#Episode Three
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respectthepetty · 3 months ago
Episode three of Your Sky understands how to make me happy with color-coded boys in love!
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I get POPPY and clear symbolism of what the colors represents - a sky and its sun.
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Fah, which means sky and blue, is clearly in love with the bright sun.
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And Rak, the bright sun, is clearly in love with the blue sky.
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Which is why the rooftop talk was perfect as Rak wore both of their colors and documented the sun resting in the sky.
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So even though Blue Boy Fah is so dark which makes everyone, including Rak, think he likes the mountains and night,
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It's clear he likes the day and the beach because it means the sun is out in full force for him to enjoy basking in, but now the sun is even coming to him at night.
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And his friends notice!
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(Thanks Domundi and Mandee for always offering up the color commentary)
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But Fah isn't alone in this pink world of love.
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Just like when the sun meets the sky, there is a beautiful pink space that the boys are living in with each other.
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And that's what Fah's friends have quickly picked up on.
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But it's because they are living their own little color-coded story!
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In the first episode I wanted them to be color-coded boys in love.
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And now their colors are clear!
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Hia is Red Rascal.
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Real is a Black Brooder.
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And they are in love!
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Hia might just be flirting, but between the red lighting on Real and him wearing red shoes, he knows how he feels about Hia.
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And that's why the colors are important!
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Joy is a Pink Person.
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Type is a Green Guy.
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And Lee, just like his brother, is so dark that it's hard to tell if he is a Blue Boy or a Black Brooder.
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Which is why in a show filled with color-coded boys (and girls), I like that Oh hasn't had a consistent color.
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Oh is so determined to keep up appearances by wearing Rak's color and acting like a cheerful and happy guy,
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But when we get glimpses of what lies underneath, it is only a small portion of his real behavior.
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So in a world of color-coded boys in love with their color-coded water bottles, snacks, and symbolism,
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Oh could never really hide his true color.
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And now we have a story of the sun, the sky, and . . . welp.
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scrunklyraven · 5 months ago
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✨ The dream team ✨
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b00knerd1o1 · 9 months ago
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itsdeathofabachelor · 1 month ago
There’s been a bunch of scenes so far where Dexter is given a pep talk about how he’s a good man/good BPA analyst/would make a good father/etc but like everyone is missing the fact he’s a fucking serial mass murderer. Like Dexter’s looking up at the ceiling like ‘yeah maybe they’re right I am good’ like no no Dexter they don’t know you’re a serial killer. No little guy they’re making a judgement without the full context trust me do NOT have that kid please don’t listen to Debra
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sierradee · 1 year ago
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I cast a hex, sending a Catherine Wheel of sparks towards the roof.
Garnet is one of my favourite characters ever. I love how genuinely funny and outgoing yet level-headed she is. And how strong and dangerous she is when she needs to be. I can't wait to see how she starts acting as a fresh deputy.
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pendingfeels · 1 year ago
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The Mandalorian; S1E03 - The Sin
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lunarspiral1127 · 2 months ago
Wait what?! WHY THE HELL DID THEY SKIP THE FINAL FIGHT?! COME ON, MAN! How did Alexei get away? How did the Red Room agents get away? How did Bucky get captured? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?! Oh yeah, Bucky got captured....great, just freaking great. And, here I thought that he'd finally get away from Hydra, but noooooooooo. He has to continue getting brainwashed and tortured! *sigh* Well, I guess this timeline still has to do the Winter Soldier storyline.
But, at least Alexei is having a better life and is gonna get to be the hero he wanted to be by being a part of the Avengers. Same roster, just him being the extra addition, so seeing him next to Captain America is nice.....would've been better if Bucky was having a better life too and free alongside Alexei! 😠
I do wonder if we will have this kind of dynamic with Bucky and Alexei in the Thunderbolts movie. But, I was digging this episode until the end. I get the episodes are about 30 minutes each, but they could've shown a montage or something to see what happened during the final fight? Skipping it just raises questions. And, if you can't tell, I'm irked that Bucky got captured by Hydra again!
So, next episode is a What If about Howard the Duck getting hitched.....why is this a what if episode? I have no idea, but we'll find out tomorrow.
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lockley-spktr · 2 years ago
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Moon Knight (2022)
Episode Three: The Friendly Type
“I didn’t do any of this.”
“Me neither. Listen, if you’ve got a problem with the body count, I suggest you stop listening to that stupid pigeon.”
One year ago today.
April 13th, 2022
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hao-and-yoh · 2 months ago
Shaman King “Fractured Duality” - Alternative Universe
Continued from here.
Episode Three (4)
“Your father is on his way here with her now. They should be here any - ”
At that moment, Mikihisa walked through the open outside door. He was carrying a small barefooted infant in his arms wearing an orange poncho. Hao recognised the child immediately.
“Opacho!” cried Hao, immediately leaping towards his father to examine the little girl. Opacho was unconscious, but fortunately she seemed to be in good condition.
“You know this child?” asked Kino, confused.
