gotham-native · 14 hours
trying to decide what to change my pfp to since my old one fucking evaporated from my camera roll
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gotham-native · 18 hours
i don't know if it's because the obsession is obsessioning or if i'm just delirious (i'm hella sick rn) but every song i'm listening to rn is reminding me of either Demeter or Demelonzostrap
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gotham-native · 19 hours
how do y'all so confidently ship your OC's with canon character
i want to but it feels weird and i have no idea who to pick (mainly about Amphitrite and Circe) (and Calypso a bit)
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gotham-native · 23 hours
Y'all i'm UNWELL
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gotham-native · 2 days
excuse? an Alonzo needs affection?
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hello? he can has a leg??
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helloooo??? 🥺
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George Maniadis' Alonzo and his ongoing quest for Affection and Affirmation from Munkustrap. (That's his emotional support munkuthigh!)
Vienna revival: March 2022 (boot master unknown), with Alexander Auler; and 19 and 21 June 2022, with Florian Fetterle (footage by @cryptidvoidwritings and @falasta).
but wait there's more
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gotham-native · 2 days
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*holds u* *is hold*
[Madrid 2004]
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gotham-native · 2 days
i love Daniel Tomoeney as Plato
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he's just so scruffy looking and is what i think a young Plato looked like when he first came to the junkyard with Demeter
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gotham-native · 2 days
Hey sissy
Spill your favorite Munkustrap designs NOW
Normal and fancy ones
JJ what is the point of going Anonymous if your just going to tell me it's you.....
Anyway here he is
Broadway 1996 (Michael Gruber)
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Hamburg 1991 (Tee Jaye)
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Paris 1989 (Matthew Jessner)
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1998 Film (Michael Gruber)
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Nagoya 1999 (Shoichi Fukui)
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Yokohama 2009 (Kiyomichi Shiba)
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Berlin 2002-04 (Jack Rebaldi)
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Copenhagen 2002 (Mats Hellgren)
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Moscow 2005 (Ivan Ozhogin)
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South Korea 2008 (Hong Gyeong-su)
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UK Tour 2018 (Jak Skelly)
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UK Tour 2019 (Luke Fraser Yates)
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Asia Tour 2020 South Korea 2020 (Rafe Watts)
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Gothenburg 2006
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Kilworth House Theatre 2019
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Tecklenburg 2015
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santiago 2024
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gotham-native · 3 days
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do tell
did i ever tell you guys my conspiracy theory about why they started giving bomba, jemima, and demeter completely ginger/brown wigs
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gotham-native · 3 days
click on the original to see the full updated list
cosplays i want to do but most likely won't
(for multiple financial and personal reasons)
(this list will be changed a LOT)
yes these are all cats themed
Amphitrite - oc
Circe - oc
Bombalurina - custom non replica design
Bombalurina - original Broadway design
Demeter - 1998 movie
Demeter - custom design
Demeter - Mexico Tour 2018
Electra - Kilworth House
Etcetera - 1998 movie
Etcetera - custom design
Misto - custom non replica fem design (slight joke)
Rumpleteazer - Custom design
Tabbygirl - London 1988
Tugger - custom non replica fem design (slight joke)
Victoria - custom circus design
Victoria - custom design
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gotham-native · 3 days
If your up to it can you share your favorite Demeter designs
Replica and non replica
there's a lot so buckle up
London 1995 (Michele Hooper)
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Original Broadway Production (Wendy Edmead)
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Hamburg 1990 (Kate Hamilton)
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1998 Film (Aeva May/Linda Mae Brewer)
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Zurich 1991 (Simona Ferrari)
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Moscow 2005 (Olga Belyayeva)
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UK/European Tour 2013-14 (Zizi Strallen)
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Broadway Revival (Kim Faure)
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China 2012 (Ding Zhenying)
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Mexico Tour 2018
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il sistina
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gotham-native · 3 days
Mungojerrie AND Rumpleteazer
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gotham-native · 3 days
when i see a three pixel clip/picture of Demeter, Alonzo, and Munkustrap standing near each other
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gotham-native · 3 days
Share your warsaw thoughts! The world deserves to hear them!
Hi! I've been thinking a lot about Alonzo, especially in the second act and in his relationship with Demeter
Because he likes her (obviously enough that Misto tries to help and Tugger tries not to help) and even after his blunder of trying to protect her from Griz (her own mother, although in his defence he seems to not have known that), he's still trying to get her attention, and he's taking all her Macavity alarms seriously
And then Macavity actually appears and Alonzo's first thought is to get Deme out of harm's way, he pulls her behind him and stays there as her shield (or was he scared to death himself and his fear made him stay there?)
Even when Munk gets suprise punched by Mac immediately goes down (his friend and fellow protector)
Even when Old D rushes to Munk when he sees that happen because screw that it's dangerous, it's his son getting hurt (maybe if Alonzo rushed there with him he wouldn't have been caught, maybe it would have been Demeter)
Even when Old D gets caught by Mac's magic and led away (he still could intervene, Mac was right there in front of him)
Through all of this Alonzo stays with Demeter
Then as soon as Munk's back up they split and go look for Mac (also we got Bomba doing shadowdance thanks to this), and Alonzo is the main one fighting him (Munk does deliver the final hit tho), and finally Demeter does reciprocate his affection and they go offstage together
And I just can't stop wondering how much of the Mac fight was Alonzo trying to get rid of Macavity once and for all so Demeter could be safe, and how much was him trying to make up for his hesitation (cowardice?) earlier
And how much of that affectionate moment was "thanks for saving my life" and how much were any potential feelings for her
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gotham-native · 3 days
Ok, so i just stumbled across this:
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And i thought I'd go through and try and identify all the cats. I got this:
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Pretty good considering i haven't studied this non-rep as closely as others, tho a couple of these are guesses. And i feel like the second on the third line and the last pic on the first art the same cat.
If anyone can help me identify the rest, that would be great.
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gotham-native · 3 days
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Tabbygirl and Murad my BELOVED
i think all my problems would be solved if i had a Tabbygirl costume
actually i think every cats fan needs to be obsessed with at least one rare/niche cat. it builds character
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gotham-native · 4 days
trying to figure out a Tecklenburg design for Circe and fine tunning Amphitrite's design and headcanons
for Circe I'm trying to decide what exactly she should be, I'm thinking either a 'daredevil' specifically she would drive a motorcycle and do stunts like driving threw a ring of fire, ramp jumping, and the cage of death or a aerialist, specifically Aerial straps and her costume would have fire/phoenix accents on them. i want her to have fire accents because she is related to Macavity in this and honestly probable in every non replica designs i make for her
for Amphitrite i have her costume figure out. she's a lion tamer and her costume colors are the same as Skimbleshanks only flipped (ex: her shorts are red and her top are blue). i know i want her to be related to Skimbleshanks i just don't know how, i see Tecken. Skimble as younger the Jellicle Skimble so i'm not sure if i'm going to go down then dad route but they are related. somehow.
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