#but Erik would for sure be soft about his kids
puckinghischier · 2 days
I bet Nico Hischier is really good with kids. Not in the “oh I spend a lot of time around them so I got used to them way,” in the “they just like me” way.
Like imagine the two of you babysitting a friend’s kid, and you try to put them to sleep and they refuse, but when Nico lays beside them they’re out like a light immediately.
And when you’d walk in he’d definitely say he wants you to hold his baby against glass wearing a tiny #13 within the next two years because he’s so awestruck by the soft innocence of them.
oh he would so get baby fever every time any of his teammates would talk about their kids
he would always be the first to volunteer the two of your for babysitting duties anytime one of his guys needed a date night out with his wife, wanting to play house with you until he could make the real thing happen
“c’mon, it’s just for a couple hours. plus, i already told haula we’d do it. him and kristen have dinner reservations in an hour, so we gotta get going,” he would explain when you complained, saying you wanted a night in with him.
all through the night, you’d be trying to get henrik to play with you, but he would go to nico every time, acting like you weren’t even there unless you were offering him a snack
“okay, this isn’t even fair, nico. you can’t spring babysitting plans on me when the kid we’re sitting doesn’t even want anything to do with me. what do you have that i don’t? you hiding goldfish in your pockets or something?” you’d ask him skeptically, not knowing why henrik wants nothing more than to play cars with nico all night
“i don’t know, kids just love me,” nico shrugs in response, finding it cute how frustrated you’re getting.
when it would come time to put henrik to bed, you’d finally have your time to shine, considering the toddler crawled in your lap and started playing with your soft hair, eyes dropped so low you know he’ll be out any second.
you take him up to his bedroom and change him into his pajamas, laying him in his race car bed and tucking him in. as you’re walking over to turn his night light on, however, henrik suddenly thinks it’s play time again, refusing any and every plea you make for him to lay back down and go to sleep.
nico can hear your frustrated conversation with the child, peeking his head in to help you out. “want me to give it a try?”
you surrender, giving him control of the situation. your jaw is nearly on the floor when all nico has to do is pick the up the little boy, laying down with him in the small bed, the toddler almost immediately falling asleep once his head hits the pillow.
“whatever, i’m going to clean up their house,” you huff out in defeat, leaving nico alone to make sure the babe stays asleep.
when you come back into the room around 30 minutes later, nico is just laying there, watching the little blondie sleep.
he hears you enter the room, the creak of the hardwood floor giving you away. the sight is making your heart burst nearly in two, and nico can see it all over your face.
“you know, i wouldn’t mind to have a little one of our own here soon. buy a little custom #13 jersey, bring him or her down to the ice to beat around on the glass during warm ups. think it would be kinda nice, actually. what do you think?” he’d say, looking between you and the little angel in the bed next to him.
“i think you need to stop talking and take me home. erik and kristen just pulled in,” is all you would say in response, but the thick tone in your voice lets nico know you’re more than on the same page as him
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legends-and-savages · 2 years
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Erik is a soft dad. From the moment he knows about the baby he would do anything. He would rest his forehead against the belly and talk to the baby. After he's protective and doesn't want his child to grow up like he did.
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beforetimes · 24 days
something or other about logan being soft on kids. being the first to step away from violence in origins: wolverine when it looked like they'd have to slaughter an innocent village for stryker. making sure to send someone off to ensure the kids held on strkyer's island would get away safe and unharmed. making sure again (this time without memories of who he was) that the kids in the x mansion were safe when suddenly getting raided in x2. smaller thing but being the only one to thank peter after he broke erik out of jail and saved them from certain death by plastic bullets. finding rogue in his trunk and not having the heart to abandon her. being a flight risk but constantly coming back to the x mansion to check on her and leaving her his dog tags so she knows he has a reason to come back and to drive the point home to her that logan isn't abandoning her and he wouldn't abandon rogue and fighting as hard as he could to keep her alive even at the risk of his own death (in x-men (2000)). i think it's a veryyyy important part of his character in the x-men movies that he acts tough but has more bark than bite when it comes to keeping the kids safe. especially when he's boiled down to being nothing but an animal by himself and the enemies around him. very important to me that he retains softness he can't hide around the kids
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new-tella-us · 19 days
How would the boys react to Mika being pregnant? Would they know before her (I feel like James would) and what kind of fathers do you think they’d be?
Well they would all be happy by default. It seems to be in the succubus instinct to REALLY wanna further your lineage so, naturally they would all want this on a genetic level.
However. Mentality always beats genetics. Let's go into that.
If any guy could know that a girl was prego before the girl herself, James would in fact be that guy. I think of all of them he would be the most.... pleased? I guess? I feel like that's not the right word but happy isn't the word I'm looking for either. He was the crowned prince. Other than ruling the kingdom well, having an heir was probably the highest priority he was taught. Plus he does dedicate a good chunk of his life to making sure his brothers are happy and successful in life. It would be natural for him to be a family man.
Though as a father, one hurdle he would force himself to get over is his emotional distance. He knows that he's not the most emotionally open and that was fine when it was just Mika and she seemed to understand but he's aware that his judgmental nature and distance would negatively affect his child so he would work that out to give his child the best chance of a good life. On a positive though? That child is gunna be educated as fuck! They are going to read higher level books as a teen than most people do ever. Easy ticket to a stable life.
I feel like Erik would have a feeling but also after the events of Demon War, he would be a little doubtful. He says himself that he would be happy if Mika was the mother of his child so he would happy with the pregnancy, his only concern would be for Mika's health and safety. I kinda joked about this in a previous post but because of the whole "demons are born with tiny horns" thing, that could probably scrape up Mika's insides especially since -if the kid is born with horns like Erik's or his mother's- that shit is coming out of the sides of their head. So O U C H.
As a father though, I can see Erik being very doting possibly to the point of mildly spoiling the child. He wants to give his child all the love and freedom his mother denied him, giving them the opportunity to do any activity they could ever want regardless of how it seems socially. He would essentially be raising his opposite for better and for worse.
Sam would absolutely NOT be able to tell. He probably didn't even think it was possible. He would be shocked but happy. I don't think he sees himself as the fatherly type but he's more than willing to learn. His concerns will change based on what route you're on. If you're on the King Sam route, his concern would be the race of the child. Sure Mika was turned into a succubus but how much of that changed her genetic makeup? Would she make succubus children or human children? And, the more concerning part, how would the kingdom react? They barely accepted Mika as their queen, they would NOT accept human children as their future rulers. Sam would rather not have to fight his entire kingdom, yknow?
By contrast, if you went down the default good route, Sam couldn't give less of a fuck about race if you paid him to. Now his concern is how he's gunna raise the kid. Royalty gives you structure, without that he has to freestyle.
As a father, I can see Sam as kind and soft but only with his wife and daughters. Yes I said "daughters", I made a mother's day drawing that shows Mika and Sam having twin girls. (So like double OUCH on the birth for Mika) Sam is your typical overprotective dad type. He wants his girls to be safe so he will protect them with his life. He would also teach his daughters self defense so they can protect themselves once they're grown.
Matthew would also not be able to tell. If Mika gets morning sickness, Matthew would be more concerned that she's caught something from work. Though when he is told, he will be SQUEALING with happiness. He would absolutely be the happiest of the five to be a dad. It's far beyond "biological need", he genuinely wants to be a parent. Mika is not lifting a goddamn finger for any of the chores or physical work. Hell even Simon Tabby causes fewer issues to not stress Mika out.
As a father, he would be fun loving. His child would never be bored or feel neglected as long as he's around..... However, like Mother, like Son. It's not that Matthew is anywhere near as crazy as Aezera but he would probably share a few of her values on family and magical education. He would prioritize the child's happiness and self expression while also making sure that they are well trained and well educated especially in magic. After all, even if the child doesn't show immediate promise, he had a runt phase too. They just need some training. This is the exact way Aezera raised Matthew, with Matthew just being not invasive or horribly controlling. Definitely an improvement, still room to improve though.
I would say "Damien is a mindreader" but he isn't at this point! YAY! So he might not figure it out until he's told. Now, I think Damien would be happy, however after seeing a video from Michaela, I realize he would have more of a nuanced response. His anxiety would take hold as he questions if they even have the physical and emotional resources to care for a child. On top of that, race comes back as an issue but it's now the opposite. Has Damien's DNA changed when he was truly turned human or would he produce demon kids? How would two humans deal with human-demon hybrids? He would be terrified of any of his kids gaining his mind reading seeing how miserable it made him and he would probably also be concerned from Mika's safety with the horns thing again. However, when his anxieties calm down, he would show more of that happiness. The best part of the next nine months would be Mika and Damien getting to set up their child's room and fill it with everything new parents need.
As a father, I think Damien would be a sweet but stern dad. Teaching his kids morals and kindness so they can grow up to be empathetic people. As much as his last interaction with his mother broke his heart, from how heartbroken he was we can tell that Damien's mother had a close relationship with Damien once. I think he would try to reform that relationship with his child and mimic all the things he loved about his mother hoping that his kid could view him the way he viewed his mother. Where I think his fault would lie would be his slightly possessive nature and his PTSD. That would extend to his children and may make him stifle them in an attempt to keep them away from danger, real and perceived. Though an honest conversation, either from the child or Mika, would help.
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nocturnalazure · 9 months
For those interested, I have made a music video with all the Xmas Special shots!
As (ominously) explained by Grimmy, this was completely non-canon, so not really an update per se. There are too many impossibilities. Sam and Laurie have a 15-year age gap, but they look almost the same age in this shooting. Theo would have been way too old to still be alive (although I did make him look older than he was in the story when he died, thank you @danjaley for the grandfather poses!). Elsie would never have been adopted by Ivy and given to Laurie. Even Sam and Nathaniel's conflict was cleared too easily.
I have already shown two Christmases at the Golzine's, and those were part of the story itself. The first one was in 2014, when Nathaniel and Ivy had just gotten together. The second Christmas was in 2018, and that was when Sam and Nathaniel's relationship had deteriorated. But this time, for once, I wanted to see all the family members together, as they could have been if they had all been alive and closer in age. In this one, Ange is over the moon: she has felt isolated for so long, she would have loved taking care of a big family. Theo is grumpy, first because he's getting old, but also because he still sees Ash as Nathaniel's mistake and therefore doesn't consider him part of the family. He can't help but snap at his son, and Nathaniel can't help but be resentful. Nate pulls a face when he gets out of the car because he dreads spending a whole evening getting criticized by his father. Which starts the moment Nate sets foot in the house: he's not wearing a tie and that is unacceptable! On the other hand, Theo's soft spot for Sam is clearly visible when she gives him a peck on the cheek and he's the one who claps the loudest when Ange presents her cake! :D (the cake itself is the baked angel food cake, because of course that is what Ange would bake)
As for Sam and Laurie, I've always described their relationship as 'healthy competition'', but I have a feeling that Sam would get on Laurie's nerves sometimes: she's quite a handful, let's be honest. :D That, and she is still the favorite child. But they love teasing each other, and when they're not playfully fighting over who the actual heir is, they sure know how to work together. Ivy plays it cool but she is so proud of her kids (I love that pic of her with Laurie and Sam!). And she's generous in accepting Ash unconditionally.
Laurie and Ash would have gotten along like two peas in a pod. That's why I showed the two of them having a walk in the snow, engrossed in their conversation. And I think Nathaniel would have been really happy for an opportunity to get to know Ash.
Erik (who does not wear the ankh necklace, which means that his father is also alive and well :)) would have felt very awkward, being formally introduced as Laurie's boyfriend. He's very much aware that he's lower on the social scale and he would have been dead scared of Theo! xD Laurie would have briefed Erik in detail about what he should do and not do in front of his grandfather, like which fork to use and above all: "wear a tie!" Even so, Erik couldn't resist rolling up his sleeves and loosening his tie before sneaking away for a smoke. xD
Did you notice the little nods to the actual story? Erik lighting Nathaniel's cigarette like Seth has done a thousand times, Nathaniel and Ivy taking a bath together (which is how they got busted by Sen aeons ago xD), Theo kicking Laurie's ass at chess, Ash finding comfort in petting a dog, Sam and Ash platonically sharing a single bed like they did at the dorm, and of course Laurie and Erik being together in this AU, even if nothing dramatic binds them this time.
I also wanted a moment in which Laurie is the center of everyone's attention and his whole family gathers around him. The poor boy needs it so much. The spontaneous expression on his face in that unused screenshot below breaks my heart. It's like he knows this is all a dream. 💔
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I had written a long, depressing post about how 2023 was one of my worst years yet on a personal level, but I will keep that one to myself, it’s out of my heart now that it’s written down. Instead of dwelling on the bad stuff, I had a lot of fun shooting this non-canon update. I’m grateful to have my little space on here, and the incredible luck to have you guys to share my story with and inspire me with your talent. I’d rather focus on that for the year to come!
Wishing you a wonderful New Year's Eve! Thank you for your support throughout 2023. ❤️
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othervee · 6 months
Season 3
On my rewatch though not finished yet. I had to take a break. Thoughts so far:
In the opening scene the queen doesn't even LOOK at Wilhelm as she comes in. Not a glance! Although she certainly watches Simon when he comes back after the little recess.
Boys! Why didn't you pre-warn your respective mothers about the drugs, at least? Sitting in front of August and his stepdad at a mediation is the second worst possible way for them to have found that out, and surely you would know he would bring that up because that's the only leverage he has apart from being the spare.
LOVE Wilmon boyfriends era. I love the soft little smiles and touches, the heart emojis, the way they say "puss" when they say goodbye. The fact that when they see each other for the first time they kiss in front of everyone and all the Hillerska background noise and chatter completely fades to nothing, because there's nothing else but them in the world.
Happy Wille is so adorable, decorating his bedroom with the poem and the polaroid of Simon... and then sitting down and being restless. Everything has changed and nothing has changed at the same time.
The way it cuts from the fight scene to Wilhelm and August sitting silently in Boris' office is LOL forever.
They are actually talking about the racism and classism. And again, it has to be the elites who find out it exists and what form it takes, to see that change should happen. August, who scoffed at Wille's "socialist safari" in season 1, is now angry when Vincent talks about them "sitting on the bus to the slums". Felice is not just aware of the microaggressions but actively pointing them out to the other girls. So glad that she points out the hair thing - and Stella's utterly tone-deaf reaction.
