughts or generating mental focus, which can manifest as a sense of cognitive overload or brain fog.
Choice paralysis, rather like the name implies, is characterised by the overwhelming difficulty of having to make a decision or choose between various options (which often leads to the ADHDer procrastinating or avoiding the decision).
Executive Dysfunction (also referred to as task paralysis) refers to the inability to initiate, complete or sustain tasks due to overwhelming feelings of anxiety, stress or mental fatigue.
A wave of procrastination that hits ADHDers when they have almost completed a task or project.
Time blindness, which is the inability to sense how much time has passed and estimate the time needed to get something done (which can further prompt ADHDers to be commonly late for appointments or to be in a state of time paralysis.)
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is a common symptom of ADHD and it is when a person experiences severe emotional pain because of a perceived failure or rejection.
Enhanced pattern recognition.
Struggling with creating habits (this happens because the ADHD brain makes it harder to remain interested and to stick to structure).
Emotional Dysregulation, which is when the brain cannot properly regulate the signals related to emotions, making it harder for the person to cope with their emotions, which would in turn cause feelings of being overwhelmed, uncomfortable or even in pain.
Hyperfixations, which are strong and prolonged interests in or focus on something, in which the person would typically become oblivious to everything else, sometimes to the point of forgetting to eat, go to the bathroom and sleep.
Sensory overload, which is the overstimulation of one or more of the body's five senses.
Symptoms of the Inattentive Type of ADHD
Having a short attention span and being easily distracted, both by internal and external stimuli (other thoughts, background noise and textures, for example).
Making careless mistakes (as part of this, it is rather common for someone to know that they are prone to making silly mistakes, but also being incapable of checking things through because it is too boring to do the work all over again).
Constantly changing activity or task (particularly if they are under-stimulating and one is lacking in dopamine in that instant)
Having difficulty organising and prioritising tasks.
Appearing to be unable to listen to or carry out instructions, which can include having to zone back in when being spoken to.
Appearing forgetful, due to low short-term memory (this can include names, past activities and also forgetting to bring things, which is partly due to object permanence and sometimes, as a symptom, is perceived rather as creating elaborate systems to not forget things, such as placing a necessary bag in front of the door so that it is impossible to leave without remembering the bag).
Losing things which are necessary for tasks or activities, due to lack of object permanence.
Being unable to stick to tedious or time-consuming tasks (again, due to a lack of dopamine and an ADHDer's brain desperately seeking something stimulating).
Symptoms of the Hyperactive and Impulsive Type of ADHD
Often fidgets or squirms in one's seat.
Leaves seat or gets up when being seated is expected.
Appears 'on the go' or acts as if 'driven by a motor', meaning that people with ADHD often feel restless and find it hard to rest (which can include feeling as though one needs to always be doing something, even when one is simultaneously experiencing executive dysfunction).
Pacing around a lot (this isn't an official symptom but is a common experience nonetheless).
Particularly in children, running about or climbing in inappropriate situations and maybe having difficulties with engaging in leisure activities quietly.
Talking excessively (or alternatively staying quiet as a way of masking, to the point of never speaking unless being spoken to and switching wildly between not talking and talking for a really long time, with thoughts that neurotypicals often find unlinked).
Blurting out answers before the questions have been completed (which often happens because ADHDers tend to have enhanced pattern recognition).
Interrupts of intrudes on others (for example, interrupting conversations and accidentally speaking over others).
Finding it difficult to wait for their turn (which can include having to spend a lot of effort in order to just wait, in order to not receive any backlash).
Acting without thinking (in a way that is generally deemed to be impulsive, which can often lead to regretting not having thought carefully about it earlier).
Little or no sense of danger.
Stimming, which is short for self-stimulating behaviours or stereotypy, is defined as 'the repetitive performance of certain physical movements or vocalisations' and is common with people who have ASD or ADHD. Stimming can help an ADHDer to focus, process emotions, deal with boredom and reduce stress, and it can include:
Listening to the same song on repeat.
Rearranging objects.
