#Escape the matrix
reality-detective · 5 months
Billy Carson explains "How To Escape The Matrix." 🤔
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psykopaths · 9 months
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The Truman Show, (1998)
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panterus2019 · 4 months
i dropped it on twitter, so why not here too
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and here my sapper without context lol
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moonastrogirl · 9 months
Escape the matrix month by month with astrology
Credit @moonastrogirl
Escaping the matrix is still working, paying bills and being a normal citizen. Escaping the matrix is having money to fulfil our needs and desires plus taking accountability for our actions and decisions. It’s not living in delulu land. Escaping the matrix is an inner job. It’s raising our authenticity and our frequency so that others do the same around us.
Escaping the matrix is easy. Just avoid doing what everybody is doing at the same time.
For instance : when the time for sales arrives, do not buy anything. Do the opposite. Give to others. Society wants us to buy stuff, clothes and get distracted at the beginning of the year. Why ? Because we must not. We must focus our energy into ourselves and not get distracted. Same goes for the Black Friday.
-> Where attention goes, energy flows.
In January Aquarius’s energy urge you to look at yourself and ask : What kind of person are you ? Who are you ? Who do you want to be ?Know yourself and heal yourself in January.
What does Aquariuses do best ? Think outside-of-the-box. They are knowledgeable and innovative people who improve the world. So that exactly what everybody should be doing.
-> Aquarius is also the humanitarian of the signs. The best thing to do is charity work and donate clothes in January. It’s cold outside and homeless people have it worse when everyone is outside spending their money on sales and not looking in their direction. Look at them and show empathy. Help them if you can.
In February do you really need to buy or receive flowers and go on an expensive dinner date to show love to your lover or you can simply just do it all year long ? Again don’t buy anything.
-> Do not participate in traditions which are designed to distract you from what you need to do.
February is Pisces season and Pisces are amazing at anything they do once they believe in what they do. They are not delusional, they just believe wholeheartedly in what they want to do, have and achieve. Like Pisces believe in yourself in February. Only do what you believe it’s best for you and you only.
In March like Aries, be your authentic self and become yourself. Take action on yourself and your authenticity like Aries be assertive in who you are. Like Aries be your true self. Show up as your true self and be authentic in every room you are in. Be the definition of what you see is what you get. People must see through your actions and your presence who you truly are.
In April do not be part of April’s fool. Just completely ignore it. Forget about it and go on with your life as if it doesn’t even exist. If people try jokes on you, ignore them. April is Taurus season. Tauruses are stubborn, grounded, strong willed and they know how to stay in their lane. Do the same.
In May the intellectual and stimulating Gemini’s energy urges us to think by ourselves and for ourselves. Think critically for yourself. Do not be influenced by other’s opinions and thoughts on someone or something, think about it yourself for yourself.
In June the sweet and caring Cancer’s energy asks us to feel. Feel your feelings and how you feel about yourself, your surroundings and people you meet. Ask yourself : what am I feeling right now ? Do not suppress your feelings or your emotions because they are compass guiding you.
In July Leo’s energy is here to make us focus on self love. Love yourself even when you don’t feel like loving yourself, even if you are alone, even if you don’t feel beautiful. Love yourself no matter what.
-> Again July is the time of sales and you know what it means : do not buy anything. There is a reason why sales take place in January and July. Those two months are important ones where we should be focusing on ourselves.
-> Self love has little to do with how much you can spend. Self love has everything to do with you, who you are, how you express who you are and what you love most. Self love is rooted in joy. The joy of being yourself.
In August Virgo’s energy asks us to examine, analyse and assess ourselves. Did we do what we needed to do to get here ? What else need to be done ? Abundance comes from analysing ourselves. It’s the month of harvest number 8 in numerology. The karmic month. We reap what we have sow the past months of the year.
In September Libra’s energy ask us to balance ourselves. Work on your confidence and find balance within yourself. Do not overdo, do not underdo. Balance yourself to balance your life.
In October Scorpio’s energy ask us to desire ourselves. Are we attracted to ourselves ? How is our sex life ? Do we please ourselves or please others ? People pleasers don’t see themselves as sexy and attractive.
In November Sagittarius’s energy is made for us to think big, to expand and have the vision to create our dream life. Sagittarius is optimistic and see the bigger picture. Expand your vision in November and see clearly.
