jigsawsexual · 12 years
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Was not Mikoto cold, just by wearing that thin white T-shirt of his? Reisi highly doubted so--he would gladly give his garment back to him, but the redhead did not look like he was simply going to accept it. Lilac hues narrowed to survey the man walking by his side. Why was he acting in suchlike a... nice manner with him, if it could be adressed as such? He wished he knew what Mikoto was thinking of when he decided to offer him his jacket--he could not be worrying about him. That was not his style at all. Still, it was the first time the bluet had witnessed the Red King offering him some sort of help, if he recalled correctly.
A point of fact that resulted both surprising and entirely unexpected.
Mikoto Suoh had just demonstrated he could even worry about him, unusual as it was--but the Blue King had no intention of complaining. In fact, as rare as it may sound, he was thankful for his gesture, somehow. It was true he thought that jacket was pretty bad-looking and it did not suit him even a little. But... well, it would do fine for now. 
Reisi would not mind sharing the jacket with him, however, except that it was the leader of the street gang Homra the one he would be sharing it with, and just thinking of maintaining the slightest physical contact with him was pretty much enough to turn his stomach. Besides, it would be uncharacteristically inelegant for a man such as the Blue King him to embarrass himself like that to another individual—whether he be of Mikoto Suoh or not. For this reason, he limited himself to assent and whisper a kind of reluctant "Thank you" to the other.
Even so, his roommate did not seem to be listening to his words; he seemed to be... absent-minded? Or so thought Reisi. Bright, amber eyes were focused on an establishment that pretty much looked like a bar. Was he, perhaps, thinking about his companions? They were no more than brats, but the man must appreciate each one of them greatly. It was not envy what the sovereign felt; it was possibly admiration or something similar. Because he was unable to hold such a feeling towards somebody--he had always considered he did not need it. When Mikoto turned to look at him, he did not look away. 
“Anywhere you wanna go?” 
Certainly, the bluet flickered at Mikoto's following line. Had the cold temperature affected his train of thought, or something of the sort? It was impossible that he was asking him about what he would like to do now. Simply because him worrying about Reisi and his needs was something impossible to believe; utterly ridiculous.
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"...I had thought of going to the--" Reisi began, but decided to interrupt himself.
As a King he was, he always had his responsibilities in mind. Bringing peace and order, having an eye on any matter that may be hazardous for Shizume and it's citizens, deskwork... He was a man of duty--a fact, itself. For a cause as such, no friends, no relationships were needed. His associaton with his subordinates was solely work, and it made everything easier. Because like this, Reisi Munakata did not have to worry about people, about links between them. The man only showed some preocupation for his obligations as the individual who holds the title of Fourth Royal King. But the only person he would ever show a minimum concern about was precisely the enemy, the man he had to hate because there was no other way to go-- 
The leader of Scepter Four smiled bitterly. Of course that was the only way for Shizume's salvation. Notwithstanding, he was considering the situation they were in; they were at Moirai, for reasons that still were foreign for both Kings. As foolish as it may appear coming from Reisi Munakata, he was intending to lay his liability aside until they found a way out from that extraneous place. And maybe, just maybe, he could allow himself to act amiably with Mikoto... Just to repay his previous kindness, of course.
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"We can go to that bar, if you want." he stated, his distinctive voice softening a tad from its usual authoritative timbre. "I do not really mind. I would appreciate having a hot drink to put up with this weather." He would leave the choice to Mikoto, even so. The Blue King was not entirely familiar with the surroundings, so a plan or another would not make a big difference for him. As soon as he finished his sentence, Reisi directed his gaze towards the street and the people that were walking here and there. Eye contact would become a little comfortless due to his following line.
"Also, I was wondering if there was something specific you would like to have for dinner... do not misunderstand me. I am merely, by all means, trying to make coexistence between us both easier."
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Thanks to the indications a gentle woman that was passing by had given to him, Reisi traced a map in his mind, little by little positioning each place they went through. He could pressume of having quite a decent memory, whereupon remembering the significant spots of the city would not be a difficult task for him. What he found somewhat odd was the fact the citizens seemed to live a peaceful day by day in there... Was it possible that him and Mikoto Suoh were the only people that had been forced to reside in the municipality? Certainly, it gave the blue a bad feeling at least.
As far as he had learnt from the female, they were in a space called Moirai; it's city was split into three main districts, which happened to be the residential, the  commercial and the one dedicated to entertainment. They were not too far from the centre of the town, though: they would recognize it as soon as an enormous fountain with a statue of a Gorgon battling a Chimera appeared to their sight.
