#F to pay respects
tommyssupercoolblog · 11 months
"jack septiceye was busy" he originally wanted Jack to judge w him 🥺🥺 crumbs,,
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kattyanimationzyt · 2 years
Ok ok ok-
After I get up from ONION LITERALLY USING MY POWER AGAINST ME- (yeeted chancla at my face to escape) I actually go on a hunt for Onion (lol gonna turn em into onion stew) and what I didn’t realize that I wasn’t prepared at all, all I had in my pocket was the other chancla 😭
I’ve been walking on the street for like an hour then there was a sudden gust of wind, and a piece of paper flew in my face. I thought it was just newspaper, then I saw the paper:
“-12:00 am
-Cabin in the nearby woods
I’ll be waiting…
Was this only for me? I was confused, but I decided to go there anyways. I went back home so I can get the proper preparations (aka pocket knife XD). I put on an alarm for 12:00 am (ya gurl can’t keep track of time 😭) and waited.
The alarm went off and I was on my way. I brought a chancla with me just in case the pocket knife didn’t work. (I mean it worked the first time for a little bit- ok enough of the chancel get serious me-) It took me almost half an hour to find the cabin but I found it-
I took a deep breath and went inside. It was dark, the moonlight was the only source of light there. A few seconds later the door slammed shut. It was Onion..
O: you actually came… I’m impressed.
K: What do you want?!?!
O: you really don’t remember… don’t you..?
K: what are you talking about?!
O: remember when I asked you to make a choice? You didnt give me an answer and ran off like the scaredy-cat you are…
K: What?!
O: I’ll ask you again… would you rather join the havoc we’re creating or die in it..? (Aka join us or die)
K: I…
*legitimate silence went on*
O: Times ticking~ what’s it gonna be..?
K: …
O: what was that? I couldn’t hear you~
O: …
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! So that’s what you have to say?! I gave you a choice, and YOU didnt take advantage of it.
K: please, i dont want to hurt you
O: ok, ok, fine. In that case, if you won’t hurt me,
*takes out knife*
Then I’ll hurt you…
*Onion slices Katy’s left eye (from Katy’s pov)*
K: *screams in pain* (I’m not putting the Aaaa ok?!?)
O: oh come on dont scream~ you brought this upon yourself…
Katty runs to the door to try to escape, the door is locked
O: hehehe~ no where to run, no where to hide~
K: *breathing heavily (NO NOT IN THAT WAY U DIRTY MINDED PERSON-)*
Katty tries to take out her pocket knife, it isn’t there
O: Looking for this?
Onion takes out Katty’s pocket and shows it to her
Katty: *gasps* no no no this can’t be possible…
O: now let’s get this over with…
Onion puts their knife close to Katty’s neck, about to slice it open (lol gory)
O: Any last words..? = )
K: I…
Time was running out, I was about to die. I put all the happy memories in my head and said my final words…
O: huh-
K: *yeets Backup chancla in Onions face*
Katty quickly grabs the pocket knife and breaks the window to make her escape
She was successful, for now…
O: this isn’t the end… I hope you’re ready to meet my new “friend”…
Oh also the scenes that were supposed to be in each part but couldn’t put there Bc tumble why-
Press f to pay respects I worked really hard on this 😭
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13tinysocks · 8 months
hey im so sorry if this is annoying or inappropriate, but im pretty sure you know the quotev fanfic playing favorites. it was with ticci toby and i cant find it anymore...if you remember any scenes or have a copy could you please share it? im sorry this is really lame but it was one of my favs and im just a bit devastated about not finding it anymore, especially because a dark fanfic is rare to come by
Pretty sure it's deleted I checked the link I had and she's gone. Fair enough lmfao I think about restricting access to syg all the time. I don't have any recs that are recent I haven't read crp fic in years because most are genuinely so bad it makes me mad 💔
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wolfkitty42 · 1 year
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kris... lets start killing some monsters
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jessicawesker83 · 23 days
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He didn’t even give my baby Tails a chance to react! Shad’s straight up massacring Team Sonic at this rate. Feel free to press F to pay for the fox’s respects.
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greensyrop · 2 years
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sneezypeasy · 6 months
If Katara became Fire Lady, the person who this'd suck the most for isn't actually Aang, it'd be Bato's kid (or whoever's mum or dad happens to be good friends with Hakoda). Can you imagine? Your mum's voice?!?! Hakoda's kids are your age and they're out there being chief of the SWT and co-ruling over the Fire Nation. Who are you chieftain of?? You can't even govern a penguin. Disgusten.
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mutantmayhems · 7 months
RIP the boys’ long mask tails, 2023-2024
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Facts-I-Just-Made-Up has rebranded!
