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spite-and-waffles · 3 months ago
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Crossover fic writers are always on some Galaxy brain shit because I have been in both fandoms but would never have even thought of this pairing.
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Link to Video. (Please help Panda make money.)
Video description and transcript under the cut.
Description: TikTok video by The Panda Redd. Re-enactment of final scene of Under the Hood. All roles played by Panda (a tall, well-built young white man with a mohawk, wearing a grey hoodie). Setting is a dark basement lit only by a hanging light bulb.
Jason: (holding gun on Bruce) "Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me."
Batman: (glares silently)
Jason: "But why? Why on God's Earth—" (hits Joker across the face)
Joker (tied to a chair): *cackles*
Jason: "—is HE still alive??"
Batman: "I'm sorry, d'you want me to be serious here or—?"
Jason: (in disbelief) "YES, Bruce! I want you to be serious right now! If he had done what he did to me to you, I would've done nothing but search the earth for this pile of death-worshiping garbage!"
Joker: "I love you too, Sugar Plum."
Batman: (holds hands up) "Okay, yeah, I get that, totally, I get that. Um. Have you tried?"
Jason: "Excuse you?"
Batman: "Have you tried to kill him yet?"
Jason: (to Joker) "Is he being serious?"
Joker: (also confused) "I'm gonna be honest with you, Junior. I don't know."
Jason: "Got it. Great." (turns back to Batman) "What the fuck does THAT mean?"
Batman: "Okay, so no, you haven't. Cool. Do it."
Jason: (lowers gun) "What."
Batman: "Do it, cap his ass. Shoot him."
Joker: "I'm gonna go with Junior here, and say...what?"
Jason: "You want me to shoot him?"
Batman: "I want someone to shoot him! Give me the gun, I'll do it!"
Jason: (mutters, brain blue screening) "What is going on right now? This should a lot harder than it is."
Batman: "C'mon, son! You decapitated like eleven people three days ago! Fuckin' do it!"
Jason: "There, you happy? Jesus. Was that so hard? All of this time and it was THAT easy!"
Joker: (turns to Jason quizzically) "This has gotta be some sort of test, ri—"
(BANG! Jason fires. Joker lands on the floor lifeless, eyes still open.)
Batman: "I don't know what you're talking about "easy". There's nothing there." (nods at floor)
Jason: "What the fuck is that supposed to—" (looks down at floor where the Joker was lying)
Floor: (is devoid of Joker)
Jason: (stares)
Floor: (continues to be sans anything but carpet)
Jason: "What the fuck?"
Batman: "Yeah."
Batman: "Take as long as you need with this."
Jason: (looking around frantically) "I just shot him! He hit the floor! What the f—"
Floor: (is just vibin')
Jason: "Where the fuck did he go??"
Batman: "See that shit? That shit right there happens every fucking time!"
Jason: "There's not even a blood stain! It's just gone!"
Batman: "Yeah, like two days after you died, I chased him into a helicopter where he got shot like six times. The helicopter exploded and crashed into the ocean. And his body was gone before Superman could find it."
Jason: "Oh my God. I don't understand how this is even fucking possible!"
Batman: "He's like a cryptid! I don't fucking get it!"
Joker: (disembodied laughter) "AHAHAHAHA HAHAHA!"
Jason: (freaked out, turning in circles trying to find him) "Oh my God!"
Jason: "Dude. Fuck whatever's going on here, that's some fucking bullshit."
Batman: "Thank you! Finally someone gets it!"
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deadsetobsessions · 1 year ago
“Trust me.”
By the gods, he does. Even when the tell tale cracks of lies web through Tim’s face, even when Dick hears the waver in Tim’s voice, all but indiscernible to those who didn’t know his baby brother like he did, Dick still puts his faith in Tim.
He has no choice. Not when he’s chained to the wall, broken and beaten and bloody. Not when backup is too far away and Bruce and Jason is slumped over unconscious. Not when Tim has to choose between them or himself. Not when Dick knows that that’s never a choice he’ll take for himself.
“Come back soon, baby bird.”
How could he be angry at Tim for lying when Dick is doing the same? How could he be angry that Tim broke free before any of them did and incapacitated the villains on his own when Dick would have done the same if he could? How could Dick be angry- no, he is angry, that Tim chooses to sacrifice himself to save the. Because there is no other way? He would have done the same, if he could.
But he couldn’t. And it’ll cost him Tim. Dick doesn’t want to loose another brother.
Tim tips forward into the glowing white portal, and the world flashes white.
Dick doesn’t have a choice.
It’s only when he’s Nightwing again, with a Jason that had not died, does he remember.
“Wing?!” Jason catches him as he stumbles. Flamebird. Jason goes by Flamebird. Not Red Hood.
Dick stands, roughly brushing Jason off in a way he’ll have to apologize for later. But right now, the vigilante puts in behind him as he swivels wildly to look for the thing- no, the person that unlocked his memories of Before.
It’s only now, does Dick understand what his heart’s been trying to tell him for years.
It’s only now, does he understand who he’s been missing for, for years.
It’s only when he’s facing the large lenses of a camera in front of pained, longing eyes, does Dick Grayson comprehend what he lost and who gave him everything he has now.
“Baby bird-!” The nickname tears out of him as Nightwing, as Dick, stumbles towards the curled up figure of his baby brother.
“Nightwing, what…?”
“Dick…?” Their stalker, Dick’s baby brother, asks, hope marring his voice.
“Baby bird.” He chants, pulling Timothy Drake into a hug, uncaring of the way the camera digs into him. “You’re here. You’re alive.”
Tim curls into the hug, hands gripping the back of the Nightwing suit.
“You remember…?”
“I missed you. Always. There was something missing and it was you, and you did it- we’re alive-!”
“I told you to trust me.”
And despite the sass, Dick could hear the waver in Tim’s voice. And this time, he’s free to act on it. Dick squeezes his little brother closer.
“I will always trust you, baby bird.”
“Uh. Wing. What the fresh fuck is happening?”
Dick pulls back, ready to cheerfully manhandle Tim into becoming a part of the Bats once more. He’d do something about Tim’s overworking habits, but even Dick knows a loosing battle when he sees one.
“Jay, this is Tim. “
“Wait. Someone shot Tarantula. Was that you…?”
“Heh,” Tim grins at him sheepishly behind a Batburger.
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randomfansstuff · 2 months ago
saw your post on peter in gotham and am begging for fic recs!
this might be my moment.
Disclaimer: I am more of a spiderman gal than a dc girlie, so I can't judge how in character the DC Characters are. All the fics I rec had them as interesting characters that I enjoy despite not knowing anything about them. Additionally, all my recs are from ao3 Let's go 😌
Fics Under The Cut
Peter the Pizza Guy by Irisen
Peter needs money to survive in Gotham and picks up a pizza delivery job. Post-NoWayHome
39/?Chapters, 197k (currently)
- genuninely one of my favorite Peter and Jason Todd characterizations I've ever seen, also the BAMF Peter here is actually amazing. the author knows what they're dealing with in regards to Peter's powers. also the fight scenes?! actual chefs kiss. many chapters had me at the edge of my seat. This fic really shows how connected Peter is to Spider-Man on a mental health level. Peter loves being Spider-Man, but his failure in NHW makes him feel like he doesn't deserve being him. URGH, IT'S SO GOOD. from what I know, a sequel is already in the works, and honestly I'm almost as excited for that as I am for that new spiderman animated show coming out this month LMFAO
Dark Matter by mysterycyclone
The last thing Peter sees is Tony's horrified, heartbroken expression leaning over him. The guilt in his eyes is almost worse than the burning pain that's taking Peter apart piece by piece. The world starts to go dark. Post-InfinityWar
46/46Chapters, 241k words
- how can I ever make a peter goes to gotham fic rec list without including Dark Matter? for those that don't know, this is THEEEEEEEEE og Peter in Gotham fic. I don't know if it was the first, but I can tell you finding a Peter in Gotham fic NOT inspired by DM is almost impossible. This one gets points all across the board. It has an amazing mix of Peter Whump while also staying truthful to the hope his character encompasses. Amazing Peter introspection, and I love the way it handles Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown and Duke Thomas.
The Ones Burnt by This_is_lovin
Spider-man in gotham, just with identity. Post-NoWayHome
35/35Chapters, 199k
- okay guys. I have not yet finished reading this fully because of how emotionally compromised I was after finishing the first Act 😭 I never thought a fic could make me care this much about side characters. While in Gotham, the setting is very reminiscent of "little guy" stuff with Peter having to live day-to-day life, and the author manages to make this atmosphere known so, so well. Peter also has to act without his spider powers here, which is such an interesting thing I haven't read before. Very good Peter Whump that doesn't get overbearing though. He's sad, but he's still Peter fucking Parker yk
Leap of Faith by alighterwood,ErinWantsToWrite
Peter’s heart swells at the thought. He needs heroes! They’ll be able to help him! The first thing that pops up is a website- JusticeLeague.Org. NoCorrelationToCanonTimeline
18/?Chapters, 460k
- OKAY. In this one, the authors took the canon mcu timeline and decided to do whatever the hell they want with it. which I have massive respect for, mind you. Peter is fourteen years old here, which means he's a little more immature but I enjoyed the way he pushes himself through gotham. one of the few fics where he actually wants to return home, too. my favorite point in this fic, however, is a certain tag. if you dont look at tags, and dont want to be spoilered, look away NOW. Okay so, we all know Nightwing is Richard Dick Grayson, right?! And like, Peter's dads name is RICHARD Parker, so some authors like to utilize this and say that they are the SAME person but different timelines/universes. And I am in love with that idea. The amount of drama it brings to the table? Guys this is what I read fanfiction for. Genuinenly the amount of plot you can get from just that idea alone is insane. The fix utilizes this very well, and I also like a lot of the action it has :D
That's it for now! I'm currently slightly fixated on these types fanfictions, and there's a LOT more I can rec you if you want. So, if you want more recs, feel free to send me another ask lol
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morphean42 · 5 months ago
Rewatching Falsettos, as one does, and I noticed in Four Jews Marvin and Jason have Shepards staffs, while Whizzer and Mendel have straight sticks.