(There's at least one scene back in s2 where the housemother tells her to put her hair up and then Stella or Fredrika, I forget which, also puts hers up. Is there one in s1?)
And Felice's reaction when she hears about her father's experience at Hillerska. He started out as himself and ended up a complete cookie-cutter perfect upper-class Swede, and he thinks that's OK. And that it's important for her to do it too.
The Wilhelm/Kristina and Sara/Micke parallels they are drawing this season are really interesting. They represent potential futures for their children. Micke is Sara if she retreats from the world and from trying to form and maintain true relationships. Kristina is Wille if he retreats from himself and continues to put up a facade.
Micke has some pieces of childrens' art on his walls and a photo of a little girl... Sara as a child? Sara and Simon's artworks from their childhood? If so, that's really powerful and sad.
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Wille's frog prince has the YR stylised crown:
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Loved the kids all partying together. Kids are kids, whether rich or not. But oh, Fredrika, you are such a naive little nuffnuff.
Wille's SSSHHHH! to Simon in the tent is so like Kristina.
I am not surprised by the Erik thing at all. But I am curious about how that particular initiation went down, and how the homophobic taunting was stopped. Nils says, "I didn't dare to speak up". August says, "Hey, at least we put a stop to it. We kept our promise. We didn't do the same thing to our first years." Did one or both of them react? Who was it who promised to stop it, and to whom?
I have not forgotten that in s2e3, when Wille asks Boris whether Erik used to come to him, Boris says, "It can be useful to see someone like me, so that you don't feel you have to risk hurting somebody." We see that panic attacks run in the family; do violent outbursts, too?
I have so many thoughts about the royal family this season but that's going to take a longer post. "Not in my family", eh, Wille?
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Hello, sorry to bother you so much 🙈. You've just inspired me so! I'd love to know what what's your interpretation on Erik and kids? How would he feel if reader got pregnant? Especially with how busy those two are👀. No need to answer, just curious:)
Hello darling!! I’m truly flattered at your words!!!! (╹◡╹)♡ I decided to turn your questions into some brief headcannons for you!!!
Eriks relationship with children in general is kind of complicated In my opinion. On one hand, I could see him kind of trauma projecting if that makes sense?? Like I could see him envying the childhood he never had, wanting to be loved by his mother and an accepted member of society.
on the other hand, however, I could see him admiring the innocence and naivety that children posses. The fact that they don’t have to worry about the world strikes a strangely melancholic, but positive, chord in his inner being.
all of the above considered, Erik has never really entertained the idea of having a child of his own. Until he ends up head over heels in love with you of course. If you want children of your own, he’s going to give them to you, that being said, he does have a few fears.
one of his biggest fears is for your safety. God knows how dangerous childbirth was back then, and you are the most important being in the universe to Erik. The mere thought of living the rest of his life without you has him on the verge tears and heartbreak, so you have to be understanding when he voices his concerns for your well being.
now this second fear is a very, very, very sensitive topic for Erik. Erik is deathly terrified of passing his facial deformities down to your child. He knows that you and him both will love the child no matter what, but how will other people react? If they have deformities, will they get sicker easier and to a higher extreme?? Will the deformities kill them, the best thing he has ever created with you???? You have to reassure him everything will be okay, or he’ll probably have nightmares.
when you fall pregnant, Erik is elated!! But at the same time, his fears come to light with the force of a thousand suns. He basically becomes a mother hen if I’m honest.
you are barely allowed to do anything for yourself. Want to take a stroll around the catacombs? Eriks hovering like your going to disappear. Want to sew or crochet? Erik’s making you wear finger protectors because God forbid you get callouses or prick your finger.
Eriks also heavily monitoring your food intake, he wants to make sure you and your baby are properly nourished. Erik really likes to play soft music and lullabies to you and your unborn child in hopes of relaxing you, and maybe the child can have a touch for music when they’re born!
and finally after a long day, when Erik is absolutely sure nothing else can be done to assist you,(honestly he could probably find something, you have to be the one to tell him to chill out) he likes to lay his head on your stomach and listen to the growing child in your belly while you play with his patchy hair, before sleep overtakes you both.
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offside-the-lines · 5 months
Yeah, things have returned to normal because I am once again writing the saddest shit. I am going to warn you now, if you are a Gabe fan or an Avs fan, this is going to really hurt your feelings.
Gabe refuses to look at Erik, he knows what he’ll see there, and continues to pick at the label on the beer he isn’t really drinking.
EJ reaches across the table, his big hand engulfing his as he squeezes Gabe’s fingers still. “Gabe, I’m serious.”
“So am I,” he says. He knows he sounds petulant, and can’t bring himself to care. His eyes fixate of Erik’s thumb rubbing circles on the back on his hand.
“Gabe, come on,” he sighs, his voice impossibly tired, “Look at me. Please?”
Gabe’s breath catches in his throat, and he swallows around it. When he looks up, his vision is blurry. “I’m only 31.”
EJ makes a face that he can only describe as pitying, and it makes Gabe wish he didn’t look up. “The rest of your life isn’t just an epilogue to your hockey career, Gabe,” he says softly, and Gabe feels his face redden, the panic morphing into anger in an instant.
“Is that what you would’ve said when you were 31? Don’t patronize me.”
“It’s different,” his voice still soft, his remarkable calmness digging under Gabe’s ribs more.
“What’s so different?” he glares.
“That was before. Before the cup. Before us.” There is a pause; when their eyes meet, fiercely loving blue against fiercely loving blue, Gabe feels himself deflate.
“I don’t want it to be over. I’m not ready,” he whispers so quietly he’s not even sure if he said it out loud.
EJ reaches his other hand up to cup his face, gently brushing away the tears. “I know, baby, I know. God, trust me, I know.” He laughs humorlessly, gesturing to himself.
“I don’t know who I am without hockey,” Gabe leans into the hand on his cheek, letting his eyes shut to luxuriate in the feeling.
“I don’t either, Gabe, but I want to find out. Together. You and me.” He lets out a shuddering breath. “I want to hike that stupid mountain in Sweden you always talk about. I want to ride horses with you in the plains. Maybe we’ll have kids, and I want to watch you chase them in the backyard and teach them hockey.”
Gabe’s eyes fly open. “You want that?”
“Yeah, Gabriel Landeskog, you fucking idiot, of course I want that,” he chuckles softly before sobering up. “Look, I’m not asking you to do anything. I’m just asking you to, I don’t know, listen? To think about it— the future. I don’t want to watch you burn yourself to the ground so completely you can’t enjoy the rest of our lives together. I don’t know if I would be able to handle it.”
“Okay—“ Gabe makes himself breathe. “Okay, I’ll— I promise I’ll tell you if the doctors recommend that I— I promise to talk about it with you.”
“Thank you,” Erik says, a small toothless smile on his face as he presses a kiss to their conjoined hand.
“Just you and me, eh?” Gabe smiles. “I do like the sound of that.”
“Well, let’s be real, Nate’ll probably just be there,” he laughs.
“Right,” he laughs back, feeling lighter than he has in months. “Yeah, of course. Nate’ll just be there.”
Send me a player or pairing + a word, and I’ll write a mini fic about it. (I am running on quite a backlog right now so it might take me a while to get to your request).
Read other prompt mini fics!
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arysbruv · 2 years
I didn’t mean it
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Warnings and whatnots: ANGST. I love hate myself some Dadneto angst. I might do a part 2 but depends on the responses I get from this one.
People don’t expect that the Magneto was related to Peter Maximoff. They weren’t alike. Peter was a rambunctious kid who ran on impulse, while Magneto was a methodical man who thought through his actions. Even Peter himself was surprised at the revelation. He wasn’t sure that his father would quite believe him. Who would?
Peter jolts up, looking up to see Erik staring daggers into him. 
After everything, Erik decided to take up on his old friend’s offer. He stayed at the mansion, becoming the resident physic teacher. Much to Peter’s dismay. Peter wanted nothing more but to be as far as possible from him. Yet, for a man who can practically run anywhere, he never seemed to be able to run away from Erik. It started messing up his sleep schedule. He couldn’t sleep thinking about Erik and all the possible reactions to Peter telling him about their relationship. Would he be pissed? Overjoyed? Disgusted? He wouldn’t be surprised if Erik didn’t want to accept it. Erik didn’t seem to take any interest in him anyway. Peter was a handful and he was sure Erik didn’t want someone like him as a son. Still, he didn’t want to cause Erik to leave. Erik was loved by many in the mansion. It would be unfair for Peter to just shoo him away.
“Yes sir?” Peter asks uncertainly. He looks around, realising people were snickering at him. It was the third time this week he had fallen asleep in Erik’s class. Erik raises his eyebrow expectantly. Peter wanted nothing more but to run away.
The bell rings.
Peter sighs in relief as Erik announces that class was dismissed and that they were free to go. He quickly packs his things up. 
“Not you Peter. I would like to have a word with you.”
Peter stands frozen, staring at his chemistry textbook. He didn’t dare raise his head, even when the last person left the class; leaving Erik and Peter alone in the room. Peter glances at the door. He could run out in time.  
“If you’re thinking of running off, I’ve bolted the door shut.” 
Peter stares in disbelief at Erik Lehnsherr. Erik’s face was unreadable.
“I’m… I’m sorry sir but I… I have to get to the lab,” Peter says. 
“Sit down Peter. I’ll tell Professor McCoy you’ll be a bit late.”
Peter obeys hesitantly. Erik pulls a chair and sits in front of the silver-haired boy.
“Is everything alright Peter?” He asks. His voice surprisingly soft. Peter gulps.
“I’m fine,” Peter answers, faking a smile.
“Don’t lie to me Mr. Maximoff.”
“I’m not-“ 
“Peter I’ve seen your grades for physics from before my time here. They were amazing. Yet when I’m here, your grades have dropped. You’ve fallen asleep in my class thrice already, and that’s only this week.”
Peter gulps. How the hell was he going to say that he couldn’t focus due to the fact he was too busy worrying about what Erik would think of him? He glances at the window. He could jump from it, it wouldn’t be the first time. If he ran from the door and jumped, with his superspeed, he would be fine.
“Ever since i’ve gotten here, you have been avoiding me. You rarely talk to me after class and don’t think I don’t notice you immediately changing your route when you see me.” 
“You see me as a murderer don’t you?” 
“No! No, of course not!” Peter shouts, surprising both himself and Erik.
“Don’t lie to me!” Erik answers back. “Why else would you avoid me like the plague!”
“That doesn’t matter! You can’t just assume what I think!” 
Peter didn’t know where this anger came from. It was some deep and hidden fury that laid siege in his heart. It was like a dragon that had slumbered peacefully in him but had been awoken abruptly. 
“I saved your life back there in the Pentagon! Did you forget that!”
“Oh come on we all know Charles and the others were the one who managed to convince you!”
“CAN YOU STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS!” The voice rings around the empty classroom. Peter clenches his fist, staring defiantly at Erik. Erik’s eyes widen, not expecting the sudden outrage coming from the young boy.
“Peter I-“
“I… Peter what-“
Erik’s eyes widen. How had he heard that? He remembered that conversation. He was talking to Charles in the garden. He didn’t know how but the topic of Peter Maximoff started. He didn’t know that Peter had heard that. He didn’t even mean it in a bad way. He liked the fact Peter was like that. It reminded him of his younger self. Was that why he felt a random gush of wind pass through the both of them after he had said that?
Peter didn’t realise the hot tears that had started to escape his eyes. He quickly gathers up his belongings. He slings his bag over his shoulder before walking his way to the door, tears rolling down his face. Erik was left speechless, opening the bolted door for Peter wordlessly.
Peter’s mom had fallen for him? Is that why he hadn’t been focusing in class? But how? He had never met the woman before? Hadn’t he? 
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aarcanevillains · 10 months
The truth doesn’t hurt
Peter, after a realisation with his cousin, finally tells Erik the truth- and it’s a better reaction than he expected.
Warnings: none | cousin OC
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Peter stared down at his cousin’s son, the six year old babbling about his newest obsession while Lili cooked the trio dinner. James, like Peter, was growing up without a father- and just like Peter it wasn’t really by choice and for some reason that stung more than usual today. His heart ached for his cousins because he realised something… Peter at current had the choice to change that.
Erik Lensherr is his father. Magneto is his dad.
According to Liliana at least James’ father isn’t a major terrorist so points to her he guesses.
He blinks down at the kid who is now staring blankly at the TV, a long day at school finally catching up to him again it seems.
“Pietro, James. Dinner!” Lili called, that soft polish accent loud and clear as she did (the proud Eisenhardt accent Peter’s uncle- his mums brother and Lili’s dad- would say)
“Coming Mama.” James called back.
Peter zipped the two into the kitchen, James giggling like a madman as he did, settling them in for dinner.
“Thanks for watching him today Pete.” Lili said for what was probably the tenth time since she came home from work. “But… are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m okay why wouldn’t I be okay I’m perfectly fine.” He said at what many would say was a fast tempo (which he would then say it was Andante at most thank you).
“Because you haven’t said a word since James started talking about dinosaurs and you love those giant lizards Kyzun.”
“Pete quiet today.” James interrupted, food being shovelled into his face at an alarming rate- where Lili definitely didn’t shoot him a scathing glare at that. Peter only shoots one back that says *after James goes to bed*.
And so he waits till then to ask for her opinion on his troubles.
“Just been thinking.” He admits and waits for the usual teasing jab they would share but she’s quiet, listening. “I have the chance to tell Erik he’s my father and I haven’t taken it yet.”
“Why is that?” Liliana asks with a frown.
“I don’t know… I’m scared?” He shrugs. “Either he’ll think I want to replace Nina or he’ll hate me because I’m.. well I’m not the best son in the world so…”
“I’ll rip him to shreds if he thinks that. Peter there isn’t anything wrong with you for one and for another you know it’s the right thing to tell him.” Lili pats his arm. “You said family is important to him yeah?”
Peter nods slowly.
“Then let him know he isn’t alone.”
“I know I should… but what if Erik is already gone when I get back to the mansion?”
“Then you make the bald man find him and you tell Erik everything. You make sure he doesn’t leave until you tell him.”
Peter stands, pushing down those nerves threatening to stop him for the thousandth time.
