#Erik Killmonger as a kid
legends-and-savages · 2 years
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Erik is a soft dad. From the moment he knows about the baby he would do anything. He would rest his forehead against the belly and talk to the baby. After he's protective and doesn't want his child to grow up like he did.
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
Somewhere out there is an essay about superhero movies where villains co-opt, misuse, or even just misunderstand the language of the left to push methods and goals that are incompatible with the actual theory of the left, but that sound Right And Good to viewers who aren't thinking it through entirely. And the essay is not just about how they compare to each other, but how they are a litmus test for viewers to know how susceptible they are to propaganda.
Co-opt: Most obvious example and the inspiration for this post is the Riddler in Batman (2020, the one with RPatt). The Riddler recites leftist rhetoric about corruption, wealth hoarding, and redistribution, but his actual actions and goals are unrelated. He's an accelerationist who's more interested in tearing down a system that didn't benefit HIM than in actually rectifying the problems, and who cares if a few kids get traumatized or even killed along the way?
Misuse: Easy mode, this one's Thanos. He talks about ensuring there's enough for everyone to eat, but like. Bro.
Misunderstand: Erik Killmonger, who has the benefit of both some incredibly legitimate grievances and a pretty face, but also kind of fails at the idea of intersectionality, proportionality, or Start With Words Before You Escalate. He's the easiest to sympathize with, because he has some really good points and ultimately does appear to be legitimately pursuing those goals... but he's also a misogynist, jumped to international terrorism before "call up my cousin who doesn't know I exist," and there's something in there about the role played by his time in the US military, which gave him emotional trauma, head trauma, and a sincere belief in the validity of US-style insurgency operations based on hostile takeovers of inconvenient countries. He's charming and pretty and sincere... he's just also, in many ways, wrong. And the parts where he's right makes it easy to try to ignore the bits where he's wrong if you're predisposed to like him and prefer some absolutism.
Anyway, yeah, there are definitely other examples, but the ones that were suggested to me didn't quite vibe with the base idea (Mysterio and Vulture both had disgruntled union moments in the MCU, but they left those roots so quickly that I don't think the concept of using leftist rhetoric as cover/justification for the crimes really applies since, they very quickly shift gears into revenge and greed respectively).
Someone's probably done this better orz.
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kallypsos · 11 months
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My pop said Wakanda was the most beautiful thing he ever seen. He promised he was gonna show it to me one day. You believe that? Kid from Oakland, running around believing in fairytales.
@pscentral​ event 20: antagonists
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queen-of-the-avengers · 5 months
Taking A Chance
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You go and get a tattoo done by the grumpiest of tattoo artists.
Squares Filled: tattoo shop au (2021) for @lokibingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Why am I being such a pussy? Just go in and ask for it. I’ve wanted this for a year. God, if my mother could see me now, she’d be disappointed.
You look up at the tattoo shop’s sign and see the last letter flickering on and off. You have the money. You can get this tattoo done. All you have to do is go in and ask for it. This is the second time you’ve been outside this tattoo shop because you couldn’t go in the first time. It’s not a fear of pain; you can handle pain pretty well. It’s the fear of something being permanent on your body.
You won’t be able to take this off. Anyone who says lasering it off works is wrong. There will always be a scar to remind you of the mistake you made. Stop being such a baby. This is for Mom. This place has been highly rated as one of the best tattoo shops in your town. If you’re going to get a tattoo, may as well go to the best. 
You push the door open and walk inside only to be greeted with a hint of smoke and a lot of Axe body spray. Four very attractive men stand behind the counter just chatting amongst themselves. You’ve seen them in town before. They often frequent the local bar so you know exactly who they are.
Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Erik Killmonger (pretty sure that’s not his legal last name), and Clint Barton. As soon as they hear the small bell above the door go off, they stop talking and look at you.
“Can I help you?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, I’d like to get a tattoo today, if possible.”
“Did you have anything in mind?”
You hand Steve the paper you’ve been saving since your mom died. She drew a delicate vine of her favorite flowers, orchids. She was always a good artist so she drew this as a reminder of her before she died. It’s very precise and delicate line work, and the only person who can do this kind of style is Loki Laufeyson.
“The only person who can do this kind of work is Loki. I’m sure he’s around here somewhere.” Speaking of, Loki walks out with an unlit cigarette in his mouth and a lighter in his hand. “Loki, care to help this pretty lady out?”
He shows Loki the picture but the artist barely gives it to two seconds of his attention.
“No. I’m going for a smoke.”
He has a thick British accent that’s hard not to blush at.
“Sorry, kid,” Steve says and hands back the picture to you.
“No, it’s okay,” you glare at Loki who has yet to leave the room. “I get it. His lungs are as bad as his tattoo skills.”
All four men snicker from your jab while Loki finally locks eyes with you. He takes the cigarette out of his mouth, pockets it and the lighter, and opens the back door with a slight smirk.
“Fine. Right this way, Darling.” He takes you to his section of the shop which is pristine and very clean. He douses a few squirts of hand sanitizer on his hands before getting out the necessary equipment. “Where do you want it?”
“My ribs.”
“Is this your first?”
“You want your first tattoo to be on your ribs? That’s gonna hurt.”
“I can take pain,” you glare.
His mouth twitches as he looks you up and down. After a beat, he nods and sits down on his wheelie chair.
“Shirt off,” he demands.
You do but keep your bra on. You made sure to wear something loose like a bralette that still keeps everything covered but won't be a hindrance to the place where you want the tattoo. You get onto the table and lay on your back, putting the side you want it on closer to Loki.
Loki gets set up and prints a stencil of the drawing you have. After putting it in the place you want it and confirming you like it there, he starts the tattooing process. The pain is sharp like a thousand needles being placed into your body at once, but it’s a dull pain compared to some of the other things you had to endure in life.
Loki has his left gloved hand on your body to keep you still while his right moves the needles right where he wants it. You don’t know where else to stare but at him, observing the way his eyes rake over your body to his hands which are delicate against your skin.
You had a full meal before you got here but this is making your head spin. It’s not because of the needles, it’s Loki. You’ve never met anyone like him. You basically insulted him to get what you want. Loki doesn’t have many clients because they always say the same thing: he’s rude, arrogant, and only accepts what he wants to do, not the other way around.
However, when you challenged him earlier, he knew you were someone he wanted to tattoo. Not only that, but he wants to get to know you. He's not a big talker so he doesn’t know what to say to you, and you’re not going to pry into his personal life like that. You squirm a bit from the pain, and he places his large hand over your stomach to keep you from moving.
“Be a good girl and stop moving unless you want me to fuck up,” he says and looks at you.
You quickly look away in hopes he didn’t see you checking him out, and you nod.
You peek at him to see a smirk on his face indicating that he did, in fact, catch you. You don’t want any color so the process doesn’t take long. He’s done with the tattoo in less than three hours since it’s only line work, and he rubs off the excess moisture so he can apply a patch of SecondSkin. Before he does it, you admire his work in the mirror.
See that, Mom? I’ll always have a piece of you with me wherever I go. I miss you. I love you.
“How do you like it?”
“It’s not bad.”
“Not bad?” he scoffs.
“Better than your lungs, I assume,” you smirk.
There you go again, making him want you more. He chuckles as he grabs the SecondSkin and cuts a piece off. He applies it directly over your tattoo and smooths it out.
“Come back in tomorrow where I’ll clean it and replace it with another patch of SecondSkin. Then, come back in a week and I’ll remove it for good. It should be healed then.”
“Okay,” you whisper and put your shirt back on.
“If you ever want more, call me,” he smirks.
He hands you his business card with his personal phone number on it.
“If you’re lucky,” you smirk and leave his office to pay in the front with Steve.
“I haven’t seen you smile like that in a long time,” Bucky says from the doorway.
“Shut up,” Loki grumbles but smiles when he hears your laughter come from the front of the shop.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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paisholotus · 2 years
Erik Steven's (Killmonger) x black fem reader
Summary: Erik takes his wife out on their anniversary.
Warnings: Strong Language, Drinking & Smut.
Translations: Ndixelele into oyifunayo, mntwana ( Tell Me What You Want, Baby?) Uyandivumela ukuba ndikungcamle, mntwana? ( You Gon Let Me Taste You, Baby?) Uhlala undiqinisa, mama ( You Always Tight For Me, Mama) Yiza apha, ungene emadolweni akho ( Come Here, And Get On Your Knees.) Ndiyakuthanda ( I Love You) Ndiyakuthanda, nawe ( I Love You, Too)
Requested By: Anonymous
A/N: this is inspired by the Songs Lovely & Poison by Brent Faiyaz. This MF Long, hope you enjoy tho
3rd Pov
Erik and Y/N are celebrating their eighth year anniversary today. Erik planned to take her out tonight. They've been married for eight years and have been together since they were teenagers.
Erik watched Y/N bend down to put on her heels as they prepared to leave the house. His gaze moved over her body, focusing on her ass. He smirked as he licked his lips, revealing his gold grills in his mouth.
He walked behind her, squeezing her ass and kissing her neck. "You look good as hell, mama." Y/N, turn around and mirrored his smirk, showing off her matching grills. She encircled her arms his neck and kissed his lips, swiping her tongue across his bottom lip. He opened his mouth wider for her, Their tongues swirled around each other, groaning in each other's mouths. Erik tightened his arms around her waist and gripped her ass.
Y/N pulled away, biting on Erik's bottom lip, causing Erik to slap her ass telling her to stop. She let go of his lip and gave him a seductive smile. "Keep that shit up, and Imma fuck you on the kitchen table." He said this while looking her in the eyes.
Y/N let out an audible moan, and Erik pecked her lips again, ushering them to the front door and tapping her ass as they walked out. 
Erik treated his wife to dinner and shopping, and he bought her whatever she desired. And Y/N got Erik whatever he wanted, which wasn't much considering he claimed he didn't want anything but her butt ass naked on their bed tonight.
He reminded her that the kids were staying with his parents for the night, so they had the entire house to themselves and could be as nasty as they wanted to be.
Erik didn't mind that Y/N wanted to go to this new club that had just opened up in the area because they hadn't been clubbing in a while.
They walked into the club, and to say it was crowded would be an understatement. Y/N had to calm Erik down so he didn't punch someone in the face, because niggas kept trying to get at her right in front of him.
They sat down and ordered drinks, scowling at the trash music and laughing at the people on the dance floor who couldn't dance for shit.
They raised their glasses, clinking them together, and sipped the strong brown liquid. Hearing Brent Faiyaz play throughout the club, Y/N's ears perked up and she smirked.
She took Erik's hand in hers and pulled him up. "Let's go dance, Daddy" He returned her smile and let her lead him to the dance floor.
I almost fell in love with you
After the club last night
It don't know what you do
Money's gonna treat you right
Erik turned her around and gripped her waist as she whined into him. Erik copied her movements and put one hand on the back of her neck, pressing down on the arch in her back, making her throw back her ass harder on him.
Girl, don't act like you changed
When we both know you can't
And I know you love me
Cause i think you're lovely
Erik picked her up, turned her around, and pressed his lips against hers. Y/N sucked on his bottom lip and stucked her tongue into his mouth. Erik grabbed her jaw and pushed his tongue down her throat.
