#FT 264
noohyah · 7 months
Don't Be Boring, Get a 2023 Chrysler 300 S!
If you are looking for a full-size sedan that combines power, style, and comfort, you might want to check out the 2023 Chrysler 300 S.  This sporty version of the iconic Chrysler 300 features a 3.6L Pentastar V6 engine that delivers 300 horsepower and 264 lb-ft of torque, along with an eight-speed automatic transmission and an available all-wheel drive system.  The 2023 Chrysler 300 S also boasts…
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thecreaturecodex · 3 months
The Laughing Hand
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Image by Jolyne Garcia, © Hasbro and Critical Role. Accessed at the Critical Role Wiki here
[Sponsored by @tar-baphon. Critical Role is not something I ever got into. And despite two official D&D sourcebooks for Critical Role and a post-OGL fantasy heartbreaker RPG written for the setting, there's no official statblock for Ganix the Laughing Hand. There are, however, plenty of dedicated fans on the CR Wiki and on Reddit who made observations about his abilities and some guesswork onto their own statblocks, which I did reference. Some things that I noticed while working on this stat block are the persistence of D&D 4e design elements into what is nominally a 5e campaign (but of course is really an entertainment podcast first and foremost). In Critical Role, the Laughing Hand is a servitor of Torog, a god from the 4e "Points of Light" setting who does not officially appear in D&D 5e except in the Critical Role sourcebooks. He can also summon minions, and has absolutely no ranged capacity, which are both very 4e design elements. I made him a servitor of Yhidothrus, being PF's giant subterranean worm divinity, gave him unholy blight so he wasn't completely helpless against an army of flying PCs and... had to get creative with the minions.]
The Laughing Hand CR 17 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This hulking giant is twice as tall as a normal man. His skin is gray and splashed with red, and his eyes burn yellow beneath his thick hooded leather cloak. One of his hands is replaced with an oversized, double-edged blade, and the other has a fanged mouth in the palm. Similar fanged mouths open up over his body at odd angles, twisted into wry, mocking smiles.
The Laughing Hand was once a mortal general named Garix. Garix dared to challenge Yhidothrus, rallying an army to slay the Ravager Worm in a mad attempt to fight and kill the concept of entropy itself. Only Garix and his prized hunting hounds were even able to reach Yhidothrus directly, and the demon lord was amused by the hubris of his human adversary. After a century of torture, Garix was transformed into the Laughing Hand, a fiend that will come back from death endlessly to inflict suffering on the world of men.
Garix finds his own torment and transformation hilarious, and unless he is trying to be stealthy, he constantly laughs from his many mouths. This laughter causes creatures to freeze in terror, being unable to flee or fight back as the Laughing Hand tears them apart. If blades are raised against him, a new mouth opens up, adding to the horrible chorus. The Laughing Hand is often mobile in combat, leaping across the battlefield in order to target vulnerable targets. He can summon ghastly shadows of his beloved hounds, which he uses to block pursuit and set up flanking.
In order to slay Garix permanently, his heart must be found—this was cut from his chest and transformed into an oversized reliquary of sorts. This structure, called the Permaheart, is on a demiplane accessible only through a handful of portals. Finding this heart is a goal of both Yhidothrus’ enemies and cultists—his cultists in order to gain leverage over one of their god’s most powerful servants. If the Permaheart is ever destroyed, the Laughing Hand’s defenses weaken, but even then he is still a powerful melee combatant.
The Laughing Hand        CR 17 XP 102,400 CE Large outsider (chaos, evil, extraplanar) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +31, see invisibility Aura mocking laughter (15 ft., DC 25)
Defense AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 29 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 armor, +15 natural) hp 264 (23d10+138) Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +18 DR 15/good; Immune poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 28 Defensive Abilities fortification (50%),rejuvenation
Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee armblade +30 (2d8+8/17-20), slam +30 (2d6+8 plus grab), bite +30 (1d8+8) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks rake (bites +30, 1d8+8) Spell-like Abilities CL 17th, concentration +21 Constant—see invisibility At will—unholy blight (DC 18) 1/day—summon (8th level, 100%)
Statistics Str 27, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 18 Base Atk +23; CMB +32 (+36 grapple); CMD 47 Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (armblade), Improved Initiative, Great Cleave, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Outflank, Power Attack, Precise Strike, Spring Attack Skills Acrobatics +30 (+34 when jumping), Climb +34, Intimidate +30, Perception +31, Sense Motive +31, Survival +31, Swim +34 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common SQ mighty leap, spawn maw
Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abyss) Organization unique Treasure standard (+2 moderate fortification leather armor, other treasure)
Special Abilities Armblade (Ex) The Laughing Hand’s armblade is treated as a primary natural weapon that deals slashing damage and threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Aura of Mocking Laughter (Su) All creatures within 15 feet of the Laughing Hand must succeed a DC 25 Will save or cower in fear for 1 round. The Laughing Hand can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. Demons are immune to this effect. This is a mind-influencing fear effect and the save DC is Charisma based. Mighty Leap (Ex) The Laughing Hand suffers no penalty from making a long jump without a running start. If he does get a running start, he doubles the distance traveled. Rake (Ex) When the Laughing Hand uses his rake attack, he normally has only one bite. He gains more bites by the use of the spawn maw ability. Rejuvenation (Su) If the Laughing Hand is slain, he reforms 24 hours later in the Spiral Paths. This can be disrupted if the Permaheart, hidden on a demiplane, is destroyed. If the Permaheart is destroyed and the Laughing Hand still lives, he loses his energy resistances, his DR is reduced to 5/good and his SR reduced to 18. Spawn Maw (Su) Whenever the Laughing Hand takes 10 or more damage from a piercing or slashing weapon, a new mouth opens up in the wound. This raises the save DC of the aura of mocking laughter by +1 for as long as the maw exists (to a maximum save DC of 35 for 10 maws), and gives the Laughing Hand another bite attack it can use when it uses its rake ability. Maws spawned this way last for 1 minute before they are resorbed into the Laughing Hand’s body. Summon (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, the Laughing Hand can summon four bleak hounds. Treat these as 10th level dog animal companions, only with spider climb as a constant supernatural ability and Precise Strike and Outflank as bonus feats. These hounds last for 1 hour or until slain.