“I’ll tell him tonight.”
“Give me a call tomorrow about it yeah?”
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His palms were so fucking sweaty.
Like really fucking sweaty. Worse than Alex trying to drill Scott on the plasma beams and accidentally burning a few (a lot of) really expensive antiques and then Charles going on a rager about how fucking stupid this idea to train inside the house, away from the bunker, was while Kurt stared into your soul for ruining a perfectly good book case… no his brain was not trying to plan an escape route.
His knuckles hit the door before he knew it, three sharp knocks surprising even himself as he heard the door unlock and creak open.
“Peter.” Erik said as way of greeting.
“Hey Erik.” Peter said in kind. “Uh…”
“Do you need something?”
“No-yes… yes I need some help.” His shoulders dropped. “It’s really important and uh.. can I come in?”
Erik frowned in contemplation before moving to the side. Peter was never this… scared to look someone in the eye and Erik was half ready to call out for Charles should the boy do or say something worrying or dare he say stupid.
“How can I be of help?” Erik asked after some long seconds of silence. He was notably irritated which only made Peter more nervous, he felt sick even.
“I was babysitting my cousin’s kid and I got to thinking… he’s gonna grow up like me.” He started, easing into the plan he had haphazardly thrown together.
Erik’s irritated stare softened a little. Peter was sharing personal information, according to Charles Peter didn’t like to share that sort of thing unless it was something… fun.
“Like you?” The metalokinetic prodded.
“Without a father figure.” Peter gulped. “And like me it’s not really on purpose. Neither of our dads even know we exist but Lili… she wants James’ dad to know- she just doesn’t know how to find him and she fucking tried.”
“I do hope she can find him then. I imagine anyone would want to know if they had a child. I certainly would… family is important no matter the circumstances.” Erik sat on his bed, patting it down for Peter to join him.
“You would want to know?” The speedster said quietly. Erik only nodded. “I found my dad.”
Erik’s brows rose, a smile tugging at his lips.
“That’s excellent, no? Have you told him?”
“I haven’t, I’m just… I’m scared.”
And though Erik still wandered why Peter came to him, thought he could be of any help he placed a hand on the twenty-six year old’s shoulder and squeezed. “Why?”
“He’s a… powerful mutant… Because he lost his new family not that long ago. Because he scares a lot of people.”
“Does he scare you?”
“Not anymore.” Erik nodded again. “What would… how would you react if I came up to you and said hey… I’m your son and I’m twenty-six but you’re my dad!”
Erik frowned, not expecting that kind of question.
“Well I would not be disappointed. Perhaps miffed I did not know sooner and angry that I hadn’t been there for you because and know this Peter I would have raised you.”
Peter’s brown eyes widened, something shining by the corner of one that Erik suspected was a tear and his heart well… it aches for the man.
“Do I know your father?” Peter seemed to freeze at that before tentatively nodding. “Practice what you want to say, with me I mean.”
Why was Erik doing this for him? Peter was so confused and yet relieved all at once before snorting out a laugh. He nodded and turned to face him.
“Twenty-eight years ago you met my mother. Dated for a little under two years and after your break up and her move to America she found out she was pregnant with me and my twin sister… my mama is Polish you see so I actually have a traditional name- Pietro.” The slight crease in Erik’s brow told Peter that something had started to click. “She decided to americanise our names for school but anyway… her name was Ma..”
Peter gulped.
“Ma?” The former terrorist tried to joke, to make Peter feel better. “You’re doing well so far Peter, a strong start.”
“Her name was Magda Eisenhardt.“
Erik felt a twist in his chest, a lurch in his gut. He knew that name.
Peter’s mother is Polish… Peter’s real name is Pietro- a name he and his former partner had cooed over once they heard it. Magda… Magda Eisenhardt.
Peter’s silence seemed to be louder than any other sound, than when Banshee would scream or when any explosions echoed.
“But… Maximoff?”
“Mama remarried, we took his name and now I have a little sister.” Peter said quickly. “Her name is Anya but my twin is Wendy which is actually-”
“Wanda?” Erik pulled Peter in for a tight hug. “Like Magda’s mother’s name.”
“Yeah.” Peter relaxed into his father’s hold.
“Thank you for telling me. I wish… I wish you had told me sooner I would have-”
“Stayed?” Peter quipped.
“Yes. I would have tried to stay.”
“Don’t force yourself to stay.”
“I have a son… a daughter.” Erik pulled back, looking at Peter- Pietro… he looks like Magda, he looks like him. “I still have family.”
“Yeah. Yeah you do.”
After moments passed and both men had taken deep breaths Erik asked quietly.
“Your cousin? Is she Aleksey’s daughter or through your step father’s sibling?”
“Uncle Aleksey is still alive and kicking but yeah Liliana is his. He’s still a great brother for ma…”
“And she has a son?”
“James.” Peter smiles brightly. “A six year old with more energy than me some days.”
“I think.” Erik starts. “If you’d allow it I’d like to get to know you, your sister- my daughter- and your family if they would too.”
Peter smiles. He hadn’t expected the immediate warmth, the utter joy on his fathers face the fact that Erik didn’t think he was trying to replace Nina.
Lili was so going to make fun of them both for crying on each others shoulders.
Worth it!
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cyb3rscoups · 1 year
The Glory (5)
A/N: This is also posted to my ao3 account now (feelingalilwoozi) Enjoy!
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"Do you think I'm crazy?"
The question seemed so vague in its context. Was she crazy? Was she really going too far?
If you hadn't been there to witness it. To just water the situation down to kids being kids. If you had never had the displeasure of seeing how her memories scarred her body, the answer would be yes. Okoye might of lost it a little on the way.
But if you knew her story down to the details. If you had seen it all and if you felt like Attuma did right now, Okoye was far from crazy. If anything, her plan was too soft on her bullies.
"Attuma?" She called out to the man again unaware that her voice of reason had just been shoved down into a dark abyss. All he could see were those marks, the bruises, the scars.
Was it possible that his whole body vibrated with anger when she began her story? His ears rung and his eyes couldn't tear away from her.
His knuckles went a ghostly white from his grip on to the couch, his breathing heavy and his leg tapping against the floor.
"I'll kill him. I'll kill all of them. Y-you just tell me what you want done and I swear-" His words were cut by her cold hands to his cheeks, almost shocking him back into his senses.
"You don't have to kill anyone yet. Just use the people around you right now. Namor, M'Baku. They're pretty high up right?" Attuma nodded, gulping down whatever protests he could conjure up against her.
"I'll do it. Whatever you want."
"Good." Okoye picked up her pile of clothes and started to pull the garments back onto her body as he stared. "And quit flirting with me. I need an executioner, not a boyfriend."
"How about both?" He chuckled as she pulled on her shoes.
"This isn't a joke, Attuma. Are you in or not?"
He wished he met her before all of this. He wandered what she was like before she was hurt. Maybe sweet, a little too nice to strangers but she didn't care. Was she carefree and confident? Would she be more open to him if this wasn't the role he played in her story?
"In. All in." He muttered and she nodded with a sigh.
"Good night. I will text you when I need you."
Revenge was tiring. Okoye wished someone had told her the fact before she became so hell bent on it. Sleep had been nothing but a distant memory to her these days and as she waited for Shuri to pull into the parking lot, she felt it overtake her for a split second until-
Tap Tap Tap against her driver window and Shuri's beaming smile as Okoye jerked awake.
"Don't do that." Okoye scolded, her voice half muffled as she rolled down her window for the girl.
"I've got something for you." Shuri passed the digital camera through the window and leaned against it. "Looks like old habits die hard."
"Oh gross!" Okoye grimaced at the image, obviously taken from outside of Erik's shop as Valentina embraced him in a loving kiss.
Shuri agreed the image was hard to look at without puking up her guts but it was majorly helpful nonetheless. Okoye rolled her eyes as she continued to scroll through the images.
The two had kept the affair going since high school and they seemed mighty comfortable in it too. Though the differences in their lives were clear as day.
After they would part ways, Valentina got to go back to her picture perfect family and play loyal wife in her mansion. Erik would go back to his condo and smoke his life and worries away as his heart ached for her.
He wanted to tear Everett apart for taking what he wanted as his and Okoye would give him that oppurtunity.
"Thanks Shuri."
"Anytime. Oh! I brought dinner. Jerk chicken platter from the place on 8th." Shuri ran to her car and pulled out the food, passing it over to Okoye.
"Thank you."
"And get some sleep. Revenge can't thrive if you're sleep deprived."
Okoye was grateful for Shuri. Since the day she knew her name, Shuri had always cared for Okoye, making sure she was eating and getting enough sleep. Shuri looked up to Okoye in a way. She was her savior from a dark place after losing her family.
When Okoye expressed her craving for revenge, Shuri was happy to tag along and help.
"I met with the muscle brain today. Showed him my scars." Okoye shrugged as if Shuri's eyes hadn't jumped from their sockets at the information.
"What did he say?"
"He wants to help. He fights at W'Kabi's club. His brother is the director of the hospital Aneka was taken to back then. His best friend is chief of police." Okoye started to open the platter of food, inspecting its contents.
"So he can do some dirt if you really need him to." Shuri's smile grew. "I like him already."
"Well, as helpful as he may be. He gets so anxious and angry all the time. He's almost unpredictable. With everything he knows now, I'm afraid he'll do something premeditated and I won't be able to bail him out of it."
A chill went down her spine at the thought. Attuma could either be the end of her plan or be the key. She hated that uncertainty about him. She almost felt guilty for it especially because she knew his fascination of her ran wild.
"Do you want to trust him?"
"Yes. I think I'm gonna need him after all."
"Then let him prove himself."
The house was quiet. Too quiet. She could a pin drop at this rate. Guess it was fitting for three in the morning. She swirled the contents of her glass around as she paced the living room in her slippers.
Okoye. Okoye. Okoye. Damn that bitch. Valentina could barely remember what she did to her back then. Of course there was the curling iron, but she wasn't special.
Every one she stepped on got it and more. What was so special about Okoye?
Her phone commenced a shrill ringing from the couch. She mumbled a curse as she grabbed it and pressed it to her ear. "What the fuck took you so long?!"
"Sorry. I was closing up the shop."
"Whatever. What did you find?" Valentina sat on the couch, biting at her fingers.
"Look, Val. Whatever you are trying to do-" Erik sighed but was cut off as always by her sneer.
"Erik, not now. Tell me what you found."
"She was just hanging out with this guy all day. Dammit."
"Boyfriend? Little Koko pulled a man." She almost giggled.
"I don't think so. They didn't do much. Just walked, talked. They went back to his place and she left within like 20 minutes."
"So just sex then..." Valentina sucked her teeth and Erik rolled his eyes on the other end of the phone.
"I don't have my connections with the cops anymore or the military. Left that life a long time ago." He sighed. Valentina tsked through the reciever.
"Neither do I. But what are we supposed to do? Sit around while she plots on us? She knows my kid, Erik. She knows exactly how to get into her vulnerable little mind."
"You know, excuse me for not wanting to hear about your kid with that jackass but that's all I know. Goodnight." A click and the call ended. It only took a second for Erik's phone to be thrown to the ground in pure aggravation.
God, he was really starting to hate it in Boston.
@tvreadsandsleep @xblackreader @pilesofpillows @faatxma @loeysaeri @hottie-hotch
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archxngxl · 1 year
🌼 ― a happy memory.
🧠 ― a memory that had a big impact on you.
🌹 ― a romantic memory. [julian/brianna]
🌧 ― a sad memory.
🗝 ― a memory you never want to forget.
🌹 ― a romantic memory. [kaya/serkan]
🌹 ― a romantic memory.
🙊 ― a memory you don’t ever talk about.
🍑 ― a sexual memory. [sal/polly]
🌼 ― a happy memory.
Brianna dashed into the room, causing Rhiannon to jolt. "He proposed!!!" The older Cohen shouted, frantically shoving the ring in her sister's face. Rhiannon jumped up, joining her sister in screaming and yelling from excitement. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Rhiannon shouted over and over, hugging her sister tightly.
🧠 ― a memory that had a big impact on you.
"Sal!" A voice shouted from the distance. Raphael moved to his side, hand falling on the gun that the younger Colombo held. Sal simply stared at his father, who held a heartbroken stare in his eyes. Before Sal could pull the trigger, Raphael had stepped in. Salvatore's father took this chance and ran, leaving his son and nephew. "You can't kill him..." Raphael whispered, but it fell on deaf ears. Sal merely watched his father run, the last thing he ever saw of him was his back.
🌹 ― a romantic memory. [julian/brianna]
Brianna was asleep, only to be woken by a string of kisses left at her side. She hummed, her hand finding her husband's curls. Chills ran up her body as he kissed her hip and thigh. Soon, Julian came up and pressed a kiss to her lips. "It's 5 in the morning, what are you doing up?" Brianna asked, her voice grogy and still sleep ridden. Julian didn't answer her question, he simply kept kissing her face. "Happy birthday, mi amor." The man said finally, earning a small laugh from his now fully awake wife. "Hope you're ready, because I've got the whole day planned."
🌧 ― a sad memory.
Rhiannon was in her living room in Boston, when she heard a knock at the door. She looked at the time, she was not expecting anyone. Rhiannon cautiously went to the door, and was shocked to see her sister at the other end of it through the peep hole. "Bri! What are you doing here?" Rhiannon asked, eyes falling on the two suitcases her sister had next to her. "He cheated..." The older redhead whispered, Rhiannon gasped. The night was spent with Brianna venting and sobbing, while Rhiannon comforted her. Rhiannon was left with a hatred for Julian, because nobody had made her big sister cry.
🗝 ― a memory you never want to forget.
Serkan wandered around the city. The eighteen year old was beaten and bruised from yet another street fight. The engine of a motorcycle caught his attention, and his eyes fell on a man. He had seen him before, in the audience of the fight. He was older, maybe late 30's. "Some fight you put up there." The man stated, and Serkan had to fight the urge to tell him to fuck off. "Kid, you can't go anywhere like that." He stepped closer, Serkan stepped back. Frank put his hands up. "I'm not gonna hurt you." He extended a hand. "Promise.