Girl check my coat
Drop that as on the floor
See you move on that pole
Baby, look at you go
He pulled away from her and stared at her with lust in his eyes. "You ready to go, baby?" He said, smirking down at her.
Girl, check my coat
Drop that ass on the floor
See you move on that pole
Baby, look at you go
She licked her lips and smirked at him and said, "mmhm, I'm putting dat ass to sleep tonight." Erik smiled back at her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, kissing the side of her head.
Nasty time 😏😏
Erik slowly pulls away from her lips making her let out a whimpering sound, causing him to chuckle.
"Ndixelele into oyifunayo, mntwana?" He demands licking his bottom lip and her eyes followed the movement her being reminded all the things his tongue can do.
Her clothes and his clothes fell in a pile on the floor within seconds. They haven't had sex in awhile because of how busy they have been, Erik picked Y/N up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, walking them to their bed.
Know you ride it right
I might just die tonight
But you know I'm still coming through baby (through baby)
I know it's bad for me
And you know it tastes so sweet
I think I need your abuse baby
"Uyandivumela ukuba ndikungcamle, mntwana?"
Erik mumbled biting down on her neck, making sure to leave a hickey. "Stop teasing me, baby." Y/N whined. He flips her over so he's on top of her, Y/N felt his dick and began stroking him through his pants receiving a deep groan from him.
Girl, you do damage to me
You know I love it, yeah I love you
Ain't nothing better for me now
Girl, you do damage to me
You know, I love it, yeah I love you
Ain't nothing better for me now
Than your poison baby
He folded her legs to her chest and slid in and she let out a deep moan at the fullness of him. Y/N forgot how long and thick Erik was, she hissed at him stretching her out. She grabbed on to his shoulders as they rocked against each other, moaning in sync. One of the many things Y/N  loved about Erik was he never had a problem about being vocal.
"Fuck! Uhlala undiqinisa, mama." He groans biting on his lip, staring into her eyes. Y/N smirked and kissed his lips, scratching up his back making him moan.
Girl, you know I play my role when I'm inside that
With my hands around your throat I know you like that
Girl, I'll do anything
To hear you scream my name, I love your game, I do, I do
He kissed on her neck and trailed his kisses down the valley of her breast before his mouth latches onto her left nipple. He pulls away and gave the other one the same attention, slightly pinching the other one, making her let out a high pitch moan.
"You...taking...this dick like a pro, mama. Fuck, clench around me again." He groans and Y/N could tell he was close to Cumming by the way his thrusts became sloppy.
Hey, oh-oh
Girl, you do damage to me (you)
You know I love it, yeah I love you
Ain't nothing better for me now
Girl, you do damage to me
You know, I love it, yeah I love you
Ain't nothing better for me now
Than your poison baby (woah-woah-woah-woah)
He pulled out making Y/N whine at the loss of her climax fading. She looked at Erik confused and seen how dark his eyes were.
"Yiza apha, ungene emadolweni akho." He growls at her, but she eagerly stood up and followed his directions. He slapped her ass and she dropped down to her knees taking his length into her hands.
He grabbed her throat and made her look up at him, "who dat pussy and mouth belong to?" Y/N moan at the pressure he was adding to her neck. He took his dick and slapped her cheek, "WHEN I ASK YOU SOMETHING, YOU ANSWER THAT SHIT!"
A/N: I'm sorry but that made me cackle a lil bit 🤣🤣
Y/N quickly nodded and said, "I'm all yours, N'Jadaka." And he slammed his dick into her mouth making him groan. "This your dick, huh? Then take that shit?" A string of curse words came out his mouth, watching all the saliva she was collecting from using both of her hands.
"Gah damn baby Fuck! Just like that....DAMN YOU NASTY! But that's why I love you baby. Keep doing that shit, and imma put another baby in yo ass." He moaned out throwing his head back in pleasure.
Erik choked his breath getting caught in his throat. He shuddered and he shot his cum down her throat. Y/N sucked and licked him clean and stood up giving him a kiss. Erik picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist laying her back on the bed.
Girl, you do damage to me
But I love it babe
Oh, you're poisonous baby
He brushed her hair out her face and kissed her forehead. "Happy Anniversary, baby love." Y/N smiled at him softly and kissed his lips, "Ndiyakuthanda" She mumbled. He pulled her closer and wrapped both arms around her, pulling the blanket up. "Ndiyakuthanda, nawe"
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
You know the term “Colonizers” being used today
I know it because Black Panther popularized it, but do people forget that the villain Killmonger WAS the colonizer in the film?
He became the cia favorite agent in American imperialism, and in the movie, killed T’Challa, burned their sacred plant, and stated he was going to create a Wakandan EMPIRE after slaughter people in power including their fucking children.
How…how did the left miss the most spoon-fed shit Disney can throw at you. And go with the idea colonizer=white people despite the underlying joke is that Shuri (who said it to the white guy that took a bullet to save a Wakandan) say that insult because she was on the internet too much.
I appreciate how anal retentive @siryouarebeingmocked is about tagging and cataloguing things, even if you don't agree with his conclusions it's always through.
This is just 2 obviously but, there's almost every kind of analysis you could possibly want, just search Killmonger, or any of the characters probably.
Both of those posts I linked go deeper into what your ask was, I don't have the knowledge base to touch on it too much, never saw the movie, I DO know where to find the info tho.
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tyrantonutx · 7 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Marvel Universe (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Starkmonger -- Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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marksbear · 2 years
hello hello ! first request here :)
fandom : black panther / black panther : wakanda forever [ marvel ]
character : erik killmonger
plot : as a child, killmonger had one person that he trusted the most, besides his father - m/n l/n. despite his secretive nature, both boys enjoyed playing basketball together, and going to killmonger's apartment - as y/n was one of the only kids that his father seemed to trust to let into their home. on the night of his father's death, killmonger cries into the arms of y/n, who holds him silently, and it seemed it was just them against the world. until y/n disappeared immediately after, aiding killmonger's descent into madness and revenge. timeskip to his time in wakanda, more or less ruling it after the 'death' of t'challa, he strolls the streets until he sees a familiar face and chases them into alleyways. y/n, alive and well, staring at killmonger with a sorrowful expression. killmonger is betrayed, realizing that all along his childhood friend was from wakanda, and that may have been the only reason his father allowed him to come into the house - as he knew the boy would say nothing, maybe he was even a part of their schemes. the reunion is all shouting and close up threats, until they're both overcome with emotions and they just screw in the alleyway.
basically [ childhood friends to strangers to enemies to lovers ]
i apologize for the long request, i enjoy your work and sort of rambled the idea i had in my head. thank you in advance, i hope it doesn't cause much trouble, and it's alright if you are unable to fulfil it.
if it isn't much, i'd like to be the 🍀 anon, or maybe🪴if that one's already taken. thank you again <3
Hi hello! Hope you're doing well my friend! And of course you can be🍀 anon! You'll be my good luck charm!
Erik stands outside the gate looking at the boys playing basketball watching them from afar.
The boys seemed like they all knew each other leaving Erik to be the odd one out. Erik turns his attention to a young boy sitting on the trunk of someone's car holding a basketball in his lap. Erik stares at him wondering “Why isn’t he playing with anyone.” Erik is so deep in thought that he doesn’t notice the boy walking to him.
The boy climbs on the gate and drops down to Erik. Erik still doesn’t notice the boy until the boy lightly shoves his arm. “Wh-what oh.” Erik looks at the boy. Y/n pushes the ball into Erik’s arms with a smirk on his face. “I’m Y/n. And you are?” “Erik…” “Well Erik lets 1v1! First to eleven wins”
Y/n holds onto Erik’s arm moving the damaged gate out of the way holding it open for Erik. 
The boys begin to play multiple rounds of basketball. Round after round the two never seem to get tired of each other. Some strangers/ other kids come and go as they play for hours. The two taught each other different moves and tricks. They play for hours until they begin to feel tired. 
Y/n shoots the winning shot with a smirk on his face looking at Erik. “I win again!” Y/n brags earning a playful shove from Erik. The two begin wrestling each other trying to prove their dominance to see who is the real winner. Erik takes Y/n to the ground, pinning him to the floor. “Now I’m the real winner.”
Erik teases earning Y/n to play dirty. By tickling Erik. “Y/n! S-stop AhaHA! Stopp!” Erik laughs out falling down on the floor with his friend. Y/n stops with a few laughs escaping his own lips. 
The two lay on the ground side by side talking about whatever comes to mind. “You're pretty good at basketball.” Erik says, looking to his side staring at Y/n.
“You too. Erik maybe a bit worse, but still good.” Y/n jokes earning Erik rolling his eyes. 
“Y/n, maybe we can go pro together? Y’know like to join the NBA.” Erik says imaging the two of them playing side by side in a real game. Y/n’s face seemed confused like he didn’t know what the NBA was, but to please his new friend Y/n agreed by shaking his head yes. “Y-yeah we’ll be unstoppable.” Y/n adds slightly praying that he got it right. 
“It’s getting dark. How about I walk you home?” Y/n suggests getting off the ground and picks up his ball looking down at Erik. Y/n holds out his hand waiting for Erik to take it. Erik takes it and gets off the ground with Y/n’s help. 
Y/n and Erik walk to Erik’s house hand in hand “keeping the other safe.” 
After they reach the apartment and everything Y/n lets go of Erik’s hand and smiles at him. Erik looks sad from having to leave his friend. “When do I see you again?” Erik asks, watching Y/n think. “Anytime and everywhere. I promise.”
The answer confused Erik and before he could ask again the front door opened revealing Erik’s father looking at the two boys. Erik’s dad stared at Y/n wide eyed like if he knew Y/n’s secret. “Erik, who is the boy?”
“He’s Y/n! My new friend!” Erik dad gave Y/n one more glance before opening the door. “Well get in. You to Y/n. It's too late for you to go back home.” Both boys go inside and go straight to Erik’s room. 
Erik gave Y/n extra sleeping clothes and both got ready to go asleep. The boys get into the bed laying next to each other side by side. They talk about anything that comes into their mind.
“Y/n? Are you still awake?” “Yeah. What's up?” “Wanna explore the neighborhood tomorrow?” “Sure. We can. We can go everywhere together, you just have to say the word.” “Friends for life?” Erik says, holding out his pinky. “Friends forever.” Y/n holds out his own pinky wrapping it around Erik promising. 
After that night the boys became inseparable. They hung out every single minute of the day. They were together forever. They knew everything about each other, the bad things, the good things, and even things the person didn’t know about themselves. 
Y/n and Erik were doing pickup with some other boys about to play basketball until something big and weird happened. Some ship or something was in the sky flying past them in the air. Erik runs to his house with Y/n chasing after him. 
Y/n recognized what was in the sky. I mean c'mon he grew up seeing them everywhere. Y/n prayed that they weren't coming for him. 
Once the boys reach the apartment door Y/n goes in front of Erik trying to shield him from the horrors he already knew what was going to come. Y/n opens the door hearing a gasp from behind him. Erik pushes past Y/n running to his dad’s body.
Erik cradles his father's dead body silently crying as Y/n watches him before walking to him and hugs Erik tightly. Erik cries even harder holding his dear friend for dear life. Y/n lays his head on top of Erik trying to comfort him the best he can. Erik's thoughts run wild; the only thing he can think about is revenge and Y/n. Erik’s body slowly feels limp from crying. Erik's eyes slowly close from exhaustion. He didn’t when he started to become tired. Erik’s become choked sobs as Y/n comfort him without saying anything. 