Apparently there was an individual who ruled the city, called Tisiphone, the Avenger. The woman had particularized this state-manager to loathe crime and to maintain the felony rate down, which drew a tiny smile on the Blue King's lips. If he and that Tisiphone happened to meet each other at some point while he live in Moirai, he was certain they would be able to get along just by their shared sense of justice and perfect order.
Before him giving another step forward, the man in blue raised a hand to rapidly cover his lips--he sneezed.
The fact he had left their apartment without taking his coat with him was beginning to result... troublesome, if not a hassle. The current temperature was not helping either: it was just making matters worse. Reisi would not mind going into the commercial district just to buy himself a thick scarf or something of the sort; if Mikoto was not accompanying him--better said, if the redhead was not in that city he would not mind going back to the quarter to take his jacket with him this time. Not like that would happen, though. He did not want to give any kind of explanation to his companion at all... Much less a reason as ludicrous as I find myself cold.
However, as if the Red King had just read his train of thought he swiftly extended his arms towards him, covering Reisi's body with that shabby black jacket of his. This caused the leader of Scepter Four to immediately turn to look at him, violet orbs gleaming with something close to annoyance... and a bit of actual surprise. He could feel how his cheeks were still heated up--he blamed the chilly weather of it nonetheless.
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"What are you doing, Suoh?" he pronounced, plain disturbance in his tone as he saw how the other kept walking, as if ignoring his words. The bluet followed him. "As delicate as I may look like to your eyes, I am afraid I am tougher than you expect me to be. I have no need of wearing your--put it back," he took the jacket off, offering it to him again. Reisi Munakata was not a damsel in distress; he needed no help. He needed no help of Mikoto Suoh. What was he thinking about when he decided to give him that jacket he always wore with him, a piece of clothing that he seemed to hold dear? How much of an stupid could that man possibly be? "Suoh, listen to me."
The only answer he received was ignorance from the Red King.
...Why was he suddenly acting as if he was concerned about his condition? Because he clearly was not. The redhead hated him... Then for what reason had he handed his valued jacket to him, in order to take shelter from the low temperature that currently reigned in Moirai? That was a fact not even Reisi was able to understand. There was no bad intention on his doing, however; and since it did not seem he would give in and take his garment back, the bluet had no other choice but resign and cover himself with it.
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"...There is nothing I can do with you, is it." he grumbled in a low tone, arms crossing on his chest as he grabbed both sides of that shabby jacket tightly--which happened to be warmer than what Reisi had ever expected from it.
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Once he had left their quarter behind, Reisi took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself down at least a bit. He may have overreacted to the Red King's joke somehow, but he just could not bear with such a man. It did not matter he had previously thought that maybe, just maybe they would be able to get along; that would never happen. The only thing the man in blue did regret was he had left immediately though, since he was just wearing  that white shirt of his--if he had controlled his temperament at least a little, he could have taken his coat. It was not too thick either, but it would have been better to wear it rather than facing the cold temperature with just that thin fabric.
Well, where could he start? As far as he could remember, he had woken up in the harbour, which was not too distanced from the city. What would indeed make things somewhat difficult would be the fact the place seemed to be an enormous mixture of eras, including from modern skyscrapers to victorian mansions and so on.  He hoped he could find something useful in there...
But his thoughts were interrupted when he heard somebody walking by his side.
Ah, Reisi had almost forgotten Mikoto had decided to visit the town with him. Never had he been so disgusted by glancing towards his face. He looked away almost in no time, as he kept walking.
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The Blue King would cross no words with the Red; he would limit himself to wend his way--if the redhead wanted to follow his steps, that was his own choice. He honestly could not care less about what he decided in the end. He stepped into one of the streets of the city, which was curiously filled with people walking in any possible direction. Were the rest of the citizens, by a chance... in their same situation? That is to say, taken out from their home and dragged into that strange place. Reisi was about to ask one of the passers before a detestable voice interrupted him.
“Didn’t know you were that delicate”  
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Why did he have to talk to him? The bluet thought he had made clear enough he did not wish to have any kind of contact with him, at least for now. Impressively, Mikoto's words drew another displeasing reaction from him against his better judgement, causing him to look down as an cumbersome heat rose up into his cheeks. He could not really tell if it was because he was feeling some sort of embarrasment, or it was a result of the cold temperature. The sooner he bought some winter wear, the better. "You do not know me, Suoh," Reisi managed, refusing to return him the gaze. 
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Reisi would have never expected Mikoto Suoh to have such an interesting reaction to his profane words. It almost looked as if he was in a shock--he did have to make an effort not to let his smile widen in satisfaction. 
