#Ezra hc
magpiepills · 2 months
Under The Weather
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I’m sick and feeling sorry for myself so I decided to repost my HCs for when a few Pedro characters are sick. If you want a sick HC for another character, tell me who in the comments and I will tell you what he’s like. I’m sure he is unbearable, whoever he is.
Uses whiskey like it’s cough syrup. Insists on home remedies involving whiskey, peppermint, garlic, and an orange. Pouts, misses his mother, tries to get you to make the recipe she used to make for him, is a baby about his covid test.
So obnoxious. Lays on the couch so you’ll be sure to hear him moaning and coughing. Needs all of the mucinex, the vapor rub, the humidifier, an extra blanket, asks you to take his temperature, feels certain this must be pneumonia. Eats the soup you make him like it might be his last meal.
Deny, deny, deny. If he doesn’t acknowledge the flu, it’s not happening, right? “Don’t need to see a doctor. ‘m fine.” Will try to carry on with a handkerchief and a couple cough drops in his coat pocket. Actually has pneumonia.
Takes some DayQuil and moves to the spare bedroom. Texts you to say he won’t be by this week, and works from home. Feels sorry for himself but won’t say so.
Somehow looks more pallid than usual. Knows where to buy antibiotics over the counter. Holds his chest like he’s dying when he coughs, and you wonder if he is actually dying. Is diagnosed with a rare illness that everyone thought was eradicated in the 1800s. Flirts with the nurses.
Coughin’ in his coffin. Nonplussed when you offer him the whiskey/peppermint/garlic/orange remedy you heard about. You google local blood banks, and assure him that if he lived through the actual plague, a common cold won’t be the thing that takes him out. You consider suggesting that he turn into a bat so you can take him to a vet. Can he do that?
Panics at the first sniffle, begs you not to make him quarantine. “Babe, I can’t.” He wants you to stay in bed with him while he convalesces. Likes how his voice sounds deep and gravelly after he coughs. Records some lines to send to his agent, then takes a handful of pills and sleeps it off. He wakes up looking refreshed.
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sleepboysummer · 6 months
penny and ezra lamb are like violet and klaus baudelaire if they were evil
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adriabun · 2 years
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simpsons already did it
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The hc of both the Lambs being trans & swapping names is really funny to me because I just picture the court during the events of legoland like
it fucks with the courts mind so much that they get a lighter sentence for the several crimes they've committed
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thousand-winters · 1 year
No, but think about it, assuming Shin is in her 20s, that means she was around Sabine and Ezra's age during Empire times, which means the Inquisitors might have set their eyes on her at some point
I'm wondering if that was one of the things that made her start trusting him. Considering Baylan takes a jedi-like approach to a lot of things, I think he would have given her a choice to go with him or not, while the circumstances were relatively okay
But then imagine Inquisitors arriving and trying to take her since she's force sensitive. Shin, who's had only herself to trust so far in her life, and sure, she might be a teenager, but in Baylan and any sensible adult's eyes, she's still just a kid. Knowing how to survive isn't the same as knowing how to fight. And she's force sensitive but that means nothing against trained fighters willing to hurt her
And Baylan might not be a jedi anymore, but he can't get rid of his compassion, nor turn a blind eye to this girl that might have refused at first to go with him but that so clearly needs help. And so he steps in, he protects her, he saves her
He might take her off planet because it isn't safe for her anymore, and offer to find her somewhere safe to drop her if that's what she'd prefer. But she doesn't, not anymore
Because this man did for her what no one else would do. He doesn't even know her but his protection is the warmest thing she's felt in ages. And suddenly she wants nothing more than to walk by his side
So Shin accepts to be his apprentice
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cr0wqui11 · 1 month
Guys hear me out on aroace Penny Lamb
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eros-vigilante · 5 months
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ezra gifs bc i love his stims
(made with ezgif: for the live2d clips, video to gif -> resize 50% -> optimize at ~40 lossy)
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almightycato · 2 years
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late night hc doodles everyone gets blasted by the transgender beam huaaauhgh
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spacefinch · 5 months
Ezra: I've never been in a snowball fight. Sabine: Really? Ezra: I don't know the rules. Is there a point system, or is it to the death?