Marvin is trying to keep his Tight Knit Family together, he’s attempting to “shepard” them according to his will. He most certainly views himself as the leader of the TKF, though the religious part is questionable. His stick is a Shepards Crook, large enough to fit around the neck of a sheep and move them where he thinks they should go. Interestingly, Moses is depicted as having a Shepards Staff often, so this may connect to Marvin’s sort of “I’m the leader” mentality as well. However, when we see the Red Sea split in the song, Mendel is the one in the front. This could sort of show how Marvin views Mendel (Moses receives the Ten Commandments in the Torah) as the person to look to for guidance through life— he is his psychiatrist after all— but still desires the control the role of Moses would give him.
Jason, having the same type of staff, reflects how similar they are. We see throughout the show Jason’s fears of becoming his dad, as he already shares so many similarities with him. He has the potential to turn into Marvin, to try and control those around him as if they were sheep, but he is still young. His staff is smaller— he can’t fully force anyone around yet. One might say his stick is what’s called a Leg Cleek, intended on hooking only the back legs of sheep. Jason doesn’t have the ability to steer, but he can still grab onto those around him. Often, Moses is depicted as having the same sort of curved staff, and something interesting to me is this connection between Jason and Moses. Moses, according to the Torah, dies within sight of the promised land— Jason also seems to have everything he could want within his grasp (a father who loves him, a family that doesn’t fight so much anymore, Whizzer back in his life) before losing it with the death of Whizzer Brown.
Whizzer and Mendel don’t have these curved staffs, instead having simple walking sticks. This shows how they are sort of outsiders in the show— Marvin and Jason are father and son, while Whizzer and Mendel are the additions, the “step-fathers” one might say. They don’t fit quite into the group, but the sticks are still important.
In the Torah, after a plague, Moses’s brother Aaron has a rod that sprouts ripe almonds to prove the tribe of Levi’s right to priesthood. Obviously the story is a little more complicated than that, and while I can’t claim his rod was specifically not a Shepards Staff but rather a straight one, most art depicts it without a curve. Whizzer and Mendel represent this sort of ‘miracle’ almost, they save Marvin and Trina respectively. They both allow their lovers to be happy, the opportunity to be themselves outside of the marriage that was ruining them.
Ironically, almonds can represent faithfulness. Marvin was not faithful to his wife, obviously, but in a way through Whizzer became faithful to himself. He leaves Trina to be who he truly is— a gay man. Whizzer and Mendel baring this type of stick proves how they bring a faith into the lives of these two broken people, restoring their happiness.
So anyway, Four Jews in a Room Bitching is a dope ass song and even the fucking sticks mean something in Falsettos— I’m going insane.
I apologise if I’ve completely misrepresented the religious stuff, I wasn’t really raised with religion at all and am just now starting to connect with it.
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there-must-be-a-lock · 8 months ago
Jason Todd/Frank Castle ship manifesto and rec list!
For @dc-marvel-crossovers Pool Noodle Party.
These two are both scary motherfuckers when they want to be. Between the guns and the vengeance — yeah, the surface-level similarities are clear. But they’re also people whose core motivations are a) loss and b) a sense of justice. They lost faith in the ability of others to protect the people they love, and so they decided to do it themselves. They get a lot of shit from the other vigilantes in their respective circles for their methods of doing so; I think the lack of judgment coming from the other person would absolutely draw them together.
And at first glance, I think they can both easily be written off as angry characters, but both of them have a massive soft, caring streak under all that Kevlar and grumbling. It comes out mostly in the way they look out for (and fight on behalf of) the innocent — women, children, dogs… they’re both natural caretakers, but they’re rarely allowed to express it, and I think that caretaking is a huge part of what I love about the idea of their dynamic. They only allow themselves to be soft and to be taken care of because they’re with someone who also respects their strength.
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Fic recs! Most of this tag belongs to the amazing @mightymightygnomepriest and @bittercape! Please go check out their work if you want more of this pairing — every one of their fics is great, not just the ones I’m quoting here.
forever trusting who we are by @bittercape - like I said, it’s the caretaking for me! This is peak softness, and I love the lived-in feel of the unspoken communication that comes from a long term relationship.
The rhythm of checking and mending gear is a familiar one, and Jason is comforted by the hiss of the whetstone against an already-sharp blade, as familiar as breathing.
Slightly less familiar is the way Frank leans against him when he comes back from packing up their gear. His weight is heavy against Jason’s back, seeking contact like a big cat.
can’t start a fire without a spark by @mightymightygnomepriest - Frank is literally in the rain trying to rescue a puppy in this. It’s so ridiculously endearing. There’s also caretaking (of course) and some sexy sexy sex.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jason catches sight of a calendar. He wonders if he’s been a good enough boy this year that Santa’s delivered him a dilf.
Probably not.
Even if We’re Just Dancing in the Dark by @daddyswickedqueen - a remix of the previous fic on the list, but god damn I love Sagacity’s take on this premise. The inner voices of both characters are so well done.
There’s a low laugh that could, in other meteorological conditions, make Jason shiver. Right now it’s too fucking cold and wet to tell.
Jason stays right where he is. This goddamn puppy is going to be warm and dry tonight or he’s going to commit war crimes. Again.
Parting is all we know of Heaven, (—and all we need of Hell.) by @andanotherlittlellama - Witcher fusion! I know very little about the Witcher fandom but was able to follow without problems, and the glimpse at the world was more than enough to have me wanting more. Great characterizations.
“I’ve been around for a while, kid,” says the Witcher, shifting. Automatically, Jason’s eyes snap to track the movement. You can’t not pay attention to that shit. He’s not even making any threatening gestures; he’s rubbing his temples with one hand and is propped up by the other. Nevertheless, Jason wants to curl his shoulders, bare his teeth and show he’s not easy prey.
Make This Easy by @thepartyresponsible - it has once again been 0 days since somebody in the crossover server recced a TPR fic, and for good reason. Significantly darker than the others on this list; this is not a happy story. But it involves one of my favorite descriptions of Jason of all time:
There’s some kind of predator under his skin, the same way there’s one under Frank’s. Maybe this kid’s teeth run a little closer to the surface, but Frank still recognizes his own. It’s just weird as hell to find someone like him caged up in a body like that. He wonders if that’s what he looked like in his early twenties, some unholy mashup of empty eyes and soft edges, baby fat barely lingering on a body already smelted into a weapon.
He was never that pretty, but Russo used to be. Maybe that burning match energy is something boys like them learn early. Self-immolation as a form of self-protection. Nobody’s going to get their hands on them if they’re already on fire.
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betterthanbatman1 · 1 year ago
bman and jason have a seriously strained relationship as is, and our braindead coma patients at DC have no interest in fixing it because Drama Sells, so what do you think would genuinely help these two get back to something real?
Ooh, great question, Anon! Thank you :)
So, right if the bat (pun intended) we know that Bruce and Jason don’t get along well, specifically because of their dissimilar morals.
In DC comics, Bruce only sees in a black or white, this or that way of thinking. It’s either ‘continue to fight crime and leave the rest to the justice system’ OR ‘focus on controlling crime and killing criminals to protect others’. Jason on the other hand sees both of these as opposing morals, and he also recognizes that there is a middle ground which is ‘get rid of the absolute worst of them’. Because Jason understands Bruce, he knows that nothing will make Bruce take a life or do things differently (I mean, his own death didn’t make a difference to Bruce’s morals), but Jason also believes that Bruce doesn’t have to change who he is, he just needs to accept that Jason’s methods are right for Gotham. Ultimately Bruce killing Joker for Jason would have helped their relationship, because Jason would have known that he was loved and his life was worth more than the clown’s. And in UTRH Jason says “I’m not talking about cobblepot or riddler or Dent… I’m talking about him, just him” Bare with me, I know that Jason says this regarding Bruce killing Joker for a different reason being -Joker’s crime was a lot more personal. However I still feel like regardless if Joker hadn’t killed Jason, Jason would still feel the same way about Joker- meaning he’d still think Joker deserves to die because of the sheer brutality and sadism and absolute power the clown has on Gotham & it’s people. (More than any other Gotham city rogues!)
So back to the point, if Bruce acknowledged (like Jason does!) the middle ground of killing the worst of the worst, then that would bring the two closer together.
Listen, I get that Bruce killing would forever change ‘The Batman’, but Bruce doesn’t have to kill people to accept the ideology because he knows Jason is right, he knows crime is down because of Jason. But NO!, DC has to make him beat the shit out of his son instead of having a fucking conversation.
Which brings me to this point. For some reason DC seems to think that these two have to fight no matter what. If they went to have soup with Alfred they’d still end up punching each other for whatever reason. It’s ridiculous. Is this what they think readers want? I completely agree with you, Anon. Drama sells, unfortunately.
The next point is that Bruce needs to actually have faith in his son because guess what?, Jason needs his father’s support to do good. Actual good. Bruce second guessing Jason and not trusting him with missions is exactly what gets Jason frustrated, causing him to feel inferior, worthless, or unlovable in Bruce’s eyes. From a psychological perspective, if Bruce trusted Jason and told him he trusted him, Jason would feel so much better about himself and their relationship. It’s so much better for a child to prove their parents are right for trusting them (motivating them positively) than having a child strive to prove their parents wrong (motivating them negatively). Bruce needs to stop being so condescending and Jason will finally feel heard. Bruce treats him like a child which is just so wrong and demeaning.