Flapping of the hands.
Staring in a particular spot for a long time.
Leg shaking.
ADHD stimming is very similar to ASD stimming, considering as both types help the person cope with sensory overload and reducing stress, but it is considered that ADHDers also can stim to help with concentration. Moreover, ADHD stimming typically involves touching external objects or performing fidget-type movements, whereas ASD stimming usually involves bodily movements and vocalisations.
Masking is defined as 'when an individual hides or suppresses symptoms, behaviours or difficulties they are experiencing', with ADHDers often acting in a way that is 'socially acceptable' to fit in with others and risk facing less discrimination. For example, as a part of ADHD masking, individuals may try to camouflage their symptoms by controlling their impulses, rehearsing responses and copying the behaviours of neurotypicals. Sometimes, masking is done unconsciously, whilst others actively mask on purpose.
Examples of masking, particularly for people with the inattentive form of ADHD, include:
Coming up with excuses for being late or distracted.
Working harder in order to achieve a goal or to meet a deadline.
Checking work multiple times before submission.
Writing everything down.
Having multiple alarms or reminders set up.
Focusing intently during conversations and being extra early to events to avoid being late.
Instead, within the hyperactive form of ADHD, many people instead mask by doing the following:
Staying silent in conversations or being additionally cautious when speaking.
Suppressing the urge to fidget or stim.
Trying to appear calm by suppressing energy.
Bottling emotions up.
When thinking about ADHD masking, it is important to remember that it is not always harmful, with coping strategies like stimming or fidgeting being genuinely useful and helping the ADHDer to adapt and function better in multiple areas of their life. However, for many people, masking takes a lot of mental and emotional energy, which could lead to developing anxiety and depression, having trouble differentiating between what is real and what is an act, complicating or delaying a diagnosis, facing trouble asking for support, feeling burnt out and feeling isolated. For this reason, many people with ADHD find it useful to unmask, which allows friends and family to offer support better and also reduces the emotional mental effort of having to act and speak in a specific way around others. Unmasking would therefore involved identifying when one is masking, exploring alternatives for unhealthy masking behaviours, not being afraid to speak about ADHD challenges, seeking professional treatment and support, whilst also understanding that one is not alone and that there are many other people with ADHD out there, who are often more than willing to support and encourage fellow ADHDers.
ADHD Burnout
Burnout, which is defined as a 'physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress' is a common experience amongst ADHDers, considering the difficulty involved in living in a society that was primarily built for neurotypicals. In particular, ADHD masking can lead to burnout symptoms including feeling exhausted for no apparent reason, experiencing anxiety or depression, turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms and keeping oneself isolated. ADHD burnout isn't a mental health diagnosis nor a formal symptom of ADHD, yet it is a term that highlights a common experience for ADHDers due to the prolonged stress of simultaneously trying to manage their symptoms, living up to various expectations in their life, lack of self-care, overcommitment and perfectionism.
Signs of ADHD burnout include:
Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities.
Feelings of fatigue and constant exhaustion.
Lowered productivity and poorer performance of expectations.
Irritability and mood swings.
Increased procrastination (which includes people, obligations, tasks and self-care).
Physical health problems associated with chronic stress.
Low self-esteem and higher self-criticism.
Lack of motivation regarding completing tasks.
Forgetting commitments, tasks and daily activities more often.
Increased sensitivity.
Sleep issues.
Feeling guilty for resting or for not resting.
Tips for Managing ADHD (including burnout)
Practise self-care, including a routine that includes adequate rest, diet, hygiene, exercise and recognising one's own limits.
Say 'no' too additional commitments and establish boundaries.
Take advantage of a support system and reach out to friends and family.
Seek professional help (which can include getting a diagnosis, asking the psychiatrist for tips and potentially also getting appropriate medication).
Breaking down tasks in such a manner that makes them less overwhelming, which helps with executive dysfunction due to less choice paralysis.
A wall calendar, to-do lists and regular reminders to stay organised and not forget commitments (for to-do lists, it might be good to limit them to five tasks a day to avoid getting easily overwhelmed).