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tinyhousetown · 1 year
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The Hideaway by Handcrafted Movement (264 Sq Ft)
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ariesgamesandminis · 11 months
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Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals!
20-181 Liberator Cruiser 20-250 Anubis ABS-3L 20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R 20-278 Heavy Hover APC (Standard) (2) 20-289 Daimyo DMO-1K 20-300 Odin Scout Tank (Standard) (2) 20-309 Blizzard Hover Transport (Standard) (2) 20-332 Behemoth "Stone Rhino" 2 20-346 Crimson Hawk 20-396 Avatar AV1-O Prime 20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L 20-440 Fireball ALM-7D / ALM-8D 20-474 Peregrine Attack VTOL 20-5010 Koschei KSC-3I 20-5030 Onager 20-5054 Mjolnir MLR-B2 20-5082 Gyrfalcon (Standard) 20-5093 Lament LMT-2R 20-5094 Jackalope JLP-BD 20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K 20-5130 Kheper KHP-7R 20-5168 Vixen 6 20-5207 Black Knight BL-9KNT 20-5214 Jade Phoenix Prime 20-628 Athena Combat Vehicle (Standard) (2) 20-655 Fire Scorpion 20-690 Owens OW-1 20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7 20-752 Canis (Standard) 20-756 Akuma AKU-1X 20-793 Hollander BZK-F3 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-818 Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (2) 20-854 Hunchback HBK-4G 20-913 Perseus P1 Prime 20-941 Men Shen MS1-O Prime 20-977 Cestus CTS-6Y 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 AC-010 Large Cast Stem BT-007 Rottweiler Battle Armor BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-029 Sloth Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-063 Track Bike BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-120 Sabutai Mech Scale Fighter BT-134 Gray Death Legion Battle Armor BT-164 Tracker Surveillance BT-189 Kobold Battle Armor BT-199 Asura Md. Battle Armor BT-224 Heavy Jump Infantry BT-231 Ironhold Battle Armor BT-237 Recon Infantry BT-238 VTOL Infantry BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-256 Branth Aerial Beast Infantry - In Fight BT-276 Maxim Hover Tank (3058) BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-315 Chimera CMA-1S BT-319 Wheeled APC BT-320 Tracked APC BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-350 Doloire DLR-OD BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft BT-368 Cecerops Protomech BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-373 Centaur Protomech BT-375 Gorgon Protomech BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (3) BT-383 Longinus Battle Armor (3) BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-386 Undine Battle Armor (3) BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-389 Purifier Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-412 Amazon Battle Armor BT-436 Buraq (Standard) Battle Armor BT-466 Wheeled Scout (2) Closed & Open Top BT-476 Ares ARS-V1E Apollo FT-025 Samurai Mech Scale Fighter OP-013 Thor E ATM Pod OP-067 Puma E Pod OP-093 Fenris "Ice Ferret" D Left Arm RFLIICLTD-11 Limited Edition Rifleman IIC 8 20-208D Wolverine Antenna 20-393F Gladiator "Executioner" Prime Small Jump Jet Sprue 20-5182C Catapult CPLT-C1 Arm Sprue 20-5182D Catapult CPLT-K2 Arm Sprue 20-685C Bandit Hovercraft Gun Sprue 20-741H J-27 Thumper Tow Vehicle Gun 20-770B Axman AXM-1N Arms / Head Sprue 20-983MSR Mad Cat MK II Missile Rack 20-994D Marauder Bent Leg 20-994I Marauder Small Gun Sprue 20-994I Marauder Small Gun Sprue
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seth-shitposts · 1 year
So everything I want to work on atm are all multichap fics or long fics and they're all so fun. I'll take breaks on em to so one shots here and there, I still have prompts saved that were given to us that we look forward to completing as well.
But I do wanna share some of the long au's and multi chaps real quick because I so very much thrive off of interaction & reaction & such. So here:
Obviously, the current WIPs that are in the front line are Conversationalist (set to have 8 chapters plus a bonus) & Jealousy, Ft. Lando (🔞) (set to have a total of 5 ish chapters).
And we haven't forgotten about Force User Zeb, we just haven't had the opportunity to pick it back up. We do have a lot planned for it and look forward to taking it out of its hiatus, we just do not know when that'll be.
There's the defectors au with Ezra and Kallus.
For that one, we plan on writing quite a bit of things for the years that Kallus is fostering Ezra and is growing into a friendship with the Bridgers as they slowly help him see the empire for what it is. There's a lot of complex things that'll go on there.
And I also look forward to working how that changes things during the canon events, how different things will be. But you can bet your ass that the parallels will be plentiful.
There's also The Renascence of 264, which will be a multi chap follow up on the courier droid that had temporarily helped the ghost crew.
Essentially, (fulcrum) Kallus finds the droid and reboots him, recognizing him as the courier droid that had helped the ghost crew. Kallus had intended on simply freeing the droid, smuggling him off the outpost he had been discarded our from and to a different planet, maybe giving him the chance to meet the rebels again or find a place he can be happy in. He's surprised when the droid insists on staying with him.
And, so there's a common (ish) headcanon of how zeb has poor facial recognition. Actually horrid. I enjoy the headcanon, but also. In the rebels comics, Zeb very quickly recognized 264 as the droid they had nabbed and that had helped them. So I find humor in the possibility that Zeb possibly had poor facial recognition when it comes to non-droids, but is able to recognize every droid he has ever met, even if it was only once.
And yes, 264 is going to immediately get on Kallus’s case on asking the handsome rebel out. (264 is enamored by both Kallus and Zeb for being some of the first ones to praise him in a long time. He immediately gets very protective over the both of them. But at the same time is ready to send them out the airlock if they keep doing a silly little dance around their feelings.)