“Yes - she is my, well, actually - it’s hard to explain. How did you find her?” babbled Hao, struggling to find the words to string together to form sentences. The strange mix of joy and confusion he was feeling in that moment was overwhelming.
“It was a complete chance of fate.” replied Mikihisa, meeting Hao’s desperate eyes. “I was hiking in the mountains, I found her completely alone, out in the open. Almost as though she was left there for me to find. It was a miracle we crossed paths.”
Hao could hardly believe what he was hearing, then he looked back at Opacho’s innocent little face. He managed a brief delighted smile.
“The child hears the voices, Hao.” explained Kino. “Perhaps… you could use your abilities and place the same seal on her as you did with Anna, time may be more on our side this time. She is so young…”
“No.” firmly replied Hao. “No spells, no seals. She just needs someone to care for her. I will take her. Give her to me.” Hao outstretched his arms towards his father, Mikihisa instinctively handed the little girl over to him.
“You will care for her?” asked Kino, astonished.
“Yes, she is mine.” replied Hao, cradling Opacho gently in his arms.
Mikihisa looked towards Kino and then looked back at Hao, unable to hide the confusion on his face.
“What exactly happened to you in that other world?” asked Kino.
“Other world?!” shrieked Mikihisa, alarmed.
“It’s a long story, but, now I am starting to think that none of this is an accident or a coincidence.” Hao turned on his heel and took a few steps towards the conservatory doorway. “I must find Anna and bring her back home. Grandmother Kino, please do your best to seek out her location - and do it quickly. I will go to the temple to investigate the book.”
“Hao?” came a little squeak from behind Mikihisa. Hao turned back around towards his father at the sound of another familiar voice. Mikihisa stepped to the side to reveal his young pink haired apprentice, who seemed to be nervously hiding around the outside door.
“Tamao.” softly said Hao.
“It was me.” admitted Tamao, taking a step into the room and shutting her eyes tightly, like she could not bear to look at Hao as she confessed. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to break the seal, it just slipped off when I picked up the book…”
“Tamao! That was extremely reckless of you! You could have been killed!” snapped Kino.
Tamao flinched slightly as Kino shouted at her. Hao blinked at Tamao’s words.
“Then… who defeated my familiars?” gently asked Hao.
“I don’t know, I ran away… and I left the book behind. I’m sorry Hao, I let curiosity get the better of me. I was just...”
“Tamao,” interrupted Hao, “There’s a reason the temple is forbidden. It’s dangerous… I am dangerous.”
Tamao opened her eyes and met Hao’s sorrowful stare.
“No - no you’re not!!” she squeaked. There was an uncomfortable pause as Tamao’s face turned bright pink. After a moment, Hao managed a kind but pained smile at her in response.
Hao looked around the room at the three faces looking in his direction. He sighed deeply.
“Though my fate and life turned out to be unexpectedly brighter this time around, I can see how my past still haunts this family even to this day.” He looked towards his Grandmother. “I do not blame you, Kino, for harbouring some resentment for me, as I also feel the same way about myself.”
“Hao…” sadly replied Kino, “I was being unkind, I shouldn’t - ”
“You have already shown me enough kindness in one short lifetime that I have not truly earned, or really deserve.” Hao turned around and made his way to the doorway with Opacho.
“Son, what has gotten into you?” asked Mikihisa, concerned.
“I will leave as soon as Opacho is rested enough to travel. Find Anna.” demanded Hao, swiftly leaving the room.
The three members of the Asakura family left behind all shared in the same concerned and confused sentiment. There was an extended period of quiet contemplated silence shared between them.
“Where… where is Yoh?” quietly muttered Tamao.
Kino sighed deeply.
“I asked Hao to come alone, but, now I see perhaps that was a mistake.”
End of Episode Three
Continue here.
Read the Intro to “Alt Universe” here.
Read “Fractured Duality” in full here.
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rudikawhy · 1 year ago
I don't know, I liked episode three of season six. It was so wonderfully different from all the episodes before, so much to laugh about, craziness. Fitz and Enoch as a duo alone is iconic, but then additionally Jemma and Daisy being high or whatever was even better. And of course Davis and Piper. (I hope there's more to come of this team within the team - with Jemma, Daisy, Davis, and Piper)
I don't know if that's actually an unpopular opinion, or if people tend to say the same.
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respectthepetty · 3 months ago
The Heart Killers' Colors? - Ep. 3
Three episodes in, and I'm positive that Bison is a Red Rascal and Fadel is a Black Brooder.
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But I never had any doubts about my pretty emo boy.
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He is emo, so his soul is black (and so is his underwear, AYEEE!)
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He is also very pretty.
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And Style knows just how pretty this sad emo is.
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(which, hopefully, everybody else who is watching this show is as well because people have been sleeping on my boy Joong for too long while my ass has been here thirsting over him for years) *I need a moment to collect myself*
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um . . . where was I? Oh yeah! I still don't fully believe Style is a (light) Blue Boy when he wears all these animal prints.
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But I do know his presence annoyance is making Fadel lighter.
