#erin rambles
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semperama · 6 months ago
lol y’all that episode must have got to me. My water broke as soon as I stood up after it was over. I’m going to the hospital to have a baby. 😅
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erin-writes-ghost-fluff · 6 months ago
Having thoughts:
So, Copia becomes Frater Imperator and wants to revive his brothers, since Sister can't say shit. He does so, and they return as ghouls. Primo's element is earth, Secondo's is fire, and Terzo is quint.
Copia doesn't treat them as lesser beings he still sees them as his brothers, just bigger and scarier.
So, a ghoul's way of having fun is to play fight. And I don't mean light hearted wrestling, shoving matches. I mean full on, beating the shit out of each other, throwing each other into walls and furniture. Ghouls have an insanely high pain tolerance to the point, where biting feels more ticklish than painful. Holy objects/water and stabbing are more hurtful and harmful than a mere punch to the face.
One day, Copia's making his rounds, making sure everything is okie dokie, nobody needs help with stuff, duties are being done etc. He's walking down a hall when he hears a pretty loud thud against a wall in a room. Curious, he pokes his head in the door:
Secondo and Terzo are in the midst of a fighting match. Copia watches as Secondo gets thrown against a wall again, and headbutts Terzo.
"You hit like a kid, fratello!"
"... Three seconds to take that back."
Copia knows this is perfectly normal ghoul behavior, he's seen it thousands of times. He's not even concerned when they start laughing manically as they're exchanging blows. He just wishes they'd take it outside, because this will now be the third hole that's gonna have to be fixed, and he's still learning to assert his authority. Maybe Primo can give him some advice...
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all-was-not-well · 1 year ago
The DC Universe is comprised of three types of people:
People Nightwing has slept with.
People Nightwing has mentored
People who see Nightwing as their charming son/nephew figure and are so proud of the man he has become.
The only exception to this is Donna Troy, who kissed Dick for exactly seven seconds in the first ever Titans game of spin the bottle. (Wally rigged it to be a Good Friend but completely missed the fact that Dick had spent most of the last mission staring at Roy's arms). They both agreed that this was weird, and never allowed to happen again.
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scrletscldier · 7 days ago
some quotes i feel are quite timely for the severance s2 finale:
“A person was only ever himself. So much of what they became, who they were, was inseverable, irreversible. If to others that meant irredeemable, then so be it.” — The Atlas Paradox
“i don’t know how to compartmentalize love, or how to make you matter to me less than what i mean to myself.” — Good Grief
“‘Love is the fire that halts a blade and conflicts a heart. Love is the veil that obscures the truth, that turns all the world to darkness until it’s too late to see the light’” — Heart of Flames
“She did not regret the decisions she’d made, but she did regret that she could no longer look at Maro without seeing the impassable distance between the realities they inhabited” — Jade War
“‘Maybe a person doesn’t truly feel alive until he fights to stay that way’” — Midnight, Water City
“Love. I think of the ways it can trap us, make us do things that can destroy us. And how we do it anyway” — Steelstriker
“Anyone who dares to love cannot make it through intact.” — Huh Yunjin
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notlikethegardensofbabylon · 10 months ago
since the backstage area is giving phantom of the opera, do we think a new papa will break through the mirror at some point???
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onedollopofsourcream · 9 days ago
I know times are hard for everyone I know that but still we have no where else to turn to and things are getting worse for us day by day, our uncle called us and insulted us, everything about us is disgusting. About how we aren't really disabled, as he knows someone with my moms similar condition who works there no point in explaining to him that everyone is not the same level of disabled.
He also thinks autism isn't real and that if you can't work, you should die or starve as you are worthless, he uses religion to hate. He is cruel and hypocritical considering he killed a woman in a car wreck and cannot legally drive due to being under the influence and spending a month in jail and the woman's daughter killed herself shortly after her mom.
He is a vile, hateful man who hates all and loves trump. I know this yet I still cry why does everyone hate us so muc
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druidbottles · 9 months ago
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no rhyme nor reason just my favourite wars panels from the update (it's pretty much all of them)
art is of course from @linkeduniverse !!
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peachythesequel · 10 days ago
Heard a club remix of the sound of silence at work today. I am perplexed.
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arrow-guy · 3 months ago
Unfortunately, now that I have a stand mixer and a food processor the only major kitchen toy I need (I'm pretty sure) is a dutch oven. And those fuckers are so expensive I could cry
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chasing-rabbits · 2 months ago
Finally getting back into crocheting again. I never really got that good at it in the first place I only learnt the basics, I was making a blanket so I didnt need to learn much I also got a thicker yarn which made it easier as I could use a larger crochet hook. I struggled more with the thinner yarn & smaller hooks & right now I’m going to try & make a keyring but the crochet hook the instructions say to use is a teeny tiny one so we’ll see how it goes. It’s meant to be for beginners but I don’t know we’ll see hopefully I can figure it out because I loved crocheting it was so relaxing then again maybe thats because making the blanket was just one type of crochet idk what you call it but it was just the same ‘stitch’ if you like I know its not stitching but idk what the name is for different crocheting techniques so whatever you get the point. I’m making a kiwi and a watermelon keyring and if this goes well my next project is going to be attempting a little lion plush.