🌹 ― a romantic memory. [kaya/serkan]
Serkan had Kaya behind him, with her hands wrapped around his midsection. He made sure to drive safer with his girlfriend being behind him. He was taking her to the beach, since it was the perfect weather for a beach date. They arrived there about twenty minutes later. They danced together, they ate, they kissed, they talked. It was nothing short of perfect, so much so that they decided to get into the water. Kaya thought it would be funny to splash water at Serkan, the biker did not find that amusing. He reciprocated the action, and they both ended up soaking wet.
🌹 ― a romantic memory.
Veronica stared at the man under her for a moment. They just had a rather...steamy and rough session. The vampire placed her hand on his cheek. "You did so good for me..." She kissed his forehead, than his nose and finally his lips. They were soft, slow kisses meant to comfort. "Do you need anything?" The vampire was ready to get him anything he needed. "Water..." Erik spoke in a tone that was barely above a whisper. Veronica could just melt from the puppy dog eyes he was giving her. Veronica gave him one last kiss, before getting him his water and running him a bath.
🙊 ― a memory you don’t ever talk about.
Brianna stood over the body of her latest target, pleased with her work. As she wanted to turn around, a small voice stopped her. "Dad?" It was a little girl's voice. Brianna felt her heart drop as her eyes fell on a young girl, looking at her with pure horror and sadness. Brianna wasted no time in jumping out the window, leaving the body to be found by the target's associates and his distraught daughter. That was a look that would haunt her for the rest of her life.
🍑 ― a sexual memory. [sal/polly]
Salvatore stared down at Polly in all her glory. Tied up and legs spread. Her wrists were tied against the bed frame, legs held apart by Sal's hands on her ankles. It was a picture he wanted to stare into for the rest of his life. His hand let go of her right leg, slowly making his way up to her panties. He grinned. "So wet and I barely touched you...." The man leaned down, his cock pressed up against her still clothed core. His lips were against her ear, hit breath hitting her. "My pretty girl, if it gets too rough, I want you to use the safe word, okay?" Salvatore didn't gag her specifically because of that reason. When Polly nodded eagerly, Sal couldn't help but grin. Salvatore then kissed her, and they both knew they were in for one hell of a night.
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anime-kia · 3 years
Three Point
Let's say his father didn't die, but he doesn't have a role in this story. So no sad, revengeful Erik.
No warnings. Just typical, cocky Erik. Fluffy, kinda...
Relationship: Showoff Erik x Reader
"You coming to watch me ball?" Erik asked you over the phone.
"I have nothing better to do." You replied, fixing your curls into a puff.
"We playing at four, don't be late. I know how you are with time."
"Boy whatever, black people always late anyway. You already know that game not gone start till seven."
He laughed, "Nah for real though."
"Okay, Erik. See you at seven." You teased.
"Four!" He yelled, and you laughed hanging up. 
If there was one thing in the world that Erik loved, it was basketball. Always at the court with his friends every day after school until the street lights came on. He was also super competitive, so you thought that he was going to pursue it, but when he told you what program he picked in MIT, you changed your mind. 
On multiple occasions he tried to get you to go at him on the court, but he was way too brawny and aggressive for you to even think about that offer. You knew if you did step onto the court one of two things would happen, your ankles would have vanished or one of your limbs would be bruised. 
Erik didn't discriminate, no matter your age, gender or size, he gave the court his all. You remembered one time where a group of boys, within the ages of ten to thirteen came to play, but Erik was already occupying the court. Showing off his layups of course. He wasn't going to share because he hadn't showed you enough, fifty was what he was aiming for, but by the fifth one you were on your phone giving him less than a quarter of your attention. They pleaded and begged, telling him they had a tournament coming up and they needed all the practice they could get. 
"Nah, this is my cour-"
"Erik!" You snapped.
"Let them play, you hog. And the least you could do is coach them since you wanna be here so bad."
He gave you a defeated look. You had a soft spot for kids and he knew that, so he agreed and assisted them on improving their game. In the end, you regretted telling him to coach. Erik wasn't necessarily a "kid-friendly" PG type of guy so to speak. He trash talked, and cursed vulgarities. Not to mention he lacked patience. 
"Come on bruh, what the fuck was that? I could shoot better while getting my dick sucked!"
The boys snickered as you ran over and slapped Erik on his arm. "You can't speak like that, they're just kids!" 
"I'm being honest, his shot was shit. Besides, getting head is a boy's dream."
You slapped him again and reassured the twelve year old he was doing just fine and Erik scoffed in return. 
The rest of the game was a disaster, in your eyes. Erik was relentless, all five of them against him stood no chance. You watched him knock them over, break their ankles, and get at least twenty more points. You felt embarrassed, and not sure for who. 
At the end of the game, the kids were thanking him and asking if they could play again someday in which Erik agreed. You were quite surprised, staring in awe as the kids left with scraped knees, and sweaty shirts.
"They like me." He cockily smiled and you rolled your eyes.
The weather forecast man promised warm weather with a slight breeze so you settled for a pair of jeans, and a plain yellow v-neck t-shirt, with a little breast pocket and Fenty slides (that way he couldn't get you on the court if he tried). Erik had always told you yellow is a nice colour on you. He said it made your melanin pop and you agreed.
By 3:55 you left out of your apartment. The walk to the court was about ten minutes, but once again you already know how black people are with time.
"You're late." Erik called when he saw you walking towards the gate. You eyed him until you made it onto the court.
"But y'all didn't start, so I'm on time."
"It's 4:15... And you got a drink on the way here?" He raised an eyebrow at the strawberry and mango smoothie in your hand. 
"Of course I did, I wanted something sweet."
"Lemme taste." He took the drink out of your hand before you could even protest and took a big sip straight from your straw, leaving half of the liquid. You frowned at him and grabbed your drink before he could finish the rest. "...And if you wanted something sweet, you could've just asked." He flirted.
You rolled your eyes, "Sir, I'm not one of ya little thots."
He laughed and before he could say anything one of the men called him over.
"Good luck." You smiled and gave him a prop and a hug, it was a thing you guys did before all of his games. 
"Thanks... And hold this for me." He took off his gold chain and placed it around your neck. It was a lot heavier than you anticipated, he wore it everyday so you assumed that it was light.
You took a seat on bleacher, and watched as they men split into two teams of five. Erik's team was red and the other team was blue. You loved that the men were able to get the court renovated by doing community fundraisers. Because the city sure as hell was not going to pitch in and help fix up a rundown basketball court in a predominantly lower class, black neighbourhood. If anything, they were probably going to tear it down and turn it into something useless. It gave the children something to do, with the lack of community centres and money to afford extra-cirricular activities. It kept them off the streets and (hopefully) out of the polices hands. That doesn't mean you didn't see them walking by, hoping to catch one of you slipping. 
"Aight fellas, you already know the rules. We're all friends here, that means no trash talking... Erik." The man who organized the game, Dean was his name, reminded Erik.
"Come on bruh, why you gotta call me out like that?" Erik held his hands up with a playful expression and the other males laughed, including yourself.
A few kids came in and sat beside you, they were bouncing with joy and excitement.
"Good luck, Daddy!" A little girl with gapped teeth and two huge puffs cheered.
 A lady who shared similar features to the little girl took a seat beside her with a bag and a toddler in her hand.
"Hey Ronda. How are you, girl?" You smiled at her.
"Tired." She sighed, placing the bag on the ground and fixing the toddler in her lap. "It is too hot to be out here today, but Olivia wanted to go and she wouldn't stop bugging me about it."
You giggled as the little girl folded her arms and gave her mother a so what look. "Daddy wanted you to come too." 
"I know, but I'm tired."
"It's good that you guys support each other. That's how families are suppose to be."
 She looked back at you, "Yeah, but all of them are tiring. When you and Erik have kids, you'll understand."
"What!?" You almost choked on thin air, "Me and Erik aren't even dating. We're just friends." You started to laugh.
"For real? Shit, y'all could've fooled me. He always doing the most when you're around."
"Mommy! That's a bad word." 
"And you better not say it or you getting whooped."
You smiled at the mother and daughter, enjoying their harmless argument, but your attention was directed back onto the court with the sound of a whistle.
The men got into their positions, Dean held the ball up and tossed it in the air. Of course Erik was first to snatch it, and you didn't miss when he smirked at you. You gave him a thumbs up as he dribbled down the pavement. 
"Over here!" A light skinned male, Trey if you remembered correctly, called to Erik. He was open and under the net, but the showoff decided to do a layup with a spin to shoot the ball, knocking a shorter guy down in the process. 
First point and of course he had to show out. You rolled your eyes.
"Look, there he go. Ball hogging again, he don't know what teamwork is." Ronda shook her head, while giving her kids animal crackers.
"I don't think he knows what teamwork even means." You chuckled, watching him catch a rebound.
She offered you a snack, but you refused. Erik was gonna take you out to his favourite burger joint after the game. "To celebrate my win of course." He said.
The game was going pretty well, despite Erik being- well... Erik. 
You snapchatted the game a couple of times. Once when Erik was taking his shots, and yelling "BRICK!" when they missed and him glaring at you as you laughed. Another when he was running by and winked at the camera causing you to giggle.
By halftime, Erik's team was up with 32 points and the other team had 28. He was talking to his teammates, probably formulating another strategy. Your smoothie was completely finished and you contemplated on getting another one, the walk was only five minutes. Ronda's youngest was fast asleep in her arms and Olivia was on the court talking to her Daddy. 
"Wassup, shorty." You looked up from your phone and locked eyes with hazel ones. He was tall and slim with dark chocolate skin. You noticed him on the court, and it appeared that three pointers were his specialty. 
"Oh, hey." You greeted the male with a gentle smile.
"Whatchu doing?" He asked, trying to peek at your phone screen. You could smell the mix of his cologne and perspiration when he got closer. 
"Just texting a friend." You leaned back.
"Cool, I'm Jekiel by the way."
"Nice to meet you Jekiel, I'm (y/-"
"None of ya damn business." Erik cut you off.
"Bruh, what?" Jekiel frowned at Erik. "I was just saying hi."
"Ain't no hi, she ain't looking for no new friends."
"Erik stop, I'm (y/n)." 
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He grinned. 
"I know you fucking lying." Erik snarled, "Bae, where yo drink at?"
Bae? That was certainly new.
You almost forgot to say something until he asked again.
"It's done." You said and he sighed.
"Bae?" Jekiel questioned with a chuckle, "You a clown, bruh. I know she not your girl."
"Mind ya f-"
The whistle blew again, signalling that the third quarter was about to start.
"Good luck to both of you."
"Thanks, (y/n)." Jekiel winked at you and Erik glared.
The tension between Erik and Jekiel was very strong, you could feel it all the way from the bleachers. They glared at each other with every chance they got, and whispered snarky comments to each other.
At one point, Erik had the ball and Jekiel was guarding him. Even though it was seconds, it felt like minutes as they stared each other down, Erik was mentally planning how he would break Jekiel's ankles. He stepped to the left and Jekiel followed, but Erik moved to the right even faster and dribbled around. Jekiel stumbled, almost falling in the process as Erik took his shot. 
"Ya defence weak as shit, boy!" Erik teased as Jekiel recovered.
"Man, shut the fuck up."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Friendly game y'all, we got kids watching." Dean intercepted. 
"Whatever, bruh."
From that play forward, it felt as though Erik and Jekiel were the only ones playing. The only ones taking the shots, and catching the rebounds. Not because their teammates weren't helping, but because they were really trying to outdo each other and they were being selfish. It was dumb. Ronda had left half an hour ago with her kids. The other kids that were on the bleachers from earlier lost interest and went to the nearby park. In fact you were almost ready to leave as well.
Your elbows were propped on your knees, head resting in your palms. There was only thirty seconds left and the teams were neck and neck, Erik's team with only two more points.
"Yo, baby girl! Watch this!" Jekiel smirked at you as he prepared his three point shot. He jumped and released the ball. Unfortunately it didn't get far, at all. Erik had slapped it so hard it flew out of the court. 
"Get that shit outta here!" He looked at you with the proudest look on his face, "You seen that shit, baby? All me!"
Jekiel was fed up, when Erik turned around to look at him, a fist sent him onto the ground.
Your eyes widened, never in your life have you seen someone catch Erik off guard. He got back up immediately and delivered a blow to Jekiel's gut. The other men came in and tried breaking it up, which took a good minute.
You ran over to Erik to see if he was alright. 
"You fuckin' bitch, next time I see you, it's over."
"Come say that to my face, pussy ass bitch!" Jekiel retorted.
You pulled Erik away, but you felt his muscles retract. 
"Are you okay?" You asked him with worry.
"Nah, that motherfucka made me sprain my damn ankle. Shit." 
You put his arm around your shoulder and your arm around his waist, helping him hop home. Luckily he lived in a nearby complex, it was hard considering he was two hundred pounds of muscle.
You were in his bathroom, tending to his wounds. He sat on the counter with an annoyed expression.
"What the hell was the about anyway?" You asked, rubbing peroxide on his bruised elbow. 
He stared into his palms and didn't reply. 
"The bitch was embarrassed, that's all."
You lifted his head so he could look you in your eyes. 
"Come on, we both know that's not all."
"That's it."
"Lie to me again, and I'm gonna use the alcohol instead."
"Oh hell naw, we fighting if you do that."
"And I'll win with the state that you're in. So tell me, what was that all about?"
"Alcohol it is." You went to grab the bottle but he pulled you back by your waist into his torso.
"Hold on, girl. I was just playing." His body heat radiated onto your back, warming you up.
"Then tell me, I'm not asking again."
He placed his head onto your shoulder. "Do you like me?"
"What kind of stupid ass question is that, Erik?"
"I need to know."
"Well obviously, we've been friends for how long now?"
"Five years, and five years too long."
"Too long? What's that suppose to mean?"
"It means that I want to hold you, even after cuffing season." He completely dodged your question from earlier.
You frowned, but not at him because he was holding you so tightly that you couldn't turn around.
"Boy, I'm tired of your games." You tried removing his hands off of your waist.
"I ain't playing no games." He turned you around to face him.
"Since when do you do relationships?"
Since too many other dudes been trying to get at you...
He shrugged, "Come on girl, let me wife you up. Let me be the one to put that ass to sleep."
You rolled your eyes and slapped his chest. "On one condition."
"Aight? What is it?"