Erik's body became limp, passing out from exhaustion and sadness. Y/n uses all his kid strength to drag Erik into his bedroom before leaving him on his bed. Y/n takes off his necklace and ring to give Erik something to remember him by. Y/n takes off his jacket and lay’s it onto Erik. Tears fall from Y/n’s eyes before he leaves the apartment.
To never be seen again… 
When Erik woke up he was scared, lonely and revengeful; only Y/n’s jacket brought him comfort. Erik looked around the neighborhood for hours for his friend. By hour by hour Erik began to lose up. So defeated he goes back home and goes into his room. He almost went straight to his bed, but something shiny caught his eye. Erik goes to the dresser and picks up the rings and cries even harder while clutching Y/n's jacket close to him.
King Kilmonger walks around Wakanda making sure everything is perfect. He’s been ruling it since the death of T'challa taking the princess' place to rule. Erik seems alright from the outside. He was a strong, cocky, a bit evil man, but still had somewhat of a heart.
What most don't know, Erik sometimes cries himself to sleep as memories of his childhood friend run through his mind. Erik hated him deeply, but he couldn’t deny that he loved and missed the man dearly. The feeling of betrayal goes through his body every single day. 
Erik strolls around the street stretching his legs and clearing his mind before having to sit through another long and boring meeting.
People greet their king as he passes by him. Many offer gifts and others just starting conversation.
Everything was going fine until Erik heard a familiar name being called.
"Y/n! Come help me lift this." Some older fellow shouted looking at the younger man for assistance. "Alright." A voice rings out automatically catching Erik's ears. "Y/n..." Erik mumbles out watching the male lift up some crates for the old man. "Thank you Y/n. Such a fine young man you are." The older man praises patting Y/n on his back for the good work.
Y/n smiles at the older man before turning back to the street going to head back home.
Erik and Y/n lock eyes both of them stand like deer in head lights in the middle of the street.
Y/n runs for it catching Erik a bit off guard, but chases after him as fast as possible.
They run past corners and turns with Y/n trying to throw off the king to the best of his ability. From any point of view they'll probably think Y/n was a thief or worse from how their king is chasing him down. Y/n tries to lose Erik in the crowd, but nothing can stop the king.
But finally their game of chase is cut short. Y/n goes straight into an alleyway leading into a dead end. By the time Y/n realized it was too late Erik ran into the alleyway after Y/n.
"Y/n. It is really you." Erik breathes out staring Y/n. "You're alive." Erik also says in disbelief. Y/n lets out a sigh and nods his head yes. "Why..." Erik trails off before anger begins to overcome him.
"Why! Why would you leave me!" Erik screams feeling his whole body burn with rage. "How could you do that to me!?! When I needed you most. You were my best friend! And I needed you!" Erik adds watching Y/n's sorrowful expression begin to change.
"Bestfriends? Really Erik? We were nothing close to best friends. Erik you never gave a damn about me unless we were hanging out at your place or playing basketball! You didn't even make an effort to know where I live or anything about me!" Y/n shouts walking closer to Erik showing him that he isn't scared.
"I trusted you with my life Y/n. Me and my father did!" Erik shouts back while registering that Y/n was the only person allowed in the house.
"You're from wakanda. And you knew didn't you? You knew what was in the sky that night. You knew that they were gonna kill my father! And I bet you were a part of it." Erik blames walking closer as well.
"Erik... Don't start saying things like that." Y/n says as flashbacks going through his mind from all the times he was with Erik and his father.
"Why Y/n! Why did you leave me? I cried for years and I still do trying to think about when you left me... I-I should honestly punish you for that. You made me go into madness. We both knew that I couldn't life without you. You were the only one besides my father, I loved and trusted."
When Y/n heard those words fall from Erik's mouth he almost cracked. Y/n moves both his hands on both sides of Erik's cheeks pulling him in for a deep kiss.
Erik was surprised and pulled away fast looking at Y/n wide eyed. Y/n stares back at him feeling that he did the worst thing ever, but those feelings are quickly washed away by Erik kissing him.
The two hold and kiss each other. Holding each other tightly like the other would disappear. Y/n is quick to move Erik on the wall as the kiss gets more and more heated. Their bodies move against each other finally getting the satisfaction the both of them longed for.
Erik and Y/n fumble around with their clothes trying to take them off as quickly as they can.
Finally Y/n pulls away gasping for air a bit as he takes off his own clothes never breaking eye contact with Erik. Erik watches Y/n undress watching him with pure love in his eyes. The king begins to take off his own clothes.
Y/n pins Erik on the wall kissing and biting his now exposed skin. "I want you inside me Y/n." Erik says growing impatient not even caring that he isn't well prepped.
Erik moves his hands down to Y/n's hard cock giving it a few slow strokes while staring Y/n in his eyes. Erik pulls his hand away before spitting on it and goes back to jerking off Y/n.
Erik's hand movements are fast and rough trying to make Y/n's cock wet as fast as he can. Y/n bucks his hips into Erik's fist while soft moans escape his lips. "Give it to me Y/n!~" Erik pleads pulling his hand away and turning his body around to his stomach on the wall and bending over.
Y/n puts both hands on either side of Erik's hips holding him still as he slowly moves his tip inside Erik's hole. Y/n begins to slowly thrust in and out inside Erik causing Erik to let out moans and whimpers.
"Fa-faster! ohHh fuck~" Erik moans out moving himself down meeting Y/n half way when he thrust.
Y/n doesn't need to get told twice as he picks up his thrust at a fast pace. Y/n's grip on Erik is tighter as he begins to abuse his hole with thrust. Y/n thrust became deeper and rougher. Skin slapping and moans can be heard throughout the hallway as both males don't even care if they're making too much noise.
Erik walls tighten around Y/n once Y/n hits his prostate causing a long moan to fall from his mouth.
Y/n begins to abuse Erik's prostate snapping his hips at a faster pace and hitting his prostate every single time with his thrust. "Again! fu-ck~ hit it again~" Erik begs
Erik hard cock leaks precum and his cock twitching from being near his peak. Y/n thrust doesn't slow down a second keeping up his fast and rough rhythm.
The king holds onto the wall for dear life as Y/n wrecks his hole. "Y/n!~ I'm about to cum! gonna cum!~" Erik moans as his eyes begin to water. Y/n speeds up his thrust even faster than before as he feels his own cock twitch inside Erik. Erik is first to meet his peak. He cums hard onto the floor and wall painting it white as he screams and moans out things that don't even make sense.
Erik's walls clamp on tighter on Y/n's cock eager to get Y/n's load inside him.
After a few more thrust Y/n's cums deep inside Erik painting Erik's inside white and warm causing Erik to scream all sorts of things. Y/n thrust hard and slow a few times fucking him until he's out of his high and drained.
The two breathe heavy and in silence both too tired to say anything and a bit scared to say something. Y/n begins to pull out slowly as he watches his load pour out of Erik. "Don't leave me. Y/n don't go..." Erik says quietly hoping that Y/n didn't hear him.
Y/n turns Erik's body around so he faces him. "I don't live far from here. Lets go to my place and get you cleaned up."
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violettavonviolet · 18 days
Marvel Fic Rec's part 2
All of these fics are amazing and finished! The wordcount goes up as you scroll, I've marked the ratings but do check the tags yourself!
A star marks a fic that hasn't left my brain since I read it
Out of the Shadows
“Can I at least have a crayon? Even kids get crayons,” Tony whined the next time he saw the soldier. “Seriously, I’m so bored I’m going to explode. I need something to do or I’m going to die.”
That time, it almost looked like the soldier was fighting back a laugh behind his mask. He left, however, without a sound.
The next time he returned, he tossed Tony a red crayon.
Tony is kidnapped, and the Winter Soldier is his guard. When a botched mind-wipe restores the man's mind, however, that's when things get interesting... especially because he is the only real potential soulmate Tony has ever found.
24k mature
The Guiding of Death *
“Hades and Persephone reborn huh,” Fury states then more than asks, “no need to ask which is which.”
Toni’s brows furrow even as dread begins to squirm to life inside of her.
But before she can say anything, before she can open her mouth and set the record straight, she hears it.
A murmur as loud as a scream from somewhere in the tomb silent bridge.
“That whole Merchant of Death thing,” someone off to the side faux whispers, “makes a lot more sense now.”
It echoes across the bridge like a gunshot.
41k mature
Letters to Bucky
Stuck in rehab after a near-fatal accident, Tony reaches out via letters to a soldier overseas, and Bucky is more than happy to write back, drawn to Tony for a reason he can't quite name. One or two letters turn into a years worth, then come the phone calls, with Tony quickly realizing that Bucky's voice, with that rolling Brooklyn accent might be his new favorite sound.
When Bucky shows up unannounced at Tony's door, one thing leads to another and maybe a confession or two is made. But Bucky's tour overseas isn't over yet, not even close, and they have months more of distance between them.
Then Bucky disappears, missing in action, and Tony doesn't know if he will ever get his soldier back. And if Bucky DOES make it home, will he be the same boy from Brooklyn who sent Tony love poems, or has his time away and his injuries changed him for good?
48k explicit
myrtle and fennel blossoms
There is something odd about Tony Stark.
3.5k Thor/Tony teen
I'll be there
“Yo, are you fucking insane?” asked Erik, and, between the gun in his hands and the way Thor was staring at him in confused disbelief, a hand over his shoulder, it was clear that he had used it on him once already. Ineffectively, cause Thor was a god - and Tony had just nearly died again, holy shit - but enough to stun him.
“Erik-” started Tony, but it came out a little croaky, and he put a hand on his neck at the pain. That fucking hurt.
Erik seemed to grow further angry, while Thor frowned at Tony. “What fucking business does your ass have, grabbing an unarmed civilian by the neck? Look at how he sounds after less than a second in your fucking paws, were you fucking trying to kill him?”
4.8k Erik Killmonger/Tony teen
 Billionaire's cake
The first time Phil gets to eat something baked by Tony, it's purely accidental. The other times - not so much.
Or: a story about a relationship that starts with donuts and doesn't end because of donuts.
16k phil/tony
Off Script *
Agent Coulson sees Stark smile, and he's compromised.
18k phil/tony teen
theme of wonder
When Thanos, the Mad Titan, breached the walls of the Underworld, in a bid to kill Hades and make Persephone his own, the King and Queen of the Dead cast a spell.
A spell of time and souls, so that their love would be everlasting and so that they never would be without one another. So that their soul and immortal spirit would continue to reincarnate into different human bodies for cycles to come, and so that they could always find each other, not matter when or where. 
And for centuries, through the fall of Alexandria and the Salem Witch Trials, through the rise of the Ottoman reign and the fall of the Roman Empire, it works.
Until Persephone wakes alone in a cave, surrounded by ash, smoke and sand, and Hades wakes alone in Kamar Taj, drenched in water and with blood on his sheets.
Both alone.
And as the Infinity Stones start popping up around them again, and the oddness of this cycle continues, they know that the reckoning is approaching, that the end is near.
That the Mad Titan is once more at their door.