And then, there's the prompt by @canonkalluzeb I utterly ADORE it so much and I already have like 7 pages of notes complied. I added to it just today. I am so excited about working on it.
I'll link the post, but it's Kallus oversees a prisoner transfer and he’s shocked and disgusted to find that the dangerous criminal is a toddler, a 3y/o lasat child.
He steals her and sets out to find Zeb, knowing that he probably knows of a safe place for misplaced lasat, but it's several months before he finds them.
Last, but not least,
The Aphelion Waltz
(Not everything that is stated in the linked post is set in stone, much of it is still up to change)
My baby. I'm putting so much work into this fic. I shake the bars of my enclosure daily because of this fic. It's going to be a while before we are able to start posting the story, and its going to be a long one with so much moving plot. There's main plot line, sub plots, dozens of characters, slow burn, murder mystery, politics, romance. And this one is going to be explicit, but we might make a lighter version after we completed the main story. But this fic is going to have so many heavy contents. It's probably going to be one of our most complex endeavors, but I very much look forward to it.
I'm down for answering any questions about any of the fics at any point in time.
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omegaremix · 4 months
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Omega Radio for May 19, 2021; #264.
Main Source ft. Nas + Akinyele + Large Professor: “Live At The BBQ”
Scarface: “Seen A Man Die”
EPMD: “So What Cha Sayin’”
PMD ft. Das EFX: “What Cha Gona’ Do”
Black Sheep: ”Strobelight Honey” (original)
Leaders Of The New School: “International Zone Coaster”
Live Squad: “Heartless” (YG’s RMX)
Beatnuts: “Props Over Here”
Big Daddy Kane: “Prince Of Darkness”
Trends Of Culture ft. Grand Puba: “Valley Of The Skinz”
Grand Puba ft. Mary J. Blige: “Check It Out”
Organized Konfusion: “Stress (Extra P)”
Ultramagnetic MCs: “Ego Trippin’”
Almighty RSO: Revenge Of Da Badd Boyz”
Tucka Da Huntaman: “Watch Your Back”
Diamond D: “Sally Got A One-Track Mind”
D-Nice: “Call Me D-Nice”
De La Soul: “Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey)”
Jungle Brothers: “Straight Out The Jungle”
Gang Starr ft. Nice & Smooth: “DWYCK”
Nice & Smooth: “Sometimes I Rhyme Slow”
Outkast: “Benz Or A Beamer”
Slick Rick ft. Warren G: “Behind Bars”
Disposable Heroes Of Hip-Hoprisy: “Television, The Drug Of The Nation”
Lost Boyz: “Renee”
Kurious Jorge: “Uptown Hit”
Cypress Hill: “How I Could Just Kill A Man”
Masta Ace: “Born To Roll”
Grand Daddy IU: “Sugar Free”
Craig Mack: “Get Down” (Q-Tip RMX)
Keith Murray: “The Most Beautifullest Thing In This World”
Kriss Kross ft. Supercat: “Alright”
LL Cool J: “I Shot Ya”
Goodie Mob: “Soul Food”
Arrested Development: “Tennessee”
Paris: “Outta’ My Life”
Intelligent Hoodlum: “Grand Groove”
Thug Life ft. 2Pac: “Pour Out A Little Liquor”
Naughty By Nature: “Written On Your Kitten” (QDIII RMX)
Bonus Omega; second hip-hop, rap, golden-era set.
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pathfinderunlocked · 3 months
Elder Mana Manifest - CR 14 Elemental
Raw magic, bound into living form.
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Artwork is in-game art from Hearthstone, by Konstantin Turovec, copyright Blizzard Entertainment.
This is a stronger version of the Mana Manifest, a CR 8 aether elemental I previously posted.
Aether is a rare element that’s sometimes mistakenly called “pure magic” or “pure force,” but is actually formed from a buildup of mainly ethereal energy mixed with all four primary elements in order to create something new.  Aether is nevertheless a very good conduit for what most wizards would consider “pure magic” or “pure force,” and this creature makes use of those powers to attack.  It’s quite intelligent for an elemental, and has more varied powers than a typical elemental.
This creature is designed as a boss fight; you probably don’t want to have more than one of them in a fight at a time, partially because it would be a lot of things to track and partially because it has high HP and low damage.  Some of the gravitating orbs that I posted earlier this week would make good minions for this boss.
Although it’s an aether elemental, a mana manifest lacks the Telekinetic Invisibility and Telekinetic Throw abilities of typical aether elementals.
Elder Mana Manifest - CR 14
Clad in what appear to be magic bindings, the swirling multi-colored being of living magic floats above the ground effortlessly, and rises almost 25 feet tall.  Its pure energy form is in the shape of a reverse teardrop with a long tail, and two massive clawed arms.
XP 38,400 N Huge outsider (aether, elemental, extraplanar) Init +8 Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17
AC 26, touch 22, flat-footed 22 (+10 deflection, +4 Dex, +4 mage armor, –2 size) hp 264 (16d10+176) Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +13 Defensive Abilities telekinetic deflection Immune elemental traits, force
Speed fly 30 ft. (good) Melee 2 claws +21 (1d8+7) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks energy building, telekinetic maneuver
Spell-like Abilities (CL 16th [18th on dispel checks]; concentration +20)     At will—magic missile, prestidigitation     3/day—mana fissure (DC 20, see text), quickened dispel magic     1/day—anti-summoning shield, huge mana bombs (ranged touch +18, DC 24, see text)     Constant—mage armor
Str 24, Dex 18, Con 30, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 22 Base Atk +16; CMB +25; CMD 49 Feats Combat Casting, Dispel Focus, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Quicken Spell-like Ability (dispel magic), Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell Focus (abjuration), Toughness Skills Acrobatics +23, Escape Artist +20, Fly +23, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +22, Knowledge (religion) +19, Perception +25, Spellcraft +28, Use Magic Device +25 Languages Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran
Energy Building (Su) Once per day as a swift action, an elder mana manifest can begin building up an explosive charge of aetheric energy.  The elder mana manifest begins visibly and audibly vibrating and pulsing with a hot glow at increasing speeds.  Five rounds later, if the elder mana manifest is still alive, the explosive charge detonates at the start of the elder mana manifest’s turn, dealing 14d8 force damage in a 60 foot burst around the elder mana manifest and pushing all affected creatures and unattended objects back 20 feet away from the elder mana manifest.  The elder mana manifest is dazed on the round when it detonates.  A DC 30 Reflex save halves the damage and the distance pushed.  The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
After detonating, an elder mana manifest is sickened until it rests to regain its spells.