Body-doubling in order to help productivity and motivation (this is the method of productivity by which two people both attempt to be productive, usually in the same place and at the same time, ergo motivating each other to complete their own tasks).
Whilst doing a task, it can be useful to put on a timer, making it easier to track the passing of time and to celebrate any progress that has actually been made.
If one has to bring something with them, leaving the item in front of the door or on the stairs (basically, on the way to where one has to go) serves as a reminder of the reminder.
There are many digital apps that include reminder alerts and calendars, which helps with meeting deadlines.
Melatonin supplements can help with falling asleep more easily.
Do different activities in specific places (for example, always working at the same desk, only using the bed to sleep and winding-down in a separate place).
Buying things whilst considering ADHD (for example, buying a planner with a format that is easy to use, rather than something that one would never have the motivation to use).
Putting away one's phone whilst trying to be productive.
The Pomodoro Method (in which one is productive for 25 minutes, followed by a 5 minute break, which is preferably phone-free).
Not being afraid to clarify the exact expectations of other people.
For under-stimulating tasks, it can help to listen to a podcast or something that does not require 100% of one's focus, so one can do both at the same time and struggle less from understimulation.
Making a note of groceries in the fridge and cooking accordingly in order to ensure that they do not expire.
Paying in cash in order to reduce the impulse of buying something unnecessary (with cash, it is easier to acknowledge how much money that actually equates to, rather than just seeing a number on a card-reader).
Find friends who also have ADHD and be clear with any neurotypicals about personal needs.
ADHD Medications
ADHD medications work in different ways depending on the type, with all of them working to increase the leves of important neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine and norepinephrine. Increasing the amount of these neurotransmitters helps improve the symptoms of ADHD, including reducing hyperactivity, managing executive dysfunction, increasing attention span and controlling impulsive behaviour. However, ADHD medications affect each person differently, with some side effects being bothersome, whilst others are a cause for changing the type of medication.
Some of these side effects include:
Decrease appetite (which affects about 80% of people who take stimulant medications).
Weight loss.
Difficulty sleeping (including falling asleep after longer and finding it hard to stay asleep).
A rebound effect, whereupon there is a short period of fatigue, increased activity or a bad mood as the medication wears off.
New or increased anxiety or depression.
Tics (sudden, repetitive movements or sounds) being more apparent than without the medication.
Minor growth delay, which can cause a growth reduction in some children and adolescents who take stimulants, though it doesn't affect their final height.
Upset stomach, nausea or vomiting.
Changes in blood pressure and heart rate.
Stimulants are the most common type of prescription medication for ADHD, which work by stimulating the brain into increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine. Studies have shown that 80% of children with ADHD have fewer symptoms after finding the correct stimulant medication and dosage. There are two forms of stimulants, mainly in the form of immediate-release (which are short-acting, can last for up to four hours and tend to lead to a crash or rebound effect after the medication wears off) and extended-release (which are intermediate or long-acting, with some acting from six to eight hours, whilst others last for up to sixteen hours, and typically result in fewer 'ups and downs' during the day).
Stimulant drugs which are often used for ADHD include:
Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine (Adderall, Adderall XR, Mydayis).
Methylphenidate (Aptensio XR, Concerta, Cotempla XR-ODT, Daytrana).
Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine, Dexedrine Spansule, Dextrostat).
Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin, Focalin XR).
Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse).
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Non-stimulants are prescription medications, though they are not controlled substances, meaning that it is less likely to improperly use or become dependent on them. Non-stimulants for ADHD work by increasing the levels of norepinephrine in the brain and take longer than stimulants for the full effects to be felt. Non-stimulants are generally prescribed if stimulants are ineffective, if the ADHDer in question has intolerable side effects from stimulants and if they are combined with a stimulant to increase effectiveness.
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Though the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) hasn't specifically approved antidepressants for the treatment of ADHD, healthcare providers sometimes prescribe them alone or in combination with a stimulant to help decrease the symptoms of ADHD, as these typically work on the dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain.