Never had he thought he would be able to enjoy himself in the company of the Red King in such a manner, even if they were actually doing nothing but try their best to mock each other. Even if it was just for a short period of time, he could almost feel something similar to... relief, in his chest. It was a sensation he was not used to experience at all, considering he devoted himself to his work and his duties as the man who proudly held the title of Blue King. But he had to admit it was not a displeasing sentiment.
Well, there was no more time for thinking about matters that were of little concern. They were going to visit the city and it's numerous surroundings, were they not? In that case, there was no time to lose. The sooner they left, the better. Reisi placed his glasses correctly before fixing Mikoto a severe look of his sharp eyes.
"Do I really have to repeat myself, Suoh? I said--"
“Uhm… maybe you should look on the mirror before going out, Munakata. And maybe you should be more cautious when you eat…”
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"...The mirror...?"
Mikoto's interruption had certainly impressed him, but what made him flicker in stupefaction was what he was saying. Was he, perhaps... implying he had indeed stained his lips while eating? Reisi had asked him about the same matter right after they had finished his meal; then why had he remained silent about it? Oh... He sort of understood what his goal was. The redhead had been silently making fun of him, oblivious as he had been about the stain placed somewhere on his face. That fact almost obliged the Blue King to pucker his eyebrows as he headed towards the bathroom with a slightly quickened pace.
Once he found himself in front of the mirror, the man in blue opened the tap and served some water on his hand, violet eyes surveying attentively his reflection in the glass. The stain must be pretty perceptible to the eye... He was pretty sure Mikoto would not have been able to notice it otherwise...
Alas, there was nothing unusual on his face.
That... odious, demoniacal man...
Reisi had completely fallen onto his trap as an absolute imbecile. How shameful from him to actually believe such a cheap, extremely vulgar trick... The Blue King would have never expected to hate his own reflex on the looking-glass that much, his cheeks filled with a faint, almost impossible to distinguish shade of pink. That ridiculous joke made him remember why he did hate Mikoto Suoh.
He left the bathroom containing himself not to close the door with a bang--which did not mean he would not have loved to do so. Reisi felt a mixture of shamefulness, hatred and a growing anger he would have to contain for the greater good; three ingredients that did not combine suitably. As soon as he stepped into the lounge, the bluet approached the older male, who was still sitting in the sofa making that expression that Reisi profoundly hated with his whole being.
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"..." for the first time in so long he had not been able to organize words into a coherent sentence, since the only thing he was sure he could pronounce right now were offenses directed to his roommate. His own fingers trailed their way towards one of his locks, flipping it before giving the Red King a last glare and, keys in hand, leaving the apartment.
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Once their brief chat was over, Reisi stretched himself and tightened up his somewhat wrinkled white shirt, thinking about where he should go first once he went out. Considering the fact they were in a city, as odd as it may possibly be, there must be some sort of tourist office where the man in blue could get some more knowledge about their current location. Every little piece of information would be useful for him. Also, he would be able to get a map of place, something that would certainly make things easier. The city was pretty unusual itself, and he highly doubted that getting lost in there would be difficult.
Something that bugged the bluet somehow was the impressive facility his roommate had to fall asleep. Only had he woken up when Reisi had talked to him again, huh...? How hopeless. Mikoto did not wake up in a bad mood this time, even so. He looked like he wanted to fool around with the Blue King for some more.
“I am sorry, but I do have to decline that offer because I do not want to end up talking like you. I would find it really displeasant, so please allow me to continue smoking my cheap tobacco”
Oh, back to the teasing, or so it seemed. Not admitting his words had managed to irritate him would be lying, though--but not like he had any intention of telling the redhead he had succeeded this time. What kind of problem did he have with the speech Reisi was so fond of? It may be too formal for an individual as vulgar as he was. The head of Scepter Four allowed himself to chuckle, lilac orbs looking down at Mikoto.
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"...Fuck you," the Blue King recited in a soft whisper, but loud enough to be heard by his roommate. As if it had not been entirely intentional, he went for covering his mouth with a hand, violet hues opening in an attempt to pretend surprise for his previous line. "Ah, my. What a fortuneless slip of tongue--It seems your company may be affecting my speech, as well. Shall I get going before it gets worse...~?" he could not avoid a smile, however. He simply stood in there, waiting for his words to draw any kind of reaction from the other male. Reisi hoped it have been worth to make use of such a vulgar insult.
Wait... Had he heard him correctly?
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"Are you sure you want to come with me?" the man flickered, Mikoto's words repeating inside his mind. Knowing how extremely lazy the Red King was, he had not even thought about him leaving their apartment--he firmly believed he would stay and sleep, or simply lay in the sofa doing absolutely nothing. Well, his recent words had proved him he was pretty wrong about it. But...