Huge Mana Bombs (Sp) As a standard action, as a spell-like ability, a mana manifest can make ranged touch attacks (typically +11) against up to five different targets within short range (typically 65 feet).  Each target must be at least 15 feet away from any other target.  Targets hit by these ranged touch attack are struck by bombs of magical energy, which stick to them.  If one of these ranged touch attacks misses, that bomb is instead stuck to the ground beneath the target (or the closest surface, for a flying or swimming target).  The bombs immediately begin beeping and flashing.  A bomb can be removed with a Strength or Escape Artist check equal to the spell DC (typically 24).
After one round, the elder mana manifest can use a standard action to cause the bombs to detonate.  A bomb attached to a creature expends that target’s highest-level spell or spell-like ability that it is capable of casting, and deals damage based on its spell level.  If the target’s highest-level spell is a prepared spell, it loses one of its highest-level spells at random.  If the target’s highest-level spell is a spontaneous spellcaster, it loses a spell slot of the highest level it can cast.  If the target‘s highest-level spell is a spell-like ability, it loses a daily use of that spell-like ability.  A bomb attached to a non-spellcasting creature or to an object simply deals damage.
Each target takes 6d6 force damage, plus an additional 1d6 per spell level of the highest-level spell or spell-like ability that it is capable of casting.  Additionally, other creatures within 10 feet of the target must succeed on a Reflex save (typically DC 24) or take half as much damage.
Treat this as a 7th-level abjuration spell.  Spell resistance applies.
Mana Fissure (Sp) As a standard action, as a spell-like ability, an elder mana manifest can create a mana fissure with a 10-ft. radius at a point within medium range (typically 260 feet).  Creatures within the mana fissure take 2d8 force damage, and must succeed on a Will save (typically DC 20) or the next spell they cast during the mana fissure’s duration is automatically cancelled as if it were counterspelled.  This mana fissure persists for 10 minutes, and any creature that enters its area or ends its turn within the area is subjected to its affects again.
Treat this as a 3rd-level abjuration spell.  Spell resistance applies.
Telekinetic Deflection (Su) An elder mana manifest gains a deflection bonus to its AC equal to its Constitution modifier.  This bonus is already included in its statistics.
Telekinetic Maneuver (Su) An elder mana manifest can attempt a ranged combat maneuver check, as per telekinesis, with a CMB equal to its Hit Dice + its Dexterity modifier (typically +20).  This maneuver can be used against a target within long range (typically 1040 feet).
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
A3! Web Manga Directory
List of A3! web manga chapters and character appearances.
223 - What Are You Talking About...? (ft. Tenma, Azami, Tsumugi, Azuma)
224 - Look Up (ft. Chikage, Misumi)
225 - Celebration! (ft. Kumon, Banri, Omi)
226 - Sleeping Pose Art (ft. Tsuzuru, Kazunari)
228 - Lucky Boy (ft. Sakuya, Itaru, Misumi, Sakyo)
229 - Driver's License (ft. Banri, Taichi, Tasuku, Azuma)
230 - Way of Calling (ft. Kumon, Sakyo, Sakoda)
231 - Excitement! 5th Anniversary (ft. Tenma, Yuki, Muku, Misumi, Kazunari, Kumon)
233 - Cupid of Love? (ft. Tsuzuru, Taichi, Omi)
234 - Movie-Watching With Care (ft. Citron, Sakyo, Azami, Guy)
235 - What Kind of Person is Amadate Kabuto? (ft. Banri, Matsukawa, Kabuto, Aoshi)
236 - Dismal Mistake (ft. Masumi, Kazunari, Tsumugi)
237 - Can't Have Peace (ft. Tsuzuru, Itaru, Citron, Homare, Haruto, Shift, Madoka)
238 - Derailment (ft. Matsukawa, Rento)
239 - Omi's Photography Class (ft. Omi, Tsumugi)
240 - Masumi's Birthday! (ft. Sakuya, Masumi, Tsuzuru, Itaru, Citron, Chikage, Kazunari)
265 - Fishing (ft. Sakuya, Kumon, Omi, Sakyo, Guy)
266 - Pictures (ft. Tenma, Kazunari, Banri, Azami)
267 - Not Even For Educational Purposes? (ft. Sakuya, Muku, Sakyo, Azami)
268 - Their True Form Is... (ft. Taichi, Azuma)
269 - Appliances Are Great (ft. Sakyo, Matsukawa, Kamekichi)
270 - Sumi's Shop (ft. Misumi, Guy)
271 - A Present for Omi! (ft. Taichi, Omi)
272 - Guy's Hopes (ft. Tsuzuru, Guy)
273 - Bad at Lying (ft. Misumi, Tsumugi, Tasuku)
274 - Aniki's Birthday Plans (ft. Sakoda, Ichiro)
275 - Can't Do Mornings! (ft. Kasumi, Hiro, Zen, Syu)
276 - Beards Come in All Forms (ft. Banri, Taichi, Omi, Matsukawa, Rento)
277 - All Chapters Unlocked! (ft. Sakuya, Tenma, Yuki, Banri, Omi, Sakyo, Homare, Azuma)
278 - Well-Prepared Means No Worries (ft. Juza, Tasuku)
279 - Wait Your Turn (ft. Masumi, Tenma, Kumon, Taichi, Omi)
280 - New Year's Exhaustion (ft. Itaru, Tsumugi)
281 - The Book of Homare (ft. Citron, Chikage, Muku, Omi, Homare)
282 - The Magic of a Kotatsu (ft. Tenma, Yuki, Muku, Misumi, Kazunari, Kumon, Hisoka, Azuma)
283 - Celebration☆6th Anniversary! (ft. Banri, Juza, Taichi, Omi, Sakyo, Azami)
284 - On His Palm Lies... (ft. Kumon, Hisoka)
285 - With the Wrong Person (ft. Masumi, Chikage)
286 - Guy's Data Bank (ft. Citron, Muku, Guy)
287 - Tasuku's Lively Birthday (ft. Kazunari, Azami, Tasuku)
288 - Pictures Together (ft. Muku, Misumi, Kazunari, Banri, Kamekichi)
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dvinitaes · 7 months
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ysabela  redwyne   , lady   of   the   arbor
hear  ye  hear  ye  —  the  riverlands  welcomes LADY  YSABELA  REDWYNE of THE  ARBOR.  king  matthos  baratheon  is  glad  that  the THIRTY-FIVE year  old  appears  to  be INDEPENDENT and  he  shall  overlook  that  it’s  said  they  are  also CYNICAL,  as  long  as  they  are  glad  to  celebrate  peace  in  the  seven  kingdoms.  fortunately  for  them,  matthos  remains  oblivious  that  aren’t  happy  with  his  reign.