In December Capricorn’s energy urge us to do things, to work and to use ourselves to make things happen in our life. After the vision Sagittarius gives us. Capricorn is the execution part. Do not get caught up in the Black Friday bs it’s a distraction once again from fully embracing the energy coming our way. Do not use yourself to benefit others. Use yourself to benefit yourself.
If you resonates with this post and you find it useful, please like, leave a comment or reblog it. It needs to be seen by as many people as possible to raise our collective frequency this year. Thank you for reading me 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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thesorceresstemple · 14 days
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random-xpressions · 3 months
I count it as one of the greatest victories of my life that I no longer participate in the rat race. No timetables. I follow my own inner clock. I set my own goals. I set my own pace. No more alarms ringing. No more "Yes Boss" coming out of my mouth because after all these years I've finally tapped into my own kingdom. To come out from the clutches of capitalism is indeed a relief. We have been so used to the idea of our comfort zones that we never dare to lose the sight of shore. We keep floating in shallow zones. The idea of financial freedom is indeed real. The sooner you jump out of the system, the sooner you liberate yourself from slavery. Build your own empire. Tap into your talents and skills. Take the risk and plunge into the unknown. Stop putting your life at the mercy of others. Reclaim it. This will be your greatest victory of all...
Random Xpressions
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sentryhex · 3 months
good day hexatronic / omegatronic /deltatronic fans ive felt quite deranged recently
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FIRST THINGS FIRST THIS COOL ART I MADE OF HEXATRONIC EHEE.. it tickles my brain and i love it and im so proud my words cannot describe my joy
from here on its just random doodles
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omegatronic """oc""" 420tronic (or zoinkatronic) yeah idk yeah
full canvas you get a bonus giant omegatronic doodle too
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as promised theres a deltatronic too ! except.. miniscule and uncolored, made while waiting for my gf to give me suggestions how to do one of hexa's hands (it took too long)
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I JUST FIND THEM SO FUN TO DRAW... THEYRE SO IDIOTIC.... love em fr my robot autism is uncontrollable
ok this is all for today maybe next time i come to show the time i drew omegatronic as a pet coded twink several months ago on my phone before the whole recent movement began (I will likely not do so)
edit heres some bonuses
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those were my brush sizes
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goblinsofdiscord · 3 months
The Agent Smith Effect 🔌🕴️ & The Enneagram 🕹️👾
by Larissa
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Who is Agent Smith?
Agent Smith is the guy trying to block Neo from leaving The Matrix successfully - from thriving, from freeing others from the Matrix. And he self-replicates. He can takeover any person within this Matrix. And they don’t even know it’s happened. He jumps in any time the Matrix is threatened.
The “Agent Smith Effect” happens when we’re integrating our shadow. Breaking old patterns. Taking steps to leave our comfort zone. Shifting out of Autopilot. Not falling prey to the personality trap. The established IDENTITY. The “if I’m not like this I’m not me, I don’t exist.” Beliefs that came from traumas/emotional events, parents, conditioning.
Agent Smith shows up as fear, resistance, self-doubt, insecurity, shame, guilt, negative beliefs about what’s possible.
Leaving the Comfort Zone
Often our “comfort zone” is deeply uncomfortable but it can feel like the only way to be - a fact. Something that is true. Non-negotiable. “That’s just the way it is.”
Because stepping out of it activates anxiety, our nervous system, a significant emotional charge. It feels dangerous to change. And whenever we take steps towards actualizing our big dreams or changing a pattern/habit/belief that we know is keeping us stuck, the Agent Smith’s come out of the woodwork to keep us trapped in The Matrix aka the comfort zone.
Often when we start to change it can upset people around us. They want to stay in their patterns or panic that they can’t keep up or will be left behind. That you’ll leave them. Outgrow them. Not need them.
I don’t see triggers, obstacles or "Smiths" as something or someone to fear but as a sign that I’m leaving the comfort zone. I’m leaving the frequency of a level of the Matrix. I’m moving closer to my divine frequency and higher self. If there’s something inside of you that has a deep desire and it’s coming from a place of alignment and expansion and not lack or fear, I truly believe that it’s meant for you.
We overcomplicate things. Not on purpose. But these are the first level of Agent Smith’s that are preventing you from leaving the comfort zone. Resistance. Fear. Procrastination.
The next level is - "Ok, I’m gonna do it," and then the livestream craps out. Zoom won’t work. A jackhammer starts outside of your window when you’re trying to record something. Someone cancels. Weird weather events. Obstacles. Detours. Delays. Mercury in Retrograde 3000.
