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dani-sims · 2 years ago
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snootyfoxfashion · 1 year ago
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Bram Stoker's Dracula Collection by La Femme En Noir
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perduedansmatete · 9 months ago
dimanche ennui donc liste (certainement pas exhaustive) de moi à moi des artistes que j'ai déjà vu en concert, de ceux que je vois bientôt, de ceux que j'aimerais voir et de ceux que je RÊVE de pouvoir écouter en live un jour:
concerts faits dans un ordre totalement approximatif:
julien doré (petite, j'étais amoureuse de lui et je me souviens d'avoir eu mal au cœur quand il chantait winnipeg)
jeanne cherhal (petite aussi, j'étais absorbée car elle avait chanté quelques chansons suspendue à un cercle en l'air)
olivia ruiz (toute mon enfance)
la grande sophie
the dedicated nothing (ils ont fait un album on en a plus jamais entendu parler et je les avais vu dans une boutique longboard comme c'était des surfeurs mdr)
the dø (dans un festival paumé en vendée, j'étais la plus heureuse)
george ezra
the black lilys
radio elvis 2x
feu! chatterton 3x (j'ai l'impression de faire l'amour quand j'entends arthur teboul chanter en live, un des trois concerts était en plein air vers l'océan c'était beau et poétique)
grand blanc
clarika (toute mon enfance, dans la voiture avec ma mère)
the limiñanas (inattendu, jamais écouté avant de les voir mais si cher à mon cœur maintenant)
girls in hawaii (souvenirs d'adolescence)
genghar (concert avec mon père dernièrement, j'écoutais beaucoup adolescente aussi)
sallie ford 2x
norma 2x (elle fait fondre mon cœur j'aimerais qu'elle perce)
the twilight sad
las aves
prudence (la chanteuse de the dø, on avait gagné un concours avec ma sœur!!)
cate hortl
clara luciani 3x
pomme 2x
franz ferdinand 2x
arctic monkeys 2x (dont une fois catastrophique à rock en seine, des amitiés se sont brisées, des crises d'angoisses, un son merdique)
the strokes (son merdique et problèmes techniques car rock en seine mais j'étais au max)
ledher blue
the cure (que dire de plus??? 3h de the cure en live c'est le paradis)
depeche mode (que des bangers, je m'en remets pas encore)
pi ja ma (choupette, je l'aime depuis la nouvelle star)
delilah bon (à la fin de son concert on a eu droit à tous les chants de manifs de gauchos sans aucune raison pendant 20 minutes et c'était génial)
fontaines dc (je veux les revoir)
ethel cain (c'était thérapeutique)
angel olsen
lucy dacus (très vite)
tamino 4x (je l'adore de tout mon cœur mais je fais une pause je l'ai trop vu)
ko ko mo 7x ou plus?? (découverts dans un festival paumé en vendée, depuis on les voit tous les ans)
jesse jo stark (trop sexy)
clemence violence
jen cloher (lesbiennes australiennes je vous aime)
dynamite shakers
odezenne (j'ai pu chanter je veux te baiser en live c'était fantastique)
georgio (marque le début de la fin d'une amitié mais j'étais tellement heureuse ce soir là)
frank carter and the rattlesnakes (ma sœur qui se fait une entorse dans un pogo)
the mysterines
yeule (premier concert toute seule, il m'a fait du bien)
sorry (chanteuse toute timide toute choupi mais génial et j'ai pu crier les paroles de there's so many people that want to be loved)
alexandra savior (écoutez là c'est un ordre)
sarah maison
sextile (concert génial soirée traumatisante)
wunderhorse (de vrais anglais qui s'en branlent de tout c'était cool)
no elevator
emma peters (j'écoute pas mais sympa)
skip the use (j'y allais en mode souvenirs, j'avais jamais écouté ses récents albums et le gars est trop chaud en live)
agar agar
nada surf (le chanteur est trop gentil <3)
adrien gallo (à défaut d'avoir pu voir les bb brunes... et j'étais aussi amoureuse de lui petite)
therapie taxi
nova twins (un de mes meilleurs concerts elles avaient une énergie trop folle)
la femme (mes meilleurs pogos)
tori amos (concert avec ma mère, icone)
l'impératrice 3x (2 fois sans que je veuille vraiment juste ils étaient dans des festivals et j'en peux plus leur scéno c'est toujours la même et c'est mou)
snail mail (mou)
parcels (j'écoute pas mais en concert c'est fou)
tame impala (l'impression d'avoir pris du lsd pendant 1h30)
gaz coombes (le chanteur de supergrass!!)
idles (de loin mdr)
foals (mouais)
wet leg (absolument génial premier rang à crier toutes les paroles, tellement qu'il a plu et qu'on a fini le concert dans la boue)
yeah yeah yeahs
the murder capital (amoureuse)
suzie stapleton
maddy street (une copine de ma sœur, c’est trop bien)
origine club renommé bonne nuit (à revoir c’est des vendéens et j’adore les vendéens pas fachos)
alice et moi
prochains concerts:
stoned jesus
dionysos (cadeau de noël pour mes parents, ils nous ont bercé avec)
ethel cain (encore)
mannequin pussy
cherry glazerr
lana del rey!!!!!!!!!
ko ko mo (pour la millième fois mdr)
eartheather (j'ai eu une place alors qu'il n'y en avait plus??? yaayyy)
artistes que j'aimerais voir:
the marias (ils avaient annulé la seule date qu'ils faisaient en france alors qu'on avait nos places avec ma meilleure amie, on leur en veut encore)
anna calvi
bar italia
the last dinner party
coco & clair clair
dora jar
king krule (on m'a empêché de prendre une place la dernière fois car apparemment il chante mal en live)
beach house
lebanon hanover
japanese breakfast
sally dige
tove lo (je l'ai raté à rock en seine...)
tv girl
sir chloe
portugal. the man
last train
baxter dury
sophie meier
thao & the get down stay down
fka twigs
yelle (je serai une femme accomplie le jour où je l'aurai vu)
artistes que je rêve de voir dans mes rêves les plus fous:
soko (elle soignerait tous mes maux)
fiona apple (c'est beau de rêver)
the smashing pumpkins
courtney barnett (c'est une nécessité je connais tout par cœur)
siouxsie sioux
björk (ratée en septembre dernier...)
eels (mes parents y sont allés sans moi et sans me le dire????)