Last point is that Bruce needs to spend more time with Jason as Bruce and not as Batman. Sometimes Jason needs his father and that’s okay. It’s up to Bruce to be there for him. Whether Jason is an adult or not, he should be able to feel like he can call or visit or ask for help from Bruce without Bruce getting angry or telling him he’s off the mission.
At this point DC just needs to get the whole family seeing some therapists.
In conclusion, things that would help mend Bruce and Jason’s relationship:
Finding a common middle ground among their morals
Bruce should not beat his sons regardless if they are ‘criminals’ in his eyes or not
Bruce killing the Joker (this would bring Jason closer to Bruce, but it does cause some changes in Bruce’s character).
COMMUNICATION (this is the first step in therapy probably)
Having them be partners and act like partners. Bruce needs to get off his high horse and stop being so condescending to Jason.
Similar to the above-Bruce needs to trust Jason and make sure Jason knows Bruce trusts him.
Spend more time outside of crime fighting. Idk go watch a baseball game or go fishing. Have some family dinners and talk about the times when things were easy and fun and silly, before everything went to shit. Jason deserves his dad and Bruce deserves his son.
Therapy (The whole family would benefit).
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clarajohnson · 1 year ago
the magicians s1e12
guys i'm having so much fun with this rewatch (recap reminds me that richard killed his son through neglect and q betrayed alice with the threesome and julia's about to get duped by a fake goddess) um
this kitchen reminds me of the season 4 apartment but i'm having fun so i'm not gonna think about season 4
such a small thing but i have beef with the dude imbuing kady with faith by doing something for her like. i guess we disagree on what faith is!
you can't unring a bell so be certain when you call, julia!
poor penny getting stuck babysitting three neurotics and one alice (not neurotic relative to everybody else In This One Thing)
cannot get over q being the one who initiated it. i just can't.
jesus christ jason ralph is so hot
in 2015 you could sell an audience on the badassery of a line just by including the term patriarchy
please alice drinking triple sec :'''-)
we talk about alice's style being sexy librarian but it reads much more to me as a girl who knows she could fall at any second into twee oblivion so she's styling it in dark colors. i'm waiting for an owl necklace.
ooh! dionysus, okay!
i did NOT remember her hooking up with richard. but. i'm fine with it.
mannnnn i love julia wicker so much she is the epitome of the girl with an inch-thick tough exterior filled with love all the rest of the way through she is so special and good
fucking "didn't think you had that in you" go to hell quentin! oh MY cheating is okay YOUR consensual sex outside of a relationship is BAD! again this is why i hated him the first time around
How I was feeling about Quentin would have got us all killed. :l
i kind of feel like if he was a real person i would have bullied quentin coldwater or at least been very rude to him. sorry quentin!
lol the "janet" "actually it's margo" "this time" joke went over my head last time
truth serum is toxic and banned? interesting
"oh i was kind of poking around in the dark with that one" lollll my baby
quentin WOULD always bring up groundhog day. also he's actually stronger than me because if fogg told me i'd been killed in these exact circumstances 39 times i would absolutely lose all hope and try and beat the beast to the punch
penny has chemistry with everybodyyyyy
i'm in love with julia's pier one ass apartment
julia and q's reunion gets me so good !!!!! so bad !!!! "you smell the same" wow you guys should be friends forever for your entire lives and you WILL be!
julia calling god magic "some pretty eclectic shit" like it's a limited run pressing of a neutral milk hotel b-side
cool, useless, kind of gross
julia's destiny is to find a whole new kind of magic. do we think this happens? what is this referring to do we think?
the LOOK q gives julia after "richard gave it to me" so much immediate understanding and shit-stirring delight
it's crazy, like, not crazy but crazy that eliot stays so torn up about mike
"yeah, no, it still sounds bad."
JOSH HOBERMANNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please i did not remember that they were all going to fillory in like fucking ren fair cosplay
MAGIC IS FOR FIXING THINGS JULIA SAYS (also "if fixing things was easy everyone would do it" because somebody needs to fucking validate quentin now and then)
despite my indignation on julia's behalf i do love the choice of isolating her from the academic environment of brakebills, i think it adds a new dimension and texture to her knowledge and understanding and engagement with the world around her and i like that so much
it's fucking crazy that q and jules just... do horomancy. like horomancy is such a big fucking thing the rest of the show and in this ep they just do it!
alice's light bending feels so much like a superpower, it's so rare that they let magic seem that magical but they let it happen there and i love that
margo hanson i love you and your gun forever
the moment jules and q step through the telephone booth always kind of gets me it's so much of what the promise of the show can be it's so lovely
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rosemariad · 1 year ago
Supernatural Season 11 Part 2
part 1 here
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Chuck is God!!!!! Ughhhhhhhh. So that’s why he was a’ prophet’ huh? That’s why he was the author of the supernatural book series in the show??!?!?!?!! Cuz he was God and posing as a human, hiding in plain sight? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
Writers probably thought themselves clever for that but they kinda gave it away, especially in his cameo in 10x05
That’s why he kept saying those things the way he did (or maybe not) “This wasn’t supposed to happen…” the apocalypse was supposed to play out as planned - Sam & the devil become one, Dean gives himself over to Michael - archangel cage match - world ends. But God chuck just let it rock when the Winchesters diverted from destiny? But the apocalypse keeps coming back in one way or another - the Leviathan cuz of what Cas did in seasons 6 & 7.
The Mark of Cain from the OG Cain, Abbadon
Metatron fucking shit up cuz he’s a spiteful hoe!
But of all the bodies he could’ve made for himself - he chose a tiny white man?!?!!? Really? Not gonna lie, Rob Benedict is super cute but as the vessel of God, nah son. Be morris chestnut or Morgan freeman like In Evan Almighty or even Jason Mamoa. Be a large and in charge imposing person. Or even a woman - why not? It’s fiction - given what’s they’ve said at this point about Christianity, Catholicism, God, angels and such, why not?
Metatron high key doing the usual when confronted with the Creator. Asking all them questions - the whys - why did you leave us? Why didn’t you help us? Why this, why that - why, why, why?
God ain’t no mood to answer questions - he ain’t got no time for that.
How I feel about the whole God thing - its weird for me to watch this show cuz I was raised Catholic by my momma and my uncle who I stayed with for a time converted to Christianity which I am more inclined to believe in honestly - the praying to saints thing I never really got - they’re just devotees & martyrs who devoted their lives to - you guessed it - God. But given all I’ve been exposed too. And I’ve heard the Gospel and all that - at the end of the day - God doesn’t owe us anything. There are many people out there who’ve been exposed or encountered God and the Christian/Catholic faith especially in the Western hemisphere in some way and they’ve been turned off God and religion cuz of certain events that happen in their life and they prayed and their lives didn’t get better. No miracles came their way. But that’s not the point - God doesn’t owe us anything. The fact that we’re here, that we exist for better or worse - that’s enough. That may trigger some but it’s the truth as far as I see it. We owe God but God doesn’t owe us.
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Though an argument could be posed - at least for this show - that because God made us he has some responsibility to the beings he made - which is what I think Metatron, Dean and others are trying to express to Chuck in the show. But clearly, Chuck doesn’t wanna be responsible and as the creator of the universe- he doesn’t have to be and that’s terrifying to the beings at his mercy, i.e. everyone lol.
Back to the show lol. Family drama between the devil and God - Luci acting like a petulant child. Like he’s God, he’s not just your dad. Why would he feel he’s in the wrong. I guess i’m on God’s side - that makes me bad doesn’t it. I mean i’m rooting for the Winchesters but I get God’s point - he just doesn’t wanna say it because the Winchesters will hate him - as the creator he doesn’t owe anyone an apology. And God made a counter argument - if Luci were in God’s position and had a rebellious subordinate that was going out of their way to corrupt and destroy his creation- what would the devil have done - and I believe God’s point was that the devil would have done the same thing more or less. And I think he’s right. But in the end God apologized to his devil child. Lol see what I did there ;P
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We meet Donatello this season too. Wonder how long this guy’s gonna last :/
Lol he said - ”but I’m an atheist” - like that fucking matters please! Then when he meets Chuck, he gets all nervous and starstruck. Way to stick to your non beliefs lol. I get he got concrete proof but no pushback at all? Chuck’s response - I believe in ME. He ain’t sweating nothing, as the real God wouldn’t!
Amara torturing the devil - HA! As far as I’m concerned he got off easy. So did Crowley for that matter but then again - if this show had been on HBO they would’ve been as brutal as GoT - I don’t even wanna imagine so we’ll just move on.
Chuck found Dean’s porn stash - wonder what specifically he had on there 😏
Moving on!
Metatron died!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!!!!! Woooooooo! I’m just surprised he decided to sacrifice himself I mean really?!?!?!?! He was always so slimey and self-serving/preserving. It was odd but anything to get rid of him I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️
Also - this is God’s sister we’re talking about - she is his equal. One depowered former angel ain’t gonna do shit against her. The combined smiting power of all remaining angels of heaven couldn’t even hurt her. I mean are you joking?
He died as he lived - a troll.
What an interesting little chapter God has written for himself here cuz I don’t believe for a second he was ever in any danger. Chuck is just a role he’s playing and he returned to the fold cuz of the fallout from Dean losing the mark of Cain. I think he enjoys being Chuck so he can shirk the responsibility of being Him. Everyone wants him to help, to be there, to be this benevolence that Chuck doesn’t feel he’s beholden to be.
