#Erin's charts
scarriestmarlowe · 9 months
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your dndads fem presenter futch chart, my lieges
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virtualsoup · 6 months
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Wake up new oc alignment just dropped
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reinemichele · 8 months
#im going to cry what the fuck does this mean (via @quietwingsinthesky)
Here's some more indecipherable (complimentary) DW charts
Doctor regenerations "explained"
Incarnations of the Doctor
A VERY convoluted map of the Doctor incarnations, it's really really funny
This giant blog post of the timeline of Just the 8th Doctor
There's a Time Lord Victorious spin off and the bbc made an official chart for it bc it's so convoluted, every time I look at this chart I get a little angry
This person made an absolutely bonkers powerpoint on all of the Doctors and their timeline and this slide for 8
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is just 1 of 20 and counting slides 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Another unbelievably convoluted timeline chart, but hilariously it's so long but is only as recent as 2013 lmao
A long ass chart of every Doctor & their companions but, just like the above, it's only as recent as 2012
Horrific dw iceberg that kind of makes me want to cry (complimentary)
Another regeneration chart, only up to 12th Doctor
Timeline of River Song this time :)
Regeneration chart for the Doctor, Master, and River; only up to 12th Doctor / around 2013(? I think, since Missy isn't in there)
Regenerations of the Master, up to date <3
Another dw iceberg, I have this saved to use whenever I want to insult the show (which is always)
A chart of how many years each Doctor has lived, only up to 11 (lmao bc iykyk)
An INTERACTIVE chart of the Doctor's regenerations, only up to 11
Another Master timeline, this one'll make your head spin 😭
I'm sure there's more but I didn't want to be Too overwhelming, but there's also some videos that go over the timeline (there will be spoilers in them probably so feel free to wait to watch these, or watch them now, it's up to you <3)
50 minute "complete history of the Doctor" timeline
5 hour "brief explanation of Doctor Who"
10 minute "the timeline of River Song"
40 minute "the complete story of captain jack harkness"
48 minute "the complete story of the daleks"
1 hour and 15 minute "explaining the Doctor Who iceberg"
23 minutes "the history of the Master"
37 minute "the complete story of the Master"
And, lastly, this guy on youtube does a series called "broke canon" where he goes over absolutely batshit parts of DW canon like, for example, "the Doctor first met Martha as a gargoyle" or "The Doctor did not save Bart Simpson", I spent a Lot of 2020 Coping (TM) watching these videos
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semperama · 10 months
This is a niche post probably, but I've become newly obsessed with the Off Menu podcast recently, and there's really not enough Ed/James fanfic out there.
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songstress-warriors · 8 months
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Size chart is finished! I'll have the final busts of Brazenstar and Snowstar out soon.
(Images are NOT to scale)
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tyrian-sexual · 2 years
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updating my ship chart for a few of my OCs so here's the tyrian/erin one
chart here
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reality-schmality · 11 days
So today’s interview went well. I think. Like super well. I hope. That’s three companies I’m now waiting to hear back from. Which is fan fucking tastic. Plus, I have a lead on another opportunity. A friend is passing my resume along to someone who will hand it directly to the woman hiring herself an assistant. Big, big opportunities, almost all.
It’s too good to be true.