alt-j (j'écoute depuis trop longtemps pour ne jamais les avoir vu)
iggy pop (icone, il faut, et je suis amoureuse de lui)
new order
massive attack (si je craque pour rock en seine...)
emiliana torrini
she wants revenge
hope sandoval
sigur rós
arcade fire (je crois que le chanteur est un agresseur sexuel. bon.)
the last shadow puppets
the white stripes mais bon... ou jack white
madonna...... mais je suis pauvre
si une âme charitable a tout lu et veut me fournir de quoi me payer des places de concerts je suis preneuse lol merci
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year ago
Hi, love. I absolutely adore your blog and your taste in everything! I wonder, do you have some recommendation when it comes to perfumes for femme fatale? How should she smell like? Thank you in advance for your response 🖤
Hi love! Thank you so much. This compliment made my day <3
Here are some of my "Femme Fatale" perfume recommendations:
Tom Ford Velvet Orchid 
Frederic Malle Musc Ravageur
Valentino Donna Born In Roma Intense 
Killian Rolling In Love
Givenchy L’Interdit Rouge 
YSL Black Opium 
YSL Libre Intense 
Armani Sì Passione
Versace Crystal Noir
Jean Paul Gaultier La Belle Le Parfum 
Lancôme La Vie Est Belle 
Byredo Reine de Nuit
Byredo Slow Dance 
Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Night/Orchid Perfumes  (Budget-Friendly) 
Henry Rose Dark Is Night (Clean Beauty - Luxury) 
5 Sens Catch Feelings (Clean Beauty - Budget-Friendly) 
Tom Ford Noir de Noir (Unisex) 
In terms of fragrance notes, I would say a "femme fatale" type fragrance incorporates some combination of amber, vanilla, bergamot, patchouli, and musk with complimentary notes like oud wood, coffee beans, rum, rose, tuberose (more nighttime, intense scents) or sandalwood, sparkling pear, or jasmine notes (for a lighter/more daytime or summery scent).
Hope this helps xx
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rosebudblog · 2 months ago
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Situémonos en la España de los años 40 del pasado siglo: destrucción, hambre, represión, cárceles abarrotadas, fusilamientos diarios… un panorama desolador que los ciudadanos comunes trataban de aligerar durante unas dos horas sublimando problemas por el único medio que se lo permitía: el cine. Las pantallas de las salas de cine aún con la merma de las prohibiciones, de la censura y de la escasa calidad del cine español permitían a nuestros padres y abuelos - al menos en las grandes ciudades y pueblos –olvidar sus problemas diarios. Las salas se llenaban y las películas, especialmente las norteamericanas, eran las elegidas por los españoles para acercarse a la fábrica de sueños.
Entre esas películas están dos que curiosamente repercutieron de forma muy popular tanto en la moda de toda España como en los “pinchos” de bares y tabernas, especialmente en el Norte de nuestro país. Los títulos de esas dos míticas películas se incorporaron al léxico de los españoles para designar un jersey y un aperitivo.
REBECA es el título de la primera de esas películas. Una obra maestra de Alfred Hitchcock de 1940 (no confundir con la deplorable versión británica de 2020 dirigida por un tal Ben Wheatley) en la adaptación de la novela de Daphne Du Maurier y que permanece fresca después de más de 80 años de su estreno. Unas grandes interpretaciones de Joan Fontaine y de la excepcional Judith Anderson como la siniestra señora Danvers. Dejo al margen al sobrevalorado Laurence Olivier, un actor más dotado, creo, para el teatro que para el cine. Pocas veces la atmósfera de una película ha creado tal grado de intriga y tensión como en Rebeca.
Pues en Rebeca, la actriz principal, Joan Fontaine en el papel de Señora De Winter, luce un jersey en su casa palacio, la famosísima Manderley. Este tipo de jersey era conocido como Cardigan y consistía en una chaqueta de punto sin cuello, abrochada por delante, y cuyo primer botón está, por lo general, a la altura de la garganta. El nombre Cardigan se debe a James Thomas Brudenell, séptimo conde de Cardigan quien popularizó su uso. Este Conde fue el héroe de la guerra de Crimea de 1854 cuando ordenó el ataque suicida que se conoce como la Carga de la Brigada Ligera y que ha sido llevada al cine en varias ocasiones.
Desde el estreno de Rebeca, las mujeres españolas y por extensión los hombres, adoptaron ese nombre para designar a ese tipo de prenda tanto en su variante masculina como femenina y que aún hoy día se sigue usando.
Para nuestra segunda película hubo que esperar al año 1946. Ese año se estrena en España una película del artesano de Hollywood Charles Vidor (no confundir con King Vidor) que trajo numerosos problemas de cabeza a las autoridades religiosas. GILDA, pues ese era la película, fue uno de los señalados éxitos del cine negro norteamericano con actuaciones estelares de Glen Ford y la actriz de origen español Rita Hayworth.
Rita interpretó a uno de los más recordados personajes de femme fatale del cine negro y su sensualidad y erotismo, más o menos camuflado, durante varias escenas especialmente en aquella que las calenturientas mentes españolas creían que después de quitarse el guante se quitaba todo lo demás… fue demasiado para los moralistas autoridades eclesiásticas de nuestro país. Para varios obispos españoles no se podía tolerar semejante pecado, aunque incluso solo fuese de pensamiento y amenazaron a los espectadores que acudiesen a ver la cinta nada menos que con la excomunión. Como siempre pasa en estos casos lo que ocurrió fue precisamente todo lo contrario: los espectadores acudieron en masa a ver a Rita/Gilda.
La escena principal de la película era algo picante para la época y un cliente del Bar Casa Vallés de San Sebastián conocido como Txepetxa, tras ver la película y no sé por qué mecanismos psicológicos, aunque me los puedo imaginar, comenzó a ensartar en un palillo una aceituna, una piparra (guindilla) y una anchoa mientras trasegaba vino en la barra del bar. De ahí a que todos los clientes comenzaran a realizar la misma operación solo había un paso por lo que, advertido e inteligente, el dueño del bar se adelantó a prepararlos él mismo para ofrecerlos a la clientela denominando Gilda al nuevo aperitivo por el paralelismo entre el picante de la guindilla y las escenas picantes de la película. Desde entonces hasta hoy, la Gilda sigue siendo uno de los pintxos más conocidos de los bares de la ciudad donostiarra. Por cierto, se aconseja tomar la Gilda de un solo bocado para disfrutar de todos los aromas y sabores a la vez (también desconozco si inicialmente se debía hacer pensando en Rita/Gilda, aunque esto debía ser un pecado mortal de los gordos…).