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Diagnoses that are often Comorbid with ADHD
Low self-esteem (this isn't so much a diagnosis as it is a result of being shamed for not being 'normal' and for 'insufficient' masking).
Various anxiety disorders including Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD).
Chronic stress and tension.
Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating Patterns.
Substance Abuse.
Headaches and migraines.
Sleep problems, which includes finding it difficult to get to sleep at night and having irregular sleeping patterns.
Dyspraxia, which is a condition that affects physical coordination.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), which is defined by negative and disruptive behaviour, particularly towards authority figures.
Learning difficulties, such as dyslexia.
Tourette's Syndrome, which is a condition of the nervous system, characterised by a combination of involuntary noises and tics.
Epilepsy, a condition that affects the brian and causes repeated fits or seizures.
Research Regarding Gender and ADHD
There has been some research done on how ADHD affects both men and women, with it being commonly noted that men tend to display more hyperactive and impulsive behaviour, while women are more likely to have inattentive ADHD. In fact, particularly because the symptoms of inattentive ADHD tend to be 'less disruptive', women are less likely to be diagnosed than men, which is considered to be one of the reasons for why men are diagnosed with ADHD more often than women.
Moreover, according to a study in 2014 suggests that people with ADHD are more likely to question their gender. In fact, within this study on gender variance in people living with ADHD and ASD, participants with ADHD were 6.64 times more likely to express gender variance. However, according to Cate Osborn, an ADHD advocate and certified sex educator, states that ADHD doesn't 'cause' people to question their gender or experience gender dysphoria, rather suggesting that individuals with neurodivergence are predisposed to reject rigid yet arbitrary social norms, including the gendered expectations of society.
Sources (excluding mere definitions)
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missfrieden · 6 months
Tech as a father Chapter 41
Tech thinking he is really logical, infact just an idiot in love. I was thinking if that is typical for him, and in the end with all considered. We all act like total fools when in love.
Chapter 41: Logically subtle
Tech diligently monitored the supplies and ensured everything was organized for the temple's reconstruction. He double-checked his work, meticulous as always, and confirmed that the essential items were readily available for the Jedi and their mission. Before heading back in the Havoc Marauder for a moment.
Afterwards, he took a moment to make himself look more presentable again, adjusting his hair to its usual impeccable state. As he glanced over at Orion, now dressed in warmer clothes, he couldn't resist a soft smile. Tech was keenly aware of the importance of keeping Orion close, and he placed the infant carefully in his carrier, securing him snugly. With the carrier comfortably settled against his chest, Tech moved over to a quiet corner of their makeshift kitchenette and prepared a few formula bottles. His fatherly instincts were as sharp as his technical skills, and he wanted to ensure that Orion would have everything he needed when he woke up. Tech might be a clone, but his dedication to the wellbeing of his son was unwavering.
Tech meticulously inspected the supplies, even though he knew the chances of theft were slim. Hunter's orders were clear, and Tech was committed to following them. He moved through the rows of materials, his attention divided between the calculations in his datapad and ensuring the supplies were secure. And Tech is aware why Hunter told him to do it, without the time to switch his rhythm. Hunter wanted to keep him and Amanda apart, logically it made sense. But that does not mean Tech likes it.
Orion remained peacefully asleep in his carrier, snuggled comfortably against Tech's chest. Tech had removed the upper part of his armour to make it more comfortable for the infant, a small but meaningful adjustment that demonstrated his devotion as a father. As he crunched the numbers on his datapad, Tech considered various factors that could affect the duration of the temple's reconstruction. He factored in the available resources, the number of workers, and the extent of the damage. His analytical mind was always at work, seeking to optimize the efficiency of their mission and provide the best possible outcome. Tech couldn't help but explore every avenue, even as he meticulously checked the machinery used for the temple's reconstruction. His analytical mind constantly sought to optimize processes and find ways to improve efficiency, but today, his motivations were tinged with a more personal desire.