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thursdaybluez · 2 years
choir kids at one of noels drag shows hcs!! (ps they’re all 18+ and in uni out of uranium at this point!!)
heavily inspired by this post by @eighties-toons !
noel: i think after he realized how much he loved and wanted to be monique, it would translate really well into a drag persona. he performs a bunch of older new wave type songs, as well as stuff like lady gaga and generally vampy strut stuff.
constance: absolute biggest monique stan. always front row getting super hyped and interacting with her and is constantly tipping even though noel assures her she doesn’t need to! + always has a bunch of snacks and water for noel after the shows just in case.
ricky: also huge monique stan! gets equally hyped with constance in the front and monique always has a pair of cat ears ready for whenever he shows up, something that he finds equally mortifying and hilarious.
penny: also also huge monique stan!! runs a stan account for her on instagram and posts a bunch of shaky videos with the loudest screaming ever behind them of her shows. bonus: ezra has encouraged noel on numerous occasions to “include more puppets” in her shows
ocean: somewhat scandalized by the “inappropriate” nature of noel’s shows. i also think that she probably isn’t a fan of the bar environment (autism!!!!) so she really would only see his shows at like a dinner or a brunch setting. she is supportive of course, she just shows it by constantly nagging noel over being careful and not being too “raunchy”
mischa: ok fight me mischa would be the most fun to go to a drag show with. he gets so hyped up, and he loves going to as many of monique’s shows as he can. + if noel knows he’s in the crowd he is getting a show. the absolute works and monique would be extra flirty taking tips.
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magpiepills · 2 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
What songs does Ezra vibe to when he’s reading before you come home and give his turgid member some love? 💕 Hehe! 😜
Oh my god. Nerdie. This made me squeal. Mild smut ahoy!
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I know for a fact, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind at all, that when Ezra is at home, reading his book, waiting on me to get home and work him over, he has got a first class stereo setup and he is playing the entirety of New York-Addis-London: The Story of Ethio Jazz 1965-1975 by Mulatu Astatke. He’s not streaming it, either. He’s got the vinyl cause I just know once he gets off that god forsaken moon he’s a real format snob. He’s got his record player going, stretched out on a vintage leather channel tufted sofa with one hand down his boxers and the other in his hair, rolling his hips with
playing so loudly, so lost in his thoughts of last night that he doesn’t hear me come in. He’s panting and whimpering, wetting his lips between gasps, writhing at the touch of his own hand.
He’s so vulnerable! Left himself wide open to attack. His eyes are squeezed shut, his bare chest unprotected, and no weapon in reach. Tsk! Lucky for him the only thing I want to take from him is indeed his turgid member.
Thank you for this very fun ask. I really must believe that my Ezra is also a fan of mid century modern decor and Ethiopian jazz alike.
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sleepboysummer · 4 months
everybody always talks about penny and ricky both having the 'love another person' monologue but no one talks about ricky and ezra both saying wiggedy wack. nobody says that. i believe in my heart of hearts that he picked that up from ezra
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stupidfuckinf doodle srry
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Was gonna work on an animatic but got distracted by something and drew them to boost my mood a lil
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captainbrookeworm · 10 months
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Another drawing inspired from a post by @tobytost (and @thatsn0m00n2)
Specifically these ones here and here
Tobytoast has done the Zaire/Ezra so here’s the Jai/Ezra lol
Now someone needs to do Zaire having a crush on Jai to complete the Perfect Love Triangle
Also used this opportunity to do a 90s anime style challenge! Love how it turned out and hope yall do too lol
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strange-doll-child · 1 year
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Excited for some upcoming things ig
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