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my-chaos-radio · 1 month
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Release: October 27, 2023
You'd be my firework, memory burned in my mind
You'd be my sneaking out, windows down midnight drive
I'd be your running late, made you wait Friday night
And I could say you were the right person, wrong time
You'd still be that Chesney song
Still have your Texas t-shirt
Still smile when I hear your name
If we'da just stayed
A couple kids kissin' in the front of that red 4Runner
Cherry Coke mixed with something that we stole from your brother
Just a July goodbye, 'stead of knowing how it ends
We would always get to wonder
Could've just stayed the ones that got away for each other
If we'da just stayed a summer
We should've stayed a summer
Wouldn't know how bad we'd fight
Two drinks in, 2 AM
Wouldn't know how good you lie
Wouldn't know how jealous I get
Wouldn't hate that Chesney song
Or torn up your Texas t-shirt
It wouldn't hurt when I hear your name
If we'da just stayed
A couple kids kissin' in the front of that red 4Runner
Cherry Coke mixed with something that we stole from your brother
Just a July goodbye, 'stead of knowing how it ends
We would always get to wonder
Could've just stayed the ones that got away for each other
If we'da just stayed a summer
We should've stayed a summer
Shoulda just, shoulda just, shoulda just stayed a summer
Coulda just, coulda just, coulda just stayed a summer
If we'da just stayed
A couple kids kissin' in the front of that red 4Runner
Cherry Coke mixed with something that we stole from your brother
Just a July goodbye, 'stead of knowing how it ends
We would always get to wonder
Could've just stay the ones that got away for each other
If we'da just stayed a summer
We should've stayed a summer
Should've been nothing more than a summer
Erin Kinsey / Joshua Kerr / Micah Carpenter / Sara Davis
Erin Kinsey
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My new rhony girls
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bonefall · 4 months
Hi! I'm considering doing a video on moonpaw, and I was wondering if you'd be okay with me mentioning and linking your posts on xeir chimerism in it? While people have gotten way more heated than I expected over whether the erins knew what a chimera is or not, you addressed a sensitive topic that came along with it very thoroughly and professionally, and I think it could be useful to bring up while discussing moonpaw's fandom reception. Completely understandable if you'd rather I not of course, but I figured I'd ask
Sure go ahead! I don't mind. Others have asked to cite me before too, and my answer's always the same. I'd also recommend looking at the literature I linked in that post, ESPECIALLY the review of natural human chimeras by Dr. Kamlesh Madan. It's actually written in very accessible terms and explains the different types of chimeras in a simple way.
It also goes more in-depth than was relevant to that post, diving into the subtypes of fusion chimeras complete with simple charts which makes it easier to visualize.
Also when you're talking about intersex issues, please don't stop with just me. At least go over to InterACT's webpage, especially their FAQ on what intersex is (and is not), but better yet seek out some intersex voices! Intersex people get marginalized even within our own community. Please listen to what they have to say.
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girltigerclaw · 10 months
breaking into ur house rn
top ten characters and bottom ten. reasons are optional
I just finished this chart thing i think i actually stole from your blog a few months ago <3 Slightly edited to my own prefs.
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If anyone wants the template check the reblogs, and feel free to add you own. I'd love to see. I'm just rambling under here:
Leafpool: She is more special and sacred than the virgin mary. She has everything. Daughter of the first protagonist, ex boyfriend for me to hate, TONS of wlw situationships<3, a lifetime of tragedy, and some of the most gorgeous canon art to exist.
Crookedstar: Crookedstar is a trans woman to me. Her life is genuinely just so tragic and fucked, I love it. The erins asked: “How much truama, death and misfortune can you fit into a single cat?” and then they wrote Crookedstar’s promise.
Tawnypelt: GIRLS WHO HATE THEIR FATHERS. The erins dont love her like I do.
Tallstar: I love old men… I fucking love seeing older characters and how much they’ve changed from their younger selves. Tallstar is considered one of, if not the most peaceful leader in the clans. But also when he was like 19 he went on a quest to fucking murder a guy :3
Cloudstar: I rlly do not care abt anyone in Skyclan(I like Leafstar but she's not a fav yknow?) Cloudstar... he was based as fuck. Why did Starclan get away with this shit for real??
Scourge: It’s fucking Scourge. He’s awesome
Briarlight: I’m disabled and I love her. She has such a consistent fun, sweet personality and she makes me happy!!<3
RavenBarley: It deserves all the attention and hype it gets. Though I wish mlm ships didn’t overshadow wlw ones in this fandom, RavenBarley is genuinely well written and makes me very emotional even if the publisher didnt allow it to be explicitly canon.
CrookedBlue: TRANS WOMEN CROOKEDSTAR YURI. Two leaders having a forbidden relationship and kits is way more interesting than Oakheart. The angst of Crooked and Blue sitting next to eachother every gathering while the entire forest has their eyes on them. Don’t look for too long, don’t let the mourning slip into your voice. You have to pretend your lover is a stranger. You… have become strangers. You can never be together again. You're enemies now. This is what we wanted, isn’t it? …We’ll never be happy again.