Anyway - the Winchesters & Chuck amass a strike force - but in retrospect did any of them believe it was gonna work - I mean. Originally I think they said God and his archangels - Michael, Lucifer, Raphael AND Gabriel worked together to take Amara down. But they only have one archangel - what the fuck happened to Michael they should’ve brought him back - Luci’s in Cas so Cas can’t do anything but bring in the angels for support - Crowley, Rowena, the only thing they excel out is outliving the Winchesters’ friends tbh - and chuck who didn’t really do anything - I mean talk about delegating XD
All that effort - angels AND demons and while they did some damage to Amara - gotta build up some endurance girl! - and all that was done was fuck up her makeup. What was that staff by the way - that actually managed to hurt her but when presented with the prospect of being sealed away again, girl was NOT having it! She tried to kill God right there!
And sam was gonna take on the mark of Cain, really?!?!?!?!?!? The hell?!?!?!?!?! Chuck you ain’t slick. He wants the brothers to kill each other - really makes me wonder how many sets of brothers were subject to this aside from the Winchesters and Cain & Abel. I know I said that in my season 10 recap but still!!!!
Lol when the Winchesters said they’d respect each other’s choices to sacrifice themselves - ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - what a load of crap!
Cas got freed of the devil - so yay? Dean is relieved to get his angel back. But he goes on to bro-zone him. Not even friend zoned but bro-zoned OML 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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And of course when the shitty plan to defeat their big bad antagonist goes tits up, the only natural response is - TO DRINK!! Lol Rowena cuddling up to God - funny considering those actors are together nowadays.
The men of letters - not gonna bring them up - I don’t give a shit 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 clearly they’re gonna be an unwelcome addition to season 12
With some further brainstorming they deduce that a) Amara can be killed with a mega soul bomb, making me think about b) dragon ball Z when Goku would use the spirit bomb (not exactly the same but I find it similar) but c) that’s kinda fucked up - what happens to all those souls???? I didn’t care for that at all.
Since Dean is the one with the ‘profound bond’ (what else am I gonna call it?) with Amara, Dean’s gonna get the bomb put inside him so he can kamikaze himself along with Amara.
And what would’ve happened to Dean then? Go to heaven? I guess we’ll never know.
Dean’s Rowena imitation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The fact that Cas wanted to go with Dean 🥺
How Dean smiled in the angel’s embrace.
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At the end of the day though, all that was needed to save the day was a calm family discussion between bro and sis, with Chuck and Amara disappearing into (where did they go?!??!?!?!) somewhere…….cuz Amara just changed her mind. Okay….
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But finally - Mommy’s back
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Dean was shooketh. This would’ve also been an interesting opportunity to bring back John. And ADAM!!!!!!!!!
Why stop at mom, bring back the whole fam for a long season of dramatic family drama, have Supernatural go full soap ahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Wow I had a lot to say about this season - didn’t plan on that but only 4 more seasons after this. What a ride its been so far.
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brutaliakent · 2 years ago
// Not Tim Drake friendly
Like idk how to start this but I'll just profess by saying that majority of what I talk about is about his fanon characterisation and if you get offended then in the nicest way possible idgaf
Like why is Tim so fucking infantalized in fanon like some of his fans so obsessed with making him oppressed and a victim when he's not. Its like him in comics canon and him potrayed by fandom by 90% of fics I've read are two totally different person.
He's like a mediocre person in comics at best, I dont like him but I dont mind him either. Also he is written as a misogynist and his treatment of his gfs is abominable but I let it slide cuz maybe it was the writers fault idk
But the way fans potray him to be this holier than thou- never doing anything wrong and smartest robin (cue eyeroll) is wild and wholey inaccurate cuz like he's not. Canonically they're all similar iq and they're all trained by a detective so they're quite good at it, Dick was a mathelete and Jason had solid GPA of 94.8 and Tim dropped out of school to search for Bruce. He is tech savvy and good at computers but he's not the only one from the batfamily to be that is he, I'd say Barbara is the best at that but don't forget Dick used to be a hacker too like I've seen some of yall treat him as this one dimensional sunshine person who has eldest daughter syndrome but like he also has temper and he's clever and sharp and if I'm not wrong he even as degree in Business in main dc universe but that's besides the point
Also headcanoning him as asian feels weird and very playing into stereotype of asians being this super smart people (when there's no proof he's anything but white in canon)
Fanon also for some strange reasons hold on to Jason and Damian trying to kill him and saying how much it would have caused him trauma while completely removing him from the scene except for that scenario. Let me explain for example Damian trying to kill him where they forget the instigator of some are Tim too like he was legit 17 yr old beefing with 10 yr old bffr, did we also collectively ignore him putting the same 10 yr old on a hitlist like... yall act like this was a buffet and you can pick and choose but the thing is that you can pick and choose what to accept from canon but if you're picking Tim being attacked by Dami then maybe mention what he did too instead of victimizing him
Just kinda throwing it in here cuz we're talking about it, Dick didnt fire Tim from Robin because of bad faith, I'm pretty sure it was Alfred who gave Damian the Robin suit first but Dick didnt want Tim to be Robin because Dick saw Tim as an equal rather than a sidekick.
Also the big deal of Jason's attack on Titans Tower irks me a little but like pls remember that Jason made a last minute decision to go there and just beat the shit out of Tim and that's it and it wasnt nice of him to do that but I support his wrongs too
Since we're talking about Titans Tower fics anyways I also find it incredibly peculiar that writers (fanfic) potray him much younger than he was like Tim was 17 during UTRH and around 19 during Teen Titans #29
(Also pretty sure like 99.9% sure that Jason calling Tim 'Replacement' also came from fanon and it was from j*yt*m shippers so like 😵‍💫,, although Jason did call him 'Pretender' in Batman Hush a few times)
(Also highjacking this to talk about Pit madness cuz for some reason there are too many fics about it so like please remember that pit madness and the extent of it is just a fanon thing there is no proof of it happening for more than 5 mintues in canon and Jason was not the only one besides Ra's to use it but Cassandra has also been in the pit... So like yeah Jason did some fucked up shit post resurrection and he did it willingly no supernatural green pool was involved and its ok ❤️, like let him be his own person)
That went majorly off tangent,,, anyways also Tim was never abused physically or otherwise by his parents, they neglected him and child abandonment too for sure (ALSOOOO He spent more thanhalf of his school life in boarding school so it probably won't count as child abandonment but I dont know if its canon to main universe so I'm just putting it out there)
Adding to that is a fanfic issue that is around the potrayal of him in fics where Jason didnt die or wouldn't die and Tim joined the family early, most of those are pretty harmless and wholesome and this is not the critique of those writers so don't take personally but idk how it got so polarising and popular that Tim was a tiny kid and when he and Jason met younger (most fics I've read were from 3rd pov or Jason's pov) and in most of them it is stated that Tim is smaller for his age and Jason mistakes him for a younger age which just doesnt make sense. Like it would be one thing for someone else like Dick or Bruce to make that assumption and entirely different for Jason cuz CANONICALLY Jason was shorter at 15 than Tim was at 13 and it makes sense cuz Jason was malnourished which resulted in stunted growth rate, so like you're telling me that Jason at 15 saw 13 year old Tim and assumed he was 9 like it just doesnt make sense to me
And look this may be seen as nitpicks (and it probably is) but if it was in smaller quantity it could be ignorable but its everywhere and my patience is not endless and I'm fucking tired of him.
Also just to throw that in that all the bulleted points while in themselves alone may seem annoying but harmless, arent all of them together as fanon perception of him just infantalising him overall like its not they're true or anything...
Like lets be real Tim was just a blatant robin self insert, he was 13 when he went to a grieving father whos son was recently murdered and basically blackmailed him into making him robin cuz he thought "Batman needs a Robin" like dude you're 13... also can you imagine how Bruce must have felt in situation like but I dont think blaming Tim for this is right cuz he was a child and he didn't know better
Glorifying a white, rich (because yes he was rich enough to be neighbours with Wayne) character and demeaning and villanising a person of color and a dead poor person (cant keep track of how many times there's implied or outright said that Jason's death is his fault and how Tim's much smarter than Jason and better than him despite having no street smarts on him and being a trust fund baby)
Howevere, it'll be incredibly in poor taste to say that those weren't rooted in racism and classism [because they were] and its not Tim's fault his writers were disgusting but it is furthered and accepted and preached in fanon so like that's no excuse imo
Also if we include him with Robins he is not that special like he dont stick out ... and he terribly lacks any creativity and imagination like he took the mantle of robin and then red robin which like he didnt think through.
And like I'm not dismissing his trauma from attempts on his death but he was robin for 3-4 years before Jason tried to kill him I'm plenty sure he's used to his life being in danger comes with job description and if he didnt want that.. well nobody asked him he served himself on silver platter to be traumatised so yeah
So yeah fanon tim is my number one enemy and idc about him in canon and if you disagree with this please make your own post
This was a long vent of a short(lmao) list of just things that bother me
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lacrimosathedark · 3 years ago
You know something I find annoying?
"[Insert comic book character] is so out of character in [Elseworld material]!"
You realize that no comic book character has consistent characterization, right? Like, in mainline comics?
Do you realize how many different writers comics have had? Writers for the same character who sometimes didn't read their history or straight up hate them for no reason and ruin them?
Like, people will wholly recognize Kory's "ooc-ness" in Red Hood and the Outlaws, or that Heroes In Crisis was "ooc" for Wally West and ignored it or made their own fixes (before DC backpedalled from the sheer backlash) but won't do the same for other characters.
My specialty being the Batfamily, I know people ignore some comics.
Bruce Wayne has canonically been both emotionally constipated to the point of not telling his children he loves them, but has also at times been very blunt about it because it's a fact.
Bruce also has, at times, hit his children. I personally ignore most of these instances.