"Stop showing off, you're really doing too much!"
"Who the hell said I'm showing off?" 
"I'm not stupid, Erik. Anyone can see that."
He sighed and chuckled, "So that's a yes then?"
"...Yes." You held his face in between your palms, and kissed his lips. 
You pulled back, "You wearing that candy flavoured lipgloss again?" He licked his lips.
You nodded with a laugh, "Oh yeah..." You remembered his chain that you were still wearing and started to take it off, but his hand stopped you.
"Leave it on, I like when you wear my shit." And he pulled you back in for another kiss.
I swear, my stories never go the way I expect them to go. I wasn't gonna end it like this, but it happened anyway. Thanks for reading! :)
(Start/Finish: October 6-8, 2018)
Idk how tag lists work lmfao, buttt lemme try something out ^_^. (2022)
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- 'Running from a good thing.'
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Soft!Mikaelson
Pairings- Elijah Mikaelson x F!Reader x Rebekah Mikaelson
Summary- You left one stormy night hiding a secret after Hayley talked to you leaving both Elijah and Rebekah heart broken looking for you. You were now with two hunter brothers that saved you from a nest of vampires.
'They will never believe you. They won't accept it like they did Hope.'
Hayley's words rang in your head as you quickly packed, tears fell from your eyes. It hurt, the thought of leaving Rebekah and Elijah but Hayley was so sure in what she told you.
'You saw how Klaus reacted when I was pregnant with Hope. Whose to say they would be just as understanding?'
You didn't know where you could go, you couldn't return to Mystic Falls as you left behind your friends for Rebekah and Elijah. You went to New Orleans with them finding hard to live without the Originals.
When you stared dating the two Originals when they both showed interest in you, the orphan girl that Zach Salvatore took in. Elijah had informed you that it wasn't the first time the siblings shared lovers. You knew even if you went back to Mystic Falls that would be the first place they'll look.
"Lebanon, Kansas."
When the Mikaelsons came home, Rebekah rushed up to you as Elijah groaned tired sinking into the couch waiting for Rebekah to come down with you.
"Y/N is gone!" Elijah sat up all tiredness he felt went away as he joined Klaus and Kol who was looking up at Rebekah.
"Are you sure she didn't go out with Camille and Davina?"
"No Kol....her clothes are gone as if she packed up." Rebekah said as Elijah rushed up to your bedroom frowning as Hayley walked in carrying Hope on her hip.
"What's going on?"
"Y/N is gone." Klaus answered her as he and Kol watched her closely as they knew Hayley was in love with Elijah and knew how she felt about you.
"Oh yeah, she said something about a trip with old friends." Hayley said lying smoothly as Elijah frowned looking at Hayley.
"Impossible. Y/N always tells me and Rebekah if she has plans."
"Elijah, the last time she ran off like this was when her brothers learned of the relationship."
"Meaning something is wrong and she believes we wouldn't understand." Elijah said frowning as worry racked his body and Rebekah hugged Elijah hoping you were okay. Kol called Davina and Freya to come do a locater spell to find you.
A year passed since you left New Orleans and now settled with two hunters and their Angel after saving you from a nest of vampires. You missed your vampire lovers but Hayley's words would rang in your head everytime you thought of calling or going back.
"Y/N, Erik. We're home!" You heard Dean call out and you picked up the baby boy walking out smiling at Sam and Dean. Erik squealed seeing Sam reaching for the hunter who was happy to take the boy.
"Hey guys. Where's Cas?"
"Right here." Castiel said smiling at you as you hugged him. Castiel had been a huge help with Erik which Dean found to be adorably disgusting.
"How was the hunt?"
"Went by smoothly. On the way back we picked up on a new case in New Orleans." Dean said tossing Erik in the air making the baby laugh.
"Oh?" You said quietly you told the brothers about your past as to not hide anything. And to give you peace of mind they promised no big hunts in New Orleans unless needed.
"Look we know you said no hunts in New Orleans but a group of demons are up to something there."
"So Dean and I thought it would be good if you and Erik come with us. Get you both out of the bunker while we take out the demons."
"I don't know....."
"Come on. You can spoil Erik and the little guy can get some time out in the sun and fresh air."
"Okay. That sounds nice." You said giving in their puppy dog faces.
"I got dinner done by the way." You say getting cheers from Dean as Sam shook his head smiling.
The impala drove into New Orleans and you felt a bit of heart ache as the car stopped. You got out putting Erik in a baby carrier as Sam and Dean got out.
"We are going to go check out the crime scene. Here, enjoy the city we be back later to go out for dinner." Dean tells you as you nodded taking the money then watched the brothers drive off.
You walked around going to different shops as Erik babble holding your finger. A familiar face caught your attention and swallowed seeing it was Davina who smiled brightly seeing you as she jogged over.
"Y/N!? Where have you been? Rebekah and Elijah has been looking all over for you."
"Places.....humm." You said as you were unsure what to say as her eyes fell on the baby boy that looked awful like Elijah. Erik babble getting your attention as he looked at the new person.
"Y/N can you come with me?"
"De, I don't...."
"Please. I won't take you to the Abattoir. I just need to know something." Davina says as you nodded. You found yourself in Vincent's place having Erik standing in your lap bouncing. Erik was unbothered by Davina poking his finger with a needle to get his blood.
"Erik is Elijah's son."
"But how Vincent? Non of the witches did a spell for it nor did Freya." Davina tells Vincent who looked to you as you swallowed as they walked over.
"Y/N, do you know how you became pregnant?"
"No I don't....I didn't go to any witches nor did I go to Freya." You tell Vincent as Erik sat in your lap kicking his legs smiling.
"So that's why you left because of your pregnancy?"
"Yes. I'm sorry for causing trouble but I need to get going now." You say standing grabbing your bag rushing out the door as Vincent and Davina called your name.
"Y/N?" Kol whispered as you brushed pass him and Klaus both watching you hurrying away as Davina rushed out frowning seeing that you were gone.
"We need to tell you something." Davina tells Klaus and Kol with a frown. You knew this was a bad idea but couldn't blame Sam and Dean as the brothers wanted what was best for you as you headed for the diner you all would meet up at.
"She had Elijah's son?!" Klaus said after calling an emergency family meeting as Vincent explained what was going on. Elijah sat in shock with Rebekah who was rubbing his hand.
"Y/N didn't tell us why?"
"That she didn't tell us." Davina says sighing as she recalls how nervous you were. Elijah stood fixing his suit jacket with unreadable look.
"Then let's find her and bring her home."
You sat in the diner with Sam and Dean talking and laughing as Dean was telling you what happened on the hunt. You were rubbing Erik's back as he slept with it being late.
"So you ran into an old friend?"
"Yeah....Davina and she most likely told everyone about Erik." You say softly looking down as Sam who was sitting next to you rubbing your back.
"Are you sure they wouldn't accept Erik? From what you told me and Sammy, Elijah and Rebekah loves you something fierce."
"Come on Dean. Hayley had a point, how would I explain that I was pregnant? They could accept Hope because they could explain it but Erik?"
"Yeah but you can find out how." Sam says taking a bite out of his salad as you blinked looking at him.
You rocked Erik as he whimpered uncomfortable with being at a crossroads. Sam and Dean thought summoning Crowley to explain how you fell pregnant would help and of course Castiel stayed close to you and Erik not trusting demon.
"Hello moose and squirrel. Oh you brought the little rabbit." Crowley said smirking then it was wiped off his face when his eyes landed on Erik.
"You bought an Original's child with you? Are you kidding me?!" Crowley growled looking at the hunters with narrowed eyes.
"You know about Erik?"
"Yes I know about the boy! As any smart supernatural being would." Crowley says looking around nervous which made the brothers look at one another as it wasn't everyday the demon King was nervous.
"You okay there Crowley?"
"No I am not Winchester. You have both the mate of two Originals and his son so understandably I am on edge."
"Crowley. They are just vampires." Dean says as the look on Crowley's face was they hadn't seen before.
"They aren't just vampires Winchester. They could kill me without blinking these aren't like the ones you kill. They are one of the most feared beings."
"Are you serious?"
"Every. When we all heard that the son of Elijah Mikaelson had been born. Everyone knew to stay clear." Crowley said as you stepped forward after passing Erik to Castiel.
"Do you know how it was possible for me to get pregnant?"
"From my understanding there was a powerful witch that cast a spell then was killed. That is all I know." Crowley said disappearing leaving you all a bit confused.
Next morning Sam and Dean went out to see Benny who was out in the bayou asking if you wanted to join but you declined. You were walking with Erik in his baby carrier strapped to your chest as you walked though a witch's market.
"I found her Elijah." Marcel said after calling the Original when he saw you walking with bags in your hand of things for Erik.
"There she is." Rebekah breathed staring as you were looking at artists that were painting or drawing as Erik babbled smiling.
"There is your son Elijah." Klaus says as Elijah stared at the toddler strapped to you then to you. Both Rebekah and Elijah noted you had cut your hair and still had a bit of baby weight but you were still breathing taking beautiful to them.
They growled seeing a man show up next to you and how you smiled brightly at him and how the boy also smiled brightly at the man. The three Originals listen in on your conversation.
"You have bought a lot of things for Erik."
"Only the best for this little guy Cas." You tell Castiel as Erik let out an excited squeal making you look to see what he was staring at the got him all worked up. You stopped hold your breath seeing Elijah and Rebekah as both stared back.
"It seems he knows who his father is." Castiel commented as Erik was squealing reaching for the suit wearing Original.
"Yeah it seems so." You say swallowing watching they walking up to you. You had many emotions swirl in you and your heart began to ache seeing the soft look in their eyes.
You were soon back in the Abattoir holding Erik in your lap even though the boy was reaching for his father. It was just you, Rebekah and Elijah in the den as both Klaus and Kol let you three talk it out.
"Why did you run from us?" Rebekah asked she wasn't angry instead she sounded hurt, hurt that you didn't trust then enough to tell them about your pregnancy.
"Hayley said you wouldn't be as understanding as you were with her." You say softly looking away from them as in a flash Elijah was in front of you. Erik touched Elijah's face as Rebekah came sitting next to you.
"You are our lover, our beloved. Of course we would have understood. Elijah and I love you so deeply that we would die for you."
"Rebekah is right. We tore up the city looking for you." Elijah says grabbing Erik's hands smiling softly as the boy squealed putting his mouth on Elijah's hand.
"I sorry....I just...scared and Hayley told me all these things. I didn't mean to cause trouble." You said tearing up as Elijah gently took Erik and Rebekah wrapped you up in her arms.
"Shhh love. We weren't angry with you." Rebekah says her tone gentle as you sniffled feeling her kiss your head. Elijah looked at Erik seeing the boy staring back babbling softly.
"You'll be sure to visit right?" Dean asked hugging you after dropping your things off while Elijah was watching with Rebekah who was holding Erik.
"Yeah of course Dean. Thank you for everything."
"We're going to miss you and Erik." Sam says as you smiled hugging the tall hunter.
"If you both miss me too much just come to visit." You say as they nodded smiling and drove off. You turned seeing your lovers and son smiling you walked up as Elijah put an arm around you.
"No more running?"
"No more running." You promised as Elijah and Rebekah took you inside listening to Erik babble.
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neko-rogers · 4 years
But It’s Better If You Do
Trying to keep your relationship with your professor was easy enough, until you learned that someone had found out about it.
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words: 7,424 tags: manipulative!peter, explicit noncon/dubcon elements, degredation, implied overstimulation, blackmailing, kidnapping, college student and professor relationship, 
a/n: whew this had a lot of words compared to what i usually write. plus, since im bad at titles, i’ll just use my fav song titles lmao. (ps. erik lehnsherr aka magneto is here and im just glad i could put him in my little fictional world bc im d biggest slut for him)
     A complete lie, you just did not want to deal with college fuck boys.
     The man in front of the class was practically pouring his heart out into the lecture. The chalkboard was filled with white letterings from left to right, not knowing where to start as you take down notes.
     “It is important to keep in mind that bimolecular structure and function are dictated by the properties of the medium in which they are dissolved,” your professor explains while continually pacing from one end to the other among the students seated at the first row.
     You decided to seat around the middle to the last row, knowing it was the least obvious way for other students in the class to notice how much you fawn over your Organic Chemistry professor rather than the subject itself.
     Honestly you could listen to him talk for hours. All those information he had been discussing would not actually process through your thoughts. You knew that better than anyone.
     But who honestly would invalidate your reason? Everyone can probably relate to hating Chemistry, no matter what subcategory it is. 
     Considering that this was probably one of the most difficult courses you had in your program. You were just thankful and lucky enough you landed on one of the hottest professors amongst the campus.
     “Hey what did Professor Lehnsherr say about the problems during synthesis of proteins?” Peter asks.
     In spite of being fortunate about everything else about this subject, you were not quite happy about Peter Parker following you around like a lost puppy. Especially during the classes you both have alike. 
     The boy constantly asks so much questions as if you were the teacher already. In addition, he seemed smart enough to figure things out yet somehow he keeps on bugging you for reassurance.
     You did not want to be rude. He has not done anything to completely deserve your rage, however he was definitely getting on your nerves.
     Honestly you would not want to be infuriated over his consistent queries, but you were just as distracted as he was, maybe even more. With this, you were looking dumber to him each day. 
     To anyones pride, it was probably a kick in the stomach. You knew you were not the brightest in this class, but it was best to leave the information to yourself. No need for anyone to point out how mindless you were.
     And you really were not. You had other Science subjects you totally excel at. Sadly, Chemistry was just not one of them.
     “Well, uh, I don’t think I got that part either.” You look aside where he was seated and awkwardly smiled at him before mentioning an apology, “Sorry, Peter.”
     In return, Peter smiled at you and dismissed the question. You were not so sure whether to forget about it or take even the least bit of offense. You felt a little mocked by how easily he did it and innocently he smiled, but maybe you were just overthinking this through.
     “It’s fine,” he tells. “I just didn’t get the third bullet, but I’ll try to review it in the textbook when I get home.”
     “Oh okay, sure.”
     “Speaking about reviewing,” Again, Peter tries to start another discourse.
     “I was wondering if you got reviewers for the upcoming text for next week? We all know how difficult Professor Lehnsherr’s exams can get, right?” He lets out a forced chuckle, assuming it could lighten the mood.