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marciamattos · 1 year ago
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Remedios Varo Uranga
Remedios Varo Uranga, née le 16 décembre 1908 à Anglès, dans la province de Gérone en Espagne, et morte le 8 octobre 1963 à Mexico, est une artiste peintre surréaliste espagnole.
Son père est un ingénieur hydraulique. En 1924, Remedios Varo entre à l'Académia de San Fernando où elle étudie les beaux-arts. En 1930, elle participe à une exposition collective à Madrid. Elle épouse le peintre basque Gerardo Lizarraga et ils partent s'installer à Paris.
Elle revient à Barcelone, en 1932, se sépare de Lizagarra et se lie avec le peintre Esteban Francés.
En 1936, Remedios Varo participe à l'exposition Logicofobista organisée à la Galeria Catalonia de Barcelone et rencontre le poète surréaliste français Benjamin Péret, venu combattre avec les anarchistes de la colonne Durutti sur le front de Teruel2. Ils se marient et s'installent à Paris en 1937. Avec Péret, elle fréquente le groupe surréaliste parisien et se lie d'amitié avec l'artiste peintre anglaise Leonora Carrington. Elle présente plusieurs tableaux à l' Exposition internationale du surréalisme de janvier 1938 et à l' Exposition du rêve dans l'art organisée par Frédéric Delanglade. Sa toile El Deseo (Le Désir) est reproduit dans le numéro 10 de la revue Minotaure.
À la fin de l'année 1940, Remedios Varo et Benjamin Péret retrouvent André Breton et quelques surréalistes réfugiés à Marseille, dans la villa Air-Bel, louée par le journaliste américain Varian Fry, dans l'attente d'un visa de sortie du territoire français. Ils parviennent à quitter la France en 1941 pour le Mexique. Elle y retrouve Lizarraga, Francés, Leonora Carrington, Gordon Onslow-Ford, Wolfgang Paalen et sa femme Alice Rahon. Elle crée des publicités pour la compagnie pharmaceutique Bayer, fait de la décoration, peint des meubles et restaure des céramiques pré-colombiennes.
En 1947, elle se sépare de Benjamin Péret qui rentre en France. Elle expose à la galerie Maeght pour l' Exposition internationale du surréalisme.
Après un voyage au Venezuela où elle participe, avec son frère le docteur Rodrigo Varo, à une expédition entomologique, Remedios Varo rencontre Walter Gruen qui l'encourage à peindre à nouveau. Ils se marient en 1953.
En 1955, la Galería Diana de Mexico organise sa première exposition personnelle. En 1958, la Galería Excelsior organise le premier Salon de la Plastica Femina où sont exposées des œuvres, outre celles de Remedios Varo, de Leonora Carrington et d’Alice Rahon. En 1962, la Galería Juan Martín présente sa deuxième exposition personnelle et elle participe à l'Exposition internationale de Tokyo.
Remedios Varo meurt d'une crise cardiaque. Son dernier tableau Nature morte ressuscitant est la seule œuvre sans aucun personnage.
En 1964, une rétrospective est organisée au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mexico qui attire plus de 50 000 visiteurs. Dans la revue surréaliste La Brèche, André Breton rend hommage à son œuvre « tout entière » surréaliste : « Remedios, la féminité même, ici en hiéroglyphe le jeu et le feu dans l'œil de l'oiseau. »
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pierre-hector · 7 months ago
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Histoire du planning familial, de Malthus à la constitutionnalisation de l’avortement
Marion Sigaut, historienne, nous retrace l’historique du planning familial en France dont les origines sont américaines. Partant des idées de Malthus, nous passons par l’entre-deux-guerres avec les années folles en France, Margaret Sanger aux États-Unis avec l’International Planned Parenthood Federation ; la loi française de 1920 qui réprimait la provocation à l’avortement et la propagande anticonceptionnelle ; le Conseil supérieur de la natalité, puis le code de la famille, l’allocation de salaire unique, etc.
Ce panorama dépeint l’héritage U. S. d’Alfred Kinsey dans les directives de l’OMS pour l’éducation mondialisée des enfants ; l’entreprise de démolition des allocations familiales françaises par Pierre Mendès France ; l’influence d’auteurs comme Betty Frieman (U. S. A.) dans “l’émancipation” des femmes. ; le passage de l’allocation familiale à l’allocation de garde et la promulgation des crèches ; l’avènement du concept de paternalisme, puis de patriarcat ; la propagande démographique servant à faire accepter la dénatalité ; la mise au point de la pilule par des grandes fortunes américaines (fondations Rockefeller, Ford et McCormick), ainsi que sa défense militante en France via Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Hallé et Évelyne Sullerot ; l’affaire des époux Bac qui a servi de tremplin à la mise en place du programme du Planning Familial, puis à l’abolition de la loi de 1920 et à l’élaboration de la loi Neuwirth qui promeut l’information sur les moyens de contraception dans le but de lutter contre l’avortement ; les glissements du sens des concepts [fenêtre d’Overton] tels que les “bébés non désirés” qui deviennent des “bébés encombrants”, puis des “bébés surnuméraires” ; l’opposition de Maurice Thorez (communiste, PCF) au programme du Planning Familial ; le militantisme de certains Protestants, de Sionistes, de certaines loges maçonniques ; l’échec de la pilule auprès des masses populaires, mais la réussite de la légalisation sur l’avortement ; l’aboutissement au contraire de ce qui était annoncé : peu de contraception, mais davantage d’avortements ; etc.
Enfin, la présentation du programme du Dr Richard Day annoncé lors d’une conférence en 1969 à la Pittsburgh Pediatric Society devant un parterre de professionnels de la santé. Programme dénoncé une vingtaine d’année plus tard, en 1988, par le Dr Lawrence Donegan dans un entretien accordé à la journaliste Randy Engel.