Dick Grayson is overall been written as a kind and compassionate, if sometimes angry, person. Yet there's the canon history of him telling Babs "Don't make me regret having elevators put in this building" and sleeping with her to tell her he was marrying someone else.
Dick has a history of both being seemingly demisexual and also being slut-shamed.
Jason's personality has been thrown every which way and has too many times been given to writers who hated him. His character lacks consistency to the point where most people ignore his characterization outside of Under the Hood because it was huge for his character. Like, Battle For the Cowl was horrible; he was basically made a psychopath purely for the drama.
Tim's behavior, and the "Teen Titans" as a whole was so bad in the New 52 that it's overall ignored and/or retconned. One example I can think of is when Tim apparently slept with Cassie and also Solstice (who was seeing Bart, though this is Bar Torr not precious bean Bart Allen but still) despite Tim historically both being faithful despite being repeatedly accused otherwise and also being hesitant about sex. This was bad enough that it was retconned he was possessed by Trigon.
Stephanie is a mixed bag, in part because early misogyny but yknow.
Do I need to talk about Cass? There's a whole area about her turning against her core "Don't kill" tenent and becoming an assassin and trying to lure Tim to her side and kill him when he refused. This had to be retconned that she was drugged and manipulated by Deathstroke if I'm remembering right.
Outside the Batfam: remember when Clark fucking Kent had a machine that turned people black for Some Reason and Lois used it? And then asked Superman if he would love her even I she never changed back and he dodged the question?
Like...comics aren't like books where there's one consistent writer, or a TV or movie where there's a semi-consistent board of writers. These people change throughout this large history of these characters. Some of them are going to make mistakes. Some of them are going to be assholes who don't respect the characters.
Like, yes, complain when they are written very wrong so DC can know, but understand that "in-character" can be very loosely interpreted.
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daemonsrhaenyras · 3 years ago
Umm hi so like 2 months ago ig I found the 100 and I just finished season 5. And I'm already the kind of person who just goes looking for spoilers so yah I kinda know the fucked up shit that's about to happen. Anyways I just wanna know what the hell happened and I know there's never a proper reason but like with supernatural or any other controversial shows at least there are some reasons uk the writer is sexist, racist etc some sort of explanation to the fucked up shit we just saw before our eyes, but everything with the 100 is so silent I'm mostly a Instagram person n tbh the 100 fandom on Instagram is kind of dead... I really don't understand the show was great frustrating n maybe even a few downer of a seasons but lyk wtf happened did the writers change also lyk at the end of season 5 I think it was written "end of book one" or something so was tht supposed to be the end n d networked forced them to do more season which maybe why they wrote the latter seasons so bad..... Godddd I just want an explanation 😂. It will be really helpful if u could answer literally anything honestly u don't have to respond either u could just totally ignore trust me I have no idea why this is bothering me either but yah..
Disclaimer: While I am a notorious multishipper, I do love Bellamy/Clarke above all others in this show, so that probably colors a lot of my interpretations of events. Additionally, because you did mention that you've looked up spoilers, I am not going to be avoiding them, so be warned.
I mean, most of what the fandom has puzzled together is from random comments or conjecture, none of the cast has outright said anything specifically about season 7 (that has been widely spread, to my knowledge anyway).
In my opinion, season 6 was really freaking great. A breath of fresh air after the grim middle seasons, in fact. Which I think made the absolute let down of season 7 even worse.
Most of 'what went wrong' is usually laid at the feet of Jason Rothenberg, the developer and head executive producer. Basically, the guy seems to be kind of a major dick.
Season 6 was meant to act as a sort of reset of the series (which was why S5 ended with the 'end of book 1' thing--and yes there was a big writer change up for seasons six and seven because of the heavy space/sci-fi aspect of it all), and in my opinion, it worked fairly well. (Yes, some areas of the plot seemed to be recycled from earlier storylines, but I didn't see it as a bad thing, more as a chance for the characters to grow from their previous actions.)
But, then a lot seemed to be happening off screen around the airing of S6 and the filming of S7 that soured things between him and some of the cast members and the fandom. (I am only bringing up what I remember as being relevant to the question of 'why season seven was the way that it was' not an entire laundry list of all behind the scenes drama someone else either has done or could do that.)
Since season 3 if not before, JR was hounded on social media by pretty much every faction of the fandom (but predominantly the Bellarke and Clexa fans) replying in bad faith to anything he tweeted with demands for what they want rather than engaging with his actual tweets. Like, tweeting 'we want Bellarke' or 'we want Clexa' to things that have nothing to even do with the show. This got worse and more vitriolic after Lexa's death and after Bellamy got with Echo.
He always seemed to have the attitude that the show was more high brow or some shit than the usual CW show (even though it's on the same damn network with a lot of the same audiences), and was above shipping and romance, and seemed to resent how often interviews, panels, and press would ask about the ships (canon and potentially future). He and others made statements at various points that might have been intended in a way that the fandom did not take it to be, causing a lot of friction.
Bob Morley (Bellamy) and Eliza Taylor (Clarke) got married in May of 2019 and announced it on social media the following month, during the airing of season 6. In fact, during one of the first episodes of the highly teased Clarke/Josephine body snatching storyline, likely stealing a lot of the fandom's attention away from the show.
Bob injured himself at some point during filming for one of the seasons, and at some point during the writing or filming of season 7, he asked for more time to recover. JR responded by basically writing out his character, and then writing in an ending for Bellamy that makes hardly any sense.
After Season 6, Jason decided he wanted to end the series with season 7 and 'give it a proper ending', while at the same time the series prequel was starting to be developed. Speculation on my part, but with the CW's go-ahead to work on the prequel and use an episode of S7 as a backdoor pilot, the announcement to end The 100 was probably more in service to transitioning over to the new show rather than ending The 100. The writing and characters of The 100 were consequently de-prioritized in favor of the writing for this 'new' character (Bill Cadogan) and his story.
Eliza was also supposed to direct Episode 7 of Season 7, but suffered a miscarriage around that time and couldn't direct. I do not know the exact timeline of events, but I think writing for the end of the season was still happening at that point, and in one of the last episodes of the season the show has Clarke basically mourning the loss of her dead daughter who was tortured into being catatonic. Again, don't know if that was already written at the point of her miscarriage, but like??? Seems like something that could have been avoided.
I'm sure there is a hell of a lot more that I just can't remember right now, so if anyone else wants to chime in, be my guest.
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sketchy-scribs-n-doods · 2 years ago
ughh ty for ur amazing tags it was so disgusting how they were 1. telling on themselves claiming poc and fat people aren't attractive and 2. wishing racism and body shaming on an actor in the name of justice(??). not that im surprised anyway their crowd was the one that demonized lucas and ignored caleb for years. one of my favorite characters is patrick and he wasn't allowed even a nightmare sequence he was just forgotten by the narrative and brushed off. a Black victim of abuse not even given a voice, just forcibly suppressed and used to move the plot along to fuel jason's satanic bullshit. he is ignored by the large majority of the fandom that focuses all their attention on white boy of the week but think hating billy is enough to compensate for their favouritism and racism. i hate how poc are treated in this show but its not enough for ppl to just direct all their performative criticism on a character they want actual racist harassment directed at them too. so disgusting.
i don't normally beef on the internet (i much prefer throwing hands irl actually, but ppl seem to enjoy hiding their shit behind a screen lol), but i really did such a hard double take at those tags.
i really can't fathom tearing down another character because your fav gets shit. i fully understand that characters like lucas and argyle don't get a lot of attention and that's likely a combination of a) the duffer's own bias sidelining those characters, and b) fans' bias in ignoring poc. that doesn't mean i'm gonna throw hands with your average eddie or steve stan or whatever, i don't find that productive. i'd rather engage with fans that already enjoy my fav or are open to consuming content about them and encourage (in this long winded example) eddie stans to enjoy argyle content without making them feel guilty about their blorbo.
same goes for every time i see someone thinking that if they kick down billy it will elevate nancy or lucas or max or eddie or steve. it's petty, it doesn't work, and the only things that result from it are a) an echo chambers where all your fellow salty mutuals will yes man you, or b) ppl who like what you just talked shit about are gonna roll up asking what your damage is. lo and behold.
even putting all of the dumb nancy vs billy nonsense aside (and for the record i think the duffers badly wrote both characters in different ways), those fucking tags were just. SUCH an accidental slip reveal of what that person really thinks. i don't think they're a horrible person or whatever but they're definitely a dick and think that as long as they hate the right character they're correct and good.
like you said, wishing bigotry on a person/character just because you don't like them is a weird fucking thing to say. at that point i barely care what the context of the post was. can you imagine saying that out loud in a room full of fat ppl/poc? i don't think any of them are gonna come to the conclusion that you mean it as a roundabouts insult against a popular hot white actor/character and go 'oh yes haha you're so right i totally think fans hating him for being brown/fat is preferable'. i personally would have torn down whoever said that shit to me irl, that's some white ass performative activism i don't have time for, but it seems like ppl don't think about how the shit they say would sound out loud irl to the very ppl they seem to be trying to support
nevermind that any given piece of billy fanfiction and an awful lot of fanart explores the trauma billy has gone through more than it goes 'ah yes blonde boy hot'. we can have tho conversations without being pricks saying shit in bad faith about it. like, most billy fans i see are huge fans of patrick and mourn his lost potential. because we know how the duffers treat their abused characters.
this shit isn't a contest, but often the shit you say about a character affects ppl who are similar to/identity with that character. if in your pursuit to hate and spit about a character, you say shitty things that make poc, fat ppl, abuse victims, etc., feel like you're insulting them or just using them as props for your wokeness, then you need to take a step back and ask yourself if maybe you needa chill and reevaluate what you're doing. it's not a good look, and neither is the mindset that revenge and punitive 'justice' should be prioritized above healing, growth, and connection.