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full  name  :  ysabela  grafton  (  baela  by  those  close  to  her  ) age  :  thirty-five  years  old date  of  birth:  the  18th  of  the  seventh  turn  (  july  )  hometown  :  the  arbor  ,  the  reach  ,  westeros gender  &  pronouns  :  cis  female  +  she  /  her orientation  :  heterosexual  +  heteroromantic religion  :  faith  of  the  seven marriage  status  :  widowed titles  &  occupation  :  ruling  lady  of  southshield  ,  lady  of  arbror
hair  colour  :  black eye  colour  :  brown height  :  1.68  m  /  5’6”  ft face  claim  :  janet montgomery  
moral  alignment  :  chaotic  good positive  traits  :  determined  ,  independent  ,  rational negative  traits  :  blunt  ,  cynical  ,  opinionated  hobbies  :  hawking  ,  playing  the  instrument 
264  ac  -  she  and  her  twin  brother  are  born  to  lord  edmure  and  lady  serra  redwyne 
276  ac  -  death  of  her  parents,  edmure  and  serra,  on  a  ship  wreck  on  their  way  back  from  the  mainland.  in  the  same  year  her  uncle  assumed  the  role  of  regent  as  her  brother  was  too  young  to  rule  the  arbor
284  ac  -  accompanied  her  aunt,  edwyna  redwyne,  to  oldtown  as  she  sorted  the  redwyne/port  affairs  there.  additionally,  she  was  secretly  getting  treated  for  an  illness.
288  ac  -  return  home  with  her  aunt  only  to  find  out  that  she  was  to  be  married  to  lord  theodore  serry,  heir  of  house  serry. 
289  ac  -  marriage  to  theodore  serry  and  moved  from  the  arbor  to  southshield 
294  ac  -  death  of  theodore  serry  due  to  illness.  after  mourning,  ysabela  returned  to  the  arbor.  there  she  helped  managed  the  affairs  of  house  redwyne,  secretly  harboring  ill  feelings  towards  her  uncle  who  has  stolen  her  brother’s  birthright.
299  ac  -  present  time.
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darkland-blood · 2 years
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These four pals, that i nicknamed the giant homies, are four big as fuck vehicles that are Just vibin.
The is Made of Bagger, Zeta, Yuko and Epsilon.
Bagger is 120m (393 ft.)
Zeta is 86m (282 ft.)
Yuko is 84m (275 ft.)
And Epsilon is 75m (264 ft.)
All of the three mostly eat soil and hard Rock, however it isn't uncommon for them to eat other Trucks, Planes, trains and other vehicles.
And yeah, the four have become my favourite.
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Also If you steal, trace or lie about owning my art and i will expose and kill you-
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152830 Dinkinesh
152830 Dinkinesh (provisional designation 1999 VD57) is a binary main-belt asteroid about 790 meters (2,600 feet) in diameter. It was discovered by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) survey at Socorro, New Mexico on 4 November 1999.
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Dinkinesh was the first flyby target of NASA's Lucy mission, which approached 425 km (264 mi) from the asteroid on 1 November 2023. During the flyby, the Lucy spacecraft discovered that Dinkinesh has a natural satellite 220 meters (720 ft) in diameter. Dinkinesh is the smallest main-belt asteroid explored by spacecraft yet (there are some smaller near-Earth asteroids that have also been explored)
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © Bad Moon Art Studio, accessed at their gallery here
[Sponsored by @justicegundam82, who's been having me convert monsters from both Epic Level Handbook and Serpent Kingdoms for a while. And this one is from both! I do find it interesting that the greatest of the nagas, rather than being neutral or being posited as an ancestor or patron to all nagas, is explicitly chaotic evil. I'm going to be working this into the Age of Monsters/Great Game stuff, believe me. Also, thanks to this excellent art, I gave my version both disintegrate and Still Spell]
Ha-Naga CR 20 CE Aberration This human-headed serpent is enormous, its head the size of an entire human, and its body as long as a caravel. Its scales shimmer in color but default to a pearlescent white.
Ha-nagas are the most powerful and magically gifted of the naga lineages. It is a shame, therefore, that they are universally evil. Every ha-naga is self-absorbed to the point of megalomania, and they respect nothing else besides the gods, and even those only grudgingly. Most ha-nagas like to view themselves as divine incarnations, extinction level events, civilization destroyers, and other over the top entities. They have the power to back these claims up on a practical level. Spirit nagas view ha-nagas with a combination of envy and awe, and most ha-nagas have one or more nests of spirit naga minions.