‣ Chaîne Youtube « Marion Sigaut », « De Malthus à l’Avortement », pub. 6 avr. 2024, (sans espace) https :// www . Youtube . Com / watch ? v=262LAgGLbBs (cons. 6 avr. 2024). ‣ Notes personnelles complètes au sujet de cette conférence (trop conséquentes pour pouvoir les publier via un post sur ce blog). – Pierre-Hector_Notes_Marion-Sigaut_Planning-familial.pdf —
Rem. 1 : Il serait intéressant de mettre cette conférence instructive et éclairante en parallèle de la notion de sacrifice, collectivement et individuellement, notion reliée à celles de la castration, de l’amputation, de l’impuissance, de la perte, du deuil, des rapports de pouvoir, des peurs ancestrales face aux éléments naturels, du bouc émissaire, etc. – Synthèse succincte sur la notion de sacrifice au sein du catholicisme. – Chaîne Youtube « Le Verbe Haut », « [CONFÉRENCE] Alain Pascal et Sylvain Durain "Le sacrifice humain VS Sacrifice divin" », pub. 28 mai 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8zTWRO9s1c (cons. 16 avr. 2024).
Rem. 2 : À mettre aussi en parallèle de l’interview de Pierre Hillard par le Media 4-4-2, « Révolution française, géopolitique et mystique », pub. 4 avr. 2024 (18). – Media 4-4-2, « Révolution française, géopolitique et mystique », pub. 4 avr. 2024, https://www.tumblr.com/pierre-hector/747037981668474880/r%C3%A9volution-fran%C3%A7aise-g%C3%A9opolitique-et-mystique?source=share
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 7 months ago
14 mai Ouverture du 77ème festival de cannes 2024
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Film d’ouverture
LE DEUXIÈME ACTE de Quentin DUPIEUX | Hors Compétition
PIGEN MED NÅLEN de Magnus VON HORN. La jeune femme a l'aiguille
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maaarine · 2 years ago
Bibliography: articles posted on this blog in 2023
Posted in January
To grasp how serotonin works on the brain, look to the gut (James M Shine, Psyche, Jan 03 2023)
Thousands of records shattered in historic winter warm spell in Europe (Ian Livingston, The Washington Post, Jan 02 2023)
“Il faut que tu sois belle maintenant” : en Égypte, des femmes libérées du voile restent prisonnières des diktats (Aliaa Talaat, Al-Manassa via Courrier International, 20 nov 2022)
Mystery of why Roman buildings have survived so long has been unraveled, scientists say (Katie Hunt, CNN, Jan 06 2023)
Colombia’s surrogacy market: Buying a baby for $4,000 (Lucía Franco, El País, Jan 04 2023)
How to spot an eating disorder (Phillip Aouad & Sarah Maguire, Psyche, Jan 11 2023)
UAE sparks furious backlash by appointing Abu Dhabi oil chief as president of COP28 climate summit (Sam Meredith, CNBC, Jan 12 2023)
Don’t tell me that David Carrick’s crimes were ‘unbelievable’. The problem is victims aren’t believed (Marina Hyde, The Guardian, Jan 17 2023)
Baromètre Sexisme 2023 : "La situation est alarmante", estime le Haut Conseil à l'Égalité (Juliette Geay, Radio France, 23 janvier 2023)
Posted in February
Spain approves menstrual leave, teen abortion and trans laws (NPR, Feb 16 2023)
Are Men the Overlooked Reason for the Fertility Decline? (Jessica Grose, The New York Times, Feb 15 2023)
American teenage girls are experiencing high levels of emotional distress. Why? (Moira Donegan, The Guardian, Feb 16 2023)
Figures that lay bare the shocking scale of toxic influencer Andrew Tate’s reach among young men (Maya Oppenheim, The Independent, Feb 17 2023)
Why psychological research on child sex offenders is important (Meetali Devgun, Psyche, Feb 22 2023)
Derrière les chiffres des féminicides, des visages et un continuum de violences contre les femmes (Fanny Declercq, Le Soir, 27 fév 2023)
Posted in March
English is not normal (John McWhorter, Aeon, Nov 13 2015)
Are Iranian schoolgirls being poisoned by toxic gas? (BBC News, March 03 2023)
‘Why do we need a supermodel?’: Backlash after Fifa makes Adriana Lima Women’s World Cup ambassador (Henry Belot, The Guardian, March 02 2023)
New Human Metabolism Research Upends Conventional Wisdom about How We Burn Calories (Herman Pontzer, Scientific American, Jan 01 2023)
Polish woman found guilty of aiding an abortion in landmark trial (Harriet Barber, The Telegraph, March 14 2023)
How Diet Builds Better Bones: Surprising Findings on Vitamin D, Coffee, and More (Claudia Wallis, Scientific American, Jan 01 2023)
Met police found to be institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic (Vikram Dodd, The Guardian, March 21 2023)
Chinese Dating App Does the Swiping for Singles to Find Love (Nikki Main, Gizmodo, March 21 2023)
Aphantasia can be a gift to philosophers and critics like me (Mette Leonard Høeg, Psyche, March 20 2023)
Posted in April
Facts Don’t Change Minds – Social Networks, Group Dialogue, and Stories Do (Anne Toomey, The LSE Impact Blog, Jan 24 2023)
Uganda’s failure to jail child rapists as teen pregnancies soar (Tamasin Ford, BBC News, April 17 2023)
Italy risks ‘ethnic replacement’ because of low birth rate and high immigration, says minister (Nick Squires, The Telegraph, April 19 2023)
Putin, Trump, Ukraine: how Timothy Snyder became the leading interpreter of our dark times (Robert P Baird, The Guardian, March 30 2023)
India overtakes China to become world’s most populous country (Hannah Ellis-Petersen, The Guardian, April 24 2023)
Posted in May
Des crèches ferment toutes les semaines, « et ce n’est pas près de s’arrêter » (Le Soir, 5 mai 2023)
People in comas showed ‘conscious-like’ brain activity as they died, study says (Hannah Devlin, The Guardian, May 01 2023)
Chinese woman appeals in battle for right to freeze her eggs (The Guardian, May 09 2023)
Women CEOs: Why companies in crisis hire minorities - and then fire them (The Guardian, DG McCullough, Aug 08 2014)
Glass cliffs: firms appoint female executives in times of crisis as a signal of change to investors (Max Reinwald and Johannes Zaia and Florian Kunze, LSE Business Review, Aug 19 2022)
Posted in June
Afghan women in mental health crisis over bleak future (Yogita Limaye, BBC News, June 05 2023)
Support Of Amber Heard Alongside French Feminists & Cinema Figures (Melanie Goodfellow, Deadline, June 05 2023)
Why is Japan redefining rape? (Tessa Wong & Sakiko Shiraishi, BBC News, June 07 2023)
Catching the men who sell subway groping videos (Zhaoyin Feng & Aliaume Leroy & Shanshan Chen, BBC News, June 08 2023)
