#Episode 2 Review
nunesbytko · 2 years
Netflix - Dahmer Monster- The Dahmer Story  Review! Episode 2- “Please don’t go”
THE Present- Jeff's case and his apartment are going online.
  He's getting booked. He tells police he's going to tell them everything.
  FLASHBACK  to little Jeff coming home from school. His little brother is crying. His mother is in a bad way. She had an overdose and his father is an unsympathetic dick. His parents argue non-stop and his father leaves for a few days.
Tadpoles as a teacher present?
  Oh crap, what is Little Jeff going to do to Kevin? You just can't let yourself into someone's house....
  He just took the tadpoles back
  Daddy is talking about drilling holes in animals and the brain function. Something so innocent that Jeff used on his victims waaaaaay later.
  Catching and dissecting roadkill. Lionel you could have steered him towards a different hobby. Jeez he asked one question about divorce, and you leave? Lionel you're not helping Jeff with his anxiety about you and his mom.
  1981- Jeff has just left the army and is working at a butcher shop.
  Yes Lionel call him out on the alcohol! You're son has been a drunk for some time!
  Why the hell is Lionel palming his son off to his mother [Jeff’s Grandma} Lionel he's your son. If you don't like the way he's acting, why don't you look after him and move him in to YOUR house???
  I mean Jeff is evil pedo trash.
  But I understand why he feel like his parents didn't give a shit.
  His mother had mental Health issues and wasn't there. His healthy parent, Lionel just passes Jeff over on the nearest family member, like he's a return to sender parcel. Spend some time with your son man,
  Back to drinking at Grandma's.
  Being bored to death at Grandma's. I'm gonna say this again. He dad should have taken him in!
  I'm dying everytime his family brings up dating girls! Oh my God...............
Jeff's beginning of the affair with the Mannequin, Steals it. As this weird as this is, and disturbing. In hindsight, he should have stuck to mannequins forever. He could have saved everyone a ton of problems! This is date night with a mannequin!
  Grandma's going in!!!
  Shit, he's going to kill you Granny!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Back to the nineties and a dead dude is on his bed. He's gone out to get alcohol and bumps into his next victim. He going to lure this kid with alcohol!
  This is sooooo wrong!
  Jeff's pedo ass does not care about age and it's sickening. He has no morals whatsoever!
  This part must be made up. Because IRL Konerack didn't know this dude touched his brother. That's never been proven. This kid didn't know that Jeff was dangerous. The writers just added that bit in.
  Evan's accent is soooooooo on point it's crazy............
To repeat Konerack did not know that Jeff was a predator. There is NO way anyone would willing go to a predators house with the knowledge that their brother was abused by that person. This is such a weird plot twist to add it. There was no need to add this!
  Konerack Waking up drugged with drill holes in your head in a pedo's apartment. He's out and it's Gelnda to the rescue. Konerak's bleeding and so incoherent.
 The cops don't check ID, they don't even run Jeff's name.
Omg, the cops are asking Jeff what a nice blonde guy like him is doing in crack city. They mean  black crack city. And offer to get Jeff help if he has any drug problems???
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  Can the cops smell the smell?
  Cops - we don't wanna catch anything???
  Can the cops just take the kid back home???? Like  what????
  You're telling me that seasoned cops couldn't smell the dead bodies in this place???? These cops are so disgusting, but there's no change there!
  The call, Glenda should have been a police officer, honestly
Glenda is trying to tell this cop that Jeff is a predator and Konerack is a freaking child and really, this shitty cop John Balcerzak is lying trying to convince her that she's crazy, and she needs to forget about it, because he has!
  I just feel like if Glenda was white, that child would have been at least taken to the hospital!
  The cops were just so racist and homophobic and Glenda is soooo polite, and trying so hard to get these idiot cops to do the right thing, and they won't.
Another Well done Ep! 
Still I do wonder why Little and Big Jeff don’t have blue eyes, 
This episode will make people understand about racism and the white privilege that blonde Jeff has. He is untouchable when it comes to the police and he knows it! 
It’s so frustrating to watch Black women rally to save Konerack’s life and the police officers ignore these incredible Black women and take the side of a white paedophile.   