(like c'mon we can redeem fictional war criminals but we can't let an 18 year old being abused by his dad work through his racial biases? like the latter isn't a much more common situation that happens irl to real abused teens with bigoted parents? alright)
anyway, i'm glad you appreciated my tag rambles, i really was just word vomiting in a fury lol
if you love patrick and enjoy the idea of patrick and billy interacting, i have a # patrick mcckinley tag and a # kingr*ve tag for each respectively (i lump all my patrick and billy stuff under their ship whether platonic or romantic bc patrick stuff is scarce enough as it is). cheers!
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megamindsupremacy · 3 years ago
Misc DC fic recs (part 2)
The trouble it might drag you down by remrose
Duke peeked around the door dangerously, just in time to get a glimpse of Bruce's face as he lifted an orange tie embroidered with the words 'WHERE'S THE BEEF?'.
(It's Bruce's birthday. Jason schemes. Duke wonders about family dynamics. Some neck-ties are received.)
Macushla by hinn-raven
Stephanie Brown is nine years old when her world falls to pieces. Whisked away from everything she's ever known, she finds herself in the court of Talia al Ghul, training to be an assassin. And when she ends up as Damian al Ghul's bodyguard, well her life just gets stranger from there.
Playacting by nex_et_nox
“So,” Jim said, “are you one of Wayne’s new kids?” Because only siblings acted that way toward each other, and it seemed like every time Gotham turned around, Bruce Wayne was adopting more kids. It was a reasonable question.
“What?” Jay asked. “No, I’m—” He paused. Very slowly, his head tilted as he looked over Jim’s shoulder in the most obvious way he possibly could.
Jim Gordon accidentally meets the "newest" member of the Wayne family.
Watch this by snackbaskets
Hal and Barry are worried about Batman's new partner. Being around the Batman all the time can't be good for a kid, right?
Robin insists otherwise, and for $15.36 of betting money, is happy to demonstrate.
The last of the real ones by lurkinglurkerwholurks
[series summary]Oneshots featuring Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent. Some fic stand completely alone, while others will show one POV and the following will show the other. I personally don't ship them, BUT do firmly believe that these are two men who love each other, so whether you're into deep platonic, fraternal love or love of a more romantic nature, I think these fics will work for you, because the foundational love and respect is the same.
[summary on first fic] Bruce was conscious of the power seething beneath Clark’s skin, but it always set him back to see it in action. To see the quiet, self-effacing man he knew become something else. Someone else. It was what made Clark’s facile disguise convincing, the way he changed to face a threat. Bruce was glad, as he always was, that Superman had chosen their side to fight on, but that didn’t make the raw power on display any less breathtaking.
Minimum height requirement by Drag0nst0rm
Somewhere in the multiverse, there's a universe where letting his children dress up in capes and follow him into vigilantism seems like a good idea.
Bruce is determined that it isn't going to be this one . . . Despite his children's repeated attempts to convince him otherwise.
(Or: "When you're eighteen, you can do what you want. Until then, no capes.")
Schrodinger's Robin by heartslogos
"Of course I'm a genius." Tim smiles to empty air. "I'm certified."
Sweet child o’ mine by nokomis
Steph said cheerfully, “Bruce, from now on, consider yourself in possession of one Steph-mom.”
“Absolutely not,” Bruce said.
Steph took a bite of her cake, undeterred.
Starlight raining over me by charcoal_moon
[That’s when something strange happens.
A shooting star falls from the sky and comes to a stop two inches from his nose. With a cry of alarm, Dick backs away from the brightly glowing object.
It’s green.
“What the fuck,” Dick says blankly.]
The Flying Graysons fall in Coast City instead of Gotham, and Dick Grayson's path to heroism involves a hell of a lot more faith, trust, and alien tech than anyone ever expected.
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ghostofbambifanfiction · 4 years ago
Part 1 of ?????
Started writing this fic a while ago and then lost faith in it. Should I continue? Feel bad for not posting much lately so I thought I'd share this. Read on and weigh in.
You don't have to fucking shout?
Said the pot to the kettle?
Oh you grandmother The caps were an accidental by-product of voice-to-text Blame Siri if you're going to blame anyone
You have a Samsung Galaxy S20.
HAD. It got smashed. Worst luck. Listen, come out with me tonight.
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm tired!
Hah (indifferent)
Just come out with me! Isaac has to go see some godawful student performance of the Antigone in wherever the fuck Chichester is and it's Sirius's flatmate's birthday party so I have to go and I don't know any of his weird mates
You don't HAVE to go.
Have to/want to Semantics
I'm not in a birthday party mood. I'm having a stressful week. My arse has been tense since Tuesday.
I will wade into the deep and massage your arse if I have to, just come It's a swank pad in Belgravia! I bet they'll have all sorts of expensive nibbles!
I read that as expensive nipples.
Those too!
Partying it up with the children of wealthy Tories. Sounds super fun.
Just come out with me, for fuck I'll pick you up at 7 and we can steal their silverware if it's boring as the grave
URGH I'll go but I'm NOT dressing up!
You don't have to dress up!
take the drawings down please i'm begging you i'm actually begging you
Nah mate
siriusssssssss pleeeeeease
PLEASE ffs it's MY birthday!!!! there are going to be PEOPLE there! standing around! AT EYE LEVEL
I don't see what the problem is.
EVERYONE will see what the problem is! they literally will not be able to IGNORE what the problem is!
Sounds like a recipe for lively discussion to me tbh
that is NOT what i want people talking about at my birthday!
If I take them down, I'll have to take all the nails out and that'll leave nail marks all over the walls. It would be unsightly.
My dick is bewitching.
She walks in expecting to find herself the infiltrator of a Made in Chelsea/Royal Ascot/Henley Regatta netherworld, filled with a gaggle of giggling, SW-postcode socialites wielding suspiciously powder-edged Harrods Amex cards in the place of horses and boats, but that's not what actually greets her on the other side of the lacquered front door.
What greets her is really quite ordinary.
Aside from the naked drawings of Kingsley's mate, which aren't.
Otherwise, the whole affair is pretty relaxed. People her age are clustered in their small groups, swigging beers. There's a table of oven-heated party foods, salty snacks and rapidly depleting ramekins of guac. She spies more band shirts than there are dress shirts. There's a round of Fortnite in full swing on the TV.
It's all just...startlingly normal. A normal birthday party.
And that's sort of embarrassing, really.
Where are all the visible Tory toffs, she wonders? Where is the braying laughter? The Eton alumni reunion? The glimpse of hunting-happy tweed and shotgun barrels as a coat cupboard door swings shut? Where's the indelible air of sneering superiority, of "we're richer and more privileged and better than you, so fuck the NHS and death to foxes!" that she'd been expecting? There's a fucking Henry Hoover in the corner of the hall, for Christ's sake. Lily came here to smile through her teeth at them all, to listen to the champagne problems privilege that bubbled from their lips and tell herself that she was the one who knew better, who thought better. Her plain white tee and skinny jeans and scuff-toed, high-top trainers were supposed to be a statement, a subtle setting-apart, but she's not even the most underdressed person in the room.
She pre-judged a house full of people. What's that about?
There's a lesson to be found in this. Perhaps.
James covered all of the dicks in Paw Patrol stickers that he bought from the newsagent on his way home from his mum's, but Sirius peeled them all off while he was taking a soothing lavender bath, so what's the bloody point in birthdays anyway?
It's early in the evening, and he's wedged—against his will—between the dining room bar and Shane Ruttle, who has just pointed at one of the many lamentable dicks and asked, "Is this one of yours?" which James kind of wants to thump him for. It's bad enough that he looks like a madman who stuffed his house with naked drawings of his brother, now people are actually assuming that he drew the damn things, even though most of the compositions are appallingly far beneath his skill level. He's a professional illustrator, for the love of god, and Shane is really standing before him like the posturing prick he is, asking him if he's the one who drew Sirius with one arm disproportionately longer than the other.
He knows that he should cheer up.
It is his birthday. There is cake.
Good cake, too, not the kind that gets buried in too-thick fondant that he has to pick off before he can eat what's underneath.
The problem is, there's also a party, and his friends are his friends, Peter and Sirius included, and Peter and Sirius can both get drunk much faster than James can. When Peter and Sirius get drunk, serious injuries tend to follow, Remus tends to fuck off in a flash and James tends to be the one who calls for an ambulance or mothers them back to health—physical, mental or otherwise. He has just turned twenty-six, and these repeated, drunkenly dramatic medical emergency scenes are starting to wear a little thin.
Can't a man get comfortably drunk and have a laugh at his own birthday party?
No, he can't, because Peter's already halfway to trashed, wobbling unsteadily towards the French doors that lead to the terrace, wearing that look on his face that says I'm definitely going to vomit or maybe even shit myself like I did on that one night we all spent in Munich with the Belgian handball team and the creepy tour guide who couldn't keep his sleazy hands to himself. For the sake of sparing the lawn such a punishment, James hastily removes himself from Shane, grabs Peter by the collar, shoves him in the direction of the downstairs loo and retreats to the safety of the living room, where there are, at least, no naked drawings of Sirius gracing the walls.
Most of the people in here are transfixed by Saffy Stephens, who is down to the last three in her Fortnite game and cursing like a sailor, but there are a small pile of birthday cards on the end table where James and Sirius normally keep their keys. He perches on the sofa arm, sets his half-drunk beer bottle on the carpet, pushes his dark, disheveled hair away from his forehead and begins leafing through them. It's a necessity when one lives with Sirius, who thinks nothing of swiping gift cards when the mood strikes him and he's had enough to drink.