Netherlands to provide free sun cream to tackle record skin cancer levels (Kate Connolly, The Guardian, June 12 2023)
The Cause of Depression Is Probably Not What You Think (Joanna Thompson, Quanta Magazine, Jan 26 2023)
Posted in July
‘Farsighted impulsivity’ and the new psychology of self-control (Adam Bulley, Psyche, Feb 03 2021)
Can a perfectionist personality put you at risk of migraines? (Shayla Love, Psyche, July 25 2023)
Posted in August
How Loneliness Reshapes the Brain (Marta Zaraska, Quanta Magazine, Feb 28 2023)
Why religious belief provides a real buffer against suicide risk (David H Rosmarin, Psyche, Aug 07 2023)
Posted in September
What Are Dreams For? (Amanda Gefter, The New Yorker, Aug 31 2023)
Rape Cases Seize Italy’s Attention and Expose Cultural Rifts (Gaia Pianigiani, The New York Times, Sep 03 2023)
Councils in England in crisis as Birmingham ‘declares itself bankrupt’ (Heather Stewart and Jessica Murray, The Guardian, Sep 05 2023)
Nearly one in three female NHS surgeons have been sexually assaulted, survey suggests (Jamie Grierson, The Guardian, Sep 12 2023)
Domination and Objectification: Men’s Motivation for Dominance Over Women Affects Their Tendency to Sexually Objectify Women (Orly Bareket and Nurit Shnabel, Sep 09 2019)
In Spain, dozens of girls are reporting AI-generated nude photos of them being circulated at school: ‘My heart skipped a beat’ (Manuel Viejo, El País, Sep 18 2023)
When the human tendency to detect patterns goes too far (Shayla Love, Psyche, Sep 19 2023)
Posted in October
My Brain Doesn’t Picture Things (Marco Giancotti, Nautilus, Oct 04 2023)
“Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases (Sarah C.P. Williams, The University of Chicago, Sep 11 2023)
Poland election: exit polls point to Law and Justice defeat as Tusk hails ‘rebirth’ (Shaun Walker, The Guardian, Oct 16 2023)
Posted in November
What I have learned from my suicidal patients (Gavin Francis, The Guardian, Nov 22 2019)
Did natural selection make the Dutch the tallest people on the planet? (Martin Enserink, Science, Apr 07 2015)
Tumblr Is Always Dying (Elizabeth Minkel, Wired, Nov 14 2023)
How accurate is the new Napoleon film? Sorting fact from fiction (Andrew Roberts, The Sunday Times, Nov 19 2023)
Far-right party set to win most seats in Dutch elections, exit polls show (Jon Henley and Pjotr Sauer and Senay Boztas, The Guardian, Nov 22 2023)
Climate change: Rise in Google searches around ‘anxiety’ (Lucy Gilder, BBC, Nov 22 2023)
Posted in December
The sexual assault of sleeping women: the hidden, horrifying rape crisis in our bedrooms (Anna Moore, The Guardian, June 15 2021)
Afghanistan: Taliban sends abused women to prison - UN (Nicholas Yong, BBC News, Dec 15 2023)
Longitudinal Associations Between Parenting and Child Big Five Personality Traits (University of California Press, Nov 18 2021)
Scientists Pinpoint Cause of Severe Morning Sickness (Azeen Ghorayshi, The New York Times, Dec 13 2023)
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alain-keler · 11 months ago
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Dimanche 8 janvier 2012.
Parrainée par Claude Lelouch, une journée réunissant de nombreux véhicules ayant été utilisés pour des tournages de films a eu lieu ce dimanche. Pour la 12ème traversée de Paris “les anciennes font leur cinéma, j’étais plutôt attiré par la Ford Mustang blanche de “Un homme et une femme”, film mythique que j’avais vu à Deauville pendant les épreuves du baccalauréat de …. Je ne me souviens plus, cela fait trop longtemps ! J’étais avec mes copains Boris, Georges et Thierry, et je dois dire que le film m’avait plus intéressé que les épreuves du bac, surtout qu’il venait de sortir et que l’action se passait devant le lycée… enfin presque ! Jean-Louis Trintignant, et surtout la merveilleuse Anouk Aimée avaient eu raison de mes velléités d’études (en fait les désirs que mes parents me prêtaient : d’abord médecin, puis voyant que cela ne marchait pas dentiste - comme le voisin de l’étage inférieur- puis mon père a voulu que je reprenne son artisanat de maroquinerie- et là ce fut le glas de toutes leurs espérances).
J’ai vu Claude Lelouch, la Ford Mustang du film, mais surtout cette somptueuse Bugatti Atlantic de 1938 qui se dégageait du lot. 
Selon Paul Bracq (un styliste de voitures renommé), « l’Atlantic est un monument dans l’histoire de la carrosserie française ! Mieux qu’aucune autre automobile, elle exprime l’esthétique latine.
J’ai trouvé dans cette voiture des formes féminines et rondes, avant-gardistes et superbes. J’ai rêvé aussi que c’était la voiture de Batman (créé en 1939) et qu’il allait s’en servir pour rendre une vraie justice à tous ceux qui en ont besoin.
Batman, réveille-toi. Tu as beaucoup de travail à faire.
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dani-sims · 1 year ago
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adarkrainbow · 2 years ago
Behind Peau d’Âne (1970) - C
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# The music of the movie was created by Michel Legrand, who worked on several previous project of Demy (Lola, The Young Girls of Rochefort, the Umbrellas of Cherbourg). It was however the first time Legrand ever had to work on music for a fantasy film. He decided to mix different genres, the baroque, the jazz, the pop music, to give an “temporal in-between” to the music. He also used modern instruments and rythmic fugues to contrast with other French fantasy movies which rather used more medieval music (such as “Les visiteurs du soir” by Marcel Carné, The Devil’s Envoys).
# “Peau d’Âne” and the following movie, “Le Joueur de Flûte” will be Demy’s only two fairytale works. He had planned a modernized adaptation of Cinderella with roller skates with Francis Ford Coppola and the actress Nastassja Kinski in the titular role. But the project was never made.
# Disney actually noticed the success of Demy’s movie - to the point that in the 1990s and 2000s, Disney contacted several times Demy’s family about making an animated adaptation of his movie! (Because Demy died in 1990) Again, however, it was never made - notably because they ended up realizing that the themes of incest and bestiality of the story might not be well-met by the American audience. 