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you want a new kind of guy, fine, i raise you: the lady i was briefly roommates with in college who once smoked a blunt at a party and then spent an hour confessing earnestly to me that she genuinely preferred reading detailed episode recaps over actually watching the tv show in question
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majorbaby · 10 months
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thecitybee · 7 months
Five pizzas and a wedding ring...
Y'all this man's SWEETEST dream for the past six years has just been getting to meet her, share a meal with her, and fall in love with her in a world that never died.
Like real people do.
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braceletofteeth · 8 months
Pros of watching Playboyy The Series: never boring
Cons of watching Playboyy The Series: huh? what? who? [uninteligible english] where? why? [untranslated japanese] HUH??? when? how? [inappropriate cute outro] WHAT!!!111!!!1!!!
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milk-ducts · 11 months
doc sesimic is the literal personification of a cat oh mggdodd.
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doc sesmic after suffering several hemorrhages:
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thisonlyguy-49 · 2 years
Helluva Boss Season 2 Ep. 3: “Exes and Oohs” In A Nutshell
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Moxxie deserves a hug.
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jbuffyangel · 3 months
No Choice to Make: Arrow 2x07 Review (State v. Queen)
Is there anything better than Oliver saving Felicity? The correct answer is no.  Of course, my feminist side is screaming Felicity can take care of herself (and does in most circumstances), but my inner Gloria Steinem needs to zip it.  I want romance novel heroism and “State v. Queen” delivers on a swoon worthy level.
Let’s dig in…
This is easily my favorite Oliver protecting Felicity moment because there are so many nuances in their two primary scenes. However, to understand those nuances we have to review a little background information.
The Count escaped from Iron Heights during the earthquake (and released the Dollmaker while he was at it). I love this explanation for returning villains because it makes total sense. Logic in Arrow is rare jewel – treasure the moment.
Moira's trial is under way, but Diggle is not feeling well. Oliver sends John home, but he collapses in the bunker.
Oliver: I heard you passed out.
Diggle: I told Felicity not to call you.
Felicity: Yeah, but before that you said ‘gaw’ and ‘thud’ so I didn’t take it very seriously.
Felicity has John's blood tested and there are trace amounts of Vertigo in his system. They try Oliver’s antidote, but it doesn’t work. Adam Donner, the lawyer prosecuting Moira, also collapses in court due to Vertigo poisoning. The Count kidnaps him and forces him to take the drug to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms. It’s broadcasted live, so everyone affected knows the only cure is Vertigo.
I feel I would make a pretty good drug lord after watching Breaking Bad, Power and Queen of the South. The key to success is return customers, so this is not a half bad plan. You have to admire the Count’s industriousness. Ghost and Walter White would definitely approve.
Oliver hoods up after Felicity tracks Adam Donner’s location through the city seal of the Starling Municipal Records Department, which is reflected in Donner’s eye. Ok, so science is not sciencing in this episode. Felicity is immediately concerned about Oliver.
Felicity: I know what you're thinking.
Oliver: No you don't. I made a choice not put an arrow in this guy and it was the right choice. There’s no more killing.
Felicity was concerned Oliver would regret allowing The Count to live, but it’s just the opposite. He’s doubling down on his vow to Tommy. Oliver is not a conflicted man. He knows he made the right call. That's called growth, my friends.
Felicity’s little assertive nod means she backs Oliver’s decision one hundred percent. In fact, I’m sure she had a whole speech prepared for why not killing The Count was the right thing to do. It’s not just Oliver who believes there is a better way – Felicity and Diggle believe it too. This is as much their mission as it is Oliver’s. They also made a vow to Tommy to do better.
Unfortunately, The Count has caught wind that The Arrow’s aim is not lethal these days. The Count holds his arms wide open – an easy shot – and taunts Oliver to kill him, while Donner is held hostage by a henchman. It’s always a bit of a pickle to determine how Oliver is going to get himself out of these situations without killing. I’m all in favor of the vow he made, but killing does have some practical applications.
Of course, Oliver always finds another way. He fires on some flammable canisters, which creates a fire in a drug factory – clearly against OSHA regulations. Oliver spins and throws a flechette into the henchman’s arm, so he drops Donner and they make their escape.