They're mostly from his female friends, and all pretty standard, until he reaches the middle of the pile and finds a card bearing a picture of a moustached tabby and the caption: Have a Purr-fect Birthday!
The inscription inside is written in a lovely, swirling hand.
To Jasper/Jack/Jason/maybe Ja Rule?/J-something idk
(see above: everything I've learned about you from the friend* I came here with, verbatim)
(*who can't remember your name)
Happy Birthday! Thank you for (not) specifically inviting me, a stranger, to your party to celebrate this momentous event in your life. Please enjoy this festive card/social nicety/convention from me to you. My friend brought rum which you may prefer.
I'll be around. Not that you'll know.
James lowers the card and twists on the sofa arm at once, eyes darting around the room in search of its author, as if they might be laying in wait to watch him read it and see how he reacts. Nobody appears to have ducked behind the couch, however, so the situation merits further scrutiny.
Obviously, he needs to meet this person.
A mystery! At his birthday party!
He perks right up after that.
She's coming out of the downstairs loo when a short, blonde man in a garish Hawaiian shirt barrels past her and pukes all over the chequerboard tiled floor, narrowly missing her jeans.
"Oh no," he moans into his wet hands. "Oh no—"
"There there, mate," says Lily consolingly, never one to judge somebody for getting drunk early at a party. She pats him on the back before squeezing past him and rejoining Kingsley, who is standing in one of this meandering Georgian house's many hallways, chatting to a bloke in a houndstooth sweater vest and holding two glasses of something very, very sparkly that she must try at once.
"It's like...it's like everything and nothing at the same time," Houndstooth Bloke is saying when Lily draws close, gesturing to a huge canvas painting of a rain-soaked fairground at night.
"Is it?" Kingsley asks.
"Mmm. Very." Houndstooth shakes his shoulders like he's slipping out of a robe. "Meant to be esoteric, I suppose."
That sounds suspiciously like pretentious bullshit to Lily, who doesn't find the concept of a merry looking fairground all that difficult to absorb. Kingsley knows more about the art world than she does, but he must agree with her assessment because he grunts and shoves her glass into her hand when she stops beside him, and more roughly than she deserves, as if she's the one who landed him in this mess of a conversation to begin with.
Trust him to find himself stuck with the only dick (not etched by a 4B Steadtler graphite pencil) in the building, and trust her to be stuck with the person who got himself stuck with King.
"What are we talking about?" she asks brightly, just to fuck with him.
"Drink your champagne, there's a good little hen," King mutters, his teeth clenched together, hallway lights bouncing off the smoothly waxed dome of his bald head.
"We've been discussing this piece." Houndstooth nods to the painting, but his limpid eyes narrow on Lily's face. "Christ, you're very redheaded, aren't you?"
It's decided. She'll wait 'til Houndstooth is drunk and trip him up with Henry Hoover's hose.
"Ergo soulless, yes," she agrees.
"And you...enjoy that?" he asks, as if being redheaded is her profession.
"Very much, thanks."
"Hmmp. Well. I came here with Saffron," he announces, pronouncing it Sef-ron. As if Lily is supposed to know who that is. "Platonically, of course. Actually, we're some sort of cousins, I think. What do you think the artist is trying to convey?"
He's very pointedly asking her, so Lily blinks at the painting, her eyes on the outstretched arm of a child on the carousel.
"I like the pretty colours," she decides aloud.
"Right," says Houndstooth, "but that's not—"
"And the lights, too. The lights are really pretty."
"I love funfairs, actually," she brightly continues, finding a strange satisfaction in playing dumb in front of Houndstooth and his overbleached fade. Although she does really like the colours. "Haven't been to one in years!"
"Yes, good, whatever, but what is the artist trying to convey?"
"What artist?" comes a voice from behind them.
Lily glances over her shoulder and finds herself looking up at the man whose penis she's spent the past thirty minutes avoiding eye contact with, though he is taller, better proportioned and infinitely more beautiful than any of those crudely drawn depictions could possibly convey. He is also beplumed and bejewelled like a pirate, wearing a sumptuous velvet jacket over a loose white shirt, numerous rings on his fingers and an assortment of silver chains around his slender neck, while his grey eyes and elegantly high-set cheekbones are framed by a tumble of black hair that genuinely looks like silk.
The man is so beautiful, in fact, that Lily immediately wonders why he's been taking sketches home from the life drawing class that he and Kingsley pose for—hence their acquaintance and Lily's presence at this party—when nothing she's seen tonight has done him any justice.
Most happily, his penis is tucked safely out of sight.
"Alright, Sirius?" says King.
"Alright, Marvel?" Sirius claps a hand to the taller man's massive shoulder. Kingley's muscles bulge in a way that cannot be hidden by modern habiliments. "What are we talking about?"
"Not much." Houndstooth looks put out by the arrival of yet another person. "We were just mesmerised by this piece."
Lily refrains from gesturing to the painting with both hands and a "ta-dah!" choosing instead to sip her champagne.
It's very good champagne. Mmm. Yes.
"Oh, yeah, it's really something," Sirius agrees. He brushes past Kingsley and runs a finger over the illegible squiggle of a signature on the canvas. His nails are beautifully manicured. "Local guy, young up-and-comer. I assume you've heard of Algernon?" he asks Houndstooth, fixing him with a steely-eyed stare.
"Er, yes." Houndstooth's gaze slides from Sirius to the painting. "I know him."
Sirius's eyebrows lift. "Know him personally?"
"That's so weird, I heard he never speaks to people."
Houndstooth chews on the inside of his cheek, weighing up the challenge. "How…funny."
"Oh, nothing. It's just, I know I've spoken to him before, and since you've bought his painting I assumed that you'd have—"
"That is funny, actually," Sirius interrupts, "because the artist is my brother, and Algernon is the name of his cat."
Kingsley has been tugging on his earring and almost rips it out of his ear as his body convulses, champagne spraying from his nostrils, while an alarming red flush sweeps across Houndstooth's face and he begins to sputter on his own self-importance. Sirius has clearly decided that he's done with all of that noise, however, because he turns back to Lily instead, looking her up and down with great and sudden interest.
"Who's this then?" he asks Kingsley, cocking his head to one side. "James's present?"
The champagne glass swings down and Lily fixes him with a deadpan stare. "Excuse me?"
Sirius slants a grin at Kingsley, a quick flash of teeth. "This one's queenly, isn't she?"
Kingsley wipes his nose with the back of his hand and laughs again. "Hardly."
"This is Primark, mate," Lily retorts, tugging on her t-shirt.
"Queenliness is a state of mind," says Sirius, "not a state of wardrobe."
"You had me marked down as a prostitute not ten seconds ago."
"Oh, that. I was only joking," he sighs, and grips her arm at the elbow, his long fingers cool against her skin. "But still, you're far too attractive to stand here talking to this clown. Come with me and I'll find you someone better."
James's friends are useless.
And drunk. Useless and drunk—or sort of drunk, in Saffy's case. Remus is certainly already pissed, but Remus is on meds so often that he drinks but once in a blue moon. One cocktail is usually enough to set him off, and he's been hard at the gin since he turned up with Peter at six.
"I don't know anyone with those initials," Saffy declares, once she has read, examined and even sniffed the birthday card for clues. "Except for Lisa Edelstein."
"Who's Lisa Edelstein?"
"Cuddy from House," says Remus, lowering the negroni from which he has been drinking deeply.
James pulls a face. "What the fuck is a Cuddy?"
"Oh, actually, it could mean le?" Remus suggests.
"Yes!" Saffy points at him like he might be onto something. "Like the French word for the?"
"Exactly, like—"
"It doesn't mean that!" James interrupts, unwilling to allow such profanity in his home. "That doesn't make sense, why would somebody sign their name as the?"
"Now you're asking me to explain how French people think?" says Saffy derisively, adjusting her bra strap beneath that burnt orange waistcoat she loves, the one that makes her look like she's directing a pornographic movie in the 70s when she pairs it with her tortoiseshell-framed aviators. It clashes wildly with her electric blue buzz-cut. "Am nooooo drunk enough for that."
"They could be one of those one word moniker pop stars, I suppose," Remus pipes up, smiling slyly. "You know, like Madonna?"
They think James doesn't realise that they're taking the piss out of him, but neither of them are sober enough to attempt their gambit with any kind of subtlety or grace.
"You know that's actually her real Christian name?" says Saffy.
Remus turns towards her with interest. "What, Madonna?"
"Yeah!" Saffy repeats. "I thought it couldn't possibly be her real name because, I mean, Madonna, yeah? But then I looked it up and apparently that's the name her mummy gave her, just goes to show—"
"I'm sorry," James interrupts, "but is Madonna relevant to this conversation?"
"Yes, always," says Saffy.
"She's an international pop megastar," Remus seconds.
James stares at his friend incredulously. "Drinking really chips away at your wit, y'know?"
"Does it?" Remus grins lazily and jiggles his cocktail in the air. "Oh, well, I'm negronly joking."
Saffy does a spit-take without the spit and clings helplessly to Remus's shoulder as she laughs, knees buckling, bangles tinkling, but James fights his own urge to start snickering.
"It's not that funny," he lies, and Remus eyes him with an alarmingly teacher-like shrewdness, despite the tellingly intoxicated flush that has crept into his thin, freckled face.
James's love of puns is tragically well known.
"You didn't get it." Remus points at his drink. His speech is starting to slur. "This is a negroni, what I said was—"
"Yeah, I got that part, I just—"
"Jesus fuck, look at her!" Saffy suddenly hisses, staggering sideways into Remus and sending him into the wall in a flurry of giggles—Remus giggling?—her voice hushed and urgent. "Who the hell is that?!"