     As much as he tried to make small talks with you, almost everyday, today you really feel like you did not want to return the favor. Especially after having to bring up the test next week.
     “I don’t really make reviewers, I usually just scan the books I have at home.”
     Lies. You probably have a box full of index cards and sticky notes in your room.
     You tried to use every studying tips every corner of the Internet could give. All those study-life hacks that really did not help much but pile up to your disorganized state of mind.
     You fucking tried to study Chemistry. You really did.
     “What, you don’t?!” He suddenly exclaims, not realizing the loudness of his voice as it almost caught the attention from people at front. “You seem to be busy all the time though. It’s like I always catch your writing or reading something in class.”
     Maybe your mood was just off but it definitely seemed weird for him to say that. Though, you did not want to make something from what he said. It was not worth your time.
     “I guess people are not always what they seem to be, yeah?”
     Again, Peter gives out that soft chuckle and smile, “Then I guess so. You do make a point.”
      He does not argue with you any further.
     “Can I at least borrow your Physics book? I only bought Chemistry and Biotech for the semester. Didn’t know they would actually utilize it for once,” he scoffs. 
     At first you hesitated. You were reviewing for it too, but you already felt bad for being no help whenever he asks a question and often times disregarding him when your mood if off. Plus, you did just make it look like you were not much of a study-freak.
     He instinctively fist pumps the air and looks at you with a wide, grateful grin. “Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver, Y/N.”
     “Don’t mention it.” You grab the book he needs from your bag and hands it to him. He accepts it and places it inside his while also clearing the rest of his things.
     Looking at his digital wristwatch wherein he raised his index finger up as if he figured something out of it, he says, “He’s going to dismiss the class in a few minutes. We should get ready for Cell Biology next period.
     Oh how you hated it. Were you jumping to conclusions? Or was this boy really trying to be too close with you? Or was he just being nice and informing you to prepare ahead?
     God, you did not give Peter Parker the right to cloud up your thoughts like this.
     “Thanks,” you say, “but I need to talk to Professor Lehnsherr after class. Have to, uh, consult him about my concept paper that he made us submit last week.”
     As he tidies his notebooks up and carelessly shoves it inside his backpack, he immediately looks back at you with a confused expression, “Oh, I can always wait for you–”
     “It’s fine, Peter. Thank you though.” Two of your hands were instinctively waving in front of you, a meek gesture for him to stop coddling you or whatever move he had been trying to make at you.
     “Are you sure? I–”
     And if you were ought to be saved further from lashing out over Peter’s incessant attempts, you finally heard the words any student was longing to hear. “Class dismissed. I’ll see you all on Monday.” 
     “Eri–err, Professor Lensherr just dismissed the class. Better catch up to him before he heads out,” you hurriedly said. And with a loud slam from your notebook, you quickly shut him out. In addition, you practically shoved every thing in front of you into your bag without sparing a second glance.
     One strap of your back was slung over your shoulder as you hurriedly flew down the aisle. Professor Lehnsherr was midway into packing his things before you interrupted and approached him.
     “Professor,” you call out. “I have a question. About the paper I handed in last week.”
     “Uhuh.” He faintly furrows his eyebrows, trying to hide his already obvious bewilderment. “I forgot which assignment was that, Ms. Y/L/N.”
     There were students still exiting in class. So you tried your best to make your conversation with him less suspicious. He was most likely doing the same. 
     “It was about the Chemistry-proposal thing.” You snapped your fingers a few times as you gathered your train of thought, but realizing it was not going effectively. “Well I just wanted to confirm it since, you know, I was hoping for any feedback from you throughout this week.”
     “I’m not sure if I have read it. I’ve certainly been busy this week,” he clarifies. “Nonetheless, we can talk about it later. Thank you for bringing it up. I’ll make sure to follow it up in my schedule, Ms. Y/N.”
     Both of you made your way out the door once there were only a minuscule amount of students left in class. You probably had been looking at your professor with gushing stares, but you doubt the other people in the room could notice it. They were farther away from where both of you stood, much less would they be able to hear what the two of your were talking about.
     “Oh thank you so much, sir!” You almost cried out and jumped in joy while reaching through the threshold. Moreover, you composed yourself before mumbling out, “I’ll see you later, Eric.” 
     In which you were certain no one would have heard it besides him.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     “I’m sure you’ll get a good grade in the exams, Y/N,” Eric leans back to his seat with a humble smile upon his face. 
     “Really? I doubt so, there’s a kid in your class that keeps bugging me out to a study date, or whatever you call it,” you sneer. You lick your lips as you finish taking a sip around the wine glass, setting it down and looking back at the man you were having dinner with. “It’s getting very annoying though, he surely knows how to get on my nerves.”
     “I’m sure he’s just trying to flirt with you, like any other college boys do.” He optimistically and maturely lays out the options. “It’s pretty normal for anyone to chase someone they are fond of, especially for young adults like you.”
     It was a pretty obvious sign that he was trying to let his message reach you. 
     “Well, I apologize for my standards of men,” you say. “I just want to skip the whole heartbreak in college and character development. All that stuff you usually see in a typical teen romance movie.”
     You sigh, looking down and saying, “I already found a man for me. Why would I stoop down for some guy who’s most likely wanting something from me, and dumping me once he got what he wanted.”
     “Y/N, I don’t blame you for liking men that’s ten years older than you,” Eric assures. “But I want you to realize that you still have a lot to look forward after graduating
     “And I look forward for you too!” You tried to not raise your voice, though having dinner in his house wouldn’t really catch anyones attention. “I can’t wait to finally graduate from second semester and be able to spend more time, publicly, with you.”
     “Yes, I understand, honey.” He places his hand over yours as he tries to calm you down. “Like I said, I just want you to make sure that you’ve clearly thought this through.”
      Eric adds, “There’s plenty of men out there. I don’t want to take away your opportunity of experiencing something new at such a young age.”
     “I’m turning twenty-four! I promise you I’m thinking everything through.” Your voice was much weaker than a few seconds ago. The evident tone of strength fades even with one glance from the man in front of you. You felt yourself shrink in your seat. But you were sure he does not intend to frighten you into compliance.
     “Sorry,” you pout. “Didn’t mean to raise my voice.”
     “I understand, and I won’t pressure you any more tonight, okay?” He tries to uplift your mood, detecting quickly the shift of the room’s atmosphere. “You deserve a good dinner tonight, like I promised, sweetie.”
     His smile made you calmer. It was then that you realized why you were attracted to a man like him even if he was still your teacher.
     The way he handles you in any given situation so sensibly. Though it may feels intimidating at first, he consequently tries to override the tone of the conversation which cheers you up.
     With one hand, he hold yours and gently draws it towards him at the same moment he leans his head down. Eric presses a kiss against the back of your hand and you butterflies immediately fill inside your stomach. “I love you.”
     “I love you too.” Every doubt you had entirely disappeared now. If there were hints of you hesitating to continue seeing Eric, they were certainly long gone now.
     “Let me drive you home after dinner,” he offers, like the gentleman he is.
     Eric always does make sure you get home safe. However, you both agreed that he drops you off at least a block away from your house. Just in case people around your neighborhood might catch you, or worse your parents.
     It was not like you were ashamed of your relationship with Eric. Cautious was the term.
     You were only a few months in seeing him. Fair enough, he was your second semester professor and the both of you met before that period.
     You were not only risking the wrath of your parents once they hear you’re dating an older man, let alone your Chemistry teacher. But you were also putting him at risk if ever his faculty finds out.
     Eventually, the two of you pack up and end your conversation. Other than talking about college, the two of you also talk more about yourselves which has progressed you into learning more about each other’s personalities and likes.
     He helps you out of his house and into the passenger seat of his car. It had been more than thrice wherein he drove you home, and the familiar scent of leather and the typical Glad air fresheners has clung onto your nose. You strap on your seatbelt on just as he was getting inside the driver’s side.
     The ride was not entirely dead silent. Eric made a few more small talks before finally turning a right which was where he usually drops you off. It amazes you how instantly he remembered the way to your home, as you instructed him the first time.
     “Thank you for tonight, like always, Eric.” 
     As always, you made your way out of his car prior to giving him a kiss. You only had to walk straight ahead, glancing at your home which had one dim light illuminating through one window.
     Upon entering the house, you figured your parents were already asleep and a hint of the living room lamp was present. Taking the benefit of not having to be interrogated by anyone, you rushed upstairs to your bedroom, turned on the lights, and immediately closed the door behind you with a sigh of relief. A smile was also visible after recalling your night with Eric.
     As you made your way towards your bed, a piece of paper lays obvious in the middle of it. Your sheets were flattened and tidied, so you could obviously detect when something is placed on top of it. You have no memory of leaving it early in the morning before you left too.
     When picking the paper up, you realized it was a piece of polaroid film. Its back was facing you, having no idea what to expect at the front.
     At that point, the smile from your face turned into horror and all the color in you basically drained away.
     The picture displayed you and Eric at one dinner night out from a few days ago, you still remember. It could have been anything but malicious, but the way his hand was intertwined with yours as both of you laugh away without worries. It was clear as day, the light shining perfectly at the both of you. Anyone can conclude what was happening in the picture.
     You did not know this day would come. The picture was taken from Eric’s home to prevent such things like this from happening. So it puzzled you just as much at it terrified you.
     This was definitely someone who had been stalking either one of you. It was not a mere instance like paparazzis who catch celebrities dating on the streets of New York.
     Someone definitely have been observing the two of you.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     Days have passed, a week almost. Examinations are scheduled for tomorrow. 
     And you prayed that the picture you received would be the only thing terrorizing your dreams. But you were completely wrong.
     From thereon, you started to receive more pictures, specifically one every morning and night, from your past hangouts with Eric. It were simple shots but had the power to completely jeopardize either one of you, mostly him at stake though.
     It was obvious that the person behind this was definitely observing the two of you for a while. Probably even during the most earliest weeks when your relationship with him started.
     Though it may seem unfair, you did not mention anything about it to Eric. It was enough the he was keeping with you, his job, and himself private – which clearly was not working out so well. You felt like it was your responsibility to handle this situation. You were so sure you did not try to publicize anything and kept it on the low.
      Nevertheless, it was out there. Eric had not mentioned anything so you assumed he did not receive a picture like you did.
     Currently, you were seated at the farthest row at the back of the room, somewhat near the corner. Physics was your last subject and you could not wait but finally leave.
     In addition, you texted Eric that you would not be seeing him until after the exams. It was an easy excuse not to see him, saying that you wanted to focus on studying for it; however, you knew that you would just be busy thinking about the creepy stalker gallery you have been receiving.
     “Hey.” Unsurprisingly, a familiar voice whispers next to you which disrupts your heavy train of thoughts. “You finished studying for tomorrow? I’m about to end my review with Chemistry later.”
     “Cool.” Probably the one of the most basic replies in the universe. “I haven’t finished studying, I’m kind of dealing with a lot of things recently.”
     You made sure to generalize your answer, but enough for him to sympathize and at least give you some space.
     “Oh, sorry to hear about that.” Peter frowns. He takes his seat a few desks away from your left, leaving you to continue thinking. You were thankful for his gesture too.
     Surprisingly enough the boy barely bothered you for the entire lecture. You were still engrossed on finding out whoever was stalking you, even so dating back to boys you evidently rejected during the first semester – who badmouthed you immediately afterwards. There were not a lot of names, so it was easy to remember who was who.
     You traced back to each boy and remembered what they said after you told them you were not ready to enter a relationship – a complete lie, you just did not want to deal with college fuck boys.
     Just as you expected from any of them, rumors have spread out about you which was mostly shaming you physically or mentally. Some were milder insults than the other yet at the end of the day you did not care.
     “Fuck,” you whisper to yourself. “Who was that boy at Liz’s party.”
     Your eyes were sealed shut, recalling a list of names while using your thumb and middle finger to massage your temples. It was getting frustrating and mentally exhausting.
     After some time, you had so much word filling in and our of your brain that you were not aware that your own name was being called. Your heart practically skipped a beat after hearing it the first time, assuming that you were being called to recite an answer. But you became content after seeing that it was just Peter, who started tapping your arm to get your attention.
     “Huh?” You lightly shake your head before turning your head aside.
     “Oh, class was dismissed a few minutes earlier than usual–”
     “Don’t forget to answer the assignment regarding thermodynamic concepts found it the book. You’ll hand it in immediately on Wednesday.” The professor addresses the class as they were already carrying their bags and themselves out the room.
     You start placing your stationeries inside yours, packing your other things up until it was only a pair of earphones and your phone left in front. Peter stood near the aisle while looking at you just as you were zipping your bag shut.
     “Oh shoot, I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he states out of nowhere causing you to furrow your eyebrows at him. “I forgot I still haven’t returned your Physics book I borrowed last week.”
     Nodding your head and standing up, you shrug it off. “It’s fine. You can return it tomorrow.”
     “Sure, but how will you do your Physics assignment?”
     Oh yeah. Your professor literally reminded the class a few seconds ago.
     “I think I might be able to do it overnight. How many pages is the task?”
     “Eight, or nine I think.” He frowns looking very guilty at you.
     “Shit,” you swore. That was a lot of pages than the usual assignments given.
     “Yeah, professor said it could help add points if you somehow get a bad grade at the tests.”
     “Never mind,” you tried to set his mistake aside. “I’ll try to do it within overnight tomorrow. I can ask for help from my friend tomorrow morning and–”
     “Wait! I realized you can stop by my apartment to get it.”
     “Oh–er, Peter, I don’t think I have time to–
     “It’s just nearby the campus, I promise,” he assures and adds, “it wouldn’t be a hassle, it’s probably on your way home anyway so it won’t make a difference.”
     “Uhm.” You were doubtful of him. 
     However, you did realize that you did not have anything to do after class. You were keeping distance with Eric for the meantime which meant that your schedule was mostly vacant after this.
     “Please,” he begs, “I feel so bad for keeping it the whole week. I swear it’s like a few blocks from here.”
     “Would it take more than twenty minutes?” You purse your lips, convincing yourself that you would rather force yourself to study at home than spend it at someone’s apartment.
     “I only take around ten minutes to walk so,” he answers. “Unless you’re a slow walker, of course.” The tone of his voice seeming to be joking.