23k stephen strange/ tony stark gen
Peter Parker
Kind, Sober, and Fully Dressed
"Pete, my man, my completely platonic best bro," he muttered to himself in the voice he reserved solely for mocking Johnny Storm. "Come over and watch my maybe sex tape! Fun times! Just two guys hanging out -" he slammed the bathroom door maybe a little harder than necessary "- watching the one guy's celebrity sex tape! Good clean fun!"
Mrs. Moretti downstairs banged on her ceiling with a broom.
Everything was coming up Parker tonight.
Or, in which Peter proves himself tragically unable to take a hint. Post-Amazing Spider-Man Digital #17, aka the time Johnny asked Peter to watch his sex tape.
8k spideytorch mature
Always Glad You Came *
Spider-Man is a relatively new, controversial vigilante, and Johnny has a crush the size of the Empire Building. The Four - operating under the assumption that Spidey is an adult - do not approve.
“I just happen to think Spider-Man's cool,” Johnny says, matter-of-factly. “A hero can think another hero is cool without making it weird. I admire his aloofness. And his badass-ness.”
“His aloofness,” Ben repeats, chuckling into his mug of beer. It’s roughly the size of Johnny’s head. “Yeah, sure, I bet that’s all your admire, right?”
13k spideytorch teen
Hey Baby, Slip between my Beta-Pleats and get to know my Alpha-Helix? *
Even though Tony can't tell the difference between Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo, Peter really has no other choice. 
His heat is around the corner, so even though he loathes the party-going, booze drinking, smug playboy know-it-all that is Tony Stark-
He'll just have to do.
37k starker explicit
Lying by Omission
“I know I said I was up for anything--” he told Hogarth carefully, trying to surreptitiously slide the files back onto her desk.
She slapped a hand on them and pushed them back towards him.
“Mr. Nelson, you are one of the best lawyers on staff, and I am seriously considering the pros and cons of a potential partnership here,” she told him, staring up at him without moving her face or hand. Somehow, the files continued to dig into the meat of his palm.
“--but it turns out,” he valiantly carried on, “I am actually and suddenly extremely busy with the destruction Jessica will cause in approximately twenty minutes, which will have nothing to do with me or any favors or bribes or anything like that—” 
(Someone brings Team Red's (and the Punisher's) loved ones back from the dead to torture them for information on their vigilantes. Hogarth coerces Foggy to handle the resulting legal fallout and he is both the worst and best person for the job.)
40k not rated Peter & Matt &Wade
I'll Tell No Lies
When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that and it soon becomes apparent that he might not be the best fit for the job.
77k peter/wade
 like the rain chooses the grass *
Fuck. Not once had he ever considered his soulmate would be anything other than a black woman. His opinions on that are already far too solidified to allow for anything else.
Yet green eyes and a carbon copy soulmark are telling him otherwise.
Fuck this shit.
31k Erik Killmonger/Harry Potter
In Wade We Trust (We Are So Screwed)
“Wade Wilson dropped by last night,” Clint explained, like it was any other Friday. “Brought pizza and beer.” There was a thoughtful silence through the phone and then:
“You had a pizza party with Deadpool.” Phil said and Clint slid down the couch onto his back. Yeah, that pretty much summed up the situation.
Or: the one where Clint does something nice for Wade, and Wade decides to never let him go.
44k clint/coulson wade&clint teen
marvel fic recs part 1
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anime-kia · 1 year
Mother’s Day?
Lmao sorry, another Dadmonger story.
I couldn't come up with a unique Mother's Day special with the reader celebrating so I used this plot instead. 
Mentions of infertility, otherwise, no warnings.
Relationship: Single Father Erik x Dance Teacher Reader
Erik always loved when his daughter came to visit on the weekends. Despite having to deal with her irritating mother whom he should've left years ago, Aaliyah always brought joy to his usually busy and hectic life.
He was quite surprised when his arrogant, loud-mouthed baby mother was knocking on his door at seven in the morning, calling his name like Sabrina from Madea's Big Happy Family 2. 
It didn't irritate him that she was at his door so early, seeing as he was already up since five, working out. But it was Mother's Day today and there was no reason for her to be disrupting his peace.
As soon as the door creaked open, the eight-year-old was already in his arms. 
"Hi, daddy!" She gave him a tight hug, the patterned beads on the ends of her hair bounced off his cheek as they made contact.
"Hey, princess." He lifted Aaliyah and gave her a kiss on her cheek above the dimple that matched his. "Go on inside, I'll be there in a second." He said after setting her down.
When Aaliyah was inside, he stepped out and closed the door leaving a small crack. 
"Brianna." He simply said with a distasteful look on his face.
"What? You looking like it ain't your turn to spend time with her."
His eyes narrowed, "It's Mother's Day though." 
"And?" She shrugged her shoulders and copied his stare, "It's your weekend with her. I got shit to do." 
Erik almost laughed, not at her but at himself. This is the bitch that I got pregnant? 
"What's so funny?" She asked, resting her hand on her hip. Her nails caught his attention, ridiculously long, pointy and bright. Now that he took a better look at her, he could see and assume the exact reason why she had the nerve to pull something like this. 
"Nothing, except you tryna go out and be the thot that you is instead of spending time with your daughter. You ain't send her to one of ya little family members cuz they would've clocked your ass for pulling this stunt." Erik ridiculed her, and every factual statement he said had her eyebrows furrowing and fists clenching harder. 
"Fuck you, Erik!" She yelled, pointing her index finger to his face. "You the last person to be judging me."
"Nah, fuck you for being an ain't shit ass mother." With that, he went back inside and locked the door in her face. There was a thump against the door, followed by the sound of her flip flops going down the porch. He sighed and went to go look for Aaliyah. 
Erik tried to keep arguing and fights to a minimal whenever Aaliyah was around. It was quite difficult considering her mother was an obnoxious loud mouth who had no class or shame. 
Aaliyah knew they didn't get along, in fact even she didn't get along with her mom that well. Brianna was one of those people who shouldn't have kids, but still has them anyway. They didn't really share a mother-daughter bond at all, Aaliyah would get that from other women in her life. Brianna would rather spend time partying, drinking, hooking up, and other stuff that she should've put to rest after she became a mother.
The only reason he wasn't able to take full custody over his daughter was because the judge was quite biased against the infamous ex-Killmonger and there was no way a man like that could raise a child in love. Of course it did take a while for him to recover, thanks to his family in Wakanda, but he was one hundred percent a stable man. Also, he was way more capable to care for his daughter than Brianna ever could. 
For one, Erik lived in luxury. He lived in a better house, drove a nicer car, ate tastier foods, and resided in a safer neighbourhood. In fact, he paid for all of Aaliyah's necessities even at Brianna's request. Her clothes, shoes, school supplies and extra curricular activities like dance and swimming. 
Brianna on the other hand moved around a lot, couch-surfing, she didn't drive, McDonald's was often her first choice of meal, and she spent a lot more money on her appearance and other things that should come last versus taking care of her basic needs. 
But in the court house, she used her mother's living as a cover up for her own. Decent house, fair neighbourhood, working, stable. 
He recalls how furious he was when the judge denied him the rights to his child. He knew that Brianna only did this to spite him and also for her own personal financial benefit. Child support was expensive. 
"Aaliy-" He walked into the living room to find her curled up in a throw blanket on the sectional sofa, fast asleep. Her overnight bag was resting on the floor. He let her sleep, seeing as it was still very early. 
Usually, she would be dropped off on a Friday night and they would wake up around ten or eleven the following day. On Sundays, they would wake up even later around twelve.
Erik spent the rest of the morning in his gym, finishing off his workout that was interrupted. He liked to play music that was loud enough to vibrate the walls, but his baby girl was asleep so he opted to keep it relatively low. 
An hour went by and Erik finished his workout. He took a hot steaming shower that fogged up the entire bathroom, then moisturized and got dressed into a white t-shirt, light grey Jordan sweater and black basketball shorts. It was a habit to wear his gold chain that was tucked behind the hoodie. 
More time had passed and breakfast was served, eggs and pancakes. Aaliyah was up and ready, climbing onto the bar stool. He slid her plate towards her, along with the maple syrup bottle. 
"That's that real maple syrup. Not the sugary shit ya mama feeds you." He watched as she examined the glass bottle. "But be careful not to drop it, aight?"
"Okay, daddy." She twisted the cap off and used her two small hands to drizzle the syrup onto her pancakes. She ended up drowning them and part of the scrambled eggs, but she liked it that way. 
Weird. Erik thought. He took a seat beside her and poured the syrup onto his pancakes. "So what we got planned for today?" 
Aaliyah's bright face toned down, and her chewing slowed. "Well..." He waited for her response as she swallowed. "Mama was supposed to come to ballet with me. My teacher said bring your mommies for the Mother's Day dance class!" Her fist rested under her chin, "But she isn't here."
He stared at his daughter, reminiscing on the feeling. Erik knew exactly what it was like to not have someone there with him. All the basketball tournaments, school events, and graduation ceremonies. It was no one except him and if he was lucky, maybe one of his foster parents would attend, but that was as rare as a blue moon.
"I uh... I'll take you." He hesitantly said.
"But you always take me, daddy." She didn't understand what he meant, seeing as her classes took place on the weekends so Erik always dropped her off anyway.
"Nah, Li. I mean I'll join the class with you. Only for today." He put his pride behind him today, only for his daughter though. As long as his friends and family didn't see this, everything would be alright. 
She started cracking up at Erik's offer, throwing her head back in amusement. "But you're a boy, not a girl!" 
"I'm a man, actually. And so what, you got the coolest dad. We gon' have more fun than the rest of 'em." He smiled at his daughter's enjoyment. The two finished their meals and got ready to head out.
On the ride there, Aaliyah couldn't stop sharing her excitement. She often spoke about her dance teacher and how much she loved her. 
"She's so pretty, and so nice! And she dances so good! I wanna be like her when I grow up!" 
Aaliyah would always talk about her teacher with Erik. The one time she tried to talk to Brianna about her, that resulted in Brianna cursing the teacher off and claiming that she was trying to steal her daughter away.
To say Brianna was an irrational, nonsensical, drama queen would be an understatement. 
Erik's nerves spiked as they entered the building. Of course he could dance, but not to the point where he could be a professional. He was more of a man who had rhythm and could do little bits and pieces of hip hop. Though he was graceful, quiet and fast on his feet, ballet was most definitely not one of his specialties. 
"This way, daddy!" Her pink tutu bounced as she pulled him towards a brown door, similar to a school classroom door. Outside, there were mothers and daughters all lined up. The little girls were all so giddy and excited, jumping up and down and yapping to their mothers.
He hadn't realized it, but Aaliyah was tugging very hard at his arm. Erik was forming a resistance as they got closer. 
"Ungh!" Her little grunts finally were audible in his ears, "Come! On!" Her ballet slippers slid on the tile floor as she tried to tug him.
"Oh damn, my bad." He eased up and allowed her to bring them closer to the door. The mothers immediately took notice of him, some eyeing him longer than they should've. Some looks of confusion, some of lust. They were already talking, but he could sense when the conversations switched to be about him.  
Aaliyah was already talking to a group of young girls, sharing their excitement about today. He could hear her boasting about him, even when they questioned where her mother was.
There was classical music playing on the inside for a while, and Erik was praying that it would continue non-stop. He checked his watch; 1:59.
And as soon as the clock struck 2:00, the music stopped. 