...what surprised him the most was the fact the redhead was going to accompany him outside. Their relationship was not what could be qualified as stable, and that was something Mikoto was conscious of. None of them should expect anything good from being together, as the Kings they both were. At any rate, Reisi may have a lower case belief--a tiny fragment of hope that they could manage to get along, at least while their stay in that city lasted. It had been proven not to be entirely impossible; they had been able to have lunch together without any altercation being shown.
"...Do as you wish, but I am leaving now. If you wish to come, then you should hurry up."
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Wasn't the Red King going to give him any response? That was what the man in blue was thinking about, before his roommate decided to speak up.
Peculiar, he had said? What was that tinkling he could actually appreciate in his voice...? Reisi's frowning became more perceptible to the eye as his lilac orbs pierced Mikoto's own. Was he, by a chance, trying to mock him? What a cheap intent of doing so. If he thought he could draw any reaction from the Blue King in such a manner, he was completely wrong about that assessment. 
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"You are a complete fool." the bluet stated, closing his hands into fists across his lap. He was not an infant—there was absolutely no way he was actually going to react to such a childish teasing. But even so, did the redhead mean anything by pointing out there was something peculiar in his face? As much as he really did not want to admit so, he was sort of curious about this matter.
So there they were, sitting next to each other in that narrow sofa—playing the role of roommates much better than expected, to be honest. Reisi allowed himself to close his eyelids for a while, relishing the exquisite silence that was reigning the lounge at the moment. If it could be like this day after day, then coexistence with an individual such as Mikoto Suoh would not be as terrible as previously thought. In fact, it would be pretty easy to stand; he was not too annoying that way. At least the Blue King's patience was sizable enough not to feel bothered by his presence at all.
Eyelids opened lazily as the man sniffed the smell of tobacco again, and immediately directed his gaze towards his companion. In point of fact there he was, sitting with his feet still resting on the table as he took delivered puffs from his cigarette. He indeed was an avid smoker, was he not. Anyway, it was his question what impressed him; Mikoto asking him about what he was intending to do?
"If you wanted to smoke, you could have just told me so," Reisi said in a cold tone, withdrawing his eyes from the other's afterwards. "I do not really mind sharing one of my cigarettes with you, which I can assure you it is by far better than that cheap tobacco of yours. It's mere scent is entirely unsavory."
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"However, regarding to your question, had thought about visiting our surroundings," the man continued as he stood up. Gathering some information about the city and it's different locations seemed to be the wisest option of them all. If there was something Reisi wanted to know at any cost, it was where he was, and how he could get out from there. Shizume, as well as Scepter Four were in need of their azure sovereign; he had to go back to where he belonged as soon as possible. Sharp violet eyes laid on Suoh once more. "which does not mean you have to come with me. I do not care about what you decide to do, Suoh." and he highly doubted the older man would like to join him during his walk along the city, considering how lazy he was.
Not like he cared too much... Reisi needed no company.
Loneliness was a concept he did know better than he would actually want.
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
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If he had not been too busy eating his meal, Reisi was pretty sure he would have loved to slap Mikoto’s face after hearing his words. There was no way the redhead could understand his feelings towards him at all, was it? The main reason why he was constantly insisting him to give up on his throne was not only to avoid a catastrophe to happen, but to save his life as well. The bluet worried about the other's life, in a way or another, and about how he was pushing it to it's end without practically giving a damn. And even if he probably had not said that seriously, the Blue King could not help but find himself a bit bothered.
Even so, he was not going to tell him so—not like the other actually cared about it, either. They simply hated each other, right? That was what their relationship lied in. Neither more, nor less. The only thing he could do was shrugging and focusing on his own food once more, ignoring his roommate's words.
Once he had finished his lunch, the man in blue stood up, his bowl abruptly dissappearing from his hands as Mikoto took them both and went to the kitchen in order to wash them. It takes Reisi a single second to catch a glimpse of what is going on, just to find himself impressed as he was due to the Red King's behavior. It certainly was not the redhead's style to stand up and clean instead of him. The broad realization that it has drawn a smile out his lips makes him widen his gesture some more, violet orbs fixing him on a gentle look.
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"You must be sick to be doing this." he voiced, sitting down again as he waited for the older male to go back to the sofa. It was true that they would be sharing it once more, but he did not give it much importance for now. The fact two Kings were able to take up in such a nonviolent manner (even if it would not last for too long) had the bluet way too impressed to think of anything else.
