#Episode Three
respectthepetty · 1 month
The Loyal Pin - Episode 3
Just two short years ago, Idol Factory gave us Becky and Freen as color-coded girls in love in Secret Crush on You.
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And now they are playing historical color-coded girls in love who sexually sniff each other! THANK GOD!
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But that's not all Blue Beauty Anin wants to do to her Pink Person.
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She already told Pin that she thinks Pin's fish is delicious.
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And embodied The Pussycat Dolls' 2005 hit by practically begging Pin "to loosen up my buttons, babe"
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Thanks to @thelonewolf48, I knew Anin had limited time to make Pin understand that she wants to eat her for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a little midnight treat.
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So I fully condone that Anin went full force and decided to take up all of Pin's time while eliminating the competition based on her loyal sidekick Prik's observations. Also, Anin is kinda scary when angry, and I'm into it.
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But Pin turns into a Mexican mother when upset and starts cleaning with determination because if her hands aren't busy doing domestic chores, they might end up around someone's throat. I'm also into it.
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But I think this is something Pin has inherited from her mother but in a less assertive way, much like her color.
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Once again, I think the girls' colors are going to evolve, and @awesomesaucerica read something similar, so I think as Pin conforms to tradition, she will become a more solid/darker pink.
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Or even red.
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Because her mother (who doesn't have a husband . . .) is the epitome of a lady and traditional womanhood.
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But I think Anin is already incorporating her mother's creative yellow and orange into her wardrobe as she schemes her way into Pin's heart and schedule.
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However, Anin's clothing has always been about strips and plaids, and other hard lines as she knows who she is and what she wants, while Pin's clothing were solids or dots, yet have begun to evolve into more florals which are considered more feminine.
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(I'm not getting over Pin being surrounded by pink and blue flowers as she deals with the red ones and Anin's house also including pink and blue flowers with a touch of red!)
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(Also, Pin brought the garland of cork tree flowers to Anin, so flowers will be her *thing* and Anin will be crying in the club over some pink flowers before this show is over)
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And while Anin carries Pin everywhere with her in the form of including pink clothing in her suitcase full of blue clothing,
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Pin can't seem to escape Anin as she is always being followed and surrounded by blue like Prik literally turning around and following her with a basket full of Anin's blue clothing when she was trying to get away from Anin.
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I also think it's interesting that the older brother treats Anin like a daughter because I think these color-coded brothers might add to the drama as the younger Red Rascal brother seems coded to go against tradition and support his sister's gay agenda, while the other brother, who is a father figure, is a Blue Boy who are normally more traditional and conservative, so he might not be pleased with it, but could still be loyal to his similar color-coded sister since Blue Boys are also known for their loyalty.
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But honestly, I couldn't put too much thought into it because my girl Songjet from The Sign and My Marvellous Dream is You showed up and I stopped breathing for three minutes.
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So all I really know is this show is queer and just like Anin with Pin's delicious fish, I'd do anything to get more!
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Including hitting a man in his with balls.
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b00knerd1o1 · 3 months
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sierradee · 1 year
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I cast a hex, sending a Catherine Wheel of sparks towards the roof.
Garnet is one of my favourite characters ever. I love how genuinely funny and outgoing yet level-headed she is. And how strong and dangerous she is when she needs to be. I can't wait to see how she starts acting as a fresh deputy.
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pendingfeels · 10 months
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The Mandalorian; S1E03 - The Sin
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loid-a-day · 6 months
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Loid a day☆
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lockley-spktr · 1 year
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Moon Knight (2022)
Episode Three: The Friendly Type
“I didn’t do any of this.”
“Me neither. Listen, if you’ve got a problem with the body count, I suggest you stop listening to that stupid pigeon.”
One year ago today.
April 13th, 2022
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lunarspiral1127 · 11 months
What the hell is Sylvie doing there?! How did she even know where to go to find Timely?! And, how did she even know what Renslayer and Miss Minutes were planning to do with Timely? Was it because of what Loki said about variants of He Who Remains and now she's gonna be hunting down every variant? What ever happened to enjoying her new life working at McDonald's? I feel like I'm missing some scenes here.
Also, I'm getting so sick and tired of Sylvie blaming Loki for everything. Accusing him of weaponizing Timely, blaming him for ruining her life, and even blaming him for Timely getting away. Like, oh my freaking god, NOT EVERYTHING IS HIS FAULT!!! And, people think they'd make a great couple? No. Not when you have scenes like this.
*sigh* Sorry for the rant, I'm just really annoyed with this character and how she's treating Loki.
Oh yeah, giant ghost Miss Minutes....that was cool.
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rudikawhy · 11 months
I don't know, I liked episode three of season six. It was so wonderfully different from all the episodes before, so much to laugh about, craziness. Fitz and Enoch as a duo alone is iconic, but then additionally Jemma and Daisy being high or whatever was even better. And of course Davis and Piper. (I hope there's more to come of this team within the team - with Jemma, Daisy, Davis, and Piper)
I don't know if that's actually an unpopular opinion, or if people tend to say the same.