     Again, he pleads. This kid will not fucking budge.
     “Fine,” you blurt out. Though, you realized your sudden-almost lash out moment at the boy that you made sure to reiterate it but slower, “I mean, sure. I can stop by your apartment to pick up my book.”
     An awaited smile and sense of agreement washes over you.
     Peter then leads the way as you walked behind him, maintaining a short distance so people would not throw out any suspicious looks. Like in every college, everyone knows just how fast gossips formulate and rumors spread.
     If you think about it though, it might avert anyone’s suspicion – mainly pertaining to your creepy stalker – with you and your Professor. But you were not prepared for that yet, maybe some time when you can finally think about its consequences through.
     True to his word, as the both of you exited the campus, it took a short time before the boy in front of you told that you were about to enter through the entrance to the building of his apartment. You were not so sure if it was really a momentary walk or because you were so focused on thinking and keeping a distance.
     At some points he did often look back in case you got lost from following him. Plus, like always, he asked you simple questions either about your day or your subjects to make small talk. In which case, you were barely answering him but definitely progressed compared to when he attempted for previous times during class.
     In addition, as the two of you walked down the block, the number of faces you could only assume was in college decreased. Meaning that the glares at you eased up.
     “Well, here’s my location.” A loud huff follows as he uses a key to unlock the door for the entrance to the building, “It wasn’t that far, was it?”
     “Yeah, I guess it wasn’t that far.” You agree as he holds the door for you and then walks right after you.
     As Peter leads you upstairs onto around the fourth level, he proceeds to walk along the corridors. The array of same beige colored doors with small golden indents of unit numbers paraded along it too. Eventually he stops and inserts a key into the lock, twisting it until hearing the unlocking sound.
     For a moment you hesitated to follow him. You just wanted your book and you were sure he can give it to you on a shorter span than your walk from campus to here. Was it that troublesome?
     Entering his complex, you discovered how minimalistic it looked. To be fair it seemed quite small, the living room instantly greeting you through the entrance and a kitchenette at the side. But since his things were tidied up, it looked roomy.
     You instinctively close the door behind you, slightly aware that it did not create a locking sound. Following Peter, you took a few more steps until you stood still at the passageway between his living room and entryway.
     “Do you want a drink?” Peter asks.
     “No thank you.” You were still trying to subtle. “I just want my Physics book, Peter. Please?”
     He looked at you and paused for a split second. You could feel the frown behind the expressionless look. “Yeah. Okay. Sure,” he nods for a few times before turning around and proceeding to a seemingly narrow hallway. “I’ll get it in my room. Be back in a second.”
     Your feet faintly paced back and forth, still where you stood a few meters between the entrance and living room. After a few more minutes, Peter emerges carrying the familiar book with one hand.
     He approaches you within a few stops but stops in his tracks, leaving a distance from you. “Well uh,” he starts as his chin was tucked.
     “I just want to tell you something before I hand you back your book.” He looks up at you with really pleading eyes. During other instances in university, you were definitely familiar with that look. However, this one probably ranked as one of the most downhearted ones. 
     You did not want to feel regretful for him. Though it definitely feels like you just kicked a puppy.
     “Was is it?”
     “I love you,” he blurts out as his face goes back from hiding and looking down.
     It seemed awkward. You were somewhat expecting it, but you were also hoping that this day would not come – or not at least until you graduate and leave the university.
     “Oh.” You honestly did not want to react.
     Were you going to say sorry? How about thank you? Would it be better if you said you did not like him back? Or will the best response be that you are already taken?
     “Peter, I–”
     “Are you really dating Eric?” He shots up with eyes appearing almost teary.
     What. The. Fuck.
     “No,” you mutter. It was not much of an answer to his question. It was more on being quite horrified as your mind started jumping to conclusions.
     The amount of things running around your mind right now was immeasurable.
     Firstly, anyone could make two and two out of what he said, especially knowing that no one knows it even so around your circle of friends.
     Secondly, you should have thought better. Your doubts with Peter should have been grater and you totally underestimated him. However, some part of you prayed that he was just an annoyingly awkward nerd who follows his friends regarding flirting tips.
     Lastly, you turned around and ran.
     You probably got your way with opening the door and taking two steps out. It was not long before you felt arms wrap around your waist and either side of your arms. You were then lifted and pulled behind while you tried to kick at the air as an escape. Did not work though.
     Peter was surprisingly stronger than you thought. He already seemed fairly muscular at class, hiding behind those long sleeved sweaters and flannels.
     Eventually the last thing you remember was the image of the door of his apartment open while you get sucked into the room further. Everything went black afterwards.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     When you felt that you were slowly restoring to consciousness, you were aware of the pounding at the back of your head and your arms.
     You tried to move your hands, wanting to press against the parts of your body that were aching. But you felt incapacitated as your wriggled your wrists around and felt an unfamiliar sticky fluid enveloping around them.
     “Glad you’re awake,” a voice says. “Does your head hurt?”
     You tried to open your eyes, the dark lighting of the room not cooperating with your vision. A light from the window and a lamp were the only things that helped you form something out of the void. 
     From there you saw Peter Parker sitting closely beside you at the edge of the bed.
     Hell please let this be a nightmare.
     “What–” You groan, “What do you want from me.”
     Your mind was building up your anger yet your body says otherwise. You felt exhausted and heavy.
     Peter shushed you in a caring manner, “We’ll talk when you feel better. I’ll let you get more rest okay, sweetie?”
     That was what you could remember the most. If you have awoken for other times in between your sleep, then you surely did not have an idea of it.
     When you finally woke up, the level of your grogginess felt little to none already. You looked around and saw that the room was still dark and seemingly still nighttime.
     As your head was twisting from side to side, you saw Peter appear from the doorway carrying a translucent cup filled with water in one hand. “Hey, you’re finally awake.”
     Instead of replying to him, your wrists writhe beneath the fluid that you are still not familiar of. You could not really look up to get a good view of what it was, but it was wet, sticky, and felt like super glue.
     On the other hand, both your legs, ankles, and feet were free. The back of your thighs bounced against the bed as you struggled, but it would not do much since your arms were practically stuck.
     “Fuck,” you grumble.
     “That won’t help. You’re pretty much stuck there,” he says, Then he takes a seat at the edge of the bed, alike where you remembered him positioned from earlier, “Might as well talk to me until I let you go.”
     “Okay then, when will you let me go?” Your voice was calm hoping you could talk your way out of this mess. 
     “If you behave for me like a good girl, okay?”
     Shivers went up your spine as you cringed at his statement.
     Immediately, your mood shifts from calm to furious after hearing his disturbing bargain. Then purposely rolling your eyes for him to see. “How the hell will I behave if you’re a creepy stalker! You disgust me!”
     Peter hums, displaying a look wherein he seems like he was thinking. You were not sure if it was sarcastic or not, either way it annoyed the hell out of you. “Creepy stalker sounds overstated, it was more on being curious.”
     You scoff as well as exclaim, “You sent me photographs of me and Eric at his house! Fucking hell, Peter.”
     “Oh yeah that part.” He slyly pouts his lips to the side as he comes to realize what he had done, “I guess it was a bit creepy–”      “What do you mean a bit? That was invasion of privacy!”
     Despite being trapped, both your hands balled into a fist, feeling very furious at his dense answers. “I was living my own life! I kept my relationships to myself,” you cry out.
     “Yes, but you weren’t completely living your life,” he whispers while gently combing his hair through the front of your hair. “You deserve much more than someone who couldn’t proudly tell that you’re his girl. Is he even a man? Do you really enjoy that kind of life, sweetie?”
     “We were happy,” you weep. The evident crack on your voice was a signal that you were about to cry though you were not sure if it was because you were held hostage or because you were worried for Eric.
     No one would understand your situation with him right now. Especially Peter.
     “Trust me you weren’t,” he scoffs. “You deserve so much more, and I can give you that.”
     “I’d rather be alone forever than be with you, asshole!” Your voice was inconsistent, clearly affected by how fast Peter’s mood also shifts quickly.
     You also figured you were not looking entirely fresh while crumbling beneath him. Drops of tears and sweat were all over your face and neck, both your eyelids felt swollen, and your nose was almost stuffed.
     Peter stand from the edge of the bed and advances to his desk from the side. A harsh bang echoed throughout the room as your body twitched out of shock.
     “What does that dick have that I don’t?!” He grits his teeth as the curves of his jaw intensifies. A displeased look was written all over his face. 
     “P-please let me go.”
     “I need you to answer, sweetie. We going nowhere unless you answer!” He was never going to let you go if you were not going to cooperate. 
     Every step he takes closer back to the bed just increases your heart beat further. He had rolled the sleeves of his sweater up to the edge of his elbows and you felt threatened looking at how firm his arms looked.
     “Peter, p-please,” you hiccup.
     As Peter returns to the edge of the bed, he does not hesitate anymore to keep a distance. His hands hover to either sides over your body and sets the left side of his head on your midriff, laying while also getting a good view of your vulnerable state.
     He does not even look life he was struggling to make an effort to keep you down, but you could feel how heavy he was and was barely giving you a chance to move around.
     “I can give you so much more, Y/N.” The way his gaze directs at you was definitely one of the creepiest things you have experienced. He had so much emotions yet completely lacked sympathy for your state of mind.
     Shutting your eyes, you only cried further. You felt a hand cup one of your cheeks as its thumb wipes away the pouring tears. Like a broken record, you only pleaded more, “Please let me go.”
     “I can’t.”
     “Why.” You bawled, realizing he has no plans of releasing you anytime soon despite it. “I won’t tell anyone about this, I p-promise.”
     “I know that,” he says, “but you’re going to run back to Eric, probably tell him too, right?”
     You did not want to answer, merely shaking your head as you resisted a cry from your lips. It was somewhat what you had planned, but now you were just scared shitless.
     “You won’t tell anyone but him cause no one knows about it other than you two, right?” He corners your words. 
     “Eric would lose his job if someone, especially your parents find out, right?” Hell he was correct. He most likely had been stalking you for so long to find out about it.
“You love him so much, you wouldn’t want to hinde
     It was terrifying that someone had been learning about you and your life for a while without your awareness.
     “Please stop. What do you want... money?” you whimper. 
     Peter did not seem likes normal college boy; he does not think like one, too, for sure. Anyone with a right mind would not do something like what he did. No one would have the guts to do so.
     “I just want you, Y/N. I want to give you what you deserve,” Peter answers as he sits up and leans his face closer to yours. His mouth leaves a small gap from your right ear as he whispers, “Let me make you feel good.”
     He cuts off your plea with a proposition, “If you let me, I might consider letting you free.”
     “You want that, right? Want me to let you go...” His hand combs through the other side of your face, “just let me show you that I can do way better than him.”
     Every ounce of your blood was trying not to give in. You were smart, you ought to find a way out of this. However, you realized that it will not be enough. You already struggled so much from the super glue around your wrists and you could not imagine how much more would it take now that Peter was on top of you.
     Eventually you stopped struggling and let him be. There was no way out of this than to let him do what he pleases.
     You feel his lips press against your ear first and then progresses over your cheek. His grip around your arms loosen after detecting that you stopped struggling beneath him. You could feel him smile on your skin, “That’s it, relax for me. Good girl.”
     His hand reaches to undo your pants as his lips drifted on yours to force their way on making out with you. Another hand then presses under your jaw and throat. “P-Peter,” you choke, feeling lightheaded after being unable to breath properly though your mouth until the grip had loosen.
     “Sorry, babe.”
     He soon descends from your face to your neck and collar region. You were so sure he was leaving marks on you as you felt him suck and nibble against your  skin. Like a controlling asshole he was, you expect to see bruises on your skin by tomorrow.
     Despite having your hands fastened, he still moves your shirt upwards past your head. It halts and hands loosely around your arms as you emerge topless beneath the boy.
     “Fucking beautiful,” Peter compliments your body under his breath.
     Although he seemed to have time on his hands, he does not leave a second wasted. He also goes to haul your pants past your legs and ankles. The growing look of impatience on his face says it all.
     Peter moves from your side and welcomes himself between your legs. He spreads them out to have enough space for his body and you could not feel more embarrassed than this.
     You grit your teeth over each other as you felt him press fingers against your cunt. Instinctively, you clench around nothing as he continues to play with your entrance, making sure you get entirely soaked under his touch.
     “You know you shouldn’t hold back. I know you’re loving it so far, your body says otherwise,” he teases before laying on his stomach and moving his head closer to your pussy.
     Without a warning, he licks a strip of you making the back of your thighs quake lightly. Peter senses your reaction and continues to do so, using his tongue to play around and poke inside of you until you were slowly giving in without even realizing it.
     Just as you thought you were getting used to his actions, he then inserts fingers inside you, feeling your warmth around it as he pushes it in and out.
     “Oh,” you moan.
     He continues, making sure he also does not leave your bud of nerves behind. The tip of his fingers and tongue alternate on playing against it, making you throw back your head out of pleasure.
     “I bet he doesn’t please you like this,” he scoffs.
     Eventually, at your vulnerable state, you could already feel yourself closing to an orgasm. Your toes curled as your temples throbbed, sealing your eyes shut as you accepted on giving in.
     You bit onto your lower lip, trying to resist a moan. Somewhere inside you, you were still trying to fight back and not let Peter have the satisfaction he had been craving.
     “You’re being so tight... Just let it out.” He coaxes and you hate how you did what he told you so.
     The extensive grin on his face seemed priceless. He pulled back and you were aware that you seemed exhausted beneath him. You assumed he was done with whatever he wanted to do with you.
     But when he started to take off his sweater and unbutton his pants, you realized it was far from over.
     As he presents himself just as naked in front of you, he again welcomes himself between your legs. This time you get a better view of him and his muscles and abs. He gets a good view of your body too for sure as his hand reaches to start stroking his dick.
     He places one hand on your thigh and pushes it farther to give him more room. Finally, he inserts in inside you and you automatically felt him throbbing between.
     There was a growing heat between the both of you, and it only intensified as Peter started to thrust his hips forward and backwards. There was not even a rhythm from him as he moves harder after hearing you softly moan underneath.
     The slapping sound echoes through the room that would eventually reek of sex and you felt ashamed that your body was enjoying all of this.
     “Ah… ah… ahh… agh….”
