#thank you syabm
beardedmrbean · 10 months
You know the term “Colonizers” being used today
I know it because Black Panther popularized it, but do people forget that the villain Killmonger WAS the colonizer in the film?
He became the cia favorite agent in American imperialism, and in the movie, killed T’Challa, burned their sacred plant, and stated he was going to create a Wakandan EMPIRE after slaughter people in power including their fucking children.
How…how did the left miss the most spoon-fed shit Disney can throw at you. And go with the idea colonizer=white people despite the underlying joke is that Shuri (who said it to the white guy that took a bullet to save a Wakandan) say that insult because she was on the internet too much.
I appreciate how anal retentive @siryouarebeingmocked is about tagging and cataloguing things, even if you don't agree with his conclusions it's always through.
This is just 2 obviously but, there's almost every kind of analysis you could possibly want, just search Killmonger, or any of the characters probably.
Both of those posts I linked go deeper into what your ask was, I don't have the knowledge base to touch on it too much, never saw the movie, I DO know where to find the info tho.
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a small price to pay for confusion
phone: Who Let the Dogs Out? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?
me, cleaning up after breakfast: Hello, SYABM speaking.
some lady: hello, SYABM? this is Jane Smith from Acme Promotions. You've been shortlisted for the next round.
some lady: we've just gone ahead and booked an interview for tomorrow. Is that okay?
me: ...that will be fine.
some lady: great! I'll send you an email.
me, internally;
Tumblr media
She didn't say where she got my number and application from
she booked an appointment for me without my confirmation
a short notice appointment with not enough time to prepare
email sent didn't actually say what position they wanted me for, so i couldn't prepare anyway
it's a promotions firm. I've been avoiding applications those since I gleaned they were mostly handing out fliers and working booths, were even crappier than regular retail, and had more turnover than a pancake diner in an avalanche.
And I couldn't find anything from this company in my emails. Yes, I know they could've gone through a recruiting company, but that meant I couldn't figure out what I had applied for that led them to choose me. 
So, yeah, I copy-pasted a generic interview-cancelling letter. I like my kidneys right where they are, thank you very much
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lastsonlost · 6 years
You and SYABM are two of my favorite people on this site and I wish both of you the best.
Thank you
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I've seen the Endgame now.
I would never have expected Christine Everhart to be key to defeating Thanos. It's this respect for canon which elevates the Russos above other filmmakers*.
But seriously,  if you had come to me this morning and went "hey, SYABM, what anime would you compare Endgame to?", I certainly would not have answered -
Because Steve married Peggy Carter. After he kissed his niece. But they're not blood related.
In case anyone is worried about Captain Marvel, I am happy to inform you she's basically tolerable. Which is not to say there isn't one eye-rolling scene, which I can ignore because the rest of the movie is fantastic. Specifically, there's a moment where the nuclear footba-the Ironfinity Gauntlet needs to be kept away from the bad guys, through heavy opposition. Marvel turns and faces screen right, and pretty much every named MCU female hero but the Ancient One shows up to play fullback or whatever**.
It's a mildly cringy "grrl power!" moment, and TV Tropes says it's a reference to the comics A-Force teem of all-female heroes, and wait what is Mantis doing there she couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag movie ruined squad broken immersion destroyed 0/10 literally unwatchable.
I spent basically the entire last hour of the movie either grinning or weeping. Not manly tears either. Big ol' ugly crying. I think I gave myself a headache.
Also, there’s one scene early on where a character is talking, and I went “he’s gonna turn out to be gay”. And he was. I’m not sure what, if anything, that signifies, especially since I’ve put random diversity in my own stories, for reasons I can’t explain.
Incidentally, the gay dude was Joe Russo.
Sorry, played by Joe Russo.
And thanks to proper planning, I didn’t have to pee once!
Final word; I walked out of the theatre, looked up from my phone, looked left, and there it was. A shawarma joint.
Seemed fitting, somehow.
* Fun fact: I wrote this joke before I saw the movie. There was an awful lot of Continuity™ in it.
** Fun fact: this joke works with Association Football, even though I wrote it for American.
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