As soon as Mikoto sat up at a sizeable distance for him, the leader of Scepter Four simply looked away, optics now glancing towards the apron as he took it off. Even if he did not raise his head to confirm so, he could feel the other's gaze on him, something he did not entirely understand: Reisi believed Mikoto would gladly avoid any oportunity of looking at him—yet there he was, staring with those fiery, untamed amber eyes. As he placed the apron on his lap, the Blue King returned him the glance, not even flickering, lips parting to ask to the other "What's wrong, Suoh? Is there something peculiar in my face?" 
There must be a reason for him to look at him like that; Reisi raised his own hands, palpating his lips. Maybe he had left some sort of food stain without realizing? The sheer thought of it made him feel something close to... embarrasment. It was merely unacceptable. Incredibly inelegant.
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Only when the Blue King began eating did he realize how truly hungry he was. Each mouthful he took felt as if he had not eaten anything for days. Well, not that he could really tell. Unfortunately, he knew little about how much time he had spent sleeping until he woke up in this intriguing city. There were still too much questions that were in need of a proper answer, yet he still had not found any. His own nescience made him feel slightly ashamed of himself.
Certainly, Reisi wished he knew a way out from there. Not because he did not like the place, not because he had to live with Mikoto. It was not something as simple as that, but his duty as the Blue King, and as the head of Scepter Four.
Shizume needed it's order and peacefulness to be kept—he was the one who had to accomplish a task as such. A man of justice, that is what he was. What he had been chosen for; his Sword of Damocles was a clear symbol of such. Reisi Munakata would serve to Scepter Four's pure cause. But looking at the situation from other perspective, there was no trouble at all. His main concern was that Mikoto Suoh could cause another calamity such as the Kagutsu Crater by pushing his own sword to it's limit, was it not? And the redhead was with him, in the odd city in which they would have to live for an unknown time span. That meant Shizume, as well as it's population would be safe for now.
Mikoto Suoh... the Red King.
The man that was currently sitting next to him, on the sofa.
At his sudden appearance, the bluet could not help but flicker in surprise, violet eyes looking at the aureated ones that were fixed on him. When did he...? Reisi had been so submersed in his own thoughts he had not even noticed his presence. The man in blue was about to make some sort of derogatory comment to him when Mikoto talked first.
“Thanks for the meal. It’s really great.”
Well... That was rather awkward. Never had he expected to hear such words coming from his roommate. In fact, Reisi had thought he would eat his meal in the kitchen and then go back to the bedroom again to bunk down for some more, without saying anything. His words sounded sincere, warm. The bluet found it plenty pleasurable.
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"Why, didn't you expect it to be so?" even so, such an opportunity of mocking the Red King a little would not be wasted. He replied with a smooth-spoken tone, making clear it was nothing but a joke. If only they could live together like that, everything would be proper. Even if that was just a foolish desire of his.
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"You are mostly welcome... Suoh." Reisi returned him the smile, then going back to his meal. That kind of atmosphere felt alright—the vulgar Mikoto acting nicely with him, even if it was just for a short period of time. The man strongly believed they would go back to their usual routine of hating each other, speaking harsh words and exchanging cold glares. He chuckled just with the mere thought of it; their situation could not change. But as long as they could have some moments such as this one, in which they could deal with the other with any detestation, it may be enough for the Blue King.
"Even so, I highly recommend you not to get used to this," he stated firmly, pointing at the other with the chopsticks. He would not cook for them both day after day, not if Mikoto did not do anything in exchange to compensate his effort. "I am not a chef, or something of the sort."
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
The preparation of the apartment that had been assigned to both Kings was indeed impressive. Reisi could tell so just by looking at the numerous wardrobes that shaped the kitchen, as well as their content. He picked up an apron he had found and put it on, then glancing towards the fridge. If there was something he would not allow in any way was tarnishing his unpolluted white shirt with whatever he intended to cook.
Alas, there was something the Blue King had to admit—he was not what could be designated as an expert in cooking. His skills were not average, either; they were enough to live off by himself. 
The wide range of nourishment inside the fridge made the man's lilac orbs shine in satisfaction. With such an enormous amount of food Reisi firmly believed he would be able to prepare the dish that he desired. But this time, he went for something simple and easy. Since he was pretty fond of traditional food, some tamagodon would do fine for lunch. It was quick and could be done without difficulty—it was the perfect choice. Once the needed ingredients were spread on the worktop, Reisi first took the rice, pouring the accurate quantity inside a bowl and then proceeding to clean it rigorously in the sink. Then he drained it with a colander for almost fifteen minutes, then placing it inside a rice cooker, flavoring it with some konbu. 