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kitty-thinks-stuff · 6 months
i wanna be a dungeon meshi girly so bad im trying my damn hardest to find time to sit down and binge this shit
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nelliecom3t · 1 year
Wait a minute. When Dipper suggested Mabel carve a wax figure of ‘someone in her family’ in the ‘Headhunters’ episode was he hinting he wanted her to carve HIM? 🥹😂
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swampboy-lestat · 2 years
I just love how everyone at the Azelea knows Louis and Lestat are fucking. They barely touch in public but honestly they don't even need to, they just look like they argue about wallpaper and seeing other people
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respectthepetty · 6 days
I will state this for every episode of Live in Love, but I love some good old fashion color-coding, where everyone has a color, the colors are obvious, and the wardrobe department is earning its paycheck.
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Because now that the Pink Person is with the Blue Boy and the Cyan Cutie is with the Orange Oddity,
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All I have to stress about in this show is these two female idiots!
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And all the other girls who didn't get the memo that this is a color-coded BL!
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Honestly, the real issue is Gina who does not understand that Kla is a “a disco-dancing, Oscar Wilde-reading, Streisand ticket-holding friend of Dorothy, know what I’m saying?”
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She could flip the script, find her color, and make out with her rich and hot Pink Person best friend in the bed they share, but NOOOOOOO!!!!
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Like, she already wears her color for queer's sake! Just taste her lips already!
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Because I'm going to go out on a limb and state I don't believe Amp is part of the trolls that are stalking Cake.
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I know the boy is a whole Red Flag, but . . .
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The way he envisioned that fight was wildly hilarious!
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As a fellow Slut for Christ, I need him to chill the eff out and quit being so true to his color for two seconds because I see some good in him . . . if I squint . . . and tilt my head a little.
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Cake rejected him while wearing his boyfriend's blue clothing WITH his Blue Boyfriend sitting RIGHT THERE, yet Amp was still was in disbelief.
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But because of that, I think this is a Red Herring.
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I don't think Amp would go as far to hurt Cake, and honestly, unlike Amp and Cake's friends, I think Kla is being too casual about all of this because his boyfriend is being called a slut, whore, and a fugly skank, yet Kla is like "don't let it get to you"
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Sir, your man is losing his color!!!!!
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The boys can be in love like Kla and Cake's color-coded best friends.
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And talk on the phone every minute of every day.
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And let him spend the night in Kla's blue room in his blue pajamas.
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And stare at him lovingly.
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And let him wear Kla's blue clothes all the time.
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And feel him up then run away.
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But I need Kla to acknowledge that the pink is fading from his boy.
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So good for him and his color-coded buddies trying to figure out who is behind all of this and planning a trip to Phuket,
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Because Cake needs a break and his gray color proves it!
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Oh, and another reason I don't want Amp to be the baddie is because of Cake's Green Guy brother Tim.
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I truly believe he would be really good for my fellow Slut for Christ in more than one way. *wink*
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So find the culprit (GINA!) and get our Pink Person's color back!
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Because I need my color-coded boys in love to be strongly color-coded (DID YOU HEAR THAT, GINA!).
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historicattractions · 6 months
Costume poll!
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Check out the latest episode of the podcast here!
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leftduck9986 · 3 months
Opening Title Sequence Glitch (S2E3)
Is anything glitching out here?
Why, yes. Look:
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Both Saraqael and her earthly wheelchair completely disappear for a frame!
Shortly before they do, there's a black shape that flashes twice in front, as if to grab attention and count us in. One, two, pause for a beat and then Saraqael blinks - or, because this scene is in The Windmill Theatre, fails to miracle herself away, because of a miracle-blocker? (Except that this only happens in the opening title sequence of the third episode, not in all of them) - on three!
Here is a second attempt at the gif, this time even slower, with extra delay during the frames with glitches and on either side:
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It kind of looks like the black outfit worn by the character behind Saraqael is flashing to the foreground for two frames - for both the first and second time this occurs - and most of Saraqael's earthly wheelchair is disappearing at the same time. Is there a little green screen popping through as well?
The first flicker appears for the last two frames of the animated text, "based on the novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman" and then disappears with it, as if this animation layer is what affected the layers underneath. Could it possibly be to do with rendering, lag, exporting and whatnot? I really have no idea. Still...
After all that work, layering lots of elements and tiny videos together, to be simply undone like that? Yeah, nah.
Cheers to the Peter Anderson Studio ;)
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outofcontextbatman · 2 years
So either I’ve posted this one before - in which case have another one. 
Or I haven’t - in which case shame on me. 
Season Two, Episode Three: Hot Off The Griddle
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
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