Felicity and Diggle determine the common denominator between all those poisoned with Vertigo is a flu vaccine, but they need to be sure. Oliver is busy with his mother’s trial at the courthouse and Diggle can barely walk. Felicity decides recon is on her tonight and seeks out the vaccine distribution van.  Low and behold, there is an entire shelf of Vertigo in the van, but The Count catches Felicity as she snoops.
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Oliver and Thea are waiting for their mother’s verdict, which could be coming at any moment, when he receives a call from Felicity. But it’s not Felicity. It’s The Count.
The Count: Oliver? Is it okay if I call you Oliver? Surprised to hear from me, right? Not as surprised as I was. You see, I find this… not unattractive blonde getting all up in my business. And what does she have on her?
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Source:  laurelscanary 
Oliver can hear Felicity crying on the other line and closes his eyes in absolute horror when he realizes she’s being held hostage.
The Count: A Queen Consolidated ID badge. Now, I think to myself, why does that name ring a bell? Oliver Queen. He tried to buy off me last year just before the hood put me in a padded cell. Ipso facto, ARROW.
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Source:  laurelscanary 
Oliver doesn’t bother to contain his rage and without a second thought leaves the courthouse. Thea calls after him, reminding him that the jury will have a verdict anytime. All Oliver can tell her is that something came up at the office, but he cannot hide shakiness in his voice.  Oliver is afraid.
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Oliver arrives at Queen Consolidated, suit on but hood down. For practical purposes, he doesn’t need to conceal his identity from The Count because he already figured it out – something so many other characters have failed to do with much more information than he had.
But from a symbolical perspective, the hood down is crucially important. Oliver is not here as The Arrow. He is here as Oliver Queen. This is personal to him. So much of this series is about Oliver struggling to reconcile his two halves – the hood and the man, but Felicity is one of the few people who truly knows both sides. He doesn’t have to hide with her.
Oliver approaches very slowly. He recognizes The Count has the upper hand and he cannot afford any mistakes. Felicity is zip tied to a chair and The Count holds a gun on her while he strokes her ponytail. That action alone sends the creep factor sky high.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
There is a sexual element to Felicity’s kidnapping. The Count referenced her attractiveness on the phone with Oliver. Now he’s stroking her ponytail. Oliver asks The Count what he wants and he responds, “World peace and personal satisfaction. Though not necessarily in that order.” He massages Felicity’s shoulders at “personal satisfaction” in the grossest way possible.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
It’s a thinly veiled threat of sexual assault, which does not go unnoticed by Oliver.  There are few things worse than rape and it serves to amplify Felicity’s terror and Oliver’s powerlessness and rage. If the writers intended to keep Oliver and Felicity strictly platonic they would not introduce this terribly disturbing aspect into the scene.
The Count monologues for a bit longer and tells Oliver someone else hates him almost as much. This mysterious benefactor funded the Vertigo operation, so The Count could draw The Arrow out and kill him. (Spoiler alert: it was Blood).
The Count gets the drop on Oliver and fires off a couple rounds. It forces Oliver to run and dive behind a couch. It always surprised me The Count was able to get the upper hand in this moment, which points to Oliver’s fear for Felicity more than anything. He’s not thinking strategically when it’s her life in danger. He can’t.
The Count cuts the zip ties and grabs Felicity by the ponytail. He drags her to the spot where Oliver was hiding, ready to finish him off, but this time Oliver gets the drop on him. He points an arrow squarely at The Count’s chest, but he is using Felicity as a shield. The Count holds two syringes of Vertigo (a lethal dose) to Felicity’s neck. It’s important to remember Oliver’s antidote for Vertigo did not work on Diggle.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
Don’t ever say to me Felicity Smoak is not a hero. She was willing to die to keep Oliver’s vow to Tommy. Felicity was ready to trade her life for Oliver’s soul. She believes in Oliver, and their mission, that much. What's madness is thinking Oliver would put the vow before her life.
The Count orders Oliver to lower his bow, which he does and tosses the arrow to the floor. Then we see him do something Oliver never does – he tries to negotiate.