Both onion and leek chopped in laminas were being sauted in a little dipper while the bluet curdled some eggs in a capacious pan smeared with oil. Violet eyes watching over both receptacles, he took chopsticks out from one of the drawers, using them to stir the eggs carefully. They had to be thoroughly cooked, but still maintaining a sericeous texture. Reisi's lips drew a soft smile as he witnessed his almost finished task, carried out successfully and without need of much effort...
...and faded away when he turned his body to take some sauces from the wardrobe, meeting Mikoto adjacently. Liquid gold eyes gazing upon him.
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Oh, he had managed to stand up on his own, at the very least.
Had he, perhaps, considered the previous proposition the man in blue had done to him? But even so, not a single word left his mouth, so he really could not tell the reason why he was simply standing in the kitchen like the complete fool he was. Reisi limited himself to roll his eyes and go back to his task after he had taken a bottle of soy sauce from the fridge. Yes, the Red King was there. And he would do nothing but ignore his presence and keep cooking. But he had to admit his intense stare made him feel comfortless.
A sigh of relief parted from his mouth once the eggs were ready, and serving a sizeable amount of rice in two different bowls, Reisi poured them in both vessels, attempting to serve the same quantity in both of them. The vegetables went after that, and the sauce as a colophon. Sharp optics admiring for some seconds his finished job, he reached another pair of chopsticks from the drawer and left them in the worktop, next to one of the bowls. The Blue King then took one of them and gave Mikoto a significant look, implying the other one was for him. And then, not crossing a single word with the other, he sat in the sofa.
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"Enjoy your meal." and so, he started eating his own.
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
He did not receive a response from the other King; he did not need it, anyway. The really important matter was that Mikoto could get some rest. Lilac hues gazed upon his roommate once more, wondering if he was sleeping calmly this time. Nightmares were not something the bluet had experienced often, but as far as he knew they could be recurrent in some people's cases. Still—they seemed to affect the other male greatly. It almost looked like he had woken up due to the shock of whatever the visualization of his dreams had been, causing him to end up in such a state, in which he could barely make a move.
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Reisi would not say he felt pity for Mikoto; he did not need that from him. But maybe he was starting to develope some sort of feeling he could appoint as concern. Just because the man that was sleeping alongside him did not seem to do it, not even for himself. No, it was not just that—he did look like the type of man that would not let anybody do anything for him, no matter how needed such assistance was. That may be one of the main reasons of his loathing.
Mikoto Suoh's pattern of demeanor was a fact the Blue King knew quite well, since he had surveyed it rigorously during their previous brief encounters. He was a man that tended to act as if nothing was wrong, that had an appointed goal he could achieve at any cost.
Even if that meant his own demise.
Personally, Reisi Munakata would like to provide him the required help to avoid such a fate.
Was he the one who was acting foolish? He should know so far so good what the situation between them both was. As the Kings they were, they posessed an unusual power. The difference was the Red King was pushing his to it's limit, what could mean a repetition of the Kagutsu Crater, a dissaster that happened long time ago, caused by the previous man that held such a title. It was not a casuality that Mikoto had acquired such a wrecker potential, enough to make the city of Shizume crumble down and, with it, it's entire population. If that was about to happen, Reisi would have no other choice but be the executioner of the male that carelessly slept by his side.
His worry may be too much; the man in blue had thought of it countless times. But he wanted to consider all the possible options before making a decision—if various instants of arduous thinking could eventually save Mikoto Suoh's life, then spending such a large amount of time on it would have been worth.
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Lost in thought as he was, Reisi did not even realize the redhead was awake again. So he had not been able to get any rest at all... And what was with that tone of his while talking to him? How aggravating. He indeed had a terrible awakening, had he not? Without glancing towards him, the Blue King just stood up, walking towards the door of the bedroom.
"I am going to prepare some lunch for myself" he stated coldly, not turning while talking to the other. Mikoto would not have appreciated that gesture of his, either. It was entirely senseless. "If you find yourself hungry, feel free to pass by the kitchen, and I may prepare something for you as well."
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
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It was pretty impressive for Reisi to witness how the redhead did as he had commanded him without complaining, nor making a single sound of disapproval. He was not opposing to his proposition—Mikoto just let his body fall into the mattress, accommodating himself on it. Good, really good. If only their coexistence would be like that day after day... But that was as impossible as both Kings getting along at some point.