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sapphicneige · 3 months ago
Anonymously you say?
Okay three things I want to know...
1. Your favourite fic?
2. Your happy place?
3. Salt water, water fresh water, or swimming pool?
1. This one has been the same for years now, and I don't see it changing anytime soon. You're a mountain, full of glory by @thecousinsdangereux. It will always hold a special place in my heart for getting my back into writing and just... being there for me when I needed it.
2. A loch near where I live!
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It's just so beautiful and calming and I love to just sit here, with a book or just with my thoughts and be peaceful and relax.
(It's also the same place I set sometimes i fuck you in my head sdfgsdgff)
3. Fresh water or swimming pool. I love any kind of water though and just.... find it calming. I also just love swimming in general and like... am pretty decent at it.
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semperama · 23 days ago
Trying to write something funny is so hard, because I'm not a funny person, and I can never tell if a line is clever or just cheesy.
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erin-writes-ghost-fluff · 7 months ago
....Oh man, fic idea that I'm gonna work on. Copia wants to join Uno game nights. His brothers agree to let him on one condition:
He must play a game of cards against humanity with them first, just so they know he's not gonna be a sore loser, or easily offended by their sense of humor. Sibling fuckery heavily occurs, Terzo and Secondo fuck with him big time, Primo has to tell them to knock it off. Hilarity ensues in the form of card readings.
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all-was-not-well · 10 months ago
Michaela Stirling
I'm definitely going to regret dropkicking myself into this conversation but....
I fucking love what they've done with John and Francesca this season, I think it's a great change of pace from the hyper-passionate, demonstrative love stories we've seen so far on Bridgerton. I'm also super excited for Francesca and Michaela's season, and for the way Michaela's gender is going to play into that.
Because yes, her gender is going to change some aspects of the story. There'll be less pushback against the two of them living together (Francesca has to temporarily move back into Bridgerton house because even as a widow she can't live alone in the same house as Michael, her cousin-in-law) and likely more pressure on Francesca's pregnancy due to the lack of an heir that's both known to the remaining members of the family and willing to provide for them (I think they actually are going to do a version of Francesca's struggle with infertility, I just think that the way they handle it is going to be very different). Characters are probably going to lean harder on Francesca to remarry, and depending on how the ton perceives Michaela (the general vibe on Bridgerton is that society doesn't take issue with men like Anthony or Colin sleeping around, but women like Daphne and Prudence risk ruin for being alone with a man) her family will likely want her to marry as well. (My guess is that Michaela will be charming as hell and the toast of the season, there'll just be fewer rumors about who she has and hasn't slept with.)
I'm curious to see how they continue to navigate queer sexualities in the Regency era, even in a story that plays as fast and loose with history as Bridgerton. I'm pretty okay with how they handled Benedict, Tilley, and Paul this season, and I'm optimistic as hell for watching Francesca and Michaela grow and change together.
My one real worry is an extremely modern one. As much as I love all the edits to "Good Luck Babe" that I've been seeing on Tik Tok, I really don't want them to frame Francesca as a lesbian. I really love the idea of Francesca's relationship with John being something real and true and valid -- she loved him, she was attracted to him, she wanted kids with him, she mourned him to hell and back when he died-- and over the course of the story, she grows to want something different -- not more or less, but different-- with Michaela. They can still tease each other, they ca still push each other out of their shells, they can still be best friends who fall apart when they lose the person who mattered most to both of them, and fall back together when they risk losing each other. The heart of the story can still be the same-- changing Michael to Michaela only changes the skeleton.
Does that make any sense?
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erintherogue · 9 months ago
I've never had an issue drawing Laudna before but something about her new outfit has thrown me so far off that I have restarted and redrawn and reposed and all that so many times that I may just save her for last.
Or i'll just say fuck it and just deal with it
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scrletscldier · 7 months ago
okay i think it’s been long enough
i loved the end of steve rogers’ arc. captain america has always been one of my favorite superheroes simply because of how selfless he always was. so for him to finally choose something purely for himself and his self-interest after helping to save the known universe was so special :’)
also. the world was not ready for an iconic superhero played by an iconic actor to be gay. as a queer writer and mcu fan, if Bucky and Steve had gotten together i’d have cried tears of happiness, but also it was always going to be Peggy and Steve, regardless of fan theories/“Captain Carter”/Peggy’s actress’ reputation. (i also think there is a LOT to be said regarding the trope of platonic soulmates in fiction. Bucky and Steve were platonic soulmates).
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