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Again, Oliver doesn’t bother to hide the fear in his voice which makes the negotiating sound a lot like begging.
The Count: Consider this your penalty for making me go to plan B in the first place.
The Count raises the syringes to Felicity’s neck and Oliver manages to pull not one, but three arrows in rapid succession - killing The Count. 
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The look on Oliver’s face when he fires the arrows, tell me two things.  First, this kill is emotional. When Oliver shoots to kill he typically only needs one arrow. The Arrow never misses. Three arrows is excessive.  It is literally overkill which means one thing – pure rage.  
Second, the act is instinctual.  The rapid succession in which he fires the arrows shows there is something programmed deep in Oliver’s bones to protect Felicity. Her life was threatened and his body simply reacted.
Felicity drops to the floor and The Count crashes through the window. Oliver closes his eyes and exhales like he’s been holding his breath the entire time. I think it is part relief and part regret. He doesn’t regret killing that bastard, but regrets he couldn’t find another way this time.   
Or was there? Upon this rewatch I noticed a couple things. First, Laurel was held hostage by the Dollmaker and Oliver did not kill him. (Sara did the honors that time). But consider the scene with Donner. Oliver threw a flechette into the henchman’s hand to free Donner. The henchman let go of Donner as a reflex to the pain. Could Oliver attempt the same with Felicity? Would a flechette in The Count’s arm free her as well?
The point is we’ll never know. Oliver made a calculated risk at the municipal when he fired on the flammable liquid and injured, but didn’t kill, The Count’s henchman. Oliver was willing to take the risk when Donner and Laurel were involved, but not Felicity.
I’ve been watching a lot of Bridgerton, so the next scene screams romance novel to me.
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Oliver makes his way to Felicity who remains crouched on the floor and crying.  He gets down on one knee and tenderly touches her shoulder.
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Felicity immediately flinches in fear at his touch, so Oliver in a voice so soft it’s almost a whisper, gently reassures her. She finally looks up and sees Oliver staring back at her with concern and love. She exhales with relief.
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The shock wears off quickly once she hears Oliver’s voice and feels his hand on her shoulder. Oliver’s first thought is for Felicity, but her first thought is for him. SHIP COUPLES WHO WORRY ABOUT EACH OTHER FOR CLEAR SKIN.
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Oliver moves his uninjured arm from Felicity’s shoulder and cups her face. The man has an actual bullet in his shoulder, but can feel no pain because Felicity Smoak is alive and safe. She is all that matters to him.
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These physical moments are no small thing. Oliver keeps an extremely rigged line with Felicity that he rarely crosses. Shoulder touches are the maximum physical contact he allows and even those are on rare occasion. But she almost died tonight, so Oliver allows himself to take it one step further and touches Felicity’s face.  Oliver’s whispered reassurances in his reserved-for-Felicity-only voice unveil the real intimacy between them. He comforts her. Not in the way Oliver would like, but in the way he can allow. The line is still there, but it’s blurred at the moment.
There is no moment which better encapsulates the two sides of Oliver Queen than this scene. One moment he is a rage filled killer and the next he is a soft spoken, loving and tender man. It is not an accident the two sides merge into one for her. Darkness and light working in perfect cohesion to be the hero Felicity Smoak needed.
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Source: @laurelscanary
Oliver makes his way back to the courthouse. He is so visibly shaken that Thea asks Oliver if he’s okay. She touches his injured shoulder and Oliver flinches, but it’s not the bullet that’s bothering him. He came too close to losing Felicity. Way too close.
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Source: @laurelscanary
Sadly, this somewhat reinforces what Oliver said to Felicity in 2x06. There is a direct correlation between proximity to Oliver and danger, so he thinks it’s better to remain emotionally unattached. In his mind, keeping Felicity at arm’s length means keeping her safe.
But there’s what Oliver says and what he feels. He can refuse to acknowledge or act upon his feelings for Felicity, but that does not eradicate them. If Oliver is truly worried about proximity then why does he allow Felicity to be part of the team? Two reasons, Oliver needs Felicity and firmly believes they can protect her. But this was a frightening close call and Oliver’s fear is stemming from a more than friendly place. Felicity Smoak has become too important to him and it is scaring the crap out of him.