James does look, following the direction of Saffy's gaze. Sirius has just entered the living room, casually clutching the elbow of a……
An actual. Like. Goddess.
A goddess. In James's house. In his living room. In the place where he eats his chocolate boulder cereal and rewatches Scrubs (even season 9, which is hilarious, and very unfairly disparaged by Joe Public) on Saturday mornings.
She's a goddess. A real one, and cleverly disguised as a mortal, sure, with her slouchy white t-shirt and her big hoop earrings and her light blue jeans that are torn at the knees, wearing her shoulder-length red hair half up, half down and slightly messy, but that doesn't hide what she is.
"Oh my god," he murmurs. His heart is pounding all of a sudden, which is so...utterly bloody stupid, but Saffy's right, bloody look at her, Jesus fuck.
"Surely she can't be with Sirius?" Saffy murmurs back.
"No, she—" He watches Sirius lean down to mutter something in the redhead's ear. A ghost of a laugh flits across her beautiful face. "She's not his—he isn't—"
"D'you think—"
"No, I—"
"Good," says Saffy firmly. She lets go of Remus and rises, lengthening her spine. It is a battle stance of some sort, presumably. "Because I saw her first."
"No!" James cries, wounded, and the redhead shoots him a curious look with a pair of eyes that are startlingly emerald green, even from all the bloody way over here. He spins to face Saffy and lowers his voice, face burning. "It's my house!"
"What are you arguing here, ownership rights?"
"No but it—it's my birthday!" James retorts, jabbing at his own chest. "And, actually, and—"
"It's in the bloody post!"
"—you didn't get me a present!" he finishes in triumph, not that he knows what he's arguing for, because the likelihood is that his tongue will glue itself to the roof of his mouth if he even dares to look in her direction one more time. "Plus I set you up with Vanya Petrich, with whom, as I recall, you enjoyed four years—"
"Stop throwing that in my face!"
"—four blissful years—"
"Is it my fault that you've never fancied any girl I've set you up with?!"
"—promised me an Easter ham for setting you up with her and I never got it—"
"So now you'll trade a woman for a ham?" Saffy accuses, though her face is too lit up, her brown eyes too crinkled at the corners—she's having fun with this and she isn't going to fool him and she knows it. "That's so low, even—"
"Don't start with that," James scathingly cuts in. "You offered me Sean Connery's autograph for Bonnie Grogan's number—"
"Which you never gave me!"
"Because you forged the bloody signature!"
"And now she's bloody married!"
"Yeah, well, Isabella wouldn't give me a counterfeit present, would she?" he retorts, and Saffy lets her shoulders drop, smirking. "This is pointless, Saf, we can't—"
"She's just left with Sirius," Remus informs them, and burps.
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ilovetheater24601 · 3 years ago
I know I've talked about this before but i will talk about it again Matt from bare is one of my favorite characters ever from anything not just Bare
Now i would NEVER try to justify what he did EVER but that doesn't mean that i don't truly enjoy his character.
Now in order to talk about Matt we have to address the elephant in the room... He outed Jason and Peter and something that isn't really talked about he told the whole school about Ivys pregnancy before she was ready too.
But and this is a big but wouldn't you do the same? I mean if you're reading this you're probably some type of LGBT or at least very supportive. But put yourself in Matt's shoes he was young and dumb he had probably never met a gay person before and he definitely hadn't seen them in a positive light. More than that he was the boy that was always left out (something that i relate to). None of which is an excuse for what he did im not excuseing what he did.
Another thing that leads me to believe that he's not all bad is how he acted directly after best kept secret when he saw Peter and Jason kiss. Matt's whole world crumbled including his faith (And coming from somebody who has lost his faith that is a very scary thing) the first thing he did wasn't to immediately out them or confront them about it his first move was to seek spiritual guidance. And even after that he still couldn't believe that someone that he knew and concederd a good friend (Peter probably not so much Jason) could be that bad. He couldn't condem his friend to hell. This is something that i think is important to note even after Are you there when Peter came out to Matt. Matt didn't confront or more importantly condemn Peter he left which is something that even excepting people can be guilty of. But then he fucked up and it was a big fuck up. But i don't think that that makes him a bad person
Again I'm not trying to justify his actions and im not trying to excuse them what he did was unexceptable but i don't think that his actions make him a bad person or take away any chance of redemption he could ever have
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justiceleaque · 4 years ago
Hey Leaque! I know you watched the new Justice League movie and I was around when you were doing the very first DC movie reviews back in the day. I would absolutely love a review of this one if you have the time :)
i've been a fan of Snyder's universe from day 1 so i understand this might be considered an off-balance review already, but i want to note that i didn't come in wanting the film to be good or willing to see it as good despite actual impressions. i wanted to watch it as the Justice League movie i was supposed to get back in 2017, the same one i was willing to not watch for years if it meant Zack Snyder got to finish his vision even later down the line
i was actually as neutral as i could possibly get because at this point i don't have any real emotional involvement in whether this version of the DCEU continues or not. WB execs have done some fucked up things with the treatment of the cast/ray fisher, so i take this as Snyder's DC trilogy and nothing more (which makes it bittersweet for me but that's a different topic)
heavy spoilers follow
it's incredibly comic book-like. i remember typing the exact same words back in the Dawn of Justice days: it doesn't read as a superhero film a la Marvel but as a comic book film. each frame could be a realistically painted comic book frame; the dialogues would fit freakishly well if they had to fit speech bubbles. the damn scene overlaps and changes are heavily reminiscent of a comic book. better yet: of a Justice League comic book. if you’re familiar with comic book events where big things happen and it affects everyone, this is how this reads
it’s a heavy film but it’s not hopeless. i’ve been seeing reviews pop-up already: “ZS’s Justice League film is twice as longe and twice as hopeless” is the maybe verbatim title of most articles. the one thing i kept thinking throughout these four hours is how much hope this is filled with. we’re dealing with a post-superman world that was shaken by the loss of a beloved superhero and you see batman, the #1 comic book superhero known for brooding and darkness and all things sad and bad, be the loudest, most hopeful person in the film, trying to get a team together to save the world, and later on being two steps from literally screaming that bringing back superman is what should happen no matter the cost because of his faith and hope in winning. did we watch the same film?
in the same vein, the 4 hours seem like a stretch until you realize each part has an actual purpose that introduces or ties in important aspects related to the film’s one purpose: take down Steppenwolf and Darkseid. i don’t believe any scene was wasted on useless information. it can get tiring in the way watching a shot tv series gets tiring: it does NOT get boring at any point
such wonderful character arcs. seeing each of the team’s personalities and quirks, the way they clash with each other, the way it makes it all work so goddamn beautifully. the way they click because they just keep interacting so much? Whedon’s cut didn’t give me a team, it gave me five different people in costume that were forced to sort of work in the same vicinity as each other. Snyder’s cut gave me a version of the Justice League that worked so flawlessly together by the end of the film it felt like a dance. felt like comic book page spreads
right before the epilogue they all pose together in the rising dawn, clark included, having won. super reminiscent of the JL cartoon intro. i cried a bit
listen to me. i need to make this clear. listen.  j’onn. j’onny boy. the way he’s designed and cgi’d..........the adorable frown............the kind smile......................his obvious need to make others feel better and to simply help......................i love him
his interaction with bruce only comes in the end and it’s super brief but seeing those two still not know how the hell each other works even in film format is hilarious. bruce having accepted aliens and magic and shit is the new norm after like 20 years of only having to deal with the joker attempting to rob neon green hair dyes or some shit is so much bigger of a character development than i ever expected, especially coming from BvS where he’s just a stupid fat-bat-carrying onion
i wasn’t a big fan of Suicide Squad’s joker portrayal but we get to see him at the end of the film while we’re seeing a possible future where lois lane has died and superman is best friends with darkseid playing tic-tac-antilife equation. Snyder somehow managed to turn jared leto into a disgustingly legit comic-faithful joker. dont’ ask me how
in the same scene they mention jason and his death
: - (
we see a few bits of some green lanterns in some scenes, one from the past and one from a possible ultra dark and edgy darkseid future. still convinced bruce simply willingly did not go looking for hal, which, fair
they cut out the fish joke bruce tells arthur when they first meet which immediately turns the whole film into a 1/10 for me
ben affleck’s bruce wayne and batman continue being my favorite on-screen batman iteration to date. we finally move from the usual dark lone soldier version Hollywood is relentlessly giving us into one that belongs with the Justice League. incredibly heartwarming to see
there’s a scene when the JL are first assaulting Steppenwolf’s base and they’re all fighting parademons and shit and there’s a moment where you see batman fighting the Space SWAT From Hell alone and the way he moves? the way he flows from one position to another and another like i’m watching a damn comic book animation????????? sir????????????????????
barry allen saved them
like, literally, barry allen saved them. superman was back and everyone was ready to dance one final time and they were all going ‘steppenwolf fucking SUCKS’ and steppenwolf was crying to darkseid and then the motherboxes did their thing and they all were obliterated into star dust and then barry allen was like ‘bitch i told you i need FRIENDS’ and turned back time and now they’re all okay again :o)
darkseid @ batman through his magic spacetime portal: i’m gonna get your ass one day soon and take you back in time and you’re gonna eventually bring about the end of the world by having every dark twisted batman invade your universe because you inspired them
batman: i haven’t read Rebirth bro
i know i’m forgetting stuff but that’s the gist. hands down one of the best comic book film experiences i’ve ever had. with an aside to barry allen being more of a mix of barry and wally, everyone feels incredibly faithful to the source material. also batman definitely killed like, at least 400 parademons in one night, but pest control doesn’t count
(like. he straight up obliterates them)
(pulls out a batbazuka on them)
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