As he examined the equipment, he pondered the possibility of extending their efforts to spend more time with Amanda. The thought of having a few more precious days with her and Orion filled him with longing. He knew it was a selfish wish, considering their duty, but he couldn't help himself. Tech's commitment to his squad was unwavering, but his heart was divided between his responsibilities and his love for Amanda and Orion. As he continued to tinker with the machinery, he couldn't shake the hope that he might find a way to grant himself just a bit more time with them. And it was simple to tweak the machines, making them a bit slower in general. He can always argue, in his logical way, about to delate the wear and tear.
When the sun breaks through, Tech finally passes his brothers, to get some rest himself. Tech carefully cradled Orion in his arms, waking him gently. The infant stirred and yawned, his bright blue eyes blinking sleepily. Tech knew it was time for him to eat, and he was always diligent about ensuring Orion's needs were met. As he settled down in his bunk, Tech prepared the breastfeeding pillow, creating a cosy spot for Orion to nurse. He removed some of the layers of warm clothing he had dressed Orion in, making sure his son was comfortable during the feeding. Tech cherished these quiet moments with Orion, where it was just the two of them. Orion latched onto the bottle, and Tech watched him with affectionate pride. His mind may have been filled with calculations and strategies, but in these moments, all that mattered was the bond between a father and his son. As Orion ate, Tech couldn't help but smile at the tiny, wiggling fingers that occasionally reached out to touch his face. It was a simple, beautiful connection that he cherished above all else.
Tech expertly guided Orion through the post-feeding routine. After burping him gently, ensuring that Orion was comfortable. Then, he gently scooped his son up and placed him on the changing surface. Tech efficiently changed Orion's diaper, making sure everything was clean and dry. He was meticulous in his care for his son, always ensuring that Orion was comfortable and content. Despite the challenges and uncertainties of their lives, these moments of fatherhood were the ones that brought him the most joy and purpose. Orion's tiny hand grasped at his finger, and Tech couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness.
As Tech settled back into his bunk with Orion, he couldn't help but dwell on the delicate balance they were trying to maintain. He knew that Amanda should have the opportunity to experience these tender moments with Orion, just as he did. However, the ever present threat of the Kaminoans' suspicions weighed heavily on his mind. Tech was well aware that the Kaminoans were already suspicious, especially given Amanda's close presence. They seemed to be narrowing in on her as a potential mother. The risk was simply too great. They couldn't afford to expose Amanda or Orion to any more danger.
He looked down at Orion, who was now starting to drift back to sleep, his tiny fingers curled around Tech's. Orion succumbing to a full belly nap. Tech couldn't deny that he yearned for Amanda to share these moments with Orion, but he also knew that keeping them safe was their top priority. For now, he would continue to be the one who cared for and protected their son, even if it meant sacrificing moments that should rightfully belong to both of Orion's parents. Tech carefully hung his datapad on a fixture within arm's reach, ensuring it was secure. He had mixed feelings about using a screen to occupy Orion, but given the circumstances, it was a necessary choice. As he activated a technical show, he chuckled at the irony of it all. He, who was often so absorbed in his datapad, was now using it to keep Orion entertained.
With Orion starting to drift back to sleep, Tech couldn't help but think about the night before. Orion had slept peacefully through his watch duty, which was a relief. Now, as he settled Orion down for another nap, Tech began to pre plan for any possible disruptions during his rest. He knew that if Orion woke up, he needed to be ready to tend to his son's needs. Especially as Orion did sleep through the night.
Tech took a moment to glance at the show on the screen, making sure it was engaging enough to keep Orion occupied. Then, he lay down on his bunk, his senses attuned to any sound or movement from his son. Balancing parenthood with their precarious situation was no easy task, but Tech was determined to protect Orion and keep him as safe as possible. As Tech drifted into sleep, he found himself in a comfortable position on his side, one hand resting gently on Orion's little stomach. It was a soothing gesture, a way for him to stay connected to his son even in slumber. The rise and fall of Orion's breaths beneath his touch provided a sense of reassurance that everything was as it should be.