# The songs of the movie became so popular in French culture that you can still find them today. They are present in several movie: 2007, “Le quatrième morceau de la femme coupée en trois” (The fourth piece of the woman cut in three) ; 2014, “L’année prochaine” (Next year) by Vania Leturc..; The 2015 movie “Marguerite et Julien” by Valérie Donzelli also takes a lot of inspiration from the movie, being a story about incest filled with anachronisms and with a lyrical tone. In 2018 Peau d’Âne was even adapted as a musical at the Théâtre Marigny!
# Demy’s movie is actually based on the second version of the original tale, the prose Peau d’Âne by an anonymous writer ; it is not based on Perrault’s own Peau d’Âne written in verse (though he might have written the prose version too). Demy also decided to add in his movie other elements taken from Perrault’s tale to give a sense of a wider fairytale world. The scene of the Princess arriving at the farm with everyone frozen evokes the sleeping castle scene from Sleeping Beauty ; the old woman who hires the Princess spits toads like in “Diamonds and Toads”, and when she speaks to the Prince there are references to “Little Red Riding Hood”. When Donkey Skin is mocked by the villagers they call her “Cucendron”, the original insulting nickname from Cinderella, and the “Ball of Cats and Birds” has a guest of honor the Marquis de Carabas, from Puss in Boots.  Even beyond the fairytales of Perrault, Demy also slid nods and references to other fairytales: the deceased Blue Queen is in a glass casket, like Snow White ; the magic mirror of the Princess to watch her father is a nod to the mirror of “Beauty and the Beast”. 
# There is also a work on the seasonal cycles in the movie, which is both a nod to the fairytale genre and to the “pathetic fallacy”: the disease of the Blue Queen is revealed during a thunderstorm and corresponds to autumn. She dies in winter as her funeral takes place in the snow. It is in a young and fresh forest, spring, that the Prince and the Princess fall in love. 
# What truly makes Demy’s movie unique compared to other fairy tales adaptation is how he decided to fill his scenario with anachronisms, truly making the movie “atemporal”. Quite a bold move, that again seems to be part of Demy’s desire to fuse the “merveilleux” and the “réalisme” (fantastical and realistic). The Lilac Fairy is the main source of those anachronisms: she offers the Blue King books and poems “from the future”, written by modern French authors. The Blue King reads verses from Jean Cocteau in his “Ode à Picasso”, in which the Muses of Antiquity are described using modern tools such as zinc, phones or gas. He also reads “L’amour”, a poem by Guillaume Apollinaire. But the Princess is greatly confused by those poems she doesn’t understand, and in front of her father’s love declarations she thinks that it is this weird poetry that clouds his mind. The rest of the Lilac Fairy anachronisms comes from her mentions of “phone” and “batteries” (that highly confuse the Princess), and how her outfit clashes with the rest of the movie - as she wears high heels and a 1930s Hollywood hairdo. And finally, during the final wedding, the Blue King and the Lilac fairy arrive at the Red Castle in an helicopter. 
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# Another element of the movie that might elude people is that, during the “fitting of the ring” scene, all the people whose name are announced are references to historical French figures, who either lived alongside Perrault’s time, or who were simply part of the century of rule of Louis XIV. The “Princess Pioche de la Vergne”: it was the baptism name of Madame de La Fayette. The “Princess de Monthion”, a nod to Jean-Baptiste de Montyon. The Duchess Girard de Saint-Amand, a nod to Marc-Antoine Girard de Saint Amant. The Duchess Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde - the baptism name of Antoinette Des Houlières. The Countess Le Métal de Boisrobert, a nod to François Le Métel de Boisrobert. The Countess of Escarbagnas : she was the main character of Molière’ “comedy-ballet”, “The Countess of Escarbagnas”. The Marquise Marie de Rabutin-Chantal: the baptism name of the Marquise de Sévigné. The Countess Le Bovier de Fontenelle: a nod to Bernard Le Bouyer de Fontenelle. The Baroness Mary Wortley Montagu: a nod Mary Wortley Montagu. The Baroness Vauqelin de la Fresnaye: a reference to Jean Vauquelin de La Fresnaye. Earlier in the movie Godefroy, the friend of the Prince, talks about “La Ségur” and “La Clèves” : the first one is a nod to the Comtess de Ségur, and the other is a nod to “La Princesse de Clèves”, the most famous work of Madame de Lafayette.
# As I said previously, the “atemporality” of the movie is also present through the music of Michel Legrand, which mixes Renaissance music, jazz sounds and the Disney movies soundtracks. The costumes too mix fashions: the Princess and Blue Queen are dressed at the Louis XV fashion, the prince has a Henri II fashion, the valets are dressed in more generic Middle-Ages, and the peasants are taken out of the paintings of Le Nain. 
# While the Princess is clearly depicted as a “victim character”, and in her first scenes is surrounded by doves to highlight her innocence and purity, she is actually much active and stronger than it seems. She opposes her Fairy Godmother’s plans at first, and she is the one who makes “seducing” moves towards the prince by blinding him with her mirror or putting her ring in the cake. In a meta-reference, her fleeing of the castle is described as her being tired of waiting for a “prince charming” to save her, and in her own words - if he won’t come to her, she’ll find one on her own. In fact, it is only by escaping the castle that she gains a name, “Peau d’Âne”, as before she was entirely nameless. And finally, instead of the Prince waking up the princess with a kiss, here it is the Princess who appears to a Prince in his bed and takes him away through the power of love. 
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# The Lilac Fairy was built in opposition to the traditional idea of a fairy godmother: instead of being the “moral power” and moral authority of the story, the Lilac Fairy is a scheming character who acts quite selfishly as she ultimates wants to be the one to marry the Blue King ; and it is implied that the entire story was one slow and cruel vengeance of the fairy towards the king, of which the death of donkey was the climax. On top of subverting morals, she also subverts time itself as the main source of anachronism, from wearing a Jean Harlow haircut to riding on an helicopter. A woman lost between the past and the future, or living outside of time, she unites the traditional fairy godmother and the mythical seer as the King descrbes her as knowing the secrets of the future. The vanity of the fairy is actually an element that Demy took back from the vaudeville adaptations of Donkey Skin  in 1860-70, in which the Fairy Godmother scolds the Princess for disturbing her before she could finish preparing herself, and says that the Princess shouldn’t cry out of fear it would ruin her beauty. 
