#Kieran Tamandong
nunesbytko · 2 years
Netflix - Dahmer Monster- The Dahmer Story  Review! Episode 2- “Please don’t go”
THE Present- Jeff's case and his apartment are going online.
  He's getting booked. He tells police he's going to tell them everything.
  FLASHBACK  to little Jeff coming home from school. His little brother is crying. His mother is in a bad way. She had an overdose and his father is an unsympathetic dick. His parents argue non-stop and his father leaves for a few days.
Tadpoles as a teacher present?
  Oh crap, what is Little Jeff going to do to Kevin? You just can't let yourself into someone's house....
  He just took the tadpoles back
  Daddy is talking about drilling holes in animals and the brain function. Something so innocent that Jeff used on his victims waaaaaay later.
  Catching and dissecting roadkill. Lionel you could have steered him towards a different hobby. Jeez he asked one question about divorce, and you leave? Lionel you're not helping Jeff with his anxiety about you and his mom.
  1981- Jeff has just left the army and is working at a butcher shop.
  Yes Lionel call him out on the alcohol! You're son has been a drunk for some time!
  Why the hell is Lionel palming his son off to his mother [Jeff’s Grandma} Lionel he's your son. If you don't like the way he's acting, why don't you look after him and move him in to YOUR house???
  I mean Jeff is evil pedo trash.
  But I understand why he feel like his parents didn't give a shit.
  His mother had mental Health issues and wasn't there. His healthy parent, Lionel just passes Jeff over on the nearest family member, like he's a return to sender parcel. Spend some time with your son man,
  Back to drinking at Grandma's.
  Being bored to death at Grandma's. I'm gonna say this again. He dad should have taken him in!
  I'm dying everytime his family brings up dating girls! Oh my God...............
Jeff's beginning of the affair with the Mannequin, Steals it. As this weird as this is, and disturbing. In hindsight, he should have stuck to mannequins forever. He could have saved everyone a ton of problems! This is date night with a mannequin!
  Grandma's going in!!!
  Shit, he's going to kill you Granny!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Back to the nineties and a dead dude is on his bed. He's gone out to get alcohol and bumps into his next victim. He going to lure this kid with alcohol!
  This is sooooo wrong!
  Jeff's pedo ass does not care about age and it's sickening. He has no morals whatsoever!
  This part must be made up. Because IRL Konerack didn't know this dude touched his brother. That's never been proven. This kid didn't know that Jeff was dangerous. The writers just added that bit in.
  Evan's accent is soooooooo on point it's crazy............
To repeat Konerack did not know that Jeff was a predator. There is NO way anyone would willing go to a predators house with the knowledge that their brother was abused by that person. This is such a weird plot twist to add it. There was no need to add this!
  Konerack Waking up drugged with drill holes in your head in a pedo's apartment. He's out and it's Gelnda to the rescue. Konerak's bleeding and so incoherent.
 The cops don't check ID, they don't even run Jeff's name.
Omg, the cops are asking Jeff what a nice blonde guy like him is doing in crack city. They mean  black crack city. And offer to get Jeff help if he has any drug problems???
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  Can the cops smell the smell?
  Cops - we don't wanna catch anything???
  Can the cops just take the kid back home???? Like  what????
  You're telling me that seasoned cops couldn't smell the dead bodies in this place???? These cops are so disgusting, but there's no change there!
  The call, Glenda should have been a police officer, honestly
Glenda is trying to tell this cop that Jeff is a predator and Konerack is a freaking child and really, this shitty cop John Balcerzak is lying trying to convince her that she's crazy, and she needs to forget about it, because he has!
  I just feel like if Glenda was white, that child would have been at least taken to the hospital!
  The cops were just so racist and homophobic and Glenda is soooo polite, and trying so hard to get these idiot cops to do the right thing, and they won't.
Another Well done Ep! 
Still I do wonder why Little and Big Jeff don’t have blue eyes, 
This episode will make people understand about racism and the white privilege that blonde Jeff has. He is untouchable when it comes to the police and he knows it! 
It’s so frustrating to watch Black women rally to save Konerack’s life and the police officers ignore these incredible Black women and take the side of a white paedophile.   
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