The bed was immense even for two individuals, so the bluet went for sitting in the opposite corner of it, maintaining as much distance as possible with the other. Not only because himself would feel uncomfortable if they were too close, but Mikoto probably would feel the same way. Mikoto Suoh would never grow to enjoy Reisi Munakata's company, and vice versa. But as long as they could stand each other as roommates, living together would be a bit more acceptable. His violet orbs then laid down on the Red King, surveying his expression. The fact a mere nightmare could affect a man that much was still a matter that awed Reisi—he thought of Mikoto as somebody with no weaknesses, yet something as superficial to all appearances as a dream had been enough to make a scrape on his armature.
“Do whatever you want, Munakata”
The other man closed his eyelids, in an intent of getting some more sleep. Resting his back on the wall once more, the Blue King just limited to giving him another short look before talking to him, attemting to make his tone sound subdued enough not to bother him.
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"I will stay here, if you do not mind" well, that was part of a lie, since he would not leave until Mikoto had rested enough. Quite ironic, was it not? Specially when he had stated he would not take care of the leader of Homra some hours ago. It was not like the man in blue currently had something better to do, either. Maybe he could have a look at the kitchen again and prepare something for the older male, such as a coffee or some sort of hot beverage to help him come back to his senses after his sleep.
...That would possibly be overdoing, would it not?
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
He was not giving in.
Violet collided with amber, when their eyes met in the cumbersome silence between the two Kings. It was nothing that Reisi had not expected beforehand, but it was still sort of... irksome. He did know that their relationship was based in abhorrence towards each other, and that accepting help from the enemy may be considered a dishonorable, ignoble act. Even if he was in such a condition, Mikoto would turn any offer of assistance down. But he did not even reply a piercing no to him—the Blue King must disgust him plenty.
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Anyway, if the other male remained tight-lipped like that, Reisi may as well end up plucking at him and dragging him to the bedroom by force, like it or not.
It was then when, as if he had been able to read his current thoughts in some way, the redhead extended his hands and grasped his arms, causing the bluenette to smile softly almost without realizing. That movement was not something he entirely counted on, but he was... no, glad was not the appropiate word to use. Maybe satisfied would fit better. Reisi then pulled in him, helping the Red King to stand up from the sofa and then placed himself behind him, both hands on his back as he pushed gently, to make him start to walk in the bedroom's direction. So he would have to take care of him, after all.
Another detail he did not expect at all was the older man asking him what he was going to do once he went to sleep. That was pretty much impressive, to be honest; had Mikoto ever cared about what the head of Scepter Four did? As he was walking behind him, Reisi let himself to broaden his smile some more.
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"I will figure something out; I was not sleepy, anyway," he replied calmly, going inside the bedroom again. Mocking him with an why, are you worried about me, Suoh? was quite a tempting idea, but the man immediately discarded it, since his roommate had probably had enough with his perturbing dream and his own matters as if to deal with a joke of his. Once they were there, Reisi simply pointed at the bed, waiting for the other to lay down and try to sleep once more. "I guess I will have an eye on you—if you happen to have another bad dream, I can wake you up this way."
He should start a countdown to Mikoto's refusal right now.
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
It almost looked like the Red King had not noticed his presence—he was lost in thought. In something that really must trouble him so, so much to drag him from reality and keep him imprisoned on his mind. When he suddenly looked up and their eyes met—he almost seemed to be reorganizing himself before saying a single thing. My, why was he acting in such a queer manner? He was not behaving as he expected from him... Or Reisi was just witnessing a facet of Mikoto he would have never imagined. The Blue King then proceeded to frown softly. He was used to having that much patience with this man, so he did not talk. For once. He just waited silently until the one in front of him had found the proper words to talk.
And his answer left him more puzzled than before.
"A... bad dream, you say?" he felt the need of repeating that sentence, since it caught him pretty off guard; so Mikoto was human, after all. And by that the bluenette meant he did have his own hassles, even if he never showed them up. But could something as trivial as a nightmare perturb his sleep so much that it took him minutes to recover from it? Goodness, it must have been a terrible vision.
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"Well, it's over now. You should not worry anym—" but his sentence was interrupted when he felt two rough hands grabbing his shoulders. It had just been a second, but the redhead had leant forward in dizziness, reclining on Reisi to manage to sit down in the sofa. It had just been a second, yet it had been enought to make the King start up. 
“Forget that.”
As if things were that simple.
Reisi clicked his tongue as he stood up, placing himself in front of the other male and bending down slightly, violet orbs fixed on him with severity. His demeanor was starting to make sick his stomach.
Yes, he indeed hated Mikoto—but he hated him even more when he looked that preoccupied. That miserable.