In combat, a ha-naga would rather avoid violence altogether with its mesmerizing gaze. Most ha-nagas have charmed victims to slow down dedicated enemies with, and they do not hesitate to allow said charmed victims to be slain in its stead. If a ha-naga’s mind-controlled allies turn on it, they merely become additional targets for its spells. Ha-nagas tend to like big flashy spells that deal damage over a wide area, and then focus fire on any healers or fellow casters left standing. If they are allowed the freedom of an open-air location for combat, they take to the skies, flying gracefully like a snake swimming through water. Their slam attack is a grasping loop of their coils, and their stings contain venom that causes flesh to decompose within seconds.
Ha-nagas are enormous, and as such require enormous lairs. Abandoned and ruined cities are a favorite, with the ha-naga nesting inside of a temple complex, coliseum or other monumental building. They are very tactile creatures, and often sleep on mounds of treasure in the way that dragons do. Dragons are the only creatures ha-nagas feel remotely threatened by, and some ha-nagas make a habit of eliminating all of the dragons within a comfortable radius of their lairs (and stealing their hoards) before settling down in a location for good.
A ha-naga is about 100 feet long. Their lifespans are best measured in centuries, and a ha-naga can survive two or three millennia if not slain in combat.
Ha-Naga CR 20 XP 307,200 CE Colossal aberration (evil) Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +36, scent Defense AC 34, touch 14, flat-footed 22 (-8 size, +12 Dex, +20 natural) hp 372 (24d8+264) Fort +19, Ref +22, Will +23 DR 20/good; Immune charms, compulsion effects; SR 31 Weakness corrupted Offense Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect) Melee slam +22 (4d6+9 plus grab), sting +22 (2d8+9 plus poison), bite +22 (4d4+9) Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. Special Attacks charming gaze, constrict (4d6+13) Spells CL 19th, concentration +30 9th (5/day)—meteor swarm (DC 30), wail of the banshee (DC 30) 8th (7/day)—fire storm (DC 29), horrid wilting (DC 29), power word stun 7th (8/day)—greater arcane sight, greater teleport, regenerate 6th (8/day)—disintegrate (DC 27), greater heroism, heal (DC 27) 5th (8/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 26), cone of cold (DC 26), nightmare (DC 26), wall of force (DC 26) 4th (8/day)—cure critical wounds (DC 25), divine power, freedom of movement, scrying (DC 25) 3rd (9/day)—dispel magic, displacement, lightning bolt (DC 24), slow (DC 24) 2nd (9/day)—alter self, mirror image, resist energy, scorching ray, spiritual weapon 1st (9/day)—cure light wounds (DC 22), identify, mage armor, magic missile, shield of faith 0th—bleed (DC 21), detect magic, ghost sound (DC 21), light, mage hand, message, read magic, stabilize, touch of fatigue (DC 21) Statistics Str 28, Dex 34, Con 32, Int 31, Wis 29, Cha 33 Base Atk +18; CMB +38 (+42 grapple); CMD 58 (cannot be tripped) Feats Agile Maneuvers, Arcane Strike, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials (B), Extend Spell, Flyby Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Stealth), Still Spell, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +39 (+51 when jumping), Bluff +35, Diplomacy +35, Fly +39, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, planes) +34, Knowledge (history) +37, Perception +36, Sense Motive +33, Spellcraft +37, Stealth +41, Survival +36; Racial Modifiers +12 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Senzar, Undercommon SQ camouflage, compression, flight, metamagic mastery Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Camouflage (Ex) A ha-naga gains a +12 racial bonus on Stealth checks. It does not need cover or concealment to make Stealth checks. Charming Gaze (Su) Range 60 ft.; effect charmed (as per charm monster) for 20 days; save Will DC 31. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a -2 racial penalty. Corrupted (Ex) A ha-naga is treated as an outsider with the evil subtype, as well as its actual type, for spells and abilities affected by creature type. Flight (Su) The fly speed of a ha-naga is a supernatural ability. Metamagic Mastery (Su) A ha-naga does not need to increase the casting time of a spontaneous spell in order to modify that spell with its metamagic feats. Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 33; duration 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d8 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based. Spells A ha-naga can cast spells as a 19th level sorcerer. It treats spells from the cleric spell list as being on the sorcerer/wizard list. It does not gain any of the other class abilities of a sorcerer, such as a bloodline.
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tinyhousetown · 1 year
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The Coastal Modern tiny house (264 Sq Ft)
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Boulton Paul Defiant | Classic Warbirds
In the 1930s a new tactical concept was conceived, this proposed the idea that fighters would have a gun turret mounted on them as opposed to forward firing guns as it was anticipated that enemy bombers attacking the UK would be unescorted. This appeared to have two advantages, firstly, it meant the pilot could concentrate on flying the aircraft and not have to worry about finding and hitting a target. Secondly the guns could be used over a greater area than before and could be used for both offence and defence.
When the Air Ministry issued Specification F.9/35 on the 26th June 1935 for a two-seater monoplane aircraft with a power operated gun turret that would be able to operate both at day and night, Hawker, Fairey, Supermarine, Gloster, Armstrong Whitworth and Boulton Paul all made submissions. Hawker's prototype, called the Hotspur, along with the Boulton Paul F.82 saw an order for two prototypes of each placed during October 1935. This was followed by an order for 87 of Boulton Paul's aircraft and 389 of the Hawker Hotspur on the 28th April 1937. However the only Hotspur prototype produced would not fly until the 14th June 1938, ten months after Boulton Paul's. By this time Hawker were committed to producing their Hawker Hurricane fighter and so development of the Hotspur was cancelled.
A two-seater, its crew consisting of a pilot and gunner, low-wing cantilever monoplane fighter of all metal construction with retractable tail wheel type landing gear and powered by a Rolls-Royce Merlin I engine the first prototype of Boulton Paul's aircraft, now called the Defiant, made its initial flight on the 11th August 1937 in the hands of Cecil Feathers, Boulton Paul test pilot, and minus its rear turret, which would be fitted during February 1938. On the 7th December 1937 the Defiant prototype was sent to the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment at Martlesham Heath for trials.