Mothwing: Her novella delving into her relationship with Hawkfrost was so good and heartbreaking.
Heathertail: Daughter of leader, sister of a major villian, and former love interest of a protagonist! Why did she fall off the second po3 ended. She’s shown to be very compassionate and willing to put her own feelings aside for the sake of others. Would’ve honestly prefered her as a mate to Lionblaze or get a pov herself over the nothing we got.
Blackstar: *Murders an elderly woman trying to stop me from kidnapping children. Supports a dictator openly abusing/neglecting children and the elderly. Murders a man for refusing to kill mixed raced children- then tells said man’s sister that she will never be safe.* Man…. i sure do feel bad for abusing and killing all of those people…. Good thing I will face no consequences and proceed to be made leader, where I will have even more power over the wellbeing of others.
I hate. This guy.
The New Prophecy: A classic. My first series was actually tnp! i feel more attached to first arc cats tho, if you couldn't already tell by my list lmao
Johanna Map- Best Tawnypelt content out there
BlueQuince: My personal handcrafted, homemade Yuri. Bluefur feels terrible about Tiny going missing and promises Quince she’ll help her find him. They never did, but they had a very… fleeting but intimate relationship. Quince is grieving and Bluefur feels so overwhelmed by the duties in her clan. They’ve always thought of eachother since but never met again.
Tigerclaw: My name sake<3 The angst of his earlier life is so, so facinating to me. Starclan being straight fucked up and decided killing him is their only option? He was a kid and they saw him as a lost cause from the start. They never tried any other methods, never tried to steer him in the right direction or… even just take it into their own hands and kill him themself, which they have SHOWN they’re capable of.
They watched all the the horrific crimes he commited, entirely aware they were going to happen. Thats. Fucking. Horrifying. Starclan is scary as shit… and his death? FANTASTIC. I only wish he’d gotten lives from cats he killed so that him coming back to life to suffer over and over was an actual curse from Starclan and not blessings. They knew how he would die and they gave him the lives to torture him for his sins…
Flywhisker: Adhd girlies. Painfully relate to that feeling of the constant scolding for never being “good enough” because I prefer to do things a certain way or struggle to focus. So, SO happy for her when she left the clans! You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone! Hope she’s happy and warm indoors with her brother💕
(P.S. I was very suprised to find she actually had an official art piece!)
Bluestar: Get behind me women with mental disorders. I will defend you. Beautifully complex and tragic character, my favorite written in the series. Literally can't think of a single other female character in handled as seriously and with the complexity of Bluestar. (Although her super edition was a bit of an L with how others treated her, it ultimately makes her breakdown even more painful.)
Exile from Shaodwclan: Nightstar my beloved! He's such a great guy. The rightful leader of Shadowclan, always and forever.
Crookedstar art: So beautiful. I genuinely think she's one of the prettiest cats in the series. This along with her official art by Wayne Mcloughlin.
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Leopardstar: As a kid I hated her and loved Blackfoot, now I hate Blackfoot and love her. #feminism. But seriously I think she has way more going for her than he ever has. Her father is a medicine cat who hates violence, the DRASTIC change in Riverclan's view of outsiders upon Crookedstar's death and her leadership. Her already having a position of power before proving she's unworthy of it. (Unlike Blackstar who gets rewarded for his racism and violence by being made leader afterwards) and the fact she has to interact with her victims on a daily basis after what she did.
The writings attempts to redeem her are really lame and dismissive of the actually damage she did, but at the very least they TRIED to do something else with her. Personally, I would have loved to see her assassinated by Mistyfoot. Just like her mother Bluestar was almost killed all those moons ago by Tigerclaw... The parallels of violence for power and violence for peace. A victim repeating the actions of the very man who killed her brother to put an end to what he started in Riverclan.... A shadow in Riverclan, if you will. (<-Pretending erin hunter has hired me to rewrite their series)
Windclan: Tunneling as a concept and inviting outsiders into their clan so friendly and casual makes the clan seems so much more diverse than the others. It always stuck out to me!