The video is more in-depth (and rambly) if you want to watch that here:
And then you make it through that part of the path, and then the real world Agent Smith’s - people you know, online trolls, whoever - start to rear their hideous heads. Spouting your worst fears at you like literal demons.
If something does happen - do NOT make it mean anything about you and what’s possible for you. Or interpret it as a sign to quit or give up. Hell no. Question your calling? Off the table. Your heart’s desire? Nope. Non-negotiable. These are AGENT FUCKING SMITH’S. And you, my friend, are Neo.
Agent Smith is merely a blip that is actually a SIGN that you’re moving out of your comfort zone and into the RIGHT DIRECTION. And it gets easier. It’s like when you play a video game, how at first it’s kind of difficult to get the hang of and you might have to play a level a few times and then it becomes a breeze. It’s just effortless because you’ve already normalized your system to all the jumps and goombas, you’re familiar with it, it’s whatever. And the part that used to feel hard becomes a walk in the park. And then you get to the next level. And those past fears and limiting beliefs get swallowed up by the demiurge’s recycling bin.
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What to Do When You’re Triggered?
Notice how you feel. What sensations are present in your body? What thoughts? Where do you feel those sensations? Do they have a shape or colour?
What happens when you just allow it to be there for 90 seconds, without judging it? What happens when you allow it to be there and you show it some tenderness + unconditional love?
What do your emotions or thoughts tell you that they mean about you? Do these feel empowering, good, supportive, helpful to you?
These self-limiting thoughts can come from younger you (unconsciously trying to protect yourself from future pain - which actually recreates those situations), the fears/beliefs/judgments of people around you, but at the base level it’s also Agent Smith trying to prevent you from leaving the Matrix. The beauty of this is that you can work WITH the code, like Neo. You can become the game genie of your own life and create what YOU want instead of the default program.
So what do you want to believe about yourself, your possibilities and the world? You get to write that program.
How do you believe what you want to believe?
Flip the original belief/thought. Take those crusty thoughts + beliefs (statements like: "I'm a loser") and FLIP THEM (statements like: "I'm the fucking BOMB!!!" or... “I’m the COOLEST FUCKING LOSER IN THE MATRIX!”)
Or what would feel powerful, supportive, empowering, energizing to believe or say instead?
Now say these statements aloud and breathe life into them. Feel how much more empowering this is. Make these beautiful words your mantras for the next week and see what changes.
💅✨ FREE VIDEO ON HOW THE MIND WORKS (+ coaching waitlist) https://wondrous-creator-4771.ck.page/eae8b578af
💐👹 purchase a typing: https://ko-fi.com/goblinsofdiscord/shop/typingservice
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trewleyscrumptious · 8 months
The Wizard Liz: Understand how valuable you are Part 1
Never undervalue yourself because of your environment. If your environment can not meet your worth then you change your environment
1. You should influence the room and not just adapt to it
Why are you guys acting like once we are somewhere we are like trees and we cannot move?
Don’t like guys in your area? Go look in another area. You do not just go settle and accept bad behaviour because “that’s just how your environment is” or you constantly let people walk all over you because “this is just how it is in my culture” bullshit
YOU have the power to change things in your life but instead you are the one deciding to settle
Be so powerful that when you walk in a room the room becomes valuable because your in it
If you are here 💁🤭
2. Realise you matter
I don’t care if your parents made you feel this small👌
I don’t care if it was your teachers, culture, toxic friends
You have the power to make your confidence go back up and believe yourself again
If you do not start acting like you matter things will never change
You matter, you have had an impact on this life because you’re alive and breathing .
We all know how hard it is to live in this day and age so just be proud of yourself for being here
God still has a bigger plan for you, your mission on this earth is still not completed because you are still here. There are still things to be done. If your mission was completed you would not be here.
Your not better than anyone but you also shouldn’t sit with anyone
Toxic people are not good for you
Your time is valuable
If you sit with your company and after you feel so bad your sitting with the wrong company
4. Learn to let people go in peace
Sometimes we learn new things in life and expand our minds and that’s why we go to the next level.
When we are at that level consciously we cannot sit with our old friends. You may feel sad because you vibed with them so well but but now you can’t and that’s ok
It’s time for you to evolve, move on, and let go.
Nobody is meant to be here forever we all evolve and meet new people at different stages in our lives
Move on.