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Oliver returns to the bunker after his mother’s verdict to check on Diggle and Felicity. The way he looks Felicity up and down y’all is… a lot. Queen Consolidated is formulating a non addictive antidote for the people with Vertigo poisoning. Moira is not guilty. All’s well that ends well, so Oliver tells Diggle and Felicity to go home and rest.
But Felicity needs to get something off her chest.
Felicity: Oliver, I uh…
The way this man spins at the sound of her voice like he's a golden retriever who saw a squirrel. He is so gone for this woman.
Felicity: I just wanted to say thank you.
Oliver: (nods) Yeah.
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Source: laurelscanary
He truly cannot fathom what she is apologizing for and steps much closer than necessary.
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Source: laurelscanary
It seems Felicity has inherited a little bit of Oliver’s guilt complex. YOU WERE KIDNAPPED MY PRECIOUS CUPCAKE!!!
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Source: laurelscanary
HE. TAKES. HER. HAND. We had a shoulder touch, tender face caressing and now holding hands. At this point, this equivalent to first base for these two. MY BRAIN SHORT CIRCUITED.
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Source: laurelscanary
Earlier in the episode, Oliver and Felicity discussed not killing The Count previously and how it was the right decision. Oliver’s certainty in the rightness of the decision solidifies his commitment to his vow to Tommy. It is not something Oliver is questioning or wavering on. 
But Oliver is not qualifying what happened to Felicity in those terms. This is not about right or wrong. In fact, it wasn’t a decision at all. Oliver was not calculating the risks. Oliver was not thinking about a vow, or honoring his best friend, or the mission. His only thought was Felicity and her safety. Oliver simply reacted. All he could see was Felicity. All he could feel was the unbridled rage that came from anyone threatening her life.  It is programmed deep into Oliver’s bones to protect Felicity. There is no rational thought when it comes to her.
Nor does he care if it was right or wrong now. Oliver is not Monday morning quarterbacking the situation. Someone raised a hand to her, so that person is dead. End of discussion.
There is a war happening between Oliver’s mind and his heart. Oliver was clearly thinking with his head when he told Felicity in 2x06 that he will not allow himself to love her. But this episode was a completely different story. Sometimes life and death circumstances bring a much needed moment of clarity. Oliver may believe he has a choice whether or not he loves Felicity, but his actions show his heart knows different. There is no choice to make.
Moira Queen
The trial is not going well, so Moira is forced to testify. Laurel is lead prosecutor now that Donner is infected with Vertigo.  "Conflict of Interest" is flashing in a neon sign. On any planet in the solar system, Laurel would recuse herself. THE INSANITY GIVES ME A MIGRAINE.
Laurel also decides she’d like to get disbarred and visits Moira in prison because they are “family." Yack. Give me a break. She doesn’t want Moira to take the stand because Laurel will have to prosecute her to the best of her ability and use their smoking gun. Sure, because now she cares about legal procedure.
So, Moira comes clean to Oliver and Thea and tells them she had a one night stand with Malcolm Merlyn while married to their father.  The kids are shocked to say the least. Oliver has a solid case of the yicks. Thea is more than a little angry since she accused her mother of having an affair with Merlyn last year. Moira assures Thea it was not an affair, so technically she didn’t lie. Moira should teach Professional Gaslighting 101.
Inexplicably, Moira is found not guilty. (In my notes: Hahaha suck it Laurel)
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Even Oliver is wondering what the fuck just happened. Upon release from prison, Moira is driven to a secret location to meet up with none other than MALCOLM MERLYN. His explanation for being alive is basically, “I’m a super awesome actor and faked it.” Oliver – did you check his pulse? What happened to the body? Did we miss a step Team Arrow? CLEARLY WE DID.
Merlyn bought the jury and Moira’s freedom (Ummm thanks I guess?) so he can deliver the second bomb. He ran a DNA test and knows he’s Thea’s father. PLOT TWIST! Honestly, this makes a lot of sense. I wasn't that surprised. Thea looks more like Tommy than she does Oliver.
Wait, this means Thea kissed her brother. Are we just going to Star Wars this and never talk about it again? Works for me.