# Unlike the more cynical and harsher king of the original tale, who is said to mourn his wife in a very fast way “as if he wanted to be done with it”, Demy’s King is a passionate lover sincerely devastated by the death of his spouse, and who at first refuses to see his daughter anymore because it hurts him to see anything reminding him of his wife. The King is also the only character who expresses a carnal form of desire and love (unlike the Prince-Princess who live a chaste love) - and at the end of the movie, the last glance the King gives his daughter can be interpreted as him not having fully erased his lust for her. 
# The Prince’s character is in a “quest for true love”, but it looks a lot like a childish whim. In fact, his character has been noted as very infantile - he has extravagant love-dreams of a girl he barely met in the woods, he pretends to be sick to stay in bed daydreaming, he plays on his parents’ kindness and worry to obtain what he wants, and his capricious nature is also shown when he demands a cake done SPECIFICALLY by Donkey Skin, and later asks for the ring to be tried on by all the girls of the kingdom, despite him already knowing that it belongs to Donkey Skin. But in a true paradox, the “trial of the ring”, which seems like an extravagant caprice and profondly annoys/bores his parents, is also the only way the Prince can officially declare and recognize his love for Donkey Skin, and avoid all accusations of him trying to marry a girl “on a whim”.  Similarly, the “love dreams” of the Prince and the Princess have a very childish nature: far away from any kind of parental authority, free from all the responsibilities due to their rank, all they want is to do childish games and partake on puerile entertainments, rolling in the grass or eating lots of pastries. In fact, in the original draft of the love song between the Prince and the Princess there were lines that Demy later cut, because he thought they were too suggestive and would give an erotic reading to the song: “Nous feront ce qui est interdit / Jusqu’à la fatigue, jusqu’à l’ennui”. “We will do what is forbidden / Until we are tired, until we are bored.”
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year ago
Hello Femme, I couldn't help but notice people mentioning different fragrances lately, and I got curious: what male fragrances do you find to smell attractive?
I would like to gift my bf something( after getting some samples because I don't want to give him a headache). A lot of men wear versace eros, dior sauvage, or bleu de chanel. I was thinking maybe something like Tom Ford tobacco oud , or Tobbaco vanilie, or tuscan leather. Thing is, my bf isn't really into perfumes and fragrances, and I'm not saying this because I want to shame him, but he's the type of man to really put on whatever cheap perfume he finds because he doesn't see the purpose of investing in a good quality fragrance, so I can say I'm also buying it because I want him smell good around me.
Furthermore, do you know any male fragrances that are more on the " unpopular side " , not worn by everyone and their dad ? 🤭 thank you ❤
Hi love! I love Tom Ford fragrances, so great choices here. I would say my favorite male/unisex fragrance from the brand is Tom Ford's Noir de Noir (Unisex) and Noir Extreme (more masculine). Oud Wood/Tobacco Vanille are also great, though.
Some of my other favorite colognes for men include:
YSL La Nuit De L'Homme
YSL L'Homme (a bit milder but doesn't last as long)
Paco Rabanne 1 Million EDT
Killian Straight To Heaven
Killian Sacred Wood
Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb
Dime No. 1 Cologne (sustainable option)
Hope this helps xx
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chroniclesofnadia111 · 2 years ago
Here’s some of my faves :
Tom Ford Soleil Blanc:
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Prada La Femme Absolu
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Kilian Love, Don’t Be Shy
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Christian Dior Vanilla Diorama
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Penhaligon’s Changing Constance
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sazzafraz · 2 years ago
this is about the perfume thing
so anyway the perfume thing.
konoha nine era:
naruto: i have no idea. i’m leaning towards aroon sawat bc uhhh i wanna buy it and a couple offers from this brand are on my shortlist for other characters
sasuke: also have little idea but i THINK i’ve got some in my samples that could work. he thinks he wears sauvauge and is wrong. 
sakura: okay i have the niche one for this which is balinese ylang ylang. i wear this when i run or know i’m gonna do something strenuous because it literally only smells better when u sweat. its also like. complicatedly feminine. my designer is gonna be myth or sci fi from ellis brooklyn. 
kakashi: bespoke answer: i do not think he wears any. a skin scent if we must. though i know cats and dogs particuarly like the smell of ambroxan and vanilla (beaver butt). i have a lot of samples in this genre that i simply don’t wear so it could be fun to look. 
ino: okay THIS one is easy. she’s an iris/orris girl. classic unisex a little powdery. my expensive pick is going to be either oh la la or amyris femme, POSSIBLy eau de magnolia. hmmm.
sai: comme des garcon SOMETHING
gai: soft lawn cape heartache saint julep. this man is a concept. i think his designer is actually a nice fougere but i am NOT FAMILIAR here. 
neji: affluence
tenten: honestly a nice vanilla. la belle. i am not a vanilla expert.
rock lee: i think he’s one of those people with perfect skin chemistry who can wear anything. tenten picks. 
kurenai: portrait of a lady. lady vengeance. third rose femme fatale perfume
hinata: tea service. j’adore. 
kiba: spicebomb.
shino: eau duelle. 
sannnin/third era
hiruzen: disappointment
jiraiya: it’s versace eros. i wish it wasn’t. because i really like this perfume. but its versace eros.
tsunade: lust from lush when she’s drunk and lord of misrule when she’s sober
orochimaru: i DON’T KNOW it TORTURES ME. smoked bloom maybe. EDITED: phloem from jorum. him or kabuto. 
obito: now this one is interesting. a genuinely VERY MASCULINE one. will dive into my samples. probably sauvauge when he was uhhhh fourteen. the axe body spray version. 
all of them wear tom ford its just which ones
founders era:
hashirama: i hate this. he is the man men think they are when they wear sauvauge, my designer pick is going to be britney spears midnight fantasy.
tobirama: haute provence . i love this one. it’ll probably be a kenzo for designer. 
madara: i was RACKED with GUILT that i could not think of a smoky perfume for him. it can’t be amber kiso because thats my binghe perfume. then i remembered: betwixt and between. it’s polarising. i’ve had people move seats away from me. it got one of the hottest women i’ve ever seen to compliment me. it’s madara. 
mito: i gave tobirama haute provence but i’m going to pick something SO EXPENSIVE for mito. the designer might be salt from ellis brooklyn. 
izuna: o’unknown
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parfumnotes · 2 years ago
 I really didn’t mean to go a year without writing. Back in September, I started an entry that I never got back to, so here’s an attempt at a new one.