In this tender moment, Tech's mind began to relax, allowing the weariness of their situation to temporarily fade away. His breathing synchronized with Orion's, and for a while, they shared a peaceful sleep, father and son together in their quiet corner of the bunk area. Despite the challenges and uncertainties they faced, moments like these served as a reminder of the bond between them, a bond that Tech cherished more than anything else in the galaxy.
Chapter 42
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd
I wish all readers a happy Bad Batch Eve.
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zodiactalks · 6 months
How Much Zodiac Girlfriend CARE for PARTNER’S FEELINGS?
You’ve just started going on a few dates with a beautiful woman. She seems everything you’ve ever dreamed of, and you’re starting to feel like it’s a little too good to be true. What if she doesn’t care about your feelings?
What if she’s only in it for the free dinners, the presents, or the prestige of dating you? You can find out a lot about how caring she’ll be about how you feel by her Zodiac sign, so just ask her when her birthday is and you’ll know everything you need to know.
To put it plainly, Aries women only care about themselves. They are too egotistical to look beyond their own interests and understand that their partner has feelings too, and that they should consider them before making a decision. They are quick to act.
They might be so rash so as not to stop and consider how their actions may affect their partner. They have good qualities for sure. They are strong and independent and won’t require much hand holding. But if you’re looking for someone nurturing and caring, you’re better off looking elsewhere.
Level 1/10
Taurus women have in their favor how grounded they are. They pay a lot of attention to the facts and tend not to make assumptions about what you feel. They stay present and they will consider your feelings as a factor.
They are slow when making a decision and they will definitely take you into account. They get a few points off for how stubborn they are. If they get attached to an idea, they will get their way no matter what. How that makes you feel will be totally irrelevant.
Level 6/10
Gemini women can be pretty careless about their partners’ feelings, sometimes to the point of being unintentionally cruel. They care more about thoughts and logic than about feelings. To be fair, it’s not personal, they don’t even place that much stock on their own feelings.
But their lack of emotional intelligence and empathy can certainly be a recipe for disaster. If you still want to date her, take into account that you’ll have to be patient with this aspect of the relationship. Pay attention to whether she’s receptive to learning and growing. If she insists that logic is always the way to go, perhaps it’s better if you part ways.
Level 1/10
Cancer women are among the most caring and nurturing of the Zodiac. Not only will she care about your feelings, she will sense them from a mile away. You’ll feel emotionally looked after like you’ve never been in your whole life. She will think about how every little action or word of hers might make you feel.
She’ll know when she offends you without you even having to tell her, and she’ll constantly communicate about both your feelings and hers, so the relationship can be solid and no party ever gets slighted. Honestly, she’s a catch. She’ll make an excellent partner who will stick with you through thick and thin.
Level 10/10
Leo is another rather selfish sign. They are all about their own emotions and expressing them, and they’ll expect you to be the epitome of a caring and empathetic partner, but there are double standards here, and the same rule doesn’t always apply to themselves.
They are not completely helpless, however – they will encourage you to express your own emotions in an assertive way, and they’ll teach you to express yourself in more efficient ways.
Level 4/10
Virgo women are very devoted to their partners, to the point that they put their wellbeing first. They pay a lot of attention to how you feel and how they made you feel. They will often even take responsibility for your emotions when they’re not at fault at all.
They’re absolutely selfless and they’ll do anything to lift up your mood if you’re sad. It doesn’t get more caring than this. Virgo women are amazing partners, and you’ll never be alone when it comes to processing your emotions if you are partnered up with a Virgo.
Level 10/10
If you’re upset, Libra will be desperate to make you feel better. They can’t stand being the cause of someone’s despair, especially their partner. Keeping you happy is one of their number 1 priorities, to the point that they’ll feel responsible if you’re sad because your boss is disappointed in you.
They will work hard not to ever hurt their feelings. They will be quick to apologize if they do. They are also all about diffusing the tension with humor. They will put you first, sometimes to their own detriment.