The second prototype was powered by the Rolls-Royce Merlin II engine and made its maiden flight on the 18th May 1939 with the large heavy four gun turret mounted within the fuselage just behind the cockpit, this was to be the aircraft's only armament as it had no forward firing guns. However the weight and high degree of drag caused by the protruding section of the turret was to limit both the manoeuvrability and speed of the Defiant.
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The first production Boulton Paul Defiant was flown on the 30th July 1939 and would originally operate as a day fighter. With a top speed of 304 mph, range of 465 miles, service ceiling of 30,350 ft and armament of four 0.303-in machine-guns the first deliveries of this new aircraft were made to No. 264 Squadron, who had been reformed on the 30th September 1939, with the first two arriving on the 8th December 1939. This was followed by No. 141 Squadron, who received their first Defiant on the 4th April 1940, and became the second operational Boulton Paul Defiant squadron on the 3rd June 1940. The next month saw No. 264 Squadron move to RAF Duxford on the 10th May 1940. Two days later on the 12th May 1940 No. 264 Squadron took the Defiant into battle over Continental Europe for the first time when six were in action over the Netherlands.
The 19th July 1940 saw the Defiant used in the Battle of Britain (10th July 1940 - 31st October 1940) for the first time when No. 141 Squadron were tasked with convoy protection. However after being bounced by Messerschmitt Bf 109s they lost six of the nine aircraft, with the loss of ten aircrew killed, this would be the only Defiant day fighter sortie performed by the squadron. No. 264 Squadron also saw action during the Battle in August but by now the Luftwaffe pilots had worked out that if they attacked the Defiant head on they could do so with complete immunity. This saw the aircraft suffer increasing losses, and as a result they would no longer operate as day fighters from the 28th August 1940.
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The Boulton Paul Defiant was instead moved into a new night fighter role, beginning regular patrols in September 1940, which lead to the Defiant NF Mk IA and a number of aircraft were installed with a comparatively new and secret Airbourne Interception Mk. IV radar. It was in the night fighter role that the Defiant was to have success as part of Britain's night defences in the winter of 1940-41. During this period they were to shoot down more enemy aircraft than any other contemporary night fighter. With the introduction of newer aircraft for night fighting No. 264 Squadron would be the last to operate the Defiant in this role, until May 1942, when they were replaced by the de Havilland Mosquito Mk II.
The aircraft would be involved in one of the more mysterious episodes of the Second World War (1939 - 1945) when on the 10th May 1941 a pair of Defiants from No. 141 Squadron were sent to intercept an aircraft. Despite pursing the aircraft they were unable to catch it. It would later transpire that the aircraft was a Messerschmitt Bf 110 flown by Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Fuhrer to Adolf Hitler.
To try to improve the performance of the Defiant two Mk Is served as prototypes for the new Mk II version. Fitted with a more powerful Merlin XX engine whilst other changes to the aircraft saw the rudder improved with a greater area, modifications to the fuel systems, engine cooling and an increased fuel capacity, with the 20th July 1940 seeing the first Defiant Mk II prototype fly. Its top speed of 313 mph was an improvement over the Mk I as was its range of 480 miles. The Mk IIs service ceiling was 30,348 ft and armament remained the four 0.303-in machine-guns. Over 200 were built, although many were converted to target tugs later on, and a number were built as dedicated target tugs. In this role they were used both at home and in the Middle and Far East. Defiants were also used for air-sea rescue, carrying air dropped dinghies.
The Boulton Paul Defiant would achieve the feat of becoming, not only the RAF's first electronic countermeasures aircraft, but the world's first. It would be equipped with either Mandrel, which jammed the German early warning radar known as Freya. The other was known as Moonshine, this made a raid appear on German radar larger than it really was. It was in the ECM role on the 17th July 1943 that four Defiants from No. 515 Squadron flew the types final operational sortie.
A Defiant TT Mk I would be sent to Martin-Baker on the 11th December 1944 so it could be used by the company to test their ejection seats. The first dummy trials started on the 11th May 1945. Martin-Baker also received a second Boulton Paul Defiant which they used to test their ejection seats. The Air Ministry would also conduct their own trials using a Defiant until March 1947.
February 1943 saw Defiant production end and in total 1,064 had been built.
Technical Details
Click on the aircraft image to view a larger version.
Top Speed Range Service Ceiling Armament
Defiant Mk I 304 mph 465 miles 30,350 ft four 0.303-in machine-guns
Defiant Mk I side profile image
Defiant Mk II 313 mph 480 miles 30,348 ft four 0.303-in machine-guns
Defiant TT Mk III Target tug.
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felinalain · 2 years
Minecraft measurement units
Ya know, I read a lot of fanfic, and I noticed that (probably for convenience which I totally understand) a lot of them use our measurement units. But for people that would live in the game as is, it wouldn’t make much sense.
So I had some fun here, trying to think of what the units might be, why, and convert them to our units to see what that would do.
Warning this is me rambling for a bit, but I summarize everything in neat bullet point at the end if you want to skip the ramblings.
So first you’d have distances:
The smallest unit of distance I think would be a pixel? If we go from the default texture size, that’s 1/16 of a block. Then the block itself (maybe also slabs?) Then above that, the unit that comes to mind is the chunk. So 16 blocks. And then I thought, what about bigger distances, cause chunks are still rather small. After a bit of poking around, I figured, either DeSpawning distance (128 blocks from player, from wiki) or a day-travel distance (flat surface, on foot: 2592 blocks using this blocktool direction finder/distance calculator).