It was a pretty eventful year in my perfume world, as well as my personal one. 2022 saw us taking lots of little road trips, several of which one or two-nighters. It was nice to see parts of the state we hadn’t before. We got one great 5 mile hike in before monsoon got busy. Not that it rained much here, but the mountains would be too rainy and cold to enjoy.
Onto the goods. I’ve been extremely content (thrilled) with my perfume wardrobe and mostly focused on acquiring some backups of big loves. Some new additions include this creamy, thick vanilla-tonka beauty called Ajmal Evoke Silver.
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bitter orange, rose, vanilla, tonka bean, sandalwood
This one smells amazing in hot temps! It’s a change up for me because I’m a big floral lover, and really want bright florals in the heat. Evoke doesn’t bloom as beautifully in cool temps though, and it isn’t at all too heavy for hot weather. This has led me to try warmer scents in warmer weather, even if it is slightly against my preference. It has a milky quality like Armani Si Fiori (WHY did they discontinue it?), which is an addition from early last year.
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black currant, green mandarin, neroli, rose, patchouli, oakmoss, vanilla, white musk
I’m very grateful for having received a bottle of Si Fiori before it was too hard to find. Another big love that I was wanting for probably 3 years but could never find: White Soul Gold & Diamonds by Ted Lapidus. Make what you will of the name and sure, the bottle is different.. this is a beautiful piece of work by Francis Kurkdjian. This is another one that develops to the best version of itself in warm weather. It’s like a mixture of a creamier JPG Classique Essence and Alien. Some soapiness, a lot of orange blossom, very dense vanilla. It reminds me a bit of PdM Safanad, though not powdery like Safanad. What it is- womanly in every way.
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neroli, mandarin, orange, jasmine sambac, orange blossom, amber, vanilla orchid, heliotrope
I also managed to finally get my hands on Signorina Misteriosa. This is a lovely, milky tuberose-blackberry-vanilla. I love these both! I’d nearly forgotten how much I enjoy juicy berries in fragrance- probably because they can feel too shampoo or body spray like. Not here.
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blackberry, neroli, tuberose, orange blossom, milk mousse, black vanilla, patchouli
For fun trip to Arizona last spring, I wore Kate Spade Live Colorfully. I also took along my bottle of Intense Tiare, a sample of Gabrielle Essence (even more gorgeous in heat!), and layered True Gold with Far Away Gold by Avon... but it was Live Colorfully that I attached to this particular trip.
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water lily, mandarin orange, star anise, gardenia, tiare flower, coconut, Tahitian vanilla, musk, amber
Being obsessed with banana accords, I had to have D & G The One Essence. I have owned a bottle of the original The One for many years, but made the mistake of wearing it during the difficult time of losing my mother. That caused me to completely stop wearing it in spite of loving it. That wasn’t even a conscious decision but it was having the Essence version that brought it to my attention. I can wear it now, thankfully, and this version is so delicious. One night I wore Essence to bed, and the next morning sprayed Tom Ford Champaca Absolute. The vanilla base amped up Champaca Absolute and the two blended so beautifully that I have worn them like this again.
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peach, litchi, mandarin orange, bergamot, lily, jasmine, lily-of-the-valley, vanilla, amber, vetiver
Did I really try to say I didn’t obtain that many new perfumes? Haha I’m not even going to try to list them all here but let’s not forget Prada La Femme. I was given a sample of La Femme a couple of years ago but when I smelled it, it smelled exactly like Dali Wild, which I already have. So this year on a whim, I decided to try it again and was hooked. Bubblegummy-tuberose-honey floral. Could be beachy, somewhat tropical.. very clean and feminine.
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magnolia, bergamot, carrot seeds, frangipani, tuberose, ylang-ylang, iris, spices, beeswax, vanilla, vetiver
Another delicious gourmand, warm, powdery, sultry berry-ish scent that I fell in love with is Cacharel Yes I am Fabulous. My friend sent a decant of this for me to try and I used every drop. So good. SO GOOD.
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blackberry, heliotrope, milk, hazlenut
My birthday surprise was the gorgeous Ylang in Gold (Edition Speciale) by M. Micallef. I was fortunate to have previously sampled both the original Ylang in Gold and Ylang in Gold Nectar, which I preferred. Then I saw this bottle, the lack of mint of the original and extra fruity notes of both and only dreamed. I’m so thankful to have this beauty- wish they’d make this formulation permanent. It’s smoother, a little woodier but very much about ylang and vanilla. The great  thing is that good old Casmir by Chopard is close to Ylang in Gold.
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geranium, citruses, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, coconut, vanilla
I can’t not mention Swiss Arabian Shaghaf Oud. This one was on my radar for ages but the reviews were too scary. It was when I smelled something on bubble wrap from another order that something said to just buy it. I had never smelled it before, but a hunch told me that it was Shaghaf Oud. It’s wonderful. Mostly vanilla, praline and oud. I wish the rose was stronger.. but I actually love to layer this with Pure Honey. Can’t get enough..
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saffron, oud, rose, praline, vanilla
Another fragrance that I was gifted a sample and fell for is Frank Boclet Ylang Ylang. Goodness. This is very gourmand caramel that shines on the later dry down when the florals come out to play.
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mandarin orange, incense, bergamot, ylang-ylang, jasmine, iris, caramel, amber, musk, vetiver
My daughter and I took a trip to the mall one day. It’s funny or sad how little I venture out anymore. On this rare excursion, I was able snag a bottle of Burberry Her Elixir. The Elixir version sits exactly in the middle of Burberry Her and Burberry Her Intense (love) in depth and tone. More milky- most people associate it with milkshake. It’s more girly than the Intense version.
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strawberry, blackberry, jasmine, vanilla, amber, sandalwood
Other very worthy mentions I’m enjoying: Michael Kors Glam Jasmine* - Solinotes Ylang Ylang Blossom* - Al Haramain Amber Oud Gold Edition - Mauboussin My Twist - Afnan Souvenir Floral Bouquet
*These deserve their own posts. MK Glam Jasmine is one of the best jasmine scents out there, in my opinion. I have smelled Tom Ford Jasmin Rouge EDT and love it, and while they aren’t exactly the same, Glam Jasmine is hugely satisfying. Long lasting, great sillage. Solinotes Ylang Ylang Blossom has become a favorite easy reach for my insatiable ylang craving. When I first wore it, it reminded me so much of something I couldn’t put my finger on. Tanning lotion and Orchid Soleil, minus the milky (whipped cream) note. You can’t beat that.🌷
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