Level 9/10
One of Scorpio’s priorities is your emotions. Their ideal relationship is one where both parties are deeply interconnected emotionally. They always know how you feel just by being in your presence or by the tone of your texts. They understand that making you feel comfortable when it comes to feelings is the key to your heart.
They do get a point off because they might use their high emotional intelligence to purposefully hurt you. If they feel like you’ve wronged them, it’ll matter to them that you end up feeling as poorly as they did.
Level 9/10
Sagittarius women are too wrapped up in their own adventures to notice how you feel. They are not emotionally illiterate, but you’ll have to remind her to consider that factor, as their mind is elsewhere.
If she doesn’t receive any guidance or feedback from their partners, they’ll act as if emotions don’t exist at all. They are teachable, but their emotions lie elsewhere.
Level 1/10
Your emotions (and their own, for that matter) might not even make the top 10 of Capricorn’s priorities in a relationship. Both of your careers, financial standing, success, ambition, and dreams precede emotions.
How you feel is just an afterthought for them. They might even judge you if you are too emotional, to the point that your emotions are starting to get in the way of your performance at work or university.
Level 3/10
Aquarius women rationalize their emotions and they have a hard time feeling them themselves. Asking them to take into account the emotions of their partners might be too much to ask. It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that emotions are like a foreign language to them, one that they aren’t 100% fluent in.
They get one extra point for having good intentions, but they are honestly disastrous when it comes to taking into account the emotions of their partners. If you need a caring girlfriend who’s also rational, might we suggest a Virgo woman instead?
Level 2/10
Pisces is one of the most empathetic signs of the Zodiac. They absorb your emotions like sponges. If you experience negative emotions for too long, they’ll end up exhausted, and they might need space. They care about your emotions because they can affect them, both negatively and positively.
The thing is that they might seek their own self-preservation if your suffering is too great. They also tend to be rather scatter-brained and live in the clouds, and they might miss a few of your emotional clues just because they didn’t pay enough attention.
Level 7/10
Do you agree with our list or would you change a score or two?
Tell us in the comments!
Is it important for you to have a partner who cares about your feelings, like a Cancer or a Virgo, or can you compromise and have a partner that prioritizes other things, like a Capricorn?
We look forward to reading what you have to say.
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dr-abigail-richelieu · 3 months
Vampires were an extinct human subspecies, discovered and then de-extinct through morally questionable genetic engineering research in the year 1981 by The Genomic Innovation Institute (or G.I.I) in an attempt at finding cures for some neurological disorders through gene therapy and tweaked retroviruses. Thanks to these… Morally questionable experiments, It was discovered that some specific dormant genes were extremely widely spread throughout the population and that these genes could be reactivated in some individuals. In certain cases some of these genes express spontaneously. This gave rise to the theory that some neurological disorders could at least partly arise from the expression of these genes albeit in a very “broken” and rudimentary form. Essentially the treatments to cure certain types of neurological disorders turned out to activate some of these dormant genes, essentially turning the test subjects into what we now call a Vampire. The Genomic Innovation Institute decided to pursue research on this subspecies, hoping to turn a profit. Thanks to them, we now have a complex understanding of Vampires…
They were humanity's natural predator, emerging between 300,000 and 200,000 years ago, around the same time as Homo sapiens, or at least shortly after. They hunted our ancestors with brutal efficiency, to the point that even though we eventually forgot about them (before bringing them back from extinction), they remained engraved in our cultural memory. For lack of better words, they were the things we feared were in the dark.
It's difficult to identify ancient vampire remains, as their identifying traits are primarily neurological and soft tissue-related. However, their skeletal structure does have some minor differences, which allow for identification now that we know what to look for. It seems that vampires began going extinct around 2000 BCE, with their population drastically reducing as civilization emerged. Their extinction was due to more than one factor. 