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Perhaps it's because ever since Bison told him to go full throttle on Fadel, the kid hasn't let up on his mission to instigate a fight with Fadel solely so Fadel can choke him again.
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Which was actually a solid plan.
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But maybe Fadel is lighter because he likes big buns and he cannot lie.
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Or maybe it's the lethal combination of Style's big brown eyes and suckable lips that finally caused Fadel to give in (because it would cause me to give in, like, weeks ago!)
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But I think it's because Style actually sees Fadel for who he is since he already figured out that Fadel is hiding a killer secret.
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We now know Fadel once had someone special who he was happy with, but even in the past, Fadel wasn't as light as he was with Style's constant pestering.
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So I want to know what other buried secrets my pretty Black Brooder is hiding that makes him sooo dark.
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Keen obviously knows.
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And even though I want Pepper's character to cause a ruckus with Fadel the same way his character did in Star in My Mind, I have a feeling his character will do much worse here since I've only had him for two minutes yet don't trust his no-consistent-color behind!
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Which brings me to this fine ass(hole).
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He is supposed to be a (dark) Blue Boy, and even though both him and his buddy are wearing blue shorts, they switched the colors of the love interests!
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Bison is a Red Rascal. He is a firecracker. He is a cherry bomb! So the fact that Kant is wearing blue (it's denim, but I'll take what I can get how I can get it!) won't let me forget that he wore Fadel's color at the pool instead of Bison's!
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However, I did notice the red writing on the back of his shirt and another very interesting place considering this boy knows Bison is a killer who he needs to collect dirt on. The heart? Already, sir? Simp behavior if I've ever seen it.
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But then again, this fine ass(hole) who is wearing yellow (WHAT IS THIS?!) is clearly not thinking rationally when it comes to his little angel demon.
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Because this idiot poured the drug into a red drink!
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Bison probably gets that trait from Mother because she seems like the real devil of this story since she showed me her true color immediately while looking amazing. Leave it up to a woman to get the job done right the first time.
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I'm looking at you, Kant and Style.
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Get your shit color together!
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For my sanity!
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I just need to see a little crumb or two.
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Or else.
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Joong is sooooooo freakin' fine
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nelliecom3t · 2 years ago
Wait a minute. When Dipper suggested Mabel carve a wax figure of ‘someone in her family’ in the ‘Headhunters’ episode was he hinting he wanted her to carve HIM? 🥹😂
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historicattractions · 1 year ago
Costume poll!
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Check out the latest episode of the podcast here!
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bluepoodle7 · 5 months ago
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#TheAmazingDigitalCircus #EpisodeThree #TheAngel #MyThoughts
I wanted to make a gif of that weird Angel head monster looking like a shock event in Illbleed.
Illbleed fright/shock SFX - YouTube
THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS - Ep 3: The Mystery Of Mildenhall Manor - YouTube
The Amazing Digital Circus Episode 3 feels like to me.
[Dreamcast] Illbleed | Japanese Version | Best Ending | Part 2 | Final - YouTube
Snek plays Illbleed (No Commentary) (Sega Dreamcast 2001) Part 6 (Toy Hunter, Inda Goes to Hell) - YouTube
I wish The Amazing Digital Circus had a Christmas short similar to Hellva Boss and have a joke like every time a bell rings an angel gets it's wings.
And just have the cast ring a bell to see the Angel character have ear wings or head wings like Mario 64.
Maybe the bell rings alot that it turns the angel into a Seraphim as the joke.
I wish the Angel character was popular enough to get fanart but I did see a cool VR chat avatar of the Angel character.
Wing Cap | The SMG4/GLITCH Wiki | Fandom
Thrones Angels: Meaning, Origins and Characteristics - Angel Tree Topper
Lightweight Costume Ear Wings - Etsy
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antoniadixon · 5 months ago
Jude Bellingham out of the floodlights episode 3
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leftduck9986 · 9 months ago
Opening Title Sequence Glitch (S2E3)
Is anything glitching out here?
Why, yes. Look:
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Both Saraqael and her earthly wheelchair completely disappear for a frame!
Shortly before they do, there's a black shape that flashes twice in front, as if to grab attention and count us in. One, two, pause for a beat and then Saraqael blinks - or, because this scene is in The Windmill Theatre, fails to miracle herself away, because of a miracle-blocker? (Except that this only happens in the opening title sequence of the third episode, not in all of them) - on three!
Here is a second attempt at the gif, this time even slower, with extra delay during the frames with glitches and on either side:
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It kind of looks like the black outfit worn by the character behind Saraqael is flashing to the foreground for two frames - for both the first and second time this occurs - and most of Saraqael's earthly wheelchair is disappearing at the same time. Is there a little green screen popping through as well?
The first flicker appears for the last two frames of the animated text, "based on the novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman" and then disappears with it, as if this animation layer is what affected the layers underneath. Could it possibly be to do with rendering, lag, exporting and whatnot? I really have no idea. Still...
After all that work, layering lots of elements and tiny videos together, to be simply undone like that? Yeah, nah.
Cheers to the Peter Anderson Studio ;)
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