Another minute passed and the door finally opened, a set of older girls about twelve to fifteen exited. The younger girls squealed in excitement, lining up beside their mothers and Aaliyah to her father. She squeezed his hand and bounced up and down.
"Aye, you bout to pull my shoulder out." He complained. 
"Oops, sorry daddy!" Aaliyah apologized and relaxed a bit. Instead, she swayed their arms back and forth. 
The line started to move into the room and he assumed that he missed when they were called in. Admitted, Erik was quite interested to see who his daughter bragged about all the time. Being the last to step in, he closed the door and finally turned around. 
Erik was beyond surprised to see a young black woman teaching the class. Not that he was underestimating her abilities, but when he thought of a ballet teacher, he pictured an old, white, grumpy-looking lady. Also, black ballerinas were not represented as much, so this was quite the surprise. He assumed that the teacher loved Aaliyah so much because she was a grandmother, and grandparents love children, but he got the exact opposite instead. He was thrilled in fact, and Aaliyah was correct, she was beautiful. You were beautiful. 
"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Miss (Y/n) and I'm happy that you're all here for this Mother's Day class." Your smile was so vibrant and bold, lighting up the entire room. Your eyes made contact with Erik's, a chill raced through your body. He was very handsome. 
He was broad and had a lot of mass, which easily showed through his clothes. You were digging the dreads that laid to the left of his head.
However, you were not surprised at all that her mother wasn't here, but you were shocked when he showed up instead. You were expecting not to see Aaliyah at all, but nonetheless you didn't question it. It warmed your heart to see how much he cared because the lack on her maternal side was very apparent. Aaliyah viewed you as a motherly figure, you knew that. And it didn't bother you at all, she was a sweetheart.  
"Alright, so we'll start off with warming up the muscles then we can start with pliés."
You did simple stretches and warming up with the class so no one would get injured. Jogging on the spot, high knees, jumping jacks, lunges, toe touches, the basics. You did take notice of how fit Erik was, and he was quite flexible too. Though he was wearing a sweater, you could clearly see how muscular his arms were. You couldn't help but stare. Only to be stopped as he caught you. 
You looked away, and stood up from your lunge, "Alright, moms and dad, can we get you on this side of the room." You pointed to the left where the taller bar was, and the girls used the shorter one.
The barre routines you pulled together were relatively simple. Though this was a third-level RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) ballet class, you had to alter it so the inexperienced parents could have their fun too, without stumbling or getting frustrated because ballet can be irritating. 
"So we're gonna start with our feet in first position and hold for two counts, one... two... Arms through port de bras to second position, three, four." You demonstrated as the participants followed. "Demi-plié and stretch, demi-plié and stretch, rise up, hold, hold and lower. Grand plié, bringing your arm through port de bras and stretch, turn to the other side." The kids were happy at the simplicity, but half of the parents already looked winded. You smiled, "Easy enough?"
There were some sarcastic agrees, which was understandable. 
"Don't worry, I'll walk you through it." You smiled at the parents, hitting play on the stereo. You physically demonstrated the steps on the first side, but on the second side, you walked around the room correcting technique. 
Erik felt stupid, but no one was judging him as far as he could tell.
You lifted Aaliyah's chin gently as she had a habit of staring down at her feet. "Eyes up. Turn out your feet, and make sure you're resting on all ten toes." You fixed the rest of the girls' arms, posture, and feet positions then switched to the adult bar. 
Big yikes, was all you could think of as you watched half of the mothers attempt ballet. The other half were ex-dancers so they were able to do the exercise properly and Erik wasn't bad at all. No, he wasn't perfect, and you betted that if he trained when he was younger, there was no doubt he would be the next Mikhail Baryshnikov. You could tell that he has trained in some areas that required him to be agile and flexible. 
"Very good, Mr. Stevens." You praised him. He felt himself smirk. It was nice to receive approval outside of the bedroom or work.
The only thing you fixed on him was his elbow because it was drooping, and also because why not get a close-up of his massive arms. You adjusted posture and arms on the rest of the ladies.
"Nice finish." You applauded as the song came to an end. "I see we have some natural talent in the room, how many parents are or were dancers?" About five raised their hand. You asked them what discipline did they study and when, if they performed and other dance-related things. 
Just like the ballet language itself, it was all so foreign to him. He didn't even try to comprehend what you were discussing. The most he knew were pliés, so when you got to saying the other barre exercises, he was at a loss.
Battement tendus, battement glissés, rond de jambe, and that wasn't even a quarter of the ballet glossary.
Finally finished with barre work, the class was in the centre facing the mirror. 
"Hold up, it's more?" Erik asked, with a heavy breath. All that leg kicking and pliéing had him tired. He grew a newfound respect for ballerinas and all dancers for that matter. 
Everyone giggled.
"Of course, Mr. Stevens. I only did a third of the barre exercises though. We still have centre, corner and character to do." You smiled at him. You lied though, there was no way you'd have enough time to do the whole syllabus, and also it was a Mother's Day class, not a regular one. 
The look on his face was hilarious, everyone's giggles escalated into laughter. 
"You're already tired, daddy?!" Aaliyah asked in shock as if she didn't have sweat beads on her forehead. 
"Hell y- I mean, yeah I'm tired." A while ago he was doing just fine, it only goes to show that he was actually putting in effort. His hard work opened you back up to the idea of hosting a Father's Day dance class. 
The first two years you hosted the Father's Day dance, only three or four would show up. It was a shame considering how cute of a bonding experience it would've been for both parties. Erik was your solid proof. Only if they could put their pride down for just an hour.
"So for this next exercise, we're gonna be doing turns!"
"Yaaayy!" The girls all cheered, as turning was their favourite. It was nice to see because when you started out dancing, turning was not your specialty. You were better at jumps.
"Can I get a partner to demonstrate this exercise?" 
To your surprise Erik's hand raised.
"Oh, Mr. Stevens? Looks like I'm taking your partner, Aaliyah." You joked.
"That's okay! He said he wanted to!" She had a mischievous smile on her face. 
Erik's face heated up as the others made noises, he felt so childish. It reminded him of the time the class found out about his first crush back in middle school.
Either way, demonstrating with two adults worked better than with a small child. 
"So, what you're going to do is place your hands on my hips." He did just that, his cologne was faint but smelled very fresh and masculine. "And just rotate me as I keep my feet in first and imitate walks like a penguin." You demonstrated as you spoke. "Can anyone tell me what these are?"
They all raised their hands excitedly, ready to share their knowledge. 
"Chaine turns!" The little blonde exclaimed. 
"Perfect! Now make sure you keep your arms tight so you don't hit your partner."
The grip he had on your hips was surprisingly a lot more gentle than you expected from such a large man. For someone with no experience, he was a great partner. The audience applauded and you gave them a quick curtsey. 
"Now you can have your partner back, Aaliyah." You smiled at the girl who was staring in awe at her father and a woman she wished to be one day. "After the partners in front have turned four times, you may start, okay?" You hit play and a more upbeat song played through the speakers, catching the ballet uneducated off guard. "Alright, so we're gonna start in three, two, one."
You watched as they taped their feet, shimmying their shoulders a bit as they waited for their turns. Not many people knew, but ballet wasn't strict to only classical piano music, it came in all forms.
You singled for each group to start, "Eyes up! Keep spotting! Keep your heels together, ladies! Turnout!"
Though you did have to remind her to spot the wall and not her feet, Aaliyah was the most consistent out of the rest of her class. She had so much potential and you hoped that she would continue dancing in the future. 
"Very good, everyone! Take a little water break and we'll get started on our second last routine of the day." 
The class awed in disappointment that it was already over. This was actually a first, usually, they were excited to leave. But syllabus work was never as fun as leisure classes like these. You were slightly more strict when it came to teaching syllabus. 
"Can you open this for me, daddy?" Aaliyah handed her white and pink water bottle over to her dad. 
He twisted it enough to remove the pressure, "Ah, it's too hard. Here, you try again." 
"But if you can't open it, then how will I?" She pouted. 
"Show me your muscles."
She lifted her small arms and flexed.
"Ahh, there they are. Now put 'em to use, girl." He placed the bottle back into her hands. With her might, she easily twisted the lid off.
"I did it!" She celebrated.
"Aye, there you go princess." Erik smiled, pulling his daughter into a hug and planting kisses on her cheek.
The mothers watched in awe at the father and daughter. They would've loved for their husbands to be as affectionate and loving with their children, but they were either too busy or too "manly" to be like that. Erik however, did not care. He would love and be proud of his seed no matter what. 
You too gushed at the interaction. It made you become hopeful- about the possibility of having kids. 
"Alright everyone, time for some grand jetés!" 
The clanking of water bottles being put down, and ballet slippers padding across the floor filled the room.
"Can someone tell me what a grand jeté is?" The girls raised their hands in excitement just like that last time. "Amelia?"
"It's when you run and you jump and do a big split!" 
"Perfect answer!" You applauded the light skin girl with brown freckles. "Mr. Stevens, can I get you to help me demonstrate once again?"
"Yeah, of course." He stepped out of the line towards you. 
"So the goal of this one is to get really high but also to get a nice big split. Parents, you're going to assist in the height factor and girls, your goal is to get your legs as wide as possible, alright?" You stood in front of him and placed his large hands on your hips. "I'm going to chassé, then take two steps and brush my leg out to do the split."
The first run was slow, making sure that he could keep up. For someone with no experience in ballet, he really surprised you. His coordination was excellent. 
The second time around, you picked up the pace and on the jump, he got you very high off the ground, as if he's practiced this before. He gently set you down and  for a brief moment, his chocolate eyes met with yours. You smiled at each other and turned to face the class.
"Give Mr. Stevens a round of applause! That was amazing!" He bowed in acknowledgment.  After the claps became silent you said, "See how high we got? That's how high you want to get on your own one day." Obviously that was just encouragement, a person can only jump so high. 
You played the music and just like the last time you signalled for each partners to start. The mothers who were previous dancers got their daughters at very good heights, you could tell they were giving them pointers as well. 
"Eyes up! No développé, make sure you're brushing your leg! Turnout! Stretch that back leg! Point your toes!" 
It was funny to see the mothers who had no dance experience trying to keep up with their daughters. Some of the girls got jealous as they watched Erik lift Aaliyah over his head. They were in a world of their own, laughing joyously as they made it to the opposite corner of the room.
"I want to go that high, mommy!" 
"We're too low!"
The mothers looked at their children with incredulous looks. That simply meant, no. 
One of the girls, Maya tapped Aaliyah's shoulder. "Can your daddy lift me?" She asked, there was no shyness in her voice. That girl was very bold.
Aaliyah looked up at Erik while pulling on his hoodie. "Daddy?" 
"Wassup, princess?" 
"Maya wants to know if you can lift her too." 
He was stunned at first, "I uh- Yeah, sure." He smiled at them both. "As long as Miss (Y/n) is okay with it."
"Miss (Y/n)! Miss (Y/n)!" The two girls called out. You were checking your notes for the next class routine.
"Yes, girls?" You asked, a little startled. 
"My daddy offered to help us jump higher if that's okay with you!" 
Quite the surprise, "Yeah, that's fine." 
After Maya was lifted, the other girls screamed "Me too!" 
He looked dumbfounded, it made you giggle. 