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"...Grab my arms, Suoh" if he had to be honest, Reisi could almost imagine Mikoto immediately rejecting his offer with a sour you don't need to take care of me, Munakata or something similar, as his amber eyes glanced coldly towards him—but even so he extended both arms in his direction, waiting for him to catch hold of them so that he could help him stand up. He would not accept his help. He would tell him to get lost. But the Blue King would insist, over and over. "I told you that you would not feel comfortable in here, did I not? Come on, you will rest way better in the bedroom."
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Closing his eyelids for a while, Reisi simply relaxed during the minutes he could finally dedicate to his own. He had unclasped a couple of buttons of his shirt, since the room was a bit too warm for his tastes. The almost consumed cigarette rested inside the ashtray, his last weak flame scintillating with effort, before turning into no more than ash.
It reminded him of Mikoto, somehow. In the way it blazed when it first was lit up—the intensity of it's heat, it's fiery flash sparkling before all light was gone, and only ashes were left. And it made him upset, when he knew it shouldn't. Reisi cared about somebody who did not appreciate his own life at all, and that's why it was hopeless. Because there was nothing he could do for him without him wanting to. He bit his lower lip softly... 
...when his thoughts were disturbed by a muffled sound coming from outside.
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"Suoh...?" he flickered, slightly confused by the sudden noise.
As it usually happened, there was no reply from the other male. For that reason, the Blue King stood up and walked outside the room. He did believe Mikoto was sleeping, but the recent sound did not tell him so. His steps reached the sofa as he was about to call his name once more—but the sight he witnessed left him voiceless.
Never had he seen the member of the street gang Homra in such a pitiful state. It was almost impossible to recognize Mikoto Suoh laying on the floor, half-covering himself with the blanket, his face now as white as a sheet of paper. The bluenettes's sharp eyes narrowed some more as he knelt down in front of him, giving him an inquisitive look.
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As far as he could remember of the time in which he was taken into custody by Scepter Four, the redhead was a man who could almost fall asleep in a single second, and as far as experience told him, the most effective way Reisi had found to wake him up had been smashing his head against the wall. Then, what was the reason of his current state? If he had simply fallen from the sofa, he would not look that... scrambled.
"...Is something the matter?" half of Reisi's self did think that question was entirely useless—mainly because it would not receive an answer from the Red King. If there was something that harrowed him during his sleep, he was for sure one of the people that would never know, considering the fact their relationship basically hanged in the balance of hatred. Moreover, he had known it since the beginning; Mikoto's issues belonged to Mikoto and telling him was a mere choice of his. But even so, he had felt like he should say something about the matter. Not only as the roommate he currently was, but as the Fourth Royal King who, beyond the barriers of mutual odium, respected and considered the other King as an equal.
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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jigsawsexual · 12 years
Reisi could do nothing but admire how Mikoto did not reject his offering. Seconds after he had extended the blanket towards him, the man had taken it and covered his body with it. His lips drew a satisfied smile. The fact the Red King had not rejected his offer was enough to make him do so.
He would rest way better like that.
"I was informing you, just in case it happens at some time," Introducing his hand on the pocket of his shirt he took out a pack of Blue Sparks, his chosen brand of cigarettes. As he did not have much to do, he considered tasting the flavor of a first-grade tobacco on his mouth once more. Reisi did not smoke as much as Mikoto did, that was certain. But he did not reject having a cigarette or two at some point. Approaching the burner to the tip of it he set light to the cigarette, lips wrapping around it's other side as he took a puff. As exquisite as usual. 
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"Good night, Suoh. I do hope you get some rest" he replied, stepping back at the same time. If Mikoto eventually fell asleep, he would not be a nuisance, what meant Reisi had an indefinite period of time to devote to himself. As soon as the Red King woke up they would have to figure something out, since they were still living with each other. It did not mind how much they hated the other individual or how much their wished their own solitude—none of them was going to dissappear just for the other, and that was a fact.
Stretching himself on his way, Reisi went back to the large bedroom, closing the door after him, not to let a single sound that could bother the other come out from it's four walls. He opened the curtains, in order to delight his eyesight with the vision of that intriguing city in which they both were currently living. And then he simply sat down in bed, his back against the wall, the almost consumed cigarette still dancing in his fingers, a thin halo of smoke surrounding the atmosphere of the room.
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The fume of his last puff left his lips, as his violet eyes looked away, losing themselves at some point of the room. Reisi took out his cellphone from the pocket of his trousers and made a call to Awashima. As expected, not network coverage. What was that place, exactly? The mystery of how Mikoto and him had woke up in there remained untouched. Thousands of questions engulfed his mind; however, none of them could reach an answer.
♕ Wake up, my King { Closed to Mikoto; }
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