FIJMU has changed its iconic former blurry logo! Once recognizable as a trusted name in lies, the facts icon you all know and love has been changed to a single letter "F" in an attempt to make people forget all the horrible things its owner has done. No longer will Facts be associated with my runaway greed, lack of taste, and outright violation of numerous communications laws, but only with the letter F, which has been traditionally used to pay respects. My greed, tasteless humor, and lies will naturally remain, but this will appease my shareholders* and should keep me out of prison for illegal emerald mining and heavy human rights violations for another week.
*All shares of FIJMU are owned by me, are not publicly traded, and the word "share" is used in the antiquated definition of "the blade of a plowing device," of which I own many now because there was a sale at the local antique mall and I had to buy a bunch to get a group deal on a copy of the old Playgirl magazine where you can see Edward G. Robinson's left ball.
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longbobmckenzie · 9 months
Gone, but never forgotten
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(it's not everyone because I cba)
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swimmingelectron · 5 months
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And firebenders can tweak the electric signals in someone's body-
But this made me think. Waterbenders can control water molecules and can bend anything the water will bring along. That is why they can bend blood. But waterbenders are also capable of NOT picking up objects that the water is carrying. So they can also dehydrate people, flood their lungs, flood their bladder, flood their digestive track, in turn giving someone diarrhoea, they can give someone a cough and a cold by increasing the volume of their mucus.
This means waterbenders would make great medics, btw. Any water is potable water. Everything is a water container. The most powerful water bender should be able to turn water into ice or steam, access groundwater in the deserts, and be able to make canals and streams.
The earth bender can bend a select range of minerals, but if they work really hard on it, they can bend any of them. Like toph did.
Strong earthbenders should be able to manipulate the very structure of molecules of the minerals so that they can sit on top of one another in a way that makes them pliable, malleable, strong, springy, etc to form the right shape and the right type of earth.
Like the water benders, they have the ability to add pressure and also control the movement of the rocks. Boomi and Toph already demonstrated what crazy fighters earthbenders can make. But i also think about how easily they can poison someone, oversalt them (dehydration 2.0), and calcify organs while the person is alive. They can cause bone cancer, they can break teeth, crush bones to powder, and puncture the internal organs. Manipulate bones did not even cover it.
They could manipulate armour to move to fight wars for the country. They could set flintstone fires without being there. They could weave metal into fabric. So many possibilities. I'm not even mentioning the industrial use, i believe LoK covered that?
Air benders and fire benders are different. Fire bending is easier to cover on an atomic level.
So they can bend heat, basically, right? But also, for some reason, they can channel electricity. The conclusion i am coming to is that they have command over the kinetic energy of individual electrons. That is why it is hard to master.
But this opens possibiliti3s. So i joked that they could modify the electric signals in the brain, but they literally could. But they can do so much more. Because this isn't atomic, it is subatomic. Yes, they can heat (and cool) things. Yes, they can use electricity. But if they can move electrons? So much more. They can change the properties of things. I can't even begin to list them. They can cut things, they can mend things seamlessly, and they can perform alchemy, changing the very structure of the atom. But that means it is an extremely volatile ability. Even the strongest bender would have to work these things one at a time or risk radiation.
Lastly, we have airbenders. There's two things that could be manipulating just air. One, they can move only free atoms. Which actually fits in with the heirarchy of molecular bonds of earth bender, molecules of water benders, airbenders with free atoms, and firebenders with subatomic electrons.
The other one would be the ability to create vacuums in space, and the air follows the small vacuums. Seeing how rigorously airbenders train, that seems the likely option despite the harmony from the other one. And then, the air bicycle is not possible. Which means. The airbenders just were into aesthetics and acting like a cult. Oh well, that's ok.
Aang has proven that airbenders can lift things with air. Heavy, dense things. They can probably aerosolise any atoms. Basically, they could pick atoms to put next to each other and let them form molecules. Airbending air out of lungs is probably the easiest thing. They can literally travel to space and make their own space suit. Out of air. Their scuba diving gas tank can be made out of literal air.
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ichabodjane · 20 days
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desultory-novice · 9 months
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"...Where did you get that bone, Marx?"
"From the Cooler Meta Knight. He said I could keep this in exchange for getting rid of the rest."
"Whose bone is it?"
"Dunno. Didn't ask. Doesn't taste like Adeleine's so I figure it's no one we know."
"Should I ask how you know what Adeleine's BONES taste like?"
"Magolor, I know what EVERYONE's bones taste like. It's part of their scent."
"How does that...? Never mind. So, what do mine taste like?"
"Charbroiled chili gumdrops marinated in apple cider vinegar."
"It's completely delicious!"
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hellenhighwater · 2 months
do you have a tag f
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rainystressed247 · 11 months
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Boo! Got cha!
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cupcakeinat0r · 6 months
Hey guys.
So I’m gonna have to unfortunately stop writing and leave this account for good.
The cops found me and I’m being arrested for having a bomb ass pussy and fat ass, sorry guys :(
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