"How about this, one jump from Mr. Stevens and then you have to try and jump higher than that, but remembering all the corrections we've been working on throughout the year. Deal?"
"Deal!" They all cheered. The mothers looked very interested as well.
You started the music up and the girls lined up beside Erik. They each took their turns, and you could see some improvement already. They were jumping higher, which resulted in better splits. The mothers recorded, proud of their daughters and still in awe of Erik. 
If they saw him on the streets, they would've assumed that he was up to no good. This soft, child-loving and friendly side was shocking to not only them, but to himself as well. 
They all finished, and Erik was sweating. You wanted to ask him to take his sweater off, but that might be flirting a little too hard.
"Good job, ladies! And that was awesome Mr. Stevens!" You gave them a round of applause, the mothers joining in as well. "For our final lesson, we'll be doing révérence. You can choreograph this piece with your moms- and dad, but it's going to be really short. Two counts of eight, three max. I'll give you five minutes to come up with your routine." 
Each pair went off to their own section of the room to practice. 
Erik had no idea where to start, he was usually really good with formulating a plan, but ballet? Yeah, right. Good thing his little sidekick was the expert. She already had something in mind. 
"Okay so, first we're going to walk, one, two- Turnout your feet, daddy."
"I'm trying, Li." He grunted as he fixed his feet. This ballet shit was a lot harder than I imagined. 
"Then you bring your arms up to first and then to second, like this." She demonstrated for him and he followed suit. She looked at his arm position, droopy elbows, and corrected them. "Like that. Don't drop your arms, okay?" 
"Yes, princess." He complied. Already, he could tell she was going to be a great leader. 
"Then I'm gonna lift my arms up and you pick me up and we do a turn, then you put me down and we curtsy with our arms in demi-seconde." 
"Seconde, like this!" She showed him the arm position.
"Aight, lets run this again cuz I already forgot."
Aaliyah placed her hands on her hips, "Really, daddy?"
"Yeah, come on." 
The two practiced their routine as did the others until you finally called time.
"So, who wants to go first?" 
Of course Aaliyah's hand shot up, but you wanted to give someone else a go. Besides, you had to save the best for last.
The moms who weren't dancers went first, they were... Well, you've seen worse let's just say that. Then the ex-dancers went, very graceful and lovely routines. It made you wonder who was the choreographer because they were doing some things that you hadn't taught the class. Lastly, it was Erik and Aaliyah's turn.
The first part of their routine was very simple, but very cute. After he spun her and set her down to do their curtsy, he took her hand and placed  a small kiss on the back and she did the same. It was so adorable, the mothers awed along with you. 
"Excellent work, everyone!" Erik hadn't realized how much fun he was actually having until you announced that class was finally over. "I hope you all have an amazing rest of your Mother's Day and I'll see you next weekend."
Time does fly by when you're having fun. 
"Goodbye, Miss (Y/n)!" They all said and exited the room, all except Erik and Aaliyah. 
After class, Aaliyah would spend time talking with you about anything. She would tell you about her family life, school and anything that was holding her interest at the moment. It was habitual, and it made Erik more curious about you. 
Erik watched as the eight-year-old ran into your arms. 
"Hey Aaliyah, did you have fun today?" You asked holding onto her, similar to a mother.
"Yeah, so much fun! I told you my daddy was very strong!" 
You laughed, "I didn't doubt it for a second." You stood up and looked at him. 
"So y'all be talking about me while I'm not here?" He chuckled, arms folded over his chest. 
"Only good stuff." You assured him with a grin. "I wasn't expecting you to be so graceful though."
Erik shrugged, "I am a big nigga." 
You raised an eyebrow. 
"She's heard everything already, but she knows not to say it. Right, Li?"
"Yes, sir!" She gave him her biggest toothy grin.
"Aye." He pulled five dollars out of his pocket and handed it to her, "How about you go get something from the vending machine, princess."
"Okay!" She accepted the cash and skipped out of the room. 
Now all that remained was you and Erik. It wasn't necessarily tense in the atmosphere, but you felt shy for some odd reason. His stare was enough to make you want to hide your face and blush. Sure handsome men have been around you, but something about Erik was more intense. 
"So, you met her mom, right?" He suddenly asked.
"Yeah." You wanted to laugh thinking of that ridiculous woman, "She was ready to take me to court after caring about her daughter. She said I was trying to take her away or whatever, but I can't help it if Aaliyah likes me. Besides I love kids."
"Yeah, sorry about that. The girl is crazy." 
You nodded quickly, agreeing with him. 
"Do you got any kids? I mean you look pretty young, but..."
Your heart sunk, "Well... I haven't um... Been able to conceive so no. That's kind of why I spend a lot of time with kids, to make up for the loss."
"Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"No, no, no. It's fine, really. I've only tried it a few times with one person, and after the multiple failures I was too scared to try again so we gave up on each other." 
"Damn, I really didn't mean to bring that up."
"No, it's alright. Really." You sighed, "For now, I'm more focused on helping these kids get better and enjoy ballet cuz it can be a lot of fun." 
You could still see he was slightly upset by your news, so you decided to change the topic. 
"So Mr. Stevens-"
"Yes, Erik." You smiled, "I'm curious to know about your natural talent. Did you dance when you were younger?"
"Nah. I always knew how to dance, but not this ballet shit. I was in the Navy and I did a bunch of training that made me work on stealth. I guess it counted for more than military stuff." 
"Ohhh, okay that makes sense."  
It was silent for a moment, until both of you tried to speak at the same time.
"You first." He insisted.
"Well I was hoping that I'll see you next month for the Father's Day dance class. I stopped doing them cuz the dads wouldn't show up, but I mean a big, strong guy like you decided to come to the Mother's Day class, so I thought, why not? I would love to have you again, it was really fun."
"I did this for Aaliyah, let's make that clear." He stated, attempting to come off as if he didn't enjoy the class.
"Yeah, yeah." You rolled your eyes, "Ballet isn't only for women. I'm sure you would've been the next Carlos Acosta if you started out when you were younger." 
"Who?" Erik raised his eyebrow. 
"He's a ballet dancer. But anyways, you should come. We can do more lifts and tricks, it'll be fun."
"We?" He gave you a suggestive look. That only made you blush and turn your head.
"Anyways! So will you be joining us again?" 
He scratched his beard, "On one condition."
"Which is?" 
He knew you were quite interested after he caught you staring more than once during the class. "Let me take you out on a date and we'll see what happens from there."
You were taken aback, "A d-date?"
"Yeah, I wanna get to know you more and see why my daughter likes you so much." 
Your heart was beating so loudly, you were convinced that Erik could hear it. "I uh- y-yeah, sure. Why not?"
"Great." He smiled, showing off his gold fangs that you just took notice of. 
Aaliyah came back with two packs of skittles, a pack of starbursts and Doritos. She watched you both exchange numbers. "I'm back!" 
"Ready to go, Li?" He turned to his daughter after you finished giving him your number.
"Yep! Bye Miss (Y/n)!"
"Goodbye, sweetheart. See you next weekend. Bye Erik, see you soon." 
He winked at you as he walked out, "Bye, Miss (Y/n)."  The door finally locked, and the butterflies that were flying rampant in your stomach had finally settled down.
"What was she writing in your phone?" Aaliyah asked Erik while eating a handful of Skittles.
"None of your business, girl." He replied, taking the bag of starbursts out of her hand.
"Aww, you never tell me anything!" She huffed.
"That ain't true." He disagreed, popping two pink starbursts into his mouth.
"Yeah, it is!"
"No, it ain't."
The two bickered back and forth until they were in his Range Rover. 
"You like her, don't you?" Aaliyah teased. 
"Uhhh." He wasn't sure if he could answer that truthfully or just start another debate with his daughter again.
"It's okay daddy, I like her too." She said, buckling up as he started the engine.
He grinned at her through his rearview mirror, "Yeah, she's cool."
"Can we get ice cream?" 
"You got ice cream money?"
"Daaadddy?!" She whined.
"I'm just playing, let's go." He laughed, pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the ice cream parlour. 
Happy Mother's Day! - I know this wasn't that much about Mother's Day, but I didn't want to write your typical Mother's Day one-shot. I wanted to make it unique. 
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't guessed it, I am in fact a dancer. 
I do ballet, acro and jazz (I've done other dances, but this is what I've been doing this year). I didn't want to get too technical with the ballet glossary terms because it would come off as gibberish, unless you are a ballet dancer as well.
If you dance, let me know. What style? If you do ballet, are you with RAD? I am. 
Thank you for reading!
(Start/Finish: May 10, 2019 - May 11, 2019)
2023 Note: Forgot to upload this on Mother’s Day, so here it is on Father’s Day instead :P 
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goddess-mixmi · 1 year
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King Killmonger and his Queen Tempest🖤✨
As mentioned before Imani had been in small relationships with Erik Stevens before she realized Bucky had feelings for her. Both Erik and Imani had quite a lot of similarities, dead parents, being seen as outsiders despite being Wakandan, and wanting to give aid to people who look like them that can’t protect themselves. Imani didn’t think she was capable of love until she met him, he made her fell less alone.
Erik himself had a bit of a idolizing crush on her when she was first seen as Tempest and now he had a chance to be with him despite her trying to kill him at first for defeating T’Challa. Now she definitely could’ve held her own against him if her superpowers weren’t being restricted and he could’ve felt with her but he didn’t. He wanted her and she wanted him so he decided he’d marry her once everything was set in place. Imani almost got through to him about his motives being quite intense and promised to help the country that raised her and more when she becomes queen but it all went downhill in the end. And before he died he said he truly liked her, even left her with two kids of her own ( and depression too😭)
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therese-lokidottir · 2 years
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You know
Magento Jewish Holocaust survivor
Killmonger black man who'd been orphaned and faced poverty
Karli Mixed race Irish woman who was a refugee
None of their writers try to excuse them by saying their scars are deeper
You know what is really so frustrating about Sylvie is she is the exact opposite of characters like Magneto, Killmonger and Karli/Flag Smashers because while all of them all portrayed with some degree of sympathy and tragedy their violent methods and refusal to find another way are meant to put in the wrong and to demonize them. Erik shoots his girlfriend, nobody says it's him "sacrificing his happiness". Same with anytime Magento screws with the X-Men, Charles, his allies or one of his kids. Again, when these characters kill just people, guards or soldiers it's meant to put them in the wrong them even if they're making good points.
Karli, Killmonger and Magento all of them their main motivation is to make things better for their people. They mean it when they want change for the better. Revenge might be part of what drives them, it might even be what keeps them from seeing any other way. But wanting to help other people, make sure no one ever has to go through what they've been through, is also part of their drive.
Sylvie wants revenge, the actress has outright said this. Sylvie has achieved her purpose when killing Kang even if the TVA still exists she doesn't care.
So, Jewish Holocaust survivor, Black man and mixed race Irish woman, all of them wrong for extreme methods even if they faced hardships, even if they have a real points and even if their end goal is to make things better. White lady is completely justified in burning people, kidnapping people and just leaving people to die. Even if deep down she doesn't care about making things better, she just wants revenge and damn everyone else, that is ok because she's sad.