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-Vampires were extremely antisocial, which makes sense for a predatory species whose prey resembled it that much. This however did complicate mating between vampires because vampires didn't just tend to ignore each other but would see other vampires as threats and would often attempt to dispatch each other upon contact. Since sexual dimorphism is quite lacking in Vampires, which not only resulted in both of the sexes looking very androgynous, it also meant that both Male and Female had essentially the same musculature and strength and general ferocity, sexual coercion would have most likely resulted in one or both of the party's demise or heavy maiming, rendering it extremely inefficient. Plus, vampires seemed to generally be very uninterested in copulation, though it did happen from time to time. Strangely enough all of this seemed to have made the idea of mating with humans more appealing for some Vampires which is why like with Homo Neanderthal, Vampiric DNA can be found in modern day humans. (The mating behaviours of Vampires will be discussed more thoroughly in another chapter)
-The Emergency of euclidean architecture seemed to have greatly affected vampires. We discovered that in their eyes, the receptor cells that respond to horizontal lines are cross wired with those that respond to vertical ones. When both are fired simultaneously in a specific way it'll result in quite a violent seizure. We call the effect “The Crucifix Glitch”. While the glitch will only trigger when intersecting right angles occupy more than 30° of visual arc, we discovered, thanks to our currents subjects, that the simple suggestion of the Crucifix Glitch being triggered is enough in 75% of cases to completely dissuade an attack, if they had been exposed to it previously (depending on the vampire's current emotional state). These seizure are quite violent, reminiscent of Tonic-Clonic seizures, but because of the vampire's particular muscular structure and their higher distribution of fast twitch muscle fibers, these seizures tend to result in dislocated limbs much more often than regular seizure. Plus, with the Vampire's unique neurochemistry, we suspect that the seizures are much more distressing for them. In conclusion, the seizures caused by the Crucifix Glitch are extremely traumatizing and painful for vampires to the point that any right angles, even if not in a context that could induce the glitch, will usually make a vampire extremely uncomfortable and anxious (work best if they've been exposed to the glitch at some point in their life). Because of this a lot of the vampires did not even dare to approach human settlements with euclidean architecture, which greatly complicated things for the overall survival of the species.
-Vampires make for terrible parents. Given their natural antisocial behaviour, it’s unsurprising that they aren’t the best caregivers. Despite their longer lifespans, one might expect them to invest more time and effort in their offspring, but this is not the case. In fact, it’s quite the opposite; their longer lifespans and fertility lead them to essentially not value their offspring, as they can always have another later on in life. The father is most likely going to be completely absent, as he typically feels no compulsion to ensure the survival of his offspring. The mother, on the other hand, while interested in her child's survival, is not as invested as one might expect from a primate species. She won't hesitate to abandon her offspring if she considers it a liability. She'll usually take care of it up until it's pre teenage years where she'll abandon it. However, some exceptions to this were found, as we've recently found proof of a Vampire Pack, more on this in a later entry.
-Mating with humans: As previously mentioned, vampires tend to be awful parents, to the extent that some began mating with humans. Why? Because it was easier. Human mating rituals were simple for vampires to emulate, and once mating was complete, the male vampire could leave, confident that its offspring would be cared for. Meanwhile, the female vampire could stay with the human and be looked after during her pregnancy, a wolf in sheep's clothing, she could discreetly sustain her need for blood by feeding on humans in the tribe or even her mate. Once she gave birth, she could either leave or continue caring for her children with a continuous blood supply. Another tactic vampire would use to get out of raising their young is “Brood Parasitism”. They would kidnap human children and replace them with their own. We believe that this is what gave birth to the legends of “Changelings”.
Overall the extinction of Vampires wasn't due to one reason but a combination of many things. A reminder of how evolution might screw you over. You may have been a perfectly adapted predator but something seemingly insignificant can truly come back to bite you.
Speaking of biting, the infamous bite of Vampires while not exactly as described in myths, is nothing to joke about...
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This is from a setting of mine, where alot of cryptids, myths, etc are real or were directly influence by real events/creatures all explainable by science, kinda like the amazing YouTube Channel ThoughPotato This entry focuses on Vampires which biology and history is inspired and influenced by the Amazing Peter Watts and his just as amazing books Blindsight and Echopraxia (in fact this setting started out as a AU of his awesome universe)
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