Then you have volumes:
So this one is interesting because obviously you’d have a block for volume. But with flowing liquids, you could have liquids that don’t fill a full block, and since you can’t pick those up, I figured they wouldn’t count. So a source block. Which is also equal to a bucket. Or a cauldron. All of those are equals. Then you have bottles. If we count that we need 3 bottles to empty a cauldron, that mean you have 3 bottles to a bucket. (Bucket probably used most, because it can be transported unlike the other two) Bottles don’t stack, so that’s all for volumes, that was easy XD Finally we have amounts:
Which would serve for everything else, since we’ve never seen weight used significantly in minecraft. So obviously, single items and unstackables are the smallest unit. Then stacks. BUT not all stacks are equals. Thinking back on it, I noticed that (at least between me and friends) we tend to say “a full stack” when we mean a stack of 64. So I based the next part on this: A full stack is 64. A small stack is 16, for the items that stack only up to 16. (because quarter stack sound less nice IMO) And stacks can be put and transported un shulker boxes, or inventories which are the same size, so I’ll call the biggest unit Box for short, and it’s 27 slots. Since those can have full stacks and small stacks and a mix of both, I’m not sure how you could differentiate and I’ll put this question aside for now. I also won’t go into carrying 27 boxes of 27 stacks. (because I reached my patience XD)
Now to summarize this :
1 Pixel 
1 Block = 16 pixels
1 Chunk = 16 blocks = 256 pixels
1 Distance = 8 Chunks = 128 blocks = 2048 pixels
1 Daytravel = 28 Distance   = 162 Chunks = 2592 blocks = 41472 pixels
1 bottle
1 source-block = 1 bucket = 1 cauldron = 3 bottles
Single item/unstackable
1 small stack = 16 items
1 stack = 4 small stacks = 64 items
1 Box = 27 stacks OR 27 small stacks = 1728 items OR 432 items
Now in IRL values, if we assume 1 block to be 1 meter in side (as per wiki) that would be:
1 Pixel = 6.25 cm = 2.5 inches
1 Block = 1 m = 3.3 ft
1 Chunk = 16 m = 52.5 ft
1 Distance  = 128 m = 419 ft
1 Daytravel = 3.6 km = 2.2 miles
1 bottle = 333 L = 88 gallon
1 bucket = 1000 L = 264 gallon
Amounts (no conversion needed)
There we go. I dunno quite why I did this, I just had a random thought, and I decided to write it down, and share it.
Also, those are some magic bottles to fit so much in so little space XD
If anyone want to add to this, has other ideas, I’m super curious to hear them though!
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seth-shitposts · 9 months
[Making some organization of our WIPs, so might as well do a WIP post while im at it-]
Feel free to ask any questions about ones that poke your interest or if you'd like bits from them or let us know which ones are your fave or that you're pulled toward.
For the longest of the long AU WIPs, there's
-Defectors AU - AU in which Kallus was assigned to the Bridger Raid and finds Ezra.
-The Aphelion Waltz - AU where the empire never came to be. Trouble in the lower levels of Coruscant sends the entire galaxy into an uproar.
-Sense of Faith, Self, & Valor - AU in which The Grand Inquisitor and Tua lived and Kallus convinces/inspires them to join the rebellion.
For long fics and multi chaps, we have
-The Renaecense of 264 -Kallus finds a droid abandoned by the empire out in the cold.
-Change In Plans -Prompt fic in which Kallus comes across a young lasat child in imperial custody. (Has been in our docs for MONTHS- I don't think we've spoken much on it)
-Salticidae -prompt fic where Kallus finds a lovely little creature and Zeb has to try and get over a fear before his partner gets home. (Might be a one shot, might be a multichap)
-Eyes of the Ashla -a prompt fic au. Kallus can see specific ghosts
-Insomniac Art Attack - Prompt fic. Sabine putting restless energy into good use.
-Pull You Into Dark Corners - heavy revisions needed. Nsfw. KalluZeb
-All Of Me -secret relationship. Not a slow burn, but something adjacent. This one might be scrapped and fused into other works. We'll see.
One Shots!
-Baby Its Cold Outside [Defectors AU AU Edition]
-Jealousy Ft. Alexsandr - AU of sorts (mainly because time line doesn't line up with the concept but it makes me giggle). Kanan has a very Oblivious Moment and is jealous of Kallus.
-Bite Me, Love -something that was originally just a silly little thought but then 3 of you within a span of 5 minutes said I should do it. Like damn alright ig (I look forward to it hehe)
-[Unnamed Gift for Lost in Derry] - In the rebellion, Kallus being loyal to Hera. (I'm so excited about this one)
-[Unnamed Gift for GreyGhost] -After a major victory and an even bigger celebration, Kallus cares after a very drunk lasat.
-"Kiss The Girl" fic - Ezra and Kanan do a few shenanigans in attempt to get Kallus and Zeb to confess to each other. Ends in disaster every time. ... or maybe not.
-Morning Haze -nsfw kalluzeb
Ideas/Prompts we have that we haven't had the chance to start yet. But am eager to get to.
-"I would rather set myself on fire in an attempt to burn them from daring to try and touch me than let them do as they please." - Sabine Wren (We have 2 different ideas for this one. One that's early on in Sabine doing ghost crew, between her and Kanan. And the other is her and Kallus being assigned to a negotiation together, and it's one of the first missions they have together.) (Might make them be in the same timeline, like the second being a reflect to the first and time passing. The first being far more reckless and self destructive while the second is a promise of fight, a continous call to action.)
-so so so many fulcrum trio things. You have no idea how badly HOW BADLY I need these three to be on missions together.
-in addition to the above, Jealousy ft Cassian & Ahsoka.
-sentient glimmer fics
-Sentient Bo-rifles
-Kallus surprising Zeb by making him some of his favourite foods. So much fluff.
-Fulcrum Kallus dealing with the severe isolation of being so deep in the empire.
-Kallus keeping Every Item someone gives him.
-nsfw - service top Kallus & pillow princess Zeb
-6 More Prompts we've been given that we haven't started yet but are waiting for us once we get through a few more wips first.
These are the ones we have thrown up on Ao3 rn that we are half way through
-Conversationalist - an Ezra Fic
-Jealousy ft Lando - KalluZeb nsfw
Staying in hiatus until I have the availability to bring it out is
Force User Zeb - this is a long au fic we haven't been able to touch in awhile (😭😭😭)
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