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ctrlsznwrites · 2 years
a familiar face.
summary. after n'jadka's return, things tend to go the exact way the reader hadn't hoped they would. pairing. erik 'killmonger' stevens x black!reader word count. 1.57k author's note. I've sat on this series for a while and I finally want to finish it since I've been writing more regularly at the moment so please bare with me. and leave behind some thoughts.
series masterlist. | masterlist previous | next
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            [Your Name] hung up her phone, saying a silent prayer to bast that everything would be alright after this ritual to place and that her kids make it to their destination safely.  Letting out a deep sigh she made her way to the waterfall were the ceremony was being held. And even though she was hoping for the best, she couldn’t shake the feeling this wouldn’t end the way the elder and the kingdom would hope it would.
Once she got to the waterfall, she made her way next to her mother holding her hand as the ritual started. Her stomach felt as if someone had punched her repeatedly, as the ritual went on tears were present in her eyes. Watching the King who just lost his father fight his long lost cousin who was failed by two systems and his family. The anger felt from N’Jadka made her head swim watching as he delivered blow after blow onto Prince T’Challa.
The bile in her stomach rose as she saw him turn into the hurt little boy she had seen appear so many nights as he took the life of someone who he once knew as an uncle. Tears streamed down her face at the screams for Zuri losing his life, turning her head she couldn’t stomach much else as tears ran down her face.
Erik started on his speech as T’Challa fought to find the strength to continue the fight. [Your Name] couldn’t take her eyes off of Erik as he picked up T’challa throwing him off of the waterfall. All the wind had been knocked out of her chest as she tried to find the air to scream watching a childhood friend of her die at the hands of her first true love. Soon enough the council was scattering, the Queen and Shuri had been safely removed from the scene before Erik could notice.
But the same luck couldn’t be extended for herself, as she made her way to leave she was stopped by the sound of his voice.
“So, you think you can just up and leave lil’ mama?” This question caused [Your Name] to turn around taking in his appearance.
Looking him over she took a deep breath, watching the erratic breathing he had along with the cuts along his body. It made her sick to her stomach but a weight in her heart knowing it was just a scared child lashing out the fill the warmth of the village that left him to struggle after his father died.
“Yes, my King the ceremony is over, with the previous King being dead and all. I have to go report to my tribal elder , since she is my mother of this before you hold the first meeting. Now, excuse me but this is an urgent matter.” [Your Name] quipped, turning to walk away.
“I just got one question for ya’. Why’d you leave after you told me you got an abortion. And why didn’t you tell me you were from Wakanda? You could’ve helped me come here. We could’ve done this together.” He explained walking towards her.
[Your Name] looked Erik up and down quickly. “My king, if I recall you said, ‘Either you have an abortion or never speak to my ass again’ and that’s exactly what I did.” She rambled before quickly leaving the waterfall making her way back into the streets of Wakanda as quickly as she could. 
After what she had said to Erik, [Your Name] knew deep down in her heart that he would catch on.  That he would find out she had his children, but they wouldn’t meet him as long a single breath went through her lungs. 
Once [Your Name] had gotten home she’d explained everything to her mother, down to why her sister had to take the kids to M’Baku for safe keeping until everything was figured out. The sickness she felt had made an appearance earlier, which is why she is in her current predicament. Sitting on her mothers couch nursing water trying to get ride of the anxiousness she felt about the current situation happening.
This feeling only got worse when there was a knock at her door. Her mothers head snapped towards [Your Name] knowing it could only be the Dora coming to get one of them for whatever reason N’Jadka saw fit. [Your Name] signaled for her mother to sit down, going to get the door so this could be over soon then later. Hopefully the ball of emotions she had would go away once she finally was able to talk to him face to face. But even in her heart of hearts, she knows it’ll only get worse before it gets better.
“Hello, how may I help you two?” She questioned opening the door, with her mother standing right next to her.
Since Amala is the elder in the situation she would now be the head of this conversation, much to [Your Name]’s dismay.
“The new King has requested for your eldest daughter [Your Name] to come to the palace to meet with him. We also have strict instructions not to leave without her.” One announced, which the mother and daughter duo took in.
Amala went to objects but before she could her daughter beat her to it, putting on her shoes to leave with the two members of the Dora.
“I’ll go with no issues, but do you know why he asked to see me specifically?” [Your Name] knew exactly why he wanted to see her, but she was wondering what he was telling the people around him at the moment.
“Personal.” The two answered in sync, this caused her to nod her head following them out of her mother’s house.
On the way to the palace, [Your Name] couldn’t help but replay every moment she’s ever had with N’Jadka good or bad. She knew he was hurt by how he found his father, but she never thought he would be so blinded by his rage, if he did this to Wakanda. Its no telling what he did to get here, and that is what really shook her to her core.
Upon their arrival, she was escorted to the throne room where he was seated waiting for her. A weird sense of annoyance rolled over her at the irony that a few hours ago it was him entering this room, while she sat to the side watching him challenge his now deceased cousin.
Snapping out her train of thought she proceeded to greet N’Jadka. “My King.” She spoke softly moving into the room a bit more.
This caused him to wave his hand while a small chuckle left his lips.
“You can forget all that shit, [Your Name] you know me better than anyone. Ain’t not need for all this formal shit.” He held this smirk on his face as he walked away from his throne to get closer to her. Her eyes never left his person, as he started to circle her.
“There just one thing that really is getting under my skin at the moment. And with you knowing me better than anyone else in the entire world. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you were from Wakanda!” He questioned roughly, she watched as his breathing started to get more rapid how his upper lip was curled in disgust.
“You knew my father was from here, what I went through in my childhood. And you still looked me in face, claiming to love me and lied to me.” Now, it was [Your Name]’s turn to feel awful.
She was caught in between a rock and a hard place, she loved him, she truly did. But she had a duty to her country to not tell him that she was brought up to speed of everything by her Uncle and the he knew she was carrying his nephews children. So many times she had thought to end it all, but she loved him too much, selfishly.
“Answer me!” He yelled, causing her to jump as tears rolled down her face against her will.
“I couldn’t let anyone know about who I was or where I was from. N'Jadaka I understand how this seems, but I was there to see how life was. I met you unexpectedly, I couldn’t blow my cover. You never know who the King sends to watch you.” She explained.
His face remained cold as he took in what she said. [Your Name] was now avoiding his face at all costs, she still had love for Erik. But she knew he wasn’t the person she met at MIT. He had changed and for the worst and she knew there was no way she could help him. He was a lost cause, and this isn’t the way she wants to remember him, or for their children to remember him. Even if they didn’t know he was their father, she wanted to keep the good memories she had if them, that she had told her children.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Erik. “[Your Name] I have one last question before I let you go. And please answer this honestly.” He started walking closer to her, lifting her chin up with his index finger.
“Are the children you have mine?” [Your Name] studied his facial expression and she could tell for once Erik was truly being sincere and vulnerable. 
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Snippet sunday/wip whenever
tagged by @outtoshatter for a wip whenever/snippet sunday. Tagging the usual suspects: @monsterrae1 @missanniewhimsy @quietborderline @westernlarch @rosieposiepuddingnpie @whimsyswastry @tkwritesdumbassassins @alyxmastershipper with no pressure tagging—this is just for fun.
From my July Rough Trade.
Title: Scintillation, chapter 4B
Pairing: main Winteriron, one sided Stucky, Erik Killmonger/T’Challa
Fandom: MCU
tags/warnings: canon typical violence, covers a lot of the events of Iron Man 2 with Tony’s inner commentary. First draft. Non-linear storytelling. Sentinel/guide AU. Tony is not a fan of Natasha atm.
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Someone goes through a lot of effort to break Vanko out and make it look like he died.
Tony’s money is split between Senator Dickwad and North Korea—he’s leaning toward Stern, with maybe someone like Justin Hammer whispering bad ideas in his ear.  
Rhodey is smarter than doing something this dangerous and stupid, and he immediately messages saying it wasn’t him. Unfortunately, Rhodey also has zero idea which dark and damp hole Vanko has disappeared into. 
Tony instructs Jarvis to keep digging. Eventually, someone will make a mistake, and he’ll know where the Russian is. In the meantime, Tony gathers as much information as possible on Ivan and Anton Vanko. It turns out dear old Dad had known Anton, but the son is a thief and sold weapons to terrorists—even the Russians felt he deserved to be locked up and the key tossed away. 
Russian prisons are brutal. Tony’s been around the block before and met former prisoners, but Vanko makes his skin crawl more than usual. 
His data mining is interrupted by Rhodey warning him that he’s on thin ice with the military. Stern is doing everything in his not-inconsiderable power to try and force the turnover of Tony’s suits to the military, which Tony’s been trying to prevent for the last year. 
When will everyone understand that it’s the man within the suit that makes Iron Man special—not the prosthetics he wears? He wasn’t kidding in his senate testimony when he called the suit a prosthetic. It’s an extension of him and gives him possibilities, but it’s still his decision to pull the trigger and his brain marking targets. 
Take away the human element, and you’re looking at something worse than what happened in Gulmira. 
He won’t let that happen. 
So… he maybe wrecks his own party and house—it’ll make it easier for Pep to redecorate later so she can remove the parts that are too painful to remember about him. He has to push Rhodey to do what Tony needs him to do. If he just asked Rhodey, the man would focus too much on trying to save Tony that he’d defer taking what Tony wants him to have. 
He’s known Rhodey for a long time, and Tony is very aware of exactly when he crosses the line and can’t be ignored anymore. 
Tony needs to know Rhodey will take the shot when it matters. 
Rhodey does, and he takes the suit—or, as Rhodey later puts it, commandeers it. 
You stole it, Honey Bear, and I let you.
Tony is sleeping off the battle and maybe has a slight hangover when he wakes with a craving for donuts. His donut time is interrupted by none other than his royal sneakiness and wannabe pirate, Nick Fury. 
Fury gets in his face and is unimpressed by Tony’s chatter that’s designed to irritate and confuse. 
“I’m the realest person you’re ever going to meet,” Fury insists, but the effect is ruined by the smell of cherries coming from his mouth from the donut he’d just eaten. 
He’s also infuriatingly observant and points out the taint from the palladium that’s starting to creep up Tony’s neck. “What is that? It doesn’t look good.”
Tony is maybe hiding behind his sunglasses like a petulant child. He has a plan and wants to die in peace without being hassled by the spy of spies. 
“I’ve been worse.” He means hangovers, but Fury doesn’t take the line he’s selling. 
Of course, that’s when Natalie Rushman—I’m sorry, Natasha Romanoff—makes her presence known. She’s one of Fury’s pets. He should have known. That’s why she felt like silk stretched over solid steel.  
Tony thinks her ass looks good in her leather suit, but the hair hanging loose in curls is impractical. Pep would be on his side and snarkily observe that capes and long hair are terrible if you’re going to be in the superhero business. She-spy should take note. 
“We’ve secured the perimeter, but I don’t think we should hold it for too much longer,” she informs Fury, ignoring Tony. 
He immediately fires her, which she smugly informs him isn’t up to him, sitting next to Fury and snagging one of Tony’s donuts. 
Uncharitably, Tony hopes she chokes on it. 
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themculibrary · 6 months
70k Masterlist 2
part one
accepting the tides (ao3) - Emma_Anacortes T, 78k
Summary: Tony had dragged Peter from the depths of despair after May’s death. It was normal that he’d grown to care a little about him, right?
Yeah, okay. He freaking loved the kid.