Andddd there are my current warrior cat options as of 2023! If someone actually read this whole ramble ily<3
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reinemichele · 24 days
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I can't do math bc I spent my adolescence memorizing this, for at least 5-8 different groups from the same company
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helloliriels · 1 year
Some tears are worth spilling ...
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And the Award goes to ...
@silentauroriamthereal for
Sonatina In G Minor
Read the fic critics are calling: "True Mastery", "Heartwrenching", "22000 words of perfection!", "Passionate & Protective", "Off the charts UST", "I had to stop multiple times to catch my breath", "THE Sherlock, John, and violin fic", "This fixed a hole in my heart!"
🎻 join me in a good healthy cry with ofc a happy ending! Yes!!! ... this is 'THE' violin fic!
Sharing the love! @chinike @rhasima @johnlocky @fluffbyday-smutbynight @totallysilvergirl @topsyturvy-turtely @missdeliadili @egregiously-chuffed @safedistancefrombeingsmart @im-erin @iamjustreading @solarmama @dw91165 @cumbercurlygirl @carla-creates @gregorovitchworld @peanitbear @khorazir @arabbitjohn @disfictional @meetinginsamarra @mutedsilence @hotshoeagain @booksboozentoys @the-reading-lemon @kettykika78 @raina-at @calaisreno @thetimemoves @tiverrr @daltongraham @hasenkind687 @belles-magnetic-violin @7-percent @a-clithridiate-in-my-heart @a-different-equation @sarahthecoat @inevitably-johnlocked @riverwithoutbanks @anyway-kindness @joaquinbumblebee24 @gaylilsherlock @whatnext2020 @myriath @zira-and-crowley @john-smiths-jawline @ohlooktheresabee @purplevatican @pocketwatchofmycroft
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comicaurora · 2 years
me, watching the shipping asks scroll by from my comfy multishipper chair: has anyone else had any thoughts about an Erin x Kendal x Voidy x Erin emotional tangle yet, or...?
there is a very complicated chart that could be drawn here
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sixcostumerefs · 1 year
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Final sixsona of the year! Boleyn/Parr, as modeled by Erin Ramirez. This is the costume I’ve been looking forward to the most for the last year and a half, mostly because @lightleckrereins found a really great vinyl that combines blues and greens. It took a while to make with life things, but it finally fills up the chart!
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Pink alt, A/C, B/H, B/P, and S/P done by me. The rest are by @lightleckrereins.
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study-with-aura · 6 months
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Friday, March 22, 2024
The fastest post I have made to date! I think I finally got to all of the tag games that I was sent. I meant to get to it last night, but I was tired after dance.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Learned to construct inscribed squares and inscribed regular hexagons + practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Unit 21 vocabulary test (100%) + read the second part of chapter 42 of Emma by Jane Austen
Spanish 2 - Reviewed furniture vocabulary + viewed two furniture websites in Spanish
Bible I - Read Judges 17-18
World History - Read notes on the Russian Revolution + reviewed and filled in parts of the Russian Revolution chart assignment + read about Russian Revolution + watched a video on Russia in WWI, the civil war, and the revolution
Biology with Lab - Presented a persuasive argument of my beliefs on evolution and creation to my dad
PE/Health I - Read a health article
Foundations - Read more on self-control + completed next quiz on Read Theory + read an article about headlines + viewed posters and political cartoons + read political headlines from WWII + viewed a fake front page of a newspaper which demonstrated the use of headlines as fact when they were opinionated statements
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry Unit 8: Lesson 11
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched episode 4 of Life on Our Planet (evolutionist perspective)
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 331-400 of House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig and finished the book
Chores - Dusted my bedroom, my bathroom, and the study + laundered my bedding
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Proverbs 17)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for an amazing family.
Quote of the Day:
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
-Albert Einstein
🎧Pupazzi, Op. 36 - Florent Schmitt
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