Stray Thoughts
Oh shut up Laurel. Quit your bitching - me every time she opens her mouth lately.
Ivo is looking for the hosen because it contains coordinates to a sub that sunk in WWII. Whatever is on the sub can save the world. Shado and Oliver hope it can save Slade, so Team Island is going on a submarine field trip!
Slade has burns on half his body and yet he can still move. The man is not human.
"I have this thing about needles, all pointy things, which is ironic given who we work for.” I just love her so much.
David Ramsey is so enormous he doesn’t fit on the table. The mind cannot conceive of all that muscle.
 “Mom secrets are what put you into this situation. Secrets and lies. And now is the time to give truth its day.” Oh the irony, Oliver.
Donner took drugs on live television. Re-election is going to be a real bitch for the DA.
I like the Thea’s boxing moment with Roy. Nice foreshadowing. Girl is going to have a lot of rage to work through.
Laurel did make a good point about Walter and Merlyn. See? I can be positive about her.
OLIVER. STOP. ASKING. LAUREL. IF. SHE. IS. OK. Her whole “how can you possibly forgive me” speech was also nauseating and not believable. I like her better drunk.
“I’m pretty sure they aren’t interested in Buddhism.” Slade is burned over half his body but he jokes.
30-30-175-12 I’m sure that has something to do with the comics but I don’t care.
Some guy named Cyrus survived Blood’s Frankenstein experiment. So that’s not good.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x07!!!
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btr-rewatch · 1 month
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The boys in every episode: "Big Time Crib"
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flowerandblood · 2 months
I love the scene between Mysaria and Rhaenyra, the fact that both she and Daemon have betrayed each other in a way, which opens up a new avenue for what will happen when they meet again. I love that Madam betrays Aemond and the Greens, because why would she care about them? I love the scene between Aemond and Alicent, his look so longing for her closeness, his hand tightening on her wrist only to finally push her away. I love that Aegon told Aemond that he didn't remember anything because he was simply afraid of him. I love that Larys is a whore. I love that Aemond is stupid and short-tempered but still recognized his grandfather as the best Hand he could ever have. I love that Alys isn't a ghost and that she killed poor Lord Tully.
I really liked this episode.
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Personal review regarding what if…? season 2 episode 8 (spoilers)
No ok, I must admit, the episode was good in some aspects.
Wanda was majestic. Loki and Scott were hilarious and I loved every single moment with them.
Thor was amazing, dark and serious out of loss but still enjoyable, and the crumbs of his relationship with Hela were very nice.
I’ve actually liked Tony for the very first time in my life, probably because I tend to like him a lot more in AUs and fanfictions than I do in the normal timeline.
And then… there were those two.
I will never comprehend why marvel wants Steve to be so dependent on Peggy. And I will never comprehend why, to make him interact with her, they have to destroy or sideline every other relationship he has built, or make his character flat.
Bucky being friends with Scott was amazing, but the fact that him and Steve interacted like two times was extremely disappointing. You’d expect “best friends in every universe”, if you dislike the romantic pairing so much, to acknowledge themselves for more than a few scenes, in only one of which they’re in frame together (Bucky was literally 😐 while his best friend disappeared, come on now).
And the storyline about Peggy coming from another world to save the universe was just… Mbah. It could’ve been executed in another way without including her and it still would have made sense. It really feels like a Y/N insert.
Seeing literally any other character was so good, so fun, and they had to ruin it this way, making Peggy once again the self insert and girlboss she didn’t need to be.
Plus, forgive my constant complaining, but it’s extremely infuriating how all of Steve’s friends were eliminated to put the focus solely on Peggy. Where’s Sam? Where’s Nat? Where’s Clint? It’s not an underrated friendship we’re talking about, a big chunk of the fandom loves the cap quartet or team cap, and after civil war it would have been nice to see them interact, especially after its popularity and popular demand. Outlaw team cap would have been glorious, a good chance to bring back many characters who aren’t here anymore in the right way, and involve characters that are rarely involved in What if in the storyline, for a change.