So naturally he would feel a little weird when Richard Parker randomly shows up in Peter’s life. Naturally he’d feel protective, nervous, and confused because where has Richard been all this time? And why does Tony feel sick every time he sees him around Peter?
All he knows is if Richard hurts his kid, Tony’s gonna give him hell.
A Few Tricks Up My Sleeve (ao3) - notapepper leo/jemma T, 70k
Summary: Take two competing performers on the birthday party circuit in a small town. Add a pinch of false assumptions, a dash of miscommunication, and a smidge of sexual tension, and presto! One hot, fresh, snarky, fluffy Kids' Entertainers AU, comin' right up!
Carry The Ocean Back To Me (ao3) - EclecticMuse leo/jemma M, 71k
Summary: Leo Fitz is a poor shipyard worker from Glasgow, looking for a fresh start. Jemma Simmons is a daughter of the British nobility being forced into a marriage she doesn't want. When the two of them cross paths on the world's greatest ocean liner, they both feel like they've finally found a kindred spirit in each other. But with the ship sailing toward its infamous destiny, things are bound to get complicated. AU of the 1997 film "Titanic".
Cosmic Love (ao3) - emquin steve/tony N/R, 74k
Summary: Set after the events of Captain America: Civil War, Tony and Steve have been broken and torn apart by the Accords and the choices they've made. But those that are meant to be have a way of making their way back to each other specially since it won't just be the two of them any longer.
First, Do No Harm (ao3) - BarqueBatch, SkyisGray steve/bucky E, 77k
Summary: James Barnes should be just like any other patient Steve sees in his Brooklyn clinic, but the mob enforcer bleeding all over his waiting room chair apparently didn’t get the memo.
god loves everybody, don't remind me (ao3) - napricot M, 70k
Summary: N’Jadaka didn’t believe in the gods of his people. But belief was not a prerequisite of the gods’ attention, and the blood of the Panther tribe ran in N’Jadaka’s veins. Bast took hold of his soul in her mighty jaws and lifted it free of his body. She gave him a warning shake, just as she would a misbehaving kitten, and set him back. With one careful claw, she tweaked his path through time into a twisting loop. Wayward and abandoned though he was, N’Jadaka was still of her tribe. He could set things right, if given the chance.
Erik gets a do-over. Erik gets a lot of do-overs. Or: Erik Killmonger's own personal version of Groundhog Day, only with a lot more murder, dying, trips to the ancestral plane, awkward family conversations, and divine intervention.
Holiday Spending (ao3) - isfan bucky/tony T, 70k
Summary: Winteriron collage au w/fake relationship; Tony asks Bucky to be his fake boyfriend, either to shake off some matchmaking friends or to piss off Howard. Turns out Bucky is all Tony ever wanted in a boyfriend. Too bad it’s not real (extra angst if Tony paid for Bucky to act as his boyfriend, now Tony wonders if it was all for the money). Happy ending?
James Barnes, Agent of SHIELD (ao3) - Kala_Sathinee steve/bucky E, 75k
Summary: Bucky never fell from the train. When they storm the final HYDRA base, he’s there at Steve’s side. But Steve still goes into the ice, and Bucky is left to deal with a world without him. A world in which he tries to find a purpose.
Love Alight Like Electric Touch (ao3) - dioncchusmic steve/natasha, steve/wanda G, 71k
Summary: Liberal lawyer Natasha Romanoff is doing everything that she can to prevent the community ballet center from it's destruction, wherein the said ballet center is bought by SHIELD Industries, aka Steve Rogers' company.
They come into an agreement that he won't destroy the community ballet center as long as she works for him as his Chief Counsel, what happens when Natasha agrees and finds out more than what she's bargained for?
Oh, Hey There, Mister Blue (ao3) - iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid T, 75k
Summary: There are certain things one learns to expect when dealing with the Mad Titan. Ending up on an unfamiliar ship surrounded by a bunch of aliens is one thing. Loki can handle that.
Ending up on an unfamiliar ship surrounded by a bunch of aliens who are actually on his side is quite another.
Re-Engineered (ao3) - Opy3332 bucky/tony M, 73k
Summary: “Tony blinks. He blinks and his entire world changes.”
Tony is sent back in time from mid-Infinity War to just after returning from Afghanistan.
How different is Tony Stark, and the MCU, with all that knowledge of the future?
Haunted by the guilt of Rhodey’s injury, the betrayal and pain of Steve, the fear of Wanda, the loss of Jarvis, and the foreknowledge of Thanos, this Tony is one the universe hasn’t contended with before. And he is more than ready to re-claim his title of genius, billionaire, and philanthropist in ways unexpected.
Reverse Games (ao3) - MsMoonstar G, 75k
Summary: Thor and Loki have been arguing since they arrived back on Earth and the Avengers are tired of it. Tony Stark comes up with a brilliant plan to make the two Agardian gods get along.
Second Time Around (ao3) - BeneficialAddiction clint/phil T, 74k
Summary: Upon learning that Phil Coulson is still alive, something breaks in Clint, maybe permanently. Leaving behind his team, his home, and his identity as Hawkeye, he falls back on an old name, living separately from the Avengers until SHIELD demands they begin looking for someone to take the missing archer's place and their sights turn to the rogue assassin Ronin.
What are the chances of being recruited by a shady government division of superheroes twice?
The First Avenger (ao3) - shestepsintotheriver steve/bucky M, 73k
Summary: "Steve Rogers neither begins nor ends with Captain America. Before all that, before the fame and the horror and the loss, Steve is just another hungry kid from Brooklyn. Braver than most—or more bull-headed, depending on who you ask—but pretty average. Discounting the bad heart, the bad lungs, the bad temper, or at least that’s what Bucky always says when Steve does something really stupid, but he'll always add ‘the best guy I ever known’ at the end of the list."
The story of the First Avenger with almost all the bits from the movie, then several additions to canon.
The Many Doors of Níu Heimar (ao3) - nixajane loki/steve M, 77k
Summary: In the weeks before Thor's coronation, Loki almost dies, not once, but twice. (An AU in which events conspire to keep Loki from the choices he made in Thor, a war is on the horizon and the chosen battlefield is Earth, and the Avengers assemble with an extra teammate and one less villain to fight).
Time Falls Away (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/tony, steve/peggy M, 79k
Summary: The Battle of New York: Tony flies himself and the nuke through the wormhole and when his suit shuts down and he starts to fall, he knows he's going to die. But then he wakes up in an alley in Brooklyn, two strangers staring down at him in confusion and Tony is sure he is dreaming when he shakes hands first with pre-serum Steve Rogers, and then Bucky Barnes. Trapped in 1942, Tony befriends Steve, and falls in love with Bucky but America is at war, and Bucky and Steve ship out to join the cause. Tony knows all the stories about the Howling Commandos and knows what’s coming for the soldiers, and has to live through history as first Bucky falls, and then Steve disappears. Tony is left alone in the 40's, crying himself to sleep in the house he had shared with his best friend and his lover. But then he wakes up on the pavement in New York, the Hulk roaring in his face, Steve staring down at him, and he has to wonder if it was all a hallucination. When Tony fell through the sky, did he fall through time as well? Why does Steve act so cold towards him? Were he and Bucky really that happy together?
Did it all really happen, or is Tony in love with a life he can only have in his dreams?
Under My Skin (ao3) - Poetgirl925 skye/grant E, 70k
Summary: AU Skyeward. As a specialist, Grant Ward values control and order in his missions. But when he's paired for a long term undercover op with Skye, a former Rising Tide hacker he previously butted heads with, his infamous control is tested. Posing as a newly engaged couple, they're wary partners in a mission that could prove fatal if they can't learn to trust each other.
Unwanted Celebrity (ao3) - Kryptaria, zooeyscigar steve/bucky T, 72k
Summary: Fifteen years ago, a skinny kid from Brooklyn went to an arts summer camp, where he met child movie star Jimmy Barnes. Their unlikely friendship faded as the years passed. But now, a threat to Barnes' career brings Steve back into his life, in the most unexpected of ways. Or, the one where Bucky is a smooth celebrity, right up until Steve the snarky photographer shows up, and Bucky's whole world gets blown to pieces.
Walls Come Tumbling Down (ao3) - lambchop33 steve/bucky E, 74k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a successful contractor with an unsuccessful dating history. His boyfriend of many years cheated on him, and he's determined not to repeat that mistake. Enter Steve Rogers, the gorgeous neighbor he discovers in his new apartment building. Companion piece to The Match Game, told from Bucky's point of view, from the beginning. And in the beginning, the thoughts inside Bucky's head are radically different from those inside Steve's head, save for one thing. Bucky thinks Steve is hot, so he's got that going for him. But at this stage, that's all he's got.
Who Has Known Heights (ao3) - MountainRose, szzzt steve/tony E, 72k
Summary: Before his injury, Tony had been a fast, intuitive flier: agile in the air, as those of his wingshape usually were, able to tumble and swoop and then trade back the speed for lift, and always get the best of the bargain.
That was how he referred to it; not 'abduction' or 'captivity' or 'maiming' but injury, the most neutral word possible. Though Steve had never, not once heard him call it an accident.
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queenaryastark · 2 years
However — and here another spoiler warning is warranted — Bassett revealed that the decision to kill Queen Ramonda was not a plot point she was very keen to initially. “I objected,” she said. “Yeah, I was like, ‘Ryan, what are you doing? Why? You will rue the day! You will rue the demise of [Ramonda]. People are gonna be so upset.'” Then Coogler, known for his cool-headed demeanor, explained himself. “‘He was like, ‘Angela, I know, I know, but look, to die is not really to die in this world. It doesn’t really have to mean that.’” -- Angela Bassett, IndieWire
At this point, the Black Panther film series is essentially rooted in normalizing and even glorifying black death.
Seriously though... The first time we meet T'Chaka, he's immediately killed and his death is used to motivate his son, T'Challa. N'Jobu is murdered by his brother T'Chaka moments after being introduced (preventing him from freeing his son's mother who dies offscreen), which motivates his son Erik Killmonger to go down a villainous path, which includes killing his girlfriend and Zuri, attempting to kill T'Challa, and causing deaths in battle before he chooses to die as well.
Now with Wakanda Forever, the real life death of Chadwick Boseman was used to kill T'Challa, removing a hugely important black hero with more than half a century's worth of comic material from the MCU before fully adapting him. While this was a massive mistake and frankly disgusting since they gave the character a similar end to the real life actor -- thus directly glorifying and profiting from a real man's death -- at least they warned audiences about it ahead of time.
But then they killed off Queen Ramonda.
That's right. This black family has been cut down to just Shuri (and a kid who is in hiding for some reason). So why was Ramonda killed? Apparently to motivate Shuri, because T'Challa's already unnecessary death couldn't have been used for that purpose? But then keeping her alive would deprive them of another opportunity to normalize black death.
It's amazing to me that Lee and Kirby were more progressive back in the 1960s when they created T'Challa and Wakanda as positive black representation than Coogler and Marvel are now when adapting their work.
Also, compare this to the Thor series where Odin was put in a magical coma to raise the stakes for the story rather than being killed off in his very first appearance. Not to mention Loki surviving several films before dying and then getting a series. I'm not saying Odin and Loki should have gone the way of T'Chaka and Killmonger. I'm just pointing out how easy it was for Marvel to dispose of black characters in comparison to white characters.
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