5. Stop doubting yourself because of others opinions
For reference: people used to call me a snitch and liar but I knew deep down I wasn’t so they could never affect me in any way.
If other people’s opinions can make you sad or happy you’re just their puppet. Know yourself first before you know anyone so nobody can tell you who you are
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ninja-jock-bot · 23 days
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reality-detective · 6 days
Wake Up! Everything You Believe Is a Carefully Crafted Lie by a Hidden Elite That Owns Your Governments, Banks, and Minds!
The world is under the control of a hidden, powerful elite that has manipulated humanity for thousands of years. Governments, banks, corporations, and even religions are all part of a massive, interconnected system designed to keep the masses in line. You are living in a controlled simulation where every move is calculated, every narrative crafted, and every dissent crushed.
Ancient Rome never fell; it just changed its face. The Vatican is the continuation of the Roman Empire, pulling the strings of global power from the shadows. The Pope is not a religious leader but the CEO of the world’s largest covert operation. Global leaders bow to Rome; every major decision made in Europe, America, and beyond has its roots in this ancient power structure. The so-called “democracies” are just fronts, and the real rulers operate far from the public eye.
The financial system is a tool of enslavement, but its grip is weakening. Central banks, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, and the IMF have long kept nations in debt and citizens in economic chains. However, their reign is about to end. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is poised to trigger the biggest wealth transfer in history, redistributing stolen wealth back to the people.
This is a total overhaul designed to dismantle the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for centuries. Trillions of dollars hoarded by the elite will be seized and returned to the people, restoring economic power where it belongs.
This act will expose the financial fraud perpetuated by these institutions, wiping out debts and releasing new technologies that have been suppressed to keep the populace in poverty. The days of the financial overlords are numbered, and GESARA is the catalyst that will break their chains for good, restoring wealth and freedom to the masses.
Education and media are the propaganda arms of this hidden empire. From kindergarten to university, you are fed lies designed to shape your worldview to fit the agenda of the elite. Critical thinking is discouraged because an informed population is a threat. The news you watch, the books you read, and the information you consume are all curated to keep you ignorant, divided, and powerless.
Governments are puppets. Elections are rigged shows to give you the illusion of choice. Presidents, prime ministers, and kings answer to the same hidden masters. Policies, wars, economic collapses—they’re all orchestrated from behind closed doors by a small group of individuals who have no allegiance to any nation but only to their own interests. They decide who wins, who loses, and how the game is played.
Laws are tools of oppression, not justice. The legal system is designed to protect the elite and keep you in line. Roman law still influences modern legal codes, and its principles are used to maintain control over the masses. The courtrooms are theaters where the outcome is predetermined, and the real power lies in the unseen hands that pull the strings.
Corporations are not independent entities—they are branches of the same control network. They push products, policies, and narratives that serve their masters’ agenda. From the food you eat to the technology you use, everything is designed to monitor, influence, and control you. You are not a customer; you are a data point, a resource to be exploited.
The world is not what it seems. Every institution you trust, every leader you admire, every belief you hold has been carefully constructed to keep you obedient and blind to the truth. You are not free; you are a pawn in a game that was rigged long before you were born.
The only way out is to see the truth: that the world is run by a small, powerful group that considers itself above the rest of humanity. They are the masters, and we are the slaves. This is the reality they don’t want you to see. Wake up, or remain a willing participant in your own enslavement.
Escape the Matrix 🤔
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tha-catalyst · 2 years
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mentally I am...
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Escape the matrix.
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bigguccielwopo · 6 months
Andrew & Tristan Tate speak up after being detained once again
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babythegod · 2 years
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Dear Heavenly Father God, Mother Mary , Brother Jesus, The Holy Spirit in every incarnation and all other divine entities that work in our favor, please guide and protect us on our path to redemption, repentance and greatness. Only You can redeem us in spirit which always triumphs over flesh. Help us transmute this pain into power and give us enough strength to ascend past our worldly sins and receive true salvation. We are immensely talented and gifted, with such a bright light in our souls that must shine though. Real ones need each other at our best. Don’t let the darkness succeed. Keep us close, Lord. Cover us with Your armor of unwavering encouragement , wisdom and inspiration. Forevermore. So it is &so shall it be. Amen. ♥️
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Understanding The Matrix - Gnostic Soul Trap
The matrix isn't just a political & economic system - it's a spiritual prison.
Click the link for insights into how this energy grid works, & some simple tips on how to start escaping the matrix.
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