The treatment of Sam in this series particularly angers me, and even more so in this episode. I understand not involving him in other storylines, but Sam was a big part of CATWS and he wasn’t even in the episode centered on that film. What, because Steve met him while running he can’t be introduced in any other way? And oh, there’s no excuse for this episode. If there was one episode they could have placed Sam in, it was this one. Sam was there in infinity war, where the mess happened, and he should have been with the other avengers in this one.
If marvel wanted to involve someone from another universe so bad, it should have been a Captain America Sam from another universe. Can you imagine the poetry of seeing Steve and Nat again after endgame? Can you imagine having closure with them both, and having fun in the process? It would have been so great.
Another great storyline without involving characters from other universes would have been one where Steve, who touched the time stone, accidentally brought everyone in the past, and he was the only one to remember it. And to go back and prevent everyone’s distraction, he had to recruit the avengers, who don’t know him and don’t trust him but that in the end become his friends and companions. It would have been so interesting to see the original avengers involved in something different from being some side characters or extras in the one woman show that seems to be What if, constantly centered around the same bland, one dimensional reimagined side character. Peggy’s blandness is so obvious in these episodes (aside for some random remarks that made me smile) that literally everyone who’s involved directly with her must be bland like her, otherwise risking to overshadow her.
I don’t think I was supposed to cringe and look away as much as I did during Steggy’s forced scenes, but I did. If they had to force Steggy and Peggy down our throats, at least they could have done something different from the same bland and boring storyline as always. I wouldn’t be as mad as I am now if Peggy and Steve’s relationship wasn’t as bland. I would have preferred an enemies to lovers type of twist or change, where Steve doesn’t trust Peggy and struggles with her because he sees in her a different version of the Peggy that died in that universe. But noooo, god forbid, let’s go with the same old song.
An episode five or ten minutes longer with a better, avengers-centric or Steve-centric storyline would have been much better than what we got.
And given that this was my most anticipated episode, I was very disappointed by it. I hope for the next seasons, if there’s other ones, Marvel will listen to the general complaint regarding Peggy and will give her a break. I don’t think any of the original avengers or relevant MCU characters made as much appearances as Peggy, and being a main focus in four episodes out of nine is ridiculous.
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blackcat419 · 3 months
Hotd S2 E1 A Son for a Son review
It's here. Two years weight and I'm more disappointed than a vegan at Outback Stake House. Lets get into this then.
Predictions for Season 2 and if they came true
My predictions for the reactions towards Blood and Cheese were pretty damn on. People justify Jaehaery's death, missing the irony of an eye for an eye, a son for a son, when Aemond didn't get Luke's eye and Jaehaerys isn't Aemonds son, Alicent being blamed for it.
Blood and Cheese was an accident, meant to go in for Aemond, stumbled upon Helaena, and just got told who the son is, at least they didn't accidentally trip and stab Jaehaerys.
White walkers are alluded to even though we now know they're so easy to take care of, just need one episode and POOF!
No Dyana mention so we'll see if she shows up.
Where we left each character and where they are now
For TB its very consistent. Rhaenyra is mourning Luke, Daemon is pushing for war, Rhaenys is pushing for no war, and Corlys is pushing to be relevant.
For TG its all over the place. Our consistent characters include Otto pushing for war and control, Alicent pushing for control but less war, and Larys pushing to hold the most secrets any person can. Our characters that have changed are Aegon now wanting to be king and trying to prepare Jaehaerys, Aemond deciding he totally did mean to kill Luke, Alicent changing from rule follower to now rule breaker, and Cole deciding he does like sex actually.
Aegon and Aemond's transitions make sense, they were set up in last season and it works for them. Alicent and Cristin are in a full-blown sexual relationship that's been going on long enough for them to feel comfortable doing it in mid-day. That was not set up. We miss an entire character arc for both where they 1. decide they don't want to follow the rules society tells them to and 2. decide they want to bone. This was not set up in season 1, it comes out of nowhere, there is no explanation for why these two are boning now, how they justify it to themselves, if they justify it to themselves, nothing. So instead of an interesting character arc where we see change, we just get the end with no idea how they go here. Thanks, I hate it.
Again, for TB the conflict is consistent from season 1 and makes sense. Rhaenyra is being pulled by her duty to the realm for peace but by her grief for war. Daemon is pushing for war, Rhaenys is pushing to not start the fight, and Corlys is there too.