     “You’re starting to enjoy this, aren’t you?” He brags as one hand was reaching for your breasts while the other holds your thigh up. “Fucking slut.”
     Your body and mind were tired and could only hold so much longer. It was not a surprise when your stomach started to churn your the muscles in your thighs were cramping up.
     Peter did no help after seeing you starting to wear out. He tried leaning in to make out with you and expect to moan into his mouth. You did for a moment, a combination of both your drools were streaming down from the corner of your mouth.
     “We’re making a mess, huh,” he mumbles. “But I know you’re already a dirty fucking girl.”
     He proceeds to deprave you with statements, “Can’t believe you’re enjoying my cock better than that old man’s... Such a fucking whore.”
     You twist your head aside, trying to hide the fact that you feel like your temperature were burning up. You were so sure he could feel the increasing warmth of your walls either way.
     Your eyes were rolling back as you resist arching your back, which was not really a success as the amount of pleasure was overwhelming.
     As you writhe beneath him, you felt a hand on your cheek. It pushes your head back onto looking at front and at Peter. “I want you t look at me when you’re going to cum, sweetie,” he orders and you could not do much anyways.
     The second time you came was a whole other level. You never felt this with any person you slept with so far, rather not this fast and intense to say. “That’s it, fuck, you’re tighter than I could ever imagine.”
     Peter continues until it was his time to cum. The bed continues to move along with his pace and your body was basically abused to his liking.
     And even if you were not aware of it, the boy was practically thankful that his agency decided to agree to soundproofing his whole apartment – his motive being for personal reasons, which they did not question any time soon.
     You were helpless, you knew that. All you had in mind now was rest. Your eyelids were heavy and your mind was drifting to slumber.
     The last thing you remember was Peter moving over your body to come all around your chest like a painter with its paint brush creating a masterpiece from your chest to your core.
     “I love you.”
a/n: ily pls leave comments <3
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Just Two Things: A Young Royals Fix-It Fic
His mama had stood over him as she began talking. Wilhelm could hardly focus; the vision of the video (his video, his and Simon’s video, the video of Simon) burned into his brain on a constant loop. She hadn't asked him if he was alright, not yet, but he had stopped expecting her to early on in life. Duty first, he guessed, as usual. She pulled away and off the bed, rattled off the words about the interview he’ll do to protect the royal family et cetera, et cetera.
“I don’t want you to see Simon for the time being,” she said, and he glanced up, suddenly feeling like his world is fell away underneath him. He wished Erik were here, that Erik was still alive. If he were, then maybe this would all go away. He doubted any of it could now.
August brought him dinner that night when he’s too exhausted to even leave his bed. He said that Erik would want Wille to be himself - but how is August so sure of what Erik would want him to do to fix this, to just get this whole shitshow over with, when the only person who knows that is six feet under.
“Follow your heart, really.” August said. “Follow your heart.”
If anything his heart only thought of two things at the moment. One is the crumpled up rage he feels that’s been broiling under his skin since he saw the video; the screaming, panicked wild thing that wants to shout at the world and watch it shouts back until no part of him remains, no crown prince, nothing.
The other part of his brain thought of Simon. Holding him, soft and warm until his skin, kissing his neck and inhaling as much of him as possible. Kissing him, kissing Simon, an exhilarating feeling he can’t describe, he won’t ever be able to describe. Almost all of the girls he had kissed had kissed gently and slowly, like they were afraid he would disappear right next to them. It always felt like he was being kissed by air, a ghostly possession that was over in a second and just as uncomfortable.
He would have thought that Simon would kiss like that, he had thought Simon would kiss like that, Simon had kissed like that, before they really truly got to know one another. Now, Simon kissed hard and rough, like he knew Wilhelm wouldn’t disappear but just as quick, aware he couldn’t have him by himself ever. Simon’s kiss had the edge of sandpaper, tough grit and fine smoothness rolled into one. Simon kissed for the sake of it, like there was so much he wanted to do to Wille, do with Wille, that he simply couldn’t function enough to do anything but kiss him. Wille fell asleep soon after that, dinner discarded. He wondered if the last time they would ever kiss would be the time that caused both of him to want to recoil from society and away from the world. A part of him hoped so.
The nail on his thumb was raw and bleeding.
As he walked through Hillerska, everyone stared at him in pity. He was used to the stares, used to the way his simple presence shut up people around until all they could do was give him a dumb look. It was pity that was new to him, but he tried not to focus on that as Malin rushed with him to his first class of the day. He knew the things they were saying, drove himself insane as he googled himself over and over again, watching Sweden’s trending page unravel until it felt like it was all over. He watched as Simon walked into their classroom, turning heads for once in his life. Once except for the amount of times he had his, of course. He mindlessly made small talk with his classmate, but all he could think of were two things.
After class he rushed into the locker room to talk to Simon. He looked sullen, his features that were generally framed in a light source of their own were moody and dark, an awkward, ill fitting portrait. He wanted to kiss it all away. Instead, kicked at Simon’s foot, hooking the two into a game of footsie.
“What the hell are we going to do?” Simon asked, wrapping his hands around Wilhelm’s, as if he had any of the answers. Breaking news, he didn’t. All he could do was sit in silence and hold Simon, it felt like the only thing he could do. Unless…
“They’ve asked me to deny it was me in that video.” He could barely get the words out.
Wille hummed, unable to interpret that reaction. “They want me to make a statement at the castle on Saturday.”
Simon turned, his head moving off of Wille's shoulder in a way that feels entirely unwelcome. Put that back please. Wille had realized that he could only really function anymore in Simon’s arms. As if he wasn’t touch starved enough, but Simon was hot and didn’t mind so it didn’t really matter. “But you’re not going to do it, right?”
“I don’t want to say anything.” Simon doesn’t get it, but Wilhelm doesn’t expect him too; too impossible to explain.
“But, Wille, everyone can see that it’s me in that video,” Wille groaned. He had forgotten that slightly important detail. Simon continued, “What am I supposed to do? But no matter what, they can’t dictate what you say,” Yes, they absolutely can, they’ve done it before.
We haven’t done anything wrong.” He had forgotten that too, spending so much time yesterday going over consequences and contingencies ranging from plan A to Z it made his head bled. But no one had actually told him that they hadn’t done anything wrong. Not even August, with his love is love attitude that came out of nowhere. Not even fucking him.
Mama had been waiting for him. Mama had met Simon. She never looked twice at Wilhelm, veiled disdain souring her mouth as she stared out the window.
“What? Why can’t I just have a relationship with him? And not say anything. Just live a normal life.” He knows why. He just wants to hear her say it.
“You’re the crown prince.” And there’s the world crashing back down onto him. “And that’s a privilege, not a punishment.” It’s both actually, but whatever, mama.
“Yes, but I didn’t ask for this!” Erik should be here. Erik would know what to do.
“Well, nobody has ever, ever asked for this,” his mama shot back. He feels like a little kid again, feels like biting his thumb raw. “You’re the only one who can take over the throne after Erik. Don’t you understand that?” He wished she would just look at him.
“You’re so young. When you’re young love feels like the most important thing in the world. When I was your age, I too had an unfortunate romance.” He wants to laugh or cry or release that panicked, clawed, anxious feeling that’s always been trapped underneath his chest, beating his heart faster and faster and faster. Unfortunate romance, she said, like Simon isn’t the best thing to happen to him, like Simon wasn’t the only one holding him together, like Simon wasn’t the only real thing in his world.
He snapped back into the conversation.“Is it worth it,” she continued. “If you feel that the attention you’ve been getting so far is unacceptable, it’s nothing compared to what you will endure for the rest of your life. We have a chance to cover this up. I urge you to take this chance. You may not get another.”
With Simon on one shoulder, and his mama and the world on the other, it turns out he was going to make the statement after all. Fucking great.
He felt like throwing up, but, to be fair, when hasn’t he.
“Are you ready?” His mama asked, like he could ever be ready to announce to the world, no that definitely was not me in that tape and that boy is definitely not the love of my life, thank you very much.
He dragged his feet, as he went into the room where Rosenqvists sits. Like Mama said, they only have one chance to not fuck this up.
Rosenqvist smiles at Wilhelm, her eyes hawkish. He musters as much of a smile as he can, playing with the buttons on his suit as the photographer directs the two around.
“It’s good to see you again, your highness.”
His eyes darted around the room. He could hear his mama and papa argue in the room they were in
“You too.”
The interview began then, menial questions about his existence that made him want to bite at his thumb. He resisted, knew that if Rosenqvist saw how his anxiety was surging through him like a freight train and mentioned it in her interview, his mama would be more angry then she already was. The questions are simple really, he barely thought about the answers and more about how Erik would have phrased them. Not like Erik would have been in this situation.
“So, Wilhelm, we both know why we’re here.” She smiled apologetically at him. Here we go. “As you are, no doubt, aware of by now there was a video from Hillerska that is going viral of what is rumored to be yourself and another male student,” she paused for a moment, uncomfortable with the what she’s about to say to a boy she’d been interviewing for most of his life, “being intimate. What do you have to say about these rumors, Crown Prince Wilhelm?” She’s less probing, then. He can tell his mom already prepped her on how exactly this interview needed to go. Fuck.
“That’s not-” his words got stuck in his throat.
“That’s not you in the video?” She filled, looking more and more saddened with each word, more maternal that he thinks he’s seen anyone in his entire life. He wanted to nod, wanted to do what his mama wanted for him, wanted to listen to what she feels is best for their country, because it is theirs now, isn’t it? Erik is dead and gone and never coming back no matter how much Wilhelm wishes he had been able to keep him alive. Wilhelm doesn’t exactly know much about what it takes to be king, not like Erik did, but he’s pretty sure a leaked tape is one thing a king is not supposed to have on his record. Wilhelm should want to deny the rumors, so why does it feel like every time he tries to open his mouth that it’s filled with cotton, that panicked wild thing grabbing hold of his brain and shaking it like his snowglobe. It’s begging him to choose the path of least resistance. And then there was Simon. Simon with his pretty soft voice and his even softer lips. Simon with his kind eyes and hands and just Simon, Simon, Simon. Simon, who has already been broken by the video and if Wilhelm denies their relationship then he’ll only break more. The only things he can think about. Just two things. Two things he can’t seem to choose between.
He took a deep breath. Erik would have wanted him to follow his heart, would have said that that would be how he becomes a great king. By being kind and good, and wholly himself.
He chose.
Simon’s mama shouts for a rematch as he laughed into his snack.
Ayub tensed next to him, “Oh, shit.”
“What’s up?” Simon asked, confused. Did his dad ask him to go home or something?
Instead, Ayub read from his phone: an online copy of this week’s Göteborgs-Posten screenshotted and reposted to Twitter. “The Crown Prince addresses rumors of Viral Video.”
“What?” He could have sworn Willie had said he wouldn’t do the interview. His mom and Sara exchange glances.
Ayub read on, “While the Royal Court denies rumors that the Crown Prince appears in the video that has gone viral this past week, his royal highness Prince Wilhelm goes more in depth on his time at Hillerska and the events surrounding the video. He says, ‘I started at Hillerska to focus on my studies and have kept to that.’ At this moment, the prince pauses and grows quiet.
‘That’s not the entire truth. The truth is that that is me in the video. I do not know who took it or why but the facts remain the same. There are many people who would want me to not address the rumors surrounding me at this time, and some even would want me to outright deny them, but I disagree. If I am to be king, and no matter what happens from this I will be king, I want to be the kind of king the people can be proud of, the kind of king my brother would have been, and the kind of king that if he saw me he’d be proud of. And that starts by being genuine and being myself to the citizens of Sweden and to the world.’ ‘Everyone should be allowed to live as gay or straight or whatever they want,’ says the Crown Prince. ‘And I suppose the former includes me, but I would still like this time to decide further who I am and what kind of king I will be.’”
Simon is stunned. Of all things, he didn’t think of this as even an option. He fishes his phone out of his pocket.
To Wille: just read the interview, what. the. fuck.
From Wille: Is that a good “what. the. fuck!!!” or a “bad what. the. fuck?!?”
To Wille: you’re so brave, wille, thank you
To Wille: also according to ayub youre trending as “gay king wilhelm” on twitter rn
From Wille: Fuck yeah, bow down to your king. Meet me before school starts tomorrow, courtyard?
To Wille: see you then, gay king willie
As Simon approached the school - having already been stopped by four journalists, three photographers, two nosy neighbors and one blogger - he could see as Wille nervously paced at the edge of the courtyard, his hand rubbed deep into his chest, shirt creasing around it. Simon couldn't even begin to imagine what had happened in the palace after Wille’s interview. From what he saw the queen didn’t really strike him as the accepting type, but that was one of those things he’d let Wille discuss on his own time. He snuck up behind Wille instead, held his arms and kissed his neck.
“Hello, my prince,” he said and twirled Wille around and into his arms. Wille let out a little sigh of relief and if he could have held Willie there for forever he would. Wille smiles at him and kisses him on the cheek.
“Can we just go one day Simon without having your weird relationship issues making a scene,” Sara huffed past and quickened her pace to the school. Simon hadn’t noticed the stares, it felt like everyone in the courtyard had been watching them from Felice to August to other boarders Simon couldn’t name, but that had definitely called him names. Simon can’t bring himself to care anymore.
“I’m so proud of you, Wille.” Wilhelm let out a little noise, the only amount of negative emotion that being schooled on refinement since before he could talk would allow. He grabbed at Simon’s coat and drew him in for a hug.
“I love you,” Wille said and suddenly Simon’s whole world had shrunk down to three words.
Wille quickly ended the hug and walked towards the school, his bodyguards following quick after. Simon speed walked up to him and grabbed his hand, “I love you too.” Wille broke out into that tiny golden smile Simon loved to tease out and grabbed Simon’s hand.
The stares followed but Simon didn’t care. “Just two things left,” he said, “Get through this last day before break and then find whoever took that video.”
“And then?”
“I haven’t gotten that far yet,”
Wille hummed and played with Simon’s as they settled at the doorway of their first class of the day, “You might want to work on your plans.”
“No, my plan only needs those two things.” Simon messied with Wilhelm’s hair and strolled into the classroom.
Wille followed after one hand fixing his hair, the other clutching at Simon’s hand, muttering, “Just two things?”
Just two things.
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