But for TG it's all over the place. We still have the dumb conflict between Alicent and Otto over how much war we'll have. Not between peace and war but just, should we have more or less? it's not even really about involving the dragons as that's Aegon and Aemond's position. Overall, Alicent and Otto's conflict is poorly thought out and their positions hold so little difference that it borders on meaningless.
The conflict between the two groups is who will strike the first blow. We already have one kid dead and a blockade but we are still waiting for someone to act. wow, so intense much drama.
Adaptation from the Book
The main parts of the book being adapted are Jace's visits to the Vale, the sisterlands, White Harbor, and his stay in the north. Rhaenyrs finds out about Luke's death, and blood and Cheese.
The only part done well is Rhaenyra's grief over Luke's death. It is so powerful and Rhaenys saying that she can't properly grieve until she knows Luke is dead is very powerful. Jace has an amazing trying to talk while he cries scene, the funeral pyre is so emotional, and very well done in showing how much losing Luke affects these characters.
I am very disappointed that Jace's whole storyline going north is turned into exposition about Stark customs and the wall being so sexy and cool. No Jace and Cregan being friends, no Jace trying to convert Cregan, not even Jace hooking up with Cregan or Sara Snow. just nothing.
Blood and Cheese has to be the worst thing I've seen in a while. We have Daemon telling them to kill Aemond but it is ~ ambiguous ~ whether he said to kill Jaehaerys. We have Rhaenyra saying she wants Aemond dead but it is ~ ambiguous ~ if she knows Daemon is doing this. Blood and Cheese literally walk past Aegon in the throne room? No secret passageways into the queen's chambers, no plan, no nothing! they just happen to find Helaena. We also lose the character development of Helaena where in the books she offers up herself to be killed and only after Blood and Cheese say they'll rape Jaehaera and kill all of them, does she give in and choose Maelor to die. We don't get their cruelty of telling Maelor his mom wants him dead and then killing Jaehaerys. No, Helaena just offers up her necklace, they take it, then AFTER she knows they're going to kill her son (one of them says they need a head and a son for a son), she just walks out and runs into Alicent riding Cristin? Why? Where is the tension of Helaena being forced to choose a child to die only for that child to know their mom chose them, the drama of Helaena offering up herself to try and save her kids, the horror at what these monsters are willing to do for coin? Nothing. It was emotionless, I only felt shock at how poorly it was done.
Overall Enjoyment
I did not enjoy myself. This was not fun or interesting to watch. The showrunners are scribbling over a beautiful sketch with crayons.
What I hope for the next episode
NO MORE ACCIDENTS! I swear this show is the house of accidental war crimes.
I want to see Nettles, Daeron, and Maelor.
I want actual character development instead of character teleportation.
I predict that Alicent's character will continue to be massacred and put in scenes where Ryan Condal can see Olivia Cooke naked.
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genderqueerpond · 4 months
insane. no notes
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ezras-left-thumb · 5 months
Emerie walked in. Of course she did. The way my jaw D R O P P E D when the two made the dreaded Eye Contact. Oh, Echo. The 501st were never good at lying.
And Emerie's lil eyebrow raise has me worried.
"Echo." WHAT THE FUUUUUCK. "I-I was doing my job."
wait stop his ears were such a jumpscare why didn't i think of that
Oh my god Emerie yesyesyes come to the liiiight.
Oh my stars. Unless we're getting a surprise part 2 I don't know how or what the hell the production team is gonna put us through. We have half an hour (potentially 1.25 hours from what I've heard) to wrap up this ENTIRE show.
So many things have been left unanswered. Is Wrecker alright? Did the Batch make it inside OK? Do Emerie and Echo find Omega and the others? Where is CX-2? What happened to him? Who will die in the finale, because it's Star Wars and we never get a happy ending?
and is tech really dead, or is he coming back?
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thethirdbill · 5 months
My video about the new episode of The Amazing Digital Circus is up! Please enjoy my thoughts theories and reactions if you check it out!
No this isn’t a secret fundraiser for buying merch There’s a Gummi Goo plush? I had no idea…
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